Home Blog The Amazing World of China Asters
December 5th 2019

The Amazing World of China Asters

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For as many years as I have been growing flowers, I still can’t believe that I’ve only recently come to discover the great variety of China asters. Years ago, when we were growing for grocery store sales, the only varieties on the market were run-of-the-mill ‘Matsumoto’ and spray types. There was nothing beautiful or exciting about them, so I rarely included them in the garden. But a few years ago, I stumbled onto a German grower offering an incredible range of varieties that I had never seen before.

China asters from FloretThe following summer, we grew more than 40 varieties, and the next summer we grew 40 more, and now I am a passionate champion for China asters. What makes these plants so great is that they can be grown from seed, are easy to grow, and flower at a time when the garden is starting to fade. As the day length shortens, this group of plants is prompted to begin flowering.

In addition to lasting an incredibly long time in the vase, China asters come in a dazzling rainbow of colors and a wide range of flower shapes and sizes, including huge feathered blossoms, sturdy sprays of miniature buttons, tight-domed flower heads, and soft rose-like blooms.

Trialing China asters at FloretRainbow of China asters from FloretSow seeds for China asters 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost and transplant out after the weather has sufficiently warmed. As with other cold-sensitive plants, such as basil, celosia, and zinnias, it’s important to wait to tuck these into the garden until all danger of frost has passed.

China aster trial at FloretWe grow our China asters in landscape fabric and space plants 9 in (23 cm) apart with 5 rows per bed. Once blooms appear, plants tend to topple under the weight of the flower display, so be sure to give these guys plenty of support while the plants are still small.

China aster trial at FloretChina aster at FloretWe use a layer of Hortonova netting stretched horizontally about 12 in (30 cm) above the ground. Netting is held in place by metal hoops that we made with our Johnny’s Quick Hoops Bender, but any type of stake, wooden or metal, will work just fine. As the plants grow, they push up through the grid of netting and get the support they need.

China aster seed trial at FloretChina aster flower seed trial at FloretAfter plants are tucked into the ground, they just hang out for the better part of the summer and seem dull in the landscape. I’ve found myself fretting over them, wondering if they are going to do anything. But as summer comes to a close, they start making buds and elongating in the waning light.

As the rest of the garden starts to wind down and fall apart, China asters come into their prime and, along with dahlias, help finish the flower season strong. They are a must-grow for late-summer and early-autumn bouquets.

China aster flower seed trial at Floretharvesting china aster flowers at FloretHarvest flowers when they are about halfway open. For spray varieties, harvest when one-quarter of the flowers on a stem have opened. Strip the foliage off the lower half of the stems, and place them in water with flower food. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days or even longer.

China asters are sensitive to wet weather, and the petals will brown if not harvested on time, so be sure to pick them regularly for the best-looking blooms.

China aster flower seed trial at FloretAltogether, we’ve grown close to 80 different mixes and individual varieties, so I’ve had a chance to narrow down my favorites, many of them in the softer tones. Peach and blush have become extremely popular colors with floral designers and brides, so if you have wedding work in your future, you might want to consider the following varieties.

China aster flower seed trial at Floret

Harlekin Light Rose’ (pictured above, left) is a tall, feminine beauty smothered in an abundance of the sweetest soft, ballerina-pink blooms. Disk-shaped flowers have a fluffy appearance from the hundreds of quilled, tubular petals covering them.

The feminine ‘Tower Salmon’ (pictured above, center) features warm ballet slipper-pink flowers. Delicate ruffled blooms look like pretty, soft pillows.

The palm-size, mauve-pink blooms of ‘Valkyrie Pink’ (pictured above, right) remind me of the color of sea anemones. Buds are lighter than the mature flowers, giving plants a wonderful color range. Long, pointed flower petals resemble rosy cactus flowers, and as blooms are opening, the center petals are swirled.China aster flower seed trial at Floret

Lady Coral Chamois’ (pictured above, left) has the softest peachy-blush blooms, giving this romantic beauty a glowing quality. Each plant is smothered in at least a dozen stems topped with ruffled, feminine flowers.

Tower Chamois Apricot’ (pictured above, center) is one of the most beautiful and well-loved asters and is a must-grow. Each vigorous plant is loaded with dozens of glowing peachy-pink blooms that are perfect for flower arranging and wedding work.

The striking palm-size blooms on ‘Valkyrie Chamois’ (pictured above, right) are stunning. Long, pointed flower petals resemble bird feathers, and as blooms are opening, the center petals are swirled.

China aster flower seed trial at FloretIf you’re looking for some beautiful, hardworking additions to the late-summer cutting garden, look no further. China asters shine when the rest of the garden starts to fade, rewarding you with a bumper crop of glowing, textural blooms.

Do you grow China asters? Do you have a favorite variety? Please take a minute and leave a comment below about your experience growing them.


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  1. Melnee Benfield on

    Gorgeous as always! Thanks so much for sharing your immense knowledge.
    I am a Florist and do grow flowers, just not in huge quantities.
    Which variety would you recommend producing the largest diameter blooms? When we want fluff, we want big fluff!
    Thanks so much!

    Melnee Benfield
    Wooster Ohio

  2. Carrie Thompson on


    I live in Indiana and this is my first year growing a cut garden. I planted my China Aster’s really late, in the beginning of June. They are growing, but I wonder if I would get any blooms since it was so late. Any advice you could share with me on this seasons blooms.

    Thank you!


  3. Allison Shaw on

    Hello! I started a small cut garden this year, and I have a few china asters in the mix. They seem to be blooming earlier than you said yours bloom, but they aren’t blooming in great quantities. So my question is, are these cut and come again? If I cut the blooms off, will more blooms sprout from where I cut the original one off? Such as cosmos or zinnias?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Allison,
      Yes- they are cut and come again. Enjoy!

  4. Sarah on

    Hello, as usual beautiful pictures. Asters were not featured in your book, so happy to rediscover here.
    You mention a Germand grower: I happen to live in France so might be easier for me to source seeds from Germany. Would you still have the name of grower in mind or maybe advice for sourcing seeds in Europe? (checked Jelitto, they don’t have them :(). Thank you so much!

  5. Thelecia Tomlinson on

    Hello! These are lovely 😊 I have recently started China Asters I’m my seed starting area and they are ready to transplant to the garden. I’m wondering the China Asters plants would from having the central stem cut for branching or should the plant be left as is? Thank you! I reside in Arizona

  6. Anita on

    Where is a good place to order unique varieties? I’ve searched but so far haven’t found much info on ordering different ones?

  7. sue on

    How long can China asters be refrigerated? How does that effect vase life? I have asters to harvest on Sunday, and my next market is on Friday. If I harvest today and refrigerate, can I use them to make bouquets to sell on Fridan? My bouquets generally last a week. Thanks!

  8. Adam scott on

    I’m growing them for the first time this year, and honestly I thought they were sick after I moved them into the ground they were growing but the leaves weren’t opening out, but now they’re maturing and starting to bud and the leaves open and look very healthy, wish this was mentioned in the post.
    not sure how well they’ll do for cutting as looks like I’ll lose quite a few bud sites/branches to get a decent stem length out of them.

  9. Erin on

    I have tried several different cultivars of China Aster and have a recurring issue with the plants bolting while still quite short, anywhere from 6 to 14 inches in height, including the long stemmed cut flower varieties. This is happening with my spring plantings and later ones, all the way into early fall. I’m in the hot, humid Southeast (North Carolina, zone 8a). Could it be that this is just not a heat tolerant plant, or am I doing something wrong culturally? I am sowing into 72 cells and transplanting out when there are about 4 true leaves.
    I adore them and really want to be successful growing them!

  10. Jaya on

    What is the growth habit of the mature plant? I am wondering because I have started some seedlings and plan to put them in my flower beds and a part of the landscape, but I can’t seem to find anything anywhere about what the mature plant shape and size is. Thank you!

  11. Joy on

    Thank you for the information. Is it ok to grow China Aster in the vegetable garden?

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      I think they’d be a great addition to the veggie garden. Flowers attract pollinators which is beneficial to growing vegetables.

  12. Rosie on

    I never knew about the need for shorter days to get them bloom. I am above the 60th parallel with a pretty short growing season, so I start most things indoors, but in June and July we get nearly 24- hour sunlight. Previously I started them around 6-8 weeks before last frost and only got aster blooms for the very last week or two of August and then lost them to frost. Last year I started them in January under lights, which is much earlier than our June 10 last frost date, and it gave me a lot more work moving bigger plants in and outside all spring, but I got the most amazing blooms from July into almost October (we had a really unusually late first frost and I covered them to survive a few cold nights).

  13. Lana on

    How are they grown in landscape fabric ? What does this mean ?

  14. Jan on

    I’ve given up on China Asters. My soil has been contaminated with Aster Yellows, and everything is deformed. Even after waiting a few seasons, when I tried them again, I had the same problem. Any solutions?

  15. Claudette Byrd-Rinck on

    I love reveling in your book right now. I am redoing my garden beds and was wondering if you sell select colors of china aster. My beds are quite small and I would love to expand my cut flower section as well as a garden section but it is TINY in comparison to yours – absolutely tiny. I would want maybe 5-6 seeds. Do you sell seeds?

  16. Melnee on

    Thanks for this invaluable information.
    I discovered China Asters in the gardens on Prince Edward Island, at the Ann of Green Gables farm. We were here in August. I was so smitten, but not sure what they were. I used my phone app (plant identification) to clear up the mystery.
    I am a florist, however, we never use these.
    I am hooked. I will grow these every year from now on.
    What a treat.
    Melnee Benfield
    Wooster, OH.

  17. Ilsa on

    Thanks for all the info. My China Asters are starting to bloom now – early August –and I’d prefer they bloom in September. If I cut off rising flower spikes, will they send up new ones to bloom a little later? I’m worried they might just die if I remove flower stalk. Thanks

  18. Malorie on

    Hi there! Forgive me if you e already answered this: Would these benefit from pinching early on? Or do they branch naturally?

    Thank you!!

    • BriAnn Boots on

      They do not benefit from being pinched.

  19. Linda on

    I’m growing some typical China Asters this year and my first blooms are ok. I’ll definitely be looking for some new varieties for the 2023 season.

  20. Abby on

    In Ohio we can’t seem to get the Asters to grow tall. Pur first year growing them, they were great. Since then, the plants won’t grow taller than a foot. Any suggestions? They are in full sun, started from seed and transplanted into white plastic mulch raised beds.

  21. Shannon on

    What is a medium producer if not a cut and come again flower? I’m trying to figure out if I cut a stem, is it like a zinnia where two more will appear?

    • BriAnn Boots on

      Medium producers are similar to cut and come again flowers but have a shorter bloom window. If you cut them, they will continue to flower but for not as long.

  22. Jessica on

    Do China asters need to be pinched to produce more branches and blooms?

    • BriAnn Boots on

      They don’t benefit from being pinched.

  23. Kelly Male on

    Would love to know which category these go into. Cut and come again? Medium producers? Or one hit wonders?

  24. BriAnn Boots on

    Transplant them outside after your last spring frost. Be sure to harden them off prior to transplanting.

  25. Marcella Kammerer on

    First year for growing these as well. I never realized how diverse they are. I may have mistaken them before for Chrysanthemums. I know !! LOL As a matter of fact, after watching a few amazing ladies with flower farms in Youtube, I decided to start my own flower farm! Floret was mentioned in on of the videos which lead to me taking the course this year. It’s an amazing course and well worth the dollars spent. Thank you Floret Team for bringing happiness and beauty into our lives. ( : Marcella -Kammerer Heritage Farms Canada.

  26. Shawn Walker on

    This is my first year growing China Asters. I have planted four varieties and the seedlings are about 2″ tall right now. I am so excited to be growing these because they are so beautiful. Thank you for the information on this page, it has helped me tremendously.

  27. Franziska on

    This year I ordered quite a few seeds from China Asters in all different colors. I’m already looking forward to see them blooming!

  28. Tom & Robin's Garden on

    We grow mostly double China Asters like Duchess and Sea Star that provide us with numerous cut flowers that make wonderful additions to bouquets. Florists love them also.

    We have found Aster Siedajadama Blue and Pink that produces large fully double blooms with white bi-color magnificent and truly unique. Another favorite for our florists!

    We rotate crops, never planting in the same place twice and usual rotate beds every three years. The only downside with China Asters is that they are not “cut-and-come-again” plants. Once you cut a stem that’s pretty much it. You’ll get some weaker stems with small flowers that are not worth anything.

    However, the plants do produce numerous stems so you’ll have plenty of cuts for home or for sale!

  29. Nazia on

    Does anyone know if China Asters peonies a perennial flower? Thank you!

  30. Cheryl on

    I really do love the asters but have found myself doomed with aster yellows. Any advise?

  31. Anita on

    I’m growing Valkyrie yellow and they germinated great. But now that they’ve been in the ground awhile they aren’t growing tall. Instead they seemed to have stopped growing at around a foot or less and have put out tiny blooms. Not at all what I was hoping for. Should I cut off the blooms in hopes that they’ll put on some growth? I am in Georgia 7b.

  32. HMH on

    It would be great to see a few responses to all the germination questions, Do they need light to sprout ? Or does stratification help with a higher germination rate?.. so beautiful to see rows and rows in the Floret gardens! …. but do you need to cover until flower time to stop the spread of Aster yellows? After reading how you may end up ripping out other perennials in your garden once infected with AY from leafhoppers, I am wondering if they should only be planted far away from precious perennials… or kept under unsightly cover all summer long… has the Floret farm ever had to deal with this problem or do you uncover as they start to bud?
    Thank you for wonderful pictures!

  33. Darci on

    So far so good on the sprouting. Mine have been in seed trays for 2ish weeks and have started coming up.
    My question is this: can you say approx how many plants are in the space between two of the hoops in your picture? I read the planting guidelines, but I’m wondering how big each plant gets and if they are sort of a single stem flower per plant, or more branches with many flowers. Not sure how many I want to add to the garden if it’s one plant, one(ish) flower. Thanks for the very informative posts! I use these for inspiration when I get tired of staring at the seeding trays.

  34. Rechelle on

    Is this a cut and come again flower? Do you succession plant asters, and if so how many weeks a part? Thank you!

  35. CosmeaGardens on

    Really Beautiful flowers!! I had planted these flowers in my garden. All colors of flowers are beautiful and amazing, also helps to brighten up your mood with positive vibes. this flower you can use for a gift to someone on a birthday or any event.

  36. Graeme Desombre on

    Hi Floret. Do you need to pinch Asters or are they naturally branching. Thanks

  37. Marilyn Jerczynski for Bloomers on

    This is the first year we have planted these. I’m am totally in love with them.
    The colors are out of this world and the blooms are huge. Definitely going to grow next year.

  38. Joy Ougskey on

    Do they need full sun? I have a small garden in the shade. I love all the colours amazingly beautiful

  39. Aria on

    Update! They’re blooming and look fantastic! I pulled some diseased plants and left the ones that weren’t so bad. They continued to grow and form buds, and now the blossoms are beautiful. The funky leaves are toward the bottom and can be removed. I’ll definitely grow more next year (but in a different spot). Thank you Floret!

  40. Aria on

    I got good germination, they looked healthy in the trays and transplanted well, but now they have the mosaic virus. I’m so disappointed; I was really looking forward to their beautiful blooms. Oh well, I’m going to tray again next year.

  41. Lynn Galloway on

    Can anyone tell me if I should pinch my asters as you do with other branching annuals?

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      Hi Lynn- No, you don’t need to pinch your asters.
      Happy gardening!

  42. Colleen Haug on

    I started China Asters indoors and transplanted them into the garden in April here in St. Louis. They took very well, are growing straight and tall and already blooming. I planted the Berry Sorbet variety. My one question is will they continue reblooming after cutting?

  43. Anne on

    Add my voice to those who are experiencing difficulty with germination…I’m trying to grow both Moonstone and Sea Star pink…just ten have (reluctantly) emerged out of over three dozen that I planted. Using grow lights and a heat mat…I obviously could use some tips, as well!

  44. Chris DeFilipps on

    Jessie Gillard, I have also had problems with germination for two years now. Same routine, mats, lights, greenhouse, etc. with very few results. What are we doing wrong?

  45. Carolyn Fuller on

    I’ve also struggled with low germination of these beautiful flowers. Any tips would be gratefully appreciated.

  46. Grace Penner on

    Yes I’m with you on that. I have poor germination rates with mine as well. I’d love some tips on how to get better germination.

  47. Inger Knudsen on

    I have given up on the Asters. They get yellow mosaic and just die off We never see them in Markets either It is a shame they are beautiful
    From Ontario Canada

  48. Tammy B on

    Lol, I was right there n the uninspired camp with you, until last year. Found some beautiful flowers at my nursery last year and now I’ve got some babes close to transplanting size from seeds I saved. Next year I’ll add some variety now that I see they aren’t finicky to grow

  49. Tara on

    I’m trying the King size apricot from Johnnys this year. Along with some Lady’s and Valkyries. They are all looking strong so far, but I’m wondering if I should pinch them? Thanks for all the knowledge and love ❤️

  50. Jessie Gillard on

    I have also struggled with low to no germination of China Asters the past several seasons. I’ve tried light cover, no cover, heat, no heat, etc. Any tips would be appreciated!

  51. jacquie on

    Are you selling any seeds?

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      Yes, you’ll find them in our shop. Thanks for asking!

  52. Wendy Grover on

    Just BEAUTIFUL! Are these also known as spider mums?

  53. Serina on

    Would you mind to share how you attach the netting to the hoops? I’m very interested to learn about this support system. Thank you so much! Your posts are the highlight of my emails.

  54. Leslie on

    We have started several of these beauties but did not experience good germination rates. Suggestions?

  55. Christina on

    I have tried growing two different batches of China Aster from seed. The first batch did not sprout, and for the second only 5 germinated. Could I be overwatering?

  56. Deborah on

    I winter-sowed my aster seeds from you this past winter, outdoors, and they are going strong, seedlings growing thickly in their pots, ready to transplant with no hardening off at all. It is the easiest way to grow annuals and perennials without effort. Anyone not familiar with the winter sow method, should check it out! Just google “winter sowing”.

  57. Jen on


    Thank you!! How can I get my hands on some saturated pinks and purples, the deepest colors on the left in your cart photo, for market bouquets? I already use your blushes and peaches for our wedding flowers. Your work is life-changing, and we can’t thank you enough.

  58. Jenna Perry on

    Hi! I have been enjoying watching my asters grow. I planted the Apricot Chamois in early March. To my dismay, the leaves have all started to curl. Can’t find any matching descriptions in all of my research. Are there any solutions? Should I be scrapping the bunch and restarting? Thanks for any feedback.

  59. Dana Askew on

    Hi Kay, I was reading about China asters over at Johnnys seeds and they suggested a row cover because of leaf hoppers spreading disease. I don’t know though, I’ve never grown them, but am trying to this year. Hope that helps.

  60. Elizabeth Patterson on

    This has been very helpful. I started some China Asters from seed and they were very easy to start, but now I realize that I should wait until it warms up to put them in the ground. We still are getting chilly weather. So I’ll start some more a little closer to summer and see how they do. Thank you.

  61. Kay on

    What disease and insect pressure should we expect for these Chinese Asters? I have heard they are bug and disease magnets, so I have be very reluctant to try them. We are in the central mid-west.

  62. Seville at Nerissas Life on

    Way, way back when, when Peepers was little more than a kitten herself, she was given a calendar with floral watercolour pictures. Well in one of those pictures there were single asters. Definitely China asters, ’cause they were big. They looked kinda like those Mrs. Robinson’s painted daisies but ’cause they were asters, there were blues and mauves; not just pink. She fell in love with them right there and then ’cause they were beautiful, but looked so carefree, too. You know? Later on, Peepers saw “Finest Single Mix” in a couple of catalogues but bein’ silly like a peep, she never ordered them. NOW she’s desperate to find seeds for a truly single, large flowered china aster mix. You ever hear tell of such a thing? Do you think you might eventually offer ’em in your catalogue? I’d order ’em for Peepers, myself, if you did. PURRS.

  63. Alison O. on

    I had a lot of trouble with my China asters this year. I bought your seed (Valkyrie chamois) and started them indoors on time, but when I planted them in my flower bed they just sat there and never grew. Any tips for the kind of nutrients they need or soil prep? Or should I just follow your other post on soil? I don’t know what it means that they never grew and then (obviously) didn’t bloom. Thank you!

  64. Aimee Gauthier-Carpenter on

    I’m signed up for the upcoming class and I’m so excited! But I have a question about the hoops for the asters…are they the tall hoops or the short ones? You don’t say, but they look like they are the tall ones? I cannot wait to try asters. As so many others said, who knew how lovely they could be?!

  65. Jennifer Joray on

    Hi, Erin!!

    We grew about seven of your favorites list this year, our FIRST year! My husband, Scott, LOVED all the asters. He said that they reminded him of “large Bachelor’s Buttons.” I loved them, too, but did have trouble with browning. I re-read your post and found that maybe they received too much water. I will try fewer varieties until I master growing them! Maybe just two this summer. Thank you so much for all this hard work!!

  66. Rose Pomeroy Locke on

    Beautiful. Love them, can’t wait to grow them this coming season.

  67. Rosemary on

    I have a small suburban yard in coastal Southern California. I want to have flowers everywhere I can find a spot. I love these China Asters too and am signed up for your free class. Thank you so much for all this great information.

  68. Suzan on

    Those are all just beautiful! I live in Colorado. I wonder if they would bloom in time. We had our first freeze last night. The asters I had got chewed down by bunnies this year. 👿😭

  69. Clifford Cherry Kay on

    I am a rank amateur, and I’m so excited about your beautiful flowers. May I please, ask if you all categorize your florals according to the Growing Zones in which they will flourish? If that is a regular service that you provide your customers, may I please, know where to find said information? Thank you for your kind help. CherryKay Clifford I live in Zone 7a.

    • Angela on

      In zone 7a, you should be able to grow all of what we offer. Happy planting!

  70. Jessie on

    I am on my 3rd year of growing asters and each year I like them more. They certainly add a nice texture to arrangements and late summer color. I enjoyed a dark purple color next to yellow sunflowers. I also found mine to be a little short, sounds like it could be a watering issue. I also found my white variety changed color due to a dark pink growing next to it. I will certainly continue to grow asters.

  71. Aurora Livingston on

    I grew these flowers this year and was amazed at how productive each plant was. I got hundreds of blooms!
    One question-my plants never got very tall, leading to pretty short stemmed flowers. Any recommendations to solve this?
    Thank you for turning me on to this garden powerhouse!

    • Angela on

      Hi Aurora,
      Short stems are often from lack of water. Did you have irrigation on them? Next year I’d be sure to plant them in well prepared soil (we have a post under the Resources page about soil preparation) and then install irrigation. Good luck!

  72. Lisa Capper on

    Thank you for the great article and pictures. They are beautiful flowers and I will definitely be adding them to my garden next year. Will China Asters last long in a hand tied wedding bouquet?

  73. Cris Blackstone on

    Thank you for introducing us to these gorgeous flowers! You did a great job “warning us” that until the later part of August, they would cause fret and worry in the garden-in spite of learning that’s how you felt when you first began planting and designing with them, I DID wonder and worry. They. Have. Arrived! Super gorgeous, and soliciting a lot of rave reviews as they travel to their bouquet homes. Thanks so much! Warm regards, Cris

  74. kelly bendas on

    I was researching a flower to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary. Aster is the the flower and China is the symbol for 20th. Couldn’t have found a better match. I’m late this season but looking forward to adding to my garden next spring. Thank you for your information.

  75. Allie Richard on

    I grew the apricot variety and they just blooming now. They are amazing! Loaded with blooms. They will be in my sister’s bridal bouquet in September.

  76. Meg Rodriguez on

    I didn’t get my seeds planted this season but look forward to these beauties next year! Thank you for the info on needing to support them.

  77. leah on

    These posts are such a blessing to find and read about! Thank you!

  78. Sarah Dotson on

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us! Very helpful information and beautiful pictures as always.

    • Team Floret on

      You’re welcome! So glad you found this post helpful.

  79. Viv Herman on

    Your asters are coming along in my market patch. Rather sulking a bit, but I’m not worried thx to your advice! Love the look of these flowers.

  80. Kristin on

    I’m currently growing the Rose Quartz mix – my first time growing China Aster. I’m wondering if I need to pinch these for better flower production? I looked on the seed packet, the website, and your book but didn’t see anything.

  81. Jan Mooney on

    Love your articles, so helpful. When do u pinch back the asters to keep them from growing so close to each other on the stem?

  82. Megan on

    I have some of your seeds coming up in my first garden! Any suggestions on when to pinch them? Thank you!

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Megan,

      Under the seed description in our shop, we list the height for pinching. Hope this helps!

  83. Karrina on

    I have a few holes in my garden so I stopped by our local Menonite owned nursery to see what was still available. Everything looked pretty tired except for the China asters which I have never grown before. They’re just the ubiquitous Matsumoto mix but I’m still excited to see how they fair. How are they in regards to self-seeding? That’s always a plus for me since planting out annuals year after year can be a lot of work. I like a hand from Mother Nature.

  84. Ann-Marie Bagnall on

    Thank you for inspiring me to try China asters. I had no idea they could be so beautiful.

  85. Bruna Walls on

    Your website and book inspired me to grow dahlias, looks like china asters are next. Thank you for the inspiration

  86. Sarah L Wesch on

    Should they be pinched back in late spring/early summer, like a mum?

  87. Samantha on

    Thank you so much for taking the time to school us all in each type of flower!! Super helpful and I cannot wait to receive my Floret Farm Aster seeds!

  88. Julia C on

    Do china asters rebloom after they have been harvested? Are they one hit wonders or cut and come again type plants?

  89. Mary Gerloff-Constantineau on

    These flowers are so stunning! I can’t wait to get mine out of the hot house and into the ground. Thanks for the helpful information and insight. I appreciate the amount of time you put into this and I always look forward to the blog. Be Well!

  90. Jackie DeMerlis on

    They are so beautiful! I’ve successfully started about 50 of your China aster seeds for my cutting beds!! Just one question – Do you pinch these??

  91. kelly restivo on

    Wow, thank you:))))). This is everything you ever wanted to know. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL. This was just really nice and I thank you. I had grown asters when I was young and first started gardening and not since, this summer though, we are on again. Have a happy day.

  92. Lindsey abrams on

    I have used your book, Cut Flower Garden and your blog as my go-to flower guide this season! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your knowledge on everything florals! I have a tray of china aster growing right now because they looked so beautiful in your pictures.
    I have worked at a flower farm (focusing on dahlias) for the last 4 years. I’ve learned a ton from working there but they farm in a very traditional way. I prefer a more organic, less maintenance approach like yours for my own gardens. As I grow my business and life based around the idea of creating beauty while also staying true to the ethic of ‘working smarter not harder’ , you have become a real inspiration! Thank you!

  93. Julie on

    Thanks for this info. I have never considered China Aster. They seemed to be one of those finicky flowers to grow and I kept hearing about Aster Yellows disease. Our climate in Pennsylvania is extremely humid in the summer, with high 80’s to several weeks of heat waves reaching over 100. I’m under the impression this is not a good combination for success with Asters. Your opinion please?

  94. Dan on

    Some varieties have less vigor than others, which could account for germination troubles. If you find something doesn’t germinate well, try starting the seeds in straight vermiculite in an enclosed plastic container. I use a take-out container with a clear lid. Put it in a warm place in light or dark according to the seed’s needs. When they sprout, carefully take them out with your fingers or tweezers and put them in soil. If they don’t germinate this way, you know the seed was bad. This method works great for delphinium seeds, after they are stratified in the refrigerator between damp paper towels in a plastic bag for a week.

  95. Stephanie Cox on

    I’m brand new to flower gardening, so I’m grateful for your posts!!! My oldest child passed away almost 4 years ago at the age of 26, and I NEED to bring the beauty of flowers into my home to help my heart and soul. I’m going to plant some China asters!!!

  96. BF on

    Looking forward to seeing our Matador mix this year! Question about your row size: you’re planting 5-across, w/ 9” spacing between plants? We are using 30” rows so perhaps 3 across? :)

  97. Anna Benedict on

    Just started my China Asters Berry Apricot, sorbet and Apricot Swirl. They are just tucking their heads out now!! Thanks for the blog, can’t wait to see these beauties bloom in Southern NH

  98. Carolyn M Lawson on

    Love your posts! The pictures are beautiful! Your love of flowers is contatious. I want to plant more!

  99. whitney on

    Your earlier post about china asters prompted me to order seeds for this flower for the first time, and the little green sprouts are already popping in my trays. As a former floral designer, china asters were reliable for little pops of color but far from my favorite. These lovely varieties with softer hues are so delicious, I can’t wait to post them in my Instagram feed.

  100. Christina on

    I love the Harlekin variety! So unique.

  101. Andrea Gunderson on

    Thank you! Found your site this year and ordered seeds from you. They are coming up nicely. Can’t wait to get them in your garden. You have a great, informative and beautiful website. Will keep you updated as the summers progresses. Thanks again

  102. Heather on

    A retiree in my community garden introduced me to asters 5-6 yrs ago, and I was in love ! This year, I am sooo excited to be growing seeds from Floret, which I recv’d for Christmas. So….thanks, Floret, for this very valuable info and being a gorgeous seed resource! I can’t wait for my asters’ loveliness to emerge. Now to get back to the garden and off this silly computer, eh?

  103. Christine on

    You have inspired me to start seeds indoors for the first time and I’m going to plant a mini-cutting garden. Thank you for the great selection of seeds and advice.

  104. Paige Hackett on

    Thanks Erin. They’re one of my new favorites. Do you think they can be direct seeded in warmer climates?
    Happy spring!

  105. Lorna on

    A few years ago I was introduced to Chinese Asters when a friend gave me some of her extra Chinese Aster plants for my garden. Like you, I was wondering if they’d ever blossom…then WOW they were such a delight in the fall, complimenting my Cosmos and competing with my fall Sedum. Sharing is a marvelous way to learn about different varieties. Thank you for your continual sharing of your love of flowers, knowledge of growing successful yields.

  106. Heidi on

    I am growing China Asters for the first time this year. I really appreciate all your posts and information you share!

  107. Marissa on

    I heart China Asters! One of the first flowers I grew from seed. I really appreciate the way you showcase and photograph. My favorite website, because of the variety you carry and how well you photograph. Keep it up, you’ve raised the bar!

  108. Meg on

    Have never grown asters. Now I’m inspired!

  109. Robyn on

    What stunning colours! The photos are beautiful and so inspiring and thank you so much for the write up about growing them, too.
    Tasmania, Australia

  110. Flo on

    The Asters Chamoix we grew we’re quite beautiful but we did find that it should probably be grown under a hoop house as it tends to go brown after the rain and then flop heavily. However, they look spectacular and are worth growing in the garden. Thanks for sharing the many varieties available these days!

  111. Alyssa on

    thanks for a great post! china asters look beautiful, but one question I have is if all the (time)effort equates to enough of a (financial) payoff? If you’ve not written which flowers are the biggest bang for you buck I’d love to see that.

  112. Zola on

    I think I’ve never tried them because I associate them with cool climate growing. How well do these do in the hotter parts of the country?

  113. [email protected] on

    Your posts are so helpful/packed with so much information even for hobby/home gardens. Thanks for sharing and educating us.

  114. Alice Siebecker on

    Thanks so much for your comments on how late the china asters bloom as I’ve grown them before and I get quite worried that they will never bloom but they finally do right before frost at this high elevation location, so now if I grow them I will make sure to cover them with a row cover to extend their season if possible but I realize this might not be the optimal place to grow them as we are over a mile high. Zinnias do okay here but only if they are in a micro climate up against the house or out of the wind. They do better 500 ft. lower in the valley though.

  115. Danielle on

    Thank you for all the fantastic information. I will be experimenting this year with different types of flowers and hopefully expanding next year. I watched your video series on cut flowers, bulbs …. I really enjoyed them- very informative. I would like to follow up with the fall/winter course you offer this year – unfortunately timing didn’t permit for last years. Thanks again!!

  116. Vicki Witt on

    These are beautiful! I love reading your posts. They are all full of information!

  117. Linda Greenfield on

    I’m going to try your Asters this year! Gorgeous! Thanks for the advice. One question, is it necessary to pinch the Asters at any growing point before they set bud?

  118. Cassandra Olsen on

    This is my first year to start a fresh cut flower farm in Oklahoma and I can’t tell you how your book has helped guide me sooooooooo much. Thank you Thank you. I will most definietly try China Asters out as well!

  119. Xenia E Buckley on

    I am so excited about our first seedlings of China Asters coming along beautifully! Because you said that they seem to linger during summer months and come into their glory late summer and early autumn, I am wondering if seeding these flowers every few weeks is really necessary since they will delay their blooms during the long and hot days, waiting for summer’s wane. Should we sow/seed them all at once? Thanks for creating such an informative and helpful website! Happy Spring! From Xenia, at the farm in Massachusetts

  120. Anne Mueller on

    I have to echo the question about aster yellows. I’m an East Coast grower, and find that my best asters grow in large pots of potting soil in my greenhouse, which is screened for pests. I try to pick resistant varieties, like Tower and Valkyrie, but usually the plants succumb one by one over the season. West Coast looks to be a different situation–I’m envious!

  121. Jt Covelli on

    These are gorgeous. I am hooked. After the summer blooms fade and before the dahlias bloom? Some have the look of mums, which I never bring inside because they make me sneeze. Thank you!

  122. Josh on

    This is my first year growing a cutting garden and I have included tower chamois in my selection. I have very limited space so I’m hoping all goes well.

  123. Marian.latchman on

    Hi, I have planted your Moonstone aster seed. It has germinated well and the little plants have two pairs of true leaves and are romping away after being pricked out. They look amazing strong. Do you advise pinching out at some stage?

  124. Stacy on

    I started some of these indoors this year! So they need to be pinched? Can’t wait to see what they do!

  125. Meme on

    Wonderful post! I am just about to plant the rose quartz mix in my garden in Hawaii!

  126. Annie Kuhn on

    These are beautiful flowers. Thank you for the info!! Feeling inspired to try some…

  127. Jennifer Joray on

    Erin, I am in love, too!!! I’ve purchased every variety of these breathtaking asters you offer for our first year of flower farming in Central Maine. Along with the course, I AM BLOOMING into a cut flower farmer!!

  128. Eiddwen Thomas on

    Great inspiring article and thank you for all your research on this lovely flower!

  129. Annie on

    Beautiful as always and so informative. Now I need to find a spare bit of ground to plant ChinaAsters in!

  130. Jen Dennis on

    Thank you so much for the tips on using the netting. I didn’t really understand what that netting looked like. Your pictures are so inspiring!

  131. Leslie on

    Wonderful post and beautiful pictures! You always inspire me to get out into the garden to dig. Thank you for the time you invest in us.

  132. Donna on

    You do a wonderful job sharing information, showing beautiful pictures and inspiring my to grow more flowers. Thank you for the great job you do. I have shared your website with several of my friends!

  133. Jenny McRae on

    I bought some China aster seeds to augment the later summer crop-I sow 3crops of zinnias and sunflowers. Looking forward to a try at these! Any information on how these hold up in humid, southern summers? And how do they direct sow? Planning on holding them for the second crop right now. Will be sowing the first crop of seeds in the next 10 days or so- as soon as we dry out enough! Keep up the amazing work~you are very much appreciated!

  134. Laura on

    Love the info on China Asters! I am growing them for the first time this year and was so happy to see them in your post! Thank you for sharing your wealth of information!!

  135. Beth Benjamin on

    Erin, your photos and words light up my life. At present, after a life of growing many flowers, I am living with my mom in Southern California, with very little room to plant annuals. Right now, I am loth to pull out the nasturtiums that all resowed themselves in order to plant zinnias, tithonia and sunflowers – they still look so pretty. Choosing one thing always means not choosing another – difficult. Thanks for letting me see your place virtually. Beth

  136. Susan on

    Your posts and photographs ALWAYS leave me speechless! What a magical place that you share with us!!

  137. Tina Eisenhart on

    Love your blog posts Erin! I actually took your online course last year (which was fabulous) and tinkered with flower farming last spring/summer. I had 3 little flower beds and threw things into the ground and most everything grew without to much fuss. This year I am giving it my all. I have added 4 more beds which are rather large and on a whim I purchased the Moonstone and Apricot Swirl mix China Asters from you just to give them a try. Keep your fingers crossed for me on this new adventure. One question, when you harvest do you cut the stems near the soil line? A big thank you to you and your team for sharing all your knowledge with us, it’s much appreciated!!

  138. Peg on

    China asters are one of my favorite flowers and I have growing them for years. I have a high pressure of leaf hoppers which transmits the disease of aster yellows so I need to cover them with insect barrier immediately after planting. I keep the row cover on until the plants begin to flower. It’s a lot to go through but well worth having healthy, beautiful blooms that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Maybe this will help others who have had difficulties growing asters in the past.

  139. Sally on

    Love this post! Such beautiful flowers!

  140. Angela B on

    Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge! I enjoy reading your posts.

  141. Jackie Grzeca on

    Just beautiful flowers and beautiful photos. I never thought of growing asters, but now I think I have to give them a try! Thank you for your list of favorites and especially for the growing tips!

  142. Lisa on

    So beautiful! I am in zone 7 – is it too late to start these for blooms this fall? Thank you!

  143. Jill on

    I have been following you on Facebook and receiving your emails for the last 3 years in anticipation to our move from Miami to Corvallis, Oregon. Now that we have made the move I can put into practice what I have learned from all your posts. I have started my first batch of seeds from Floret, with a few just appearing, so excited! Just placed a second order.
    I know there will be failures along the way, but it’s all in the fun of trying.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and beautiful world of flowers.

  144. Ali on

    You must live in a magical place where there’s no leafhoppers! What is your spray routine for Aster Yellows?

  145. Linda Ericson-Ebel on

    You are my muse, Erin. I am growing seeds for the Floral Committee at Seabury Life Care Community in Bloomfield, CT. We buy fresh flowers every week for bouquets and this year I bought 12 packets of your seeds to augment our purchases. Hope all goes well. We are crazy about flowers here

  146. Kim on

    I purchased china aster seed from you last fall and just started them over the weekend. I cannot wait to see them in my garden. I’ve always struggled with late color. This will be the perfect touch! Now a question: can the seed be harvested and used next year? (Or are they hybrids and not the best to harvest?)

  147. Liset on

    Hi team Floret!

    I just bought my seeds from you and am so excited to receive them! I am launching my flower farm this year, even though I feel I have a late start in the year. I bought some China Aster seeds and am so thankful for the knowledge you pass on. I hope my seeds sprout. I’m just worried about the summer heat in Central California. I think I’ll set up some shade for my flowers not to burn in 110F temp of summer.

  148. Sarah Bailey on

    For some reason, I have always been afraid to plant asters – thought they were difficult to grow for some reason. Thank you for the helpful information that they are indeed easy to grow. I appreciate that you include pictures in your articles – that helps me – to have a visual!!
    Those flowers are lovely. I’m drawn to that garnet color – I think it would be lovely in the fall with mums and unusual foliage – maybe sorghum or other grains.
    Thank you- enjoyed reading!!

  149. Margaret Stokes on

    Inspirational information, as always!! Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge and experience!

  150. Megan on

    This is so helpful! I started a batch of your china aster seeds a few weeks ago for my first flower garden and most certainly would have fretted if I didn’t know how late they bloom! Any suggestions for really leggy seedlings besides repotting them (I’m glad I learned that!)

  151. Louise Brøchner on

    Thank you for yet another great post ! I am trying Asters for the first time ever this year as well and found the Aster ‘Tower Chamois’ at a local dealer in Denmark at [email protected], and I can´t wait to see them in bloom in my late Summer and Fall garden <3

  152. Kim on

    You have inspired me to add more flowers in my garden this year and I it’s my first year growing from seed with grow lights. Some successes and some failures as I work on “my little science project”! I am having a hard time getting my aster seeds to germinate. They ate under a dome with a heat mat. Any tips or tricks?

  153. Terri on

    They are so beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  154. Barb on

    Inspired now to give them a try!

  155. Megan on

    I’m new flower farming and your book/website have been excellent resources! I love that I can flip/click to each individual species and get detailed information for everything from sowing to staking to harvesting. I am looking forward to your new book(s)!!

  156. Elle Hotchkiss on

    Thank you – this was so inspiring! I must add a bed so that I can give these a try. Do you happen to have pictures of the bedding steps you describe? I know they are not glamorous;) I own your book but do not have it with me at the moment.

  157. Marie Schwager on

    I, too, bought these from you and only had four or five seeds sprout out of two packets. The few little ones that did sprout succumbed to dampening off. I successfully sow many other types of plants. Any advice?

  158. Phoebe Cubberly on

    You always inspire me with your wonderful posts! This year I already bought more seed packets (from Floret of course) than I know where the plants will fit, and now I need several varieties of China Asters! I’m sure you have this effect on many of us!

  159. Erin Flynn on

    Thank you for your detailed post. Inspiring!

  160. Lydia on

    I am growing asters this year for the first time with the intention of using them as cut flowers. My germination isn’t great though so that was disappointing. I am looking forward to seeing how they do!! Thanks for the post!

  161. Denise on

    Do Asters need pinched back when young? Do they re-bloom? Last year, mine bloomed during early summer and seemed to fade away. Giving them another try this year, in hopes that they look as lovely as pictured above. Thank you for the post!

  162. Rebekah Culley on

    I loved seeing this pop up in my email as I’m starting out gardening this year and this is one flower I’m planting! It was helpful to read and made me so excited to see how they bloom!

  163. Lisa on

    These are such beautiful flowers! I planted these seeds in a tray with snap dragons and straw flowers, but none of the asters sprouted. Any tips?

  164. Emily on

    So tempted to try growing these! Can these seeds be started later than the 6-8 weeks before last spring frost (it is about 2 weeks before last frost where I am)? I’m curious if they need a certain length of time to sit semi-dormant as well-established plants in the garden before the end of summer.

  165. Melissa on

    Hi! I’ve been growing China asters on and off since I started farming. The reason for the ‘off’ years is that I get tired of asters yellows a disease which spreads quickly taking down the whole crop and sometimes other crops too. How do you manage asters yellows?

  166. Julie Fox on

    This is my first season growing cut flowers after having a vegetable garden for years. I went through your shop and randomly chose things that spoke to me. I grabbed a couple different china asters just because they were pretty. My garden will have no rhyme or reason and is just for me but it is sure to be pretty. Thanks for teaching us and inspiring us.

  167. Nancy on

    Thanks for this informative post and it came at a time I was looking for a hard working flower to add to the fall line up!

  168. Heidi N. on

    I am getting a late start in planting my seeds but they will be perfect for this fall. Asters are September’s birthday flowers. My mom always had them for her birthday. Can’t wait to see them and remember childhood gardening by my mom. Waiting with anticipation!

  169. Kate G on

    I have grown asters for the first time this season, and our wedding florists in Wanaka (New Zealand) were really happy with them. Thanks for this post to inspire me to try and find some of the varieties you mention. Blush and pinks are very popular here!

  170. Chelsea on

    Last year was our first with a yard and garden, I jumped in with two feet and failed a fair amount, but learned a lot! One thing I learned is that Asters are, just as you said, a wonderful thing to have taken the time to sow when the rest of the garden is fading. We had bright pink blooms smack dab in the middle of our front yard, what a delight! I’ll be doing those again, and I’m ordering a couple of new varieties from your shop to throw into the mix as well. I’m especially excited for your purple varieties. Thank you for the work you put into these resource posts, I’ve learned quite a lot from them and I’m sure my flower garden will benefit this year!

  171. Lauren M on

    I am going to plant my aster seedling in the ground soon! Thank you so much for all of your helpful tips and information.

  172. Kirstin Medaglia on

    Can’t wait to give these a shot this year, what a gorgeous color selection!

  173. The Lauren Jean on

    I’ve planted two different types, and the full packet, and only 1 plant has sprouted. Are there any tips? Because I would love to have some of these blooming in fall, but I don’t want to purchase more if I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong!

  174. Nancy Tucker on

    I tried growing these last summer, and for some reason, they all died all at the same time. One day they looked perfect, and the next day, wilted and fallen over. This was at our community garden, which is an organic garden. I don’t know if they got some type of wilt, or what. No pests were visible. The soil is all organic potting soil (lots and lots of bags), so if you have any clues on to what could have gotten to them, it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to give them another go this year, and fingers crossed!

  175. Bonnie on

    A late summer favorite but did not realize the color palette available! Stunning!

  176. Arlene Collins on

    Just stunning flowers, they are the flower of September my birth month. Will have to include them in my garden this year..

  177. Aubrey on

    Thank you! Every year I add a few new flower varieties to my tiny backyard garden and this years I’m excited to try the chamois series asters. I still turn to your book and blog each spring as I prepare my beds, start my seeds and plan my garden.

  178. Margaret Gino on

    Although we are tiny …. we are a mighty bunch. On our small plot of land we call “Little West” … there is so much optimism.. arm loads of courage and and an overflowing sense of peace thanks to you Erin and Team Floret. The knowledge and skills learned throughout the 6 week course combined with your beautiful book provide a solid framework for flower farming success! What a gift! I have purchased all my seeds from Floret this year including the China Aster Tower Chamios Apricot… Please know you are making a difference all across the globe as you share your passion and love of flowers. As my china asters, sweet peas, chocolate lace flower and “Queen”zinnia’s to name a few bloom bright…… I will be thinking of you and the investment you made in little ole me! ;) eternally grateful indeed.

  179. Olivia on

    So excited to have found you! Your writing is lovely, and I’m thankful for all the wonderful resources provided. Decided to buy all my annual seeds from you guys this year – so eager for spring weather!

  180. Sarah Sprague on

    Erin, I have recently flung my entire being into the process of turning my little family’s first home into a flower farm. In my rigorous pursuit of knowledge and guidance on this new adventure, I found Floret and though I live on the opposite side of the country in a very different climate, I have found so much wisdom, confidence and at times solace in the information you provide in posts and your book. Your willingness to share experiences and knowledge of flower farms is both humbling and inspiring. I hope you know the positive influence you impress upon families like mine with our dreams of flower fields. That being said, I will be sure to grow China Asters for my wedding this autumn! Thank you!!

  181. Sarah on

    I have a small garden in the Ozarks, and I love to enter the County Fair. Usually, by the time of the fair in late August, my zinnias are down to the dregs. This is great advice! I’m going to give China Asters a shot this year – wish me luck!

  182. Judy on

    Erin, I appreciate the wonderful wealth of knowledge you are so willing to share with us. This is my first year trying to grow cut flowers to sell at our local farmers market. I have your book, Cut Flower Garden. I would love to try the china asters. I would like to plant only 10 varieties to start with. What would be your top 10 choices. Again, thanks for such helpful information that you share.

  183. Susan U on

    I have a small 12×26 cut flower garden and I do love trying new varieties! I’ve purchased your China aster seed and the scabiosa type zinnias this year to add to my usual Benary giant zinnias. I’m going to use your tips for cosmos and move them to a separate area this year. I’d plow the backyard for flowers if I could! Last year was the first year I’ve used horizontal trellis and it worked great for globe amaranth and snapdragons. Some of my perennial beds might be interplaneted with annuals this year too! Thank you so so much for all your kindness and sharing your expertise!

  184. Maggie on

    Erin, as always, your post was inspiring! My only challenge is the work of converting more former woodland space to flower gardens in time to plant. I LOVE everything you share on your blog. I received two sets of seed collections for Christmas, and can’t wait to get them started:)

  185. Xenia on

    I am know as “the flower girl” at our local farm, a 5th generation produce farm in New England. We are expanding our cut flower offerings by adding several varieties of your China Asters to the garden; I am beyond excited! Can’t wait to begin planting these beauties!

  186. Yulia Y. on

    I’ve been reading over your blog and looking at all the gorgeous pictures this winter and you’ve inspired me to add a cutting garden to my vegetable patch. I can’t wait for all the flowers :)

  187. Karen K Woodward on

    Thank you for your wonderful post. I enjoy each one of them. I was wanting to know if these particular type of Chinese Astor’s are heirloom or hybrid.

  188. Sonia on

    Erin I love reading your flower blog! You are honest, gracious and draw me in to be so curious and thirsty for the different flower beauties! I honestly had not researched flowers before! Since I began reading your blog in June 2018, I have enjoyed learning about different flower. Thank you for pioneering in this industry and pioneering in bringing different flowers to market :) I love how you their beauty!

  189. Laura Miller on

    Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge! Am trying out Asters as well as Peonies and Carnations this year as a new treat for my flower customers- thanks to your posts, monthly updates, and great growing tips. Can’t wait to begin!

  190. Matthew on

    Thanks for sharing your findings and taking clear pictures. I love learning about different varieties, but most places don’t have the best pictures, so I don’t know what I’m buying. Not the case for Floret! Keep up the good work!

  191. Jessica on

    Loved this post ! Gives me so many ideas! I also appreciated how much detail you included such as where to get the netting etc. :)

  192. Jackie DeMerlis on

    Thank you for sharing about these beauties and how to start growing them successfully. You are so generous with your knowledge, Erin. Thank you.

  193. Sharon on

    I really enjoy your posts! Your give a vivid description which helps me to decide what plants might work well for me. Your pictures are so inviting ;)

  194. Carolyn Radakovich on

    Thoughts on earwig damage? I sent my mom (in Idaho) Floret aster seeds last year but the earwigs were relentless! Any tips would be appreciated :)

  195. Tari on

    These are beautiful! I will have to give them a try. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

  196. Noelle on

    Thanks so much for this post! I’ve seen the asters on one of my favorite seed supplier’s site but have hesitated as information is thin on the ground about them. I grow an aster that is native to my region. It flowers well but the foliage goes brown and isn’t too pretty. I think I’m going to give the chamois ones a try this year, especially as I have a late summer wedding with a bride who doesn’t like dahlias. This could be a great solution for her. Thanks Erin!

  197. Anna on

    I tried the tower chamois series this year and was sorely disappointed. They were literally five inches tall haha! But I think I planted them at the wrong time. You’re making me want to try again!

  198. Denise on

    I’m going to grow these next summer and haven’t grown them before. It will be such a help to have this blog to refer back to-thank you! Now to decide which colors!

  199. Heidi on

    I remember buying these at little farmers markets when I lived in Europe for a couple years. I loved them.

  200. Lisa U. on

    These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing so much knowledge!

  201. Dale Rekus on

    Simply amazing! I remember my grandmothers growing these in their garden decades ago but they never looked like these varieties. One more reason I won’t pine for the good old days! Thank you for this post!

  202. Alexis on

    This will be my first season for China Asters and I can’t wait :) It’s wonderful to learn more about them and I can’t wait to try some of your recommendations! A big thank you to the entire Floret team for all of the new information, these are some of my favorite posts.

  203. Paula on

    Thank you so much Erin and all at Floret for all you do to make the cut flower garden decision-making easy for us! Your info is invaluable! I pretty much stick to your advice in all the decisions I make! Thank you again!


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