Home Blog Visiting Missouri
January 11th 2011

Visiting Missouri

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Even though we arrived home Sunday, I still feel like part of me has yet to fully return. So until all of me is back, I’ll keep it simple.
We flew out to St. Joesph Missouri for the Great Plains Grower’s Conference over the weekend. Lynn Byczynski (author of The Flower Farmer and editor of Growing For Market) asked me to come out and share some of my experience with flower farming and wedding and event flowers. While I was sick with nerves before hand, the experience turned out to be totally fantastic!
Everyone who came was an absolute treasure! I really couldn’t have wished for a more amazing group.

Going over my notes one more time, making sure the handwriting was legible in case I froze in front of the room
I had to document the moment, but standing on my chair in the crowded dining area of Sea Tac airport brought quite a few stares. Ha,ha! Anything for the shot right?!


My goal for the trip was “to be in the moment” as much as possible. These tiny ice crystals were a wonderful reminder of how much beauty I miss throughout the day by being so preoccupied.


Once we got above the weather, it was as if we were sailing in a sea of clouds



 Basic supplies for the bridal bouquet class


Everyone cleaning their flowers



Getting started


 Gretel Adams (total sweetie), she and her husband Steve came all the way from Ohio! Steve shot all  of the class photos. So cool!



Going through the steps of constructing a bouquet
Hands down, the coolest group ever !
These ladies (and a few gentlemen) were such a gift!


  1. Kay on

    This was one of the best workshops in all the years I have attended. Love the ice crystals and the Gods eye view of the clouds.

  2. Shawni on

    The best session of the entire weekend!


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