Home Blog Tips on Taking Better Flower Photos
May 5th 2017

Tips on Taking Better Flower Photos

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For today’s post I invited Erin Little, a professional editorial and lifestyle photographer based in Maine to share some flower photography tips along with information about her upcoming creative photography e-course.

Chris and I took Erin’s Eyes Open Photography E-Course years ago and it was a game changer for us. After years of struggling, we finally understood our digital camera, how to work with the light, how to tell our story visually and really how to take our images to a whole new level. If you’re a farmer wanting to share the beauty that’s coming out of your fields, or you’re a florist needing to capture your gorgeous work as it heads out the door, or you’re a stay at home mom wanting to document the precious fleeting moments with your children, or your a blogger needing better images, or you’re a small business owner trying to build a professional looking portfolio, you will love this course.  Read on for a few of Erin’s flower photography tips plus get a chance (well, 5 chances actually!) to win a free seat in her next course which begins May 15.

Hi Erin and everyone!   I’m delighted to share with you a few little tips to help you capture some amazing shots of floral arrangements:

One of the best things you can do for your business is to have quality photos for advertisements, social media, and your own portfolio online. Instagram especially is such an amazing way to connect and for clients to find you, but you want your work to be presented in a professional way. I know that often, if you are in the wedding business, you can sometimes rely on the photographers to share pictures with you, but it doesn’t always happen. So this course will help you feel confident enough to capture your work by yourself. 

Photo 1Taking the time to set up a shot by finding some nice natural light either outside in the shade or inside by a window, and really thinking about what is part of that shot is important. You may be so focused on your floral arrangement that you fail to notice the clutter on the table, or the things hanging on the wall behind it that distract the viewer from really focusing on what you want them to. Become your own stylist! It’s fun and allows for some extra creativity. Go to a home goods store and stock up on some nice table linens and little objects that you can add into the frame to tell more of a story. Think about the surfaces you are shooting on. You can get creative and make some simple surfaces out of wood, or find a marble slab to work with. Table tops are great, as well as natural elements found outside like rocks and moss.

Photo 2

Photo 3A lot of people focus on the end results: the beautiful arrangement and forget about the interesting things behind the scenes. Clients would probably love to see photos of your flower farm or workspace because it adds some personality and visual diversity. Or even if you stop to capture some beautiful wild flowers on the side of the road…all those things just add a different element. Don’t be afraid to add in people to your shots to show some action! 

PHOTO 4When it comes time to capture arrangements, the trickiest part is deciding where your focal point should be. If you are using settings (which we learn in this course) to capture a focal point and have the rest kind of blur away, you need to be very intentional with what you choose to focus on.

Photo 5My general rule of thumb is to position the arrangement in a way that showcases the biggest or brightest or most unusual part, and put your focus on that. If your natural eye goes towards one part of the arrangement first, that’s usually where your focus should be.

Photo 6

Simple is sometimes best! Don’t make things too complicated. A few buds in a vase at your dinner table is a sweet little Instagram post. And always think about your intention when shooting: surfaces, depth of field, and objects in your frame all matter! 

Photo 7

I designed an e-course course for people like myself, who learn better by seeing than doing. An overload of information is not helpful, and stripping it all down to what you really need to know in a simplistic way allows for easy learning. Much of photography ends up being intuitive, but a strong grasp of the basic technical components is essential to the ease in which you can let your artistic intuition eventually take over. And how does that happen? Practice. A lot of practice! During this 6-week course, photo challenges accompany each lesson to help you work towards mastering these fundamentals.You can learn much more in the 6 week Eyes Open course that starts on May 15th! A mini floral lesson booklet is also included.

Thanks for all the great tips, Erin!

Floret readers can take $25 off using the coupon code “floretmay17” when registering for the class.  And between now and midnight PST Tuesday May 9, you can enter to win one of FIVE free spots in the class. To enter, simply post a comment below with your favorite photography subject.

UPDATE: GIVEAWAY ENTRIES NOW CLOSED. Thank you for your submissions and congratulations to: Melanie, Nicole, Alicia, Annette & Denise for each winning a seat in the upcoming class!  Winners will be notified directly by email.

Photos (c) Erin Little Photography


  1. Kristi Ruggles on

    Erin, I purchased the 50mm lens recommended by “the other Erin” in her photography course, but I didn’t notice if she recommended a wide angle lens. Do you have any recommendations? I have a Canon Rebel DSLR body. Thanks so much!!

  2. Tina G on

    Always gorgeous photos on your site! Thanks for sharing a photography resource with us.

  3. Desiree Castelijn | Ikebana Beautiful on

    Great photos! Thanks so much for this blog post. I love taking photos of my arrangements. And indeed: I stored a couple of props to make my photos more interesting.

  4. Maureen McCarthy-Koth on

    Flowers in all their beauty subtle and bold, delicious texture and composition,the smallest detail is worthy of attention. I also love spaces that are part of our life. Gardens porches tables etc as well as dearly loved faces.

  5. Rachel Fletcher on

    The texture of old buildings; stone walls, lichen, shingle roofs, different bricks colours etc – so for example on a church I photographed recently in Chobham, Surrey (UK) the 1000 year old building had at least 6 different materials on one elevation (bargate stone, red brick, clunch, stone slates, plain tiles, like mortar). Wonderful!

  6. Catrinel on

    The flowers I grow and arrange are my favourite subject, love them!

  7. Sharon on

    I am redesigning our garden borders, so the first flower on my beautiful new little plant is my favorite photography subject.

  8. TR on

    Moments–so that they can be relived and savored again and again!-and small, ordinary, things that are beautiful in themselves.

  9. Angie Croshaw on

    My one year old daughter has been my recent favorite subject:)

  10. Linda Q on

    My family of course! There will always be photos of nature, places and things that are taken by many, but none are as special as the photos you take of the ones you love!

  11. Connie on

    I love capturing images that will strengthen a memory or that captures the intrinsic beauty of the subject or the moment in time.

  12. Amanda on

    Favorite subject…my garden since it stays still when I take pictures. My boys are too fast for me.

  13. Perry on

    Lightning is my favorite photography subject! I can’t wait for these summer storms to start rolling in.

  14. Melanie Bloom on

    My favourite subjects are the beautiful blooms I purchase from our local florist which I wish were growing in our garden. Hope to plant our first crop very soon. Bloom where you’re planted !! xx

  15. Susan Phelps on

    I love to photograph flower arrangements at the historic site where I work. The natural light is beautiful.

  16. Heather Olsen on

    I love photographing plants, be it flowers, trees, or weeds. And, now that I’m a mom, my little one is a new favorite subject.

  17. Kristy on

    Flowers, but my cats make great models too. Would love to learn how to better capture them both.

  18. D Wong on

    Dahlias, horticultural scenes and my children are my favourite subjects

  19. amyks on

    I love taking photos of the flowers I’m growing or the arrangements I’ve made. I’m constantly trying to find just the right angle. This class would be so helpful! Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

  20. Lorraine on

    My garden is by far my favorite subject!

  21. Stephanie on

    I really enjoy taking macro photos of flowers and plants!

  22. Wilma van der Merwe on

    My favourite subject is detail – detail in a flower, ladybird, the freckles on my son’s nose and just to spot something small and special that is often overlooked. Taking photos make me zoom in and enjoy the beauty all around.

  23. Tara R on

    I love to get super up close shots of flowers and these pictures usually come out lovely. I definitely struggle to find the right location and light to get a great shot of a bouquet, corsage or arrangement.

  24. Laura T. on

    Hi Erin,
    Thanks for all of the tips! I am a complete novice to photography but am starting a cut flower garden following Floret’s new book. I would love to learn how to take photos of my progressing garden with something other than my iPhone! Thanks

  25. Jenny Freeman on

    I love photographing flowers close up. It really makes you look at the details we so often ignore.

  26. Kathy on

    Love photographing my grandkids

  27. Melanie on

    My favourite subject is our cat, Tiberius, but I have a soft spot for botanicals either in the garden or out in the woods. Thanks so much for all the tips! Enjoy the journey.

  28. Lori L on

    Flowers and dogs are my favorite!

  29. Teresa on

    photographing flowers and gardens is my passion

  30. Ruth on

    Flowers in my garden:)

  31. Karen Doyle on

    Our farm is my favorite subject to photograph…We have a Christmas tree farm, small apple orchard, large vegetable garden, pumpkin patch and of course a you pick flower garden. I’m a very visual person and love sharing our farm with photos on our facebook page and website. Thank you!

  32. Rachel Forrer on

    Seasonal elements! (flowers of course, food, foliage, buds and berries)

  33. Kate on

    My favorite thing to photograph are flowers, but really close up to the center of the flower, in various stages. Sometimes they are just opening and the mystery of what’s inside is so intriguing (like a rose) and sometimes they are totally blasted and about to fall apart (like a ranunculus). Thanks, Erin!

  34. Kathy S on

    Hands down my favourite thing to photograph is flowers and small people’s faces??

  35. Kathleen S. on

    Cherry blossoms! (Sweets in full bloom and tarts soon will be:)

  36. Amy on

    I am new to both photography and flower growing. I am in the process of planting and planning for a hopefully successful flower growing enterprise. I would love to be able to capture the serenity and grit it takes to turn a dream into reality! Thank you so much for the continuous inspiration!

  37. Ashlee on

    My kids:) and now flowers. But my garden isn’t all there yet…

  38. Lynne Bose on

    I love to photograph trees – the big picture as well as the bark, interesting leaves etc. The way light sets a mood, and all the different textures in a tree fascinate me.:)

  39. Melanie on

    We have a great camera but I have zero confidence with it so my husband takes all the pictures and ends up in none of them. I would love to be able to take better pictures of him and the kids at their ball games and working together on things around the farm we just moved to. I am also hoping to start my own flower farm on the land in a few years! I feel like some really great photos would go a long way in helping me get the word out once I get the business started. This class sounds like exactly what I need!

  40. Jena on

    My kiddos are my main photography subject but now that I’ve gotten the cut flower growing bug I’d love to be able to take quality photos of my hard work paying off!

  41. Madison Puch on

    Anything in nature is what I’m drawn to! The view from the top of a mountain, beach shores and all their critters, a field of wild flowers… My favorite things to photograph are what Mother Earth provides! On spring break I got wonderful photos of a horseshoe crab burying itself in the surf!

  42. Cara on

    Things that grow–from seed to plate, to vase, to glass!

  43. A Kelly on

    My husband is my eyes wide open in my garden. He’s also my hero and I’d love to see him take this class so he can capture the beauty in our yard even better!

  44. Jesalyn on

    Flowers and nature are my ultimate favorite subjects (especially as the kids get older and seem to know the camera is on them!). i love capturing a scene to share that I have just witnessed- natural light is ever changing so being able to grab the shot and say “THIS! This beautiful moment I saw and wanted to share with you”-that’s my delight.

  45. Erin O'Loughlin on

    The blessings in life and gifts from God! My chidren and grandchildren, pets, flowers, birds, butterflies, bees, and bugs!

  46. Caz on

    Flowers and coffee !

  47. Christie Griffin on

    I love to zoom in on the perfectness of a single flower with others blurred in the background.

  48. Mary B. Hayes on

    Guinea hen fritillaria and moss on rocks and logs are my favorite subjects. Thanks for this opportunity.

  49. Lindsay H. on

    My beautiful girls are my favorite subject to photograph. But I also love photographing my bouquets as well.
    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!

  50. Carolyn on

    Oh my word- this sounds so helpful. Flowers are so beautiful on their own but it seems so hard sometimes to get the camera to capture it!!

  51. Diana Wright on

    Flowers and my grandchildren, when they are in town

  52. Briana on

    I love capturing a bride and groom’s first look! And small details like close ups of flowers, lace, or jewelry.

  53. MB Meadows on

    Would love to win a spot in your course to help me take better pictures of my favs – our pets in our “wild” mountain backyard, and of course, arranged flowers with the mountains and woods as backdrops!

  54. Joanne Fetting on

    I have a large perennial garden . Now that my kids are grown I put more energy there and love to capture the flowers on film.

  55. leslie on

    My favorite subject is my little guy. A close second is the early summer mornings, with dew blanketing everything, the soft light, the sweet smell, and all the beautiful flowers just starting to wake, taking the time to appreciate and photograph the sweet little blooms.

  56. Peg Mere on

    flowers, sunrises and my 6 mo old golden retriever

  57. Brittany Sturgis on

    I love photographing the major changes that I’m making to the outdoors of a dilapidated home we purchased last year!

  58. Paula on

    I want to evoke the way I feel about what I’m seeing–the beautiful landscape, loving people, intimate life, and objects of contemplation.

  59. Karen on

    Nature & my dogs are my favourite things to photograph :)

  60. Stephanie Daniels on

    My fave subject is learning how to shoot creatively. I want to stretch myself to look for and find the best angles and best way to tell a story!!

  61. Patty Helmsworth on

    really just getting started but the details of a flower; petal, stem, leaves are so appealing to me.

  62. Nicole sosebee on

    I have a micro dairy that is self sufficient, we rotate pastures and have goats, pigs cattle and sheep. Little goats and piglets playing in the pastures is my favorite subject!

  63. Pamela Fulton on

    Taking pictures of flowers has become a favorite, but just the general beauty of nature is a passion as well.

  64. Eileen on

    I love capturing moments with my pup and with my grandchildren. I have also recently been focusing on trying to take good, interesting photos of my floral wreaths and other creations.

  65. Vicki on

    My photos are primarily flowers from my yard and edibles in the garden.

  66. Jennifer White on

    Landscapes … and flowers of course, ranunculus and peony are my favorite.

  67. Adele Bentsen on

    There is nothing I don’t love to photograph but particularly I love capturing someone’s personality.

  68. Chris on

    The changing landscape around me, my grandchildren, and beautiful sunsets,

  69. Linda Adams on

    I want to capture the lovely flowers I grow and my sweet pomeranian who is always (helping) me by digging holes.

  70. Jane on

    Flowers and wildlife.

  71. Victoria on

    My favorite photography subject is nature in my yard. Sometimes it is the frost on the pine needles with the sun shining through. Other times is a glistening frog near the pond.

  72. Cindy K on

    Botanical gardens & our tiny garden! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway – my photography needs some new life!

  73. Mango lindo on

    I love taking pictures of the sea. I live in California and are obsessed with rocky beaches, I usually wake up and catch the shore just before sunrise. Other times I love to take sunset pics near the cliffs. There’s something magical about watching the the sky change as the water kisses the shore.♡

  74. Marie Kavanova on

    I mostly photograph the flower arrangements I make in my work – we grow flowers on farm, and I make them into bouquets. Love the details, different shapes and textures…

  75. Katie Stutler on

    Flowers, landscapes, animals and my kids, of course. :)

  76. Amy on

    When the sky is so loaded with thunderstorm clouds, it intensifies the color of everything so much, that even the air looks blue and green… in that moment, I love to run outside with my floral arrangements, and capture them in that eerie, ethereal light, before the downpour.

  77. Debi Miller on

    Dahlias are my favorite flower subject because no two are the same – even the same variety –

    On the farm – the unusual stages for vegetable growth – such as the beautiful “hibiscus-like” bloom on okra, or the funny “feet” of sweet corn roots – are my favorite farm photos to share.

  78. Lisa on

    My favorite photography subject changes daily but revolves around nature! This week it is fresh new leaves, since I recently moved to Vermont from California and I am excited to have survived winter. I can’t tell you how much I am loving the new leaves, like old friends that have been missing for too many months!

  79. Alicia Cox on

    Single stems of flowers blooming in my yard are my favorite subject. Through the lens I see details that I don’t stop to study otherwise during the course of a busy day. Thank you so much for this generous opportunity! Good luck to everyone!

  80. Andrea Owen on

    My 3 beautiful children and flowers, of course!

  81. Josephine Brencic on

    I love capturing my children at play and the tender moments they share together…the special bond between siblings. That is what I love the most.

  82. Malvo on

    I love to take pictures of the seasons as they change, the happenings in my garden and my two dogs!

  83. Lorrie Walker on

    I’d love to learn to capture the beauty of my small flower farm and our surrounding woods as well as our children (one with her beautiful horses) and grandchildren (though they don’t stay still as the flowers, haha!).

  84. Katharina on

    Since two years my favorite subject is my beautiful little daughter Linda! (I’m such a cliche mum ;))

  85. Malvo on

    I enjoy taking pictures of nature as the seasons change, all the happenings in our backyard garden, and our two dogs.

  86. Karen on

    Fresh veggies and flowers from our northeast Ohio garden.

  87. Kathleen on

    The mountains would definitely be a favourite of mine. But this course could help me in so many ways! I am working so hard to begin my farmer florist, seasonal flower movement dream a reality. All i want to be able to do is share my journey in the most magical and authentic way possible. I am armed with a camera and ready to shoot!

  88. nole on

    My children are my favorite photo subjects! And when it comes to still photography, I love photographing flowers and food. I’m always looking for tips on how to make my photos better!

  89. Monique on

    Too hard to choose one! My children, Hazel and Keenan, and our travels including the flora, food and landscape. Our kittens Bonsai and Moon are pretty adorable too. Plus I’ve just started a floristry program so this would be very helpful. x

  90. Andrea B on

    I love taking pictures of my garden and I have tons of pics from gardens I’ve visited. My pictures never seem to capture the exact colour and mood of real life, which is a shame because often I want to share those pics with others, so they too can be transported to that heavenly moment and place. I would be ecstatic to learn how to take good photos since I’m a newbie flower farmer and I can’t wait to share the beauty of my flowers.

  91. Pooh Stevenson on

    I took this course a few years ago and it WAS a game changer. Run don’t walk to your computer to sign up for this course. You will not regret it. Erin’s clear, concise way of explaining the basic ways a camera works is easily understandable. So much good information here. Highly recommended…

  92. Annette on

    My favorite things to photograph are my two little boys, our rowdy border collie, and the cool things we make and grow. I take tons of pictures and would love the opportunity to learn how to do it better.

  93. Alix Stowers on

    Thanks for the tips! Your work is gorgeous. I’m a florist and would love to learn how to better capture my work!

  94. Alaina S on

    I have an urban farm on my rooftop here in NYC and would love to beautifully capture the process of growing fruits, veggies, and flowers in a city environment!

  95. Corinne on

    I need to take this course! I love using my “fancy camera” to document the happenings and harvests on my farm..but I need technical and artistic help. Full of gratitude!

  96. Tamara Paauw on

    Definitely love photographing bouquets with a model in a hand picked outfit to accent the colors or add a specific bohemian style to the flowers. Thank you so much for the tips and the opportunity that you offer! I’ve been wanting to learn how to better my photography specifically for flowers and stationery products and will definitely look into your course!

  97. Courtney B on

    Absolutely flowers!!! Favorite to photograph, paint, and plant!

  98. Elizabeth R on

    I have always loved photographing people. I did street style photography in Seoul for a wonderful year and that was my absolute favorite photography experience.

  99. Joanna on

    I love how perfectly a good photograph captures the subject matter, somehow showing more, not less, than what is there. I am always frustrated at my inability to capture what I see in a photograph. I want to capture everything, my children in their fleeting childhood, the seasons as they transform around me, family and friends in proud and unguarded moments.

  100. Joanne Murphy on

    I tend to an English Flower Garden at a Public Garden and always struggle to capture the immense beauty through photographs, usually failing!

  101. Gill on

    Photos of my garden are my favourite subject. I’d love to learn how to capture it at its best.

  102. Varvara on

    I love capturing kids exploring the world and their emotions. Of course I take hours trying to photograph every flower that comes to my home – definitely need more skill for that :)

  103. Varvara Miroshnichenko on

    I love to photograph kids exporing the world, pure peoples emotions. I take hours trying to photograph every flower that comes to my house – definately need more skills for that :)

  104. Linda on

    Can’t wait to try these tips!

  105. Carmen Fischer on

    Im a professional gardener on a farm and love photographing the vegetable and flower garden in the morning light. I only use my iPhone because I’ve always been intimidated by a digital camera. Loved the tips in your article.

  106. Lauri on

    My favorite subject is nature, the flowers in my garden, farms at sunrise, hay bales, cows and barns.

  107. Rhonda on

    Awesome post!! I am a photo geek! I like to take pictures of random things. A rock in the driveway, funky looking bark on the tree, messy spaghetti face baby, awkward first big tooth. Baby blooms, fading blooms. My list can go on! Thanks for the photo tips.

  108. Lorrie Sutherland on

    My favorite subjects are growing things at our family farm; whether it be children or new leaves or flower buds with insects on them and clouds behind. Or chickens or piglets or hummingbirds or blue Robin eggs in a nest…

  109. Jolea on

    I love “trying” to capture all the flowers I grow in the greenhouse and field.

  110. Wren @aerieearthandsea on

    I was blessed to win one of the spots in an earlier giveaway from Florets kind heart and it literally changed my life in many ways. Erin Little is a fantastic photographer and instructor – my photography grew in so many wonderful and measurable ways all from her Eyes Wide Open course. Erin provides insight that propels you forward no matter your photography skill level. The course was laid out in an easy to follow format and assignments were so much fun. I loved getting to see the world through my course-mates eyes and learn from and alongside them. As you can see I loved Erin’s course. I would tell anyone looking to change their photography game for themselves or for their business to do not hestitate – take the Eyes Wide Open course – you will be so happy you did. My heartfelt and forever thanks to Floret for the more than generous giveaway and for Erin Little’s wonderful instruction.

    • Team Floret on

      Thank you, Wren, for your kind words and sharing more about your experience with the course! Thrilled to hear that you loved the course, too!

  111. Jade Blankenberger on

    I recently started playing around with my husband’s canon camera. I love photographing my one year old son. It’s a joy to capture his curiosity. Next up would be the mountains here in Colorado,followed by the floral arrangements I make.

  112. Jade Blankenberger on

    I recently picked up my husband’s camera and started playing around with it! My favorite subject to shoot is my one year old son! Next up would be the mountains here in Colorado then followed up by my floral arrangements!

  113. Jade Blankenberger on

    I recently picked up my husband’s canon camera and have been playing around with it. My one year old son is by far my favorite subject to photograph. Second up are the mountains and then of course flowers!

  114. Abby on

    I’m mainly a wedding photographer so I adore photographing sweet and passionate couples! My favorite detail shots at weddings are most definitely bridal bouquets! They’re always so unique and speak so much to the personality of the bride which I love!

  115. Leslie Bennett on

    My favorite thing to photograph are the edible gardens I create and the flowers and food I harvestvftom them! I love landscape photos and hope to get better and better at taking them!

  116. Megan on

    My garden, family, and wildlife are what I’m always capturing with my camera!

  117. Kathryn Casey on

    I would love to take this course. I love to photograph my home and architecture, but by far, my favorite such is my children. They are so animated. And with four, it’s an adventure to see what face expressions I capture!

  118. Jen Hohenboken on

    I adore moss. Am I weird? Flowers and pollinators are fun, too. ;)

  119. Angie Negie on

    I love taking candid pictures of my kids! The goofy smiles and random faces are the best. Also, I work for a flower and vegetable farm and we are always looking for ways to improve our marketing through photography.

  120. Christine Fletcher on

    Since I was a kid, my favorite photography subjects are flowers and old wooden buildings, preferably together.

  121. Julia on

    I love photographing my deck garden at about 9pm in the summer. Magical!

  122. Kath on

    Would love to take a class that is so specific to flowers. They have always been my primary subject matter.

  123. Maria Dunlap on

    I love photographing loaves of homemade bread! They cooperate more readily than my kids and pets ;)

  124. Maria Dunlap on

    I love photographing homemade loaves of sourdough bread… they cooperate much better than my kids and pets ?!

  125. Christina M on

    Love this! I like taking pictures of my very photogenic cat

  126. Christina on

    I love photographing the historic architecture in my neighborhood, as well as neat old cars!

  127. Pam Hines on

    My favorite subject to photograph at East Fork Farms is flowers flowers flowers; we grow dahlias and daylilies. My grandchildren, pets, honeybees and dragonflies.

  128. Kathy on

    I love photographing my farm animals, especially the chickens!

  129. Celeste Baumgartner on

    I love to take pictures of our flowers, our three boys, who are quickly growing into men, and the property we are all blessed to call home.

  130. Jody Murphy on

    What a wonderful course topic! I’d love to win so I can share tips with my fellow Master Gardeners in central Virginia and many residents in my county where I teach and serve as a Master Gardener volunteer. Let the adventure begin!!!

  131. Jessica Kassebaum on

    My garden is my favorite subject. There is just nothing like taking a shot of a bee on a bloom or of vegetables with dew still clinging to the vine. I struggle with composing shots on a table or and taking shots that aren’t about just a detail or two, but a group of things. Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in the class!

  132. Amy on

    The course looks so interesting! I love to photograph landscapes – especially the crops on our farm.

  133. Angie Negie on

    I love taking candid pictures of my kids! The goofy smiles and random faces are the best! I also work on a flower and vegetable farm where we are always looking for new ways to improve our photography for marketing.

  134. Michaela Wilding on

    I have always been drawn to capturing flowers I stumble upon. Although more recently I have challenged myself by capturing birds and their behavior, and the end results are often stunning and something I’m proud of.

  135. Bonnie Lipscomb on

    I love capturing my kids on camera, particularly when they exhibiting love towards one another (completely unaware)-the absolute best! I also love goofy shots of our pets and shots of our garden. Still trying to get the elusive shot that captures I beauty I see every day in the garden, but more often I am capturing projects undone in the frame (so often, i am sharing digital photos and saying, “but don’t look at that part”, or “that is next week’s project(s))!

  136. Holly Dykstra on

    I love to photograph my two year old, Liliana. But she is awfully wiggly so I also enjoy photographing landscapes, especially with big beautiful skies.

  137. Khamoor Poehlmann on

    Ooooh, It is one of my personal goals to take this class! I really want to learn to use a camera properly and take portfolio presentable photos of my flower farm and floral creations.

  138. Stacy on

    I love to take photos of flowers, skies and reflections.

  139. Amanda Wilson on

    My teenage daughter and I plant zinnias around our farmhouse specifically to practice our photography skills. We love the color and form. They invite bees and butterflies into the picture and provide candid shots of our cats trying to attack birds through the window!

  140. Maribeth Eaton on

    My favorite subject for photos or anything, has to be my grandchildren. My second love is flowers, whether wild in a beautiful landscape, seedlings just starting to grow or anything in between. I am continually amazed at the beautiful photos of Floret.

  141. Katie on

    Sometimes it’s a blooming flower, or something I see on the walking trail along the beach, sunrises and sunsets, the mountains, trees or anything that catches my eye.

  142. Dora on

    Flowers and vegetables from our farm! Just made the jump to a DSLR and would love to take this course. Thanks for the tips!

  143. Lisa G on

    I love taking photos of anything nature oriented (landscape, flowers, trees, animals) and, of course, family. I just moved to Seattle from the East Coast, and it has been difficult leaving family and friends behind. One of my goals is to make sure I take advantage of the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and learn as much as I can about, exploring and documenting it. I’ve had a digital camera for years and really don’t know much about using it. I’ve got to figure that out soon, as spring has arrived and the mountains have appeared!

  144. Vera Ciria Jarrett on

    All the way from Barcelona, Spain! I’m currently studying floristry and really want to take my photos to the next level. I have a lot of creative projects to hand-in, from simple flower arrangements to large bouquets, and need to take photos of everything. I love wandering in nature, foraging and taking photos, while surrounded by the deep silence and calm.

  145. Beth King on

    I love to photograph interior design elements, interesting cityscapes and of course nature! I also love to photograph flowers and the arrangements I make.

  146. Abby Goldblatt on

    Love this article, when I’m not taking the daily dog shot of the day for my college student son, I love to take photos on the beautiful walks I take around the Southern Californian area I live in, whether spring fields or the beach.

  147. Amy bockner on

    My top thing to shoot is my baby out in the flower garden :) My 2 favourite things together!

  148. Susie on

    Photographing flowers is part of my job and I love all varieties! I would like to be better at it. Also I love taking pictures of wildlife, my darling pets and nature.

  149. Kim Morris on

    My favorite subject is vacation landscapes, but it’s hard to beat the garden walking up in Spring.

  150. Caroline Ducato on

    My favorite photography subject is food! I’m an avid home cook and I love photographing recipes in process and final outcomes once a dish is finished. Being the head of marketing for a specialty grocery store, alluring food photos are essential for successful social media posts. I’d like to learn skills that can add depth, dimension and intrigue to my images.

  151. Beth Curnuck on

    Browsing my instagram, my favorite subject has to be what I grow- flowers, veggies, kids, fur babies. Yes! What I grow. :) Love taking pictures!

  152. Alyssa on

    I love photographing my children helping in the garden. I could definitely use some work with my photography skills. Interested in this course!

  153. Janet K on

    I love to photograph nature and wildlife and of course my cat!

  154. Megan Burley on

    My favorite things to photograph are the memories being made on our farm with our children. Thanks for the great tips!

  155. Lisa Jacoby on

    Flowers in my yard are a favorite subject of mine to photograph – and also blossoms at a local orchard.

  156. Juliana on

    I love photographing my flowers and arrangements. I’d love to feel more confident in my photography though!

  157. Grace on

    My favorite subject isn’t one particular object. I think the thing I most consistently try to capture is the way light catches a cutve, or a new angle of an old view. Seeing beauty and capturing a meaningful moment with fresh eyes is my favorite thing to do

  158. Jackie on

    We frequently experience stunning sunsets on our farm and I see how light changes with the day or the season. I would love to be able to capture that light on our farm.

  159. Nancy Harmon on

    I love to take photos of all the things that make me smile – my husband, our garden, friends and family, travel destinations, and things being prepared in our kitchen.

  160. Melissa on

    I love trying to capture great light in photos in somewhat dark settings.

  161. Judy on

    I’ve been following for only a few months and I’m sure my friends are sick of hearing about “the flower lady”! It’s been so inspirational that I finally dove in and this year will experiment on part of our farm-with Ranunculus, Dahlias, Ponies, and of course seeds-lots of seeds. If imitation is the best form of flattery, then consider yourself flattered! I hope one day I can be “the flower lady” to a few out there who may see my farm and flowers. Best wishes Erin, you’re truly inspirational. Judy, Spotsylvania County, Virginia

  162. Vicki Reeder on

    I enjoy photographing the “evolution ” of my 11 acres and its inhabitants – our rescued Belgian draft horses, our four Newfs, our chickens, and the various pass-throughs like bears, coyotes, and DEER. But as I pursue my dream of becoming a professional vegetable and flower farmer (“Feeding the body and the soul “), it’s important to me to learn how to engender the same awe in my customers that I feel every time I see a beautiful pepper or blossom!

  163. Nicole Morouse York, Pa on

    I would love to learn the fundamentals of beautiful floral photography. I am just beginning my flower farming dream/career and it would be invaluable!

  164. Denise Carroll on

    I love landscape/nature photography. Not so great shooting pics of people. Lol

  165. Hope on

    My favorite photos to capture are of my daughter outside in nature and the flowers in my garden, specifically my zinnias!

  166. Jeffrey Williams on

    Great tips, thanks. I enjoy taking pictures of plants, birds, humans and animals (especially our 2 dogs).

  167. Kim on

    I love photographing the coast of Maine near our home. Itoh peonies are another favorite!

  168. Kim on

    I live in Maine too and never tire of photographing the coast near our home, especially as the fog drifts in. I also love photographing my Itoh peonies!

  169. Suzie on

    I love taking photographs of water; rivers, lakes and the sea. That includes all the other bits such as the rocks, plants and wildlife found by bodies of water.

  170. Katie on

    I love capturing nature and my two boys.

  171. Tish on

    My favourite photography subjects are flowers, nature, people and my dog. I just love taking photos.

  172. Sheila on

    I love taking pictures of my floral designs. I would love to get better at it, I am usually rushing out to the event and my pics reflect that!

  173. Becky Hall on

    I like to photograph flowers, especially wildflowers?

  174. Susan Crawford on

    The beauty of God’s creation at this time of year. Flowers, pets, gardens. Just wish the sound and smell were there too!! But hopefully the photo evokes that memory.

  175. Yo De Beule on

    I’d like to learn more about capturing all the diversity of our herb- and flowerharvest. The colours, textures and seasonality of our farm is definitely my favourite subject.

  176. Yo De Beule on

    My favourite subject is definitely the diversity of our harvest: herbs, salads and flowers.

  177. Julie Adolf on

    My favorite subject is our urban farm/flowers. I’m also a garden and travel writer, and I really need to learn to use my camera to its potential. Thanks for the information about the course!

  178. Leonie on

    I love taking photos of the scenery on my walks, and little bits of nature in London. And since I started growing flowers on my balcony last year, they’re a favourite subject too!

  179. Lauren on

    I love to photograph everything nature!! I just wish I new how to work my camera better. Sounds like I need this course!

  180. Julie on

    I love dark and moody photography with my flowers as the subject . I’d love to have a better understanding of my camera in order to create a depth of field which I admire in the photography style of others

  181. Maria Sessler on

    I’ve tried to post comments several times. Would LOVE this class and would increase my knowledge and self-confidence and hopefully my business!

  182. Maria Sessler on

    I love taking pictures of my pets but need the skills and confidence to take pictures of my arrangements!

  183. Maria Sessler on

    I would have to say my pets! I feel every time I take pictures of my arrangements the lighting is wrong or I don’t post thr image I’d LOVE to take this course to learn the basics of taking pictures of my arrangements not only to boost my confidence but my business as well!

  184. Maria Sessler on

    My favorite thing to photograph is my pets! My lack of knowledge in the field of photography (yes that includes an iPhone) is massive – so much so I rarely post my arrangements or even the beautiful things arpund me. Knowledge=confidence! I’d LOVE to attend this online workshop so I can take better pictures in general, but mainly to boost my confidence in picture taking which would help my business grow!

  185. Sarah Sammon on

    I’m a rose petal farmer so I love to take photos of our rose petals and our rose farm. Winning this course would be amazing as I’d love to learn how to take beautiful photos of our flowers and farm for our website and social media.

  186. Lorrie on

    I can barely wait in the early spring of every year for the first bloom to appear in my yard. My camera and I head outside to capture the beauty. Flowers are definitely my favorite subject to photograph. ?

  187. Jonai on

    My favorite photography subject are my kids. I also love to take pictures of nature. ;)

  188. Jesi on

    I love photographing my floral designs (and flowers in general), but my very favorite subject is my sweet little black cat!

  189. Kay Chandler on

    I would love to be able to use photos to tell my story, communicate in an interesting and real way my love for my garden and flower business.
    Love taking photos of the everyday simple things, but mostly flowers capture my heart….specially teeny tiny ones.

  190. Carrie Mitchell on

    My favorite subject is beauty, in all its forms. My children, my flowers, a pretty dish, blueberries in the morning sun, etc. I especially love capturing beauty in the ordain art, every day life moments.

  191. Diane Van Dyke on

    We have a grove of Oregon White Oak trees that so enjoy taking shots of. There is likely to be a beautiful sunset behind them or snow on their bare branches, or morning fog gently rolling in all about them. And it’s both fun and exasperating to get shots of my garden bed in the foreground with those majestic oaks in back.

  192. Heather on

    I take pictures of flowers, bugs, birds and the mountains across the pasture on our farm. I really enjoy taking pictures and usually haul my camera around while I’m working.

  193. Julie Peng on

    Landscapes are my favorite! I enjoy people and flowers as well, and being able to capture a simple smile to remember for years to come.

  194. Nicole A. on

    I love taking photos of nature and in particular I love love love flowers!! Beautiful photos in this article. Thank you for sharing your tips.

  195. Laura on

    My favorite subjects are flowers, grasses, clouds, trees, bees, or anything of “Nature” and jewelry, as i am a developing silversmith. I would love to learn photography strategies and skills.

  196. Yenping hung on

    I love to taking pictures of my garden and my kids.

  197. Jacoba on

    Flowers are currently holding first place of favorite subject to photograph till our fisrt child arrives in June. I can’t wait to take photos of our little girl.

  198. Sarah on

    This sounds like a great course! I love taking pictures of my garden, my kids, and the lovely landscape around me when I am trail running.

  199. Jennifer K. on

    I love to photograph birds, bees, and butterflies in my flower garden!

  200. Jennifer K. on

    I love to photograph birds, bees and butterflies in my flower garden!

  201. Sarah on

    Right now I’m trying to get better at capturing pictures of the sunset. Would love to try this course! My favorite photography subjects are my son, my bulldog and of course the beauty in my garden.

  202. Elizabeth on

    Thank you so much for these tips, Erin! My favorite photography subjects are my children and our farm animals. There’s nothing cuter than a pile of napping piglets.

  203. Alison on

    My 6-mo son, 12-yo dog and my cut flower garden are my favorite subjects to photograph!

  204. Alecia on

    I love capturing candid photos of my kids (it’s especially fun to see their reactions while flipping through photos of themselves at much younger stages and sharing the stories behind the scene!). A close second to kid pics is anything outdoors!

  205. Amber Rhodes on

    I am a beginner flower grower so want to capture my journey on the way to running a full blown flower farm. At some point I want to have a website with a blog so will need great photos to go along with it.

  206. Kellie Schmidt on

    My favorite subject is my farm, including my kids, cats, horses, flowers, orchard, fields and heritage barn. I’d love to learn more about how to make my photos come out how I imagine them and could also use help in my marketing work as a development director at a small private school.

  207. Stacy Thompson on

    I enjoy photographing my family and am looking forward to taking photos of my first grandbaby who will arrive in July.

  208. Emily Webb on

    I love taking pictures of my flowers before the sun goes down. The lighting is so magical then and makes them look ethereal.

  209. Stacy Thompson on

    I enjoy photographing my family and am looking forward to taking lots of photos of my first grandbaby that will be arriving in July. I also love capturing butterflies when they land on the flowers in my garden.

  210. Dolly Maly on

    I love taking pictures of grand kids playing with the fairy gardens they made .I love seeing the joy in their faces when we use the bubble machine!

  211. Star Dyal on

    My daughter with her wild curls is my favorite subject.

  212. Jodi on

    My kids! Definitely interested in this course!

  213. Ellen Santacroce on

    I love to photograph contained gardens. Plants in weathered terra cotta, classic urns, unexpected containers. Something about the form of the planter and the movement of the flowers captivates me! I just don’t know how to do it very well…yet!

  214. Maggie Battista on

    I love to photograph family along with my home, both inside and out!

  215. Wendi Phillips on

    My favorite subject is my 7lb rescue pup Toby. He’s such a character and I love trying to capture all of his personality in a photograph!

  216. Sarah Lutte on

    Capturing the innocence of my children and the raw beauty of the garden in photographs makes my soul full. Thanks for the photo tips and for sharing your knowledge so selflessly.

  217. Angela Weaver on

    I just love the Floret photographs! Always so beautiful! I would love to take better pictures… of my flowers, my soaps and website photos, and my family when they don’t know I’m taking pictures since they’re not wild about having their pictures taken! :)

  218. Sarah Miller on

    My favorite subject would be landscape & scenery.

  219. Erin Reese on

    I love capturing nature scenes, flowers and candid shots of people.

  220. Emily Webb on

    My favorite subject to photograph is flowers in my garden just before the sun is going down. There seems to be a magical light at that time of day that makes them look like ethereal.

  221. Jenna on

    I work in agriculture, so I love taking photos of anything ag-related – crops, equipment, people. And my flowers, too, of course!

  222. Denise Hines on

    I spend most of my time trying to capture the little moments in my children and grand-childrens’ lives. For fun, I also enjoy taking photographs of my gardens, and furniture that I refinish. I have a nice Nikon SLR camera and I’ve never been sure enough to take it off the “auto” setting. Which is probably why I’m usually disapponted in the quality of my images. I always love to look at Floret Farms images and often try to replicate some of their approaches. Of course, my flowers never look as beautiful as Erin’s do.

  223. Lynn on

    I love to take photos of my lakeside gardens, my dogs, and sailboats. I would love to better understand my digital camera and my lenses!

  224. Josephine Stephens on

    Really need some help with my floral subjects. Boquets and buckets of david austin roses ready to deliver. And styling lol. I’m a shocker for not checking my background. Hope I get a spot would be an awesome mothers day gift x

  225. Michelle Rozich on

    I love photography! My favorite subjects​ are my kids and pets. I love taking pictures of the interior of my house, but they never look as good as I think they look in person! I would love to be able to take better pictures. Help!

  226. Elise Ferguson on

    I love to photograph ferns! Living in the Northwest makes it easy because there are so many different native species growing everywhere. There is something so beautiful and delicate the way ferns seem to catch and carry natural light. It’s like they are begging you to take their picture!

  227. Elise Ferguson on

    I love photographing ferns! There is such a magical way that they seem to catch natural light so beautifully and delicately that they are just begging you to capture it!

  228. Lori Bochner on

    I love to photograph my flowers and also my family and my two dogs. I especially love those candid shots that capture the emotions of the moment.

  229. Andrea Snyder on

    My favorite subject is by far my kids but I do so enjoy capturing shots of honeybees on my favorite posies! A great article and I can’t wait to learn more about this course! Thank you! :)

  230. Sharon Henderson on

    My favorite subject to take photos of is the wildflowers on our farm. Some would call them weeds.

  231. Christina on

    Love this! Going to try some of these tips. I enjoy photographing my friends being themselves, but capturing nature photos is something I’d love to get better at.

  232. Leticia on

    Aside from photos of beautiful Montreal, my favorite new subject is flowers! I am a new florist and the pace at the flower shop is so intense I hardly have a chance to snap a picture with my phone before the bouquets go out for delivery! Would love to learn how to take pictures to make the bouquets justice and hopefully one day build my business!

  233. Cristy Elzinga on

    I love taking picture of my surroundings! It varies so much and is never the same twice with 3 growing kids, 2 dogs and the changing seasons! Would love to take this course and improve my ability in capturing the things I enjoy around me!

  234. Angel on

    Great tips! My favorite photography subject is artisan cheese.

  235. Nina on

    “Nature”, in general. I love taking pictures of plants and critters.


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