Home Blog This Week On The Farm: Week 23
June 29th 2015

This Week On The Farm: Week 23

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We are swimming in flowers. With record heat and no rain in sight, the field has burst into full rolling bloom almost overnight. Things that typically come on much slower have come and almost gone already. It feels and is starting to look like August and we’re only at the tailed of June. Geeze.

The snapdragons have exploded, produced a bumper crop and we’ll likely be picking the last of them by the weekend. Sweet peas which can normally stretch until mid-late July are already starting to get short stems due to the relentless heat. It’s a strange year and we’re all just along for the ride. It’s pointless to fight it. All we can do is water round the clock and hope for the best.

But, we’ve been out shooting before sunrise and until dark most days, trying to capture every last drop for both the book and a very special project we’re working on that I will share as we get closer to fall. All I can say is you’re going to love it, and I can’t wait to show it to you!

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  1. Nancy Kimball on

    I live in Olympia WA . I grow sweet peas , last year was my first year selling them I never realized how many people love them! I was wondering how I can get longer stems and why the stems seem to get shorter as the season goes. Also what is the best distance to plant between seeds. Also best food to give them and how often. I love your site you are such an inspiration! Thank you, Nancy

  2. Louise Olivato on

    Please explain the hoops to me. Also what is the twine for on the sweet peas. Is it to support plants only.
    Kind regards
    South Africa

  3. Margie Cole on

    Can you describe the hoops you use to hold support netting? If that information is already posted, please direct me. Thank you.

    • Louise on

      Please explain the hoops to me

  4. Viv on

    We have had 12-15 inches of rain for June. Lots of flooding. Lots of weeds. I was able to get my seedlings out though,–they are ridden with some rust blight. I picked 14 pints for market last week. The Benary giants look like pee-wees. Now we are finally getting some sun and heat. I hope it helps.

  5. Bibi on

    We’re getting the same heat and weather conditions here in B.C. Canada! Our first year with the cutflowers and yes, everything has speeded up! We also do blueberries, strawberries and raspberries and everything is coming at least 3 to 4 weeks ahead!! As you said Erin we just have to go with it, water like crazy, and do the best we can!!! We’re looking forward to all the great knowledge and practical tips you’ve got in store!!! Thank you for all the time and effort you are dedicating to this!!! Keep up the great work fabulous fellow flower farmer!!

  6. Vanessa Knock on

    In Nova Scotia it is still cold and we’ve had so much rain many people are replanting seeds. Peonies are just blooming and dahlias are only 5-6 inches tall. (Zone 5) Pictures of rows of flowers blooming are a dream!

  7. Killoran Moore on

    I got my very first flower this week! Yay! A kind of spare, little bit short, but still beautiful, snapdragon. I’m feeling so encouraged! I cannot wait until you reveal that project!

  8. Emily on

    In my small mountain community of 5000 people, we have many new small farms coming up everywhere. I am constantly trying to convince them to grow more flowers, with you as my example. I will share this post with all of them today so that they can start dreaming for next year. Thank you so much for all of your inspiration!!! Even my tiny 1/2 acre is exploding way before it should!

  9. mommyinsc on

    I have enjoyed your posts on Ig and enjoy reading your blog posts as well. Whwn did you seed your snaps to have them blooming now?

    I just had my soul tested and found that it has a low h really deficient in phosphorus and needs lime. Hopefully next year will be better after I add some amendments yhis year. More than half my flower seeds I bought this year did not sprout and I know they were from reputable companies. It just makes me more determined for the next round ;-)

  10. Victoria on

    So beautiful and inspiring. Your work has inspired me to create my own little flower farm for myself. Those roses in the picture are absolutely stunning. May I ask what kind they are?


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