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October 1st 2016

The Floret Workshop Experience

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floret_workshop_overview This year was one of the most beautiful and abundant that I can remember. The fields overflowed with so many gorgeous flowers, varieties I’ve always longed to grow, but never had the guts to plant in abundance, including hundreds of garden roses and dozens of flowering vines, a total sight to behold.

floret_workshop_overview-13The farm was also filled with the most beautiful people imaginable. We opened the doors to our small operation seven times this year, welcoming budding and established flower farmers and floral designers from around the globe.

floret_workshop_overview-14I’m not sure there’s anything I love more than turning giddy flower lovers loose in our fields. With clippers in hand, and instructions to cut as much as they want, their excitement is both inspiring and contagious.

floret_workshop_overview-23Every week we receive emails and hand written letters from workshop alumni, reporting in on their progress at home. We hear about new businesses getting started, courageous steps being taken, renewals of passion, boosted confidence, and exciting developments that are taking place after their experience at Floret.

floret_workshop_overview-10If you ask anyone that’s attended, they will tell you that the Floret Workshops are so much more than flower classes. They really are transformative experiences. While we dive deep into business, marketing, goal setting, planning, and all things flower, we also explore the fears, blocks, and misconceptions that can so easily stop someone from following their dreams. Each person who attends, our team included, comes away with new discoveries about themselves at the end of our three days together.

floret_workshop_overview-4Over the years, I have been scolded and advised by countless people to keep any secrets to success that I’ve learned just that – secret. They said that giving away what I worked so hard to figure out would only make more competition in the market. And while their advice sounded legitimate at the time, it was clearly coming from a place of scarcity and fear.

Luckily I had the good fortune early on to be mentored buy some of the most generous people on this planet. Their openness and transparency not only transformed my life, but it showed me that when you share what you know, everyone wins. And there is always enough for everyone. The Floret Workshops are rooted in this belief.

floret_workshop_overview-12The team and I share everything we’ve learned, both from our successes and failures. Nothing is off limits and no question is too silly or dumb. We open up the farm, our lives, and our businesses in hope that what we share will help others grow.

This approach creates such a safe an open environment that we literally watch attendees bloom right before our eyes.

In addition to the individual transformations, the friendships that are formed during the three days are for life. Seeing so many people finally find their tribe, and feel understood for the first time is awe inspiring.

floret_workshop_overview-9Here are a few kind words from some of the beautiful souls that joined us this year:

I had the incredible opportunity to attend a Floret Workshop, and it really changed everything for me. That sounds like such a big thing to say, but this trip was healing for me in ways I did not expect. I got to stand beside so many accomplished and inspiring women who encouraged me and loved me well. Erin’s transparency and willingness to stand in front of us and describe what had not worked for years only to then reveal her success secrets brought this experience to the next level. We were given plenty of business direction, shown how to build arrangements, and experienced some of the most thoughtful hospitality. Thoughtful is a phenomenal word to describe how the weekend played out. The team working behind the scenes truly has thought through every aspect so carefully. The authenticity of the Floret team is what created the culture of empowerment. Coming off of the trip I feel much more confident and equipped to tackle all of my flower dreams, both big and small.” ~Mary Johnston

To say that the Floret Workshops are amazing is an understatement. You have to experience them to describe them correctly. It was a magical experience in flower heaven. The wealth of information and generosity provided by the Floret team is impressive. Their genuine care and love for flowers is present in every aspect of the workshop at the talks, the hands-on demos, the conversations, the superb flowers provided for us to learn techniques, the warm conversations, and the delicious food. It was a unique experience full of learning, new friendships and the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. I left inspired in many ways, not only to grow beautiful flowers but also to build a better life for my family, my community and myself. Thank you to the Floret team for leading by example. You are one of the best teams I have every seen and had the honor to meet. Wishing you much more success in everything you do.” ~Estefania Mondragon

The three magical days spent at the Farmer-Florist workshop last April were a game changer for me. The idea of my own flower farm was really just a “someday” dream when I arrived. But by the end, I felt like I had the tools and confidence to take the leap in starting my business. I am so grateful to Erin and her team for being so open in sharing their stories and for the passion that they bring to every aspect of their business. One of the best and truly unexpected gifts from the workshop was in finding so many kindred spirits in my fellow attendees. We quickly became lifelong friends and continue to encourage and support one another in our little flower tribe.” ~Alicia Arzate

floret-workshop-48And #teamfloret… It’s hard to find the words to adequately describe these incredible people. For six days they each leave their lives, their businesses, and their families to come out and pour their wisdom, love, and hearts into the attendees. Without them, none of the magic that takes place during the Floret Workshops would be possible.

floret_workshop_overview-17 I could go on and on, but instead will give you all the important info that you’ll need in order to join us here on the farm next year.

With the release of my new book in February, and all that comes with promoting it, we are scaling back quite a bit, and will be only offering four on-farm workshops in 2017. If the past few years are any indication, I’m anticipating that they will sell out very quickly.

floret_workshop_overview-19So be sure to mark your calendar with these important dates:

October 1st: Workshop Dates Announced. Note: Registration will officially open later in the month, but we want you to have enough time to check your schedule and get your ducks in a row.

October 3rd: Floret Workshop Scholarship Applications Open. This year we will be giving away two free tickets to attend a workshop. The application will be posted here on the blog be sure to visit for all the details.

October 10th: Floret Workshop Scholarship Applications Close.  We will accept applications for one short week, so be sure you get your application in on time.

October 14th: Floret Workshop Scholarship Winners Announced. 

October 17th: Floret Workshop Registration Opens at 10am PST.

floret_workshop_overview-21Floret Workshops are truly the highlight of our year.

The team and I would love for you to join us here on the farm in 2017!


1 Comment

  1. Jodi on

    You all make this sound like the greatest thing ever! I want to be there. Figure that I will never make it….but I can dream of what it would be like. all those encouraging people sharing their experiences and dreams, and all those smiling flower faces there to cheer one on, ever hoping ever growing, ever blooming. Smiling flower sunshining faces. A tear comes to my eye, knowing that sometimes the smile that we all need to learn to give is the handful of cheer called flowers.
    Even if I can never be there, thank you Floret for making lives change in growing by the simple act of sharing. Cheers!


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