Home Blog The {Farmer} & the Florist Interview: Sarah Raven
July 12th 2021

The {Farmer} & the Florist Interview: Sarah Raven

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I’ve been a huge fan of Sarah Raven since I first discovered one of her books at my local library in the very early days of my flower farming journey. At the time, I was looking for any information I could find on selecting the best varieties for cutting, growing super long-stemmed blooms, and germinating a handful of difficult-to-grow flowers. From the first moment I opened her book, I was mesmerized. Sarah’s books, award-winning website, products, and videos continue to inspire me today. Even after 15 years of collecting flower books, I still count Grow Your Own Cut Flowers as one of my very favorites.

Sarah Raven armloadIn addition to authoring more than a dozen flower- and food-focused books, Sarah teaches cooking and floristry courses at her farm, Perch Hill, and also operates an incredible online garden seed and supply company. Her work has been widely featured in the press and on television, including an appearance on BBC2’s Big Dreams, Small Spaces. I first spoke to Sarah in 2016 as part of the The Farmer & the Florist Interview series after the release of her book, Good, Good Food. I’m thrilled to catch up with Sarah about her newest book, A Year Full of Flowers: Gardening for All Seasons, her collaboration with photographer Jonathan Buckley, and her next creative projects.

Erin: You have multiple talents, having studied history then trained as a doctor, hosted your own television program, written many books, taught gardening and cooking, and of course operating an internationally known business. What led you to really focus on gardening? 

It’s growing stuff, rather than gardening, which is my passion. My garden is my shop, stocked with as many of my favourite food and flowers as I can grow easily here. I love the process of selection, and then growing things from seed — it’s optimistic, future-looking, and almost always rewarding, and all the more so if you trial the things carefully over the years as we have, so you know the time you spend is going to produce exactly what you want. 

Then I love watching the seedlings settle in after planting, growing week by week, with every 52 weeks offering something different if you really look, even the winter. That’s what growing does, gets you out there every day — and as you do, you’ll see things come and others go over. I love noticing that seasonal shift from one week and bout of weather to the next. 

And of course, I love the harvest, picking food and flowers from outside my door. I love cooking too, but as I get older and the family has mainly dispersed, I’m less interested in day-to-day food.  

A Year Full of Flowers coverErin: Please tell our readers about your new book, A Year Full of Flowers, and the process of putting it together. 

I love teaching, using photographs of the garden Jonathan Buckley and I have collected over 25 years, to show people what you can do with a plot of even the heaviest Wealden clay. That is what we started with at Perch Hill. I love seeing that spark in someone’s eyes that they’ve suddenly clocked into the whole gardening malarkey — how creative, how rewarding, how much fun it can be. 

With lockdown preventing me doing face-to-face teaching, I really want to carry on showing people the best plants I’ve come across in our trials over the last couple of decades, moving through the year to show what we can all have out there. I don’t like tricky, stamp-collector plants. They’ve got to be easy to look after. 

And as well as showing what I think are the best, through the year, I want to teach people the quickest and easiest ways to grow the plants we have here, what our main tasks are month by month. 

So that’s what the book does, with 10 chapters. January/February and November/December are blocked together, but all the other months have a chapter to themselves. And in each chapter, there are my favourite plants for that moment to start each section, moving on to the jobs we’re doing to grow all the plants included in the book. 

Erin: This is another project you’ve done with Jonathan Buckley, your longtime collaborator. I wonder if you’d talk a little about the importance of working with partners who really get your vision.

It’s such a privilege working with people who really know who you are, what you like, love, and want. It means you can really crack on without having to say too much and leave more time and headspace to be creative — to invent new combinations, move on to new ways of doing things and embrace new varieties. 

Jonathan (@jonathanbuckleyphotography) and I have now worked together for 25 years — and on three different photographic themes — gardening, cooking, and wildflowers. They’re related but very different, and he has kind of reinvented how he photographs each, but above all I feel Jonathan has perfected a whole way of getting close-up plant portraits, so that they look glamorous and beautiful and yet are true, without nifty wide-angle lenses and pulled focus. This is one of the cornerstones of our mail-order plant and seed business. So even though our shoots are exhausting, I love them. 

We now also have my friend and colleague, the florist and gardener Arthur Parkinson, helping us on all our shoots, Covid allowing, and he just knows what I want and like, so has hugely helped lighten my load. 

And we wouldn’t have incredible plants and flowers to shoot without Josie Lewis, our head gardener, who leads the growing and gardening team. 

My husband Adam has helped me style the whole place, much better at materials, interiors, and the organisation of space than I am—he has a brilliant eye.

We all work together really closely and have done so now for years. 

Erin: You and your husband spent eight years living at Sissinghurst Castle, your husband’s family home. I wonder how that time, and your study for your book about Vita Sackville-West’s garden, inspired your own work as a garden designer and as a teacher? 

I love Vita’s vision of faded grandeur, and it informs what I do every day. I love the abundance, the on-the-verge-of-chaos-but-not-quite-there-yet look she did so well, as well as the faded tapestry colours with sharp highlights of cobalt blue or brilliant turquoise. 

Sissinghurst is one of the most beautiful built places in the world, I think, with the tumbling, full, romantic garden within its red brick walls, and apparently slightly softly crumbling buildings. They’re not really crumbling at all, of course, because it has been perfectly restored by the National Trust. I absolutely love visiting Sissinghurst — we share one part of the house with our extended family now — particularly when the light is fading or at first light. Then it looks its best.

Erin: How did you choose your farm, Perch Hill, and how has your vision for its design and its function as a teaching center evolved over the past 20 years?

When we left London, Adam was keen to find somewhere quite near Sissinghurst, where his father Nigel lived. We came on lots of trips to look at farms, barns, and bits of land. We had a second viewing of a place up the road from Perch Hill, which was in the end too small. Adam already had three sons when we married, and we had a new baby, and much as we liked that place, there wasn’t enough room for us all. We really loved the spot it was in, very wooded and hilly with a sort of hidden, private feel. It reminded me of the valley of the Lot River (France) where I’d spent holidays. I asked the guy selling the first house where he’d go for a walk and he recommended Willingford Lane. Adam had stayed in London, so I went for a walk with the baby and saw the for sale sign on the road. That was it. 

We didn’t have the money to do the place up straight away, so little by little we’ve made the garden, and restored the buildings, with only one building now left to go which we hope to do this autumn. The place has evolved with us and around what we need. Corona has changed things here — with very few courses now possible, but we open the garden and serve people lunch in an open-sided marquee on the lawn and in the barn, all pre-booked. It feels like a mini festival each time, and we all love it. 

Erin: Could you talk about how your business has evolved over the years? Are there specific periods of growth or experiences, particularly recent ones, that led to key shifts that you’d like to emphasize and discuss?

My business truly is a kitchen table start-up. I took a maternity break from medicine 25 years ago and started to experiment with a childhood passion, growing flowers I could pick for the house. I chose annuals because they were cheap and easy, as well as dahlias — which were then quite tricky to find. There was very little written about growing flowers for the house then, so I started doing my own experiments, comparing square metre patches of 10 different varieties each season, and seeing how long and how much I was able to pick from each one. 

This led to me writing my first book, The Cutting Garden, and then doing my first seed catalogue with 32 varieties of cut flowers. The key thing with growing a business is to recognize where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and as you can as the business grows, recruit to fill the gaps, not to double up on your skills. 

Covid has been hugely challenging for us, with massive growth in our customer base and the problems with stock — and then dispatch with lack of staff through sickness or self-isolation — that goes with that, but I think we’re coming out the other end of the worst of our troubles with all of this now, and the future is exciting. We are hoping to move into glass and pottery, lovely things to live with, as well as grow. 

Erin: What are some of the flower varieties you’ve recently trialed at Perch Hill that you’re excited about?

I never tire of our ever-expanding range of dahlias. We are involved with both tulip and dahlia breeding programmes now and selecting ones that we — and we think our customers — will love, but it’s been so exasperating not being able to travel. I love and am inspired by trips to the trial fields, mainly in Holland, that I go on with my business partner, Lou Farman, in spring and early autumn. I hope for those again this year.

I’m also excited about chrysanths, ones that we can ideally pick from outside right into November. 

We did a big nerine trial here this year, new varieties which you can plant straight into the ground and which flower their first year. That’s exciting. 

Erin: I know color and scent are super-important to you and that you emphasize these characteristics in flowers for gardens. What are some of the flowers you find people are most excited about right now? 

The annual phloxes are huge at the moment — and rightly so. If well-grown, up through double layers of jute netting, we find these brilliant here. 

Roses are increasingly fashionable too, particularly the not just pinks, but the richly scented and coloured forms and the washed-out oyster colours and browns. 

I’ve grown groves of sweet peas here for years, and the tall-stemmed floristry varieties, which have a less powerful scent, are all the rage. I still love the less showy but massively perfumed ones such as ‘Matucana’, and that’s our best-seller. 

Erin: Who are some of the floral artists and gardeners you are following?

I sat in on a web conference last weekend of the European Association for Flower Growers (@euflowergrowers). That was fun to come across: meet, be taught, and shown farms by growers from not just the U.K., but the USA, Chile, Spain, Belgium, and Holland. It was very confirming hearing what flower growers such as Anna Jane (@littlestateflowercompany) and Krishana Collins (@tealanefarm) had to say. Krishana has done lots of experimenting with postharvest conditioning, and even though I’d never heard of her before, we had concluded just the same. 

I also love the no-nonsense teaching style of the three U.K. flower farmers, Rachel Siegfried (@gandgorgeousflowers), Cel Roberston (@forevergreenflowerco), and Roz Chandler (@fieldgateflowers). They all gave inspiring talks last weekend. 

Here, at the moment, I particularly love Anna Potter’s (@swallowsanddamsons) arranging style. And I adore the crazy abundance of Arthur Parkinson’s arrangements, which he does on a weekly basis here when the garden is open. They often stand 5 foot tall. 

Erin: We hear from so many people who are just getting started with growing flowers and with gardening in general. Do you see the trend toward buying local flowers and growing flowers in gardens continuing to go up in the U.K.?

Yes, yes, and yes. This has changed totally since I started 25 years ago. Then everyone thought home-grown or local flowers wouldn’t last, that things such as cosmos, love-in-the-mist, cornflowers were not substantial enough and would be over in a trice. It’s true, annuals don’t last as long as lilies, but if you can get them grown locally outside, not flown or trucked in from thousands of miles away, that doesn’t matter. People are increasingly treasuring their delicate beauty and garden style, not polytunnel/monocultural style.

Erin: What advice would you have for someone starting a flower garden for the first time?

Choose annuals which are cut-and-come-again. You’ve only then invested in a few packets of seed — and with these long-cropping plants (such as cosmos, zinnias, and sweet peas) combined with a good range of shapes and colours of dahlias, you’ll have an easy flower shop outside your door. The more you pick, the more they flower. It’s an ever-filling cup, easy to do, and hugely rewarding. 

If you have the time and room, to these, I’d add a handful of your favourite coloured tulips and a few long-season roses with good vase lives. 

Erin: What are you excited about and inspired by these days, and what new projects do you have on the horizon? 

I want to do more and more writing, recording the trials of the edibles as well as the flowers we’ve grown here over years, so that’s my next project — which I’m working on now — writing A Year Full of Vegetables. 

I also enjoy telling the stories of what we do here, with little films and daily posts on social media, and Arthur and I are just launching a podcast of our favourite plants we’re sowing or are flowering that exact week. 

Our third lockdown has been hard for everyone in the U.K. because it’s winter — grey, wet, and pretty gloomy here in Sussex. One of the optimistic things I’ve been enjoying is posting (@sarahravenperchhill) a photograph of a bunch or mini vase of flowers I’ve picked — from the greenhouse or garden — every day since January first. I’m going to try to keep going till we’re let out! 

Erin: I love this photo series, Sarah, and I’ve enjoyed this interview immensely. I can’t thank you enough for so generously sharing your knowledge and experience with Floret readers.  

To celebrate the release of Sarah’s new book, A Year Full of Flowers: Gardening for All Seasons, we’re giving away 5 copies. To enter, leave a comment below. In your comment, tell us what plant you’re loving most in your garden or neighborhood right now. Winners will be announced on Friday, July 23. 

Please note: If your comment doesn’t show up right away, sit tight; we have a spam filter that requires we approve comments before they are published.

Learn more and connect with Sarah: 

A Year Full of Flowers: Gardening for All Seasons by Sarah Raven (Bloomsbury) with photography by Jonathan Buckley

Sarah’s new podcast: Grow, Cook, Eat, Arrange” with Arthur Parkinson.


Instagram: @sarahravenperchhill

Photos © Jonathan Buckley

Congratulations to our winners: Caitlin Richardson, Patricia Clark, Debbie Piper, Sara and Marcia Pangburn


  1. Allison Currah on

    I am enjoying my David Austin roses that I bought earlier this year I took a chance, looking for something cream, they are shades of pink yellow and apricot ending with pretty pink spotting that gives a wild vintage look. Lovely with other roses in ice cream colours, romantic with hydrangeas and philadelphus, no, the Philadelphus were the best flowers this year with their heavenly scent, no I cannot choose, it is the combination of scents, colours textures and shapes that is so delicious in a garden and bouquet.

  2. Tiffany on

    I’ve always been a lover of flowers but have just recently began my journey of growing them. I used to spend my younger years walking through my grams garden listening to her tell me about them and watch her stop and touch them with such love. This is my first time growing zinnias and cosmos from seed and I look forward to my evenings just walking through them and showing them the same love my grams taught me many years ago.

  3. Susan Leavitt on

    Hydrangeas are abundant right now and a beautiful addition at this time of year in E. WA!

  4. linda on

    I’m loving my gladiolus in my garden and the red Barron grasses!

  5. Cheryl on

    Six years ago a local florist produced magical wild woodland bouquets for my daughter’s wedding using hydrangeas, white fama scabiosa, and blue sea holly among ivies and other greens. I now have all three blooming in my garden. They bring back special memories for my family.

  6. Petra Lonowski on

    I like the pops of color that shows up wherever I or nature sprinkled the humble Marigold. This time of year our gingers and turmerics are in all it’s green glory and I can’t wait to see each one of them bloom.

  7. Joyce Pereira on

    My yard is kinda between blooms now, but I’m enjoying my annuals and the hydrangeas that survived our hot spell. Dahlias will be next!

  8. kelly shepherd on

    zinna’s actually. I’m a first year farmer and I didn’t think very much of this flower until I started growing them. I didn’t think they were anything special. Boy, was I wrong! I think I have fallen in love with them, what a pleasant surprise!

  9. Caitlin Richardson on

    As a first time mom, I needed to find a creative outlet. Something that felt like my old self, but now I was in a different season of life. Which is why I turned to gardening and growing flowers. I bought Cut Flower Garden because it was suggested to me by my friend and immediately I was engulfed with pure beauty spilling from each page. Shortly after that I made my first purchase of Floret seeds. I am forever grateful for the memories Floret has allowed me to experience. There is truly nothing like making sweet memories with my 14mo. old as we sniff all of the garden flowers. As of right now, when I see my son’s face light up with pure joy and a smile from ear to ear as he smells buttercream stock I would say this too is my favorite. Xo

  10. Vicki Morgan on

    I love my hydrangeas. The blooms are massive. I also love my peony.

  11. Laura on

    Rudbeckia and specifically ‘Sahara’ which is just beginning to bloom!

  12. Brenda Seekins on

    Just discovered your great farm And advice! Looking forward to studying up so next year’s “crop” isn’t so mismatched.

  13. Kara on

    I am loving my rose bush!

  14. Eliska Lynch on

    I’m loving my zinnias right now. The blooms are so cheery and last for days. I cut them early in the day for a wonderful bouquet for my table. These beauties last until frost and require very little care.

  15. Laura B on

    I love my dahlias. I started off with several plants and now I have over 40. I just recently found Floret and am excited to learn new things.

  16. Ruthlynn on

    I love my zinnias. This year I have two seasons worth growing in every color I can find. So easy to pinch back to get even more blossoms into first frost.

  17. Holly Vesterby on

    Right now my favorite are all the different procut sunflowers I have planted. I love that thru your class you taught about spacing so I can have smaller blooms. So fun! Best year I have ever had with them

  18. Shelly Poore on

    I’m loving my sunflowers right now. It seems it’s been raining the entire month of July so when I come home from work and see my vase if sunflowers it brightens my day :)

  19. Casey on

    I love lavender. It’s sweetness intoxicates me and it has so many beautiful uses. I’m just starting out growing my own garden and flowers this year and I feel like I’ve found a true purpose and soul connection slowly igniting whenever I get my hands in the dirt.

    Erin—from one introvert to another God bless you for the free mini-classes and for being so inspiring.

  20. Cecile hamilton on

    This year I grow Malope Queen Pink , let’s just say I will always grow this flower ,I started it from seeds back in January 2021 and did not know what to expect , the flower was so amazingly beautiful . Thank you so much , Aaron @ floret

  21. Dawn Mead on

    I am loving my Giant Purple and Salmon Zinnias. They have been blooming since May and I started more to keep the wave of color. Love this journey in the flower garden

  22. Laura on

    Hi! I obviously found you via the Magnolia network. I bought an old farmhouse with about 1.5 acres of land and am just trying my hand at gardening. I think the hardest part is the stamina to keep at it, especially with little ones wandering around. This book may serve a mighty gardener better but I am so hungry for resources. Right now I am loving my peonies. We found an old black and white photo of our house and the same peony bush out front. :)

  23. Dawn Gail Stephens on

    Daylilies and Roses! Beautifully shown against a backdrop of my ripening grapes with their large, pretty leaves!

  24. Kayla Dowden on

    Pumpkins!!! My first time ever growing pumpkins! I’ve got a whopper Cinderella pumpkin right now, that’s not supposed to be at maturity until mid-September, and it’s already close to 15 lbs! I don’t know what I’ll do when it’s 40-50 lbs! Also, tons of little Turban pumpkins I’m so in love with! Pumpkins are my fave right now :D

  25. Joanne on

    I got everything in late this year (carpel tunnel slowed me down) but my dahlias are almost there! I pinched (as instructed – thanks!) so have to wait a little longer but any day now, I’ll be filling vases up. Thank you for all your advice!

  26. Aura Harvey on

    Hello! Excited for the book! This year I am in love with my clematis Rougochi. It is such a delicate flower and blooming for most of the season!! Thank you! Aura Harvey [email protected]

  27. Krista on

    Our spring was cool and dry and because of that a lot of our perennials were late by almost 2 weeks. Now, things are blooming together that have never bloomed together before! I also started growing annuals and biennials from seed two years ago to help bridge the bloom gap. This is the first year in 13 years of transforming our yard from a patch of grass to our dream garden, that I have been happy with the results of all of our hard work. Gardening is the most gratifying and frustrating thing in the world and there is nothing else that I would rather do! Erin and Sarah are such an inspiration!

  28. Tiffany on

    I’m loving the pansies, violas, and roses in my garden!

  29. Charlene Skalmusky on

    This is the first year I planted sweet peas! I am loving 🥰 them! If fact I just made a bouquet 💐 of them this morning! They smell like heaven! Thank you Erin and Sara for being such an inspiration!

  30. Lydia Richardson on

    My dahlias overwintered in the ground and are now blooming beautifully! I love seeing their unique shapes and colors 💖 also the giant China asters blooming now are gorgeous.

  31. Ivette @oppevlaos on

    Growing flowers became seriously after reading Sarahs book “the cutting garden”from the library. After years of searching I found the book in a second hand sale at the same day Sarah gave a demonstration in the Netherlands. As a big fan I was happy she signed the book. I have a lot of flower books, including your 2, and enjoy reading them weekly. It really inspires to use more flowers that are not “standard”. So love to read this new book!

    At this moment we just finished cutting the consolida, my favourite at the moment. What a great flower with beautiful colors. Great to combine with daucus Dara, papaver seed heads and allium sphaerocephalon. Now starting with the dahlia, zinnia and rudbeckia!

  32. Charlotte Litton on

    My blackeyed Susan’s are starting to bloom now in Northeastern Kentucky. I just started a daylily garden with 6 different varieties, this is my first experience with daylilies.

  33. Ashley L. on

    My garden is full of daylillies, which are beautiful perennials to gaze at for several months!! I can’t wait to grow flowers that are suited for cutting next year with all the info and encouragement that you’ve provided throughout your posts.

  34. Jill on

    I started my first sizable cut flower garden from seed this year, but I did spill one tray as I tried to haul them all on my wagon, so it has been a surprise to see how many I still planted in the correct plot! 😅

  35. Holly on

    Day lilies EVERYWHERE! Beautiful snapdragons at the Farmer’s Market

  36. Jill on

    This year I am truly enjoying my new lavender bed, along with my new row of Russian Sage Blue Steel. Erin thank you for all you do, you are a huge inspiration and beautiful creator!!

  37. Irene Blackburn on

    I am loving Cosmos and petunias right now. I have no favorite flower, I love them all.

  38. Sheila Archer on

    I have recently moved to a new home so I am experimenting and observing sunlight and climate. I have recently grown to love oakleaf hydrangea and Chinese snowball bushes. I am ready to plant zinnias and try dahlias next year. Always love a pretty rose bush and peonies as well. Thanks for sharing the interview. You are both so inspirational!

  39. April on

    Favorite flower in my garden right now is key lime zinnias that my mom grew from seeds.

  40. Carolyn on

    Oh! This is like asking me who is my favorite child!!! My blue delphinium was enviable this season.

  41. Tracey Williams on

    I too am loving Zinnias after watching floret flowers videos, they are so individual and look so different from first blooming to being mature and Erin’s passion is so infectious. I didn’t grow any this year as I had a poor show last year with them, I pinched them out but they stopped growing and had hardly any flowers, they are definitely on my next year’s list

  42. Denise on

    How have I never known about ranunculus until recently?!?! I recently ordered some bulbs and planted them and was so happy to see they actually grew (small but) made my day!

  43. JordAnn Ferguson on

    I am loving all the beautiful hydrangeas around the neighborhood and the zinnias growing in my tiny first year cut flower garden!

  44. Kez Barton on

    I just can’t pick one! My Calendula, Lupine, chamomile and Zinnias are bringing me so much joy this summer. I have already starting brainstorming how to fit more garden space into my backyard next year for more flower goodness!

  45. Raylene on

    Most of my flowers are not blooming yet, so my favorite has been the anemones. ❤️

  46. Kathy on

    Echinacea 🌺❤️

  47. Heather on

    My outside garden is blooming with beautiful Gladiolus, Dahlias and Cana Lilly! Surrounding me apricots are blushing, hops are bright green and the baby apples are just starting to take shape and grow. My inside garden is blooming with orchids :) WA sure is an amazing place to grow so many beautiful plants. Thank you for all of your amazing work and dedication!

  48. Laura Berry on

    I’m loving Hibiscus right now. Such delicate beautiful buds.

  49. Diane Shiver on

    I look forward every day to your lovely posts. The pictures are glorious and your words are practical and encouraging. For sure I am a Zinnia, Dahlia, or Hydrangea girl. But any flower makes me happy.

  50. Joan Polakoff on

    I swoon each morning when I take my walk about to plan the day’s gardening when I come to the Hydrangeas and the full blooming Platycodon and the 3.5 ft tall huge white daisies. Perfect together.

  51. Heather on

    It’s hard to pick a favorite, but Rudbeckia and Zinnias top the list so far. I have a feeling that once the dahlias peak, those will quickly top the list.

  52. Terri on

    There is home close by me where , instead of grass, the front yard is full of sunflowers 🌻 Every kind imaginable, from short to tall. I love it!

  53. Bri Bruchmann on

    I’m in my first year of gardening and I am LOVING and OBSESSED with zinnias! It can’t be next spring soon enough so I can get all my new ideas in the ground! I am thoroughly enjoying my new hobby and it’s added so much calmness and depth to this stage of my life. Thank you for all the inspiration!

  54. Diane Bankovich on

    This book is stunning! I am currently enjoying my Gladiolas and Hydrangea’s. You did a great job on the interview & she is one I will be following.

  55. Samantha M. on

    I am loving the bee balm for the hummingbirds, as well as my roses I use to make rose water out of .

  56. Mollie Payne on

    Can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Right now my favorites from the garden are the first few blooms of dahlias, and the 2nd flush of my garden roses! Maybe because there’s so few (roses are still young) that I keep them all for myself! :)

  57. Priya on

    I am having a great time growing lilies and jasmine. They both smell divine. They make me want to get up and out into the garden, the first thing in the morning.

  58. Meghan on

    I am loving my zinnias that are going crazy right now and my dahlias that are just starting.

  59. April on

    I am growing dahlias for the first time. Love them!

  60. Linda on

    Zinnias! They are the happiest flowers and hold up in our dry heat. I love cutting fresh flowers on a regular basis and always add zinnias to the mix.

  61. Eileen on

    We have some amazing rudbeckia blooms right now. I love going to the patch just before sunset when the yellow is especially brilliant against the evening sky.

  62. Julie Clemente on

    Happy July! I’m not home in my garden right now as I am in NY working in my parents gardens. Right now, we are loving the bright and cheery coneflowers and graceful Dara. It’s been fun to see all the bees on their coneflowers- many resting from a busy bee day.

  63. Cindy Geffel on

    I have beautiful lilies and the dahlias are just beginning to bloom. Two plants the rabbits don’t eat!

  64. Margaret Hansen on

    During the pandemic I fell in love with peonies. I had 2 plants before the pandemic and have 33 now. I just love them so much!! My favorite currently is Pastelegance.

  65. Jo Ann Shults on

    Sunflowers, zinnias and Dahlias,Black eyed Susan.
    Been a gardener for as long as can remember but you’ve opened up a whole new world for me.

  66. A Koehler on

    I love my spring flowers but they are so short lived. Right now I’m loving my hydrangea bushes that are beautifully two toned. They are all pink to blue on each plant this year.

  67. Kristin on

    Currently loving my dinner plate dahlias, lilies, and 3 different varieties of zinnias. I especially love seeing all the bees and humming birds visiting my phlox and hibiscus!

  68. Kate on

    Well it’s mid-winter down here in Sydney, but my poppy seedlings are starting to jump up out of the ground, and my sweet pea seedlings are nearly strong enough to plant out! It’s my first year growing my own flowers from seed so the new green shoots are enough to make my eyes sparkle, I’m so excited to see what colours they all decide to give me when they’re grown!

  69. Cheryl K Roe on

    Oh this book looks wonderful, can’t get enough gardening books to enjoy during the cold winter.

  70. Katrina Peebles on

    My coneflowers and Gerbera daisies are stunning right now as are the self-seeded zinnias that popped up in not quite the perfect spot! They are so beautiful though that I can’t seem to make myself remove them even though they are way too tall for the border of my garden!

  71. Sue on

    Good morning from sunny and humid NC! Originally from England I loved your interview with Sarah and the amazing work you both do. Although new to the world of cut flowers, I have been an avid gardener for years. I now have the time to explore and learn about cut flowers and you both are helping me learn something new everyday…thank you!
    Now onto my favorite this year…has to be Zinnias, with the abundance of different colors, 2nd would be Sunflowers, love to share the seeds with the birds. New one for next year is Crested Cockscomb, a new plant that I had never seen until I picked some yesterday at a local farm in Carthage, NC…the colors are amazing and the bees love them!

  72. Hanna on

    I have been loving lilies this year! I added numerous asiatic lilies that I am excited to see bloom next year.

  73. Kathy on

    Zinnias are my current annual—will always Love my hydrangea varieties. Love your inspiration!!

  74. Pamela Santos on

    Living in a camper, watching our dream home journey, I remember the soil guy comment…you have great dirt. I had just discovered Floret on Discovery…and my heart filled. I can do this…in a much smaller scale. I’m an introvert too with an extrovert soul. I need to find a place where I can be outdoors and feel at home in a new place. Carve a happy place. Thank you from my heart…for lighting an inspiration, forever grateful Pam

  75. Shari on

    I have always been interested in the beauty of flowers. I never had confidence to grow them. Recently started to learn to grow them.

  76. Stephanie on

    Dahlias! They’re just beginning to bloom!

  77. Joana Cury on

    Here in Brazil we’re know growing some Plectranthus ornatus, that has great scent and beautiful lilac flowers!

  78. Karen Stylianides on

    Warm Summer Greetings!
    We have had a really wet season in Eastern PA. My flowers are loving it!
    My current bloom that I am in love with are my gladiolus. Beautiful orange, yellow; and red blooms that brighten up the front of my house. 🥰😊

  79. Michele Graves on

    Great interview! I’m growing Zinnias now, first time.

  80. Heather Brown on

    We have these bright orange Tiger Lilies that make the yard pop, but I will always love our Dahlias. It’s so hard to choose just one, or even a few, favorites because there are so many beautiful ones out there.

  81. Anne Utne on

    This is the first year I grow Zinnias and I am so in love with them. They are not quite as beautiful as the Floret and the Dawn Creek one’s but I see the potential. Can’t wait to take seeds and see what comes up next year.🌸

  82. Jodi Richter on

    My purple Pitunias my husband bought me! I didn’t think they would survive long but they are hardier than I thought!

  83. Ally Gould on

    It’s hard for me to pick a favorite right now. Buuuuut I do have to say my snapdragons are probably the ones I’m enjoying the most. This is my first year growing them and they’re so elegant and colorful.

  84. Kim Post on

    My yard is full of lilies and daylilies in many colors and types. Gorgeous! I love how both Erin and Sarah started fairly small and just grew as they could afford it, learning and trying new things!

  85. Karen Clark on

    My garden is small, but I love it! I planted dahlias for the first time and enjoy learning more about them. My morning glories are purple and wonderful in the morning sun. More flowers to mention here, but it’s been fun experimenting and growing them in the Texas heat isn’t always easy!

  86. Abby Ostler on

    I’m loving my Dahlias right now!! So much work goes into them and they reward you beautifully!! Every time I see different flowers though I say ohhhhhh I need to have that somewhere! Loved your interview!!🌸🧡

  87. Tanya on

    Growing Zinnias and two different varieties of hydrangea love seeing them bloom and mature. Hoping to improve growing dahlias.

  88. Abby on

    I love my cosmos. Zinnias are a very close second though.

  89. Coleen on

    We’ve had sooooo much rain here, my garden isn’t quite as beautiful as usual but my day lilies are looking beautiful and the hydrangea are spectacular!

  90. Johnelle on

    Zinnias are always my favorite!

  91. Lynn on

    I love the hydrangeas…so do the bees, humming birds and butterflies…just beautiful. Thank you!!

  92. Lisa Klose on

    The hydrangeas in our yard are big, beautiful and oh so colorful. They are my favorite flower and remind me of my mother’s lovely garden.

  93. Corinna on

    The plant im loving most in my garden is the cosmos which continue to bloom all summer long. They grow so tall and abundantly and just make my backyard feel so warm and cozy.

  94. Jennifer on

    Loving the cosmos in my garden now.

  95. Deb Handrahan on

    You are so inspiring. This is my first full year in my new house. Or better said, my new yard. My favorite flower in my yard, hands down, the hydrangeas. I look forward to planting a small cut flower garden next year.

  96. Anna-Maria Obiedzinski on

    My first love is roses-All types-in the white,pink, and red range. I even have a garden dedicated strictly to roses. My close second is limelight hydrangeas. In truth I love all flowers to grow and pick for the house or give away. Recently I added broccoli flowers to an arrangement and it was just stunning. Thank you Erin for inspiring everything flowers❤️

  97. Aneeta Uppal on

    I am loving the Iceland poppies I got from floret. It’s my first year growing any type of flower garden and I just find their paper thin delicate flowers absolutely beautiful ! I just hope I get to them before a heavy rain fall does :P

  98. Heather on

    Lovely interview! I am loving the bee balm in my garden right now. Watching the humming birds and bees enjoying them makes me so happy. And bee balm is just such a wonderfully weird flower!

  99. Stephanie on

    It’s hard to pick my favorite this year, as everything I’m growing is for my daughters wedding on August 21st. If I had to choose I would say I’m most excited about my Lisianthus. It’s my first time growing from seed and I’ve had surprising success. I love the challenge of growing something that is generally difficult! So happy I came across Floret in my search for guidance in cut flowers!

  100. Pia Fleischmann on

    I know it’s more of a shrub, but our baby butterfly bush just started blooming! I love using the flowers in arrangements as they add some drama!

  101. Anni on

    Thank you so much! Just lovely. I enjoy the bee balm that’s just outside my front door, this time of year. Not long after the double blooms open, the hummingbird moth’s arrive.

  102. Cookie Speer on

    I want to start growing, I’m a bit intimidated because I’ve always had a desire and love but not the yard. Watching and reading everything you do gives me inspiration to get started.
    Wish me luck…I will need it in my side yard.

  103. Nicola Ollerenshaw on

    This is my first time growing from seed. I love it. My favourite so far is the night scented phlox. I love the delicate little white flowers that curl into a berry like ball in the day time. The scent is beautiful.

  104. Marija Vujcic on

    Right now it’s cone flowers and delphiniums here, as my other favorites, roses and daisies just finished forts round of blooms.

  105. Linda Lee on

    I’m loving my dahlias. They are so happy and make me happy to see them.

  106. Irene on

    The stand out performers in my garden right now are Agastache ‘Black Adder’ and Salvia ‘Amistad.’ They’re the only plants that haven’t flopped, I’ve done no maintenance to them, and the bees can’t get enough of them.

  107. Michelle on

    My roses are still flowering in our winter crazily. Princess Alexandra of Kent ( gifted by my daughter since it’s her name) big, pink and beautiful.

  108. Kim on

    The bees are loving the Echinacea, calendula, bee balm and zinnias that I grew from seed this year. I love watching the happy bees specially when they take naps on the flowers.

  109. Monica Goodrich on

    I’m looking forward to my dahlias blooming. I pinched them according to your instructive video and now see new stems are coming out. I anticipate lots of blooms and have been diligent with the deer deterent spray so they don’t ruin them!

  110. Beth Young on

    I like my assortment of zinnias and Victoria blue salvia

  111. Jann Cady on

    Loving my cone flowers. The saturated reds, purples and yellows are awe inspiring! Loved the interview!

  112. Amanda Stephens on

    First time growing zinnias, can’t wait to try golden hour!

  113. Erin Musil on

    Book looks beautiful! Starting this year with vegetables and herbs. Hoping for a larger flower garden next year. So dry and hot where I live. Right now roses and succulents survive.

  114. Mara on

    I’m loving zinnias. Old but gold 🌸😍

  115. Patricia Clark on

    Great info on annuals, cut & come again. My favourite has to my sweet peas, making posies to give to friends especially a friend who has undergone a mastectomy. Seeing her face light up every time brings joy to my heart 💓

  116. Joanna Mason on

    I’m loving the ‘Matilda’ iceland poppies and dianthus cheering up our NZ winter

  117. Meghan on

    I planted zinnias for the first time and I’m loving how the hummingbirds love them!

  118. Femke on

    Last year I got a present from my work for working from home during COVID. I was gifted 3 Dahlia bulbs and that’s were the love story began. This year I got more bulbs and some seeds. I make al the rookie mistakes but I love learning on the way. I love it so much that I need more flowers blooming during the year. My goal is to have a beautiful garden one day. So this book is just what I need at the right time!

  119. Mel @ Suffolkflowergarden on

    Looking out the window into my cutting garden, my favourite flowers at the moment are my apricot stocks, big, blousy & scented.

    During lockdown I had my lightbulb moment to create a cutting garden as I have been a florist for 20+ years. I bought several books including Erins & Sarah’s, when my husband asked what I wanted for my birthday I knew I wanted to enrol on Florets course. It was the best present & investment in myself & gave me the confidence to start growing.

    In less than a year I now have a beautiful cutting garden & it’s such a joy being a florist picking from the wonderful colour palette with things I have grown. I also love how things change with the seasons.

    My business @suffolkflowergarden has really taken off & my customers love the fact my flowers are homegrown, local & different.

    Slightly digressing but Apricot Stocks are my favourite today, it will change tomorrow!!!

  120. Jan on

    I am really loving my delphinium and echinacea… Also the annual flower boxes are really looking pretty right now!

  121. Bobbie OLeary on

    I’m loving my dinner plate hibiscus right now!! The interview was great.

  122. Jolene Lowrey on

    My husband has fallen for Dahlias! He recently bought a new camera lens just for taking photos of them, morning, noon or night. Tubers are fascinating and are proof that you can’t tell a book by its cover! We would both enjoy and learn from reading Sarah Raven’s book. Also, your videos are wonderful and relaxing to watch at the end of my workday. Thank you for sharing your joy and knowledge of flowers!

  123. Grace on

    Zinnias and Dahlias 😍🥺
    I have to stop and admire the beautiful vibrant mix of colors whenever I see them!

  124. Angelika on

    I love the Dahlias, Lavender and the Delphinium most 🥰.

  125. Mandy on

    I’m enjoying phyllica pubescens .. there’s not much flowering at the moment as it’s winter here in NZ but it’s a fab filler as far as greenery goes 🌸

  126. Vicki C on

    Loved reading the story of how the gardens came to be. The heat has taken its toll on many of my plants this year but love my David’s Phlox (lavender) which is still putting on its show despite repeated 100+ degree days

  127. Jana on

    Basil has been my favorite this year.

  128. Sandi on

    Sweetpeas… they are doing so great this year, and the Hydrangeas are really nice too!

  129. Heather on

    I’ve planted Zinnias since I was 10 years old. Now 38 years later I planted 23 varieties in my cut flower garden this summer.

  130. Michelle on

    Love all of this! Looks like an amazing book. Can’t wait get it!

  131. Julie G on

    I’m growing sweet peas after a break that lasted more than a few years – the fragrance is so increduble! I can’t believe I dropped that ball, lol…lesson learned! And my echinacea is having a fantastic year…colors are so intense, super pleased.

  132. Carol on

    I planted foxgloves and they are absolutely beautiful! 💜

  133. Irene Daanen on

    I have a dear friend that has a nursery business and has been working at it for 25 years. Everytime I visit I am inspired by her continued enthusiasm and willingness to share new flower varieties and also old ones. My favorites are the tulips in the spring, the dahlias in the Summer and her gourds and pumpkins in the fall.

  134. Shannon on

    I am loving my Poppies right now! It is my first time growing them and I love how delicate they are.

  135. Cai on

    Right now I’ve been loving the zinnia and cleome! I’m trying a bi-color cleome called rose queen this year and I’m in love with it :)

  136. Ruth Cesmas on

    Had a beautiful time picking lavender last month and super excited to see more and more sunflowers come in now 🌻🥰 next year I’ll have a good start at dahlias with all the tips I’ve learned!

  137. Jennifer on

    I’ve had a beautiful garden this year! Lilacs, peonies, lavender and yarrow have been a few of my favorites.

  138. Kari on

    Dahlias and zinnias!!

  139. Chelsea on

    Gladiolas and poppies. 💕 Thank you for these great resources!

  140. Jordan on

    Dahlias & hollyhocks 💚

  141. Zhanna on

    This year I planted larkspur for the the very first time and I completely in love with this flower. Planting more next year.

  142. Theresa White on

    I planted a row of sweet peas this year, which are now in full bloom – so beautiful! I love cutting flowers from my garden to make bouquets to share and for myself. I love the Floret website and all of the available resources it provides. I have learned so much from the mini courses and the Instagram stories.

  143. Deb Berg on

    My dahlias are just starting to bloom!

  144. Angela Hall on

    I love my coral bells(heuchera sanguinea). I look forward to them every year and my favorite is seeing all the hummingbirds they invite all summer long.

  145. Megan on

    Tall garden phlox and sunflowers!

  146. Letty on

    It might be funny to say a ground cover is my favorite flower, but right now the St John’s Wort I planted last year is spreading and flowering just like it’s supposed to and looking lush beautiful. That’s saying a lot as I got a bad load of compost which has almost killed the rest off my garden 😰

  147. Laura on

    Dahlias, lavender, and cupcake cosmos 🥰

  148. Kiara on

    Poppies, calendula and cucumbers!

  149. Bryndel on

    I absolutely love my hydrangea bushes. First year that they’re blooming!

  150. Charly Holm on

    Zinnias and marigolds have been my favorite!!

  151. Jenny on

    I just removed all the sod in my front yard. I’m imaging my new jungle of flowers!!

  152. Bec Hammond on

    I’m loving my poached egg plants!! They have grown so well and are one of the first flowers I’ve grown from seed! I feel like a proud plant mum haha!

  153. Debbie Piper on

    My Zinnia’s are amazing. I bought my starts on a closeout table at a roadside stand. I was drawn to them because my mama always had a row of these in her vegetable garden. She would to cut and arrange them with vines, grasses, and other plants she thought looked great together. We then took them to “shut-ins” (those who could not leave home because of age or ill health). My mama used to say “Let’s go be an encouragement to others.” She was/still is a wonderful teacher and role model.

  154. Stephanie Miller on

    Right now the only thing I have blooming are my hydrangeas and daisies. The daisies make me happy and I’ve never been able to grow hydrangeas before so I’m excited!

  155. Amee Hastay on

    This is my first year having a garden (I have much to learn) but I did manage to bloom some peachy colored begonias and they’re my pride and joys 🤗

  156. Julie Jones on

    This is my first year planting dahlias, but until they all bloom I am loving my happy sunflowers, and zinnias!

  157. Melanie Hansen on

    I am enjoying the Virginia Pepperweed. It grows wild, every little bit I find I plant in my garden. It adds bit of magic to to my bouquets, but a white pitcher just of pepperweed is simple and sweet.

  158. Jacqui Schaefer on

    I am loving my salvia right now. I have several different varieties and they are just fabulous in my drought tolerant garden. The bees and hummingbirds go mad for the the profusion of flowers.

  159. Lynne on

    Dahlias, sunflowers, and poppies are my smile makers currently.

  160. Rachel on

    I know they are simple, but absolutely LOVING our huge black eyed susan bush!

  161. Donna Young on

    I’ve learned so much this year following different growers! My first year to grow Sweet Peas which I’m loving ❤️ Also, zinnias in my veggie garden! So much beauty! And I’ve added Dahlias! One of my favorite flowers that I hadn’t grown since selling my home.

  162. Tracy on

    I moved into a cottage style farmhouse almost 5 years ago, it has mostly Rose’s and Lavender I am really falling for both of them, I have always dreamed about a yard full of Lavender and other herbs, i want to bring in all of the cottage flowers and herbs that I can as I work on relandscaping this yard.

  163. Angela Rhodes on

    Gosh, difficult to chose but at this moment the deep azure blue of the tall cornflowers in my new small cutting patch.

  164. Sue on

    I have wall flowers and a vanilla scented buddlia! The scent in the cold evenings is devine!

  165. Angie on

    I’m loving all of the many colors of the zinnias!

  166. Sandra A Hand on

    I’m growing dahlias this year for the first time (after reading Erin’s book) and I’m loving the results. Thanks!

  167. Ronni Webster on

    I picked my first dahlia this evening. I have to say the Gladiolas have really kept me entertained this season, but you know that feeling when you get your first flower. It’s very tiny and flimsy but it’s my very first ever dahlia, and I’m a proud plant keeper this evening.

  168. Leslie on

    Loved all the good information in this article – like when your business grows find someone who can fill the gaps rather than trying to do it all yourself.
    I’m loving my raspberries that just produced tons of yummy fruit for me and my kids to pick. As far as flowers, I’m loving the hydrangeas. I’m leaving them on the bush so I can dry them this year. :)

  169. Shayla Frere on

    My zinnias are making me happy right now. I have a much larger patch than last year. :)

  170. Jill on

    This is my first year doing flower gardens and I love everything! But especially the sunflowers and Zinnias!!

  171. Kim on

    Working on growing dahlias for the first time! Have a couple about to bloom!

  172. maria f. on

    Day lilies are bringing a smile to my face in MI right now.

  173. Cynthia Roberts on

    Wow…its really hard to narrow it down but I am loving my Salvia in several varieties. It seems to take its time getting started but then it just takes off🌸

  174. Gisele on

    Loving the summer rain and happy to be able to harvest a few zinnias throughout the summer.

  175. Betsy on

    Wow ! I loved reading this blog! Your questions were great too. I’m currently loving dahlias here in 9a. Hoping I can get more people in our zone to give growing them a try!

  176. Debbie Bussey on

    Right now my favorite flower grown from seed in my garden is Ageratum Blue Horizon, love the color and length of stems for arrangements. Great interview thanks fir sharing!

  177. Jennifer Mc on

    I’m loving my Prairie Sun Rudbeckia I started from seed. So proud of that. Been blooming for a week now.

  178. Ashley B. on

    Right now the deer and rabbits are eating most everything in sight, :( but thankfully I do have some beautiful snapdragoms that self sowed from last years plants that are being left alone. Seriously, they’ve been mowing down any baby that is about to bloom…so frustrating.

  179. Audrey on

    I’m loving all of the dahlia seedlings I started this year! It is so fun seeing all the unique flowers that pop up! It’s better than opening presents on Christmas morning!! Who doesn’t love surprises, right?

  180. Sarah Fawcett on

    Dreaming of planting here in wintery Australia right now. However calendula right now has my heart as it has volunteered itself and is full of buttery blooms.

  181. Pamela on

    I’m loving my purple salvia. They complement other perennials in the bed no matter the color, and provide vertical interest in my herbaceous border.

  182. J K D on

    Moved into a new house last month so I’m observing what’s growing and making plans for next year!

  183. Becky on

    My current favorite isn’t a flower at the moment, but my Artemisia plant! It smells like bubblegum and is the most gorgeous pastel/muted silvery color.

  184. Jen Wyhoon on

    Just love love love our Protea’s that are flowering non stop , so many varieties & pretty colours . So many more to plant & enjoy. Very young planting, can’t wait for spring when the Kings are out in full glory 💜

  185. Angelique C on

    2021 has been my first foray into growing really anything, but I started my seeds in April and now I have blooming Gypsophilia, Xerochrysum bracteatum, Helianthus, and everytime my Dahlias throw up a new bud I feel such an indescribable wave of joy. My garden has become such an escape from the anxieties of daily life. Things that are green and blooming are everything I need and more right now.

  186. Lisa on

    I cannot wait to get back to the CT shore to see beautiful, blue hydrangeas!!

  187. Lowela on

    English lavenders only in cold and dreary Australia (Wintertime) but fave flower are dahlias which you’ve inspired me for my love for it and I got your book and hope to get Sarah Raven’s book too.

  188. Angela on

    Zinnias!! They were my first flower to successfully grow and still my absolute favorite!! But I LOVE all flowers!! If I could only keep them all alive…..(insert praying hands…lol)

  189. Lucie McKee on

    Loving my hydrangeas right now. A full line of them along our deck in our West Seattle home. They are a beautiful blue/purple color and make me smile every time I walk past.

  190. Stacy on

    I like my phlox and zinnias…especially when the butterflies enjoy them.

  191. Lowela on

    It’s just English lavenders atm in cold and dreary Australia (coz it’s Winter). Fave flowers are dahlia and I’m busy digging tubers atm and you’ve inspired my love for them btw and I got your book and I’d like to have Sarah Raven’s book flowers all year long. 🤞🏽

  192. Lowela on

    It’s just English lavender atm at cold and dreary Australia (coz Winter) but my fave flower are dahlias , I’m busy digging tubers atm and you’ve inspired my love for dahlias and I got your book and I hope to get Sarah Raven’s book aswell. 🤞🏽

  193. Jennifer B on

    I loving watching my dahlias get closer to blooming each day!

  194. Rebecca Belanger on

    We planted a field of wild flowers in our garden. It’s so impressive all these colors. We feel so lucky to wake up every day and contemplate such beauty.

  195. Tanya on

    I am so excited for my dahlias to bloom! Beatrice and Linda’s Baby are among the first to give me a bloom and the long anticipation after doing cuttings and presprouting is finally worth it!

  196. Bonnie on

    My pink hydrangeas. And soon, the sunflowers. I have so many I love to see grow.

  197. Amanda on

    Currently loving my canna lillies they got so big this year

  198. Cheryl Roede on

    Right now I am loving Rudbeckia. I have to smile when I cut it as the huge, cheery yellow and red blooms always make me happy. I keep finding more beautiful varieties to grow. They are treasures in my garden!

  199. Leah Q on

    My Zinnias are blooming and it’s magical! I hope they are still going strong when I get back from my vacation!

  200. Deion Green on

    In my garden it is interesting to see how the zinnias developed from seed are performing in the different areas, balcony, container, in the ground, east and west facing. Hoping to get some precious metal seeds when available. I am lucky that I noticed some wild flowers on a disused railway nearby. The weekend pickings will be fun!

  201. Stacey Tannheimer on

    We are loving our poppies right now in all their surprising colors and spots in the garden

  202. Savannah Valdez on

    This year my girls and I are enjoying calendula and runner beans in our garden!

  203. Marni on

    My favorite flowers always are zinnias and this year I have so many more and I keep succession planting and I’m still planting seeds here in Texas. They are the most joyful happy flower around. My goal the last few years were to gift my friends and family flower arrangements. I was able to do a lot last year but this year is even better!! I’m so grateful for the ever blooming cut and come again again again and again zinnias. They certainly never disappoint me!! 🌸

  204. Rebecca on

    I am enjoying my roses right now…I love roses, and celebrate each bloom of the hearty ones which have survived North Idaho cold winters and recent hot summmers. Every year they are inching up further on their trellis!

  205. Diana on

    There is something about sunflowers that just make me want to smile and they are beautiful and perfect right now.

  206. Alanna on

    I have a growing appreciation for roses recently. My grandmother has always been a rose gardener and they never quite captured me the way they do now. I’m glad I won’t be overlooking them anymore.

  207. Laura hernandez on

    I am currently loving my garden full of zinnias and 🌻 sunflowers .

  208. Janna Matthies on

    Sarah’s book looks like a feast for the eyes and mind. Thanks, Floret Flowers, for this interview and for the chance to win a copy! I am most captivated by my stargazer lilies right now…their rich throats, scent, how they set off the bee balm, rudbeckia and purple-leaf hibiscus around them.

  209. Jami J on

    I dearly love my zinnias! They are a constant supply of cheeriness in my home.

  210. Rasna on

    My whole garden has been my joy this year. However , I am currently in love with my Dahlias which I grew from bulbs and there and 7 plants in 4 different colours. Truly gardening has carried me thorough this pandemic. Thanks for all the inspiration and tips you share.

  211. Deborah on

    My favorite flowers that l have growing right now are the sunflowers! I have discovered that our many days of over 100° haven’t caused them to wilt and much to my delight, the deer aren’t interested in even nibbling on them!! Getting ready to nourish a plot of ground in preparation for may rows of them next year!

  212. Leigh Ann on

    I really love scabiosas & dahlias. Both will be flowering soon in NY state so looking fwd to buying some at the farmers mkt & start arranging. Wishing I could have my own cut flower garden in nyc!

  213. Jenn S on

    I’m really loving my Mexican Sunflower. It has gotten HUGE and the orange is just spectacular!

  214. Dawn on

    Clematis on my antique arch is giving me much joy right now

  215. Carol on

    My garden was mostly veggies. But I changed that 2 years ago and am loving all the different varieties of flowers growing. How could I pick a favorite! I love them all!

  216. Alice on

    Loving my Daisies this year.

  217. Robbie on

    My favorite flowers in my neighborhood are roses and sweetpeas! People have been so creative and it’s a joy to walk around and admire their hard work. My favorite flowers in my garden are the pots of herbs mixed with wildflowers and marigolds. There wasn’t a lot of variety to choose from…but I love how it turned out! My favorite things in the world are flowers 💐

  218. Tricia Baxter on

    I am a “First time Zinnia Grower!! I get SO excited to go out into the garden everyday to see how much they’ve grown and the new beautiful colors that pop up! 🤗🌸

  219. Sue Moore on

    Dahlias are my favorite with zinnias coming in second.

  220. Heather on

    This is my first year growing giant sunflowers and it’s amazing that such a small seed can turn into a plant taller than I am. I love how excited my kids are about them too since they helped plant them.

  221. Brittany Good on

    It seems that my favorite flower changes each morning with every walk through the garden, but my lisianthus are absolutely stunning right now!

  222. Joanna Specht on

    Hi- I’m in New Jersey and just relocated my Hydrangeas since the deer have been snacking! So excited for more blooms hidden away in pots behind closed gates for the rest of the season.

  223. Brooke Scharff on

    So hard to decide! I think it changes every week. I’m really loving my Seashell Cosmos, every bud is a surprise!

  224. Katie Lutz on

    I’m loving my snapdragons! And my mom who also loves to garden has gorgeous celosias this year!!

  225. Natalie Miller on

    May favorite flowers I have been enjoying this year are my Tulips this past spring, Zinnias through this summer, and Mums coming into this fall! But it’s still so hard to choose just a few!!

  226. Kathy Crawford on

    I am new to learning how to grow flowers. I have just been emerging myself in all things flowers! My favorite so far is the hardy Zinnia! Learning so much from you!

  227. Charlene on

    First year dahlia grower and I’m OBSESSED with them. We shall see how successful I am at overwintering them in a harsh climate!

  228. Morgan on

    I’m really loving my new planting of crocosmia. They’re so fun and exotic looking!

  229. Tracy Sellers on

    My favorite flower this year is Red Hopi Amaranth. It’s also just such a beautiful burst of deep purple foliage standout in the green garden.

  230. Jackie de Leon on

    This year I am testing out plumerias. So far they are doing well in pots and one even has some buds forming! I also have bougainvillea, giant hibiscus and “sampaguita”. They are all in pots. Since I am in zone 7b I will have to bring these pots in in the fall/winter months. Wish me luck that they survive! Next year I would love to start a couple rows of flower beds and would love to have zinnias, anemones and ranunculus!

  231. Judy Cumming on

    Always ready to learn more about growing flowers.

  232. Niloufar A. on

    Loving the cosmos in my neighbourhood! They come in a variety of colours and take me back to my childhood days. Carefree!

  233. Michelle L Kuenzi on

    I’m loving the Zinnias!!! All the beautiful colors! They just brighten up the whole yard, and the butterflies are very happy! :)

  234. Kaitlin on

    Strawflower is probably my favorite right now…..and even more so that I can dry it and use it this Autumn in wreath making.

  235. Daniel J Altnether on

    I started to hybridize Dailies during COVID and the learning process from pollination to germination and beyond has been so rewarding. I am really enjoying the surprises of my crosses as they begin to bloom for the first time. Magical!

  236. Steve Schultz on

    Definitely my zinnias! They are magnificent this year. All the shades of the rainbow!

  237. Andrea Blackwell on

    My very favorite flowers are gerbera daisies, but I also love dahlias!

  238. LeiLani on

    Love the interview. I will try to find the book. Thanks for introducing us to her!

  239. Jessie on

    Most of the wild flowers have bloomed already, a month early! But I can’t wait to get my dahlias in the ground, I started them in trays just get them going. I think my favorite wild variety is lupin!

  240. Tammy on

    My roses are blooming beautifully this summer and for some reason seeing the bright yellow blooms on my loofa vine are really making me happy while I am washing the dishes.

  241. Willbe on

    Cherry Caramel Phlox is my favorite in the garden right now!

  242. Whitney Brown on

    My 6 yr old daughter and I started growing this year together. It has been a great way for us to bond and engage over beautiful things. Her orange cosmos are just stunning! You can see them from across the property. But I must say I’m quite partial to her apricot lemonade cosmos. Just the softest yellow and pink on the delicate magical foliage. Makes my heart melt seeing those soft romantic colors. Her polar bear zinnias are just about to start opening, so they may steal the show in the end. We shall see.

  243. Lara on

    I just planted some perennials which I’m excited about! I’ve always been more of an annual person so this is a new endeavor for me. Excited! And would love to learn more from this book!

  244. Jill on

    I so enjoyed reading this interview! Thank you!

    My favorites right now are the perennial sweet peas and the lilies. And the butterfly bush and rose of Sharon and … oh my … too many to list.

  245. Pam on

    I’m loving my china asters! It’s my first year to grow them….they are lovely!

  246. Brooke Van Oort on

    I’m really loving my double cosmos! The remind me of peonies which are my favorite! Always fun finding lush and doubled blooms!

  247. Carly on

    Trying out dahlias for the first time ever this year! So far so good! Love all your tips and tricks!

  248. Miryan Garcia on

    I just discovered Dalias and went crazy getting a few varieties. I lived in the desert and everything would die. For someone who loves flowers this was a sad yard. I bought cut flowers for my house. I moved 5 years ago to San Diego and now have a tiny yard but it is now exploding with roses, lavender and Dalias! I’m a happy girl. Would love to learn about other beautiful cutting flowers. Just started cutting my own for my house.

  249. Sylvia Brownell on

    It’s hard to pick just one flower but I think I’d have to choose my Eveline Dahlia. It’s my first bloom this season and so pretty. Had to cover all the blossoms as earwigs are terrible this year!!

  250. Heather Nybo on

    I’m loving my snapdragons right now! So many beautiful colors in my garden!

  251. Anne Duvall on

    My dahlias! I love them in fresh bouquets for my hone and to give away.

  252. Wendi O. on

    Gomphrena is so bright and whimsical. I love it

  253. Michelle Hunt on

    I am having fun watching my hybrid tea roses grow. I chose 3 beautifully scented plants, one hot pink, and two white ones. I was hoping that the Japanese beetles wouldn’t return, but they have. In the past I have put small, finely netted bags over the flower buds to protect the blooms. But the beetles will still munch on all of the leaves. This year I bought some bridal veil fabric and covered each rosebush with it. The roses are happily blooming away while the flies and bees still seem to help with pollination from accessing the plant at the bottom of the veils. (The beetles haven’t figured this out yet.) Keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, it also helps that we haven’t had much wind or rain to muss up the veils! 😎

  254. Rebecca Allen on

    Hi! Thanks for offering this! I would love to learn more. I’m a very beginner in gardening but loving my hibiscus- ginormous flowers and looking beautiful.

  255. Dawn on

    Absolutely loving our echinacea!! So full and beautiful.

  256. Megan Voss on

    Currently I’m intoxicated by the scent and beauty of my stargazer lilies. You simply cannot miss them!

  257. Kathy on

    I have a full garden of dandelions. Looking at transforming it into a garden of dahlias and zinnias.

  258. Brittany on

    Right now I’m adoring my chamomile plants, grown from seed and so friendly.

  259. Susan Lewis on

    I’m lso excited to see my dahlia tubers coming up and forming buds in my garden! I can’t wait for them to start flowering! 🌸

  260. Laraine Tuxbury on

    I am enjoying my blue cornflowers and yellow coneflowers combination right now and I still have some Iceland poppies blooming

  261. Morgan on

    I’m really starting to pay attention and to grow my flower IQ lately (thanks to Floret!), but English garden roses will always be my favorite in So Cal (we live in zone 10b so it’s the next best thing to my true favorite, peonies).

  262. Lisa Bablak on

    My favorite right now is ‘Endless Summer hydrangea’. This has been a great year for my two bushes! I love the color variation and I love cutting them and sharing them with others.

  263. Anna Rushing on

    I have finished growing Bells of Ireland (seeds I purchased from Floret). I am a third year flower farmer and I cried tears of joy to have an amazing haul of beautiful flowers.

  264. Josie on

    My Dahlias!!! Eeeekkk! They are really starting to explode!!

  265. Amy on

    I am currently in love with my Shasta Daisies!

  266. Dana on

    I’m loving my zinnias right now. Not a flower I ever thought I wanted to grow and now I can’t imagine my garden without them.

  267. Stawn Barber on

    The plant I’m loving most right now is Rudbeckia that I grew from seed. Huge flowers!

  268. Linda Mikkelson on

    My vincas are amazing and my hydrangeas have been stunning. Really strong this year.

  269. Kristen Lombardo on

    I’m just starting out with my flowers garden but I currently have zinnia, cosmos, sunflowers, and dahlias. I hope to expand my beds next year.

  270. Sherry Walker on

    Winter here at the moment but looking forward to get dahlias and zinnias in the garden for summer. So much to look forward to

  271. Dorian on

    Right now I am loving my strawflower. I just walk by and run my fingers through it all the time! 😂

  272. Karen on

    I adore flowers. I’m finally having some success with lupine and delphinium.

  273. Sierra C on

    I am loving my zinnias grown from your swears as well as my coneflowers!

  274. Cindy Holman on

    Making the best of my patio while at my condo. Anxiously waiting to get back home where I love cosmos, cleome, bachelor buttons, you name it!

  275. Hollye on

    I’m loving my very cheery daisies … they’re extra happy this summer since we removed a leaning tree giving them too much shade. I have a whole new garden now! 🌞💐

  276. Eileen Albrecht on

    Annabelle hydrangea is our favorite. It’s wild old fashion charm captivated us.

  277. Lisa on

    This year I expanded my home garden to 90 Dahlia tubers found from local flower farms, and I’m starting to see buds in every row!

  278. Mary on

    I am loving our explosion of blackberries that have finally exploded with the fruit after 5 years. And we always love our phlox.

  279. Haylee gilkison on

    Looks like a great book, I’ve added it to my wishlist! My dahlias haven’t bloomed yet, but my Zinnias are beautiful right now:)

  280. Katrina on

    I recently planted a bougainvillea plant and it’s so beautiful! Slowly becoming a plant lady. I’ve been propagating things left and right and find it so rewarding!

  281. Sasha on

    I’m loving my pepper mint <3

  282. Sonia Covarrubias on

    I am so excited about my dahlias !!! It’s my first time growing them and it has been an amazing experience since picking which variety and learning about the tubers and their care , I can’t wait to seen them in bloom !!! Thanks for sharing thw book with us !!

  283. Sherri on

    First year of growing many different flowers…your books gave me the courage to venture out and try many new flowers and I’m loving them! It’s so fun to go collect a bouquet of flowers anytime in the garden!!
    Thanks so much!

  284. Anne L Sullivan on

    Right now, the pots on my deck are very full but not yet overgrown. My favorite annuals are lantana of any color and marine heliotrope. And this year I am enjoying a couple of annual grasses that I started from seed from Floret! They are very attractive and showy, especially the Frosted Explosion and Broomcorn grass.

  285. Janet Leone on

    This year I grew several hundred Pro Cut sunflowers as cut flowers , plus 100+ dahlia plants, in an organic garden that used to be just a huge front lawn! The whole yard, both front yard & back , is slowly transforming into a lovely sanctuary for birds , beneficial insects and all kinds of wildlife. I just cannot imagine life without a garden to stroll thru everyday with flowers & vegetables , fruit trees and berry bushes. It’s a treat every day.

  286. Kassie Graham on

    This year I expanded on my zinnias (queen lime blush are my favorite), I’m loving Chinese asters and all the hydrangeas! I’m also anxiously awaiting my discovering dalias!

  287. DeAnne Murphy on

    I’m loving that I’m trying all new flowers and plants in a new backyard. Up until a year ago, my backyard was a dirt lot. It’s been so much fun designing a space from scratch and seeing what works (and sometimes what doesn’t). My new favs are my dahlia raised beds and the globe amaranth. Zinnias are an old standby, too. Love, love, love!

  288. Ashley on

    I love my Floret strawflowers right now! 🤩

  289. Stefanie Schori on

    To honest, I am always in love with the flower which is currently in bloom 😍 right now it’s my Zinnias. But the Dahlias are coming in soon and I can’t wait!
    I am adding a cutflower garden to my setup next year. All my flowers give me so much joy every single day!

  290. Kim on

    Right now, after the deer ate my first phlox buds right before they were going to bloom, I’m delighted in the smaller but so much more abundant phlox blooms. Such disappointment turned to utter joy! Thank goodness Mother Nature finds a way.

  291. Dawn Shoffner on

    I am in love with snapdragons! I love learn something new everyday and making people happy! So excited to have found you and learning more about flowers! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Much love from The Flinthills of Kansas!

  292. Brooke Gordon on

    I’m loving all of the dahlias that are starting to bloom. I planted a bunch of new varieties this year and each day a new one blooms, it’s just like Christmas morning!


    Zinnias! I am in love with my giant Zinnias this year! The peach/pink are to die for!

  294. Jennifer Horgan on

    I love my zinnias right now. All the different colors that spring up is so fun for the kids and i to go see what we have blooming each day. I just watched the post on Floret’s Instagram on harvesting zinnias so it was timely and helpful.

  295. Shae on

    I am really loving my dainty snapdragons and how prolific the zinnias are!

  296. Heather on

    Two of my favorite garden people chatting together-what a great interview! My gardenias are having their best year ever and my house is dripping in their perfume right now!

  297. Joanne Heiser on

    Love to hear how someone else got started and what keeps them going!
    Thanks for sharing

  298. Emily on

    Love all of the gardenias wafting in the wind on hot southern nights.

  299. Elizabeth Scheller on

    The Zinnias are beautiful right now. It’s hard to cut them because they are so beautiful in the garden! Second place are the China asters!

  300. Kaylan on

    Successfully planted a bag mix of dinner plate Dahlias this year. Thomas Edison, a purple dahlia may be my favorite so far!

  301. Kayla on

    My favorite flower has always been Stargazer Lilies. I’ve also really loved seeing Zinnias but my absolute fave, besides lilies, will always be sunflowers. They always make me smile and remind me that it’s always best to be smiling and be happy and love the sun and earth.

  302. Muiread Pickett on

    I’m loving zinnias this year! First time I’ve grown them and I’m hooked!

  303. Rebecca Sterner on

    My Zinnias are just starting to really bloom. Zinnias are my absolute favorite! Especially all the Queen Limes! Although I think when you release your ‘Precious Metals’ variety mix they may win. 🥰

  304. Kyndal May on

    I’ve made a list from your heat-loving flowers post for planting next year (I’m in Boise.) I’d be lying if I said there were many flowers in my garden because I’ve focused on landscaping foundation plants this past year. I used to think I could just live with all the beautiful textures and shades of greens (lived in Seattle for 11 years) but, now, after watching Growing Floret (I think I’ve all the episodes 6 times now,) I am excited to plant flowers – and from seed! I will say, my ornamental oregano makes me smile! Your book, A Year in Flowers should arrive tomorrow. Thank you, Erin and Chris (and Jill and everyone at Floret.) the beauty you are sharing and encouraging may use the language of flowers and farming, but through the show, you let us see we are all here growing ourselves – in every season, soil and situation.

  305. Janice on

    The thing that is giving me the most joy in my (brand new!) cutting patch are the dahlias – I have never grown from tubers or seed before, only bought in as plants so both processes have been really exciting to watch. I’m starting out as a cut flower farmer on a tiny, windy island and it’s just been such a joy so far – and a lot of hard work. So to see the tubers take off wildly has been very rewarding.

  306. Kirstin on

    This is my first year growing cut flowers in the garden. Our vegetable is sizeable but it has only had vegetables in it before. I’m loving being able to discover what grows well with other plants and also making space for just a cut flower bed. I started zinnias this year and am loving seeing them develop and the nasturtium planted with the tomatoes has been such a fun addition. I’m really looking forward to developing/learning more.

  307. Terri Pulley on

    I moved into my childhood home after my parents passed away in the last few years and I am cherishing my mom’s hydrangeas. I am teaching myself as I go along, having lived in an apartment the last several years, and am loving every second of it. I feel my mom and dad’s presence and am trying to make them proud. Books like these and Florets videos have been tremendous sources for me. Thank you so very much for sharing your wisdom

  308. Nicole Barry on

    This year I ordered flower seeds from you Erin and I am in love with my newest Zinnia colors to my garden . I’m able to create the most beautiful bouquets just for fun , family and friends . The dusty mauve / pink might be my favorite with more a a muted tone it allows the brighter colors to pop . Making the decision to convert my garden space into my cut flower garden is my greatest joy and look forward to continue adding to it each year while continuing to educate myself with knowledge and tips from the masters !

  309. Renee Beasley on

    I would love to have this book in my library! I’ve been in love with having cut flowers around me ever since I taught at a Montessori school and we had small arrangements on every table! I’ve always dreamed of owning a day lily farm, but recently I’ve been more inclined to sow flowers from seed. I love the idea of a *cut your own* flower farm for children to experience the magic of flowers! I’m most enjoying all the surprise mix of flowers from the many wildflower packets I winter sowed!

  310. Louise Baker on

    My Veronicastrum virginicum Fascination is thriving and such a gorgeous colour together with Buddleja Hot Raspberry which is looking g amazing for the first time. Phlox in various colours and my Scabious, both annual and perennial are looking lovely at the moment. It’s usually the plants which thrive and happy accidental combinations which give real joy. I’m in the UK – is there going to be a way of getting Erin’s seeds sent over here? Would love to grow Zinnia Precious Metals.

  311. Darla on

    I’m excited to learn about this book! It looks like a lot of great information. Erin did a quick flip through on Instagram, and wow!!!! What gorgeous pictures!

  312. Andrea on

    My zinnias are starting to explode – and the colors are amazing…. Some of my favorites ever!

  313. Susan Black on

    Thank you for sharing this, Erin, and congratulations to Sarah for her new book! I am loving my wild roses which are blooming like mad right now. I am thinking that this book would make a great gift for my friend, Jessica, who is an avid gardener and has created an oasis of beauty in her front yard through her own diligence and hard work. Wishing you both all the best and have a lovely week!

  314. Rachel on

    I always love my roses! I love watching the newest ones grow and bloom for the first time! I’m really loving my hydrangeas this year as well! I’ve always struggled with them for some reason, but I did a lot of research last year and it has definitely paid off with so many gorgeous blooms!

  315. Jerina Strickler on

    I love Zinnias and Black-Eye Susan’s! I love following your blog and Instagram. Can’t wait follow and learn more from Sarah.

  316. Joan Namdar on

    I am loving checking my new dahlia bed each day. I grew them from the seeds that came with my copy of your book “Discovering Dahlias”. I started them indoors in April and planted them out in the garden at the end of May. This is my first time growing dahlias from seed and I am loving the surprise of what the color and type of flower will be. So far I have had 4 different types and colors with several others yet to bloom. So much fun!

  317. Jess on

    I moved to a new property in June and have been enjoying seeing what was already here and figuring out what it might need. Just harvested red currents, starting to harvest black currents, and keeping up with all the blueberries. Planting my dream flower garden in the coming year!

  318. Emily on

    I have been patiently waiting on my Queen Anne’s lace! A storm may have just wiped them out today but I’m holding onto hope they spring back up <3

  319. Lily Jacinto on

    When you describe how mesmerized you were when you opened Sarah Raven‘s book is how I felt when I received your book “A Year in Flowers” and “Discovering Dahlias.” I’m growing dahlias in my garden for the first time this year. Dahlias are truly my favorite cut flower right now. I get inspired by your beautiful pictures and try making arrangements as beautiful as your. The dahlias are so pretty they make any arrangement look good. I would love a copy of Sarah Raven‘s book so I can learn even more.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  320. Beth on

    I am currently loving my dahlias. With a lot of care and attention they managed to survive temperatures over 115 and are now starting to open up. I can’t wait to meet the blooms!

  321. Jennifer on

    I’m loving the Cherokee Sunset Rudbeckia. It’s my first time growing it and just love that it’s a prolific bloomer. It’s been able to handle our hot and humid Summer in NC zone 8b, which can be brutal.

  322. Stephanie on

    I have discovered Zinnias through your instagram. I would love to expend my knowledge on cut flowers! So far we have hydrangeas, sunflowers and wild roses.

  323. Peggy Hatcher on

    I have followed Sarah for a while. I love looking at her gardens and learning from her videos. The plant I love the most in my garden right now (as of today’s walk-about) is the Black Dragon coleus I grew from seed. Beautiful!

  324. Carole Ostrom on

    I’m relatively new to flower gardening and thoroughly enjoy interview with Sarah Raven and look forward to investing in her new book. I’m loving my dahlias!

  325. Kirstin Davidson on

    This is my first year growing a cut flower garden. At least twice a day I go out and examine every plant for new growth. Crazy woman here, lol! Slightly obsessed with the 18 varieties I grew from seed (except perhaps the mignonette). Already wishing it was winter so that I could start the sowing process again and put into practice what I learned the first time around. Isn’t that nuts?

  326. Patty on

    I am loving my garden roses and sunflowers. I can’t wait to add dahlias next year.

  327. Debra on

    This year my blue hydrangea is just loaded with blossoms- must love all the rain it is getting.

  328. Gigi on

    The inspiration is blooming fabulous! Heat, humidity, and daily downpours are our summer gifts and challenges. For the first time in years, though, I am so enjoying roses, @starrosesandplants Drift varieties, tiny, fragrant and so forgiving! Impatiens are a summer favorite and, for me, their profusion of bright, candy-colored blooms are like the sprinkles on my landscape. Tourenia fournieri, wishbone flower, is another showstopper, with bright fuchsia, royal purple, brilliant white, snapdragon-like blossoms, each painted with pops of bright yellow. They are the gift that just keeps giving, blooming continuously, raining seeds that propagate without a care. Oh, and I can’t forget, gorgeous caladiums whose leaves look hand painted with so many shades of gorgeousness, speckled and patterned in the most amazing ways. This year, my walking irises have been blooming for months and I never tire of these little works of art. I have a new variety of deep purple vinca that is just wonderful and chartreuse, sweet potato vines that spill effortlessly over the rims of big containers. In spite of sub-tropical conditions that can be brutal and debilitating for we humans, I am blessed to be discovering new things to keep me smiling, every time I take a stroll through these growing things.

  329. Jessica on

    What an amazing life. I cannot wait to get ahold of this book. Reading this and watching Growing Floret is really inspiring me to revisit my lifelong dream of having my own small farm.

  330. Amy M Nosal on

    Looking forward to reading this book. I have been so inspired by the beauty of all flowers since I was a child… this year I added my own secret garden full of all my favorite cutting flowers.

  331. Barb Ray on

    My sunflowers are taking over, they are taller than my house. Love them, I’m so inspired by their journey.

  332. Brenda on

    Dahlias, Zinnias, Snapdragons and Celosia, all grown from seed (or tubers in the case of the Dahlias) are making me happy these days! As Sarah noted, planting a seed is a spark of hope, and as I look at these beautiful flowers I have grown from seed I am in awe!

  333. Daneal on

    Butterfly bushes are just coming on here in the Mt St Helens area of Washington state! What a fantastic interview!!

  334. Betsy Walbridge on

    I’m loving my garden roses and sweet peas in my garden. They are beautiful soft colors and so fragrant in bouquets.

  335. Suzanne Wu on

    I am super excited about my dahlias right now. I love the variety of shapes and sizes and colors. I also love that each year my friends and I can expand our collection as they dahlias multiply under ground enough so that we can share!

  336. Margaret Koon on

    I always loved the idea of just growing flowers, making bouquets and giving them to anyone and everyone. My favorite flowers in my neighborhood are asters.

  337. Jenny on

    I’m loving my teddy bear sunflowers right now. Absolutely one of my favorites.

  338. Amanda Ferrell on

    I am loving the colours and shapes of the hellebores in the winter garden, they truly are incredible.

  339. Katy on

    Limelight hydrangea blooms are full and getting fuller every day.

  340. Molly Adams on

    My dahlias are starting to bloom now and I just love them. I want to hybridize them after watching Erin work with hers and her zinnias.

  341. Melissa on

    This was so very informative, I can not wait to get started on our flower garden! Looking for as much information as possible to learn and grow.

  342. Sue on

    Zinnias Wow what’s not to love. Big flowers Bold colors, I have to smile while in the fields sweating like pig

  343. Lisa Steele on

    First year growing dahlias. Thanks to great books!

  344. Sheri Newman on

    My Lime Light Hydrangeas are about to pop and I love their form and green color!! Looking forward to my zinnias blooming too!

  345. Kelly King on

    I love Begonias! They are so easy to maintain with very little maintenance and a long flowering season! I recently moved to Arkansas from California and have had a very hard time with flowering plants, but my Begonias never disappoint! I grow them in big pots and they are just beautiful!

  346. Keressa Golden on

    I’ve been loving my zinnias, sunflowers and alstromeria! They’ve been so much fun to grow and such a joy to loom at in my vases!

  347. LaDonna Kruger on

    I am loving my Apple Blosdom Dahlua the most right now. It just produces and produces… and the flowers are so sweet and beautiful!!!! It’s truly a winner!!!

  348. Mimi Thomas on

    I am in love with a large white scabiosa and campanula medium at the moment. The size of the scabiosa flowers are stunning and the campanula just keeps blooming its heart out!

  349. Elizabeth Correll on

    I’m not sure if my current favorite flower is gomphrena or my zinnias. I have them planted together, and I am loving all of the butterflies this year.

  350. Jodie Prine on

    My zinnias are just starting to pop. They come in all colors and just make me happy!

  351. Brooke Hoffman on

    My cosmos is just coming into bloom. I love their colors, foliage and wispiness.

  352. Mimi B on

    Love the sunflowers in our neighborhood!

  353. Joy Pope on

    Common name “Balloon Flower” – surprsing blue flower in a pot on my patio.

  354. Kerry on

    Right now it’s Zinnias. And, I just learned for the first time (from you) the test for knowing when they are ready to harvest!

  355. Allie on

    How exciting! I’m most enjoying the cosmos in my Atlanta (7b) garden but would love to learn more to diversify my plantings next year.

  356. Nicole Getts on

    First time dahlia grower. Loving my first blooms. I’m completely obsessed!

  357. Patricia on

    I love dahlias. I can’t help it to like every variety I see. I have been collecting some seeds from friend’s gardens so its going to be an exciting season to see what they look like when they bloom.

    Zinnias are my favorite flowers as well. I am looking forward to Erin’s Precious Metals to be on the market!

  358. John on

    My favorite flower right now is a toss up between echinacea and rudbeckia. They’re just so durable, bloom their heads off, the pollinators love them, and so do the finches!!!!

  359. Chrisie Council on

    Today I’m enjoying watching the goldfinches feast on my sunflowers! The simple beauty of the Black-eyed Susan. The strength of the zinnia. The bees climbing through the liatris that just started blooming and the ever evolving kaleidoscope of color that is found in the fading blooms of the hydrangea.

  360. Mary on

    I love that this book is available in hard copy! Right now I am loving Queen red lime zinnia. When it’s placed with other flowers the colors on it really pop.

  361. Beth on

    My first year growing dahlias!

  362. Ali on

    Currently loving my apple blossom snapdragons as I patiently wait for the first dahlia bloom here in south eastern Minnesota!

  363. Kimberly Mitchell on

    This is my first year growing zinnias and cosmos. I created a small cut flower garden in a section of my yard that was only grass and it is now an oasis of flowers and pollinators. I’m learning so much from these generous farmers. Thank you!

  364. Janice Brown on

    My Pistachio Hydrangea is in full bloom right now. Today it’s my favorite!

  365. Danielle on

    My vincas are growing really well this year!!

  366. Barbara T. on

    I’m loving my bobo hydrangeas most right now because it’s their time to shine, and they are!

  367. Sarah on

    Some of my zinnias are beautiful this year. Queen Lime Blotch is one of my favorites!

  368. Linda on

    I thought the dahlias would be my favorite but the zinnias have it. They are exploding with color! Love them all

  369. Elly on

    I’m loving my Zinnias which I’ve grown from seed. A lot smaller than your incredible ones though!

  370. Poupee on

    I haven’t started growing yet but Ive been inspired by your videos and would love to grow tulips, dahlia and now zinnias thanks to your behind the scenes growing reels!!

  371. Trish on

    I started a pumpkin patch for this fall and it’s so fun watching them grow already! We just moved to a new house with a couple of acres and I have dreams to start a small flower farm! I am going to plant some bulbs this fall and some annuals from seeds next spring.

  372. Mike Fitts on

    I am enjoying my roses. I grew some from cuttings for the first time this year including several un-named varieties from a hybridizer friend in California. One of those varieties has several flowers at bud-cracking stage. Can’t wait to see them open!

  373. Andrea R on

    My all time summer favorites are zinnias. Just cut some yesterday.

  374. Laura on

    Roses, I’m loving the fact that I’ve gone rose mad in the last two years. It’s exciting as new ones have started arriving, more on their way and I’m wholly unprepared for them! I just love them and can’t get enough!

  375. Susan Eckert on

    Enjoying my cosmos right now as they are in bloom; just so tall and cheery! Great interview, thanks for sharing!

  376. Caryn H on

    Rudbeckia! Can’t believe I’ve never grown it before – such vibrant color!

  377. Tina Lee on

    I am loving the first blooms on my dahlia and a surprise poppy that is blooming. I live near Point Defiance Park in Tacoma , love visiting the gardens there and also as a new gardener learning to garden with the many deer in our neighborhood.

  378. Jessica on

    This is my first year of gardening outside and I’m loving all of my different varieties of basil tucked in and around my zinnias.

  379. Jennifer on

    My favorite flower this year has to be the zinnia started from a variety from last years seeds, super easy and add so much to the garden.

  380. Sally Burke on

    I am growing your Ocean Pearl Corncockle and Dalmation Peach Digitalis. They are so luscious, in very different ways! Thank you so much for all your inspiration!!

  381. Shiphra Borland on

    I have fallen in LOVE with straw flowers! The small aster has such a simplistic beauty that lasts as the flower dries! Absolutely captivated! So looking forward to increasing my knowledge of flowers, landscaping, and cut flower gardens!!

  382. Silvia on

    Sweet peas and verbena bonariensis are my absolute favorite flowers! Growing also straw flowers for the first time :) thanks for giving us the chance to have this great book!

  383. Chris Hobson Whalen on

    This is the first year I’ve ever grown dinner player dahlias and I’m absolutely in love with them!

  384. Brandy on

    For two years I have focused on my plumeria tree and it produced AMAZING this year. I’m ready to move on with more flowers next spring, looking forward to my hot weather challenge!

  385. Sarah on

    I have filled my home with flowers I buy all year round. After watching Growing Floret and ordering your Cut Flower Garden book I am so determined to grow my own flowers. My mother has the most beautiful flowers. My favorites of hers right now are coneflowers and marigolds.

  386. Anna on

    I love Cosmos. I’m a beginner and didn’t manage to plan out all seasons (this be why I’d love that book!) but the cosmos are going and going and I celebrate this success and hope that the August bloom will come in soon.

  387. Sandra Lewis on

    I already commented on FB but thought I would ay something here…..I admire her interview and she introduced me to some new varieties with which I was not familiar…I first gardened with my father and , then, as a member of a Federated Garden Club but you and Sarah are still teaching me so much…thank you

  388. Ronin on

    I’m Absolutely Loving My Zinnias and Dahlias This Year💐💐💐

  389. Heather H. on

    My sunflowers seem a little early, but they are so cheerful! I’m not sure the variety, but a pale yellow stunner is making me very happy!

  390. Constance on

    I’m enjoying all the different zinnias!!

  391. Katy on

    I am just starting to explore gardening and making plans to start my own garden next year! I’m loving the crepe myrtles blooming in my neighborhood right now!

  392. Victoria Pyles on

    I am a flower/florist in the very hot region of the South. My zinnias and gomphrena are just bursting with blooms. Also growing Dahlias this year and have just gotten some terrific blooms for bouques this week!
    I would love to continue learning from the best, so Sarah’s book would be an amazing gift!

  393. Alicia on

    I love my potted dahlias and portulaca. The bright colors bring daily joy.

  394. Sonya on

    Our Tiger Lillies must be 4 feet high! Loving how they add to an arrangement with our other summer blooms. Looking forward to adding this book to my collection!

  395. Abbey on

    So hard to choose!! This is only my second year gardening although I’ve always been drawn to plants, it wasn’t until we moved into our town’s Parsonage that I’ve had the opportunity to grow a garden and I am head over heels in love with everything gardening. We are in Vermont and have a very short growing season, so many of the things we’ve planted aren’t even blooming yet but I am in awe of the hydrangeas that are in bloom here. Last week, I took a huge, lush bouquet of them to our church as a devotional way to share these beauties. To me, they represent the legacy left behind by previous families and the vastness of beauty from our divine creator. We are the first family to live in this Parsonage in many years and there aren’t many things planted. We are elated to leave behind our legacy through our gardens. Erin and all of Floret, thank you for sharing knowledge and inspiration! I usually only thrift books, but will enter a giveaway any day! I did purchase Discovering Dahlia’s because I wanted a signed copy and to grow the seeds! I hope I didn’t start them too late lol, summer is flying and I am still figuring out how to manage here in zone 4. I will purchase this book too if I’m not chosen. This is an amazing interview and I am so grateful for yet another garden inspiration and resource. Anyway, cheers to flowers and books!! Wishing you many blessings, thank you both for sharing your passion of flowers with the world!

  396. Naicee Sutter on

    I am loving learning how to take care of my dahlias in my first year of trying them. Right now I’m growing cafe au lait, wizard of oz, and October Sky. I’m also planning on future garden and flower beds for our country home.

  397. Patty on

    Loving the big beautiful hydrangeas right now….pinks and blues

  398. Kimberly on

    Honestly? Right now I am loving my purple poppy mallow. A native plant that maybe doesn’t make the BEST cut flowers, but it’s just cheerfully blooming away in one of the planters at the foot of a tree

    I had to pull out SO MUCH of my plantings to make room for fencing that’s being put in, so I’m celebrating what I’ve got!

  399. Sara Doman on

    I’m really enjoying the tuberose and their amazing scent!!

  400. Pam on

    Just being a beginner; all this is so wonderful to read, I appreciate all you post Erin. I am thankful for those who are willing to teach and share what they have learned. Know it sounds old school but loving my zinnias right now. Have to admit I have an orange cosmos that is pretty nice.

  401. Pamela Haworth on

    Right now I am loving my lantana and lavender. The colors together are so lovely.

  402. Abbey on

    So hard to choose!! This is only my second year gardening although I’ve always been drawn to plants, it wasn’t until we moved into our town’s Parsonage that I’ve had the opportunity to grow a garden and I am head over heels in love with everything gardening. We are in Vermont and have a very short growing season, so many of the things we’ve planted aren’t even blooming yet but I am in awe of the hydrangeas that are in bloom here. Last week, I took a huge, lush bouquet of them to our church as a devotional way to share these beauties. To me, they represent the legacy left behind by previous families and the vastness of beauty from our divine creator. We are the first family to live in this Parsonage in many years and there aren’t many things planted. We are elated to leave behind our legacy through our gardens. Erin and all of Floret, thank you for sharing knowledge and inspiration! I usually only thrift books, but will enter a giveaway any day! I did purchase Discovering Dahlia’s because I wanted a signed copy and to grow the seeds! I hope I didn’t start them too late lol, summer is flying and I am still figuring out how to manage here in zone 4. I will purchase this book too if I’m not chosen. Anyway, cheers to flowers and books!! Wishing you many blessings, thank you for sharing your passion of flowers with the world!

  403. Rhonda Cantu on

    I would love to learn to grow beautiful zinnias and dahlias in my garden. I currently have a pollinator garden with Turks cap, cape honeysuckle, Esperanza, bottlebrush, and salvias.

  404. Deborah Brown on

    I’m loving the early spring flowers that are popping up here in New Zealand, such a sunny
    Sight on a winters day

  405. Melanie R. on

    I’m fairly new to gardening and flowers, but one of my favorites that I’ve grown in my southern garden is liatris or bottlebrush. I love it not only because of its beauty and benefits for bees, but also because it reminds me of growing up in Wisconsin where I discovered it growing wild on our property. It always bloomed right around my birthday in August and it felt like ‘my’ flower.

  406. Candice on

    My absolute favorite is the peonies. So many varieties, the smells and colors and petal composition. I have grown them for years. Thank you for all you do for the flowering community!!

  407. Susan Davis on

    My ever-faithful, ever-beautiful dahlias are just coming into bloom in my small raised beds and how I wish I had space and sunshine to put in more beds full of dahlias. Unfortunately, I have neither and so I continue to enjoy what I’m able to grow.

  408. Tracie Ostrander on

    I love that the Dahlia seeds I received as a gift for ordering Discovering Dahlias are doing spectacular and some have buds!!!

  409. Stephanie on

    My 7-year old and I go to the local flower farms and pick a bucket of snapdragons every other week! They are her current favorites because she liked to make them “talk” by squishing the flowers

  410. Sarah on

    It’s deep in winter in NZ so it has to be hellebores and a cheeky sprig of wintersweet.

  411. Joan on

    Snapdragons without a doubt

  412. Elle on

    I am loving my Sweet Pea “Jilly!” Their fragrance is so lovely!

  413. Lynn J. Leonard on

    As I await my first dahlia blooms here on the Jersey Shore, my lotus, water lilies , and assorted hydrangeas are simply delightful!

  414. Christina on

    My favorite plant right now are my apricot China Asters. So beautiful.

  415. Judy Ryen on

    It is peak daylily season in my area right now and am enjoying visiting my garden each day to see all the new blooms!

  416. Debbie Yonaka on

    Sunflowers comin up all over the place, thx to my flock of birdies! Roses, many David Austins, coming on for 2nd bloom. And of course my annual pots of petunias! Lost a few with the extreme heat, but they are pretty tough!

  417. Maureen Driscoll Taylor on

    I am loving my Dahlia’s which I planted for the first time this year. Nothing has bloomed yet, but they are growing and I cannot wait to see them!

  418. McKayla Mann on

    The flower I’m loving the most in my garden this year is Fairy Candytuft. I grew these from seed for the first time this year and I’m loving them so much. They bloom white and age pink to dark purple, so beautiful! Btw, you’re awesome!

  419. Claire on

    It’s Winter here in New Zealand but we are starting to see some of the earliest blossom varieties which are such a treat at this time of year. Foliage of daffodils and tulips are emerging too – so much promise to come.

  420. Toni Lyon on

    So many wonderful nuggets in this interview.
    Right now, I am obsessed with the Creme Brûlée phlox from Floret Flowers! Not all of the annual seeds that I grew this year were successful, but these little annuals have been a delight to me!

  421. Jennifer Jones on

    My limelight hydrangeas are putting on a show after lots of rain! Would love to to learn about adding additional flowers to my yard!

  422. Kristy Bussiere on

    I am loving all my flowers but my echinacea is beautiful this year! I also have 30 hydrangea plants throughout my yard but my Annabells are amazing as well.

  423. Sara on

    The rose bush my MIL gave to me in memory or my Nana who passed from Covid in January :( its the beginning of the flower garden I plan to have. My Nana always loved her flowers and plants 💗

  424. Cathy Satterwhite on

    I am most loving whichever flower that I am standing next to at the moment! 😊

  425. Mary Matthews on

    Right now I’m enjoying the Black eyed Susan’s in my neighbors garden. I also love the pansies in my yard. I love that the butterflies are out and about and enjoying the flowers also.

  426. Renee Kirkendall on

    Loving my hydrangeas while impatiently waiting for my dahlias. 🌸

  427. Laurel on

    My Dahlias from seed are just starting to bloom. Since every one is a surprise, I just love coming out to see what color, shape, type has appeared overnight, then tagging them with a description and even giving some names. The process has been immensely satisfying.

  428. Dawn Wehrman on

    I started my first cutflower garden this year. So far my favorite is glads and sunflowers!

  429. Gina Teri Mansfield on

    The flower I am loving most in my garden at present is Phlox ‘Laura.’ The purple/violet color is lovely with the rest of the flower colors in the garden & the Phlox blossoms last & last even after torrential rain!

  430. Indara Hernandez on

    Hello, we moved to a new house last October and we love that our neighbors love plants as much as we do, many of them have hydrangeas, my favorite plant!!

  431. Jean on

    I’m enjoying from my cut garden (Floret seeds). Zinnia Little Flower Girl and Bee’s Friend, along with all my lillies throughout the season. I’ve just retired and I’m living the season in my Gardens!!

  432. Nicki Lenssen on

    I am having a hard time choosing as the color is just lovely this year.
    To choose one, I planted sweet peas for the first time in years! The smell, colors and amazing shapes have me dazzled.

  433. Michelle Nagengast on

    Probably my climbing rose that has been growing beautifully this year. It’s in its third year and the small, bunching blooms smell amazing. I’m really excited for its second bloom!

  434. Carolyn on

    I just love my zinnias but my favorite one is called “Envy”. It’s has the prettiest green cast to it.

  435. Jennifer on

    The flower photos are such an inspiration, even when my garden suffers from the summer heat. The book surrounds me with beauty and joy.

  436. Wendy Maurer on

    We live in ND and are extremely dry this year. I was happiest to see my peonies blooming after a slow start this season. Love your mini sessions Erin!

  437. Robin Spencer on

    At the moment I am enjoying our ripe strawberries here in Alaska!

  438. Colleen on

    My hydrangeas are all blooming beautifully in Woodstock, GA. Due to the rain we’ve had this year, they are staying in bloom for a very long time.

  439. Jessica Turin on

    My Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus) is definitely my favorite. Love it because it reminds me of growing up and flying Hot Air Balloons with my parents!

  440. Ines on

    Roses, Roses and Roses!
    I love them all:-)

  441. Jen on

    I am really enjoying the color of red leaf hibiscus. First time growing it.

  442. Mandy Hassett on

    My potted cosmos are the most beautiful and maybe a bit unruly right now

  443. Dawn on

    Right now we are enjoying a new pincushion we planted this season. It is called Dark Knight and is so dramatically charming!

  444. Gail on

    High summer standbys are so happy this year purple coneflower, tall garden phlox and sunflowers.

  445. Carla on

    Hands down it’s dahlias

  446. Katherine Browne on

    Loving my blue agapanthus now, also my zinnias,gomphrena,calendula and sunflowers. Looking forward to planning more for next year!$

  447. Suzanne on

    My zinnias provide most of my cut flowers, however, they seem to be less full this year. I think it has been too hot. I can’t wait to get access to your new zinnia seeds. Thank you for all of your sharing. Flowers bring me so much joy!


  448. Stacey Harting on

    Just starting my journey, and would be blessed by this book! Love Dahlias, but who doesn’t? :)

  449. Jenny Gibbs on

    My many daylilies are really putting on a show here in Iowa!

  450. Jane Galvin on

    My American Honeysuckle is raspberry red blended with yellow centers. They are a uniquely shaped blossom & call the hummingbirds to them to double our beauty & enjoyment.

  451. Whitley on

    My dahlias are so fun to observe.. I planted from seed and from tuber so I have been enjoying going to check for new blooms in the seedlings. It’s like finding treasure when a fun new bloom opens!

  452. Tandi Blonigen on

    Ohh my, what a beautiful book filled with what looks like so much wonderful information, this is my first year really upping my flower game and the supertunias and Salvia have made my heart so happy, sadly my trial with Zinnas, sunflowers and dahlias has been met with the dreaded earwigs but I have a few that are starting to show promise and we are Zone 9b in Northern California so blessed with a long growing season, fingers crossed🌿🌻🌿

  453. Amy on

    I found a Filipendula rubra, “queen of the prairie”, at a local garden center. First time seeing one and instantly fell in love and bought it. I am so excited to see it planted out in my own backyard.

  454. Sabrina on

    Beautiful book! I’m loving all of the coneflower in my area!

  455. Nicolle B on

    I am loving the Pastel Anemones that I bought from Floret.

  456. Bindy McClymont on

    In Australia my Geraldton Wax (Chamelaucium uncinatum ) is covered in white flowers

  457. Barb Braswell on

    Sunflowers are blooming in my garden some we planted and some volunteers but all bring a smile to my face.

  458. Sarah R on

    We are loving the zinnias right now 🧡💛

  459. Lynn on

    Here in Maine, my hydrangeas are at their best right now!

  460. Janika on

    I am loving our sweet peas right now. My little guy can’t get enough of smelling them and I can’t get enough of his crinkled little nose. 💕

  461. Diane Daubeneck on

    My Spencer, High Perfume sweet peas in full splendor right now. I’ve been growing them from seeds saved each year from a trip to the Chelsea Flower Show in 2008. They are the best! I garden in Western Washington.

  462. Irene on

    The Zinnias I bought from you are my top favorite in my garden along with gazinias , dahlias , imaptients and roses.
    I love every one of my plants but those are my tops. I’m learning every season as I garden 🌸

  463. Mary Bowman on

    I so love the idea of growing for all seasons. It is like peaking ahead each month for the next burst of joy!! 🌸💕

  464. Krista Ursulescu on

    I am loving my snapdragons and wildflowers!!
    The wildflowers are so abundant and showy with all their colours and my snap dragons are growing so gorgeously and have been a delight to cut for daily bouquets!

  465. Michele on

    Hydrangeas are in full bloom now in Indiana and I can’t get enough of them!

  466. Kate on

    Miami Beach Florida. Right now everything is very hot and humid but the Gerbera and Coreopsis are thriving. I am a Landscape Designer here and right now is when we take vacation to the north! Haha

  467. planthoney on

    I am in South Mississippi just starting a small flower farm my favorites are zinniza ,strawflowers,geraniums …Garden on!!

  468. Julie lee on

    My 2nd year growing dahlias and I’m learning every day. Last year was a handful of dahlia tubers, this year tubers that I overwintered, dahlias seeds that I saved, and florets bees choice mix. Every dahlia is different. It’s such a joy walking out to my small nyc garden and seeing it transform from day to day. Each dahlia is special in its own way. Brings me constant joy!

  469. Bobbie Grimes on

    Hello! Right now in my garden, I am loving soooo many things, but if I have to choose just a few, my basil (lemon & cinnamon), snapdragons, & also my pumpkins are coming on!

  470. Alisa Simpson on

    My favorites right now are hydrangea, Floret Celosia (several varieties), and gardenia. 💖

  471. Margaret Broadway on

    This is the first year I’ve grown zinnias and they are so spectacular and varied. Will grow many more next year.

  472. Jackie W on

    My zinnias are at their peak right now!

  473. Kari on

    We’re loving all the Procuts! South Texas can’t get enough sunflowers and with our long summer we’re able to succession new colors in each month.

  474. Carissa on

    I love the Amazing Grey poppies and fragrant sweet peas sooo much🌸🙌!!

  475. Claire Collopy on

    Thanks for this! I’m simply loving my daisies right now!

  476. Karen Seger on

    I garden in Ohio. Hydrangeas, monarda, flocks, Daisy, catmint blooming now.

  477. Sally on

    I’m loving my hydrangeas right now!

  478. Leann on

    I am first year grower from Mississippi. My favorite is dahlias. But really it’s whatever blooming

  479. Donna on

    Favorite thing in my cut flower garden right now are the cosmos! So beauty and added just what I needed to my arrangements. Favorite thing in my veg garden in the borage! Love looking at the bees.

  480. Dawn Ryan on

    I love my Lantana and Coral Impatients!!!

  481. Michaela Wilding on

    I’m loving my yarrow summer berries currently, such a great filler and dried flower!

  482. Terri Smith on

    My garden is special place for my husband and I to spend everyday in. Following several gardeners help me learn something new everyday. It is so awesome that you and others are willing to share your knowledge. Thank you.

  483. Anne Doster on

    My dahlias are just coming into bloom. It’s the first year growing dahlias and I learned early on I had to protect the emerging leaves from the bunny population. The dahlias are now doing great!

  484. Rocio on

    Im just learning all about flowers i have Erins two books and i find it so fascinating i love all the beautiful flowers right now i have started buying some from the store but my hope is to one day have a small cut flower garden ❤️

  485. Lindsey Hofman on

    I am loving our meadow filled with native bee balm, yarrow and a whole list of other wildflowers! We have had enough moisture that the flowers are out in full force this year!

  486. Tina Coleman on

    Nigella! Such a beauty! And the seed pods are something special roo.


    I love purple flowers in particular so I’m really enjoying my Black and Blue Salvia and Giant Ironweed at the moment and eagerly awaiting my Liatris which will be blooming in a few months! Love you Erin, Chris and everyone at Floret. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Sarah’s book, Grow Your Own Cut Flowers that I found on eBay recently!

  488. Teresa Fugate on

    My Delphiniums! I started them from seed early this year and they are now if full, glorious bloom. Every morning I walk through my small garden with a cup of coffee in hand and meet up for a “coffee date” with a tiny hummingbird who seems to love my Delphiniums just as much as I do! 😉

  489. Hannah Beato on

    My neighborhood pollinators and I are enjoying the delicate sprinkle of blue from my directly-sewn Forget-Me-Nots that are growing in my raised veggie and herb garden. 🐝💙

  490. Amanda Mounce on

    I grew zinnias for the first time this year. Never knew how beautiful these flowers were and how unique they really are. They have quickly become a new favorite of mine and I have actually become quite obsessed with them. I think I love them more than roses even. Looking forward to growing more next year and trying other varieties!

  491. Sheila Tegen on

    Even though I’ve been gardening for about 45 years, I’m always learning something new and correcting mistakes. Really enjoying my dahlias, sunflowers, roses, snapdragons and sweet peas right now.

  492. Brian on

    We’re loving our Butterfly Bushes , Bachelor Buttons and Zinnias!

  493. Chris on

    I’ve done my first cutting garden this year after always wanting to try. I’m loving every minute of it and look forward to taking care of ‘my babies’ every day. My cutting garden has led to a need for someone to water things when I’m away, which is at least a week or so every month in total since spring. I’ve employed a very mature elementary school age girl down the culdesac to help me out. (Mom or dad helps) I’ve been told by neighbors that when she waters she often has several of the other kids in the culdesac with her in the yard. We have very close knit street and one of the other little ones, age 3, really just didn’t like me for some reason and would fuss a bit when I was around, even if I didn’t try to interact with her. One evening when we were out and she was a bit less timid, I asked if she liked flowers. She nodded. So I went to the house and grabbed a bottle I’d saved for flowers, cut her 3 or 4 and told her anytime she wanted to fill the bottle, she and her mom just needed to ask and come down and we’d pick what she liked. She hasn’t had any fussiness with me around since then. My flowers really give me joy and I’m looking forward to doing more next year.

  494. Abby Forrest on

    I’m LOVING my zinnias right now! They are so beautiful at this time. I am very impressed with how tough and heat tolerant they are here in Missouri. It’s kinda like they know they are working extra hard for just me!!!

  495. Robin Lensi on

    I plant flowers so I can cut them! Would love your new book!

  496. Alycia on

    My Dahlias are so beautiful right now as well as a new variety of Black Eyed Susan I got from Floret!

  497. Amy Baksbaugh on

    I am loving my frosted explosion grass and some varieties of Snapdragons!

  498. Marie Powers on


    I came across your book when my family and I went to Magnolia in Waco over spring break. Since then I have followed and read your every blog. You have given me so much inspiration and got me started on my own little cut flower garden. I kinda went crazy and ordered a bunch of dahlias tubers and zinnia seeds…to the point that I’m running out of space. But I want you to know that I am loving every minute of it. Despite all the work in the garden…watering, pruning, etc., I have never been this content and happy. Thank you for all that you do. 😀

  499. Krista on

    Beautiful, look forward to reading this book one way or another!

  500. Barbara Marin on

    I’m loving the show of Dahlias in my backyard, Northern California. I’ve learned so much recently following Erin/Floret through her books, FB, and on Magnolia/Discovery.
    Looking forward to learning more!💕🌸🦋🌞

  501. Shari on

    I purchased some Chocolate Lace flower seeds from Floret this spring and I am loving them. They are so whimsical. I love the array of pinks, and they last a long time in a bouquet. I will be planting more of these next year!

  502. Faith Nemecek on

    I’m really enjoying the different Clematis that I have this year. It’s been fun and so rewarding to see such growth and beautiful big blooms!

  503. Melanie Gothman on

    Hello: My husband and I live in a HOA which doesn’t allow you to do any of your own landscaping or gardening. We like to bend the rules just a little bit and fill our sidewalk, patio, and deck with flowers. As many as we can get in those spaces. Honestly, we LOVE bleeding hearts. They are sentimental and speak of those heritage gardens that I grew up with at my Great- Grandmother’s house. This spring I traveled 3 hours just to buy transplants from an older lady that was selling all hers. We lovely prepare our pots so they will overwinter and hopefully come back next year and be planted in our new homestead. Thank you for all the knowledge you share and for all the wonderful interviews you do with others. My husband and I watch your stuff together and are forever inspired to just live your dreams and to just try!
    Blessings – Melanie

  504. Nicole Chilson on

    I love My sunflowers so much but I have ONE dahlia that I am patiently waiting to bloom.

  505. Debra Farley on

    My favorite flowers in my garden now are zinnias. So many different colors and shapes. I enjoy looking at them from my kitchen window. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book. Looks amazing!!!🙂🌺🌹🌼🌻💐

  506. Becca Martin on

    I’m loving my dahlias right now! They’re an experiment which is always exciting.

  507. Desirée Mofidi on

    I’m enjoying my cannas right now. They seem to be thriving in the So Cal desert heat (112 today). The foliage is beautiful and the bright orange flowers make me happy.

  508. Cindy Satalino on

    I am loving all my flowers especially my petunias and zinnias.

  509. Diane Knaack on

    My begonias, housed on the front porch, are doing spectacularly. Some are blooming, some are gorgeous leaves.

  510. Sara on

    I appreciate all the information for gardening! This year is the first year I have really gotten into the idea of cut flower gardens, varieties and enjoying them indoors and out. It really is a peaceful, if not hot, time to just unwind and be calm. Right now I’m loving, mandavillas, zinnias, hibiscus and cassia trees. I am thinking of moving up to roses next! And this is the first year we have multiple pots of basil surviving!!!

  511. Meghan von Wildemann on

    I’m absolutely in love with my roses, iceberg roses, pansies, lambs ear and lavender. Nothing quiet like picking your own flowers for your house and friends.

  512. Shelley Robillard on

    Wonderful interview! I always enjoy zinnias, but right now I’m REALLY enjoying some different varieties of strawflowers and asters that I have never grown before. The Asters are porbably my favorites right this very minute! I have several different varietes, but the Matador Mix is starting to bloom and they are AMAZING!

  513. Lisa Barber on

    I’m loving my Zinnias! So are the Japanese Beatles!

  514. Gwen on

    I am also loving watching the pomegranates on my pomegranate tree grow!

  515. KC on

    The sweet peas are gorgeous right now!

  516. Felecia Hays on

    Tres Amigo Coneflower has been a delightful surprise in my garden. Bold and beautiful color that holds up in the Texas summer heat.

  517. Sharon on

    My snapdragons are fantastic this year!

  518. RosaLee Walker on

    I am falling in love with my zinnias! I planted a ton of different ones and the colors, shapes, and sizes are amazing.

  519. Ashley on

    This is the first year that my daughter and I are growing zinnias, so they are definitely our favorite right now! I love that we can enjoy them together!

  520. Megan on

    I am currently loving Floret’s Bee Balm Bergamo, it’s my first year growing it. The bees love it, and it looks great in the market bouquets! It’s a win win.

  521. Amber on

    I am currently loving my celosia. First year growing and it’s so cool! Also looking forward to doing some cool weather stuff!

  522. Lisa Tyler on

    Right now in north Texas my Zinnias are putting on a show but I’m equally excited about my Dusty Miller 🤣

  523. Gloria Sizemore on

    I love my zinnias, never knew the stems could be so long!!!! But of course love my pink dahlias!!!

  524. Jennifer on

    Lisianthus!!! And Zinnias!!! Oh, and the dahlias I started from seed! It’s exciting waiting to see what each dahlia is going to look like.

  525. An on

    I’m loving my celosia this year! First time growing and so amazing!! I’m looking forward to doing some cool weather plants also!!

  526. Lauren Williams on

    The warm weather has all the flowers, both garden flowers and wildflowers, popping with color!

  527. Kelly on

    Love this interview!! I’m new to flower gardening . I had never heard of zinnias before but this year I planted some and fell I love. I also have herbs, calendula and love nasturtiums and sunflowers. Thanks for having a book giveaway ! Congratulations to the winners!

  528. Janet Lind on

    I love that you are willing to share all your knowledge. I grew up on a farm and there are lots of things I didn’t know. Who would have thought pinching your flowers 💐 is so beneficial?

  529. Mariah on

    This is the first summer I have planted stock, and I am loving how beautiful it is and the incredible scent that they produce. It just brings instant joy and delight! Thank you ladies for sharing your knowledge and inspiration with all of us!

  530. Suna on

    I’m loving white night procuts right now. The books looks wonderful!

  531. Kayla on

    I never liked zinnias till this year. I guess I just needed the right kinds! I can’t stop touching them every time I walk by my vase full. And I can never stop with sunflowers. They are the epitome of a happy flower.

  532. Linda on

    I’d love to get some gardening books in my library! This winter I tried starting seeds indoors and I suck at it! I’m loving the zinnias and dahlias I planted directly outside. Zinnias have always been one of my favorites. I’m just getting acquainted with dahlias. But there are so many flowers that I love, so now that I’m retired I plan to jump into the garden!

  533. Midori on

    Just made an arrangement with nemesia and loving it’s soft whimsical nature.

  534. Sarah on

    Thank you for sharing this interview! My current favorite are my zinnias! I’ve been really inspired by your zinnia breeding journey and just recently planted some seed I collected last year to see what I get. I can’t wait for them to grow and bloom later on this summer.

  535. Greta E. on

    I’m loving my chocolate Dara!

  536. Chelsea Golden on

    I love the zinnias I planted this spring! I started seeds indoors for the first time this year, we moved this summer and I took 4 potted plants with me in the move. They are thriving and bringing me so much joy.

  537. Kim burnham on

    I’m new to the flower farming world although I have loved flowers and the lift they are to my soul for many years. I’m currently reading all I can get my hands in and plan to start a cut garden next summer! So exciting! My favorite I. The garden right now is my wildflower mix, I have no idea what the names are but I have light links, blues, purples of maybe love In the most? I also have a David Austin bud rose that I am loving!
    Thanks for all the inspiration

  538. Rebecca Stone on

    Our zinnias are going crazy right now! I love it when my three-year-old son brings flowers to his mama 😍 I am excited to learn more flowers we can grow and cut in own garden :-)

  539. Sheri Christensen on

    My Shasta Daisies are making me so happy! I’m also loving my new little Limelight Hydrangeas!

  540. Ruth Pruitt on

    I am loving my zinnias the most this year. I planted an entire bed of them and they are so beautiful!

  541. Kate on

    I’m in love with my black scabious it seems to bloom forever and tonnes on one plant

  542. Kristin Kopec on

    We are at a new house and I’m scheming for next summer and CANNOT WAIT to plant! Our neighbors have beautiful gardens and so much is in bloom. I love it! Right now I’m obsessed with foxglove.

  543. Julie K Richardson on

    I’m loving my new hollyhocks this year! They are taller than me! Also planted a few new dahlias and can’t wait to see them bloom!!

  544. Melissa on

    Loving my Lantana and butterfly bushes for obvious reasons ( Bees, Hummingbirds and of course Butterflies). But obsessed with the variety of Holly Hock in my garden and throughout the neighborhood. Everything is in bloom, including my pompon Dahlias ( beautiful peach 🍑 color. 🥰. Happy Gardening. So therapeutic 💕🪴

  545. Violet Salazar on

    We are building a house in North Texas and hoping to plant Roses, they love the heat. Now after being inspired by Floret Flowers looking forward to planting Zinnias, would love to try Lavender too!!! Thanks Floret flowers for introducing Sarah Raven to us here in the states, what inspiration she is too! Many blessings to both Erin and Sarah fir their willingness to share their knowledge. Hope I win this lovely book 📕!

  546. Leora on

    My two Dahlia plants! (I have a porch garden with pots) It’s my first year planting Dahlias, they haven’t bloomed yet but I’m so exciting watching them grow everyday!!

  547. Jessica Xie on

    I’m loving my Fleurel dahlia this year. I grew it last year for the first time and was able to save the tubers using the Saran Wrap method that Erin taught in one of her videos. They’re growing into huge and healthy plants and I cannot wait for them to bloom again!

  548. Tiffany on

    I would love a copy! I unfortunately don’t have a favorite because I have not yet started a garden, but I love ALL flowers! Love zinnias! Love dahlias! I feel like I am not educated enough and nervous I’m just going to kill them!

  549. Angelina Gutierrez on

    I am loving my ball variety dahlias, especially rose toscano. I took cutting this winter and the are all starting to bloom.

  550. Kim on

    Grew zinnias for the first time this year after following your story. They are blooming beautifully and I’m excited to plant more!

  551. Kassie Schwan on

    I’ve been a fan of Sarah’s early cut-flower books, too; they were the beginning of my growing flowers wishbook collection, and it’s always still expanding.
    I realize I follow flower growers and florists like other folks follow a baseball team, so I’m always cheering on great “players” like Erin and Sarah! Go, team!

  552. Alexis on

    Just getting started with cut flowers, soaking up all the information that I can!! Definitely want to add this book to my gardening library.

  553. Calli Shadix on

    Although my passion this summer has been growing Dahlias, I am loving my Zinnias that I started from Floret’s seed packets. I have learned so much about both from Erin’s books and Instagram account. Erin is truly an inspiration to me as a gardener! Thank you for sharing all you do with us!

  554. Olga Grimalt on

    I am new to all of this! I’m very excited to be planning and researching how to start my flower garden. At the moment I have a few rose bushes and lots of room to grow!

  555. Theresa H. on

    The sunflowers in my region are looking especially gorgeous right now, most going to seed and attracting all the birds. My little boy wanted to grow his own sunflowers earlier this year and he’s so proud and loves showing them off. It’s been fun seeing him get excited for these flowers.

  556. Pam Aleixo Lis on

    My tropicals are spectacular – elephant ears and red bananas. If my dahlias were blooming , I’m sure I’d be naming them!

  557. Sally on

    I love seeing the dancing foxgloves in people’s gardens on the way to work imagining them as mini fairy gardens!

  558. Hanne Merete on

    I really love dahlias and dephiniums much 😍

  559. Nicole Sebok on

    I love many plants right now… but today I am really enjoying the beauty of my apricot strawflowers. This is my first attempt at growing them and the colours are stunning!

  560. April on

    Well, we just moved in Feb. We have a beautiful country lake home and big beautiful yard with about 20 big flower beds…. that haven’t been touched in probably 20 years. So pulling it all back together is a HUGE undertaking for this ol gal! But so far I’ve been able to clean out a little and plant some things. Hydrangeas are my fave and luckily deer haven’t ate them yet!

  561. Michelle Lesher on

    We planted the most dahlias we’ve ever planted this year… 1900 and they are finally starting to bloom! Peaches N’ Cream and Linda’s Baby are the top two right now… It really is amazing how happy flowers make you feel!

  562. Jeannie Moody-Novak on

    Snapdragons are blooming in all their glory here in Michigan!!! I’m a flower lover – find it difficult to choose a favorite!

  563. Tina Evans on

    My zinnias are blooming in all their glory right now. They have always, always been my favorite. I tried shaggy ones this year and also cannot wait for the Precious Metals seeds to be available! Thank you, thank you for your joyful inspiration.

  564. Leslie Albin on

    I’m in love with the Dahlia seedlings that started from the packet that Erin put with her book. And I have never grown before larkspur before and purchased Floret seedlings, next year I’m planning to grow every color I can find!

  565. Rachel on

    I stated Nicotiana from seed for the first time and am so pleased with their performance! So much hardier than when I buy them as annual starters and enjoying the taller variety (Jasmine) and Lime Green!

  566. Jessica on

    Right now my echinacea are showing off, but I’m looking forward to dahlias.

  567. Sara on

    I am so enjoying my zinnias right now, and dreaming of the day I might have mixed metallics in my garden!

  568. Lacy on

    I decided to try roses for the first time this year and jumped in feet first with three bushes. I am obsessed with Eglantyne (sweetest smell ever) and Lady of Shallot, both from the David Austin collection.

  569. Emily on

    I’m loving lavender in my garden right now. I had always been under the impression it was very difficult to grow. This year I accepted the challenge, determined to grow it from seed. Well, I ended up with more than I could have imagined and I’m giddy knowing I will get to enjoy it for years to come!

  570. Macy Lane on

    Just one!?! I can’t pick! It’s a toss up between My David Austin rose hedge, My hydrangea hedge (new to my garden this year/first time growing!) and of course the tried and true Zinnia. I’m dreaming of precious metals zinnias until they are available to grow though!

  571. Jesy on

    It’s so hard to pick just one, but I think my dahlia’s are my favorite this year!! They just keep producing gorgeous blooms!!

  572. Cheryl Beden on

    After a recent move to West TX in Lubbock I’m loving my Zinnias. They have thrived for me and are showing off this summer with lots of rain. I’m learning as I’m new to this climate and enjoying my vegetable garden as well!

  573. Nicole on

    I’m really loving the beautiful peachy sunflowers I got from you (I can’t remember the name at the moment). They are just starting to bloom and everyone comments on them!

  574. Mindy Weber on

    I’m growing so many new amazing flowers this year and yet my love for zinnias still seem to take my heart.

  575. Jennifer Sweat on

    I’m in love with Shirley poppies right now, such a brilliant red color that pops in my garden!

  576. Tania on

    I am new to flower growing, my favourites so far dahlias, sweet peas and zinnias.

  577. Stacey Chapman on

    Loving Lavatera right now! First time growing it, not quite where I want it to be for cuts but it’s such a beautiful flower!

  578. Jessica B. on

    Enjoying my sunflowers right now. When times get tough, I just look at them to help brighten my day!

  579. Mandy on

    I’m loving my David Austin’s. Such amazing blooms that are thriving in their first year. Looking forward to seeing them grow and establish themselves over the years.

  580. Delinda on

    I have large flower pots on my deck filled with marigolds,zinnias, straw flowers,African daisies, creeping Jenny and Dusty Miller, but my fav this year has been a “black” petunia.

  581. Laetitia on

    Both Erin and Sara you have taught me so much trough your books, I would love to add this one to my collection. Plus Friday’s my son birthday so I hope to win 🥰
    The flowers that I love the most in my garden this summer are Eucalyptus, straw flowers and zinnias.
    Greeting from Golden – Canada.
    Laetitia 🌷

  582. Hannah on

    I’m just diving into the world of flowers and growing a cutting garden and it is so inspiring to watch the beauty that is grown in these stunning gardens! We’re in a season of waiting as we are looking forward to building our house, so I haven’t planted much at all this year. We do share a garden with my parents and though we had a last, late freeze that killed a good chunk of what we had planted; a few things remained. One being a few lovely sunflower plants that are volunteers from last year. So far, they are the tallest plant in our garden, growing so strong and lovely. They are my favorite this year.

  583. Marissa on

    I’m loving all the hydrangeas in my neighborhood right now! They look like giant tie-dye explosions on the bushes. So fun!

  584. Lisa B. on

    I am loving my purple coneflowers right now. They are just beautiful with all their different shades of purple, pink and lavender!

  585. Ashley Keith on

    I have had such a hard time getting my plants to grow the last couple of years. This is the first year I’m seeing success and I literally can’t pick a favorite. They all make me so happy and excited! I’m especially loving my zinnias right now though and my dahlias are almost blooming and I can’t wait!

  586. Carissa on

    The Russian Sage is making a comeback right now in my garden, it got hit with a late frost, but it’s happy now!

  587. Tammy L. on

    Loving our bells of Ireland since this is our first time growing them. Never have seen them before.

  588. Patricia on

    I have fallen in love with Zinnias this year! I’m looking to expand my garden to incorporate a bigger flush of them for next year!! Thank you, Erin, for all your wonderful inspiration!!

  589. Bethany Arnold on

    This is the first year I’ve planted flowers alongside my garden as natural pest deterrents. I thought they’d be pretty and that I’d appreciate more fruit with pollinators arriving but never thought I’d be just as excited to see them bloom as I am when I see the tomatoes come on or the snap peas. We have zinnias and cosmos, lavender and marigolds and they are all just gorgeous! I’ve appreciated the summer mini-series, and just went through the painful process of pinching everything off. I can only imagine my excitement when more start to flower. Thank you, so much, for sharing your wealth of knowledge and adding a touch of joy with each bloom!

  590. Shanna on

    My favourites in my garden right now are my Mother of Pearl poppies or my hollyhocks. So many blooms! I didn’t think my hollyhocks I started from seed last year would make it (and especially bloom) because the leaves were completely eaten this spring, but they’ve pulled through!

  591. Paula Pocock on

    Beautiful and inspirational. I can’t wait to get this book. My favorite flower always is the daisy. I never get tired of them. Next year I plan to plant dahlias for the first time. Looking forward to growing them.

  592. Macey Wolfe on

    We just bought a new house and I’m so excited to add a bunch of new perennials to the garden! Right now the only thing in bloom is a pretty blue hydrangea, so that’s what I’m loving haha! Can’t wait to add more blooms for next spring and summer.

  593. Nicola Dymott on

    I ordered Persicaria Orientalis from Sarah Raven and grew it by seed. It’s just starting to flower 🎉 love it!!!

  594. Christina Ziegler on

    New to flower growing. I love the production of our snapdragons and the blooms on the zinnias.

  595. Jenny on

    My mock orange bush is in full bloom, and it’s so wonderfully fragrant. Alaska gardening is a whole new ballgame for me, and any shrub that is cold-hardy and blooms is becoming my go-to for flowers. I’d love to get this book and try some new annuals.

  596. Rhonda Collier on

    I love floretflower and all of Erin’s tutorials. You are an amazing teacher and inspiration! I built 2 new flower beds this spring for zinnias and I can’t wait to plant seeds that you are cultivating. I have never met a zinnia I didn’t like!!

  597. Steph on

    I’m loving my crocosmia and black eyed Susan’s.

    Love well photographed gardening books, helpful and beautiful!

  598. Maureen Sliter on

    I’m going to tell my son this is what I want for my birthday!! Looks like a great book! I’m a beginner gardener.

  599. Maaike on

    I’ve been loving the gladiolus that have opened in my garden this week!

  600. Gilbert Plascencia on

    What a great interview! I’m loving all the poppies in my garden and around my neighborhood!

  601. Cassandre on

    My first dahlia ever is just about to bloom. Very exciting!

  602. Katie on

    As a historian, trying to finish my dissertation while applying for jobs and supporting my husband while he figures out his new job in a new state, my container garden of roses is giving me life—though it looks a bit lifeless at the moment! But the wildflowers in the mountains of SW Virginia/East TN are just breathtaking. Blues, purples, yellows, and blush pinks line the highways, push through the stone walls, and blanket the meadows. We have a small veg patch, and I’m hoping to make a patch for cut flowers next season!

  603. Diana on

    Great interview! Loving my dahlias and sweet peas but now must make room for zinnias whose beautiful soft tones have won my heart!

  604. Beth on

    This my first year growing dahlias….I’m so excited!!

  605. Jerusha on

    It’s such a gift to be able to connect with others over the love of flowers and watching things grow.
    Lately I’ve been enjoying all my gladiolus and making big vibrant bouquets with them. They are such a cheerful flower and don’t disappoint.

  606. Lacey Bogart on

    This is the first year for our new garden, we moved into our home last August. I’m just so proud of what I’ve created in really such a short time. I’m growing things I’ve never tried before and it been so excited when they actually bloom. New to me this year is snapdragons, larkspur, sunflower, echinacea, dill, bachelor’s buttons.

  607. Aimee Sexton on

    Zinnias are my favorite right now along with my clematis at my mailbox! Such a wonderful inspiring interview, I can’t wait to get the book and get even more inspired to grow a bigger cut garden next year!

  608. Heidi McKinster on

    the two of you! what fun. i have ALL of your books, so i especially enjoyed your “chat”.

    i have 9 acres. Right now i’m focused on Grevillia. I just put in a ‘Big John”. I am experimenting with all sorts of australian plants here in southern California. I am using an assortment for ground cover AND to stabilize the bank. Their deep roots, infrequent watering after the first year should set an example for others. Cross your fingers ;).

    Thank you both.

  609. Cortney on

    Can’t wait to check out her books! I moved into a new home in the fall and this spring and summer has been a fun journey is discovering what was already planted here! My summer favorite has been Virginia spiderwort, I was not previously familiar with this flower and enjoyed their sweet little purple flowers

  610. Melanie Hames on

    I’m a little late to the game but thrilled to have discovered Sarah Raven a couple of weeks ago thanks to my Med school roommate who this year completed the floret workshop a year behind me.
    I am loving my Benary Giant Deep Red zinnias and huge, luckily negelected, wild and wonderful supercrest celosias right now!
    I am thankful for those that have gathered all this flower knowledge for years and so freely share with all of us. Unlike Sarah, I stayed in medicine but now at 57 years old, I am starting my own dream of flowers while moving towards retirement in a few years. I would love to say I could have figured out how to do the flower thing in my 30’s! But the reality is at that time, I was on a different path with different goals and it took me 25 years to become more creative, more confident, to become more of an optimist and to see all the possibilities so I could do this!!! We all have our own path….I am so thankful for my journey leading me to this point.
    Last but not least, beyond excited about the soon to be acquired new little patch of land behind my house. I always think about the soccer field next door to Erin with the lawnmower breakdown and the grocery money. I made an offer, and not even a week ago they said yes!!!!! YAY!!!!! ❤️💐 🌻 😆

  611. Ayla on

    I am really enjoying my bachelor buttons and cosmos right now. Their vibrant colors are so fun to arrange together!

  612. Elizabeth Kelly on

    I am going to add this to my Christmas wishlist! I have loved growing flowers for a while. Last year I had great success with sunflowers. This year they have been eaten by groundhogs and squirrels. I have a few sneakly growing and hope they are not discovered before they can flower. My favorite this year are snapdragons. The squirrels and groundhogs and dear seem to want nothing to do with them. They are one of my joys this year along with strawberry colored yarrow.

  613. Christina Reilly on

    I am loving my lavender right now! I planted it two years ago and it’s luscious and beautiful and full of bees! :)

  614. Logan on

    I am happy with the explosion of phlox, coneflower and black eyed susan going on at the moment. I get morning peaks at hostas, iris and hellabore hanging out underneath all the taller plants. Getting ready to dig in to a entirely new border in the few weeks.

  615. Jenna on

    Thanks for the wonderful interview! I’m loving the sunflowers in my garden at the moment. 🌻

  616. Melissa Gilley on

    I loved the information and perspective shared in this interview. And currently I am enjoying sweet peas in my garden, which are from Floret Flower seeds! Thank you for the chance to win thus gorgeous book.

  617. Kimber Kirton on

    Wow! What a great interview. I have so much to learn from both of you.

    My flower farm had a lot of setbacks this year, but I am really appreciating my Mountain Mint more than anything. It brings all the pollinators to the farm so I have incredible vegetables and flowers thanks to them. And the smell! I love the breeze carrying the scent of mountain mint across the property. Of course, I love my zinnias and dahlias and coneflowers, but the real workhorse is the mountain mint. It’s taught me to appreciate non-honey bee pollinators as good pollinators. And it spreads on its own each year so I don’t have to worry about it. I know it will return to work twice as hard each year. Greatly under-appreciated plant!

  618. Deirdre on

    Right now I’m loving my cosmos! I love how cloud like they are

  619. Sabrina on

    I always get excited when I see Zinnias! We are in a drought & watering ban where we are, so my zinnias are looking very sad. But I’m still hopeful a few will bloom.

  620. Dorinda Olstad on

    Such an inspiration- interviewee and interviewer. First year as a flower farmer here. I love Orlaya right now. I’d never heard of it until this year. It is performing amazingly even in in the boggy soil I have

  621. Janyel Taylor on

    What I love about gardening in our yard is the uptick of biodiversity within our yard. It took us two years but we finally got fireflies back. We see gorgeous birds such as cardinals, blue jays, robins, egrets, etc. The butterfly population has increased along with many other pollinators. The best part is watching our daughter, Juniper, experience the garden daily! ❤️

  622. Linda on

    My current favorite is hydrangeas🧡! They are currently in bloom at my garden and look so beautiful and stunning. This is my first year growing them, so far so good!

  623. Cindy Gardner on

    So inspiring! Thank you for sharing. Right now I’m loving lavender for it scent, but my all time favorite are peonies!

  624. Brianna on

    Loved reading the interview! Right now I am loving how beautiful and delicate our cosmos look but I also love how fun and bright our zinnias are.

  625. Katie C on

    I’m loving watching all the bees come and go and which flowers they seem to gravitate to. Planted dahlias for the first time this year but they haven’t bloomed yet. Excited for when they do!

  626. Jen on

    🌿 My favorite plants in the garden right now are the three sweet sunflowers 🌼🌼🌼 my daughter planted and our fuzzy monkey paws! 🙊🐾🌟

  627. Racheal on

    My roses! I just planted 4 new roses and I’m loving the new varieties. So excited for them to get even bigger and produce more blooms.

  628. Lori boone on

    I am loving my Zinnias in my garden. They add such beautiful color. I love watching the process they go through!

  629. Tiffany Voeller on

    My dahlias are blooming and I’m loving them this year! I would so enjoy a copy of this book 🙏

  630. Jacquelyn on

    Dahlias! Mine are just starting. I grew a lot from seed so it is so fun see what all the new blooms look like each day!

  631. Kim Peterson on

    New to Sarasota and amazed at how fast flowers grow here! Dahlias and zinnias popping up and waiting to reveal themselves. So exciting!!

  632. Susan Kilpatrick on

    Thanks for sharing the interview – so inspirational. My clematis is blooming right now – large purple blooms!

  633. Kandice on

    So amazing! I’m loving my baby zinnias!

  634. Monique Ruiz on

    What an exciting giveaway! I’ve had so many garden failures this year as a first time/novice gardener, but a few things have been absolutely stellar performers. That said, the plant I’m loving the most this year is a braided hibiscus I picked up from my local Home Depot. Every couple of days we’re lucky enough to have a new flush of blooms and even though they’re short lived, I love them! A close second has been my Portulaca annuals that I grew from seed. The rainbow of colors has been such a visual treat!

  635. Beth on

    I’m new to planting flowers from seed. My daughter and I planted seniors for the first time this year and there are so many different colors even one that has red stripes through out the petals! I would love to just learn more about planting flowers in a good way to incorporate them throughout our 12 acres.

  636. Jo Ann DiGiacinto on

    Great interview! What I love in our garden right now are the cosmos. This is my first time growing these from seeds (Floret seeds!). I have them growing along one side of our house, near our rose arbor. I love passing by our home and seeing them all lined up, lush and full. And, I love to hear all the comments from neighbors passing by, saying how lovely our property is. Something so magical to know I started these indoors and to see what they’ve become, really gives me joy. I’m learning so much, by reading all the available resources and recommendations. I’m encouraging friends and family to grow their own flowers! My dream is to purchase a piece of land to have a bigger garden for more flowers.

  637. Michelle on

    Gladiolus and calla lillies are my dependables despite the brutal early heat wave we had. Congrats on this wonderful new book Mrs. Raven!

  638. Deborah Uhler on

    I’ve been frustrated with my garden this summer .. waiting for new dahlias to flower after I tried pinching them this year

  639. Allison on

    I stared gardening last year as an “experiment” because I had some zinnia seeds on hand and have been loving it since! My favorite thing about my garden this year are my cosmos and marigolds! It is truly rewarding to watch my flowers grow. I LOVE being inspired by other people’s gorgeous gardens. I hope to get some of Erin’s marvelous zinnias next year and grow those too.

  640. Sandra Devaney on

    Such a great interview! Sarah’s podcast is so good, hope there will be a Floret one someday! Absolutely obsessed with Rudbeckia—growing it for the first time.

  641. Karen on

    Loving the first dahlia blooms and waiting for more!

  642. Marcia on

    Wonderful interview with an inspiring garden expert. My sunflowers from Floret seeds are just starting to bloom this week, and I’m so happy to find them every morning!

  643. Geneva Stutzman on

    I have some volunteer poppies that came up in my garden from the previous owners that I can’t get over! I want to learn exactly how and when to pick them eventually!

  644. Krista on

    I am loving my dahlias right now, its my second year growing from seed and everyday is like a treasure hunt in the garden!

  645. Kim L on

    Wonderful interview! I am loving all things floral right now especially my sunflowers. They just make you smile no matter how hot it is 🌻

  646. Ada on

    I love echinaceas. Just can’t stop looking at them 😍 Greetings 🥰

  647. Barbara on

    I just found out about your blog. It is amazing and I can’t wait for my morning tea to sit down and read one or two articles. I love all flowers and I would like to cut them to decorate my house but I can’t gather enough courage to cut them as I love so much how they decorate my garden. Although I’m a big fan of hollyhocks. They are not very popular and sometimes considered as pests where I live but I love how rustic they look. :)

  648. Cindy Wilt on

    Thanks for the inspiration! Planning an urban flower garden next summer! Can’t wait

  649. Amanda N on

    I’m very excited to look at this book since this is exactly the idea I’d love for my garden! We bought our first house this last year so this is also our first time having a yard and garden. Since I didn’t know much, I thought I would start simple with some areas and ended up buying some zinnia seedlings from a local farm, having heard that they were easy to grow. I don’t remember my parents ever growing it, but oh goodness do I love them! I love the big double flowers with multiple tones and they LAST so long! I ended up buying seeds from the local cooperative and planting a seed bed of them since I loved them so much. I really appreciate all your tips and videos, because otherwise I would never have known about pinching to get more blooms and longer stems!

  650. Carlie Brooks on

    This is my first year growing a cut flower garden and I am LOVEING IT! I’ve tried flowers that are life-long favorites (like sunflowers and snapdragons) and new favorites (like larkspur and poppies). It has been so fun to see the whole process growing before my eyes.

  651. Amy Stapleton on

    I planted my own (small!) cut flower garden this year for the first time using seeds that I got from Floret, and I can’t tell you how happy it is making me! Most especially are the multi colored zinnias that I have! I never knew I loved zinnias so much, but I do! A new favorite for sure. 😊

  652. Jill Dykstra on

    I’m loving my zinnia planted by our mailbox :)

  653. Angela DeMatteo on

    I’ve been loving the calendula we grow. They’ve been really full with so many flowers…happy shades of orange and yellow. I just love them.

  654. Leigh Rupp on

    This year I am most enjoying dahlias. I’m new to zone 6b and have planted about 50 tubers. Yesterday the first one bloomed a vibrant red about 4 inches in size. I’ve grown this beautiful flower before but not as one garden. I’m experimenting with them and it’s a lot of fun. Can’t wait until I have enough to share with friends and neighbors.

  655. Mary Dondlinger on

    I am enjoying my first year growing dahlias. I am so excited that they are doing so well ( a tribute to Erin’s most recent book). Following Erin has gotten me interested in growing zinnias. Can’t wait to see when the new varieties that you are breeding are available to be grown by others!! Always excited to have a new, wonderful source of inspiration (Sarah)!!

  656. Aimee Jones on

    I’m enjoying the snapdragons, bells of Ireland and honeywort I planted this spring.

  657. Jan Kessel on

    Thanks to you both for sharing your beautiful info and knowledge of flowers. I am loving dahlias right now, and sweet peas! (From floret seed) next year I want to plant zinnias! 🌸Many thanks🙏

  658. Katy on

    After the last year and a half of budgeting and planning, we’ve finally gotten to a place where we were able to put in 2 beds exclusively for cut flowers! I’m really loving the fullness of dahlias and the newer zinnia varieties… ranunculuses are also catching my eye too often to not be mentioned!… but I think I’m most excited about the secondary elements of my future bouquets… the idea of using things like cabbage and kales and bolted herbs to create unique, true farm to table style displays is really taking my focus right now going into fall planning. Thanks for all you do and for putting together this contest!!

  659. Jean on

    More than a decade ago, when I arrived to permanently settle in the UK from an arrid country, Sarah Raven, in one of her books, introduced me to AMMI. That did it for me, and there’s no going back! Thanks Erin and SR for a great interview.

  660. Shantell on

    I’m trying out dahlias for the first time this year. Hoping they bloom!

  661. Kate Huelsman on

    I found a peach and pink and cream dahlia this year that I planted alongside the path to our car so I can see it each morning as we leave for school and work. 2 years ago my husband and I were more interested in planting edible plants and didn’t think much of making space for flowers but during covid we started a small flower garden in the front yard and it became an outlet for both of us!

  662. Natalie on

    I love that you support other flower farmers! This is how I am able to learn more and appreciate it so much! I’m starting my flower garden next year.. I have the seeds but just need to put down compost(more work than I anticipated lol) and plant. Thanks for all that you do!

  663. Chelsie Solie on

    Love this!! I finally moved into a home with a yard and planted Zinnias for the first time. I’m planning my little yard flower garden for next year and can’t wait to order seed this winter. Thank you for your inspiration and willingness to share your knowledge!

  664. Natalie on

    Wonderful interview!! Just added this book to my list. Zinnias are my favorite to grow in my garden! I just stared gardening within the last 2 years I have zinnias, sunflowers, roses, wild flowers, day lilies, and a few others. I’m excited for my garden to continue to grow!

  665. Lydia W on

    Thank you! I love when you share what inspires you. Just added Sarah Raven’s instagram account, and I’m looking forward to her content as well!! I don’t currently have a garden, but have plenty of dreams for one in the (hopefully) near future! Eager to try zinnias and dahlias. <3

  666. Inge on

    I 💕 poppies in my garden, the different tones of red & leaves 😍. But all flowers and greens are welcome, except the yellow tones, not very found of the colour 😉

  667. Allison Lambert on

    I’ve been listening to Sarah’s podcast and her book sounds amazing!

  668. Lindsey on

    My sweet peas are giving me such joy at the moment (though that’s easy as they’re my favorite flower), but also seeing the new rose bushes I planted this year come into bloom has been so exciting!

  669. Susan Richards on

    I am loving my Dahlias and Echinacea and Crocosmea right now. I want some zinnias but all the ones at the stores are so blah compared to the ones I see at your farm. I am waiting for your seeds. 😀

  670. Nicoletge on

    Enjoyed this article. This is my first year in a home and gardening, I discovered dinner plate dahlias this year so I am so excited to watch them bloom!

  671. Heather Becker on

    Wonderful interview .Am inspired to get to it and believe I can actually grow flowers I would not have attempted before .
    Cleomes , I am loving at home currently . Their pretty pink tones and sprays give a neat effect in large containers . They are quite large now at their peak . I catch myself looking at them throughout the day. 🌼

  672. Jessica Crocker on

    I have always loved flowers… but I am new to wanting to grow them! I’m excited to learn all there is to know (as a beginner)… and to be ready for next spring!

  673. Jenean on

    What a wonderful interview. Thank you for your support of hobby growers like me. I planted a new flower bed of dahlias last year and certainly could use some more advise on growing them and other flowers.

  674. Kelly Harkins on

    My favorite flowers are my zinnias right now. My gladiolus are blooming beside them with my cosmos. Thank you for being so inspiring!!!!

  675. Dena Zimmerman on

    All the echinacea in the neighborhood is my favorite! Someday it will be in my own garden too :)

  676. Amy Noonan on

    I’m loving all of the zinnias! They are absolutely beautiful this year! 😍

  677. Mikhaila on

    I have always had all my sunflowers that I planted in my garden eaten by animas and birds. This year I planted double what I needed and closer together. I was able to cut my first sunflower bouquet this week 🤗, I love them!

  678. Dana Nance on

    I am loving the zinnias and bee balm and daylilies in my garden right now! It has been a mild July and I am thankful!

  679. Christina on

    I love the blue color of Bachelor’s Buttons!!

  680. Michelle ochitwa on

    My cosmos come back every year on there own, and I’ve started dahlias for the first time this year! They are all budded up 😁👍
    Would love that book… thanks for the opportunity to win.

  681. Rachel on

    Thank you for the interview, Erin. I am really enjoying the sunflowers I sowed a couple of months ago. Is there a more cheerful flower? I think not.

  682. Jill on

    I’m learning so much from you (Erin) right now, and now Sarah! My favorite garden flowers this year are Bells of Ireland and dahlias (first timers in my garden) and sunflowers and zinnias.

  683. Sarah W. on

    Great article! I love what she says about how gardening is rewarding, I feel the same way.
    Right now, I’m loving my zinnias in my small backyard patch. It’s so fun to look out the window every morning and see new blooms.

  684. Jane law on

    I love zinnias. They are so colorful and happy. Although everyone says they are easy to grow, I find them hard. Maybe they will get easier in the future.

  685. Jessica Nichols on

    Super excited about my dahlias! They are just beginning to bud! Im also loving my gooseneck loosestrife. It’s lovely and prolific! ❤️

  686. Alex Gelmers on

    Currently enjoying enjoying my zinnias and strawflower while I anxiously wait for my dahlias to start blooming this week.

  687. Elizabeth on

    I have some dahlias planted that I’m so excited to see each day when go for a morning walk.

  688. Kelly Winfree on

    Great interview! I currently don’t have a flower garden but am planning one for next year using the guide to growing flowers tutorial Erin has on Magnolia Network app. Super helpful!

  689. linda on

    It’s been so hit and dry this year- that it’s been tough on the garden. Right now i’m loving the lushness of the potted hydrangeas on our patio.

  690. LaShell Head on

    Such an enjoyable article; thank you! At least two new books on my list now! I am LOVING Zinnias in my cut flower garden at the moment! They keep going, and going, and going! I would have never understood how pinching contributes to this ongoing gift had it not been for you, Erin! THANK YOU!

  691. Susan on

    This has been such a great year for flowers. The daisies in my garden started blooming earlier this year than every before and have been beautiful. I planted chocolate cosmos for the first time and am excited for them to bloom.

  692. Brandi Goins on

    I don’t have anything in bloom at the moment but dahlias are my favorite because of all the different colors, sizes, and varities. I’ve learned so much from Erins book. There is no one around me(Southern IL) that grows them that I’m aware of. I honesty have never seen one in real life…still waiting for the ones I planted in our backyard to bloom.

  693. Naarah on

    I love the hairpin banksia’s in my neighbourhood. I especially love how I can dry them out to make everlasting arrangements – I hope that one day I can have a garden of my own, full of Australia natives and other beautiful flowers.

  694. Tamara Easter on

    How does one choose? I am going to say dahlias. Simply, I resisted the urge for so many years because I knew I would be head- over- heels, and I just didn’t need another plant collection. So glad I gave in! My sweet children gifted me with Discovering Dahlias for Mother’s Day; a vital, beautiful resource!

  695. Juliet A Johnson on

    We’re loving the combo of Floret’s Chocolate Dara, the rainbow sherbet mix celosia and lime blush zins with some pale pink curcuma I found a year ago. Such a pretty bouquet and all inspired by Erin and Floret. Oh, and the cinnamon basil from you guys too! AND I’m in Florida’s 9A where it’s stinking, stonking hot and humid and my blooms are standing strong. :)

  696. Juanita Olson on

    In my garden right now I am loving zinnias. They are the big stars coming into full bloom. I pinched them early and am getting huge blooms. Love them as cut flowers in the heat of summer.

  697. Nancy Harris on

    I so enjoy your work and inspiration you give to us who share the love of gardening. The thing I am loving most in my garden this year is the butterflies. I have tried to plant a garden for pollinators and this year has been a very good year.

  698. Kat on

    Anemones!!! Sooooo pretty!

  699. Paula on

    Here in New Zealand the Erlicheers and Paperwhites are just finishing, along with the four metre high tree dahlias. The spring narcissus are just coming through, even though we are in the middle of winter. Weather pattern changes are producing a range of out of season blooms for perennials, and some self seeded annuals.

  700. Sandy Pehler on

    Thanks for sharing, as always inspiring! What’s growing that is most intriguing would be a celosia, which I thought was a no pinch but has several branches which of course does not have a label, but is the most beautiful bright dainty pink fan. Annuals are just ramping up here in zone 4. Thanks again.

  701. Pat Clemmons on

    The beauty of flowers are amazing. Dahlias are one of my favorite. After watching a lot of your videos it makes you want to just fall in love with all of them.

  702. Emi Love on

    We just moved to NH from CA. I am loving the abundance of blueberries right now both wild and domesticated. I never imagined so many different kinds.

  703. Alexandra Bradley on

    I’m loving my Passiflora edulis ‘Frederick’ passion fruit vines. My husband built support lines in our backyard to trellis the plant from our fence line to hang over our backyard firepit. It is wild with intricate white and purple flowers, and green fruits now, and the greenery of the vines lend a jungle feel to our otherwise very urban Oakland property. Soon the beautiful gulf fritillary butterflies will arrive to dance around our heads and enjoy their host plant. In the fall we’ll enjoy the purple fruits that begin to ripen. It makes us smile and brings us so much joy year round.

  704. Alisa on

    What a beautiful story! I am so inspired! This year for the first time I have stock growing and I am so surprised by their lovely fragrance! I will definitely be trying to grow more varieties next year.

  705. Char Lee on

    Lovely inspiration! Thank you for sharing! My zinnias & wildflowers are awesome! Yay!!!

  706. Josephine Lyn on

    Great interview; thank you for posting. Love, love Floret Flowers!

  707. Sue on

    In my small garden I am trying hard to plant all things that pollinators love – coneflowers of all shades are my favorite and they do well here in the mid-Atlantic – I have all colors and sizes – big believer in organic soil – and use a base of compost from the sea and also my composter – I am new to Floret and feel I am a kindred spirit to them

  708. Tamara Wilcox on

    I am loving my micro lotus, “Colorful Lantern in Qinhuai” … last year I tried micro lotus for the first time and failed (but learned a lot) and this year I have a happy, healthy plant with beautiful blooms. Also, the birds enjoy sipping from the small water reservoir from which she grows ;-)

  709. Christine Pfeiffer on

    Trying dahlias this year but in the ground for the first time and struggling with the rabbits and the deer.Tried multiple options and then finally caved and installed a fence. Am still optimistic for a dahlia filled autumn. Have been a fan of Sarah’s for sometime- any chance that they will resume shipments to the USi n the near future ?

  710. Elizabeth T on

    I’m loving my limelight hydrangeas right now – they’re beautiful on their own or in a mixed bouquet. They’re a great neutral for any color(s).

  711. MaryLaura Smithwick on

    My first year growing flowers and I have learned so much. I have mourned my flowers that didn’t germinate and celebrates those that thrives. My dahlias and my eucalyptus have given me the most satisfaction and joy. The colors and shapes of my dahlias have been so varied and made the most beautiful little bouquets.

  712. Diane on

    I love agastache and salvias right now- lots of hummingbirds visiting my garden!

  713. Jeana Nieves on

    I am loving my sunflowers right now. They’re reaching new heights and their happy faces make me happy.

  714. Brandy Bromley on

    Honeysuckles, the delicious, exotic smell makes you go over to it even in the rain. This is my first summer with them and I will never be without them again 😊

  715. Laura Rudolph on

    I am loving my sweet peas. First year I’ve grown them. Couldn’t wait to smell their sweet scent.

  716. Carey Tillett on

    As my day lilies begin to fade, my hardy hydrangea and salvia varieties are in it to win it right now — hot lips, blue suede shoes, rocking razz along with my panicle hydrangeas and coneflowers to be joined shortly by my dahlia varieties (some of which grew from Floret seeds —can’t wait to see what arises). I am glad that my abundance of flowers makes the neighbors smile and stop by to admire and talk awhile in a world where many are too busy. The flowers compel them to stop and take in the beauty of variety and color and even encouraged some to add some flowers to beautify their yards too. Sarah’s garden and her books are an inspiration.

  717. Julia on

    I am loving my foxglove, grown from seed for the first time. I grew two varieties, one that is blooming profusely this first year and another with lots of gorgeous foliage.

  718. Lisa L. on

    I am once again trying dahlias after I found one that looks like ice cream sherbet to me! The are doing beautiful in a pot on my patio.

  719. Teal Marich on

    I’m loving watching my garden burst into itself, the way the veggie plants are marching to their own drum while the flowers I started from seed pop in little showy pockets scattered throughout!

  720. Lisa Christman on

    I am growing dahlias for the first time this year and loving them, My absolute favorite flowers are lilacs, they have such a beautiful fragrance.

  721. Mary Thompson on

    Snapdragons are the flowers that I am loving right now. I am amazed that they are still blooming in our Mississippi heat and humidity, as I had always thought that they were a spring or fall bloomer!

  722. Jennifer Brooks on

    Enjoyed the interview. Thank you! My zinnias and Tithonia are beautiful right now. Enjoying all the pretty blooms this time of year. Thank you for the giveaway.

  723. Kristy Summers on

    Hi! I am loving my “Prairie Sun” Rudbeckia. First time growing these beauties. Thank You for the opportunity to share what I am loving and the chance to win.

  724. Staci Hunter on

    I really enjoy watching Sarah Raven! Look forward to her book! I love my Bells of Ireland right now!! They never fail me. :)

  725. Roxann Hadley on

    Gardener’s Sweetheart Cherry Tomatoes grown from @floretfarmseed !!!

  726. Marsha watkins on

    Loving my almost blooming dahlia from seed from Floret!

  727. Marsha watkins on

    I listen to her podcast regularly and she was great on the Lets Grow Girls podcast!

  728. Kim on

    we planted ‘chocolate cherry’ sunflowers and the first one just opened! wow! Also loving my special dahlia seedlings from floret seeds :) – I hope they will get big enough to bloom!

  729. Suzanne Snyder on

    You continually provide us with Inspiration!! And I am so appreciative. This is my first year growing cut flowers and despite all our struggles and the extreme bouts of weather, we are having pleasant success. I have to say, my favorite flower is the Celosia ‘Pink Champagne’ which I received from Floret Flower Farm this year. Beautiful peach and champagne tones. Its the flower that prides itself on the inquiries at our Farmers Market!

  730. Sheila Barker on

    I’m excited to try some new annuals in a small meadow plot we are planning for the fall. Right now I’m loving the ferns and fuchsias in the garden. The ferns are so delicate, yet incredibly tough. The fuchsias attract and feed the hummingbirds daily.

  731. Mary Ann on

    Where to begin?! I cannot get enough of the information you share about growing and sustaining beautiful flowers. Thanks so much for the sacrifice of sharing your world with us ❤️

  732. Stacy DeKoekkoek on

    Loved this interview with Sarah Raven! I have a giant yellow scabiosa plant (only one) that I planted spring 2020 and this year it is blooming! It is about 8’ tall and covered in pale yellow blooms. Right now, that plant is my favorite to watch – all the pollinators love it!

  733. Susan on

    How do you choose? My peonies were so grand and beautiful, now on to hydrangeas with bright puffs of color to the whimsical cosmos!

  734. Risë Halbakken on

    With our early heatwave some of my plants took a beating, but the Hosta’s are doing great!

  735. Diana Keller on

    Thank you for posting this interview. I love Sissinghurst so really enjoyed Sarah’s perspective. One of my favorite blooms right now is Love in a Mist Transformer that I grew from seed. It is so delicate and works well in arrangements.

  736. Marcia Pangburn on

    This is my first year growing flowers and my dahlias are just beginning to flower. I received free seed from Floret when I ordered a copy of the latest book and am shocked at how easy it was to grow dahlias from seed. I have a lot to learn but am enjoying this new found hobby!

  737. Shu Bredthauer on

    This is my first year growing flowers! I’ve always been timid when it comes to gardening, and only would grow things that are “useful.” This year I was so inspired by Erin’s books, and I bought all 3 of them and dozens of seed packets. My favorite flower right now is my Dahlias… I don’t know how I missed their beauty in the past, but they are such luxurious and sturdy flowers. I can’t wait to explore more of them in the future.

  738. Tina Henry on

    I’m in love with my first David Austin rose “Lady of Shallot.” The scent is like nothing I have ever experienced. Combine the scent with the luscious color and I’m in a sensory heaven.

  739. Wendy Erwine on

    Very informative and interesting article. I am enjoying zinnias from seeds I harvested last year, dahlias that have been a passion of my father, and celosia which is first year trying this beautiful flower.

  740. Laurie Taylor on

    What a great, informative article! Some of my favorite plants in the garden now are yarrow, hydrangea, Procut sunflowers, echinacea and snapdragons.

  741. Theresa Balinski on

    Oh my to only choose one.. it would have to be my coralbells for its delicate little drifts of flowers floating above the gorgeous colorfull foliage. It brings the hummingbirds morning, noon, and evening everyday. They are nesting near by, it’s wonderful just to sit and watch nature’s feeders provide.

  742. Corafel Thomas on

    i have been enjoying my DA ROSES . I have them in the container this year but the ones I have purchased for next year will have a inground home and I am looking forward to planting them and watching them grow.

  743. Lori Guilfoyle on

    My Lillies are in bloom- beautiful color and wonderful fragrance.

  744. Kristi Hein on

    I am in love with the honeywort (Cerinthe) ‘Pride of Gibraltar’ that I grew from Floret seeds this year. It’s unusual, and charming, and it even attracted my husband’s attention — and admiration! He bent down and pointed out the variegation on the leaves. The cuttings are surprisingly long-lasting in vases. And best of all, I watched a hummingbird travel from blossom to blossom, buzzing low to get nectar from every one. I never anticipated these would be a hummingbird magnet!

  745. Jennifer on

    I think my garden mignonette from Floret are some of my favorite right now. The smell is incredible! Loved reading this interview

  746. Marie on

    The dahlias I started from seed this spring are doing so well! I have never grown dahlias before and am so excited so see them thrive!!

  747. Julia on

    I’m waiting for dahlias I grew from seed to show me their blooms!

  748. Jill Peterson on

    My sweet peas are amazing right now – I grew Floret seeds last year, then saved some from the plants for this year. The scent is gorgeous!

  749. Anne Sterber on

    Thank you. I am appreciating the stately, deep blue delphinium in the back of my garden now.

  750. Debbie Bigham on

    I am loving the opening of my dahlia, each day the surprise of their opening makes winter worth it. I really enjoyed Sarah interview. It makes me confident that i could really keep things growing year round.

  751. Kim Beller on

    Love the interview and my fave flower right now is being grown by a local farmer friend, Stina, from Blomst Flower Farm….Apricot Lemonade Cosmos. I have been obsessed with them ever since I discovered them a couple of years ago. Now that I am on Bainbridge, I am finally going to get to do my own starts next year. Super excited.

  752. Sue Premo on

    Great article featuring two of the best in the industry. Thank you!!

  753. Nicole on

    I am looking forward to seeing my Dahlias bloom!

  754. Anna Chapman on

    Thank you for such a wonderful article. Right now I am loving all the blossoms on my pumpkin plants. Unfortunately my garden is slightly downhill and all the lovely seedlings I cared for all spring were buried in mud from our many downpours. Live and learn☺

  755. Susie Middleton on

    I’m very excited about my first Albert Charles dahlia opening up — so beautiful unfolding — and all the dahlias, zinnias, and cosmos I started inside this winter, now starting to bloom here in my Martha’s Vineyard garden. So fun to read this great interview (and see our flower farmer Krishana Collins mentioned) and now I must follow Sarah, get her books (thank you for the introduction!) and follow the other Instagram accounts you mentioned. So much inspiration!

  756. Amanda steele on

    My dahlias are by far my favorite! I started with 1 Package I picked up at a local store and now have an entire section dedicated to them! I’ve learned so much about them and every year I get better and better at growing. I adore how unique and vibrant they all are.

  757. Cassandra on

    I am loving my brown eyed Susan’s ! They are extremely tall and lovely.

  758. Beverly Bishop on

    I love dahlias, there are so many colors and shapes. They make great arrangements.

  759. Paula Bolash on

    I received a free pkg of mixed seed, and in it was a camelia flowered balsam, it is a pre 1870 heirloom, easy to grow, delicious as a cooked green and full of nutrients
    to me the foliage looks tropical and lasts well over a week as a cut flower
    Great find for first year grower!

  760. Kim on

    The gardens in the book look fantastic- I would love to see them in person. Right now I’m loving my dahlias and waiting for more varieties to bloom.

  761. Emily on

    Pale yellow coneflowers

  762. Annette on

    It’s too hard to narrow down, but I am loving the snapdragons right now!

  763. KiMi Hardesty on

    The book looks divine. I’m enjoying my dahlias- some are starting to bud!

  764. Erin M on

    I love my bright orange butterfly weed!

  765. Jenn Powell on

    My favorite flower right now are the gladiolus. I started planting them when I found out they were my father’s favorite flower. He worked in a flower shop when he was a teenager. Now, I am looking out at the gorgeous colors and the long-lasting stems and they are quickly becoming a favorite of mine as well.

  766. Jennifer on

    Lisanthus is my slowest beauty I’ve ever seen

  767. Holly Roybal on

    I planted some cosmos this year and the little yellow dainty flowers are so sweet!

  768. Suzanne Jaynes on

    I have been enjoying the lilies that I see as I’m driving around town.

  769. Marcee on

    Loving dahlias and hydrangeas!

  770. Kara Tait on

    I am new to gardening and I want to learn. That book is exactly what I need. My favorite flowers in my yard are hydrangeas.

  771. Karen Meyer on

    I have several flowers that I am enjoying now but my zinnias are really putting on a show. Their colors are so vivid and the bumble bees and butterflies are besides themselves with nectar. I would love to win one of the books.

  772. Abie on

    What’s not to love? Some of my favorites right now are the seemingly endless hydrangeas and sunflowers. There’s nothing better than a garden this time of year!

  773. Ewa Wagner on

    I love my Sweet Peas – all from Floret in my Zone 6 Garden in Toronto, Canada. I started them inside in February, hardened them off and put them out in the garden March 17.
    Castlewellan really does glow Erin, and I also enjoy Erehwhon (which I think Sarha loves too). I pick almost everyday and fill budvases for my desk, kitchen and bathroom. Such delicate frills and fabulous scent. Looking forward to buying more next year including Blue Shift!

  774. Rhonda Melton on

    My favorite thing blooming in my garden are all of my sunflowers! I would love a copy of this book!

  775. Sue on

    I’m torn: My roses are really fabulous this year. The colours, the scents, the shapes – all amazing. And then there are the FF zinnias!!! I’m a first time zinnia grower and FFs seeds have been an absolute dream – the came up tiny but mighty and have grown into amazingly coloured and vibrant beauties! I watch your videos over and over and have post its in all the FF books for inspiration and information. Thank you for sharing another new source!

  776. Robin on

    I’m loving all of the hydrangeas in bloom right now!

  777. Kate Johnston-Legg on

    My Coneflowers are showing brilliant, rich colors right now. Enjoyed this interview.

  778. Sara Groeneweg on

    Oh my goodness…. There are so many things I love right now, but if I had to choose it would be sunflower pro cut gold!! It is so striking alone or in arrangements.

  779. Jackie Grzeca on

    Right now, I am loving our hollyhocks! Our first year ever with them and I am thrilled that they have grown so beautifully in our clay soil that is not hospitable with so many plants. Our shasta daisies are in full bloom and beautiful as are our white hydrangeas. Growing taller every day are the cosmos in the vegetable garden with the the heavenly blue morning glories and moon flowers. Then there are the volunteer sunflowers that think the are the boss of everyone. Our sweet peas did not survive this year which is very sad.

  780. Sandra Carey on

    Sweet peas, balloon flowers, yellow day lilies

  781. Barbara Warren on

    Right now in my garden I’m excited about some of the new zinna varieties beginning to bloom, including your Little Flower Girl mix! But I was really interested in learning more about Sarah and the facts about her ties to Sissinghurst, one of my favorite gardens to visit in the UK! As always, Erin, you are so informative.

  782. Judy Neely on

    I am very excited that my first attempt at growing sweet peas, from seed, is coming along well. It’s been touch and go with the hot, dry weather and finding the right balance of watering. The scent, alone, makes me look forward to more gardening seasons with this sweet plant while enjoying all the fragrance it is bringing to arrangements now.

  783. Shari Howard on

    I am loving my Zinnias. They come in so many colors and styles. Looking forward to some of Florets new colors.

  784. Nerida Grady on

    Right now in the lower Blue Mountains in Australia, I’m enjoying Hellebores. I’ve only just discovered these beauties and cannot wait to add more to my collection ☺️

  785. Tammy Uresti on

    I am enjoying making bouquets of giant white and lime zinnias with white hydrangeas. It is really exciting growing my own cut flowers and I thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  786. Kelli J on

    This is so inspiring! I rent right now and can only grow a few things, but this year for the first time I have caladiums in pots, and they are completely blowing me away with their variety and splendor! Thanks for what you do, and the encouragement you give.

  787. Jessica Moyer on

    Just discovered growing bunny tails from seed, blooms super early in our zone 3, looks great in pots, the ground and bouquets! What more could you want.

  788. Vannessa Osbourn on

    My liatris is especially pretty this year and the bumble bees are loving it!

  789. Karen Fessenden on

    This is the first year I planted zinnias and Dahlia from seed. I am loving it. Erin taught me how to get more flowers a lot of pinching Thank you!

  790. Stacie on

    At the moment here in Australia I’m loving all of our native flowers that are in bloom, grevillea & wattle are standouts here in the winter months.

  791. K on

    Current favorite: Chantilly snapdragons grown from Floret seed. Thank you for the giveaway and for always generously sharing your knowledge!

  792. Maria I P on

    Thank God all that you share and introducing me to the works of Sarah Raven. I have had a very small vegetables garden for a few years. This year I felt the urge to try zinnias for the first time and all from seed, I’m in love! I am a new follower to your Instagram account and live following you there. That’s for educating is on the growing beautiful flowers! 💕

  793. Merry Reeves on

    Right now, I’m crushing on my little lime hydrangeas!

  794. Jane on

    I am loving my dahlias and roses right now, despite drought conditions in California. Lovely interview, thank you for posting!

  795. Ashley Reddicks on

    I am absolutely loving my sweet peas. Its my first year growing them and I somehow ended up with 55 varieties 😂. They small amazing and are so colorful and vibrant!

  796. Shari on

    Right now? Hydrangeas!

  797. Katie on

    Ode to hydrangea season in the PNW!!! We have some singed leaves from the heat wave but they stil look beautiful to me!

  798. Heather Rogers on

    Great interview between two amazing gardeners. What I’m loving most in my garden right now are my Sweet Peas that I’m growing for the first time.

  799. Stacey on

    This is my first year growing cutting flowers all from seed. So far I am loving the Chocolate Lace Flower Dara! Have had so many compliments on that flower.

  800. Laura Martin on

    Sweet peas, mine are terrible but I’m savouring every single one I get as they smell of summer.

  801. Tina on

    Wow! This is a hard choice, but I think I’m most in love with the dahlias in my garden right now! I planted my Discovering Dahlias seed mix and they growing beautifully! I can’t wait to see the treasures they produce!!

  802. Flor de María Holmes on

    I am in love with ivy geraniums this year , never thought I would say that. My dahlias are starting to bloom so I am falling in love every day.

  803. Cathie Jones on

    I am loving my gladiolus flowers that are starting to open, and my dahlias that are bushier than ever after pinching! So excited

  804. Linda Durkee on

    I have a totally shaded garden but I am excited with the new varieties of geraniums. I chose Mona Lisa light pink and Elegance Purple Majesty . They have really put on a great show !
    I have also loved a few grasses that I tried for the first time..2 Papyrus varieties.and a dracena Spikes. I so enjoy the textures they offer.

  805. Samantha on

    This book looks incredible and so inspiring. Loving my white and pink paper daisies at the moment! But have just bought a variety of dahlias, zinnias and asters (inspired by floret of course 😆) to plant and I can’t wait to see them bloom 🤩

  806. Shelby B on

    First year with a cut flower garden in Southern Michigan. I started seed from one of the seed collections here from Floret. Right now I am loving the beautiful Malope and Bee Balm and Cosmos! :)

  807. Lovina Baer on

    The mighty chocolate cherry astilbe are making me really happy right now. And the white, puffy perfection of “the bride” Centaurea is amazing!

  808. Cindy Nicholls on

    Right now I am loving the zinnias I started from seed in February, about 50 plants. I’ve been able to gift bouquets to friends and this has brought much joy.

  809. Anne Munch on

    I am mad for my red crocosmias that consistently attract hummingbirds. They are gorgeous in the garden and in the vase. Combine them with dahlias and mini tomatoes and it’s an instant “Wow!”

  810. Juliette on

    I’m really enjoying the lavender that grows in my garden – a challenging thing to grow with my cold winters!

  811. Kaitlinn Fort on

    I’m really loving my sunflowers right now. This is the first year I have sold flowers and when I see that little pop of yellow it makes me so happy :) my customers love them

  812. Karen Bailey on

    It’s mid winter here in Victoria, Australia, but my garden is already waking up. The hellebores are rising their heads up, showing off their beautiful structure. The first jonquils are unfolding and the daffodils are sending up fresh green shots. I have two snowdrops out and primroses in full bloom. In the bush the wattle is starting and in a couple of weeks it will be ablaze in golden yellow. While we may be facing another lockdown, my garden nourishes my soul.

  813. Peggy Bidwell on

    Right now in early July I’m enjoying snapdragons, Sunday salvia, clay sage, Asters, lavender and gladiolas to name a few. But what I’m waiting most for are the dahlias and zinnias… They have buds and just a few zinnias are popping open!

  814. Susan on

    I’m enjoying quite a few flowers in my garden this year but it’s my first year for trying Sweet Peas and Zinnias. OMG the scent of the Sweet Peas is intoxicating and relaxing. Do you think I would get noticed it I just taped a bloom under my nose. 😂. I watched Sarahs videos on Sweet Peas before sowing and your videos on Zinnias . As for a neighbour’s garden I am loving the Yellow Daylilies she have planted in mass with pink Echinacea. Stunning!

  815. Jamie Sielski on

    I am absolutely loving my sun flowers this year! I planted a whole mix instead of vegetables this year in my garden so I could collect seeds for our new homestead next year and I’m always amazed by how big they get. I had no idea what was planted where so each one has been a magical, beautiful surprise! I’m looking forward to growing so many more flowers next year!

  816. Sarah on

    All the crepe myrtles in our neighborhood are in full bloom and it’s beautiful!

  817. Soo Jin Kim on

    I have been a fan of Sarah Raven for years, and recently have also found Arthur Parkinson and his book. So you can only imagine my excitement when I read and heard that Sarah is actually Arthur’s mentor and a friend and that two of the are frequently working together. I imagine a previously employee – employer relationship has turned into friendship and then partnership, which I find to be just heart warming and so optimistic.

    Currently, in my garden in the Netherlands, I am excited to see my first Rudbeckia Hirta start to blossom. The dark brown and golden inner circle combined with yellow petals, is so unique in the garden! I see them growing quite tall and in abundance so really excited to start some fun flower arrangements. And my bells of Ireland, which are still 20-30cm tall, are starting to flower and they are indeed such a unique looking plant!

  818. Nicole on

    Love her Instagram, I wish we could order seeds from there here in the US.

  819. Lisa on

    So enjoyed learning a little more about Sarah. Her book looks amazing. Right now in the US Northeast the Hydrangeas are putting on a fabulous show and keeping my vases full. And, I never stop finding different colors of Zinnias that mesmerize me!

  820. Gail Butler on

    Right now I am loving my crepe myrtle, oleanders and plumbago. The best big bold blotches of color to serve as the perfect background for the cutting garden!

  821. Elizabeth F. on

    I could not get enough of my neighbors peony. They made me dive so super deep into wanting to provide a cut flower booth for our farmers market. Hoping to get it figured out for next season. Your wisdom has helped me navigate through all the confusing stuff. Thank you for your dedication to lending your knowledge.

  822. Eileen McCarthy Mendonca on

    What a wonderful interview. I feel as though Sarah is my soul sister. The cutting garden was the first book I bought many years ago when I started my journey. Thrilled and can’t wait to get this one!
    As for my favorites right now I’m finding joy in the simple things my dara daucus and my madame butterfly snapdragons. I love all my plant babies though. Thank you Eileen

  823. Bonnie Hannigan on

    I have planted a huge row of zinnias which I have netted and am about ready to pinch out. I am loving the sweet peas and am picking handfuls each morning. I love how they fill the house with their lovely scent. Because of Covid and staying closer to home I appreciate my garden space and being able to spend time in it, to slow down and take it all in. Thank you for this interview, I love Sarah’s books and went to one of her classes while in England. I still grow my argula and basil in rain gutter pipe as she showed in one of her books. Thank you Erin and Sarah!

  824. Kristina Smith on

    I am so excited about this book! Can’t wait to see it. Right now I am loving the sweet scent of the phlox. 💗

  825. Julie lundholdt on

    I love all the wild flowers that are around right now, we live in a small village, in the country side of Denmark. My garden is not much, 2 boys, 2,5 and 4 years old, and a full time job. Do not leave a lot of time for gardening. But I am a beekeeper so that has also made much more aware of what they are flying on at different times of the year😊❤️
    So any inspiration on how to get started is great 💪😊

  826. Amanda on

    This was a really nice read! I’d love to win a copy of the book. My favorite flower at the moment in my flower garden is the cherry caramel phlox. The scent is delicate and divine. Thanks for doing this!

  827. Linda Schooley on

    Right now I am enjoying my zinnia. Every year there’s new varieties and they are so easy to grow and undemanding! I started mine from seed and next year, as the year before, I will definitely plant more. I think I would like to devote a whole bed to them next year. Hoping Floret has enough different seaeds for me to enjoy!

  828. Carli on

    Right now I’m enjoying the yarrow that have been consistent for weeks now and bringing all the wonderful pollinators around. Also, my zinnias are 🤏🏻 close to blooming and I can’t wait.

  829. Amy on

    I’m absolutely loving my little flower girl zinnias I started from seed! But really it’s impossible to pick just one, I’m in love with every single thing I’m growing! I’m growing corn for the first time, and it’s so exciting watching it grow!

  830. Erin Pereira on

    I absolutely love the information you give, I live in Australia and look forward to reading and watching your Instagram stories :)

  831. Fern Bradly on

    It’s winter here in New Zealand so I’m currently loving some of the few flowers around in one if the coldest areas of our country, hellebores! Closely followed by Ericas. Thanks for introducing me to Sarah Ravens books, im eyeing up which ones to save up and buy!

  832. Lisa on

    I’m adoring all of my dark moody colored dahlia’s that are just popping up now! Rip City is my new favorite and I learned about it from Sarah and Arthur’s podcast!

  833. Robina on

    For the first time I’ve grown Dahlia imperialis, the Tree Dahlia. What a find – flowering here in winter in the Southern Hemisphere and producing flower after flower at a towering 10ft tall. Magnificent!

  834. Dawn Weiss on

    This year I have experimented with color, and returned to some favorites, moss roses, snapdragons, zinnias, canna lilies, cosmos and sunflowers. I returned to roses Argus year (after 20 years) with just 5 but enjoying the beauty of the pedal unfurling. I also started a perennial bed for pollinators – it seems that time stands still for just a bit when the flutter of wings passes and pauses never quiet long enough … until the next time. The joy of starting a seed and watching it grow always (always) amazes me, then to cut and share a bouquet is a secondary joy. Looking forward to reading a new book and adding Sarah to my You Tube viewing.

  835. Hannah McClure on

    I’m absolutely in love with the many varieties of Basil and Zinnas right now. My garden is flourishing with many vegetables, herbs, and cut flowers so as the weeks pass I’m sure my favorite is sure to shift. It’s when I tell folks, my favorite is what’s in bloom.

  836. Jody Chandler on

    Right now I’m enjoying watching the Queen Ann’s Lace grow. Over 20 years ago I saw some growing in the ditches of WI and told myself I’d grow that flower someday…2021 is the year I’ve accomplished this goal.

  837. Zandria Mazzaferro on

    Wow, what a wonderful interview. It must be amazing to get to speak to so many wonderful people and learn their likes and passions.
    For my favorite bloom right now, I am torn between the black Espresso Gladiolus about to bloom or the pale pink Luna Hibiscus the is finishing out it’s blooms and is now creating seeds. Both are simply marvelous and low maintenance.

  838. Maren on

    I’m loving the pink Castor Oil Bean pods starting to take shape!

  839. June on

    I am loving my hydrangeas, never had one before and have planted 3, a mop head, a panicle and an oak leaf. First time for planting dahlias too, addicting! The interview was great reading, found a new Gardner/mentor to follow, thank you.

  840. Jean Ink on

    My favorites right now are the zinnias. I didn’t get the garden cleared until very late last fall, so a lot of seed dropped. Usually I sow new seed every year – actually even my old, saved seed from years ago still germinates!
    But this year I have all volunteers, and it’s exciting to see how the colors get re-mixed. I have some of your pale pinks, buffs, and peaches every year.
    My friends and neighbors, and even the service people comment on how much they enjoy the display. It makes me happy that I can give them that joy in such chaos.

  841. Whitney H on

    The flower I am most loving right now is the zianna! It is such a beautiful uplifting flower and makes me so happy that I grew them from seed! My goal on the next couple of years is to hopefully start growing my own flowers to be able to sell locally!! I am thrilled and have started planning already!

  842. Haylee on

    I am a beginner gardener fromWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 🇨🇦. I have to say with the long days we have here (5:30 am sunrise and 10:30 pm sunset), our sunflowers are what I’m enjoying most this summer.

  843. Kathleen Besgrove on

    Inspired by you and by my sister who is a long time fan of yours, I planted an entire section of dahlias in my garden this year. I’m SO EXCITED!!!

  844. Teresa Procter on

    Here in the Central Valley of California it has been over a hundred degrees for the last 6 weeks, but my lavender plants are still blooming and the white mandevilla are still showing off!

  845. Heather on

    I’m enjoying every moment of summertime flowers! Among my favorite will always be my hydrangeas. Even with our 30 days of 100 degree temps, they are providing the most luscious purple color! I’m also enjoying my sunflowers and zinnias.

  846. Renee on

    Loving my tomatoes right now. They are FULL of fruit, but not churning out ripe tomatoes just yet. But somehow that makes it more exciting, just waiting for them to turn. Every morning is a surprise. Struggling with my flowers but really anticipating some of my dahlias to start blooming as well!

  847. Kari Parks on

    I’m stoked to see my first ever carnation pop! Grown from @floretflower seed of course! The scent is more than I could have imagined. They are little vintage puffs that bring great joy!
    I’m excited to treat myself to a copy of Sarah’s new book! Thank you for sharing this inspiring resource! Keep Flourishing!

  848. Heather C. on

    I have absolutely been obsessed with dahlias for 3 or 4 years now and finally plucked up the courage to grow them. Plot twist: I’m in super hot and humid Houston, Texas! I bought some inexpensive “practice” tubers locally before I really invest, and so far it’s honestly beena little rough…they have leaf burn from too much sun, slug damage, and I overwatered them in an attempt to keep them cool. In spite of all that, I have my first bud on my phenomenal lavender dahlia! I can’t wait to see her finally show me what she’s made of!

  849. Margret on

    A great interview……thank you! Right now I am loving the different varieties of bee balm in my garden. The bees and hummingbirds are also loving the bee balm.

  850. Sandee on

    What a wonderful interview! I now want to know more about Sarah and her gardens. My dahlia is the star in my garden right now and I am enjoying its beautiful blooms inside and out.

  851. Ashley H. on

    We are really enjoying our zinnias in my daughter’s cut-flower garden. She is 11 years old and loves planting her own flower garden.

  852. Kirsty on

    We own a small forgotten patch the other side of our garden wall, usually it’s just grass that gets too long then we cut it. This year we have dug it over and collected wildflower seeds on our many walks. Just one or two seed heads at a time. There are already some recognisable annuals there but looking forward to next summer when it really blooms and explodes with insects and bees!

  853. Rhonda VanNess on

    I am loving my hydrangeas right now. I have the white mop head, a blue one just planted last Fall and a pink ( old and new wood) one that is blooming for the first time in years!

  854. Brandi Huntington on

    I am “patiently” waiting for my Dahlias to bloom. I am a first year Dahlia grower so I am waiting…. until they bloom I am loving my Echinea and Phlox. Thank you Erin and Sarah for inspiring me!

  855. Eeva on

    Just now I and bumlebees we love dark mulleins in my garden.

  856. Deborah Cook on

    I’m enjoying watching my proteas flower and the emerging bulbs in our frosty conditions here in north canterbury New Zealand. While there’s not the abundance of flowers yet I can thrive on what you are growing at your flower farm. Dreaming of spring and summer flowers. Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge of flowers, it’s so inspiring. Love love❤ all of it🌿🌻🍃

  857. Emily on

    Where I am in Minnesota, our sweet peas are just starting to flower and their name just suits them. So sweet and pretty!

  858. Jen Boehm on

    I’m not sure I can even pick right now! Every new bloom makes it my favorite! In the northern mid west our growing season is so short that I honestly just love every plant when it’s in its glory!

  859. Sharmen on

    Planted David Austin roses for the first time and am loving all the beautiful blooms. 🤍

  860. Ashley on

    I’m very new to cut flower gardens and this is my first year selling bouquets on a roadside stand. I’m loving the process and seeing the results of love and time. My favorite flower that is currently blooming are the zinnias and snapdragons. Loving the rocket mix!

  861. Carissa Barney on

    We moved to a new house on the first day of Spring, and my favorite thing so far has been finding and identifying all the different native wildflowers that pop up. This feels like an especially wonderful treat because I didn’t have time to start a garden this year. Between Virginia Spring Beauty, Jewelweed (touch-me-nots), large leaf waterleaf, purple and yellow violets, indian paintbrush, daisies, woodland sunflowers, and many many others, we haven’t been short on flowers but I have always wanted to grow a skill for tending a cut flower garden. I’d love to learn from others with experience and start planning on what seeds and bulbs to my hands dirty with next Spring so our flower beds can be just as full of flowers as the woods surrounding our home.

  862. Linda Fraser on

    This is my first year growing from seed. I’m excited to get up every morning and see what is blooming or just ready to pop! I’m truly amazed of how long my snap dragons have lasted. I hope to collect the seed and plant them again next year.

  863. Jeanne Seymour on

    Rain, rain, rain here in the Northeast and the flowers are loving it. My sunflowers of various types are blooming early and the lilies were amazing. I still love Black Knight scabiosa to set off a bouquet….now I need to go find that podcast!

  864. Emily Northrup on

    I always love the hydrangeas and my dahlias are starting to open. I’ve not been a big fan of liatris, but just saw and installation with joe pye on a gloomy day. It was electric 😍

  865. Andrea on

    Perhaps it should be a bit early to be excited about the foxglove I started this year from a random old seed packet since it won’t bloom until next year, but they just look so happy, and I love the spot where I planted them. I am so looking forward to seeing what they turn into. Delayed gratification!

  866. Claudia Jacobson on

    I am just starting a new lawn and garden here in Alaska, a real challenge!

  867. Misty Hamilton on

    Thank you for sharing! I love Zinnias and my Shasta daisies are bright and beautiful this year. It has been a weird year growing things so I’m happy with what is blooming. I am patiently waiting for the sunflowers, Zinnias, and dahlias to bloom. Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge!

  868. Josie Paarsmarkt on

    I have a lovely container garden and this year I planted a Thumbalina Zinnia mix in a few pots. I LOVE THEM! so punchy and fun! They just make me happy to look at!

  869. Andreea on

    The lilies and cosmos are looking amazing right now, even though I didn’t grow any cosmos this year they have generously self-seeded from last year. So grateful! I have all of Sarah Raven’s previous books and was looking so forward to this one.

  870. Ann Rosica on

    Although I’ve been a gardener for years and years, this is my first year as an extremely tiny “Flower Farmer”. Actually the plant that I’m happiest with and use the most right now in bouquets is basil. I have so much to learn and my share of disasters. All information is so useful and stories from “successful” gardeners is extremely affirming. Thank you one and all for sharing your knowledge!!!!!!

  871. Angie bollerud on

    I am loving my beautiful colors of zinnias so far! Gardening got behind because of delays in compost and hoophouses. But now some of the first planted are starting to flower finally!

  872. Trina King on

    This is my first year growing snapdragons from seed. I can’t believe I never tried before! They are so beautiful and last so long. Thank you for this inspiring post and opportunity 💐

  873. Vick Kennedy on

    I’m loving zinnias in my garden right now. I have one that is taller than my husband and he is 6’5” tall!

  874. Elsie Martinez on

    I am enjoying Zinnias this summer. My home town has chosen the Zinnia as the town flower and every summer residents and businesses in the community plant Zinnias in the patios and gardens.

  875. Kathy Gericke on

    What a great interview! I am a fairly new gardener and cannot have enough seasoned experienced gardeners to learn from like Erin and Sarah! I am growing sweet peas and cosmos from Winter Sowing and loving it. Also this is my second year growing dahlias and I have gone from two varieties last year to 14 varieties this year both in ground and in pots! So excited!💜

  876. Lynn Stoops on

    Thank you for this incredible blog! We just cleared our yard and are planning our flower gardens for next spring. I am currently growing Sweet Peas, Peonies and waiting for dahlias to bloom!

  877. Frances on

    I have hydrangeas, daylilies, St. Joseph lilies, Amaryllis, Daisies, Foxglove, Delphinium, Peonies and more!
    So enjoy your blog and your show on +Discovery, Erin!

  878. Haley Franklin on

    Just starting out with flowers and have been soaking in every bit of information I can find! My sunflowers are just about to open and I am really looking forwars ti them.

  879. Kit Sullivan on

    I’ve been a home grower for about 10 years and enjoy trying something new every year. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t but I can always rely on zinnias,celosia,ageratum and cosmos!

  880. Theresa Pugh on

    I’m especially loving my Zinnias right now! The Floret Unicorn variety is just blowing my mind and I found some varieties that compliment them well on either end of the color spectrum. My first year having a small garden plot for just cut flowers and I’m having tons of fun practicing my bouquets!!

  881. Diane Knaack on

    Thank you, Erin, for introducing me to this fantastic, talented woman. Now in my early 70s, I finally have the time to pursue gardening. I enjoy discovering new garden books and authors.

  882. Sharon Allen on

    This is my first year trying to grow Dahlias from tubers and I’m loving them! Can’t wait to add more for next year!

  883. Kristine Goggan on

    My pro cut white lite sunflowers are beginning to open, they are magical turning with the sun!

  884. Julie Alden on

    I planted Snap Dragons this year after reading so many positive reviews. I understand why, there are do many colors and they are hardy. I love them! ❤️

  885. Audrey Hollatz on

    Thank you for this very inspiring post! I am currently enjoying a surprise bunch of Turquoise Sweet Peas here in Minnesota, planted from Floret seeds last March!

  886. Sarah B on

    Right now my garden is starting to burst with color! My sweet peas, stock, and honeywort are beginning to bloom and the first of my sunflowers opened up the other day. I’m patiently waiting for my dahlias now.

  887. Kelli on

    Enjoying the zinnias and roses right now!!!

  888. Lin on

    I have a tiny garden in NYC. It is a nice escape from it all. My favorite flowers at the moment are my echinaceas. I have 3 different colors, a bright pink, a beautiful coral orange that blends into shades of pink and purple, and a bold orange. This spring I transplanted some of my mom’s tiger lilies and they just finished blooming. She passed a few months ago. As a way to honor her and keep her memory alive, I also transplanted some of her favorite irises, and shared them with a few friends and family. Her NYC irises are now planted in 5 different states. I am planning to take cuttings of her favorite rose bush and hope to grow it in a small corner of my little space.

  889. Hanna Dittrich on

    At the moment it is Monarda ‘Squaw’ from the perennials and Centaurea cyanus – white with pink centre from the annuals. Herzlich, Hanna

  890. Mariann Brown on

    Thanks for the interview and the info on the book – always learning more! Zinnias have always been my favorite and I planted at least 12 different Floret varieties this year – they never disappoint. I grow vegetables and flowers, but tend to be most excited about the flowers – and my bees love them. I keep experimenting to see how many different cut flowers can survive the Central Texas heat! Thanks for all the inspiration and info at Floret.

  891. Brenda Kerton on

    This has been an odd spring and early summer for us. Sometimes too dry, sometimes to wet, often cool. But the snapdragons, sweet peas, roses and lilies keep on keeping on. I’m loving all their colours!

  892. Tracy on

    I have to say I love them all, the colors I chose this year – yellows, pinks, purples and whites. I just look at them all and they make me so happy!

  893. Rachel on

    I would love a copy of the book. I am loving my pro cut sunflowers right now. They are a true beauty.

  894. Chelsea on

    Right now it it definitely echinacea. It is blooming with exuberance all over my garden.

  895. Jennifer Barnard on

    An absolute unexpected surprise for me but I AM LOVING borage! It’s not so prickly that handling with bare hands is a problem and it looks absolutely fantastic in arrangements!

  896. Theresa Brady on

    I’m enjoying the canvas of color palettes in my now 12 year old cutting garden. It is teaming with coral and deep purple cone flowers, a variety of perennial phlox, yellow button daisies, pin cushions, coreopsis, heliopsis, and English lavender. I would be so thrilled to win a copy of Sarah Ravens new book! Thank you!

  897. Robyn on

    I am absolutely loving scabiosa right now! Madame butterfly snapdragons just finished & they were magic. Kicking myself for not picking up unicorn zinnias. And absolutely living Sarah’s podcast while out harvesting!

  898. Shu-Jean on

    Waiting patiently the dahlias to bloom. Very excited.

  899. Terica Ginther on

    I love watching Sarah Raven on YouTube- and did not know about the books! I am so excited to look into this! It’s my first year growing flowers- I have always been a “veggies only” gardener because I do not like to weed! I have learned so much watching Sarah Raven and reading Discovering Dahlias. My favorite flower is the POLKA Dahlia that I am growing!

  900. Catherine on

    Must add a second comment… first discovered a Sarah Raven book (The Bold and Brilliant Garden) while living in Germany. Couldn’t resist it.. the stunnings photos by Jonathan Buckley of Sarah’s gardens were a must have. Also acquired a book on Sissinghurst.

  901. Natasha Holland on

    The beautiful tall delphinium are wanning and now I’m onto the snapdragons I started indoors in March. They are gorgeous and have been giving me long lasting arrangements in the vase. I’m loving having more annual cut flowers in my garden this year. The zinnias will be next followed by dahlias. I’ve gotten great info from books and online with Florets mini courses that has given me more confidence with these plants in the garden.

  902. Anita Vanberkom on

    First year being success with Sweet Peas! They are so lovely and fragrant. If only they lasted longer.

  903. Mary Lind on

    I love the combination of this really red canna Lilly and Japanese forest grass. It is quite stunning. Tha Shasta daises are taking over the place – lll be culling quite a few of them- but they are magnificent right now

  904. Aimee Kroeker on

    Reading and learning what I can about gardening has been inspirational for me in the last year and a half. I have found such joy with exploring this new interest and find learning from professionals such as yourself so helpful as I take baby steps in my gardening skills. I too just started planting dahlias for the first time this year and can hardly wait to see what colours of blooms emerge from the tubers. Thank you so very much for sharing your vast knowledge and experience with people that are brand new to this skill.

  905. Carmel Welch on

    I’m growing Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflora) from seeds and it’s been fun and fascinating watching the blooms progress. This is its second year, the first year barely had six inch plants, no blooms at all. This year the plants are 2 feet at least and have been producing many blooms for over a month.

  906. Staci Malaby on

    My irises are really showing off in my garden, along with sweet william and yarrow. But in our area, the wild roses are nearing the end of their bloom cycle, and the scent is wonderful.

  907. Janet on

    It’s been a tough growing year (as usual) in east central Kansas (the Flint Hills), but the hyacinth bean vines are looking good and they’ll be blooming soon. The hummingbirds will appreciate that! Sarah Raven’s book looks wonderful!

  908. Debi on

    I love her idea got a first time Flower Garden, Cosmos, Zinnias and my favorite Sweet Peas!
    Thank you for sharing. I will be on the e look out for her books old and new!

  909. Linda Green on

    I love daylilies, and this year the deer haven’t eaten all of them, so I am enjoying all my colors and varieties! I have planted some dahlias for the first time this year. I hope to have some success with them!

  910. Lori on

    A neighbor that I don’t know has the most beautiful stonecrop sedum by her mailbox. I’m loving my mixed containers that I planted this year.

  911. Kristi S on

    I’m loving my dahlias. My dark reds and yellows are cranking out blooms and my light purple is starting to join in. I love that the more I cut, the more they produce!

  912. Catherine on

    I have to say that the Sweet Sultan Imperial Bride White seeds from Floret have dazzled me.. the intricacies of this bloom….
    But a close second that I have new this year is the China Aster Valkryie Chamois … beautiful.!

  913. Jenny Hines on

    I am a start up flower farmer, I am learning so much and started this year with peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias, and cone flowers…I have learned I prefer bulbs and tubers, versus seeds. We have 23.4 acres and am so inspired by all of the flower farmers I have run across. We had mason bees for the first time this year, which was so exciting, they are Native Bees here in Pennsylvania and it shows the ecosystem here is improving, we have been here 2 years 😊😊

  914. Julie Stout on

    My favorites are Oklahoma salmon and benary’s giant wine zinnias, coral reef celosia and my bee’s choice Dahlia! Seeds I purchased from you! Can’t wait till next year when I can purchase more seeds from you! Thank you for the opportunity to win Sarah Ravens new book!

  915. Laura Brosamer on

    I am loving the variety of Pro Cut sunflowers right now…especially the White Nite

  916. Gloria Carothers on

    I’ve been growing flowers for over 35 years and this year I’m noticing so many new beautiful wonders. Maybe because I’m going to retire this fall and all I can think of is spending more time with my little darlings. They’re putting on such a display this summer. The Black eye Susan’s seam to dance in the back yard prairie but the Red Bee Balm is trying to steal the show. And the pink coneflower are popping up everywhere. Almost too much beauty to behold. I can’t imagine spending a summer without my “blooming” family.

  917. Twozdai Hulse on

    If I had answered prior to walking the garden this am, I would have said strawberry blonde calendula, but a new (to me) snapdragon just bloom, which stole my heart – tetra ruffled giant.

  918. Virginia o. Hunt on

    I just came in from my small suburban garden…thinking how much joy it gives me. Now sitting down with a cup of coffe and your interview is balm for my soul. I love feeling connected to like mined flower folks..leach of you have inspired me with my tiny garden . Never underestimate the Hope and inspiration you give to others. Thank you.
    Virginia Hunt Louisville , kentucky.

  919. Donna Kidd on

    Thank you for sharing this interview with Sarah. Right now I love my passionflower vine – such unique blooms. And waiting for the zinnias that my husband grows from seed to bloom. The butterflies love those.

  920. Jen Doucette on

    I’m loving my pots of new Guinea Impatiens and Persian shield! The Impatiens are hot pink that look super bright in contrast to the dark purple foliage.

  921. Carrie Lou on

    I’m in love with the zinnias in my backyard right now- they’re thriving in the heat and have such delightful colors. At a time when our veggies are wilting because of the heat and the pests…. I’m grateful for such an easy and reliable flower.

  922. Sara on

    We just moved into our first house and there are no flowers! So I’ve been busy planning, learning, and getting beds ready for next year, and I’m most excited about planting dahlias for the first time!

  923. Samantha Vervoort on

    Currently my favourite plant is my dahlia flowers. I have a dark steamed variety with pink/orange blooms. They are so beautiful and continues blooming! Im waiting for my Cafe un latte dahlias to bloom.

  924. Gretchen Zagzebski on

    Dahlia “Pooh” is so cheerful and whimsical! It feels extra appropriate as my first child is due in September and I cannot wait to watch him grow in the garden!

  925. Debbie Harding on

    Loved this interview – Sarah’s enthusiasm for all my favourite things is exciting and learning how her business has evolved was really inspiring. Plus I now have 8 more gardeners to follow! In my own garden, I’m enjoying summer blooming phlox – 6 varieties all blooming at different times. Looking forward to reading A Year Full of Flowers!

  926. Mary Pfeifer on

    Flower farmer’s are amazing! The photos and information you share create such excitement and hope for the future. Thank you all for giving so many people beautiful ideas! It has been very wet and gloomy here lately, but the snaps and cosmos’s have been beautiful.

  927. Helen O’Donnell on

    This is my first year growing a cut flower garden and I am loving it all. My favorite is watching my sunflowers grow.

  928. Audrey Luster on

    I’ve never really liked the look of milkweed and I didn’t plant it and for years I pulled it out but every year it reappeared all over the yard it was curse ,I didn’t wait for it to go to flower I just wanted it to be gone but one year I gave up and just let it grow, pulled out what was in the way and it flowered what a heavenly smell and it was loaded with bees and other insects and then came the beautiful monarch butterflies and for that reason it has become one of my favorite plants in the garden right now

  929. Ana Teixeira on

    I’m absolutely loving the ranuncules and I’m amazed how fast my Dahlias are growing… being a first-time flower farmer, seeing everything growing is amazing!

  930. Brittany on

    Wonderful! I’m excited to read the book. My favorite flower in the garden right now are my zinnias – they last an incredible amount of time in a vase & are stunning. I’m anxiously waiting for my sunnies & dahlias, though. Cannot wait for them! Erin, thank you for inspiring so many. You have taught me so much!

  931. Nikki on

    Currently my double click cosmos are a ‘riot’ of color. My Dahlias are just beginning to bloom!


    Just discovered Floret yesterday on Discovery+ and I am so excited. I can’t wait to watch the rest of the episodes tomorrow. I am definitely living vicariously through the show! Here in my central Florida garden, I am enjoying my Salivas and Giant Ironweed as well as my David Austen roses. I hope to be moving to a different state with some acreage and would love a beautiful (but smaller) cutting garden like Floret Farms. It makes me happy to just look at your photos and I can’t wait until your seeds and t-shirts are back in stock. “Cultivate a life you love”–words to live by and that certainly includes flowers for me!

  933. Angie Hossler on

    I’m loving all of my flowers coming to bloom however the one I love the most is my Sunflowers. They are just stunning to look at.

  934. Kristin Hill on

    Wonderful inspiring interview! I am loving my big beautiful blue mop-head hydrangea!

  935. Wendy on

    Nice interview. I just started to follow her on Instagram due to this. I love gardening and cooking. I have planted all the cut and come she has suggested. I can’t wait to see them all in bloom. I have half vegetables and half flowers in my garden. Such a joy.

  936. Missy on

    Garden by my porch currently consists of Zinnias and Cherry tomatoes – perfect for decorating and snacking :). The zinnias remind me of my Granny’s garden, now my grandkids love to pick them from my garden

  937. Sandy Eilbes on

    Loved this. Very interesting and thank you for sharing.

  938. jenna withers on

    First time growing any flower really and we planted almost 100 dahlia tubers. Some are starting to bloom and it’s so beautiful! So excited to see the rest!

  939. Marsha Neher on

    I recently lost my mom, and as she aged her flower garden got away from her. I am newly retired and have time! I have time and energy and I am creating an almost clean slate of my mom’s garden space in her honor. I feel close to her there. Right now I am loving my mom’s Peace Rose. With each bloom, I feel her greeting and loving me. My goal is to create a space (it is small) that will give blooms all season long.

  940. Rose on

    I am loving my varieties of daylilies. From yellow to pink to even magenta! Also coneflower! The purple is so amazing to watch change as it ages.

  941. Selina Jeal on

    Currently loving my sweet peas and penstemon. Filling my cottage up with the gorgeous smell of sweet peas is summer right there!

  942. Missy Kemp on

    I am delighted by our Ruby Frost coreopsis. After just a quick deadheading it is exuberantly blooming again.

  943. Katie Deverson on

    I am most excited about watching my Dahlias grow this year. Living in Canada, they should bloom late July or early August. I planted 7 varieties this year after 2 varieties last year (that was my first year growing). I am trying my hand with some dinner plate varieties. Hoping to keep the earwigs away! Would love a copy of this book to expand my garden as my confidence grows!

  944. Beth on

    This year I took the plunge and went from 6 dahlias to 75, so I’m super-excited to see how they do! I’ve also really expanded my zinnias in terms of volume and variety, so I’m looking forward to seeing them in bloom too!

  945. Rachel Tanger on

    I am in love with my dahlias, roses and Gerber daisies at the moment. I love finding new beautiful blooms each day

  946. Brenda Ruckstuhl on

    Absolutely inspiring! Super interview and so excited. Headed to clip Floret Flower Zinnias now!

  947. Barbara on

    I was inspired to grow nicotiana ‘Bella’ from seed and I’ve scattered it all over the garden. The soft colors, the intense evening scent and profusion of hummingbirds drinking from them make it a joy!

  948. juliette on

    My new loves this year are snapdragons and lisianthus. My old favs are roses and dahlias.

  949. Dana George on

    My potted olive trees are astounding me this year, growing by leaps and bounds!

  950. Debra Wilbourn on

    My flower garden has not evolved this year as I had planned. Still waiting for brick patio to be completed. Vegetables have started producing. Garlic picked and drying. Beets and cucumbers are being enjoyed at evening meals.. Waiting for tomatoes to ripen. Summer is zooming by quickly!

  951. Victoria on

    Snapdragons are blooming like crazy now so at the moment, they are my favorite. But never fear, dahlias are almost here!!

  952. Arleigh on

    Love Dahlias, Peonies. Big, bright and beautiful blooms.

  953. Gwen Clement on

    I am loving my snail vine, also called a corkscrew vine, that a friend gave me. It has the most beautiful purple, snail shaped flowers that are also edible and taste like snap peas! I can’t bear to eat them, however, they are just too beautiful.

  954. Rachael Moore on

    My dahlias are just starting to bloom. This is one of my favorite times!

  955. Donna Palmer on

    I have a variety of daylilies that are blooming now and I also like the blooming hydrangeas!

  956. STEPHANIE Goodrich on

    I am absolutely loving my flowering tobacco – first time growing for me and they are so whispy and magical dancing in the breeze.

  957. Maria on

    I am loving growing some zinnia this year! And this is my first year growing aster and they are turning out beautiful!

  958. ILEANA BAEZ on

    I started planting flowers this Spring just because. Suddlenly I just felt in love with Zinnias, sunflowers and wildflowers too…. Your page came to me thanks to Joanna Gaines. I’m so happy I found this space lo learn and grow.

  959. Angie on

    Nothing is blooming in my garden yet as I’m in zone 4, but I’m watching my dahlias really close! It’s my first year with them and I can wait to see what they do.

  960. Sarah Lacko on

    Beautiful and inspiring. We turned a back acre of our 12 into a garden for our daughters during COVID and it became a place of escape every day. It’s more of a potager garden, whimsy and once all filled in, a secret garden like the books I grew up on. Bachelors buttons, zinnia and dahlia… but I fell in love with Russian Sage and Scarlett Flax this summer! Happy planting

  961. Laura on

    Love our hydrangeas

  962. Emma Payne on

    I have a little volunteer patch of Yarrow in shades of pink growing next to my driveway. Most likely a remnant of my husband’s grandmas garden from years ago. So petite and lovely!

  963. Beverly Chesney on

    It’s hard to pick just one. I love the way each one has it’s own character. I would have to say i love my bearded irises, I’m just getting in to them and they memorize me. My Dahlia’s are coming up and i can’t wait to see how they will do. Fingers crossed.

  964. Emily F on

    My rudbeckia is such a beautiful wild addition to the garden and My hydrangea are such a great deep blue this year!

  965. Terri Norris on

    Love my zinnias and dahlias. Mornings in the garden with the happy bees and butterflies is truly a gift!

  966. Josie on

    I am just adoring my Ammi right now! They are just gorgeous!

  967. Janette Weber on

    I love all my flowers, however my irises and roses are my favorite!!

  968. Cinde Landis on

    I just retired and I can concentrate on having a beautiful garden, I’m so excited! I went to Horticulture school and then moved onto working at Nurseries and then had a flower shop for 17 years, so my love of flowers goes over generations! I’m especially interested in growing flowers to cut for the house! I live in the woods, so I’m looking into growing a Secret garden, I have the perfect place for it! Love to read Sarah’s books and learn from her!

  969. Jen Bolger on

    Love learning from the pros! When you get to Denver, I’ll host Dinner in the Garden with some Rocky Mountain Bee Plant.

  970. Kelly Garrett on

    My favorites right now are zinnias and sunflowers—hot weather summer staples!

  971. Linda Cannady on

    I love my peonies! Every year they get bigger and more beautiful!

  972. Rachel Rockwell on

    I’m a first year flower farmer and I’m enjoying love in a mist. It feels so airy and magical.

  973. Darla Van Horne on

    Thanks for the interview with Sarah.
    I’ve discovered her on you tube and find her channel chock full of great information. This week White Wand Veronica is my obsession as I started some plants from root stock this season and they are finally coming into their own.
    I do covet some tubers of Sarah Raven and Molly Raven dahlias!

  974. Sarah F on

    I’m loving the delphiniums & poppies. Looking forward to my dahlia blooming – it’s my first year growing them!

  975. Mary Ann Setliff on

    Here in East Texas it’s all about Crepe Myrtles right now. They are so beautiful.

  976. Susan on

    I love England..and Sarah Raven….. Learned a lot from her watching her posts, videos…listening to her and Arthur…I wish I had the rain they have in England. I live in Northern California… This year I planted many flowers from seed for the first time…
    It was challenging with the conditions here but I had lovely success with large pots of white cosmos…a wall of sweetness….sunflowers..many were their own starts….
    Less success with bee balm, cress and Queen Annes lace seeds…
    but I learned a lot and was able to get a few plants from each attempt…makes me very inspired!!!

  977. Bernadette Varner on

    I’m loving my sweet peas at the moment, but I can’t wait to get my dahlias into the ground. Finally received my Discovering Dahlias book here in South Africa, what a treat it has been!

  978. Kim Wakefield on

    I am loving the milkweed in my butterfly garden! It is blooming like crazy, setting seeds and attracting pollinators like crazy!! 🦋

  979. Linsey on

    I am loving my Zinnias from Johnny’s seeds. The Oklahoma salmon is my favorite.

  980. Kristin Smock on

    I planted Purity Cosmos after watching a Sarah Raven video on YouTube and they are stunning! I added tons of double click cosmos in all different colors that I’m really enjoying too. I’ve never grown them for cutting and I enjoy them so much more as cutting flowers instead of bedding flowers.

  981. Jodi on

    I grew beautiful grey/purple double and single poppies for the first time ever from seed and they are just beautiful!

  982. Diane on

    Am in Oregon and each part of the garden has a special memory. Slowly (ever so slowly) but steadily have added hydrangeas, echinacea, roses, iris, day lilies, crocosmia… My favorite is a wandering wisteria that reminds me of my mother. This year it is on its third set of blooms!

  983. Chelsea Olson on

    I’m enjoying adding a little of everything to my garden- our home had a few old cedar trees, a willow, two plum trees and a pear tree when we bought it a few years ago. Since then I’ve grown my love for gardening and seeing my hard work flourish is such a blessing. My favorite thing is to watch my family grow in my garden.

  984. Jen on

    I’m loving lavender in my garden right now and am planning on harvesting some to make satchets to hang or for dresser drawers.

  985. kristie wilbanks on

    As a software developer I need a little excitement in my life which I have found reading these amazing blogs and books and Insta posts. I can’t wait to get started reading this book by Sarah. This year, I began growing a few ranunculus and anemones and they turned out more beautiful that I expected! It filled me with such joy! I do a little at a time, but it’s so hard not to go crazy with seeds and plants !

  986. Sheila Debban on

    Oh my goodness I can not love this enough. Flowers and flowers oh my. What a happy spot this is in my heart. Love getting my hands dirty and watching them grow

  987. Marion Marlé on

    It‘s my first year of growing dahlias. I love them! Even more than all the snails do. 🙈

  988. Kai Koski on

    I’ve grown about 10 different varieties of Floret seeds this year. Every morning is like Christmas to me. I wander around my garden in awe of the colors & beauty that I grew!

  989. Hannah Bush on

    I have a couple flowers in my garden that I’m excited for (but have yet to bloom) those are my Zinderella Lilac Zinnias and my Queen Limes. I do have a few plants that have flowered that have me excited – especially a hydrangea that I was too intimidated to try until this year. It is currently covered in blooms!!

  990. Ornela on

    This is my first year growing many new flowers from seed. It’s been an exciting spring and summer so far. I have fallen in love with zinnias. I love the papery texture of the petals and the wide range of colors and how the blooms change with time. I am even more excited for the varieties Floret is breeding!

  991. Rhonda on

    I started lisianthus from seed this year I am in love!!! I doubted and fretted for months but they could not be more beautiful!! Although my zinnias from Floret seed are always my favorite!

  992. Jennifer on

    I have really enjoyed garden roses. The form and scent take me to my garden every day

  993. Patty Short on

    New state, new home and first garden. I’m excited about all my babies in the garden. As Sarah said. I have locked into this “whole gardening malarkey.” I love it all.

  994. Ashley on

    I’ve grown sweet peas for the first time this year and I’m obsessed!

  995. Bethany Reinhart on

    I am absolutely loving all the repeat flowering roses right now. There’s nothing quite like taking a walk in the Summer evening light and warmth with the sight of roses in view.

  996. Susanna on

    Hydrangeas at the moment but I am really excited to see dahlias I planted for the first time bloom this summer! I’ve noticed walking around my neighborhood evening primrose and love how delicate it looks. Looking forward to planting it next season.

  997. Heather McFarland on

    Most certainly Butterfly weed
    It’s so rich in color, from red orange to sometimes a surprise cluster of yellow it just glows against anything it’s near.

    Congrats on another book! Thank you both for sharing all of your knowledge. I have been reading Mrs. Raven’s blog for a long time now. Even before I started to garden.

  998. Haley on

    I currently have unstable housing as I just graduated so I cannot have my own garden 😩 but I have LOVED walking around my neighborhood seeing and smelling all of the lilac bushes. They always brighten my day and they smell amazing.

  999. Shari Denfeld on

    I am currently excited about my black hollyhocks. They just starting to bloom and I will be using them soon in my eco-dyeing adventures. Great interview with Sarah. I will have to check this beautiful book out.

  1000. Amy on

    I tried some new varieties this year- mostly umbellifers which I have no experience with. I love their light and lacy affect as an accent to bolder flowers!

  1001. Laura Thorne on

    Sarah Raven is also a favorite of mine, and her podcast with Arthur Parkinson is fantastic – it’s given me lots of tips (ie cutting allium foliage back early), new varieties to try (cosmos rubenza and the dahlias!), and my mouth drools with the description of her recipes! I’m having a great year with orlaya and bunny tail grass, things I struggled with before, and I can’t wait for the dahlias!

  1002. Michelle on

    I mostly have vegetables this year and am planning more flowers next year, but I’m loving my little forget me nots. So tiny yet so vibrant and perfect.

  1003. Chanda on

    This is my first year of growing a cut flower garden. One flower I planted that I had no expectations of loving was cosmos. But let me just say the Rubenza coloring is heartbreakingly beautiful. I find myself just staring at it like a creeper 😂

  1004. Katie on

    I succession planted gladiolus for the first time and I’m so pleased with how they’re growing. Also, beginner sweet pea grower here and I’m never looking back!

  1005. Michelle P. on

    Our lilies are exceptional this year, and I can’t wait for the zinnia blooms any day. Thank you!

  1006. Tina Fischer on

    Growing several varieties of zinnia this year and loving their evolving blooms. Lavender is having a banner year here in my garden in south coastal Maine, along with nasturtiums – their exuberant colors (I have 5 varieties) are so cheerful they make me laugh out loud!

  1007. Renee Fitzgerald on

    I have a a lot of new flowers in my garden that I’m really excited about, but one that is most unusual is a white Liatris! I also have a few surprise Gladiolus in an old fashioned pink color that have just appeared, and of course Hydrangeas and Dahlias getting ready to really pop… I could go on!!! ❤️

  1008. Emily on

    I’m growing snapdragons for the first time and they are just so beautiful!

  1009. Sally Pope on

    My zinnias are giving me a big thrill! I have multiple varieties and I love how there are so many unique ‘designs’ within the blossoms, not to mention color palettes. They’re all like little special gifts! I especially love the ones that have teeny flowers within them. My other favorite is the Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) I planted a packet of seeds 3 years ago and it still continues to reseed itself and shout out with its bright red-orange blooms, “surprise, here I am again!” each summer here in coastal North Carolina!

  1010. Sam on

    I’m enjoying everyone else’s garden right now and the wildflowers along the roads, didn’t have the chance with moving to do our own this year!

  1011. Emma C. on

    I’m loving seeing the hydrangeas in full bloom and ranging from white to deep purple! Hopefully I’ll master the soil balancing one day but I’ll enjoy the surprises until then.

  1012. Melissa on

    Amazing interview Erin! Great topics to learn from:) I enjoy zinnias and snapdragons as they are blooming with radiant colors these days.

  1013. Andrew on

    I am loving my foxglove most right now! Amazing that such a small seed turned into this most magical flower all in one year. Thank you!

  1014. Melanie Magdalinos on

    This is our first summer in this house, and I have literally been dreaming for months about all the different flowers and trees that I eventually want to plant. Right now, however, my favorite things to watch grow are my zinnias and cannas. They were my dad’s favorites, so each time I see a new bloom, I am reminded of him.

  1015. Violet on

    I’m love love loving the Queen Anne’s lace, roadside this year! We’re building a house so I don’t have a garden or flowers but I CAN. NOT. wait to grow dahlias n zinnias nxt yr!!! In the meantime I’m enjoying virtually on social media!😍😍

  1016. Sherry on

    Very informative interview! Sarah’s book sounds exciting and pictures are stunning. Arthur Parkinson is delightful to. Sweet peas are my all time favorite.

  1017. Cindy Browning on

    My zinnias are going crazy right now! I have a few new varieties this year. Thanks for sharing.

  1018. Leticia Landers on

    Im loving my dahlias this is my first time growing them and I’m completely hook!!!

  1019. Jessica Schaudt on

    We just moved and I’ve started one of several new gardens, the first being a veggie and flower patch! I’m loving seeing the baby sunflowers pop up with their adorable leaves. And the green beans starting off so strong!! Can’t wait to get this book and see all of the beautiful photos, and learn some new things!

  1020. Caroline Mamoulides on

    In love with my silver surfer agave, it’s shot up a 20 foot tall bloom stalk! Cannot wait for the flower buds to open and watch the hummingbirds and bees buzz around it.

  1021. Melanie Corey on

    I planted gladiolus this spring and I can’t get over how vibrant and beautiful they are!!! I am teaching my four year old all about gardening and I hope she falls in love with it just as much as I have!

  1022. Tara on

    I loved reading this interview! I am currently loving zinnias!! But truly so hard to choose. Would love to walk through your gardens one day!

  1023. Lisa Thomason on

    I’m growing dahlias for the first time this year and have fallen in love! This book looks amazing!

  1024. Shana on

    I will forever be a hosta fan but right now my favorite thing is zinnias! It’s actually my first time growing them this year and I’m in absolute love with them!

  1025. Brandee on

    I’m in love with my zinnias and can’t wait to get more variety.

  1026. Alejandra on

    I live in Argentina.It’s winter down here. I don’t have a garden of my own at the moment ,but I’m planing on having one very soon. My favorites are sweet peas and dhalias! I use to have those in the garden as child and I defently will have in rhe future.

  1027. Elizabeth on

    It’s always so nice to hear about intentional gardening, thank you! We just bought our first house, and the hydrangeas that were here already have been such a treat to watch grow.

  1028. Megan on

    I’m totally enjoying my snapdragons right now. They keep giving and giving. So excited for this book!

  1029. Jill Van Soelen on

    First year grower here and my thumbelina zinnias are blooming and oh so cute! But my giant doubles are forming buds and I just cannot wait for them to open on up!!

    Thanks for making such valuable information accessible!!

  1030. Rosalie Driessen on

    Right now I’m in love with the scabiosa i seeded for the first time this year. I love it how they are invisible and seem to pop up over night when the flower unfolds 🤍

  1031. Janet Hedrick on

    Thank you for introducing me to another inspiring gardener to learn from and follow! I’m enjoying my dahlias and awaiting for my zinnias to flower.

  1032. Carly on

    New to cutting gardens and I’m so excited to begin my prep for next season! I have a small peony garden made up of plants I propagated from my grandmother and mother in laws garden. I obsess over those but currently it’s all about my Echinacea coneflower plants!

  1033. Erin on

    Wonderful interview! I’m brand new to growing cut flowers and I’m hooked – I do love my 3rd year lavender bush right now. The long stems dance as the bumblebees jump from petal to petal, the brilliant purple brings me so much joy and hope as we continue to navigate recovering from this past year.

  1034. Joanna Donahue on

    I planted a new variety of sunflowers this year. A pale yellow with a reddish burgundy in the center…gorgeous!! I also planted some dahlia bulbs for the first time and I can’t wait to see what they look like!

  1035. Clara on

    In this moment of the year i love zinnias which remind me my father’s zinnias growned next to zucchini and tomatoes, in our small field in Italy! Thank-you for this interwiew ! So inspiring!

  1036. Natalie on

    My sunflowers are just starting to bloom! And of course I love going out and checking my dahlias everyday, I just finished pinching most of them 🤗

  1037. Andrea Barker on

    What an amazing giveaway! And the most inspiring blog post! I’m loving my lavender right now! In years past I’ve struggled with overwintering here in Ontario but it came back this year more beautiful than ever! Total gardening win! ☺️

  1038. Christy Foster on

    This interview was so inspiring, thank you for sharing it! I am absolutely loving the Twilight and Peach Pizzaz Calla Lillies I planted this year. Between the amazing flowers and the stunning foliage, I just can’t get enough. I will definitely add more of these to next year’s mix!

  1039. Becca Dale on

    I am still finding my garden strides, I started so much by seed this year and it is so fun to see what is working & tweaking ideas for next year. My double petunia’s are really thriving and expanding right now and my zinnia’s are just getting buds on them and will be blooming soon. I am excited to see what colors of zinnia’s end up being, those are my favorite.

  1040. Kate Fitzwater on

    I am growing dahlias for the first time and are so hopeful and excited for the new adventure.

  1041. Camélia on

    The zinnias in my garden have just started to bloom and I am in love with all their diversity and amazing colours! Thank you for this giveaway!

  1042. Sophia on

    Currently my snapdragons and cosmos are giving me the most joy! But my dahlias are about to bloom so that may change! :)

  1043. Kaslyn on

    I’m loving my cosmos right now, mostly my cupcake blush mix. Patiently waiting for my dahlias and Lisianthus to bloom!
    It’s hard to pick a favourite though, I feel I fall in love all over agin each morning when I do my morning walks and something new has opened!

  1044. Katie on

    I loved seeing the photos of Sarah’s dahlias as you flipped through the book, Erin! Dahlias are bringing me so much joy right now in my own garden. I’m a first year grower & now I can’t imagine a garden without dahlias 🤍

  1045. Shannon Glassley on

    My surprise favorite in my first cut garden ever is jewels of opar. I just love the limey green leaves with the delicate dark stems and tiny pink flowers!

    Thank you Floret for opening my eyes to such an amazing flower growing community!

  1046. Katie on

    I’m loving all my zinnias this year! Most are just starting to bloom. The heat wave we’ve had has helped, but the rabbits certainly haven’t!

  1047. Rebecca on

    This was a delight to read! Thank you. I live outside of the US in a location that has wicked hot summers. In this season I’m greatly enjoying the cheerful portulaca blooms that brighten up my garden. If only all the plants in my garden were as easy to care for in this heat!

  1048. Lyla Thomas on

    Dahlias have begun in my garden and my absolute favorite is a new 2020 introduction called ‘My Forever’ that I purchased from Swan Island. It’s unreal how it looks like watercolor art of a sunset.

  1049. Lynne DeVito on

    What an inspirational post! It has given me a ton of ideas for my own garden! Can’t wait to dig in!

  1050. Brad johnson on

    Right now I’m all about echinacea! So many beautiful varieties to choose from that just light up summer. Oh and persicaria! How fun! Great write up on Sarah! Can’t wait to read the book.

  1051. Linn van heugten on

    What a amazing book , I have only dived in to growing flowers this year because of Erin benzakein’s book (cut flowers garden ) and a local organic flower grower (loco bloemen in Maastricht ) it has sparked my soul with love for growing and flowers
    Already buying seeds for next year 💛 now my garden is filled wit cosmos , sunflowers and calendulas
    Thanks for the amaizing work and inspiration 🙏🏼

  1052. Esther Maagdenberg on

    I’m loving my sweet peas right now! As a beginner I can use all the help I can get!

  1053. Anca V on

    Almost a year ago, we’ve bought a house with a small garden. Although we haven’t moved in yet as we are still renovating, I immensely enjoy going there and doing a bit of gardening. Every time I discover something new but my favourite plant so far is a deep red palm size flowering Camelia.

  1054. Alison Maitland on

    I am loving my home grown snapdragons at the moment, they have already been in bloom for weeks and have many more buds on them

  1055. Irene on

    With the benefit of over all warm Calif weather, we get to enjoy the exotic and various kinds of flowers from cacti such as Mantucana to puppies, hydrangea, yellow, pink, red velvety lillies, Gold Star Esperanza and Pulmeria. The most flower I enjoy now is Golden Star Esperanza which look so fragile can grow up so tall and can disperse immenseful sprays of yellow bell lushes to the ground and to whichever directions the winds allow them. I always had a dream of somewhat not-so organized arrays of wild flowers in my garden. To say, Globe Amaranth, Cow Parsely, Straw Flower, Detford Pink, Snowpeas, Snapdragon, Snowflakes to Tulipa Turkestania, Daucus Carota, and on and on. Hope that someday I can fill the small piece of my garden with those pastel to velvety wilderness as long as the weather and soil permits. Only imagining it still brings me such joy and hopefulness.

  1056. Irene on

    With the benefit of over all warm Calif weather, we get to enjoy the exotic and various kinds of flowers from cacti such as Mantucana to puppies, hydrangea, yellow, pink, red velvety lillies, Gold Star Esperanza and Pulmeria. The most flower I enjoy now is Golden Star Esperanza which looked so fragile can grow up so tall and can disperse immenseful sprays of yellow bell lushes to the ground and to whichever directions the winds allow them. Deep inside, I always had a dream of somewhat not-so organized arrays of wild flowers in my garden that can usually be found in the wild or in Europe. To say, Globe Amaranth, Cow Parsely, Straw Flower, Detford Pink, Snapdragon, Snowflakes to Tulipa Turkestania, Daucus Carota, and on and on. Hope that someday I can fill the small piece of my garden with those pastel to velvety wilderness as long as the weather and soil permits. Only imagining it still brings me such joy and hopefulness.

  1057. Tereza on

    Oh vaaau , this book looks amazing 😍 my favorite flower at the moment is sunflower 🌻 actually it has always been sunflower , but my love gets wider and now sunflower must share place in my heart alongside with poppies, roses, zinnias, yarrows aaaaaand all of them really ! 💖 more you grow more is harder to choose only one flower, I love them all!!!

  1058. Helen Hume on

    My favourite plant at the most moment has to be my Dahlia, this is my first year growing then and the anticipation is just so exciting. Their foliage is bulking up so wonderfully, I’m just wait for them to show some buds ❤️

  1059. E Swan on

    I adore white bleeding hearts. They grow in the shade in Alaska. Soon, the flower shop will get AK grown dahlia in a range of colors!

  1060. Becca on

    One of my loves in my cottage garden is small but mighty – sweet william sneaks in empty spaces among coreopsis, cone flowers, bee balm, daylilies and so many other plants that I’ve collected over the years. My garden is my serenity.

  1061. Kelsey Ward on

    I planted Allium Red Mohican last fall and they have been my favorite in my garden! BUT.. as of this week, aka right now, I would have to say my Red Hot Poker Torch Lilies are stealing the show and my favorites!! If I don’t win a book copy, I am buying one anyway!! I watched your instagram stories and OMG, my soul needs that book!!

  1062. Lisa Feely on

    I have just planted a new flower area in my yard. It’s against my back fence and I have filled it with dahlias, sage, cosmos, bee balm and lavender. I’m so excited to grow flowers for cutting. I love having flowers inside and outside! 🥰

  1063. Sarah on

    The book looks beautiful. Love cosmos, snapdragons and poppies!

  1064. Robyn on

    The book looks stunning! We are slowly redoing our new house’s dates landscaping, but through all the piles of dirt and debris our Bougainville is absolutely thriving! I can’t wait to keep adding more color in other places.

  1065. Megan on

    My neighbor Gloria and I would love taking in this book together! I love the cutting garden she’s planting, and especially the adopted dahlia babies on their fifth generation being passed through friends.

  1066. Lisa Edelhuber on

    This book would be so beneficial through all the knowledge she shares not to mention the amazing photos!!! A little bit of Heaven here on earth! Wow!🌟💖

  1067. Kathy Shay-Shapiro on

    Here in Arizona, sunflowers and zinnias rule with our extreme heat. Looking forward to seeing your book. Thank you!!

  1068. Ashlee Peters on

    I got lucky and some of my cosmos from last year self seeded in our patio pots and survived our recent move. I have no clue which colors self seeded so it’s an extra surprise! Pinched them out after watching the summer mini series and am excited to see all the buds coming up!

  1069. Pamela on

    Rudbeckia, phlox and peachy day lilies are bursting in my garden right now in Minnesota.

  1070. Diana Crosswhite on

    I can’t wait to get my hands on this book. I always appreciate the book reviews! Im anxiously awaiting my first dahlia blooms.

  1071. Megan on

    Oh my goodness. What a lovely interview. I don’t have a garden at the moment but I’m inspired to try some pots on my kitchen window! Might start with some lovely herbs and hope for a garden someday!

  1072. Nora on

    I live in Southern California and I’ve been loving seeing agaves bloom with their big dramatic flowers. I love to be inspired by flowers that thrive in this desert climate, and I’m learning how to appreciate the beauty we’ve got!

  1073. Amanda on

    So looking forward to Sarah’s new book and just learning more about gardening!
    My favorite flower right now are the zinnias. The zinnias are just starting to bloom in our parts so each one is a delight to watch unfurl and display its color to the world.

  1074. Nora on

    I bought my first home last year and I started to envision flowers all over. I have fallen in love with learning all the amazing things that are evolved with gardening and growing plants. This book looks so dreamy!

  1075. Maddie Z on

    What a beautiful collection of stories and advise. I am so inspired to keep developing my own garden.
    Right now I am loving my “pink grapefruit” yarrow. I cut what seemed like an arm full to dry. My 2 year old and I grouped them together and hung them up. It was a very special moment to share with her.

  1076. Patrick Kingston on

    I’m most excited about my melons and squash this year! My first time growing watermelon and I have two varieties including a really old heirloom that tastes like no modern watermelon! I also am growing giant pumpkins for the first time and laugh Everytime I walk by and see it’s increased girth. I’m going my one year old daughter gets joy from climbing it come October!

  1077. Susanna on

    Hydrangeas at the moment but I am growing dahlias for the first time so I am super excited about seeing those bloom in my garden this year! One flower that noticed in my neighborhood this year on my walks that I would like at add next year is evening primrose. So delicate and pretty!

  1078. Carol on

    I have gardened for so many years and this year I grew zinnias from seed. I am in love with zinnias. I went to Sissinghurst many years ago and loved it.

  1079. Julia Smith on

    I came home from some time away to find the lilies blooming, their scent perfuming the air throughout the garden. I missed seeing them last year because of the pandemic, so I am happily enjoying them now.

  1080. Dyanna on

    I’m loving my anemones right now! They are giving such beautiful blooms, this is my first year growing them in bulk and wow. I can’t get enough of them!

  1081. Morgan Sarkisian on

    First time growing and in my new home in Anacortes! I love my garden roses but am obsessing over the cosmos and phlox I planted from seed. I cannot wait for them to bloom!

  1082. Natalie Peterman on

    Thanks to your inspiration I’ve discovered a love of growing flowers and a passion to dream of what the future could be. Hoping to have our own flower field one day! Thank you for showing us that it is possible to accomplish dreams!!

  1083. Elizabeth Perkins on

    Dahlias, zinnias, and hydrangeas are grabbing my heart right now. There are so many. Snapdragons are a current favorite, too.

  1084. Monica Milburn on

    I am still new to growing flowers and normally my zinnias have done well, except this year. I am learning to just appreciate things that are doing well, even if they aren’t in places I want… like volunteer sunflowers, amaranth, and borage.

  1085. Kristin on

    After wondering whether it was going to grow at all, I am really loving my phlox, especially cherry caramel!

  1086. Allyson on

    I started out loving zinnias and sunflowers and have more recently started growing dahlias!!! So many beautiful things to learn about and grow!!

  1087. Mel on

    Im so excited to read this beautiful book and feel inspired to continue on my gardening journey! This year, I’m most excited about the dahlias and snapdragons that I grew from seed. I love seeing them every morning and watching them mature. They bring me so much joking, and I especially love the surprises they offer daily.

  1088. Keri Hainsworth on

    My dahlias…..from the moment I plant the tubers to the point of seeing those beauties!!

  1089. Lynette on

    I’m in California and right now zinnias are my favorite 🌸🌿

  1090. Michelle P on

    Right now I’m enjoying my strawberries the most! The blooms are so tiny and cute. Once they are pollenated by the bees the turn into the most beautiful, juicy strawberries! So fun.

  1091. Leah on

    Right now I’m loving the Iceland poppies growing in my garden. They’re magical!

  1092. Sonia V on

    Love the interview ! I live in Hawaii and i just realize from following Erin and now Sarah that even tho both of you live in cooler climates , both of you grow beautiful flowers that we don’t have here in the islands ! My yard is full of Gardenias, pakalana, Bird of Paradise and a bunch of orchids! Very different from what you girls grow in the UK and the West Coast. Looking forward to learning more! Aloha from Hawaii

  1093. Elaine Gilman on

    I am loving my first year with dahlias! They are so beautiful and fun! I have also added several varieties of zinnia this year and we are enjoying them so much that we are already planning more zinnia beds for next year to plant even more varieties.
    You are so inspirational! It is wonderful to read about YOUR mentors. 🌷

  1094. McKennae on

    This is my first year as flower farmer! I took your workshop this last year and took everything I could from it to create my own business! I’m excited to report that I am completely behind haha! But it’s slowly coming along. My lilies are blooming, my dahlias, zinnias, and snaps are growing well and I just made my first 12 market bouquets today! Even though I’m behind, I’m absolutely mesmerized by the beauty and joy these flowers give me. As a former strictly vegetable grower, I can honestly say I am blown away by these flowers. I kept it pretty simple for my first year and honestly can say I didn’t know 3/4 of the flowers that I do now. I can’t wait to expand on this beautiful world and am truly grateful that you introduced me to it! Can’t wait to check out Ravens book & continue this NEW obsession of the flower world! (Literally, I am obsessed now!)

  1095. Jen on

    Oh, it’s always so hard to choose, but I am loving pincushion flowers. So tall and breezy. I love how tough they are. I have collected quite a few types/colors for my garden, but I love seeing them in the wild, as well…roadside and along train tracks. Such a delight.

  1096. Anna Baruchman on

    This is my first year growing dahlias! I’ve had so much fun with my garden this summer. I’m growing lots of new plants and learning something new every day!

  1097. Mandy Handley on

    We have terraced our planting beds with huge stones and this year my beds have finally filled in. I am loving the fullness! Finally. Lol

  1098. Lisa on

    At the beginning of the season, I was so excited for my dahlias, zinnias, and heirloom tomatoes! I bought a bunch of varieties for each. But right now my sunflowers are really taking off, so they’re kinda winning my heart right now 😄

  1099. Mindy Ganze on

    This might sound silly, but I’m in love with our butterfly bush! My hubby planted it for me a few years ago and it attracts the butterflies. It’s so fun to watch caterpillars collect on the bush and then transform into butterflies! We’ve always got monarchs around our front porch and it’s so dreamy!

  1100. Rebecca Fawaz on

    I planted Dahlias for thr first time this year. I am using pots and am excited with how well they are doing. Excited that the first one is just starting to open.

  1101. Melika on

    I nestled my (huge) hibiscus tree in my garden and one of my particularly bold cucumbers reached outside her trellis to climb the tree instead! It’s so charming, and impermanent, so I hope I’m not a fool to let this wild intercropping proceed. To have sweet yellow cucumber flowers intertwined and little pickling kirby cukes hanging down from the branches of a 7 foot tree hot pink hibiscus tree? Couldn’t have planned it.

  1102. Tiffany on

    I am planting dahlias, sunflowers and zinnias and I love them all!!

  1103. Alex on

    My new favorite is crocosmia! I love the vibrant orange color and the sculptural shape it can give to bouquets.

  1104. Celeste Kinsey on

    I am loving my lavender! I bought it for the first time last year and now that it’s had a season to mature and develop it’s absolutely stunning . The color , size and smell are so delightful to experience and it brings so many bees to my garden .

  1105. Jennifer Waite on

    I I would say that my apricot foxglove is my favorite but it just finished blooming. With all the intense heat of over 100° every day here in Utah, I have to go with my rudbeckia in a variety of shapes and colors. Love it!

  1106. Madeline on

    Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! 🤞🏽
    I grew a wealth of Versailles cosmos this summer and was blown away but their whimsical and fun beauty. Growing up they were often wild and rampant where I lived so I always thought of them as a bit of a weed, but now I adore them and their generous blooms.

  1107. Lyndsay Lind on

    My David Austen roses are my favorites right now! Love love love them.

  1108. Carly Owczarczak on

    This is my first year growing zinnia from seeds and I am in love!! They are so easy and beautiful! I love having fresh flowers in my garden all season long.

  1109. Grace on

    I’m most enjoying the hydrangeas right now. They are already aging so pretty

  1110. Tricia on

    I like the peonies in our garden. They are pretty pink and burgundy colors and so full.

  1111. Ellen on

    I’m loving my Zinnias! They were my first cut flower I grew from seed a few years ago and will always have a place in my garden! ❤️

  1112. Tammy Makoul on

    I’m reading one of Sarah ravens books right now and would love to add this to my collection! The rudbeckia right now – rudbeckia hirta – is having a field day in my garden and looking so stunning with all its shades.

  1113. Angela Laurie on

    Loved the interview! I am pretty new to this gardening lifestyle but have fallen head over heels in love with it! I adore any type of daisy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1114. Hope on

    I am a new gardener this year. My mother and I have planted pumpkins out on my grandpa’s land. It’s so exciting because the plants are growing so big and I can’t wait to see the actual pumpkin start to grow.

  1115. Lee Ann on

    Enjoying the Birds of Paradise throughout our community on our walks

  1116. Kelsey Allspach on

    My acorn squash! This was my first year growing seeds I saved from last fall. Seeing my sprouts turn into huge, sprawling leaves and buds has been SO much fun!

  1117. Erin McCracken on

    I’m having my first successful year of dahlias and I love checking on them every morning. I’m also fascinated by a new flower I’ve never seen before, called 4 o’clocks that are such fun bright colors. And I’m obsessed with the ornamental oreganos I’ve discovered; they drape so beautifully with their soft pink bracts and the bees are obsessed with the little flowers. This is one of my best gardening years ever.

  1118. Bethany Crowell on

    Picking Sweet Peas practically every morning makes me extremely happy! But also watching the Dahlias get taller & taller…and finally setting buds after being pinched. 💕

  1119. Meghan on

    I started two Double Champagne Hollyhocks from seed last year. I was stunned when I got some flowers to grow that year, as I have never started flowers from seed. I let them go to seed. To my amazement, I now have a baker’s dozen and they are just starting to bloom! I love their linear champagne blooms, dolloped buds, foliage, and height! They’re so unpretentious, but make a huge statement. And it helps that it gave me a huge gardening confidence boost!

  1120. Katie on

    I’m loving my oriental and OT lilies right now – the fragrance is to die for!

  1121. Gayle Dye on

    Loving my zinnias and my dark sunflowers that’s te about to bloom! 🌻

  1122. Tracey on

    Honestly, any new flower that blooms is my favorite flower this year! 🌸💛🌸

  1123. Lori on

    Watched the Insta stories listening to you rave about the book and sarah, and all I could think was “so basically the British version of Erin”. Any interview with either of you I feel like I gain so much insight and wisdom.
    Right now I think my favorite blooms are the age old garden roses. I planted a few David Austen this year and the blooms are so much more fragrant than the previous roses I’ve planted.

  1124. Mandy Fresolone on

    I’m loving dahlias at the moment though I haven’t grown any yet. I’m hoping to get my hands on some Floret seeds soon though!! I just started Discovering Dahlias and I am so looking forward to covering our from lawn with tons of these beauties.

  1125. Katie on

    I watch Monty Don’s show when they discuss Sissinghurst and swoon every time! Thank you for this interview and blog post–now I need to run to my library and get Sarah’s books!

    Right now my first dahlias are growing, I survived pinching, and the gladiolus are blooming.

  1126. Sophia on

    I planted a lot of cosmos on my sunny balcony railing in pots and they’re blooming well. I’m loving having so many in different colors that combine together really well and it gives the balcony a nice cohesive look.

  1127. Katie on

    I watch Monty Don’s show when they discuss Sissinghurst and swoon every time! Thank you for this interview and blog post–now I need to run to my library and get Sarah’s books!

  1128. Elaine E on

    I know I’m echoing other responses but it’s the truth — I’m loving the sweet peas in my garden most of all, especially ‘Nimbus’ and ‘Growers Choice Ambrosia Mix.’

  1129. Caroline Mamoulides on

    I started my garden in 2011 after an extensive house renovation. Most of what I have planted is what I’d call structural…trees, shrubs, agaves…and it’s thriving!, though I’ve yet to fully dive into the beauty and amazing palette which flowers bring. Ironically the first thing I planted just prior to the renovation was a Silver Surfer Agave which began spiking early May and has shot up a 20 foot stalk with buds about to bust open wide any day now! This plant has brought me so much happiness and after it fully blooms it will begin dying. It was a bittersweet day when I realized it was spiking, though so thrilled to know I will have seen it through its entire life cycle. I wish I could share a photo here, truly it’s been my pride & joy and personal octopus teacher! Thank you, thank you for inspiring me to take new adventures and planting new seeds in the garden. I would love to have this book to help me get started, I believe it’s kismet!

  1130. Amber Meyer on

    My favorite right now has to be zinnias! I planted so many varieties and I’m just loving them all! I’m in such awe of how different and beautiful they all are! And, they can really crank em out! 🙌🏼❤️

  1131. Jennifer V. on

    What a wonderful interview! Thank you for sharing it with us! This is my first year growing my own flowers from seed and I’m loving the zinnias and cone flowers that are starting to bloom 💗.

  1132. Kate on

    I’m absolutely ADORING a large clump of random sunflowers that had self-seeded. Gotta love the volunteers!

  1133. Kelly Hoover on

    My sister in law and I are in our first year of flower farming. Currently in the garden we both are loving the Celosia Texas Plume Vintage Rose Mix. The champagne wheat look against this dark beautiful foliage is absolutely stunning!

  1134. Amanda on

    This is the first year I’ve purposefully grown flowers from seeds. In years past I’ve just thrown wild flower seeds and said what grows, grows. It is also my first year growing dahlias! I’m zone 6b and seem to be a bit behind on blooms but being patient as I can. I just got my first gladiolus today! My baby’s breath and forget-me-nots are getting me through.

  1135. Jill on

    I am loving all the beautiful dwarf cockscomb in my garden right now. They make my heart so happy! P.S. Loved reading this blog post!

  1136. Rachel Hardy on

    This was so fun and inspiring to read. Thank you Floret and Sarah Raven for everything you teach us. I’ve learned so much! I’ve got to say my favorite flowers in the garden just now are my roses. 🧡

  1137. Jamie on

    This is my first year growing flowers and I’m just so grateful buds have been blooming. The amount of life and satisfaction I get from this has triggered a lifelong gardener in me. Thank you both for this interview and your books!

  1138. Dawn Sparkman on

    So excited to grow dahlias this year for the first time! Waiting on blooms but can’t wait! You’re such an inspiration for growing flowers. I’ve always been a zinnia person and can’t wait for your new varieties ❤️

  1139. Ali Newsom on

    My sweet peas, my first seedlings didn’t make it, so after a new batch of plantings I finally had 6 beautiful ones finally bloom last week… ah the anticipation

  1140. Heather Karns on

    For the first time I am growing zinnias! I know it sounds like a newbie but I have grown roses and peonies as well as many other flowers for years. This is the first year I have grown zinnias and dahlias. While I am in love with the dahlias, I am in absolute love with the way zinnias grow and the variations in color!

  1141. Christina Francis on

    Right now- I’m loving my hydrangeas and salvias. But all time is definitely my peonies *swoon*

  1142. Rachael Sartor on

    I am loving my zinnias right now. They are so cheerful and seem to come back bigger and better with each new wave of blooms.

  1143. Norma on

    I absolutely love your Instagram stories. I’m a casual gardener who LOVES flowers. You’re very inspiring. Thank you!

  1144. Harper on

    My first dahlia of the summer is about to bloom, and I can’t wait 😌

  1145. Andrea on

    This is my first year growing flowers and I am AMAZED by the snapdragons I started from seed this year! They are stunning and the perfect flower for any bouquets!

  1146. Vita on

    I’m loving the coneflowers all over my neighborhood and dreaming of many, many more in my own yard soon!

  1147. Natalie on

    The thought of a rainy dreary day, a warm blanket, and this book would make any day so much better. Can’t wait to get my fingers on this beautiful book and can’t wait to add it to my ongoing flower book library!

  1148. Kelsie on

    I’m loving my David Austin Golden Celebration roses right now. The smell is heavenly, and the color is so unique.

  1149. Nicole Forero on

    I am so grateful to learn so much from you and other Amazing people, thank you for offering this giveaway. I am so Happy with the Zinnias this year, the colors, textures and just overall abundance. I am so grateful for the creativity of talented breeders in allow me to grow these gorgeous flowers. I have grown colors that I’ve never seen nor thought was possible. One of my favorite flowers 🌿🌸 They are beautiful and one of a kind!

  1150. Jazz on

    I loving my sweet peas I got from you this year. I made a whole sweet pea wall :) so I can smell it every time I walk in

  1151. Donna on

    I so relate to the statement she said about food is not as much of a top priority since her family has dispersed. We moved 3 summers ago, all my children have flown the nest. So I have always loved gardening and flowers but didn’t really put in the time. Now that is what keeps me sane.. I talked to my flowers and they do talk back. 🥰 My favorite this year are my sunflowers. I’m a Kansas girl and my Dad passed away In September and it was one of his favorites so I’ve planted several just to honor him. 🌻

  1152. Krissy Vanderwarker on

    This book looks amazing! I’m so excited to see my Persian cucumbers growing. Should be ready to pick in a couple of days!

  1153. Brienne on

    I’m loving the Apricot Nectar Rose that was hybridized by a distant relative to my husband’s family, but I’m also very excited that I grew snapdragons from seed this year. I’m currently only able to grow in pots so I dream of the day I can grow a variety to enjoy at once.

  1154. Becky Pope on

    This looks like a beautiful and inspiring book! I’m loving the calla lilies that I’m growing for the first time this year…I can’t wait to add to them next year with more varieties.

  1155. Nancy Montone on

    My sons purchased two Claire Austen roses for me for Mother’s Day and I am loving watching them grow and bloom!

  1156. Ashley Wegner on

    First year starting as a Flower Farmer and while I’m super stoked about my dahlias and zinnias coming on, I have to say that the ones intriguing me the most are the cosmos. Probably because they’re coming on slowly, one at a time, (We’ve had a pretty cool, wet summer so far) almost like a tease so I have to check on them frequently. It’s really making the anticipation build with each new bloom.

  1157. Bailey on

    I’m loving nigella, Dara, larkspur, and moonstone asters!

  1158. Laura on

    I started growing zinnias during the lockdown last year and now I’m hooked! I love all the different colors and the activity they bring to the garden. I can’t wait to try some of your new colors!

  1159. Jessica on

    This book sounds just lovely. Relatively new gardener here, these photographs are truly breathtaking. Garden roses are definitely having their moment right now in my garden. I’ve been dreaming of cottage garden vibes for next year. This book looks to have so much insporation!

  1160. Fatimah Nasser on

    Hello everyone all the way from Saudi.. because of our desert weather the most successful flowers for home gardens are sunflowers and zinnias which I like.. but my absolute favorite are ranunculus 😍.. thank you

  1161. Jacqueline Pannekoek on

    I am starting my first year of growing my own flowers and would be interested in reading this book! I used to work as a florist and quit when I had my 3 children. Now that they are going off to school, I am hoping to revive my passion again and start my own floral company! My husband built me several massive garden boxes in our backyard and I’ve been experimenting with growing my own flowers. I’ve been selling extras to local florists and giving away bouquets to family, friends and anyone who could use a smile. Definitely have learned a lot but there is so much more to learn and all of it is so very exciting!

  1162. Bre W on

    Enjoying my echinacea!
    Love the photos in the book. It would be awesome to have frameable prints!

  1163. Joanne on

    I’m envious of your long stems but long or short they are fresh and innocent !

  1164. Chelsea on

    I just recently started growing my own garden flowers and right now I’m loving my sunflowers, zinnias, and cosmos! I can’t wait for my dahlias to bloom! This book looks like a great one to add to my collection of Floret books!🌻

  1165. Anna D on

    What I love the most is that my flowers are blooming! I’m super new to growing cut flowers, so I’m finding joy in simply having flowers! I’m also enjoying all that I’m learning.

  1166. Mary Beth Love on

    My Queen Anne’s Lace Green Mist, which is the first plant I’ve started from seed has been amazing!

  1167. Kayla Kay on

    So happy I came across this today!! We just moved into a new place that has existing flowers boxes and a beautiful setting for them. I can’t wait to start planning for them! I’m most excited to incorporate and learn more about dahlias and zinnias!

  1168. Tiffany Lobner on

    Right now…my sweetpeas. First time growing them, and flowers in general. I’m so interested in learning more about flower gardening.

  1169. Courtney Jennings on

    I live in a one bedroom apartment but love my flowers and have my patio decorated every year. This year I am adoring the begonias and Daliahs!

  1170. Elizabeth Saucier on

    I love the sweet peas and zinnias I grew from seed, dahlias, and lilies. I’ve visited Sissinghurst Castle’s gardens several times — my favorite historic English garden!

  1171. Danielle Hudson on

    Looks like such a beautiful book! Zinnias, cosmos and my asters are starting to bloom 😍

  1172. Miguel on

    I’m currently loving the ‘moulin rouge’ zinnias I planted in my garden this year. This is the first year I’ve really committed to growing flowers along with my usual vegetables and herbs. My favorites so far have been zinnia, dahlia and coreopsis. I can’t wait to try other types of flowers in the coming years!

  1173. Elisabeth on

    I love my sunset hyssop, it smells like root beer to me!

  1174. Sara B on

    I’m loving verbena and ageratum right now. They are new to me this year and they are a must going forward!

  1175. Alexis Wright on

    Looks like such a beautiful gardening book. Such an inspiring lady and an awe inspiring garden! I am loving all my dahlia’s blooming right now!

  1176. Kristine Moody on

    I’m loving my rudbeckia right now especially the Sahara variety. Can’t wait to read this book!

  1177. Dorian Bunting on

    This looks like a beautiful book. I’m a first year cut flower grower, loving my snap dragons!

  1178. Janette on

    Wow! This book looks amazing! My favorite things in the garden right now are the giant zinnias, and watching the colors change from new petals to old. They are magnificent! And the mammoth sunflowers just started to open. Their brilliant faces all full of bumblebees give me so much joy.

  1179. Rachel on

    I really am LOVING zinnias right now. I always have, but they’ve been rising to the occasion.

  1180. Arlyn Agpaoa on

    This is my first year growing flowers from seeds, tubers, and bulbs! It’s been a huge learning experience, but I love the peace & joy garden therapy brings into my life. The beautiful blooms are certainly a bonus! Right now, I’m growing dahlias from tubers my parents’ neighbors generously were giving away for free!

  1181. Jaclyn on

    Lovely interview! My current favorite plant in my garden is a tie between my new David Austin Roses that I planted this year and the Cosmos Cranberries I grew from seed. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  1182. R Holub on

    I’m loving the local coneflowers that are so happy and hardy right now all over our neighborhood. A cheerful pop of color everywhere, and the bees are loving them too!

  1183. Tina Gamache on

    My favorite thing I’m growing right now are my zinnias, sweet peas and dahlias – all from seed! I’ve never grown from seed and am completely hooked! Thank you for being so inspiring!!!

  1184. Elma on

    I just love gardening books!! I am so in love with zinnias right now!! I just love all flowers!!🌸🌸

  1185. Casey Grysen on

    Loving my snapdragons this time of year! Loved this interview and all the info!

  1186. Michelle Roizman on

    This book looks beautiful!!!

    I love my Peonies and Salvia that are geowing so nicely in my garden

  1187. Marin Prociw on

    Love this!!! So far my favorite has to be my hardy geranium. Mostly because it was in my grandmothers garden and has been divided and passed down for years by my aunts to us all to have a piece of her with us. Love that.


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