Home Blog The {Farmer} & the Florist Interview: Felicia Alvarez
January 17th 2022

The {Farmer} & the Florist Interview: Felicia Alvarez

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I first met Felicia when she came out to our farm for one of our in-person workshops. She was already a very experienced farmer but was looking to expand the flower portion of her business and I remember how much wisdom and encouragement she offered students whenever she shared. 

Felicia Alvarez of Menagerie Farm in the field at sunsetFelicia is a powerhouse and such an inspiration to everyone who knows her. Over the years we’ve become good friends and always call each other whenever we’re taking on a new project to compare notes, ask questions, and share advice. I have learned so much from her and I’m excited to share more about her story, her business, and her wonderful new book all about roses that will be coming out soon. 

I hope you enjoy this interview and be sure to read all the way to the bottom for a chance to win a signed copy of her book and some bare root roses! 

Menagerie Flower Farm at sunset with the mountains in the backgroundErin: You’re a third-generation farmer and your whole life has been connected to the land. Can you share a little bit more about your farming journey and how you came to roses?

My journey as a farmer has truly been a lifetime in the making and one that is a curvy road with many detours along the way. I was raised on a French prune farm in the Sacramento Valley of California. I spent my early years toddling behind my mother and grandparents around our family farm. Under their guidance during my childhood, I learned how to grow a number of production crops from dry beans, walnuts, rice, processing (canning) tomatoes, and other fruits and nuts we grew in our farm portfolio. 

My favorite memories of the farm are not ones in our production fields but those in our farm gardens caring for the roses and flowers my grandmother lovingly curated. I worked on the farm from as early as I can remember doing everything from hand-harvesting fruit to running a production line on our commercial prune dehydrator. 

I eventually left the farm, went off to college, and studied crop science and agricultural business, knowing I wanted a career in agriculture but not knowing exactly where I could fit in that world outside of my family’s farm. 

During university, I worked in vineyards and floral greenhouses on the Central Coast of California and landed a multi-season research internship for the University of California Cooperative Extension with a regional Integrated Pest Management advisor. Through these work opportunities, I found my niche and passion—entomology. 

Yellow roses in a farmhouse sinkI was slated to attend graduate school to study “bugs” when my path took a turn. In the final semester as an undergrad, my mother was diagnosed with melanoma. It was aggressive and unrelenting. I wrapped up my last quarter of undergraduate studies, deferred enrollment to graduate school, and moved home to care for her full time. From diagnosis to her passing was a short four months. My life was turned upside down in what seemed like a blink of an eye. I never made it to graduate school to study entomology and who knows where my academic career would have taken me.

Fast forward, I spent the next 15 years in the vineyard and wine business eventually starting a winery with my husband, serving as the primary caregiver for my aging grandparents and manager of their farm. I was in and out of hospitals and doctor’s offices, taking weekend trips to manage the farm and like a hamster on a wheel trying to keep it all together. 

Even on the busiest days, I treasured the time I spent during those last years with my grandparents. They passed away within a few years of each other. I was left emotionally and physically exhausted. At the first point in my adult life, I was able to get off the wheel and finally had a moment to think about what path I really wanted to take. I knew there was more out there for me. 

Felicia Alvarez smells roses in the field at sunsetAs the universe likely planned, I found out I was pregnant with my first child just before my bi-monthly trip to my grandparents’ farm, my childhood home. The moment I arrived something was different about that trip, as I drove down the driveway for probably the millionth time in my life, I knew I wanted to move “home”. I blame the pregnancy hormones for deciding to uproot my life and sell a successful winery. Everyone said I was crazy but it was the perfect decision for me. I was able to convince another family member to sell the farm to me. I just couldn’t let it go. I moved back home and took over full-time operations of my own portfolio of farm properties. With a new baby in tow, I was back to driving a tractor and mowing weeds just like my childhood. I felt that connection to the land I had always been rooted in—my forever farm.

While prunes, rice, and nuts are the backbone of the farm, I knew the land was meant for more. Every moment of free time I had was spent rehabilitating the farm garden that had fallen into disrepair after my grandmother became no longer able to care for it. I’d deadhead the roses and wander around the lavender and citrus groves with my little guy in a playpen nearby. It was the place I could feel the spirit of my mom, grandmother, and grandfather. 

Golden yellow roses vignetteOne day a business acquaintance of my husband’s, a florist, came out to the farm. We chatted and he was enamored with the old garden roses. He said they were all the rage at the San Francisco Flower Mart and asked if I would sell some to him. Well, that was the idea spark I needed and the rest—as they say—is history. I started growing garden roses for cut flower production. Again, everyone said I was crazy to grow roses in a region that is not known for cut flower production. I’m glad I didn’t listen to the naysayers and the old know-it-all farmers at the coffee shop. 

I now have a more than 100-acre farm I manage, including 3 acres of garden rose production, 3 acres in bare root and research production, and a nursery. It truly has been a curvy journey to get to where I am today, with way more twists and turns than anyone would want to hear in an interview (this is the abridged version of my long story), but I am finally at the place where I feel I was always meant to be growing roses, food, and flowers to share with the world.  

Pallets of potted roses at Menagerie FarmErin: You don’t just specialize in roses, you have an incredible operation. Can you tell Floret readers more about your business and all of the amazing things that you offer? 

I always joke that I’ve never met a plant I didn’t like and want to share everything I know about them with anyone and everyone. I know that’s where we are kindred spirits, Erin. The flower farming part of the business has three main components: a plant nursery, commercial cut flower and food production, and farm and flower education. 

My farm nursery specializes in garden rose production and sales, offering bare root and potted roses seasonally. Bare root roses are shipped all across the United States and our five-gallon potted rose collection is available exclusively for pick-up at our farm nursery. Our big rose sale is this coming Thursday, January 20. 

Jars of tagged garden rosesThe garden roses in my collection are roses that are my tried-and-true tested varieties for cut flower production. I also have a research and breeding division to identify and bring new garden rose cultivars into commercial production. In 2021, the nursery started offering a special selection of companion plants to roses as well as pre-chilled tulip bulbs. We also offer a selection of rose and flower care products that are all of my favorite things, from fertilizers and gloves to clippers and compost. Every year we add more things to our nursery offerings and I am excited to introduce even more new items in the coming year. 

My commercial cut flower production also specializes in growing garden roses as well. I sell wholesale to the floral trade and retail to anyone and everyone that wants to enjoy fresh cut garden roses in their home. We ship all across the United States as well as pick-up at our farm nursery. We also offer specialty cut tulips, peonies, flowering branches, and other assorted cut flowers seasonally, as well.

Beautiful tablescape in the rose fields at at Menagerie FarmThe education spoke of our farm services, The Menagerie Academy, is one that I am the most excited about. For the past 7 years, I’ve offered on-farm workshops a few times per year, inviting other farmers, gardeners, and floral enthusiasts to learn about a number of topics, from rose growing to floral design. When the pandemic started we had to cancel our 2020 workshops but there was still so much interest from people wanting to learn about how to grow garden roses as cut flowers. Our inboxes were flooded with questions as people were home and the interest in gardening exploded. I did what many people did while isolated, I pivoted and took my farm workshops and education digital.  

The Menagerie Academy is now both an online and in-person learning community. Through the Academy, I offer three different options to learn with me and my team.

  1.  An online monthly membership subscription service with three levels of service to fit any budget providing rose, flower, and farm business education through video lessons, weekly Q & A sessions with me, and downloadable educational resources, tools, and guides.
  2.  In-person workshops at the farm.
  3.  1:1 consulting/coaching with me, either virtually or in person on the farm.

Expanding my educational offerings from a few on-farm workshops to an online community and an upcoming book on growing roses as cut flowers has truly been one of the bright spots of the last two years. Being able to connect with more people across the globe virtually to help them with everything from growing great roses, insect, and disease management to farm business development and planning has been an amazing experience.

Felicia Alverez in the roses fields at Menagerie FarmErin: Mastering any crop takes a tremendous amount of trial and error, especially when you’re trying to figure out what varieties grow best in your specific climate and also what customers are looking for. I’d love to hear more about your process when it comes to roses for cutting and how you choose which varieties make it into your lineup.

I love research and this is truly the area where I feel the most at home. I dive in with two feet, notepads upon notepads, and spreadsheets upon spreadsheets. My process is a little bit different depending on the crop. I’ll walk you through the process I go through to evaluate cut garden roses I receive from breeders. 

  1. The first step is to identify roses that have colors that are desired by the floral design or garden trade. Even if a rose has the most amazing characteristics like disease resistance, vase life, stem length, etc… if it doesn’t have a color or unique characteristic that is needed in the market it doesn’t make my cut to move forward. I try not to fall in love with roses that won’t sell. I move them over to my private collection so I can fawn over them there in hopes one day they will be popular. 
  2. Step two is to then plant the rose in my trail field to evaluate. I usually plant a minimum of five plants to evaluate the first year. 
  3. Step three, I run the plant through what I affectionately call “rose hell”. No disease or pest control measures with minimal to no weed control. I evaluate the plants bi-weekly and take notes on their performance like disease resistance, insect damage, heat tolerance, bloom cycle timing, foliage color, and more. If it can make it through this it usually can make it through anything. 
  4. Step four is harvest. I harvest cut roses and evaluate the average stem length, bloom size, petal count, number of cuttable stems per plant, fragrance, uniformity, post-harvest vase life, and post-harvest storage. 
  5. Step five, I repeat this process throughout year one every bloom cycle. If a rose passes my gauntlet with flying colors, I will plant a larger quantity the second year – usually 20–40 plants and repeat the process again (this time with standard pest and disease control measures and cultural practices in place.) The second year I will give the cut stems to floral designers to try and get their feedback on the variety including how well it survives after different post-harvest shipping methods. 
  6. Step six, If the rose checks all of the boxes and my customers love it too then it goes into a final trial year. I then plant 100–200 plants and repeat the process one more time. Then by year four, the rose goes into regular rotation in my cut flower production, and by year five, if it is a very desired and popular rose I will increase planting numbers in both my cut flower field and bare root rose production to meet the market demand.

Felicia Alvarez drives her buggy at Menagerie FarmI know five years sounds like a long time but since I grow garden roses in open field production, not in a controlled greenhouse environment, I am at the mercy of Mother Nature. One year the rose is subjected to flooding, the next drought, and weeks of wildfire smoke. I need to put it through the wringer to see how it performs in all matter of conditions over a period of years to truly see if it will stand the test of time for field-grown cut flower production year after year, regardless of the environmental conditions it endures. 

There are always exceptions to almost anything I do at the farm and research is one of them—predicting future trends and demand is the less scientific part of the evaluation process so occasionally I will fast track this process and skip a year or two if the rose is exceptional in its initial year and the demand for the variety/color is high.

Erin: I know readers are dying to know what some of your favorite varieties are by color. Would you share some of your must-haves with us? 

Blush rosesBlush


Beautiful pink to apricot petals adorn this hard-to-find lady. Evelyn is in a class all her own and a true classic from the David Austin collection of roses. Named for the iconic perfumers Crabtree & Evelyn, who used it in their range of rose perfumes. She thrives in warmer climates. A glorious choice as a cut flower or in a garden landscape.

Francis Meilland 

A cream rose hybrid tea named for an iconic rose breeder. Very fragrant with peach to blush tones that give way to soft white as it opens. It’s a rose that checks all the boxes as a superb cut flower. 


A classic hybrid tea with big, beautiful, blush blooms that give way to white petals when opened. Wonderful for cutting with strong straight stems and a soft mild fragrance.

Burgandy rosesBurgundy & Wine 

Munstead Wood 

A dark and dreamy David Austin rose, Munstead Wood is my go-to for burgundy cut roses. Plump round buds open to a burgundy stunner with velvet-like petals. One of my favorite producers for fall bridal bouquets. 

Darcey Bussell  

A robust grower, Darcey is a classic David Austin stunner. Beautiful burgundy to crimson ruffled petals have a strong old rose fragrance. A lovely rose for Fall and Winter arrangements.

Tess of the d’Urbervilles   

This rich velvet stunner is one of my favorite burgundy roses here on the farm. A perfect David Austin rose that pumps out blooms all year round. Long canes make this rose a wonderful climber and perfect rose for cutting nice long stems.

Red rosesCrimson & Red  

Lava Flow

Rich, deep red, ruffled clusters adorn this compact bush. An eruption of color and a beautiful rose for red lovers. Petite clusters of blooms make this a perfect spray rose for cut flower lovers with exceptional vase life.

Rouge Royal 

This very large blooming rose is unique with its petal shapes. It opens to a bright, red raspberry color and sweet citrus fragrance.  


Strong stems and continuous blooms throughout the season make Sedona a beautiful garden rose. A unique color that has shades of red fading to a burnt orange like a sunset. 

Deep Pink rosesDeep Pink


With a deep pink color that is perfect as a cut flower, Dee-Lish has excellent disease resistance and tall stems.

Grande Dame 

A glorious fragrance exudes from this bright hybrid tea rose with large, gorgeous blooms. While Grande Dame is a modern rose, it performs like an old-world classic. It’s a perfect addition to your cutting garden with minimal thorns and nice long stems.  

James L. Austin 

A stunning deep pink rose that is sure to bring brightness to your garden. James L. Austin is a versatile shrub with an upright growth habit and a light to medium fragrance with hints of blackberry, raspberry, and cherry. 

Golden and butter rosesGolden & Butter 


A lovely yellow shade that will brighten any garden, this David Austin rose is a classic that performs well in both warm and cool climates. With cupped blossoms, Charlotte stays rather compact for an English rose. 

Golden Celebration  

A true-to-type David Austin, this vibrant yellow rose is a classic English garden rose. With large buds and a rather upright stance, it fills any garden like a shining star. 

Moonlight Romantica  

A vigorous bloomer, this Kordes bred rose is the perfect shade of buttery yellow. Very fragrant and disease resistant too. This rose hits all of the marks as a superb cut flower. 

Lavender and purple rosesLavender & Purple 

Celestial Night 

Dark purple abounds with exceptional disease resistance and vigor. I’m totally crazy for this color! With ‘Ebb Tide’ and ‘Grande Dame’ as its parents, it has an exceptional pedigree.

Love Song

Ruffled lavender buds give way to soft gray petals when open. A bushy round plant with clusters of large blooms. 

Queen of Elegance

What happens when you take ‘Koko Loco’ and ‘Life of the Party’ and put them together? You get ‘Queen of Elegance’. She has the most beautiful fading color like her mom Koko and is a rose fit for royalty. It’s a new addition to the rose community with a unique color, making it a must-have addition to any rose collection. 

Light pink rosesLight Pink


An exceptional rose that thrives in warmer climates. Elle is a beauty all her own. A soft pink blend with hints of orange and yellow as the weather changes with the season. Deep glossy green foliage makes this a top performer in humid climates. 

Princess Charlene de Monaco 

One of my all-time favorite roses! The ruffled Princess is a wonderful cut flower with an unforgettable fragrance and long straight stems. She is the epitome of style and grace in the garden and my top pick for a pink to blush cut flower. 

Queen of Sweden 

A David Austin rose with long straight stems that channel a classic hybrid tea. Petite cupped blossoms are the perfect fit as an accent in any bouquet. 

Multi and taupe rosesMulti & Taupe

Distant Drums

A beauty of an ombre rose, this is a favorite of floral designers and gardeners alike. Flushes prolifically throughout the season and is one of my all-time favorite roses. Everyone who meets this beauty falls in love.

Koko Loco 

She almost needs no introduction—a crazy rose that goes loco with shades of lavender to taupe while blooming. The darling of floral designers and trendsetters. 

Honey Dijon 

As the darling of floral designers for weddings and events, this rose almost needs no introduction. Honey Dijon’s unique mustard color with pink-streaked tips puts it in a class all by itself. Its parents are two exceptional roses ‘Stainless Steel’ & ‘Singing In The Rain’. One of the most popular cut garden roses here on the farm.

Peach and copper rosesPeach & Copper

Carding Mill 

Beautiful pink to apricot petals adorn this David Austin garden rose. Carding Mill is a wonderful repeat bloomer and loves a warmer climate. From a deep coral in the cooler weather to a light peach in the warm summer sun, it’s a glorious choice as a cut flower for your kitchen table. 

Crown Princess Margareta   

One of my favorite peach roses here at the farm. This David Austin stunner has beautiful rosette-shaped blooms and a pleasant fruity fragrance. With nice long canes, this rose can be grown as a climber or cut regularly for shape making a wonderful shrub. 

Mother of Pearl

A beautiful bloomer throughout the season. Pearl adds a simple elegance to any floral arrangement with petals that are almost iridescent. An exceptional performer in cooler climates and resistant to blackspot in humid locales.

White and cream rosesWhite & Cream

Crocus Rose

A lovely light peach to cream shade, this David Austin rose is a classic with layers of petals. It steals our hearts with every glance. Beautiful rosette blooms open as this rose turns from soft yellow to peach and cream. It’s a true chameleon and a must-have for any rose garden.

French Lace 

French Lace is my favorite cream rose grown here on the farm. Beautiful petite blooms that change from ivory to light apricot with the seasons in a perfect shade of porcelain. Everybody falls in love at first sight with this compact floribunda. 


An almost thornless rose with a bright cheery disposition. Its cupped-shaped blooms will flush from summer into fall with nice long stems and lush glossy-green foliage.

Basket of taupe roses at sunsetYou have a new book coming out next month called Growing Wonder: A Flower Farmer’s Guide to Growing Roses. What inspired you to write this book and can you tell us a little more about it? 

The pandemic made me step out of my comfort zone and do something I would never have imagined—write a book. In the middle of the full-blown lockdowns of 2020, the publisher contacted me asking for a meeting and pitched me the idea of writing a book about growing garden roses for cut flower production. I’ll be honest, it took some convincing and a few more meetings to say yes. I, like the rest of the world, had two small kids now at home full-time while I was trying to navigate running a business amid lockdowns, making sure my family and employees stayed healthy, all while doing a 180-degree pivot in my business model when weddings and events were canceled. I honestly didn’t know how or where I was going to squeeze in the time to write a book. Luckily they were very persuasive and I dove into the deep end of the writing pool headfirst.

The inspiration for the book came from all of the wonderful people I’ve met throughout my career in agriculture and more recently in my Menagerie Academy learning community who just want to learn to grow beautiful things. From the home gardener to the aspiring flower farmer I wanted to share all I could so they could make their world more filled with wonder and beauty. I approached the book with that ethos in mind and wanted to give sound advice to people whether they have 10 minutes a week to spend with their roses or 5 hours a day tending to them. 

Felicia Alvarez planting bare root rosesEvery chapter there are tips for my three “rose growing” archetypes: The Weekend Warrior, The Everyday Gardener, and The Aspiring Rosarian. So even the person who thinks they don’t have a green thumb and zero time to spare but has always wanted to grow roses can find information to start growing their own roses as cut flowers. More experienced growers can science geek out with me with more advanced content learning how to use soil tension to guide their irrigation and improve their cultural practices to get those coveted cut flower blooms.

The book covers everything from how to select varieties, the best way to plant, basic insect and disease care, soil evaluation and irrigation methods, how to harvest for cut flower production, proper post-harvest care, my favorite tools of the trade, and more. It’s everything I wish I knew when I started growing garden roses for commercial production. Thank goodness for editors or I may have ended up with War and Peace! I didn’t realize how much I wanted to share until I started typing. 

My hope is that readers, wherever they are in their rose growing journey, will be able to gain the knowledge and confidence to grow their own beautiful garden roses to snip and share.

Menagerie Farm fieldsErin: I know firsthand how important pre-orders are for the success of a book, especially for first-time authors. We want to help you get Growing Wonder into as many hands as possible. Can you share how readers can pre-order a copy of your new book? 

I will be offering signed copies from the very first print run through my website and these special copies will be available sometime in February. If you are eager to get your hands on one, pre-order from the Menagerie Shop here

Growing Wonder will also be available through all major booksellers later in the spring. Right now it’s looking like late March. You can pre-order a copy from Amazon here. It’s also available from Barnes & Noble and Target

Growing Wonder book on shelfTo celebrate the upcoming release of Growing Wonder, Felicia has given us five deluxe rose goodie boxes to raffle off. Each box will contain a signed copy of her book and three of her favorite bare root roses!

This giveaway is open to residents in the U.S. only. To enter to win, please tell us your experience level (Weekend Warrior, Everyday Gardener, or Aspiring Rosarian) and what you’re hoping to learn from Felicia’s new book or your biggest area of struggle when it comes to growing roses. The five winners will be announced here on Wednesday, January 26. 

Update: A big congratulations to our winners Crystal, Lindsay, Bob Morris, Lynn and Romana Wahid!

Children carrying a basket of rosesPlease note: If your comment doesn’t show up right away, sit tight; we have a spam filter that requires we approve comments before they are published.

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  1. Kathleen + Hollywood 🐶 on

    Very much enjoyed learning how and what you ladies are accomplishing and your motivation driving such success! Truly sisters. The entire interview grows like my Wisteria vines, twisting and turning and reproducing joy in every season. Thanks!!

  2. Jenny Garcia on

    Wow, so inspirational, thank you for sharing your love and knowledge for roses 🌹 I would love to buy a signed book!

    Nice interview Erin.

  3. lindsaydesignss on

    What a moving story! I’m a beginner yet come from a long queue of rose nursery workers from grandma and mother. I would agree that right currently I’m an end of the week champion yet with plans to open my cut blossom ranch this year. I would adore a marked duplicate of this book. I’m searching for guidance on the best way to choose the right roses for my environment in Mississippi.

  4. Jeanne on

    My husband learned of my love for rose gardens when we were dating. When we bought our first home, my husband surprised me with a flower delivery. It was a potted rose. He said every woman deserves flowers, and wanna be rose gardeners deserve roses with roots. A tradition was born and carried out on Valentine day, my birthday, and “just because it’s fall or spring.” My favorite roses were the David Austin roses. I love their beauty and their fragrance. I especially loved Graham Thomas, it was like sunshine with a wonderful fragrance. We sold that first home, and my 30 roses stayed with the house. I was working long hours, and hardly had time to keep up with our yard. Now retired, I’m yearning for a rose garden. We are planning to convert our yard from water intensive to drought tolerant. It’s been so long since I’ve gardened, that I feel I’m starting all over, and need all the guidance I can get! So glad to see this blog! Thank you!

  5. Martie on

    Wow this was exciting. I actually know so little about roses, but love them. And I just was introduced to the idea of garden roses in wedding bouquets by my girl friend who did a whole romanic pink wedding with them. This last year I bought two David Austin Queen of Sweden roses and enjoyed them so much. They were my 6 year anniversary gift from my husband and we got everything needed to plant them together. It was really something special to do that together. At the end of the year I was very intimidated with how to prune them and what would keep them well through the winter. I still cringe hoping they will be alive this spring. Moving into this year I love seeing new rose options and want to learn more about how to enjoy the flow of growing roses and how to pick varieties that will work for my cut flower business. I am obsessed with Celestial Night, because of that color. My mom and I plan to create a row of roses this year back on my family farm in North Dakota. I love the idea of adding something so special to a place that is incredibly special to me and my family. I look forward to reading Growing Wonder and having her book for reference, because I am so new to everything.

  6. Shirley Douglas on

    What an inspiring story! I’m a newbie but come from a long line of rose gardeners from grandmother and mother. I would say right now I’m a weekend warrior but with plans to open my cut flower farm this year. I would love a signed copy of this book. I’m looking for advice on how to select the right roses for my climate in Mississippi. I’m in Zone 8a. I have 30 acres to think and dream about full of roses.

  7. Stephanie on

    Thank you for sharing Felicia’s inspiring story. Plants and gardening are on my mind everyday! Fragrance in roses is primary for me. I have a couple David Austin roses ( Graham Thomas and Gertrude Jekyll) that really best flourish when allowed to be climbers trained horizontally but that leaves shorter cutting stems—I will be carefully reading to see if I can glean what she does with this conundrum as it relates to training and pruning. Always, thank you.

  8. Candace Minster on

    Thank you for all of the lovely rose content lately. It’s getting me excited to try growing a few this year. They’ve always intimidated me!

  9. Theresa rote on

    Like Felicia, roses connect me to my Italian grandmother. I remember the big , beautiful, fragrant deep red roses growing in her front yard in West Virginia. I have tried to grow roses in my garden in Cincinnati and now in San Diego. I am replanting my backyard garden and want to add new rose varieties. Will be difficult to select which ones though!
    As a Research Nurse, I respect all of the time and trial that she puts into each new rose (5 years, wow)!
    So excited to read and learn from her book!!

  10. Beth Anne Cade on

    With roses 🌹 I’m a wknd warrior in western NewYork , on top of windy hill and currently 2 foot of snow . Roses have a struggle and would benefit from some specialized guidance I might find in this book .

  11. Gweneth Kovar on

    I have always wanted roses in my garden and I now have an opportunity to add them in. Any leg up to making sure my rose investment is successful is a plus. This is my very first time seriously growing roses, I want to try to have some level of success.

  12. Joyce Fowler on

    Everyday Gardner and collector of many books. The interview was very interesting and loved seeing all the roses of different colors and the description about them. I only have grown knock out roses in two colors and would love to grow some different roses, just never had any idea what kind would be best to try to grow. Would especially like to try one that has fragrance. Thanks for the opportunity to learn more.

  13. Shelly Przybylski on

    Everyday gardener living vicariously through the books, blogs, pictures, and posts from knowledgeable and passionate flower farmers such as you ladies! My biggest struggle with growing roses was my own closed minded opinion of roses. Thorny, finicky, and not very spectacular. A bouquet of roses didn’t wow me and where I live knockout roses are abundant. I’ve recently discovered that like dahlias and zinnias roses offer many beautiful shapes, colors, and personalities! I hope to learn more about the basics of growing roses from Felica’s book and continue to leanr and appreciate more what roses have to offer. “A rose does not answer its enemies with words, but with beauty.” -Matshona Dhliwayo

  14. Kelly on

    I am an everyday gardener. I love all plants! I hope to learn better everyday care of roses to bring out their all-around best. Thanks for the nice interview. It was enjoyable to read.

  15. ShannonFoster-Boline on

    Aspiring Rosarian – every garden I have must have a bounty of roses. I can not wait to read this new book because we are moving to a new home and there is the perfect circular lawn section that I will be digging up the turf and installing me dream box and rose garden (with a few friends like lavender in there for good measure). Because I live in such a humid portion of our lovely state (can you say temperate rain forest), I especially look forward to her chapters on managing diseases (such as black spot). Additionally I am ready to Geek out on the science part of really getting my soil, fertilizing and water down pat! All in all I would say “Bravo” to the author for all you have accomplished. I am so appreciative that you took a risk and followed your passion – otherwise we all would have missed out on all you have given!

  16. Karla Ehlers on

    Such a lovely article! I’m an everyday gardener and the things that make me nervous about roses is the initial investment and the thorns.

  17. Taryn Rabine on

    I am the Everyday Gardener who doesn’t have any roses yet. Somehow they have always intrigued with their beauty. Felicia’s book looks wonderful, with her helpful tips she wishes she had know when starting her venture.
    My biggest struggle is finding the best location to grow roses, as I have a lot of shade. I did notice some of the varieties do denote shade, so hopefully the partial shade area will be sporting a rose bush or two in 2022!

  18. Trish Keenan on

    I consider myself a weekend warrior, though I love being in the garden whenever I can. Southern California allows for the perfect climate for roses. I have been growing roses for many years and have several favorites. My love for gardening roses started with my mom, as well as growing up with the Rose Parade in Pasadena. I used to help my mom in the garden as a child and I loved all of the varieties. She showed me the ‘proper’ way to prune roses, how to plant by having the base of the rose align with the moon, bug maintenance, and overall appreciating the love of the flower. We used to joke that she could place pencils in the ground and they would sprout up roses. I really enjoyed reading your interview and looking forward to reading Felicia’s new book to further my love for this flower.

  19. Karen Brinkley on

    Love this post. So much to learn, but in a form easy to take in . I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener. Love roses so much as they totally take me back to my grandmother and great grandmother. They both where accomplished rose growers.

  20. Cathy Field on

    Definitely an aspiring Rosarian, I hope to add roses to our lineup of what we grow at our small Oklahoma Farm. Besides the lavender we grow, roses are right up there as my favorite flower and I look forward to your new book and learning as much as I can about growing roses. I find pruning to be the most challenging aspect of growing roses, but I expect that’s due to my inexperience. Like Rose Belovich, I am starting my rose journey at 60!

  21. Victoria Yang on

    Totally a Weekend Warrior, I remember stumbling across an instagram post you did with Distant Drums in them and fell in love. I’ve had that one rose bush for several years now (killed one and got one to survive). :D Would love to learn more about how to take care of it better and maybe propagate it!

  22. Angela on

    I am a weekend warrior and was able to get a tiny, cut flower garden going last year. I am hoping to expand on it! Roses are my grandmother’s favorite and she’s got an incredible green thumb, so I’ve been wanting to add some in to impress her :). I have a lot to learn but would love to see what Felicia has to say about insects and disease because that has been my biggest struggle!

  23. Candace Roberts on

    Just read the article and WOW. This brought me back to a time growing up racing outside to cut fresh roses to bring to school. The fresh dew on them and always the aroma of those beautiful gifts of nature. Reading Felicia’s book would enable me to figure out growing roses here in Northern Arizona. It has been a challenge, the only variety I have are good old white iceberg. Just can not get the soil figured out. With bitter winters and hot dry summers the challenge as been trying. Yet I still long for a rose garden to take a cup of coffee and repeat those childhood memories once more.

  24. Leigh Ann Theunick on

    My husband and I recently purchased and moved to a large piece of property. It has a wonderful, old barn. As we haggle over the farm’s master plan, I have convinced my husband to carve out some space on the east side of the barn for a rose garden. My Grandma used to start roses from cuttings and had an amazing rose garden. I hope I have inherited her green thumb! I love David Austin roses!!! In zone 4, I have not had great success with roses surviving the winter. Hoping to use the barn to help creste a microclimate. I am a Weekend Warrior gardener, but this year I am launching a cut flower garden to fill the roadside farmstand. Over the next 5 years I am hoping to grow my flower business to replace the income from my current job.

  25. Crystal on

    Erin, thanks for sharing your love of roses with us and this lovely interview with Felicia. I and my Mom got the opportunity last October to attend one of her workshops, and tour her beautiful rose farm.. what an experience for my mom and I to share . i’ve been growing roses for over 15 years now but struggle with gophers, she gave me lots of great tips for this next season. I’d love to add her book to my library, I know it will be a great reference! Thank you 🧡

  26. Nikki Uyboco on

    Hello, I’m Nikki and I’m a Weekend Warrior. Currently, I just have one yellow rose bush that I just love. I’m looking to expand my garden and dream of a rose garden, even though my backyard is small. I hope to learn the basics and easy care tips from Felicia’s new book!

  27. Beth Morel on

    I am an evolving Everday Gardener with the knowledge underneath me that my garden evolves with me – and since I have come to this pursuit beginning in my sixties – I feel a bit late – there is so very much for me to continue to learn – Felicia’s book will only inspire me to keep learning and growing!


    Thank you for the lovely interview! Completely inspiring! I am a Weekend Warrior soon to be an everyday gardener. I read this interview at a very difficult time in my life. As I sit here writing this, I am with my mother who is dying. She is an amazing woman, and has been a continual inspiration for me on how to live my life. Very basic. “Do good, be good. Give back. “ So with her words in my mind, I have decided to creat a rose garden in her honor to do just that. I hope to share my garden so that it will become an inspiration to others. Felicia’s book will become an essential reference as I begin my new journey with roses.

  29. Kali on

    I have never really cared for roses, mostly because I was only exposed to the seemingly fake looking ones from grocery stores shipped halfway across the country. These blogs have helped open me up to all sorts of unique and magical varieties!

  30. Hilda Banuelos on

    I’m a beginner gardener that aspires to spend more time gardening and would love to add more flowers and color to my backyard. I am newly ‘retired’ and empty nester and I am enjoying finding new pursuits. We inherited several rose bushes when we moved into our current home and they have survived despite our lack of knowledge. I’ve been busy cleaning up the backyard and looking forward to seeing it come to life.

  31. Diana Wisen on

    I’m an everyday gardener with a lifetime of experience but still so much to learn . I struggle to keep my roses healthy here in Skagit County as black spot is rampant. David Austen roses are my favorites and I’d love to know which roses do well despite our PNW climate and not much all day sun in my garden,

  32. Catherine on

    I’m an everyday gardener with an immense love for roses! During the pandemic, I tried my hand (or green thumb) at propagating roses through cuttings and had my first successes at it. I now have 5 rose babies from 2020 growing in my garden with more cuttings planned for this season. One of my biggest struggles is that I want more roses than my landscape has room for, and more than half my yard is in shade so I have to be creative in plant placement. Also in my area in the south, rose rosette disease is a threat – so giving the roses their best chance by learning about care and maintenance while watching out for signs and symptoms of that to make sure my plants stay healthy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us so we may someday be aspiring rosarians!

  33. Darcie on

    Everyday gardener who has only tried growing one rose and then had to leave it due to a move (over 25 years ago). I would love to try again and the book sounds delightful.

  34. Kartini Maxson on

    I think I fall somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. Every time I see roses I think of my mom. She loved growing and gifting others from our garden. But if I could ask her I think she’d say her roses were the jewel of our garden. For me roses seem so intimidating, something I don’t think I could do. I think probably due to fear of failing at something she loved so much. So, I think my biggest area of struggle will be taking that step through fear of failing. And I’m hoping to gain confidence to just start-even afraid.

  35. Genevieve Beck on

    Everyday Gardener here who would love to be an Aspiring Rosarian. There are so many roses out there! I believe the book would help narrow down the field a bit. Thank you for this wonderful interview with a very inspiring gardener.

  36. Alyssa K. on

    My knowledge of roses is Weekend Warrior level, but I would love to learn more about how to care for roses in particular climates, what soil works best, watering habits, etc. It’s such a treat to be exposed to this trove of knowledge and to see obvious passion for what’s being written about. Thank you!

  37. Rocio on

    So beautiful, more experience and rose wisdom…Thank you for sharing this interview as well. I’m a weekend warrior and every spare minute gardner/seed person/and a researcher (homemade) in propagation with a passion for the climbers and David Austin roses. I have always garden using organic processes, so I have earned my stripes hand picking beetles at midnight and keep relocating my plants looking for the perfect sun/wind/proteccion spot… researching a ton my garden conditions… so I’m a rosarian in the making for years now! And I cannot wait to learn about the information and the level of assessment that I have not seen before… Mamy thanks in advance…

  38. Amy Christianson on

    Weekend Warrior here! I would love to learn the best foundation to start establishing a beautiful rose garden in zone 4.

  39. Ali News on

    Wow that Honey Dijon rose, what a beauty, I’m hoping to learn how to successfully raise these beauties, so much trial and error learning how to care for roses…. Forever hopeful

  40. Kristin Johnsen on

    Probably a weekend warrior at this point-I was an everyday gardener for years but other life pursuits lead me away from the garden. But I’m always trying with roses and struggle every year with pruning as I have some hybrid ts and some David Austin. Focus and help in making better choices for success and maintaining what I have is what I’m looking for.

  41. Vickie on

    Count me as an everyday gardener who has eliminated most old roses because of the heavy care they demand. I’m hoping this book will inspire me to try again with better success.

  42. Shefali Gupta on

    I’m an everyday gardener who enjoys just really living in my garden when weather permits. I’m in zone 6 where winters can get very cold and I have quite a bit of stem dieback on my roses every year but that doesn’t deter me from growing them. I have a number of roses in my garden including some David Austen roses. They are very young but I enjoy seeing them growing and getting better each year. All the best for your new book. I look forward to reading it!

  43. Kira L. on

    I am snug in between that beginner and everyday gardener stage. I love my garden and especially love roses. I have to say my biggest struggle has to be pruning! I live in central Florida, so the rain and humidity is terrible when it comes to black spot on my roses. But I have found that proper pruning can drastically reduce this pain of a fungus! I just have to be sure to do it properly and open up the middle of my bushes for better air circulation… and get over chopping the beauties down! I’m always having to remind myself I’m not doing anything harmful, it’s for their own good.

  44. Charlean Hayes Hughes on

    I am between a beginner and every day gardener. I love the visual beauty of roses but am in LOVE with fragrant roses. I left my beautiful climbing rose at my last house and long to recreate that beauty in my new home. I did rescue 6 neglected rose bushes in my new home which bring me joy. Excited to get this book for the instruction and inspiration.

  45. Jill Shea on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian who just learned my great grandmother was known for her climbing roses. I want to help carry on her legacy! I struggle working with partial shade areas and want to explore what I can get away with in my sunnier spots!

  46. Ruth Ann on

    I am an every day gardener when it comes to roses I suppose. I only have 3 rose bushes. However, I dream of adding on some rambling roses around my gardens. I would love to learn more about growing roses and tucking them in around my flower farm. Here in zone 5 there are fewer roses that can grow. I swoon over an old rambling rose in my in-laws CA garden that is beautiful.

  47. Laura Campbell on

    I am a beginning everyday gardener! I have 7 rose bushes and hope to add a few more. I would love to see more of the beautiful varieties in the book, as well as how to arrange them.

  48. Callie on

    I scooped up my very first roses in November before they were discarded and am diving in learning how to care for them. While I grow many flowers in a small space, I have everything to learn about roses, having only grown a very forgiving rugosa. My earliest memories of roses are scouring the overgrown fields for the first wild blossoms, the smell of which I’ll never forget.

  49. HappyHourGardener on

    I am an everyday looking to become a rosarian. Definitely high on inspiration but thirst to learn more. Last year I participated in a Pesky Plant trial and walked passed the UofMN rose trials on my way to the plot. Stopping to examine and dream of them on my land.
    I have had a journey with roses finding it difficult to find the colors and qualities that can survive my zone 3b MN frost and freezer I set up my little flower farm in. But this year, inspired by Gardeners World on BBC I am on a mission to close that GAP both in knowledge and stock! Looking forward to purchasing and swooning over the beautiful roses that will surely be on the pages of your book.

  50. Lindsy Barnes on

    I’m an everyday gardener with a love for those beautiful garden roses! My current property is too small to farm them but I love to incorporate them into my landscape. I have 3 David Austin roses and hope to add more!

  51. Debbee Carlson on

    Hi – I’m in my gardens a little while most everyday. I’m new to in the ground gardening, this will be my ninth year and I’m loving it. Peonies and roses have been my favorite. My first rose I dig up a piece from my MIL in Minnesota. It originally came from her sister’s MIL. Her sister just passed this week at 91.5 years so this rose has been around a while. I treasure the history as well as the beauty of it. I have no idea the name of it. I would love to expand my rose garden.

  52. Shawn on

    Everyday Gardner here. But on my way to Aspiring Rosarian. In fact, I really plan to breed roses! It’s the inevitable trajectory for the designer in me with everything I do. As I was dreaming about the very specific roses I am after last season, my first crosses were made to practice the process. Geeking out on the science and commercial aspects of cut flower roses in the book is what I most look forward too!

  53. Megan on

    Everyday Gardener, creeping toward Aspiring Rosarian! This is a beautiful profile and I can’t wait to read more!

  54. Dana on

    Weekend Warrior? With work and kids (and all their activities) I’m not in the garden as much as I would love to be. I currently only have 2 roses, but they are very dear to me as I brought them home from my grandmothers garden after she passed and the house (and gardens) I spent Sunday afternoons in was to be sold. I’d love to learn more on hire to care for them and to plan a much much larger rose garden.

  55. Kelly H on

    Weekend warrior. Roses have been my first love and I would love to add more to my tiny collection. I look forward to knowing more varieties and propagation from the book.

  56. Meredith on

    Weekend warrior for now trying to get a side hustle of cut flower sales going. Roses have been the one I’m most scared to tackle- they always felt disease prone and high maintenance. Seeing all these photos though makes me think they are worth it and maybe get a bad rap! I would love to read all the tips for getting a good harvest for cuts are in growing wonder. Thank you!

  57. Julie H. on

    I have always been a huge fan of the beauty roses bring! I am struggling to find the perfect roses to start my garden collection because I am in zone 3b and it seems there are limited varieties. Hoping to expand my knowledge!

  58. Erin E. on

    A little over a year ago I transitioned from a WW (Weekend Warrior) to an Everyday Gardener (EG), when I retired after almost 4 decades of working full time. My garden helped me handle lots of stress over the years and has also brought me great joy over the years in sharing my treasures with family and friends. I can only dream of being an Aspiring Rosarian. While I have been ‘practicing’ growing roses since I was a teenager, I still have so many things to learn about roses. I am an organic gardener, and I always like to know how I can help my roses be healthy in a Pacific NW climate. I hope to learn all the many things I ‘didn’t know’ from Felicia’s book. Growing roses is a life-long-learning adventure (and joy!)!

  59. Cassandra DeLeon on

    I am currently a weekend warrior but aspire to learn as much as possible about growing roses in my 5b climate. I recently made my first rose purchases and hope to learn all I can to best support their growth and health. I have been trialing varieties of flowers over the last 3 years and the pandemic increased my desire to be in the garden as much as possible. Adding roses to my garden is an exciting step in my flower adventure. I would love nothing more than to fill my house and those of family and friends with the joy and beauty of roses in addition to my other favorites. This book sounds like it would be a wonderful resource.

  60. nim ingersoll on

    I am a weekend warrior and everyday gardener. I always have the love for roses and the phrase said, stop and smell the roses. I have about 11 roses in my garden, but all of them have different smell. I am in zone 4b or 5a. most of my roses have to stand the hard winter. so most of my roses are david Austin and some Buck rose. I just can’t wait to read about roses.

  61. Nancy Anecito on

    My father who has now passed introduced me to roses about age 10 and home gardening. It was a bond we grew to share over the years. He would grow a variety of roses for my mother who treasured each blooms fragrance, color and shape. She would proudly display them on the fireplace mantle or kitchen table. It was a an act and symbol of love, his growing the roses and her treasuring them reflected in how she displayed them.
    My goal is to find roses on the low end of developing powdery mildew and black spot here in the Soquel Valley. Only a few miles in from the Monterrey Bay the summer days can be quite warm and the evening fog will roll in creating perfect conditions for both diseases.
    My loves are the cupped old fashion roses that have plenty of fragrance to fill a room. However I do appreciate a good fragrant hybrid tea. I will be semi-retired this spring and plan to develop a quarter to half acre rose garden along with a variety of dahlias. Following the advise of experienced flower growers like Erin and Felicia and reading the books Erin has put out, her blog posts about the antique roses in WA and now Felicia’s new book I hope to gain needed insights, courage and inspiration. I will dedicate my garden to my parents who fostered my love of roses and gardening.

  62. Denise Read on

    Growing things has been my greatest pleasure in life since childhood. I am proud to be an everyday gardener. I garden at a community garden in an urban setting in Western Washington, where I grow flowers and vegetables. I have coaxed several roses into offering beautiful blooms over the years; but I have struggled with black spot, powdery mildew, and other diseases. I would like to learn more about cultivating roses without the use of chemicals. I imagine adding the beauty and romance of roses to my garden plot for fellow gardeners and visitors alike. It’s truly a verdant oasis in the city.
    Erin’s Rose Story is so inspiring. I am confident that Felicia’s book will provide insight into how to go about cultivating the beauty of roses in my garden.

  63. Karen Anderson on

    I’m somewhere between and Weekend Warrior and an Everyday Gardener. We inherited a marvelous, massive yellow rose bush that’s been growing in a corner of our yard for decades. It blooms for just one week a year, and we always celebrate that amazing time in as many ways as our creativity can come up with. Our favorite is to fill shallow bowls of water with the blossoms, which imbue our home with delicate, lemony fragrance.
    I’d like to grow more roses in my high desert climatic zone 5, but am not sure how to proceed. I have planted gift potted miniature roses only to watch them die. (Full confession: I’ve also watched many other plant species die in our poor soil and harsh growing conditions.) Any advice on which types of roses would survive — and dare I hope even thrive and flourish? — in our charging location is most welcome, along with how to help that happen.

  64. Nicole Williamson on

    I’m a beginning everyday gardener who swoons at pretty roses, but only have one scraggly rose plant that I have no idea how to take care of. I’d love to learn how from Felicia! Apparently the original owners of this house used to have a ton of rose bushes and I’d like to restore some of that original charm to this old home.

  65. Paula Nichols on

    I am transitioning from a Weekend Warrior to an Everyday Gardener since I retired in August. I am hoping to learn more about how to be successful with own root roses and how to get more blooms on the roses I have. I struggle with too much shade (our street is named Avenue of the Oaks) and the heat and humidity of Texas. Can’t wait to read the book!

  66. Gail K. on

    Definitely a Weekend Warrior. My grandfather had a beautiful rose garden that I always loved. I have decided it is time to try my hand at raising these beauties, but I need rose education😊. We live in Denver and know the climate can be tough on plants, however, roses flourish if nurtured. I am excited to hear about Felicia’s book for all levels of rose gardening. Hopefully, this will be the year my rose garden was born.

  67. Janis Purl on

    I thought I was an experienced home grower of roses and didn’t need any new information. I had 80 roses in my garden in California and all of them thrived. I moved to Colorado and planted 5 roses at my new house and 4 of them died. I love roses and prefer the older varieties with their wonderful scents. Being a professional wholesale grower of flowers sounds like heaven. Hard work of course but a small piece of heaven on earth. When I was growing up there was a large bush of pink roses on the side of the house they had the most wonderful smell when my mother would bring in some of those roses for our table. I have tried to find that rose without success. But I continue to search which is half the fun, s
    earching for a rose that you have a wonderful memory of but no other information other than it was pink and had a strong scent. LOL

  68. Jessica P. on

    Aspiring Rosarian. I have a small flower farm but have always been intimidated by roses. The thorns, the fertilizer, pruning – it all seems like a lot to wrap my head around. Last year I added 10 roses and only two survived so I know I need some help and more research to do! But I always up for a challenge and there are so many gorgeous roses, I can’t give up!

  69. Linda Bradley on

    Aspiring Rosarian. I have been a cut flower farmer for four years. I’ve wanted to grow roses from the beginning but knew I had to wait until my field and business were a little more established to take them on. My grandmother was a rose gardener near Chicago and she instilled her love for them in me. I now live in South Carolina where the growing conditions are quite different. I am encouraged by the examples in this article of cutting roses that do well in heat and humidity, as we have those in abundance here! I look forward to learning more. Thank you, Floret team, for spreading the good word of another inspiring flower journey.

  70. Gabrielle Prescott on

    With roses I would consider myself a weekend warrior. They’re delicate and graceful and rather intimidating, in my opinion. I have always had a dream of having a rose garden that’s overflowing and lush – think secret garden vibes. I live in a cold snowy climate and I have tried a few cuttings with no success from my grandmothers old roses. I’m so looking forward to reading Felicias book to learn to grow with confidence and how to be successful. Someday I want to walk through my rose garden and be able to tell my children these were once apart of your grandmothers garden!

  71. Erin Gathright on

    It’s intimidating to write a comment for a writer. I am not much of a writer. I am however a gardener and flower farmer. I have tried many flowers over the last three years. Some are successful here in the south and some are not. I have decided to niche down my little flower farm. Grow things that make me happy. I do not necessarily want to start thousands of seed in the greenhouse, but I do want to go out into the rose garden and work and tend to the roses. What a delight! Thanks Erin for teaching me how to flower farm.

  72. Gabrielle E. Wells on

    When I was a little girl I remember my mom going out into the backwoods behind our apartment complex, digging out a plot and starting a garden in it. The plants got eaten by bugs and moles, but she was determined to show us how things grew from the land, even when we didn’t have any. My Grandmother took me to the botanical gardens and set me down with some paints and an easel and we would sketch and paint the pretty flowers. When we visited my Grandfather’s house, he would let us run through his beautiful vegetable garden and a whole bed of cutting roses that I still remember when I smell a fragrant rose. I’ve been surrounded by learning and plants all my life. Fast forward to the present. I have 6 little ones now at home. I am trying to teach them how to better grow food and beautiful flowers including roses. It is important to me that I show them how to improve on what they can grow and absorb information to preserve beauty and improvement for whatever tomorrow may bring.

  73. Romana Wahid on

    I would describe myself as an everyday gardener who is aiming to be an aspiring rosarian. From my childhood memories of creating beautiful bouquets with my mother’s heirloom roses to using delicate and sweet petals for holiday desserts, roses have been a part of every special moment in my life. I would be honored to receive Felicia’s book because she inspires me to be the fearless and passionate rosarian I dream of becoming. Learning her tips about combatting black spot and powdery mildew and understanding how to pair roses with complimentary plants will empower me to take my gardening skills to the next level and fulfill my goal of creating a beautiful and fragrant rose garden. I truly believe roses have immense healing powers and I want to create this rose garden as a calming sanctuary for my family and friends.

  74. Susan on

    The landscape I grow roses in is the desert of Las Vegas, Nevada. Now, very hot in the summer then quite chilly in the winter.
    As an Aspiring Rosarian in the spring when the blossoms are magnificent and their bushes as healthy as can be, to the end
    of summer when they look like they could not possibly live for another year, I long to gain more wisdom to tend these
    beauties in this unrelenting climate. They are hardy! It’s no wonder that the cultivation of roses possibly began about
    5000 years ago, and the fact that they are so special that they have been lovingly cultivated over the centuries by so many.
    As the inspiration for gardens, perfume, enchanted events and much more they add beauty to the fabric of our lives. So, I will
    keep tending my roses even thru the hot winds of summer for the promise of future bouquets!

  75. Nathina Duncan on

    It’s funny…I’ve followed Floret along with so many other farmers and for some reason, roses never came to the forefront for me. We just bought a 55 acre farm in December in our home state of Vermont and I’ve been itching to plant perennials. Like, obsessively. Roses keep popping up in my feed on fb, Florets wonderful rose story, and now I find Felicia and her wonderful stories. Our farm is all about stories: how we started, where our seeds come from and their story. I’ve only ever had rugosas and I’m itching to get every kind of rose that can handle our nasty negative Temps here in zone 4b. Much love and thanks 😊

  76. Lu on

    I am both a weekend warrior and an aspiring Rosarian. I started gardening during pandemic and becoming increasingly interested in all things planting every day. I got a few roses at the beginning of the pandemic. They brought tons of joy but I definitely need to do more so they can flourish. I can definitely use more knowledge on growing them, which I am sure I can get that from Felicia’s book.

  77. Éva-Marie on

    I anticipate I would be apart of the ‘Aspiring Rosarian’ category. I am a perfumer/raw material specialist/sensory sommelier (walking multiple corridors), who has traveled the globe searching for fragrant roses and the production methods that acquire Rose oil, hydrosol, absolute, extract. Arriving back to USA from Italy, where I stewarded heritage perfume roses, although spending concentrated time within the International testing gardens of the Pacific NW, I have been humbled with a roses project that has me learning the terroir (airroir) of Northern California, and as well, cutting roses, which I have now fallen in love with beyond the perfume species. Grazie, thank you, for your passion and glorious pages that forever bring joy and amplified spirit when I discover and visit, beautiful and inspiring interview !

  78. Marti on

    A weekend warrior. I love roses but have had trouble finding roses that grow in my planting zone. From the book I’d like to learn the basics, ground prep and how to care for a rose garden. Thanks 💖

  79. Cynthia Smeloff on

    I suppose I qualify as an everyday gardener with an avid-rosarian-wanna-be bent. 😉😆 I’m trying to rehabilitate an inherited very old, very neglected rose garden on the property we bought a few years ago. I hope your book covers propagation because I want to propagate some that I have so as to reestablish younger healthier bushes and rejuvenate the garden.

  80. Adriana Anderson on

    I am more of the Everyday Gardener. From Felicia’s book, I look forward to learning how to maximize efficiency of irrigation by soil, especially for roses.

  81. Charlene on

    Deer! If only I didn’t have to contend with deer, I would have a hundred roses, instead I just have 5! I’m an everyday lover of being in our garden.

  82. Wendy Freiwald on

    My first rose was a baby wine-colored tea rose in a gallon pot from Home Depot when I was a second year grad student in Denver. It sat on my apartment balcony, while I fell in love with it, and promptly died at the start of the fall term. My first lesson was that roses apparently need more sun than a north-facing balcony. Fast forward 25 years and this Weekend Warrior now owns some land, is still in love with roses (especially the David Austins) and still has very little hands-on experience with the beauties. My goal is to create a rose-ringed sanctuary to protect the burial site of our sweet family dog who passed away last week. I would like to learn more about hardy, own-root roses (for our Michigan winters), planting tips for clay soil and care that can help my roses last. Blessings!

  83. Tiffany on

    I’m an everyday gardener, but it’s been almost six years since I’ve had roses of my own to care for again (since selling our old house and developing new property on acreage for us to live, which takes foreverrrrr and costs crazy money). I grew up with my mom always having a beautiful garden, including plenty of roses, and she taught me so much! I remember when she used to place orders on the phone with Jackson & Perkins!! I remember so many fresh rose bouquets in the house all the time.💕

  84. Melissa Waddle on

    I’m very new to roses and gardening in general. This is my second and therefore first serious year of gardening. I learned last year how my health issues played into the amount of time I was able to devote to watering and pruning. This year, an irrigation system is going in so that I only have to worry about pruning.

  85. Grace Deguzman on

    I am currently a weekend warrior but aspire to be an everyday gardener. I have a few rose bushes in my garden that I inherited when I moved in to my home but am not sure that I am giving them the love and attention that they deserve. I would like to learn more about how to take care of them so that they can thrive for many more years to come. I also would love to add additional varieties to my garden. I am a new florist and would like to grow my own flowers for experiment bouquet arranging at home. I am looking forward to the release of Felicia’s book. I am excited to learn more about roses.

  86. David on

    I am a weekend warrior. I would like to learn how the grow great roses in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 2,500 ft level. We have lots of trees on our property so finding enough sun can be an issue. My desire to learn is to provide my wife with flowers. Anything that will bloom she will cut and bring into the house to brighten the house. We have tried roses before but powdery mildew just over whelmed us. My wife seems to think the Ceder trees bring on the powdery mildew. There was a Ceder tree very close by. We have one part of the property where roses might do well. No Ceder trees near by and the sunniest spot on the property. Unfortunately it’s on the lower part of the property making it difficult for my wife to care for the plants. It will be all me. I’m up for the challenge. I love the flowers too. I am the one who plants the tulips, daffodils and Irises. My wife cuts them and brings them into the house to brighten her day. Roses would be the crowning touch.

  87. Patricia on

    The Everyday Gardener –
    I’m new to roses and I confess they intimidate me.
    Thank you for inspiring me to at least try to deal with them 😃

  88. Laurie Moore on

    I aspire to be a rosarian. I’m so fascinated with Roses and how they breech gender, culture, race, language and time. I look forward to learning more about the riddle of water, so my Roses are at their best regardless of the weather.

  89. Robin Bach on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. My mother gave me a great education on roses about 30 years ago. She collected old rose varieties and had a huge garden. We took a trip to visit Heritage Roses and the Portland Rose garden which was incredible and visited the famous rose garden in Elizabeth Park in Hartford, CT near my home many times. Then David Austin came out with a book and started selling roses in the US and I was GONE!! I was newly married and we had just bought a house, I saved money for my husband’s xmas present and spent it on David Austin’s roses – I couldn’t help myself. Over the years I have lost many of those roses and after raising 3 kids I am now taking the Online Workshop and adding roses that florists might want and also replacing some DAs. I am so excited for Felicia Alvarez’s new book and would love to learn how to propagate roses. I really enjoyed Erin’s blogs on roses, they brought back a lot of memories. One of my favorite roses is Climbing Eden which never fails to stop me in my tracks in full bloom.

  90. Karen on

    I’m an everyday Gardener who loves flowers, roses especially. I have roses in many colors and fragrances. I struggle with black spot and would love any and all advice to enhance and grow more roses in CO. Looking forward to reading your new book.

  91. Kalli W. on

    I am a weekend warrior for now but aspire to be a Rosarian! I love roses so much! I would love to learn more about the ins and outs of growing roses on a large scale. I’d love to be inspired by Felicia’s knowledge in Growing Wonder!

  92. Melissa MacKinnon on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian. My father grew roses and I have been growing Rosa Rugosa to use medicinally for 5 years. I am interested in learning more about the world of roses and cultivating older scented varieties.

  93. Christi on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior, who hopes to grow! I’d like to learn how to deal with blackspot, and have a perspective on growing roses for cutting and not just looks.

  94. Jessica Roderer on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener but hoping to become an Aspiring Rosarian. My goals include getting more land and planting flowers for production, especially lavender and rose. I’d love to learn from Felicia!

  95. Mary on

    Upon retirement, I’m now a everyday gardener! The love of roses has been been bred in me through my mother, my grandmother and passed down stories of the generations before them! I am excited to read Felicia’s book to gain further knowledge of growing roses. I struggle with some pests and hot, humid summer weather. Even though there are struggles, the rose is one of my favorite flowers and my garden will never be without them! Each bud/flower is worth all the effort!

  96. Diane Wellman on

    Weekend Warrior and rose lover. After starting my recent journey to a healthier lifestyle I started a new hobby of gardening and fell in love with plants. I have always loved roses and living in South Texas I thought it would be impossible to grow and cultivate a rose garden due to the hot and dry climate. I’m committed to learning more about roses and looking forward to the upcoming growing season and success in South Texas.

  97. Stephanie Bancroft on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener in upstate New York. Gardening has always been a tremendous source of joy for me-some of my happiest early memories are of tottling along with my great grandfather in his beautiful garden, and the thrill I had of being granted the back corner of my mother’s garden as a child to make my own. I used to work seasonally at a friend’s fruit and flower farm so I have tremendous respect for all of the time, thought, hard work, and loving care you put into the land and your crops. I have always loved roses, and I have several old varieties I’ve lovingly transplanted from other gardens and nursed to relative health, though my Munstead Wood rose is my pride and joy. Due to health issues I am not able to get outside every day as I’d like to, so I’m particularly keen to learn more about irrigation and pest control techniques, as well as tips for pruning rambler and old climbing roses. I consider gardening vital for my mental and physical well-being and it’s been the best medicine over the years for the switchback curves and hurdles life has thrown. Thank you for sharing such a treasure trove of knowledge with us, Felicia! I look forward to digging into your book on the days I can’t make it outside and putting what I learn to good use when I can (and hopefully being lucky enough to plant three of your spectacular roses in my new border I’ve got planned!!).

  98. Katie Stutler on

    Everyday gardener…aspiring rosarian. I’ve got the rose bug! Once you start growing some of these, it just gets into your system. Disease issues (growing in a hot and humid climate) is what I’m interested in learning!

  99. Leslie on

    I’m a flower obsessed weekend warrior, sometime early morning gardener. My main problem is that I don’t have enough space to plant all the flowers I want, nor the irrigation in place. I dream of retiring to be a micro flower farmer, but it’s rather hard in Colorado with the wild temperature swings and dry weather. I’ve tried growing roses and didn’t have success. I felt they needed more TLC than I could give at the time. Now, I’m wondering where I can squeeze in bushes and how i’d get water to them. I would use them for both landscaping and cutting. Thank you for this post, it’s a wonderful read.

  100. Alice H Siebecker on

    I live in Zone 4 in the Rocky Mountains and end up growing mostly Canadian Roses for their hardiness. I am a daily gardener who loves her Bill Reid Roses. My biggest stumbling block with roses is the zone that I live in along with elevation. I would love to find a cutting rose that I could grow here.

  101. Rebecca on

    I am a weekend gardener. I would love to learn about growing cut roses in the South. I want this book!

  102. Rebekah Aliaghai on

    I’m a weekend warrior it aspiring to be an everyday gardner at our new house. I connected to Felicia’s story about being drawn to her family flower garden. One of my most treasured memories is walking around my mom’s flower garden as a child. I hope to recreate those memories for my own children.

  103. Noor on

    I’m an everyday gardener in beautiful Northern California. I’ve loved flowers ever since I can walk but now finally have the space, time, and money to start my own rose garden! I’m hoping to learn everything I can about proper pruning, disease prevention, rose health, and everything in between

  104. Mary Dondlinger on

    I am an everyday gardener and have been growing David Austin and old roses for 20 years. I would love to read about the evaluation process that Felicia uses when trialing roses. I would also love to read about the varieties that she thinks are the best for a cut flower business. I believe experience is a great teacher and would love to hear more about what her experience has taught her.

  105. Kim on

    I’m an everyday gardener here on the southern coast of California. I have roses of all ages and types, some that bloom beautifully like the 4 of July rose, which is so beautiful growing over my white arbor, and some that seem to sputter along and never thrive. I would love to glean from your years of wisdom.

  106. Alexandra M on

    Currently, I’d consider myself a Weekend Warrior. I am interested in reading Felicia’s book for several reasons. I’d like to know more about the “rose hell” she describes. I had never considered in detail the importance of trialing or the specifications you need to consider in order to grow and sell healthy, quality roses until I read that part of the interview, to be honest. The observational stage sounds so fun! I’m interested to hear what Felicia has to say about pest control, disease control, heat tolerance, and bloom cycle timing. The world of rose-growing is so new to me. As a beginner, it can be intimidating and it seems that every problem or question I seek to answer, brings about another question or problem to solve. I hope that Felicia’s knowledge and experience could help guide, equip, and inspire me to take the next step of becoming an Everyday Gardener, and eventually a full-fledged Rosarian.

  107. Emily on

    I am an everyday garden who just started my flower farm last summer. We just moved to the foothills of Colorado and I would love to learn more about cool weather stunners and what varieties will do best at 8600 feet above sea level!

  108. Leena on

    I am a weekend warrior who wants to jump right into being a rosarian. This year, my sister and I are moving from growing roses in our backyard garden to growing our very first field of roses on my parents farm. We aspire to be like you, Felicia! We hope to be able to share roses with brides in the Central San Joaquin Valley one day.

  109. Merry B on

    I’m on the cusp between Everyday Gardener and Aspiring Rosarian. As a second year flower farmer, I’m so interested in adding roses to use as cut flowers. What an inspiring interview; so adventurous and brave, Felicia! Very much looking forward to receiving your new book in March! Thank you for sharing your story with us…

  110. Erin on

    Currently I would classify myself as a weekend warrior but am aspiring to be an everyday gardener. With young children at home it limits my time but I love involving them in the process! I’m trying to transform my gardens with flowers that I love and roses would definitely be on that list. I need help with the basics! I want to make sure my roses are successful and that I don’t mess up these beautiful flowers with my amateur knowledge.

  111. Kim C on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener and just getting into growing roses. I’d love to learn more about growing them for cut flowers so they can be an eye-catching part of my flower stand. I think customers would absolutely love getting gorgeous roses that are locally grown.

  112. Ann on

    I’m an everyday gardener who loves roses and have had mediocre success with them in the past. I have not been able to conquer the dreadful duo – aphids and blackspot! I would love to try again, with your help. Thank you so much for making the world more beautiful.

  113. katherine patrick on

    I’m probably in the everyday gardener category. I have just started with a few roses but have an extensive collection of shrubs, grasses and perennials. I’d love to know more about roses so I can incorporate more into the garden

  114. Sara T on

    Weekend Warrior here! With hopes of growing into a dedicated Everyday Gardener. As a beginner in the flower farming world, I’m soaking up as much knowledge as I can from the experts. I know Felicia’s book will fit right into the expert category and be a beautiful guidebook to all things roses. Thanks for sharing her story. Her meandering path in life is so relatable to so many of us who are still meandering ourselves!

  115. Shari Howard on

    I am an old everyday gardener. I have loved roses for a very long time and now have the time to spend enjoying them. A recent new neighbor moved in and told me she was going to dig up and throw away the roses in her yard. Eeks! I told her I would be glad to come over and dig them up and take them off her hands for her. I now have 8 new roses in pots waiting for a permanent place in my garden. Thank you for sharing your story. I love to hear how people get to where they are in their lives. Unexpected circumstances that move us in a certain direction.

  116. Maria Rivera on

    Weekend warrior, love that, so me, lol! started my garden with heat hardy and drought tolerant plants; so lots of cacti, airplants and the likes. But since last year have started incorporating flowers and the two iceberg roses were my favorite and want to incorporate more, so I ordered some bare root roses buddies for them 😄

  117. Amber Horst on

    An everyday gardener here! A couple of years ago I moved to southeastern Washington where it’s hot and dry. I’ve had good success with growing cut flowers and after reading about Felicia on Floret I’m really excited to start growing my own roses. I can’t wait to read Felicia’s book so I can learn how to grow and take care of roses!

  118. Riana Moore on

    I would say I am an everyday gardener…I spent almost a decade helping to grow one of our local community gardens, and then after a move I have spent the last couple of years cramming as many flowers into my yard as I can. Dahlias, Sweet Peas, Zinnias, Lilacs, Irises, Lilies, Gladiolas, I love them all!
    I have shied away from roses in the past because we have a cooler coastal climate, and I’ve heard they can be a bit tricky to grow here; although last year I was gifted a couple of sad, neglected rose plants. I’m excited to read Felicia’s book to learn more about roses and how to really help them thrive, and turn my sad little plants around!

  119. Dinah on

    I am currently a Weekend Warrior, but hoping to become an Everyday Gardner. We are building our dream home on 3 country acres, with a move in date at the end of May, but we are already working the land to begin my dream of growing vegetables and cut flowers. Even though I have always been a city girl, I believe I can learn how to garden and hopefully teach my grandchildren also. They love spending time outside and I am looking forward to making lifelong memories with them.

  120. Andrea Miller on

    Definitely a Weekend Warrior. I’m looking forward to be inspired how to incorporate more roses into my landscape and hoe to properly prune y rambling roses (or maybe not prune?). Thank you and wishing you all a wonderful year of flowers!

  121. Stephanie on

    Weekend warrior, here. I’m not an experienced rose grower at all but I’ve ordered several bare roots to plant this year. I am determined to learn and have bouquets for friends and family as well as for myself. My biggest challenge is trying to fit roses into my backyard—i.e. best places to put them, how far to space them, and how to set up a watering system. I’m hoping to learn these things from Felicia’s book

  122. Devon on

    I suppose I would categorize myself as an everyday gardener. I am instilling the importance (trying to, at least) of growing, preparing and storing food for winter to my three little children. Along the way we are enjoying the beauty of a cut flower garden. Roses seem like a natural fit into the mix. Crown Princess Margareta looks like color my kids would really enjoy! Playful and soft. Maybe Distant Drums for myself! :)
    I have avoided roses because of the reputation they carry of being fussy or high maintenance. After these posts, I am ready to give them a try! I am hoping for a “how to” in Felicia’s book, as well as fixes when things “go wrong”.
    Thank you for amazing resources!

  123. Shelley Robillard on

    I’ve never actually grown roses. I’ve always been too intimidated because they seem complicated. However, my grandmother, Grandma June, was a rose society member and had the most lovely curated garden and a basement full of things to arrange flowers. I loved to wander through the paths of her formal rose garden with all the varieties carefully labeled. As I dabble more and more with all kinds of flowers, I find myself longing to try roses, but they still scare me a little.

  124. Heather on

    So excited! Thank you for sharing another kindred spirit with us. I would consider myself (and my husband) somewhere in between The Everyday Gardener and The Aspiring Rosarian. We are cramming as many flowers into our 1 acre as we can! When we aren’t working our “day jobs,” we are consumed by our flower-lust. I have pre-ordered the book as a birthday present to myself (on Amazon) and can’t wait for March! OXO

  125. Amanda Beatty on

    Gardening is something that I lost touch with as I became busy with the hustle and bustle of raising 3 children. I grew up in rural East Texas and helped my parents and grandparents in their vegetable and flower gardens growing up. Several years ago, my oldest was doing a school project and missed a question about potatoes…she said they grew on trees (LOL!) I knew right then and there that I had done a disservice to my children and that reignited my passion for gardening. Fast forward a few years, and I would consider myself an everyday gardener. I love all flowers, but roses evoke memories of being with my grandmother in her garden as a child. My biggest issue is knowing when to prune and how much. The last few years my roses have looked almost “anemic” when they should be full and beautiful. I’m excited to read this book and be a better rose parent! Thank you so much for sharing your story!

  126. Carolina Santos on

    I have been growing roses for two decades as a weekend gardener. For the past three years, I have been growing wonders as an aspiring rosarian with over 500 roses shrubs/climbers. Thank you for writing a book that will delight many hearts…. I am looking forward to dive into its pages by Spring….

  127. Barbara Slegers-Hudson on

    May I say I’m all three? I’ve grown roses in the past with varying degrees of success and hoping to have more luck as we reimagine this new property we have moved to. Flowers, flowering shrubs, and more flowers is the dream! In the meanwhile I toil away at a community garden growing food for the food insecure in our county here in Indiana as well as herbs and edible flowers. We are also looking for ways to light up people’s eyes when the come upon this urban garden. I”m looking forward to getting my hands on this new book of Felicia’s.

  128. Romane on

    I’m an everyday gardener and about to grow my first roses this year! Creating a little rose garden so I would love to learn about managing pest and diseases in an organic way. The Menagerie farm looks so dreamy!! Can’t wait to see more of it in the book.

  129. Julie Hardcastle on

    This is exciting! Thank you for sharing and inspiring us. I am a Weekend Warrior because every rose I plant dies within two to three years and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I’m hoping this new resource will help me and I can move up through the ranks to Everyday Gardener and then to Aspiring Rosarian.

  130. Elizabeth Betlejewski on

    I love gardening, but due to work constraints, cram most of my garden time in over the weekends. I started adding David Austin Roses to my garden over the past two years. I want to use them to provide some loose framework in my garden beds but also as decorative accents over fencing or pergolas. I struggle with Japanese Beetle pressure on the East Coast. The roses still bounce back in September with a second flush after the beetle season has passed. I’m always looking for roses that can withstand weather extremes (cold, snowy winters, hot humid summers, and flooding rain storms) as these tend to be some of our weather patterns as the season changes. I feel like I am still a novice at rose growing and pest management without the use of chemicals. I am starting a Master Gardener program through the University of Maryland this spring, so I should gain some more disease and pest management knowledge through this program. This book would definitely be a great addition to my growing gardening library!

  131. Liz on

    Thank you for this fabulous interview! I’m definitely an Aspiring Rosarian here on the Big Island of Hawaii. I’m currently in the online Menagerie Academy (which I highly recommend) which has given me so much knowledge, confidence and direction in planning my rose farm. I really hope to attend one of her workshops and meet her in person to be able to Thank her for sharing so much!

    The largest rose farm we had on our island went out of business quite some time ago (hard to keep up with costs when roses are being shipped in and sold so cheaply) and I would like to increase garden rose cut flower production here on our island again. Also there is still much education to be done on why it’s important to buy locally sourced flowers and with our island continuing to grow there is a huge need for more locally grown cut garden roses. You just can’t beat their beauty, fragrance and colors.

  132. Keha on

    So inspiring! Thank you for sharing this interview and I’m really looking forward to this book!

    I’m a small flower farmer headed for Aspiring Rosarian. In our region of Montana there are some incredible gardeners and their gardens. Before we moved here, I never would have expected such a dedicated and passionate group of growers. Many of them are over sixty and have been cultivating their gardens for decades! All that experience and knowledge! Though there are a number of young farmers in Bozeman and Missoula, our central area could use more. I’d love to share my farm as a space for these super experienced growers to share their knowledge with kids. It would be really exciting to learn more about rose propagation and facilitate a propagation workshop. Maybe the kids could pick their favorite roses and learn to propagate them. It’s just a dream right now, but I think it could be really fun to dedicate a portion of this little farm to a community rose garden with roses from the many rich gardens here, propagated by the kids at the elementary and high school, and available for all to enjoy.

    Thank you again for sharing your experience! I’m sure you’ve inspired many exciting projects through sharing your passion!

  133. Amber Haines on

    These post about roses have awakened something in me, and it’s really exciting. Why had I not planned for roses before now? I want to learn it all from this book. What a treasure.

  134. Lena on

    I inherited a couple of rose bushes from a family member. The deer have eaten them to the stems. They survived and I even managed to propagate two kinds. I do this because I just never can through strong full of life stems away. I put them in the soil and they grow. I just do that.

  135. Ruby Chavez on

    Hi! I’m an Everyday Gardener and leaning slightly toward Aspiring Rosarian! ( hopefully a Rosarian after reading the book🤞🏼😆 ??) Well, my knowledge is VERY basic, so I’m hoping to learn to everything from caring, treating, pruning, and everything in between. Maybe in the future I’d like to help bring more rose colors to SoCal than just a basic 🌹 we see on every corner!

  136. Johanna Speizer on

    I am an every day gardener and roses grow superbly in my climate so I would just love to learn more about general rose care. My great grandmother’s roses are the first ones I can remember. My mother loves to grow roses. I want to grow in my knowledge and pass on the tradition to my daughters.

  137. Michelle Marks on

    I am a weekend warrior of sorts. I was raised on a dairy farm and my mom had a huge garden that we all helped with but her flowers were few. She didn’t have much luck with roses and I hope to change that as I venture forward with my own garden!

  138. Heidi B on

    I am a weekend warrior in the winter and an everyday gardener in the summer. I have ordered roses from a few local farms here in WA and can’t wait to read your books so I can learn everything I need to help my roses thrive. I grew up in my grandmother’s gardens and flower beds and am excited to be establishing my own in the coming years.

  139. Anne R. Phernetton on

    What a great story, Felicia! Makes me want to take a trip to California and come visit your nursery and farm, from cold and snowy Minnesota. I have been gardening for my own enjoyment for about 40 years. I generally have good success with most things, but frankly roses have been more difficult for me. I would consider myself an Everyday Gardener and would truly enjoy a copy of your book. I’m currently working on a re-design of my largest perennial bed and would LOVE to incorporate some new rose varieties from your nursery!

    Best of luck with your book launch. I’m sure it will be a HUGE success for you. Thanks, Erin, for sharing Felicia’s wonderful story with all of your readers!


  140. Tori on

    I am a Weekend Warrior at the moment, learning little by little and bit by bit as I experiment, but I would love to farm full time one day! I have big dreams to turn a piece of land into a garden paradise. But the challenge I am facing now is figuring out how to keep gardening while constantly moving. I’d love to finally put the money down to purchase the white climbing rose I’ve had my eye on for a while, but I am so nervous about trying to keep it thriving in a pot until it can become permanent. I can’t wait to see what advice and guidance Felicia’s book can offer to give me the confidence to try!

  141. Ashley P on

    I only began my gardening journey last winter – I learned quickly what I wanted to do wasn’t going to fit with a Weekend Warrior, but I’ve so much left to learn! I’ve steadily grown my beloved gardening library of beautiful books, but I haven’t found a rose-specific book to love yet. It’s one of my most coveted (hopefully future) flowers to add to the garden but there’s so much mystery! This book sounds absolutely perfect!

  142. Danielle on

    Gardening is a passion that grows stronger in me each season. I would say I am a weekend warrior gardener but, I aspire to have beautiful gardens like my mother always had while I was growing up. I live in North Carolina and I have tried several different varieties of roses that speak to me because of the color, shape or fragrance. The biggest problem I have is with Japanese beetles. I try for an organic garden so I’m out there everyday picking the beetles off of my roses. I would love some tips to control them better and also companion planting to enhance the beauty of my garden. I look forward to reading your book and gaining knowledge to better care for my garden. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

  143. Janet Vainikka on

    Hello hello, fellow flower friends!! I am an aspiring rosarian!
    I am planning to bring flowers to my small rural community this spring at the farmers market. I have lots and lots to learn.
    I am hoping to learn how to grow roses successfully, from Felicia’s new book. I would also like to learn more about operating a flower farm. I live in the Midwest where we all treasure our story growing season.
    Thanks so much for all the wisdom you share at floret, Erin!!

  144. Kimberly Singel on

    I am an everyday gardener in our suburban microfarm in zone 8a in North Texas. I was the child that had the chore to weed & tend to the garden and now in my mid 50s Im still investigating the magic of growing. There is so much to learn! Ive been meandering my way through cut flower farming & its saved my sanity through the pandemic.

    Ive lived in the Northeast, Southeast & now TX for the past 15 years & despite its long, hot season, it is the most challenging to grow in. Ive always had some sort of roses to care for but the rose that captures my heart the most are fragrant, often heirloom roses with lots of velvety petals. Ive had success getting roses through the hot TX climate even adding beach umbrellas to save them from the sun before I knew about shade cloth!

    However I would be so grateful to learn how to best fertilize & water roses when its so hot, hot, hot! Always afraid of burning the roots or watering away too many nutrients to keep the roses cool during the hottest months of summer.
    Much success to you & your new book which I would devour & be grateful to add to my flower book resources. Happy growing!💐

  145. Jennifer P. Cheng on

    Hi, i’m jennifer and i’m an aspiring rosarian. My mom loved growing roses in her backyard and i moved to an apartment with roses planted to the ground by previous tenant’s mom. So rose feels like a guardian angel to me. I hope to learn how to grow roses at home, preferably in containers since i don’t have space to plant into the ground. I have no previous experience in growing roses, only had experience growing herbs and plants for food, but i’d love to bring roses more into my dinner table and home rituals. Thank you for generously offering your knowledge with us.

  146. Nicola Smith on

    I am a garden enthusiast all self-taught, though my Great Grandmother in England and my Grandmother in Tanzania were great enthusiasts, but those climates are both completely different from each other, and then different again to Minnesota, Twin Cities, where I moved 36 years ago and there were hardly any unusual plants that survived winter then, in Mn! When my first child was born I stayed at home to look after my children after that, and there it started. I have a very large perennial garden, lots of pollinators and “Flower Flies”. It was my hobby until my children went off to University, and then I worked for a gardener one season and from there started my own business, mainly maintenance, throughout March – November every summer, but also plant and design a little. I LOVE being out in my own garden at weekends, even when I have been tending to the 30 customers’ gardens, I tend every 3 weeks throughout the season, sometimes 10.5 hour days in their gardens! I love roses but I dont like to use chemicals! Japanese beetles are often a problem!

  147. Zoe D on

    I am a gardener aspiring to be a rosarian. I was inspired years ago by the garden and talents of my friend Dennis, who first introduced me to the new dawn rose that grows on and over my porch. I followed him as he visited cemeteries and old homesteads, looking for heirloom varieties and taking cuttings (with permission of course) to save and share some of these treasures. I love the climbers and gallicas in my collection sourced from him and have recently purchased some varieties for cutting. I was happy to see Carding Mill on Felicia’s list, as I added it to my garden last year and was so pleased with its prolific blooms. I am so looking forward to book to increase my overall knowledge and skill in propagating.

  148. Amy Shearer on

    I am an Everyday Gardener aspiring to be a rosarian with her own Cut Flower Farm. Thank you for these dreamy pictures on a 9 degree morning in Chicago. :) Reminders of spring are always the best medicine for freezing hands and hearts!

  149. Tara Riggs on

    I am a aspiring rosarian! I didn’t believe I could successfully grow roses for my work. Recently, I have become obsessed and feel I simply must try! On my micro flower farm near Cape Cod I sell subscriptions, wedding & events, and occasionally to wholesale. None of the books on roses I have referenced so far have quite the right information for my needs, I believe this book is the answer!

  150. Amy Pilgrim on

    I would put myself in the “aspiring-to-be-a-weekend-warrior” category! I grew up in north Florida watching my mother putter around for 20+ years in her small rose garden — about 25 bushes — and always enjoyed taking roses to my favorite teachers, friends, and anyone who asked for a stem or two. Mom passed away almost 3 years ago, and we uprooted her rose garden because no one was there to keep it up. I recently moved in with my dad (who is now 90), and am desiring to start a cutting garden in the back yard. I’m definitely looking forward to March and will be starting seeds next month — my Floret seed order arrived yesterday! A few rose bushes to add to the mix would be a nice touch, and a lovely reminder of my mom.

  151. Alma Hamblin on

    Starting a flower farm here is eastern KY and am planning on adding many varieties to our farm.
    Looking forward to the book and the inspiration. Roses say to me, go ahead and dream! Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge!

  152. Casey Adamson on

    As for gardening in general Id say I’m an everyday gardener but I just started looking into roses last spring learning about the David Austin breeds. Unfortunately when it came to ordering from them they were all sold out and I had made of list of what I wanted once they restocked… not taking into account that I could probably find roses else where. Oops. Either way this will be my first year planting and I could use all the help there is to offer in this book. I’m a sucker for the journey of how one comes to love gardening and a sponge when it comes to learning as much as I can. Can’t wait to dive into this adventure.

  153. Trinity Rinear on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior but I dream of having a secret garden style oasis to run to which is also productive. So, while I so enjoyed the rambler and climber series of roses discussed earlier in this rose series, I am excited to learn more from Felicia about cut flower rose growing, on a small scale.

  154. Aimee McAuley on

    Weekend warrior aspiring to Everyday gardener, I can’t wait to read and learn from an expert, the world needs more roses!

  155. Bethany on

    I would probably fall under the category of Weekend Warrior. Growing up, my grandmother had a big, fragrant yellow rose bush that I fell in love with and I am hoping to learn how to have some in my yard in a very humid environment with heavy clay soil.

  156. Lori on

    I am a weekend warrior who inherited a small 40 year old rose garden when we purchased our house last year during the pandemic. I am fairly new to this climate (Southern California) and very new to caring for neglected, strong, established roses! I am so very excited to learn how to properly care for these beautiful gems that I call mine, I can’t wait for the book to come out!

  157. Cassandra on

    Hello, I am a weekend warrior with roses, everyday with flowers. My biggest concern and what I’d like to learn is how to keep roses from all the pests and infections that can plague them in a wet climate (willamette valley, Oregon).

  158. Hanna Mosca on

    I am an everyday gardener. I manage a small urban veggie farm, but have never grown roses. I am so excited to get started. We recently bought a house and I can’t wait to plant my favorite. I love that the book has info for beginners like me, but will stay relevant as I grow & learn more! Can’t wait to learn more about year round care. We have terrible deer problems in our yard, but I am confident I can come up with a plan to plant at least a few :)

  159. Michele on

    I am a weekend warrior with a new garden to explore as we just moved into a new 6 acre property. The first year we sat back and watched what grew and loved the endless hostas, flowering trees, and bulbs that sprung up around the property. This spring it’s time to get the hands in the dirt and add my touches and reshape old beds that have become over grown or barren. I literally can not wait till spring time this year, and her rose book will be perfect for guiding me and learning what will work in this new zone and climate we live in.

  160. Lucero on

    I would definitely consider myself a weekend warrior to one day bloom into an aspiring rosarían. My biggest struggle is loving flowers and roses so much but having no experience & doubting I could be successful at growing them. I would love to gain confidence and inspiration.

  161. Eugenie Chappo-Hudson on

    Growing Gardener. I grew up surrounded by plants and flowers. My parents own their own landscape and design business and for about a decade also had a small nursery. Growing up there was a beautiful antique rose garden walking distance from our house. I have vivid memories of walking through the paths and just being in awe of all the gorgeous roses. I started a vegetable garden 3 years ago and have continued to add flowers to make my garden a beautiful space for pollinators and people to enjoy. I am wanting to expand into more cut flowers and roses because I love arranging flowers. I’m thrilled to get Felicia’s book to create a magical and thriving rose and flower garden that I can share with the community.

  162. Jeimy Polz on

    Hi! I want to start by saying that I thought I had given up on ever having roses in my garden again. Until reading this post and being able to learn from Felicia’s journey with roses.
    I had two rose bushes 2 years ago the variety was “Maurice Utrillo” Hybrid tea rose. They produced the most fragrant and decent size flower. The color was what attracted me in the first place to try to bring them in my garden. That first year I had an issue with aphids. I was able to treat with some neem oil responsibly. I really enjoyed walking pass and getting that beautiful scent as I walked by each day.
    When fall came I didn’t prune it. I somehow thought I could prune in really early at spring time. Not sure if this is where I made the mistake. And unfortunately I killed both of them after pruning them. I don’t know if the cold nights shocked them. I felt like a total failure. I have been inspired by Felicia as a gardener to not give up and she has the most amazing collection of roses!. I still have A LOT to learn about roses and it will make me very happy to win this giveaway but If I don’t I am still getting her book and will try again to bring roses into my garden. I really miss having roses in my garden.

  163. Stefanie Hartman on

    My daughter and I are beginning gardeners to flower gardening beyond our basic landscaping. We have some lovely plans for so many more flowers for a cut flower garden kitchen garden and many roses

  164. April on

    I’m an aspiring weekend warrior! I have no experience with roses. I just ordered a couple of bushes and look forward to learning anything and everything I can!

  165. Marla Caldwell on

    Avid Gardener and aspiring to be a rosarian. I have had at least 1 or more roses in my garden since the time I first married my farmer and moved to the country. I have kicked myself over and over thru the years for tearing out the old yellow rambler when we moved to his great grandparents homestead. I have never been able to find one to replace it since then. His grandmother gave me a start of her “ seven sisters” rose saying it needed to come back home. She had gotten her start from it when she got married. Insect pressure and disease all play hard in my Midwest garden and I decided this year is the one to try and seriously tackle them. This book will certainly help set me on a path to growing and experiencing all that a rose can be.

  166. Julie Pramuk on

    I am a life long ‘every day gardener’.I became familiar with Floret farm from a fellow Master Gardener. We were giving a workshop to the public on harvesting plants and flowers from our home gardens for creating flower arrangements. To be able to include roses in our presentations is always a thrill. Our Master Gardener program in Napa, California has partnered with the city to maintain a Rose garden in Fuller Park in Napa. So I look forward to learning and sharing best practices for growing and maintaining a healthy rose garden in our park and in our Las Flores community garden.

  167. Gayle Hines on

    I am a principal of a Middle School, life-long learner and an aspiring flower farmer! Since my husband and I purchased our farm a few years ago, I have dreamed of adding a field of roses. I am excited to learn everything I can about roses and pre-ordered Growing Wonder from the Menagerie Farm and Flower website.

  168. Kelly Kays on

    Weekend warrior here with the desire to be an everyday gardener. Roses have always felt very intimidating and I’ve yet to make an attempt. I’m definitely a read and research first before diving in kind of gal and would love to learn from such an experienced rose grower!

  169. Amy on

    Weekend Warrior!!! Loved this blog post, I would love to learn about watering roses in a high heat environment and maybe be a little more water friendly!

  170. Beth Amos on

    I am excited to read more about roses and Felicia’s journey. I am definitely a weekend warrior at this point but looking forward to more days in the garden. Planning and selection of plants are struggles. My biggest is if I kill one I feel like I’ve failed. Well, technically I did for that one plant. 😭

  171. Michelle Regan on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. My biggest struggle is that I try to cram in as many rose plants as I can..I dint have a lot of property– just a small city lot. I’m constantly on the verge of overcrowding. I need help with either how to feed/water to make up for the crowding or encouragement to pare down my collection to a more reasonable (for the space) size.

  172. Laurie Gonzales on

    I am an everyday gardener hoping to find more land to pursue one of my passions, growing roses. I really enjoyed this article and can’t wait for the book. My biggest problem with gardening currently is the 70 ft fir trees that surround our property. I am hoping to learn more about roses that will tolerate some shade.

  173. Sarah on

    Aspiring Rosarian – well at least I once was taking care of an events garden space. Now more of a Weekend Warrior in my own garden! Would love tips on growing roses in heavy clay with very long hot summers and how to deal with rose weevils without chemicals.

  174. Michelle Gagne on

    I am a weekend warrior! With two small kiddos and two jobs I treasure my moments in the garden. I currently have three rose bushes to tend-2 from my grandma’s garden and one from my mom. Those rose bushes are beautiful and sentimental all at the same time. It brings me joy to care for them, but I would love to learn more about how to help them flourish!

  175. Yulia Z on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior, love my small garden with roses but struggle with pest control, would love to learn something new!

  176. Paula M DeCristofaro on

    I am a weekend warrior but I am about to retire and plan to become and everyday gardener. I care for a fenced-in garden area in a public park in North Oakland, CA. Maintaining the park garden is a joy and I regard it as a public service too. It is a pleasure to chat with neighbors and watch the kids at play nearby. The park soil is very heavy clay, and roses that are planted there, even in well amended soil, tend to die off after a few years as the amended soil reverts back to heavy clay. How can I expand the rose area of the garden and keep the roses healthy and thriving? I would welcome tips and strategies to keep the roses alive and well in the heavy clay environment.

  177. Shannon Wootan on

    Great interview!! I’m definitely a weekend warrior but it has always been by dream to have a rose garden. I hope to learn more about disease and pest control with this new book. It sounds wonderful!

  178. Ann on

    As a mama, I’m a Weekend Warrior for sure, but I’d love to become an Everyday Gardener in a few years! I hope to learn more about pruning, diseases, and how to determine the right site for roses.

  179. Terry Walkenhorst on

    I loved this interview. I would call myself an everyday gardener trying to grow roses in humid Missouri. I would love to have beautiful roses. Last year I planted my first David Austin roses and am hoping to see them really start to grow this next year. This book would surely help! God’s blessings for great success!

  180. Joan F. on

    I’m so excited about this new book!!! Can’t wait until it arrives. I am between a Weekend Warrior and an Everyday Gardener depending on what’s going on with my three young girls. I have never grown roses before but hope to soon. This book will be invaluable to my learning.

  181. Holly Callan on

    I am a everyday gardener and have a lifetime love of roses! I always learn something from Felicia’s Farm Friday’s on Instagram and am sure I will learn even more from her book!

  182. Nina M. on

    Thank you for sharing your favorite varieties! I am so excited to try roses that thrive in California climate! Definitely getting your book to gain more knowledge and help my experience. I am a “Weekend Warrior” with two small kids in zone 9B. I have few roses from local nursery I planted the first year we moved to our house. Last year, I planted a couple of David Austin’s roses based on their site reviews. This year I am expanding my cut flower garden and so happy I read this article to the end to get inspired and make decision on varieties to plant this year. Wishing everyone safe and joyful gardening year!

  183. KJ Gillanders on

    I would say every day gardener with aspirations of being a rosarian. I can never remember when and how far to prune the rose bushes. Also controlling pests, I have one poor rose that every year has some issue with its leaves. We have tried all sorts of things and it still happens, it is one hardy little rose though.

  184. Jennifer Saunders on

    I am an everyday gardener. Whenever I am frustrated, my husband tells me to go dig in the dirt. Planting, pruning, weeding, I love to be outside in my gardens! I would like to learn more about feeding and pruning my roses. I have several roses growing up arbors and would love to add more roses to my gardens.

  185. Shelley Russell on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener. My biggest struggle is learning how to care for these beautiful coveted roses, among all the other cut flowers that I grow. I can’t wait for Felicia’s new book and the wisdom she shares in it.

  186. Vicki Tayloe on

    I’m an aspiring Rosarian in Phoenix, AZ where our high heat and desert climate presents unique challenges. I am currently growing a deep red wild rose and want to expand my collection. My greatest challenge is our extreme heat and very little rains in the desert.
    I’m hoping to learn practical skills to plant my rose garden and have it flourish in the desert.
    I have loved roses my entire life and would love to have a rose garden to enjoy with my grandkids sharing my grandmother’s love of roses with them.

  187. Kathleen on

    I would consider myself an Everyday Gardener. I’ve been growing cut flowers for a few years but this is the first year I venture off into roses. I know it’s a completely different ballgame, and I know that this book will answer all the beginner questions I have as a new rose grower.

  188. Jane on

    I am definitely a Weekend Warrior and would so love to add beauty to our little corner of the world. Your roses are timeless!

  189. Andréa on

    Would love to learn more about rose care and selection.

  190. Amy Wilson on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener. I started growing roses last year and hope that this second year produces even more roses that I can cut. Roses remind me of my grandmother who grew them in her yard. I hope Growing Wonder will help me keep my roses happy and disease at bay!

  191. Kristy on

    I am an Everyday Gardener in NC. Hoping to learn more about growing roses in the humidity and heat of the South, as well as how to prune to get the longest stems.

  192. Shari VanPelt on

    I am a weekend warrior and would love to learn more about growing roses for cut flowers. Thanks so much for the chance to win her new book.

  193. Karen Utley on

    I am an everyday gardener. I love roses but am intimidated by them. I have 4 Julia Child roses which have done well here in north eastern Colorado. I am so excited about Felicia’s new book.

  194. Denise A Christensen on

    I am an Everday Gardener who loves roses! I currently have 67 of them (mostly climbers) on my 1/4 acre home lot. My biggest struggle is getting them all pruned before Spring brings all the new growth.

  195. Sue C on

    I’m an Indiana everyday gardener in the warmer months. Hoping to learn more about organic pest and disease control in roses. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  196. Shelly on

    I’m an everyday Gardner, with a love of roses. I first learned about roses after purchasing my first home. It came with a 30 x5 foot bed of roses. I was 23 and knew nothing about roses but I kept them alive and thriving in a harsh zone 4 climate. Many years and several homes later I’m looking to add roses to my landscape and hope to learn about different varieties especially ones that will thrive in harsh winter zones.

  197. Sandy on

    My garden was my sanity in 2020, it was the place I found peace and purpose. I am now retired as of September 2021 and want to expand my garden to include rarer and heirloom roses. I am also signed up to begin the Master Gardener program with WSU and Snohomish County at the end of January. I am so excited to be learning more about plants, gardens, and so much more through the MG program. I would love to get more knowledge on roses and their care from Felicia’s new book. My current issue with the roses in my garden is trying to maintain their health and beauty with only natural and organic substances. I still battle black spot as I do have a lot of plants packed into my garden area and probably don’t have the best airflow for the roses. I would love to know more about companion plants, especially perennials that can be planted with roses.

  198. Stephanie on

    I’m an everyday gardener that has fallen in love with David Austin roses. We continue to add more roses to our collection, but I would love to learn more about proper fertilization to help the roses continue to put out blooms in Alabama heat. We also struggle with Japanese Beetles and would love to know more tips about dealing with pests.

  199. Terry Acree on

    I am an Everyday Gardner and wishful thinking-aspiring Rosarian in St. Louis, MO. I have three David Austin rose bushes at my home – Heathcliff, Harlow Carr, and The Alnwick Rose. Although they are beautiful, they (and I) have struggled to keep them disease free from year to year. I am eager to learn the secrets of pest control for these beauties! Also, I have been so enthralled by all of the pictures of the fields of roses and towers of climbers in these posts. I am now duly inspired to plant an army of roses on my land in rural Missouri and more at home. I hope to learn the varieties that would be good for the home garden and in the future for commercial production. Let the planting Pilates begin when it gets warm!

  200. Santy on

    What a beautiful story! I hope I can volunteer at Felicia’s farm some time…
    I am an Aspiring Rosarian. I volunteer at our city’s public rose garden here in RI. My biggest struggle has been fighting blackspot on rose plants (we are not allowed to use chemicals that could harm insects) and bringing rose plants already weakened by disease back to life after the cold New England winter season ends. I am hoping Felicia’s book has some tips on rose care and selecting fragrant varieties that are cold and disease resistant. All the best Felicia and Erin!

  201. Sheri Ponegalek on

    I would love to graduate from weekend warrior to everyday gardener when it comes to roses. Erin inspired me to put in a cutting garden last year and now I am so excited to add some shrub roses to the mix. So far I have only experimented with miniature roses. Would love to learn more about preventing black spot and keeping insects at bay. I have had to pivot and change careers, but I so miss working with flowers every day at work and being creative. If I plant some roses, I can still have that beauty surround me. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us through your beautiful book!


    Weekend Warrior for sure! The roses I have were already here so I would like to plant some of my own and learn how to care for them.

  203. Susan Reynolds on

    As I go through my days at work as an Insurance professional and being a part of a team watching over my 94 year old Mother all I think about is my Garden. It is my Love, my Art and my Therapy and something my Mother loved to do. I believe that I am all of the above. Weekend, everyday and aspiring Rosarian. I long to have beautiful roses in my Garden again that are diseased resistant. I am currently reworking my front yard which faces West. Roses?? Yes Please.

  204. Anna Steinle on

    This is lovely! I am an aspiring rose gardener with 4 roses to my name, all planted last year…and I’m terribly nervous to see if they’ll make it this year. I’m a romantic so the more ruffles and frill, the better.❤️

  205. Constance Paul on

    I am from Sonoma, California and have a huge property that is in need of roses, specifically heritage roses that can not be overly fertilized. We are in need of understanding more about gardening and harvesting these roses for my daughter’s floral business. I will be the grower and she will be the designer. Sure hope we can learn more from your rose book.

  206. Whitney on

    Weekend warrior. I recently moved to a new home that has minimal landscaping. I’ve spent the winter pondering and planning. I’m figured out a spot for a climbing rose (a tribute to my Grammy) and room for a few old fashion fragrant roses. The hard/fun part will be picking which ones will make the final cut. What I’m still struggling with is the general care of the roses. My old home came with roses but they never thrived. I tried different things I read online but nothing really helped. I’m hoping Growing Wonder will help me develop a good foundation for caring for these magnificent plants.

  207. Antje Lemoine on

    I am a weekend warrior when it comes to growing Roses. I have so much to learn from Growing Wonder. I would love to learn about growing roses without the use of heavy chemicals.

  208. Danielle D'Alessandro on

    I would say I’m somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. My hope is to make this farm a successful full time business and am extremely captivated by roses. I just ordered my first four David Austin bare roots and I can’t wait to dive in. I would most like to learn about fertilizing roses and pest control.

  209. Nena C Williams on

    I am happily astounded at all the interest in Roses out there, just from a browsing of the comments on this Blog!!! I joined my local Rose Society (in Missoula, Montana) last year and am so grateful and excited to be learning from all the Rosarians (who are also American Rose Society-accredited judges) who have lifetimes of rose knowledge to impart to us “younger” aspiring Rosarians…I am very worried however, that almost no one is joining these Rose Societies anymore…we are having a very difficult time recruiting new members, and it is slowly dying out….it seems like no one has time for it anymore, or maybe it’s the takeover of social media, I don’t know…I hope and strongly encourage all these fantastic “newbie” Rose lovers out there to get in touch with your local Rose Society and join!!! You will learn SO MUCH from the older Rosarians who are so willing and eager to pass on their knowledge and passion for Roses. They are WONDERFUL people and gardeners, and we all share the love of the Queen of Flowers!!!!!

  210. Jennifer Kilmer on

    I have transitioned from a weekend warrior to an everyday gardener. I have always loved roses, but have felt unsure about growing them in the damp Pacific Northwest with issues of black spot and fungal diseases. I would love to have a ton of roses if I can keep them healthy without a bunch of chemical spraying. I can’t wait to learn all I can!

  211. Peter Jones on

    I would definitely fall into weekend warrior that is trying to transition into everyday gardener. I think my biggest learning curve that I hope the book can help with is learning how to match the right roses with my coastal Maine climate. I also can use some help identifying and problem solving soil and disease problems. Also having a beautiful book to curl up and read as the snow is falling outside the window will remind me that the soil will thaw and life will blossom again

  212. Jessica Klein on

    Hello. Not exactly sure what the everyday warrior definition is, I think that might be me. I’m hoping to learn more about disease and bug prevention. I’ve only had a few roses and don’t live at that location any longer. I attempted to move one, not successful. I’m ordering a few tomorrow from The Menagerie, fingers crossed.

  213. Bess B on

    Everyday Gardener here :) As a farmer dipping her toes into weddings and events, roses are a natural addition to my business. I struggle with winter protection for them in my climate (Zone 5 with harsh Montana winters). I not only want to keep them alive, but I want them to bulk up and thrive for many years to come.

  214. Victoria on

    I’ve always tried and tested different plants in my own yard and then into others’. I’m in the Everyday, Advanced archetypes? No hort degree, completely self-taught. Catalogs and books can teach you a lot. The hardest part of growing for market is the marketing, business side of things. You all are both great role models, thanks for taking time to share that side of things as well. Awesome!

  215. Laurie on

    I live in Ontario, Canada and have always loved gardening. I remember always picking bouquets for my mother when I was very young starting from a handful of dandelions, a bouquet of spring wildflowers from the woods, to a fresh cut bouquet from my parents lush flower beds. Loved how the roses grew in England where my grandparents grew up. So, naturally, and artistically I am working as a florist enjoying everything that nature has to offer. I am also expanding my own gardens with everything beautiful and would love to learn more about roses.
    I am most interested in getting this book.

  216. Lindsey on

    I’m a semi-expert when it comes to my veggie garden. Flowers are a totally different story. I’m a complete novice. For the last few years I’ve planted perennials around the yard and done nothing else. They thrive through my sheer neglect, as I’ve focused all my effort of the veggies and animals. This year I’m taking the bold step of converting the entire garden to flowers. Which I know nothing about. I’m a quick study and know my way around gardening concepts but I know flowers and roses are a different beast. I’d love to know how I can nurture and prune the roses I have, and ones I’ll have in the future, to keep them healthy and optimal for a cutting garden.

  217. C on

    Weekend Warrior here! Roseslugs have been the bane of my existence. I’d love to learn more from Felicia’s book! Good luck!

  218. Breanne P. on

    My ultimate goal is to become an Aspiring Rosarian, but for now I am just a Weekend Warrior. I’d love to learn all that I can about growing roses and incorporate that into my Advanced Floral Arts class. It is my goal to become more self sustainable and grow the majority of cut flowers that we design with in class. With our wholesale prices continuing to increase, it would reduce the costs to our program/students and increase the number of designs students can create and expand the skills they will be able to learn. I want to gain any and all knowledge on growing flowers that I possibly can.

  219. Amber Pate on

    I am looking forward to this book! I am a flower farmer and grew roses when I was younger at my home in California. Now I would love to add roses to my farm in Colorado. It is a little bit tricky growing them in this climent, but I cannot wait to learn. Thank you both for such a great gift!

  220. Suzanne on

    Definitely an Aspiring Rosarian! I have grown many different types of roses over the years with varying degrees of success. The climate where I have lived for the past 31 years in Connecticut is very humid in the summer, and we experience wild temperature swings during the year. Sub-zero temps in the winter and 90-degrees for days on end in the summer are all too common. Recently, however, we bought a home on Nantucket, which is a rose-lover’s dream! Ever since then I’ve been plotting and scheming about all the roses I want to grow and trying to figure out how to cram all of them into my new yard! Felicia’s book would offer just the inspiration and source of information I need to make this dream come true!

  221. Jill on

    I have been struggling to keep my rose bush growing . I have tried so many things I’ve read about to which I’ve had no success. I’m excited about the book and learning from someone who has master the art of growing roses.

  222. Karen on

    My grandmother, and my mother were both full time gardener/farmers who both inspired me with a love for all things growing, but especially for flowers. Vegetables & fruits feed the body, but flowers feed the soul! After a long hard day farming both these women could be found tending their flower gardens. I learned 3 & 4 syllable names of flowers when I was knee-high to Gramma, who was so proud when I spouted the names at just the right time to her friends! She could grow anything on her southern California farm (where she lived all her life excepting a few short “adventures”), where the soil was always well amended, and the weather nearly perfect. My Mom, however, moved north to western Oregon where her gardening modified. In her rose garden were many from cuttings from friends, rooted under mason jars. While never achieving wealth, she would buy herself at least one rose bush, and peony each year! Her two loves! When I had to move to the high desert of central Oregon, she helped me pot up all the peonies, & all the miniature roses, in our shared garden. Sadly, we soon learned that many roses don’t survive the high desert. Sadly, we lost most! But after 20+ years of trying, we can report…. some roses thrive here! ❤️

  223. Kathy Ormiston on

    I live in Davis , California on the southern end of the Sacramento Valley. Roses seem to do great here in the spring, but then the flowers just seem to shatter when the days get over 100 degrees. How does Felicia manage the Sacramento Valley heat? How does she keep the David Austin roses from getting 6 feet tall.

    I have a copy of this book on pre-orderd at Amazon.

  224. Margaret on

    Absolutely wonderful and beautiful interview! I am an everyday gardener that over the past 2 years has taken a nose dive into the cut flower world. I look forward to learning about establishing rose varieties suitable for my climate, and quite honestly, I cannot wait to see all the lovely photos in the book :)

  225. Martha Bryan on

    I am an “Every Day Gardener” (tiny flower farmer) to maybe “Aspiring Rosarian” someday. I have a tiny flower farm with just a few roses (just four so far!). I would love to understand roses more and be able to add them to my bouquets for my little stand. Roses intimidate me, and the ones I have do not bloom a lot for me yet, so I think I am missing something! I am excited to get Felicia’s book!

  226. Kelly on

    I am likely considered a weekend warrior when it comes to experience with flower gardening. I have a Roald Dahl David Austin rose that arrived last summer and I love its apricot-orange color. This year I have a Claire Austin on the way because I love monochromatic bouquets. I enjoy adding herbs to my bouquets and something about aromatto basil will always make me think of flowers instead of food.

    Roses remind me of my grandmother and our family farm. Her favorite hymn was “Where the roses never fade”.

    The book would help me learn so much about how to grow roses, prune them, and hopefully have some tips for treating diseases. What an inspiration!

  227. Tiffie Lee on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian! I’ve been reading/watching some of the content from Felicia and am SO excited to buy my first bare root roses from her tomorrow to plant in my garden! My biggest struggle is getting started and I really appreciate how easy it is to follow Felicia’s advice and can’t wait to learn more from her!

  228. Michelle Jacobs on

    I am an Everyday Gardner although I don’t get to spend as much time as I would like tending to my roses. I love taking care of my roses, I think it fills a void once your children grow up and move away! I love having cut roses in my kitchen every day! I would love to win and would hope to learn more about handling diseases, loved reading your story!

  229. Laura yang on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian. I’d love to learn more about roses and how to grow them.

  230. Connie Hirschy on

    Some gardening every day during growing season.More blooms and longer stems.

  231. Alicia Ascencio on

    Thanks for sharing this great blog post! I have followed both Floret and Menageria on instagram for awhile now and find the pictures of all the flowers so peaceful and joyful to look at! I have loved learning more about flowers the past few years but still consider myself a weekend warrior. I wish I had more time to spend in my garden and have been dreaming about the different roses I can plant around my house. I currently only have one rose plant and would love to learn more about how to prune. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us all.

  232. Leora on

    Such a lovely article! I’m currently a weekend warriors with a dream to be a cut flower farmer (learning so much in the Floret workshop to help reach my goals!) I just purchased my first rose plant, the polka! Looking to gain advice how to care for the plant and hopefully purchase more roses! Dreaming of a trellis/arbor filled with climbing roses! :)

  233. Holly on

    I am a recent retiree and have moved from a very small property to a 5 acre site. Prior to moving, my husband and I put in as many flowering plants as we could given the small amount of space. Many of our plant choices were made to provide privacy since we were so close to our neighbors. During our first summer at our new property we put in 2 raised beds for vegetables. We also put in a small cutting garden. One of my dear friends sent me seeds she had saved to get me started including marigolds, cosmos and zinnias. We also planted 3 Bonica roses to make a country hedge. This year we are expanding our flowers and have a large area planned for roses.
    If I should win the rose package, I will gift one of them to my friend who helped to get me started with my flowers. I would also thoroughly enjoy the rose book, to learn more about caring for roses. I’ve really enjoyed learning from all of your articles and mini courses.

  234. Dayle Halverson on

    As newlyweds, my husband and I lived on the property of Anne (and Max) Belovich 1997-1998. That year I would come home from teaching, exhausted. Just looking out the window into the rose garden seemed to calm my nerves. I look back and sure wish I would have taken the time to learn from the master rosarian. Teaching, newly married and having a baby absorbed all my time, mental and emotional space. After that year, we moved to Ephrata (Eastern Washington) where we bought a house built in 1940 from the original owner. She had planted roses along the fence and these vintage roses did not disappoint! I loved those roses even though I didn’t know their names. I pride myself in keeping them alive even though I didn’t know what I was doing! Now living in another state, on the other end of parenting with two in college and one just about to graduate high school, I find myself drawn back to the garden. Last summer I planted a vegetable garden as well as a handful of flowers. This was my first attempt in 15 years and it felt like riding a bike and I picked up where I left off. I consider myself an everyday gardener. Last summer I would awake with the sun and head out to my garden in my pajamas and robe just to see who (flowers) were budding or blooming that day. I woke with excitement and longed to be in the garden all day, talking to my flowers and observing their growth. Even when we left on vacation for 10 days, I asked my neighbor to water and give me updates. My hope is that Growing Wonder will fertilize this new excitement and thrill of gardening that has been reawakened in me. I want to learn more about roses, how to nourish them, how to grow and keep them healthy in our Montana climate. I want to learn what I wish I would have learned from Anne Belovich. Approaching my 50th birthday in April, I want this pivot to lead me where I am meant to be; in the garden.

  235. Barbara Schafka on

    I am more then a weekend gardener and just short of a daily one. I am out among my flowers almost daily. I grew up with a mother who loved roses and passed that love on to me. She proudly showed me how to start roses and was so happy when they grew. I am interested in keeping the roses I have healthy and pest free and would like to see more varieties in my country garden.

  236. Susanna on

    Flowers have been a passion of mine since childhood, especially roses. In my mind I can see my mother and maternal grandmother walking around and admiring each other’s flowerbeds and commenting and sharing tips. They were especially sentimental with the plants that were passed down through the generations or given by friends. My paternal grandmother was also an avid gardener. I believe it’s in my DNA.

    Some years ago that I commented to my son that my preference would be a plant rather than cut flowers if he ever chose to give me some flowers. He has been sending a rose plant for my birthday from Heirloom roses since then, but I have not had the best success rate with roses. Nutrition in the soil and feeding are my greatest needs. We have plenty of sunshine here in Texas.

    I would be considered the Everyday Gardener and Aspiring Rosarian. A couple years ago we purchased a property with a 1 acre backyard. I have been working to upgrade it into a beautiful, quiet and peaceful atmosphere for us and for those we entertain with lots of plants and especially flowers. The empty lot on the other side of our fence would be a wonderful investment to expand my dreams of floral farming someday. Reading Erin’s rose stories has especially fueled the flames for me.

  237. Nita Gibbs on

    Before retiring in 2019 , I planted a back wall with white & deep maroon roses that I could see out my window. They were my happy place. I was often told when I cut them back a number of times a year that they would never grow back, that I was doing it all wrong. Each time they returned with more blooms that I loved sharing with my naysayers.
    I have moved into a retirement park and live next to a walking path. I wanted beautiful flowers to share with all the “walkers”. My family gave me 3 rose bushes & I bought 4 more. Neighbors often tell me they walk by just to see them. I’m a transplant from Texas so the yellow roses are front and center.
    The biggest gift from God was having a thick stem grow over 7 feet tall and open with 16 red roses the morning of our 62nd Anniversary! We set outside and shared our gift with everyone as they marveled at their beauty.
    I have even planted some miniature roses from Trader Joes among them and love how many little roses they have produced.
    I think it’s time to really cut them back but I’m so unsure about the right angle or how much and yellow leaves mean what. Love your information, it’s awesome help.
    I love learning more about roses and my hope is to share them with even more blooms. At 83, I want them to be my gift to this final neighborhood.

  238. LavandulaLady on

    I’m a ‘weekend warrior’ and have no roses in my yard at this point. That will change if I’m one of the winners, obviously. ;-)

  239. Karl D Dietrich on

    I have loved reading your rose blogs! I used to pick roses from my Great Aunts formal garden for my dates in high school. Now days I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener. My wife of nearly 30 years is allergic to almost everything, so flowers in the house are a no go. I have worked for years at improving a flower garden that she can watch from inside the house. My whole front yard is flowers and shrubs. She enjoys seeing the first crocus in the spring, through the final blooms of the hardy hibiscus and the change of color in the leaves come fall. As for my roses I mainly have some climbers espaliered at opposite property lines. There is a 50-year-old Peace rose that I have been able to baby along through the years. I was my mother’s favorite. I am looking forward to starting your seeds this spring with my granddaughters. Thank you for inspiring me to add more colors and variety to my viewing garden.

  240. Laura Kirste Campbell on

    I’ve gardened all my life but just recently bought my first rose (inspired by Erin’s article about Anne Belovich) so I put myself in the Everyday Gardener category. From Growing Wonder I hope to learn what it takes to become a rosarian. Thank you for another inspiring article!

  241. Drew Stegeman on

    I would consider myself an Aspiring Rosarian who, due to being a healthcare worker during the week, is also a Weekend Warrior. I already have around a dozen roses growing on my property and in my garden, but I am always thrilled by the opportunity to add more. I would like to learn more about how I could apply both Felicia’s variety selection and general tips and tricks to my current and future garden for the purpose of cutting. My biggest area of struggle is pest and disease management, especially as an organic grower.

  242. Joanna on

    I’m probably somewhere in between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener. In 2019 my partner and I bought a little house with a littler garden. There are three (what I think are) knockout roses as well as a a bunch of other perennials in that little garden, and I try to stick as many other flowers into the space around those perennials. I would love to learn about pest abatement and learn the best way to help the roses thrive. My biggest issue, not just with the roses has been insect pests. I spent the first two growing seasons picking sawfly larvae off the roses, and this last summer was a booming year for earwigs.

  243. Christine Hendrick on

    I’m an everyday gardener and have recently been expanding my rose collection. I’d like to learn more about how to better grow my roses for health and cut flowers.

  244. Monica Guerrant on

    I’d say I’m a weekend warrior turned everyday garden recently when Covid shut everything down, and I ended up at home with the kids full-time! Gardening was my stress relief even more than normal! My mom had a beautiful row of roses growing up, and I just loved those old roses! We recently moved into a house with a blank slate, and I’ve been excited to add garden roses, and looking to where I can add more! I’d love to learn how to best care for them, so they endure for the next generation!

  245. Linda on

    I love roses, have always been passionate about roses. You ask in Growing Floret, Episode 1, who was it that inspired a love of flowers. My grandmother inspired my love of roses (her name was Rose) and gardening in general. She had gardens all around the yard, front, back and sides. No matter where I lived, I have always had a garden and roses too. I currently have five roses in my backyard garden; they are all doing very well.

    I read through all of your rose story including Felicia’s story too. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story, it was most inspiring. I recently ordered an heirloom rose from the Heirloom Rose website, just waiting its arrival.

    Felicia’s story is incredible. Talk about obstacles along one’s path – wow! Again, another very inspiring story. I would love to read her book.

    If I was younger, I would definitely become a small flower farmer. I love being outdoors and I love gardening. I have two flower gardens in my backyard, one to the left of my greenhouse and one to the right.

    The garden to the left of my greenhouse is a memorial to my son, Kevin. He passed away, very unexpectedly, a little over a year ago. He used to sit on the garden bench out there, played with his dog Yeller. Yeller is our dog now.
    Kevin loved to garden with me. His favorite flower was the sunflower, the really tall ones. However, as much as we tried to grow them tall, the squirrels managed to wreck them.

    Last week we had to make a very difficult decision to put one of our cats down. Tipper was no ordinary cat, he had quite the personality. Tipper loved to hang out in that same garden, he often napped on the garden bench.
    I am making a sign with three pieces of left-over fence post that will say Tipper and Kevin’s garden with sunflowers painted in the background to place there in the garden. I plan to sprinkle some of their ashes in the garden as well.

    The garden to the right of my greenhouse is designated for the Sweet Peas, the Dalia patch, and the cosmos. The rose garden is also on this side. I plan to put a garden bench near this garden too.

    Gardening helps me deal with all the heartache.

  246. Barbara Struthers on

    Since I’m retired, I guess id call myself an everyday gardener. I didn’t have a lot of time when I was working so my landscaping was focused on easy care. And while I absolutely love roses they quickly fell into a state of disrepair in my yard. Reading Florets blog, ordering the books and seeds, I have a renewed passion to bring flowers to life in my landscaping. I’ve struggled with roses. Living in the Puget Sound area, black spot is a constant issue. Plus bugs. Boy to I have happy bugs. I’m looking forward to reading Growing Wonder and finding better ways to grow roses. It’s never to late to teach and old dog new tricks, right?

  247. Susan Bowder on

    I’m a just recently retired Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist who now has time to devote to my love of gardening, crafting, and creative home decor for sale using natural and found items in glass cloches and shadowboxes. I learned how to dry flowers and roses from my 94 year old ex-mother in law when I was a young mother. I could use some help with growing roses in Vancouver Washington to fight black spot, etc due to the wet climate. Rose gardens abound in the Pacific Northwest and I know it can be done! I just need your help🙏

  248. Becky Jarvis on

    Aspiring Rosarian- would love to have a lot of Roses to incorporate in my little cut flower farms, want to grow them all organically without any use of chemicals. I would love to have Felicias new book Growing Wonder to help me through some of the challenges of growing Roses.

  249. Lindsay on

    My goal is Aspiring Rosarian, but right now I’m more of a weekend warrior. I can’t wait until Felicia’s book comes out! I am looking forward to learning about the best roses that double as climbers and good cut flowers, as well as the best companion plants for roses. My ultimate goal for my garden is to be beautiful, fragrant, and able to supply some cut some flowers while maintaining plenty of blooms to enjoy in the landscape.

  250. Mary Pennington on

    I have seven & a half acres of rich Iowa soil. My husband & I bought the acreage 32 years ago. I retired during the height of the pandemic. My garden saved me. Was always a weekend warrior when working a demanding job. Fifteen years ago we planted 4 acres in wildflowers. So beautiful now. I’m drawn to roses, have planted more roses in the past 2 years than the previous 32. I’m so impressed with the younger ladies in my area that have developed flower farms, I support them by being a good customer!

  251. Pam Smedley on

    I’m an everyday gardner, who looks forward to holding Felcia’s book on rainy days or hot afternoons, when I am not out in my garden. I look forward to expanding my knowledge in care of roses, in my backyard, so that I can share bouquets with neighbors and friends.

  252. Danielle Gibbs on

    I am somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. I’ve got several expert dahlia growers in my neighborhood and am learning from them. But I have always loved roses. My biggest problem is deer! It’s sad but I think the only solution is putting a fence around my roses. It’s not very pretty but it saves the blooms from midnight snacking. I’d love to figure out a more elegant way to protect them.

  253. Kathy L. on

    Felicia is someone I admire greatly. How does she juggle so much? I loved hearing more of her rose journey here today — her personal family losses, her extensive research methods, and her willingness to live and grow close to the land. I hope to learn more from her book about growing roses generally and about the seasonal life cycle of roses, ie. when best to prune, when to harvest in our warm climate, and about those pesky aphids that insist on returning year after year to suck at the rose stems. Thanks for today’s feature of a wonderful person and a flower mentor.

  254. Jenny on

    I’m a weekend warrior that aspires to be an everyday gardener. My husband and I bought a house a couple of years ago. The previous owner, a wonderful 85 year old woman, had curated a stunning flower garden including several roses. While I’ve tried my best to do justice to her hard work, I know that I have a lot of room for improvement – especially on the rose front ;) I’m hoping to learn all I can from Felicia’s book – pruning, fertilizing and disease management to name a few – and would love to add a couple of new roses to the beauty!

  255. Katie Doherty on

    i guess I’d call myself an everyday gardener who aspires to have more roses. I only have a huge “bush” of a very pretty wild rose I transplanted from a 90 something year old neighbor’s yard. My struggle at the moment is Japanese beetles. I’ve tried nematodes and milky spore —- we’ll see how next year goes.

  256. Peggy on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior. Roses intimidate me. I’m hoping to have get some “hand-holding” and encouragement + some humor and real world experiences and what to expect from “Growing Wonder”. Plus, I’d love to be able to grow and share florist-worthy rose buds/blooms!

  257. Rebecca K Vannette on

    Definitely a weekend warrior as I work full-time off-farm, but this coming year my husband and I will be moving onto 23-acres and are looking to get into cut-flower sales as a new revenue stream. No one in my family grew roses, so I’m a sponge to soak up whatever knowledge Felicia has to share!

  258. Mrs. Smucker on

    Somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener, changing to everyday gardener this summer. I’m intent on having garden roses to offer with the rest of my cut flowers, but up until this point the garden roses I do have, have been decimated by pest and disease every single year. I’d like to learn that it is possible to raise roses organically in Pennsylvania!

  259. Lynn Galloway on

    Hello, I am a flower farmer who originally began growing flowers to sell at Farmer’s Market back in the 1980’s. There was little support back then for marketing techniques and growing tips. I greatly undercharged as we live in a rural and then very poor community. Though I loved flower farming, I decided I needed a “regular job” so I opted for Landscape Design and Installation, then later, I worked in Yosemite National Park as a Native seed and plant specialist. I returned full time to flower farming in 2019.
    The whole while I never stopped growing plants. Though I have learned a lot more about growing annuals and perennials, roses remain a challenge for me. Finding the right rose for our HOT climate is one stumbling block for me as is disease control. I feel like Felicia grows in a similar climate and that her experience and thus her book could really help jump start my poor rose growing techniques. I learned rose pruning a long time ago and I think she might have a fresher approach to pruning as well as organic practices for fertilizing.

    Even if I do not sell roses, I want to grow them for their beauty and their scent. My father always had a small rose garden and I I fell in love with them a long time ago. Seeing them always brings back that image of my dad enjoying his garden. Thank you for this series on Roses.

  260. Sand Davis on

    I would say both my husband and I are everyday gardeners. We recently built a house on several acres of land in Vermont. We have done perennial gardens in the past and want to turn much of this land into gardens. My husband has started a section for Christmas trees and one for grapes. I have a large perennial garden, a peony garden and I’d love to have a section for a rose garden. I am new to roses, they have always intimidated me. So I’d love to get Felicia’s book and a few of her bare root roses and dive in!

  261. Jackie on

    My lifelong gardening obsession also started as a young child while following my grandmother and mom around their gardens. Even while being a Mom taxi service and working a busy full time nursing schedule, I couldn’t help following my “everyday gardener” passion. Multiple clothing changes daily allowed me to dig, plant, mulch and weed, my own personal Zen time to decompress. Now retired, it seems gardening clothes are on All Day. But, I never had a rose garden outside of my wild multiflora roses sprawling over my 14 plus acres of Wild and Wonderful in West Virginia. It is time to plant a Rose Garden to complement my new cutting flower garden. Floret led me to this wonderful interview of Felicia who is inspiring me to take the plunge. I love the Mother of Pearl, Distant Drums and Elle Roses, but then again, what about Love Song and Tess D’ Uberville and Moonlight Romantica….oh my this is going to be hard. I also love the way you help and promote each other in the flower farming community. Kudos to you both!! My dreams are already turning to creating among my wild type gardens a little more formal Cutting Flower and Rose Garden, with a little help and inspiration from Erin and Felicia.
    Thank you,

  262. Stephanie on

    I’m in the midst of transitioning from Weekend Warrior to Everyday Gardener as I am now able to work from home and dedicate myself to my garden more full-time. My love of getting dirt under my fingernails started with vegetables but I quickly learned the importance of companion crops and began including calendula and nasturtium. Soon, the flowers were getting more attention as my appreciation for them grew. In my early twenties, I dated a British man and we visited his family outside of Oxford. There I met his grandfather, who won the village’s award for best roses year after year. I had never seen anything like them, and for the longest time thought roses that lush could only grow in England. I’ve begun dabbling with roses and reading the Floret flower series and now this wonderful interview makes me very hopeful that I might be able to grow roses just as beautiful someday.

  263. Susan Hayden on

    I really struggle with Japanese beetles! I try to be an organic gardener and protect the pollinators so I don’t use sprays. Your advice would be very appreciated

  264. Suzi Batdorff on

    Hi! I am a year two rose lover from the cold state of Michigan! I guess I never thought they would do so good here but last year I got 3 plants from Felicia and I was hooked! I love so many plants on our farm but I found myself just enamored by them… the scent was just amazing. I kept finding myself walking by them “by accident” all the time, haha! It was so nice to have my own fresh roses for event work, rather than depending solely on wholesale or the stress associated with shipping issues.
    Needless to say I am hooked! I am hoping to get some hints on varieties, what they need & love and how I can adapt growing to zone 5…. and of course bug and disease info. I am so excited for the book. Your story is one that feels close to my heart with loss loss. I love how we can keep the ones we love alive in the flowers we grow. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

  265. Mariah Wolff on

    I am a weekend warrior working to everyday gardener. I have been loving all the rose information and drooling over all the beautiful pictures. I am taking care of three rose plants that I inherited and want to learn as much information as possible so I can expand my garden.

  266. Ann on

    I love to garden and grew up on a farm but I am just starting to learn about roses. I planted 4 plants last summer and I am hungry to learn more! By biggest struggle so far has been finding roses that I love that can also survive our cold MN winters.

  267. Rita Guitron on

    I think I’m a tweener lol. Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardner. I live in the mountains in a redwood forest. I have a swath of space that gets sun and its nice and hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I try to get tons done on the weekend but try to get in the garden during the week even if it’s to make sure the dogs didn’t get into the beds and literally use it as a bed. I work full time and kids/grandkids have moved home and their dogs so it is chaotic, but my chaos is good chaos. I have several roses and really would like to add more and figure out how to prevent sooo much black spot and learn to take better care of them so there is less struggle for the plants. But despite the blemishes my babies still grow and are tough cookies. Can’t wait to pick up my copy of the book at the farm!

  268. Karen on

    An everyday gardener moving from a 7a growing zone to a 6b growing zone. Hoping to discover what roses I can successfully grow in my new home. I have a Honey Dijon and a Distant Drums from Menagerie Farms in my current garden and hope I can have them in my new garden.

  269. Kimberly on

    I love roses and am looking to add them at my new home. Thank you for sharing this information and the beautiful roses.

  270. Paulina Ng on

    I am everyday gardener who finally took the plunge into growing roses during the lockdown. So far I have only one successful DA rose and mostly hybrid roses and would love to learn more about their care.

  271. Sarah Orza on

    I am an everyday Gardner!
    I would love to learn more about pairing roses together- what goes with what! Also tips on seasonal pruning.

  272. Meg McGinnis on

    I love roses and they have always been a part of my life. My mom tended a rose garden as I do now. I love sharing bouquets with family, friends and church fellowship. I also used my roses and other flowers for our son’s wedding. I’m excited to read Growing Wonder for help in growing stronger healthier roses naturally. Loved the articles on roses. Thanks Erin.

  273. Teri Lucas on

    I would say I am an everyday gardener. The year I turned 55 (I’m 67 now) my husband fenced in part of our horse pasture and built me raised bed garden boxes because I was so frustrated with the deer eating my flowers. I have mostly grown berries, veggies and fruit but have always had and area of 5 roses and some flowers. I had a greenhouse but last year during a snowstorm a tree fell on it! Hopefully this year it will be replaced.The older I get, I seem to buy more flowers than veggies because they bring me such joy. I am most looking forward to information on growing roses in the sierras and how to get more blooms. Thank you for this lovely article and the gorgeous pictures!

  274. Michelle M Maas on

    My biggest challenge with roses is that every variety I have tried gets destroyed by Japanese beetles. Even with hand picking and pesticides I have not been able to control them so dug out all my roses.

  275. Twila J Smucker on

    I’m an everyday gardener. I think knowing what to do for disease is my biggest question with growing roses. Would love your book and another rose!

  276. Jeanne Durocher on

    I am somewhere between a “Weekend Warrior” and “Everyday Gardener” depending on the weather and my old bones! I used to grow roses in my 40’s but did not have the land. Now I am retired and just purchased an old farmhouse with just under 1 acre. Would love to add some roses to my dahlia and hydrangea collection. Hoping to get information from Felicia’s book on black spot and powdery mildew as well as proper soil conditions here in the humid South. Thanks for this generous giveaway!

  277. Carley on

    Weekend warrior wishing I had more time for my plant babies but lovingly taking care of my actual baby. He is almost six months old now. We just rescued 15 tea roses from a friend who was redoing her backyard. I would love to learn more on caring for them and growing my rose garden!

  278. Rachael Mikelionis on

    Weekend warrior here when it comes to roses! My great grandmother always grew beautiful roses and I am excited to try my hand at it. I’m hoping to learn more about dealing with pests and disease. My currents roses are pretty hardy and produce quite abundantly despite my novice skill at caring for them. Looking forward to all the great info in this book!

  279. Angie B on

    An inspiring rosarian for sure!!

  280. Karen Merritt on

    I would say that I was a Weekend Warrior transitioning to Everyday Gardener. I live in zone 7B in Georgia and have grown several David Austin roses with moderate success. I also grow Irises, tulips, dahlias, and lots of perennials. My biggest issues have been Black Spot and Japanese Beatles, as well as our red clay soil. My husband and I have been spent a lot of time and effort amending our soil and that has been beneficial. I am still struggling somewhat with insects and diseases. I am trying to use natural solutions to these issues as much as possible. I really look forward to Felecia’s new book to hopefully find some better answers to these ongoing problems. Thank you, Erin for sharing this great interview and for always adding to our gardening education!

  281. Sarah Brunner on

    I am so ready to graduate from “Everyday Gardener” to “Aspiring Rosarian”. Over the last 7 years I have been working full time to develop and grow our cut flower business on our family farm in Northern California. While I have put in my time and had great success, with all of the floral annuals, I am now ready to sink my roots deeper and fully embrace the world of perennials. Roses are my number one passion as they represent my English heritage and remind me of the many days spent with my grandmother and mother in their gorgeous rose gardens. I have recently joined the Menagerie Academy and I am really looking forward to learning all about growing roses from Felicia through that forum. It is also exciting that her farm is within driving distance from me and that I may be able to attend on of her workshops in person someday! I would truly appreciate one of the goodie boxes she has generously provided to add some of her plants to my garden and benefit from her book as a valuable resource as I dive deep on roses!
    Thank you for this opportunity and all that you share with us flower enthusiasts!

  282. Olivia M Mayoros on

    At the moment my micro-farm is oriented toward filling my community with beauty rather than sustaining the livelyhood of myself or any collaborators. Thus I’d say I fall somewhere between the Everyday Gardener and the Aspiring Rosarian. This means my questions are both very basic (how do I stager bloom time by my variety choices) yet extremely geeky (definitely got a shiver up my spine at the mention of soil tension!). My favourite resources right now are not so much step by step directions on how to grow a particular plant or enhance a particular soil type, but are stories of individuals and their own beloved gardens/farms. Each crop and each plot of land is different, so it’s not the skill that inspires me, but the passion. The lovers itch to keep trying roses when all have thusfar hated your soil, the relationship with the land on which you raised your children, the accidental success of self sown poppies, and the devestating sorrow of box blight. These are the stories that reveal the hearts of those who love growing things and these stir my own heart to plan, plant, work, and wonder.

  283. Elizabeth Sallee Bauer on

    Hi, I’m an aspiring roseaholic. I am building and planning a rose garden to start this spring to use in my cut flowers. My biggest hurdle is growing in zone 4, unfortunately I’m pretty limited with varieties. I believe I have an area with a zone 5 microclimate where I will be putting the garden. I’m currently trialing a Distant Drums to see if it survives. Here’s hoping!

  284. Rose H. on

    I’m a weekend warrior hoping to be an everyday gardener this year. I can’t wait to learn from this book how to help my roses thrive, not just survive!

  285. Chris Holt on

    I love roses it’s an addiction. Wanting to add more to my NW garden this year so this book would be great!

  286. Trish on

    Weekend Warrior…I can keep houseplants alive. Having retired from trucking a year ago, I now have time to devote to my vegetable and herb garden which is slowly expanding. Knowing the importance of flowers to pollinators, I am beginning to treck down that road. I have always loved roses but with a military background then into trucking, I have not been able to plant and care for them. That is changing now. I hope to learn more about them, purchase some roses, care for them, and watch them grow.
    Thank you, Erin, for sharing so much of your knowledge and love for what you do.

  287. Kasey Stott on

    I am in the middle of my first year growing cut flowers on our property in Central California that is mainly a citrus farm! I have always been intimidated by roses, but after following Felicia’s instagram account and stumbling across her promoting her new book, I took a leap of faith and bought 4 rose plants from our local nursery. I am now SO excited to learn and watch this year as those roses grow! It would be such a joy to add to my collection some of the beautiful roses from Felicia’s collection. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview to share from such an expert. Looking forward to diving into Growing Wonder however I can get my hands on a copy.

  288. Leah Puhlman on

    I only started growing roses in the past 3 years. I started with 2 David Austin Varieties, Roald Dahl and Bathsheba – I’m a sucker for the peachy/apricot tones. This year I have added another 6 varieties chosen for scent, color and repeat bloom. My challenge is figuring out how to place them in my Certified Backyard Habitat garden of mostly native plants. I want them to look good and blend into my existing garden, where most of my full sun area is devoted to vegetables and fruit production.

  289. Judi Martin on

    I lived in the Sacramento area for 12 years and never knew about Felicia’s farm! If I had, I would have wanted to visit, definitely. I recently moved out of California. Not only do I grow roses and other flowers, one of my daughters is named Felicia. 😊 I am an everyday gardener, but dream of someday opening a nursery to sell the varieties of roses and plants that do well for me. I would love to get a copy of Felicia’s new book, Growing Wonder!

  290. Veronique Samson on

    Supporting my daughter’s dream of becoming a flower artist, I started planting flowers she would provide, roses were among the first ones. In my younger days, this self taught gardener, thought growing flowers was frivolous and one should only grow food. Trial and errors taught me that flowers are necessary companions to vegetables. The tables have turned where i now want to grow flowers exclusively, roses among them, food for the soul.

  291. Nati on

    Everyday Gardener here. :) What a beautiful story!

    I have 4 roses. One is a single pink Rugosa from my grandfather, another is a semi-double yellow climber, another is a medium pink floribunda and last, but not least, “Therese Bugnet” Rugosa. I love them all for different reasons. The challenge I have is pest control; deer, rabbits, bugs I can’t identify. I have yet to see them in their full glory, growing vigorously and loaded with blooms. But every year I hope for the best, trying a new way to protect them and invigorate them.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

  292. Whitney on

    Weekend warrior. I recently moved to a new home that has minimal landscaping. I’ve spent the winter pondering and planning. I’m figured out a spot for a climbing rose (a tribute to my Grammy) and room for a few old fashion fragrant roses. The hard part (fun part) will be picking which ones will make the final cut.

  293. Hilary Law on

    I am an everyday gardener with limited light. I had a favorite peach colored rose from David Austin that did well in my area and it unfortunately got stepped on and broken – twice! I am ready this year to try roses again on my small urban plot – like a postage stamp with berry bushes, native shade garden, a large bed of edible greens, a tomato trellis and the front of the house filled with perennials – all in the middle of the city. I would love to add your roses and knowledge!

  294. toni murray on

    It’s always fascinating to me,
    the focus & passion of flower farmers.
    Experienced in growing market cut flowers &
    mixed garden borders, I’ve wanted to expand beyond
    the few heirloom roses included.
    The challenge for me is committing to garden plan!
    Color & design came easy for my 1880 mill house;
    struggling with extending that confidence in
    a more public space.

  295. Brooke Rice on

    As someone who varies between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener, I have found myself stunted by fear of my Georgia humidity and red clay. I have been fearful of spending money and time on roses just for them to succumb to disease. I am hoping that this book will help equip me to conquer my fears and enjoy beautiful roses in my landscape and to use in my floral work.

  296. Robin Forsythe on

    Everyday Gardener – I grew up surrounded by my mothers rose garden. It was beautiful and magical every summer to see the roses bloom. I now have my own home and a blank slate to bring those memories to bloom. She is no longer able to garden like she used to, but really enjoys seeing me transform my yard into a garden.
    Thanks for sharing your story, it’s so inspiring to hear of the risks you’ve taken both in starting your business and the pivot to keep it going thru these times.

  297. Michelle Scheier on

    What a lovely interview and heartwarming story. I am brand new to flower gardening, inspired to begin in 2022 to grow some of the flowers for my son’s wedding in the fall. I have always loved roses but shied away from growing them because of my limited knowledge. This book would be immensely helpful to me in adding roses to my new flower garden.

  298. Emma T. on

    Weekend warrior here hoping for the knowledge and inspiration to grow some roses in my garden! I don’t currently have any and I’m dying to grow some. My grandfather had the most amazing rose gardens and I’d love to bring some of those magical memories to my yard.

  299. Zola on

    I guess I’d be an aspiring rosarian…my topic of greatest need is cut flower longevity: varieties, harvest and post-harvest methods. Also, I live in the humid mid-Atlantic, so varieties need to have disease resistance. My greatest challenge is Japanese beetles and deer. Also, the marketing of roses…

  300. Nina on

    I am obsessed with roses and their beauty. I bought a house and I’m turning my front and backyard into a glorious garden filled with all my favorite flowers. I have a large section I am dedicating to roses.

  301. Matt Zilliox on

    Amazing article. Thats a lot of rose plants! I am ordering quite a few varieties to try this season from you. So excited!

  302. Holly on

    I am definitely an Aspiring Rosarian. I have many varieties, that I have gathered from friends and family. I love old roses especially, the fragrance is hard to beat. Pest control is always something that I am working on. This year I am underplanting with salvia to see if there is improvement. I look forward to reading what she does for her roses.

  303. Heather on

    I remember reading a bit about growing and caring for roses in my early 20s. I wanted to create a romantic garden for our new home. That bit of research actually turned me off to roses – they seemed so prissy and finicky and easily diseased. So I avoided them. … My mother in law used to have a small bed of roses in her front yard and they always looked ratty and leggy. …Yet another turn off in my mind.
    I have one bush of tea roses my (landscaper) husband brought home – someone else’s “get rid of”, and until this past year, I have never paid it much attention.
    Last year was my first year to grow cut flowers for myself – having worked with flowers since I was a little girl. Something inside of me awakened. Those “silly” tea roses lended a punch of color and texture that no other flower in the garden had, and they quickly began to win my respect. There is that certain something in a rose that cannot be denied – it is timeless to say the least. There is a romance in them.
    I look forward to researching 20 years later with new eyes and new perspective. From Weekend Warrior to Everyday Gardner … perhaps one day a Rosarian! whoo hoo

  304. Terie on

    Aspiring Rosarian – I am looking for new varieties to grow and a good way to manage many roses in a small space. So excited for Felecia’s book and as always appreciate everything Floret Farmer does for the rest of us ❤️💐💐

  305. Lindsey on

    Loved this interview. My brother (who lives in Oregon) and I (who live in CA) have been dorking out over the menagerie catalog for the past few weeks trying to narrow down what we each want! I am more along the lines of the everyday gardener, but as roses are supposed to be easy to grow…they haven’t been my best displays! It started with me somehow coming across Koko Loko and I HAD to have her, but sh hasn’t really bloomed much. I am hoping to learn how to successfully grow roses in pots, and also for soil amendment and irrigation tips. Next years goal is to turn my dad’s backyard into a proper rose garden for cutting, enjoying and bringing some beauty back into his life.

  306. Shannon O’Brien on

    I’m a complete novice but do have a hybrid tea currently and ordered a bunch of David Austin bare root roses that should be here soon. I’m very interested in learning about controlling disease and pests. My hybrid tea has had problems with black spots and aphids and I would love to hear how to better control those two. Thanks for the wonderful interview to read and the beautiful pictures. I love all the content on your blog and website.

  307. Karen Osier on

    I currently live in Florida and have such a hard time with roses. I am a weekend warrior and here aphids are terrible along with blackspot. I will be moving to West Virginia some time this year and the ladybugs swarm there so should take care of the aphids. I would love to grow roses with no chemical pesticides. Also learning how to use soil tension to guide irrigation sounds very interesting! I am looking forward to this book for sure.

  308. Kim on

    I am an aspiring Rosarian and have been collecting roses for about 12 years. Very much looking forward to Felicia’s new book & hopefully learning some tips on collecting & growing roses when you have limited space as so many of us have. Never enough roses! Thank you for this wonderful information filled article

  309. Julia Hess on

    Hello! Thank you for a wonderful interview. I would describe myself as somewhere between a weekend warrior gardener and an everyday gardener. I graduated from with master’s just as covid was ramping up in the US in 2020 and my job offer was rescinded. I was at a loss and felt like I had no purpose. I quickly began building a garden in the backyard of the home my soon to be husband purchased for us. I grew up always having a garden so it came somewhat naturally to me. My garden genuinely saved my life and because it is visible and close to our back street (corner lot), we have met and made so many friends while working in the garden. Now, one year into my full time job, I take a stroll through the garden every morning before work to center myself. My hope for adding roses this year is to create a beautiful fragrant border so that everyone passing by can see and smell the beauty of nature. My biggest area of struggle is getting the soil amended properly here in North Carolina where we have nearly solid red clay.

  310. Cathryn on

    I tended a beautiful little collection of roses at my childhood home in Eastern Washington, a very dry climate. I now live in Louisville, KY and am trying to figure out how to grow roses here in the humidity. I ordered my first three roses last year. The Peace rose I ordered, to remind me of my Grandma Sophie, came and it bloomed bright orange- not correct!! I will keep going with roses in spite of this disappointment!!

  311. Sharilyn on

    I am new to flower gardening starting last year with a variety of cut flowers which were all fantastic! I am now inspired to take on roses. It is perfect timing as we are redoing the front yard. This book will be perfect to help get me started and I live in the Sacramento valley as well! Thank you for the wonderful information and sharing your story. 😊

  312. Tove Austad on

    Thank you for great interview. I am starting my own cutflowergarden this spring, and roses are a big challenge that I hope to manage in due time.

  313. Debbie King on

    I am an everyday gardener. I once had about 25 rose bushes but I lost most of them due to our Michigan winters. I grow flowers for bunching at our farmers market. Would love to be able to add more roses for cutting. Don’t know how to keep roses disease and bug free naturally.

  314. Joy on

    We recently acquired some land and I’m already thinking of the many things I can grow there! What perfect timing for such a wonderful, helpful book to be released…so looking forward to it!!

  315. Debbie Wyatt on

    Oh my! After all that you have posted about roses I’m ready to take the plunge! I’m a cut flower grower so it’s definitely time. With her book I can make the right selection and learn how to care for them properly.

  316. Kate on

    Everyday Gardener. While time is always a factor, nothing brings me joy like the quiet of the gardens. My biggest rose struggle is getting their care “right”. Everyone has opinions (strong ones) and I’m always unsure of what to do. I end up suffering from information paralysis.

  317. Ellen on

    Weekend Warrior here! Roses have always been my favorite, but struggle with overwintering. Plant in Spring, but probably lose have my bushes each winter – hoping I can improve on this! Thanks for beautiful photos, brightened my winter morning.

  318. Marilyn Brinkley on

    Weekend warriors all the way! I need help with deciding where to best place the roses, and how to deal with pests.

  319. Cassie Boguth on

    Everyday gardener. I would like to learn more about soil structure and improving it. Such a great interview!

  320. Heather M. on

    At the moment I am a weekend warrior but this year is a year of monumental changes for our family as my husband and I become empty nesters. This is the year I am going to have time to take our little piece of land and begin to create my own micro flower farm. So what do I need to learn?Everything!

  321. Sabah Fakhoury on

    My experience level (Aspiring Rosarian) has been stunted by my dissapointment with the deer eating my roses. My biggest area of struggle when it comes to growing roses is a lack of secured fencing around my property that borders a woodland area. No matter where I plant my rose bushes, the deer find them. Deer repelant doesn’t work! I may have to build a wire cover for each plant.

  322. Laura Wentz on

    I am now an every day gardener. I’ve had roses before but between choosing the wrong planting location and our Polar Vortex a few years ago I was discouraged with how they grew (and then died). Last year I tried again with just a few bareroot ones and their blooms made me determined to keep on. I’d like to learn about propagation and more about the many kinds of roses that are out there.

    Erin, thank you for all that you share with us. You are such a generous and giving person!

  323. LC on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian… I purchased my first roses last spring from a local nursery, and I’m reading and learning more about the care for roses. I would be delighted to read this book and add to my rose collection.

  324. Joan on

    I recently retired and am now a full time, everyday gardener. I have over 100 roses and every year I am seduced into collecting yet more. I particularly love antique and heritage roses that are peony shaped. I used to do regular pilgrimages to the old cemetery in Sacramento to marvel at the historic rose collection before they were so severely cut back. I would like to learn more about amending my soil, fertilizing and pruning. I am self taught for over thirty years but would love to learn from others with more professional experience.

  325. Letitia Campbell on

    I am a Weekend Warrior who loves to watch flowers grow. I get so excited when I see new buds on branches and the first signs of stems growing out of the ground. I don’t have a flower farm or a very large space but I have toiled , turned, and cleans up two spaces in my front yard to start my own space of beauty, happiness, & peace! I always hope that my flowers will bring a smile to any passerby who happens to admire my floral garden in East San Jose, Ca.❤️
    It is my desire to learn how to cultivate the soil properly and grow roses that are free of disease and mites. For once I would like to cut fresh flowers from my garden and create a beautiful bouquets to share.

  326. Brittney on

    Everyday Gardener!

    I would love more tips on growing roses successfully in the dry hot desert where I live. But I’d also love to learn more about the technicalities and science of rose growing (I’m a science nerd at heart!) I struggle the most with adapting normal care instructions to my climate’s needs, but even if it takes me a couple tries I’ve been figuring it out variety-by-variety and can’t wait to do the same with roses!

  327. Sherry on

    Weekend warrior is my current style but soon enough it will be everyday Gardner. As I try to learn as much as I can of growing roses and flowers it’s hard to know what is right . I hope to learn what works in my county and share the Roses with family , friends, and all that enjoy flowers. The color and fragrance just lifts my spirits .

  328. Rachel Pruett on

    I just realized I didn’t fully answer the question asked.
    I would love to learn so much more about how to select the appropriate roses for my climate.
    How to select the most medicinal and fragrant varieties (I’m mostly interested in Old Roses
    How to care for my roses : pruning, watering, fertilizing, trellising, etc
    How to propagate roses successfully
    Landscaping with roses and companion planting

    Thank you

    ~ Rachel

  329. Ron Shaffer on

    2021 was our first year growing a few flowers. We will expand the number and variety of flowers that we grow this coming year. We are a certified organic farm in TN, and hope to add flowers to our mix of products. We are planning to add roses each of the next few years. Since I have no experience with roses, a book that covers all of the aspects of cut flower roses would be very helpful.

  330. Barbara Neu on

    I’m a cross between a Weekend Warrior and an Everyday Gardener. I have a beautiful single petaled rose that the deer love to eat that is thriving in my front yard. It’s a glorious simple rose that looks a bit like a dogwood in its simplicity. Beautifully white with a huge blush of gorgeous pink and profuse blooms- a big hit! I’m hoping to add to it with another exquisite beauty. Something yellow or peach. I’m hoping her book will show me how to prune.

  331. Ron Shaffer on

    2021 was our first year growing a few flowers – non of them were roses. We are planning to expand the flower portion of the farm, and adding roses each of the next few years. We are a certified organic market farm in TN and have decided to add flowers to our mix. I am new to roses and a book that covers all of the bases of growing roses would be a huge help.

  332. Rachel Pruett on

    Wow Erin, Thank you for this beautiful interview ! Thank you Felicia for sharing about your life and path to Roses ! I am truly inspired and excited to read your book.
    I am a beginner with Roses. This will be my 5th year Organic gardening medicinal plants, food & flowers. I have 2 wild roses and a handful of hybrids. I live in Northern California as well and am SO excited to see Felicia (you) are a neighbor! I’m going to try and make it to your big rose sale on the 20th.

    I just ordered about 10 roses from David Austin a few weeks ago. I am trying to contain my excitement and concentrate on getting sites prepared. The last few days, my mother in Law has let me practice propagating, pruning and fertilizing her favorite roses. I have 35 cuttings in the greenhouse as of today ! I’m so thankful for her trust and for the experience. I’m all in and dream about one day earning the title “Rotarian”

    As an herbalist and budding natural perfumer, it’s my dream to one day make rose based healing offerings to share with the world. I’d also love to hold special events & workshops on our 40 acre property & farm. Our hurting world desperately needs Rose medicine.

    Thank you Erin & Felicia for this opportunity
    God bless you ladies

    ~ Rachel

  333. Ramona Anderson on

    1/2 weekend warrior 1/2 everyday
    My brother bought me an Abraham Darby when I Planted my first garden. And those beautiful roses made me fall in love with cut flowers. Now i am always scheming about ways to squeeze in new roses. I am excited to read this book.

  334. JoAnn Martin on

    The “Everyday Gardener” here is hoping to develop into the “Aspiring Rosarian”, soon! I love to shop for roses for our floral shop customers and I want to add some new colors to my personal rose garden, and ultimately to my designs. If I could get started I could begin to find the varieties and colors that would sell best. I know what those should look like and I would love to connect with this cut rose supplier as an ongoing source. I bet this book is marvelous, I bet this book will illustrate what I am missing, and I bet it will inspire a whole new avenue for us here in this valley. There is nothing quite like a quality rose to raise the emotions of the soul.

  335. Wendy Chase on

    Until a couple of years ago I was an everyday gardener, but work and life have gotten so busy I stopped planting a garden and just have my perennial flower beds and a few potted plants on the deck in the summer. My biggest challenge with growing roses is the climate where I live. I have half a dozen Hansas and Therese Bugnets that get squashed by heavy snows in the winter or ‘pruned’ by the moose. I’d love to know how to help them grow into the big shrubs I’ve seen. Poor things look pretty sad every spring. I’d like to learn how to keep other varieties in containers that I could bring indoors in the winter.

  336. Christina Eddie on

    I am between a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener. I have been growing roses casually for about 20 years but recently have been inspired to grow more varieties and really expand my knowledge of roses. This is where “Growing Wonder” will help me. I would love to glean every ounce of information from the book to create a multi variety rose garden. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge and skill with the world!

  337. Roseman Creek Ranch on

    I think I’m an everyday gardener. Cause it’s all I want to do. We bought bare land in forested north coast 15 years ago. Cleared areas of brushy trees and shrubs, opening up about five acres of sandy marine terrace. I made up my mind to not grow any roses there. Roses had occupied my mind and I grew bare own root roses for five years. Also had planted and tended 5,000 roses for five years. But this time I was just going to grow veggies and fruit in my homestead gardens. My my rose partner had a few rooted cuttings left over in her yard and brought Mme. Alfred Carriere and a double white Lady Banks rose to me. After trying to resist and as my gardens got bigger, I ran around and found cuttings again of all my old favorite roses. Adding in more David Austin’s each year too. They bring me so much joy. I’m so happy to read all these wonderful stories of roses on the Floret Blog. Thank you !

  338. Sarah Carlson on

    Weekend warrior. I can’t wait to read this book to hear more about propagation and pest control. I was never into roses until my local nursery started carrying DAs. Now I’m hooked and hungry for more guidance!

  339. Emily on

    I’m somewhere in between a Weekend Warrior and an Everyday Gardener… except when it comes to roses, I’m a total newbie who has caught the rose bug and am obsessed, devouring every piece of info I can get my hands on. I am jumping right in and planning a rose garden in our new home. With some orders already on their way and plans to get more (how can you pick just a few?!), I would love all the wisdom and knowledge Felicia has to offer! Thank you, Erin, for being such an inspiration and for your passion to share beautiful flowers!

  340. Carrie Ahola on

    For now I am a Weekend Warrior, completely redesigning the “yard” that the sellers had just let go over time, transitioning one day into an Aspiring Rosarian. Roses are fascinating and it’s amazing just how many kinds there are! While my love for gardening is still on the more recent side, I find myself researching constantly on where to plant what and how best to do it so you have the highest chance of success, especially being newer. Thank you so much for sharing what you know and bringing others together along with you! I can’t tell you how much seeing your story and journey has drastically changed my life.

  341. Vanessa on

    Every (other) day gardener. I’ve got a busy two-year old and an equally busy border collie! Last year was my first foray into gardening (cut flowers, berries and veggies) with my toddler. We have some tea roses on the property and they are stunning. Looking forward to learning more about how to tend to them properly, and seeing my kiddo’s face light up when he gets to sniff them in bloom <3

  342. Nina Hawkins on

    I love you passion and how you follow your heart and found your love for nature. I’m a weekend warrior and want to become a better gardener. Five years ago I started to grow my own vegetables and starting to add more flowers to my garden. . My grandmother had a beautiful garden and I growing flowers brings me the best memories of my childhood. I struggle with roses. I have a collection of them (some that I’m trying to replicate my grandmothers garden). However, it’s been trial and error. Some years they are doing great and other years I think I killed them. It’s difficult to find a book that gives guidance -the to do and not to do- so. Erin has giving me hope to keep going with her overall guidance (finding the love for good soil) and hoping to do the same with your book. I’m excited to read your book and hoping I will be able to take care of my roses better. I’m planning to buy a few more this season and see if can do better. My favorite that I have now are “white majesty” “Tiffany” and “moonshine” and “eden”
    Thank you for giving me hope!!!!

  343. Helen on

    Roses have always been my first love because of their beauties, colors, and fragrances. I have dreamed one day I can have my own rose garden where I can go to daily and take care of it so the garden can become a place for me to share with other people to enjoy. My first attempt of having my own rose garden was when I moved to Boston and owning my first home. I planted about 10 rose bushes around my backyard and spending a lot of time with them. The roses gave me much enjoyment and rewards and so was for my neighbors and friends. As time goes, my family grows and time for my roses became less and less. Then the Gypsies moth arrived and hung around for 4 years. My roses as well as other flowering trees and shrubs were slowly destroyed. Ten years ago, I was introduced to the David Austin’s roses by my son. Under his encouragement and support, my second attempt to have my rose garden slowly started again for I am much older now. Unfortunately, five years ago, the Gypsies moth came back again and the roses were not spared. I was so devastated and I gave up. These past couple years I have the pleasure to follow Floretflowers.com and your recent A Rose Story really inspire me so much that I am thinking may be I should try again for a rose garden. May be with more knowledge after reading the Growing Wonder, I’ll have a greater chance of success of achieving my life long dream of having a rose garden at the farm to enjoy and to share with others. I really don’t know what level of growing knowledge I have except that I enjoy growing all kinds of plants, especially flowers, tremendously. With roses, my biggest challenge are black spots and the Gypsies moth. Thank you Erin so much for all your postings and stories. I have enjoyed and learned a lot from them. Your hard work and sharing are deeply appreciated.

  344. Victoria Cattarin on

    Thank you for sharing Felicia’s inspiring story! I would consider myself an aspiring everyday gardener. We bought our new property one year ago and I am slowly cultivating it and dreaming about planting a rose garden. I have learned so much from all your posts, thank you! I look forward to better reading Felicias book to better understand the nuances of developing a healthy rose cutting garden.

  345. Erika Dyer on

    I would call myself an aspiring Rosarian. People say you can’t do orchids and roses, but must pick one. I hope to prove that saying wrong. I need to learn more about disease control and soil conditions to be better at growing roses. I can control my greenhouse orchids a little easier, but the roses must go outside. I am so looking forward to seeing this upcoming publication next month.

  346. Amy Van Guilder Dik on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. I just adore growing and tending my roses and I am eager to learn more. I also love taking photos of the beautiful blooms. My biggest struggle is watering… and Japanese beetles… also finding more space in my garden to tuck in another rose! Felicia’s book sounds like a must-have for rose growers.

  347. Emily Rose Rosing on

    Aspiring Rosarian 🌿 I hope to learn more about the long term tending, tips & tricks to growing roses to incorporate into floral design. As a florist & a flower farmer, being able to grow flowers & buy unique, inspiring flowers from other local flower farms to incorporate into designs has been, hands down my favorite part about designing flowers.
    Sustainably growing & sourcing flowers locally, especially roses is not always easy. We live in Colorado and the climate can be a challenge for farming. Ive struggled with japanese beetles, hail storms & overly thorny rose stems that is not easy to design with.
    I hope to become a more knowledgeable steward of roses of all kinds & can’t wait to learn more.

  348. Dana on

    I would like to become a weekend warrior. While we have plenty of wild rosebushes that include beautiful pink flowers with five single petals, I would like something that blooms perhaps a little later, a little longer, and is a bit showier. Our box stores typically sell only roses that don’t make it over winter here without a garage or a cellar. Might have to do some research and order some tough roses that might actually survive here. (and the book would be handy for general rose care.)

  349. Elaine Carter on

    At almost 70 years old, I am expanding my love for gardening. I would love to know more about growing roses. I suppose I would call myself an aspiring rosarian.

  350. Jenny Hogan on

    I am not even sure I can be called a weekend warrior yet. I have fallen in love with flowers over the past few years- thank you team Floret- but had yet to get the rose bug. After Erin’s most recent rose posts and perusing Felicia’s beautiful website, I now see why people love them. I am so excited to dive right in and have perennial plants that can produce beautiful cut flowers. I dream of growing and selling cut flowers, inspired by the famous quote, “beauty will save the world “. I look forward to reading Felicia’s book to get these beauties growing to enjoy and share with others! Thank you both for sharing this goodness with the world!

  351. Gin Yang on

    I’m hoping to work my way up to Weekend Warrior level in my newer adventure of cultivating roses. Am looking forward to technical and sensory guidance from Felicia’s book for a balanced and peaceful garden. Both Erin and Felicia are so inspirational in focus, energy and sharing!

  352. Shannon DeHart on

    An every day Gardner / Flower Farmer .
    I would love to learn more about roses so I can start adding them into our flower farm. 🌺🌿

  353. Kelli on

    My husband and I just bought our first house, and I am so excited to make the garden of my dreams here, including a small cut-flower business with my kids so they can sell something other than lemonade when they want to make a buck (and learn a ton along the way!). I think I’ll be an everyday gardener with aspirations of becoming an expert.

  354. Xiyun on

    Weekend warrior, although I would garden everyday if I could. It’s my third season growing roses and I wish I chose my roses more carefully the first season! Now I have a Heritage rose that I can’t bear to take out but gets pummeled with rust every year.

    I would like to know how best to fertilize my roses. I mostly just haphazardly throw a fistful of organic fertilizer whenever I remember. I love both of your Instagrams!

  355. Mike A on

    I am an every day gardener who has caught the flower farm bug. Roses always seemed so intimidating, however if there is recipe fir success in the book I will try it. Looking forward for the release.

  356. Eugene Meyer on

    Every day gardener. Love reading everything about roses. I always learn something.

  357. Carrie Hibner on

    Somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. Still so much to learn! I started roses last year and absolutely adore them. I’d love to learn more tips and tricks from an experienced rosarian to help my roses flourish! ♥️🌹🤞🏻

  358. Denise on

    Every day gardener here in wintery Colorado. Aphids seem to love my roses as much as I do 😢 I just keep buying ladybugs that seem to like the Aphids as much as I like the ladybugs !

  359. Sheena Nash on

    Definitely an “Aspiring Rosarian”. This year I’m transitioning a large section of my initial cut flower garden in to a rose garden! I’m sooo excited for this book! Thank you for sharing!

  360. Sherri Y on

    I’m a weekend warrior working towards being an everyday gardener. I’m fairly new to growing roses and finding them so rewarding, so I want to increase my experience and learn all I can. Learning about disease prevention & control is a must.

  361. Xiuxian on

    Rose didn’t really get my attention until last May – I moved into a new place with a few roses plants left from the previous owner. They gave me a handful of beautiful blooms but then began struggling. The first thing I did was to buy a plant pruning & training book online and tried my best to learn all the know-how all over the internet. Luckily this is a sharing community and I got to pick up some advice. The result is far from successful, yet the plant definitely recovered from the rim of death… I gained some confidence. I fell in love with rose. I even started designing my backyard a rose garden this winter. I couldn’t imagine the unexpected burden has opened a new world to me. In this new year I would love to know more about how to keep healthy rose plants, soil, smart water schedule, pruning, and even train for a wonderful rose wall!
    From a California landscape designer who is also a weekend warrior in the backyard :-)

  362. Lisa Edelhuber on

    I would absolutely LOVE to be considered an Aspiring Rosarian & I now have the perfect spot picked out at our new flower farm to start! Our few rose plants have never done well since our existing yard has too many massive pine trees & not enough sunlight. Hopefully when we move to our farm, this dream can be lived out. Felicia’s book would benefit me tremendously on this rose journey!♥️

  363. Allison Oberg on

    I think I’m a hybrid. I’m more than a weekend warrior but not quite the everyday gardener. Learning more than “full sun” or “part shade” is so enriching. I love learning – both by reading and practicing. My first rose choices have looked great in the garden, but not so much in a vase. I’d love to learn about cutting roses and how best they can grow – especially in my high desert climate.

  364. Madison on

    I am a (newer) weekend warrior! I bought my very first bare root from Felicia last year! I cannot express my excitement each time it got a bloom last year. I have yet to accumulate my own property with land where I could garden and I could expand my collection of cut flowers, which is my ultimate goal! I am contemplating what roses to buy to plant on either side of an arch trellis, in pots, so that I can selfishly take it with me wherever I move!! I adore the blushes always. However the apricot color I think is my all time favorite. I love working with Honey Dijon for weddings-but I think I will save that one for my future cut garden! Thank you for the beautiful professional insight! I think the hardest part of gardening roses, for me, is fertilizing. I never seem to get the timing right and I feel sometimes roses have performed better with none. Shortly after I fertilized after Labor Day last year, my plant got very sick with pests so I wondered if that was because I asked it to take on too much at once with pruning, fertilizing & the summer heat. Would love to hear thoughts on if this was just bad timing or I should have done things differently!

  365. Mandy E on

    Everyday Gardener! I have become increasingly obsessed with gardening over the past decade. My obsession with roses started 3 years ago and really took off during the pandemic. In 3 years I went from 0 to 15 roses in my fairly small Chicago yard space. I tore up the parkway and made it into a garden to fit more in! I would love to know more about everything related to roses- from soil content to irrigation. I also love science so I can’t wait to geek out on that too. I’m also fascinated by your journey and all you have accomplished. A true inspiration! Looking forward to the read!

  366. Julie Prull on

    I am an everyday gardener that hopes to become an Aspiring Rosarian someday! I love playing out in my garden around my house. I have always loved roses but am only beginning to learn about how exciting they are and understand the different types (shrub, tree, climbing… ). I would love to learn how to make my roses produce more blooms and how to properly care for them during the off season and blooming season. The book seems like a wonderful read and the pictures of the roses are just beautiful, congratulations!

  367. Deanna on

    I am an every day gardener! I am hoping to learn about selecting the best roses varieties for my zone and garden conditions. I’m slowly trying to turn my yard into a magical cottage garden. Unfortunately the deer like my flowers as much as I do. I can’t wait to read this book!

  368. Sarah Lacko on

    I love this so much! I was lucky enough to be gifted a partial scholarship to Florets workshop in 2021. We dipped our toes in the water through Etsy selling seeds we harvested as a way to give back to the community- flowers and seeds. Our farm is in NorCal and Felicia’s farm isn’t too far from us. Her roses now grace our front fence and the goal is to fill all the corners of our farm with different t varieties of roses as well as bring back to life some of the older varieties we have found on the farm that we are bringing back to life. We officially launched our new seed and flower shop after rewatching floret videos and watching Felicia’s farm tours and gobbling up all the books!

    The partnerships you all gift the world to get front row seats to wonderful education is such a treat, so inspiring and quite an achievement. Keep sharing and growing the community- it inspires the rest of us to give back too.

  369. Debbie on

    I’m an everyday gardener with a lot of desire to learn all I can and a passion for flowers. I have started with a few roses, but sure have a lot to learn. They aren’t thriving at this point and I’m gathering all the information I can to get them to that place. I won’t give up!! I’m excited about this new book and really look forward to having it in hand. Congratulations on the completion of such a big undertaking and thank you for being an encouragement to eager learners!

  370. Christy Wolfe on

    I am an absolute weekend warrior and first time rose gardener, with this being my first season. It was the two of you that lit my fire and I’m excited to do something with the sunny space on the side of house. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance this far!

  371. Angel on

    I am an inspiring rosarian. I have recently acquired 6 acres of land from a family member who decided that they would not be using the property. The property was overgrown but over the last year we have been mulching, chopping trees and working to cultivate the land into a working homestead. I would love to add a cut flower garden and include roses for the pollinators and beauty of the property. Thanks for this opportunity to learn more about roses and growing some well researched cut flower roses.

  372. Alexandra Causey on

    Roses are an endearment of life, we start with complications that are baron stocks , waiting the freedom of spring to once again be reminded of our beauty and resilience to bloom again even under the hardest of conditions. To me roses are a ture love that reminds me of my Mom when I was young. She was a ture “rosatarian” and her ability to grow the most delicate blossom was awe inspiring. I am starting my rose journey as an everyday Gardner whom is seeking the love of what my Mom’s roses brought to me for many many years of my childhood. I will never be as accomplished as my Mom was at growing roses but with lots of determination and love I hope to be able to understand the special touch of growing such beautiful and awe inspiring blooms.

  373. Yesenia on

    I am a weekend warrior. I grew up with my mom growing the most gorgeous roses. Before my parents moved from my childhood home, I was determined to dig them up, bring them to my own house, & continue to grow these beautiful roses. I would like to learn how to keep these roses healthy and be able to learn how to cut them & make floral arrangements for my home.

  374. Erin E Stewart on

    Definitely in the “aspiring” category. But my grandma has always had beautiful roses so I ordered some this year to start growing in honor of her! And I’m very nervous about it haha! We have some old roses that were here when we bought the house and they are disease ridden and overgrown and just a mess in general. So I’d love to learn how to prevent that. Annuals are so much less intimidating for some reason haha.

  375. kayla on

    i’m an every day gardener, but i have zero experience growing roses! i’ve got some bare roots coming soon, more for landscaping than anything else, and im considering it to be a practice run for when i hopefully have my own flower farm. i’ve been really enjoying learning about roses in the past week or so, but i know it’s barely even scratching the surface. i’d love to learn more about the subject – nothing specific, since i know so little to begin with, but it’s always overwhelming to start learning about something new and i love how books make you go slow and learn things one page at a time :)

  376. Kimy Gomez on

    I’m an everyday gardener ever since I moved in to my first home during COVID. I’ve been lucky to be able to work from home, so I can spend my breaks enjoying my hard work. There wasn’t much of a garden or plants when I moved in, so I’ve had the opportunity to start fresh. I have a small vegetable garden, and have grown tulips, peonies and a few annuals. This year my goal was to add 2 sets of roses into the garden, Crocus Rose and Desdemona. I’m fascinated with David Austin Roses after visiting The Garden in Heather Farms in Walnut Creek, CA. I’m hoping to learn how to help my roses thrive from Felicia’s book. As it helps me with the start of my rose collection.

  377. Jacquie on

    Everyday gardener, my rose story is not a very romantic one: we moved onto the farm and into the small farmhouse my husband grew up in 25 yrs ago this fall, my mother in law had a rather wild and out of control and yet beautiful yellow rose bush growing along the south facing wall of her house & I thought I should be rid of it and put in something much more maneageble and tidy… so I finished it off with roundup, now I have a cement pad there 😔, I have had the privilege living beside this gracious lady for 32 years and we together over the years have done a lot of fun gardening , up until the age of 82 mom did most of her own gardening but at 87 although we still have her living beside us with caregivers she cannot do any of her own gardening and some days does not remember that she ever did any. We maintain her yard for her and I plant flowers to fill her containers so she can still enjoy them, my goal this summer is to give her a small rose garden again,& although I know I cannot receive the book or roses from your entry ( we live in Canada), I have used your references for roses and will put in my preorder for your book! Thankyou for such advice and beautiful pictures that she will enjoy looking at ❤️

  378. Liz on

    Everyday Gardner here! I love roses and am trying to create a lush rose garden to dedicate to my mom. I want color, scent, and roses that are easy to grow in the Pacific Northwest.

  379. Cathy Berger on

    A Weekend Warrior who dreams of being a successful flower farmer but still needs the 9 to 5 income ! I love roses and so does my husband, we have several David Austin roses and would love to learn more about varieties that do well in our zone 4 gardens. I am looking forward to your book. Thank you so much for sharing!

  380. Iris Siu on

    I consider myself as a everyday gardener, grow some vegetables, perennials, and peonies, and only have couple roses which are lovely in the landscape, but really aren’t suitable in the vase. I really would like to add some cutting roses to my garden, so many beautiful roses it’s hard to narrow down the choices. Love reading about your passion and thank you for sharing your knowledge .

  381. Susanne O. on

    Just to walk through a rose garden like that would be SO amazing! Since I’ve grown a garden and had a couple of rose bushes for years, I guess I would be considered an Everyday Gardener but I never feel like I know enough. I have had a desire for an actual rose garden for years! I have a couple of old fashioned bushes, a large yellow bush that blooms once for about 2 weeks with an amazing fragrance, and a rugosa that hasn’t done well in it’s current location. I would love to dedicate a specific part of my yard just to roses – mostly old fashioned ones with an amazing classic rose fragrance. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  382. Margaret on

    I think I am a bit of all three types! with work schedule- weekend warrior is reality of time available. Everyday Gardener is me in the longer days of summer when time in the garden is the best way to be after a work day. And Aspiring Rosarian- I LOVE all the roses I have, the ones I cared for at the house we had growing up, and now am the shepherd of my grandmother’s 1940’s roses we had moved when a contractor was about to rip them out redoing the sweet old house. They survived the move, and now figuring out what they are! This year to add and stretch what I have and old roses are the goal – adding to the David Austin’s I’ve already had a few years. Thank you to both Erin and Felicia for leading the way! And – as in Sacramento – Looking forward to visiting Menagerie in person…..THANK YOU!

  383. Pam on

    Everyday gardener dreaming of becoming an aspiring rosarian. I have always loved roses but only have had scrub roses growing in the forest. I learned so much in Erin’s four-part series … just makes me want to learn more! Thank you Erin and Felicia!

  384. Estella Ho on

    I’m an everyday gardener. I had one great season with a while row of new roses planted in my front yard, but then lost almost all these babies to gophers. I want a thorough education in roses because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and all that. I dearly wished I had protected their roots and I would love to win some new roses!

  385. Cindi Colin on

    I’ve been gardening for many years and trying new things keeps me learning. I have many dahlias but want to plant more roses. I just purchased my first rose to plant in my mothers memory. She loved roses. I hope to read Felica’s new book as soon as it’s available. Dealing with insect pressure is my biggest problem. But I will keep trying and learning all I can. Thank you Erin for all of your wonderful books, I have them all!

  386. Samantha Brooks on

    I am an Everyday Gardener! After years of trying, I finally got my hands on four Evelyn bushes and from Felicia’s book, I would love to learn how to take the very best care of them!

  387. Leah on

    I guess my experience level would be a weekend warrior. I would love to learn from Felicia’s book how to get my roses to look like hers- healthy and with big beautiful blooms.

  388. Jaime Lee on

    Hello, I would consider myself an Everyday Gardner although a new one as I only started gardening 3 years ago. I would love to learn more about roses in general, they are the one thing lacking in my garden due to intimidation and inexperience.

  389. Jess Little on

    I am an everyday gardener. I don’t have much experience with roses yet, keyword yet. I have been researching them for a few months now, learning what I can during the cold months here in Michigan. I hope to learn more about soil conditions for them and how to protect them from pests/disease. I want to keep them as healthy as possible for the best cut flowers.

  390. Judy Hayne on

    I love roses and have been growing them for about 30 years. I have a few of the ones you noted. My favorites are Piaget and Just Joey, she is not a very good grower but I love the color.

  391. Katie on

    We have a new property, so I’m putting in blooming perennials anywhere I can tuck them. My biggest challenge? Finding cut roses that will survive a true zone 4 without a whole lot of babying! (I looove many David Austin varieties, but it seems like most forums I read say those rated for a “zone 4” will really only survive to a zone 5.)

  392. Jess R on

    I’m a weekend warrior. I have roses that bloom and look great and then they drop their leaves and look sad the rest of summer. I need some rose help!

  393. Pam Fowler on

    Total weekend warrior with dreams of becoming an Aspiring rosarian 🌹 I struggle with pruning for the longest stems, organically getting rid of pests and grouping roses together that compliment each other! This winter has been jammed packed with studying, learning and would be thrilled to learn from Felicia too 🤍

  394. Janice Warren on

    Weekend Warrior fo sure. Ijust moved to a different state and roses love it here, I am just starting to plant them in my garden. I need all he help I can get to be successful

  395. Stacia on

    I’m a weekend warrior most weekends. My grandpa had a love affair for roses which my mom has taken on as her passion.. I grew up with hot summers and cold winters where the roses my mom and I trimmed and grew did amazing! I now live in a cold, foggy beach climate that rarely gets hot or frost. The few roses I have planted have either quickly developed mold or rust and just don’t thrive. My struggle is how to get beautiful roses with the foggy weather. Thanks!

  396. Rhonda on

    Everyday Gardner. Over the last few years I have experimented with numerous different flowers. I do not have much experience with roses though. But last year I planted a few plants. I have always thought it a dreamy idea of having a rose garden and I am hoping to make that a reality. But with no knowing very much about how to take care of roses I am looking forward to “Growing Wonder”.

  397. Melissa K on

    I’m an Everyday Gardner who just officially started my flower farming business and I want to learn any and everything about growing roses because I would love to incorporate them into arrangements!

  398. Carolyn on

    Everyday Gardner. I’m afraid of growing roses. I have one that I inherited with my home that is amazing and ones I’ve bought or were given that I need help with. Help

  399. Sharon on

    Long time Gardner turned Everyday gardener embarking on her second year! I just can’t get enough!! Was really hoping to add roses last year but decided they would wait for second year. I have thoroughly enjoyed your rose series Erin and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect! As I am just beginning rose gardening, I have so much to learn… so a rose box from Menagerie would just be a dream!

  400. Judyann Morgan on

    My husband and I downsized into a condo following a fall that left me in a wheelchair with traumatic brain injury. As I healed, the two condo small balconies grew great Erin sweet peas, but I wanted more. I dreamed of making “one more garden”. We found a perfect place in Steilacoom. Our garden will be one year old in May. I realize I need more roses, and your interview with Felicia was a great leaping off point. I will be ordering roses from Felicia as I have ordered from Erin for years. I don’t sell flowers, I celebrate my garden. My grandchildren now love being in the garden with me. When my grandchildren go with me to a wonderful, knowledgeable local family-owned nursery (Gardensphere in North End Tacoma), they each get to pick one plant to find a new home at our garden. Gannon, my six year old grandson selected dinosaur food (translation artichoke) plant last time we went and Sydney selected a pink hibiscus. I want to thank Erin for being my inspiration to plant the garden I will love and share.

  401. Susan Shaw on

    Lovely to learn more about growing happy roses! Loved roses since my grandmother gave us Pennie’s for all the beetles we knocked into soapy water so very many years ago! (Over 50!)The colors, the perfume, the silken soft petals against my face… What a lovely gift!

  402. Jane on

    I’m an every day gardener, when it comes to roses.
    I’d like to learn more about the soils and fertilizer that roses thrive in. I have a few roses that have done well, but others that haven’t. I’d like to learn how to be more successful growing them!

  403. Laura W on

    Everyday gardener (as much as my two little girls allow). I am starting a rose garden this year and I am intimidated by all of the options and methods. I look forward to learning about these in Felicia’s book. My biggest area of struggle is dealing with pests organically. Thanks!

  404. Cathey Jo Schuster on

    Beautiful, last year I started my rose garden. I look forward to your book. I don’t think we can ever have to many roses.

  405. Alison Webb on

    Everyday Gardener. I haven’t had much luck with roses since my first house 40 years ago. I would love to try again.

  406. Katie on

    Every day gardener. I think my biggest challenge might be that I need zone 4 but I love love one’s that aren’t that cold hardy…

  407. Yeeve on

    I’m new to gardening and aspire to be an everyday gardener. As a beginner, I would love to receive the guidance I need to more confidently begin growing roses.

    I help connect people to their flower spirit guides, and rose is my mother’s special guide. I would love to plant a rose garden for her to commune with these flowers more deeply.

    (My parents always had a rose bush or two in their garden when I was growing up, but I’d love to grow a full rose garden for them now).

  408. Debbie on

    I guess I’m an Everyday Gardener. I used to sell cut flower bouquets at the farmers market but rarely used roses in the bouquets. However, I have probably killed more roses than many people ever even tried – :) – probably from neglect and also probably not having the right rose for the right spot. I’m a sucker for David Austin roses but unfortunately don’t have a climate similar to England! I have taken a long break from them (except for a few hardy survivors in my garden) but I have recently thought about trying roses again, (just purchased a Julia Child this past fall, my first rose purchase in over ten years) and would love to learn more about not only growing them, but selecting the right roses that will thrive in my area and my garden. Plus who doesn’t want a book full of pictures of beautiful roses? :)

  409. Laurie Davis on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior who sells bouquets to my neighborhood to help pay for my expensive garden habit. I’m making the leap to add in a few roses this year.

  410. Todd Newman on

    Aspiring Rosarian with my wife! We are just starting 4 4×8 cut flower garden plots in our yard to take a run at growing flowers in the North Georgia clay and climate (of course with some good compost soil). We’ve grown a few roses here or there in a bed or pot but really want to learn how grow sustainable roses to cut. Out struggle is getting it right and reading about Felicia’s six-step method of passing a rose for sharing and selling was impressive and encouraging. We want to first experiment growing and share the roses with widows and shut-ins at our church and community. Then expand to sell some to local markets and a few flower shops near by.
    Looking forward to reading Felicia’s book and taking a run growing roses in our cut garden.

  411. Amanda on

    Aspiring rosarian! I’m hoping to learn how to get them to THRIVE. I have cared for several in the past and they never got big and bushy and loaded with blooms at all. Thank you for doing this!

  412. Almetra Weaver on

    Weekend Warrior, aspiring to be an Everyday gardener! I purchased my first three roses ever from Menagerie and had to drive them all the way home with me to FL. I am inspired by Felicia and enjoy learning from her. I struggle with black spot in Florida’s intense heat and humidity and nearly lost all the foliage from all three of my roses but with perseverance they have come back strong! I look forward to her book to learn all I can from Felicia’s success.

  413. Tiffany Charles on

    Aspiring Rosarian! I’m currently growing annuals and have added a few roses to my garden to experiment with as cut flowers. I have zero experience with roses so any knowledge I could gain would help so much. I’m in zone 8b Florida and my roses still haven’t died back. So I have no idea when the proper pruning time would be. Send help! Lol

  414. Lita on

    Inspiring! I share many of the favorite roses- and swoon over photos of roses in anticipation of the coming season!! I follow menagerie on IG and love the photos and Q&A :)

  415. Beth Snively on

    They are all so lovely! I am an everyday gardener who has never had any luck with growing roses. I look at all the photos and dream of being able to grow and share them someday!

  416. Emily on

    Everyday Gardner! How to successfully grow Roses!

  417. Joyce Sherman on

    Weekend warrior. I love roses and would like to learn how to keep them healthy for a longer period as mine seem to die after a couple of years. The shrub type roses are my best survivors but the David Austin types are my favorites for beauty and scent.

  418. Michelle P on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener! This year my friend is letting me use some of her land to grow even more cut flowers. I’ve never grown roses before, but they are her favorite. I would love to learn about the nuances of growing roses so I can grow some just for her as a thank you! She is helping me spread even more joy through flowers by giving me land and I know it would mean the world to her if I grew roses as well.

  419. Ramya Kailas on

    Aspiring Rosarian . My husband and I both love roses but whenever we have planted them we have had the plants affected by diseases. I am hoping to learn to take care of them better and be able to enjoy them.

  420. Marcia on

    Everyday gardener! I would love to get started on growing roses-the one plant I have not tackled yet. Reading this interview and learning about her book and gardening experience have convinced me it is time to start and I am looking forward to her book for great ideas.

  421. Donna Young on

    Weekend Warrior although I aim to spend time in my gardens every day after work! I grew up in Texas. My parents had 5 acres beside my grandparents 5 acres. Together we had a huge veggie garden! My mom let me plant flowers wherever I wanted! I grew a lot of roses, gladiolus, cocks comb,etc. I have always loved gardening and now am adding so many new things to my own garden including more Roses! I look forward to reading your book to learn more how to grow them correctly

  422. Kim on

    Currently I am a Weekend Warrior because my garden is so small, but I have great aspirations and do lots of planning and dreaming when I’m on the tractor!

  423. Carol Coulson on

    Weekend warrior. I love roses but have not been very successful. I look forward to learning more about them from an expert.

  424. Sara on

    Congratulations on your first book, Felicia! I am at the beginning of my flower farming career and never really gave a second thought to growing roses for production until reading your 4 part rose series, Erin. I had no idea how diverse and drop dead gorgeous roses are! When I think of a rose I still think of the ugly grocery store ones since I’ve never really seen any in person aside from the ‘Knock Out’ varieties. With that, I want to learn EVERYTHING. How do you harvest roses? How do you strip the thorns? What are the best planting practices? How do you properly feed and care for them? What varieties do best with moderate neglect since I practice modified dry-farming? So many questions, I can’t wait to dig into this whole new world of roses!

    Also, I love having the book set up to instruct The Weekend Warrior, The Everyday Gardener, and the Aspiring Rosarian. That kind of “pick your own adventure” so to speak sounds incredibly helpful and fun. I imagine I’ll fall into the first two categories, and maybe farther down the road into the last one. We shall see though!

  425. Abby B. on

    I am a beginning rose grower, but life long rose lover. Hoping to learn how to grow roses successfully/which roses to choose for our hot hot hot Nebraska summers! These articles have been enthralling – so looking forward to reading Felicia’s new book!

  426. Melinda Rathmell on

    LOVE ROSES!!! 🌹
    Thank you Erin and Felicia for your Q and A!!
    Love learning about new women flower farmers! New to me, anyway.😆
    I am an everyday gardener on my 100 year old craftsman bungalow piece of property in So Cal. I have started a small plot for cut flowers this year and have always grown roses!! I have about 40 roses.

    My problem with roses, is that I don’t have anymore room for more!!🤣 I can’t wait to read about the tools you love and seeing your property and hearing of all your knowledge!

    I am looking at my next door neighbors side yard, that is adjacent to my driveway, and am thinking I might ask them if I can plant roses there! 😂😂

  427. Monica Bailey on

    Aspiring Rosarian!! I have never actually grown roses but I am so excited to this year! There are so many beautiful ones I didn’t realize! I can wait to see the beautiful bloom. I am excited to learn all I can about roses!

  428. Gina D'Apolito on

    I am an every day gardener who dreams of growing roses but I feel defeated every single season by the insects ( Japanese beetles) and the deer. This year I have a plan to protect from the deer but the beetles and Ohio humidity are still my nemesis! I remember my grandmother had beautiful roses and she would start a cutting under a glass canning jar in her garden and dunk the beetles in kerosene but I think there are other ways to succeed! Congratulations on your book I have followed your farm on Instagram and wish you the best –
    ps. thanks Erin for giving us an avenue to learn about all the amazing ‘scientific flower farmers” in the world it is eye-opening and inspiring

  429. Jennifer Guidry on

    I can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book. I’m an everyday gardener. Have raised roses for 30 years or so. Have always had Austin roses. Love all the different types of roses, but those are my favs. Have grown hybrid perpetuas, noisettes, damask, gallicas, polyanthas, and hybrid teas. My biggest problem here in zone 9 is black spot. If this book has new ways to combat this, it would be a blessing! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  430. Tara Davidson on

    Weekend warrior!I am hoping to try my luck again with these beauties. I live in GA and struggle with black spot on roses! I have sprayed and sprayed but it is awful! Hoping her book will give me some new ideas! I would love placing some roses with my zinnias from Floret! 😊

  431. Jenna on

    Weekend warrior, hopefully everyday gardener this year. We just moved to a farm and I am carving out a spot for a flower garden. I, like Felicia thrive on research and am trying to get my hands on as many resources as possible. I am in Texas, actually Chambersville is my go to nursery, I love walking through their magnificent rose displays and am so inspired to take this info from Felicia and see what I can do. Thanks for this series Erin, it has been captivating.

  432. Mindy Northrop on

    Aspiring rosarian, dreaming of a formal rose garden.
    I’d be thrilled to get lost in daydreams inside the pages of her book.

  433. Liana on

    Weekend warrior. I would love to be an every day gardener, but I am still working on finding a way to accomplish that goal. I added roses for the first time to my garden last year. I have always been told how temperamental roses are to care for, so I avoided them; however, I can no longer avoid roses! I honestly didn’t know cabbage roses existed. Crazy I know, but again, I avoided roses at the nurseries. I figured any plant as temperamental as roses would take too much time which I have very little time to spare. Hence the weekend warrior. One day I inadvertently saw a cabbage rose in an acquaintance’s garden, and I fell in love!!! I have added 5 roses to my garden, but my inexperience is showing. I look forward to ordering a copy of the book because my roses and I need help!

  434. Betsy Morgan on

    I am a weekend warrior who has just started gardening so I’m pretty confident that I will learn something on every page of this book! Technical information on soil will be particularly helpful. Thank you!

  435. Kim on

    Every day gardener. Roses are just starting to catch my eye. They have always intimidated me, but I think I am ready to dive in!

  436. Ruth Crownhart on

    When it comes to roses, I am definitely a weekend warrior at best-I have one pathetic little rose that grew last summer despite my neglect. The deer pressure at out home is incredible so, unfortunately, I’ll most likely not have roses lining my walkway.

  437. Lisa Coleman on

    We started a Lavender Farm in 2014 that we are now living at fulltime. I want to expand to cut flowers including roses. I figure if you want to be successful you learn from the people who are successful. I bought your books, A Year in Flowers and Cut Flower Garden, recently. I love roses and they look beautiful with Lavender. There is a huge difference between growing roses in the garden and growing roses for production. I can use all the help I can get. I know deer love roses so hopefully will get some tips and tricks for keeping them out. (P.S. My birthday is January 25th. This would make an awesome birthday present! ;-))

  438. Gretchen Robinson on

    Hello; I am an everyday gardener and growing flowers, herbs, and vegetables is my most life-giving hobby. I live in the Puget Sound area, and I stopped growing roses years ago because I did not want to spray for black spot. Erin’s and Felicia’s rose stories are enchanting snd so inspiring! They make me want to give roses a try again!

  439. Andrea Winters on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. Originally from the Pacific Northwest where I could stick anything in the ground and it would grow, to north Texas where it honestly can be a challenge! We have purchased 2 acres and are building our dream home and gardens, as empty nesters and planning retirement, I want to grow roses, lavender and cutting flowers to eventually sell to farmers markets and local florists. We’ll have herb and veggie gardens as well. I need all the education I can get! I have all of Erin’s books, and look forward to Felicia’s book as well!

  440. Sam at Fairview Farm and Flowers on

    I grow roses for my wholesale clients here in New Jersey. We get a lovely June flush but the heat and humidity make the second flush pretty lack luster. I’d love to know more about getting things here tuned up better for a real strong second showing. Looking forward to reading the new book!

  441. Gabriela on

    I’m an everyday gardener, but this will only be my second year with my roses – I have so much to learn. I’d love to read all about growing a cut rose flower garden.

  442. dana waite on

    I am very passionate about scent and colour in my very humble cut garden. Roses just send me into ecstasy. I would love to have Felicia’s upcoming book.

  443. Lynn on

    I’ve always had a love for flowers since I was a young child ( thanks to my mom) and have passionately shared my love of gardening flowers with my 5 children! One of my daughters has caught the rose bug and has sparked my love for roses. I have a few in my gardens that need some TLC and I’m positive the new book will help me grow wonders! Looking forward to its release!

  444. Hart Loftis on

    I’d say I’m an everyday gardener!:) I’m hoping to learn what varieties of roses are great for cut flower arrangements (it seems the current roses I’m working with just fall apart in the vase..but I can’t find a single popular cut rose in bush form!).

  445. Jacquelyn on

    Everyday gardener 😊 I would love to learn how to grow roses! I have one rose bush and every summer every single leaf on it gets eaten by some pest. I haven’t added any other roses because I just figured they would get eaten as well. The rose bush always comes back to life but I would love to learn how to care for them! I loved reading the interview!

  446. Melissa Georgieff Champany on

    Gardening has been a part of my life since my childhood. I’m a combo of weekend warrior and daily yard wander/grower. Felicias book would give me the key to my heart…and help me overcome spots and mold!! I love roses and have moved so many from house to house. Now, that I’m in my forever home, I can’t wait to fill it up!

  447. Alison Pugh on

    Thank you for passing along such beautiful information and resources—you are an inspiration! I am an everyday gardener who loves to deepen my knowledge and understanding of every plant I grow. Roses are special to me because they were my mom’s favorite flower. She installed a rose garden in every house we lived in while I was growing up, and there were many (talk about a curvey journey!). Our homes were often different, but they all smelled of roses, and that smell is home for me.

  448. Amy Claborn on

    I’m a weekend warrior but new to the rose game! I love learning about the different varieties and can’t wait to put some in the ground!

  449. Catherine Palivos on

    Everyday gardener wanting to recreate the memory of a beautiful small front garden I remember seeing in England overflowing in roses.

  450. Camille on

    So excited for this book! I am an everyday gardener who finally added roses to the garden last year, and can’t wait to learn more about them.

  451. Becky C. on

    I have never had much interest or the patience to grow roses even though I enjoy their beauty and fragrances.
    Felicia’s lovely book , however, has intrigued me enough that I would love to explore the world of roses and the joy of adding them to my garden. Also, congratulations to Felicia with her new book. How exciting!

  452. Teresa Dirks on

    Hi I am everyday gardener. I grow cut flowers for my own use and also family and friends
    I have a small collection of Rose’s and I always looking for ways to care for my roses. I love old garden roses and plan on adding some more climbing roses to our farm. Thank you for the rose knowledge . I have really enjoyed reading the article. I want to add Growing wonder my garden library.

  453. Patricia Barberry on

    Hello! As a grower of cut flowers, I just had to incorporate roses as I find them to be breathtakingly beautiful. I’ve cautiously, yet somewhat successfully have added roses to my garden for the past 3 years. My dream is to have a wonderful selection for my customers/ brides, and to have a well established selection in time to semi-retire from my current job. To learn from Felicia would be great! A dream of mine is to create something magical for my grandchildren to have and reminisce about as adults. I also want to share with anyone who loves flowers and appreciates the unique beauty that is the rose. Thank you to both Erin and Felicia for this opportunity . 🌹

  454. Yolanda Gonzalez on

    Weekend warrior. I don’t have much time to spend on my garden, between full time job and kids, I would really like to learn to garden more efficiently. I would really like to learn how to prunne and feed my roses. It is so regarding to admire my garden after a long day. Thanks!

  455. Jessica Missel on

    I am a Weekend Warrior at home and responsible for some public landscape maintenance at work. I have three David Austen climbing roses that were splurge 3 years ago when I was still renting. I would love to learn how to cut roses properly, without taking too much from the plant.

  456. Carissa on

    Everyday gardener here – honestly I’d like to learn how to grow roses that thrive. I don’t think I’ve ever knew that you could grown roses in zone 4b. If I had the right kind of rose that was well suited to our conditions and had the right resource I’m excited to see what I could grow.

  457. Andrea Beshuk on

    I think i consider myself an everyday gardener. As a new empty nester in a new home i am just delving in more deeply to different flowers varieties and so excited to be planning a cutting garden this year. I have often struggled getting my roses to simply thrive, and think I would like to understand a little more about organic methods of disease and pest prevention but I love roses so much, they’re worth the struggle!!

  458. Mary Dunn on

    I would love to be an Aspiring Rosarian, but time constraints make me an Everyday Gardener. who, while caring for my 100 year old Father, I become most times a Weekend Warrior. I have loved and lost many roses through the years. I live in Missouri where humidity and high temperatures in summer wreak havoc on my plants. I love learning, reading and researching better growing practices to help me increase my chances for healthy beautiful roses I can share. My two daughters roll their eyes when someone asks me about my flowers and beg “please don’t get her started!” I am extremely excited about Felicia’s new book and learning from her experienced and extensive knowledge base!

  459. Tina on

    Loved reading this and timing is everything. I am actually at the beginning stages of adding roses to the cut garden and our landscape. Felicia’s book would very much come in handy in helping me get started on the right path. I am an everyday gardener which could very easily be turned into an aspiring rosarian. 😊

  460. Maryellen Ellis on

    I’m so inspired!! I’m a weekend warrior, trying to learn all I can about cut flowers and now roses. I love putting bouquets together and giving them away. It would be awesome to add some beautiful roses to the mix. Can’t wait to get this new book, thank you Erin for introducing Felicia and her roses to us.

  461. Arlene Pepin-McConnell on

    Weekend Warrior and the others to follow… work a full time job but gradually expanding the boundaries to territories unknown! Like a sponge: absorbing it all to hopefully be able to do all that our heart’s desires and health allows 🌸❣️

  462. Sarah Wright on

    I absolutely love the roses stories Erin. These interviews are so touching and inspiring.. I have finally gave myself green permission to just run with my gardening dreams and let my passions come to life.. Since reading Ann’s journey I have started my own plans for a true roses garden addition…
    I have my eyes on a few beautys Felicia has to offer as well.. So excited for her book..
    Thank you both for this beautiful interview ❤

  463. Britany Lundberg on

    Though I daydream about my garden and my garden projects daily, I am a weekend warrior. My partner and I have just purchased a home in the Sacramento Valley. The yard is a blank slate (overgrown in some areas or simply covered with bark or cobbles in others). I plan to fill it with flowers, food, habitat. There are so many things I think I could learn from Felicia’s book, but I will start with selecting species, soil prep, and planting.

    Thank you for the beautiful interview and blog post!

  464. Liz Sanders on

    My mother an avid gardening and I developed a love of roses from her. Last summer my young girls and I opened a farm stand at the end of our road and I am on the hunt for more lovely flowers to grow for our family and friends to enjoy!

  465. Sue Rodgers on

    The coronavirus shutdown and subsequent closure of the company I had worked for for 20 years and a fall for my aging mom led me to move back to my childhood home on 2+ acres in MA. I dug up and redesigned several perennial gardens, built raised beds and seriously considered a cut flower business. I’m still not sure about the end goal but meanwhile reading all I can and buying more plants/bulbs/seeds than any non gardener could understand, adding gardens as I go.

  466. Cynthia Peacock on

    Hello! I am a beginning flower gardener (just recently ordered and received some floret flower seeds!!) I have common roses around my home, but really want to have a rose section in my flower garden. I love “old world” and unique roses. We have just started offering our farm as a simple wedding venue this past year. I would love to cultivate a cut flower garden, for our community, to enjoy a “pick your own” option along with beautiful photography options, and bouquets for brides and special occasions. I am also an educator so my dream for the future is to offer field trip days for students to experience a “real life” flower farm, and to offer classes for young and old.
    I love to read, and soak up as much knowledge as I can. I know the “Growing Wonder” book would be a valuable help in learning how to plant, care for, and share a variety of stunning roses! Thank you!!

  467. Heather Henry on

    Hi! Loving all of the Rose knowledge. Thank you, Erin, for this awesome discussion. I am an Everyday (mostly) Gardner AND an Aspiring Rosarian if that’s possible! I have long been passionate about Roses and as an avid gardener of flowers and herbs I am learning about growing Roses in the damp warm climate of Florida. It’s happening… slowly. I’d love to learn more from Felicia’s new book about growing in warm climates and how to amend soil if needed. I do struggle with our damp soil. Still the Roses I have are determined! I am looking forward to reading Growing Wonder! And I’d be very grateful to be a recipient of Felicia’s bare root Roses if it so happens. Thanks for offering these gifts. Cheers!

  468. Alison Schoales on

    I am a budding cut flower grower in zone 5b who wants to focus on flowers with glorious fragrance, hardiness, and powdery mildew resistance. A book like Felicia’s, jammed with the knowledge and experience she has, would be an important addition to my library and definitely up my growing game!

  469. Lori Cloud on

    I would consider myself an Everyday Gardener and a Aspiring Rosarian 😁. I love flowers, plants and trees and have an uncanny memory for sponging up information about them! I too, had to drop my life to care for mom with Alzheimer’s- 3 1/2 yrs. I so related to Felecia’s story, and loved her shared story. This year I am purchasing some new roses for a rose garden on my new property on the Rogue River. I am aspiring to sell them along with other items I grow. I want to really present top notch rose ! I would treasure having her Felecia’s book and knowledge.


    I am a weekend warrior that have ordered from David Austin. I would love to learn more about how to keep these very beautiful plants looking good season after season. I keep getting very thick canes that dry up. I know it’s the not knowing and in no way the plants. Love getting to know all the special rose growers.

  471. Jodie Morrison on

    Thank you for inspiring me Felicia and Erin! I am a very small flower farmer. I am going to add roses to my never ending quest for happiness.

  472. Katie Stutts-Shiver on

    I am an everyday gardener. It is my happy place and my gardens are ever expanding! I’ve always loved roses. This old house that we bought was surrounded with them. Some were diseased, some were undesirable but there was one that I knew I could never part with. When we renovated the back patio and garden area, it was the one roses that I transplanted and moved into what is now my rose patch. I added 5 new rose varieties last year and have 8 more coming this year. I am totally hooked. I would love to learn more about organic disease and pest management, pruning and propagating new roses from cuttings.

  473. Sarah Murray on

    From a Weekend Warrior to a full time farmer! This is my first year flower farming on a larger scale and I can’t wait for my roses to bloom! The first flower I ever grew, was a climbing rose bush. A college graduation present from my mother after playing under her bushes on our family arbor for 21 years. I can’t wait for this amazing hook to learn about protecting roses and tips/tricks to getting the most beautiful blooms. Thank you both! 🌹☺️

  474. Jayne on

    Hello! I am a weekend warrior who aspires to be a Rosarian! I started with 8 bareroots last year in containers and hope to expand this year.. concerns/questions around transferring the container roses to their permanent locations (when/how) without disrupting bloom season!

  475. Leah Adair on

    I’m a weekend warrior gardener who looks forward to spending more time beautifying my yard and garden. I honestly used to turn my nose up to roses because of aphids. I’m looking forward to reading her book and finding the perfect climbing rose for my zone and location. :)

  476. Toni Albers on

    I’m so inspired by your interview here and have always been eager to learn more about tending my roses. I have some family heirloom roses that I love and want to learn to care for them better so that I can hand them down to my children and grandchildren. So excited to read Felicia’s book. I am a weekend warrior with my flower garden, everyday gardener with my vegetables.

  477. Stephanie Eberle on

    I am a beginner although I’ve had roses in my garden for the past 3 years all still alive thank goodness. This past year I’ve noticed a couple developing a disease of some sort I think. So I’ve been doing a ton of research and I’m so excited about Felicia’s book. I’m hoping this resource will help me identify and prevent any problems I may have with my roses this upcoming year.:-)

  478. Cheryl Halsey on

    I have started a DA rose collection, along with some other tried and true varieties. I would love to add a few more! Looking forward to reading your book, as I contemplate my own rose business venture. Thank you, Erin and Felicia, for sharing your dreams and knowledge.

  479. Chris Moore on

    Thanks to the gifts of retirement, I am an Everyday Gardener. And I’m fining when you garden every day, there is less to do! Imagine that! My biggest struugle with toses is the cursed black spot. It’s such a heartbreaking disappointment. Love the interview.

  480. Gloria Sizemore on

    I’d say I’m a weekend warrior, I tried going roses before and the Japanese beetles took over and I quit. I don’t want to give up, I want to try again.

  481. Rachel W on

    Weekend warrior whose biggest struggle with roses is when to stop buying new ones! My husband has rolled his eyes at me more than once.

  482. Caprice Teske on

    I’m definitely a Weekend Warrior – Flowers have always made me happy, but the pandemic made me realize how much I enjoy cutting and creating arrangements from my backyears. I appreciate how “Growing Wonder” is presented to speak to a wide audience of flower lovers.

  483. Michelle Dealy on

    I’m definitely an Aspiring Rosarian who also lives in the high dessert with hot dry days and cold winters. Lots of challenges when growing roses. I’m excited to read Felicia’s new book and hoping to learn more to help grow my rose garden and actually be successful! Excited for the challenge.

  484. Isabella on

    I’m an “Everyday Gardener” gal:) I have dreams of being a flower farmer and aspiring rosarian but that’s all they are right now, just dreams. Since I don’t have the opportunity to be those right now I’m just a hoarder of knowledge, learning as much as I can for someday. I would love the opportunity to learn all things described above about Felicia’s new book, selecting varieties, growing roses successfully, and gaining the knowledge and confidence to grow my own beautiful garden roses someday:)

  485. Krystal Fairbrother on

    Hi! I’m a flower farmer and an aspiring Rosarian! Being a black flower farmer in the south is definitely not a common profession around here, haha, however I’m reaching out to the internet to find as many sources as I can to continue to grow my farm and love of flowers. Through Menagerie’s book, I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of how to grow and take care of roses, especially roses in this humid southern heat.

  486. Amy on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener who has a few roses but am interested in learning how better to incorporate them into our perennial beds as well as the best ways to overwinter them here in Cleveland where the temperatures can get into the single digits during the winter.

  487. Paula Olivares on

    I am in everyday Gardener and I never get more joy than when I get a small order that I can just lose really walk to my garden and gather for and put it together. Or on the rare days when I have no orders to fill and I can just make something special for ourselves! The love of roses came from my grandmother Rose who I and my 10 month old daughter I’m named after. I am mostly looking forward it to learning the best ways to cultivate Roses by what to add to this soil and pest control and best Harvest and post-harvest techniques. Thank you so much for sharing us and for taking the time to share it!

  488. Ellen on

    Oh what an amazing giveaway!! I have to say that I am only a weekend warrior when it comes to gardening; but i would LOVE to learn how to select roses(my daughter’s favorite) for my garden!

  489. Kelsey on

    As a nurse, I am only available to dedicate certain days of the week to my love of flowers, so I guess that makes me a weekend warrior who dreams of becoming an everyday gardener! I enjoy researching and absorbing all the information available and can’t wait to add “Growing Wonder” to the top of the list. Looking forward to learning more about growing roses in containers as well as rose varieties that work best for my climate. I just love the simple joy that growing flowers brings into not only my life but to the lives of others as well!

  490. Debbie Piper on

    Hello, I’m a Weekend Warrior because of work but love David Austin Roses in Blush, peach/copper and orange to yellow colors. In our previous home I had several roses…not David Austin’s that grew well in our Portland, Oregon damp, mild climate. The only problem I had was black spot. The damp is hard to combat for me so am wanting to learn more about how to prevent/cure this and other diseases/insects. moved in 2021 to another area of Portland to a home with over 40 different rose bushes! Yeah, I know this doesn’t sound like a lot to you but to me it was huge! Sadly, many of the bushes were over 40 years old and were diseased. I had to remove them. Now, I’m very excited to landscape our yard and include several of my favorite David Austin roses…with some education under my belt. Thanks for the opportunity to learn!

  491. Nancy abreu on

    I have been adding to my rose garden and yard for the past 4 years. Most of my roses are David Austin roses. I hope to sell my flowers locally at some point. I would love to add some of her best roses to my collection and read her book. there is so much to learn and would love to learn her secrets . Thank you Floret for all you share with us.

  492. Candy Horton on

    A beginner who has dreams of creating a beautiful peaceful place to enjoy my life and family. I am hoping to learn how to grow roses in my garden.

  493. Ivonne Fitzsimmons on

    I am an everyday gardener and have tried growing roses with limited success. I would love a copy of Felicia’s book. My mom’s name is Felicita so I know how unique that name is. I would like to improve my gardening skills to honor my dad who recently passed away. He was truly gifted with a green thumb, there was nothing he couldn’t grew from veggies to roses. . Me however, not so much. I hope to continue to improve my skills each year.

  494. Susan on

    Thanks for providing this interview, what an amazing journey. Wow, I really admire the thought and care taken to cycle new roses into the farm. 5 years of careful planning and tending, bravo! I would love to be a rosarian, but the finicky reputation of roses has kept me away. But no longer! Those English roses look too dreamy not to try them in my garden!

  495. Gabi on

    Weekend Worrier! I am a beginner, so much of the information will be new and informative to me. I would love to learn to properly prune and train my climbers. Right now my biggest struggle is affording all the roses I want. To be fair, I want a lot. Thanks!

  496. ann reichert on

    I am a weekend warrior who spends most days in my garden. Koko Loco and French Lace are probably my favorites of the 40 roses I am growing. I moved houses because I had outgrown my last garden. Can’t wait to read this book.

  497. Jeanette on

    I am a weekend warrior who loves roses. I was so sad that when we moved cross country last year I had to leave my roses behind. No other flowers in my yard brought me such happiness through their beauty!

  498. MARJORIE on

    I am an everyday gardener, with warrior tendencies on weekends and my favorite staycation activity, and a budding rosarian! I read everything “flowers” I can get my hands on, and would love to add Felicia’s book to my collection.

  499. Gwen on

    I have not tried Rose’s yet, but would love to try them. Floret got me hooked on dahlias and so why not try roses too.

  500. Lisa on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian and I am obsessed with David Austin roses and Bicolor roses.
    I would be interested in learning which roses are best for cutting and also which roses do well in cold zones like Minnesota.
    Also roses that will tolerate more shade.

  501. Gabby on

    I have six bushes and have learned so much about them over 5 years. My goal is to have a beautiful rose garden with a center table so my daughter can have tea parties. I’ve learned so much from this blog, thank you for all that you post I truly look forward to reading it.

  502. Lavina Yoder on

    I’ve always dreamed of having a rose garden. We bought our home last year so now I’m excited to make that dream become a reality. I have no experience with roses and have a vegetable garden too so I suppose I’d fall into the weekend rose gardener category. I’d love to have enough roses that I can share with others and I’d love to learn from Felicia’s book.

  503. Lorraine Gangsei on

    I am an every day gardener but I don’t have a lot of experience with roses. I am hoping to learn more about the various varieties and my biggest struggle is deer!

  504. Hema on

    I am blessed with a beautiful rose shrub in my garden (left by the previous owner) and inspired to grow many more. Viewing Erin’s blog and reading David Austin’s English Roses, I can’t wait to read Felicia’s Growing Wonder book as well. Thank you for all the resources gathered and published here.

  505. Shari K. on

    I guess I’m a weekend warrior during the school year and an everyday gardener in the summer as I’m an elementary school teacher. The biggest hurdle I have up and coming is learning how to prune both the bush variety and the ramblers. I’d like to grow a climbing variety to be part of our hedge above the garden gate. I’m so thrilled about your book!

  506. Susie Marglin on

    Working as a nurse and having just had my first child I “puttered” in the garden when possible. I grew a few roses in the SF Bay area till my husband took a job transfer to Seattle and we lived in a rental with no garden! We finally got a home of our own and my daughter began school half day so I planted sweet peas and a ‘Dainty Bess and a ‘Just Joey’ with mixed success. I enrolled in a local junior college and took several courses that resulted in a “Certified Retail Florist Certificate” only so I could take a bunch of flowers from my local grocery store floral department and make a special statement about those handful of flowers that said this is a “Susie” not just a Safeway bouquet. I need someones years of experiences, growing, cutting and arranging roses which doesn’t come from a sitting in a classroom. Where to began?

  507. Kris Sinclair on

    I’m a bit of all three types—although I don’t sell my roses but rather I give them away, which gives me huge pleasure. This time every year I want to rip up our considerable lawn and plant, plant, plant! I have about 100 bushes. Can’t wait to read your book and since I’m in sacramento, I’d love to come visit.

  508. Debbie Glasco on

    As a micro grower, I’ve been adding roses to my field over the past three years and will continue to add more every year. My intent is to have as much knowledge to grow consistently beautiful roses as possible! Their scent is completely intoxicating and my customers love how much fragrance the locally grown roses have. With Erins latest series on roses, it has inspired me to reach for rosarian status.

  509. Trina Williams on

    Hello! As an Aspiring Rosarian I struggle with several issues. The area that I would most like help with is learning the different varieties of roses and how to incorporate them in my flower beds and landscape. There is sooooo much to take in! I am nearly dizzy after reading this interview and looking at the beauties that were shown. I want them all!

    I have three David Austin roses that I planted last year. I’m looking forward to receiving the book and adding additional plants this spring. I’ve no doubt that your book will be a gateway for my rose adventure!

  510. Lisa on

    Three years ago I moved into a new home adorned with an old rose bush that I became determined to revive. I’ve been seeking out resources everywhere I can find – joining the American Rose Society as well as visiting local plant nurseries. I’m now an Aspiring Rosarian with plans for a full rose garden and continued growing interest in both preservation & hybridization. Thank you so much for this series! It’s been such a joy to read.

  511. maytee on

    Everyday gardener, I fall in love with flowers and I hate that I have to pick and choose because of limited space. I love roses, I love irises, I love anything that blooms!

  512. Catherine Fulbright on

    Everyday Gardner. A lifelong gardener but always learning. Building a new cutting garden to fill my home and community with the beauty of flowers. They are my savior through this time of isolation.

  513. Miranda on

    I am an everyday gardener, aspiring rosarian. Recently I inherited a couple of very old, very neglected roses that I am currently trying to revive. I found that pruning roses is very therapeutic in the winter with the anticipation of blooms to come. I would like to learn more about pruning and fertilizing to optimize my small but very loved garden.

  514. Kathy Fiero on

    I am newly retired and hoping to become more that a weekend gardener this growing season! I love the colors and look of roses and have been enjoying making bouquets from my flower garden to enjoy in my home. The addition of roses would make them even more special! It would be wonderful to have Felicia’s knowledge at my fingertips!

  515. Melanie Miller on

    I’m definitely a Weekend Warrior when it comes to roses. I inherited my dad’s few rose bushes after he died in 2018 (one of them is Charlotte which is listed as a favorite here!). He planted them in honor of my daughter, his first grandchild, whose middle name is Rose. I’m looking for good sources for general rose care as well as planting in small spaces. Thanks so much for these blog posts!

  516. Kerry on

    I’m not sure what you would call me, but I would love to be an Aspiring Rosarian. I’m fascinated by the history and journey of the rose and how it has captivated and inspired us with its beauty and symbolism throughout time. I adore roses in every form and habit and own many, many, MANY varieties, which thrive in spite of my benign neglect all around my little city lot. My children think I am absolutely insane to keep planting more, but I will never stop! Any book devoted to rose gardening today, that could help me get a better handle on bringing more health and order to my little wilderness would be greatly appreciated. I can’t wait to order my copy.

  517. Kirsten on

    Learning to be an everyday gardener. Learning to guide and nurture the roses I have so far.

  518. Anne Branco on

    I am an herbalist and a Maine Master Gardener. However, my least amount of experience is with roses. I am very anxious to learn more. We purchased the house we currently reside in two years ago. I am starting the gardens from scratch. I basically have a blank canvas and would love to incorporate roses into my new garden plans. Deer are a constant challenge for any Maine gardener so I am also anxious to learn about any special tips for keeping them at bay.

  519. Sharon K. on

    Weekend warrior– but posts and books like this make me want to do more!

  520. Sophia on

    I’m a weekend warrior! Although I’m wandering out into my garden every chance I get. I’m a newbie to roses and just got 2 new babies to grow. I need all the basics on keeping them healthy so I can have them long term!

  521. Christi Rollans on

    I am too a dabbler but I trim, water or fluff something I am growing every day. I am in Arkansas so sometimes it is very challenging growing any plants. I always plant something
    somewhat native to my area but it is hard with the changing weather. Also I have terrible soil – clay & shale. I do tons of pots on the patio but the heat really takes its toll from mid
    July till mid September. I love the old roses – color does not really matter – because the fragrance is my weakness. I love the smell of roses. I have alot of trouble with the black spots
    on my roses that have been impossible to get rid of. I’m hoping I can learn more from your input concerning growing beautiful roses & other things.

  522. Daniela on

    Deer have eaten all of our roses this past summer. We are redoing our garden and hope to add some roses as we figured out how to create deer-proof area for them. I have been drooling over the varieties that Mebagerie sells. They are so beautiful.

  523. Abby Miller on

    I am an everyday gardener to aspiring farmer, starting my first business with flowers this year. Roses have not been very productive for me and I am eager to learn more! There’s nothing more beautiful.

  524. Angelena on

    I am just starting with David Austin Roses this year, my second year in cut flower business. So I would say I’m in the everyday gardener experience level. Newer to roses, but not new to farming flowers. I love all the knowledge you both have to offer. Would be such a treat to win the prize to expand my knowledge on roses as well as my stock! One day I’d like to be in the aspiring rosarian level!

  525. Kristin on

    Weekend Warrior! I just ordered my first roses and have everything to learn about managing them.

  526. Darcy on

    I’m anEveryday Gardener with aspirations of becoming a true Rosarian. I would love to not only fill my home with exquisite blooms, share them with my friends and family, and eventually use my homegrown beauties in my floral design studio.

  527. Karen on

    I’m a weekend warrior counting down the months to retirement! I started with four roses last year and now my list is 4 sticky notes long! I want them all and realize I do need a plan before I have roses arriving before the beds are prepared.

  528. Amanda Welch on

    Everyday Gardener. Love gardening but I only have a couple roses and am always too nervous to spend the money to try new ones. Therese Bugnet never fails in my zone 4. I have three.

  529. CL Evers on

    I would call myself a backyard “dabbler” in all things roses and flowers, with a few veggies and a couple citrus trees thrown in. However, I’m dabbling most every day, so I guess that makes me an Everyday Gardener. Felicia’s interview connected with me as I have ties to Sacramento, a father who has had melanoma, and a love of flowers and gardening from my Mom who had a serious green thumb. I could use help learning how to keep roses alive through our very hot, dry summers (AZ).

  530. Katelyn on

    Hi, I’m an Everyday Gardener. I would like Felicia’s book about roses because I have been struggling with diseases, limited blooming and stunted growth with garden roses for several years. I’d like to get my roses to grow enough so that I could actually appreciate the flowers. I also would like to learn how to grow roses for cut flowers.

  531. Mary Thompson on

    I have very little experience with growing roses, but I did successfully take cuttings from the rose at my childhood home before it was sold! Since I have been growing cut flowers, I have seen how beautiful roses are in bouquets, and am now an aspiring rosarian. I would love to learn EVERYTHING Felicia has to teach us about rose growing! Thank you for this opportunity!

  532. Erin on

    I’m am everyday gardener. As we have been redoing our new backyard, I’m dreaming of a dedicated rose garden section. I have a couple already but it is definitely a new area of gardening for me that I want to learn all I can.

  533. Barbra Yuhas on

    Thank you for the story. It’s giving me the motivation to continue my idea’s of having a small flowers and rose’s garden. Maybe a shop.

  534. Shirley Barth on

    Aspiring Rosarian! I have several roses from Felicia already and I’m hooked! I hope to learn how to better care for my roses in our challenging zone 9a!

  535. Allison on

    So excited! My middle name is Rose and I associate roses with my mother because since I was a child my mom liked growing and caring for her roses, also her first name is Rose. Now, I’ve grown up and planted my first few roses last year and was pleasantly surprised by how aromatic and pretty they were. I want to grow from this experience and learn how to keep my roses healthy. I’m thankful there are experts and resources available to help novice everyday gardeners.

  536. Emily Soule on

    Hello! I am an “Aspiring Rosarian”. I have quite a small collection in my garden so far, but my sister in law and I have big plans to add several more varieties in our garden this summer. My biggest challenge is that I live in Alaska! We live in zone 4 which makes it a challenge to find very many hearty varieties. We also have very strong winter winds, so I am a little worried about whether or not my roses will return this spring. I will keep trying until I have figured it out. I have a long way to go, but it’s worth the work! I love roses so much, I named my daughter my first baby, Rose.

    It is my hope that my little Rosebud and I can learn about gardening with roses together and share this love.

    Whether I win a signed copy or not, I will definitely be purchasing a copy of your book. I couldn’t be more excited about it.

  537. Wilma Okazaki on

    I want to grow roses in Hawaii
    Even tho everyone says it’s not a good idea. Hopefully, the book will give me the opportunity to grow them.

  538. Terrilynn Dunford on

    Week end warrior for sure. I live in south Florida, so growing roses can be a challenge with all of our heat and rain. Not to mention lots of bugs! I’m looking forward to this new book. I’m sure the pictures are gorgeous and that it’s full of helpful hints to perfect my rose garden.

  539. Alexandria Russell on

    I was in California visiting family and took her Pruning workshop last January. Wonderful! Great barefoot roses too!

  540. Sheryl larson on

    I have been following Menagerie Flowers for a while now and am so inspired by all that she has created. I love that she is so willing To share her knowledge with all those that love roses. I can’t wait to paint my beds with some of her beautiful flowers.

  541. Brynn on

    Everyday Gardener, but very intimidated by roses! The biggest challenge has been climate (PNW). I’m hoping this book will give a boost of confidence to expand my rose collection and tend to them properly.

  542. Julie Garcia on

    Weekend warrior! I’d love to know more about roses! They are so incredibly beautiful!! It’s hard to choose a favorite, so they are all my favorite! :~D

  543. Maria Honkala on

    I own a small flower farm in Vermont where I sell cut flowers from my own gardens. I believe Roses are my very favorite flower because my maternal grandfather raised them in his garden in the Hudson Valley of New York. As a child I followed him up and down the rows of roses while he hand picked off the Japanese beetles and lovingly watered his beautiful roses. I knew then I would always have roses in my garden. Vermont climate is a challenge for Roses but I persevere. I cannot wait for this new book to be released!

  544. Kelly St. Romaine on

    I immediately went from a Weekend Warrior to an Everyday Gardener when my sons went off to college. This past year I discovered the joy of sharing my flowers with friends and bringing them into my home to enjoy. The beauty and glorious scent of something I nurtured from seed always makes me smile. Although I successfully grow many garden plants and flowers, I avoid growing roses, mostly because I am intimidated by them. I think it is time to add them to my garden. Thank you for the inspiration.

  545. Chrissie Zavaglia on

    I am an everyday gardener. I hope to learn more about rose selection and planning out my spaces. My big challenge is I have almost too much space. I am already struggling with watering and weeding. It is hard to stay focused on what things will be in 5 years and how to make it manageable. Right now I just want one of everything!!

  546. Crystal Clark on

    Weekend warrior on roses. I only help my neighbor care for her 3. I don’t have any in my own garden because they seem like they need too much care. I’m never sure I’m pruning them correctly but would love to learn. I would love to have lots of climbing roses some day though.

  547. Florence Lam on

    Wow I’m in love with roses. But with declining health.have not be able.to tend.to my roses
    I can live vicarously thru you.
    Sure.miss these roses.
    I live in Vancouver, BC. Canada.

  548. Kristi McDonald Baker on

    I’m a newby! Is that an option? I guess an aspiring rosarian is closest. I’m completing the landscaping on my new home build and roses of many varieties are on the plan. I’d like to learn everything from planting to how to care for these beauties!

  549. Deborah Herzberg on

    Everyday Gardener to Aspiring Rosarian.
    When I retired, I moved to a small house on a large lot-my goal for years. First off I started filling the existing beds with roses. Then I started adding new beds. The large backyard faces South so I could plant roses anywhere. On my previous standard-sized lot, I had room for only a few roses and only a narrow side yard faced South. Here I could plant to my heart’s content. Or so I thought. Once I started ordering rose bushes, I realized that I could easily fill the entire range of beds. Since I have also rarely met a flowering plant I did not want to grown and also wanted to grow fruit, I did have to control myself. Now I have many bushes of all sorts- perhaps 25-30 of them. Aside from ground-cover roses and one climbing Eden, they all have scent and tend towards the older varieties. Here in the Pacific NW, I struggle with blackspot and other wet weather conditions but I don’t use anything non-organic. Mostly they thrive and being outside on a warm June day is an unmatched experience.

  550. Terrie Hamilton on

    I am a weekend gardener, but when I retire, hope to become full time. The high school I teach at is scheduled to demolish it’s rose garden of 50+ years. It’s beautiful by the way. My hope is to get instructions on how to successfully transplant the few that I can save to my home garden and hopefully get help on identifying the varieties chosen.

  551. Olivia Orosco on

    I am probably more of a weekend warrior, but aspiring to be an everyday gardener- I hope the book makes this a reality! Excited for the flower sale on Thursday :)

  552. Martha Anderson on

    I’m an almost daily gardener and my biggest issue is choosing just a few roses to grow in my limited space. I will purchasing Felicia’s book immediately and can’t wait to see it!

  553. Janet Wamboldt on

    I am an everyday gardener with a focus on flowers for my own enjoyment and that of anyone I can share them with. Roses of course are indispensable members of the flower garden family. For me, they have been as challenging as they are beautiful and I would love to have the benefit of your expertise and knowledge via your new book. Thank you for the opportunity.

  554. Jennifer on

    I am an aspiring rosarian, but—I haven’t planted a rose, yet. This season I have opportunity to start a collection, and I am struggling to keep within my limits, how shall I ever choose?? I haven’t bought Felicia’s book yet, and I keep looking at it, thinking I really need this information to guide me on this path. My grandmother loved roses, and grew them, and it feels like I must have inherited her love of them. I just hope I can grow them, even as she did. If you forced me to choose one cut flower, it would be roses. Double, heirloom roses.

  555. Cindy Rogers on

    I am an everyday gardener with plans to grow more roses for flower arrangements. I would love to read Felicia’s book and learn to grow amazing roses!

  556. Elisheva on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior from zone 5b. For the past so many months I’ve been obsessed with flowers. Dahlias and roses in particular. I’m hoping that Felicia’s book can teach me what I don’t already know. This opportunity is a dream come true and I would be grateful just to have her professional insight (the book), so the addition of the bare root roses would be a tremendous gift and resource, that I would greatly appreciate and treasure.

  557. Rachel C on

    I’m an everyday gardener but I have NEVER grown a rose :( and I’m scared to spend lots of money on something I don’t know how to care for. I’ll be checking out this book for sure.
    How terrific would it be to win such a thing!?

  558. Melissa on

    I’m a weekend warrior, and very new on my journey with roses—looking forward to soaking up all of her wisdom!

  559. Diane Severeid on

    I am an every day gardener, I lesrndd a lot about roses from my dad who managed a large municipal rose garden here in Sacramento. But I want to lesrn more. And I crave fragrant roses!

  560. Bethany on

    I am a beginner weekend warrior with high hopes for this coming growing season! I have so much to learn and want to ensure that I can keep my roses alive and blooming to add beauty to my yard and also be able to cut them and bring some inside!

  561. Becky B on

    Everyday gardener! Struggling to dare to prune enough and how to set up my garden so it doesn’t waste water

  562. Denise M Rolls on

    Roses are one of my favorite flowers and I would like to learn how to propagate them. The old roses are especially interesting to me. We live about 95 miles from Sacramento in the mountains and roses grow really well in our cleared spots that are fenced because the deer love them too. Felicia’s book looks so interesting and I am sure there is alot I can learn from her. Thanks for giving me a chance to win one!

  563. Kate Formichella on

    I am a flower farmer/ florist on Cape Cod who didn’t listen to anyone’s advice and started growing bare root roses last year on our tiny farm. Knowing zero, I picked them by their name, kinda like I pick horses! I promptly got so busy farming and flowering weddings that they received no special care throughout the season, and did amazing. The first time I saw Desdemona bloom, I cried and every time they’d flush I was so surprised. I would Love to dive in and learn from Felicia & Growing Wonder since I clearly and happily have growing roses addiction without time to dig through the deep wealth of rose growing knowledge that floats out there online. Grateful.

  564. Jill on

    Weekend warrior! I’ve never grown roses before but I’ve purchased a few (and likely will be purchasing more from Felicia!) to try out for the first time this year. I’m limited on bed space so I’m very interested in learning more about how to grow roses in pots/containers!

  565. Kim Parker on

    I am an everyday “veggie” gardener that would like to add a new area to the vegetable garden for roses. I designated the space last year and filled it with good compost and mulch. Now ready to learn what type of rose to grow in my area and how to tend them.

  566. Joan Smith on

    I have had many gardens my husband’s jobs required us to move many times. I am now 60 years old and settled into my forever home and beginning my forever garden I am most interested in Felicia’s book to learn all I can on the subject of roses can’t wait to start reading. Thank you, Felicia, for helping all of us beginners.

  567. Audrey Andrade on

    I would consider myself an everyday gardener- after working a full time job. My rose garden was inspired by a trip to the annual Rose Festival in Oregon, purely by accident, 12 years ago. I knew nothing about roses, so I joined the local San Diego Rose Society. I learned much from former President Bob Martin, who has left this earth this past December. I still struggle with watering and extreme temperature excursions during the summer and growing roses for cuttings. I cannot wait to read Mrs. Alvarez new book. I’m also very excited how women have become industry leaders in the mostly male dominant agricultural industry. Applauses to Florets and Mrs. Alvarez for your contributions to the industry!

  568. Myra H. on

    I’m still a weekend warrior due to my day job, but expanding my garden more all the time. My biggest challenge is learning what works and doesn’t work with my soils!

  569. Terri on

    100% Weekend Warrior. Erin has inspired to make a garden in my yard and i have some seeds in route. I like so many have always loved roses and already have a few but definitely need more knowledge about soil composition and pest/disease control.

  570. Ella on

    Hi! I am a teen from SD. I would say that I’m an everyday gardener. I love gardening because it gives me a chance to see the beauty and design in nature. I drive my family a little bit crazy because I’m always arranging bouquets, collecting seeds, or attempting to propagate my countless succulents. Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. We have one live rose bush in our yard currently (I tried to plant one last year and it died) and I love the stunning pink blooms it gives us each summer, but one plant isn’t ideal when you are constantly picking roses to put in bouquets. I would love to get this book to give me more knowledge on how to care for the plant I have, and help on where to begin to start a bigger rose garden.

  571. Gina V on

    I am a everyday gardner. I would like to learn more about cut flowers and what to do to make them last longer.

  572. Casey mayhew on

    I can’t wait to read this book! I consider myself an adventurous garden beginner. Flowers have always sparked joy in my life. Over the years, I’ve longed to begin my own cut garden to fill my home and my friend’s homes with hand-made arrangements. Last year, I took the plunge and decided to build my own cut garden. I learned new skills, discovered some of the challenges and hard work associated with gardening, but I was able to fulfill my dream! It is my hope to continue to refine my skill set as a gardener and expand my collection!

  573. Michelle Brown on

    I am in the everyday gardener category, I have been growing annuals for cutting for a few seasons and I am ready to learn what I need to know to add beautiful cutting roses to my garden! So many inspiring pictures, I hope to learn how to grow them this well!

  574. Georgina Velasquez on

    I’m a Every Day Gardener, I ordered some of her Bareroot roses last year and now I’m hooked. I didn’t think I was a Rose lover , but I seen you talk about Koko Loco last year and the journey was on. I think what I like to learn from her book is growing roses for flower arrangements. For myself and for friends , I love to share beautiful flowers since I have the space to grow them. Like I tell my daughters I don’t have I green thumb I just keep trying. Hoping to learn from Felicia.

  575. Amanda Moralez on

    I am a “I wish I could do this well” gardener. I have never dabbled in roses because they scare me, but I have decided to learn! The knowledge I have gained from your books Erin, has given me the scope to do things better, and I have realized it has been more about education and poor soil than a black thumb. With this newfound power, I hope to watch my garden beds come to life this summer with charm, color, and fragrance.

  576. Mary M. on

    I am somewhere between Weekend Warrior & Everyday Gardener, and am excited to learn everything the book has to offer! I love my roses from Menagerie!! My biggest area of struggle when it comes to growing roses is finding places to put more! And maybe dealing with Japanese beetles.

  577. Jennifer Kuhn on

    Roses hold good memories for me. My mom had a rose garden in her front yard with probably about 18 bushes. When she had to work the late shift during the summer, out of her four children, somehow I was chosen to water and fertilize the roses. I look back now and realize it was actually an honor to have been chosen to be a care taker of her roses. The neighbors would always comment on my mother’s lovely rose garden. Last year I planted two rose bushes in my front yard garden. I can see my biggest challenge will be protecting the plants from black spots.

  578. Janet Green on

    I am an aspiring rosarian and have been slowly collecting David Austins over the last 20 years and hope to truly deep dive now that I have more time in retirement from my landscape architecture practice. I hope to visit the farm soon!

  579. Miryan Garcia on

    I am new to growing anything, but am totally in love with flowers of all kinds. I have not been very successful yet but am learning a lot. I have several roses I have planted, I do my best to keep them healthy. I struggle with leeping rust off of them and some white dusty mold too. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the beautiful blooms. I have a couple I pruned that didn’t give me much flowers after pruning. I’m hoping to learn more about growing these beauties. Hoping to finally get a handle on the diseases. I’m a registered nurse who is loving this new passion I have found and that brings me so much joy. Looking out at my tiny garden and seeing beautiful flowers just makes my whole day better. I know I’m a better nurse because of this amazing joy I get from flowers. Who knows, maby when I retire I’ll have a farm full of flowers.

  580. DEVONNA HALL on

    I am an Everyday Gardener, and I’m also uprooted! We sold our home and bought one without a single rose, so I’m starting from scratch! Wow! I never realized how much I would miss the roses at my previous home/garden. A wonderful opportunity and a serious challenge also to begin anew. I want to learn tips that will help my brand new garden be successful. I’ve already learned some new “must have” roses from this interview with Felicia. Thanks to both of you for sharing generously sharing your wisdom and knowledge!

  581. Rikki on

    What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing! It’s wonderful to read that someone really can make their life around the beauty of flowers, especially roses. I’d like to think I’m an aspiring rosarian. What I’d love to learn from Felicia is really about being inspired, being given the permission to believe that you can have dreams like hers and to make something of yourself with it. It would be amazing to learn from her years of farming, winemaking, and being apart of the flower community, along with caring for and cutting roses. There seems to always be something to learn when it comes to flowers and Felicia’s book is, I’m sure, full of wisdom and inspiration I can hardly wait to read!

  582. Sarah on

    Right now, I’m a Weekend Warrior who aspires to be an Everyday Gardener as my kiddos get older. I am passionate about cut flowers and the beauty they bring to life and what I hope to learn from Felicia’s book would be how to grow roses for cut flower use.

  583. Sarah Havard on

    What an inspiring story! I’m so happy you found “Home” in every sense of the word. Congratulations on all of your hard work and success! I haven’t grown roses in 20 years but I am anxiously awaiting my first David Austin Roses! Looking forward to revisiting the beautiful world of roses! Can’t wait for your new book!!

  584. Linda Sanguinetti on

    I’m in the learning stage. I have always loved roses and am determined grow some on my property. Your interview was very inspiring and I realized that we are in very close proximity. Thank you for sharing.

  585. Erin R. on

    Oh, your rose photos were so wonderful, I swear I could smell their sweet fragrance. I am a Weekend Warrior who would like to become an Everyday Gardener. I have a few David Austin roses, and would like to learn about some good repeat-blooming roses.

  586. Meredith M. on

    Weekend warrior here…really a complete newbie! Would like to learn where to start because I love garden roses so much :)

  587. Natalie Sollo on

    I am a weekend warrior, who wants to move to the everyday gardener role. I love roses, have about a dozen so far, and want to fill my home regularly with them. I want growing and harvesting tips for best production.

  588. Lee Ann Parrish on

    Oh my. I’m a wanna-be (aspiring?) rose gardener. Got hooked after reading Erin’s 4 part series on roses & more so after reading Felicia’s interview. The funny thing is, I wasn’t an avid rose person until a few years ago when my friend gave me some roses from her garden to plant in mine. I love what they add to a floral arrangement. Looking forward to reading the new book for more inspiration! I have a big backyard just waiting for some bushes!

  589. Anita VanBerkom on

    At this point I would fall into the Everyday Gardener category for roses. Right now I have ten varieties of roses. I’m excited for the book because I really need help figuring out how to grow roses for cuts versus strictly for the garden. I struggle to get the stem length I need, the vase life I want, and to protect the blooms from deer.

  590. Annemarie Greve on

    It’s been on my heart to start a rose garden dedicated to my Mom, who passed away 3 years ago.
    This is my “study” year. I am looking to read and research about rose growing throughout 2022, so I am able to start with some confidence when 2023 rolls around.

  591. Kim Bensing on

    I am a floral designer and everyday gardener. This blog was wonderful. The roses are beautiful. The vintage style is everything I’m after. Thank you.

  592. Leslie Peedin on

    I am slowly finding my way in my flower gardening journey. I recently toyed with the idea of growing roses on a larger scale, and the recent blog posts have only ignited that spark! I have a few acres of land and am now growing a vision for it. Roses that tolerate eastern North Carolina heat and humidity will be the stars, so I am looking for help and education!

  593. Andrea Z on

    I would be a weekend warrior. I have little experience. I spent 2 years coddling a wild rose bush that appeared in my garden but couldn’t figure out how to deal with the worms that delegated it and it succumbed, so I guess pests management is a key thing I’d want to learn. I have longed for some of the David Austin roses but so few would work in our zone 4 climate.

  594. delia on

    I am an everyday gardener in zone 2-3, Fairbanks, Alaska but new to growing roses so am an aspiring Rosarian :). I have managed to overwinter 4 roses in pots, in our root cellar for the last few years. I am hoping from Felicia’s new book to learn more about how to take care of these roses I’ve overwintered, to encourage better growth/more robust stems, how and when to trim/and propagate, and any recommended fragrant rose varieties to grow here under the midnight sun (we have up to 22 hours of sunlight approaching summer solstice and temps that range from 50’s to 80’s in the summer), given they will be overwintered in a 33F root cellar.

  595. BC on

    I have to be an everyday gardener because I have about a dozen flowerbeds created over the last two decades that need lots of care…in addition to bushes and lawn. My challenge with roses has been (sometimes severe) cold winters, which have killed several bushes; one grew back from its rootstock so became a large red rose plant rather than a small yellow rose plant. My ‘Peace’ climber could look better as well. The pink ‘Knock-out’ has done well, and it looks very beautiful next to a blue (non-rose) caryopteris. The book sounds wonderful throughout, not only as a guide for growing roses, also as a guide to living with passion (at least flower passion!). And to win it and THREE rose plants would be a little bit of heaven–especially while in the grip of winter (which actually hasn’t been very bad at all, except for likely being an artifact of destructive climate change, so far). Thank you for the lovely interview stories. May you continue your parallel, world-beautifying journeys.

  596. Dru Stevens (Pleasure Lake Farms) on

    Everyday Gardner here. I mainly grow lavender and dahlias but purchased two bare root roses from you last year and fell in love with them. The smell is like nothing else and I’m looking forward to learning more from your new book! They have done really well in my garden which was a surprise in our area. Thank you for sharing your love of the farm and flowers.

  597. Helen O'Donnell on

    I loved your interview with Felicia, and learning about her journey. I would say I am an “Every Day Gardener” reaching for “Aspiring Rosarian.” I have a garden filled with 30+ varieties of roses and still long for more. I am looking forward to learning how to make my roses more productive and robust, while devouring all the knowledge Felicia has to offer to us.

  598. Joanne on

    Absolutely beautiful, roses are my favorite! Love learning more about them and the fabulous people who grow them. Thanks so much.

  599. Johanna Humbert on

    I’ve done well with some climbers, but have never delved into cutting roses. I’d love a jump start! 🌹

  600. Casey on

    This was such a wonderful read. I am whatever is “newest to rose gardening” and am so excited about the varieties I have planned to plant. What I have been hoping for is a book as beautiful as Floret’s but for roses, and I can’t believe this article landed in my lap this week. I’m hope to learn all the basics of tending to roses so I can have beautiful blooms at home. I don’t have full sun in many parts of my yard, so I would love information on roses that do well in part-shade.

  601. Joanne Scouler on

    I’m an everyday gardener in Boston. I find roses need alot of sun and they don’t like frigid winter weather. I’d like to learn the key tips to growing roses successfully. I love the roses with the big blooms.

  602. Monica on

    I’m a weekend gardener aspiring to be an everyday gardener. My few rose bushes are often shaded by a neighbor’s tall trees so interested in learning about cut flower varieties of roses that thrive in less than full sun. Looking forward to reading the Growing Wonder book!

  603. Mary Eileen Andreasen on

    When I retired in 2018, I became a Master Gardener though the Douglas/Sarpy County Extension at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. This led me to volunteer at the Josie Harper Hospice House in Omaha as part of the Master Gardener team that maintains the gardens around this special place. We are very aware that every view, out of every window, might be someone’s last glimpse into the natural world. We have such a privilege and want the gardens to be colorful, serene and soothing. Roses would add a lot to this landscape and could be cut for the residents. I would love to plant these spectacular varieties in our courtyard for all to enjoy. I am definitely an Aspiring Rosarian and need to learn all I can to beautify Hospice House for our residents.

  604. Nicole Moyer on

    I am an everyday gardener, with a small variety of different flowers grown in my small yard. I am expanding my garden with more roses this year, so far I have 4 ordered, but I definitely think I need more, and after reading this blog post, it kind of really makes me want to switch over to even more roses! They are so beautiful, and I keep getting more and more obsessed with them!

  605. Lynda Schrumpf on

    Weekend Warrior and aspiring flower farmer. I have been planting David Austin Roses for the last 4 years and now I’m ready to try some new varieties. Very interested in using them for cut flower arrangements. Since I live in Central California, I was so excited to see that Felicia’s farm is in Sacramento California. I’m looking forward to reading her new book.

  606. Jennifer on

    An everyday sort of gardener who would love more to learn about feeding and pruning my roses for better cut stems.

  607. Jesse Guest on

    What a resource. There is so much shared knowledge here. I love how the passion shines through. Thanks so much for sharing. So excited to grow a few roses and learn!!

  608. Rachael on

    Everyday Gardener – but new to it! Excited about the peace and joy it brings and have been redesigning my front and back yards for that classic English garden feel – where roses are a must. We have moved onto new property so everything going in is new – including the rose list I have growing in my mind.

    I’m hoping to learn some foundational skills from Felicia’s book in hopes that I will give my new rose babies a good start. My biggest struggle with growing roses is the fear of killing them – so much so that I haven’t started! I’ve gotten all tangled up on the the multiple layers of advice so something to guide me would be very helpful.

    thanks Erin and team!

  609. Merrilee Runyan on

    Along with the flowers I love the spirit of generosity that pervades this interview – there is something truly magical that comes from sharing these flower stories. I know that it is the beauty of roses as well as this sense of abundance and generosity that inspires me, in my 75th year, to grow more and share more. Thank you for this inspiring interview!

  610. Melissa on

    I am a weekend warrior, but I grow many types of flowers and am starting on roses this year! I love books and want to learn the art of cut roses.

  611. Gail Cline on

    I was a weekend warrior until we moved and left my many hybrid teas to the new owners.

    Now I am an everyday gardener. I have been tasked to care for the neighbors Queen Elizabeth rose bush after scolding him for using pesticides on it. I am once again hooked on roses. I made rose water for the first time last year with the organic Queen Elizabeth petals and spray it on my face every morning. I never knew how fabulous rose water feels and the light fragrance is amazing!

    I am excited to read Felicia’s new book and understand what causes black spot and learn how to keep it at bay.

  612. Tanya on

    I am a everyday gardener. I have fallen in love with growning flowers. My first love is roses, but need help. I am looking forward to digging into Felicia book and learning everything roses.

  613. Laurie on

    I got the rose “bug” when I was 8. My mother taught me some basics on the roses we inherited when we moved into my family home that was once owned by a man who grew roses for competition. But when we had to move a couple years later, we had to leave the roses behind. Fast-forward 45 years later, I now finally have land to be able to plant my own. Last year was the first year I was able to start planting roses for myself. I’ve kept up with rose care knowledge over the years as I am a landscape designer taking care of my clients’ gardens. Some ask me why roses are my favorite when they take so much work to grow. And I will tell them if they give me enough time! Now that I’ve begun flower farming as part of my business (I’m a Floret alum!), and because I also want to connect back to those great childhood memories, I am an Aspiring Rosarian. I’m looking forward to learning from Felicia on many aspects, especially rose care, overwintering, and favorites for hardiness. I’m also excited to look into her Menagerie Academy to immerse even more!

  614. Jaclyn C on

    I am at the very beginning of my gardening story and haven’t had many opportunities to get my hands dirty yet. I’ve been saving my funds and think this is finally my year to get a small plot of land of my own. All the floret books and posts and mini video courses have been so helpful and encouraging, and I’ve been looking forward to cultivating beauty to share for years now. I’m excited to learn more from Felicia’s experience and words of wisdom, and want to try my hand at cut flowers to share but also in creating a space for gathering with rose bushes and climbing roses on archways.

  615. Mary Ellen Howard on

    This is such an inspiring interview! I found Felicia/Menagerie Farm through Instagram and enjoy her feed and her “Garden Rose Farm Tour Friday” updates — I’d say I’m a cross between an “Everyday Gardener” and an “Aspiring Rosarian” :) I love roses, currently growing almost two dozen, and adding to my list of wants every day! Looking forward to Felicia’s sale this week and to getting her book! My biggest struggle is pest control. Living in the humid climate of the Washington DC/southern MD area, it’s challenging but I won’t give up my roses! I just adore them and I feel that learning to deal with each challenge just makes it that much sweeter when I see those beautiful buds and flowers blooming. Thank you, Erin, for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to learning more about your rose journey, and Felicia’s, in the future.

  616. Becky Kimmons on

    I’m an everyday gardener always looking to learn. Garden roses are a love of mine handed down from my grandparents but I don’t have their knack for growing them.

  617. Carol L deSousa on

    I am an Aspiring flower gardener which includes roses of course. The very first flowers I ever planted were Antique rose varieties. My grandfather used to grow beautiful red roses maybe that is where I got my first love of them although as a child I also hated the many thorns that always stuck me as I tried to touch them. LOL I only usually buy the fragrant roses because for me the scent is as important as the look. My struggle with roses has always been pruning them. Mine tend to get very leggy and even when I do prune them I tend to never get the full bushy look. I know I must be doing something wrong. Hoping Felicia’s book will help me in that area. I also really love to send anyone I know a potted rose to plant if they have lost a loved one. I think to give a Rose bush that will bloom for many years in honor of the loved one is a gift that will always produce happy memories! Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing gift bundle!

  618. Lisa on

    I’m an everyday gardener who’s just moved half way across the country, again! I am ready to learn from an expert about what I need to do in my new area. Every part of the country has it’s own challenges when it comes to growing plants, and especially roses!

  619. Sarah on

    I’m not sure what sort of gardener I am, but I take great joy in working and growing things in the soil. I know next to nothing about roses, but I want to learn, because I love them!

  620. Sarah on

    I am an aspiring to Darian and got my first batch of roses last summer! It’s been a treat to see their first blooms and I’m eager to see them bloom again this summer. I look forward to reading a trusted guide to learn all there is to care for these roses so that I have bigger better healthier plants season after season!

  621. Kim Jones on

    I am a aspiring rosarian. I have just moved to Cape Cod and found that roses grow well here. I can’t wait to learn more and add more roses to my gardens.

  622. Joanna on

    Aspiring Rosarian here but I am excited to incorporate some into my garden this year. I would love to learn and grow the most beautiful roses.

  623. Tammy Regimbal on

    Everyday Gardner. I have 12 roses of varying types. By the end of our hot summer I have trouble keeping up with some pests and would appreciate some help. I provide bouquets to local fund raising efforts under the name Posy Girl and last week I lost my muse – my 13 year old Lab, Rosie. I’d also like to plant a red rose in her “spot.”

  624. Taffie Bowman on

    I am currently a weekend warrior with hopes of being more than that as time allows in my life. I have grown several roses with minimal success due to lack of education. I have moved onto a new property and get to start from scratch with my gardens. I am looking forward to starting again with a deeper knowledge. Roses have a special place in my heart as I have great memories of beautiful roses at my great grandmothers house. Unfortunately, she passed when I was young and wasn’t able to glean information from her. Thank you for taking the plunge to share your information with others.

  625. Kc Jochim on

    Spending all day and everyday on a farm you were raised tending to roses sounds like a dream. I follow Felicia and am wanting to now grow roses since it brings fond memories of my Grandfather . He spent hours tending to his rose garden, peaceful days spent outside. Heaven.

  626. Alyson Dorr on

    I love roses and have slowly begun to add them to my cut flower garden- unfortunately, the deer (aka yard rats) love to eat the buds! Once they bloom, they leave them alone! I’m working to remedy that problem with companion planting and tucking some plants safely behind the garden gate! I enjoyed the reading interview and loo forward to the book!

  627. Trish Pruden on

    I am the epitomy of a weekend gardener as a few hours are my only off time to really dig in. I have slowly expanded my garden each year and I have been adding Rose’s but nothing spectacular has become of my attempts. I am looking for all information I can find and it looks like either way this is a must have inspiration book. I get so much joy growing my garden and I love that it is inspiring my neighbors to garden.

  628. Mindy Allen on

    I am as beginner as it gets. I’ve had two rose bushes and so far they have not done well because of my lack of education. I have started reading more and am trying to get a better idea of how I should take care of them before I buy anymore. I can’t wait to get my hands on this beautiful book!

  629. Sandi Thompson on

    I am honestly a weekend warriors. I have grown heirloom tomatoes from seed nearly every year. Successful some years and not so successful others. I grow cannabis for my husband, who is a child of the 60s; I found I am better at that! Who would know? But I love cut flowers in the house and proud when I can take my friends a beautiful arrangement. I want to know more and have better outcomes with everything I grow.

  630. Kristin on

    I would probably consider myself an everyday gardener. I have 15 different roses in my yard, 3 of which are climbers. It’s the climbers that I would love to know more about (where to cut stems from them, how to trellis and prune them, etc.) I love all that I’ve already learned from Felicia on her IG!r

  631. Erika Bault on

    I’m a second year flower grower and hope to become a rosarian! I can’t wait to get the new book to learn more about harvesting and using roses in my cut flower business.

  632. Desiree Garrison on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener who has loved roses for years, but the only ones I’ve been successful with are the ramblers I inherited from my Grandmother. When I went to Felicia’s site, I immediately fell in love with Honey Dijon and decided one way or another, I’m getting some of these once I find out if they will handle my environment, Zone 8B, where it’s “hot” and humid in the summer, but can get down to the 20’s in the winter, northwest Florida. Going to do my research on this so that means her book is on my list, as well as her roses.

  633. Diane Serda on

    I’ve just retired so am transitioning from weekend warrior to almost everyday gardener. I have 20 rose bushes and would like to replace 2 that aren’t doing well or learn what I’m doing wrong. And anything I can learn to better care for my roses would be lovely. My Dahlia count will be increasing as well!

  634. Laura Cochrane on

    This book is on my wish list on Amazon along with a few others but can’t want to be able to get my hands on this one. I love roses, I’m driving my partner mad with them!

  635. Josie on

    I don’t remember who taught me to garden, so it must be one of those things I’ve been drawn to since I picked my first bouquet of wildflowers or planted seeds in our traditional Victory garden. I am a physical therapist by profession but took a master gardening workshop 12 years ago. My library has more gardening books than therapy books. Gardening is my therapy everyday, even in the harsh Pocono PA winters. Houseplants, Amaryllis, and gardening fill these winter months.
    My interest would be to grow roses I remember from my parents and grandparents gardens. Double delight and Angel face and Evelyn and Scentimental are the names I recall.
    The struggle is the harsh cold weather, short seasons, deer, and abundant shade and moist soil.
    Never too old to learn! I would live to be able to share roses and their companion plants!

  636. Kathryn Casey on

    I think I fall under weekend warrior although that may just be for winter! I am loving this new experience of discovering roses!

  637. Charlotte M. on

    I would vote myself as an aspiring rosarian. This is because I am getting my first rose in the mail this march! I hope to learn from her book how to grow roses in a hot climate. This is an ongoing struggle for me as an aspiring flower grower.

  638. Linda Rathbun on

    Everyday Gardiner. My love for roses started 30 years ago when I bought a Madame Hardy when we moved to Maine. It’s an old rose with a intoxicating scent. I look forward to its bloom every summer. It’s also one of the most beautiful white roses I’ve ever seen. I’d like to learn more about modern roses, particularly repeat bloomers. Looking forward to this new book.

  639. Darlene on

    I am a brand new rose gardener and I am hooked!!! The beauty is worth all the efforts, trial and error! I am an everyday gardener who longs to be a rose whisperer!!!!!!!

    Thank you for this giveaway! I am excited about this book! 🌹

  640. Jessica White on

    Though I am certainly a “everyday gardener” when it comes to gardening in general, I don’t even know if I’m at the level of “weekend warrior” when it comes to roses! I have two rose plants that were on my property when we bought the house (one is a pink knockout rose, the other a yellow, more standard rose), I don’t know how to take care of them! The yellow rose bush is just so sad year-after-year despite my best efforts to revive it. I think Felicia’s new book would be a big help in *hopefully* being able to revive it as well as giving instruction on how I can prepare my soil for the addition of some lovely garden roses—I have starry-eyed dreams of climbing roses clambering over my shed and a row of shrubs greeting passerby’s along the sidewalk.

  641. Cassie Page on

    I am somewhere between a weekend warrior and an every day gardener, although an aspiring rosarian sounds so romantic and something fun to work on over time! My desire when I read Felicia’s new book is to gain more confidence in my rose care. My biggest pinch point is fertilizing- how do I determine exactly what my roses need when there are so so many different types and brands of fertilizers and sprays out there. And so many different opinions! I am hoping this book sheds some light on that. Thanks Erin and Team Floret for this awesome giveaway! <3

  642. Chelsea Shapiro on

    I am an Every Day Gardener. I have a Cottage Garden in my backyard and a “Meadow Garden” in the front. Roses are features in both. I love following all the rose stories!

  643. Thomas Higgins on

    I’m retired so I suppose I fit the everyday gardener designation. I have always loved gardening, especially the roses. However, I seem to be rather inept at growing quality roses. I live in southwest Ohio which is very humid in the summer. I am able to control aphids and Japanese beetles, but desire guidance on soil preparation and control of blackspot. I enjoyed the discussion, and was impressed by all of the beautiful roses. I would like to use your book as my guide to successful rose gardening.

  644. Janice Whiting on

    As a child, I ‘helped’ my grandmother weed her rose bed. We had a contest to see who could pull, dig out the longest run of Johnson grass. I always won, kept me busy, I guess. So, at 3 to 5 years of age, my love of roses grew because of my Gram. I am now 73, soon to be 74. I have a few roses, maybe 30. I no longer weed as I did when I was 40. That’s when my rose and perennial garden came into being. My problem is I love every flower I see. Finally, I am able to rip out that which doesn’t perform or is too labor intensive. I love love love Spring, like Summer and adore Fall. The arrangements I can create are always a joy for me. Pre pandemic, I created arrangements for my church. Now, just for my family and for me. I guess, one could call me an ordinary gardener. My favorite rose is Evelyn. It was a mystery rose I received years ago from Heirloom roses back when The Clements owned the business. I had to research this rose to find out it’s name and I was thrilled it was Evelyn, as this was my mother’s name. I will grow roses until I am buried along side them.

  645. Amy Droz on

    I am currently a weekend warrior and taking the Floret Workshop in hopes to grow more flowers! My current plan is to grow flowers for drying and selling online, I would also love a personal garden for personal arrangements and pressing in the flower presses we sell online. I love the look of roses fresh, dried and press they are all so lovely! I planted my first David Austin rose bush this last year and am hooked, I would love to learn how to care for it and make it thrive in the California heat. I actually live just a few hours north of her farm and her book releases on the week of my birthday (Feb 7th) so I know her flowers would do great in my area!

  646. Angie Stelzer on

    I would consider myself a Weekend Warrior. I have a suburban flower garden in the front and back yards of my house (small lot). Currently, I have 5 rose bushes spread out between the two areas. The more I read on roses (thank you, Erin & Felicia) the more knowledge I crave AND the more roses I want to add to my gardens! I would love to learn more about rose growth and best placement of specific types of roses. I live in central Texas, zone 8B – quite hot in the summer but usually mild in the winter.

  647. Stephanie G on

    I am an Everyday Gardener who wants to take on the challenge of roses. I hope to learn everything from Felicia’s book! She is so helpful with all of her tips, and has the loveliest roses.

  648. Mary Jaquett on

    I am a weekend warrior. I have always loved roses but struggle with keeping them healthy. Every year it seems there is a new issue just as they start to bloom. I am m hoping that the book will help with this.

  649. Ashlin Wilson on

    I am an everyday gardener. I have some experience with roses but would love to learn more. I stay at home with 5 kids ranging from 8 to 1, so flowers are my sanity escape. I’m hoping to start growing cutting flowers, with potentially moving towards the business end of cut flowers in the next few years.

  650. Brenda Hanrahan Waterman on

    I am an Everyday Gardener who has developed a sudden fondness for roses. I hope to learn the dos and don’ts of growing roses in an already flower-packed backyard. I always share bouquets with friends and neighbors so they will be thrilled to see some roses in the mix.

    Great interview, Erin! Really looking forward to the book, and the rose sales on the 20th. I have my wish list ready!

  651. Dianne on

    Hello, I am an aspiring rosarian! Growing food, roses and wildflowers are my passions. My biggest challenge is choosing and keeping plants alive in a windy, short growing season, often smoky, high mountain zone 5. Thank you for the beautiful interview and pictures.

  652. Christy on

    I guess I would describe myself as a weekend warrior. I am one of those people who lay at night and my brain runs amok. In the morning I have a new idea to make a new garden bed or add to a existing one. I will make a trip to my local greenhouses to get ideas. But if I see a must have I do impulse buy. Then try to figure out where to plant. I have little knowledge of plants that my grandfather passed on. I remember as a child I would watch him in the Garden asking him 20 million questions. He would answer them all. At the end of each season of growing, my heart was always full of what I had seen grown from nothing to something beautiful. I am new to your page and what to Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  653. Adrienne on

    I’ve been a Weekend Warrior and hopefully shifting to an Everyday Gardener with a focus on old/antique and fragrant roses and special perennials. I’m excited to read Felicia’s new book!!

  654. Crystal Allison on

    While attending a recent meeting of flower farmers in my area, our local distributor mentioned that someone should focus on growing local roses here in western Montana. Most growers shrugged their shoulders and commented on how hard it is to keep roses healthy here in Montana. I couldn’t help but think back to the beautiful roses my grandmother had on our family farm (where I still farm). She didn’t have the internet to search and no social media to compare. If she could do it- why can’t I? I’m excited to add roses to our offerings here on our farm, and who better to learn from then Felicia!

  655. Brittany Eilert on

    Everyday Gardener. I’m so excited about her new book. I would hope to learn how to get the very best blooms from my rose bushes. I’m truly clueless with roses. I’ve always been scared to try my hand at them bc so many people say roses are so tricky. Hoping Felicia’s new book would normalize roses for me as I’m purchasing my very first ones this year.

  656. Amanda Heinbaugh on

    I planted my first rose on my Grandma Rose’s first birthday after she passed. The beauty and daily reminder of her loving presence brought me so many smiles that I have continued to add another rose or two every year. At the beginning of the pandemic, we had the best blooms we’d ever had and all of us would go out each morning to smell the roses and count how many new buds were coming along. It helped brighten those initial challenging and uncertain days. We live in the DC metropolitan area, but we lease land where we also grow rice, beans, along with other grains and vegetables. I was surprised and excited to learn that Felicia also has rice production on her farm! Our oldest daughter also shares a love for flowers and we’re looking to begin to incorporate cut flowers into our offerings. We recently acquired a new space with a lifelong lease so are able to dedicate an area to perennial flower production. My personal connection to roses means that I would love to have them be a part of this effort. We have high humidity in our area and have a lot of issues with black spot and am looking to learn more about disease control along with tips for post harvest handling. We’re also looking to get a boost by getting an idea of what varieties are popular with customers so that we plant something that will not only be able to thrive in our area, but is marketable.

  657. Kayla Roberts on

    I am hoping to grow my knowledge by gaining all rose information that I can. I have ordered roses from David Austin and they have survived, but I want them to thrive! I need to nurture them in a better way, so my investment brings an abundance of beauty and joy!

  658. Darin Denzler on

    I’m an “Everyday Gardener”. I moved to Coastal NC (Zone 8a) a few years ago and started growing flowers and vegetables in raised beds. I have three large beds now but I’m enlarging! I just can’t seem to stop playing in the dirt! We recently cleared an area in the backyard and I have decided to make it a formal rose garden. I have a couple of roses already (JFK, Peace, Electron) but I’d like to add at least 7 more! I’m new to growing in the South since my previous gardening was done in CO and CA. I’d love a book on roses to help me with the planning. I’m looking forward to Spring when I can be out in the “dirt” again!

  659. Meredith Brown on

    I am a weekend warrior when it comes to rose experience! I always want to plant roses because – ROSES! And my husband is very turned off by them, as he believes they take a lot of special care and are difficult to grow. I remember a miniature rose bush my mom had in the front yard when we were kids. We were always snipping blooms off to take to our teachers or friends. And Mom was by no means any kind of gardener. It just bloomed for her all the time, every year, with no special care. I would love to learn basic care and tips to help roses THRIVE so I can enjoy them in my garden!

  660. Brenna Kennedy on

    I am an everyday gardener with dreams of being a rosarian. With Erin pushing me to dream bigger I’ve acquired 3 more acres to play with! I’m pretty sure that won’t be enough;) Rose’s will be around every corner!

  661. erin on

    Im an everyday gardener who wants to become a rosarian- an aspiring aspiring rosarian 😂 I want to take care of my babies so they will thrive!

  662. shannon stoney on

    I’m an everyday gardener. My biggest challenge with roses is figuring out how to prune them.

  663. Jeffrey Funk on

    I consider myself a weekend warrior when it comes to roses and gardening in general. I am always wishing i had more time during the day to stop doing the things i need to do and more time to do the things i want to do. Other than learning about what varieties you have had success growing, i do struggle with pruning. My roses may smell beautiful but they are not the most attractive of plants without some shaping with the secateurs.

  664. Antonia on

    Everyday gardener over here! I started gardening during Covid lockdown and have been hooked ever since. I’m longing for spring to see my roses again and to add many new ones to my garden. My biggest struggle is Japanese beetles! They ate through so many of my beautiful roses last year.

  665. Audrey on

    Dear Felicia and Erin, thank you for this interview and giveaway. I’m an Aspiring Rosarian. My house is a cottage on Main Street in my small town. While planning my gardens I was fortunate to meet Master Gardener Novie who only grows antique roses. Over the years as I’ve helped her in her garden, she has imparted knowledge and rose clippings. I now have a beautiful white Lady Banks over my curved front door, and in springtime it smells like violets as you enter. Many others have made up names since they have been passed down over the years, but my garden now includes some “modern” roses that are repeat bloomers. I see several in the interview I’d love to add! I’m looking forward to learning more about better propagation methods and pest and disease control.

  666. Nicole Connelly on

    Thank you so much for this interview and the inspiration! I REALLY love your process for field testing. Rose hell is very similar to a lot of not so formal field testing we do with varieties of all things at our place. We are a small family farm growing vegetables and flowers for our community, and are Aspiring to a ‘growing for market’ Rosarian status – in addition to a few formal rows, we would love to establish some plantings as part of a ‘permaculture’ food and flower forest concept we are putting in place as well. I’m hoping to learn about what roses thrive in the south and how best to (feasibly) protect them from the dangers therein (heat, humidity, acidic soil, deer deer and deer. and squirrels. probably some of the squirrels dressing up as deer. Japanese beetles. and all of their friends…etc.).

  667. Jamie Williams on

    I would consider myself to be an Everyday gardener, but when it comes to roses I am definitely a newbie. I added a few to my garden last fall and am excited to see how they do. I have some older roses on my property and have struggled a lot with aphids on those ones. Would love to learn more about growing and keeping these plants healthy!

  668. Rebecca on

    Weekend to Everyday. I live in Seattle so one thing I am always hoping to learn is how to balance plant needs against our rainy winters!! Also container tips as I have large digging dogs! I am a busy child welfare attorney and roses and dahlias and all the floret and menagerie advice and guidance provides a wonderful change of focus for me!

  669. Charity on

    I’m somewhere between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener, depending on the week. I planted my first David Austin roses last year, and I’m eagerly awaiting to see how they perform this spring after our winter cold snap in the PNW, and my trial & error with companion planting. The biggest challenges I’ve come across so far are white fly and deer – excited to learn more about rose care and production in Felicia’s book. Thank you for the wonderful interview and inspiration!

  670. Violet Hayes on

    I’m definitely an everyday gardener… altho these rose posts are bumping up the dreamscape to include relocation to my own farm with space to trial roses…In the meantime I hope to learn more about feeding roses for healthier plants.

  671. Cathy MacNeal on

    Hi – everyday lavender farmer here. I have roses on my property and want to learn more, especially how to take care of them and what varieties to plant. Wonderful interview. Thanks, Erin!

  672. Pam Kenyon on

    Right now I seasonally grow flowers for clients along with growing our own vegetables. I am strongly leaning towards becoming a flower farmer. I inherited my aunt’s property in upstate New York where there were several rose bushes. I have no idea what kind they are but I do know they are BEAUTIFUL (bugs think so to). You and Erin have inspired me to follow my dreams. Thank you for that

  673. Connie on

    I’m a weekend warriors when it comes to roses. I like a good vintage fragranced rose for the garden.

  674. Hannah on

    I am so excited for Felicia’s book! I am a weekend warrior. I grew roses on my apartment balcony after reading about Grace Rose Farms here on Floret’s website years ago. Now I’ve expanded my collection a little bit more every year and even attended local Rose Society meetings and events to learn more, but my collection is still small. I hope to have a yard someday where I can plant a LOT of roses and keep a long running wishlist. My biggest struggle is that humidity and pests make my roses look blah all summer long. In the Fall they look amazing because those problems have subsided. I like cutting and bringing the roses inside so I’m always trying to learn how to select for those qualities. I often end up picking the “wrong” rose plants because I get caught up thinking how amazing the bloom will look, and forget to really understand if that whole plant would be good for my area and growing conditions. Thank you for interviewing Felicia, Floret! Loved this whole rose series.

  675. Kelly Hill on

    Currently a weekend warrior, but dream of becoming an Aspiring Rosarian! I want to learn all the things! I have started collecting a few roses, but I want to be able to grow them big enough to have gorgeous cut flowers. Thank you!

  676. Suzanne Cerrone on

    I am an Everyday Gardener intoxicated with roses. I struggle with pest management and timing for overall plant care. I have so many flowers per shrub, but they get wild and I am uncertain when the proper pruning timing is and how much I can cut. Not knowing, I cut them to fit my space essentially. I assume doing so, I am limiting my flowers? So much information is needed :) and I can’t wait to read Felicia’s book. I am over the moon excited!

  677. Meghan on

    Everyday gardener, I guess. Roses are my absolute favorite… especially fragrant ones. I would love to learn more about general care as my environment can be tough for roses. My hot and humid climate is my biggest struggle with roses. I carefully choose them after researching and reading as many reviews as I can find. My family will be moving to land soon, and I will be taking as many roses and other perennials with me as I can. I can’t wait for the space to expand my collection!

  678. Rebecca Mackle on

    I am an everyday gardener with a mostly shady yard in Seattle. I have a climbing rose and one hybrid. I love both but know little about taking care of them and my grafted hybrid has reverted to its original red. Still pretty. Anyway I am excited for your book as I would love one more rose but really want to hone my rose growing skills first. The photos in this article of you in your beautiful rose farm are magnificent! What a lovely life you made for yourself. Truly inspiring.

  679. Celeste Baross on

    I would say that I make room in my life to be a Daily Gardener with Rosarian dreams, in between teaching art classes to children and young adults. (There have been amazing still life paintings of rose bouquets coming from these students!…prompting lots of outdoor landscape painting sessions in the summers here). I have experimented with many kinds of roses…I currently have 60 in our small corner lot in amongst the flowers, vegetables and fruit trees I’ve planted…and hope to plant more and to learn more about healthy varieties for our area, as well as natural pest control and essential rose nutrients.

  680. LaDonna Kruger on

    I am probably a weekend warrior in the winter months but a bit more in the summer. I used to have several roses when we lived in Eastern Washington, but 20 years ago moved to Western Washington where we have deer who love to eat roses. Hoping I can find a solution so I can enjoy rioses again.

  681. Megan Wisener on

    Everyday gardener when it’s above freezing! My biggest struggle with roses is the thorns- dumb, right??!! And the Japanese beetles.

  682. Jennifer Orkisz on

    I am a weekend warrior who would love to be an everyday gardener. I work full time as a teacher and in the spring/summer days I walk outside amongst my flowers as soon as I get home and it is super calming! My biggest struggle has been how to feed my roses. I have dogs and if I compost around the drip line they dig up the ground. I have had several years of knockout roses looking very thin. I would love to incorporate more roses and find out better varieties. :)

  683. Kendra on

    I would say I’m an aspiring Rosarian! I have been growing roses the last several years. I would love to learn more about helping your roses produce well – one of my favorite things is sharing the flowers I’ve grown with others!

  684. Lori on

    I’m an everyday gardener and aspiring rosarian. I want to take my love of roses from just an emotion to a realistic farm addition! I want to be able to care for them and choose them the best for my area and needs.

  685. Martina on

    My love of roses all started with my Aunty Bertha’s Ruth Alexander climbing rose bush that arced over her garden gate. How I wish I could find a Ruth Alexander rose for my garden now! They seem to be nowhere to be found. I’m an everyday gardener and lovingly tend to 65 mature Pink Simplicity rose plants from Jackson and Perkins framing the property line. Neighbors often stop and say that seeing the roses in bloom makes their day.The roses are in bloom from April to November.They go full tilt in June.There are about five other variety roses in the backyard. Biggest problem is blackspot. That and not being able to find where to purchase a Ruth Alexander rose plant.

  686. Nancy Harris on

    I am somewhere between a weekend warrior and every day gardener. I have always had roses in my gardens but would say that I am far from an expert. I prefer what I call antique roses that still have beautiful fragrances. I love roses for bouquets but especially adore climbing roses over a trellis that fill the garden full of fragrance. When my children were young, we once dug up a seven sister rose on the side of a dirt road and that was the most beautiful thing I think I ever saw and it smelled so scrumptious. I would love to learn more about roses from Felicia’s book. She seems like an awesome lady with a world of knowledge. Thanks for introducing her to us.

  687. Andrea Horney on

    I would consider myself an everyday gardener. I am slowly adding more rose bushes every year. Roses hold a special place in my heart. I always make people smell them when I give them a bouquet to show them that they are different than the grocery store type! I would be interested to see what recommendations the book has for disease control and pruning.

  688. Tina McPherson on

    Everyday gardener- I’m hoping to find fragrant rose varieties, and learn how to winter them/grow them in MT. I love giving bouquets away and my daughters And I are already followers of florets and have grown amazing flowers. Now to add some roses!!
    Wonderful interview!

  689. Mary Alison Williams on

    I look forward to reading the new book! These days I try to get my hands on any books written about roses. From new ones online to finding them at flower shops or even thrift stores. I really want to focus on my rose garden in 2022. I have a whole new area to plant them this Spring. Where I currently have my roses.. I struggle with soil and getting that full sun. The new spaces I will be planting in I will have really great well drained soil and full sun. I only planted one yellow rose in this space in 2021 and it did well. I look forward to transplanting some of my roses to the new space. I have a new order of roses coming in the spring. And def looking forward to expanding my garden with a few new David Austin roses

    I’m a daily.. home gardener and have been since my 20’s. (I’m almost 42)

    Thanks for this blog! I loved it.

  690. Pamela Smith on

    I am a Weekend Warrior. I would love to learn when or if I should spray my roses for black spot. And pruning information would be great. Thank you so much for sharing this opportunity with us. Love your work.

  691. Constance Clover on

    I am now retired and now have time to really indulged in my passion for gardening. I first started planted heirloom roses in San Diego as a Weekend Gardener ;in my 70’s moved to Bodega Bay California. In that foggy climate still tried to grow my favorite roses against a south facing wall to limited success. I am now residing outside of Reno, Nevada in a area called Spanish Springs. Dry,windy and drought are my challenges here and I need help in attempting to establish a Heirloom Rose garden I pre ordered your book and would appreciate any help and support offered

  692. Crystal Wallace on

    Everyday gardener here! I’ve always grown veggies, but last year incorporated more flowers into my garden and !wow! the garden really came to life. There were pollinators and birds everywhere. So now I’m going to be a rose mama. (Fingers crossed).

  693. Sarah on

    I’m an everyday gardener who is new to growing roses as I only planted my first bushes last spring! Roses have always been my favorite scent and I’m so excited to learn more about how to care for them properly. I hope to someday have them climbing all over my property!

  694. Katie Shelton on

    I’m an everyday gardener. We just built a house and have been starting our yard and garden from scratch. It’s been so fun to discover that gardening is my favorite hobby over the last 2 years. I grew up with wild red rose bushes everywhere and always put roses at the bottom of my flower list because I thought that’s all the was. One day I flipped through a David Austin catalog and kept gasping outloud much to the delight of my husband in the other room who teased me all day. I ended up dog earing 30 varieties and said to myself, “guess I love roses and didn’t even know it”. I’m excited to finally plant my first roses this year.

  695. Erin Moore on

    I would say we are everyday gardeners. We have 7 young kids at home so there are some days skipped ;) , but it has become our joy to watch our garden grow. Our garden has grown more each year. This year we are tackling 4 new flower types with different varieties of each. We are beginners when it comes to roses and are so excited to learn really all the things! We are moving to our new property with acreage and our dreams of a rose garden are abounding. We plan to start in pots this year and transplant to our land in the coming years. Thank you Erin and Felicia for sharing what you have learned and your passion for flowers with the world.

  696. Shawna on

    I am so excited to read Growing Wonder!!! Roses have always had a special place in my heart. I grew up spending time in my babysitters rose garden, her and I would spend our mornings caring for her collection of roses and to this day the smell of a rose makes me think of my childhood. I am a weekend warrior and last year was my first year growing a few roses of my own. I am most looking forward to learning about disease control, as this is something I struggled with last year. Honestly though, I am truly looking forward to learning anything and everything that the book has to offer. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge.

  697. Lorraine Keller on

    What an amazing inspiration. I am a weekend warrior, soon to be everyday gardener (retiring soon) and an aspiring rosarian. I have roses throughout my garden and am always looking to add more. I can’t wait to read Felicia’s book and learn more!

  698. Kimberly Manning on

    I am a master gardener, completing the course when I lived in Washington, DC in 2004, but now I live in Northern Idaho, where all the growing conditions are completely different. I grew up in a family that gardened outside of Seattle, Washington, so my start in gardening, composting, and generally loving the garden came from my parents, especially my father. I took Erin’s Floret workshop last year and learned so much, but will repeat much of it this year (thank you for lifetime access!) to hone my skills. I hope to add lots of roses as I continue my quest to transform the beautiful property I have been blessed with, into a world-class resort property. Thanks for this wonderful series on roses, I can’t wait to grow more!

  699. Patti Shiels on

    Experienced gardener, Master Gardener, lifelong gardener. 83 years old and still learning, digging and loving flowers.

  700. Rachel Hardy on

    I am an every day gardener with a special preference for roses! I have plans to plant nine roses this spring! I’m quite partial to David Austin’s Roses, but I firmly believe that ugly roses don’t exist. 🌹

  701. Shannon Brown on

    Weekend Warrior
    I am an aspiring cut flower farmer in the process of finding and buying land. My journey has just started and I need all the help I can get! Flower farming is a big risk for me, but it’s a dream I can’t get out of my head… so I’m going to try my hand and see how it goes. Thank you to you and others who have started the journey before me and make it a little easier to trudge through it!

  702. Jinah Kim on

    I am a weekend warrior. I fill my days working as a nurse. I recently started gardening flowers when Covid hit, to promote mental health. I dreamed of starting a rose garden since I was in college which was 25 years ago. How time flies. This year, I moved into an new house and would like to start the journey of laying down roots for a rose garden that I have been so longing for. I look forward to reading your new book to learn and grow in the art of rose gardening.

  703. Karen Robben on

    Starting with a blank slate in SW Wyoming. Starting roses and Dahlias this year and trying to create a backyard oasis from literally a dirt lot. Hoping to learn as much as possible from as many resources as possible!

  704. Vanessa Amspacher on

    I’d say I’m an Everyday Gardner. My biggest struggle is knowing what to prune on my climbing roses. Excited to see this book!

  705. Patty Conn on

    My love of gardening is now filtered through my daughter and her garden. I would say we are “weekend warriors “. Kate teaches and at age 85 I find it very difficult to get up once I’m down on the ground. The only rose in her garden is the climber Westerland. I’m able to help with that one because I can do it standing up! Kate has a sunny cottage garden which I’d describe as wonderfully blousy. I’m hoping Felicia’s book will lead us to some rose suggestions that will fit into this garden-something carefree and forgiving. We don’t use chemicals so I hope to find advice about keeping roses healthy with organic products.
    Thank you both for this fascinating interview.

  706. Sarah on

    I am somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener…and I would love to someday have a small collection of really old rose varieties! I have always loved roses and I my goal for the upcoming year is to put in a small rose garden with each rose dedicated to those in my family who have passed on, a memorial rose garden. I am excited to learn more and be able to hopefully do justice to this dream I have had for the past five years!

  707. Briana on

    Everyday Gardener…last year was our first year to have a garden. It was just for fun to see how it would work and I have quickly fallen deep into growing all the things I can get my hands on. This will be my first year for growing roses so I can take all the tips I can get!

  708. Rebecca Houg on

    I’m a weekend warrior/everyday gardener. I have a photography studio I use as my excuse and tax write-off for cultivating beautiful areas for photography. The most ideal spots for photography are usually in the shade so I struggle with wanting to plant beautiful plants that thrive better in the sun. But I can also get creative and make my own shade or add supplemental lighting to battle harsh shadows. I just purchased the Cut Flower Garden book as well as an older Martha Stewart Gardening book and feel like my knowledge and garden is going to grow by leaps and bounds these next few years.

  709. Rhonda Larson on

    I am fairly new to roses. I would love to have them climbing up the house like my husbands grandmother did as we live in her house now. I would love to learn all about growing roses.The cold climate here is my biggest challenge. I am especially interested in the heirloom varieties. Thank you!

  710. Wanda Coy on

    I am an everyday gardener. I moved to the PNW 2 years ago and my biggest challenge after patience is the weather. The heavy rains in the winter months to the drought in the summers.

  711. brittney rourke on

    You are expanding my thinking. I’ve never considered myself “a rose person” and even have held a bit of disdain for roses. But I’m learning from you. Thank you for showing me how interesting old roses are. I’m in the weekend warrior camp for roses right now.

  712. Katherine K. on

    I fall somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener depending on the time of year and how busy my life can get with four kids. I would love to learn more about pruning roses to get longer, straighter stems, and also fine tune a watering schedule that helps me conserve water while still letting my roses thrive.

  713. Lindsey Oldani on

    I have 2 Crown Princess Margareta…. and that is all past the old ones that were on my property when I moved here 2 years ago. Alas, I am sure that I will have far too many arrive from Menagerie and David Austin this year! Ha! I am so looking forward to this new book. I just know it will be a great help.

  714. Linda on

    I’m an everyday gardener with rosarian aspirations. I have the acreage to be a small commercial farm, but need a lot more business savvy. Areas I’m primarily hoping to learn through the book are around pest/disease management and commercial requirements for production.

  715. maggie smith on

    In the past, my gardening journey has focused on lavender and cut flowers. When I started my small field in 2003 I planted bare root Zephirin Druin roses along the perimeter, and some gnarly red hedge roses. They all grew despite my neglect, and visitors comment as much about the roses as the lavender. The roses steal the show! I would love to learn more these amazing flowers, not only for my education but to help me better care for the beautiful “girls” I have. Thank you !

  716. Kellsie H on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. I am new to roses though! Just started growing my first David Austin roses last year. They bloomed beautiful and am looking forward to adding more this year to our backyard cut flower garden. The book looks amazing. I would love to learn the ins and outs of growing roses for cutting. Basic care along with the geeking out, really scientific stuff. I just love learning and gaining knowledge. Especially when it comes to flowers.

  717. Mary Alldritt on

    I am an everyday gardener with 3 small children at home. My biggest challenges with Roses has been the competing trees in my backyard. I get lots of tree roots competing for nutrients and lots of shade.

  718. Katherine Leppek on

    I am an aspiring rosarian that loves fragrant old garden roses. Bring on huge climbers that eat sheds. I have a new garden as we moved in 2021. I would love a copy of your book and love to learn more about your nursery too. My favorite roses for cutting are Jude the Obscure and Gertrude Jeykall.

    K. Leppek
    Canby, Oregon

  719. Diane on

    I guess I consider myself a weekend warrior. I love flowers and especially roses. I would love to get a rose garden started and I think Felicia’s new book would be a great help.

  720. Deborah Wood Smith on

    I’m a recently retired weekend warrior hoping to become an everyday gardener. Here in tidewater Virginia the biggest hurdle is the summer humidity which is tough on people and plants. When my first grandchild was born in 2020, my friends gave me a lovely Lavender Lassie rose and the book Grandma’s Gardens and I have been inspired. I can’t wait to share my garden with my grandchildren (I’m up to three) and find more roses that can handle our Virginia summers. I also do flower arranging at our church and would love to be able to use garden roses in our arrangements. I’m excited to learn more.

  721. Brigette Pinho on

    I would say I’m a Weekend Warrior. I’m in zone 7, therefore I’d love to learn more from Felicia how she controls bugs & diseases in roses.

  722. Lesley Lynch on

    I don’t think there’s anything more romantic than a rambling rose covering a fence or shed wall. However, I’m interested in growing more roses for cutting and sharing.

  723. Robin on

    I’m an experienced gardener with lofty dreams of becoming a rosarian. I’m always open to learning more. I also dream about what it would be like to have a budget to create my dream rose garden. 😁
    In the meantime I read books and watch episodes of bbc’s Gardener’s World. 🌹

  724. Shannon on

    I’m not sure which experience level category I fit into, I’m a little bit of all 3 I guess you could say. I have been growing flowers, as well as food crops since I was a little girl, along side my parents and grandparents in their home gardens. Now at 32, my families health and nutrition drive me to grow as much food in my backyard as I can. Flowers are my favorite though, I can’t get enough, and I never tire of growing, tending, and learning more about them. My youngest child will be starting school this fall and I’ve really been feeling the itch to turn this love of flowers into something more and profitable. I’ve begun to read and note take your first book, Cut Flower Garden, to gain knowledge on how to kick start and plan for the upcoming growing season. Deciding what to grow with so many beautiful options is a bit overwhelming. Since reading your 4 part blog post on roses and now this interview with Felicia I am highly intrigued and thinking into the future of how I can incorporate roses into this future flower venture. I’ve always been the kind of person that likes the things that are slightly different and not what everyone has and roses seem to truly be in a class of their own, unlike others. This is also why I love Dahlia’s. What I would gain from Felicia’s book would be knowledge that I have very little of currently about roses and growing them. Best wishes to her on the release of her 1st book :)

  725. Lisa May Marine on

    I am a Weekend Warrior, sometimes Daily Gardener, depending on the season. My recent rose challenge was the loss of my ten year old climber to Rose Rosette disease. I live in a city with an awful lot of concrete, so I look for varieties that grow well in such settings, soil conditions, and pots. I am fortunate to live in an area with established, public accessible rose gardens. I can never pass a rose without stopping to smell and admire petal colors and patterns.

  726. Barbara Garbe on

    I’d love to win Felicia’s book, Growing Wonder for my aspiring flower gardening 12 year old granddaughter, Ava. She loves everything about flower gardening. Ava has made spreadsheets and maps for her summer garden. She watches gardening videos daily. Ava is amazing and so excited for spring. I think it’s important to fill her with the knowledge she’ll need to be a successful gardener and encourage a healthy life time hobby or career in flower gardening. Ava would be thrilled to win a signed copy of Felicia’s book. She would treasure it and the knowledge it holds for years to come. Ava’s birthday is in February and she’s requesting all things gardening. I hope I can win Felicia’s book for Ava.

  727. Kylie Vincent on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian as I like to bite off more than most could chew! While I’m a small cut flower producer right now, my goal is to specialise in organic roses. Felicia’s new book will be my guide book to achieve my dreams ♥️

  728. Loree on

    A”weekend warrior” teacher who has the summer to dive in and be an “every day gardener”. I have a friend who has a small but growing flower farm, and I purchase her flowers and sell arrangements to local restaurants and at our local Farmer’s market on the weekend. I hope to someday expand my creative hobby, and this book would be a great addition to my hobby/passion/therapy. I love all things Floret! Thank you for this piece and feature on Felicia and her story!

  729. Lizzie on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian! I’ve been trying my hand at breeding roses recently and it has been so fun. I’m eager to learn what roses have done well for Felicia, as I grow in a similar climate with similar challenges. I’m also curious about roses for cut flower production specifically; much of the information about roses is for landscape flowers as opposed to cut flowers, and roses for either environment are a bit different. Thank you!

  730. Mike on

    Aspiring Rosarian, my biggest struggle is successfully propagating old roses & battling gophers.

  731. Rebekah Laflin on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. I’ve been part of a number of rose societies when I lived in Washington and I’ve volunteered at the local rose garden along with growing many of my own and I’ve dabbled in hybridizing and propagation. Currently I’ve purchased a bit of land because I want to feed people and inspire them with flowers. Felicia’s book looks to be a fascinating read, I am sure there is so much I could glean from her experience and her approach to caring for roses on a larger scale . I really appreciate this article especially sharing roses that have proved to be good cut flowers and what spectacularly beautiful photos.

  732. Pamela McCabe on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. I have had a love-hate relationship with roses. So love them but struggle to grow them without pests and disease. I also am from the Sacramento Valley and our intense summer sun demands bold rose colors – the colors tend to fade in the middle of summer.

  733. Brenda Miller on

    I grew up gardening in Arkansas with my grandma. I have lived in Conn., Missouri, Tx. and now Illinois, trying to grow roses in each of my gardens. I am a weekend warrior now since I care for my elderly mother and some adorable grandkids when needed. I hope to learn which roses are the hardiest and best producers in my Zone 5 location.

  734. Emily Hayden on

    I’m an everyday gardener who’s managed to keep a few roses alive in the frozen north and would love to grow more. I’m hoping for tips on the best cut roses to grow and how to help them thrive (as well as gloating over more luscious photographs like the ones in this post!).

  735. Margaret C. W. on

    I am a weekend warrior and an aspiring rosarian. I have a small rose garden with about 15 different varieties. The roses in my garden were chosen for their fragrance. I have learned a lot by trial and error, but would love to know a lot more, and add to my rose selection.

  736. Cheryl Davis on

    Thank you so much for the information interview and rose suggestions. I am just an everyday Gardner and have a challenging garden in the PNW. I really didn’t think I could grow roses because of having little sun but so far I have 2 growing pretty well and I’d like to add more! I love fragrance and vase life. I’m sure your book would teach me so much!!

  737. Marybeth Spivey on

    My husband and I are both retired and instead of buying a condo and moving to Fl., we bought a 6 acre farm with an old log cabin. Besides my excavating company, I have done wedding florals on the side for many years. I would like to continue this business, with the exception of growing most of my own florals and greenery. I think Felicia’s book would be the perfect guide to start growing roses, with information to help me advance in learning as I put these practices into growing. I’m very excited for this read!

  738. Candice Gardner on

    Hello My name is Candice,
    I have been growing plants since I saved tomato plants from my dads mower after a barbecue party accident. I dug them up and moved them into a tiny little garden that had been fallow for years. I have been growing veggies and houseplants for years, but am only a year into growing flowers. I have fallen in love with anemones, ranunculus, irises, celosias anything really I can get my hands on. Most recently roses have begun to call to me.
    The colors, shapes and sizes delight me. I spread my enthusiasm throughout my neighborhood and community. I bring flowers to the other teachers I work with as well as my elderly neighbors. It’s beautiful to watch their faces lit up with an unexpected surprise.

  739. Helen on

    I love your experience level descriptions, and I’d call myself an Everyday Gardener (because I’m out in the garden every single day) as well as an Aspiring anything-I- take-a-special-liking-to – which luckily enough is currently roses! I’m blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest where we’re well-suited to cultivate roses, and I’m a keen reader and love to learn from others who have traveled the path before me. Just reading your interview with Felicia has convinced me that she is a kindred spirit and I thank her for taking the time and trouble to share what she has learned.

  740. Barbara Lien on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener, struggling with getting roses to thrive in a dry, windy Zone 4 climate. I hope Felicia’s book will help!

  741. Wendy Kingery on

    I would be an Aspiring Rosarian. I love learning from people who are passionate about specific plant types, like roses. From the article it seems Felicia has so much to offer, I would love to learn more from her expertise!

  742. Linn Woodard on

    I love growing roses! We’ve moved in our climate has very hot summers so I’d like to learn more about which roses do well in heat.

  743. Anne Gassner on

    About 4 years ago, when my kids went to college, I became an “Every Day Gardener. I started a 30’ x 30’ vegetable garden where I also planted New Dawn Climbing roses on an arch for the entrance. I didn’t know much about roses but read the directions on how to plant bare root roses and they have done beautifully. It has given my hope because I had heard roses are a lot of work and have issues with diseases.

    The only issues I have had with my New Dawn climbing roses are Japanese Beetles. I pick them off and put them in a bucket of soapy water since I use organic methods. I live in an area that has humid summers and I thought the excess humidity would be a problem but it has not.

    When I was little, my father planted red roses on both borders of our property. They grew on our white picket fences. Neighbors would stop to tell my father how beautiful his roses were. I guess in one way, working with roses, reminds me of my father who passed away 19 years ago.

    We have an acre of property, so I would hope to learn in Felicia’s book, the best type of roses for me to plant with my limited experience and the climate where I live. Thank you again for your interesting interviews and sharing them with flower lovers.

  744. Janna Bastian on

    I am an everyday gardener who is just getting ready to add roses to my collection and can’t wait to learn about how to use roses in my cut flower bouquets!

  745. Debra Collins Smith on

    I’m just an everyday gardener who loves roses… especially the antiques! My biggest struggle is just grasshoppers who love the roses as much as I do…
    I have black clay soil( black gumbo) and as long as I keep amending the roses love it here . There is the heat situation here in Central Texas that can be the biggest problem but all seem to old still until temperatures become more to their liking .
    Regardless of all the struggles , I will never stop growing roses! There is so much yet for me to learn and I’m looking forward to the new book!! How exciting!!!

  746. Brooke on

    I’m an everyday gardener and flower farmer who hasn’t gotten into roses because they intimidate me so much! I’d love to learn how to start an actual rose garden to use in my cut flower bouquets.

  747. Cassidy DeYoung on

    I’d say I’m a weekend warrior, I just started a cut flower farm last spring and I’m hooked! I have never grown roses personally, but my mom and grandma have some stunning roses! I have been trying to pick out some roses to add to my farm for cut flowers, but they’re all so beautiful it’s hard to choose! To get some of Felicia’s favorites would be amazing! I want to learn really the basics on how to grow roses for cut flower production. I really don’t know a whole lot about roses, but I’m so excited to possibly be adding some to my farm this season!

  748. Clarisol Martinez on

    I am a weekend warrior but aspiring to be a rosarian. Currently working as a physician; this past 2 years had been very disheartening. My refuge is always be my garden around the house. The love for flowers came from memories of gardening with my grandmother in Puerto Rico; with a rich soil and tropical weather. Currently lives in SW Florida and tending to flowers there had been more challenging. (Specially with little time I had to tend them) Hoping to find solutions to those challenges; always been a hard worker. My dream now is to bring morebeauty to this world thru flowers; my lab is my home garden. Looking forward to read your book. Roses are my happy place; with all the suffering around me in the hospital; Plans are sharing a small paradise full of roses where beauty is abundant and smiles are free.

  749. Barbara on

    Picking a level is so hard. When it comes to roses I would say a weekend warrior with aspirations of becoming rosarian. I purchased a few plants two years ago and they did fine at first but we moved and I moved them and they are struggling. I think I got lucky the first year and may have managed to kill some of them this last year due to my negligence, lack of rose knowledge and my hungry goats. Can’t wait for the book to come out!

  750. Christi on

    I’m a Everyday Gardener — but I love love love roses and discovered Menagerie last year and bought 10 of the beautiful varieties. :) Love love love.

  751. Virginia Coulter on

    Virginia Coulter

    I have a self-serve pick-a-bouquet garden, Old Mission Flowers, in zone 6A, near Traverse City in the northern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan. Temperatures range from -10 and snow in the winter to 90+ for a few days in the summer with humidity from the bays. The soil is sandy loam. I have 25+ roses. June, July and August are very busy months so I have little time nor inclination to spray and nurture ill-suited roses. My biggest challenge is foliage issues mid-summer with some varieties. I especially enjoyed reading about Felicia’s tough love approach and she’s inspired me to quit messing with the difficult ones and replace them with varieties for this climate. I’m particularly interested in reading more about Felicia’s favorites and also about her fertilization program.

  752. Terry Cameron on

    Thank you Erin and Felicia….what a wonderful blog and interview. I live and breathe roses. I am an avid gardener and my passion is roses. I started with terrible soil and dead hedges that I removed with my trusted garden shovel. I planted my first rose bush, Gertrude Jekyll as she is my gardening hero and 28 rose bushes later the rest is history. I literally could not breathe when I finally located an Evelyn rose and also a Souvenir de la Malmaison rose. I nurture them constantly (maybe too much) in New England where our winters are so harsh. I would love to learn everything I can about growing roses including tips on bug control and black spot. Thank you so much for both of you for sharing your knowledge as well as your passion. Regards, Terry

  753. Martina Ballard on

    I guess I am somewhere between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener. I try to get in the garden everyday if time allows but sometimes that can be tough when you work full-time. I am not to far away from Felicia in Northeast California in the high desert and struggle with weather extremes….bitterly cold winters, blazing hot summers, drought and wildlfire smoke that fills the skies for months out of the year. I’d like to know which varieties are the best at overcoming these obstacles and what Felicia recommends to help your roses thrive in less than optimum conditions.

  754. Jordan on

    I am a weekend warrior with a budding collection and I am SO EXCITED to 1) pre-order Felicia’s book and 2) be attending one of her in-person workshops on the farm this May! My biggest challenge so far is just figuring out how to maximize blooms per plant. I’m growing in a small space and a few of my David Austin roses are even in containers on my patio. So far most are first-year plants and they’re putting out 1-2 blooms at a time. I’m not sure if they’ll just churn out more as they grow, or if I’m doing something hindering their capacity!

  755. Tanyea Robertson on

    It started for me when I added to my flower garden “Teasing Georgia” a David Austin rose, and I witnessed the beauty it would bring when it was in bloom. I enjoy cutting it, picking out the right vase, and taking it to my workplace (A Cancer Center) and placing it around for the patients and staff to enjoy. So many questions from both patient’s and staff alike regarding growing roses. I have so much to learn and share with others as they ask me. I love seeing people smile, feel comforted, as well as spark good memories in their life when they see beautiful flowers. I will never stop sharing this “Rose” & “Flower” love with others.

  756. Janet King on

    Goodness… how inspiring! And I worked in Plant and Soil Sciences for my work study job when I was an undergrad so the bugs resonate with me. Looking forward to adding roses to my gardens.

  757. Lisa on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior but hope you learn how to get started with roses. My grandmother grew them and I’ve always wanted to too…but they seem intimidating for some reason. Hopefully the book will help be get past that initial stumbling block! Thank you for sharing!!!

  758. Rachel Tanger on

    I am an aspiring rosarian! Trying to turn my land into a beautiful flower paradise! I just recently purchased several bare root roses to get started! I would love to have a copy of Felicias book to continue my education as I embark on this journey!

  759. Clair on

    I’m a wannabe every day gardener but with six kids it’s a little hit and miss sometimes! I would love to learn more about how to prune and when, and also how to get my bushes really productive and healthy! I love old fashioned roses the best!

  760. Kim on

    I really love roses especially garden roses and I would love to be able to grow luscious roses. I feel I need so much to learn when it comes to growing healthy roses. Especially for the cutting garden

  761. Kati on

    Weekend warriors, I want to learn all that I can to grow roses successfully

  762. Sharon on

    I am an every day gardener… Meaning I Garden every day! it is my passion and joy. In all the homes I’ve lived in there have always been a few roses to care for…. I realize now some of them were likely older/heritage type roses. I am big fan of David Austin roses particularly Grace, as I have a daughter with the same name. My greatest challenge in growing roses is giving them enough water. Most of my garden in Southern California is low water/drought tolerant. I need to be better about giving the roses extra water for them to truly flourish as their best selves!
    Thank you for sharing such helpful and inspiring information.

  763. Irina D. on

    I’m a current weekend warrior with aspirations to be a rosarian when I get older. My biggest struggle is learning how to make my roses thrive through their various needs in my semi sunny yard, and learning how to train climbers and how to feed roses optimally in a way that supports pollinators. I just fell in love with roses from an early age and now, finally having my own home, love to garden them. I am slowly collecting varieties and would love to be considered for the goody box!

  764. Debbie Jones on

    Thanks for the inspiring article, I can wait to add more roses to my our garden and to get my hands on this wonderful new book.

  765. Sabrina on

    Everyday gardener – how to grow roses successfully

  766. Julie on

    Thank you for adding roses to the amazing flowers you already grow. Looking forward to my apricot stock and sweet pea seeds coming!
    I am an avid everyday organic gardener obsessed with plants and flowers. I’m always looking for disease free roses I can squeeze into my urban Seattle lot. I love that you are featuring rosarians and their expertise on your site now.
    Thank you for bringing your love and high standards to the flower industry and sharing your vast knowledge with the world.

  767. Victoria Ewing on

    Last year I put in my very first specifically cut flower garden. So while I’m probably more of an Everyday Gardener, someday I would love to be an Aspiring Rosarian! My grandma grew David Austen roses in her yard and they are absolutely my favorites. The colors, the full, ruffled petals, the unique fragrances…I adore them. Right now my space to grow things is limited, but I hope to learn more about growing roses in pots and cultivating them in cooler climates. I’m excited about the way Felicia has organized her book to include the varying levels of expertise! Such a good idea, if one just needs a bit of advice for a backyard rose and doesn’t have time to dive into the nerdy details of things, but wants to come back later with a cup of tea and do just that!

  768. Renee Fisher on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener headed toward Aspiring Rosarian. I have a couple of “pass-along” roses from gardening jobs I’ve done in the past, but now I am feeling the urge to start collecting old roses. This interview was very inspiring!

  769. Dianna on

    I’ve always loved to garden but haven’t always had the space. We recently purchased 10 acres in Upper Michigan where my husband has built me a beautiful garden, including a 7 foot deer fence. As soon as I see green sprouts making their way through the snow, I am planting roses, dahlias, vegetables, herbs! I can hardly wait!

  770. Nicole on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior with over 30 rose bushes. I aspire to become an expert in growing roses for cut flowers. I started gardening in FL, where I grew up. Now I live in Albuquerque NM and need way more knowledge and skill to grow anything here. I don’t always get the yield I desire. Hopefully Felicia’s new book will help me learn how to grow in the high desert.

  771. Margaret on

    Every day gardener. My biggest area of struggle with my roses is black spot. I live on the East Coast and adore David Austin’s roses, but the black spot is relentless with them. I hope to learn how to prevent it. I laughed at your definition of rose hell. My roses would claim, on occasion, that I have put them through that and not for a reason as valid as research purposes.

  772. Gay Kunz on

    I am an everyday gardener, with rotating beds of cut flowers. I recently moved to a small residential property in Marin, and have been looking for a few roses to add to my collection, including a climber or two. Over the years, I have participated in flower arranging, including professional and voluntary, and love finding new possibilities to add to my own garden. I look forward to learning about rose varietals, resources to buy stock, and techniques for feeding, pruning and selecting a location.

  773. Lavon on

    I am a Weekend Warrior! I have just a couple of roses right now but they love our yard! Our soil must be great cause they grow like crazy! Would love to learn about varieties and how care to better care for them.

  774. Kathy on

    I have always loved roses! Both of my Grandmothers had rose gardens along with my parents. I love the look of roses along with the wonderful smell. So many special memories! I live in a cold climate so after many attempts of trying to keep a rose bush alive during our cold winters, my Dad just planted a rose bush in a big bucket and my traveling rose was born! My traveling rose came to my house during the summer months and lived with my parents during the winters! I would love to have a rose garden at my house and I am looking for types that can live in the cold winters. I can’t wait to read your new book. Thank you! 💕

  775. Petra on

    My love for roses is a tough one. I’m the only one in our household who is crazy this way. But it doesn’t stop me, an Everyday Gardender, from pampering my little collection of English roses on a daily basis. Thank you for such a wonderful interview and most of all, the recommendation of varieties. Your book would be well beloved and a deep source for my passion.

  776. Karen Lopez on

    I love your story Felicia, and what you are doing for the rose industry. There is just something about roses that keeps drawing me and others to them. Despite the suggestion of using lisianthus or ranunculus as a replacement for roses in arrangements and for events, nothing can replace the beauty and romanticism of a rose., especially the David Austin roses. I would call myself an Everyday Gardener but I squeeze it around my full time work (someday soon it will be my full time pleasure!) but I have also started a small cut flower business after learning from Floret’s Workshop and coupled with my relative green thumb and mild 7b climate where we can grow so many lovely plants. I’ve had to move roses due to increasing shade in my garden, and black spot can be a challenge in summer too, but my biggest, frustrating challenge has got to be deer pressure. It appears it is for many, throughout the country. I’d love to know if there are ways around this without using even organic sprays. I have never used chemicals on my roses and would like to stay organically focused, I relent to Japanese beetles for 6 weeks by cutting blooms ahead of time and giving the plants a rest as the heat starts to come on then too. But for me, I would be so intrigued if roses could be bred to have a distaste to deer! Thank you Erin for highlighting Menagerie Roses and for the emotional story about Anne.

  777. Carolyn Mercer Shields on

    I am a rose novice, but I am planning to plant some rambling roses on my backyard fence and I need to choose variety, color etc. So excited to get this going.

  778. Lori L McCormack on

    I am 54 and have been gardening my whole life, both vegetables and flowers. With the recent addition of the surrounding property to our farm, I would like to add more roses to my cut flower gardens. I hope to learn more about the different varieties and their requirements. Love your website!

    Lori McCormack
    Billings, Mo

  779. Beth on

    I love to putter in the garden and look forward to a more concentrated effort when I retire. I have never been successful with roses but I love them and don’t want to give up. This interview was inspiring to renew my efforts.

  780. Nancy Hoell on

    This interview was amazing, and truly moved me to think about gardening. I am an aspiring Rosarian, who once grew roses in our Idaho yard, and would love to try again.

  781. Jayne Tauscher on

    I have been growing and selling plants and cut flowers for over 30 years in Massachusetts. Which is a challange. I worked cutting roses in a commercial greenhouse operation in the early 80’s but have not had much luck with growing roses out doors in New England. Hopefully Flecia’s book will teach me outdoor rose care and what varieties may survive our climate.
    Thank you for all the inspiring information you provide.

  782. Amy Szabo on

    I think I would classify myself as an everyday gardener when it comes to roses. I have learned a lot but still have much to master. My biggest area of struggle is trying to grow roses with less chemicals and more naturally in a climate with hot humid summers and cold winters. Pest and diseases are what cause me to be intimidated and invest less in roses even though they are one of my favorite flowers. In fact my middle name is Rose, after my great grandma, who was the first of our family to move to the US from Hungary. I have always felt a deep connection to them.

  783. Rachel Kearney on

    I am very new to the gardening world as I just moved out from living with my mom who has always had the green thumb. I’ve learned a lot from her, but I am learning so much more doing things myself. I have always loved roses and peonies with their full blooms, romantic, delicate, and whimsical qualities. I especially love all of the roses pictured in this article. I just find them to be so stunning- they really add magic to whatever space they’re in. I’m hoping to learn all of the tips and tricks to growing roses from Felicia’s book, as someone who is just starting out! I have a lot to learn, so I’m sure I would find her book to be so helpful.

  784. Ruth Rossow on

    I am a little more than a weekend warrior. I have always had roses in my garden but come June or July deal with the dreaded yellow leaves dropping, black spot and bugs! I am eager to learn more about a better way of helping my roses be healthier and adding to my cutting garden! I am getting so motivated by the recent rose blogs! Thank you!

  785. Elizabeth Bailey on

    I am looking forward to getting my hands on her book — what a lovely resource! I’m more of a rose dreamer hoping to be a weekend warrior. Your rose series has left me inspired!

  786. Carra S. Cripe on

    Smell, a rose has to have it or I don’t want it in my garden! I love the smell of them, makes my day to say I get to smell the roses!

  787. Michael B. on

    Everyday gardener here. We have had cut flower beds for a couple of years now and would like to expand into roses. Up to now, we haven’t really done roses and we’d like to change that. Being in zone 10b I’d like to know how that will affect care, varieties available, etc.

  788. Jessica Miller on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior, and brand new to rose growing. I didn’t appreciate my grandma’s love of growing and sharing roses when I was young and she was here. She certainly would have been an aspiring rosarian. I’m hoping to learn how to be as good with roses as my grandma was from Growing Wonder as I start off on my rose growing journey.

  789. Loni Snyder on

    I’m a weekend warrior rose fan! My biggest struggle is variety selection. I love this blog post and collab because it’s already helped me! I can’t wait to read Felecias book!

  790. Jennifer Zoller on

    Currently a weekend warrior – just getting started honestly. I moved onto a property 4 years ago that was landscaped with red knockout roses. I was never really a “rose fan” as I had always been told they were fussy and difficult to care for… then I watched “Growing Floret” during the pandemic and I gained a new respect for flower farming of all sorts and well I basically fell in love like so many others! I live near Independence, TX and took a trip to the Antique Rose Emporium and my eyes were opened to what roses could be. I purchased “Star of the Republic” and “Quietness” and now I just can’t get enough. I want to learn more and add more roses to my landscape so I can have cut flowers for myself and to share with friends, family and neighbors. My challenge at this point is lack of knowledge and the heat. I would like to learn more about what varieties will stand up to the heat best, and what watering and fertilizing schedule I should be on to best support production.

  791. Olive Llorens on

    I would say I’m quickly becoming an everyday grower as my obsessions with growing flowers and roses grows exponentially every year. What I’m really hoping to learn is how to keep a variety of pests away from my roses as well as treating them for diseases. Between the aphids, deer, and humidity, it can be very frustrating and intimidating for a new gardener to keep roses in the best possible shape so I’m hoping to have some guidance with that.

  792. Bob Morris on

    I am a weekend warrior. I volunteer at a public garden, Ppatch, in the PNW. Building hillside beds and installing many plants and shrubs to establish pollinator habitat. Evelyn is planted in a prominent entryway and is a crowd favorite. I have a lot to learn. Thank you.

  793. Lisa Randlette on

    Roses have always played a special role in my life. I’ve decided to enclose a sunny, protected courtyard area and dedicate that space to growing a small selection of roses for my family’s enjoyment. To date, I’ve focused mostly on native, hardy plants that the resident deer don’t find tasty – or that can survive deer browsing. Since reading about Floret’s rose collection here in Washington State, I’m emboldened to find varieties that can thrive in this climate. Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement, and knowledge to bring this beauty into my life!!

  794. Jodi on

    What a fantastic interview- thank-you Erin for sharing your wealth of friendships with us! I have been following the Farm Friday videos for awhile now and am so excited to read Growing Wonder! My dad is the rose gardener in our family and one of my favorite memories is of him, returning from his garden early mornings with dewy roses. He would cut each new bloom and tuck it into bedside vases in every room. While I have slowly evolved from weekend warrior to everyday gardener with my own cut flower garden, I am only recently venturing into roses. I am eager to learn about pest and disease mitigation (black spot and aphids) and a soil enrichment routine. I’m so grateful for Felicia’s knowledge and generosity.

  795. Janet on

    I’d say I’m a weekend warrior. I have a few old fashioned roses that were started from cuttings from family or dug up from old farmsteads that we farm. I live in a windy climate with cold winters and hot summers and need help knowing what will grow here. Most of my experiments with roses I’ve bought haven’t gone too well.

  796. Angelina on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. I am hoping to learn how to grow + prune roses for cutting and use in bouquets, to make my own old fashioned rose garden, and hopefully one day propagate roses.
    I think my love for roses started with the pale, peachy pink, climbing rose that has grown on my mom’s front patio for as long as I can remember. I would sit on our front steps as a little girl and watch her prune and weed it carefully every season. It is still one of the loveliest, best-smelling, old-fashioned roses I’ve seen to this day.

  797. Radhika on

    I personally have never been able to keep rose alive for some reason or the other . Reading all the recent floret rose blogs gives me such an inspiration to give it a try again. Excited to read her books and learn to care for these amazing flowers.

  798. Julie Shedko on

    Hi! What an inspiring interview. Thank you! I am a Aspiring Rosarian hoping to gain more knowledge and confidence for my rose garden. ❤️

  799. Carol on

    I am a weekend seasonal gardener. Here in northern Michigan Mother Nature blankets our small piece of earth in snow. I learned gardening from my mothers love of the earth and have passed it on to my children and grandchildren. I dream of having more time for gardening and to someday have a roadside flower stand. I would love to learn more about cultivating roses and add more to my limited collection. Felecia’s story is so inspirational and her knowledge of roses a treasure to behold.

  800. Debra A Browning on

    I’m likely an aspiring rosarian. I’ve grown mostly antique roses and a handful of Austin roses. Working on reorganizing and cleaning up what I have, after which I hope to focus on getting everything on bare roots. Love the blog. Thank you!

  801. Ginger D. on

    I am puzzled by roses but I also think my roses are puzzled by the climat I live in – north Florida, where it can be 80 degrees one day and drop down to 35 degrees a few days later. What season is that exactly? (roses must ask themselves.) On our property, I inherited a row of climbing roses that have flourished even through all the climate chaos. They produce delicate pink flowers that I like to think, under my care, have grown into larger, more fragrant blooms. In spring and fall, there are too many to count and every morning I go and pinch off the dying blooms. But now it’s January, and the confused plants are generating a few flowers. They are very beautiful but troubling because it is so off season.
    The plants are really rambling roses and I try to prune them or they get too rangy, with tufts of new leaves at the end of long, skinny, leaf-less stems. And so on, year after year. Ok.
    The problem is trying to plant any other species of rose elsewhere on my property. They just do not survive. They look glorious at the nursery. We follow all the instructions – planting, watering, feeding, pruning. But sooner or later they peter out, the branches get brittle and dry out, the plant just… gives up. I have no idea why.
    I feel this book could help me solve this mystery and guide me toward examples of roses I can plant in all the spots where they would be so pretty and admired, if only they survived!

  802. Savannah on

    As I am new to rose care, I am hoping to learn about how to deal with Japanese Beetles and propagating roses from cuttings and rose hips! My family’s garden has a few rose plants left behind from the previous owner of our home, and they are so beautiful in color and in scent! I would love to expand our rose garden as we are always so eager to see them blossom and open!

  803. Becky on

    I’m an everyday gardener always learning. So far my success with roses has been spotty, at best. I have one old fashioned rose that is15 Year old and has followed me to a new residence. Two others didn’t make it to their second year. I definitely need more education and guidance particularly regarding fertilizing and preparation for winter.

  804. Kristin Cooper on

    I’m definitely an Aspiring Rosarian. My grandfather grew roses and I have very fond memories walking with him through his rose garden – this is where my love for roses began. I currently have several rose bushes and have wanted to learn more about taking better care of them. I am hoping to learn all about insect/disease control. That’s the area I struggle with most.

  805. Connie Novotny on

    The Everyday Gardener. I’m starting a cut flower garden and want to fill my 1 acre lot full of flowers. They make me think of my Grandma and her gardens. I have always loved roses but haven’t really tackled them yet. It would be a sweet beautiful addition to my gardens! 🤞 to get my hands on Felicias book and roses! Thank you both for all your inspiration!

  806. John on

    Everyday Gardener if I’m being honest, but an Aspiring Rosarian in my dreams. I’ve been growing roses for 6 years and my garden could use a little more tuning and a little less expansion this spring. I hope to dive into some of the more advanced content on soil care and disease management. The native soil and pests in my area have been a challenge for many plants including my roses. With young children and pets around I’m hoping to find solutions that are not only best for my garden’s health, but also my family’s.

  807. John Lalley on

    My wife and I have been avid gardeners for over forty years. We have recently reached retirement age, which has given us more time to enjoy gardening. The pandemic also prompted us to expand our flower production to help support our daughter’s catering business, which had to be retooled when everything shut down. We supply her with peonies, dahlias, daffodils, zinnias, etc. for arrangements that to supplement her food business. We are now starting to sell our cut flowers to other outlets such as florists and designers. We would like to add roses to our cut flower offering.

  808. Christy Taylor on

    I’d say I’m a everyday grower with rosirian tendencies. Roses have always been my favorite flower and would love to learn more about them and all the beautiful varieties. Maybe adding them to my new flower farm. Fingers crossed.

  809. Denise Fairbank on

    I am a weekend warrior gardener who wishes she could be everyday gardener. I’ve got a few small cut flower gardens in the works and would love to add roses. I would love to learn more about growing roses in the northeast region.
    Great interview and inspiring!

  810. Connie Gozzarino on

    My Mother loved roses and always grew them. When I married at 19 and had my own yard, I really began to listen and learn from her. 50 years later I’m still learning. I also live in Northern California and am anxious to read Growing Wonder because I’ve noticed a huge shift in the climate of Sonoma CO over the last 70 years and I’m curious how she addresses the extremely hot summers we are experiencing. My roses looked like someone had taken a blowtorch to them and left me heartbroken after a day of 112 degree temp last summer! I’m in the process of finally letting go of roses I’ve had for decades that are blighted every year with black spot and disease, so I’m anxious to read about her favorite varieties! I’m an avid gardener, but an old gardener!!! Some days are more of a struggle to keep up with the insects, the weeds, and the deadheading. I will always feel closest to my Mom in the garden. Every rose I cut and put in a vase graces my home and is a tribute to her.

  811. Lorilyn Wiering on

    I would consider myself an everyday gardener. Almost 20 years ago I planted a David Austen climbing rose. I have always enjoyed it, but last summer as I had determined to “hobby hard” in my garden—mostly easy cut flowers like zinnias, cosmos, but recently getting caught up in “dahliamania”— I started giving more abundant care to this long faithful rose. And she responded so beautifully. With tons more blooms than I’d ever had before. Such a source of joy. Moving forward I have a lot to learn and would like to become educated, specifically how to prune and care for roses through the winter (in Michigan).

  812. Jennifer on

    This rose series has been so inspiring. I am an Everyday Gardener – it is my solace in these difficult times. But I am a scientist at heart and love to know all the nitty gritty details. As I am just getting my feet wet in roses (my first David Austin comes this year!), I am looking forward to soaking up every piece of information I can get to start well with roses. I had good luck with some ordinary shrub roses last year, but I am sure that is what it was – luck. I want to learn so much more! Thanks for offering this inspiring interview, and for Felicia’s generosity in the giveaway.

  813. Lindsey Leighton on

    I am a weekend warrior given I work full time outside the home. I recently purchased my first rose bushes so I have everything to learn. I am expanding my cut flower garden to include these amazing buds.

  814. Sherri Bradley on

    I am Aspiring Rosarian I have a small(20 plants) 50year old rose garden I baby each year! I struggle with black spot. I would love to learn about growing farm rose to add to my floret workshop!!

  815. Annelise on

    I am an aspiring rosarian with a Montana twist. We get all kinds of weather conditions! I am hoping to gleen knowledge from Felicia’s book to grow Montana appropriate roses in a small urban backyard for cutting and pollinators. Love the battle!

  816. CarolAnn Jacques on

    This was a wonderful interview. I have always been afraid to plant roses. They seem so daunting with knowing how to prune, etc. I did plant my first climbers last year around the entrance to my flower garden and I was so pleased that it bloomed for me twice! I’m looking forward to reading this book and buying more roses!

  817. Sarah G on

    I’ve grown roses in the past, but am becoming more and more drawn to growing more! I’ve struggled with thrips on a large bush I have. I’m still an Aspiring Rosarian when it comes to roses.

  818. sharyn on

    My grandparents lived on a 160 acre farm at the edge of the Oklahoma dust bowl. Electricity but no running water. Grandma had some roses. She cared for them through all kinds of weather — especially bad droughts. She carried water to them by bucket from a manual pump. I learned about devotion to roses from her. Her favorite was a Forty-Niner rose. Dramatic. Gorgeous. I’ve been partial to variegated roses ever since. I have planted roses everywhere I have lived — where I could. Sadly that has not been for years now. Until now! I am turning 77. I have moved to a farm with horses. Rescued and retired horses. And I get to spend time with them. Drafts (Belgians), Dutch Harness, Hafflinger, Appaloosa, Thoroughbred, Quarter, Arabian. It’s a mix. It’s unusual for one my age. It’s wonderful.
    And then I discovered Erin at Floret. That led to Anne and now Felicia! All around me room and places for roses! So I’m reading everything by/about Anne. And I can’t wait for your book, Felicia. The first thing I want to know is how to plant a rose close enough to climb a tree and still get enough sun.
    Thank you, Felicia. Thank you, Erin. And thnak you so very much, Anne.

  819. Janice Marie on

    Weekend warrior. We are building on a pasture in southern Oregon. I am curious if we can grow roses that we protect from the elk and deer to sell at growers markets or supply someone who already does. Want to learn about good roses for our climate.

  820. Katie MacDonald on

    I am an Everyday Gardener for most things but have been nervous to try roses! I am hoping to get more confidence that I can add some of these beauties to my yard. I follow Menagerie Flower on Instagram and swoon regularly, but need her help to make it happen for me! Thanks for all you do to share your beauty with us!

  821. Girlie Delizo-Jasper on

    What an inspiring story! I am an avid gardeners with as many fails as successes, and that includes growing roses. Last year, I converted part of my front yard in to an orchard / cut flower garden, and planted predominantly roses and hydrangeas. I hope to see joy not only in seeing the roses bloom, but also in learning from the challenges of growing them, and from reading about her book, it sounds like it will be a great source of knowledge.

  822. Michelle on

    Weekend Warrior here and so enjoyed this interview! Just started growing roses in 2021 with hopes of crafting my own bridal bouquet. Felicia has been so helpful throughout my rose growing journey and I gained so much knowledge and insight from being part of the Academy. My biggest struggle has been keeping the roses healthy though they generously and lovingly continue to put out beautiful blooms. Looking forward to expanding my little apartment garden and learning more. Thank you both for being so generous with your time, knowledge and experience!

  823. Tasha G on

    I was more of a Weekend Warrior last year, but this year I’ll have more time and hope to be an Everyday Gardener. I’ve always been fascinated with roses, but due to the humid climate and the bugs, haven’t had much luck growing them. Hoping to change that in the future!

  824. Karen on

    The scent, the color, the tenacity of a rose…and the black spot. Gardening in the Pacific Northwest is wonderful and challenging at the same time. I’d like to learn how to better care for these beauties so that I can expand my small rose garden and include David Austin roses. Felicia’s love of her land and the connection to her grandparents reminds me of helping my grandma in her tiny garden. My first flowers were English daisies, a coral bell, and a foxglove that grew taller than my 10 year old self, all from her garden.

  825. Jan on

    Thanks for this interview Erin! Felicia is so knowledgeable! I am a every day gardener wanting to expand my cut flower garden to include beautiful roses. I’m ready to dive in to the world of roses on my acre of land in Colorado.

  826. Laura Roth on

    Loving this rose series! I’d say I’m somewhere in between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener. I didn’t know how much I’d love gardening until I bought my first house a year and a half ago! Excited to read Felicia’s book!

  827. Becca on

    I’m a beginner…have always loved roses but struggled over the years to keep my everyday garden center variety healthy. Due to Erin’s Rose Series, I was introduced to old world roses and different specialty types. Like everyone else who loved this series, I’ve spent my days obsessing over rose sites and you-tube on how to grow rose videos. 4 specialty type roses are coming to me this Spring and planning to get 4 more (David Austin). I dream of having a garden filled with them, all different types, colors and characteristics. And maybe one day have a uPick Rose Farm and raise funds for my all time favorite non-profit Hands of Hope!

  828. Claudia Jacobson on

    I am a retired banker living in Alaska. I am working on making a beautiful landscape for my new home which had nothing but a flat acre of dirt! The hospital grounds in my community has beautiful rose bushes throughout the campus, so I know they grow here in zone four. I just don’t know where to start and it is very overwhelming.

  829. Karen on

    I am a everyday gardener who loves every aspect of gardening and wish i had more property to grow more flowers to sell/give away, from my garden. Gardening is a life long obsession of mine, that I inherited from my Father. It has left a a big imprint on my heart and my health. I thrive in my garden, and it gives me so much back. Looking forward to Felicias new book. I loved her story. Full of life’s ups and downs, but in the garden we have peace.

  830. Lori Call on

    We bought our property 17 years ago for our Montessori preschool ‘. I retired from teaching when my grandson got cancer. We remodeled the school and moved in last summer. I am so excited to learn everything I can about flowers farming. I am an aspiring rosarian. I have just a few rose bushes that one of my preschoolers gave me 15 years ago. I still think of him and his precious gift.

  831. Laurel W. on

    I consider myself a new Everyday Gardener, although I’ve always have had perennial gardens that were started and planned with the help of my late mother, who had the greenest of green thumbs. When I think of roses, I think of the beautiful roses she had growing around our post lamp and in her flower bed when I was a child. As an adult I was always under the impression that roses were hard to grow, so beyond a small bush of apricot colored carpet roses I once planted, I haven’t tried to grow them. As I have been learning about cut flower gardening, last year being my first year growing, I have realized that no flower is difficult to grow if you have the will to grow it and some knowledge. I dived in head first during the pandemic, armed with books, the internet and several Facebook groups for support. I have thrown away the idea that particular flowers are “difficult” and have opened myself up to any and all flowers/seeds I can get my hands on. I love sharing my flowers with friends and neighbors, helping a few to actually start gardens themselves. Roses are the next group of flowers I am educating myself about and I am very excited to read your upcoming book. I am currently planning a space to have a dedicated rose bed and the most difficult thing has been choosing which ones to plant. I want them all! I think my mother would be pleased that I am finally trying my hand at planting roses this year.

  832. Julie on

    I would consider myself a weekend warrior branching out to aspiring rosarian. I watched my great grandmother grow the most beautiful, organic garden roses in her garden in the mountains. When I moved to the coastal, humid south, I was told ‘roses just don’t do well here because of the humidity’ or ‘you simply can’t grow organic roses.’ Now that I have proven those statements wrong in my private garden, I would like to expand into commercial production and prove the naysayers wrong again. Felicia writing a book was perfect timing!

  833. Ann Sutherland on

    Growing roses is such a joy. To watch a tiny bud grow into a glorious blossom is truly one of natures special treats that keep us out in the garden every day. We all need these precious miracles in our daily life.

  834. Whitney on

    My level is at weekend warrior. I have no experience with roses and hope to learn how to select the best varieties for my area!

  835. Cherie Hughes on

    I am an everyday gardener with a rose passion. I struggle to get the beautiful and healthy roses I remember from growing up in California at my Grandmothers place. I live in Oklahoma now and the weather here is a tough task master to put it mildly. I could use a lot more knowledge about how to give my roses the best love and life possible.

  836. Anna Jennings on

    I am a weekend warrior working towards making flower growing a side hustle for my family! I love learning about how to grow different types of flowers! My biggest struggle with growing roses are aphids and pest management!

  837. Yvonne Ranft on

    I have loved flowers ever since I can remember seeing one. I was 2 years old. I am an everyday Gardner when weather permits, but I live in Ohio.
    I had a rose that my Mother gave me and I was very sentimental about it. Unfortunately, it passed away. I am excited to learn more about roses and how to care for them.

  838. Sarah kwon on

    I am dabbling into gardening and have recently fell in love with Roses. My mother in law planted some roses from Lowes at our home during the pandemic and they have thrived here in the South. Because I have children to homeschool, and chores to do at home, sometimes it is very difficult to get out and really make these roses shine.

    I never realized how much calm, joy, and peacefulness a single stem of rose can bring to someone. It excites you and fills you with awe and beauty.

    I would love a chance to win this raffle and plant more beautiful roses to add to the small growing one at my home. I would love to learn how to cultivate them to help them really grow and bring us more joy and happiness to our home.

    I throughly enjoyed the interview. Out of pain and suffering came about something beautiful and these sort of stories are always worth sharing. (I sense a rose metaphor coming out of it 😄)

    Thank you for this opportunity to win this wonderful giveaway!

  839. Starlene Walker on

    I have been gardening all my life. My grandmother was a great gardener. I didnt say I was a good gardener.lol lol I now have 20 acres. In the middle of a forest outside Port Angeles WA. The soil is not good. I try and try. However my roses are doing well. I am looking forward to reading about how Felicia kept going. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! lol lol lol

  840. Katelynn on

    Aspiring to be a full blown rosarian! This spring we will be moving out of the city to a large piece of land where I can plant the flower farm of my dreams. I’ve ordered so many seeds and read so many books on gardening, however I haven’t ordered roses mostly because I’m scared the harsh, New Mexico climate will kill them! I’m excited to read Growing Wonder and learn how to help roses thrive in a dry, hot climate and add some of Felicia’s amazing roses to my garden!

  841. Carole Keffer on

    I’m an everyday gardener. This is year two for my personal cut flower garden. Last year I created and gave away hundreds of bouquets to friends and neighbors. It brought me so much joy! I’m so excited to add roses this year. I have one David Austin rose coming soon…Vanessa Belle, chosen for doing well in heat and humidity, and for the wonderful color, a yellow that speaks to my heart! I have plans to add more roses, Queen of Sweden is next. This rose is to honor my heritage, and to remember my dear friend, Robyn Primeaux, who lost her battle to cancer last May.

    I wish you the very best Felicia! Thank you Erin, for connecting so many experts with every day gardeners like me.

  842. AmberLynn Wilcox on

    Enjoyed learning about Felicia and am excited to check out her website! I’m mostly an Everyday Gardner, with hopes to do more when the next phase of life hits. Right now I homeschool my six kids and garden when I can, hopefully inspiring a love of gardening in my children! They are my most precious “flowers.” I look forward to Felicia’s book and the best way to deal with pests, find out more great tried-and-true varieties, and help the overall health of my 11, soon to be 13, roses. After reading this blog, there are so many more I want! Thank you for sharing Felicia’s story

  843. Jeannine LeVigne on

    I am an “Every Day Gardener”, when possible, as I live in Maine. I also work at a garden center/nursery and take care of a vast array of perennial plants and shrubs, including a variety of several types of roses, and am looking to broaden my knowledge and understanding so as to better care for my charges.Am currently looking out on a sunny but cold snowscape, but Spring is just around the corner!

  844. Gigi Carroll on

    I think of myself as an Aspiring Rosarian {again}. After years of tending roses throughout my 20’s and having accumulated over 30 different varieties, I allowed life to get busy and stopped caring for them the way they should have been, I eventually lost my beautiful collection. A couple of decades later and home full time now on our farm, I am reestablishing all my kitchen gardens along with generous cut flower gardens, including roses, in the design.

    I would love a copy of Growing Wonder and some new roses to add to my new gardens. I look forward to adding another book to my vast gardening library.

  845. Jamie on

    I’m a weekend warrior/aspiring rosarian. I plant tons of other types of flowers, but purchased my first three rose bushes last year on a whim as they were on super sale/last bushes standing at my local nursery, and they have been the gifts that keep on giving (even though I don’t know the first thing about caring for rose bushes). Just when I think they’re done flowering, another bloom pops up unexpectedly. I hope to upgrade to a full hedge of rose bushes along my long driveway, and I hope Felicia’s book might provide me with the information to avoid rookie mistakes!

  846. Hailey Fulton on

    I loved the interview with Felicia and all the new rose content! I am a new Everyday Gardener, like many from the pandemic and being able to work from home. I have memoires from my childhood of my great grandmother and grandmother’s roses and they were one of the first plants I bought for my garden. My Grandmother passed this last year and knowing that the last couple of years we were able to bond over starting my own garden means the world to me. My biggest struggle seems to be powdery mildew and pest control trying to use organic methods. I live in New Orleans and the climate is very humid. Also, being in the city, it is important to me that my garden is a safe haven for pollinators. I hope I can use what I learn from the book to keep my roses healthy and be able to grow my garden into something I can share with my community. I live on a beautiful street in the Irish Channel and my side garden is viewable from the sidewalk and I really hope to grow it into something that people will enjoy on their walks to Magazine Street. Thank you in advanced for sharing y’all’s knowledge and the opportunity to possibly win such an incredible gift.

  847. Kirsten Redman on

    I am most definitely a weekend warrior with so much to learn about roses. They were my Grandmother and Mom’s favorite and I wish I had taken the time to learn from them – Mom always had magnificent roses right to the end. I live in Central Texas and have tried to get 6 bushes to succeed in my garden, and while I have had some success, I don’t know nearly enough to get them as beautiful as the roses pictured here!. I would love the chance to learn from a master!

  848. Sylvia Stewart on

    Sylvia Stewart. January 18.

    Loved your interview with Felicia. Her roses are to die for. Love Honey Dijon!!! Who am I kidding, I love them all. Unfortunately, I do not live in the US but I have a sister that lives in Mead, Colorado. We are both wannabe gardeners! She has a back yard garden that she has nurtured to become a beautiful spot to escape the world! We both have. If I could enter her name to win the book and three of Felicia’s roses would just be the best. To know that I had a little hand in contributing to her little piece of heaven would be wonderful. Our gardens have kept us in touch also, sending pictures back and forth and sharing info. I will send you her information if I’m successful! Floret farms is on my bucket to visit if there are ever tours! I just received your two books for my birthday. Love them, I dare to dream! Blessings to all!

  849. Susan on

    What a lovely interview ~ gorgeous photographs ~ I would consider myself an Everyday Gardener hoping to expand my knowledge of roses ~ thank you !

  850. Deb Sisam on

    So excited about this beautiful resource ~ New Zealand readers will be able to get their copy from us at Puriri Lane http://www.puriri lane.co.nz – thanks for sharing this magical Rose journey with us ~ Deb x
    Puriri Lane :: New Zealand

  851. Debra Fortney on

    We live on a 1.5 acre property. Once February rolls around and the weather improves, I will be out in the yard gardening daily. I have over 30 roses sprinkled throughout my yard. I would love to increase my knowledge base about roses by learning from someone who is a master rose grower. your interview was very inspiring and has made be anxious to get back out into the gardens. We live in Walla Walla.

  852. Jenny Kessener on

    I am an everyday gardener, weather permitting! Being in zone 5, IL, this time of year involves research, ordering seeds, and bareroots, and wintersowing to prepare for Spring. I just began my journey, collecting roses the last couple years, since moving to a house with a 1/2 acre. My biggest challenge is what to expect from young roses, and how to get the most blooms. We are also working on adding more beds, for both flowers and vegetables. Big trees and critters are some of our other challenges.

  853. Ronda on

    I am an EVERYDAY gardener that loves to grow everything from Flowers, Roses and Vegetables.

  854. Katie Ng on

    I’m definitely Weekend warrior (at least for now) here! I’ve always love the smell of a garden rose. But the idea of growing a rose garden didn’t spark until I grew my first Olivia rose! I can’t wait to get my hand on Felicia’s new book and throw myself in the world of imagination! Thank you for inspiring me.

  855. Vickie on

    I am a weekend warrior and true aspiring rosarian. Roses sparked my love for gardening. Roses are so elegant, classic, and meaningful for many. I’m a relatively inexperienced gardener that has dove into the world of gardening and have loved every second. I can’t wait to grow my garden someday and have a winding path through many rambling roses. For now, I enjoy gardening in my humble city garden. I’m looking forward to learning more about maintaining roses and promoting longevity. I also am looking to learn more about the basics of roses (feeding, pruning, disease prevention/management, etc.). The biggest area I struggle with is navigating so many differing recommendations and advice regarding roses. I struggle to pin-point what information to trust and apply to my garden. Thank you for sharing this lovely interview!

  856. Julia Hoitt on

    I am a weekend lover of being in my backyard and fiddling with all that is growing. I have a zero lot line home which means my backyard is tiny by comparison to almost everybody else. I have lemon, apricot, apple, and Mandarin trees woven in between are my roses. I don’t even know the kind of Apple tree I have other than I harvest twice a year and make great apple cobbler. You are right about mother nature and the hurdles from extreme hot weather to the fire smoke and ash. I would love to read the book to get new insight into what I am doing wrong.

  857. Maureen on

    Wonderful interview! I’m an everyday gardener new to the rose city, Portland, OR. Love learning about all the varieties that grow here and in my garden.

  858. Janina Stump on

    I LOVED learning all about your rose journey! Thank you for sharing! I am an Everyday Gardener who has fallen in love with roses. Many years ago I moved into an existing home with about 25 roses. I had no idea how to take care of them and they were an overgrown, thorny mess. Now that I have experienced, reliable information, and a list of roses that have proven to perform well and grow in my zone, my goal is to add beautiful roses to our landscape each year and share the harvest with others. We need more beauty in this world! Thank you!

  859. Judy Anderson on

    I am a weekend warrior waiting to improve my garden landscape this spring. Roses are a challenge because I live in southwestern Montana in the woods with deer and our climate is pretty unforgiving. I have a small space that is fenced from the deer and would love to find a hardy rose that can take our hot, dry summers and survive cold winters. Tea roses don’t seem to do well here even with mulching. The old rose varieties are so dreamy but nurseries around here don’t carry them.

  860. Phyllis on

    I am an everyday gardener. My biggest struggle is myself, learning about insects, fertilizing, watering, trimming, it’s a constant battle, even though I have done it most of my life. I love my roses and have a large flower and vegetable garden also. I tend to get too many irons in the fire at once and need to learn to manage my time better. I need to be a better manager and planner. I love to read and study so I look forward to your book. Thank you for writing it.

  861. Stephanie Mills on

    I’m an everyday gardener for sure but would like to be an aspiring rosarian! I have several roses in my garden. Mostly David Austin’s I love them so. I do struggle primarily with sawfly larva and Japanese beetles. I hate them with a passion!! I’d like to learn how to manage these pests as organically as possible. I don’t want to harm our native bees.

  862. Jacquelyne Barker on

    I retired 3 years ago and moved from the SF Bay area of CA back to my roots in Eastern WA. We built our dream home and 2 1/2 years ago on a lot surrounded by pine trees. It has been a challenge figuring out how to landscape our property with scrubs, trees, perennials and roses that will thrive in this climate. I love roses and the beauty they provide to any space. I am an aspiring rosarian as well as everyday gardener from March to October due to the seasons here in the greater Spokane, WA /Coeur d’Alene, ID area. I love to be out with the plants during the growing season and want to learn as much as possible. My desire to know which varieties of roses will do well in our warm summers and cooler spring and fall temps is intense. I want to learn as much as possible. It’s so inspiring to read all about the research and labor behind each rose variety. I’m hopeful to gain a knowledge that matches my desire to learn.

  863. Ashley on

    Aspiring flower gardener (including roses of course)! As a perpetual student (second year med student here) I’ve been stuck in apartments for the last decade but I’m done letting that interfere with my love of flowers and nature! I’ve decided that I’ll make a hobby of learning as much as possible (which I why I’d love her book) so that when I finally get my dream property I’ll be able to put my best foot forward! For now, I’ll be trialing all my flowers at my parents’ and sister’s house! Roses are particularly special to my mom, sister, and myself because they were my grandmas’s favorite.

  864. Kris on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener with a hillside of old garden/rugosa roses. The original ones are about 20 years old. I’d like to better understand how to prune them for best plant health and flower production. I love how fragrant then are. In June, they fill the hillside with a gorgeous scent.

  865. Klara Cramer on

    I’m a weekend warrior aspiring to be the everyday gardener. I have very polarized feelings about roses, but I would love to honor my late mother in law and continue growing classic English tea roses. We are now full time carers for her husband, we had to sell their house with the small (now very neglected) garden. We now live in one, brand new, house and I would love to recreate little bit of her old garden in our new blank space for our dad to enjoy. To do that I know I need to, but also want to include roses, so in 30 years I can sit in our garden, retired, admiring that same rose bush producing lovely flowers, year after year. My flower growing book collection is growing fast these days and this would be very needed addition.

  866. Debi Rix on

    Hi! I’m a beginner flower enthusiast. Having fresh cut flowers in our home has always been important to me even when we couldn’t afford to spend the money on something so “frivolous”. I would find wild flowers, grasses and twigs and branches to make an arrangement for our table. Since watching Erin and the Floret Farm series I have started growing flowers to cut. I hope to add roses to this “budding” endeavor. It makes my soul so happy to see you young ladies pursuing your passions with such focus and heart. Your stories are inspiring and I thank you for sharing.

  867. Michelle Matz on

    Your work is amazing!!
    I am at the very beginning stage of starting a pretty good size rose garden, can’t wait to fill it with so many of your roses!

  868. Stephanie on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian. My biggest struggle is getting my roses to thrive. Disease and watering properly have contributed to the lack. We just moved so in my new garden I hope to have the roses on their own water system. I want to learn it all from Felicia’s new book, but specifically to gain confidence so I can have the garden of my dreams.

  869. Stacey Cross on

    Hi there. I am an everyday gardner and aspiring rosarian. I have roughly 100 roses on my 12 acre parcel in Southern Oregon but I am constantly and obsessively looking for new (old) varieties to plant on our farm. I really want to learn more about pests and diseases of roses. I have lost many roses to have rootstock take the place of the original bush. So now I tend to lean toward own rootstock but I am a sucker for a beauty so not opposed to grafted roses. Anyway my love of roses started at a young age following around my Grandmother who had a beautiful rose garden. Thank you

  870. Joan Michelotti on

    I am retired and in the garden every day! I love roses! Here in the California Central Valley, rose beetles are a big problem in the early spring. The rest of the year, roses grow abundantly. I cut lots of bouquets for friends and neighbors, especially those who are healing from an illness. Roses make everybody happy!

  871. Fauve on

    Everyday gardener that’s new to roses. I’d love to learn organic pest control and troubleshooting problems as well as how to select which roses to grow for my zone. I’m excited for this book release!

  872. E on

    Currently Weekend Warrior status. What I’m hoping to learn from Growing Wonder is how to get the most blooms from each rose plant. Can’t wait to read this book! Roses are one of my favorite flowers.

  873. Karen on

    I have been a weekend warrior, daily gardener wannabe, for most of my adult life. Two years ago, I quit my job of 40 years to stay home and care for my 94 year old mom, and this opened the door for me to become the everyday gardener that I’d often wished I could be. My flower and vegetable gardens quickly became my place of refuge. They not only provided a way for me to be outdoors and still be accessible to her, but they filled a need in me to feel creative and productive. As I am sitting here beside my mom during her last days here on earth, and with spring just around the corner, I am anticipating that my garden this year will be a place of great comfort. I hope to expand my flower gardens and would love to include a dedicated area for a rose/cottage garden. I am not very confident when it comes to caring for roses, but would love to learn.

  874. Benjamin Gonzalez on

    Everyday Gardener in Texas Zone 9B:
    It’s comforting to be apart of a community full of inspiration and education. Last year during the pandemic I planted a rose garden to be able to have fresh roses for my parents home. Quickly I realized how much joy and happiness flowers bring to my community especially during the pandemic (we all need some roses in our lives). As the season progressed I noticed the varieties that lasted longer in vases and got to experience the dreaded black spot here in South Texas. I believe it’s important to farm sustainably and as organic as possible so I am excited to learn from Felicia on how to control black spot and aphids. As a Everyday Gardener in zone 9B, I have been busy pruning and planting new bareroots. I want to support small business and since I am shopping early I will be ordering bareroots from Felicia. I am so excited and this article certainly helped me decide on some varieties to try in my garden this year. I would love to get a longer vase life for my flowers so more of my family and friends can enjoy them. Last year I wasn’t able to gift many due to the vase life not being longer than 1-2 days but I do plan on purchasing varieties that will last longer in vases. Everyday is a learning experience especially when it comes to the topic of gardening. I wish all my fellow garden community a blessed growing season full of health and happiness.

  875. Victoria Esparza of Woodridge, Il on

    I am definitely a Weekend Gardner but dream through all of those Rosarians and Gardners in general. I live just southwest of Chicago in a very versatile climate. Always changing and never, ever the same. Your story inspired me in so many ways. I look forward to a good read and, most of all, the knowledge that you will share. Thank you to Erin for introducing Felicia to me. Look forward to the bonding through the stories. Happy Day😍

  876. Penny Sesher on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior with the hopes of being an every day gardener who can sit and enjoy the flowers and wildlife in my yard with the look of an old world cottage garden and all the fragrances that come along with the beauty. I am new to roses and am eager to learn all of the do’s and dont’s and move away from the roses at the local home store to the beautiful ones I see among cottages and old farm houses. I also hope to learn how to care for the land I live on that isn’t always that friendly when it comes to growing plants for beauty. Knowing what to grow along with the roses is just bonus for squeezing in even more beauty. Thank you for your beautiful post!

  877. Rachel on

    I would consider myself an everyday garden and have recently expanded into roses. I’m most interested in the overall care so that I can have cut roses from my own garden- I love going out and picking my own bouquets!

  878. Kate on

    I’m a weekend warrior, quickly transitioning to an aspiring rosarian. Roses unexpectedly captured my heart during my first year of flower farming (2021), and now I’m hooked. I love that Felicia talks about testing her roses by running them through the gauntlet. I inadvertently did that last year (especially with weeds!), and I’m feeling a lot less guilty about it now. (Perhaps I love roses in part because they’re so tough and resilient.) In her book, I’m most curious to learn the good habits of an aspiring rosarian. So many people think that roses (and especially cut/garden roses) are not for the Gulf Coast, but I’ve happily discovered that that isn’t necessarily true. My longer term interests are in selecting and potentially breeding cut rose varieties for hot, humid climates like mine. I’m especially excited to learn any tips and tricks that will help me along that path. Thank you for this wonderful interview!

  879. Linda boyer on

    I have over 65 roses and cannot wait to add more! It has become somewhat of an obsession. I’m excited for this book hoping to gain better knowledge of how to control or prevent disease and how to manage Japanese beetles. Last year I was literally at war with them. But I worry that breathing in all the pesticides is harming me more than the beetles. So a big HELP !

  880. Evie on

    So enjoyed reading this interview, thank you for sharing!
    I’m somewhere between all of the categories, Everyday Gardener to Aspiring Rosarian with a lot to learn! I grew up gardening with my mom and grandma and inherited their love of growing things. As a full time engineer & a mom, I’m squeezing in all my gardening in the little free spaces. In addition to growing food, I’m loving adding roses & flowers for cutting to the garden.
    We have a 2 acre “Garden of Eden” property in northern AZ that was cultivated & loved for many years by a dear friend of my husband & gifted to him before he passed. I want to add a rose garden that others can come & enjoy, & there is so much to learn. My dream is to someday switch from my 9-5 to full time growing as a livelihood.

  881. Kristin Lemus on

    Newbie to roses and weekend warrior here. I grew up helping my mom grow roses but have not yet tried them myself. Hoping to learn a lot and get started on the right foot.

  882. Georgene Becerra on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian. I grow many varieties of annuals and I’d love to learn how to harvest stems of roses to include them in my arrangements.

  883. Sayuki Sugimura on

    Felicia, your story was so inspiring and amazing. And thank you Erin for introducing her.
    I have been a full time (when I have time and desire) gardener throughout my life.
    Born in Japan and grew up with flowers like Camellia even in mid winter. I moved to Minnesota 35 years ago. Yes, zone 4 and deer are my hurdles. I joined University of Minnesota horticulture when I was 50 years old.
    After losing 100 hybrid tea roses from early snow storm in October and flooding of the lake, I gave up growing roses. Somehow, Charles de Mills rose did survive and a gift of rose plants from a rose breeder at the U made me start growing roses again. I am excited to find a new rose grower, breeder today!

  884. Amanda on

    What a gem of a story. It’s inspired me to keep going even when life is full of challenges! I also like the list of Felicia’s favorite roses. I seem some familiar faces on the list but also some new ones that I’m very interested in.
    I’m in between an Everyday Gardener and Aspiring Rosarian and I’d like to learn more about the proper way to cut a plant for cut flowers – how deep to go, how much to cut/keep. I get nervous that I might cut too much and hurt the roses.

  885. Susan on

    I am an everyday gardener who loves roses but definitely need to learn more. I want to keep adding to my collection for the purpose of gifting bouquets and arrangements to friends and neighbors. Spreading beauty to others!

  886. Nena W. on

    I am most definitely an Aspiring Rosarian…. I hope to read Felicia’s new book and learn all her tried-and-true secrets to grow gorgeous Roses to sell at our local Farmer’s Market as well as gift to friends and neighbors…I too went to University and graduated with a degree in a Science field (Wildlife Biology) and was planning to go on to Graduate School, but marriage and a baby were in my immediate future at that point…So I also like Felicia like to geek out during the whole enjoyable gardening adventure…Thank you for interviewing Felicia, Erin. I can’t wait for your next interview and blogs! I learn so much every time!

  887. Kerrie on

    I’m somewhere between every day gardener and aspiring rosarian. I am anxiously waiting to prep a large chunk of acreage for a heavenly bed of new roses! We have one more year to wait as a road expansion project is done before I can begin on this new field. In the meantime, I am trialing new varieties to test their performance before I dive headfirst into purchasing en masse. My plan is to have an ombre field of color with rows upon rows of gradual color change. I can’t wait to learn from Felicia‘s book and discover more secrets about rose care. In particular, the great debate on how much water they need. I’ve heard varying opinions on this and would love to set the record straight.

  888. Katlyn Woodruff on

    I’m a weekend warrior in the winter when the days are short. I’m getting into roses because of my grandfather. It’s a good way to remember him.
    My biggest issue is the DEER! But I also need to learn how to manage fungus in the Pacific NW. I think reading the book will help with that along with snail treatment.

  889. Rachel on

    I’m a weekend gardener, and roses are intimidating to me. Between bugs and disease, it seems I can’t keep them nice no matter what protocol I follow. I think roses are so incredibly romantic – especially the cabbage type – and I would enjoy knowing how to keep them growing. Thank you for this prize opportunity!

  890. Sue E Becker on

    Roses to me are similar to sweet peas to Erin. They are the flower from my mother and grandmother. We are now retired military, but everywhere we have been transferred, I have planted roses! Once, I dug up and moved my whole garden from Omaha, NE. to Spokane WA.! They are still blooming 20 years later!

    I am not new to flower growing, but am very new to this level. My dream, that we are in the process of growing, is a greenhouse wedding venue in a flower garden!

  891. Johanna Walker on

    I am a daily gardener and aspiring rosarian. Felicia is so easy to talk to and reach out. I begin my journey with roses 2 years ago, many times I send an Instagram message to Felicia and she always took the time to answer. Her knowledge about roses is huge and her book is on my list. Last year we did an expansion to our garden beds, this year I would like to add more roses. I hope she can bring hard to find roses commercially.

  892. Audrey Jennings on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian! I’m only in my second year of cut flower farming and I’m hoping to absorb as much as I can about growing roses from Felicia’s book. I’ve never had the opportunity to try my hand at roses until this year. I will be adding roses this season, and I’m excited and nervous all at the same time! My farm while so tiny in production compared to most, is also a place where I’m able to offer family photo sessions and fulfill my photography dreams! My greatest hope and dream is to offer a curated rose garden for the backdrop for my photo sessions! Can you just imagine how beautiful of an experience this is going to be?!?!

  893. Jenny Collins on

    I am a weekend warrior. My biggest problem is that I have beautiful roses and bushes to start the season but my leaves turn to lace from a tiny caterpillar that chews them to nothing. I’ve tried everything to be rid of them.

  894. Chandra on

    My experience as an everyday gardener of cut flowers and veggies has not translated well to growing and caring for roses. My first rose, a Cecile Brunner, is starving for attention and I have no idea how to take proper care of her. She needs some proper TLC in which I am hoping to gain some insight from Felicia’s book regarding pruning and maintaining an all around healthy plant. With that knowledge, I can then care for the additional four rose varieties in my possession and, just maybe, I can begin implementing roses to our cut flower production. As always, thank you for sharing these stories.

  895. Julie on

    I am at this point a Weekend Warrior gardener, but am working towards Everyday as time permits. I am hoping to learn how to incorporate beautiful roses into my flower garden and care for them.

  896. Robin Cushing on

    Hi, I am an everyday gardener We recently sold our home of 27 years near the coast of Ventura where we raised our family. We moved to a smaller home with a huge hill in the back. It is a much warmer climate. In the middle of escrow I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We moved, I had surgery and radiation and now it’s time to move forward! I discovered floret at the beginning of the pandemic. I enjoy her Instagram and the awesome series on the magnolia network. It left me wanting more. I now want to plant a cut flower garden on my hill! Because of the pandemic it has been hard for me to connect with new friends. My garden has brought me so much joy. I am now embarking on a rose garden. I have already ordered Erin’s book but I can use all the help I can get! I would especially love the cutting!
    Thanks for sharing.

  897. Mary Beth Hunt on

    I’ve slowly given up my vegetable growing garden space for flower space…..and one bed will be roses because of Erin’s stories!

  898. LMD on

    I’m a weekend gardener level. What I hope to see from this book are all of Felicia’s wisdom with roses. I only have 1 rose bush and it took a lot to care. I hope to gain on what type of roses to get to have a better maintenance. I also hope to see the book not overwhelming, and more personal to read.

  899. Bobbi on

    I grew up helping my mom in her garden. Each spring, she would come home with a car full of plants and some would make it through the summer, some wouldn’t. She wouldn’t do much research behind her pairings and just bought pretty things she liked. :) What used to feel like a chore on Saturday mornings is now my most favorite hobby! Researching what pairs well in similar soil and sunlight conditions, textures and colors that compliment each other… I could go on and on and I have my momma to thank for that! I look back now and love having the memories of helping her each spring.

    Roses have always intimidated me, but this year I am facing my fear and just ordered a couple from David Austin in hopes they will thrive in the heat and humidity of Texas! As an everyday gardener, I am looking forward to navigating my first rose growing season with the help of Felicia’s new book. Hopefully it’s wondrous!

  900. Val Taylor on

    I am an everyday gardener. I grew up in Mt Vernon Wa. and was lucky to learn about gardening from my neighbor we called “Grandma Austin.” I had my own cut flower garden when I was 11 years old and have been gardening ever since. We had roses at the home I grew up in and I have always loved them. When I moved to the garden I now have there was only two roses there and no room to plant. I had dug up several roses to bring with me from a memorial garden I made when my mother died. I had to get creative. There was a narrow walkway on the side of my house with bark covering soil about a two foot wide strip that is about 30 foot long. So this became my rose and cutting garden. I love learning and I share my flowers with loved ones, friends, neighbors and passers by.

  901. Amelia Polder on

    I am a weekend warrior just getting into roses and I need to learn EVERYTHING! 😆 Thank you for this amazing giveaway, I would absolutely love to win!

  902. Emily on

    I am a weekend warrior but got my start with roses after following Menagerie and Felicia on Instagram. I immediately fell in love with her roses and placed my first bare root order. Every year I pick a few more to add to my collection! We just sold our house and thinking about leaving my roses behind is heartbreaking although hopefully they will continue to bring beauty and happiness to the new owners. I would love her book so when I start fresh in my new to me house I can be more intentional with how and where I plant and create the rose garden of my dreams.

  903. Megan on

    I am a Daily Gardener in the Midwest, with one of Menagerie’s roses already in my garden! I was so impressed with the quality of the bare roots and how they already bloomed and took off in their first year. In her book I hope to learn more about their growing patterns to expand my rose collection even further in my cut flower garden.

  904. Nancy Wallace on

    Everyday Gardener here just North of Atlanta. However, I am new to roses but would love to try. I’ve had a few in the past but just never knew exactly how to care for them. Here in the South we have unrelenting heat and humidity in the summer, and pretty mild winters. Any help – advice – direction I can get would be most welcome. I am planning on establishing a dedicated space for a cutting garden on my 1-acre property and would love to add some roses. Thanks for sharing your story with us all – wishing for you & yours continued success and a beautiful, bountiful harvest for years to come. And thanks to Erin at Floret for connecting us !!!

  905. Mariela White on

    I’m a weekend warrior, but I’ll be moving to my first house this summer, and I’m trying to learn as much as possible to have my first real garden. Soaking in all the knowledge! I appreciate all the blogs posts!

  906. Jenn Post on

    What an incredible interview, hope to visit her farm soon. I am a new gardener with a res of land , I’m interested in learning more about gorgeous hardy roses and other flowers that can thrive in cooler/wet climates ( with shorter grow seasons) and how to take care of pest and flower health issues responsibly and sustainably . Planning a large private (not for profit) flower garden but hope to share it with my garden community and local school floral education snd arranging class! Thank you for sharing your valuable time and experience! Looking forward to the book!

  907. Amy S on

    Due to busy work weeks and kids schedules, I am currently a weekend warrior. Everydayer is my goal though! 😉 I love, love roses and try so hard to do everything right, but I guess I don’t and my roses are never quite where I want them to be, health wise. Even if I could be more confident with my pruning it would be a huge help! Thank you.

  908. Sue Marsh on

    I love reading about growing roses. I inly have one struggling sad iceberg rose in a corner of my garden . Not to be dissuaded, I’m hoping to save my line rose and figure out how to grow some friends to go with it. I am also planting my first cutting garden this Spring and am excited to beautify my world and to share beauty with neighbors and friends.

  909. Jennifer Vyvlecka on

    Loved the interview! I too am providing care for family, and though it wasn’t the path I envisioned for myself, I’m using the time to cultivate my gardens. {Everyday Gardener} I have only 2 yellow rose bushes, planted as a tribute to my late grandmother. I just prayed they would do well, and they did! So now I’m on a quest to keep them as healthy as possible & collect more! I would love to have a copy of your book, so I can do my best in the future ( & I’m excited to see all the rose photography!). I have a wish list prepared for your rose sale, I hope my fingers can move fast enough on sale day!

  910. Megan Allen on

    I am obsessed with hearing about the twisty turny careers of amazing women farmers have taken. It gives me hope that the universe, along with my hard work, will get me where I’m supposed to be.

  911. Lily on

    I’d say I’m an aspiring rosarian. I’ve been discouraged by the rose rosette virus which is rampant on the east coast :( but I’m hoping to learn more about natural black spot remedies!

  912. Brittany on

    I would consider myself to be an aspiring rosarian. I have had a lot of trial and error with roses. I’ve have had many roses loose their graft due to frigid temperatures. I am learning more and more each year and am absolutely fascinated with the different varieties and colors of roses. I currently have 25 roses around my home and look forward to continuing my collection.

  913. Rebekah on

    I’m a flower farmer — but calling me an aspiring rosarian would be a stretch. How about a wannabe aspiring rosarian? Thank you yet again for introducing another inspiring flower farmer to all of us.

  914. Nancy on

    I’m a weekend gardener and love roses, herbs, perennials and natives. I’ve always felt intimidated by roses and their care. I’m tempted by several of the roses in your favorites section….
    What an amazing business you’ve managed to grow doing what you love!

  915. Pam Butler on

    I am a everyday gardener. I love being in my garden working in the earth and all the smells from everything. I love to watch everything from the beginning bursting out in the spring , from the time it all takes a rest. I am excited to learn more with this new book Thanks for sharing!

  916. Theresa Kelly on

    I have lots of space and lots of time and lots of love for cut flowers. I have rugosa rosas that need to come out, as they are invasive. But they are lovely, with fragrance and rose hips that I will miss. I am hopeful this new book will help me choose replacements that I will come to love, here on the other coast!

  917. Jayne on

    Aspiring Rosarian! I have a couple David Austin roses that I planted next year and I now have plans of a whole field of roses because of Felicia! I am so excited to start my rose field off with lots of bare root roses from Menagerie and David Austin and will add more every year!! What a beautiful story you have Felicia and thank you Erin for sharing with us all!

  918. Britany Dugas on

    I am a weekend warrior (though I’m learning more every year!) and dream of a full, lush rose garden to walk through with my daughter. She’s 10 months old and I am trying to show her as much beauty in the world through flowers as I can. In years past, I have struggled with loving my plants to death (overwatering) and way under pruning. I was so scared before! We recently moved from Texas to Utah for my husband’s job, so I’m hoping Felicia’s book will help me to go back to basics in a new climate while building upon the experience I’ve gotten from years past. We only brought two bushes with us from our old house, so adding a few more would be absolutely lovely!

  919. Christine Whitaker on

    I’m The Aspiring Rosarian. We own a small flower farm in the mountains of Linden, VA. I would love to grow roses for our community and want to learn everything I can. I’m currently working 2 jobs while running our small farm and need all the help I can get. I’m so grateful that Felica has put all her knowledge in one place. It’s so challenging to figure out what’s the right way to do anything, especially when you have no idea how to search for the answers you need.

  920. Casey on

    I currently live in an apartment, so all of my plants are small potted patio plants. However, I am planning on moving in the next couple of months and will have roughly 1/2 an acre to garden. I have been collecting seeds for some time now and recently bought Florets Cut Flower Garden book, which has been a big help in the planning of my garden. Roses have always been a favorite and I have a long list of bare root roses that I’d love to incorporate into my garden when I start it. I think the Growing Wonder book would be a huge help in not only getting my roses started, but also in keeping them beautiful and bountiful. I’m hopeful that one day, with all the knowledge I have and will continue to gain from folks like Erin and Felicia, I will be able to grow flowers as beautiful as they do!

  921. Deanna Berg on

    I am an Everyday Gardener and have purchased 7 of Felicia’s roses over the last few years. They are doing good, but not great because of our humidity and pest pressure. They are all beautiful roses and I enjoy them all. I do not use4 chemicals in my garden, so I will probably be looking to learn more about natural disease and pest prevention. Thank you Felicia and Erin for all you do.

  922. Sabrina on

    Definitely a mix of a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener; just depends on that week’s workload, the weather and focus/need for a creative outlet :) I’d love to learn more about how to evaluate a particular cultivar, how to troubleshoot what’s working and what isn’t. I have a few roses that are stellar performers with minimal effort and a few that are begging for some TLC. It would be great to better understand the needs, habits and traits of these plants to help them flourish in my garden.

  923. Christina Faulhaber on

    Oh my. Felicia’s experience is a treasure trove! I’d love to learn more While I am a weekend warrior, I focus on roses and bouquets for home, work, friends, and strangers. Simple ones that are easily to put in a simple found “vase.” I struggle with my David Austin roses that have weak stems and I feel I’ve tried everything. I’d love to learn new things to try including replacing mine for ones that won’t flop if need be. Blackspot and mildew of course in my wet prolonged Spring climate so help w that is always appreciated.

  924. Irene K. on

    I don’t have any experience in growing roses, so I guess I’m a weekend warrior who wants to learn. My husband and I retired in 2017 and he was the yard tender, along with the three rose bushes. My husband would cut roses to proudly bring in to me for bouquets. He passed away in 2020 and seeing the roses in my yard elicits such sweet memories. I am now looking for outdoor hobbies to fill my time, from veggie gardening to flower growing. Living in the high desert presents some challenges. I would like to find varieties that could thrive in a warm climate with cooler nights, to learn how to lovingly care for the existing roses in the yard, and to add some varieties so I can continue to enjoy their fragrance, beauty and sweet memories.

  925. Julie on

    I am an aspiring rose grower! I would just love to learn the basic ins and outs of roses! Thanks!

  926. Jennifer Gandarias on

    I am a weekend warrior until late spring and then I become an everyday gardener. Gardening is my respite from the demands of teaching and gives me the opportunity to clear my mind. I grow a number of David Austin roses but I struggle with pruning to cultivate longer stems. Also, I think it is time for me to focus on strengthening the health of these 20-year-old roses. I am excited about the new book.

  927. Julia on

    I am a daily gardener in the Midwest, so find roses sometimes challenging due to our extreme winters and humid summers. My biggest struggle is finding a system to overwinter them well. Hopefully her new book will have some information that addresses that.

  928. Natalie Lairamore on

    I am new to growing roses, so I suppose I’m a Weekend Warrior. A friend gifted me with 3 beautiful David Austin roses and I’d love to learn all the things I need to know to grow them into large, lovely, productive bushes.

  929. Marilyn Norberg on

    I am an everyday gardener but do have quite a few roses. I have a love/hate relationship with them-love them when they are giving me bouquets for my home and friends, hate them when they are “resting ” in the winter and I have to prune them. We have seen more pests as the winter weather has been warming here in No. Calif. and I’d like to learn how to identify/organically deal with them

  930. Jennifer Hendren on

    I am an avid gardener, but I have problems with roses. I am hoping that this book will help me figure out what my problems are and make it so I can grow the beautiful roses I adore.

  931. Alicia Monroe on

    I would consider myself an everyday gardener. I love flowers and love growing them and now that we’ve established our vegetable garden, cutting garden, and various other plants, I’d like to try my hand at roses. My paternal grandmother grew beautiful roses and I remember as a child walking through her rows of rose bushes being intoxicated with their fragrant smell. Unfortunately, she passed before she could pass on all her rose growing knowledge to me. Three things I want to learn how to do well: manage pests, fertilize properly, and how to prune the bushes to their fullest potential.

  932. Rebecca Burke on

    I am a Weekend Warrior who dreams of being as Aspiring Rosarian! I am hoping to learn more about disease and pest control from Felicia’s book. I have a few David Austin Roses that suffered from rabbit pressure and one (very sadly) Rose Rosette last year.

  933. Janice on

    I am an Everyday Gardener who wants to grow with confidence. I have always loved roses / flowers. I am wanting to expand my knowledge on all aspects of Roses to fill my yard with more beauty. This year marks 4 years from the passing of my MOM and MIL . They both loved roses and flowers. I want to expand my memory gardens.

  934. Janet Malley on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian! I have some beautiful woodland that I am stewarding and there am planting only native roses. And then there is the rest of the property that holds an outdoor preschool operated by my daughter and plenty of room for field grown roses. Roses themselves are a significant part of my spiritual practice. I look forward to this book and the beauty it promises to reveal.

  935. Sunny May on

    I’m an everyday gardener with a long time passion for David Austin roses. My earliest Austins were planted in 1994 and are still going strong! I am a “tough love” type of gardener and am looking for advice on how to take even better care of my existing roses. I’m also interested in learning more about the newer non-Austin types of roses. I think that companion planting is an area that many gardeners struggle with and am very interested in suggestions for that. Thanks!

  936. Anne Kelly on

    Aspiring Rosarian! Excited to see there are still some in-person flower growing classes out there!

  937. Jenny Boyd on

    Love all the recommendations. I am a weekend warrior, dont grow for selling although it is my dream to have a flower farm someday. I have a couple David Austin which tend to be my favorite but always looking for other varieties to add to my garden. I struggle with aphids even though I buy all the bugs. Also brown spots on the leaves but I tend to still get beautiful blooms. I hope to learn about these two struggles and just learn more about caring for roses and getting more blooms from them. Im also just excited to see all the beautiful pictures and be inspired by the beauty.

  938. Beth on

    I definitely fall into weekend warrior category but am looking to develop my gardening skills as I transition to retirement. I love roses and have an acre to landscape and am very excited to understand the new varieties that are less fussy than older varieties. I also live a few hours from Floret Farms and anxiously await the day when we can have those “sleepover”‘seminars again.

  939. Brittany S. on

    I am an Everyday Gardner that had my eyes opened to roses last year. We’ve lived in our home for 18 years with a small row of roses that I’ve never done much to. I usually deadhead them when I remember but they’ve sat neglected for much of the time. Last year I decided to redo the rose bed and interplant with some perennials and cut flowers. I cleaned out any weeds and grasses growing around them and pruned them the way they are supposed to be pruned. Then they blew my mind. And now here I am, needing all the roses. Hopefully, Felicia’s book can help me do it right.

  940. Sandie Zendner on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior moving into Everyday Gardener,
    Recently I planted a cut flower garden and want to start adding roses. Hopefully I can transition from rose ignorant into Aspiring Rosarian.

  941. Debbie Lai on

    I’m a weekend warrior! I would love to learn more about pest management and organic planting. I’m having so many issues with different bugs each year.

  942. Kimberly Lewis on

    What a delightful interview! I enjoyed this read very much!! I have always loved flowers and grown what I could afford to over the years. A friend encouraged our family to start a flower farm. It was a last minute decision in January of 2020. We were thrilled to find floret and get in on the January seed sale. Then Covid hit and it was actually the perfect time to start something new like this, because it gave us something new and fun to do as a family. Our only knowledge is what we have read in blogs and books over the last two years and our own trial and error. (Florets book on the cut flower farm was extremely helpful!) I fell in love with the David Austin roses and have been adding plants as I am able, but I do find caring for roses is very different than hydrangeas and annuals I’m used to. I would love to read a copy of Felicia’s book to gain more knowledge on how to deal with pests and disease, as well as cutting care for long vase life. I’m looking forward to her upcoming roses sale! Thank you for sharing her story and offering these gifts.

  943. Kory Helmuth on

    I am an Everyday Gardener and this is my first year growing cut flowers to sell! I would like to grow roses, but have never had good experience with them. I would hope to learn how to care and grow varieties for cut flowers!

  944. Shelly deaton on

    I’ve been a weekend warrior most of my life in Southern California , where roses thrive. I am now enrolled in the floret workshop and starting a cut flower farm. Our new farm is in Northern California where the climate is cool and foggy. I would love to grow roses here. I know it will take some time to see which roses can handle the misty coast. But I’m excited to try. I love all flowers, but roses probably have first place in my heart.

  945. Maddie Zack on

    I am a weekend warrior looking to be an everyday gardener. I am most liking forward to learning how to replant my roses. I have a couple beautiful plants at our new house, but in my opinion they do not get enough sun. I want to do it right! This book will help so much to expand my rose journey.

  946. Peggy San Roman on

    Everyday Gardener, always! – Aspiring Rosarian, recently. I’ve been growing roses for many years, but for the last few I have started adding garden roses to my little flower farm, which supplies my friends and neighbors with seasonal bouquets. What a beautiful surprise to read your rose story this morning! Thank you for the inspiration and information. Can’t wait to read your upcoming book!

  947. Zandria Mazzaferro on

    I’m an everyday gardener hoping to learn from Felicia’s book how to care for my current roses to be the best they can, and then increase my number of rose bushes to include cutting roses for arrangements. Right now, I struggle with keeping my current bushes blooming. I can’t wait!

  948. MARY D. CAIN on

    I expect I am an aspiring rosarian. I have roses dotted around my property as well as a formal rose garden. I live in northern Colorado, zone 5a. I especially need to learn more about winter care of roses.

  949. Renae on

    I have been gardening all of my life in one way or another: houseplants indoors, family garden, to a micro urban farm. I love roses and if truth be told I grow them for my husband. He rescued a dozen or so roses from his Uncle’s home years ago to share with the extended family. The three we kept are still growing and blooming, but are coming to the end of their life. They are around 30 years old. I want to learn to propagate them and begin with them again. I am new to your blog, but am loving and learning. Thank you for introducing me to a whole new world. I enjoyed Felicia’s story very much and could use her book to aid in my rose journey.

  950. Lindsay Hamilton on

    I’m so excited about your book! I’m a newer ( year 4 ) flower farmer and roses are so important and to having a good supply of fresh , fragrant flowers . I can’t wait for your book ! Congrats!!!

  951. Terri Witherell on

    I am a flower farmer/event florist. We use many flowers from our farm in our design work but rely on a wholesaler to satisfy our brides’ insatiable appetite for roses. We have four fifty-foot beds planned for roses on our 2022 planting plan. We are hoping that Felicia’s book will provide guidance for our new growing goals! Just booked our 52nd wedding for 2022 while reading Felicia’s interview…wish I would have started roses a few years ago!

  952. Carol on

    Hello! I’m a weekend warrior, this will be my first time attempting to grow any type of flower in my garden here in warm New Mexico! I’m hoping I have some success in my first year, gardening has been an amazing outlet for me as it has been for many people throughout the pandemic. I’ve grown veggies and herbs with great results, but roses hold a special place in my heart. I’d love to read Felicia’s book and learn from her, so I can have beautiful roses all around my yard for my family and neighbors to appreciate!

  953. Rachel C. on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. Every chance that I get I’m out in the garden! My biggest area of struggle with my roses is powdery mildew and black spot (part of living in the beautiful PNW!)

  954. Susan O'Halloran on

    I am an everyday gardener. I have a number of old-fashioned roses growing on my property, but want to learn more about caring for them. I also want to expand the plantings, so it would be great to get some advice about good varieties to grow.

  955. Warittha on

    I would say I’m an Everyday Gardener. My heart belongs in the garden, and it’s where I love to be when I have time after my daily morning chores are done. Although I am not new to gardening, I am somewhat new to planting and caring for roses. My mom loves roses, and I grew up seeing roses in her garden. But I never intentionally grew them in my own garden until recently. I hope to learn more about caring for roses, from soil to insects, cutting to designing, in my own garden and as beautiful arrangements to share with my family and friends.

  956. Marsha Lang on

    I’ve always been the caretaker of the roses throughout our life together. My husband was the “farmer” and did most of the other tasks, happily. He passed in June and now it’s me alone. I speak to him in the rest of the garden, but the roses are still my happy place! This will be my first year without him and I know the rose garden will bring me comfort.

  957. Valerie Fimple on

    Aspiring gardener, after several years of personal heartache I am now settling into a new home in a new state and planning a new garden. Roses grew very well and without any assistance from me ( just water and dead heading) in my last home so I didn’t learn much, in the high desert of Northern NV everything is completely different. My dream is a garden and my home full of roses and dahlias.

  958. Jennifer Fiss on

    I’m a farmer florist growing just for my own design business. I’m an everyday gardener in my own landscape but have limited experience with roses. I’m planning to start a new rose bed this spring and want to learn everything I can from Felicia’s book to grow beautiful roses for my designs.

  959. Loran on

    Ah, this is such an exciting giveaway 😍. I fell in love with roses a couple years ago and planted my first few bare root plants last spring after we bought our little farm. Hooked for life! I am now an Aspiring Roasarian with dreams of providing specialty cut roses to local florists in my little mountain area where anything specialty is hard to come by. Roses bring me so much joy and winning this giveaway would make my whole spring. I am still learning so much, so Felicia’s book would be an overwhelmingly helpful resource for me. My biggest struggle so far has been disease management and I’m hoping to learn how to propagate roses too.

  960. Catherine Weber on

    I am an everyday gardener who loves to grow cut flowers. I am hoping to learn the art and science of pruning roses for optimal health and flower production. I’m excited to read Felicia’s book. I’ve followed her for awhile and to learn from her will be amazing!

  961. Peggy Fletcher on

    I am a florist of 30+ years and am now living in a climate where I can grow roses. So I am definitely an aspiring Rosarian 😊
    I have so much to learn from the book!

  962. Susan on

    I am an everyday gardener, however I would love to learn more so I can work full time at rose and flower farming.

  963. Janet Mcmillan on

    I have just started tilling my new rose garden patch, I to have the rose bug. I love all your recent articles on roses, and the absolutely beautiful pictures. thank you…

  964. Ashley on

    The book looks beautiful! I am a weekend warrior Gardner looking to learn everything and anything from your new rose book.

  965. N. Wright on

    In the last two years I’ve become a flower garden junkie. Every spare minute I have, I’m outside and in flower garden heaven. I have been steadily increasing the number of roses and may need to expand my fencing because I can’t get enough! Deer are definitely an issue, so fencing is very important. I have been collecting the David Austin roses and whenever someone asks what I want for an occasion, I’m not shy in asking for more roses!!! I will be ordering this new book for myself as well as for some of my friends that enjoy gardening!

  966. Sherrie Ezell on

    Hi Erin! Weekend Warrior here. I LOVE to make up little bouquets of flowers from our garden to take to friends – mostly widows or ill or bereaved friends. Would love to learn to grow more roses, only having a handful of Knock Out roses and one Belinda’s Dream here along with a few wild flowers. Hoping this Growing Wonder book and a few bare root roses will help expand my little home garden and help me share roses with more people in their time of need. Thank you for all you do!

  967. Katie Hawkins on

    I am an aspiring rosarian at this time, really wanting to learn the proper care for roses to get the best results. I was so thrilled in the last couple of years to have purchased my first roses from
    dave Austin and Heirloom roses. It has been such a gift to see these beautiful blooms grow and hope to really learn how to care and take the best care of them through reading her book. It’s awesome to watch these roses flourish!

  968. Krista on

    I would say I am an everyday gardener hoping to someday expand into the rose aficionado category eventually. Really wanting to learn about proper care for the plants and about disease and pest control. I have some roses on order and would really love to not kill them / make sure they are well loved.

  969. Dawn Krusi on

    I am an everyday Gardner. My biggest challenge to growing roses are the deer in my California foothills garden, and the hot, smoke filled summers. Water is becoming increasingly scarce and my goal this year is to install an automatic drip system.

  970. Paige lagasse on

    Thankyou for sharing your beautiful life story and how it’s brought you to roses. Look forward to the book Felicia!

  971. Amy K Phipps on

    Everyday gardeners. I have pulled all my knockout roses and have planted a Mother of pearl. Looking to add more David Austin’s. Climbers and good for containers. Book should help me With info on pruning, fertilizing and basic care.

  972. Michelle S on

    Last year was my first year actually”trying” to grow roses and I became hooked very quickly. I’m very excited for spring to see how my roses faired over the winter. I’ve been so nervous about the winter weather on my beauties. I can’t stop looking for more types and more information on them, I look forward to this new book!

  973. Meredith on

    I am a weekend warrior. While I am in the garden almost every day, so many other tasks take priority over the annuals. Growing roses is new to me and I’m hoping to get a good idea of what I am getting myself into and where I can maximize production on my one acre farm!

  974. Krista Kelly on

    Hello, I’m Krista and an aspiring rosarian. I’m excited to read this new book as I’m hoping to add roses to my cut flower farm in the coming years. I’ve been nervous to make the investment because of lack of experience. I hope Felicia’s information can help me feel more comfortable and get the best start possible growing this lovely new crop.

  975. Mary Shaima on

    I’m somewhere between Everyday Gardener and Aspiring Rosarian – but I’ve moved to a completely different climate and built a new house, so I am literally starting from scratch. I would treasure any and all of the experience and knowledge Felicia is so generously sharing in this book – it really looks wonderful. Even though I’ve grown roses for over 30 years, growing them in a different climate is an adventure!

  976. Pam Hunter on

    I am an everyday gardener who is trying to figure out how to grow roses here in Texas. I grew roses when I lived in Washington state and had such a wonderful time growing them. Since moving to Texas and trying to figure out how to make plants thrive in the heat and brutal wind we have has been a challenge. I have been reading and researching about growing roses so I would love to read and learn from reading Growing Wonder. Roses are such a thing of beauty and my late dad loved growing them so they give me such great memories and feelings of love that I hope to pass on to my granddaughter.

  977. Brittany on

    How exciting! I’m transitioning from weekend warrior to everyday gardener, which thrills me to have the time. I hope to learn the best companion plants that will help with bugs and disease, and the best watering practices for us in California— to get the most bang for my buck when it comes to watering and keeping my roses at their best.

  978. Laura on

    I am an everyday gardener more or less when not working as a full time nurse! I love roses and have several including a few new ones this year! However I would love “honey Dijon” and Felicia’s book!

  979. Sandra Kim on

    I have been an ‘everyday’ gardener for many years, but I only started getting into flowers last year. Would love to add some roses to my small garden! Great interview! I really enjoyed it. Thank you!

  980. Connie Arechiga on

    I am an aspiring gardner who wants o fill my my less than an acre property with all the beauty and colors I can. After living some 30 years in snow country I now reside at a lower elevation and want to surround myself with plants, flower’s of all colors. I have always loved roses but never thought I could actually grow them myself. My property did come with some already established roses that rebloom incredibly. I love bringing the cuttings into the house to make little vase arrangements . Approaching such thorny beauties to bring home and add to my landscape has halted my expansion but I am ready to try some additions as I want to expand my color palette!

  981. dabney rose on

    I’ve been growing roses for about 3 decades, but keep moving around the country to different zones .. these days i’m in upstate NY and certainly don’t want to stop growing roses! One can always learn new things, when it comes to gardening!

  982. Lindy Schiel on

    Gosh these are beautiful! I am a novice but have dreamed of having a beautiful flower garden in our yard! We just moved and it’s a blank slate (literally the grass isn’t even growing well 😂) My husband and I were married at the Antique Rose Emporium in May 2013. I’ve been a fan of climbing roses ever since!

  983. Dianna Sullivan on

    I recently relocated to the PNW from Alaska. The only roses that I grew were wild varieties. I am a everyday gardner and have really struggled with the learning curve with growing plants of all varieties in the lower 48. With the heat we experienced last summer, over watering, under watering, deer eating my poor rose bushes, not having any shade and really bad soil have been some of my struggles to say the least. In Alaska, I could grow anything. Here not so much. This will be year number two. I’m hoping to have more success with my landscaping and garden design. I reach out for any and all knowledge I can get. I’m truly hoping I find some inspiration from your book.

  984. Jamie Schmidt on

    Well, I am an Everyday Gardener, but am becoming an Aspiring Rosarian. The last few years, I have added several David Austin roses to my 1 acre yard. I look forward to reading Felicia’s new book to learn her tips, to admire the pictures, and to decide which roses to add to my yard.

  985. Brooke D on

    I’m an everyday gardener but just dipping my toes into roses, but have bought about 30 to plant this year and would love to move from everyday gardener to aspiring rosarian! I have yet to find a great book on roses, but this sounds like it will be just what I’m looking for!

  986. Mary Barker-Phillips on

    I ordered some roses online last year, that weren’t delivered to me in Georgia until mid- June. This is late into the growing season for us! Although they have “hung on” they didn’t thrive as I had hoped. How can I best prepare them for the season to come?

  987. Andrea Hodges on

    I would say weekend warrior, but when the weather is nice I try to be outside as often as I can! I have been doing lots of learning about gardening and flowers and am going to grow my first cutting garden this year! I would love to include some roses!

  988. Karen Lubeck on

    I’m an everyday gardener- that is, I work in the garden spring through fall every day, although I feel I am just starting to learn. I have always loved roses and would love to learn how to successfully grow them.

  989. Mijanou van der Woude on

    I’m in awe of all flowers; a beautiful rose will take my breath away. I am in my garden daily and tend to my plants and flowers … my level of knowledge is between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. What I do know … is that it makes me happy being among my roses and in my garden. I’ve managed to create beautiful arrangements for myself but more importantly for friends and family on special occasions. I use unique “finds” to create unique gifts arrangements. Somehow, though, I feel there is something more I can do to give my roses a healthy, thriving growing environment. What about my soil is making the problem of strong, healthy blooms a struggle. I can’t wait to read Felicia’s book to guide me through this process … congratulations on the book and thank you for sharing your years of family farming for all of us to learn.

  990. Catherine on

    I guess I am an “avid gardener”because my family business is organic gardening – but vegetables! I have always been sneaking stealth flower patches into the mix and realize that although I love growing nourishing veggies, growing and sharing flowers gives me even more joy. I have a lot to learn, but also have a bit of a head start because I’m used to getting my hands dirty and I actually enjoy weeding! There were some old-fashioned roses on the farm when we came here. Their scent is absolutely heady when they bloom, but they are fading, I fear. (over fifty years old!) I want to restore them, and then offer a gift to the farm and our community to nurture even more roses on the farm. Thank you Erin for these inspiring interviews!

  991. Lori Hollis on

    Currently, I am a weekend Warrior. When I retire next year, my goal is to become an “almost” Everyday Gardener! I can’t think of a better way to bring joy to my friends and family then to bring them bouquets of gorgeous roses. I would like to learn how to keep my roses as healthy as possible. Thank you for writing this book!

  992. Jill on

    I’m an everyday gardener with a rose infatuation! For years, I’ve had a policy of “winging it” in the garden but have been met with mediocre results. I’m ready to sit down and actually learn best practices so I can grow beautiful roses to cut and arrange with my three little girls. My biggest challenge is our hillside yard. We don’t quite have the resources to level things out with retaining walls and our south facing yard dries out into tough, solid clay every summer. We are still working to amend soil, irrigate effectively, and prevent erosion.

  993. Denise on

    When planning my daughters Maui wedding, she insisted on David Austen Roses for her bouquet. Never quite sure exactly what they were until now, when I learned about them from Floret Flowers and Menagerie Farm and Flower. The roses were shipped from the mainland to Maui in perfect condition. And her bouquet and centerpieces , Glassy Baby votives on burlap runners, were a star attraction for the beachside reception dinner. As an Everyday Gardener, I would hope Felicias new book, Growing Wonder might rekindle a love for roses, growing roses, and delighting others with roses. Just like they did on that magical Maui wedding day.

  994. Erin Day on

    I am currently a weekend warrior longing to be a rosarian!! I hope to learn patience in the waiting and confidence in the growing. Regardless, thank you so much for the inspiration you offer. God is good!

  995. Mary Lenth on

    I live in the North (Minnesota), and would love to grow roses that are happy here. I loved looking through the photos above, and saw that there were varieties she recommended for the North! I am an average gardener, and have loved flowers my whole life!

  996. Bridgetta Catania on

    Weekend Warrior. I live in Northern California and moved to a home with a fair amount of roses. Throughout the years I have managed to lose most of them to disease and Mother Nature. I would like to replace them but would like to learn what I’ve been missing from soul, nutrients, pruning and proper care. The delight of being able to cut a rose and make a bouquet to enjoy and smell for days is a dream come true.

  997. Pamela Rodriguez on

    First off, thank you for sharing your knowledge Felicia! I am a weekend warrior who has always been drawn to roses. My goal is to be an everyday gardener. I have been working with roses as much as I can and my biggest obstacle is knowing exactly where to plant my roses. The location of my roses seem to have a big impact as to weather they flourish or flounder!!! It may just be me though, I am still trying to figure that out. Do they need to be placed in an area where they are protected a bit from the elements or should they be doing well anywhere? I have actually moved a few but I do not really know if I should be doing that. I know you said your roses are not grown in greenhouses and are exposed to the elements. I would love to learn all of the right steps to insure I am giving my roses all that they need to reach the full potential of their beauty!!! I look forward to learning from you and to becoming a more informed grower.

  998. Cheryl Ruhl on

    I am an everyday gardener. My mother instilled in me a love for roses. I currently have 14 varieties in my yard–mostly shrub roses which tend to cope better with our damp Pacific Northwest climate. I am so looking forward to the release of Growing Wonder!

  999. Casey Devine on

    Would love to learn how to grow roses…..I’ve been so unsuccessful soooo many times, but I keep trying. I’m 74 and I’m not giving up. We live in CT.

  1000. Jannah on

    Currently I’m an Everyday Gardener, and just starting to branch out into roses. We live in a pretty cold zone so our rose selection is very limited. Is love to learn more so I can make what is available flourish!

  1001. Kate DuBois on

    We had a rose garden that I loved to dote on while growing up. I am now building a farm from bare land and plan to include a rose garden. I am an everyday gardener for most crops and would love to be a rosarian and sell organically grown cut roses. I am super excited for the book, especially for tips on (very) short season growing and winter protection.

  1002. Angie G on

    My husband and I consider ourselves everyday gardeners. During the start of the COVID pandemic we leaned on flower growing/farming very heavily – mostly due to the therapeutic effects. But we found something more, and decided to start a micro flower farm. We are absorbing all of the information we can, and learning so much from this network of talented people! Last year we started building our rose patch, and have fallen head over heels for the heirloom rose varieties. We are so excited to follow Floret through the A Rose Story series, and we are excited to learn of another amazing resource to learn from – Menagerie Farm and Flower! I’m giddy with excitement! Thank you, Erin and Crew for all that you do ❤️🌹❤️

  1003. Christina Moore on

    Aspiring rosarian :) I am excited for Felicias book as well!!! We met a few years ago when I worked for Little Boy Flowers. We would often buy roses from her and I would drive to Sacramento through the heat from Nevada City to pick them all up for weddings. She was always so friendly, insightful and helpful. I have since started my own small scale flower farm. I am loving everything about it. I can’t wait to bring garden roses into my realm although I have been resisting because I do not own land. This year I have decided to plant a couple in pots at the farm and take them with me if I need to. It would be so exciting to have a couple varieties from Felicia. I can’t wait to get my own copy of the book as well.

  1004. Victoria K on

    I would love to be an Everyday Gardner, I have planted roses before but non of them seems to do well. I am located in Las Vegas with 2 toddlers and gardening is the only thing that keeps me sane, it is my outlet, my escape. I would love to learn more about roses and have that desire and confidence I need to finally grow them successfully.

  1005. Jessie on

    Weekend warrior – rookie rose grower-and obsessed! I want to learn the confidence to cutting both for vases display & pruning, and companion planting. Looking forward to this book!

  1006. Dorene Brooks on

    I’m entering the give away on behalf of my daughter who is just beginning her flower farming dream journey…she was recently able to purchase a 10 acre farm for her future flower business….she loves all flowers, but because of Erin’s recent interviews with Annie and now Felicia, their love for roses has captured a piece of her flower passion heart….she hopes to be growing lots of beautiful roses on her farm….so I guess she is a Aspiring Rosarian…

  1007. Sara on

    Everyday gardener turning towards aspiring rosarian. I’m currently taking a break from scaled medicinal herb and flower farming to focus on some other life goals, and working as a floral designer in the meantime. I hope to learn the a better flow or yearly cycle for nutrients, pruning, and maintenance for these beauties. My small rose cutting garden turns out some beautiful stems, but I owe it to myself to level up. Thank you both for sharing!!

  1008. Anu on

    I’m definitely a weekend warrior :)
    I’m hoping to learn how to deal with the extremes. Last summer I lost six roses to record high temperatures because I had to be out of town for two weeks. And now I’m not sure yet who of the remainders made it past the record colds in Western Washington. I’m sure there are things I could do to protect them better!

  1009. Heather on

    I’m a weekend warrior for sure! I have three rose bushes that I have struggled with immensely and would love to learn more about how to care for them.

  1010. Anne-Marie Domenici on

    I started a cut flower farm after taking the floret workshop in 2019, I’ve added peonies, hydrangeas, and I want to add roses soon, not just for cut flower production but to build a garden for photo shoots and people to wander and enjoy the beauty on my farm. I was so excited when I came across Felicia’s website (via Floret) and excited to see her new book coming out soon. I know when I’m ready to add roses I will be signing up for her workshops too!!! Yay!!

  1011. Lyndsay Lind on

    Aspiring rosarian! I love my roses and want to get more.

  1012. Cj on

    Weekend warrior. I didn’t expect to fall in love with roses. I always thought they were too needy for my gardening skills. Alas, after we had 50 year old hollies removed, the gardening bed deweeded, better soil added, and irrigated, we made a trip to Brenham, Tx..the Antique Rose Emporium. Oh, my! So many choices of beautiful roses. I selected some Roses in pots right before Tx closed its borders to La. due to covid. I planted the Roses and they thrived! They were not fussy at all..to my surprise! Needless to say, I fell in love with roses!

    We took out 14 trees in 2020, right before we had a freeze of epic proportions. So, now, I had more sun and an ugly mess where trees had been. Hmmm….what to do! Compost, irrigation, new planting bed and more roses! I just finished the bed in 2021, so it will take a while before I can see how beautiful it will become!

    I hope to learn how to select the right Roses for my climate and soil, how to improve the soil correctly, and how to prevent and manage disease, including the use of companion plants.

  1013. Jan on

    Roses are my favorite. I love walking around the yard/gardens, and the fragrance is everywhere! Biggest challenge would be having enough space!

  1014. donna on

    I would like to move from Weekend Warrior to Aspiring Rosarian level! I have a lot of experience with food growing but would like to expand to flowers.

  1015. DiAnn Brown on

    I enjoy gardening at home. I love roses but only have a few because I have found them so hard to grow. I would like to learn how to keep them from disease.

  1016. Ashley LaFon on

    Currently I’m a weekend warrior, though I’m hoping to learn enough and be able to put in enough work to be considered an everyday gardener by the end of this season. I have two babies under two, so we will see how that goes haha. I’m very excited to start my flower garden this year, as this is my first flower season in our house (and not living in an apartment building). I’m super excited to try to transform our yards into a magical place to share with my daughters in years to come. I’m very thankful that you are sharing these resources for growing roses, as I have always wanted a beautiful rose garden (they’re my favorite).

  1017. Tammy Deller on

    I started reading your interview just to be “entertained” while I sipped my morning tea. Half way through the interview I couldn’t stop reading and loving all the photos of the roses. My mother had a beautiful rose garden when I was a child but unfortunately, I have struggled with roses in the past and just figured I would admire other peoples success. I currently have a wonderful cutting garden ( thank you Floret) and love sharing my flowers with friends and family. I recently acquired a small patch of land behind my current home which is where my cutting garden stands, I would really like to try roses again. I can’t say whether I will become a great rose producer, I just want the opportunity to do it right. I did order the book ( hoping for a fresh start) and hope I can implement it’s secrets and cultivate a small patch of stunning roses. I am a hobby gardener but I put my whole heart into my flowers and would love to do the same for roses.

  1018. Lisa barber on

    I am hoping to start a rose garden through all the inspiration the two of you have given me. I am definitely a beginner when it comes to roses. I would love a book on things I wish she had known when she started!! Sounds perfect!!!

  1019. Michaela Wilding on

    I’m an everyday gardener but very new to roses. Last year I attended Felicia’s dormant rose pruning workshop and she is a wealth of knowledge! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book and to continue my education of roses through her. Her bare root roses are top quality and she really has an eye for trends. I appreciate her tests of “rose hell” because I want my roses to be strong and having purchased a few from her last year they were exactly that!

  1020. Christina Sprague on

    A lifetime of learning and growing – that’s my goal! I am certainly a weekend warrior when it comes to the garden and consider myself in full experimentation phase. We purchased a home three years ago with about two acers and with it came overgrown shrubs, trees, garden and plants that were suffering. Each year we tackle a section, clean it up and add plants with the goal of having as many blossoms for floral use as possible. My Grandfather was a farmer and certainly a full fledged Rosarian producing beautiful roses in deep flower beds that as a kid we could wander thru. The fragrance of his roses is a beautiful summer memory. Continuing to learn and be inspired to share the beauty is important to me.

  1021. Allie on

    Weekend warrior here! I dabble in wedding flowers, and I get very disappointed in roses I get from my wholesaler. Would love to have something in my backyard available to me for bouquets. There’s a few knock out roses left over from a previous owner that look very sad. I don’t even feel like I’m worthy of growing a David Austin rose or any garden rose for that matter in my backyard. Also, I don’t know where or how to begin with roses, but would love to learn!

  1022. Kristi Gilchrist on

    I have been growing roses for 40+ years. They are my most loved flower. My mother grew them and I have always loved their form and fragrance. My top priority is fragrance. I enjoy filling my house with bouquets and sharing bouquets with others. I try to be environmentally careful in what I use for pest and disease control. I’d love to learn what I can from Growing Wonder. She sounds like a wealth of knowledge.

  1023. Andrea Speck-Zulak on

    I live in the “rose city” (Portland Oregon) yet I struggle to grow roses. There are lots of trees, water, black spot etc. that seem to make it difficult! I adore roses and want to grow them successfully. Can you tell I need help??? Please rescue me with your incredible rose knowledge.

  1024. Christie Roberts on

    I am an everyday Gardner of any flowers but have several roses in my small garden of flowers. Since retirement six months ago I have moved to the southern Oregon coast. I dug up my roses, took cuttings of one’s to big to dig up and planted them here with me. I have been blessed with several blooms already. My biggest dream is to visit your rose gardens in CA. and to visit the Floret Flower farm in WA. Can’t wait to read your new book, my dream come true in retirement is growing more flowers❤️🌷🌹🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻
    I got what I asked for Christmas! The three flower books by Erin! I have been reading them every day since and making a list of seeds I want to try! So thankful you followed your heart back home.

  1025. Antonina Bohn on

    Loved the interview! Everyday gardener, closet Rosarian who inherited the family farm with my 2 sisters . To keep the farm, we began a cut flower business as we had no equipment to mow or bale the fields ( the farmer taking the hay died 2 months after our mother passed). We had to produce something without equipment and we all knew and grew flowers at our mother’s side. Our mother could propagate a dried stick and growing up, we played among the flowerbeds she grew on the farm.
    ‘My’ climbing rose that she planted for me still blooms on my birthday ( used to bud on my birthday and maybe one or two would be open… now in full bloom on my birthday due to climate change). I love roses… well, any plant really… we mainly grow annuals to cut. Began perennials . Starting with peonies and daffodils to extend the season and would love to get roses in the cycle. Customers have asked if we have roses and sadly we must refer them elsewhere.
    The research and diagnostics for My Sisters’ Bloomin Garden is my domaine. I have taken the Floret course and have been a certified Master Gardener in Hunterdon Co , NJ. I look forward to a new resource to consult!
    Congratulations and many thanks for your time and effort in helping others along your wonderful journey!

  1026. Kimberly Meyer on

    I am an Everyday [vegetable] Gardener, beginning to focus more on flowers. We just bought an old farmhouse in central Texas that had a rose bush growing in front. This has piqued my interest in growing roses, to honor what was obviously part of the heritage of this house. I am anxious to read this book and begin to deepen my understanding of how to garden with roses!

  1027. Emily Marabotto on

    I am an everyday gardener in zone 8a in Georgia. I’m hoping to learn how to keep roses healthy and happy. I would like to grow confidence with roses and I feel inspired to learn so much more about them!

  1028. Tori Carver on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. I grow cut flowers in a small town in North Georgia but want to add roses (mainly for a personal garden). I recently inherited my mother’s massive iron arched rose trellis so I am interested in designing a show-stopping rose garden.

  1029. Emily Marabotto on

    I am an everyday gardener in zone 8a in Georgia. I’m hoping to learn how to keep roses healthy and happy. I would like to grow confidence with roses and I feel inspired to learn so much more about them! Thank you Floret once again for sharing magic and inspiration!

  1030. Heather Champney on

    Can I be a bit of both weekend warrior and aspiring rosarian? I have a small flower farm on a school campus and recently bought my own property, which is an overwhelming and gloriously blank canvas right now. My two grannies always had roses and that is how I first remember my earliest days in the garden. I am creating a space here now as an homage to what they gave me, where I am now and who I want to be as I grow older.

  1031. April on

    I’m your Everyday Gardener. I grew up in Southern California with a warm and sunny 10a growing zone, just perfect for growing roses. My mom had a special curated rose garden where she taught me how to care for them. A few years ago I moved and bought a home with yard space so I started gardening. Just last year I decided to create a rose garden dedicated to my mom and her love of roses. Now that I’m living in growing zone 8b with temperate weather I would love to know how to best manage black spot and any other tips to help this Gardner make her mama proud!

  1032. Charlene Skalmusky on

    I started a backyard cut flower garden last year and am enjoying everything about it. I am new at roses. I planted 3 Queen of Sweden, 2 Princess Charlene de Monaco and a few climbing roses last summer. May challenge is to get them though our winters in Wisconsin, zone 5. This is a very spiring interview!

  1033. Lorielle A. on

    Love all of this! I’m more of an everyday gardner, but roses have consumed my time lately, as I’ve tried to soak up all of the information… so hopefully one day, the Aspiring Rosarian.

  1034. Alaysia Thompson on

    I’m an everyday Gardner with her first yard. In the past I’ve grown in as many containers as I could fit in whatever patio/porch we had at the time. This year I have a house with a yard and can’t wait to start growing all of the flowers and roses that I can! I’d love to have the book to learn the best practices upfront, and to take Felicia’s knowledge to prevent many of the mistakes in my first “real” garden!❤️

  1035. Holly Laway on

    I am an everyday gardener. I would love to learn more on how I can grow more roses in my zone 4 climate. I love her story!

  1036. Kelly Tsutsui on

    Weekend warrior who hopes to become a Everyday Gardener this year! We are planting our first 50 garden roses to start our farm next month! Your recent rose blogs have been so much help in the planning and Felicia’s new book would be exactly what I need to start this farm the right way! Our biggest struggle so far was finding the land and we now have two acres to start with. Our next struggle is choosing the right roses for our area and these blogs have helped and the book will be a Godsend! Thank you for all that you do to support flower farms! It is so inspiring!

  1037. Kris Bennett on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian and want to raise the roses I use in wedding designs. We currently have 5 acres of gardens that is used for events and is full of perennials, conifers, trees and we raise hanging baskets in our greenhouse. Raising roses is the next step in our garden progression for us and our guests to enjoy. I love the idea that the book is meant to get dirty, write in and basically put in my ‘gator’ as I work in the gardens. Hoping to purchase on Jan 20th !

  1038. Sarah Mustakas on

    Aspiring rosarian! We just bought our property two years ago and it was an abandon house for 5 years. So you can imagine what the property looked like. We had a family of foxes living under a rotted tree, there was so much work to be done on the property to make it safe for our family as well as not an eye sore for our community. After planting a few perennial and annual plants I have noticed humid summers are the biggest problem as most things end up with with powdery mildew. My maternal grandmother had a rose garden and I hope one day we will be able to have one here too. The smell of roses always makes me think of her and the memories we shared clipping arrangements together for the dinner table.

  1039. Shannon Kellinger on

    I’m a novice cut flower gardener. I’m looking for a new flower to learn about over the winter while at home with my high risk son and husband. COVID cases are through the roof in our area and seeing even those close to us is a huge health risk. You make roses look so beautiful and adding some color to our yard makes the long winter worth it. My goal for the coming growing season is a yard full of beautiful cut flowers to share with family and friends as a celebration of our son turning 5 and getting vaccinated for the horrible virus ravaging the country.

  1040. Adriana on

    Amazing blog! I absolutely love all the information that Floret and Felcia graciously share with us. I am an Everyday Gardener turning Aspiring Rosarian. Before learning about roses, I thought they’d never grow in our warm low desert climate. With some research I found out we have many rose farms here and that many roses do well here. I’d love to learn more about rose pests and diseases, and roses that preform better in warm climates. One day love to have some rose cards, like Erin’s dahlia cards! I love how you put your favorite colors together. It’s helped me visualize what I need in my rose garden. Thank you again! 💕

  1041. Desi on

    I’m an everyday gardener. My biggest struggle is continuous blooming. They do so well in the spring and then the blooms fizzle out

  1042. Tina on

    I am an everyday gardener that dreams of becoming an aspiring rosarian. 5 years ago, my husband and I bought our forever home. I immediately started in on enriching the soil, composting, and making flower and food beds. I have added 7 roses, 4 being David Austin roses and 2 more are on their way this spring. My biggest struggle is training and pruning my climbing roses. I hope to learn about pruning and keeping my roses as healthy as possible. I also want to improve my flower arranging skills. I still work. I am a teacher and to say the least, it has been 2 very stressful years with Covid. The garden is where I can just be and breath deep. My flower arrangements delight my neighbors and my family. I love seeing people’s genuine smile when they see the flowers. When I retire, I want to participate in the local master gardener’s program. Thanks for the chance of winning the give-a-way.

  1043. Barbie Whisler on

    Loved the interview with Felicia. I am an Everyday Gardener with an adoration for roses that began in my early childhood as I wandered through my great aunt’s Pennsylvania rose garden. Currently I live in the PNW after living from coast to coast and many places in between, where I struggled to learn the different gardening needs of each area. My biggest struggle with roses is pruning…I don’t think I am ruthless enough!!! Also, here in the PNW, I often seem to struggle with powdery mildew. I am looking forward to the book release and the wealth of info it will envelop. Thank you for sharing these wonderful experiences.

  1044. Laurie Youngquist on

    I am definitely a want to be gardener with a brown thumb! I love roses and all flowers. When we purchased our home the gardens had no flowers at all. I had a lot of work ahead! My husband is a practical man and the first year in our home he purchased a rose bush for me for Valentines Day. That way I could have many roses. I’m hoping to learn what roses to add to my garden and more about keeping the foliage healthy.

  1045. Lindsey Stone on

    I’m a weekend warrior aspiring to become a rosarian :) I really want to learn best practices and how to keep everything happy through the seasons

  1046. Kelly on

    What a wonderful interview! I am an everyday gardener, and I just bought my first roses last summer, so my only struggle has been how to over winter them in Michigan. I have some in pots, some in the ground, so we will see how it goes! So far it’s been a mild winter, so maybe I’ll get lucky while I find my bearings. I’m most excited about this book, as we know, internet searched get you all sorts of non-vetted advice! Appreciate all the advice Erin (and Felicia!) have graciously offered. Cheers!

  1047. Pat Glass on

    I am an every day gardener who has loved roses since I was a little girl helping my mom tend her 100″s of roses. I have had a small flower farm for years but this year my daughter and I would like to dive in an become full fledged flower farmers. I would love to learn more about roses for cutting and incorporating into market bouquets.

  1048. Jessica P. on

    I am definitely “aspiring rosarian” starting at the weekend warrior level. With four kids, it is difficult to balance and manage my time but ever since we purchased our small farm, there isn’t a day I don’t envision it covered in roses. I would love to learn a little more about the selection process and helping them with heat stress in our triple digit temperatures.

  1049. Samantha on

    I’m currently an Everyday Gardener but I hope to be an Aspiring Rosarian one day. I inherited my love of plants from my late great-grandfather, whom I watched lovingly tend his extensive gardens year after year. Since his passing, I have taken over care of his vegetable garden, rose gardens, and expanded his annual cut flower garden. This year I have decided to expand his rose garden, so I have been trying to do as much research as I can to prepare. I am so excited to read Felicia’s book, especially the sections on pest and disease management, given her background in IPM and passion for entomology, as that is the most daunting aspect of rose management to me.

  1050. Megan on

    At home I would say I’m just a weekend warrior. But, I adore floral design and recently bought a market cart for rehab into a flower cart. I am looking forward to learning more about growing my own roses to add to my new little flowery.

  1051. Sherry on

    Aspiring Rosarian here! I have been working on increasing the living things (besides my children!) around me – more plants in the house and beautiful things to grow outside. I really enjoy having flowers in our home and want to start growing more of our own. I have always loved roses and feel like they are a wonderful place to start.

  1052. Lindsey Stone on

    I’m a weekend warrior aspiring to become a rosarian :)

  1053. Carlie Brooks on

    I am SO excited for Felicia’s new book! I saw her Instagram post and I put it on my birthday wishlist. 🤣 I am an everyday gardener and on the days I am slow to get out, my two year old son brings his shoes and asks “go to the garden?” I am hoping I can learn how to encourage good, steady growth with my roses. I grew up in AZ and now that I’m living somewhere with four seasons, I am on a steep learning curve when it comes to all things gardening. I would love to have a guide on navigating some of the new trials I am encountering simply from getting all four seasons, and not just hot or hotter weather. 🤣

  1054. Hedy on

    A bit of apprehension keeps me from saying I am an avid gardener. I have have just enough knowledge to get me in trouble and I’d like to step out of that feeling and become more comfortable with Rose’s. I have admired them from afar, dreaming about the possibilites but stumbled on frustration. We have what I think is a perfect plot we live on and I would like to go forward with a fragrant, eye catching seasonal garden to greet me each day. I am excited to learn more from a source that seems to believe:

  1055. Jennifer T. on

    I’m a weekend warrior hoping to learn more about growing healthy roses in a cold, dry climate. I’m also interested in learning about roses that can tolerate high altitude.

  1056. Ashley on

    My great-grandmother grew beautiful roses and I’ve wanted to grow my own for a long time. This summer we’re going to remove grass so I can have a cut flower garden that will surely include roses! So I guess I’d be a weekend warrior. I’ve never grown roses in this high mountain desert so guidance on which varieties work best would be great to learn!

  1057. Jennifer Davis on

    I am an everyday gardener and just pre-ordered the book! I love roses, but seem to be struggling with pests. I think one of my favorite roses has thrips and despite applying products to kill them, my rose production continues to be affected.

  1058. Gena Bessire on

    I am a weekend warrior although I walk my yard almost daily because it makes me happy. I am hoping to learn some helpful tips on how to garden roses in clay. We live in the Pacific Northwest and our yard is solid clay which makes gardening in all its forms more of a challenge. In the spring, our yard is almost bog-like, in the summer it is cracked and dry. It doesn’t do even moisture well and has been a challenge in both my rose garden, borders full of perennials, and in our vegetable garden.

  1059. Diane on

    The Weekend Warrior sounds just like me! I would say my biggest struggle with roses is space! I have dreams of a tiny, abundant, thriving potted garden this year 😊

  1060. Carol Cole on

    Enjoyed the interview! I am an Everyday Gardener who loves every flower I’ve ever met. They all have their own unique beauty. My garden is cottage style with vegetables, herbs, small trees, a few roses, perennials and annuals. Roses sometimes succeed here and sometimes not. Still looking for that one or two or three that would love to call our cottage home. My DIL launched a flower farm two years ago and has been so inspiring to keep me trying new plants and designs. It’s always a work in progress at my Cottage on Monroe! Happy growing!!

  1061. Whitney Hoffman on

    I am an everyday gardener but newer to roses. I planted my first roses last year and I have to say that my biggest problem is deer! Who would have thought deer love thorny roses? Neither my husband or I hunt and live in the middle of 20 acres of meadow – a deer magnet. I hope to learn basic care from Felicia’s book so that way I can reinvent my current rose area closer to the house. I’d love to expand with a cutting rose garden next year. I have 5 David Austin’s coming this spring to add to my collection. It is quite addicting collecting roses.

  1062. Molly McDonald on

    I’m a weekend warrior (a full-time violinist with two young kids), who has yet to add roses to my cutting garden. I’ll only have room for a few varieties, so I want to learn which ones would complement my other flowers, provide the greatest blooming window throughout the season, and of course I want to learn how to keep them thriving!

  1063. Tajae Johnson on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior gardener. Right now I’m in the Army and the weekends are my only days to fully emerge myself into my garden (which is not much). Im a container gardener for now due to moving around but whenever I due settle down. My dream is to have a rose and hydrangea garden with some other flowers plucked in there (dahlias, clematis, tulips, anemone etc) i always wondered what my calling was because I felt like I had NO talent or hobby. I knew I always loved outside (being outside raises your endorphins! Makes you feel better and happy) I always love flowers, trees, bushes. You name it! Roses are my most hardest plant to keep alive! I had one and it looked like it was dying but after following you and menagerie. It’s so helpful and just to look at the beautiful roses. The little green monster jumps out sometime. Anyway, I pray to have some land and time to tend to a garden or farm like you ladies. Great interview.

  1064. Susan Inlow-Romine on

    I volunteer my time with the Washington State University Extension Master Gardener Program of Benton-Franklin County. What I love about this program is that I am constantly learning and giving back to my community. I do not consider myself a master gardener. While I am interested in all things from nature, I am particularly drawn to flowers.
    Roses grow incredibly well in our region. We have a test rose garden at our 2.5 acre, 26 theme gardens Demonstration Garden in Kennewick WA.

  1065. Leah on

    Aspiring Rosarian – I’m a full time gardener but still an apprentice, just a few years into starting gardening but thrown in the Deep end – growing as my teacher left when covid started.

    We have maybe 10 Rose bushes scattered throughout the 3 acre mandala garden I work in and manage. I love them, but they are leggy and untouched for years as I’m afraid to prune them. I cut the few roses roses for the events we hold, and would love to increase the bloomage. And learn how to extend their post-harvest life.

    And if I get confident plant more roses!

  1066. Connie Cheatham on

    Weekend Warrior would love to learn all i can about growing roses in the hot deep south. I’ve lots of problems with disease and insect. Would love your book, thanks Erin with your wisdom also

  1067. Kelsey M on

    I am a weekend warrior (aspiring everyday gardener) trying to get my girls into it too! They love the pink roses… always stealing my arrangements and putting them up in their room. My biggest struggle down here in GA is the humidity. Can’t wait to read the book!!

  1068. Gina Ruiz on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian. Currently, I’m growing climbers from my tiny balcony in L.A. but am moving soon and will have a large space to plant a real rose garden, which has been my dream since forever. My grandmother had roses all over her yard and my job as a kid was to cut the best and bring them in for her gorgeous arrangements she’d donate to the church and that she’d place all over the house. As my new home will be in a new climate, I am looking to learn how to grow roses in that cooler climate and anything pertaining to beginning a cut flower garden with roses.

  1069. Deborah Hall on

    I am a weekend warrior for sure with a frontline health care job that has kept me hopping these last two years. I keep a barely controlled garden & have avoided roses in the past because they seemed too fussy (my grandfather always had very pruned small rose bushes that got a lot of chemicals). Now I’d like to add a few ramblers & plants for cutting to add more beauty to the oasis from the chaos that I am trying to create at home.

  1070. Laura on

    I’m a weekender! Looking forward to learning more about winter pruning!

  1071. Amanda Deinhart on

    I’ve been growing roses for the last 15 years and they are truly my favorite flowers. I am located in California’s Central Valley (zone 9b) and I am always amazed at how the roses pump out gorgeous blooms during our continuously hot, dry summers. I feel so lucky to be blessed with their beauty and grace. My biggest problem with roses and what I hope to learn is about pest management and more specifically, thrips. I battle these microscopic enemies every year and would love some advice from a professional grower such as Felicia. I’m so excited to read this book and learn new tricks of the trade. Thanks for this opportunity Erin and the great series on roses!

  1072. Michelle Germer on

    So excited about this book and learning more to care for and expand my rose garden. I’m more of a weekend warrior but hoping to be an everyday garden. The pandemic sparked a joy of gardening in me and a desire to have a small cut flower garden to enjoy sharing flowers with friends and neighbors. My biggest struggle with my roses last year was bugs I would have beautiful blooms with little holes in the leaves and petals. Thank you both for sharing your talents and joy of flowers.

  1073. Taylor Guenthner on

    Everyday gardener here! I spend as much time possible gardening, as I love being outside working while my dogs are running around. My biggest struggle with roses is trimming, as I believe I do not have the timing down just yet. From the book, I would also love to learn about all the different types of roses best for my zone.

  1074. Hayley on

    I am a weekend warrior when it comes to roses – I’ve always loved them as they remind me of my grandmother and my Aunt who passed away a few years ago. The most poignant memory being my grandmother had a red rose that would continually not grow and had many issues mainly getting one bloom in a season. It was one my Aunt always loved and said it reminded her of her wedding flowers. After she passed away, the very next spring that rose took off and has continually gotten better and better looking. Roses make me think of my Aunt and I would love to plant some in my garden to honor her.

  1075. Julia Randolph on

    Bravo!….Such lovely blogs and interviews Erin and Co.
    Thoroughly enjoyed reading about every farmer’s lives and their flowers! I am getting more and more excited about designing my gardens this summer at our new place, everytime I watch your shows and read your blogs. My elderly mother lives with me now, so this will give us something to do together. But, I will need aaall of the farmers books to get me started off on the right track, lol. Esp. with our gray clouds blocking the sun up north more often than not. I perked up when I read about the hardy, disease resistant, and non black spotting roses in this interview…(and if thornless too, a definite an added bonus!) Question, are any roses toxic to cranes, deer, and other wild animals? They like to meander into my yard at times. Something else I will need to research much about!
    Keep up the great work you wonderful flower farmers!❤💐❤

  1076. Melani Kline on

    I’m a weekend warrior. I would love to spend more time in the garden. Hopefully next year our interior home renovation will be done and I can focus on the garden. This is a wonderful interview and so inspiring. Roses are my passion and I’m very excited to read this book! Thank you for the chance to win one of these amazing packages!

  1077. Katherine Hogan on

    Everyday gardener. My biggest area of struggle is accepting I have limited space while my heart thinks I have unlimited space. This spring I’m adding climbing roses to my gardens. If I can’t go wide then go up! ☺️ Installing an arch at the entrance of my little house and hoping to nurture a visual and sensory delight to my urban slice of the earth. I want to learn how to successfully grow roses and manage disease and pest challenges.

  1078. Sage on

    I am an everyday gardener. Last year I built an arbor for the garden and ordered a Lady of Shalott climbing rose for it. I am hoping to learn how to properly establish it and help it flourish.

  1079. Megan Luchuck on

    I’ve been slowly building up my garden over the past few years. When we moved into our home there were lots of plants that I loved and lots that I didn’t. We’ve slowly moved, removed, and added. This year I’m so excited to finally be adding roses, after slowly making the space for them. I’m a little intimidated but also excited, as my grandfather always grew and took such pride in the rose bushes around his home. I feel like Felicias book would help build confidence, as it would be the “book of answers” I could go to when I’m not so sure what to do. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

  1080. Lisa Appel on

    That was a well-written post. Thank you! I am somewhere in between weekend warrior and aspiring rosarian. The biggest challenge for me is keeping shrubs in excellent health and maximize blooms. I get a Gorgeous flush of blooms in May, then they fade out. I do manage to get a second flush sometimes. I am environmentally concerned with being mindful of water use and avoid synthetic pesticides. How much water do they really need? When do I really need to treat? These are issues I would love to know more about. Thanks@

  1081. Anne on

    Two of my favorite flower farmers in conversation- priceless! Aspiring Rosarian here still trying to get a more efficient way to feed my soil and therefor my roses. Considering fertigation but not sure if it is the right solution for our needs & skills. Needing pros & cons & pitfalls to avoid when using drip fertigation.

  1082. Millie on

    Aspiring Rosarian and hopeful this book will help me on my journey.

  1083. Dee on

    I am an every day gardener. We bought 5 acres a few years ago in pudget sound and have found a new passion for flower farming. I am very new to this and learning all I can! My struggles right now are disease control ( as we acquired a little rose garden) and regular maintenance. This book would be amazing.

  1084. Shannon on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior and trying out roses for the first this year! As a transient that moves around the US a lot, I’m confined to containers. I’m hoping that the Growing Wonder will serve as a guide in the best varieties of roses for hardiness and container confinement- but also just inspiration! I’ve been following Felicia’s Instagram for years and she is always so inspiring.

  1085. Katie Chapman on

    I am a weekend warrior and I love roses. I recently moved to Southern California and planted a few roses but they are not performing well. I am looking forward to reading this rose book! 🥀

  1086. Robyn on

    So excited about the new book! I grow 100 plants for cut flowers & about 30 more specimens just because. There was a 100 year old rose with a giant trunk (like a tree) on my little farm that was in deep shade and being eaten by termites. I moved it last year & now it’s thriving! Roses are the most incredible plant… my favorite thing to grow by a mile.

  1087. Ronda Whaley on

    Just a beginner, but so inspired by the beauty of Roses. Thank you both for sharing your passion with all of us!

  1088. Isabella on

    I’m someone who loves roses, but rarely has the time or experience to truly grow them, so I’d say I’m a weekend warrior! I live in Eastern Washington, and I love to go out in the spring and early summer when the wild roses bloom. They’re that gorgeous, rich pink of classic roses, and I watch those hardy plants grow in clay, in rocks, and even along the side of major highways! They are some of the toughest plants I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
    The biggest area of struggle for me is the environment of our home. We live in clay, and not just any kind of clay, but practically pottery-quality clay. It’s rich, thick, and holds water like nobody’s business. My mom and I love roses, but we have to fight for the few we have to thrive. That is something I hope we could learn more about from Felicia’s book, so that we can have more than just a weekend hobby!

  1089. Margaret VanderEls on

    My genealogy includes paternal grandparents who farmed in upstate New York growing apples and strawberries for market. My father was the only one of four boys who located away from the finger lakes and didn’t own a farm but always gardened. He grew roses and always included an impressive crimson climbing rose that provided the background for the family graduation pictures.
    I am retired now and enjoy daily gardening in coastal Massachusetts. Dahlias have been my focus for 15 years. But they are labor intensive in the fall, which is to say backbreaking. I grow flowers for visual enjoyment only. No marketing. As one ages the hereditary pull strengthens resulting in my now three year old rose garden. I am very impressed with the hardiness of roses in my somewhat temperate coastal zone and no Fall rush to dig up tubers before the ground freezes. Winter here is for planning, researching and ordering for the coming Spring. Reading “Growing Wonder” is on my list. I would also be interested if Felicia publishes a catalog. Thanks for this opportunity to share. Margaret

  1090. Amy sexton on

    Such an inspiring post and such beautiful roses! I’m a weekend warrior – dabbling in vegetable and flower gardening with minimal success lately! I dream of being an accomplished flower Gardner and surrounding our small farm in beautiful blooms- there’s so much wisdom to glean for success! We have a small bareroot rose farm near us here in Oregon and it’s one of my favorite places to visit! I would love to learn how to properly feed my roses and how to prevent diseases like black spot.

  1091. Mya on

    It was so fun to read this interview! My grandma had a big rose garden and my favorite thing to do was wonder through the roses when I was younger. Now that my grandma is gone I would love to start a rose garden in memory of her. I’m an every day gardener but don’t have a whole lot of experience in the rose department but excited to learn!

  1092. Suzanne C on

    I am new to roses and have “inherited” some weak varieties with the house my husband and I bought. Understanding their need for sun and their lack of it initially, I have moved them and had success, enough to keep me in the rose business as a weekend warrior dedicated to helping these babies survive by improving their environment. I have added Peggy Martin from a friend and am in love. Learning more about improving their lives through Felicia (and maybe increasing my knowledge of roses in general) will help me immensely! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  1093. Stacey on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and and everyday gardener. My grandmother had a beautiful little rose garden and I now wish I’d paid more attention to her gardening style/knowledge. I’d like to add more roses to my small collection and create something to honor her. Some guidance in care and varieties that will do well in the area I live would be a good thing.

  1094. Joyce Haas on

    I have grown up loving the plants my Mom grew on our Missouri farm. Favorites were peonies, irises and roses. After my career as a teacher, I moved to a rural area to return to my roots as a nature lover; started a plant nursery and sold plants at a farmers market. Although I have grown a few roses, my ability to produce prolific blooms has evaded me. As an aspiring rose grower, I want to learn more for my personal skill and enjoyment. Really looking forward to your book.

  1095. Margarete on

    Well since my rose collection is around 75 and I’m still adding to it, lol I guess that mAkes me an aspiring rosarian.😄. My toughest issue has always been pest damage especially from thrips. I’ve used no pesticides organic or otherwise on my property for at least 24 years, so would love to learn more about how to get more perfect blooms. Thank you!

  1096. Jenny E. on

    2022 is the year I add roses! This book will be a great resource for me. I joined “The Menagerie” and will look forward to using those resources. Thank you for sharing your expertise! Thank you Floret for sharing this article!

  1097. Melissa Vliem on

    I’m a weekend warrior – I’d love to learn more from her book to grow into an everyday gardener. Maybe someday into a budding rosarian :)

  1098. Laura on

    I’m an everyday gardener and looking forward to ordering roses from Felicia this week and reading her new book.

  1099. Christy Snowder on

    What a great story!!! I am at my regular job right now and should be working but instead I’m day dreaming of roses lol. I am an every day gardener, but working towards becoming an Aspiring Rosarian. Every year I add more roses to my garden and this coming fall my dream of having my very own greenhouse will finally come true. If I’m not looking at pictures or reading about roses I’m online watching YouTube videos about roses. I would have to say my biggest struggle when it comes to roses would be black spot because of the climate I live in (Zone 7a). I cant wait to read Felicia’s book, I am hoping to learn to be a better all around gardener.

  1100. Annette Z on

    I would call myself an everyday gardener, but I still have a lot to learn when it comes to roses. Since discovering David Austin roses, I have so much more appreciation for the variety of colors and bloom types that you can find in roses. This book sounds like it will be a great addition to my gardening library!

  1101. Alicia G. on

    I am a weekend warrior. I enjoy planting new annuals in the sprint to brighten the garden. I fell in love with DA roses a few years ago and have several in my yard. I would love to learn about rose disease and how to keep them looking their best.

  1102. Cindy Studdert on

    I’ve been a gardener for 30
    Years and always loved roses. I’ve slowly added to my collection first at our suburban homes and now on our small farm. This year, I closed my preschool business because of health issues and decided to become a cut flower farmer. Thanks to all the wonderful internet resources, I was able to sell a good amount my first year. While I love all flowers, I am hoping to specialize in roses. I’m up to 350 plants and if this year goes well, I hope to keep going. I grow sustainably and want to learn as much as I can to keep them healthy. . I’ve already ordered your book, but I would like to send one to my sister in law who has decided to grow half a dozen rose bushes in Southern California. I’m excited for her and want to get her off to a fresh start

  1103. Christine on

    Weekend warrior. I recently moved to some property with lots of room and planted koko loco in the late summer. I figured it was too late in the season for any blooms from a bare root rose but I got one right before the frost! And now I’m hooked. I don’t have any experience with roses so I’m hoping to learn how to best take care of these special plants in honor of my grandma who absolutely loved roses. My struggle right now is figuring out the best location on my property to plant them so they can thrive as much as possible.

  1104. Stephanie L. on

    This book looks fantastic! Your story resonated with me a bit, as my grandparents raised me on their farm. My Grandfather taught me so much and passed away with COPD when I was a teenager. My grandmother is still with us and doing well. I lost my mothet two years ago to a clot from heart surgery and then my father passed last year to Covid-19, and it is gardening, working with my flowers, as mother nature surrounds me to keep me going. I can feel my grandfather beside me working and my father there as well. My father helped my husband put up our garden fence and each time I look at it, I can just see him and I cant help but cry. It is incredible what these plants can do. It is the only thing getting me through and helping me stay grounded when I want to just give up. Thank you for sharing your amazing story and journey with Erin and all of us.

  1105. Sheila Maher on

    I am an Everyday Gardener who happens to have a skill with roses. My old house had 90 in my garden and after 4 years in Anacortes I am back at a new house in California and so excited for this book!!

  1106. Ingrid on

    I’m somewhere in between every day gardener and aspring rose aficionado. My grandmother had a beautiful rose garden in Mexico and that started it all. My mother and aunt garden roses, even in environments where they do not naturally thrive. So seven years ago when we moved to our farm, i started the plans for a rose garden and hope to keep it growing!

  1107. Belinda Strannigan on

    I am an everyday gardener who loves the fragrance of flowers. We live in a 100 year old home and are the second owners. Angie, the previous owner was 98 when she passed on the care of her home and gardens to us. I struggle with properly pruning the old wild roses. I’d like to learn more about caring for them and adding some fragrant cabbage head roses. I am very thankful for the resources that Floret provides access and links too.

  1108. Yvonne Grady on

    I have loved roses all my life particularly the old fashioned roses. When we lived in TX I had over 35 rose bushes, we moved to TN and haven’t had much luck with roses. I would say I am an Aspiring Rosarian, I would love to glean knowledge from Felicia’s many years of experience and to study her problem solving.
    That I may once again enjoy having roses grace our property with their lovely scents and magnificent presence.

  1109. Michelle A on

    I am an everyday gardener with dreams of becoming a rosarian. At 60 years old my life has had many twist and turns like most of us. My love of gardening came from my English next door neighbor and her beautiful garden as well as from my grandmothers. I have always loved gardening but in the last decade or so have had to give it up to care for aging parents. I am going to be relocating this year and am looking to start the garden of my dream in what I hope will be my forever home. As with your books and Ann’s, I am looking to find inspiration and direction from Felicia’s new book “Growing Wonder”. Thanks Erin for sharing these lovely ladies and yourself with the world.

  1110. Beth Hatcher on

    I am an everyday gardener in my second year as a flower farmer. I have never had roses as I considered them to be too high maintenance. So of course after reading the Floret 4 part series in roses, I ordered two! I am still trying to determine where I am going to put them. Being a newbie roser, the book will help me navigate being a new rose mom!

  1111. Sage Bear on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. I first heard of Felicia on the Slow Flowers Podcast. I admire her love of family as well as her love for roses. I am starting my roses this spring. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of her book so I can read up on them before they arrive.

  1112. Cathy Rowand on

    Weekend warrior for sure. Or maybe even newbie weekend warrior🤔 I have tried on and off for no real success in growing my own roses. I’m hoping to figure it out as this is one of my fondest memories of my Nana when we visited her in the midwest. She always had roses and taught my mom the beginning basics of them. I would love to have a real rose bush with flowers to cut to share with my family. Their smell and beauty leave a lasting mark and heartfelt memory.

  1113. Cindy on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener (and sometimes Every-Evening Gardener as well). Roses are a staple in my garden but a challenge since I have a lot of shade. But Bless their hearts, my Roses are up for the challenge – they struggle but somehow flourish, even if a bit battered. I’m always looking for new resources, little nuggets of information and look forward to this lovely new book. Magic, Roses are simply Magic.

  1114. Stephanie on

    I’m an everyday gardner with an increasing interest in roses but little experience when it comes to growing them. My biggest struggle currently is garden pests and proper routine care and I would love to learn more. I really enjoyed this article thank you!

  1115. Amanda on

    Will the own root roses be available at the same time?

  1116. Joanne Moon on

    I am an everyday Gardner for 15-20 minutes when I have a moment after kids are settled after dinner and an aspiring rosarian in the unforeseen but coming future. I remember doing my 11th grade career project on being a farmer to everyone including my surprise at a time and place when others were seeking other professions and knowing in my heart that I would tend to plants and trees and flowers rather than livestock. Fast forward two plus decades and my new home in the suburb of Southern California and it’s front and backyard space has been filled with roses and companions flowers, vegetables and fruit trees in free form style and I am wanting to learn more in breadth and depth how to care for the roses through the seasons all the while keeping my love and wonder intact and flourishing as well. Thanks for this wonderful interview to peek at Felicia’s journey and both your ongoing presence in the online community.

  1117. Kim Lango on

    What an inspiring story, thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge!

  1118. Alexandra Shannon on

    I started my rose growing journey last year after my husband and I bought our first home. It was a crazy stressful year, but being able to watch the roses grow and thrive really brought light to everyday! I can’t wait to plant more this year! Really looking forward to adding Felicias book to my ever growing garden book collection!

  1119. Vicki on

    I am an everyday gardener. The days I can be out in my garden are always my best days! I would love to learn more tips in growing beautiful and fragrant roses, also how to control black spot. I live in the PNW. Your story is truly inspiring to me. I admire your love and devotion to growing flowers. Can’t wait to see your book!

  1120. Jess on

    Great interview! I’m an everyday gardener, but still a newbie in roses. I would like to learn more about preventing rootstock from taking over, as some of my beautiful white roses are turning pink 😆. This is my first year doing a hard pruning of my roses, but I have a lot to learn. Thank you for this opportunity of a giveaway!

  1121. Alexandra Slafter on

    Working in a hospital during the pandemic has really been overwhelming. I started my rose garden last year and it has quickly become a place for me to escape and enjoy nature. So far I have seven varieties and I’m hoping to add more this year! I really hope to become more knowledgeable about their overall care and how to keep them healthy and happy, so excited to read the new book! Thanks for sharing!! ❤️

  1122. Cris Jilk on

    I am a Weekend Warrior who wants to select quality roses in order to grow them successfully for arrangements. I used to have many roses at my first house but got discouraged and now have only two at this house. I’m ready to try again with your guidance. I have many dahlias and have been growing cut flowers successfully from seed thanks to Erin’s book. It’s time to add roses!

  1123. Bridget Everett on

    I was so excited when I saw that Floret was doing an interview with Menagerie! I first found Menagerie when Floret shared a link to their instagram page on one of their stories last year. I have just swooned over all the beauty that is Menagerie ever since. I am definitely more of a weekend warrior when it comes to the flower world. I am currently in medical school, and I have found flowers to be such a great stress reliever. They bring so much peace and beauty to my life. I am so thankful for people like Erin and Felicia that help bring beauty to the world through flowers! You are both truly such an inspiration to this flower lover!

  1124. Katherine Ball on

    I am an everyday gardener. My first rose was a large white single petal rambler from a neighbor when I moved from my first home to where I have live now. I patiently wait for it to bloom each spring with it’s very fragrant blooms, later gracing my garden with large lovely orange hips. I do not know it’s name, but I know it will survive the cold winters in Montana. I am eager to learn more about hardy roses that are repeat bloomers that can grow well in a short cold season.
    I am looking forward to your new book!

  1125. Julia Williams on

    My love of roses really comes from memories of my grammas yard. She didn’t have a garden, but she sure had flowers that were beautiful and fragrant. When I’ve shopped for roses in the past I am always looking for roses that smelled like my grammas. That’s what I’d like to learn from Felicia’s book is how to select roses based on fragrance and color. My favorite was this beautiful peachy-pink with large blooms. I’ve really gotten into gardening the past few years to become more self sustainable in growing my own food and medicine. Flowers are certainly food for the soul. For years I would just get a few glimpses of rose bud colors before the deer would graze on them. Then last year was amazing with all the blooms. I got a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepard puppy and put up a fence last April. Total cured to deer problem eating my roses! So now I want more of course =) But my biggest struggle is that I just don’t know enough about growing them and I’d like to learn. Thanks for connecting us to Felicia.

  1126. Grace Tirado Perez on

    Weekend Warrior in North-Central Florida – My daughter and I have just moved with our horses from 3 to 17 acres and we are slowly building up her equine boarding and training farm. I have started a vegetable garden and I am sowing flower beds, and wild flower areas around the perimeter to help our pollinators. Our plan is to start a honey bee hive and I would love to add a rose garden for everyone to enjoy especially the bees.

  1127. Katelyn Redden on

    I’ma Weekend Warrior, just finding my passion for growing things! I live in Idaho and haven’t the faintest idea how to grow roses here. But I hope to brighten my small patch of dirt with thriving roses.

  1128. Ellen Lyman on

    I am an Everyday Gardener and I grow other cut flowers for a small Farmers Market. I would like to add roses to my bouquets, and hope to learn which varieties have exceptional vase life, long stems and heavenly scents. Thanks for the wonderfully informative interview! Can’t wait to read the new book!!

  1129. Chanda on

    Weekend to Everyday depending on what I can dedicate to the garden! I’ve always loved roses they are such a classic but I appreciate knowing “winners” before making the investment

  1130. Rochelle on

    With only a few rose plants newly planted at our home, I would say I’m an everyday gardener hoping to be an aspiring rosarian. I love roses, the scent, their beauty and colors and I hope to plant more in the near future. My hesitancy with roses, like many others was that they were difficult to care for, but realizing with some foundational knowledge, roses are for everyone.

  1131. Heather fackovec on

    I am a weekend warrior with a newly acquired yard that provides the space needed to grow some beautiful roses! I’m new to the game and could use all the knowledge I can get. This book would go a long away toward my goal of a gorgeous rose garden of my own!

  1132. Carly on

    I am currently enrolled in Florets Flower Course and am just beginning to dip my toe into the wonderful word of flowers! With three small kiddos we try to be outdoors daily and I do my best to spend a little time each and every day towards some task at cultivating beauty. My husband and I just spend the last few months assessing our yard and roses are one of the additions we both agreed on adding this year! I am thrilled at that thought of learning what it take to truly assist in giving these beauties space to grow and flourish!

  1133. Shae on

    So beautiful and inspiring! Thanks ladies!!

  1134. Gillean on

    While I used to be a weekend warrior with roses, I now have the ability to be an everyday gardener. I’m very excited to order my first roses in a very long time. I look forward to learning how to properly choose roses and a solid refresher how to raise them!

  1135. Jacky Surber on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian, and would hope the book has insights as too why some of my roses drop dead and other plans thrive. I need to know best spacing and other tips for my hot dry climate! Thank you.

  1136. Louise on

    Weekend warrior. I love gardening (vegetable & flowers) but work & family obligations compete. I’m drawn to the beautiful roses at the local garden centers but so disappointed when there’s a gorgeous blossom with no fragrance. I appreciate the descriptions mentioning fragrance. I’m looking forward to planting a variety or two mentioned in Felicia’s book. The big question is how do you decide?? Just like those dahlias! It’s a good problem to have. :)

  1137. Mary Myers on

    My grandmother and mother both had small rose gardens. As a child , I was allowed to cut roses and make “arrangements”. They were so beautiful and smelled wonderful. I am just Weekend gardner, but love to get my hands in the dirt. After growing up in Indiana, I moved to Virginia a few hears ago. Going from rich, dark soil, to hard, red clay, has been a difficult adjustment. New soil, new climate, and new plants has been a learning curve. Thanks for your inspiration.

  1138. Jacquie on

    So excited about this new book! I’ve been a everyday gardener but starting to get an interest in being a rotarian! It’s never too late to start a new endeavor.

  1139. Miranda Suri on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener lol! I love roses but my space is small. I’m excited to learn more about the best way to take advantage of vertical space to grow climbing roses!

  1140. Karla Ramirez on

    I’m a weekend warrior who has been growing garden roses (mostly David Austin) for over thirty years. I began when I lived in Southern California and carried on my rose gardening since moving to Connecticut 22 years ago. My raised bed rose garden is one of my greatest pleasures. I used to be a floral designer focusing on weddings and special events, but had to give up my business due to illness. Now I enjoy arranging flowers from my garden and sharing photos of them with friends as a small way of sharing beauty and joy. Not the same satisfaction as handing a bride her bespoke bouquet, but one has to adapt to their limitations.

    My two greatest challenges are losing roses over winter to the cold, and fighting off insects, particularly beetles. I look forward to reading your book, and I’m happy to learn that you sell a lovely selection of bare root roses. I’ve been wanting some of the older David Austin shrubs like Evelyn and Abraham Darby for a while.

  1141. Bonnie Kenoyer on

    Community Garden warrior. Aspiring flower gardener. I have a daughter that needs a path. She loves gardening but needs inspiration to be and do something great! I’m trying to share with her all the possibilities for a future that includes things she loves and I love like farming and flowers!! We need more women in this field!

  1142. Christina Serrano on

    The book looks amazing! Congratulations! I would say I’m an everyday gardener who loves roses aspiring to be a Rosarian. I’m excited to read and learn from your experience with roses. I too am in the Sac Valley so it will be exciting to see which roses work best here.

  1143. Gwen on

    I s as m a weekend warrior, gradually moving into the everyday gardener phase… I love my roses but my digest obstacles are when to cut back for the season as my timing always seems off, and how to deal with diseases. Roses grow amazing here in Southern California so I am really hoping to learn!

  1144. Yenelys Hernandez on

    I guess I am a weekend warrior (totally a beginner). I fell in love with roses through my mother. She has many roses and I love how beautiful and soft they look and how fragrant they are. I am in love with the Koko Loco and after reading the interview would love to see the Queen of Excelence. I want to start my own rose garden and follow in my mother’s footsteps. I’ve been helping her so I can learn as much as I can before I start my own this year. It’s one of my 2022 goals. I did my first cut flower garden last year and it was a success so I want to continue with cut flower gardens but also want my own personal rose garden to enjoy.

  1145. Madison Post on

    I have loved roses all of my life, but never knew it was possible to grow large-bloomed, romantic garden roses or elegant hybrid teas in the Midwest! Upon realizing it is indeed possible (with a little TLC and knowing your varieties) via a number of online resources, it has been my dream for years now to bring gorgeous roses to northeast Iowa. I actually stumbled across Menagerie a few years ago, and she has been one of my inspirations in providing roses to my community. My husband and I are both from farming backgrounds, however more so show cattle, corn, soybeans and barley in North Dakota versus Felicia’s upbringing of prunes and tomatoes in sunny California!

    My husband and I met at North Dakota State University where he majored in crop and weed sciences and worked for the Oat Breeding Department for a short time, while I got my “Mrs. Degree” and started having babies right away! After his time at NDSU, my husband went on to 4 years of seminary education to become a pastor. Meanwhile, I longed to be connected to our ag roots and dreamt of growing roses all day while raising our babies. I took this time to hit it hard scavenging for information on growing roses in cold climates and narrowing down the countless varieties to which ones seem suitable to grow in midwest z5.
    We are now settled in Sumner, IA and own a .5 acre property (with potential to purchase more if the need arises :D) I’m in the process of building my rose collection, trialing them for performance in Iowa, and dream of one day starting up a little rose nursey for Iowans, as well as educating folks on how to care for there roses in our harsh climate. Currently, I’m setting up the property to become a little flower farm, and will be providing cut annuals along with roses as bouquets to the nursing homes, and sick/shut-in residents my husband visits as pastor. We have all of these goals on a single-income pastor’s salary, so being gifted a book and a few of Felicia’s roses would be so helpful!

  1146. Katie on

    I am very much a newbie/aspiring rose grower. I would love to learn more about all aspects of growing and maintaining roses!

  1147. Tammy Wharton on

    I’m an obsessive everyday gardener. I love roses, and all beautiful flowers. I don’t have a lot of space since I live in the suburbs so several of my roses are in pots. I would be interested to learn more about pot culture and varieties that can tolerate some shade as well. I love in the cloudy midwest with lots of shade trees over our property. This was a beautiful article and I’ve already preordered the book! Thank you both for sharing!

  1148. Abby on

    I’m a weekend warrior and young mom looking to dive into a new hobby if caring for flowers! I’ve always been afraid of roses because I grew up hearing how hard they are to grow in the humid climates, but I’m starting to wonder if I just need to select the right type of rose!

  1149. Emily S. Marten on

    I am a weekend warrior. I am in love with working on my vegetable garden but think it would be so fun to grow flowers too! When I read about the roses I can feel an excitement that starts in my heart and radiates through my body. You know when you feel a passion about something and that happens? I imagine all the places I could plant roses on my property and creating a space where I could just sit and enjoy them. I actually find working on them just as fun as enjoying them, so learning about that process would be a joy.

  1150. Jan Wallace on

    Thank you for sharing Felicia’s story. The admiration I have for all young female entrepreneurs is so great. I have been gardening many years with roses and native plants. I continue to learn so much from young gardeners.

  1151. Mirna Best on

    Thanks Erin for sharing Felicia’s roses knowledges …I’m everyday gardener, and cut flowers farmer, I grow mini roses around the house, but this year I want stared a rose garden plot for my business. I ordered Felicia’s new book to learn more. If I win I will donated her book to my local library.

  1152. Kate Huelsman on

    Loved reading this interview! I am a weekend warrior with only 2 seasons of growing flowers under my belt! We started with a butterfly garden patch and now I’m hooked. This year we want to approach our flowers with more intention so when it comes to what I want to learn with this book…. umm… all of it? And I want to look at pretty pictures while I dream up new ideas:)

  1153. Cindy D on

    I want to thank you again Erin for these inspiring interviews. I am just beginning my adventure with growing rose and flower gardens. I guess that means I am a very hopeful everyday gardener and need all the information and guidance I can gather. The photos you add are so beautiful!!

  1154. Alyssa tran on

    I am an everyday gardener with a rose patch that needs some serious help. I really struggle with pests in the garden and yellowing leaves. By late summer my roses are ugly and I need help problem shooting! Hoping this book will help me

  1155. Debra Oster on

    A trip to Savannah, Georgia to celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary inspired me to change our farm yard in north central South Dakota from one of weeds and fallen trees due to a massive wind storm to a yard whose borders were full of flowering shrubs, peonies, clematis, irises, columbine, delphinium, lilies, and daisies. I have since expanded those beds and added echinacea, salvia, veronica, mums, dahlias, asters, hydrangeas, and hardy hibiscus. I remember planting my first roses with trepidation as I was certain they would fail. Encouraged when new leaves appeared the following spring, I started in earnest looking for roses for my area and how to care for them. Teaching during the day left the evenings for pouring over web sites which offered recommendations for fertilizer, instructed how to prune roses in the late spring, and offered other varieties. I must confess that I cannot keep my hands off zone 5 roses so a third of my 32 varieties are in pots which I winter in my garage including Love Song and Celestial Nights which are a couple of your favorites as well. Now that I am retired and find even more time on my hands and a daughter’s wedding looming in the future, I am in the process of planning a rose garden. I am looking for recommendations in terms of the best varieties, bed arrangement, and words to bolster courage.

  1156. Janet K on

    I’m a weekend warrior who loves roses. I aspire to have a giant rose garden one day. Thanks so much for sharing this story. I’m off to pre order the book.

  1157. Linda Goss on

    I am an everyday Gardener, meaning to an adopting rosarian. My struggles are growing beautiful roses here in the northeast, Blackspot capital of the world. If the book will address growing roses in this difficult environment, I will certainly purchase it. Very open to any tips on this issue

  1158. Peggy Greubel on

    Everyday gardener who is interested in adding roses to my garden for cut flowers and scent.

  1159. Shawn Vieth on

    I am a landscape designer and new farmer -florist (Floret workshop class of 2022) and aspiring Rosalina. I have always been a bit reluctant to use roses in my landscape or in designs for customers. They have been viewed by myself and my customers as high maintenance. In the past few years I have incorporated types of shrub roses into my own landscape and others. I would love to “branch” out into other types of roses. They are so amazingly beautiful I can’t help but want to get to know them better and add them to my plant family! I hope to learn much more from Felicia about what varieties of roses to grow that would be successful given the issues of insect and diseases that seem to so often plague roses.

  1160. Kara W. on

    Everyday Gardener here. I’m very much looking forward to learning how to grow roses in Zone 9b – the same hot and weather roller coaster climate as the Menagerie Farm! I have my eye on three bare roots to get going and suspect Aspiring Rosarian will shortly follow.

  1161. Allison Gorham on

    Thank you so much for this blog Erin! And to you, as well, Felicia…..you both are inspirations! I am a master gardener living in a zone 4 area, and have always wanted to grow a few roses in my garden and other public gardens I voluntarilycare for…however, having had major pest issues YEARS ago when I started gardening, I gave up…I am ready to try again with your help! Everyday Gardener that I am, I would like to learn from her expertise how to grow in our cold climate, and also about pest and wildlife resistant cultivars….thank you!!!

  1162. Ginny Green on

    I am a weekend warrior who hopes to become an every day gardener when I retire in a few years. We just moved to a 3 acre property on a river with a lot of room to grow plants. I purchased my first rose bush last year and love it! I have experience with a variety of flowers and plants, with a seemingly innate green thumb, and would love to learn more about roses!

  1163. Kara Docs on

    Weekend Warrior
    My husband and I bought our first home 2 years ago. Now that we have our own space to create our home, I dream of a rewarding garden. After trying out a couple different flowers last year in our yard, I am hooked. This year I plan to plant my first cut flower garden and would love to eventually include roses. I hope Felicia’s book will help me to do that and I am excited to add it to my growing flower book collection!

  1164. Beth on

    An aspiring rosarian! I’ve always loved roses and my mom has always loved roses too. And both of our middle names are actually Rose! I have a bed of roses on our farm, and am slowly learning the ins and outs. I genuinely can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book and learn so much more about growing them. I’ve struggled a bit with disease pressure and variety selection both, so even this blog post is teaching me so much! Thank you Erin & Felicia for sharing so much knowledge. You make it possible for the rest of us!

  1165. Abigail on

    I would say I’m an Everyday Gardener. Gardening in every season of the year is part of my life. And I love it! I keep learning new things and new plants; this year I’m expanding to roses. Perfect timing with your blog posts! Because of budget and to get my feet wet, I just bought 2 plants that will come this spring. I am a little nervous. I’ve wanted to grow roses for years now! My biggest area of struggle would be not knowing anything. (:

  1166. Alli on

    I’m a weekend warrior, aspiring to an everyday gardener who moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2021 to be able to be close and care for my parents. Uprooting my family (and a good forty plants from our beloved garden) from the balmy weather of the Bay Area and replanting us here in the Portland area has had some challenges, especially for my Indian born husband. But we finally have the space to grow a garden of our dreams and those dreams include roses. My Bay Area bestie, an avid rose lover, gifted me with three roses from her own backyard and I’ve been caring for them as best as I can, and would love to know more. I check on my rose babies everyday during their growing season and cheer for every bud! I *may* have also made a large (for me) purchase of 9 more plants from David Austin that will be arriving in a month. My challenges are deer, gophers, rabbits that decimated the first bare root rose I planted and general lack of knowledge on the particularities of roses. I more than make up for them with enthusiasm and love and amazing rose loving soil that we are blessed to live on.

  1167. Christy on

    I am an aspiring rosarian and have been truly inspired by your rose articles. Most of my rose-growing experience has been in the Pacific Northwest where black spot and other dampness diseases were my biggest challenge. But I’m now gardening in the Southwest where it feels like I’m having to completely relearn how to grow roses.

  1168. Elizabeth on

    I am an “everyday gardener” who aspires to have a Memorial Rose Garden to honor my loved ones who have gone on before me. I was told that my great-grandmother (a botanist) and grandmother (who introduced me to basic flower gardening) had lovely rose gardens in their lives, that unfortunately I did not get to see. I have one treasured picture of my 16-year old grandmother (1922) in front of some of her mother’s climbing roses. Much of my adulthood was occupied caring for first my grandmother and then my mother, and a husband who was a disabled Veteran. They are gone now. As I live on I seek to “bloom where I am (trans)planted” as I find myself surprised at an unexpected turn in life, from a middle-aged widow with no children to now surprisingly re-married with step-children. When my life was suddenly turned upside down with the death of my late husband I had thought my years of gardening and my rose dreams were gone, but I find myself blessed again to live in the country, in the rural mountains of Southern Ca, and renewed hopes and ideas are beginning to bud in my heart and mind!

  1169. Lindsay Myers on

    I’m an Aspiring Rosarian but a weekend vegetable gardener. My goal / intention (written in my Floret Planner!) this year is to begin my cut flower garden and start my heirloom rose collection. Felicia’s story is really incredible. The sacrifice she made for her family that ultimately led her to what she was meant to do. I hope to learn a lot more from her and will pre-order her book today.

  1170. Marie Chiavoni on

    My other taught me about old roses when I was young. She passed and I’ve been learning on my own. I look forward to your book. Do you allow visors?

  1171. Alesha McNeese Blair on

    I am definitely a starting out Weekend Warrior when it comes to roses. I grew up gardening with my grandmothers who both adored roses. I have inherited all of their rose bushes, vines, and other plants. I would love to increase my rose knowledge to be certain that my grandmothers’ roses remain in good condition so they can serve as daily reminders of the love that my grandmothers’ had for both the roses and their families.

  1172. Melinda Hunter on

    Thank you Erin for introducing us to Felicia! What a beautiful story. We recently moved to our new home on the coast of SC and have a wonderful wildlife population…especially deer…so to keep them out of reach I would love to know more about which varieties of roses are easily grown in containers. After many years working in the floral industry, designing and teaching floral design, my greatest joy is sharing what I’ve learned with others. I look forward to reading more about Felicia’s knowledge and experience in growing roses.

  1173. Kate on

    I think I’m a weekend warrior with a dream of becoming a rosarian! Gardening and tending plants is my therapy and I’m always looking to learn how to better care for the plants I love. I know only a little about roses and am very excited to see what Felicia can teach me to help my future rose garden grow strong and beautiful and become a space of wonder I can share with everyone I love. Also, if she has pointers on blackspot I’m all ears. I waive in the PNW and find it difficult to keep it at bay.

  1174. Natalie Tegarden on

    I am an aspiring rosarian, just like my own grandfather. I have a few struggles with growing roses, namely disease pressure and how to manage that organically when I also sell my roses for weddings. Cakes get decorated, roses are edible, so I’d love to know how to manage the plants health optimally while also keeping it safe enough to come into contact with food. I’d also love to know how to prune, be it shrubs, ramblers or climbers, to produce as long and straight of stems as possible for designing ease as well as disbudding. I’m really excited about this book and it’s potential depth in growing at a more commercial level as I am a farmer-florist. Probably my only regret is that nowhere in the description did it mention that the book was a scratch and sniff book, which I was hoping for;)

  1175. Heather Smart on

    I am a small cut flower farmer in Utah. I started my journey after my own mother passed away from lung cancer in 2020. This will be my second year farming cut flowers and I would love to learn from this book how to branch into cut roses. I would classify myself as a weekend warrior right now in growing roses but would love to become an aspiring rosarian. I have ordered about 12 roses to start this spring and feel like there isn’t enough information to get my hands on when it comes to growing flowers. I’m so excited about this book and feel a strong connection to your story because my own mirrors it. Many thanks and much love.

  1176. Amilia on

    I guess I would say I’m a weekend warrior! I love reading these interviews from people who are so passionate about farming. I realized it’s not my passion but I do want to have a beautiful garden and have some time to dedicate to it! Roses have done really well in my yard so that’s what I’m sticking with going forward.

  1177. Bailey on

    I’m an everyday gardener who dreams of owning a large plot of land to devote to beautiful flowers, roses included! I would love to learn more about proper care – fertilizing and pruning from her book. She’s incredibly inspiring!

  1178. Lucy LaFayette on

    I’m in the Aspiring Rosarian column. The more I grow and learn about roses, the more I want. I love growing flowers for cutting and look forward to learning more from the new book!

  1179. Alicia Sanchez on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian up in Seattle. This will be my first year planting roses so any information is helpful information to me. Can’t wait to check out Felicia’s book!

  1180. Ann V on

    I grew up on a farm and my mother loved roses. I would buy her rose bushes for Mother’s day and plant them for her. My husband and I have had roses in both of the places we have lived. These roses were great for the landscape view but were not great cut flowers. I have been flower farming for five years, but have yet to take the plunge into growing roses for cut flower production. I am not fond of the thorns and I have some uncertainity that the investment will make a profit. I do love the flowers and the smell, so I have decided to start with a few bushes this year. If they are not profitable, I know my mother (who lives in a nursing home now) will appreciate receiving them. I love the recommendations here and I love the story. Thanks for sharing!

  1181. Tracy Britton on

    Now, newly retired, I am able to indulge my gardening obsession daily. I have about 4,000 sq ft of mixed borders and cultivate over 700 Dahlias each year. I am becoming increasingly enamored with roses and have some of the classics: Julia Child and Ebb Tide. And classic New Dawn climbers over my front porch. I’d love to get smarter about roses and invest in some less obvious varieties. I’m a good student and would love this book!

  1182. Jardon Stidham on

    I want to learn how to properly stay on top of pests with my roses! I already pre-ordered her book! lol

  1183. Sarah F. on

    I’m an everyday gardener. Thank you for this awesome interview ( and all the interviews), they’re so inspiring. I admire Felicia’s perseverance and sharing her roses with the world. Thank you for the opportunity!

  1184. Andrea on

    I’d say weekend warrior. I’m brand new to roses. I have always had a huge love for them in any garden I’ve been so I finally took the plunge and ordered and planted some. I’ve always found them intimidating to grow so I’d love to learn and gain as much confidence as I can from Felicia’s book and years of knowledge!

  1185. Helen Noren on

    Weekend warrior but dreaming Aspiring Rosarian ☺️ I have lots of issues with pests so hope to learn more about that!

  1186. Virginia on

    A sincere thanks for your books and blog, so inspiring….when do you sleep? I’m a weekend warrior plus….trying to spend more time in the garden. My big challenge for roses is living in the northern Northeast. I’d love info on trying to grow roses in a northern climate where there are more Japanese beetles than people! Thanks!

  1187. Lindsay on

    I am a weekend warrior who has loved roses my entire life. They remind me of home in England and of my Mum. Just the smell can take me home and to my childhood.
    My biggest challenge is growing in Colorado. Cold winters, very warm summers and we are considered high desert which means very little moisture. We also can get strong winds all year.
    I would love to be able to start a small cutting garden to share flowers with friends.
    Anything learned about roses and growing them would be wonderful.

  1188. Holly Starr-JoMiLL Farm on

    I’ve always loved roses but never grew them just out of fear of failure. I’m going to try them this next spring on our farm. I’m a weekend warrior with only growing a few cut flowers in my first year. I can’t wait to learn from her as well as Floret on how to grow roses successfully as beautiful additions to the garden as well as cut flowers. I’m just soaking up all the possibilities roses being to the table. I would love to win a copy of her book! Thank you for sharing her story!

  1189. Kari Fenton on

    My current level is weekend warrior with years of experience with roses. I currently have 9, but am planning a new rose garden this year, so I’ll be an everyday with my expansion. I love roses and sharing them. I bought some filler seeds from Erin to help with my arranging. Thank you both for your willingness to share your knowledge and gifts.

  1190. Heather Jahn on

    I am a weekend warrior and sometimes evening gardener who is hoping to plant and grow an abundance of roses that one day my girls can use in their wedding bouquets. If awarded Felicia’s book, I am hoping to learn more about how I can fit the most cut roses in a small space to maximize the small amount of area I have available to grow roses.

  1191. Ashley on

    I have always grown roses, our first house I babied they roses and they did great. Our second house already had a rose bed with established roses, I pruneds them once a year and maybe dead headed a few times, these also did great. Now at my third house I planted roses I found at the local farm store. These ones need more care then my last house. I’m probably a weekend warrior, but I look at all the different colors and want them all! Lol !

  1192. Kristine Shoemaker on

    I’ve always loved gardening and have been the weekend warrior raising my daughter and working accountant. NOW I’m the retired gardener enjoying all the time planning and gardening. I’m far from a professional but I love to learn and I am having quite a few success stories. Love roses but and so far fingers crossed very few Japanese beetles. But I need help to be prepared to deal with those pesky bugs. Does you book talk about beautiful roses and protection against those beetles?

  1193. Rachelle on

    I’m a everyday gardener with a little weekend warrior thrown in! I work part time in elder care, but this will be my second year growing cut flowers to sell.. I mostly focus on carefree annual flowers for the laid-back bouquets I sell, but love roses, especially David Austin’s! Thanks for the chance at this generous giveaway!

  1194. Shelly on

    I am an everyday gardeners who has avoided roses due to preconceived ideas about them being fussy and unpredictable in our growing zone. I’m learning I just need to find the right rose for my growing space so the search is on!

  1195. Joanie on

    I am between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener. I grew up helping my mom in her garden. Picking small bouquets of flowers made me feel like a princess even though we struggled through poverty. Now I am a homeschooling mom to 5 wonderful kiddos. But they tease me that I love my plant babies more sometimes. I try to be out as often as I can when I’m not Watercoloring or make food for the ever hungry kiddos. I just started my rose obsession last year. My husband bought me 3 Lord Byron bare root roses as a birthday gift and only one gave me a bloom before the winter set in. But it was so beautiful! And my first love is a fire rose that goes from peachy yellow to red and white as it opens. I want to learn all about my roses. Save my pennies and buy more David Austen roses. I have 6 in my Heirloom Roses cart. If I can sell enough paintings, I’m going to buy them and start my own rose garden. I love cut flower bouquets and giving them to all my friends and neighbors that walk by. Flowers are so special in that their only job is to bring beauty into the world. But I have discovered in the last 2 years that in gardening, with sowing seeds we sow Hope. When waiting for germination, sprouts, leaves, and blossoms we learn Patience. And when sharing the beauty of cut flowers and roses, we see the Joy they can bring.
    This is why I want to learn more and more about cut flowers, and cut roses gardening. I’m so excited to read this book and learn about roses!

  1196. Allison M. on

    I am a learning everyday gardener who may eventually evolve into an aspiring rosarian! And I want to know everything about roses, especially climbers and ramblers. I also want to learn about growing roses in containers. I am so excited for this book!!!

  1197. Megan Z. on

    I am an everyday gardener but when it comes to roses, an aspiring rosarian. I have a few DA varieties and I recently purchased some others. I have only had them 1-2 years and feel like I’m still at the beginning learning stages for them. I would love to know more about everyday maintenance- when to prune, when/how/what is best to fertilize, how to get the most blooms. I drool over Menagerie Roses varieties and every day change my mind about what I want to order. They’re all so beautiful.

  1198. Bette on

    I do not have the space to devote to growing roses in a dedicated bed, set apart from other plants. I would like some sound advice on how to place and grow healthy rose plants amongst my existing shrub and perennial planting beds. That goal would surely enhance my gardening efforts to offer the visual eye candy that is missing from my garden as I am often asked why “no roses”. Roses are the favorite of so many who visit, both gardeners and non-gardeners alike.

  1199. Ada Truesdell on

    I am a weeken gardener. One of my early memories was riding through my grandmothers enclosed Rose garden in Cuba. When they finally took the training wheels off of my little bicycle I remembering actually falling into the rosebushes. The thorns weren’t fun…ha ha. Unfortunately communism came and we lost everything but those memories are still with me. I grew up in Florida and it was always very difficult to grow roses in the humid climate. I really didn’t know what I was doing. My husband and I are recently retired so I’m looking forward to devoting more time to gardening and having those beautiful roses that I remember from my grandparent’s home.

  1200. Jo Williams on

    Retired and an everyday gardener. Moved to a new area of Texas 3 years ago. I’ve been finding the clay dirt of Central Texas a new challenge for me and whatever I grow. Currently have three knockout roses but have been interested in adding new varieties of roses to my garden flower beds. Stumbled on Floret Flowers through The Garden Answer YouTube series that I follow regularly. Thank you for the introductions that each of you throw out there by supporting each other and introducing us to it all. What incredibly interesting stories each of you have!

  1201. bethany on

    Loving all this rose inspiration!
    I would say I am somewhere in between a weekend warrior to an everyday gardener. My biggest challenge right now is waiting for our house to be built on our new one acre lot, and not being able to plant anything this fall, not starting seeds this winter, and no planting until possibly May! 😩
    Also, living in zone 5 Indiana, finding hardy roses that can survive clay soil, freezing winters, and hot, humid summers.
    I hope to learn more about rose planting and care, especially after propagating some favorites from my old house before our move. My future plans in our new place include lots of roses!!

  1202. Terry Yurky on

    Im an aspiring rosarian. I want to add heirloom and zone hardy roses to my garden. I want the big cabbage head roses with fragrance that will hold up as cutting roses for indoor bouquets. Im a retired floral designer and love to create arrangements for my home and friends

  1203. Camille Premont on

    I am a weekend warrior! I’m looking forward to making my roses as productive as possible!

  1204. Joyce Wolfley on

    What a wonderful interview. I am most definitely a weekend warrior but can’t wait to learn more about roses. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge with us!

  1205. Catherine Strange on

    Oh my Goodness!! I found this so very inspiring!! Thank You!! Coming from a Family where both Grandmothers were successful with Roses, (one in the San Francisco Bay Area and the other in southern Oregon), I have been fearful to try my hand at many Roses here in the Deep South. THANK YOU for this article and the pertinent information that has encouraged me to go deeper into growing my favorite flower The Rose!! Can’t wait for your New Book!!!❤️

  1206. Marla Baxter on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior. I’ve always been an accidental rose grower. My father gave me a pink floribunda rose many, many years ago for Mother’s Day. I was so excited but was worried, as I have a notorious brown thumb. I barely did anything to that rose. It bloomed prolifically over the years, and I loved to stick my nose in the heady blooms. Heaven! My father passed in 2012, but the rose is still going strong. Last year my new husband and I relocated to a farm. I thought about digging up the rose but was worried I would kill it. The rose stayed at my former home. I had to stop by there not to long ago because a package had been delivered to my old address. My heart filled as I walked to the front steps and there was dad’s rose bush covered in blooms. I have been pouring over rose sites to find the right roses to grow. This blog is so helpful. I am in Erin’s 2022 workshop now. Thank you, thank you for sharing so much knowledge with us.

  1207. Linda Spencer on

    I’ve been gardening most of my life, but moved to an area where roses thrive and have grown in my love for them. Barely a Weekend Warrior when it comes to roses, but hoping to grow to the Everyday Gardener. Thank you so much for this interview, what an inspiration!
    Rose care: pruning and feeding are my top priority.

  1208. Sandra Plummet on

    Hi. My name is Sandy Plummer. This interview could not have excited me more I am a backyard gardener in Corona Ca. Climate is very hot in the summer. My goal is to be able to fill my house and my friends with cut flowers For a while I was well on my way but then drought, water cut backs and time spent caring for elderly parents interrupted that. I have lost most of the roses that I had established during that time and the goal is to restart. It excites me that she is farming roses in Sacramento a climate similar to mine. So excited to learn everything in her book. I am also looking desperately for the rose Evelyn as it was one that I lost after trying to move it when it was very large. I keep it in remembrance of my Grandmother, Evelyn. Like Felicia, my love of flier gardening came from her and my mother. I love that’s the book has instruction for the 3 levels of gardener. I hope to learn it all. Also in my excitement and effort to pre order this book I may have duplicated my email several times. I do apologize. I never found a way to make a payment

  1209. Megan Kim on

    Both Weekend Warrior and Aspiring Rosarian here. My candy business keeps me busy but I find energy to tend to our new home and 0.5 acre landscape. I’m collecting and creating a wonderful cutting rose garden with paths through the hilly property. First meeting with my local rise society next week… I’m looking forward to meeting several folks in my garden and rose groups in person. 💗🌸

  1210. Lisa F on

    I am a total beginner when it comes to rose growing and my dream is having my own little collection of the most fragrant and beautiful roses to cut and give away. I especially appreciate the part of this interview where you shared your favorites by color – so helpful!! It’s so fun to be introduced to another story of a female who is educating and running a business and sharing such a deep passion for growing beautiful things. Thank you to you both ladies!!!

  1211. Jamie Sammons on

    I suppose I am an aspiring rosarian!
    I really struggle with growing roses but I think they take my designs to the next level. I would love to incorporate more roses on my farm. We just applied for two more high tunnels and I want one to be my “specialty rose greenhouse”, dedicated to just roses.
    Im hoping the information in Felicia’s new book will help me grow roses successfully in my cool climate.

  1212. KJ on

    I’m an adventurous everyday gardener on a suburban lot. I’m in year 2 of transforming our front yard to an interesting, beautiful, mixed-planting garden. It has a couple of roses in it – including Tamora, which I carried in my wedding bouquet – my mom grew the blooms for my bouquet!

    I’d like to learn more about the process of selecting resilient roses for a changing / variable climate, and for my climate. My goal is a gardener is to develop a list of hearty, reliable, productive & beautiful fruits, vegetables & flowers that do well in our area with few inputs, so we can have abundant and beautiful gardens in a changing world. I want to learn more about how Felicia chooses roses for her farm – it sounds like she & I are selecting for the same things!

  1213. Mickie Beckstrom on

    It’s the most unique thing, gardening. We get to take a piece of everyone and everywhere we have met and been. There is a part of me that got left behind when we moved. I did not get the chance to take all of the cuttings from my old friends and loved ones. I think of them in my old garden, and wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them… the new owners can not possibly know how truly incredible each of those plant memories are!! Roses, hyacinth, lavender, rosemary. Butterfly bushes, iris, calendula, chamomile. Ferns and hostas. Plums, apples, pears, cherries. But, I have my seed bank. And the rest of my life. And, if you see fit, maybe a few new roses to fit snugly between old friends.

  1214. Preethy on

    Aspiring Rosarian, expanding my rose collection this year at NJ. They have a special place in my heart.

  1215. Scottie on

    I am a weekend warrior. I just want roses to GROW and thrive !! I won’t give up

  1216. Elizabeth F. on

    I enjoyed reading this so much! Thank you for sharing. I am an everyday gardener, aspiring rosarian. We live on a 42 acre farm in Clarksville, TN. Primarily the acreage has been rented to grow soybeans, corn and wheat. Last summer we planted 60+ garden roses, cold hardy eucalyptus trees (which unfortunately none survived), 111 peonies, ornamental grasses, and so much more. This year we will try seeds and growing unique flowers from Floret. My dream is to turn the acreage into a flower farm, grow fruit and more trees. We’ve found blueberries do really well here. I think something I’ve struggled with is disease and pest management as we desire to go the organic route. Another subject that interests us is irrigation and watering. There is a lot information and products out there to choose from sometimes it gets overwhelming.

    Thank you both so much for sharing your knowledge with us! I have learned so much from you both and look forward to continuing to learn more. Cheers!

  1217. Gail Ditmore on

    Weekend Warrior! I want to learn the process of properly caring for the plants from proper planting the bare root to soil requirements and best practices to end up with some glorious blooms! I have always been afraid of roses….hearing of the many things that they need to thrive and not sure of my “green thumb”. As a retired florist, I love all flowers and want to include roses in my little cutting garden.

  1218. Stephanie Wright on

    I am an everyday gardener! I live in zone 6a, so right now I am gearing up and planning for the planting season! I absolutely love roses and would love to expand my lavender farm! I have a few variety of roses that are doing very well, but would love to add more to my cut flower collection! I am sure this book is a wealth of knowledge to help with not only roses, but other flowers as well!

  1219. Stefanie Reinke on

    If thinking about your garden every day, even in the depressing winter, qualifies as an everyday gardener still… then that’s me! I’m so excited for this book! My daughter & I want to learn better rose care and production for her flower cart!

  1220. Nancy on

    Aspiring grower of all things. I’ve never grown roses, but plan to plant both a red rose (my father’s favorite) and a yellow rose (my mother’s favorite). Like another commenter, my Dad was also a navigator on a B-17 during WWII and he also loved and grew beautiful red roses. Looking forward to the information in your new book!

  1221. Colleen Leonard on

    While I have been a perennial gardener for years, I am now enamored with roses. I will look to Felicia’s book to tell me the best way to plant and how to take care of roses throughout the seasons.

  1222. Rebecca Rawls on

    I am planting my first official cut flower garden this year and would love to have some roses in the mix. I don’t know much about gardening so I’m trying to read and collect any tools and books I can!

  1223. Susan Rode on

    I am a everyday gardener . Slowly developing my Lake County back yard that actually sits on a slope at the bottom of a dormant volcano. The soil here is full of rocks but I have also found it has the minerals that roses seem to like. I have a small cottage studio in the back with a budding rose garden next to it. Last year I bought Honey Dijon rose to add to it…such a beauty..I hope she is happy and settles in during the years to come. I have added climbing roses along the fence as well…Sally Holmes, Alchemist and Lady banks…all in their early stages. I want to learn more to help my roses thrive as the years go by…I also hope to dry roses and rose petals for tea /dried flower garlands….

  1224. Jessica Epley on

    “Weekend warrior”
    I am in process of transitioning my 1/3 acre urban homestead from a house with flowerbeds to a home surrounded by gardens of bouquets that can be shared with family and friends. Having planted more than 200 tulips and narcissus, harvested more than 80 dahlias off my original 8 plants, and collected a batch of seeds for cultivation on the coming weeks, I am ready to focus on the star of every garden section – roses. I have been fortunate enough to have a few cut roses left by the previous owner (one of which is trying to bloom now) and want to increase my diversity of plantings but I have no idea where to start. Felicia’s book – based upon this article – will provide just the knowledge I need to be able to select, prepare and care for the rose gardens of my dreams.

  1225. Lana Duvall on

    I’m an everyday gardener and I have several of the roses that Felicia mentioned in the interview. I would love to learn more about caring for the beautiful roses so that I can include more in my everyday garden!

  1226. Melissa Ferrari on

    My girlfriend and I made the trip to pick up roses at your beautiful farm last spring. I’m a weekend warrior looking to add more roses to my garden so I am able to cut more flowers to share with friends. I would like to learn more about fertilizing and pruning. Thanks for this wonderful interview and congratulations on your book!

  1227. Claire Prenton on

    So much of my garden and what I choose to grow is influenced by a deep connection to my memories of my mother and grandmother. Those childhood memories of summer days helping my mother and the sweet scent of her treasured roses. My failed childhood attempts at trying to make rose perfume 😂
    So now I have my own garden and the first thing I knew I wanted was roses in my garden. I am lucky to have plenty of space to grow our own food but my heart belongs to the roses and so even in my veggie garden I have roses growing. There’s nothing better and more uplifting than taking the time to smell the roses. I am fortunate to be able to describe myself as a everyday gardener with a passion for roses.

  1228. Tara on

    I would consider myself somewhere between a weekend warrior and every day gardener depending on how busy I am with my two young kids. Once we bought our house I couldn’t wait to landscape it and my love for all things flowers has only grown every year since. I can’t wait to order more roses and get Growing wonder when it comes out.

  1229. Karen Pagano on

    I am an everyday gardener. Being recently retired I have thrown myself in to gardening full time. I have grown roses on my property for years. The gardening bug has bit me hard. This spring I will be adding raised beds as well as redoing existing beds. Reading this story plus the 4 part story of Anne Belovich has truly been inspirational. Thank you for the work that you do. You women truly have a passion that inspires others. It’s a true gift.

  1230. Caitlin Lowry on

    As a child, my great grandmother grew the most beautiful roses in her little yard in town. Up until she was unable to live on her own, she tended to them every day. She passed when I was 17 after suffering a massive stroke.

    I spent my college years saying I didn’t like roses. It wasn’t until we bought our first home that I began falling in love with them again. I became friends with a woman who grows David Austin’s and I was hooked.

    In 2016 we moved to a 5 acre ranch in the Central Valley in California. I planted just a few roses and then in spring of 2020, while trying to shop small, I found a local rose nursery. Suddenly 3 plants turned into 60 and now I’m trying to collect them all! I’ve become deeply passionate about the history and culture of rose farming and it has been much of my own therapy.

    I gift flowers to friends and family and love the idea of a small farm stand.

    I consider myself an aspiring rosarian, and my biggest struggle is hiding the roses before my husband has a chance to roll his eyes at me! That and gophers!

    I hope to learn more ways to create a bountiful harvest. Thank you so much to you both for this! I can’t wait to buy her book!

  1231. Marie Barnhart on

    I’m a weekend warrior at the moment, but I have recently been so inspired to grow a garden of my own this Spring. I have ALL of Erin’s books, and some anemone and ranunculus waiting in the basement to be planted in Spring. (Also some of Floret’s dahlia seeds!) I’m so excited! I would love to add roses to my garden too, and all of Felicia’s favorites look so pretty. I think Distant Drums is my favorite! I love all of the pinks and peaches too. I’ll be preordering her book today! So, if I win the giveaway, I’ll plan to gift the book to an aspiring rose gardener. Thank you!

  1232. Bobbie Oleary on

    ROSES!!! Oh how I love them. I’m an everyday gardener who recently moved to central Washington from western Washington. The climate, soil and growing season is so different here. I’m anxious to learn which roses would best thrive in our new home. I have a blank slate as far as landscaping goes and I can’t wait to plant our first roses this spring. This was a wonderful interview Erin and I can’t wait to devour Felicia’s new book! Thank you for this wonderful series on Roses.

  1233. Jana on

    I am somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. In the garden is where I’m happiest, but I just don’t have the schedule that allows me to be out in it everyday.

  1234. Pam B on

    I am an everyday gardener and I love roses (my mom’s name is Rose, so it always makes me think of her when I look at them)! When we moved into our house, we inherited a failing rosebush. I have been trying to bring it back to life and even moved it to a new location, but I think I’m struggling with the soil conditions here. I look forward to reading Felicia’s book to see if I can figure out the magic behind growing beautiful roses.

  1235. Jennifer Porter on

    I’m a weekend warrior that took up gardening during the pandemic. I especially love roses because they provide color and beauty in my garden for a good eight months of the year. From Felicia’s book, I want to learn the best practices, preferably organic, for taking care of my roses.

  1236. Laura Minkel on

    I am a Mom, Retail Store Manager and a Caregiver for my Mom who has very late Stage Parkinsons. In the very limited free time at home that I have the garden surrouding my front Patio has become one of my happy places and a place of peace and joy. Time at home with my family and in the garden is precious. I enjoyed hearing your story and could relate to parts that resonated so much with me. Thanks for being able to see your flowers as that too provides me with joy as much as my own time in the Garden. Regards, Laura

  1237. Tina on

    Not sure which gardening category I fall into…probably a little of each. My husband and I own an 1840’s farmhouse with some land and my goal is to bring back the gardens using older, cherished plants. All the while we are restoring the house and tending the vegetable gardens. This winter I’ve started researching and collecting roses with visions of grandeur for the coming summer! I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about growing roses but my Mom has answered my questions so far. Last week I was looking at an old picture album at my mother’s house and realized that almost every outdoor picture that was taken over many many years included beautiful flowerbeds. I guess the love of flowers is in the genes!

  1238. Andrea Fisher on

    I’m an aspiring Rosarian trying to find my way, growing with disability and chronic illness. Recently moved from central California to Appalachia, where everything is completely different (especially the voracious beetles- gasp!!) I don’t connect with the overly scientific and technical approach to farming that intimidates and drains people. Developing my own way of listening to the earth; she is old, wise and varied and has her own story to tell, for those who will listen. Love my DA roses but feel it’s time to move on to something richer.

  1239. Cindy on

    I’m a newbie to being a Gardner, until moving to the PNW 2 years ago. I love the climate and being outside – and it seems most anything thrives out here. With encouragement from my sister in law I started planting a cut flower garden and fell in love. I’ve never had a rose bush but want so much to add them to the garden, but feel a little intimidated by them. I’ve learned so much from Erin’s books, so I am excited to read Felicia’s book to learn about roses and have bouquets full of them.

  1240. Anna Nelson on

    I am currently an everyday Gardner with three little babes at home (and the fourth one due on the first day of spring!) however we are on 5 acres of land and I have big dreams to be a flower farmer one day! My daughters favorite flower are roses and I just want to
    fill their lives with rows and rows of roses to inspire a new generation of farming and love for the land. I currently have 80 roses and hoping to add to the collection every year!

    I would love to learn more on rose propagation and truly learning the best practices to care for these beauties! Roses have become like my fifth child, and I spend my winter days dreaming about them and looking over hundreds and hundreds of different varieties trying to pick which ones to add to our land

  1241. Judith M Swain on

    I am an everyday gardener who adores roses which are not so easy to grow at 7500′ elevation in Colorado. I would love to learn about varieties and rose-growing techniques to enhance our high’ish altitude cottage garden and to share with our garden club (Mesa Verde Gardeners).

  1242. Danielle McKinnon on

    Aspiring Rosarian… I love roses and as I get older I have this itch to know more about gardening. I’ve always loved flowers and when I got married my love for flowers had to die down because my husband and my daughter are allergic to many flowers. But they aren’t allergic to roses. Reading about Felicia’s gave me hope. Thank you for sharing this post about her journey, it was truly inspiring! I had no idea there are so many different variety of roses and I’m excited that there are more options of beauty for me to learn about! Thank s again Floret you all are making a difference in the world!

  1243. Lindsay on

    Hello! I am currently in the Floret workshop learning how to start up my own cut flower business. I have a half acre space I will be planting in this year to start my business! So I would classify myself as an everyday gardener with dreams of becoming an aspiring rosarian. I would love to learn more about integrating roses into cut flower production. I reluctantly have no plans to buy roses for my first year, but love the idea of growing some of the beautiful roses I just read about in the interview.

  1244. Tyra on

    Hi! I’m an aspiring rosarian. I have a lot of other cut flowers growing, but no roses. I’ve always wanted to plant roses, but I’ve never known how to get started and wasn’t sure which varieties to plant. I’d like to learn all that I can about adding roses to my garden collection from reading the book.

  1245. Joan Gross on

    I am an everyday gardener when we can see the dirt. I live in zone 5 in NW Montana and keeping roses is quite a project up here! I have several DA varieties and am known to go out and heap snow upon them all to keep them insulated and not freezing/thawing all winter. I also have a few who spend their time in my garage in pots waiting for spring. I would love a copy of the book as I struggle with bugs in the summer – I would also love to talk my Munstead Wood in to thriving instead of just sitting there and pushing out a bloom once in a while. He’s my biggest chore.

  1246. Bekki Jamison on

    I’m an everyday gardener, with a love of roses. I am also working on my cut flower business.

    I’m very excited to learn so much from her new book. Especially how she has tips for all levels of rose growers.

    Thanks for another wonderful interview!

  1247. Kellie McMullin on

    I would say I’m a weekend warrior but I am working up towards being an everyday gardener. Rose gardens have a special significance to me. I was injured in a car accident 5 years ago which led to several debilitating chronic illnesses. As a young mom grappling with being a parent and my new found limitations, going to public gardens as a family was our therapy. Having my own garden was a challenge, but I kept dreaming and reading every flower garden book I could get my hands on. Last August, I began a new treatment that had led to incredible healing and progress. I was able to be in the heat and walk long distances again, so I took my sons to a local park. We spent hours in the rose garden. I am working up to being able to start a cutting garden of my own. I would love to grow some roses. My dream is to have a cutting garden one day to share with other people suffering from debilitating conditions so that they can experience the joy and magic as well.

  1248. Kim Pitzer on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior and very new to all things gardening, but roses have ALWAYS been my absolute favorite! We recently purchased a new home on twelve acres with probably over six of just grass to cut, so we are looking to add some beauty and color and I am hoping to add some roses along with other flowers to the landscape. We also have a small log cabin from the 1800’s on the property that I envision with a beautiful garden surrounding it as it is just a blank slate right now. This book would be a big help in hopefully learning to grow roses and start the garden I envision in my head. It will never be if I don’t start somewhere and learn along the way!

  1249. Alison B on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener, but new to roses, so a weekend warrior for Felicia’s tips. I inherited a beautiful yellow rose in the yard when I moved 8 years ago and now I have been bitten by the ‘rose-bug.’ I can’t wait to read this book! I need the basics of care, but I love to geek out on the science too.
    I just ordered the Princess Charlene rose and had a gleeful moment when I spotted it as Felicia’s favorite rose!
    Thanks for this interview!

  1250. Lila Bender on

    I’m a every day Gardener 👩🏻‍🌾 it’s where I find peace in a noisy world. I love learning and sharing my flowers and what I learn with my family and others! 🌹

  1251. Rebecca Mikami on

    I’m a weekend warrior and currently only have four roses but I have several acres of land waiting to be cultivated with beautiful flowers. I love the smell of roses and would love to learn more about roses so I can grow them with confidence. One of my challenges is that my house is in a pretty wet glen on the north side of a hill that only has a few areas of full sun. I want to learn more about growing roses that can do well in potentially non-ideal situations.

  1252. Lisa Cataldi on

    I love Menagerie Flower Academy! Felicia’s expert advice on taking care of garden roses is unmatched. I am an everyday rose garden enthusiast with a passion for caring for my roses and sharing them with the people I love. I dream of one day owning my own flower boutique! Thank you for sharing this interview and your rose stories.

  1253. Adrianne on

    What a wonderful feature! I’m currently a Weekend Warrior and loved learning about Felicia’s work and book. I have two small children and during the pandemic moved away from my peony fields (300 plants) to an in-town lot in where I’m flexing my urban gardening muscles. I inherited a few roses at our old Victorian home and wanting to plant more roses here in memory of my grandmother and in order to demonstrate and amplify food and flower growing knowledge in small spaces/lots. My grandmother’s memory inspired the peonies, and in the city, deer are not the constant challenge that they were previously so I’m ready for a climbing, fragrant, cut-flower ready, rose explosion along all the fence lines! We have some shade, and only use water conserving practices to keep as much water as possible in our local salmon streams.

  1254. Sally on

    I’m an everyday gardener. I have a couple David Austin roses. I know they are not loving my care. The flower heads tend to droop. Black spot issues also. I need a good book on maintenance and what to do for pest management. I enjoyed your interview. That took a lot of guts to do what you did. Congratulations in your first book.

  1255. Jana M Bendawald on

    I am a weekend warrior and love roses! That being said, I do not have much knowledge of them. Would love to win a copy of Felicia’s book and learn from her shared knowlege. Thank you!

  1256. Amanda on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior and I’m planning a rose garden in our new house in a spot that is currently overgrown with landscaping bushes and English ivy. I’m a beginner and would love to know what mistakes to avoid and how to set up my rose garden for the most success.

  1257. Leslie on

    I am an everyday gardener. I love to plant a vegetable garden every year and also increase our small berry production. I recently have taken to loving the idea of growing flowers and I even started some seeds last year and grew them. I would love to learn more about roses in general as I don’t know a lot. My dream is to have a flower garden to teach my girls flower arranging, to give and brighten someone’s day and even some day a small flower farm business. Thanks for the inspirational story.

  1258. Jess Johns on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and everyday gardener with my time in the garden depending on the schedule of my little family. I’m in a desert climate with the low in winter being around 15F and the high in summer around 115F so it’s pretty tricky to find plants that can tolerate the extreme temperatures. I would like to find roses that can handle the heat and also learn the appropriate care techniques. At this point I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants, riding on the knowledge that was handed down to me from my parents and any free info online. Roses are one of those plants that has resilience to match this environment so I’m looking forward to future years of enjoying their beauty in our garden.

  1259. Julene on

    My first flower memories are of my grandfathers garden when I was little. He had the most beautiful roses and lilacs. Today I am an everyday gardener learning as much as I can to get the roses I will plant this year as alive and healthy as my grandfather did when I was a little girl.

  1260. Sonia Covarrubias on

    I am an engineer full time but have my garden that fills me with joy everyday!!! I have 4 rose bushes and many other flower plants , I’m in love with the distant drums rose and would love to admire her in my garden one day ! I watch Felicia’s Friday tour in IG and Learn a lot from her , especially the trials and trust my intuition, would love to learn more from her book , thanks so much for sharing with us !

  1261. Fawn A. Palmer on

    Aspiring organic Rosarian. I am parttime retired and can devote more time to growing roses. Two decades ago, I was entering home-grown modern hybrid teas in county competitions. At the time, I used all natural nutrition and integrated pest management practices. However I was using neonics which now are known to persist and harm wildlife and the ecology. For the past seven years, I have been as our church’s Green Team PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation annual re-certification record keeper and narrative writer. I am the new 2022 Presbyterian Women’s MidAtlantic Synod Earth Care Ambassador and will be using social media and community outreach to keep our ladies informed and engaged in creation stewardship. I would like my gardening practices to reflect this new commitment.

  1262. Kimberly Cerven on

    I am starting the process of retiring and am looking forward to the time and opportunity that will allow. I can spend my days doing something I have always loved. I grew up in Nevada and moved to Michigan 30 years ago. I was amazed at what I was capable of producing in my own garden with good soil, rain water, and as much TLC as time would allow with 5 growing children. Everything about my life changed. My beautiful mother passed away in 2018. She used to say “if you want to find Kimmie, look for the flying weeds”. She loved roses and it was my intention to have a rose garden just for her, however, her untimely passing made that impossible. So….. I will begin my retirement journey with a rose garden dedicated to my mother. Her favorite colors were pink and purple so that’s where I will start. Thank you for the opportunity to read your story. I am looking forward to reading your book.

  1263. Richard Vincent on

    Once a weekend warrior now retired, I am looking to expand my repertoire and concentrate on floral production. Peonies and roses have been the focus of my attention, with good results of the former and good intentions of the latter. Felicia’s knowledge and expertise provide a welcome source of proven experience for someone without a lot of time to experiment within seasonal timeframes. Best practices and proven material selection will greatly increase my probability of successfully growing roses for their beautiful contributions to garden and home! Perhaps this is one of the discovered benefits of the pandemic and her persistent publisher?!? Thank you, Erin, for providing this wonderful introduction!

  1264. Juliet Taylor on

    As cut flower grower and an aspiring rosarian, my hurdles are cold weather and the opinions of others. In USDA zone 4b/5a many tell me it is possible but not worth the effort. Roses evoke such an emotional response they need to be something I grow and share with others. I am hoping to learn some things to help me on this journey and get encouragement to continue on!

  1265. Emily Kuo on

    Felicia’s rose selections are glorious. I am a landscape architect and most definitely a weekend warrior when it comes to my own garden. Landscape architects are jacks of all trades, and constantly growing our knowledge is a part of the profession. Here where I live in the City of Roses, Portland Oregon, I struggle with rust, aphids and defoliation. I am embarking on a new journey with my own design business, and soon I’ll be moving back to my home on the Puget Sound, and embarking on a brand new garden endeavor. I would love to bring this book and collection of roses along with me.

  1266. Susan Pettit on

    I am a weekend warrior as I am a full time nurse at at community health clinic. I aspire to be an everyday Gardner and maybe even be a Rosarian one day. My husband (a retired RN) and I bought our home in central Washington last year-the beautiful Lake Chelan valley. Our land was once an orchard and is yearning for care. We now have a greenhouse, veg garden, perennial bed and soon a rose garden. I have clippings from my Grandmothers rose that are currently growing in my green house. I have been introduced to Floret’s by my birth mother and was gifted a 100$ card which is spent on seeds! I have enjoyed the blogs to read before work. Helps me get through the day and dream of my garden. (Have to get the snow off the ground first!)

  1267. Jean on

    I am an everyday gardener. However, just a hobby grower. As I have just retired from my job, I hope to add more cut flowers so I can share bouquets to those who need a little “pretty” in their day. Definitely a novice rose grower! Outside of my own lack of knowledge black spot and Japanese beetles have been my biggest hurdles. Thank you for this series on roses so interesting.

  1268. Janet Lombardi Blixt on

    Everyday gardener! My second passion in life is gardening and roses are my featured plant on my small property. I have over 50 varieties of roses right now. I would love to learn more from Felicia’s expertise on disease control and pruning and about all the possible varieties for my English garden. My first passion is oil Painting and I paint roses quite often. Thank you for providing this amazing offer.

  1269. Maegen Hindson on

    Hello I’m Maegen a flower lover and aspiring Rosarian. We are in our second year of cut flower production and this will be the first year for roses. I need to learn everything from choosing the best roses for our high desert zone 6b climate to post harvest care for market. I look forward to diving head first into this book!

  1270. Kelli Dunlap on

    Thanks Erin for another insightful interview. Felicia’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. I found her website after your last rose posts, and I’m very excited about her book and upcoming sale. We have a small flower farm and I would consider myself an everyday gardener/aspiring rosarian since inheriting some unknown varieties of roses on our property we bought in 2020. I was in for such a treat when they bloomed last year and definitely caught the rose bug. Now I have to figure out a way to break it to all the other knockout rose bushes that they may be getting the boot and replaced with some of Felicia’s.

  1271. Cathy Davis on

    Your memories of your grandmother really resonated with me. My father spent much of World War II based in England as a navigator on a B17 bomber. As a child, I was eager to hear his action packed war stories about flying over the English Channel to bomb Germany, but he would always rather talk about his rose garden. He grew the standard hybrid tees and grandifloras of the 1950s . Peace was always my favorite, but his was Mr. Lincoln (men love red!). When I asked him where his love for roses came from, he would always sigh and say “oh, the English roses , the English roses”. I know rose gardening was a way for him to heal from his war memories.

    I am a landscape architect, coming up on seventy years of age and planning to retire. I live in Asheville, NC and want to learn to grow roses in honor of my father.

  1272. Deena on

    I’m somewhere between a Weekend Warrior and an Everyday Gardener. I have other flower beds but really want to start growing roses again. I know I will have lots of challenges as my soil is clay/rock and it requires a pickax to dig the holes, but I could learn so much from Felicia’s new book and get my roses off to a great start. I loved hearing about her journey.

  1273. Judy Trausch on

    I would consider myself a beginner everyday gardener , newly retired and truly love working outside learning new ideas for new flowerbeds. I live in central Michigan. ( the mitten). I would love to have a go to reference book on keeping my beds and roses healthy.

  1274. Jessica Wysopal on

    I’ve been operating a cut flower farm and wedding floral business for 5 years now and keep trying to grow more of the types of blooms I need for my wedding work to continually decrease my dependence on my wholesale supplier for finicky brides. Roses are the final flower on that list and I have a lot of ideas to try out on how to get cuttable stems for design use, particularly with rambling roses grown on espalier like grapes or fruit trees to maximize and straighten their suckers for usable blooms. My issue is which varieties to try. I appreciated your original list in the 4 part rose series you recently posted. I have limited space and farm on pretty step terrain in the mountains of WV, so I can’t just throw money at bunch of varieties to try out for production until I find the ones that work best. It would also be nice to know the ins and outs of soil management and pest management for roses specifically. Basically, I’m just looking for good advice to branch out into this endeavor so I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Thanks!

  1275. Laurie Galvin on

    Hi! Loved the interview- brings sunshine and flowers into my life – during winters cold and dismal time! I am a variety packed weekend gardener— most recently obsessing over dahlias! ( my Covid life support) – dreaming, planning, planting, tending, picking, loving! But loved reading the interview and now I am thinking of doing a bit of diversification- and planting some roses!

  1276. Anna on

    I’m currently just starting my garden in my new house, and haven’t grown roses before, but once I plant some I’ll be somewhere between everyday gardener and weekend warrior. I can’t wait to buy!

  1277. Hannah Mast on

    We moved to our new home in may of 2021. I was 8 months pregnant with twins! I have always loved flowers and gardening and was thrilled when we found an acre parcel near town with 26 different varieties of roses. I’ve never been particularly drawn to roses. But after the move, in the weeks following, we had our beautiful twin boys, and during the long days and nights when getting out of the house was near impossible, I fell in love with these roses. My one “me time” was to go out and trim the old blooms, and cut a bouquet. They were absolutely gorgeous, and so fragrant. When people brought meals for us, I could give them a beautiful rose bouquet. When I was exhausted from no sleep with two newborns I could cheer myself with a sniff of some of the beautiful roses. It became known that the roses were my “thing” and where I found my happy place. I adore them now. And so look forward to caring for them and babying them. But I know I have a lot to learn! A resource like this book is very much needed and I so look forward to reading it! Thank you!

  1278. Sylvia Whitesides on

    Everyday gardener here, but just starting to get in to growing some roses after moving and now having more full sun garden areas. Interested in learning more from Felicia’s new book!

  1279. Amanda on

    I’m an everyday gardener that wants to be an aspiring rosarian. For Mother’s Day & my birthday every year my husband started buying me the discounted roses that were barely making it in nurseries because it was all we could afford. We would then plant them and begin bringing them back to life. I’ve always loved roses, but growing them has become a side hobby all it’s own, I enjoy them more than any other flower. Now I find myself stalking rose nurseries and trying to find wiggle room in the budget to dedicate to my rose rows. I’m so excited about this blog series and new book!!

  1280. Matias Marabotto on

    What a beautiful story and inspiration! I have a few years of back yard gardening experience, mostly with veg and loving to grow cut flowers. So I will say Weekend Warrior. Looking forward to learn more about roses and growing them as cut flowers. Thank you for sharing this story!

  1281. Shari Replogle on

    Thank you so much for this inspiring story! Everyday gardener with a brand “new to me” one acre garden this season in Ohio. Lots of work ahead , and can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book. My success over the years with knockout roses, and your average big box store types, lured me into finally ordering several David Austin and old tea roses back in December and I may be well in over my head :)

  1282. Krista Boulding on

    I am an everyday gardener finally branching away from vegetables/fruit into flowers. I started with companion flowers, to peonies, dahlias, gladiolus and ranunculus which has led to roses. I have yet to plant a single one but they’re all I think and read about anymore. Last fall I made the decision to plant perennial flowers instead of vegetables in the majority of our main beds for this year, with the desire to create a beautiful escape behind our central district, Seattle city-home. With finally the space for a selection of roses, Felicia’s book has serendipitous timing in this journey for next steps in my newfound passion.

  1283. Rebekah on

    What a great interview! I’m an avid reader and an everyday gardner that has about fifty rose bushes currently and trying to learn everything I can about expanding my garden. I have three small kids and stay home with them and raising them out on our land has been a huge joy (and stress reliever). My daughter is named Rose after my grandmother’s and my love of roses. I’d hope to learn most about soil and bugs, two topics I have been mostly avoiding until now. I’d also like to learn more about what to grow with my roses. It’s been all trial and error here!

  1284. Audrey Nutter on

    I am just beginning my rose journey with an order of 5 roses for this spring. I was thrilled to find two of my rose choices on Felicia’s short list.
    Happy gardening to all my flower friends.

  1285. Aubree on

    I’m definitely a weekend warrior who aspires to do more when my baby is a bit older! I started planting roses actually when my first baby was born, and on whim my husband insisted we name her Rose. I would love to learn more about soil treatment for roses, as well as pruning. Every year I have the hardest time pruning down my bushes and spend a long time debating how to do it!

  1286. Allison Lingbloom on

    I am an aspiring rosarian who has a hard time leaving a beautiful rose behind at the nursery. I have been following Menagerie on Instagram for a while now and always appreciate the knowledge and beauty from the farm. I would love to learn from Felicia’s new book how to better care for my roses, especially when it comes to pruning and disease management.

  1287. Jess McDougall on

    Hello! What a wonderful interview. My biggest challenge with roses is that I’m a newbie! I inherited my mothers home and her (legacy) garden so I had to find my green thumb quickly. It’s been such a moving experience, keeping her garden alive and thriving. It is so full of memories and hear her laughter when I’m working in it. For the last few years I have focused on her dahlias – keeping them healthy, abundant and expanding on varieties that I know she would love. Now it’s time to work on her roses. She was new to roses so her garden has only a hybrid tea and a climbing rose- neither of which I know the names of. I know she would have loved to learn more about roses and add different varieties to her (now our) garden. And now, so do I.

    Oh, and I’m am a Weekend Warrior who aspires to be aspires to be an Everyday Gardener. Thank you!

  1288. Carol Oberholtzer on

    I’m an Everday Gardener and also grow cut flowers on my small farm. I’d love to expand my flower gardens to include a rose garden for cuttting. I’m currently growing several David Austin roses and love the non-demanding carefree nature of those lovely plants. I also love to read real books!

  1289. Sarah hill on

    Aspiring Rosarian here. I’ve held onto my digested books on roses for years and now finally own land where I can plant some. To date the roses I’ve tried to grow have all died but Felicias story about fighting against traditional wisdom and returning to farm struck a chord with me. Why not follow your heart?

  1290. Jessica Rogers on

    I am aspiring for sure. Other than wanting to dive in a little deeper on rose care, just knowing how to best fertilize and prune are skills I’d like to be more confident in. The rose farm looks dreamy!

  1291. Annjanette on

    I am in my 6th year at our flower farm in rural SoCal. We have been adding more roses, perennials and native plants to our big summer ‘you pick’ season. There was a single rose when we bought our property. You could tell at one point a previous owner really loved and cared for the land but it has been neglected as it changed hands. Our second spring at the farm that rose bush was the most beautiful chalice shaped yellow rose. As I scoured to find the type I fell upon heirloom and David Austin roses and thanks to that one rose a person who never loved grocery store roses now has over 100 roses on our property and can’t wait to add more.

  1292. Kathy Thomas on

    I’m a 77 year old week end warrior, who is totally allergic to the suns rays and harsh, humid Georgia summers. Try as I may, I can’t seem to get beautiful roses to flourish here. One big bloom and then nothing.
    I planted a 60 foot long iron gate trellis with New Dawn climbing roses, only to realize how thorny and dangerous they are to maintain. They are glorious, especially when the soft pink petals cover the ground. But I’d love to replace them with a deep pink climber that re-blooms just a tad.
    I can’t wait to glean from Felicia’s wisdom.

  1293. Shawn on

    Everyday gardener new to roses but need to learn everything about them. Was gifted a rose In memory of a loved one and would like to start a larger memory garden of roses with different varieties. Thanks for the chance

  1294. Dene' Dampier on

    I’m an everyday gardener in Zone 4 Minnesota. I have been gardening in some form for most of my adult life and have fallen in love with roses late in life. I was always rather frightened by the thought of growing roses and all of the work using the “Minnesota tipping” and then I discovered EUREKA, that there are varieties that are hardy and don’t need to be tipped!!! David Austen’s Queen of Sweden is my favorite rose with it’s clear pink, upright stems. The Poet’s Wife is second due to it’s incredible citrus fragrance but arghhhh, the Japanese beetles love that scent and I spend so much time picking them off. So far they are attracted to the Poet’s Wife and tend to leave the other roses alone.

  1295. Leslie Emanuels on

    I love how she went through each color of her favorite roses. So much beauty. I am a weekend warrior hoping to be a rosarian. Just closed on land and am prepping the soil. I have no idea what I’m doing on this scale. So many questions are bubbling in my mind along with all kinds of blooms! My greatest struggle here in Kansas is deer (the property has not been used for 5 years) and the hard, cold winters. I can’t type any more because I’m too excited to go get on her website!

  1296. Ashley DeSandre on

    I am an everyday gardener, however, an Aspiring Rosarian when it comes to roses. I would love to start with learning basic care for gardening roses, and deepen my understanding as I add roses to my garden. I dream of having a large garden someday. I’m looking forward to the publishing of your book!

  1297. Nancy Wiist on

    I am a weekend warrior when it comes to roses and a weekday perineal gardener for the rest of my landscape and garden.
    I would love to learn how to keep my roses healthy (not die or get so spindly or insect eaten) and how to have the best healthy cut roses to mix with my other perennial flowers.
    I also am a artist and would love to grow my own beautiful roses for accurate botanical illustrations from life.

  1298. Madeline Given on

    Beautiful interview! I am a proud Weekend Warrior, mainly due to the two little I currently have in tow. 🤪 For years I was intimidated by growing roses. Many people treat them as if they are inevitably finicky, but I think they are just often misunderstood. I would love to learn from Felicia’s book about warmer climate rose practices (I’m in Zone 10a), and how to encourage the most blooms, for those varieties who continue to give and give.

  1299. Sarah on

    I am an aspiring rosarian. I inherited my grandmother’s modest little cottage and have attempted to plant a few roses. I aspire to make things look charming around the cottage with more roses, but I am not very good at this. I enjoyed reading your interview very much.

  1300. Amanda on

    I’m an everyday gardener but would love to be an aspiring rosarian! I would love to learn more ways to maximize bloom production and more about the best varieties for growing. I can’t wait to read this book!

  1301. Danielle L. on

    Another excellent interview! I’d love to feel more comfortable overall growing roses and improve the health of my plants.

  1302. Sasha Thomas on

    I started out with a small rose garden for my daughter as a place of rest and reflection for her as a teen. I didn’t really know what I was doing and they did flower pretty well however a couple got rossette I think it’s called and I wondered what I could have done differently to prevent it. We ended up moving so I’d have more room to garden so this time I want to really understand roses so I can grown healthy beautiful plants for my family and frineds as part of a cut flower garden

  1303. Amanda Eastvold on

    I am an everyday gardener from Minnesota, which means I spend the majority of my year “dreaming and scheming” not actually gardening. My parents owned a flower shop when I was young and roses were such a huge part of my earliest memories. I have only grown one or two roses in my garden and I would love to learn more about which roses could survive and thrive here in the north. I am so inspired by her story and thank you for introducing me to her!

  1304. Carrie on

    Thank you for this wonderful post! It was a pleasure meeting Felicia and I’m looking forward to reading her book. In my mid 50s and have been working in the mental health field for almost 20 years. My husband and I recently bought a few acres of property and I’m really excited about starting a garden to enjoy and share so I’m learning everything I can about flower farming. My dad owned a flower business when I was young and I worked weekend and nights for him. He had a stroke my sophmore year of college so I paused school to help my sister try to keep the business alive. After that I wasn’t sure I loved flowers anymore, but as the years have gone by I have found myself constantly drawn to the way flowers effect people. I love to see a face light up at the sight and smell of beautiful flowers and I have enjoyed helping a few young couples with wedding flowers through the pandemic. I’m preordering the book so if I win I will have a copy to give away :). Thanks – happy flowering

  1305. AnneB on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior, with some not-so-good rose experiences. My struggle is to find the right spot, as most of our yard is deeply shaded and we have heavy clay soil. I would love to learn about the best environment for successfully growing roses.

  1306. Beth on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian. I am learning how roses perform in central Oklahoma. I moved from California where I grew many varieties with little effort. Now, I am learning about the difficulties and restrictions of more extreme heat, cold, humidity and insect pressure (even the dreaded rose rosette disease). I have been wondering about commercial possibilities while growing the plants I love in a difficult location.

  1307. Tara Lichtenberg on

    Thanks so much for the story – I love seeing these rose stories in my inbox! I have recently fallen for roses – inherited several beauties and struggled last year to know how much water to give them – might install some drip line around them this year. Would love to read Felicia’s book to become even more inspired and gain insight from a pro.

  1308. Elizabeth Wallace on

    Growing up, my grandmother had a beautiful garden of roses which I have loved from my earliest years. In the 80’s and 90’s I had a glorious garden full of antique and English roses, but children and gardening practices changed, and I eventually redesigned my garden and gave up most of the roses. I live in the south where heat and humidity take a toll on roses – especially black spot. I am struggling to grow roses again because now I am strictly organic and will not spray. Through the years I’ve planted roses with little success because of the black spot problem, but I want to have beautiful roses again while I’m still able to care for them. Would love to be up on the latest techniques! I vacillate between being a weekend warrior and everyday gardener.

  1309. Rebecca Allisom on

    Aspiring rose enthusiast. When I sold my home I had anticipated saving cuttings and digging out some of the old roses I had collected. A last task to relocate to
    the new house. The new owners pre closing had bush hogged the garden. I was able to save a few roots but it was heart breaking. It has turned out the new place needed more amendments to the soil. So we begin again.
    Ordered the book and would be delighted to share another copy.

  1310. Kristen Ellison on

    I’m somewhere between an Everyday Gardener and an Aspiring Rosarian. My farm mostly works with livestock, but I’m finally allowing myself to expand the garden to include cut flowers this year. Roses have always been my favorite flower, and I’ve dreamed of having an English Cottage garden filled with roses from multiple sources to enjoy throughout the year. I love to pour myself into books and research on anything and everything I find myself drawn, too, and I really relate to Felicia’s method of research. I’d love to learn anything from this book!

  1311. Laura Fisher on

    Delighted to find an updated rose-growing book….l’ve tried to grow roses all my adult (long) life, with very mixed success, because l don’t spray chemicals. But l almost teared up when l saw the photo of Rouge Royale, my all-time favorite, which is very difficult to find. It is not very happy in the mountains of North Carolina, but l keep trying. I’ll be very curious to learn whether the author has tried any of the Brindabella series out of Australia…l’m optimistic and kinda excited about those. Just a home gardener here.

  1312. Judith Thompson on

    Everyday Gardener – we are working on getting a cut flower business started on our farm. Roses are in the plan once I make a profit on my dahlias. 😅 Roses are extra special and I’d like to know how to do a great job with them. This book looks amazing! 👌

  1313. Sharon on

    I am a weekend warrior but just retiring from work and hoping to make the most of our growing season here on the North Coast along Lake Erie. I have not had the best luck with growing roses over the years but would love to try to get it right! Having more time to spend gardening will hopefully give me more time to learn.

  1314. Linda D’Elia on

    A fascinating interview, loved the variety recommendations.

    18 years ago, I owned a bed and breakfast in Texas which was on 13 acres, so we farmed part of it in veg and herbs, and a small portion in cut flowers for the farmers market and for display in the b&b. We also made an annual pilgrimage to the Antique Rose Emporium in Independence, TX, and purchased many roses which graced a fence and a front garden. I left that life and went back to the corporate world until I retired a year and 1/2 ago.

    Now that I have time to garden, my passion for flowers has been reignited. I have turned a former swing set area of my yard into a flower garden, and inspired by Growing Floret, have ordered a number of dahlias to plant. I also have a small rose garden that I want to add to. I’ve been lucky that, with minimal knowledge, I’ve had pretty good luck growing roses, but would like to learn how to better care for my growing collection.

  1315. Charlene Smith on

    I am a weekend warrior wanna be aspiring Rosarian. Gardening doesn’t come natural to me, I wasn’t born with a green thumb, so i pour over books, watch endless how to’s and practically stalk all my green thumb friends and vow to one day have a beautiful garden/yard. Thank you for being a wealth of information and the most amazing inspiration

  1316. Geetika Patel on

    My father is a weekend gardener who has always had an affinity for roses. Growing up, my mom was the the flower gardener, but my dad took care of the roses. Now in his late 70’s, and having been away from roses for many years (age, arthritis, etc) he has returned to his love of roses. I would love to gift him this book and some plants to help rekindle his interest and keep him going. I also can’t wait to borrow the book from him and learn more about roses. I ordered a few David Austin roses last fall that will arrive in the spring, and I want to be sure I plant them correctly and get them going the right way from the start.

  1317. Jennifer Shoup on

    I am an aspiring rosarian and I honestly want to learn as much as possible but specifically how to give them a good start and identifying problems!

  1318. Denise Cummings on

    I fall into the every day gardener category. I can grow anything, but for the plant to just exist is not good enough for me, I want them to be magnificent! Right now my roses exist. With Felicia’s help maybe I can get them to flourish and be show stoppers!!

  1319. Nicole Miller on

    Everyday Gardener here in the southeast. Learning every season as I grow. I have a special love for the beauty of roses, and would love to learn to showcase them to their optimal potential without issues of black spot.

  1320. Ginger Defriese on

    My name is Ginger Defriese, I’ve spent most of my life caring for my 5 children. Now that they are growing up
    I’m wondering what I’m going to do with the next step in life. We’ve always farmed most of our food but this year it will look different as I start my own flower garden. I’ve loved roses as I helped my grandmother in her garden as well. I’m hoping to learn how to have my own rose section to care for in the garden that I can share with others.

  1321. Drew Evans on

    I am blessed (and cursed when it comes to growing roses) to live in the Southern United States! Even so called disease resistant varieties of roses are no match for blackspot. I am a every day gardener whose love of roses is too big for my abilities! One of my all time favorite experiences was walking through Kew Gardens outside of London in the rose gardens.

  1322. Julie Ann on

    What a great interview! I live on a small corner lot in the historic district of a NE Ohio town, and our garden is fairly visible from both streets. I love that I’ve inherited a very old garden and I’ve enjoyed being a steward to it and also trying new things. There is one old rambling rose that finally bloomed beautifully last year that had clearly been shaded out for many years prior but was still holding on. I do my best to keep our cottage-style garden looking good for my family and also all the passers-by and have always wanted to try adding roses to the mix – they’ve always seemed a bit mysterious and complicated, but I’d love to learn, especially about how to prune properly. I’d say I’m a weekend warrior/everyday gardener, as I definitely love to get out to dig in the dirt whenever I can. Thanks for sharing this great interview and also the giveaway opportunity!

  1323. Elaine devir on

    I have been a perennial gardener for many years. There are ten different roses among my plants. None of these roses do as well as I would like. They are growing in zone 6a and need help. All advice would be appreciated.

  1324. Erin on

    I am a weekend warrior. My biggest struggle is getting the most blooms on my plants.

  1325. April on

    I’m an avid rose grower & I’m constantly looking for new varieties that do well in my southern climate. I love the European & Japanese varieties I see online that we currently can’t get our hands on here in the US. and am hopeful that we will start seeing some of them being offered in the future. As a southern gardener, humidity & pests are my biggest obstacles in growing roses but it’s worth every effort to make it happen. There’s just nothing quite like a rose garden in full bloom.

  1326. Susan DORFMAN on

    Aspiring Rosarian

    I am creating Rose gardens in honor of the divine feminine. Devotional Prayer gardens for reverie and sacred prayer🕊
    I love to pray.

  1327. Deborah on

    Although I would like to become an everyday gardener again, right now I am only a weekend warrior. Health issues keep me from working every day in my small garden areas. However, I have high hopes in the near future for working the soil more often, after a much needed surgery!
    I have always loved, and grown, roses. Three years ago, my husband and I downsized and I had to leave my beautiful rose gardens. I am currently learning how to grow roses again in a new space with new challenges. Reading stories filled with inspiration, like Felicia’s, gives me the motivation and confidence to know I can once again surround myself with the beautiful scents and blossoms of the rose. There is no better way to heal the body and the soul!

  1328. Nelz Nunez on

    Everyday Gardener here learning on a 1/2 acre garden space. My biggest issue with roses has to be disease. I’d looove to learn how to keep roses healthy. In the past (at my old house), I’ve dealt with Rosette disease on a bunch of my David Austin roses and had to take them all and dispose them so I am now starting over in my new house and frankly i’m scared because I want to avoid any mistakes possible. Im starting from scratch and hope to learn before I begin a new rose patch. Thanks for this amazing blog post.

  1329. Tammi on

    Aspiring Rosarian here! I have a blank canvas on a half acre plot of land. Until the pandemic, I never slowed down enough to realize I could make something beautiful out of nothing. Thinking I am not an artist, a gardener, or a farmer…I was satisfied with “plain”. However, now I realize we must make the most of everything in our reach. A simple thing like learning to grow, care, and maintain beautiful roses is something I am trying to learn. From the description of this new book Growing Wonder by Felicia,I am confident I will develop, grow, and understand how to make even a simple space beautiful.

  1330. Darlene MacDonald on

    Thank you for sharing these inspiring interviews. Thanks to Alex, a rose lover working at a local greenhouse, who encouraged me & I fell in love with roses. I am so interested in learning more about every aspect of roses that Felicia kindly shares. I truly feel that flowers bring JOY to all & is so needed today. Again, thank you for sharing!

  1331. Kim Beller on

    Aspiring rosarian! For five years I have dreamed of growing roses on a larger scale. First I thought it would be a joint project with my mom but life events have prevented that so I am on my own. What I hope to learn from Felicia’s book is how to increase my production of roses so that I can use them in my own floral designs. I want to know everything she has to say-really!

  1332. Mimielle on

    I’m a weekend warrior with aspirations to do a micro-production setup, still in the research & trials phase. I have a beautiful formal garden space at home that is ready to welcome new roses this year.

  1333. Susan on

    Everyday gardener. Thank you for sharing Felicia’s story and her favorite roses. I am new to roses having grown peonies and other cuts for 30 years. I retired from the restaurant industry two months before Covid which has allowed me time to also grow ranunculus, dahlias and tulips. I have a few climbing roses but have been wanting to add roses for cutting. All of my vegetables and flowers are grown organically and the pests and diseases that come with roses have intimidated me thus far. I want to learn how to deal with the pests and also how best to locate the roses in my small 1 1/2 acres which are already filled with raised beds, Japanese maples and a large bed of peonies.

  1334. Susan Marquis on

    Roses, especially Old English Garden Roses, help transport me to a place where time and urgent don’t exist. Their stunning beauty, breathtaking. Their exquisite composition, forever fascinating. Their history and thinking of the ancestry and those who have lovingly tended their existence long before I was lured by their spell, compelling. I am a combination Weekend Warrior/Everyday Gardener that has tried so many times with different locations, soil compositions, preventative solutions and patience to be successful in keeping my roses thriving. It has been 40 years in the making and 40 years of frustrating failures due to my lack of knowledge. As I prepare to retire in a few months, my prayer is to escape to the vista of my yard flowing with every shade of gorgeousness; where my only anxiety comes from deciding if I should cut a perfect bloom to enjoy inside or whether to park a chair in the front row of it’s showy display and will it to live forever! I love your story, your journey and would love your book to guide me successfully to my own realized dream.

  1335. Juliet Turner on

    Always look forward to your interviews as they introduce some very inspirational floral experts and provide gardening knowledge. With each new post my garden wish list expands with possibilities. I am an everyday gardener who is exploring the world of flower farming. I am a newbie to roses and am trying to be patient and learn about growing and care, before I rush out and order everything on my really really really long rose wish list😁.

  1336. Debbie on

    I consider myself a weekend warrior in fall and winter, an everyday gardener in spring and summer. I am doing research to expand my rose garden this spring. I love having books as my research source and paging through the beautiful pictures is so inspiring. I am excited for the release of Felicia’s new book!

  1337. Deborah on

    I think I can finally call myself an Everyday Gardener – that looks like reading about flowers, connecting with others and handling plants and the earth everyday because I finally retired! Woot! Woot! Ah…time to devote myself to this passion at this time and relish all there is to learn! I have one rose I got last year and thought if I could keep it alive in our climate (high mountains of Colorado) I would splurge and buy a few more, then a few more…you know how it goes! I have been loving this series on roses and this one was fantastic! Would love to win the book and bare root roses, but if not – definitely buying her book! Thanks for all the inspiration and the joy that comes from your work and sharing knowledge with us all. Bravo!

  1338. Ruth Anne LeTexier on

    I am an everyday gardener, learning from my Mother who valiantly grew roses in Northern Minnesota! I want to grow and increase my rose knowledge and bring the sweet scent and beauty of the rose to life each growing season. We need more roses!

  1339. Lacy Robinson on

    The Everyday Gardener here. I absolutely love roses and everything about them but would love to learn more about them, you can never have too much knowledge about one thing. We are finally settling down to central North Carolina, zone 7b after spending the last 12 years moving all around the country. This will be my 3rd house and zone to grow roses, succeeding in both Zone 6 (Kansas) and zone 9b (central Florida). I love roses for their resilience and I can’t wait to learn more about them from Felicia’s new book!

  1340. Hertha Hines on

    Im an Everyday gardener specializing in vegetables. I want to learn how to grow flowers successfully especially roses. I have a small yard and want to grow for myself snd friends. I want to learn how to grow the best city roses in a small space

  1341. Jennifer Clements on

    Aspiring rosarian here. I inherited some struggling roses already planted in the family garden, but major insect damage has done away with them. Help!

  1342. Mindy Kirkpatrick on

    Thank you for starting my morning with such a wonderful article. I so enjoyed hearing about Felicia’s journey and was completely inspired by all she’s achieved. I am an Aspiring Rosarian who is fascinated by roses but challenged in growing given a gorgeous, but sun blocking grove of redwood.trees in my garden. My potted flowers get moved and adjusted during the year to maximize exposure to sunlight. During the pandemic my 22 year old son has become a Weekend Warrior with trees, roses and the excitement and surprise of volunteer plants. It’s been a gift to watch his interest and expertise grow. I’d love to give him this wonderful box of roses as a gift.

  1343. Rose Jacobsen on

    27 years ago we bought our home in Ohio, situation in the middle of a forest, so I grew everything I could that liked shade. Then the pandemic arrived and with it our son’s family. They decided we needed to grow our own vegetables, so hubby and son cut down some trees to make a sunny area. And for the first time, I realized I could grow roses, and immediately ordered two climbing ones and two shrub ones. And some for each of my kids’ gardens so we could try this journey together. I am scrambling to learn everything I can to make the roses happy in our family gardens. Thanks for sharing these stories with us!

  1344. Amy W on

    I am an everyday gardener and inherited a few roses on the property we purchased a few years ago. Roses are a bit of a mystery to me compared to perennials. I would love to plant more and have an area dedicated to them if I could understand more about helping them thrive in our hot and humid summers here in Kentucky!

    I’m also a fine artist and enjoy painting outdoors. Last year I painted in an amazing rose garden in Richmond, IN, which has historical connections to the rose industry. I fell in love with all the varieties in bloom and I was amazed this beautiful garden is maintained by volunteers!

    My grandmother’s favorite flowers around her home were her roses. I wish I had asked her more about them and how she kept them so beautiful but I was very young and hadn’t been bit by the gardening bug until my mid 20’s when she was already gone.

  1345. Katie Yeaton on

    I am an everyday gardener with a few roses in my perennial gardens, however I will be expanding my collection this year after building a cut flower garden. I am interested to learn any tips about getting better blooms and how to maximize base life etc.!

  1346. Terry Turner on

    I’m a flower farmer with a small collection of mostly David Austin roses. I would love to add to my collection but am hesitant due to my battle with black spot. We have hot humid summers and I want to learn how to better take care of my precious roses.

    I use some of my roses in arrangements but I mainly have them in the garden for my enjoyment, being that I started flower farming out of the pure love of growing flowers.

  1347. Jennifer Anson on

    Hello! I live in Northern Vermont and I consider myself a hobby gardener, except in the short summer months when I’m in my garden everyday. I’ve always been intimated by roses but have successfully grown 2 in my zone 4/5 yard. I’m looking forward to learning more about pest prevention and other varieties that I can try. Looking forward to the release of this lovely book!

  1348. Peggy Crate on

    I love roses. I have a few but live in a cold climate winter so some do not survive. I would love to learn how to grow and take care of them.

    I do well growing peonies and love them as well.
    Thanks for all your inspiration on growing flowers.

  1349. Brittney on

    Aspiring rosarian here!
    I am hoping for learn how to grow roses successfully! I live in the desert and have 5 rose bushes and 1 climber, but I would love to get some more classic varieties and play around with those! Looking for tried and true tips! And- can’t resist some beautiful rose pictures!

  1350. Rosalia Beachy on

    Everyday Gardner here, dreaming of someday becoming a rosarían! I’d love to learn all about how to grow them in VA. My love of roses began at a very young age growing up in Paraguay. Everything grew almost without help.

  1351. Deirdre Byers on

    Thank you for another wonderful and beautiful article. I’m an everyday gardener in a hot humid climate in coastal Georgia. I have found that old fashioned garden roses do well here in a cutting garden setting. I love having the roses in the house and giving stems to friends and neighbors. I too love talking about old roses with anyone and everyone!

  1352. davia mcnamara on

    I am an aspiring rose farmer!! I know our area is just perfect for them and they are beyond beautiful. I want to share that beauty with our community! I hope to learn from her book how to get started and really gain confidence to make this happen.

  1353. Traci Wolfe on

    I am an aspiring rosarian in year two of a cut flower farm in Southeast Louisiana. We are expanding our roses into the hundreds this year. We have selected 6-12 bushes of multiple varieties and will be learning this year which ones will stand up to the Louisiana elements and be successful for production in our region. I cannot wait to read this book. It could not come at a better time as my business partner at Yellow Van Farms and I begin our endeavor into rose growing. We need and want to learn and know all that there is to know. Last year we sat in our fields with Discovering Dhalias and read as we planted tubers. This year we will be sitting in the fields with Growing Wonder.

  1354. Melissa on

    I’m an everyday gardener with lots of raised beds + container vegetable growing. While starting to plan for spring I realized I’ve been neglecting an important part….flowers. One day I hope to be an aspiring rosarian but right now I know absolutely nothing about growing roses, which is why I need this book!

  1355. Debbie Motter on

    Weekend warrior aspiring to be everyday gardener. We completed our retirement dream home in Northern Michigan last year during the pandemic. Whew! Along with our beautiful views came 5 acres of rolling land surrounded by vineyards and cherry orchards. My degree in horticulture from MSU kicked in full time and for the first time in my life I will be able to grow just about anything I would like, I hope. I have planted 2 climbing roses and 2 At Last shrub roses in the garden and don’t know the first thing about how to care for them. This book would give me that knowledge and hopefully inspire me to grow even more roses. Thanks for your story, can’t wait to start gardening!

  1356. Anne K on

    Hello! I really enjoyed reading the interview and appreciate the opportunity to win the rose book and goodies! I am a weekend gardener in WA state who struggles with how to properly grow beautiful roses. My daughter gave me two David Austin roses last year and I have others who need me to get more knowledge! I love roses (and about every flower I see lol) but always run into difficulty with roses in particular.

  1357. Anita Picco on

    Greetings from the East Coast! I am a hobby flower and vegetable gardener who enjoys growing and sharing my homegrown flower bouquets with my family and friends. I’m most interested in learning more about rose pruning and disease and insect management as the weather here is very humid. Excited for this opportunity as well as the upcoming rose sale so I can branch out with some new rose varieties. The colors and variety offered are exquisite!

  1358. Jayne Elisa on

    I first planted roses in my garden two years ago but was lucky enough to have those first roses be an order from David Austin. I can’t wait for them to grow to their full potential and cover the trellises and arbors I planted them by. I am an everyday gardener with everyday struggles in my garden. My biggest issue with roses is the deer. It’s completely devastating to watch the roses put on a whole flush of buds just to see a bunch of gnawed on branches the next day. I know hope to learn all the things in Felicia’s new book. I can’t wait!!!

  1359. Molly Towell on

    Beginner everyday gardener who would love to be an aspiring rosarian some day! Trying to garden organically in an area with humid summers, and hope to learn more about pest control

  1360. Erin Pettepher on

    Hi! I loved this interview! I am only a year into learning how to grow flowers, and it has been such an amazing adventure. Roses have always been a favorite flower of mine, and hearing stories from rose farmers is always so inspiring! I hope to be able to plant a few this year and allow myself to learn and grow with them. Felicia has an incredible story, I can’t wait to support her and continue to see all the amazing things she does!

  1361. lisa cohn on

    I’m an aspiring flower farmer that has become obsessed with Dahlias! But has recently been stealing my husbands roses from across the yard! I’d love to learn more about Roses to incorporate them into my gardens but also to connect my husbands passions with mine .

  1362. Heather L Moothart on

    I am a weekend warrior that is adding three roses to my garden this year: Earth Angel, Abraham Darby, and Wollerton Old Hall. I hope to gather monthly tips for my roses from this new book!

  1363. Rebecca Nelson on

    Once again, another beautiful blog post. I always learn so much from this site.I am new to roses in the garden, yet I have always loved roses. I struggle with pruning and having a large plant with a lot of blooms. I also struggle with spots on the roses, mid summer. So much to learn Still.

  1364. Pamela Cook on

    I’ve been gardening for years and find I’m moving from a weekend warrior to the everyday gardener stage. One day I realized I had more than 20 roses in my gardens. It wasn’t something I planned, but I just kept falling in love with new roses. My biggest challenge is keeping my roses healthy, and I spend a lot of time trying to prevent disease.

  1365. Ann K on

    Everyday Gardener! If I’m not gardening, I’m reading and learning and planning. I’m interested in how to incorporate roses into my aspiring cut flower business. We have a number garden roses in our home plantings. I’d like to learn more about how to care for roses from planting to harvesting to extending vase life! And honestly, I want an Evelyn! I remember that Crabtree scent so well from my mother-in-law many years ago now. It could use a renewed start in my garden!

  1366. Phyllis Horn on

    First let me say Felicia is definitely a powerhouse for sure!! Wow!! Enjoyed her story so much and want to read and learn more. I guess I’m an everyday gardener (but not in the winter) haha!! Have been gardening for over 50 years and I can say I’m still learning. I want to get it right, the soil, pruning, and the care of roses. Sounds like this book would help me in the right direction for sure. Thanks 💐

  1367. Betsy ONeill on

    I’m an aspiring Rosarian! My Grandmother and Mother grew the most beautiful roses and I’ve always wanted to grow roses myself but just need help getting started and the hot Arizona heat has always steered me away from moving forward, but this is my year!

  1368. Melinda on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener but especially got into roses after volunteering at Descanso Gardens in La Canada, California. There I got bit by the bug! Growing roses in southern California was not difficult if you can spare the water. Growing roses in Virginia is not as easy. Water I have but also Japanese Beetles and humidity. However, never say die, and I keep at it.

  1369. Emma Williams on

    I’m advanced weekend warrior almost almost everyday gardener haha! I really don’t know as much as i would like to about roses so I’m hoping to learn all of the basics and some new tips from her book. Also I would love to know what to do about bugs and maybe which roses might suit my location better for the bugs that I generally have a problem with.

  1370. Marianne on

    I’m an everyday gardener/aspiring rosarian wannabe! I make the most on a very small property and have been adding more roses as there seems to be a demand. I’m hoping to learn more about disease control and propagation.

  1371. Dianne Seeley on

    Such a beautiful family legacy Felicia has carried on. Imagine the pride her grandmother would feel. I am an aspiring rosarian with all the “want to be’s” you can imagine. There is nothing more lovely and grounding than roses with their captivating beauty and smells. Thank you for sharing your passion.

  1372. Suzanne on

    Great interview… thank you for the introduction! I’m a Weekend Warrior, and an aspiring Everyday Gardner. I planted my first David Austin Roses in the Spring of 2020. These beauties have given me great hope for growing roses! I need to learn much and look forward to reading this book.

  1373. Meg on

    I always grow a flower garden, sometimes am able to sell some bouquets at the local farmers market. I’ve always loved roses and try to add a new one every year. I’m excited about the fimbriata that should be coming this spring:) I’ve had good luck with sally holmes and new dawn here in northern vermont but would love to learn more about keeping them healthy!

  1374. Maddie Priddy on

    I’m definitely an Aspiring Rosarian. I planted a few roses last year and I’m looking forward to adding more and more each year as space allows! Last year the one rose bush that was at our house when we moved in got attacked by a pest. So pest control along with info on pruning would be so so helpful. I want our yard to become a beautiful flower garden and I really want to start it off right!

  1375. Sarah Wood - White Hall Flower Farm on

    Such an inspirational story! Thank you for sharing all of your rose knowledge and I cannot wait to read your book. I own a small flower farm in Virginia, (White Hall Flower Farm) and run it part time with my husband and kids. We are the caretakers of my family’s historic property that has been neglected over the years and needs a lot of love and attention. I’m determined to make it a more special place by adding new landscape features alongside our 1/4 acre flower production (in the field). I want to add gorgeous rose gardens around the property to add to the beauty of the flower farm. I’m a novice and have so much to learn but to begin, I planted two David Austin roses (varieties recommended for our 7a climate) last year to learn how to grow and care for them. When they bloomed for me last summer, I was ecstatic!! I’m hooked now and ready to add a few more varieties to slowly expand as I learn more. Menagerie roses would be an amazing addition to the beginning of my humble little rose project on our farm. Thank you for sharing Menagerie’s beautiful story Erin and for all the rose inspiration!

  1376. Marie Koch on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener who has gotten very into the total rehab of my garden in my new house over the last couple years, and last year started a successful first attempt at a cutting garden. In high school I worked in a family-owned German greenhouse and nursery in Cincinnati, and then in college and for a while after I worked for a wedding florist. Flowers have always called to me… in particular, fragrant roses. However I haven’t yet delved into growing them myself. Back when I worked at the greenhouse we had one older gentleman who cared for all the roses with such expertise and finesse, that I figured they must be the toughest most finicky things, and that stigma stuck with me. I would love to learn more about successful rose care and start some tried and true varieties to add to my garden this year!

  1377. Lee Ann Shenefiel on

    Everyday gardener- I’ve never met a plant/vegetable/flower I didn’t love and roses are no exception! I’d love to be more confident about pruning and winterizing roses.

  1378. Jennifer M. on

    I would probably be considered an everyday gardner. I am wanting to expand some flower beds and add some specialty and cabbage roses to the area. I don’t know much about rose care but am anxious to learn and provide a new area to the garden featuring some beautiful roses. This book sounds like one that would be helpful to achieve some of these goals. Thank you for sharing.

  1379. Maria Zampetoulas on

    I am an ‘Aspiring Rosarian’. I have yet to plant my very first rose. I am a ‘Rose planting Virgin’. I consider myself blessed to have been fortuitously led to the ‘Floret Farm’ Facebook and Instagram pages where I FELL IN LOVE with Erin’s farm and weekly posts on flowers- from dahlias to roses. Coming across the blogs on Anne Belovich and Felicia Alvarez and their work has been a god-send. Divine orchestration.

    I found the seeds of hope, beauty, and wonder that I needed at the moment I most needed them. And what’s more: one of my words for 2022 was ‘wonder’- something I hoped to cultivate more of. What could be more wonderful than stumbling upon Felicia’s book ‘ Growing Wonder’. The world is magical. In reading Felicia’s book and learning about roses, I hope to grow my own seeds of wonder and start my own beautiful journey into growing roses. And creating more beauty. As an artist, it’s at the heart of my work.

  1380. Janie Baugh Singletary on

    I am a lifelong Every Day Gardener and artist with a passion for bringing cut flowers into my home to enjoy up close, arranged in one of my many, many vessels. I can’t wait to own a copy of this sure- to- be-marvelous book, and to order a few of these roses!

  1381. Jennifer McClendon on

    As an experienced roses farmer, I’d love to learn more about Felicia’s system of water conservation and pest management. Looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous book!

  1382. Nora on

    Weekend warrior here, juggling a kiddo that needs some extra attention with my need to put my hands in the dirt. My biggest problem with roses is blackspot and humidity here in the humid mid-Atlantic. Too much heat and the roses struggle, too much shade and they defoliate, not to mention the deer and rabbits that often prune in…creative ways. ;) I have a young Golden Celebration in this garden and I’m dreaming of the day when it will (hopefully) be a beautiful centerpiece.

  1383. Janet Selzer on

    I’d place myself as an everyday gardener. I live in central Iowa and have tried to grow hybrid teas without any success long term. I think our cold winters (even though I protected the roses) make sustaining these beautiful flowers very difficult. There is always so much to learn from other gardeners, and I cherish information that they provide.

  1384. Terren Nicole Alford on

    💗💗💗 Oh my what a lovely story! I am an everyday gardener and each year growing more and more cut flowers. My biggest struggle is black spot since I live in a hot and humid climate. I can’t wait for Felicia’s book, and what I wish to take away from it is that true inspiration, dreamy energy that just makes me so happy 💗💗💗

  1385. Angela bollerud on

    I’m an every day gardener and starting year two of my cut flower business. I’d love to learn how to grow roses in a zone 3 and if there are any that I can grow for my cut flower bouquets. I’ve always loved their smell. My family had small plants of some that date back to my great grandma. They are more of a tiny and very thorny variety! But still beautiful.

  1386. Jessica Franklin on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian! I love in the Phoenix valley where temperatures can reach (and stay!) Over 100 degrees for months. I see the occasional neighbor with roses, but am not sure how to plant them well in our dry, rocky dirt or keep them alive in our excessive heat. I’d love to learn how to grow and care for these beautiful flowers!

  1387. Beth on

    I am an everyday gardener with a new found love for roses that began just three years ago when I started watching Gardeners World. I fell in love with English roses, and I am so excited to learn more about the roses that exist outside the DA bubble! Thank you Erin and Felicia for putting together this interview and I can’t wait for Felicia’s new book!

  1388. Laurie Blaylock on

    Weekend Warrior! I’m looking to learn all the things! Just starting with Roses so need help with it all!

  1389. Deborah Witham on

    As a retired Weekend Warrior moving home to Maine has been a gardening challenge. Challenge accepted! Old gardens from generations slowly are being reborn. I am so looking forward to learning anything pertaining to roses. This climate can be the best kind of scratching one’s head! Seeing Crown Princess Margareta on my granite split rail fence is a joy. Pesky pests are a struggle. Thank you for taking time to write a book that can be referenced at any level! Dreaming of roses… -7 here!

  1390. Samantha Lipoma on

    I am an everyday gardener with just four roses in my garden that need some help. Mostly with pruning as I hate to prune as much as I need to, I think. And then the usual rose issues in Washington with our rain. You are inspiring me to spend more time with my roses. Thank you for your gorgeous photos and insight.

  1391. Jennifer Gray on

    The Central Coast of California is the landscape of home to me, though I now live east of the Rockies. What a lovely post with wonderful images! It has sparked so many memories of my own childhood home, where my mother loved to grow roses. I am an Everyday Gardener in the thick of raising my children and working as well. I battle humidity and Japanese beetles, but I’m looking to put in a cut flower garden this year on a site I’ve previously used for vegetable production. I’d love to know more about irrigation, preparing the site, and realistic expectations.

  1392. Beth Boehm on

    I am brand new to flower farming and rose gardening in particular. For years I’ve always been so disappointed that almost all roses that you can purchase have no smell! I’d love to grow my own to add to bouquets and bring people joy because they look and smell so lovely. Any boost in the knowledge department would really be wonderful. Thank you!

  1393. Amy Mast on

    I’d call myself an everyday gardener. However, it took having a home with only full sun for gardening to fall for roses. After ten years of trying out numerous varieties, I really enjoy growing them. Biggest issue is pests. I’m constantly spraying and examining leaves to get ahead of the battle. Looking forward to reading your book!

  1394. Mary on

    Such an inspiring article! I’m a weekend warrior but recently retired , so I’m hoping to be able to give my roses more tlc and add some new ones. I want to learn how to grow in my climate and what kinds of things I can do to keep my plants happy. Thank you for this article.

  1395. Laurie on

    Thank you for the inspiring work you both are doing! I am an “everyday” gardener, with limited space but unlimited passion for flowers and gardening. Several years ago my husband gave me several roses for our anniversary, and they have become the beloved backbone of my garden. As retirement quickly approaches, I am savoring the opportunity to spend even more time in my garden, and plan to incorporate more roses. Would love insights into cultivation and best care practices.

  1396. Stephanie B. on

    I’m currently a Weekend Warrior! I’ve been experimenting with some flowers but I’d love to learn more about how to grow my own roses for cut flower design!

  1397. Kay on

    I’m definitely a weekend warrior. I’ve always been afraid to give roses a try because I know very little about them, so I am very excited about this book! I’m in MN, so definitely looking for a hardy plant.

  1398. Jane on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior. I’ve long had vegetable and flower gardens but have stayed with easy care perennial flowers. My home is atop a ridge where the wind blows 9-10 months out of the year. In July and august we bake in the sun. In the winter, icy winds and snow are here. I would love to learn how to successfully grow roses in these conditions.


    Weekend warrior. Roses were my first flower love. My grandma taught me the basics and I used to take care of her roses. I want to learn about the different varities and what would be the best ones to add to my very small rose collection. ❤

  1400. Mary James Ketch on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior, but I’m a painter and love roses!

  1401. Sandy on

    Another great post! Aspiring Rosarian…Have loved roses ever since my Gram let me pick hers. I have approx. 20 and growing (with a lot of the varieties Alicia featured here). I would love to learn how to get them stronger/more productive after the initial bloom. Unfortunately–aphids, brown spot, and the heat of summer take over, then I just kind of give up, and leave them to fend for themselves.

  1402. Connie Barron on

    Guess I’m an Everyday Gardener wanting to wear
    an Aspiring Rosarian hat! I’m taking the Floret class now and looking at my inspiration board made me realize I wanted to add Roses to my small 1/16 of an acre garden. I have Honey Dejon (if she makes it) which I love, but am so afraid I am killing it! I want to offer my customers 1 or 2 spectacular Roses….but boy do I need some guidance. Living in the Florida Panhandle has its challenges, so picking the right Rose for this area is important.

  1403. Stephanie on

    Thank you for this wonderfully inspiring interview! I am a weekend warrior (with small kiddos in tow!) but someday hope to make gardening part of my every day life. My current passion is creating memorial and healing gardens at my home, though I would love to expand this passion into my greater community in the future. As for roses, I am clueless when it comes to pruning. And the few roses I’ve cared for over the years seem to putter out eventually and stop blooming. I don’t even know where to begin! Reading Felicia’s interview was very encouraging and I know her book would help me realize my rose gardening dreams!

  1404. Bethany on

    Wow!! Thank you, Erin, so much for taking the time to do all of the series and interviews about roses. I’m an everyday gardener but I never thought about doing roses. Mainly because I didn’t think there was a good variety that would work well in my area. (Bugs and disease for hot and dry to wet and humid ) I thought that would just take too much of my time to care for the roses or to keep it alive……. let alone making it beautiful enough for cut flowers. Thank you, Felicia, for explaining your passion and process on how you pick your roses for the “final cut”. I can’t wait to dive into roses!!!

  1405. Monica on

    I guess I’d consider myself an everyday Gardner with Rosarian aspirations. I only have one season of rose growing under my belt but I am hooked. I planted 6 bare roots last season and all of them put on quite a show, some more than others. I would love to learn how to maximize blooming and how to grow to get straighter stems for cutting, as well as just everything possible to become to the best rose mama I can be.

  1406. Jennifer Burkett on

    I am a weekend warrior and working on becoming the everyday gardener. I started growing last year in my backyard during the pandemic that started as a hobby and has grown into something I truly love. I have two small rose bushes I planted last year and they have really done well. I want to incorporate some more but have minimal knowledge on roses and want to learn everything I can!

  1407. Denise Bollinger on

    What an inspiring story! For nearly two decades, we have worked to bring our small farm back to complete sustainability and also achieved our USDA Organic Certification. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the Ohio River Valley, we have wetlands, woodlands, pastures and rolling hills. It is a haven for pollinators, with flowering habitats, vegetables, berries and fruit trees. We are in year 2 of a 5-year plan to develop a 3-acre apiary named after my late sister Stephanie, who also lost a 4-month battle with cancer. She was a master beekeeper and wonderful teacher of these amazing, complex creatures. I would love to learn more about roses, whose gorgeous presence is missing from our landscape.

  1408. Lyn Cosby on

    I’m an everyday gardener who’s always been fascinated by roses. I would love to learn more about growing them successfully.

  1409. Julie Eiden on

    I live in Wisconsin and have shied away from roses because of their need of chemicals to keep them healthy. I have a small garden vegetable and flower garden and would love to learn what varieties of roses would grow for me without too many chemicals. I consider myself an ‘everyday gardener’.

  1410. Rebecca on

    Everyday gardener if you count houseplants in the dead of winter! I live in northern New England and with a few exceptions, growing roses that can withstand our cold wet winters, hot humid summers, and all the critters that like to nibble on them has been a challenge. I would love to learn some tips on choosing the hardiest varieties for our area and keeping them healthy in this environment.

  1411. Laura Mancini Chan on

    I would say I’m a weekend warrior though in the spring/summer I am in the garden for some time every day. My challenge with roses along the front range in Colorado is Japanese beetles and how to deal with them. I usually use neem oil spray and pick them off by hand at dawn/dusk. I’d like to increase roses in my garden. I revived two old bushes that bloom beautiful fragrant deep pink roses with a yellow center. They remind me of my grandmother, who always tended roses. I haven’t been able to find out what type they are. I also have a morden blush that grew very well in its second year. I would love to learn more about rose care and what will thrive best in zone 6a. Thank you!

  1412. Janet Clifford on

    Loved your story and how you always put family first, and yet you still had the drive to build two successfully businesses. You certainly have SISU (a Finnish term related to character that I learned and inherited from my Finnish relatives.) As I read the article it seemed as though sometimes you were sharing my journey except (sadly) my family farm was sold off long before I was old enough to buy it. I am a passionate garden with 24 flower and vegetable beds that my husband and I have maintained for the last two decades. One of our beds contains two different types of roses and after reading your story and seeing all the photos of your beautiful roses I am inspired and want to add more roses to our rose beds. New roses may even sneak into other beds.😊 I need to learn more about planting and caring for roses and would love to own a copy of your book and plant some of your root cuttings to jump start the next phase of our rose gardens. You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story.

  1413. Dawn R. Hamilton on

    I just read this lovely ‘Heart STEMMING’ story of Felicia and her ‘Bare Roots’ of beginning! :) I was touched by her heirloom compassion that ‘FLOWERED’ her love from her own bloodline to deepen the soil of her soul to ‘BLOOM’ who she is today, tomorrow and Always! :) I, without question, purchased her book before entering this possibility! I am a long haul Covid ‘survivor’, which still has ‘THORNS’ that prick me on a daily basis. With the Happiness of Flowers, and Flower growers, this brings a soothing and calm to a world that has changed both internally and externally. Nevertheless, I AM alive, and have every ambition to be an Aspiring Rosearian! :) YAY!!! :) To even read and see this story of Felicia, has given me the ability to already ‘touch the PETALS of Possibility and Preservation’ of what is left of Beauty in this world, to call; “My Own’. We all need a SPRIG of Hope, and a SCENT of ‘Eternity’..

  1414. Sean Brewster on

    I am an everyday gardener – something about enjoying the daily changes that occur in our garden is so peaceful and wonderful! I want to learn more about what she recommends for my archetype – also to learn more about the roses that Felicia grows!

  1415. Kim Hamilton on

    I would be a weekend warrior right now. I am on a new journey of landscaping my 2.75 acres to cut from for soon to be events, workshops and local farm production. My mom and I purchased our first rose bushes for Mother’s Day in 1993 when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. My mom has enjoyed the last 28 years of new varieties and neighbors stepping into the yard to sniff and oogle her collection. I would love to start my own collection of garden rose varieties that I have used as cut flowers in my wholesale and event design experience for the last 28 years. Heirloom roses would be the best compliment to the foliages and flowers I am planning in my “bit o earth”.

  1416. Alexandra Bolis on

    Everyday Gardener. Believe it or not, Covid actually changed my life for the better. Having to retire and care 24/7 for my 100 year old mom made me think about my next chapter. I participated in Floret’s workshop and it opened a whole new world of beauty and happiness for me, mom and all the recipients of my first year harvest! Roses will be a wonderful addition and will certainly bring joy and make mom reminisce about her own mother’s rose garden.

  1417. Adriana on

    I love that you’ve featured another passionate woman flower grower on your site. Thank you! I am an everyday gardener. If I’m not in my garden in the spring and summer, i am thinking about my garden, everyday, during the cold long NE winter. I am a fairly new gardener ( 4th year) but I have found my passion! The biggest challenge in growing roses is trying to avoid chemical pesticides in my organic garden. I can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book. I hope they have a scratch and sniff on every page ;-)

  1418. Isabel on

    Hello. I am a weekend warrior. I hope to learn more about roses and add more to our garden.

  1419. Kendal on

    I wish I could say I was an Aspiring Rosarian but for now I fall somewhere between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener. Each year I try to purchase a couple more roses to grow my collection at home. One thing I’ve struggled with, after moving from AZ to the TX Hill Country is pest control. There are SOO many more and different kinds here that there has definitely been a learning curve, sometimes at the roses expense. I’m hoping to learn many many things from this book, but pest control tips and tricks is the first thing I’ll be hunting for in the pages.

    Much love and admiration to you both, Erin and Felicia, and good luck to everyone commenting for a chance to win! 🍀🍀🍀

  1420. Hillary O. on

    I am an aspiring florest who is an “Everyday Gardener”. I have a passion for garden roses and would love to grow enough for us to use throughout the wedding season. The thought of supplying my employer with local roses instead of her ordering them is thrilling. So, I am hopeful that this book and possibly her online education option would help me take the leap from “Everyday Gardener” to “Aspiring Rosarian”. My biggest struggle so far has been organic disease and pest control and perfecting best methods for my local climate without a greenhouse. Once that is improved I will be able to focus more on increasing production to meet our demand. Thanks so much for spotlighting garden roses!

  1421. Patricia on

    First of all, my favorite flowers are roses. I love everything about them. This article was so fun to read and to see the varieties and process Felicia goes through to have such a successful business.
    Since the pandemic I spend as much time as I can in my garden, rain or shine. Living in the Northwest and in the Rose City, Portland area, I have the chance to see so many different kinds of roses. The more I can learn, the more excited I become about my roses. I am a retired, born again garderner.

  1422. Glennys Doane on

    When it comes to roses, I’m an Everyday Gardener who would love to learn more about growing them. My mom’s love for flowers (especially her roses) and bringing blooms inside to enjoy has inspired me to grow flowers to share with others.

  1423. Rebecca Daavettila on

    I am a Weekend Warrior with hopes that someday I will become an Everyday Gardener! We recently moved out of a subdivision into a house with 5 acres. One of my first projects(one that helped me through the grieving process) was to redo a small garden, in which I knew must have roses. I only planted two rose bushes but those two bushes brought me immense joy. My goal this summer is to continue planting flowers, roses and a few magnolia trees!

  1424. Laura on

    I’d say I’m in the middle of leveling up from Weekend Warrior to Everyday Gardener. And right now my struggle has been figuring out what kind of roses I have in the garden and what their needs are!

  1425. Jane Kirkpatrick on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. Japanese beetles have been a constant source of aggravation…grrr! I have also had trouble with roses dying back to root stock so am giving up on buying grafted roses. I have loved reading your posts on roses and am again inspired to keep trying in my extensive 28 year old garden. Never ever give up! After all, gardeners are optimist! Can’t wait to get my hands on some of these books and plants you, Felicia, and Ann have shared with us. Keep up the good work! Gratefully, Jane.

  1426. Kathleen on

    I’m somewhere between a weekend warrior and an everyday gardener but a total rose newbie! We just moved onto 5 acres in rural OK and still in the dreaming phase of what i hope our land will become. So i could use all the wisdom and advice available!

  1427. Laura Baker on

    Laura, January 18
    I’m reading this article in the cold of a South Dakota winter and dreaming about a new rose garden this spring, no kidding! I had roses years ago, but we’ve been traveling for my husbands work for the past several years and came back to nearly none. But it’s okay. We have new tiered beds and I’m excited to pick new roses…but I want to make GOOD choices! I would love to read her book and plant her choice roses. Thanks, Erin, for another great article.

  1428. Kristi Warner on

    What an interesting story and winding road to get to her rose farm. Thank you for sharing.

  1429. Jennifer Monke on

    Somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener, depending on how hot the weather gets!

  1430. Shannon scordo on

    I have no experience when it comes to roses. I got into cut flowers last spring and started with dahlias and zinnias. I am looking for a new cut flower and am up for a new challenge after a long cold north eastern pandemic filled winter with a high COVID risk toddler!

  1431. Christie on

    I would consider myself an everyday gardener who has had a few roses over the years. My first house I bought a blush tea rose the spring after my daughter was born. I cherished that plant but sadly left it when we moved. Recently started growing a few trailing roses and excited to expand in the coming years.

  1432. Alexandria on

    I am an everyday gardener. Since buying a house I’ve dove head first into gardening with the goal of completely transforming our dull landscaping into a flower oasis. Last year I bought my first rose plant and fell in love with the plant. I’ve been doing research trying to identify what other roses I want to incorporate into the garden. That said my experience is limited, and this book sounds like it would be an amazing resource!

  1433. Kathleen Koehrsen on

    Super excited for all the focus on roses and I can’t wait to jump in and build knowledge on rose health – a small scale weekend warrior my plans are to open up time and space for the future with roses a center of those plans. Doing it right will be key. This book will be a great additional resource!

  1434. Charity on

    Weekend warrior – aspiring to Rosarian ! In my head I have this vision of an old English Tudor pottage type garden full of bursting blooms herbs and edibles. My mother and grandmother grew beautiful roses. I hope to learn soil solutions for happy roses. I live in pine scrub, brush, and the barren sand hills of southern Georgia.

  1435. A'lyce Eastin on

    Currently a Weekend Warrior, but I want to move up the ranks to Aspiring Rosarian (let’s be honest- I want to be an Aspiring Grower of Everything)! I’ve only had one small rose bush ( I sadly don’t even know what it was!) and it only took a summer for me to kill it. So, I have much to learn, especially now living in 5a. But I want to learn so I can be surrounded by beauty and create a happy place for my family and I outside of our 1000 sq ft home.

  1436. Holly on

    Hi! What a great interview! I am so glad I got to learn more about Felicia and her rose farm! I am an aspiring rosarian…and would LOVE a copy of her book! I moved recently and had to leave behind some of my beloved roses and the ones I have brought with me haven’t been doing all that well…I plan to establish a beautiful new rose garden very soon…I can’t wait to order roses from Felicia’s sale! Thank you For sharing!🌸💗🌸

  1437. Tara on

    Such a heartfelt story, and I am deeply enjoying this whole series.

    I’m a small business owner in Buffalo NY, my sister and I make tea and kombucha. So on some weeks I’m a weekend gardner, sometimes I’m lucky enough to be an aspiring rosarian who can garden daily. The flexibility in this guide really appeals!

    I love roses so much- their blooms to arrange and paint, their petals and hips in tea and cookies- they are such a generous plant. Because I plant them to often use internally, pest and fungal management without harsh chemicals is my biggest issue. I feel that understanding their individual needs more deeply is a great answer to sorting this out.

  1438. Madonna Schmid on

    Roses are my passion! I have nearly 240, as of today.I would say that puts me into the everyday gardening group.I have started flower farming last year and would love to incorporate my roses into sales!!

  1439. Patricia E on

    I am an everyday gardener. I only just started growing roses around my small home (and small space for growing). At this point I dream of growing a rose garden and cut flower garden and someday when j have more space I will. This book looks amazing!

  1440. Joanna Thomas on

    Her roses are so lovely! I’m definitely a Weekend Warrior. I love roses but have very little experience with anything other than a knockout rose bush. I would definitely benefit from reading a book like Felicia’s.

  1441. Cheryl Eagle on

    I am a weekend warrior gardener currently – we have a farm in the mountains of Virginia but also live in North Carolina. I love roses, but have avoided growing any because I am afraid of the maintenance – all roses I have tried to grow in the past have reverted to the original ugly small red flowers. I am also afraid of the diseases that may occur that I don’t notice in time. Plus Japanese Beetles!!!!! One of the ideas for our farm is to have a cut flower garden and sell flower arrangements at a local co-op. Even if we don’t go that big in our flower production, I always have fresh flowers in my house and love to gift them to others.

  1442. Shannon scordo on

    I have no experience when it comes to roses. I want to learn how to grow another cut flower that I can plant in my garden! I’ve got dahlias and zinnias and am looking for another challenge after a very long cold winter.

  1443. Chris Allen on

    Hi I am an everyday gardener now that I’ve retired and I have about 12 David Austin roses in my garden and in containers . I am always looking for information about growing roses and keeping them healthy. Your book looks beautiful and informative. Best of luck.

  1444. Anne K on

    I’m new to Floret newsletters and am loving all the information the past two weeks about roses!! Thank you, Erin!!

  1445. Chelsie Solie on

    I’m definitely a weekend warrior, but hoping to get into the everyday scene! I come from a very small town in Wyoming that doesn’t have a lot of color…plenty of tress but dying the summer months not many people grow flowers and I want to change that! I know flowers, specifically roses will do great here. I hope to learn all that I can so I can improve and bring beauty to my little corner of the world.

  1446. Nancy M on

    Definitely an aspiring rosarian! I have about 100 roses and really just love the trial and error! Of course the results are fantastic too! I love finding new or old varieties and see how they perform in my growing area’s challenges! If they don’t perform well, I will even move them to another area to see if that helps. I have tried rooting cuttings, but without a greenhouse I have not had success. Can’t wait for the book to find out the tips and tricks Felicia will be sharing!

  1447. Erin Clark on

    Weekend warrior! Love roses but have never been able to grow them without them getting diseases by middle of summer ! Hoping to learn how with this book!

  1448. Nancy Wright on

    My mother was a farmers wife and always had cut flowers in the yard and a Mason jar filled with flowers in the house. Unfortunately roses were not in her garden though she loved them. My love for them came later when I bought a rose bush for my garden. The sweet fragrance and the soft pink flowers stole my heart. Since then I have only dappled in them and have never found another rose like that first one. I’m so excited to try again in a new home in a new state. Thank you for sharing.

  1449. Kim Peterson on

    Everyday gardener here! It’s my break from my two young boys. I’ve grown roses in whatever plot of dirt we’ve lived on…from Seattle to San Diego and now in Florida. I have 6 now, and choosing a favorite would be like trying to pick a favorite kid! I need help growing in the humidity of a Sarasota summer, and pest control for that crazy humidity. Thanks for sharing!

  1450. Katelyn Posego on

    Aspiring Rosarian here. I remember growing up my mother had a love hate relationship with roses and I never could understand why. Turns out they were tricky to grow in the desert. I would love to learn more about how they can grow in different climates!

  1451. Lisa B on

    I would have to say I’m a Weekend Warrior as I’m a relative newbie, but I’m in the garden any chance I get. I am just getting started with roses and have four in my collection…two of which she mentioned as a favorite. I’m most interested in learning about disease prevention, fertilizing, and keep my beauties healthy.

  1452. Rissa Shepherd on

    This past summer I planted my first large flower garden, inspired by Erin. It was a year of experimentation and I learned so much. Now I look out at my larger garden plot and dream of it filled with even more beautiful blooms to share with family and friends! I have two gorgeous David Austin climbing roses in my front beds but I’m just stumbling along, hoping for the best. I don’t really know much about nurturing them. As far as roses are concerned, I’m definitely a weekend warrior! Thank you for this sweet opportunity!!

  1453. Anna Mertz on

    I am below a weekend warrior with roses. I just expanded my cutting garden and would love to add roses for the first time! I am hoping to learn everything I can about growing roses. Most importantly disease and pest prevention. I can’t wait to read Felicia’s book!

  1454. Linda Q on

    I suppose I am an Everyday gardener when it comes to roses! I do grow a few in a perennial bed that I have at my home and when I add a rose to my collection it has to 1-have a scent, 2- be disease resistant.& 3-be a Repeat bloomer. I would also like to learn about organic methods of growing roses in zone 6b.

  1455. Karen on

    I’m a weekend warrior. My biggest struggles are bugs early in the season and then a lot of leaves and few flowers. I’d love to learn more and try some new varieties.

  1456. Courtney A. on

    Thanks for this great interview, and thanks to Felicia for sharing. I feel a kinship with her journey. I’ve followed Menagerie for a while, and I’m always encouraged by Felicia’s strong desire to educate and help people become the best gardeners they can. You can tell she just wants people who love roses to be successful. (I love her Q&As on IG.)

    I would consider myself maybe a Everyday Gardener with my little antenna headed towards Aspiring Rosarian. I love gardening. it gives me so much peace and a little purpose. it’s also helping me with patience, and looking towards the future with positivity. It allows me to keep moving from day to day, without getting stuck, or spending time in the past. As for roses, well– my journey began on a whim in 2019 and it’s moving towards a full-fledged love affair.

    An area of struggle that I would like to learn more about is choosing varieties of roses that are especially good for cutting. That would be helpful — since i have limited space and want to get the most possibilities out of these little plants.

    Thanks again for sharing and for this opportunity.

  1457. Ruth J Keehner on

    When I bought my first house, I surrounded it with roses, mostly David Austin, a few hybrid teas…then I started to have kids, get more involved with work, the Japanese beetles practically decimated my roses every summer, and I gave up. That was almost 20 years ago. Now, I feel like I’m ready to approach these beauties once again, and this time do it with a greater understanding of how to plant and maintain each variety successfully. This rose series has really inspired me, and I can’t wait to learn more, both from Erin and from Felicia! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your knowledge and experience so generously!

  1458. Melody Barr on

    Weekend Warrior here! But we would love to start a flower farm on the 15 acres we have here in CT! We are going to start small and share our bouquets with friends and family until the time we learn and can transition to a full time farm. We look forward to learning, sharing and experiencing the beautiful flower world with you.

  1459. Angela Grandgeorge on

    I am an Aspiring Rosarian. I just placed an order with David Austin for additional 15 bare root plants to expand one section of our Rose garden. We have a 1/4 cut flower garden on a busy highway in Northern Illinois. I am hoping to learn new ways to help manage my time and productivity when caring for these gems. I am also just looking forward to getting my hands on a new beautiful book that I can indulge in

  1460. Peg on

    Aspiring Rosarian…I would love to add roses to my farm and my flower shop. I want to nerd out and figure out the best practices and roses for my farm.

  1461. Amy on

    Thank you Erin for your continued passion to share your friends and flower growing wisdom through the Floret website and community.
    I am a weekend warrior – Flower field hand and have recently changed careers after 20 as a Physical Therapist Assistant.
    Gardening was an activity I loved and shared with my Mom too. She taught me how to weed, plant and tend to our little 10 x10 garden in the suburbs of Michigan.
    We had clay soil that somehow she and my Dad composted, turned and amended into soil that produced the best veggies in my opinion. Of course homegrown veggies sun ripened with no chemicals really are the best tasting but I learned that as an adult,
    when I was a child it was just getting my hands dirty and playing in the garden.
    I feel the connection with the earth and growing for yourself really has a positive impact on all of us. The grower, the consumer, and Mother Nature, especially when we learn practices that help sustain her.
    I have been truly enjoying the mini classes and would love to learn how to grow at least one heirloom rose bush someday.
    Thank you Felicia for sharing you life and story.
    The Menagerie Academy sounds like a great place to learn from you as well. 🙏🏼

  1462. Victoria Duwve on

    I love roses! I consider myself more of weekend Warrior. Aphids are such a struggle as well as black spot on the leaves. I hate spraying pesticides all over my garden so I’m looking for some natural ways to combat bugs and disease. I’m looking forward to reading your book!

  1463. Jane on

    my dream is to be The Aspiring Rosarian, however, right now I’m more of The Everyday Gardener. My biggest hurdle is learning to grow and care for roses organically in our humid climate(NC). I would love roses for cut flowers and others to grow on my Flower House.

  1464. Barbara Rivera on

    Now that I am retired, I am an Everyday Gardener. I have years of experience growing beautiful hybrid teas in very large terra cotta pots. This past year, I added a climber and a shrub rose to the yard in my home in town. But – I have about three acres of cleared farm land between a citrus grove and a pecan grove on our farm that receives tons of sun. What I couldn’t do with that!! I need to learn more about bare root roses and the best way to fight black spot in our high humidity. I am drooling over the photos of Felecia’s favorites. Thank you Erin and Felicia for your inspiration.

  1465. Rebecca Harrison on

    When it comes to roses I am a weekend warrior. With all other plants I’m an everyday gardener. I have 8 DA roses that I adore. The look and scent of each makes me giddy. I honestly think I need to learn more about them because though they are repeat bloomers mine don’t repeat as much as I think they should. Are they getting too much Sun? Not enough water? Also I treated them last summer for a possible fungus on the leaves. I really need to know more about these because they are an investment I would like to keep and GROW!

  1466. Sue on

    I am an experienced Garden Center owner. Have begun cut flowers in past 6 years. Have tried some spray roses in our region, but would love to add other varieties for cut flowers

  1467. Angela on

    I’m an Everyday Gardener with my husband. The garden is mostly his domain, but I’m a harvest helper and admirer. I’ve been wanting to add roses to our garden for many years, but haven’t been sure how to start.

  1468. Laura Higgins on

    I’m a weekend warrior that lives in Sacramento. My love of roses started with my mother giving me two Veterans Honor roses for my first home I purchased. Lately though my roses have seemed to struggle in my current home. So I was excited to run across Felicia and her Menagerie Farm course on pruning roses. I felt that it was time to start back to basics and I find that these type of classes fill you up with the excitement shared by a community with a common interest. I’d love to read Felicia’s book and have it for a reference in planning my roses and their care at my home.

  1469. Denise Davis on

    I am in the Weekend Warrior category, although I try to spend as much time during the week in some type of gardening activity whether it be seed starting in the evenings at my kitchen table or tending to our compost pile of kitchen scraps and chicken waste. I have always loved roses and I have tried a few over the years with varying success. I have many struggles in my Zone 7 southern garden, most notably black spot, thrips and Japanese beetles. I am eager to learn more about growing the older roses, particularly ones on their own root stock, to see if my success is improved. I have been a bit disheartened by my failures and have been reluctant to buy more roses. However, with the spring rose catalogues arriving in my mailbox and this series of articles on growing roses, I am feeling inspired to give it another try. I am eager to read Felicia’s new book and learn what it takes to be a successful rose gardener in the South. Hope springs eternal!

  1470. Aisling flower farm on

    We are looking to expand our small flower farm by adding a rose garden! We would love to learn from a pro and start our special addition with a few of Felicia’s very own varieties!

  1471. Brittany Roehl on

    I would definitely put myself in the Aspiring Rosarian category. Honestly I’ve never been interested in roses until just recently, usually thinking of them as a flower reserved only for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t realize there was such a wide variety of colors, and am now researching what variety I want to grow for the first time this summer. As I have pretty much no experienced growing roses yet, Felicia’s book would be very useful to me in getting started and in learning more about this flower I am newly obsessed with.

  1472. Kate on

    Everyday gardener…….with dreams!

  1473. Sharon Thompson on

    I loved your article on roses and how you began. I have 7 rose plants now and would like to expand. I love the heirloom fragrant roses with lots of color that I can’t wait to see each morning with my cup of coffee. Your book sounds like everything that I need to continue to educate myself on caring for them.
    Thank You

  1474. Jane Powell on

    I’m an everyday gardener. I’ve been growing flowers for years. But roses have always been intimidating to me. But, I have 6 David Austin roses arriving this Spring!!! I can’t wait and the timing of this book is perfect for me. Thank you for this lovely interview and as I already follow Felicia online, I’m very excited for her!

  1475. Patsy Jennings on

    I am a grandmother trying to build a cut flower business on a budget and would love to learn how to grow quality roses on my small plot. Living in Texas is probably an added challenge. I love gardening books of all kinds and have all of Erin’s. Your roses are all lovely

  1476. Sherry F. on

    Hello from NC! I’m a weekend warrior striving towards everyday gardener. I inherited a love of roses from my grandmother and in the past few years started collecting roses for my garden. I’m still in the learning stages and struggle with mildew and pests but the blooms I get are SO worth it! I would love to have Felicia’s new book to have a a resource in my growing library.

  1477. Amber on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior-beginner when it comes to roses. I want to learn the basics!

  1478. Tori Coyle on

    As silly as it sounds, I feel like I can see myself in each of those categories. I currently have a full time job and three little ones so my free time is sometimes limited and getting into the garden has to take a backseat. Last summer though I started my first garden while on maternity leave, and while everyone said I was crazy to commit to it- I spent every morning and every night inspecting and admiring my hard work paid off. This year, I plan to grow even more flowers and even start a flower stand to share my flowers with the community, and hopefully turn it into a full-time job someday! I hope to learn anything and everything I can from this book, and incorporate it into my life in whatever capacity I am able whether it be only the weekend warrior or the aspiring rosarian!

  1479. Erika on

    Everyday gardener, hoping to eventually have a farm of my own. Looking to expand my cutting garden, my biggest struggle with roses is to get thick sturdy canes instead of thin flimsy canes.

  1480. Aileen Cason on

    Weekend Warrior here, literally! I retired from Army during pandemic and my unknown deep interest and passion for gardening, flowers, and roses has come alive. Before I would literally wing it with buying plants for my garden beds and cross fingers. Now, I’m taking time to read and learn and start our own family story of gardening. I dont have any stories of my own, no farms or gardens, or any childhood memories of running through flowers. I’d like my kids to have that opportunity!

  1481. Toni Simonetti on

    I’ve been an Every Day Gardener, Weekend Warrior, and Aspiring Rosarian. I am now a Master Gardener, a Consulting Rosarian, an uber gardening volunteer. Funny thing: there is still SO MUCH MORE TO LEARN. Thanks for this great interview.

  1482. Nhu Luong on

    Hoping to learn how to keep my roses healthy and bloom prolifically! With a baby I’ve gone from daily gardener to a weekend warrior so I would like to know what I need to do make the best of that short time.

  1483. Dawn Barber on

    I would say I am an everyday gardener. I find i get passionate about certain plant families and I’ll collect different varities of that plant. The last couple years it”s been cannas. But I always comr back to roses especially the old garden roses. My rose garden has some David Austin roses that are now 20 years old and still bloom like crazy in my crazy up and down climate. I struggle to get the newer plants to bulk up some tend to stay twiggy. I’ve tried to do better at fertilizing regularly etc but it doesn’t always seem to work. I garden organically so when I do run into an issue I struggle to know what I can do. Black spot is probably my worst problem. Midwest summers make it a real challenge to deal with. I am determined to keep learning from and loving this world of wonder my garden.

  1484. Lynn on

    Your story is inspiring. I’m an everyday gardener. I live in New England in a harsher climate than your location. I’ve being gardening my whole life, learning what I know from my mother, grandmother and uncle. I love spending time in the garden, and would like to learn more. Our growing season is short, I’ve been experimenting with growing flowers from seed. I’ve got a small rose garden that produces beautiful roses in June, then a few stragglers throughout the summer. I’d like to learn more about propagation, disease control, techniques, recommended products and varieties for our New England climate,

  1485. Julia McLean on

    Weekend warrior. I have always loved Rose’s, have a few bushes but I would lo e to do more. Roses have always been a passion of mine. Love following you, your pictures are always so stunning.

  1486. Courtney on

    Such a beautiful and inspiring read and I can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book! I would be the everyday gardener, I just started a new rose garden at our new house and am really hoping to start a nice collection over time. Rose gardening can be so frustrating in humid, hot Florida so I really need more advice on how to treat blackspot. I’m hoping to learn how to better care for my roses and how to choose the best varieties for my climate!

  1487. Amy Roberts on

    Definitely an everyday gardener who aspires to learn to grow roses for cut flowers. My knowledge of roses is limited to the few I have in my backyard. This book will be an important part of my rose journey.

  1488. Laura on

    I am an Every Day gardener that entered the wonderful world of David Austin in 2020 ( like so many others!) I started with 2 roses that first season ( Poet’s Wife and Tranquility ) then added 5 more in 2021. I am planning on moving later this year and having more space for roses is a big factor. Enjoyed the interview very much and hoping to add Menagerie to a California trip later this year. Thank you for all your wonderful blogs and posts Erin; have learned SO much!

  1489. Sara Kauffman on

    Definitely just an Everyday Gardenener here. I don’t have much experience with Roses but I would love to know how to generally care for a few varieties for cut bouquets that I can bless others with as well as gave them gracing the front of our little cottage house. 🤍

  1490. Missy Coffin on

    Such a relatable inspiring story about your evolution. Thank you for sharing. I moved to South Florida 15 years ago wanting an English Country Garden. The naysayers said it couldn’t be done. My twisting turning path led me to butterfly gardening on a 1/2 acre of land. This year it became a Certified Butterfly Sanctuary. And I love my butterfly garden. But I still yearn for an English country garden with romantic roses and cut flowers. A year ago I planted some Zinnia seeds for the fun of it and they grew! Then a friend told me about Erin and Floret. I’ve ordered dozens of seeds and am currently taking her course.
    I would love the opportunity to learn how to successfully raise roses with plants that have a great chance of surviving our humid hot climate.

  1491. Cindy S. Boulware on

    I’m an aspiring rosarian and have been since I was young. My mother allowed me grow roses in our back and I been growing them wherever I have lived since then. Often when I am riding through the country and see an old rambling house I will stop looking for signs of an old rose to get clippings. I have successfully rooted a few. Living in the north Ga. mountains now I am trying to create a wild rose garden with heirloom fragrant blooms. The biggest challenge is the deer who think they are ripe for eating! I have begun collecting fragrant tea roses and climbers from Heirloom and David Austin. My roses have brought me great pleasure especially during the last year or two although the biggest challenge has be pests. Thrilled to have a new book that will provide guidance and give me some tips!

  1492. Sarah on

    Weekend warrior. We finally, after years of procrastinating painted our house and garage. My Nana had a pretty yellow climbing rose against her house and now that our house is looking okay, I want to find the right spots to do a few trellises and roses on them to look how my Nana’s house did.

  1493. Jennifer Bailey on

    I guess I’m a Weekend Warrior—until I increase my rose collection. I love the fragrance and softness of roses. I’ve heard a lot that they’re difficult, so I’d love to learn her tricks. I’d also love her advice on choosing varieties for my climate.

  1494. Joy on

    I think I’m more of a weekend warrior if we’re talking strictly roses. I have five roses currently, 3 are climbers. I find black spot my biggest problem, and I’m wanting to grow in my pruning skills.

  1495. Gloria Smith on

    I’m an everyday gardener and love roses. I have mainly David Austin Roses and I’m hoping find out how she keeps disease and pests at bay. I love the making bouquets with the roses, filling up the house with the fragrance and beauty of the rose without all the work of the damage I’m constantly having ( black spot , rosette disease, bugs, etc.) . Here in North Carolina we have those high humidity days that really encourage diseases. Still Roses and David Austin Roses at that are what I love most!!

  1496. Beverly Pleiss on

    Weekend Warrior- I’ve had a life-long love of flower gardens which my mother nurtured in me. All flowers but especially roses are dear to me, although I have always struggled growing roses. As a Nana to 5 grandchildren I teach them about plants, how to start seeds, and then they can see the progress of the plants and reap what we sow. I plan to try some more rose varieties and would love to gain more knowledge about roses.

  1497. Marie Deforge on

    Everyday Gardener for the most part, but very little experience with Roses so far. In 2018 I moved to a new property and suddenly had a very strong urge to start putting in roses. New Dawn rose was the star as far as growth, but since I never grew them before, my many roses either went out of control with growth or withered from some issue that I wasn’t knowledgable enough to figure out. Now in 2022 I am at a new and hopefully forever property – and roses is what I want to really sink my teeth (and hands) into for the property that I lovingly call Enchanted Gaia. My hope is that Felicia’s book will give me the tools/info I need for successful growing of these beauties.

  1498. Shellie Ritzman on

    Roses have been a love of mine since I was a child! I actually fell on a kitchen knife as I tripped in the doorway bringing roses in the house at age 10! A ride in an ambulance and two tiny stitches later lol, I was back home admiring the red roses I had cut. Fast forward to now, I’ve mostly struggled with Japanese beetles since I do not use any pesticides. I also love drying petals to sell to a local tea maker for her custom blends! I follow Felicia on IG and can’t wait to learn how to be more successful roses in our humid North Carolina summers.

  1499. Tanya on

    Weekend warrior/everyday gardener. Roses have always been my favorite flower and now that I have my own home, I keep expanding beds to add more and more varieties. If we ever moved, the buyers have to be ok with me taking my roses with me. I’ve learned how to handle black spot, powdery mildew and the yearly rampage of Japanese Beetles but I know there’s so much more to learn! I have all of the Floret books and would love to add this to my collection as both of you have helped me in my gardening journey so much.

  1500. Emily Horn on

    I am a weekend warrior with roses. I would love to add to my rose collection and be able to cut off of them for flower arrangements. I’m looking forward to reading your book!

  1501. Beccy on

    I am somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener, and I have killed more plants than I care to admit. Roses made me fall in love with gardening, and I have so much to learn. Japanese beetles are the bane of my garden – thankfully my chickens enjoy eating them.

  1502. Stephanie P on

    I love roses and my biggest struggle is getting long enough stems for cut flowers even on some of these tried and true varieties.

  1503. Nancy R on

    I love roses. My mom use to have about 50 roses planted around our backyard. Her favorite flowers. We used to have to weed the rosebeds weekly. That was our family time. I love smelling them as we spent “family time” together. As of today, I still have about 8 roses of my moms favorite I grow at my home. My mom is alive at 85 years old and till this day still goes roses at her home. I love the different fragrances of roses. My favorites are the English roses and Hybrid teas. I’m hoping to learn more about the older and new varieties now. Thanks for sharing about your rose history and hope to purchase or win your book!

  1504. DeAnn Poindexter on

    I’ve been a weekend warrior but since retiring I have a little more time to play in the dirt. Tips on how to keep roses pest and disease free would be helpful, as well as planting locations. The cover of the book is beautiful! Looking forward to reading all about roses.

  1505. Chelsey on

    I fall somewhere between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener. Last year, I grew a handful of flower varieties that can be found in most cutting gardens in an attempt to supplement my wedding floral costs. Needless to say I fell in LOVE!

    My husband and I just bought our first home. The yard is small and reminds me of my late grandmother, who died at the start of COVID (for non-COVID-related reasons). Her small pathway to her front door was lined with all kinds of roses. I can’t smell them without thinking of my time with her growing up while my mom worked. It would be an absolute dream to recreate that in my very own back yard!

  1506. Diana M Jonassen on

    I’m somewhere between Everyday Gardener and Aspiring Rosarian; I’m looking to grow roses for cutting and would like to know more, in particular, about harvest and post-harvest treatment. Also good varieties for cutting – but since I live in Wisconsin, I don’t have a lot of hope for that! There are not many varieties hardy enough to thrive here.

  1507. Dahliani on

    Weekend Warrior in MA. We moved into our home a couple of years ago and have been carving as many garden spaces out of the lawn as we can. My biggest challenge right now is designing the new garden spaces. I’ve never had the opportunity to design from scratch before and it’s a little intimidating. And really exciting! I only have a few roses right now, despite how much I love them, because the learning curve seems steep. I’d love to feel confident integrating more!

  1508. Pamela on

    I’m an Every day gardener, just at the beginning of my flower farm journey . I’m from England , now in Utah. I love old fashioned English roses but I can’t grow them here like I could back home and I need help to change that because my life is incomplete without English roses !!!

  1509. Amanda Revette on

    Weekend Warrior here! I have to be honest and say roses used to be my least favorite flower for the simple fact that it was the typical red rose always seen in grocery stores around me. When we moved into our first home, there were beautiful roses planted and I fell in love for the first time. I would love to learn how to keep these roses going strong and grow some more to surprise the next eventual owner of our home :)

  1510. Jody Hug on

    I am closer to the coast so my roses are not as hardy as I would like. Since I am an organic gardener I don’t like to do a lot of the normal chemical treatments you read about when caring for roses. This year I am going to carve out an area in my garden just for my roses. Looking forward to your book and learning about taking better care of what I have.

  1511. Judy Holland on

    I’m just an every day Gardner. I just love seeing things grow, bought a couple David Austin roses and I’m learning about them. I love the smell of roses they awaken something inside of me that I can’t really explain. I wish I had found my interest in garden when I was much younger and able to explore and do some of the things I have the desire to do now, as well as the time. Sometimes I feel like gardening is a large science that I’ll never conquer, and other times I know I can’t live without it. It’s like breathing. My sister lives in Sacramento I’m sure she would love to see this farm.

  1512. Cheryl Boatman on

    I want to be an Everyday Gardener but am probably more of a Weekend Warrior at the moment. I want to learn the process of becoming a rose farmer. My biggest challenge is weed control. Can’t wait to dive into her book!

  1513. Alicia on

    I’m an everyday gardener whose love of roses has been growing over my 58 years. I’m moving to South Carolina from Pennsylvania and want to fill my new home garden with roses that will thrive in this climate. I’m trying to learn everything I can about gardening in this new state, roses in particular. I’m also a watercolor artist and love to find inspiration in floral books (I have all three of Erin’s) and have created pieces using her beautiful pictures.

  1514. Andrea Klokow on

    Everyday Gardener here who wants to know how to grow roses without drawing blood at every interaction and without having to spray chemicals every weeks to keep disease and insects at bay.

  1515. Gail on

    Aspiring Rosarian here. Your series on roses has prompted me to look into adding a few key roses to my ever evolving garden. I love Felicia’s story. I had a couple of rose bushes years ago but removed them after a constant battle with aphids. I hope Felicia’s book addresses pest control as I think I need roses back in my life. I have been searching for a particular rose that Felicia has mentioned in her list of favorites- Evelyn. That is my 4 year old granddaughter’s name. She is my gardening companion and I would love to plant the rose with her name in my garden. Seems to not be readily available but my search continues….

  1516. Patricia on

    I’ve grown a handful of roses over the years, and after moving recently, am looking forward to starting fresh. I’d say I’m more of an everyday gardener, though more experienced with perennials and native plants than roses. My biggest challenge with growing roses are the Japanese beetles that love to eat them. Any tips for how to deal with these beasties without harming beneficial insects is very appreciated!

  1517. Theresa Walton on

    I am a Weekend Warrior gardener…..this past spring I planted my first two ever roses and I’m hooked! About to turn 60 on the 26th and soooo Excited to read your book, loved this interview! Thank you for taking the time to share your story!

  1518. Sherry on

    I am a weekend warrior with a life long love for roses. Such an informative series of articles. As much as I love winter in the Midwest I am looking forward to getting back into the gardens this spring and summer armed with new insights for my roses! Thanks for the series.

  1519. Jessie on

    Lovely article! Weekend warrior here! During the pandemic I relocated to an old family home and have been admiring the overgrown roses planted on a spot of lawn and the tenacity of the invasive multi flora rose in more out-of-the-way areas. I’m drawn to doing something to improve the state of the overgrown roses and growing from new plants would be new to me. With so many deer around, I presume they would be my biggest obstacle.

  1520. Diane on

    Weekend warrior! My mom had a tea rose garden but remember her saying how “fussy “ they were. ( mid 1950s). But the glory of the rose keeps pulling me to try. I currently have a pink climber, Zephrine, and a small fairy rose that has never been very happy😢. I hope to add several more to my sunny garden. Looking forward to your new book and thank you for your expertise! Diane

  1521. Marlee Hakes on

    What a neat rose story! I can’t wait until the day I have a beautiful garden story of my own to pass down to my children. I come from a long line of everyday gardeners, and am the first to take it to the next level and try my hand at a cut flower farm. I have a small collection of roses I’ve gotten from friends and collected myself. My goal is to create a garden of cut flowers, not in the typical way of rows of flowers, but as a magical garden to walk through and just enjoy. God has put a deep desire within me to misiter to others through gardening and flowers.

  1522. Rebecca on

    Wow, not sure I even fall in the three categories….YET…I have only one extremely hardy David Austin and a gorgeous yellow climbing rose at the moment. I am quite enamored with roses though and plan to add many from her list to my farm so I’m going big and saying – Aspiring Rosarian. ;-) I can’t wait to dig into the wealth of knowledge I’m sure her book will provide. Thanks for this wonderful interview!

  1523. Tammie Phillips on

    I am definitely a weekend warrior. I have a busy work schedule and like most everyone else, busy family life. I have loved roses since I was a teen just caring for 3 rose bushes planted in the front yard of my childhood home. Since then I have planted the same 3 colors of red, pink, and yellow at every house I have lived in. I have dreamt about growing my own rose garden for the last 20years. Since moving back to this 3 acre land 3 years ago, I have turned a dry, sandy walnut orchard slowly into a veggie garden in back and small cottage garden in front the last 2 years. It has taken a lot pockets of time during weekends just to do this much! But, I am expanding this year with a small dahlia patch inspired by Florets … so excited for tubers to arrive! I would love to start a rose garden next year to add to my love of flowers.

  1524. Angela Turley on

    I’m an everyday gardener and would love to learn how to care for roses in order to get the best cut flower production possible.

  1525. Leigh Ann Hasley on

    Hi, I am a cross between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. I had one year of cut flowers last season. I have ordered a few roses bare root roses this season and will grab two more on Thursday from Felecia. Thanks for the article. I am anxious to read the book to learn how to keep pests and disease from stunting growth.

  1526. Michelle Rose Gilman on

    Hi! I’m an everyday gardener! Like Every. Single. Day! I’ve been gardening for 15 years and started with veggies. Which was so much fun! 2 years ago, I switched it all out to plant roses. Then my momma died January 13, 2021. Since then I’ve added and added roses to the garden. I’ve dedicated the entire garden to her. When I go out there I feel her. She’s with me. Her name was Linda Rose, which translates to Beautiful Rose. So it seems fitting. I often struggle with powdery mildew here on the coast of California. And it drives me nutty. I would love to have a copy of Felicia’s new book. I also just purchased Erin’s books too! I’m in this garden game big! And want to learn as much as possible. I would be honored to receive a gift box. And I know my ma will help me once I learn more and get my hands all dirty again in the Spring! Thank you both!

  1527. Sarah Lewkowicz on

    Weekend Warrior: Loving every aspect of Roses.. the joy in making huge bouquets to give away all Spring and just to admire the color and shape of each blossom. Hoping to learn more about creating vigorous growth and how to bring out the best in each plant in our hot Southern California climate.
    Thank you for giving us this great article too!

  1528. Carol on

    What an awesome interview! I am anxious to grow anything since my retirement last year and I am going from a weekend warrier to an every day gardener. I am in the process of creating a flower garden is a small pasture on my property, the only spot that I can guarantee greater than 6 hours of sunlight per day! Finally my peonies, hydrangeas and hopefully tea roses ( my mother’s favorite) will be able to thrive! I so look forward to reading your book and absorbing your gardening techniques and recommendations!

  1529. Amanda Coburn on

    In the last year I have gone full throttle into educating myself on everything farming and flowers. I grew my very first flower from seed this year so my experience level is very minimal. When we moved into our home I removed a few rose bushes from the front landscape. I didn’t understand why anyone would want to grow something with so many thorns. I am excited to grow and understand more about these cherished plants. Their history and charm are intriguing!!

  1530. Therese on

    I think I am a combination of everyday gardener and aspiring Rosarian. I was named after St. Therese, the little flower and it is said that when you smell roses, unexpectedly, that she is near. Long story short, my son was having major health issues that took 6 months to figure out. I got out of the shower and smelled roses with no roses in sight. At the same time in a different time zone, my sister smelled roses too. I began to cry and felt that this great Saint was at my side, praying with me and for me. The rose has always been my favorite smell. I’ve grown roses for 25 years but have found that there is still so much I don’t know. I’m inspired by Felicia’s story and life. My biggest hurdle seems to be producing rose plants that stay healthy and produce good foliage. Thank you for posting this interview with Felicia.

  1531. Patricia on

    Thank you for your sharing your story. As a nurse and care taker of the elder generation I admire your selflessness when taking care of your family. How fortunate your roses are to have the same kind of care and thought put into their blossoming.
    I guess I am a weekend warrior though winters in New England dictate that for me as I don’t have a greenhouse. I have just recently started growing some cut flowers from seed and last fall planted 80 different tulip bulbs in the garden.
    I love the garden rose and with my daughter being a small studio florist I am experimenting with different flowers to grow for her business.
    I am looking forward to tapping into your knowledge with the garden rose to inspire me to try my hand at growing these beauties.
    Thank you for sharing your personal journey through flowers and I can’t wait to read your book!

  1532. Anne Ball on

    I am an Everyday Gardener. I grow in 6a and winter die-back is one of my struggles. Every year we battle black spot and Japanese beetles. This book is gorgeous and Felicia’s interview was very inspiring!

  1533. Nicole on

    I am an Everyday Gardener because being in the garden is the best life therapy. I am slowly expanded into roses, and I have really enjoyed all 5 of this articles on the subject! Thanks for sharing your love of flowers with us!

  1534. Carmen Raterman on

    I didn’t think I could grow roses and I started with three bushes last year. I have always been drawn to flowers, but never had the time or experience to grow them. For the past several years I have been studying and learning and finally started my flower farm on a quarter acre. I had not considered roses until today when I read your post. It came at a very pivotal time; I just learned that my dad is in the hospital with Covid and as I worry about his health I was reminded about my first experience with roses. My dad would always give me pink roses for my birthday.

  1535. Miral Khalil on

    I planted felicia’s precious roses in my rental house last year. All of them gave me blooms albeit i did not amend the soil or even fertilize it much. We have been blessed to move into our own home this year and I would love to plant her beautiful roses in my garden this year too. I have loved roses since i was a child. In pakistan we took roses for granted as they were to be found everywhere, but growing my own last year was a hard job. I hope her book addresses the different diseases of the roses. Very excited to be able to participate in this raffle.

  1536. Carmen on

    I’m in the dreaming stage. I’d love to have magical old-fashioned cottage gardens. This book could help me figure out what to start with!

  1537. Charlee-Ann McMahon on

    Aspiring! My grandmother (her name was Rose) always had beautiful rose bushes at her home in New Hampshire. When she moved south, she had trouble regrowing her collection due to age and change in climate. She passed last year and as I’ve started this new venture of cut flowers, I’m determined to recreate her fields. I loved this story! Truly inspiring.

  1538. Natalie on

    Weekend warrior here. On the quest to find my own little patch of dirt to farm. Inspired by the pair of you, and yearning to get my hands in the earth and grow flowers. As a side note, as a counselor I am also interested in introducing horticultural therapy to my practice.

  1539. Angela M Claudio Torres on

    I am a everyday gardener and I love roses. I hope to learn more about growing roses and taking care of them. Carding Mill is one of my favorites as I live in a warmer climate (zone 9b). I would love to learn about disease resistance and overall care.

  1540. Kathleen Ann Levine on

    I’m a weekend warrior! And a beginner to growing roses. I have such a hard time growing roses. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. So I would love this book so I can learn how to help my roses thrive.

  1541. Valerie Rooney on

    My mother grew roses, and when I went to college, it was a joy to bring a bouquet with me whenever I returned home. I’m somewhere between weekend warrior and everyday gardener. After growing Roses in one Vermont garden for thirty years, I fell in love with a wonderful man, who wanted to live closer to a college town. We are building a house and new garden, started before the pandemic struck. I moved over 300 perennials and some rose bushes, but am rebuilding my rose collection. Thank goodness for online Rose ordering! I buy only own root roses, due to living in Zone 4. I’m sticking with a pink, yellow, apricot and white palette

  1542. Tamera on

    Weekend warrior, although in retirement I’d love to change that title! Roses remind me of my grandma and her wonderful roses. Surely there is something in my gene pool…..

  1543. Sarah Hennessey on

    I’m an everyday gardener who thrives to learn as much as possible about beautiful flowers for cutting. This amazing book would be a wonderful resource for me at this time in my journey. My mother’s love of growing roses specifically has instilled a desire in me to soak up as much knowledge as possible about them. I’ve started a modest collection of just a few roses, adding one or two a year to the garden. It’s slowly becoming my favorite area on the property!!! Thank you!

  1544. Kathleen Gorsche on

    I just recently turned 68 years old and when I grow up I want to be a rosarian. I have a small rose garden which I call my Grandchildren’s garden. Each rose was planted after their birth. I have learned a great deal by tending and nurturing this garden, but now I want to expand. I am an aggressive reader and learn by reading and then doing. I wait for good recommended books on the subject. Can’t wait to read this one!

  1545. Rebecca on

    I am a weekend warrior, for sure! I could learn so much from her book – I have not been brave enough to try roses yet, only annual seeds in my little cut flower garden. But my dad always had roses so they are sentimental for me! I need to learn everything.

  1546. Sherry Traurig on

    Great article ! My grandfather had beautiful roses around his entire house. Intimidation and starting to grow roses have always gone hand in hand in my mind. After reading this background story I’ve been inspired to jump in and give it a go.

  1547. Pat on

    I grow small amounts of a wide variety of perennial and annual cut flowers for my local farmers’ market in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I’ve always avoided roses because they seemed too needy (a flower must be able to tolerate a certain amount of neglect to make it into my must-grow collection), but I’m beginning to think there may be some who could manage to live with me, and I’d love to start learning.

  1548. Stacey Diehl on

    I am an Everyday Gardener that has never tried roses. I am hoping to learn that growing roses is attainable, not as complicated as I am thinking it is. Love the roses posts, very inspiring!

  1549. Monique Allen on

    I’m a fruit and veggie farmer also growing flowers and herbs for food, medicine and our pollinator friends. I have 2 old rose bushes here that need help and I would love to add more roses to my collection as I gain more knowledge. Your book will be a treasured part of my flower growing collection.

  1550. Shelly Eckels on

    What a sweet history! Thank you for sharing. I lost my mom to cancer too. She loved roses. Time didn’t allow me to learn how to care from them from her. I’m an aspiring flower farmer. Maybe a future rosarian in fantasy. So far I’ve read a number of books about Roses and talked to local growers. Felicia, your book sounds like an insightful read and something I can reference many times as I tryout your methods. I hope your “rose hell” regime is part of the book. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  1551. Lindsay on

    What an amazing story! I loved reading Felicia’s story. Im definitely a weekend warrior here hoping to learn all things roses as I move into a new house, going from solely container gardening in my apartment to actual soil. Im so excited! Thank you for the great article and inspiration.

  1552. Joy Fopiano on

    Everyday Gardener. Self taught. I love David Austin roses and seek out roses for their fragrance and length of bloom. I struggle with Black Spot, but I live on Cape Cod and our air is moist and summers are humid. I would welcome any wisdom to help tackle this issue. I am always hungry to learn more and your book seems laid out in a most approachable style. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  1553. Michelle Enns on

    I think I can say I’m an everyday gardener who has a hard time knowing where to stop once I start my seed order for the season! And I absolutely love roses and would love to learn how to grow them. I want so much to add them to the cut flowers I already grow every year.

  1554. Jen B on

    I finally discovered gardening about 6 years ago and have become increasingly obsessed with it ever since! I’m very new to roses (just got my first 2 this fall!), but I already have another 18 on order. From preparing beds, to planting and insect/disease management, I’m hoping Felicia’s book will teach me the best practices to follow as I start on this new journey of rose growing. I tend to start out every growing season as an Everyday Gardener, but by the end of a hot & humid summer, I’m down to being a Weekend Warrior only! haha

  1555. Tina L. on

    I’m an everyday gardener who is dedicating more time and land to floral production. I’d love to know more about growing roses for cut flowers in my zone with its unique climate challenges. I’m especially interested in how integrated pest management and natural inputs, and other long term research based strategies, can support roses for production and personal enjoyment.
    Congratulations on publishing Growing Wonder! I look forward to adding it to my library.

  1556. Amanda S Hayes on

    Weekend warrior but I dream of becoming an everyday gardener soon! I want to learn about growing consistent beautiful blooms and the best roses for cut flowers.

  1557. Laurel on

    Weekend Warrior, wishing I were an Everyday Gardener. My biggest struggle is with pests: aphids and sawfly larvae. I hope Felicia has some tips on pruning climbing roses as mine is monster.

  1558. Andrea Steele on

    I have grown roses off and on over the years as a weekend warrior with children at home and working full time. The children are now grown and I have retired. I don’t “sit” well, so I spend as much time as possible in my yard. I have more time to dedicate to roses and discovered English roses. I hope to learn more about pest control and best care for roses in the hot, humid south. I’ve already learned so much from Erin about cut flowers. I know Felecia will teach me a lot also. They are both so gracious to share their knowledge with all of us.

  1559. Shannon J. on

    Everyday gardener. I have always loved roses and have grown a few, but I would in no way consider myself an expert. I struggle with where to plant them because I want to be surrounded by them :) I also struggle with pests. My want list is lengthy. I cannot wait for the book, it looks fantastic.

  1560. Amy VanSlembrouck on

    I’m an everyday gardener and one of my biggest struggles with roses is my short growing season here in zone 5b. I would love to know more about growing disease free healthy roses. I’ve just recently dove into the world of garden rose varieties including David Austin’s and would love to be able to grow some large roses for cutting!

  1561. Kathryn Scarabino on

    I am a second year flower farmer, wanna-be rosarian. I am ever expanding and would love to be able to offer cut roses to my florists. I am looking for varieties that thrive in our 5b zone. Challenges that my existing roses face are Japanese beetles!

  1562. Barkat on

    I read you information for rose farming. Very useful & advisable share you experience. Iam interested. I live in India. Very nice knowledge you have to. I have no idea.
    Thank you so much!

  1563. Melissa Gardner on

    Aspiring Rosarian! I started my flower farm 2 years ago and am adding in a lot of roses this coming spring. I hope to learn everything I can.. specifically how to keep them thriving for years to come and which varieties to add in next year.

  1564. Lydia Swartz on

    Weekend warrior here. We started growing cut flowers 5 years ago and love expanding our gardens with new varieties. We have 4 young children that we are hoping create the same love of gardening that we have. Trying new things some times succeeding and others failing miserably is a great lesson to teach our children and how we handle this and learn from it. That being said, I have always been intimidated by roses and their maintenance. I have eyed many David Austin varieties but have always been hesitant. This book sounds like a wonderful way to learn more and hopefully sparking a new understanding and passion for roses.

  1565. Shannon on

    Oh how I love 🌹 roses. It’s the one plant that really thrives on our farm. I’m an aspiring Rosearian and I would love to gain knowledge on each of the different varieties of roses and caring for each one. I’m in love with the beautiful colors and wold love to see our place covered in roses.

  1566. Jen Knoch on

    I’d actually love to give this to my best friend, who moved away years ago. We used to garden together, and when I garden I’m always thinking of her. She’d qualify as a Weekend Warrior since she has two young children, but I’d love for her to become enchanted with roses as I have, and to have a little extra beauty in her busy days.

  1567. Jane on

    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! I am an everyday gardener who grows mostly tomatoes and vegetables in our garden. But our fence surrounding our garden is planted with roses on several sides. I have decided this is the year that I am going to plant more roses for cutting and definitely need more knowledge and guidance.

  1568. brellyn ellenberger on

    I’m a everyday gardener wannabe, just moved to land and can’t wait to get started. I’m ready to learn and grow, looking forward to the upcoming Spring!

  1569. Marilyn on

    I didn’t realize until you asked us to label ourselves that I am an aspiring rosarian. I planted over thirty roses last year to add to my already full yard of rose bushes. I’ve been in love with and growing DA, heirloom, and antique roses for almost 30 years now. I add to my list each year and find using the blooms in arrangements we use for events makes for unmatched beauty. I love following your floral adventures Erin and can’t wait to read Felicia’s new book.

  1570. Michelle B on

    I consider myself somewhere between Weekend Warrior and Everyday Gardener with a dash of Aspiring Rosarian. I never really planted anything before 2 years ago other than wildflower seeds when I was a child. I decided to try roses 2 years ago and I started with an order of 3 roses. After planting this coming spring I’ll be up to around 90. My biggest issues are black spot, Japanese beetles and my own impatience. Felicia’s story is interesting and inspiring. The book looks lovely and I would love to be able to read and learn as much as I can from it.

  1571. Lexie on

    Thanks for sharing Felicia’s story! I’d consider myself and everyday gardener. I remember roses being part of my mother and grandmother’s gardens. Now, my garden has several roses of its own too. Living in CT, I often struggle with black spot and pesky Japanese beetles. However, it’s never been so bad as to put me off growing these beauties. Can’t wait to continue my rose journey this coming season!

  1572. Leslie on

    I’m hoping to learn more about pruning and fertilizing! My roses always seem behind or struggling compared to others on Instagram. Looking forward to learning more!

  1573. Emily Peck on

    What a great story! I just finished a backyard renovation and this year I’m focusing on adding new plants and I have 6 roses on order I’m very excited to try!! 😍

  1574. Cassandra on

    I’m hoping to learn more pest management strategies!

  1575. Cindy on

    Can I be a mixture of all three? Right now, there is snow and ice outside, but the days are getting longer and there is potential in our neck of the woods with a countdown to Spring, so weekends are spent in anticipation of resuming the everyday gardener list of ‘honey-do’s. As Ms. Belovich entered her sixth decade around the sun,she was full of hope and wonder for what was to come next…and that’s my inspiration for continuing to be an aspiring rosarian…how could I not as I viewed your pictures of your roses and all I want to do is dive deep into their color.

  1576. Linda K Pittman on

    I am an everyday gardener who started growing roses thirty years ago when we purchased a Second Empire house in Petersburg, Virginia. It begged for roses all around so I tried everything. The ones that flourished were David Austin shrub roses. That’s what I stuck with and that’s what continues to grace the gardens there. The new home and gardens we are trying to restore was built in 1792. Shrub roses are perfect for historically appropriate plantings. I am SO excited that Theresa Alvarez has some new roses that might work for me in our warm Virginia summers.

  1577. Grace Erickson on

    Everyday gardener. My biggest struggle is disease and fertilizer. We have constant humidity here and lots of rain and the disease pressure is intense. I’d love to learn more about growing roses from someone who really knows how to.

  1578. Kayla Berg on

    I’m a weekend warrior. I adore roses and my dream is to someday have an entire rose garden on my property. I just want to learn the basics to caring for roses. When we purchased our property there were several roses bushes already established. I would love to read the book so I can properly tend to the ones we have and eventually grow some more!

  1579. Wendi DuBois on

    I am trying to be an aspiring rosarian or rather, plant as many beautiful things, including roses, as I can. I have always loved roses. When I was a small child, meeting my grandmother on my dad’s side for the first time, she sent us into the local Ben Franklin to pick out a toy. I came out with a small plastic white basket with a few plastic red roses. I guess that love stuck; I used all pink roses in my wedding. I’ve not been greatly successful with roses in Michigan, but I want to learn.

  1580. Denise on

    I am a Weekend Warrior, aspiring Everyday Gardener who wants to grow roses, but fails miserably due to insect pressure and disease most years. Once life slows down enough for me to retire in the next 8-10 years, I hope to dig in and master my love of roses. In the meantime, I continue to learn and experiment Thank you for introducing us to Felicia Alvarez

  1581. Nicole Crumbley on

    Weekend Warrior here. During shut down with the aid of Erins books I created a cut flower garden. It brings so much joy to myself and neighbors to have fresh cut flowers! I also own my own aesthetics studio so bring in fresh flowers for clients has been a real treat. I harvested seeds this year and passed them out as gifts to my clients in hopes that they too can start their very own cut flower garden. I look forward to adding roses this year. I have a few tea roses but would love to have the big beauties to add to my bouquets.

  1582. Lizzie on

    Beautiful article!! Full of information, inspiration, and gorgeous photos. Great job Felicia! I am hooked and will be buying the book!

  1583. Donna Shultz on

    Weekend Warrior here! Although I am striving for an Everyday Gardener… being a single mom of a pre-teen boy working a full time job makes getting out to the dirt tough some days… Being in the Raleigh North Carolina area I struggle with figuring out how to combat black spot, blight and numerous bugs that do not seem to die off in the “winter”. I love reading Floret’s flower series and learning about other flower farms. I am working on eventually building a cut flower garden in my back yard so I can share the blooms with my neighbors.

  1584. Autumn Roberts on

    I am a weekend gardener, nurse by day and I have a city yard with big dreams of one day having a piece of land. My love of roses comes from my dad who passed away this last year with ALS. He was always so proud of the few roses he grew in his yard. He would care for them with love. I want to plant dad’s rose garden this year. Would love to learn how to care for them and keep dad’s memory alive in roses 🌹

  1585. Tina Roy on

    I’m an aspiring Rosarían. I started flower farming last year and discovered roses late in he year and purchased a few bare root roses. I’ve already become obsessed and researching the perfect additions to my garden. I’m a little like Felicia and have jumped in with both feet and now need to get educated before the spring to make sure they thrive this year. I know I’ll find many helpful nuggets and inspiration in Felicia’s new book. I can’t wait to read it!

  1586. Emmie Truett on

    Weekend warrior / everyday gardener aspiring to make this a full time gig one day. We bought a property with a few established rose bushes, so I’m hoping Felicia’s book can teach me how to keep them thriving. I’ve also been wanting to order some of my own bare root roses, but have been so intimidated to try it. I think Felicia book would give me the confidence and education I’d need to grow my own roses. I love the patience, trial, and error that comes along with growing roses and look forward to experiencing it all myself soon!

  1587. Megan on

    I’m an everyday gardener who loves roses but doesn’t know where to start with adding them to the garden. I have some very old ones that were on my property when we bought it, but despite my efforts they don’t do much. I’d love to learn how to grow garden roses successfully!

  1588. Janet Hedrick on

    I’m a Weekend Warrior when it comes to roses, but would like to become an Everyday Gardener. I’d like to expand our rose garden and make it stunning. My biggest challenge is working around a large deer population that may want to enjoy a new rose garden, too. 😁 Right now, they leave it alone, probably because my roses start off nice, but then look weary and tired as summer goes on. I’m not sure what I need to keep them strong and happy.

  1589. Sarah N on

    I’m an everyday gardener. I would love to know what varieties will survive my Texas climate!

  1590. Val Schirmer on

    Aspiring rosearian and specialty cut flower grower in the Bluegrass of Kentucky, zone 6b. SO excited to get my hands on Felicia’s book AND to attend her workshop in May (in person YAY!!!). Growing roses in our climate is not for the faint of heart. Pests that don’t exist in the west, cold winters, humidity and more — her book will be a treasured resource!

    Since meeting Felicia at an ASCFG conference several years ago, I’ve loved seeing Felicia’s success. She’s so smart, kind and funny! Her bare root roses are 💪🏼

  1591. Christy Strickland on

    Im an Everyday Gardner, primarily in a small home vegetable garden I’ve had for years. This is the year I’ve promised myself I’d branch out into adding flowers to the mix. I’ve several roses in order for shipment in the spring and I’m very excited! Growing roses in the humid south can be a bit of a challenge, from what I’ve read, and the knowledge I’ll glean from Felicia’s book about rose care and maintenance will be invaluable!

  1592. Gabrielle Heller on

    I would say I am an aspiring rosarian. My great aunt and my great grandfather were rosarians. I was born late life and unfortunately my family passed before I had a true passion. What I would do to get a clipping from their gardens. I want ensure my great grand children get clippings and roses and continue the passion.

  1593. Laura Doty on

    Since I currently work full time in nursing, I am more of a Weekend Warrior when it comes to gardening I am currently taking the Floret Online Workshop and learning so much. One of my goals, when I retire, which is hopefully not in the too distant future, is to expand my gardens and add different types of flowers, and possible start some type of flower related business. I have tried a few roses throughout the years, but they always seemed to struggle with poor growth, disease, or pests, and I would love to have more knowledge about caring for them better and I’m sure that information will be part of this new book.

  1594. Olga on

    I’m an everyday gardener. My sister introduced me roses several years back and I haven’t looked back since. My biggest struggle is bugs and bushes not producing buds. I’d love to learn how to fix this.

  1595. Anna on

    I’m an everyday gardener, when it comes to roses. I’ve had such trouble with pests- it drives me crazy! But I love all my roses anyway. So excited to keep adding more to my new property.
    Can’t wait to read the book- it looks fabulous!

  1596. Marsha Newlon on

    I initially planted roses to use with hydrangeas in arrangements. I think they go so nicely together. However, soon I was enthralled with the variety of color, petal counts, shapes, and fragrances. Now I’m hooked and see very little chance of being rose free! Now I’m studying catalogues and sun paths. I am doomed but happily doomed.

  1597. Michelle Wolff on

    Everyday Gardener. Growing up my Grandfather had roses everywhere! I miss that and now that I own a home near Atlanta GA I want to start putting in roses. I don’t have the practical knowledge I need and hope to get that from Growing Wonder. My struggle is a tight budget, not knowing how to handles bugs and the relentless humidity here. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us!

  1598. janet hall on

    Roses are something I have always had in the back of my mind that I have always wanted to grow here on my farm but do not have the knowledge of how to grow and how to keep them healthy. The only rose I have here is a rambling rose that was here when my grandparents lived here, possibly 120 years old. It climbs down the bank, up in the trees and bushes and is a tiny pink ruffled beauty. It holds a special place in my heart becasue I know it belonged to my grandmother.

  1599. Christy on

    I have loved roses for years and had great success growing them in California. After moving to the northeast, I have struggled with slow growth, Japanese beetles and black spot. I am excited to learn more advanced techniques for prevention and treatment of pests and disease, and how to take my rose growing to the next level!

  1600. Jordan K Massad on

    Weekend Warrior pivoting into first year flower farming. Books are so special to touch and feel, but signed copies of books are to be treasured. Growing and cutting lovely blooms is such a joy. I’d most reference Felicia’s book so that I can keep each plant the happiest possible while sharing their beauty in my garden.

  1601. Hayley Barrett on

    Aspiring Rosarian here! This summer I fell in love and now I dream of trellises full for my daughter.
    My biggest issue is buying too many then not being able to get them in the ground.
    I am definitely coming to visit the farm and can’t wait to learn more.

  1602. Holly Stretch on

    I will call myself a Weekend Warrior whose vegetable gardens are being transformed into flower beds. I am so inspired by the words of Felicia and Erin. Thank you.

  1603. Elizabeth Costa on

    This weekend warrior dove straight into the deep end with roses during Covid buying 5 different varieties and a total of 10 plants. I’m pretty sure I have made every mistake possible and all the roses continue to suffer mercilessly at the hand of black spot. I love these little beauties so much and my patch of yellow Julia Childs reminds me of my Nana. I am dying to read the book and learn how to help these babies grow healthy and strong!

  1604. Jen Probasco on

    Everyday Gardner here. English roses are my absolute favorite flower. My hope is to eventually have enough roses to start a cut flower farm. Biggest struggle right now are the Japanese beetles that love to destroy each and every bud. I need tips on handling these creatures and look forward to Felicia’s new book!

  1605. Amy on

    I am an everyday gardener. I love roses but have only three varieties in my yard. My biggest challenges are mildew and pests when it comes to roses.

  1606. Rachelle McKay on

    I would say I am weekend warrior but hoping to change that as I retire from the military this summer! I recently bought a house in 1.25 acres and ripped out all the bushes lining my drive way and planted roses instead – but I had no idea what I was doing!! But I love love love my roses!!
    My biggest problem is just lack of knowledge – the Army doesn’t teach gardening!! Lol

  1607. Lillian McDowell on

    Everyday Gardener. I like most people who start gardening fell absolutely in love with cutting flowers and beautiful full roses. I have a Queen of Sweden rose as well as a couple of others in my garden now. But Queen of Sweden was planted in memory of my beautiful grandmother. I am always searching for more knowledge and have dreams of farming myself one day. Her book would make a beautiful addition to my collection and her wealth of knowledge could only enrich mine even more.

  1608. Tiffany Rufo on

    I’m an everyday gardener – I would love to get better at selecting varieties that will do well in my yard and become more scientific or practiced at pruning my roses. I aspire to turn my backyard into a walking rose garden someday. I cannot wait to dive into Growing Wonder!

  1609. JEN on

    I’m an aspiring Rosarian! I’ve been starting to collect roses every since I bought my first David Austin a few years back. I currently only have 12 different types of roses in my garden but they are by far my most favorite plant to tend to. I’m looking forward to learning from a true expert. I look forward to Felicia’s farm tour fridays and can’t wait to get a copy of her book!

  1610. Amy Griffin on

    I am a Weekend Warrior, aspiring to follow my grandmother’s legacy of enjoying her yard and gardens to the max. The older I get, the more I understand the need to get OUTSIDE and its benefits! Have 3 small rose bushes started last year, reading now about how to trim.

  1611. TRACY PIPPARD on

    I had a successful rose garden when I lived on the foothills of Eldorado County, CA. Having relocated to the Pacific Northwest it has taken me 13 years to move to a property where I have enough sunlight. I had forgotten how much joy growing and sharing bouquets of roses brings me. So grateful to be able to grow and share them again.

  1612. Marie MacKay on

    I am a Weekend Warrior and have always wanted to grow roses but have been too intimidated to try. I love roses and I’m looking forward to reading Growing Wonder so I can learn, as a beginner, how to start growing my own roses as cut flowers!

  1613. Carrie Purkis on

    I am a weekend warrior when it comes to roses. Due to the deer in the area, my rose garden is small and subject to be eaten bare at times. Love the scent of old roses. Would love how to combat the deer and have more roses around my yard.

  1614. Nancy Vonderohe on

    I’m an everyday gardener since my retirement, before that, a weekend warrior. My mom always grew roses and I was her helper. Right now I have one David Austin that I am growing in a pot and have a Peace ordered to do the same this growing season. Peace was my mom’s favorite and brings back such wonderful memories of her and her garden. My biggest struggle is keeping deer away and I hope to get brave enough to plant in my garden. Hopefully will find inspiration in her book!

  1615. Torrie @ To Love and To Learn on

    I am aspiring, but I’m not sure my experience thus far merits that level of expertise, so we’ll put me right in the middle at everyday gardener :) I just ordered 7 bare root roses from David Austin last month, but now I’m wishing I’d waited until I’d seen this list, ha ha! Thank goodness there’s always next year ;)

    My biggest struggle is that thus far, I’ve had very little success with the (few) roses I’ve tried, mostly due to our very clay-heavy soil, I believe. I’m determined that this is going to the year, though!!

  1616. Hailey Amick on

    Weekend warrior here. I have an evolving love affair with my garden, though my children and full-time job thwart the relationship. I’m hoping to learn how to integrate these aspects and I hope Felicia’s book will help.

  1617. Lynette Martin on

    I guess I’m probably an everyday gardener tho don’t always make it to the garden everyday! All those lovely pictures make me fall in love with roses all over again, love them all but a constant battle with Japanese beetles, is there a trick to them somewhere?Every summer I end up planting at least 1 more plant, but am always reminded why I didn’t plant more once beetle season rolls around. Cold hardyness is also an issue here in Z4.

  1618. Shari D. on

    Weekend warrior! I love roses and have a small cutting garden on the south side of my suburban home. My biggest struggle is blackspot and figuring out which varieties will do best in my climate. And I love adding to my library of gardening books.

  1619. Kristen Cure on

    I’m a weekend warrior who tries to garden everyday. My biggest struggle as a mom of young kids who works full time is to just have enough time for all the garden dreams and keeping up with everything else. My rose garden is young (most plants starting their third or second year) but in the summer it is the place we spend the most time (who needs a clean house when you have a lovely garden?). I’m looking forward to reading Felicia’s new book and I’m going to asky public library to buy a copy!


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