Home Blog The Dahlia Experiment
February 17th 2025

The Dahlia Experiment

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I started dabbling in dahlia hybridizing way back in 2017 and have bred more than 300 varieties in the years since. Over time, as the focus of our farm has evolved, my hybridizing focus has changed as well. 

Back when we were primarily cut flower growers selling large volumes of bunched blooms to grocery stores and florists we focused on a combination of bright, bold ball-shaped varieties that would hold up well on display and dinner plate varieties in a soft pastel range for our design customers.

When I look back I can see that my early breeding efforts mirrored what we were doing at the time and the varieties that I developed were much larger, showier, and more uniform in their appearance because that’s what we needed more of. 

Nowadays, my focus has shifted once again. I’m much more interested in breeding varieties that are attractive to pollinators, perform well in the garden with minimal care, and lend themselves to carefree and somewhat wild-looking arrangements. 

The current challenge that I’m facing is that most collarettes and other open-centered types don’t last nearly as well in the vase as fuller forms, oftentimes dropping their petals in just a day or two. 

But I’ve been making some really great progress over the last few summers and now have more than a dozen long-lasting beauties in the works that I hope will be well received by flower arrangers, gardeners, and bumblebees!

In addition to developing brand new cultivars, I’ve also been working on investigating which of the varieties in our breeding program make the most beautiful offspring. 

Floret or C33 (pictured above) is a peachy-pink anemone/collarette with the most unusual lavender undertone. She was the first variety to catch my attention when I discovered that a very high percentage of the babies that came from her seeds were absolutely stunning. 

I don’t know what it is about her that makes such beautiful children, but it seems like every single seedling could be a “keeper.” Normally, when it comes to seedlings, I keep about one percent of what we plant, but with Floret I found myself keeping upwards of 30 percent, sometimes more.

I’ve continued collecting seeds from different varieties, both in the breeding patch and also from some named commercial varieties to see which ones show promise as parents.

If you’re new to growing dahlias from seed or would like to understand how hybridizing works, read this postI thought it would be fun to share some photos we took from this ongoing experiment so you could see for yourself what’s happening here on the farm. 

The photos do a great job illustrating what traits are being passed on from the parent plants. In the center of the board, I placed a bundle of flowers harvested from the parent and arranged flowers collected from their offspring around them, loosely grouped by color.

What I’ve found is that oftentimes more full, rounded blooms (such as balls and formal decoratives) usually produce more full, rounded offspring, collarettes tend to have a high percentage of babies with an extra ring of petals around the center, yellow varieties seem to produce many yellow children, and so on. 

I still have so much to learn about how it all works, but a lot of things are starting to click. Here’s a look at a few of my favorites from last season. 

Dahlia C199 (pictured above)

One of the most beautiful colored ball varieties I’ve ever seen! These opalescent peachy-blush flowers have a soft metallic lavender eye. Tall plants produce an abundance of flowers on long, strong stems that last exceptionally well in the vase.  

Its offspring came in a literal rainbow of colors, but for the most part, they all had a similar soft coloring and fuller flower form.   

Dahlia E14 (pictured above)

These towering 7-ft-tall plants are loaded with the palest blush-lavender blooms which would be a total game changer for wedding work, especially large-scale arrangements. 

Its offspring were all extremely tall, not one of them was under 6 ft, and flowered in a range of purples, lavenders, and whites. 

Dahlia B5 (pictured above)

This was one of the very first varieties in the breeding program, and its soft orange flowers have beautiful dark chocolate stems. Unfortunately, its centers often pop open once the flowers are more mature, and as you’ll notice, many of its offspring do the same. 

Seedlings bloomed in a wide range of colors, many with a muted, slightly antiqued quality and similarly shaped flower form. 

Dahlia C330 (pictured above)

5-ft-tall plants have medium-size smoky coral flowers with a dense, formal decorative form. Its offspring had a very high percentage of domed flowers, and came in a smoky, jewel-toned rainbow. Quite a few of them had a popped-open center, which was a little disappointing. 

Dahlia C21 (pictured above)

One of my all-time favorite varieties, this beauty was discovered in seed that I collected from ‘Appleblossom’ many years ago. The tall plants are covered in flowers all season long and while the outer ring of petals is slightly inconsistent, they have such a lovely buttery blush coloring and long vase life that they just keep making the cut.

Hands down, one of the best seed parents I’ve discovered, nearly all of C21’s babies were keepers. Most of the flowers came in a muted color range and many had either a collarette form or pointed petal tips. 

Dahlia C37 (pictured above)

The 6-ft-tall, heavily branching plants are smothered in the most darling soft blush collarette flowers that are gently washed with buttercream. During the height of summer, they are covered in bees, and by the end of the day, the flowers are coated with a layer of yellow pollen.

This was another exceptional seed parent, with a very high percentage of its offspring having either a collarette form or wavy, pointed petals. I love the soft pastel color range and am really excited about this one in particular.

Dahlia C171 (pictured above)

One of the first varieties that I bred, this cheerful, early-flowering darling looks just like a child’s drawing of the sun and we lovingly refer to her as Little Miss Sunshine. 

I had high hopes that her offspring would possess the same unique flower form that she does (a dense fuzzy center with long, incurved pointed petals), but so far she seems to be one of a kind. Her offspring had a very high percentage of yellow blooms and were a mix of singles and anemone forms, many with bicolor patterning. 

Dahlia ‘Rhubarb and Custard’ (pictured above)

This incredibly hard-to-find collarette bred by Keith Hammett in New Zealand was even more beautiful than I expected. The long-lasting flowers start a warm-buff apricot and darken as they age, taking on a rosy glow. They have a deep red ring around their golden centers, with a layer of lighter petals giving them a fluffy, dessert-like appearance. 

Many of its offspring have a similar darker coloring around their center and a collarette form. Overall, I would say that this variety makes an excellent seed parent, with so many keepers in the mix.  

Dahlia Coseytown Honeypot and babies overheadDahlia ‘Coseytown® Honey Pot’ (pictured above)

‘Honey Pot’, bred by Leann at Coseytown Dahlias, is a very unusual novelty that has three alternating layers of outer petals that are orange with gold tips. Their fuzzy yellow centers are encircled by a ring of shorter golden petals and I’ve never seen anything like it. A fun fact is that ‘Honey Pot’ was discovered in a packet of our Bee’s Choice seed mix.

Honey Pot’s offspring were a mix of yellow, gold, orange, rusty red, and ruby flowers.  Many had two-tone petals like their mother, but none possessed the same amazing form.

Last fall I collected seed from dozens of other varieties so I can continue this exciting experiment. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my progress.

If you’d like to learn more about our dahlia breeding program, check out this Dahlia Breeding Update blog post

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  1. Kelly on

    So inspired by your work. I’ve always loved flowers but never knew were to start. I’m excited to start planting and extending my grow space!

  2. Lana on

    Enjoyed this post! Thank you!!

  3. Ellen on

    Beautiful flowers and beautiful post. As my daffodils start to poke out above the fallen leaves I’m anxiously awaiting seed starting time! (and the arrival of some ordered tubers to jump start my ball and collarette collections).

  4. Pat on

    Amazingly Beautiful!

  5. Lorri Hernandez on

    What a joy your beautiful flowers are! Thank you for all your hard work!❤️

  6. Ellie on

    Dahlias are my favorite flower now! I enjoyed growing your “Bee’s Choice” last year and I’m looking forward to growing the next generation of their seeds!
    Where do you get the rolls of kraft paper for wrapping bouquets? And can you wrap bouquets with kraft paper so that they can be placed in a bucket of water instead of using the “flower diaper”? If so, how? Thanks for your help!

  7. Colleen on

    All beautiful, and I guess I have somehow been fortunate that the collarette seedlings have been having great vase life. Not sure how that has happened but I’ve got 2nd and 3rd year seedlings and they are pretty hardy. I’ve feeling the dahlia itch and it’s hard not to pot up the tubers I have saved for an early start or start seed. Wait, wait, wait. I’m getting soil ready and pots and being organized because I have the time right now. Erin and your team, thank you so very much as always for your inspiration and taking us along with you all on your journey. And in Vancouver BC I am still looking for Rhubarb and Custard, that would be my unicorn. I’ve been looking back on photos and video from the gardens last year, and they are small gardens but wow they out did themselves and I thought I had such a rough start, which I did but those plants bloomed their socks off.

  8. Jan on

    Your breeding program is so interesting. Such beautiful flowers. I can’t wait until they are ready to be bought when you have another seed sale. Thank you for all your hard work.

  9. Tracy Jessen on

    Here in Nova Scotia we start our tubers in a greenhouse to give them a head start. They are still quite small when they are planted in the garden in late May or early June. The tubers are planted in trays rather than individual pots. You don’t need very much soil to get things started. You do have to be gentle with the roots when you are moving from the trays to the garden bed.

  10. Karen Bender on

    I would love to hear more about how you design your crosses. Are the offspring pictured with the seed parent all the result of open pollination, or are some of them controlled crosses with other specific seed parents? This is fascinating work!

  11. Darlene on

    I love learning about dahlias! Thanks for sharing.
    I do have a question though. Since I live in northern Michigan and our summer is shorter than many other parts of the country, I was wondering if I could start tubers in pots under grow lights to give them a “head start” and once they produce the plant, unpot it and move it outdoors to my garden. Thoughts anyone? This past summer, I planted the tubers directly into the garden and I didn’t get blooms until September. I loved the blooms that were produced, but I am now wondering if I can get them earlier somehow.

  12. Christina on

    When can we order seed packets I see the cart but can’t seem to find any seeds for sale! Thankyou love your work

  13. Joan on

    I just watched your series on TV and was blown away, bingeing the entire thing in one night. I tried Dahlias a few times over the years gifted by neighbors in CT and purchased as young plants in CT where I live. Sometimes I forget to dig the tubers up! I am thrilled to try seeds and did not know that was an option and wonder if I create an all dahlia garden on my very wet property…. what / which varieties might be the best choice?, or do I just start with seeds and see how it goes?

  14. Makenzie on

    This is so inspiring! I am growing dahlias from seed (from Floret! that I was gifted by a friend) this year on my small suburban cut flower farm this year and will definitely be saving seed. Thanks for all of the amazing work that you all do!

  15. Marla Baxter on

    Awe inspiring! This post was just what I needed to manage through the arctic blast we’re currently experiencing here in the midwest. Erin, the work you and your team do bringing the beauty and uniqueness of dahlias to flower lovers everywhere is mind blowing. Thank you!

  16. Sarah on

    Thank you for sharing this information and beauty with us! I find it so interesting, and love just scrolling through the pictures. Your work brings so many people such joy.

  17. Kat on

    At which point will the open centre show? How many weeks in would you know if that variety is an open centre or not?

  18. Gretchen on

    Love your new photo layouts featuring the stems in the center and the cluster of flowers above. Kudos to whomever thought of that!!!

  19. Erin on

    This is such a nerdy post and I’m 100 percent here for it! I love how your brain organizes information. This is so interesting!! I can only imagine the hours involved in all that photography! Thanks for your hard work!

  20. Deirdre Kelly on

    Stunning!!!! Thanks for all your hard work! It’s truly appreciated.💐

  21. Janie Carmichael on

    Just gorgeous (every one) and particularly inspiring on this cold, rainy day in Georgia.

  22. Marian on

    Unbelievable beauties! Thank you for all your dedication and skill bringing us such beautiful blooms to grow and share!

  23. Robyn on

    When will you sell seeds again?

  24. Becky on

    This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing this amazing work! So many gorgeous flowers!

  25. Susan R on

    I recognize many of these babies from my bee’s choice seeds this last year and I did decide to leave some in the ground and we’ll see what happens with those this year :)

  26. Yvette on

    You are a gift on this bitterly cold dreary day! Thanks for sharing your beauties and bringing joy to the day.

  27. Linda Schaefer on

    Rhubarb & Custard, Smokey Coral domed flower, and Little Miss Sunshine are my winners.

  28. Sue Nyhammer on

    You are amazing and inspirational. Thanks for making the world a more beautiful place.

  29. Deb S on

    I enjoyed this tutorial very much. It would be hard to pick a favorite. You have done an incredible amount of work. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Cherie Mansfield on

    Love your passion for experimenting. So fun! Thank you for sharing!

  31. Joann on

    I love seeing all your photos and am always inspired by your work. I’ve grown dahlias for several years but am new to the whole idea of seeds and such. Thank you for sharing !

  32. Annie-Laurie Blair on

    A fascinating read, especially for a dahlia novice like me! Thank you for all the breeding details – it helps us all learn.
    I’m astonished at the 5, 6, 7-foot heights these plants are achieving. That’s a lot of staking!

  33. Stefanie on

    Thank you for sharing all of these beautiful blooms – just so gorgeous!

  34. Michael Osteen on

    Love what I am seeing, when can we expect something in the shop? I am an old man…can’t wait too long. Love the C21’s.

  35. Darlene MacDonald on

    Thank you for sharing your recent dahlia experiments. I find your work & sharing so inspiring!

  36. Linda Alamia on

    Thank you, your work is amazing and we are so lucky that you are sharing it with all of us. Dahlias are my favorite flower and you have created wonderful colors.

  37. Beth on

    I’ve been collecting seeds from my dahlias for a few years now with varying results. Can you tell me what qualifies as a popped-open center? I’m not always sure. Also, why is a popped-open or blown center considered undesirable? I think that sometimes they can be as pretty as collarettes with their fuzzy centers and the pollinators seem to love them. Thanks!

  38. Sally Back on

    This is the most interesting post I have seen in the gardening community this year! I love to see the behind the scenes work that goes into creating new cultivars for us to enjoy. It was fascinating to see the beautiful variety that comes from one dahlia. Thank you for the beauty that you are creating in this world and for all that you do. It is TRULY appreciated.

  39. Chwynyn Vaughan Slow Botanicals on

    I love this post, in particular. Most writers aren’t able to make readers feel the magic that’s part of science. You achieve this!
    I feel the excitement inside me –> making me smile and increase my desire to grow a more varied dahlia patch for the love of my local pollinators.

    Your post takes my happiness -of having your dahlia seeds germinating in my greenhouse right now- to a new level. Thank you!

  40. Kathleen & Hollywood 🐶 on

    I can’t get your farming challenges out of my mind. 🦌 Your determined spirit when finding solutions are equally caring and humorous!

    Surely Mother Nature hopes you have an underground bunker to preserve such nurturing beauty for her. 🐝

    Last night I had a dream, actually a tear sobbing nightmare pointing out my fear of failure. I had a massive plot of dahlias oddly growing inside a greenhouse. I was picking them to share with colleagues during a bleak, grey season. I couldn’t find any one of a dozen pruners and was using a dull, flat knife. The flowers were brilliant but their stems were flattening and shredding like giant dandelions and I was only left with 2 – 4 inch stems.
    (Make Sunflower Steve art!)

    So my question is – what is done to enhance good stem growth? I’ve never given it a thought because I’ve only grown Floret dahlia seeds. Very few tubers I’ve purchased locally & grown have had weak stems. Dahlias are such a joy to discover & grow!

    The success I’ve enjoyed is because of you. 🐈 Thank you!

  41. Chrissy on

    This is so fascinating and inspiring! Thank you for all of the hard work and dedication you’ve poured into this that will no doubt benefit so many of us in the future, if it hasn’t already through your seed sales. You seemed to hint at making some of your new varieties available in the future, I’m curious if there are any tentative plans for tuber sales, especially of Floret? I hope so, but in the meantime this gave me the little nudge I needed to try my hand at breeding a few varieties as well. Thank you Erin & Team!

  42. Chandelle on

    This was so Inpiring to see! Thank you Erin!🙏 The increadible variety that comes from a single plant parent is so freakin exciting!😆 Do you think that you’ll ever offer Floret’s seeds for purchase?🤔 C33? The floret seedling row videos are my absolute favorite, for complimentary(& contrary😝) colors and forms. It left me feeling that such a row could content me.🥰 If I only planted one patch of flowers, I’d want it to be Floret seedlings.🙏🥰💕

  43. Kirstin K. on

    This is the inspiration and encouragement I need in the middle of winter, as I look forward to this season’s Dahlia garden. Dahlias are my passion as a hobbyist gardener. I’m in Zone 7 and every year I learn something new. I have followed you for years and appreciate all you share. The big Q of the day: when can we buy some of these beauties you are breeding?

  44. Suzanne Boos on

    Hello. I live in BC, Canada, and have grown dahlias for a number of years, after getting the tubers from my Mom. My younger sister Lori passed away from Leukemia 3 years ago. I would like to grow a dahlia with Lori in the name. I haven’t found one yet. Do you have one to recommend? Or maybe you could name one in the future after her? Thanks.

  45. Corina Tamalpias on

    Thank you for your diligence in hybridizing Dahlia. I am a beginner and would love to purchase your seeds. How do I go about getting them?

  46. Sheryl C. on

    When I find the bottle with the genie and am granted 3 wishes, one of them will be to be invited to visit your farm and photograph your flowers. I live in the low desert in Southern California and have a black thumb, so succulents it is. But I get to live vicariously in little bits of time as I view what you’re doing. So amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  47. Debbie Gaughan on

    I love how curious you are! You are a true scientist. I’m thinking at some point you’ll get an honorary doctorate degree…you heard it hear first! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge.

  48. Dana P. on

    Thank you so much for your knowledge of these stunning dahlias. I grew two beauties last season from your seeds that were noteworthy. I have over wintered in the ground to see if I can do so here in my Texas garden.Thanks again Erin and friends on the farm.

  49. Denise on

    Thanks for this on Dahlia’s and that you teach!❤️

  50. Tina on

    When will you have these Dahlia seeds available????

    • Team Floret on

      We don’t have a seed launch planned at this time, but when we do, we’ll certainly announce it in the newsletter.

  51. Azalea on

    Wow! This is so fascinating, I’m curious, in the photos with the original blooms and the offspring, are the offspring from intentionally cross breeding varieties or just from being out the field? I so appreciate what you all do

  52. Iesha on

    This was such a helpful post especially as an aspiring dahlia breeder! Thank you!

  53. Catherine on

    Will you be selling the seeds? I want all of them! Beautiful. Your amazing!!

  54. Jess on

    Lovely! I dabble in dahlia hybridizing on a very small scale (limited by space and lack of sunlight!), and it’s so fun to see what blooms every year! So far I have two blooms I am watching for the next couple of years. So exciting!

  55. Emily on

    One of my favorite garden memories from last year was our dahlias that I had from seed I purchased from Floret. We were hit with a horrific drought and the dahlias managed to thrive, nonetheless. They were a haven for the bees all through October. I loved coming out in the chill mornings and seeing the bees sleeping inside the flower heads. I also was amazed at the variety of bees I observed around the flowers. I didn’t know there were so many types of bees! Dahlias are truly generous and vigorous plants. We’re really looking forward to (hopefully) getting some hives this summer. Thank you! I can’t wait for more seeds or varieties to be available from you one day.

  56. Linda Lanting on

    Thank you for this information Erin. I appreciate how often you share your knowledge with us. You have been my teacher from the start. I have a successful flower farm in Big Lake thanks to you!

  57. Jewels L on

    Absolutely phenomenal beauties all! I applaud your efforts and success. Thank you for sharing this beautiful journey with us. We look longingly for more.

  58. KO on

    Y’all make it seem sooo easy & effortless when

    There is a lot of consistent dedicated care involved in what I honestly think y’all

    Take for granted, which we as fans don’t.

  59. Judy on

    I love all your collections.

  60. Erica Macnab on

    Very interesting! I have some seed saved from Appleblossom as well, I didn’t get flowers from them last year but did manage to save a tuber. I’ll definitely grow it out this year and try a few more seeds! Will be trying petit florets this year, can’t wait to see the results.

  61. deb on

    Wow amazing and interesting Blog. Gorgeous! I’m learning so much! Thank you!

  62. Craig & Cathy on

    We started growing Dahlias last year from tubers. We hadn’t planned to collect Dahlia seeds, but the results of your work are amazing, and they’re inspiring us to give it a try this season!

  63. Sheena on

    What an enjoyable read- your story telling through flowers will always leave me in awe. Thank you for the work you do and the beauty you share. Also to note- sharing in February is extremely lovely because we are all so eager to start digging in our gardens again and appreciate you bridging that gap with your beautiful work and imagery. XO

  64. Sylvia Appleton on

    All so beautiful! I wish I could get your seeds in Canada…

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Sylvia- When our shop opens again (a date hasn’t been set), we’ll be able to ship our seeds to you. We ship within the U.S and Canada.

  65. Jean O on

    I can’t wait to try one of these varieties.

  66. Robin Thomas on

    Fascinating work. The vast amount of variations from one parent plant’s seeds is stunning. Thank you for sharing. I’m a big fan of your zinnias and now you’re winning me over with the dahlias.

  67. Faith on

    I always learn so much from your blogs! I love dahlias as they each have their own unique “style” and are unlike any other flower I have grown!
    Thank you for always sharing your in depth research.

  68. Lisa Marie on

    Just wanted to say that I love seeing a passion play out from vision to fruition & all the hard work & sacrifice that goes along with it.
    Floret is beautiful, it is inspiring – Thank you!

  69. Peter Lee on

    I live in Hillcrest KwaZulu-Natal. We have mild winters and considerable humidity. Will dahlias do well here. Any recommendations for other cut flowers

  70. Will on

    Re Lauren’s comment—which is an altogether reasonable concern!—I went and looked at Coseytown’s terms of sale, and seeds from their dahlias remain open source and free to breed for new varieties both personal and commercial. Their business seems to have drawn some drama, I’m not really sure why, but in this case there really is no concern for dahlia breeding.

  71. Trudie Leland Seeger on

    Will tubers be available for the dahlias you have shown? I did not have great luck with your seeds last year, mainly because they grew so slowly, even after planting that they never had a chance to bloom. I have done well with tubers.

  72. Janet Murphy on

    Man, I so hoping that these will be available at some point. So beautiful. You guys rock.

  73. Blossom and Bee Flower Fatm on

    Thank you for sharing your colorful observations and technical breeding work through glorious words and pictures. It seems so natural that you would continue with these beauties after your book on Dahlias.

    Florets dedication to growing the cut flower world through stronger varieties is a benefit to all of us out in our own fields, making a living using the beauty that is a result of your discoveries.

  74. Elisabeth on

    Thank you so much for the stunning photos showing the amazing array of offspring. Fascinating. Inspired by you, I collected my first seed in 2023 (pollinated by bees) and last year grew out “my” first dahlias. I was amazed at the different flowers that came out of the same seed pod, never mind the same plant. In 2024 I hand pollinated some flowers and also collected some done by bees. There are several downsides to this hobby: 1) Totally addictive, 2) You have to wait 10 months for the big reveal (this may end up taking years off my life expectancy), 3) You have to keep extending your gardens. Oh, and it is SO hard to throw away so many babies! I love doing arrangements but wanted smaller scale dahlias in the 3″ range suitable to the scale I work at. Thank you for in ovulating me with the Dahlia Bug. Others beware: no known cure.

  75. Mary Combs on

    What fun!!! I would keep all of the babies!!! Probably good that I’m not planting as many as you are!
    Thanks for keeping us updated. I love “ hearing” how your mind works while you go through your breeding process. You are truly a one-of-a-kind Master in the flower field!!

  76. Christle on

    Beautiful work. And documentation! Wow. So after they have proven themselves after 3 years do you sell tubers to help spread the beauty to other dahlia lovers? Or do sell through other vendors?
    Amazing work.

  77. Jenny on

    This is particularly fascinating to me this year, because my 11 yr old son is very intrigued with the possibilities of growing dahlias from seed, and grew his first batch last year. It was wild seeing what we got from a single type! I have been growing dahlias from tubers for several years, but I’m joining the seed fun with him this year (in addition to my usual amount from tubers). Thanks for showing us this!

  78. Brenda Cramer on

    Will any of the above bulbs be for sale through Floret?

  79. Maria Ryan on

    Absolutely fascinating to see the variations in the offspring, thank you for sharing. C21 is so beautiful. I am so excited to be growing
    some of your dahlia seed here in Ireland this year, I will be protecting those babies from slugs at all costs!

  80. SW on

    fascinating and beautiful!

  81. Paul Quinlan on

    I have started a small seed method of propagation of my dahlias this winter. I have followed your blogs as closely as I am able and am finding some early results. The information that you pass along is so very helpful. Thank you for the excellent efforts at imparting your knowledge to all of us who love dahlias.

  82. Steph on

    We are looking forward to seeing more of your breeding efforts. Dying to see what’s going on with the Roses you saved and that project. I’ve watched that episode several times it’s so interesting!

  83. Kate on

    I love these process posts. So interesting, especially with the accompanying photos. It’s so much fun to see what you’re up to!

  84. Heather on

    Thank you for this. Currently buried under a ton of snow in the thumb of Michigan. Growing dahlias from seed last year was so much fun and kept me guessing. Can’t wait to get started again. Until then – I’ll keep dreaming and planning.

  85. Jody on

    As always, great information and even more beautiful flowers!!! Thanks Erin and the Floret team!

  86. Allison Royal on

    Thank you so much for posting these photos. It’s blowing my mind that yes, each parent produces a “rainbow” of children, but they seem to all be the pigments it takes to create the parent, just separated out. As a painter who loves creating colors, I find this incredibly exciting to see. I always say I paint with flowers. Seems like nature does too! I truly appreciate your work Erin 🌼

  87. Tracey on

    What is a ‘free dahlia market’ and who is the ‘we’ you are referencing?
    What is wrong with mentioning Coseytown Dahlias? I don’t understand…

  88. Catherine Dougherty on

    Your flowers are so beautiful. They are nothing like anything I’ve seen before. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  89. Tara Bystran-Pruski on

    Thank you to everyone who worked to give us this free and fascinating look behind the curtain. The pictures are stunning as always.


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