Home Blog The Cat’s Meow
January 6th 2011

The Cat’s Meow

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One of Elora’s New Years intentions last year was to adopt another kitten from our local pound.She worked all summer harvesting, drying, shredding, packaging , labeling (The Cat’s Meow)and selling her little bags of organic catnip.
By September she had saved up the need $100 all on her own!
One day after my delivery route was done I zipped home, grabbed the kids, Elora’s money jar and we jetted to the pound just 40 min before they closed.
It’s a pretty heart breaking experience to roam the noisy, sterile halls of the pound peering into cages at the hundreds of kitties needing homes. I didn’t dare go outside to see the dogs!
After a few minutes of wandering, just trying to get our bearings, Jasper spotted the tinest little kitten in the entire place. Already sick with the a raging upper respiratory infection know as” kennel cough” ,there was no way we could leave him there with a limited chance of survival. Torn between my heart and better judgement  (2 years prior we adopted a sick kitten who nearly died and the process was extremely expensive and exhausting!) we filled out the forms and officially became his family. Elora promptly named him Dragon.
I had no idea what kind of ride we were in for! With such a weak immune system it seemed that anything that could, preyed on his tiny body. Ear mites, fleas, worms and a raging virus. Finally my Mom stepped in and took little Dragon to the city where she patiently administered his medicines three times a day. In no time he transformed from a tiny, weak baby into a wild, healthy kitten.
After 6weeks of the deluxe treatment he finally came back home to the farm.
It’s hard to believe that he was once was so fragile!Last week he made his first kill, a big fat field Vole. Go Dragon!!!

A fresh bundle of Catnip Elora harvested this summer


She ties the bundles up with string


and hangs them in our warm closet for about a month until thoroughly dry.


Baby Dragon the day we brought him home from the pound


Poor little guy, he was so sleepy and sick that he had trouble keeping  his eyes open.


But now he’s a big fine boy!
And he’s absolutely in LOVE with Elora.

1 Comment

  1. Angela DiGiovanni on

    Aw, what a great way to work towards something so sweet! Good for her!


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