There nothing that’ll snap you out of a foul mood like picking Sweet Peas.
You can try and be stressed or grumpy, frantic even, but after a few minutes of quietly snipping, inhaling their sweet scent, the strangest thing happens…. you start to smile.
I wish you could all teleport into the greenhouse with me,on a cool evening , when the sun is sinking low on the horizon. I have lots of extra pruners.
We could chat and pick,back and forth, up and down the rows, 15 stems and a tendril to a bunch. When it’s finally too dark to see we could haul all of the overflowing buckets into the cooler and call it a day.
Doesn’t that sound nice?
This is my new, all time, total favorite.variety.ever. Spring Sunshine Champagne. She’s AMAZING!
This little guy is pretty fantastic too!
Nathalie Lépine on
How is it possible to have such long stems on sweet peas ??? Is it about varieaty ???