Way back at the beginning of the month, which feels like a lifetime ago already, the most amazing group of ladies joined us for our first solo workshop here on the farm.
I’ve always been hesitant to have visitors out to the farm. It’s one thing when you share your life openly with the world on the internet but have the ability to edit, spruce up or just not show the shabby or less than beautiful parts. It’s a whole other thing to lay it all out in the open.
Cropping an image is just like editing your words. You only show or say what you want to.
But having a group of people come to your home and farm at the very beginning of the season when things are still quite ugly and raw. Well, it can be a little rattling.
I was afraid that when they saw the reality of what our life actually looks like, the beauty and the dirt, the passion and the sheer exhaustion, that it might burst the dreamy bubble they’ve been creating in their imaginations.
And you know truthfully, I’m sure it did a little at first.
But after the initial anxiety faded, I could see what a gift it was to share the other side of our story.
The side that is hard and filled with toil.
The side that’s really not very pretty at all.
The side where we face burnout and frustration, overwhelm and fatigue.
I shared embarrassing stories like how I accidentally killed an entire crop of (you name it) because of a carless mistake, or the time I totally blew a major deadline and looked like an ass to a big client or when I said yes to my very first wedding but had never made a single handheld bouquet before.
Yeah, it was scary to share it all but once we got going, I was totally liberated.
My Mom always says, my greatest asset is my willingness to humiliate myself and I think she may be right.
I know when I find out that someone I think has it all together is struggling with the same fears and insecurities as I am, I feel instantly empowered. Seeing how they found a way around their blocks so that they could create more of the life that they wanted is like unlocking all that wasn’t possible before.
There were so many breakthroughs, ah ha moments and deep connections made during our three days together.
We were all outside of our comfort zone and each one of us grew exponentially.
I feel unbelievably honored that I’m able to witness so much growth and transformation firsthand. Seeing others find the courage to go for their dreams is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever experienced.
The fourteen beautiful souls who joined us are all back in their lives, transforming and changing right this very minute.
In a few short weeks we get to do it all over again, with a new group of budding farmer florists. This time though, I hope I can remember that real growth takes place when we make ourselves vulnerable and drop our guard. Letting them see the “whole story” is the biggest gift I can share.
Sara -Hoje é Especial on
I love this post! I keep having the dream about owning a flower farm, but for now it is just a dream!
I think it’s really important to remember that everyone starts small, and everyone makes mistakes, it’s important to stay humble and not arrogant! Thank You for sharing your embarrassing moments and make a starting girl relate to that!!! :)