These beauties while thriving and eating very heartily, haven’t been laying any eggs at all.Not a single brown orb in 3 weeks!
Ha! I do feel a bit foolish.
I am hoping that after all of the girls have molted (lost and regrown a new batch of feathers), they adjust to their new gourmet soy free 100% organic feed so lovingly created by Scratch and Peck Feeds and we suspend a light in their coop egg production will resume.
During this sad eggless time I have been trying everything I can think of to make them happy. From wheelbarrow loads of bug eaten apples and pears, to bags of leaf mold crawling with red wiggler worms, bowls and bowls of kitchen scraps and oyster shell, kelp meal and cracked corn. Hopefully this royal treatment will win them over and we’ll be eating fresh omelets once again :)
Ha,ha, don’t they looked kind mean?! Chickens, what strange creatures.
Bethany Linz on
Oh I love chooks! they may be funny creatures but they keep great company.