I had an amazing professional organizer come out yesterday and help me wade through the sea of chaos that is my life at the moment. What a treat to be able to dump out all of my concerns, frustrations and overwhelm onto the table and have someone pick it apart and create order.
Seeded Earth on
I love your blog…your flowers & your design work! Amazing! I hope to grow my business in a similar way…in Iowa…
The Iowa part may make it a bit trickier…the mindset is a tad different than those in the Seattle area, but I think {I hope} Iowans are getting there!
Wishing you a fabulous season!
– Sarah
{Seeded Earth Growers} -
flwrjane on
Sounds lovely. Will he/she come and help me do my taxes?
Just ordered ranunculus bulbs. V. excited. Pots or planted directly into clay soil?
xo jane
Susan Wright on
Good for you, but get that boy a table.
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Small Plot: Big Impact
Inspiring stories, profiles & advice from 45 flower growers from around the world
GardenGirl on
Yay!!! So glad to find you, I do flowers for weddings here in Snohomish. Love to come visit!