Home Blog so much
September 1st 2012

so much

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so much beauty in and from the garden these days.
sometimes i can hardly believe my luck, to be surrounded by so much magic, day in and day out.
other moments i feel completely overwhelmed and want to retreat to the ocean or forest, anywhere quiet and away from here.

our days are oh so full.
we rise with the sun and work late into the night.
so many flowers being sent out into the world.
when i get present to this fact it leaves me feeling so satisfied and so full.
i think of each bloom like a magical little orb of light, floating out into the world and transforming everyone in its wake.

baby chicks seem to be hatching on a regular basis.
their scratching and peeping is a welcome sound around the garden and workspace.
so much life everywhere i turn.
so much to take in and be thankful for!



  1. Meg on

    so beautiful! that arrangement and the entire post. a well crafted life like yours is inspiring! i am loving your blog lately, thank you :)

  2. lizzy on

    your space here has the power to both make me hold my breath and to breathe more deeply than before.

    i hope i can visit your flower farm one day.

  3. McKenzie Powell on

    That arrangement is ridiculously beautiful. YOU should be teaching classes. :)

  4. the homestead girl on

    HI Elli! I'm just getting started too! I would totally recommend Lynn Bycznski's, anything by Sarah Raven and Ariella Chezar. Good luck!

  5. Carolin on

    Beautiful flowers and amazing colors! / Carolin

  6. Laetitia on

    Love your dahlias, i'd love creating with them… to bad i'm so far away. Would you sell me some bulbs? :o)

  7. Mary Anne Komar on

    Pretty soon it will be time to scout the hedges and woods for brambles, autumn leaves, cat tails, Mother Nature in her gardens! Beautiful arrangements!

  8. Jason on

    Love the dahlias. So glad there are still farms like yours in the US, that everything is flown up from South America.

  9. Linadlou on

    You say 'sometimes I can hardly believe my luck' … well Erin, I'm here to tell you, it ain't luck! You and your family have planned and worked hard to get where you are today. Blessings to you all.

  10. Adrienne on

    reading your blog is like floating through a dream!

  11. Elli Chase Designs on

    Hey I love your blog! It has inspired me to want to be a cut flower farmer when I grow up! I'm fifteen years old now and homeschooled, and I was born with a green thumb from my father, do you recommend any classes to take for college or any tips for future reference for becomming a flower farmer? If so please e-mail me back.


  12. Laura on

    I love coming to your site and seeing all the beautiful flowers and what you do with them.

  13. closenature on

    Beautiful photos, I especially like the 2nd and 3rd.

  14. Alice and Stuart on

    beautiful beautiful beautiful. try to squeeze some rest in there for yourself Erin! Thinking of you and your garden.

  15. annamaria on

    So much beauty indeed. Thanks for sharing it;)

  16. Georgianna on

    Thank you for sharing your life and abundance and spreading such beauty! I so hope I can get back up before I leave. xo


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