It’s coming down hard here and a whopping wind/snow storm is predicted for tonight.
The roads were super slick this morning so Chris is home, keeping the greenhouses swept clean of heavy, wet snow.
Talk about a serious workout!
The baby seedlings are all snuggled up on their heat mats with layer of frost cloth keeping them toasty warm.
Hissy the duck is becoming meaner by the day. His darling partner is hoarding a clutch of eggs and seriously pondering motherhood, so this big fella is standing guard in the coop.While I’m all for being a gentleman, this guy better chill out or he’s going on a long drive ; )
I’ve gotta say, life is pretty darn good.
Floret Flowers on
Those rows with cloth over the top in the g-house are Ranunc's and Anemones.
I have all of the seedling on heat mats, up on tables, covered with the same material in another hoop. You could totally put your mats on the ground though and make a little frost cloth tent over to hold in heat. Just watch for mice and birds if you uncovered them as they LOVE sweet peas and other flower seeds!