This week’s bouquet included: lilies, nasturtiums, sweet peas, roses, zinnias, dahlias, foxglove and grasses.
I loved scrolling through the Seasonal Flower Alliance photos over on Instagram this week. It is fun to see the many fields and gardens that are bursting with blooms this time of year. I saw lots of great red, white and blue-themed bouquets and flowers for the upcoming 4th of July holiday, so I thought I’d create a little collage of close-ups of pretty patriotic blooms.
What’s blooming in your field or garden this week? Simply snap a picture and post it over on Instagram with the #seasonalfloweralliance hashtag. It’s a fun way to see what’s in bloom both here and abroad!
Charlotte Chastain Flora Lore Flowers on
What a Wonderful surprise to see the photo of the Nigella I posted last week on your Blog!!! I have such a huge smile on my face!!! And then to scroll down and see my husbands photo next is just over the top FUN!!! We both have the biggest smiles on our face now! I grew up on a farm and have been growing plants as long as I can remember. I have always had a garden with flowers and vegetables but this is my first year as a flower farmer selling flowers commercially. My husband is a tremendous help and it is such a gift to be able to work on this adventure together. He is a school teacher so we have the summer together to really delve in and grow! We have three little children and it is a vibrant journey to be doing this all together….Vibrant in the totally alive sense of the word where growth happens!!! You and your family are a huge source of inspiration for me and Cody. I am working on manifesting the opportunity to be able to attend a Farmer Florist Intensive!!! I can’t wait to meet you some day hopefully sooner rather than later!!! I am so happy/deeply content to be on this path of sustainable farmer florist and I am so incredibly grateful for You!!!