Home Blog The Seasonal Flower Alliance {July 24}
July 25th 2014

The Seasonal Flower Alliance {July 24}

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This week was a majorly wet one here in Washington! After months of little to no rain we spent yesterday and today in full rain gear, harvesting flowers in the field. While a nice change, the cooler temps and gray skies reminded me a little of fall. That vibe was obviously carried over into my arrangement this evening.

Bouquet includes: garlic scapes, fennel, garden roses, coleus, love in a puff vine, nasturtium foliage and flowers, sweet pea tendrils, hypericum and snowberry foliage.

If you can make the time, I’d sure love to see what’s blooming in your corner of the world this week. It can be a single rose blossom, a handful of wildflowers or a big old fancy bouquet. It doesn’t matter. The point is just to take a few minutes, explore nature and create.

If you’d like to join in the fun, simply make up a bouquet using seasonal flowers, snap a photo, post it somewhere on the internet and then leave a link to it in the comments section below. If you’re on Instagram, you can use/search the hashtag #seasonalfloweralliance for even more flowery goodness.

I can’t wait to see what you’re discovering and creating!


  1. Mercedes Ivener with Honeysuckle Hollow, llc on

    I love the garlic scapes in your arrangement! I just saw them in an arrangement at the botanical gardens near Boothbay, Maine and loved them. Anyhow, here is my “cowgirl” bouquet from 100% foraged goodies on a camping weekend in the middle of Nebraska. My kids were fishing and I was wandering the landscape for fun things to practice making bouquets. Free flowers always seem to make it easier to experiment. Thank you for inspiring me to get out there and create with what is right under my nose!


  2. Vera on

    Beautiful! My bouquet this week was probably the most scented of the year – several varieties (Matucana, King’s High Scent…) of highly scented sweet peas: http://www.growntocook.com/?p=4150

  3. Karen Cherry on

    Erin, The new background to your beautiful bouquet is great! Thought I’d try something different also, you’re so innovative, encouraging, and inspirational, as are the others who are sharing their backyard beauty, I so enjoy perusing locally produced bouquets from around the world. Hydrangea arboreasens ‘Annabelle’ has been blooming for a month and Phlox paniculata are coming on strong.
    This previous post on my facebook page shares several weeks of Hydrangea bouquets I didn’t seem to find time to post, better late than never.

  4. Emily Webb on

    I’m not a florist or a farmer, but I do love to grow flowers in my garden! I’ve been following Floret for some time and these are my first couple of try’s at making an arrangement from what I’ve learned from Erin’s posts. I can see that I need to grow some small flowers fillers in the future to balance the arrangement. What I’ve also learned from Erin’s farm, is not to just grow flowers that catch my fancy, but to grow an assortment of small, medium and large flowers along with spires and fillers. Hopefully next year :-)



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