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Home Blog The Seasonal Flower Alliance { August 14 }
August 16th 2014

The Seasonal Flower Alliance { August 14 }

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The weather in our little corner of Washington has been all over the map this week. Monday was the second hottest day of the year, which left us all lethargic and exhausted. Tuesday brought lightning and thunder followed by torrential downpours persisting throughout the night and on into Wednesday. It has been a while since we’ve harvested in full rain gear! Today we’re back to sunny skies and warmer temperatures heading into the weekend.

In addition to scrambling to keep up with the gardens abundance, get it harvested, packaged and sent out into the world, we’re also hustling to get ready for next week’s Seasonal Floral Intensive. Some moments I feel like we’re totally on track and others like we’re drowning in a sea of flowers and to-do lists. August is always such an abundant month. One part roller coaster, two parts beauty.

Inspired by the weedy wildness that has taken over many corners of the garden, for this week’s arrangement I wanted to embrace the messy slide into late summer. Bouquet includes: goldenrod, rudabeckia triloba, ‘Indian Summer’ and ‘Prairie Sun’ and fennel.

I know it’s hard to find the time, especially during the height summer, but if you can sneak in a little flowering, I’d sure love to see what you create!

If you’d like to join in the fun, simply make up a bouquet using seasonal flowers, snap a photo, post it somewhere on the internet and then leave a link to it in the comments section here. If you’re on Instagram, you can use/search the hashtag #seasonalfloweralliance for even more flowery goodness all over the world.


  1. Amanda Harvey on

    I wish we had rain out here!!! I’m stuck in the desert of fresno California trying to grow flowers without any water! Your bouquet as always is gorgeous! Here are two I put together to practice hand tied bouquets.

  2. Karen Cherry on

    Erin, isn’t golden yellow a great segue color moving seamlessly from summer into autumn, charming bouquet . Took time for two this week, mine are still singing the summer song with Phlox paniculata still going gangbusters because of all the rain we’ve had. Several foraged finds Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota), Blue Vervian (Verbena hastata), and Ironweed (Vernonia) are juxtaposed with that great dinnerplate Dahlia ‘Fleur’, and Hydrangea ‘Hayes Starburst’ in the voluminous version. The tiny tea cup holds ‘Sweet Drift’ roses, and Hydrangea ‘Vanilla Strawberry’. Really enjoying the bouquets others have posted. Thanks!

  3. mel on

    So bright and summery. And like the limited colour palate beautiful. I can’t imagine picking flowers in waterproofs……

    Here is mine for the week.

  4. Louise Warner on

    Beautiful arrangement. Hard to make Rudbeckia look refined, but you’ve definitely pulled it off.

    Thanks for your detailed sweet pea primer. It’s the first time I’ve grown them and they got off to a slow start this spring but are still growing strong. Here are some of your recommends, including ‘Nimbus’ sweet peas and Dahlia ‘Jomanda’. Also, sprigs of Fothergilla ‘Blue Shadow’, Fuschia regia, Heuchera leaves, Thalictrum ‘Splendide’ (a great perennial for cutting – flowers last for about two weeks if cut in bud and look magical floating through an arrangement, plus with plants up to 9′ tall, you can cut stems tall enough for massive arrangements!):

  5. Erika Stephens on

    Each time I fall a bit more in love with your
    art. Thank you for the wildness.


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