Home Blog radio silence
July 18th 2012

radio silence

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i know it’s been forever but i’m still here, i promise!
just trying to get a sturdy foothold so the blog can make it back up on the immediate “to-do” list.
i’ve been dying to show you all of the beauty spilling out of the garden right now but between so many lovely weddings, consults, monster bulk orders, photo shoots and kids it has been a tad bit crazy these days. i’m not complaining, it’s wonderful. but life is oh so full right now!




we finally pulled out the camera yesterday evening so you could at least get a tiny glimpse of abundance that is filling our world.
this, this is what my days consist of now. harvesting, harvesting and more harvesting.




i now dream of picking flowers, bunching, sleeving and find myself counting to ten (the number of stems in a bunch) whenever i’m doing anything.


 what a strange and beautiful existence this is!



  1. Maya on

    Top notch lady florist found over Internet. I am a great follower of yours and willing to learn your garden skills. home someday I will become a good lady gardener like you.
    Best pink city beautiful flowers

  2. Pieces of Sunshine on

    Must be peak season for you, lovely scenes of for day. We're in mid-winter in Australia, but still have bright flowers where I live to add beauty to our days.

  3. FlowerLady on

    So much beauty, what a heady experience this must be. You are blessed.


  4. Holly Chapple on

    Loved this post, and the counting to ten part. I remember standing in a flower shop holding flowers in my arms and rocking them like a baby!!! What we do all day long becomes a constant part of who we are, how we live, and even how we breath!!!

  5. karann1986 on

    I never new that there a so much things to explore in this world. It is true that most of the beautiful things in this world a hidden and we have to search for it.The flowers are very beautiful.And the world you live in is so heavenly.Very few people get the privilege to be born in such a beautiful place. And you are doing a great job.
    Send Flowers for Rakhi

  6. Amelia on

    Oh so beautiful… your world is!

  7. Koren on

    Oh! It's so heavenly… Just love coming here… Would you rather have diamonds or flowers? DEFINITELY FLOWERS<3

  8. Jen on

    Absolutely lovely.

  9. flwrjane on

    Beautiful delphinium. You were it well.

    xo Jane

  10. Julie on

    Stunning! You. Are. Amazing. (And so are your flowers!) Cheers!

  11. notsoplainsarajane on

    What beautiful delphinium! I was just outside admiring mine in my little sidewalk garden here in Boston. I absolutely love them!

  12. Georgianna on

    Incredible photos, Erin (and Chris)! Your floral abundance and joy set all of us dreaming. So happy to be connected up and sharing. – g


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