Home Blog The quest for the perfect clippers
January 29th 2015

The quest for the perfect clippers

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Finding the right clippers for the job has been an ongoing quest here at Floret for many, many years. During the height of harvest season, the team and I spend long hours in the field cutting flowers, vines, and foliage. We quickly learned which clippers were sub-par. Far too many dulled easily, would stiffen up, were too heavy, or would simply fall apart after moderate use.

After trialling dozens of different pairs, both in the studio and in the flower field, I’ve finally found what I believe to be the perfect flower snips. I can’t stop singing their praises to anyone who will listen. Everyone on the farm now has at least one (or three!) pairs of these versatile tools. They’re perfect for the home gardener or the large scale flower farmer.

I love how these clippers are lightweight, they stay super sharp, are perfectly shaped to rest in the palm of your hand and last for years. No more aching wrists or sore hands at the end of the day like with other types. The thin pointed blades are ideal for harvesting delicate flowers like sweet peas and ranunculus but also handle thicker stemmed varieties such as dahlias and zinnias with ease. We’ve recently added them to the Floret shop.


CLIPPER WINNERS ARE: Laura McLafferty and Margaret Thorson


  1. Daryl Grimm on

    does anyone know where I can get Smith-Hawken clippers.? I cant find anything on-line which is odd. They held up well for the last 10 yrs. but now need a new set.

  2. Becky Brown on

    What brand are these? You don’t seem to have them for sale anymore.

  3. tukimu on

    yeap! every gardener needs more than ‘enough’ garden tools :) I am addicted to small size shovel, fork etc..
    thank you for share to your dream life moments ….

  4. Michele on

    I love garden tools!! It is so hard to choose which one I love the most. I think I have to pick my weeding knife. After going through several different brands, I have found that AM Leonard makes the best one.

  5. linda on

    At 66, I have been gardening most of my life. Now, that I have arthritis, can’t give up my gardening….so my favorite tool has become my hand painted little stool to sit on while gardening and am in search of a pair of garden shears that will be easier to use with my arthritic hands….getting out in the garden helps to keep me healthy and spirited…and of course, happy.
    Thank you for sharing all of you and your happiness for flowers.

  6. Zoe McNair on

    My old secateurs are getting a little sticky so these snips would be fantastic. I find my wheelbarrow is invaluable with weeds, carrying all my garden tools and for filling with flowers. Versatile and essential!

  7. Kari Schriever on

    The tool I use most are my Claus floral shears. They never seem to get dull and can handle delicate tulips or woody stems with ease. I like the scissor action of them as well.

  8. Bonnie Thompson on

    I can’t begin to tell you how many clippers I have been through. I’m curious to see what you have found. My favorite tools are my sun hat which makes me look like a pioneer woman (wide brim and flap covering the back of my neck) and my foxglove gardening gloves. I look ridiculous but feel well protected. Love your blog and your photos are divine. It’s like I can reach out and touch the flowers. Thank you for all you do.

  9. oldhomesteadfarms on

    I’ve often wondered what you used! Now I know and will get some for my farm thank you

  10. Ivette on

    I love my HAWS watering can.

  11. Donna Lee on

    These look like Florian Snips. I fell in love with Florian Ratchet Pruners almost 20 years ago, and wouldn’t have anything but. Their products are superior. You get what you pay for, and believe me, you get your money’s worth with them. I would love to have a pair of the snips for lighter pruning and cutting flowers.

  12. Gretchen on

    Oh, I do need a new pair of snips! Mine are falling apart. CAN’T WAIT to get back to snipping things again! Ah, for some green . . .

  13. Laurie Garza (Fleurie) on

    I dearly love my Felco shears from 1983, but they do get heavy after a while, I’d love to try out a pair of these for myself!

  14. Ann on

    (I love Terri’s comment.) My favorite tool is an old pitchfork someone who was relocating gave away. It’s great for loosening compacted earth and turning the compost heap. It looks bucolic and makes me feel like Mr. McGregor (minus the mean to bunnies part).

  15. shanti on

    The tractor. I know its so un-flower farmery of me, but on a larger farm its a must. I have tried many a snip, would love to try these. Will you share the brand with us so if I don’t win I can still get my hands on some?

    • Kim on

      These look like ARS Needlenose Garden shears to me. I love ’em too and my hands don’t get tired after using them all day.

  16. terri on

    My favorite garden tool is a sentimental one handed down to me by my father. Every year I watched him lay out his rows using two rods with wooden handles and a long string attached. Laying out the garden is one of my favorite parts of gardening and it’s even more special using the same row marker that I lovingly watched my dad use for all of my childhood.

  17. Sue on

    My favourite garden tool would have to be a a small garden fork I inherited from my husband’s Opa. The tines stay super sharp no matter how much abuse they get and it’s the perfect size for digging around plants.

  18. Carroll Ann Candler on

    Hard to pick one favorite tool! I’d have to say anything good quality. There are so many bad tools out there, especially ones that don’t last. It’s great when you find a perfect one, sounds like you found the perfect flower clippers!

  19. Beth on

    I think that one of my favorite garden tools is the wheelbarrow, I bring things to the spot I am working and then take them away with lots of composting debri!

  20. Shelly DeJong on

    Favorite after gardening tool is O’Keefe’s Working Hands lotion. It keeps me in the garden:).

  21. Angela on

    My hands are by far my most important garden tool!!

  22. Molly on

    I love my hori! Been look for a good pair of clippers for a long time. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Annette on

    Always looking for a good pair of clippers! I can’t garden withouth my favorite garden spade.

  24. Linda McGinley on

    I purchased a pair of garden pants from Smith and Hawken many, many years ago and wore them out. They were rugged and had several pockets for small garden tools. My hands get a workout in the garden and in recent years, I started wearing inexpensive nitrile rubber gloves. They are great for gardening in damp soil, removing wet leaves, etc.
    I would love to own a pair of good clippers. My search could end here!

  25. Lindsey on

    Your description about “no more aching wrists or sore hands” had me! I have carpal tunnel and am especially keen on tools that will help me continue to do what I love. Right now I use scissors, not the best tool for the job!

  26. Juliana on

    I can’t live without a good apron when working in the flower studio. I like one with lots of pockets so all my tools are close at hand. I hate having to dig around piles of greenery to find scissors or wire!

  27. Amy on

    Monty’s joy juice – not entirely organic, but very close.

  28. Heather on

    Zip ties!! They make lashing together bamboo poles or trellis netting so easy.

    Also, because of my bad knees, I love my garden kneeler that flips over to become a bench.

  29. Melissa Gunton on

    New to gardening and trying to spruce up the yard at the house I’m renting so right now my favorite garden tool is a good shovel!

  30. terry on

    Have been on that long search myself for good clippers – would love to try a pair. My favorite tool – foxglove gardening gloves – I wear out several pairs a season but they are so comfortable.

  31. Allisan East on

    Hello, I have been on the look out for some quality cutters. I am hesitant to spend to money on a pair that may not be worth it, so you giving these credit makes them desirable. My hands are my most used tool, and they do show it today. I do enjoy buckets. I carry several around the garden with me. One with my tools and notebook, one for the weeds I am pulling for the compost pile, and one for any harvesting I do. It took me while to go ahead an gather the buckets before I start the chores, after I decided it was so inefficient to keep going back for all the things I needed. With three little ones, finding time to work the garden is hard to come by, so efficiency is key. Thank you for sharing all your expertise. I imagine your time is very valuable and is so kind to share with all us flower farmer wannabes.

  32. Rachel on

    I got a pair of felcos for Christmas, but would so love to try something smaller and more light weight!

  33. Jonathan Leiss on

    Wow these sound great. I have been thinking about clippers and would love to try these.

  34. Afson Nasimi on

    I am currently a floral design student and I have been using the Swiss Army floral knife as it was recommended by my super creative teacher. I noticed my brand new knife dulled not too long into the semester. I spoke to my professor about it and she informed me that she buys a new knife when her knife dulls and has been noticing the knives aren’t made as sharp as they used to be. The equally creative professor’s assistant told me she gets her knife sharpened. I decided to get mine sharpened and it actually worsened my knife! I had heard on the Food Network that it is dangerous working with a blunt knife and unfortunately I experienced the hazards of a dull knife, cutting the Palm of my hand so deep it took several weeks to heal. These shears look and sound great!!! I would love a pair of sharp, sturdy and durable shears. I have a long way to go in the floral industry and I hope the only pain to come in the future are only that of the thorns of a rose.

  35. Alex S. on

    Would LOVE to try these – my favourite clippers for larger stuffs are my Felco #6s – nice and smooth for sunflowers, etc….but definitely need something lighter for the small stuff :)

  36. Yara Cabrera on

    These sound perfect!! I have a pair of Hida hand pruners that I adore! I have had them for probably 10 years and with tons of regular use they are still quite sharp. Thank you!!

  37. Margaret on

    Tools, now you’re talking!!!! Thanks for all you are doing, Erin. xo

  38. Tonya on

    I feel ashamed to admit this, but at this point in the game, i most often use the scissors i have in my pocket that always get carried with me. :/ there’s so much money that needs to be invested elsewhere. Ive been selling random things in my house on ebay to buy farm supplies. Hahaha. I sswear I’m not crazy.

  39. Diane Miller on

    My favourite garden accessory is my beautiful cat Tiggy! And my weather proof slip on clogs. I love having a number of clippers stashed in the house and the garage for quick access. Cheers Diane

  40. Kim Lahargou on

    My favorite too is not too pretty to look at…but it saves me when I have to do bouquet wraps and I need a third hand (haha or forth). If you could imagine a plastic black planting container (1 gallon) filled with concrete and then a PVC pipe shooting out from the cement. This allows me to place the bouquet stems in the plastic pipe, yet still exposing enough of the stems so I can wrap them. Works like a charm :). Thank you for info of the clippers. I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find the perfect pair…just the info is worth its weight in gold!!!!

  41. anonymouse on

    My favorite tool is my newly-purchased gas-powered drill. The bit is nearly 7″ in diameter, making it oh-so-helpful for planting spring bulbs in heavy clay soil. These snips look like they could be a new favorite, though.

  42. Kathy on

    My favorite garden tool is a cobra head weeder. I originally “made” my own when a cheapo 3-prong cultivator lost two of its prongs and I totally loved the resulting maimed tool until I left it behind at a community garden. I replaced it with a cobra head and just love it… usually that and a pair of snips are all I take out in the garden unless there’s a heavy-duty job. I’d love to try out a new pair of clippers, as mine are a bit heavy. Thanks!

  43. Kathy G on

    I could really use a good pair of clippers. My favorite garden tool would be gloves small enough to fit my tiny hands!

  44. Kelly Sochocki on

    My favorite garden tool is my hands. I love to feel the soil, flowers, or whatever material I am handling, it grounds me and keeps me focused on what I am doing, but nothing can replace a good set of clippers! They are a must for a successful, long lasting bouquet.

  45. Leslie Gesner on

    I’m so stoked to read that there is a super clipper that really holds up to the task! I assumed that they all broke…I would be thrilled to win a pair.
    My favorite garden “supplies” ??? Rum and limes to go with all the fresh mint in my garden. Nothing better than a mojito at the end of the day – sipped while lounging in the garden. So fun to gaze at what ever project i worked so diligently on!
    Those clippers would be awesome!!
    xoxoxo Cheers

  46. Shannon on

    For flower growing, I’ve relied heavily on my Vermont Cart (both for bringing trays of seedlings to the field for transplanting and for hauling buckets of water during harvest). I wrote a blog post about our 5 favourite market gardening tools and love hearing about what other growers would choose as their favourites (http://broadforkfarm.com/2014/09/09/5-favourite-market-gardening-tools/). I’ve also tried lots of different clippers for flower harvest! It’s tough to find ones that work well for all different kinds of flowers (sunflowers and scabiosa for example). Thanks for consistently sharing awesome tips and tricks!

  47. Stefanie H. on

    Heat mats for sproutin those seeds! How exciting when they pop!!!

  48. Chelsey on

    My favorite garden tools are a good shovel and clippers. My hands cramp up easy after years of boutonniere and corsage making so I have also been looking for the perfect pair of clippers!

  49. Loretta Ball on

    I LOVE a good pair of clippers! My husband gets me a new pair every Valentines Day :) He knows what melts my heart! Clippers are my most valued tool, I have a pair in all our vehicles, kitchen, hanging on the back porch, well just about everywhere! Thank You for all the flower inspiration!!

  50. Greta on

    My favorite garden “tools” are my muck boots and apron!

  51. Katelyn Russell on

    My favorite garden tool are my long gloves, to protect my arms from the bees while reaching in between hedges of flowers to cut the perfect one! These snips look great, and it is always a bonus to have a tool that is tested and approved by one of the best!

  52. m'lissa rice on

    Couldn’t live without my clippers & my gloves, although my clippers are in need of replacing this year.

  53. Mari on

    Indeed, good clippers are hard to find! My favorite tool is a Felco clipper, granted it gets heavy in my hands but it can cut small woody stems with ease.

  54. Price H on

    My favorite garden tool has to be my
    Stirrup Hoe. Perfect for making weeding a lot less strenuous. I’ve encountered the same issue with hand pruners though, always seem to have a crappy pair whose spring always falls out. Fingers crossed.

  55. Tracey on

    What a recommendation! Would be a perfect companion to my much longed for Felco secateurs which I gladly got for Christmas! All set for spring :o)

  56. Jane on

    After 30 some odd years of gardening, one of the best tools in my tool bucket is my asparagus weeder. I have an old blue pair of clippers I got at the local hardware store back in the day, but need a good pair of floral snips for my new adventure! Thank you.

  57. Ruth Taylor on

    Just lost two pairs of secateurs in quick succession, these would be so much easier to spot with their red handles!

  58. Christina on

    Oh snips! I have some from Japan that I have had for years and are amazing, but they have taken a beating and need to be replaced. My favorite tool for the garden at the moment is a short round point shovel that my littles ones and I both use.

  59. Lindsay Andrews on

    My favorite tool on the farm is my hori hori knife. Great for weeding, planting, you name it! Also looks super cool on my belt holster :)

  60. Katherine on

    I don’t think I could garden without a 5 gallon plastic bucket. Besides all the hauling and mixing sorts of uses, overturned it becomes a lightweight and easily movable seat for weeding and thinning.

  61. Elizabeth Elisalde on

    I’m always on the hunt for a better set of clippers, oh how I would love to try these out! My go to is always my floral knife.

  62. Sarah Nixon on

    I have tried so many clippers! My current favorite I found in a giveaway pile put out by a neighbour who was moving. Used them every day last season. Recently a screw fell out and they are now held together with a twist tie. So yeah… One of my favorite tools is my Broadfork. So perfect for the small scale farming I do in the city.

  63. Marina Hinkle on

    Well, I don’t have a garden . Not yet at least . I can’t wait to move out of my apartment in the spring to finally gain a yard and some real gardening space ! What I do have though are a very cute pair of gardening gloves . I don’t garden now , but when I get to start I can’t wait to use them ! They’ve been on hold for a few years now but I’m saving them for that moment . Although I’m not a Gardner yet, I know how there are many stems in many different sizes ! All my scissors end up breaking and going dull almost immediately when arranging so I know how that goes ! So I’d love to start my first garden with these ! Mean while though , they would get plenty of good use with my designs !

  64. Leona B on

    I work at a tree propagation nursery and small pruners for cuttings are THE tool . my other favorite is a good fork that is lightweight but has a strong fibreglass handle that wont break.

  65. Alia on

    I just got my dream job at a flower shop, and these would be so amazing to have every day! Thank you for your generosity.

  66. Karen T. on

    I too am a fan of these snips, having discovered them about a year ago. Could use another pair – I feel panicky whenever they’re misplaced on a harvest morning! The fav. tool to accompany them is my holster. I’ve become a quick-draw flower snipper, working on the swagger. I’m also a fan of Atlas nitrile gloves – love it whenever I have a fresh pair.

  67. Julianna on

    Well after a good pair of snips (which are more of an extension of a hand) would definitely be my tool apron! I don’t always predict which supply or tool I’ll want before I find myself tangled up in some sweet peas or snipping some wild vines while balancing on a precarious stone wall or perhaps when the phone rings and I have to band up a bouquet real quick. What is more satisfying than having everything within reach, especially in those situations?? The clippers you wrote about sound pretty special, thanks for sharing!

  68. Rebecca Bodicky on

    Other than all of the tools that have gone awol, my favorite pair of clippers are the Felco ones with a leather holster which my father gave to me years ago as a Christmas present. Just this year I dropped them and will need to get the spring repaired. Always in search of a good tool.

  69. Linda Q on

    My favorite new tools for starting plants from seed are my mini soil blocker and heat mat. I used to start seeds in 4″ pots and then had to pull apart and transplant the crowded seedlings into larger pots. The soil blocker takes a little more time but gives me more control-less wasted seed and stronger seedlings. The heat mat is like a fast-forward for germination! In the field I wear Atlas nitrile gloves for cutting stems and stripping the leaves. I rarely wore gloves when gardening in the past but they are so comfortable and do protect my hands from sharp objects-especially my own sharp shears!

  70. Lulu on

    I’ve been using Ars clippers, knife and pruners for years in my floral work. Love them but I’d love to try this one.

  71. Kathy Horn on

    Interesting to read everybodys’ comments! And I thought that me, myself, and I were responsible for the constant breakage of my nippers! I have used many over the past 23 years. They all eventually break their springs, lose their screw, seize up, keep locking, or just plain vanish! So glad to know I am not the only one experiencing these things! Count me in with those who mentioned the oscillating scuffle/stirrup hoe as a very favorite tool. It cuts thru weeds like butter; it is so fast and pleasantly ZEN to tidy up the rows! I am anxiously awaiting what may be my next favorite garden tool – a steel broadfork for deep tilling with little effort. Can hardly wait for it (and Spring) to arrive!

  72. Elizabeth Spencer on

    I’d have to say that my favorite tool at the moment is our new to us Kubota with front end loader!

  73. Shari on

    I love my garden trug, it’s perfect for carrying around my clippers, and any random assortment of veggies & flowers I pick up while I’m in my garden.

  74. VillageKid on

    Given my hands are smaller than most I found goat skin gloves years ago fit well enough so I can use my finger tips to grab things and yet tough enough to work in all day, many pairs later they are still the first thing I grab when heading out.

    My next tool is a little triangle hand hoe that has been repaired many times and is still with me some 15 years later.

    Clippers, snips or a sharp knife go into a pocket on every trip to the fields. I cannot say I have a favorite pair of snips and since I am doing more and more work in the flowers part of our business, instead of the veggies and keep looking for the right tools for those duties. Definitely a tool I know I am going to have to rely much more this coming season!

  75. Janet on

    My hori hori knife or my stirrup hoe its a tie. Would love the perfect clippers, thanks for such a great giveaway!

  76. Julie H. on

    Makes sense you would need the best snippers with all the beautiful flowers you grow. I don’t have a lot of garden tools but I really like bamboo for plant stakes.

  77. Rachel on

    Ditto on the Leonard deluxe soil knife! Got hooked on it while working at a botanical garden in Salt Lake City, and it hasn’t left my gardening side since.

  78. ttheresa.thomas on

    My most prized tool is my steel broadfork. Very handy when you’re small scale and don’t have a tractor!

  79. Carolyn Camp on

    I’d love to try those snippers. My favorite tool for gardening is my sunvisor which allows me to stay out all day long.

  80. Tess on

    Perfect snips! Would love to try them.
    Along with my 2015 journal, to record the growing season.

  81. Amanda Cook on

    Madly in love with these! Thanks for turning so many of us on to these. My favorite part is that they can hang around my pinkie as I wrap stems.

  82. Meagan Claire on

    I need these clippers! My favorite general gardening tool is that tiny rake. There are a lot of shallow weeds in my church yard and I like to loosen up the ground with it.

  83. Megan on

    My favorite tool is my poacher’s spade- I’ve had it for about 30 years!

  84. Chantal on

    My favorite garden tool are the yard waste baskets with springs in them that fold flat for storage – although mine are rarely folded flat for storage!

  85. Meg on

    Oops, that was meant to be hori hori.

  86. Meg on

    I second the horizon hori! These snips look and sound great, thanks Erin.

  87. Jen Feddema on

    I have to say I love my heap of butter knives from the thrift store. I have them all over the place … for marking perennials that might be hard to find in the spring, for getting my baby plants out of their plug trays, and most often for making small planting ‘holes’ when popping my plugs in the ground.

  88. Caleb Whitfield on

    A pair of clippers stays in my car at all times so I’m prepared wherever I go!
    My favorite tool from the last few seasons has been the stirrup hoe.

  89. Adrianne Gore on

    I have a beat-up foam pool flutterboard that rescues my knees during long gardening days of kneeling in earth! It doubles as the best seat in the garden during tea breaks. :)

  90. Jillian- Fruition Flowers on

    I love an apron that was given to me by my best friend; it’s made out if a rugged old tablecloth, I can bring everything I need to the farmers market, only trouble is that it doesn’t breathe, so I have a sweat skirt by quitting time.
    I would love to get my paws on those pretties!

  91. Erica on

    I have a growl made by a blacksmith from Montana. Wish I remebered his name. I just love it

  92. HOLLY on

    I too search for the perfect clippers, alas they have evaded me thus far. My favorite garden tool is my son’s sled!! I use it to mix my soil, organic matter, bone meal etc. It has a rope in the front so I can easily pull the soil through my yard (since I also lack a wheel barrow). I also use it when I am weeding. I throw my weeds in the sled and pull it to dump. Don’t knock it until you try it :).

  93. Audra Cordell on

    I use my trusty wooden handled skinny 8″ trowel for so much of my planting work. I’m definitely in the market for good garden snips like this! I’ll definitely be buying a pair!

  94. Kelsey on

    My favorite tool is definitely the hori hori knife from AM Leonard! It’s such a solid, multi-use tool.

  95. Corinne on

    I seem to find one that looks good until you start cutting 8 hours, then sore hands. Great giveaway

  96. Jillian m on

    My favorite garden “utility” is a belt leather belt that both my grandmother and mother had worn and rigged up many eyes ago! Much like your belt today! A spot for all the essentials, adapted over time!! Would love a reliable pair of clippers!

  97. Laurie on

    I’m with Karate! My favorite garden tool is my hubby and his muscles. It may not sound very nice to call him a tool, but he truly helps me get more done than I could ever dream of doing by myself. I love his interest, his enthusiasm and like Karate’s husband, he never complains. I’m very lucky. : )

  98. Pressly Williams on

    My husband, who knew little about gardening, gave me a simple little Japanese garden trowel called a “hori hori knife” when we were dating and it has turned out to be one of my best and most used tools – planting seedlings, harvesting broccoli heads, digging up and transplanting little bulbs, etc!

  99. Nicole Mehl on

    I love my Kotobuki shears, but would love something a little more heavy duty!

  100. Jenn Sanchez on

    So silly, but a pad for my knees!! I love gardening but the bending over can make it so laborious. Such a simple tool can change everything, just like some perfect lil snips!

  101. Cathy on

    I have tried many pairs of clippers but I have yet to find the perefct pair….would love to give these a whirl! My favourite tool right now is our wheel hoe. It does the job without a huge amount of muscle.

  102. Sarah Kaye on

    I am still in pursuit of the perfect clipper!! My favourite tools at this point in time are the various vases & ribbons I’ve been gifted with for birthday presents… as a beginner florist displaying the gorgeous blooms is a must… does that count??

  103. Karate on

    My husband! Haha. I have some shoulder issues, so there are some things I just can’t do. He loves the digging and mud and creatures. He never complains and he is basically MacGyver.

  104. Margaret Thorson on

    I have searched for the perfect clippers for years. Haven’t found them yet.

    My favorite tool on the farm is our hand held soil blocker. It’s used all the time for planting seeds. It makes transplanting easy on me and on the plants.

  105. Emily K. on

    Clippers are so hard to find! They always seem to have elements I live and hate about them. However I couldn’t imagine life without them.

  106. Julie on

    Those look awesome, I’d love to try them! But favorite tool is a pair of old garden sisors I got from my grand father. They have such a pretty shape.

  107. Kim on

    Soooooo excited to be included! I have a few pairs I use but hands do pay for it occasionally. My mom has very arthritic hands so would be great to have her try these, I also would love to try these when I “harvest” my second year of attempting rural fresh cuts. My zinnias rocked last year thanks to your support!!

  108. Evangeline M on

    Last year I got a holster for my clippers and that was almost more life-changing than the clippers themselves. Now I feel like I can actually invest in a nice pair of clippers since I won’t be losing 4 pairs every year!

  109. Leah on

    I love the hula-hoe!

  110. Lam on

    I developed the love of gardening from spending time in the garden with my Dad. Twenty years later we are enjoying our time in the garden and many conversations about flowers together. We have been on a quest for the perfect pair of clippers as well to no avail…hopefully our quest is over! Love following all the exciting things at your farm!

  111. Hannah on

    I may just have to get a pair for my mother-in-law in May!

    One of my weekend duties growing up was pulling the weeks but we couldn’t afford too many garden tools so I found that a long, flat-head screwdriver was a handy tool for the job.

  112. Madalyn on

    Floral snips are my secret obsession. I got so excited when I saw this post! I’ve had a really hard time finding something a bit more durable and heavy-duty. I’ll definately be trying these

  113. Debbie on

    I have only been growing for two years and use the old faithful Felcos #2. My hands do get tired so these look great. My favorite tool right is a cheap dibbler I bought at the Dollar store. I loved it so much I went back and bought several more.

  114. elizabeth on

    clippers and sometimes even scissors !

  115. Cindy on

    A perfect birthday gift for my daughter, a floral designer! Hope to win!

  116. Kirsten on

    My favourite garden tools are my work gloves in the winter and my clippers the rest of the time.

  117. Kiersten Wulff on

    I mastered the use of the scuffle hoe this past season. I loved scooting along gladiolus rows with it!

  118. carey on

    My fav tool is probably my scuffle hoe, because of how immediate and satisfying it is to use! also tiny paper bags that i keep stuffed in my back pockets for collecting seeds or cuttings !

  119. Toni on

    These clippers look like my Fiskars from many years ago that I bought when I took a flower arranging class when my oldest daughter was 2 and she is now 29!! My pair just broke this fall when I was pruning back my flower beds, so they lasted 27 years of yard work and flower arranging, not sure where to find another pair, so winning this pair would be lovely! My favorite garden tool is the gloves that are like a second skin, they come in a multitude of colors and fit so well, I never work outside without them, but of course I forget their name! Enjoy you day, we finally have some sun in North Idaho after days of fog, woo hoo!!

  120. Amanda on

    We call them nippers on my farm! I am a fan of ones with a narrow tip. I’d love to see how they compare to my current favorite felco nippers!

  121. Amie on

    Besides a handful of subpar cutters, I always have a note pad and pencil in the garden. Never know what will pop into my head when I’m working!

    • Liz Reeves on

      I would say one of my favorite things that I take into the garden would be my white oak split gathering basket. I made it a number of years ago when I first started gardening and it has weathered beautifully! The clippers would certainly compliment the basket! Thanks for considering me!

  122. Priscill Chambers on

    As a floral designer and a gardener I am always in need of a good pair of floral snips. I have yet to find a pair that doesn’t dull within just one growing season. It isn’t as easy as one would think to find the perfect pair of snips. My favorite floral tool is my Swiss floral knife. I would love to win a pair of these fabulous clippers and share you joy in the flower cutting world!

  123. Angela @Bella Lu Floral on

    LOVE that you’ve found some clippers… I feel like I have tried everything! My favorite gardening tools are the seeds and soil.. Nothing like putting your hands into fresh soil with the hopes of some spectacular blooms to push up and shine!

  124. tori on

    those look lovely! My favorite tools are my apron and my grandmothers gloves! the pockets keep me organized and Im sure I would lose things without ’em! (plus, they’re both really cute)

  125. Maud on

    My can’t live without tool is my African Bolga basket. It is perfect for carrying garden goodies back to the house. I am also searching for the perfect pair of clippers. I start with a new pair almost every year because they never seem to last. I would love to try these! thank you :)

  126. Erin @ The Impatient Gardener on

    My can’t-go-in-the-garden-without-it tool is my hori hori. After trying several over the years I’m now using A.M. Leonard’s Deluxe Soil Knife and I adore that thing.

  127. flora brown on

    Always looking for better clippers! I just bought an old school fanny pack for 25 cents…. though I would never have been caught dead in one 10 years ago, I’m hoping it will become my favorite “tool” this season.

  128. allison on

    Love them! Favorite tool is not really a tool, but my boots.

  129. shannon conley on

    A good pair of clippers is a must. I have gone through so many pairs…fixed them with duct tape, scrubbed them with ajax to make blades sparkle…I would love to be able to have a good pair that will last for more than a few months.

  130. Jamie Sammons on

    My Wheeler Monroe tool belt. Love love love it!

  131. Stina on

    I don’t have much in the way of garden tools right now. I have one little spade, crappy clippers and natural twine for taming my old rosebush (we just moved). Really my favourite tool right now is my hands… I get a rush from getting my hands dirty while planting things :)

  132. Phillis on

    My clippers get constant use, from soft-stem clips to woody stems. I know, I know, I need the right tool for the right job. If I had some decent clippers for my flowers I’d love it! And I’d keep them only for flowers!

  133. Maude on

    No way! Can’t wait to try them. Finger crossed.

  134. Militsa Benitez on

    Always looking for the best clippers for my Floral Design when designing weddings.
    My favorite shovel is made by Bronco. It is elongated and has a foot placement to help when digging deep holes.

  135. Dennille on

    Oh my! I need a new pair of clippers, my ALWAYS seem to break.
    My fav tool, my knife :)

  136. Abi on

    I love the sound of these! Good gloves and snippers are essential for gardening and floristry. I love the satisfying snip of clippers :)

  137. Anna on

    my wonderful granny taught me to use an inch or so of garden hose to put on the end of scissors & snippets…no more surprise jabs from inside my apron pocket for this clumsy flower girl!

  138. Pia on

    I have been researching on the best quality floral shears for the past couple of days. I’ve been wanting to replace the old one; we’ve been through a lot but i think it’s time to get a new one. I have very small hands so i would say the tiny garden gloves i chanced upon a nearby store is my fave.

  139. Suzy on

    My clipper holster is my favorite tool! I would love to try out those clippers around my garden, they sound dreamy!

  140. Erin D on

    The Japanese Hori Hori knife. It is solid knife for weeding! Heavy in your hands, makes me feel like a ninja against weeds! Love it!

  141. s. wright on

    I’d love to try a better pair.

  142. Karen on

    I love my Amish hoe from Lehmans store down the road from me and my assortment of vintage and well-loved hoes.

  143. Denise on

    I have been gardening for 40 yrs of my almost 60 yrs…my absolute favorite tool are my bare hands. Digging in the dirt, picking a flower, pulling a weed…what ever needs to be done is so rewarding when my bare hands are doing it :0 But of course, I eventually succumb to using gloves so that I continue to choice when I use my precious, favorite tool…my bare hands!

  144. April Sweany on

    One of my fav tools is the cape cod hand hoe. It makes hand weeding quite a bit easier.

  145. amanderson40 on

    I was just looking at a pair similar to those at the hardware store less than a half hour ago! Sun hat, a bucket and clippers… never go out without them.
    Questions… is the handle plastic? Where are they manufactured? Thanks for sharing your treasures :-)

  146. Carla on

    So nice that you’ve finally found your perfect clippers!! That must be like finding the perfect jeans haha
    For me, though tools always help, my favourite tool are my hands. Never mind getting them with dirt (cause the best thing is to get to work with it), and they even help me to take the spines out of a rose perfectly. The only thing the cannot help me with, is to cut sharp and nice, so i would love to try out your clippers all the way down south in Chile!

  147. Ruth Fortune on

    I’m not particularly attached to any of my tools but I always buy the same type of gloves (Showa). They are very lightweight so you can still feel what you’re doing. I quite like getting my hands in the dirt but it’s so drying … I’m don’t own any clippers so would love to start with a recommended set!

  148. Andrea on

    Yessssss!!! I have been looking for a pair for ages and was never sure where to start!! Other than this, my favourite tool is flower food for cut flowers- it makes such a difference!

  149. Jodi on

    My Japanese hori hori knife! Couldn’t live without it!

  150. Erin on

    I have been using scissors in my garden for years.. Eeekk. My favorite garden tool is my fingers

  151. Laura McLafferty on

    I began my flower farming journey last year. I quickly learned how important it is to have the right tool. Pinched myself a couple of times with clippers it hurts! Achieving that clean flower cut, and clippers that last has me badly wanting these. I was recently given a pair of gloves from my friends at Goose Creek Gardens that I love! Having a dislike for wearing garden gloves in general it’s nice to have a pair that don’t feel like they are heavy and get in the way.

  152. Mandy K on

    I am in my second year as a florist and am still in the search for the perfect pair!…..this may be it :)

  153. Jeanne on

    My apron, worn but oh-so loved, is my best garden “tool.” Having all the pockets and being able to clip or hang things off the pockets and ties….the best! These clippers would be fabulous (and fit in my apron pocket perfectly!).

  154. Noel Shearer on

    These look fabulous! They are a beautiful color and they look both delicate and sturdy. I would love to have a pair of these in the garden.

  155. Krystle on

    I’d love to know the brand name, in case I don’t win these beauties. I’ve been a tried and true fiskers snippers fan, however they are not built for heavier stems and I always have to keep my big pruners on the design table, along with my floral knife.

  156. Jill Lievense on

    It’s my 30th on the 30th tomorrow, I’d love a pair as mine always go missing!

  157. Delores on

    So glad to hear your found the perfect clippers!

    I swear by our Hori Hori. It’s perfect for weeding, planting and “removing” stink bugs from the garden. :)

  158. Julie Start on

    These look like great clippers and they would be so helpful to me since I can’t quite get the hang of using the floral knives without thinking I am going to cut myself! My favorite garden tool would have to be this wicker cart I bought last year from Crate and Barrel. I am not sure if they have it right now, but hopefully they bring it back in the Spring! It has wheels and is perfect for dragging around with you in the garden while you are pulling weeds, and is also great for holding fresh cut flowers or fruits and veggies from the garden. I also take it to the farmers market with me to hold all my goodies as I shop around. It’s the perfect size too!

  159. Rachel Ziegler on

    I’ve actually been looking for a new pair of clippers! I’ve been using the same ones since I started working with flowers but I can tell they are getting weaker and weaker so these would be great for the 2015 wedding season! A good pair of gloves are a must especially ones that have a good grip and are fitted! Thanks for always sharing your favorite tools, techniques, etc. It’s super helpful to other designers!

  160. Ashlyn Hobbs on

    Finding the right clippers is a constant struggle! I feel like I’m buying new ones for the whole team every week! Our most used tool at Sweet Magnolia is our good broom. It’s industrial size and something you would see a janitor using after a large sporting event, but boy does it get the job done! I hope we win!

  161. Erin Kim on

    I’ve been using my clippers for about three months now and it has a mind of it’s own. I’ve learned to tame it with my relentless fingers and have been willing to endure the pain for as long as this will last me! Haha! Aside from clippers my favorite gardening tool has to be a bed prep rake. That had to be my all time favorite task while gardening with my grandma as a kid. :)

  162. Carolyn on

    I hate to say but I am using my pruners for EVERYTHING! Really need to invest in some clippers……..pick me, pick me!!!

  163. Katherine on

    The perfect snips! I must try these. I have found luck with items sold at Lee Valley Tools. I’d be interested to give these guys a try as well!

  164. kelley porter on

    Would love a better pair than the ones I have that the lock keeps sliding into lock when you don’t want it to :/ my favorit garden tool is an extra large screwdriver I use for pulling weeds. :)

  165. Lindsey H on

    I think a good pair of clippers is so handy! My current pair is old and rusty – or sometimes i use my kitchen shears (gasp). Another favorite is the cultivator. Back when i worked for a gardening company, we’d use it to wrap up our maintenance (deadheading, weeding etc) – always makes the garden beds look so fresh and loamy!

  166. Cassandra on

    I STILL haven’t found the perfect pair of snippers but I’m hoping this pair will do the trick since they are tried and true =] my favorite item is my apron. Whether I’m working with flowers or in the kitchen baking somethjng yummy I always move around with my apron on!

  167. Noel Shearer on

    These look fabulous, beautiful color, they look small and delicate but also sturdy. I would love to have a pair of these!

  168. Don Dramstad on

    I would love to have another pair to go with the 20 I have now
    Can never have too many. Great for dahlias.

  169. Sarah Ervin on

    How perfect! My clippers broke clean in two last season and I have yet to find a replacement. They were my fav too until I realized how easy they broke! These look like I need them.:)

  170. Sarah Ervin on

    How perfect! Mine broke clean in two last summer and I have not found a replacement yet. Those were my fav until I realized how eaaily they broke. I did stab myslef a few too many times though, but as clumsy as I am, that is to be expected. :)

  171. Erika on

    I love bypass and ratchet pruners, my handsaw and loppers… I’m a big fan of snips! Always looking for the best pair (:

  172. Ashley on

    As as am just in the planning/dreaming stages of my garden, my seed catalogs are my favorite thingl currently. These shears would be a great addition and will get used lots in the future.

  173. janis Harris on

    I would love to try them! I would also make sure that they never get left in the field. :)

  174. Desiree Dean on

    I currently am obsessed with orchids at the moment. During these winter months things can get a little quite on clients so I pay attention to all my indoor plants that have felt somewhat neglected during last months due to the wedding season! Right now I am becoming familiar with moss and it’s love with the orchid! It’s been a great love affair that I hope I continue to venture into with this lovely plant! Thanks for all the wonderful photos and articles! You truly are very inspring!

  175. Michelle Tuchin on

    My favourite garden accessory is my beautiful floral garden gloves- they make stripping flowers joyful & pain free!

  176. Melissa Bohl on

    It’s unconventional, but my favorite garden tool is actually a beach tool: a beach umbrella. It allows me to plant in the shade during the hottest part of the day for the entire day.

  177. Shanon Luhring on

    I’m so intrested in these clippers. I’ve been on the same quest for years also!!! My favorite garden tool or maybe not a tool but a good pair of gloves. They are super helpful so you can get down and dirty and have no worries:)

  178. Maria Maxit on

    I have been on this same search for ten years! And then when I find one… it somehow gets lost :-/ Hope to snag this pair. :-)


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