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March 22nd 2011

Planting Sweet Peas

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A big fat crop of Sweet Peas went into the greenhouse yesterday. It’s amazing how quickly the entire space was transformed once the posts, paths and plants were in.



I haven’t grown a crop of the fragrant beauties in there in 3 years. Remembering back, it was our most abundant, long stemmed harvest to date.


With the wind protection and early start the vines grew at an insane rate. In no time they clung onto the fans that are 9ft. up on the ceiling (pictured below)!



It’s still a bit too cold outside to plant the others, so for now they are safely tucked in the seed greenhouse with all of their spring friends like bachelor buttons, queen anne’s lace, bells of Ireland, snapdragons and giant pansies.
It sure feels good to get moving, get my hands in the dirt and have so much fresh air. Yeah for spring!

I still can’t believe these teeny, tiny seedling will soon look like this!



  1. Nelly on

    Started my sweet peas (Floret seeds 🙂) in early October (zone 7) and just covered them today for Winter as temperatures are dropping down this week. Should I pinch them now, or wait until early Spring for that ? Not sure if pinching when it’s getting cold is a good move or not. Thanks for your advice !

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Yes, you can pinch them when they’re 6 inches tall.

  2. Nancy Chambers on

    Good morning! I used to live in Sonoma County CA and had wonderful success with sweet peas! They were SO easy to grow there! I basically threw them in the ground and away they went! But now I live in Texas (zone 8) and am trying my luck in this new environment. My husband built me a beautiful 8′ x 2.5′ raised bed cedar planter w/trellis in the back yard (safe from deer visitors!). I started my Floret sweet pea seeds indoors about 3 weeks ago and followed all of your instructions listed on your site.

    When you said above, “It’s still a bit too cold outside to plant…”, what temperature range would be acceptable for my little seedling babies to go outside? I feel confident that we are past the threat of spring frost, but some mornings have been 44–47 degrees F, warming up to 82 degrees by 4 pm. Your thoughts?? I know you’re insanely busy this time of the year, but I’d sincerely appreciate hearing from you. Thanks so much! :-)

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Sweet peas can handle a little frost so planting them around your last frost date is fine. Enjoy your sweet peas!

  3. Mike on

    Ive been reading all about your amazing success with sweet peas. I read that you space them approximately 8 inches apart. How far out from from the center (netting/chicken wire) do you plant. Also, do you stagger the plants along the two rows?
    Thanks for all the great help!

  4. Beth on

    Amazing and inspiring! I am planting my first Sweet Peas this Spring, hope they look half as good as yours!

  5. Beth on

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  6. Jen of Country Weekend on

    I love sweet peas. They have a wildflower look to them and a delicacy, like a watercolor.

  7. Beyond My Garden on

    Pretty pea pictures. The only problem is that the song is now in my head for the day. . . . Oh Sweet Pea, won't you dance with me? Wontch, wontcha, wontcha dance with me-e-e?

  8. flwrjane on

    So much work but it yields so much beauty.

    xo Jane


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