Home Blog Oregon Flower Tour
May 19th 2015

Oregon Flower Tour

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IMG_5565IMG_5572After our marathon month we were ready for a little down time with the kids. The only way we can seem to get a real break from working is to actually physically leave our property. Otherwise something always comes up and we get sucked back into the farm drama trap.

Portland is a beautiful city, just four hours south of our place and it seemed like the perfect quick weekend getaway spot to recharge our depleted batteries. I guess I’m in the right line of work because even on vacation, all I want to do is see, feel, photograph and talk about flowers. I made sure to book hotel rooms with big pools and room service so that the kids could goof off and relax while I tromped through a few flower fields.

IMG_5441 IMG_5303 IMG_5469Just outside of the city is my favorite rose grower, Peterkort Roses. I’ve been longing to pay them a visit for years now and last weekend that dream finally came true. Chris took hundreds of photos and we’re working on a great interview with them that will debut here shortly. In the meantime if you’re looking for a source for amazing roses (garden, spray and standard varieties, plus maidenhair fern) they offer national shipping. I can vouch for both their exceptional quality and great customer service. We use their roses in every single wedding and workshop here at Floret. Be sure to tell Norman I sent you!

IMG_5501 IMG_5493 On our way through town we crashed the Mother’s Day bouquet madness at Fieldwork Flowers. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs on Instagram and can say the visit didn’t disappoint. Another killer interview coming soon and I can’t wait to share their story and inspiring business model with you all here. Can you ever stand how beautiful that pink Viburnum plicatum ‘Mary Milton’ is?

The next stop was Schreiner’s Iris Garden in Salem. I’m still processing the beauty that we saw there. It’s actually quite hard to put it into words. The display garden is one of the best I’ve seen, chocked full of the most stunning bearded iris and glorious perennials you can imagine. A true bucket list experience. My wish list contains at least 50 beauties and narrowing my order is going to be tough. If you get the chance, I highly recommend going. It’s one of those things you just need to see in your lifetime.

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While the kids ate sugar cereal and watched cartoons in the hotel (a rare treat) we jetted to a few more local spots including Adelman Peony Gardens and Brooks Gardens Peonies. Their flowers were much farther ahead than ours here at home. We discovered a few new treasures that’ll make it into our own fields this fall including a massive raspberry peony called ‘Command Performance’.

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Driving home, as the kids slept, Chris and I talked through all of our new ideas and all of the inspiration that we saw. It’s amazing what 48 hours away from home can do for your soul. Especially when flowers are involved!

What other fun flower getaways need to be added to our to-do list? The sweet pea festival in England is on there. What else?


  1. 陈曦 on

    Beautiful farm, a diligent gardener!

  2. Beautiful Flowers on

    Really photos are looking amazing…i like very much to spend time with flowers….Great Post..

  3. VillageKid on

    OH the flower markets of Europe are extra special, as is the Chelsea Flower show!! For us it is to take some time in the summer to do anything, so glad you found a way to break and fill your souls again!!

  4. Carol Owens on

    Once again your words inspire and enthrall my rose growers heart and mind…. So much to do each season and gracious delight in learning from your latest venture on holidays. Well earnt rests are necessary and I agree you must leave home to rest and recharge. I also wanted to let you know in recognition of your inspiration and support I am naming the rose and flower farm here in Australia “Organica Floret” and I thank you personally for getting me through both sunshine and dark days and to recognise I am doing fine on our little farm and the best is yet to come… Caz?

  5. Killoran Moore on

    Weird comment, but I love your shirt! My husband is from Portland and we’re heading down there for a wedding in September. A bit late, but I’m going to keep all of this in mind for the future.

    That viburnum is beautiful – it looks like you’re wielding a viburnum sword. Haha. My aunt’s was just completely defoliated within a few days. Stupid beetles.

  6. Angela on

    Your photos often make me gasp in awe! THAT LUPINE! Be still my heart!
    And today these photos brought me straight out of a funk and back into a clearer state of mind. That’s pretty powerful.
    There is so much truth in what you say about getting away from home for a short time; to return rejuvenated and inspired is a blessing!
    Thank you for bringing so much joy and beauty to others though your blog!!

  7. Corinne on

    I always wanted to go to the flower markets in Europe, anywhere in Europe-Paris, London…

  8. Katie on

    What a great getaway! WOW! Schreiner’s Iris Garden looks absolutely amazing! The Chelsea flower show is going on now in London. I’ve always wanted to go there!

  9. Joann Heidt, Catherine Anderson- Farmwife Flowers on

    Hi Erin,
    Nothing so soothing to a soul as visiting beautiful gardens, I am glad you took in some of these here in our Willamette valley. But I must say if you come ever again, then do check out Sebright Hostas, they are right there in the same neigborhood as Schreiner’s Iris Gardens and Adelman’s Peony Paradise. Sebright’s display gardens are unparalleled in beauty.You might have even seen signs showing the hosta nursery. Also up north a little further in the St. Paul area is Heirloom Roses. Now I would love to visit the Skagit valley. Wishing you a great successful summer.

  10. Thelma luna on

    I love your garden a lot! It’s my next vacation plan. I want to attend in one of your workshops. I want to get ideas and suggestions what to plant in a tropical country, Philippines. Please post more flowers. That’s the advantage of reading, I found your link on one of the magazines I read. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  11. Kate on

    There are several “must see” flower festivals. From the Tulip Festival at Keukenhof Gardens in Holland, to the Daffodil Festival in New England. The Poppy Festival in Georgetown TX is wonderful because it coincides with all the Texas wildflowers blooming everywhere. Lady Bird Johnson’s Wildflower Center is also a special treat.


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