Home Blog New Year’s Dreams, Plans & Hopes
January 5th 2017

New Year’s Dreams, Plans & Hopes

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Even though the flower fields and greenhouses are finally asleep for the winter, the farm is still humming with activity.  It’s been a bit of a messy mad dash to get our little shop/studio space all fixed up before we start selling our seeds and dahlias next week.  The walls now have a fresh new coat of white paint and Chris has been busy building new worktables and custom storage cabinets to organize all the pretty little packets of Floret Seeds.  (Learn more of the back story of why we created Floret Seeds here).  There’s still a lot to do, but we have made great progress and will open the virtual doors to our online Shop at 10am PST on Monday January 9th!

On the tech front, we have been promised that the server issue that plagued us during last month’s dahlia launch has been fully resolved. We are now the proud owners of a P4 server, which if you don’t speak tech, is code for a very powerful server. I’m still in a bit of a shock over how much traffic our site receives. But it just goes to show how powerful flowers really are.floret_seed-packets-1

In order to make sure that everyone has a chance to get some of our dahlia tubers, we will be limiting quantities on the specialty varieties that we have less of on opening day. Don’t worry, we have many thousands of tubers available, over triple what we offered last year. As a reminder, dahlias do not ship out until early April in order to protect them from cold damage in transit. Sadly we cannot accommodate early shipping.

calendar-graphics-3January is filled with dreams, plans and hopes for the new year to come. It is one of my favorite months of the year.  Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing a bit of my personal goal setting and farm planning process over on the blog. In the meantime, if you didn’t catch my webinar interview with Lara Casey about cultivating what matters in both life and business, you can re-watch it here.


  1. Rhonda on

    I have pre-ordered your book and can’t wait

  2. Rhonda on

    Hi! I just got an email that my seeds were sent!! I am starting my flower farm this spring. After many years of dreaming of doing this…here I go. I cant wait to get my lovely dahlia bulbs!!! Thank you for such a wonderful blog full of awesome information!! I am located west of the twin cities in Mn and am waiting to hear if I can have my little flower roadside stand. We are on 2 acres just on the edge of our little city. If I cant do that then I will be off to the markets!! I feel like a giddy school girl. I also feel like I know you both so well!!! Thanks again for all you have done and a big Congratulations for your wonderful “little” farm!!

  3. Elisha on

    You guys are awesome. We hope to be able to have a small flower farm at some point and look forward to ordering from you in the future. Keep up the great work!

  4. Kate on

    Started placing my order at 9:57 Jan. 9, got all I wanted in Dahlias, but it took until 10:42 because of all the gateway error 504 time outs. After repeated trying to finish ordering and getting to the shopping cart to pay I find that Irish Pinwheel is already sold out. Very disappointing as I bet I was one of the first to start ordering. It’s great that your product is so sought after, but not so great for those of us who couldn’t get through to buy the ones that were available when placed but ended up sold out by the time we got to the cart to pay due to server errors. Just giving you my honest opinion. Good luck this season, I look forward to the ones I was able to order.

  5. Alexander Adam on

    I’m going to order over 300 dollars worth of dahlia tubers from you do you discount bulk orders like that?

  6. Lynn on

    Happy New Year! So excited for Monday’s ordering of dahlias & seeds! Your dahlia tubers that I got from you last year performed better than from anyone else, so needless to say, I’m dying to get more from you, your selection is fabulous! My seeds did a fantastic job as well, I’m just addicted to the dahlias – I see more raised bed construction in my future for my micro farm ?

  7. Corina on

    Happy New Year 2017, all fresh and new, albeit very, very cold at the moment! (At least up here, upvalley from you!)
    You keep showing up in my dreams, literally, and I’m sending you much love!


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