The start to a new week is always a little awkward, Mondays being the hardest.
Weekends are usually the busiest time around here since Chris is home, the kids are at Grandma’s in the city and we can scramble to catch up on planting, weeding, installing irrigation etc. Basically those two days are devoted to an all out farming marathon.While extremely rewarding, the weekend push can be a real ass kicker.
During the week it’s a different pace which includes kiddos, helpers, animals, watering, harvesting, selling, making dinner, meeting with brides and delivering. It can be lonely and often a bit overwhelming keeping this little machine running smoothly all on my own.
The weekends almost always feel like a relief since I can finally share the weight of it all with another.
Today feels especially hard to make the transition. My daily to-do list is growing past the point of possible, hungry kitties have been circling my feet all morning begging for food (we’re out), I hear kiddos stirring, there are wedding estimates to finish up and shortly the greenhouse builder will arrive.Pheew!
On a brighter note, the Sweet Peas, old fashioned Roses and Coral Peonies have all started to bloom! I will have lots of photos to share later this week. But first, more coffee and a strong pep talk are in order ;)
botanical brouhaha on
You are amazing! Everyday I sit down to look at your blog to see what you're up to…and you blow me away every single day with the amount of work you put in…and the incredible flowers that bloom because of your efforts. I know it must be exhausting most days, but oh, how I love Floret Flowers! Thinking of you today and hoping the week gets a little easier for you…
Belinda @ Wild Acre on
Do you ever, ever get time to switch off work or is that a dumb question to ask a farmer?! I guess you ARE practically superhuman, but you and Chris sound like you never stop! I really hope you get to watch a film or two and lounge about a bit or whatever floats your boats, in the winter months? Could you employ more help? See, I'm sitting here in Blighty fretting! But also in total awe of your drive and energy. Hope the week becomes more manageable. Bxx
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Small Plot: Big Impact
Inspiring stories, profiles & advice from 45 flower growers from around the world
webb on
What lovely peonies! Ours are so long gone, that it's like you're on a different planet … at least season-wise.
Hope it will calm down a bit so you can enjoy more of your harvest. Gorgeous flowers all.