Home Blog Looking to the future
December 7th 2016

Looking to the future

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floret_spring1228peonies_atmospheric_shots_20As we head into the quiet season here on the farm, Jill, Susan and I are hunkering down and plotting out the next chapter of our little flower farm’s future. We have a lot of ideas about ways to grow Floret that will ultimately benefit you.

The key themes that come up are education, sharing, beauty, and connection. But before we dig in too deep, I’d love to get your feedback to make sure we’re on the right track going forward.

Two years ago when I asked for your thoughts about the Floret book, the outpouring was amazing and really helped shape and define the project. I can’t wait for you to hold that labor of love in your hands when it finally comes out in March!

And the summer before last, you weighed in on our seed line which helped ensure it’s success. Needless to say, we value your feedback.

IMG_2853So, again, we’re finding ourselves in a similar position. We have a wealth of ideas and opportunities, but we need input from you to help shape and define our path forward.

Here are a few of the unknowns we’re batting around:

Is coming to Floret the primary reason behind the demand for our workshops or could the information be delivered through on online course?

We’ve wanted to write short, flower variety specific books for years now. One idea is to create  a 100 page soft cover book on growing garden roses (or sweet peas, or dahlias). Is this something you would want to read?

Do you want greater varieties of our seed/bulb/tubers or would you rather us focus on creating more flower growing resources?

IMG_2839With limited time and a small staff, there’s certainly no way we can do it all, and that’s why your help in refining our focus in 2017 is crucial.

If our blog and resources have benefited you in any way, and at any point on your flower journey, then I have a favor to ask of you:

Will you please take 10 minutes out of your busy day to complete this questionnaire?



  1. Samantha on

    A flower farming ecourse would be incredible. I’ve learnt a lot from courses on craftsy and a setup like that would be incredible. You can only teach so many in person so why not reach out to those saddened by the sold out sign on all of your workshops.

  2. Karen on

    Attending a three day workshop with hands on time is always beneficial, its a bit of time away from home (like a small vacation) to really concentrate on the topic, network and be inspired. For some of us that is not possible so the online course would be great! We could take time daily to accomplish the online course. Excited to see your book in March 2017! Thank you for all your efforts!

  3. April Elkins on

    i just discovered you and I can’t put you down! I’ve already pre ordered the book and am going to get my hands on that beautiful gardening journal! So maybe I’m a little book loving but yes please more books?

  4. Isabelle on

    I did the survey as well. And I agree with other comments! But I would add that small scale farming e-course would definitely be a winner for me! Thanks anyway for everything you give us through your website.

  5. kelsey on

    So I know this is a little off topic…but I would LOVE to see a blog about peonies: how to take care of them, which kinds you grow, etc. thanks :)

  6. Carla on

    Hello Floret Team,
    I did the survey. I also wanted to stop in and chat. I agree with the above comments.
    Thank You for sharing all that you have learned over your time growing.

    I live in Wisconsin. An on line course would work best for me. I do like the idea of a regional class as well.
    A business idea course would be something I would be interested in as well as all the flower and design courses.

    Looking forward to 2017!

  7. Jenna on

    As much as I would love to attend a workshop, with two young kids at home, an e-course is much more realistic, especially if it were video based- that would make it feel more authentic to Floret and would be a sort of mini escape. If these courses were available, I would have already devoured them. I would love to visit Floret someday, but I would be so ecstatic about being there and taking in the beauty, that I don’t know that I would be able to concentrate enough to actually learn anything. I’m someone who learns better in quiet solitude rather than a social situation where I would just want to chit chat the whole time :)

  8. Linda Q on

    I agree completely with Madison & could not have expressed this sentiment better myself!

  9. Lynn Payne on

    Took the survey as soon as it hit my inbox today, and truly, Madison & Brenda expressed everything I would like to say. Seeing you in person, prowling your farm to see in person how you do your farm and learning design from you in front of me is my goal. However, ANYTIME I can learn from you by an online ecourse, or invest in a book you’ve produced – its so well worth it! If I lived closer, I’d be all over a 1 day workshop. Your ideas are so great, I can hardly wait to see what’s next in 2017!

  10. brenda on

    I love the idea of coming to your farm, to experience the magic hands on but for me that is probably not going to be a reality for awhile. So to be able to take any online courses that you would offer would be fabulous as would being able to buy books dealing with specific subjects.
    You and your team have been a wondeful source of inspiration for me and I want to thank you for that. I have never before come accross anyone so willing to share what they know and anytime I can pass that generosity along I do. Excited about what the 2017 will hold for Floret!

  11. Madison Puch on

    Just took the survey. All of these ideas are wonderful! I’d say the reason everyone wants to come to Floret is to see the magic in person! I can research on the computer anytime, but there’s something really special about learning face-to-face. You can connect with people who dream the same dreams you do, see the glorious flower bounty with your own eyes, learn by doing, and create something that you’re really proud of! That’s a kind of experience you just can’t have from the comforts of your own home. It’s worth the trip!

    Of course I will always devour any information you provide Erin. And happily too! But I’ll always have the dream of going to the farm and experiencing everything I’ve read and heard about in one of your workshops. And I’d like to thank you in person one day for all the help you’ve given me.


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