Home Blog Join me for the Floret Virtual Book Tour
March 9th 2017

Join me for the Floret Virtual Book Tour

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First off, a huge thank you for the early enthusiastic support for Cut Flower Garden.  I am over the moon with excitement and gratitude for the many sweet messages, reviews and flood of beautiful photos of the book tagged with #floretbook on Instagram.   Thank you all! I plan to do a little roundup of some of my favorite #floretbook tagged images (like the one below) soon, so keep ’em coming!


As I shared during the Floret Book Release Celebration on Tuesday, I decided to pursue a somewhat nontraditional route for promoting the book.  I just couldn’t be away my family and the farm for long stretches of time, especially during this time of year, in order to do book promotion events.

But that wasn’t always the plan. Last year, the Floret Team and I cooked up the crazy idea of loading everyone up (including Jill and Susan’s toddlers) in the camper and do a wild cross-country book tour.  We were going to turn our RV into a bookmobile on wheels. We even got the washi tape out and a plotted our course on a map, and planned to visit a ton of flower friends along the way.

But then reality set in.

There was just no way.  Or at least not now… Not with a million other projects pulling me back to the farm and demanding my undivided attention, to actually make that crazy idea a reality. So we pushed pause on the road trip, but promised to re-visit in the future.  Oh the wild plans we can cook up with a few pots of coffee and a pile of candy!

We then came up with an even better and more sane idea: a Virtual Book Tour.

I’m thrilled to announce that Floret has teamed up with outstanding lifestyle, wedding and gardening blogs for Floret’s Virtual Book Tour.

At each “stop” on the Virtual Book Tour, I’ll share information inspired by the book, including DIY design techniques, gardening tips, author interviews and more.

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And best of all, you can attend as many of the tour stops as you like. And there’s no travel required.

Each of the participating blogs will be giving away a copy of the book and some other Floret goodies, so be sure to stop by, say hello and enter a chance to win a copy.

The official Virtual Tour kicks off on Friday, so be sure to mark your calendars and bookmark the following sites:

Friday, March 10: The House that Lars Built

Monday, March 13: Red Dirt Ramblings

Tuesday, March 14: NW Healthy Mama

Wednesday, March 15: 100 Layer Cake

Thursday, March 16: Fresh Eggs Daily

Friday, March 17: Creative Vegetable Gardener

Read more about the Virtual Tour on the Chronicle Books blog.

See you on tour!


  1. elsie on

    amazing book! love love it!

  2. Tracey on

    Love love my book… Would anybody be able to please tell me ,where I can buy ,the Tan coloured Sweet pea Seed ,in the photo above ….Bloom floral Design. Appreciate that very much, Thank you.

  3. Anna PRICE on

    I can’t find your post/event on 100 Layer Cake. Any idea how to view it? What am I missing?
    Great job so far though! I’ve loved the earlier posts. It’s fun finding new blogs to follow.

  4. Nathalie lepine on

    Bonjour from quebec…
    i wish it’s here that i have to stop by and say hello to have the possibility to Winnipeg the virtualité book !
    So…..Hello everyone and co graduations for all that inspire creativity and share.

  5. Katrina on

    I’m sorry, but I am very confused on how this works. I’ve visited the sites and don’t see anything about the events. Do we just go to the site on that day? What time? Or is it their Facebook?


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