Home Blog Gratitude
June 25th 2015


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View More: want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of you who recently took the time to complete my little Floret survey. Your feedback and the ideas you shared were insightful, thoughtful and invaluable and I really can’t thank you enough. Seriously, the love and kindness in your words came at just the right time for me personally as I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with everything–the endless harvesting and weeding in the fields, a few rough patches of writers block while working on the book, an overloaded email in-box, the endless to-do lists around the house and office, and so on. With so many ideas for the future swirling around my head, I started to lose focus.

Sensing that things were going downhill, I forced myself to step back, take a short breather and reach out for some help.  I’m so very thankful I did. After some much needed quiet family time, I returned to the farm with much more clarity, confidence and renewed energy to begin the next big chapter for Floret—both for the book AND our little farm.

View More: response to the survey was such a boost and the ideas you shared have really helped me really to hone in on our core values, shape the direction in which I hope to grow our business, and identify the types of flower-related resources, information and inspiration you want us to create.  I’m eager to dig in to the next big project–it is going to be amazing–and I can’t wait to share more details with you in the coming months!

It is also super satisfying to learn how this little blog has made so many of you “motivated,” “inspired” and “excited” to grow flowers.  Seriously, I can’t tell you how much joy that brings me.

View More: HUGE thank you for your feedback; thank you for your kind words; thank you for your unwavering support of the seasonal flower movement, and thank you for following along with me on this wild and beautiful flower farming adventure. There’s so much more beauty just over the horizon and I can’t wait to share it with you.


  1. Teemie on

    Dear Erin,

    Thank you for following your heart and sharing so openly. You are such an inspiration. You are one of the reasons I have not given in to giving up. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Viv on

    Beautiful pics, and the kids are growing as fast as the flowers!!!! Still don’t know how you do it all,–even with the helpers you have. I remember the passion, and the highs that you get when the flow of everything is right, and you are moving ahead with new ideas on the horizon. Enjoy everything, and don’t forget to breathe once in awhile.

  3. Renata Kogut on

    Those asters are gorgeous! Would love to see a flower profile on those.

  4. Renata Kogut on

    Those asters look gorgeous! Would love to see a flower profile on these.

  5. Sue on

    Thank you for being so open and honest in your blog.
    You’ve inspired me to stop, take stock and refocus as life becomes a little overwhelming.
    Sue (Melbourne, Australia).

  6. Killoran Moore on

    I cannot wait for the book and whatever else it is you’ve got planned. I enjoy every single post on this blog, especially the failures. We’re all human and it makes things seem more doable. It’s like seeing Martha Stewart say ‘shit’ on TV. Fantastic.

    I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by everything I need to get started/manage/avoid (ha). I found the Passion Planner the other day, which is a planner that you use to identify and work toward specific goals. I’ve always thought this stuff was cheesy, but, as it turns out, I’m totally the type of person who needs it. I’ve already done a whole bunch of things I’ve been avoiding and putting off for no real reason other than intimidation. They have the whole thing for free in PDF form on the website, or for purchase (if anyone else is interested).

    • erin on

      I also got the passion planner but for me it ended up to big and bulky so I combined components of the passion planner and the bullet journal and now I have a place for continuous lists, ideas, field notes, and a rolling calendar! The only thing I miss are the inspirational quotes

  7. Deborah on

    Dahlia update! I have little shoots and leaves from my box of give away tubers. Keep on with your beautiful and inspiring work. We know it’s hard and that you are putting in long hours. Sending virtual hugs!

  8. Anna on

    I will definitely be buying your book! It’s so refreshing seeing you post about your struggles too as it’s easy to think people that have made it don’t have any stressors in life!

  9. Lynn on

    Linda said it so very well!! I now look forward to starting my morning by checking instagram to see what gorgeous photos you have uploaded & words that keep inspiring me toward the dream of my own small flower farm. Can hardly wait until i can attend one of your seminars!!

  10. Lauren on

    Inspiration is such a gift! Glad the survey could recharge yours :) That last photo is stunning!

  11. Shelley on

    Everytime I am feeling a little overwhelmed in my own flower business I read your blogs…your writing and beautiful photos alway gives me the boost I need to keep going….So thankyou and I look forward to hearing new plans you are making for floret.

  12. Linda Wong Garl on

    Thank you for sharing all of you…your successes…your real life ups and downs…your passions…your excitement…your knowledge…very heartwarming to know that you are a real human being full of “humanbeingness” …willing to share LIFE! And that you find joy with just the most gorgeous of Mother Nature!!!! Warms my heart!

  13. Corina on

    So glad you took time off! It totally fuels me to get away from it all. Next time, maybe we can go for a little hike together!

  14. Luc on

    Great how you Sharp you experiences. Always looking forward for your post. We love here in France, Europe.


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