Home Blog Grasses, Grains, and Pods
December 18th 2019

Grasses, Grains, and Pods

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While I love growing lush, romantic blooms, there’s also something very satisfying about cultivating weedier, wilder bouquet ingredients. These unique textural elements add interest and depth to any arrangement with their rustic appeal, and they produce an abundance of cutting material from midsummer through autumn.

In addition, many of these materials can be dried and used in fall wreaths and arrangements, making them doubly valuable in the cutting garden.


One of the fastest and easiest ways to add unexpected magic to an arrangement is to tuck a few stems of ornamental grasses into the mix. In addition to bringing unique visual interest to bouquets, these grasses are drought tolerant and easy to grow, and they bloom for months from just one planting. 

Feathertop’ (pictured above) has been a mainstay in my cutting garden for many years. One planting will flower for nearly 3 months, and the more you cut, the more it produces.

The creamy white, fluffy seed heads look like they are dancing in the vase and are beautiful when combined with chrysanthemums and dahlias. Seed heads will last for 7 to 10 days as fresh cuts; no floral preservative is needed.

Broomcorn milletBroomcorn Millet’ (pictured above) is a unique grass and one of my all-time favorites to grow and cut. The deep green- and black-tipped seed heads arch over from strong stems, resembling miniature, drooping broomcorn. Their elegantly draped, tassel-like blooms look amazing in late-summer and autumn bouquets, producing abundantly for many weeks from one planting.

Seed heads can be harvested at almost any stage, from barely emerging to fully elongated. As stems ripen, they become longer and more deeply colored. Stems last for 7 to 10 days in the vase; no preservative is needed.

Frosted explosion grassFrosted Explosion’ (pictured above) is one of the most productive and profitable cuts I’ve ever grown. This grass cranks out buckets of stems every few days for a solid 6 weeks from just one planting.

The tall, stiff green stems are topped with glittering silvery seed heads resembling the fiber-optic wands that were so popular during my childhood.

Seed heads can be harvested at almost any stage, from barely emerging to fully blown open. The more mature the stem, the larger the explosion grows. Stems last 7 to 10 days in the vase.

Bunny Tails grassYou won’t be able to keep your hands off Bunny Tails (pictured above), an irresistible ornamental grass that’s as soft as a well-worn baby’s blanket. Compact plants produce graceful gray-green blades with elongated heads that turn a delicate cream color and soften as they age.

Everyone who visits the farm loves this grass! It mixes well with everything and looks fantastic dried. Fluffy wands catch slightly in the breeze; plant en masse for a real show.

Harvest at any point once seed heads emerge. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days; no preservative needed. To dry, wait until the pollen sheds, pick, and hang upside down in a warm, dark place.



I have grown just about every variety of amaranth on the market, but I’ve found only a handful to be worthy of planting en masse every year. Some varieties of this plant are upright and full; others produce dramatic hanging tassels that are showstoppers in vase arrangements and wedding work.

Amaranth is easy to grow and a great choice for beginning gardeners. Seed can be started indoors to produce transplants or direct-sown in the garden. Harvest when the tassels begin to elongate, and remove most of the foliage so the colorful ropes are more visible.

Green Tails’ (pictured above, right) is an extra-special amaranth that provides a striking backdrop to a garden bed or a dramatic addition to large-scale arrangements. Its long, chartreuse-green tassels add texture and combine beautifully with both bright and pastel color palettes.

I discovered ‘Coral Fountain’ (pictured above, left) during a variety trial some years back and fell madly in love with it. The pendulous blooms are the most exquisite shade of dusty pink that resembles sunbleached velvet. It is perfect for dramatic, large-scale arrangements.

Mira amaranthMira’ (pictured above) is an unusually formed amaranth variety with bicolored green- and rose-tinted ropelike blooms that add stunning texture to bouquets. Long, thick, pendulous tassels resemble cascading dreadlocks, perfect for dramatic arrangements.
Quinoa redheadQuinoa

Quinoa is one of our new favorite bouquet fillers. ‘Red Head’ (pictured above) produces towering plants with a large stalk and multiple side branches covered in thickly seeded heads. As seed heads mature, they transition from lime green to smoky peach and eventually darken to magenta-cranberry.

Plants can be harvested over a long period of time after seed heads have formed. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days.


Orach is a fantastic plant I discovered in a friend’s veggie patch some years back, and I have been a huge fan ever since. The young leaves are edible and are often compared to spinach.

Early in the season, harvest the leafy stems en masse for bouquets. If plants are left to grow, you’ll be rewarded with gorgeous seedy stems that are wonderful in large midsummer arrangements.

Fresh stems used for their foliage last longest when you dip them for 7 to 10 seconds in boiling water directly after harvest; seeded stems do not need any special postharvest treatment. Both can last up to 2 weeks in the vase.

The Caramel Apple Mix includes brilliant Granny Smith green and rich chocolaty crimson. ‘Ruby Gold’ (pictured above) is an incredible variety shared with us by Frank Morton at Wild Garden Seed. Its eye-catching foliage is a glowing acid green, and stalks are streaked with cranberry. Seeds are a blend of dusty rose and sunbleached moss.



This fast-flowering filler is a must-have for mixed bouquets and intricate handiwork, such as boutonnieres and flower crowns. The tall, sturdy stems are smothered in beautiful silvery seedpods—like tiny textural beads—that aren’t prone to wilting or shattering.

Producing a bumper crop just 2 months from sowing, this garden workhorse is a winner. Cress is extremely quick to germinate, so I direct seed it in the garden every 2 to 3 weeks from my last spring frost through early summer for a steady supply.

In addition to using cress in fresh bouquets, you can easily dry stems to use as a fantastic addition to autumn bouquets and wreaths. To dry, hang bunches upside down in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight.

A friend gifted me seeds from her ‘Pennycress’ (pictured above). Legend has it that ‘Pennycress’ has been growing in the Skagit Valley since the year I was born. The bright, clean, apple-green stems are well branched and loaded with round, textural seedpods. As seed heads mature, they turn the color of wheat.

This is a staple crop for me, and I sow it multiple times over the season for a steady supply. Pods come on all at once, so it’s perfect for succession-planting. ‘Pennycress’ dries very well, changing from green to glowing yellow and eventually to tan. It’s very easy to save seed, too.

Cress in the fieldEmerald Beads’ (pictured above) is an extremely heavy producer with more delicate and more numerous pods than other varieties. The branched stems are upright with a graceful wave, making them useful and versatile in bouquets and arrangements.

Harvest when seed wands have fully formed to the tip and the top blooms have faded. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days.

Jewels of OparJewels of Opar

Jewels of Opar (pictured above) produces dense mounds of chartreuse foliage that give way to long, airy wands covered in tiny pink, star-shaped flowers that mature into miniature glowing red-orange beads. It’s an incredible plant in the late-summer and early-autumn garden and a must-grow for autumn bouquets and wearable flowers.

Harvest after flowers have dropped and seedpods appear. Expect a vase life of at least a week.


Mignonette, especially ‘Garden Mignonette’ (pictured above), is one of my favorite textural bouquet fillers. After the vanilla-scented flowers fade, they leave long, wispy wands of seedy stems that light up bouquets with their texture and persist in the garden until the first frost.

The little lantern-like pods also shift in color over time; as summer fades and fall arrives, they take on a cranberry dusting. Fresh pods will last 7 days. Mignonette is also a favorite of pollinators and is suitable for the border as well as containers.

SileneTwo other gorgeous introductions carry highly textural stems full of podlike blooms that make bouquets sparkle.


Silene ‘Blushing Lanterns’ (pictured above) produces tall, wispy gray-green stems covered in miniature pale green balloon-like pods veined with blush. As pods mature, they open to reveal snow-white petals.

Once petals drop, pods remain. They make a romantic and feminine addition to arrangements and are a must-grow for wedding work.

This extremely productive variety blooms abundantly from early summer through autumn. Silene can be harvested at any stage, and cut stems last 7 days in the vase.


A hardworking perennial, figwort (pictured above) will flower the first year from seed if started early. Waist-high, branching plants produce an abundance of long stems smothered in chocolate-and-green hoodlike blooms, similar to those of snapdragons.

Leathery, long-lasting flowers have a bitter, smoky scent, but they attract more pollinators than any other plant we’ve grown. In addition to being a great bouquet filler, figwort is a must-grow for the bees. Pick when stem tips are no longer floppy, and flowers will last up to 2 weeks in the vase.


Poppy pods

Poppy pods are still a favorite in mixed bouquets. They are easy to grow and make a wonderful addition to any garden.

Rattle Poppy’ (pictured above) produces huge, decorative seedpods that are as large as limes. The pods can be dried and used indefinitely. This variety and other breadseed poppies do best when direct-sown, but slugs love them, so keep an eye out.

Shirley poppies yield a bumper crop of miniature silver pods with darker tops that are excellent for handwork, bridal bouquets, and dried crafts. All varieties produce equally well.

Amazing Grey poppyAmazing Grey’ (pictured above) sends up petite flowers that are the most haunting purple-gray hue, similar in color to ‘Nimbus’ sweet peas. We’ve never seen anything like it. Plants are vigorous and free-flowering, and after blooms drop, they leave behind adorable, chocolate-capped seedpods.
PoppyMother of Pearl’ (pictured above) comes in hues spanning dusty plum, cocoa-dusted white, cream with raspberry veining, and muddy eggplant. Long stems, refined flowers, and adorable seedpods make this a perfect flower for wedding and wire work.

Supreme’ flowers all summer. This mesmerizing mix of white, scarlet, soft pink, and watermelon-orange looks like an old-fashioned silk kimono. Single and double flowers sway above clean, mint-green, serrated foliage. Each fuzzy stem shoots up at least a half dozen buds, and as soon as one flower fades, another comes up.

One of the most ephemeral and delicate flowers we grow, Shirley poppies steal the heart of everyone who visits our garden. Pollinators love them too.

Love in a mist

Love in a mist podsLove-in-a-mist

Love-in-a-mist (pictured above) is grown as much for its enchanting pods as for its star-shaped flowers, and it couldn’t be easier to grow. Sow seeds directly in the garden in the fall or early spring for a great show.

While this plant looks quite fragile, it’s one of the hardiest early bloomers. When the flowers are left on the plant, they form dramatic seedpods that add a unique textural element to any bouquet.

Use the pods fresh or dried in bouquets; dried ones last almost indefinitely. To dry, simply hang upside down in a warm, dry place out of bright light for 2 weeks.

African Bride’ forms dramatic black seedpods, while ‘Cramer’s Plum’ produces plum-colored pods. Starry Night is a mix of my favorites including ‘Delft Blue’, ‘Midnight’, and ‘African Bride’. It produces lavender-dusted, royal blue, and white blooms, all with spidery black centers.

Love in a mist TransformerTransformer’ (pictured above) is a unique novelty that deserves a spot in every flower arranger’s garden. Plants have airy, wispy foliage and feature small, golden-yellow flowers. Petals turn down to show off a wild seedpod that curls into the shape of a court jester’s hat. The pods turn tan when they dry and look like winged crowns. The dried pods are great for wreaths and crafting.

Pincushion flower

No garden is complete without a broad swath of pincushion flower (pictured above), also referred to by its genus name, Scabiosa. These hardy annuals are easy to grow and are wonderful for wedding work. They bloom all summer long, and pollinators love them.

Scabiosa podsThe delicate, button-like flowers are great cut as buds or in full flowering stage, and they come with a huge bonus: After flowers fade, they leave behind interesting, textural seedpods (pictured above) on long stems that work beautifully, either fresh or dried.

The colors of all the varieties listed here are stunning, and they all produce pods equally well.

Black Knight’ is an extremely dark, nearly black maroon, while ‘Summer Sangria’ is a rich, aptly named variety that mixes well with both vibrant tones and antiqued muted hues. ‘Salmon Queen’ is a beautiful salmon-pink that is a floral designer’s dream and a favorite of everyone who visits the farm.

Fata Morgana pincushion flowerFata Morgana’ (pictured above) is a lovely blend of blush and buttercream, the color palette for so many weddings.

Snowmaiden pincushion flowerSnow Maiden’ (pictured above) is a garden treasure with super-fluffy, creamy white blooms and latte undertones. Long stems show the raised shape of the blooms.

Grass in fieldI would love to hear your experiences with grasses, grains, and pods. Do you grow them or plan to add them to your garden this coming season? If so, what are your favorite varieties?

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  1. Barbara Biggs on

    I’m just this upcoming 2025 adding some scabiosa, fats morgana & Merlot Red along with Strawflowets, Apricot, & Silver Rose. Additionally I’m adding for the first time Pennycress and Chocolate Lace Flower. I very excited

  2. Lindsay on

    My cress is laying flat against the soil and the stems are not strong or growing upright. You don’t list any tips here for supports or netting required… curious how I can combat this? I don’t see how I could use them in arrangements when the stems are all wonky

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Lindsay- Here on the farm we haven’t had this problem, but it does sound like your plants need to be grown with some supports or stakes.

  3. Alix on

    Adding some wild flair to my flower arrangements has been a game-changer! I’ve been incorporating unique elements like Sea Moss supplements into my routine to enhance my energy levels and it’s made such a difference. Just like these stunning grasses and grains add texture and depth to bouquets, Sea Moss has added a boost to my vitality.

  4. Christina on

    I grew mignonette this past season and it was very short. I kept cutting it and it grew back taller each time, but it was only about 8-10″ by the end of the summer. Any recommendations on getting longer stems? Thank you!

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Start them early so they can establish before the heat sets in. They require full sun and close spacing between 9-12 inches apart to help their stems grow tall. Adding fertilizer to the soil might help, too. I hope this helps!

  5. Dani Boss on

    Inland sea oats! it is an American native grass and in the fall the seed pods turn beige and dry out and make excellent additions to bouquets for fall. It is a perennial here in Texas!

  6. Paula Stickley on

    I grew bunny tails last year for the first time but the stems were not very long. Still beautiful to use and I dried them for mini bouquets as well. I am in zone 6A, any suggestions to get some more length in their stems.

  7. Sandra Garrett on

    Jewels of Opar. Thank you for giving a name to a plant I have had for years but never knew its name. I have it planted around a Mountain Laurel in a huge container. It is a lovely plant, here in south Texas it will freeze to ground level and pops back up early Spring. Thank you 😊

  8. HK on

    I am growing Bunny tails for the first time. Planted them en masse. Waiting for their show to begin :)

  9. Mb Spivey on

    Erin, thank you for your generous sharing and helping other growers, like me, to expand their knowledge and fuel their passion even further.

  10. Hy on

    Hey! Absolutely loved this article, thank you! I’m interested in growing some grasses in my backyard in sunny & tropical Singapore, just wondering which ones would you recommend growing?

  11. Jocelyn Manzer on

    I just built a new home on almost 4 acres of what was a cow pasture, farmers field. 5 a zone.
    What I can see is that I have many wet part in our open field, looks like we have bunnies, deer and foxes.
    Do you have any recommendations for a grass that will be easy to grow, so we do not have to mow our full back field?
    Also how many seed packets to have a nice patch of the long beautiful grasses in your article and can I direct sow?.
    We are full sun and very windy.

    Thank you, cannot wait for spring.

  12. Emily on

    I can’t believe how much of these already grow wildly around my property! So lucky :)

  13. Candace on

    Hi there! Was wondering if you could tell me if Mignonette flowers are edible/not poisonous? I’m hoping to dehydrate some and place in cocktails, but don’t want to poison anyone! And I’m having difficulty finding an answer….thanks so much in advance! :)

    • BriAnn Boots on

      They are not on our edible list of flowers.

  14. Kelsey on

    Does anyone know much about cress? My growth looks nothing like the tall, grass like photos and more like a leafy green. I’m so very new to this – am I missing something?!

  15. Kryssa on

    How close together can you plant Jewels of Opar?

  16. Lynn Galloway on

    Actually, don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but I hate to see people grow pampas grass as I know it is very popular with florists, but yikes it is extremely invasive, crowding out native plants. Glad so far floret is not offering seeds. I had to dig some up that had completely taken over at a friends home and it took rope and a pick up truck to yank it out of the ground.

  17. Sid on

    Thank you for sharing all of this. I have certainly enjoyed growing the orach that you discovered; growing it from your seeds and putting it into bouquets. One correction, though. The scabiosa seed pods that you have pictured are actually from the perennial scabiosa, not the annual ones that you have listed and show in the photographs.

  18. Val on

    I would like to try growing pampas grass do you sell any seeds for that as I just want the plums

  19. Kimi on

    This is exactly what I’ve been searching nearly 6 hours for!! Thank you so much for writing this. It’s been difficult to find lists and photos of flower arrangement fillers.

  20. Fabulous Foliages and Fillers - Floret Flowers on

    […] Most of the varieties here can be grown from seed (the exceptions are raspberry greens, scented geranium, and ninebark). For more great fillers, like amaranth, millet, and cress, check out my recent post on Grasses, Grains, and Pods. […]

  21. Sophie Cramer on

    How do you dry pin cushion seed heads without them falling apart after they are dry?

  22. Alca du toit on

    Is there any way I can get seed delivered to South Africa?

  23. Doris deLespinasse on

    I’d love to plant a few of these, but it would be very small quantities on a small property close to parks and forests, in a good growing part of the Northwest U.S. These have lots of seeds. I’m wondering whether they could be invasive in the forests and parks, or a major weed problem for myself and neighbors?

    (I’d relax about this if I knew Floret would always mention it when it applies to a plant.)

  24. Bevy on

    Wow Erin, such a variety of greenery. I do love Columbine when the seeds rattle inside the pod. I imagine babies playing with them as the first rattles in the PNW.

  25. Tracy on

    I can’t get enough Bunny Tails. I add them to containers and pots as a textural standout, plus those fuzzy little bunny tail seed heads work next to anything. Great for smaller bouquets and the perfect punctuation in tight little nosegays.

  26. Sally Back on

    Wonderful article! You keep pushing me to grow and think outside of the box, er vase, and create more masterpieces. Thank you very much for this insightful article.

  27. Michaela Chadwick on

    Hi Erin, discovered your work and farm on instagram. What a joy you brought back to my life. You are truly inspirational! Now have both your books too! I’m new to growing a cutting garden, but have always dabbled in gardening and floristry.
    I lost my dear sister Joanna to cancer a year ago. Finding your instagram and work has brought me a new purpose and joy to my life. Let’s see where it takes me!!
    Enjoy reading all you share, you’re very generous.
    Thank you for my new lease on life.
    Michaela x

  28. Laura on

    Hello, I read your beautiful posts from Europe and is rather difficult to understand which plant are you talking about when using American names. Could you add, if possible, the Latin bothanical names? These grasses are fantastic but have no idea of how I can find them
    Thank you

  29. Satoko on

    I love growing grasses but when taking off the lower leaves, they often snap away (or should I say slip off?) a good portion of the stem if I’m not careful. Is there a trick in preventing this from happening?

  30. Mary Louise Hagler on

    This rekindled my love for growing grains, grasses and pods. I’ve taken a break from flower growing and now ready to get back to it this season! Thank you for refreshing my list! ML of MLCHgarden, Augusta GA / zone 8a.

  31. Andrea on

    Whenever I suggest grasses to florists around here, I get a negative response because they can cause an allergic reaction. Have you had this feedback from anyone?

  32. Brit on

    We grow mostly sunflowers so I was looking for some great fillers…I absolutely love the cress! Cress in the garden, fresh cress in arrangements, dried, just love it! I ordered more so I can try out succession planting (still learning) because I ran out way to quick last year! I really enjoyed the pincushions last season with and without the petals! I was really bummed I missed out on the ‘Jewels of Opar’ and ‘Figwort’ but unfortunately was biting my nails while going over my ordering list at my 9-5 today and they sold out. The amaranth and orach worked well with my arrangements and stood up to the large sunflowers. I also dried a lot of those and used for fall porch arrangements along with corn stalks and wheat. I’m excited to try the quinoa, I managed to nab a pack of those and some new grasses as well. I can’t wait for spring but lots of planning to do before then!

  33. Pam Williams on

    Hi Erin. Your pod posting is very useful. I just wanted to add that there is a shrub pod worth recognition. The Nandina shrub grows well here in zone 7 and is one of my floral arrangement work horses. The foliage is evergreen and its blade shaped leaves turn red in winter. Lovely “go to” greenery all year round. The ornamental berries are lovely in fall and winter arrangements. But I comment here on Nandina’s very useful pods. The berries turn to seed pods that look delicate but are very sturdy. They holdup for the entire life of a fresh arrangement. They also dry to a lovely taupe that can be worked into dried arrangements (they take to spray paint, and I used gold during the holiday season to add to greenery arrangements) Thanks for the opportunity to share about a floral designer’s dream shrub that does not have to be replanted every year and works all year round. Leaves+berries+pods=floral designer’s dream. Pam Williams at Prairie Cottage Studio in Zone 7/Oklahoma

  34. Marcia Harrington on

    Thanks Erin for the luscious pics! I love and grow most of these beauties, but figwort is new to me and now on the list for 2020. A couple of other suggestions (as if we need more!): Rue (ruta graveolens) has a nice blue-green lacy leaf and small yellow flowers that look mid-century modern. Later it produces pods that look like mini bell peppers on nicely branched stems that are long lasting in bouquets. As an additional benefit, the foliage stays green well into the winter even after being buried in snow! Apple of Peru is a huge plant that produces tons of fluted pods that are great fresh or dried. I grew it for the first time this year and it was a great addition to late season bouquets and dried arrangements. Northern Sea Oats is a carefree perennial grass that has dangling seedbeds that add movement to bouquets and bouts. It can be started from seed and will produce a nice thick bed in a year or two. Itching to get started, looking out at my winter fields with the mantra “on day closer to spring…” This post is a nice boost until then!

  35. Denisa Anderson on

    I tried a variety of ornamental grasses my first season. I planted the seedlings in a field (without amended or great soil) in an attempt to enhance the existing grassy meadow. None of them did well. But I will try again in a cultivated field because I ache for them! Ha I’m wondering if bunnies ate my seedlings?

  36. Linda Goss on

    So fascinating! I will definitely be adding some of these to my patch next year. The only problem is having room and picking which ones to grow! I have pampas grass that I finally looked at this year with new eyes – it’s a lovely producer for fall arrangements. Thank you for the inspiration!


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