Home Blog Giveaway: Eyes Open Creative Photography e-course
September 19th 2014

Giveaway: Eyes Open Creative Photography e-course

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This week I’m taking a little break from writing about my all-time favorite topic: flowers (don’t worry, it will be brief) to talk about another one of my passions: photography!

If you’re a regular reader, I’m sure you’ve noticed how often I post photos where the background is soft and blurry and your eye is drawn to the sharpness of the bouquet or the single bloom that is the focus of the shot. I just love being able to create dreamy, romantic images with a shallow depth of field. The fact that Chris and I can now manage to capture those types of image was made possible only after taking the Eyes Open Creative Photography E-Course.

Prior to taking the class, we both fumbled with our camera and were never able to get the types of shots we were going for. We both really wanted to share our story in a beautiful, visual way, but figuring out how to do that felt impossible. Even after upgrading to a newer DSLR camera, we continued to be disappointed with most of the photos and were intimidated to shoot in anything but “running man” mode. Then one day while visit Erin Little’s blog I found that she had created an e-course for people struggling with the exact same thing. I registered within minutes!

Erin is the creative force behind a love supreme photography and bbb, one of my favorite lifestyle blogs. Her photographs capture everyday life in such beautiful, creative and compelling ways. It was that “essence” that I hoped to one day be able to capture in my own photos.

After taking her six-week creative photography e-course, I feel like I finally “got” it. It didn’t matter how many times I read my camera manual, I simply didn’t understand aperture or ISO or any of the other scary photography terms used. Through the e-course, Erin was able to explain the terminology and share great visual examples (I learn best by seeing) that made the light go on for me. I finally understood what those terms meant and how to use that knowledge to capture great photos of our flowers, our farm, our family and anything else in front of my lens. During the time I was taking the course, Chris jumped in and started playing with the concepts too. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it was a total game changer for us both creatively and business wise.

The Eye’s Open e-course is packed with photography essentials, plus great handouts and practice activities that really make the learning process fun. Erin’s approachable style and flexible format make it easy to understand and enables you to go at your own pace. She keeps the class size manageable so she is able to answer all your questions, plus provide personalized feedback on your practice shots. It is a fantastic way to learn photography basics, plus explore creative photography for whatever field you’re in.

If you’re…
a gardener wanting to capture the beauty of your blooms
a designer or crafter seeking to capture your creations before you send them out the door
a parent wanting to chronicle fleeting moments with your kids
a blogger or a creative-type needing high quality images for your website
someone who just wants to take better pictures

Well, this e-course was designed just for you.

Since I’m a huge fan of Erin’s work and can’t recommend her e-course enough I thought we’d do a little giveaway this week so that one lucky blog reader can win a free registration to the next six-week e-course, starting September 30!

To enter, simply post a comment below with your favorite photography subject before Sunday the 21st at 5p.m. PST. Be sure you leave your email address when prompted so we can contact you if you win. The winner will be announced on Monday September 22nd. Best of luck!

Erin is also offering a $20 discount code to Floret fans for The Eyes Open e-course. Simply include the coupon code: eyesopenfloret at the checkout to receive your discount. The upcoming course includes a special new section on photographing flowers and floral designs!

I invited Erin to chat a little bit more about her photography, the e-course and her work capturing magical moments in her life and the lives of happy couples in Maine and beyond.

Erin B: First off, thank you again for creating this course and for helping me finally understand my camera! I still refer back to my manual to this day.

Erin L: I’m so glad! And thank you for having me hear and helping spread the word. I am always so thrilled to collaborate with you!

Erin B: Can you share a little bit about your business and background and how the course got started?

Erin L: Well, photography goes way back for me. I started putting together photo shoots when I was around 6 or 7. But it wasn’t until I started a lifestyle blog 8 years ago that photography started turning into a way to support my family. Over the years I have continued to share my photos through my blog, while I developed a photo business alongside. I started shooting weddings because of the convenience of scheduling around childcare, but in the last few years have switched more to editorial and commercial work. Because of my blog, I have received countless emails over the years asking questions about photography and camera logistics and such. I found myself typing out the same responses over and over again, and one day I thought that I should put all my knowledge into one place so I could share it with everyone.

I am self taught, which I think enables me to write a course that isn’t intimidating for a beginner. I do not learn well when I have a lot of technical terms written in a dry way thrown at me. I prefer a personable approach, with what you need to know written in a way that’s easy to grasp. That’s what I aimed to do when writing this course. I wrote it like I was explaining everything to a friend sitting next to me.

Erin B: For the benefit of those not familiar with e-courses, can you explain how it works?

Erin L: E-courses are essentially like long-distant learning. I think the formats of them differ depending on how they’re set up and such, but mine is pretty low key. There are 6 main lessons spread over 6 weeks. I would say it takes, on average, 20-30 minutes to read through each of them. There are some videos to accompany the lessons which are optional. Alongside each lesson is a photo challenge, which is basically some suggestions on what to practice from the current lesson. Shooting everyday is important to allow the new information to really sink in, even if for only 10-15 minutes a day. Lastly, there are some awesome guest posters each day who write a little about their photography experience and answer some questions about how they do what they do!

Throughout the course, there is an optional interactive piece which is a private Flickr group.The participants can share their photos and ask questions to receive feedback from myself and others.

Erin B: What are some of the topics you’ll be covering in the next e-course? And what new features are you including specifically for flower fanatics like me?

Erin L: We go over everything from photography basics (exposure, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc.) to portraits, shooting in a creative way, and even how to add more creativity to your life! There is a very basic intro to editing using a free program online available to everyone, just to get people started. I am planning on adding an additional course on editing over the winter. For flower fanatics, I wrote an additional mini lesson on photographing flowers! That’s part of week 4, and it’s aimed to help you become your own photographer for your floral business!

Erin B: Sounds great! I am so tempted to take the course again! Erin, thank you again so much for demystifying the DSLR camera for me and for helping Chris and I to take our photography to a whole new level. And thank you for supporting other farmer-florists and designers with your flower-focused course additions.

Ok flower friends, who’s ready to finally dive in and learn how to use that fancy digital camera that’s been sitting in the back of the closet since last Christmas? I promise you won’t regret taking the leap!

To learn more about Erin visit:
eyes open e-course:
a love supreme photography:
bbb blog:


  1. Colette Lee on

    Three entries have disappeared. One from yesterday at 10:37 pm last night Sept 20th. It was posted right after Jenny R. saying Sept 21 5:36 am saying awaiting for moderation. This afternoon I looked and at first it didn’t even show in the list so I entered again at 4:37. Then I sent one saying the correct time here in California as 4:37pm left them as awaiting moderation. Now I see they aren’t even listed. Is there something I should do?

  2. Colette Lee on

    Sent an entry California time 10:37 pm and it said waiting for moderation. My entry was right after Jenny Rae which said 5:19 am. I couldn’t figure out why the time of my entry said 5:37 am. But now I see that it isn’t even in the list. I’m sad that it wasn’t entered.
    My favorite subject is capturing the blessings that surround me daily. My loves include my family, garden and what we cook together.

  3. Molly on

    alleyways and cactus flowers!

  4. kristy on

    My favorite subject is definitely the garden to photograph, although our cats make great models as well. I definitely would love to take a class to improve my photography.

  5. Maria Capella on

    Mine is my garden, I have been tending my small patch of paradise for 27 years now. You know when you have those days when the light and colors all come together to make such delight of the senses. I have tried to capture those moments but I come away knowing I have missed something or have done something that’s not right. I will be 55 next month and taking a photography class has always been on my bucket list. My youngest daughter just entered her junior year in college. I have a empty nest now and I find that now is the time to explore all the things that I have been wanting to do but for one reason or another (time, money and all the myriad things that have to be put first) have had to take a back seat. I am not a singer or a writer they have legacies to leave behind. My legacy is this garden that nurtures me every single day. I want to capture this piece of land in a way that will not be forgotten. Thru pictures we are able to do so. I always say if only I had the resources to keep it going even when I am gone..sadly it can’t be done… be well

  6. Carolyn on

    My favorite photography subjects revolve around my farmette -Magpie Grove. Fruit tree blossoms and birds building nests in the spring, fruit and flowers in the summer, the harvest (by wildlife and people) in the fall and the serene, foggy winter.

    Thank you for letting me share!

  7. Kathy I. on

    Wow! So many great comments! The only way I can think to jump the queue is to attempt bribery. Pick me and I will send you tubers of new dahlia introductions. *Shhhh … keep this on the downlow :D

  8. Kathleen Barber on

    I decided to take the plunge and already signed up, thoughtful of you Erin to do this for someone. I can’t wait to meet my classmates I know it will be a blast! I just love to take pictures!

  9. Alison on

    My favorite subject is flowers of course!

  10. DaNae Smith on

    Flowers in their natural growing state or transformed in creative design is predominantly my focus for photography…but a close rival for shutter space is my greatest creations of all~ my family.

  11. Jennifer Hazard on

    My children are my two favorite subjects, followed by food!

  12. Colette Lee on

    My favorite subject that I try to capture is the blessings that surround me daily! Really to remind myself of these blessings which include my family, our garden and the food we cook together.

  13. Jenny Rae on

    I love taking pictures of my kids and garden, my kids in the garden is the bee’s knees!

  14. Donna on

    My daughter is getting married November 9th. Although we have a wonderful photographer the day of the wedding, there are many photo opportunities leading up to the big day. Also, my first grand-baby is coming to the wedding (he will be 1.5 months old). I have tried reading books on photography, but nothing sticks. This course is a “just in time” opportunity to quickly hone some much needed skills! No more pictures of the bride with her eyes shut – like I took at my son’s wedding.

  15. Mel on

    My favorite subjects by far are my two identical sets of twins (girls are 4 and boys just turned one TODAY!). Next to that it would definitely be the amazing floral creations that come out of the shop for which I am the Social Media Coordinator :-)

  16. Mary Anne on

    Used to be my kids but now that they’re older, it’s pretty much nature and of course my garden.

  17. norma on

    Mostly around the house or the sky. I never get tired or Oregon skies!!!

  18. Krystle Mccarthy on

    I love taking photos of our farm, animals and flowers however I tend to take a lot of pics of our goats and dog Lurch as they always come out so much nicer than everything else

  19. Debbie on

    How can I pick a favorite…8 grandbabies, an acre of flowers, a beautiful countryside. Would be thrilled to have this opportunity. Thanks Erin for offerring this:)

  20. Chelsea Hogan on

    My favorite subject is my son, Parker. He is 10 months old and changing every day! I try to capture as much as I can because he’s growing way too fast! I have hundreds of pictures of him, and some aren’t great but I just can’t part with them! I am just coming to the end of my year long maternity leave and starting my own floral design company so that I can work from home. I recently did a styled photo shoot to build my portfolio with a professional photographer which was quite costly. I also did another styled shoot and took the photos myself, I was surpirsed that I got some good shots but I really was just fumbling around with the camera! I would love to take Erin’s course so I can keep building up my portfolio and also capture more memorable moments with Parker!

  21. Heather on

    My daughter does horseback riding. I love to capture photos of her and the horse; others on her riding team competing; or those special quiet moments shared with a horse. And I do love zooming in on my garden!

  22. Kelly on

    I love taking pictures around the farm….honestly, mostly flowers and my dog.

  23. Elizabeth on

    Details and adventures of my family.

  24. Michelle W on

    I photograph everything EXCEPT sunsets. :)

  25. Coco on

    I would love to take this course to help me improve the photos we´re taking of our farmhouse renovation project, not to mention products I´ll be creating for my Etsy store. We´re just about ready to tackle the disasterous, post construction garden, so flowers will be a subject eventually.

  26. Karate on

    My son! My very first baby, who wiggles the second I click the shutter. In second place is the cat – big, white, blue-eyed cat – who also wiggles as soon as I click the shutter. I guess that’s why some cameras have a “kids and pets” setting. I’m particularly struggling with low-light photos (BC, basement apartment.. sigh).

    (Also, living in BC, it’s hard to not want to take pictures of all the beautiful scenery – I particularly like detail shots.)

    This is an amazing opportunity for everyone and whoever wins is very lucky! Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all!

  27. Kristi Ruggles on

    Farmers markets…I sniff them out wherever we travel, much to the chagrin of my two daughters, who have been raised this way! They want to hit the beach and I’m searching out the nearest farm stand! Not only do I support local farmers, but I LOVE photographing all the wonderful food, flower bouquets, value added products and always interesting characters (normally, that’s the farmers!)

  28. Ben on

    Just purchased my first real camera and hope to photograph nature living up to it’s potential and through it’s natural stages. Within such I include people living intentionally. I would like to capture singular moments that speak with a voice of simplicity and substance. P.S. Floret flowers on Instagram brings much happiness to my days.

  29. Erin Mc on

    Flowers. That is all. I enjoy keeping a visual diary of all the other aspects of our life, but flowers are my favorite.

  30. Emma Sousa on

    I love taking pictures of my beautiful flowers. Close up they are like individual pieces of art and I would love to be able to capture that. I also keep chickens amongst other animals and it would be amazing to capture their funny ways on film. I guesse I love all things from nature!

  31. Sara on

    I would love to take this course in order to help me improve the photos I take of my flowers and bouquets; as a ‘seedling’ flower farmer this would be immensely valuable to building my business. Other than flowers up close and personal my other love is capturing the beautiful British landscape! Fingers crossed and thank you both Erins for this opportunity.

  32. Krystle on

    My favorite subject to photograph are my two main men Aiden and Oliver. Coming in at a close runner up would be flowers and floral arrangements I create.

  33. Ellen Verick on

    For me its about senses, a smell, a touch, a sound. That’s what I want to capture. The smell of a rain on warm summer asphalt, the touch of love, happiness, life and the memory/sound of laughter…

  34. Katie Bogdanski on

    I love to photograph my littles enjoying nature at it’s finest. I also enjoy nature photography in general. Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. Farrah on

    Favorite subjects are nature & my girls, especially close-up!

  36. carol mcbride on

    Most sublime – photographing blooms as they are almost “done”… and withering, bowls of petals fallen, whisps of stamens on a plate… seeds and wild found elements… wish you had asked FOR a photograph in this contest! xo carol

  37. Daniel Noel O'Kane on

    My favorite subject(s) are the arrangements I do for clients and the very large private estate garden I manage as my primary mode of income here in Marin County, California. I also try and capture interesting photos around Marin, especially of Mt. Tam itself. Thanks

  38. Kathy on

    I like to photograph my kids, but would like to get into doing some creative garden/nature photography too. This course sounds great.

  39. Kelly on

    Really just about everything. Would love how to bring subjects into sharper focus while making the background softer and dreamlike. Would love how to capture natural light. Would love to learn how to make just about anything look better, the way I imagined it would look.

  40. Annette on

    This e-course sounds lovely. I’d be excited to learn more about editing photos as well. My favorite things to photograph are flowers, my puppy, and little corners of my home be it a stack of books or the latest craft project left laying on the sofa or the beautiful nature that surrounds my home.

  41. Corinne on

    Wildlife, I love to photograph animals in their environment. Thank you for your chance to win.

  42. Evangeline M on

    I like photographing flowers and our farm, but I especially like capturing insects, wild-life and my pets.

  43. Laura L on

    Though my sweet child, poppies and all living things, I think my all-time favorite is “fields” of flowers. Whether it be by the side of the road, on a mountain side or an actual field. Daisies, dahlia’s, poppies are all wonderful but for me, nothing beats one stalk of lupine amidst a sea of purple and green.

  44. Danielle D. on

    My faaaavorite photography subject is/are houses that have been overgrown with plants; vines covering the roof and walls and trees growing right through the living room!

  45. Katey on

    My favorite subjects to photograph are farm cats, old agricultural signage and produce labels, and of course, flowers!

  46. Camille on

    My little daughter! She is constantly changing and growing and never fails to make me smile!

  47. KC on

    Some of my favorites: any gradient occurring in nature . . . something visually unexpected and beautiful – a rainbow in an oil spot . . . objects and surfaces that show craft and depth!

  48. Katie Davis on

    I love photographing my floral arrangements! I must admit that it’s one of the hardest parts of my job because I can imagine exactly what I want to the photo to look like and usually I just can’t seem to capture it the way I see it. When I am able to, it’s happy dance time and then crossing my fingers the next time to try to make it happen again.

  49. Tonya on

    My favorite photography subject is my kids. We homeschool and we are always out and about living life and having fun. I use photography a lot to chronicle their work for their portfolios. I would love to learn more!

  50. CheyAnne Sexton on

    wow, let’s see; Light on flowers, animals, wildlife, horses, birds, butterflys, seasons changing….. anything with light on it, behind it around it

  51. Lauren on

    My favorite subject to photograph is the small quiet moments of life along with my new found love of flowers & plants.

  52. Lynne Gunn on

    I love nature so to capture it on camera, to be able to share with others and to be able to look back on those photos and remember would be wonderful. Mine at the moment somehow dont have the wow factor….

  53. Carleen on

    I love to photograph flowers, houses, and animals!

  54. Terry on

    I love, love, love landscape photography, as well as my garden. Unfortunately Southern California is experiencing record drought so this year there’s no garden!

  55. Kelly Preslar on

    I love taking photos of my daughter and my flowers, or both mostly together!!!

  56. Laura on

    It’s a toss up for my favorite subject to photograph. Coastal views, mountain landscapes, dramatic storms, flowers (my dahlia patch specifically) and my dogs all hold a special place in my life and heart. But at the end of the day I’d have to say that my dogs are my favorite subjects. Their constant energy and enthusiasm bring me such endless joy. It’s surprising what I capture in pictures that I’d miss out on otherwise because they are always in motion.

  57. Yelena Shumakova on

    My favorite subjects to photograph – nature – anything that’s growing out of the ground!! The shapes and colors of plants, as they change from seed to a few leaves peeking out of the ground to a flower overflowing with petals, intrigue and excite me. I’d love to have this wonderful opportunity. Thank you for the chance to put my name in the hat!

  58. olen on

    I love taking photos of life! Everything from tiny little humans to beautiful blooms. I want to capture moments and I need some help!

  59. Amelia on

    I would use this free course to improve the photographs I take of my two children, ages 2 and 4. The time does seem to be fleeting and I haven’t captured the moments well on film. We like to spend time outside and have a great little garden that would be nice to photograph as well.

  60. joanna taleno on

    my favorite photo subject is my daughter. i can’t wait to hear more about the editing e-course! thanks for the giveaway!

  61. Chandra Carr on

    I should say my favorite thing to photograph is my flowers…but lately it’s my chocolate lab Stella! I can’t get enough! Maybe it’s my puppies in a field of flowers with my ten year old son. :D.

  62. Abbie Turner on

    Crazy timing, its funny how much manifesting has gotten me to where it has. I was just putting some beautiful thoughts into the universe this morning about taking my photography to a new level. I wanted to be a photographer, tried studying it in college, but was greatly disappointed as my advisor told me that I wouldn’t be able to take one single photography class till year 2/3 in college! WHAT!! I tried it, left, and explored the central American coast, taking thousands of photos along the way. Now, taking my passion for growing, I have started a flower farm, and am getting back into my photography more and more. Flowers, nature, bugs, clouds, and my 3 year old are what interests me most, and I often find myself battling ideas through and through my head on how the get that “rockstar” shot. Art feeds my soul. Growing thing feeds my need for nurturing and aiding, and designing lets me let go of it all and flow with what is, a true “artists” dream! Sorry to ramble, enjoy!

  63. Beth on

    My favorite subject when shooting photos are the small moments: the way the light is hitting a wall just so, the fleeting expressions on a friend’s face, and the unexpected beauty you find all around you if you take the time to see it. Additionally, I farm and work hard to capture the feeling of being in that place and doing that work. It’s not an easy task, but I want to share the magic with my customers so they feel and realize that they are a part of the bigger whole: the land and the community that grows from there.

  64. Elle on

    It’s hard to pick just one thing, as I love photographing everything. Nature, insects, flowers, people….hm. Can ‘everything’ be a category? :)

  65. Corina on

    I love photographing my homestead – everything about it, including my goats, ducks, pigs, chickens, flowers, vegetables. I would love to learn about taking great photos to share on my blog and website!

  66. angelina on

    lovely! my favourites are my kids and my knitting ;]

  67. Erin on

    My favourite subjects are in the details…weathered wood, rough hands, tender profiles…the real bits of life and beauty. I would really love to learn product and food photography.
    Amazing giveaway. Amazing photographer. Amazing florals.
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  68. Denise on

    Would love to know how to capture those moments, ordinary, everyday beauty that surrounds us from the flowers to the sky to my chickens to the apple tree to my children, how can you simply have just one favourite xx

  69. Kari on

    My favorite subject is flowers! As a designer I feel dependent/helpless waiting on images of my work from the wedding photographer. I want to be able to photograph my bouquets myself, but still get professional looking results.

  70. Natalie on

    I love taking pictures of my daughter…and flowers of course!

  71. Laura Wiltse-Tibbetts on

    My favorite photography subject? Oh that’s such a hard question!! Coastal views, mountain landscapes, woodlands, flowers (my dahlia patch in particular) or my two dogs, Penny & Hudson? Like I said, “it’s a really hard question”! All of my subjects have a special place in my life and heart but at the end of the day I’d have to say that of my favorite subject (or rather subjects) are Penny and Hudson with flowers only being knocked out by a fraction of a fraction of a point :)

  72. Lynne on

    My favourite subject is definitely flowers!! With nature being a close second. :-)

  73. Jesse Miles on

    It is so hard to decide my favorite subject to photograph, some days it is my amazing 7 and 4 year olds and their antics. Other days it is the sun setting behind the waves on the ocean or the tall tall redwoods…. and some days it is simply the little bloom in my backyard garden or the bird perched on the powerline :)

  74. Kelly Preslar on

    My favorite us heat is my daughter and my flowers, especially together…I have a new flower farm and having been dying to learn how to take the best pictures of my flowers!!!

  75. Kim Mills on

    I own a small floral design studio out of my home in Northern California. My favorite photos are taken of people when they receive our designs as gifts or a bride’s first look at her bouquet on her wedding day. The joy and surprise captured in these moments is priceless. These moments captured in time are the reason I took on this career.

  76. Cathie on

    My favourite photography subject is flowers – as close-ups, focusing on textures, with insects or other wildlife, with due, as part of landscapes, vibrant colours, black & white, staged in a still life or growing in their natural environment. Although most of this is snapped on Instagram.

  77. kristin burrello on

    I love capturing my family in those special moments: the baby casually tossing a bouquet of peonies over his shoulder as he heads up the road with his brothers to deliver to a neighbor; a group hug saying good-bye to dad as he heads out the door for the 15th week in a row of travel; a chicken on my son’s shoulder snatching his waffle just as he’s about to eat it. and of course, my flowers.

  78. Lauren on

    I love taking photos of my garden, adventures in the PNW, and in-the-not-too-distant future: our kids! I easily take “too many” photos on every trip but would love some more skills to actually make my camera work and let me do some of the adjustments and thinking.

  79. Janet Czarnecki on

    My favorite subject is my farm: the landscape, the people, the veggies, and of course, the flowers!

  80. Annette on

    I live smack dab in the middle of a photographers paradise where the magestic redwood trees meet the Pacific ocean. Wild life (do slugs count), mushrooms, wildflowers, fishing boats in the harbor, FOG and sunsets all abound. I can not pick a single favorite :-)

  81. Emily C. on

    My sweet two year old is the main subject of my photographs. Would love to learn tricks to make the pictures more beautiful!

  82. melinda on

    life in general but mostly flowers from the garden and the arrangements I make with them.

  83. Sarah Pabody on

    My fave subject? My littles holding my flowers!

  84. Sas long on

    I love photographing the wildlife that lives in my garden!!

  85. Susan Crawford on

    I love photographing flowers and my two kitties, Pasha and Pippa.

  86. Alesa on

    I love to take photos of my daughter holding up dahlias, or heirloom tomatoes, the same size as her pretty little head.

  87. Emily Webb on

    My favorite photography subject is my David Austin Rose garden and the arrangements that I make with them. Though I do have a pretty good camera, I’m lucky if one out of 25 shots comes out looking good. I need help!

  88. Jen on

    I love taking photographs of my children and flowers of course :)

  89. tali hamel on

    Well, i will join the flower crowd, as that is one of my main passions!

  90. Dale on

    Favorite photography subject? Flowers, always flowers. Well, also the insects and other critters that visit them.

  91. Cheryl Linck on

    My favorite subject to photograph is nature. Whether it be a single flower, one of my arrangements, birds, insects, clouds, gardens, the moon…

  92. Robert on

    I love to photograph the floral arrangements I create. I like to see the contrasting colors and textures, and how they intermingle in the frame. I would love to be able to capture them in a more dynamic way.

  93. melissa on

    I’m going to be an auntie this october. I want to document everything for my sister.

  94. Michelle on

    My favorite subject to shoot is the orchard bloom in spring. I work in about 15 different farms and spring is friggin magic!

  95. Lindsey H. on

    My favorite photography subjects are my two sweet little ones, but a close second are capturing all of the special details to the parties I plan. I would so love to increase my talent at this!

  96. Kirby Stuart on

    My favorite photography subject is the beautiful floral arrangements my dear friend Maxine creates with her business, The Southern Table!

  97. Amanda Muis Brown on

    Choosing a favorite subject is hard! I love using my camera to capture the changes of a season, of a bloom, or the changing of my son’s life.

  98. Patty C. on

    My favorite photography subject is trying to capture the beauty of my Dad’s farm, whether it be veggies from the garden or Spring lilacs and gorgeous sunflowers.

  99. elizabeyta on

    My favorite photography subject is my grandson and his adventures.


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