Freedom: irrepressible, liberated, in full swing, unrestrained, unbound, uncontrolled, unconditional, absolute, emancipation, self determination, be one’s own man, do what one likes, clear, have a will of one’s own.
Thought a little peek into the Thesaurus would be the perfect way to kick off today.
Independence: freedom, liberty, self reliance, autonomy,self-sufficiency.
julie on
Simply beautiful. xxx
Elli Chase Designs on
The bouquet is beautiful!
You have true God given talent! -
tatianaalida on
Beautiful. Love it. Sounds like the start to a great manifesto!
Dawn Pearl on
thnx for remind the difference betwwen independence & freedom…. keep sharing ur wonderful views…
airlines contacts -
Josephine Rose on
Love those words!
Sadly, too many are not wanting to be "self reliant" or "self sufficient" and that burdens the rest of us who are and will eventually take away the freedom and liberty for all.
Thanks for the reminder!
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nantucket57 on
I totally agree with Elli Chase Designs comment on both counts!