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Home Blog How-To // Foraged Wreath
December 18th 2014

How-To // Foraged Wreath

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wreath holdingLast week we whipped up a big ole batch of holiday wreaths. There’s nothing like the smell of freshly harvested evergreens to put me in the holiday spirit! Wreaths are so easy and fun to make, especially if you understand a few basic techniques first. If you’ve never attempted making your own, hopefully this little how-to will get you pointed in the right direction.

To begin gather together a collection of ingredients. Be sure to include a number of contrasting foliages, unusual textures, evergreens and fun little surprises. Dried grains, berries and catkins are all wonderful choices to add sparkle to you finished wreath in addition to the more basic evergreen elements.

floret_wreath_berries{Pictured left} privet, ivy, pieris, pepperberry and pyracantha. {Pictured right} Next make up a number of little ingredient bundles and set them aside. These will become the foundation of your wreath. Be sure to place the more basic evergreens on the backside of the bundle and concentrate the more contrasting and unusual elements to the front.

wreath stepsOnce you have a small collection of bundles put together it’s time to get started assembling the wreath. You’ll need to have a wire wreath frame, a spool of green floral wire and a pair of sharp pruners.

Begin by laying a bundle of greens on the wreath frame and then secure it down with a few wraps of floral wire. Next, moving a few inches down the frame, add your next bundle making sure to keep the ingredients facing the same direction and then secure it down with wire. Continue this process until the entire frame is covered.

wreathingredientsWhen the wreath frame is fully covered with greens, it’s time to add in the special little touches that will really make your finished wreath pop. Pinecones, berries and dried grains are all wonderful options. These specialty elements should be clustered together for greater impact and then wired up and attached throughout the wreath.

floret_foraged_wreathOnce you have everything securely fastened, primped and fussed with, your wreath is ready to be shared!


  1. Mercedes on

    How long does it last? It is beautiful!

  2. Atzin Luna on

    esta hermosa la corona
    gracias por compartir tan excelentes ideas

  3. Corine on

    How long does this last?

  4. Maureen on

    So beautiful. Thank you for creating this post and sharing the how-tos with us.

  5. Shirley Ferraro on

    Beautiful! I’m not too creative but would love to make a wreath. You break it down into understandable, sensible steps. Thanks for that!


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