Home Blog Farmer & the Florist Interview: Flora Forager
August 16th 2016

Farmer & the Florist Interview: Flora Forager

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Flora_Forager_BridgetI’m so delighted to introduce you to Bridget Beth Collins, the insanely talented botanical artist, painter, writer and creative force behind Flora Forager.  If you don’t already follow her on Instagram, @flora.forager, you must check her out.  Her artwork–created entirely with flower petals, leaves, and other foraged botanical materials from her garden and neighborhood–is absolutely breathtaking and has become one of my favorite feeds to follow.

It was somewhat serendipitous that I had the chance to meet Bridget in person earlier this spring when she visited the farm with a small group of journalists.  We hit it off immediately and at the end of her visit, I sent her home with armloads of blooms to create her works of art.  Seeing what she created with the flowers I gave her was such a treat!

Flora Forager, A Seasonal Journal Collected from Nature is a super sweet little book featuring Bridget’s artwork that just came out last week  (keep reading to learn how you can win a free copy).   I asked Bridget to share more about her artwork, book and creative process as part of my Farmer & the Florist interview series.

Erin: I’d love to know more about the process of creating your floral art.  Do you go out looking for particular flowers and foliage to fit a particular piece of art…or do you let your materials dictate what you create?

flora_forager_floret8Bridget: Both! When I go for a walk I can’t help but see the waves of the sea in blue hydrangeas or the tail of a mouse in a fuzzy seed sprig of grass.  Spontaneous creativity is probably my favorite mode of art, and it certainly created Flora Forager in the beginning.  But now that I have commissions and books I’m working on I definitely find materials for pieces I need to create. It becomes a treasure hunt of sorts whenever I go to the nursery. One time I went into Ravenna Gardens and asked if they had anything that looked like woodpecker wings, and the sales assistant brought me all of their black and white plants!  The next week I came in to show her what I had created.  That was really fun.

Erin: How long do you typically dedicate to creating each piece?  I would imagine you must start and finish your piece in short order because, unlike using pastels or oil paints, for instance, you can’t exactly take a break and come back to it hours, much less days later, am I right?  Are there special precautions you take to preserve your art?

Bridget: That’s very true. The more detailed pieces I create can take a few hours. The smaller ones are less than an hour, maybe 30 minutes. The time and effort is really in the imaginative thinking before I get started.  Once I have an idea, and the right flowers, it doesn’t take me long to put it together. I generally keep flowers that may wilt in water as I’m working. Sometimes I have to replace flowers with fresher ones as I create. But working with flowers is much quicker than working with paints because you don’t have to mix colors or wait for layers to dry, and you can move the petals around easily if something doesn’t look right. And a lot of the detail in my pieces is simply part of the flowers themselves. My animals, for instance are so incredibly simple, but the flowers themselves have the details on them. For example, many petals are ombre (ie: fade from one color to another) so when I scallop them over each other they look like scales or feathers with very little actual work on my part.


flora_forager_floret4Erin: I am totally fascinated and in awe with your series of recreations of masterpieces utilizing flowers.  Instagram just doesn’t do it justice.  You really must see the side-by-side photos of the originals paired with your floral interpretations to appreciate the effort and creativity you put into each piece.  You wrote on your blog that you are ready to “usher in a new age of art”—tell me more about this series and what you hope to create in the future.

Bridget: Did I say “usher in a new age of art?” That sounds so pompous! Ha! But I do think a lot about how all the great masters have gone before us, and there have been all these incredible ages of art that were new, and exciting, and different than the centuries before.  I mean, when you think of what oils must have looked like to a cave painter, or what impressionism must have looked like to realists, or even collage work in childrens books after years of watercolor…For the last several years I’ve had this sadness over how there hasn’t been anything new to grasp. No new ground to break.  When I started essentially “painting with flowers” I felt this magical idea come over me that this is an odd, quirky, new medium that couldn’t have happened certainly before photography, and as far as I know wasn’t ever seen by someone like Van Gogh or Michelangelo.  I would love to go back in time and see the look on Monet’s face, scrolling through some of the floral art of our time. I’ve done Klimt, Hokusai, Boticelli, Michelangelo, and a waterlily piece sort of inspired by Monet so far. What I’d really love to do is recreate artwork that’s very recognizable. Flower artwork at first looks a little like a mess of petals on a page, but then as you look closer you realize it’s an image of something, so to have really recognizable artworks helps the brain to switch over to that realization. And Master copies are just really fun for me to look at. I love seeing other artists’ renditions of masters’ works. It’s also a way to teach yourself how to paint or how to create, and it’s definitely done that for me with flowers.


flora_forager_floret5Erin:  What are the floral ingredients that make you the happiest? Are there any botanical ingredients you are currently on the hunt for?  Anything I should keep an eye out for?  (As an aside: I read that you wished there were aqua-colored flowers.  Have you seen the ‘blue drift’ sweet peas I’m growing?  They age into a weird turquoise color… perhaps worth trying?)

Bridget: (Turquoise sweet peas! Eeee! I wonder if you gave me some of those seeds when I visited. I’m planning on planting next spring and I hope they’re in there! I know I got “Our Harry” which I especially wanted because I have a Harry!) About what makes me the happiest…so much! I really love all sorts of flowers… the underappreciated and taken-for-granted ones give me a challenge to try to showcase them in new light (rhodies, fuchsias, babies breath, carnations etc.) The odd, rare, new, and quirky flowers I’ve never seen before or that have an interesting history really fascinate me. (I saw some black smoke bush leaves that had hot pink sort of swirly edges that I can’t get out of my mind. I think they would make a cool snake…but it was in a private garden!) But the flowers that really make my heart swoon are wild flowers and English garden flowers…David Austen roses, peonies, poppies, delphinium etc…big luscious and fluffy flowers really never seem to get boring for me.

I think you have an incredible selection and eye for design, and I wouldn’t want to give you any suggestions! But I will say that I wish every bouquet I bought had yellow dill flowers in it.  The kind that grow off the plant you eat. They look like magic! Big firework splashes with little yellow sparks spraying from the stalk. If I could go back in time I’d have them in my wedding bouquet or maybe a flower crown made of them. I only ever see the white variety or queen anne’s lace available. I’ve always found the yellow in friends’ gardens or in a grocery section and it makes me really happy!

flora_forager_floret6Erin:  Your artwork seems to have exploded in the mainstream press of late. I saw your work recently was featured in Country Living, House Beautiful, Flower Magazine, among others.  Plus your new lovely little Flora Forager journal just came out–tell me more about it. 

Bridget: I have been so lucky with the press…I’m so thankful for any placement of my work because I’m generally pretty shy about reaching out to people! My editor at Sasquatch, Hannah Elnan, is one of those who sought me out and I’m so grateful! We went out to coffee and the idea for the journal came to life. Flora Forager, A Seasonal Journal Collected from Nature is so beautiful…I’m so proud of how it turned out!  It’s a blank journal for writing separated into the four seasons.  There are 12 full page scenes, and about 35 little animals and designs for the corners. Hannah did a great job of encouraging me to create and choose pieces that encompass all of my floral art, and give a sweet, gardeny, pacific northwest vibe for each season. Most of the book is all new artwork so can’t wait for it to come out August 9th so I can share it all!

flora_forager_journalErin:  Thanks Bridget for sharing more about your work.  I’d love to have you out again to gather ingredients for my garden—or go foraging with you! I hope our flower paths cross again soon.

Bridget: I would die and go to heaven to be able to come again! Thank you so much for this little interview and all the gorgeous work you create and post online…I’m in awe of you!

Connect with Flora Forager:

Flora Forager website

Erin: Sasquatch Books, the publisher of the Flora Forager journal has graciously provided us with two copies to give away to Floret blog readers.  For a chance to win, simply enter below.  In your comments, please share a topic you journal about OR share an idea for a floral art piece you’d love to see.  Entries close on Sunday and I’ll announce the two winners here on Monday, August 22nd. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Red rose flowers on

    Wow Lovely, flora Instagram! Your painting is so beautiful and I would love to have more of the flower re-formed famous paintings hung up in my room.

  2. Meg on

    I have actually gasped at Bridget’s Instagram photos. So creative and seemingly so serendipitous. Each time I see them they remind me to see each part of a flower as its own shape and color. I would love to see a children’s book illustrated by her but my guess is that some smart editor has already snagged her. If not, they’d better get going!

  3. Kristy on

    I journal about ideas for next years gardens.

  4. Erin L on

    It would be beautiful to see her use her gifts to make self portraits or portraits of those she loves. Or even items/materials that are important or special to him.

    Ps..LOVE your work!!!

  5. Rickie on

    I think anything by Monet would be awesome but especially water lillies which are my favorite.

  6. C h r i s t i n e A l v a r a d o on

    I’d like to see a Gypsy Wagon/Caravan. Somehow I can see her work being used in a short
    stop motion animation clip. Beautiful work Bridget!

  7. Teresa T on

    I would like to see a work of floral art created from one place, maybe an area in need of conservation, or a overgrown abandoned lot, that follows the seasons. Through that, people can see the bounty of beauty and how it is always changing.

  8. Sheila Dever on

    Inspired! Would love to Winn a copy if this little pretty??????

  9. Samantha Kowalke on

    This is beautiful! I’d love to see a piece based on De Balincourt’s work.

  10. Andrina T on

    I’d love to see fairy tales: castles and princesses, colors flying from knights’ banners…or tropical themes, a la Gaugin. I haven’t journaled in ages, but it was mostly a collection of quotes that spoke to me. A combination of both would sing to my soul.

  11. Jodi Harkema on

    I’d love to see some Van Gogh – Starry Night perhaps!

  12. Patty Buringa on

    So inspiring, I can’t help but want to create after seeing her amazing art! Creating and gardening brings me back to me. Keep on creating and making your world beautiful ????

  13. Susan Ovington on

    I journal everyday as part of my routine. It shows me the path to stay positive and to be grateful everyday. It’s fun to look back on and see how my writing has changed over the years. I love journal books, I could obsess over them for hours trying to pick them out! Great giveaway!

  14. Danielle on

    Love her work. I love designs, especially swedish, that would be cool to see.

  15. amber myers on

    I journal mostly about creative ideas, things to try out, books I want to read, quotes that move me, etc.

  16. Jess M. on

    Sorry, I got excited gushing over blue footed boonies. Haha. I’d love to see more local Western Washington landscapes. Rainier, ferries, seattle landmarks.

  17. Jess M. on

    Gorgeous! I follow both of you on IG. One of my fave accounts!

    Beth’s blue footed booby, and Frida are my faves.

  18. Amber on

    Wow! What beautiful and unique artwork! I often journal about simple moments throughout the day that bring me big perspective.

  19. Ellen Vieth on

    I have been a floral designer and an artist all my life- These designs are so reminiscent of my childhood- always outside- always playing and building with natural materials. It is no surprise – now that I am in my sixth decade that flowers continue to inspire me and to connect me to the natural world. I have been a flower grower, business owner, floral designer and now a gallerist with my own dedicated space to the beautiful landscapes that I paint here in the Palouse. What a wonderful life flowers can give us.. Thank you for your continued posts- I am growing dahlias this year per your inspiration! This week too- I open an exhibit called FLORA with the help of thirteen other contemporary artist inspired by the beauty around us.

  20. Natasha on

    Contest-A series of images related to pollinators.

  21. Sharon S on

    I’d like to see what some of my favorite quilts look like as my favorite places. Either the mountains or the beach.

  22. Sonia La Vigne on

    Your artwork is amazing. You are blessed with a beautiful talent!

  23. Juanita Decuir on

    I was a floral designer for ten years while living in Washington State, wished I’d thought to do something awesome as this art work…Bridget Beth Collins, is a new artist for me… will google her images for a closer look!

  24. Ronda Schlumbohm on

    Great ideas. I love them! And turquoise sweet peas?? Oh boy I must get my hands on those!!

  25. Amy on

    Such beautiful creations! I <3 the classic of "The Birth of Venus". It would be fun to see the Eiffel tower and other non-organics structures interpreted through this technique. Such fun and so beautiful! Wow!

  26. Krisztina on

    What a great interview-I adore Bridget’s art and have been a long time follower of her IG accounts!!
    I would love to see a Children’s Book, an enchanted forest fairy tale, perhaps?
    Oooh maybe she can try to do a piece with her very cute doggie Digory :-D….. or maybe some scenes from the Wizard of Oz??

  27. Linda on

    Having to journal my RA symptoms on a daily basis and food intake, Flora Forager gives me a wonderful break and helps me enjoy my garden in a totally different light. Both Floret Farms and Flora Forager give me unending inspiration and great distraction from pain! Thank you for the spiritual light!

  28. Karen Peterson on

    Truly stunning artwork! I journal notes about current books that I am reading.

  29. Gabrielle Bourbonnais on

    Was unable to write a comment on the giveaway page.
    I’m really into farming and nature, and how the two intersect. I love love love plants, birds, and insects. Their relationships are as magical as your interpretations of them. Would love to see more birds, insects, and maybe something agriculturally themed, like veggies or rural scenes of cows out to pasture (some of the old masters have brilliant paintings of rural life in the 1800s that could be replicated).

  30. Julie on

    I wasn’t able to leave a comment on the giveaway page.
    Love this journal. Brings a smile to my face!
    I could see cezanne work done in this style.

  31. Melis Georgieff Champany on

    Finding your work gave me a sense of calm and wonderment and a smile. Those are the best moments- by chance. My journaling is through dance, music and quips of ideas or found moments. Colors in nature or word arrangements in songs, that I can translate to movement ideas- like the ones that you get lost in. Those are treasures. Sometimes they can be written and at times not, but, only not yet. They come when ready. What about an interpretation of an authors work? Twain, Faulkner, or Melville’s Moby Dick. Maybe choreographers like Paul Taylor, Bella Lewitzsky, Merce Cunningham, Jose Limon, Mark Morris. Oh…a take on Frost- The Rose Less Taken- ..chuckle..there is a lot in that poem.and as always, he says two things at once. Just as your work does. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  32. Kerry on

    I would love to see a piece by Monet – that would be so amazing!!

  33. Stephanie on

    I think that this is amazing and am so happy to have discovered this via Floret Flowers Instagram! When I first saw the name Flora Forager, I thought of a character out of a children’s book. I think it would be amazing to use your artwork as illustrations for a book about the character “Flora Forager”. It could be semi-autobiographical or a new creation of a character you feel compelled by!

  34. Hannah on

    Thank you for sharing, these are so beautiful! They remind me of the old spice island adverts of images made out of different spices – I’ve always wanted prints of those for my kitchen, but now I’m picturing these images everywhere else!
    I love how the Klimpt looks, so I’d like to see more of those

  35. Peg on

    A scene from a county or state fair or ribbons from the fair

  36. Sonali Solanki on

    I love to journal about my two lovely sons their milestones, my travels, my bucket list which keeps adding every single day!! I would love to see world map with flora !!! Have it framed on my wall.. World full of flowers love beauty peace ?????????✌✌

  37. Debbie Lamey-MacDonald on

    Love the work both of you do! So inspiring! I often write reflections after I have painted on location or from life in my studio,.so I could use the journal for those times. I would love to see Bridget create any of the characters from the children’s classic “Charlotte’s Web”. Love this book–use to read it to my grade two students for years and then my two sons. The characters are so endearing! Thanks for having this give away. :D

  38. Linda on

    These are just amazing–so creative and beautiful!!

  39. Annette Moser on

    So beautiful! I follow her on Instagram. Love the idea of using this as a gratitude journal.

  40. Tammy on

    Love both ladies! A beautiful evening sky and big moon! Starry starry nights!

  41. Carly F on

    I love her work! I have been following her for awhile now and it always makes me smile. She’s so talented and the detail is amazing. I especially love the creativity behind it all. The animal ones have to be my favorites but they’re all so different and lovely. I’d love to see a sunset beach or mountain scene or waves crashing into cliffs. But she may have already done these she has so many wonderful pieces!

  42. Stephanie Galarza on

    Thank you Erin for turning me on to yet another lovely flower enthusiast who makes art with flowers, wow! In the journal I would write about my flower goals and inspirations.

  43. Darlene Franchi on

    I love botanicals, flowers if every kind. I literally feel my endorphins released by the sight of colorful flowers, even weeds! When I go for walks in the spring time, I feel positively giddy from the sights and smells of nature’s handiwork! As an amateur artist, my goal is to be able to catch the intangible joy of flowers in my paintings, so I practice frequently. :)

  44. Trini on

    I have trouble coming up with creative ways to journal, so most of my journaling consists of a log of what I did during the day. Sometimes doodling happens too!

  45. Rebekah on

    This journal would be so inspiring as a gratitude journal. It would be hard to come up with things you’re grateful for when you have such beautiful floral art on some of the pages! ???

  46. Alyssa on

    I journaled every single day of high school and most of college, and I’m just now getting back into the habit. I just journal everyday stuff, but I love flowers and would use this for something special. Not sure what though…

  47. Amanda on

    Oh my goodness! I can’t believe how excited I am for finding both of you! I’m in flower heaven!! I love to journal thoughts and new ideas in a stream of consciousness kind of way.

  48. Larissa on

    I would love to see “Starry Night” by Van Gogh recreated!

  49. katie on

    I would use this journal as a farm journal…perfect since it follows the seasons! I’m stoked that it has blank pages!

  50. Sarah Royal on

    I keep a weekly gardening journal for our backyard veggie garden…about to let the kids have a veggie stand out front! I would love to see something with fairies, my 4 yr old and I go fairy hunting!

  51. Cindy Nelsen on

    I have kept a gardening journal since I moved to Washington 4 years ago. So helpful to keep track of what I planted when and how well it flourished. I’m now in South Carolina for 2 years and have started a new journal.

  52. Helene on

    I would loveto use this beautiful journal about where to plant flowers and my vegetables garden. I love flowers! ?

  53. Lindsay on

    Every single one is just beautiful! I would like to see American Gothic!

  54. Lee Nelson on

    When at our cabin , I always journal about the new wildlife and birds that I see, last time we had two flocks of wild turkeys roost in our pine trees for the night. I keep a log of all the wildflower I see on our hikes .

  55. Janis on

    I have to make time to journal more. I am good at the beginning of the season but then lose it as things get busy!

  56. Nadia on

    I have a bullet journal too, but this lovely thing would be perfect for travel journaling. I try to travel as much as I can and write what I love about the place I visit. Then I have frozen feelings I can go back to any time.

  57. Val Boergesson on

    Monet’s garden at Giverney, either the bridge and water lilies, the beautiful house and path leading up to it, or the end of season where the nasturtiums take over the path. I’m not suprised that my two most favorite Instagram accounts know each other. You are both producing the most beautiful, inspiring images to share with all of us. Thank you!

  58. Alina on

    Very inspiring art!!!

  59. Chelsea on

    I often find myself journaling about the wonderful little things that I worry I will forget, little daily pleasures that bring me joy!

  60. Maria Sessler on

    I journal about everything from my goals and passions to simple words or phrases that stick with me from the day. I follow Bridget on Instagram and am amazed at her talent!

  61. Yasmin Keel on

    I would so love to use this journal to plan my new garden, for our first home which we will be moving into later this year. I want a garden full of colour all year round, currently it’s a blank square of turf. I would use Bridget’s own masterpieces to inspire me and the blank pages to write down the different plants I want and sketch the layout.

  62. Stephanie on

    I bullet journal and I think this would be neat to do that in!

  63. Clara on

    I have that Klimt print of mother and child hanging in my bedroom! I always love to see new takes on the masters and would love to see more of her found material interpretations. Beautiful work!

  64. Becky Knight on

    I love to do the line a day type of journaling. I also journal during big moments in my life. I currently have 10 of more journals that are either full or only have a page or two filled out. I turn to journaling when I need to process and remember.

  65. Nancee Hall on

    Fairy tales – Thumbelina would be so sweet made of blossoms.

  66. Rachael Sage Payne on

    I had trouble commenting from my phone, so I’m trying from my laptop! I love to journal about tarot cards and the insights I have about them, which are frequently tied to the earth, elements, and seasons, so this journal would be perfect! I love Flora Forager, fellow Seattleite!

  67. Rocio Graham on

    I love to journal this days about my dreams, the work that our new farm will need and how to make it the place of my dreams. I journal about where to plant flowers, where to set up my studio, how to manage the creek and deal with weeds. I journal to record my dreams of chickens, wild children in the tree house and all the ideas I have for new photo projects. I journal about the food I’m concocting and the nourishing my soul needs.

  68. Deanna Knoll on

    My very first journal was filled with beautiful images of flowers and other botanical treasures. Then (20 years ago!) I journaled about by seemingly stressful college life. Now…that seems like a piece of cake since joining real life! My favorite topic now is to write about the books I read–history mostly, with a big helping of other people’s nature journals.

  69. Heather Jacobs on

    I would love to journal about my garden in this super cute book!! I love writing down what worked and what didn’t so next year I can improve!

  70. Javacurls on

    Wonderful interview!! Thank you! Love her work!! ? I would love to see her version of, “The Kiss” by Klint or perhaps a beautiful underwater scene from the Great Barrier Reef. ?

  71. Annika on

    This is so fun to discover! Flower art has been a favorite since childhood and now I do it with my daughter. I journal the wildflowers and garden veggies month by month.

  72. Sara on

    I have a dream journal, so everytime I wake up and remember my dream, I write it, so that later I can “analyse” it.

  73. Hilary on

    I like to journal about how we mark the transitions of the seasons (midsummer, midwinter, harvest time, etc). I brainstorm and research ideas throughout the year and then come up with plans for readings and menus and activities and reflective journaling for us to do to mark each event. It’s really helped me be more in tune with the earth’s cycles, and my own. :)

  74. Ageeth Mooij on

    Salve for the eyes is balm for the soul. What an inspiration.
    I would like to see The girl with the pearl of Vermeer.

  75. Molly on

    I love your work and my favorite type of art is Impressionist art. I’d love to see a series of the French and Dutch Impressionist works!

  76. Britney D. on

    I would love to see a farm themed floral series!!

  77. LinnaLucette on

    Loved this! Bridget is so inspiring. I absolutely love her work. Thank you for sharing this.

  78. Claire on

    I would love to see a whole mural of lots of sections of different types of flowers, obviously, made from the differnt flowers ?????

  79. Aerish on

    I’d love to see Monet floral art piece!

  80. Sara on

    I love to write about my girls, funny things they said during the day, what they are into and learning and I also write down dreams, ideas, lists, book titles and songs I hear on the radio…I have been following Flora on IG for a while and love her art, so inspiring!

  81. Erin on

    I’m trying to use a journal to draw what happened every day. Sometimes it is hard, because I rely on words AND pictures so much that to only illustrate my day is a challenge

  82. Rim Jawad on

    I am in love with everything I’ve seen from Flora Forager. Though I’m obsessed with making lists I would want this journal to have softening beautiful to accompany the beautiful work in it. SO my journal would be filled with hand lettering and calligraphy ?

  83. Lisa Jansen on

    Oh! I just love this kind of art- some of my most favorite flower art are flower mandalas- I have had fun making these with my children. But this beautiful work that Bridget creates… Reminded me of the tiny fairy houses that have become so popular to make and set around your garden, I think that would be delightful to see created with flowers and plant parts. I did love one of the comments above about a hot air ballon! What great inspiration!

  84. Lisa Jansen on

    Oh! I just love this kind of art- some of my most favorite flower art are flower mandalas- I have had fun making these with my children. But this beautiful work that Bridget creates… Reminded me of the tiny fairy houses that have become so popular to make and set around your garden, I think that would be delightful to see created with flowers and plant parts. I did love one o. The comments above about a hot air ballon! What great inspiration!

  85. Jen on

    This is my first introduction to Flora Forager and I am completely in awe of this incredibly beautiful, intricate, moving, yet simplistic work. Every image takes my breath away, I can’t imagine what more she could add! I gravitate towards the childlike images (such as the florabet), I’d die to see a children’s story illustrated with this type of floral art! I’m inspired to journal about the importance of taking in the nature that surrounds us and allowing our imaginations to run free. Thank you for sharing Erin!!!

  86. Sarah Ren on

    I journal about my day, getting all my thoughts organized by writing them down helps clear my mind so I can sleep.

  87. Kat F. on

    I have an admirer of Flora Forager for quite some time. Her work brings me joy.

    I would love to see pieces on endangered animals.

  88. Ashleigh Kubik on

    I mostly journal about how my day was and what I was most thankful for that day! I love your Instagram as well as flora forager’s and I would really love to have this journal! :)

  89. Chelsea on

    I garden in NYC on the tops of giant buildings. I’d love to see Bridget do a city scape or a big, iconic NYC building!

  90. Angelli C. on

    I’d love to see a floral recreation of Starry Night by Van Gogh!

  91. mirmymac on

    I have a hectic life. Two kids under 2, a household to run, and a full time job. One of my favorite times of the day is my “me” time which is at 6:30am. Everyone is asleep. The house is silent, the birds are just waking up, the flowers have water drops on them, and I am in ohm. I sit in my yard, enjoy nature and write about how I’m feeling and what I am grateful for. Waking up every morning to health, natures beauty and peace. Pure bliss.

  92. Susan M on

    I love to do a gratitude list. 5 things I’m grateful for each day.

  93. Ali Ennis on

    I’d love to see rows and rows of lavender fields!

  94. Jill on

    Take a picture in nature and make 4 different compositions that reflect the four seasons!

  95. Anne on

    I think a Dutch painting would be interesting to reimagine with flora – all the dark areas and then spots of bright color.

    I do journaling of sorts about my hobby of conservation – to keep track of what I have learned and of different projects I’ve done. The only person who actually reads it is my mom – haha!

  96. lisa jo cash on

    This is so delicate and lovely…not to mention unique! I suppose I most often journal about the Lord and His fascinating creation. I am an amateur photographer as well, and when I really began writing devotional pieces, I realized I already had a photo to go with just about every topic! So I appreciate your ability to express your thoughts through your art.

  97. Wendy on

    I have a nature journal, and I’d really like to get better at keeping a garden journal.

  98. Heather Korger on

    I would really love to see a floral art Christmas series!

  99. Courtney Smith on

    So beautiful! I seem to journal most about daydreams; about a life away from the city – with my husband, a small home, and a big dog. :)

  100. Jessica on

    my journal is definitely more of a kind of cathartic release of my whole day, good or bad! i also definitely enjoy writing down something I’m proud of myself for that day,/a lesson I learned and three things I’m thankful for. journaling helps keep a lot in perspective for me and i love that it ends up being a time capsule of who is as and what I was thinking at a cetain period in my life

  101. Alison S. on

    I would love to see children’s books and folktales illustrated with Bridgette’s artwork. I love her light touch and gorgeous eye for detail in assembling these floral collages! So fanciful and I can imagine them bringing folktales to life!

  102. Laura on

    I keep a bee journal! I’m in my 2nd year of keeping bees and this has helped. Next season (when my current notebook is full) I plan to expand and keep a full nature journal to help me see the big picture around my bees, and what flowers they are foraging. :)

  103. Valorie grace hallinan on

    Would be fun to see scenes from famous children’s books and also would love to see Van Gogh!

  104. Erin on

    I journal my jewelry ideas, with sketches and also bits and pieces of my homeschooling journey with my 2 elementary aged children. Amazing artist!! Blown away by her work!

  105. Sophie on

    I keep a journal for flowers – – full of ideas for floral arrangements,growing flowers, & with sketches of new plants, blooms and such that I come across! X

  106. Sarah on

    I like to journal favorite quotes and song lyrics and mantras so when I need something uplifting I can open it and find what I need. I would love to see her create a little bouquet
    of Texas wild flowers, for this Texan that loves flowers! Thanks for putting more art out into the world!!!

  107. Brita on

    I want to see the spirit of the canals in Venice.

  108. Jessica Wilson on

    Hi Erin :) I’m @batc0untry on insta, as you know I’m a huge admirer of your business and farm.

    FLORA FORAGER it would be super EPIC if you recreated some of Alex Grey’s work! Love love love all you do, I believe you ARE ushering in a new era of art, for sure (no matter how pompous it sounds, hehe)!

  109. Kat on

    I mostly write whatever comes to mind…self reflection. Thank you so much for sharing this work, inspired. I would like to see her create a peony bloom?

  110. Kristen on

    A beautiful sunset with a mountain (maybe hues of blue) in the foreground is my idea for a floral masterpiece :)

  111. Khadijeh z on

    I’d love to see something by Miro- those colors!

  112. Erin Perry on

    My little daughters will love this, so glad to learn about Flora Forager as we love to forage and make art with our treasures, too! In the spirit of the Olympics, I’d love to see country flags made out of flowers native to those countries.

  113. Nicole on

    Loved this, you’re both so incredibly talented! I love to journal about recipes, flowers, and goals.

  114. Nancy on

    A full moon overlooking a sunset would be a beautiful floral piece :)

  115. Kimberly A Roberts on

    I like to journal about all the wildflowers I see in my neighborhood and how i’d use them in a bouquet.

  116. Rosita Schrock on

    I would love to see some old Dutch still life’s recreated. Especially some of those lush bouquets.

  117. Whit McClure on

    I love journaling! It acts as a “brain dump” for my overactive mind. I start every journal entry with 3 things that I am grateful for. Sometimes that is all I write, and other times, it is the jumping off point for me to process what else is going on in my life. The gratitude piece helps so much whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed & also serves as a reminds of where I am.

  118. Heidi on

    I follow flora in IG and it’s always a treat to see what’s coming up! I imagine her book would be just a treat to read.

  119. Tamatha A Cho on

    Ixia viridiflora and Lachenalia viridiflora both have amazing TURQUOISE BLOOMS!

  120. Yvette Farrell on

    I would love to see mermaids, garden fairies and sea life!

  121. Ali on

    I like to record what I see in nature

  122. El on

    How about an Econ schiele portrait in flowers :)

  123. Janet K on

    I mostly journal about what I am grateful for or lists of things I want to accomplish in the next month. Occasionally, I just journal whatever comes to mind.

  124. Caleb W on

    This is so awesome and inspirational. Yeah floral art!

    I just started journaling this summer when I became a full time caregiver for my father. As I chronicle our daily and weekly activities, I hope it leaves us with lots of good memories to look back on! I’m also trying to incorporate sketches of the plants and flowers I’m growing this season. If I have time, I would like to create some botanical plates of favorite cut flowers too!

  125. Rachel Guedon on

    Oh, I love this and am so inspired!!! I want to create little teeny tiny houses out flotsam now!!

  126. Patricia McPherson on

    I love flowers and art. I follow floret flowers and fall in love when I saw your creations. I come from a long line of nature lovers. My grandmother was a master gardener and created many beautiful arrangements. I am reminded of her. Love your work.

  127. Marianne Mersereau on

    I keep a New Moon journal and write goals and projects for each New Moon.

  128. Wilma Knight on

    Keeping track of blooms and visitors to my garden!

  129. Linda Q on

    I woke up this morning with more ideas! I would like to see: a hot air balloon, bride & groom, flower girl, children from different countries in traditional costumes, a Japanese garden…

  130. Nicole D on

    I would like to see something from the Pre-Raphaelites, especially Rossetti’s Lady Lilith. I’d be really interested to see what she chooses for the red hair.

  131. Linda Q on

    These look so fun! I have a friend that creates quilt pictures that are made with tiny bits of fabric sewn together. I wonder if you can do the same thing with pieces of leaves and flowers that would cover the entire page.

  132. Amber on

    My journaling is mostly stream of consciousness à la Julia Cameron’s morning pages.

  133. Jean S on

    I’d love to see one of Tasha Tudor’s pieces recreated …. and while we’re at it, let’s go for the gold and pick one of her illustrations from The Secret Garden!

  134. Karen on

    I am trying to journal/document when each flower starts and stops blooming this year so I have it written down when brides ask what will be in season.

  135. Killoran Moore on

    Ah! Love her! I’ve been following her forever and she’s just the sweetest. I’d really like to see a famous garden recreated through floral art, I think. It’d be a neat challenge.

  136. Rebecca Newman on

    Incredible! What a treasure!

    I love to journal the canning I do and the busyness of this household with five children in the country, among the brambles and the garden patches.

  137. Fawn Rueckert on

    One of Van gogh’s paints, like starry night or sunflowers, would be so fun to see done in petals!

  138. SUSAN on

    I like to record what I am most thankful for. Simple things!

    • Brittany on

      Love flora forager’s Instagram! Although mine is not a suggestion of what piece I would like to see, I would love to see more prints available on her site! Her artwork is so beautiful and I would love to have more of the flower recreated famous paintings hung up in my apartment.

    • Ange on

      I am addicted to colour, nowhere more so than in a garden. I adore flowers and art so together floral art is heaven for me! I also love the sea. I would love to see a collection of floral art based around the ocean, combining beachcombing treasures with plants and petals. The garden of the sea. Thanks for your gorgeous art xx

    • April Sweany on

      This is so creative and wonderful, can’t wait to check out her Instagram page!
      Journaling is an outlet I’d like to do more of, and having some lovely images to look at would help my creative process as well!

    • Pam on

      ❤️ Absolutely love it! Amazingly Beautiful! I’m new to it but I love to art journal a little bit of everything! I love flowers… which is a family tradition in my family. My Grandmother, Mother, Aunt, Cousin and Myself all have gardens, we share flowers and travel to see Flower Shows. Someone already said it but the illustrations from the Secret Garden would be incredible to recreate! ?

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