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Home Blog Fall-planted Bulbs for Spring Flowers
September 23rd 2020

Fall-planted Bulbs for Spring Flowers

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Each fall as the weather starts to turn and farm clean up begins in earnest, I face two of my least favorite, but most necessary, tasks: digging up the dahlias and planting fall bulbs. Neither are fun, at least in my opinion.

At this time of year, all I want to do is curl up by the fire and drink coffee with a good book. The last thing I want to do is put on full rain gear and lug heavy crates of bulbs and tubers around our muddy fields.

But it’s the only way to ensure we’ll have loads of beauty in the coming season.

I try to approach both tasks with a positive attitude and be present to the fact that they are a gift to my future self.

After a long dismal winter, I will be so grateful for all the effort that I put in this fall. There’s nothing more wonderful than being greeted by flowers in early spring.  

The first couple of years we were flower farming we didn’t plant bulbs because they were always an afterthought. I would run out of steam at the end of the season and inevitably miss out on all of the great varieties.

One of the other reasons I resisted planting bulbs is because they were a financial investment and we didn’t have very much money. But after three or four springs of kicking myself for not having invested the previous fall, I finally overcame my hesitation and gave bulbs the chance they deserve.  

The first year I planted a few hundred tulips and five varieties of narcissus. They bloomed so abundantly and were so well received by our customers that I quadrupled the following year.

It’s only increased since then and now I approach the task of planting spring-flowering bulbs after the first fall frost as a necessity, not a burden.


Out in the field we have a HUGE patch of narcissus that come back every season which I inevitably add to each year. Additionally, we also plant thousands of tulips, hyacinths, and other spring bulbs both in our unheated tunnels (for super early blooms) and also outside in the fields.

This makes it so we can start harvesting flowers in early March and continue all the way through Mother’s Day.

Without bulbs there would be no spring flowers. Even though it can be easy to want to skip tucking some bulbs in the ground this fall, if you can make yourself do it, you will be so happy that you did come spring.

If you rely on the local hardware store and garden center, the bulb scene is pretty boring and limited to bright, clear colors and standard forms. Occasionally, you’ll find a few treasures. Sometimes even Costco has a handful of awesome varieties! 

But for the most part, don’t bet on finding the good stuff at the big box stores.  

For the best selection and the most unique varieties you’ll want to explore your mail-order options, both from print catalogs and online shops. There are some wonderful sources for specialty bulbs, but the fantastic selection is only available to those who shop early.

If you want the good stuff, don’t delay! 

Note: If you do stock up on bulbs early, it is best to wait until after the first fall frost to plant them. Until you’re ready to plant, you can keep the bulbs in their ventilated bags, but just be sure to store them in a cool, dry place with good air circulation.  

We’ve been growing narcissus and daffodils in abundance for many years, but this past spring a long-standing dream was realized and we got to conduct a 70+ variety trial looking for new treasures to add to our collection.

Of all the trials we’ve conducted over the years, this was hands down my favorite. The variation in this group of plants is mind boggling, from teeny tiny fragrant multi headed blossoms to big ruffly blooms that look more like peonies.

Flowers come in a vast range of shades including white, ivory, buttercream, apricot, yellow, and gold. I found myself jumping up and down every time a new variety bloomed in the field.

This narcissus trial, while incredibly fun, was also an enormous amount of work. The process of documenting each variety in both words and images was a time consuming task.

We found ourselves laughing more than once about “living the dream” while bundled up in multiple layers of down coats, shivering with frozen fingers frantically taking notes and pictures.

But the effort was absolutely worth it and we discovered so many gems in the process that we can’t wait to share with you.

Daffodils have a bad rap. The mention of the word instantly conjures up visions of giant school bus yellow flowers that punctuate the landscape in early spring.

But the varieties we trialed are in a class of their own. Many were ruffled, fragrant and could easily be mistaken for peonies or garden roses.

Our trial was focused on varieties that held up well to early spring weather, possessed unique coloring or form, were fragrant if at all possible, and had strong stems that were suitable for flower arranging.

Narrowing the big list of 70+ varieties felt nearly impossible, but in the end we settled on 38.

In addition to being beautiful and weather-resistant, daffodils are also extremely hardy and can handle very cold temperatures, the deer don’t eat them, and they come back year over year, multiplying over time.

They are low maintenance, seemingly thrive off neglect and couldn’t be easier to grow.

What’s not to love!?


Another spring favorite here on the farm are tulips. We grow tens of thousands of them every year, bypassing the standard varieties, instead seeking out the doubles, parrots, and fringed beauties.  

Over the years, we’ve trialed nearly 100 varieties, but consistently come back to two dozen hard working favorites. Tulips come in a dazzling rainbow of colors, are extremely easy to grow, and make a wonderful long lasting addition to flower arrangements.  

One of the great things about tulips is that you can grow a ton of them in a really small amount of space and the flowers can be harvested and stored for weeks at a time.

If you want to learn more about growing tulips in small spaces, be sure to check out our free Fall Mini Course. In this class, I’ll be taking students through a series of video lessons demonstrating some of the most important fall tasks to do in the garden to prepare for spring.

Anemones & Ranunculus

Anemones and ranunculus are two of the most popular spring flowers that we grow here at Floret. They also generate the most growing related questions because they have special requirements for success. But once you know the secrets, they are actually quite easy to grow. If you want to learn all about growing this hardworking spring favorites, sign up for our Fall Mini Course

What makes both of these long-lasting cut flowers so amazing is that they bloom for 6-8 weeks in the spring, come in a wide range of colors, and are a novelty item for most local markets.

What is your favorite? Please share in the comments below. Note: blog comments are moderated to prevent spam, so if your comment doesn’t appear right away, just hang tight!  

Thank you all for sharing your favorites!


  1. Alis Bec on

    Great post. Love it. But as I am a beginner, I would like to have a post that helps me the beginner level first and then move on to this. I was searching for something like that and found this amazing post:

    It might help other beginners like me as well.

  2. valerie on

    Hi, will you be selling bulbs on the Floret site come fall?

  3. Jessica Madden on

    I started this flower farm journey in March 2020, “Living on a Prayer Flower Farm” and now I’m going through my first fall planting/winter. I thought i didn’t need the frost cloth for my Ranunculus… oh geeze. Wish i would have listened. At this point I feel like I’m living up to my farm name, living on a prayer, praying my plants don’t die! Long story short… I have purchased the frost cloth.
    Thank you so much for all of your information! I love your books, mini courses, and blogs! I can’t wait for your Dahlia book to come out… I pinched them.. and they hated me for it. Well I will continue to read everything you put out, and learn and grow. Hopefully between Floret Flowers and Prayers I can make it through. :)

  4. Jana Lennon on

    Hello. My name is Jana and I’m the owner of The Good Stuff. Flower farm in New Waverly Tx… question. I would like to try some bulb flowers this year if it’s not too late. Do I need to put a hoop house over the area where I’m growing these bulb flowers ?

  5. JOE on

    Nice information shared thanks for the blog :)

  6. Claudia Rosa on

    How can I find out what your favorite Daffodils/Narcissus are?
    Thank you

  7. Jessica on

    I’m partial to daffodils because of their ease, hardiness and reliability, although the mini course has encouraged me to give tulips a try this year. I also do love bearded iris and have a lot planted for our own enjoyment at home.

  8. Sydney Basco on

    I have a small greenhouse that I would love to keep flowers in… should I still follow the same rules as stated above?

  9. Chelsie Carter on

    Does it hurt to plant some of the hardy annual seeds on top of bulb beds?

  10. Emma Henderson on

    This is Emma Henderson from the Baldwin County Board of
    Education Nutrition Department. I am the intern of our wellness
    coordinator who has been hard at work on the 1.5-acre Garden Project
    at Baldwin High School. It will include several raised beds as well
    as rows. The garden will support STEAM-based learning by serving as an
    outdoor learning lab for all Baldwin County School students. The high
    school students that are a part of the Career Academy will be
    especially involved in all aspects of growing, harvesting, cooking and
    selling the food that they grow. There is an alarming number of
    underprivileged families in the area, so it is extremely important
    that the kids be taught these valuable life skills in school.

    In this county, we currently provide every child with two free hot
    meals a day during the school year as well as the summer. We even have
    buses go out into the community to feed these children as they would
    be left hungry otherwise. Although these children are getting free
    meals, we try our best to provide them with healthy produce. Last year
    alone we served over 770,000 meals in which locally grown farm fresh
    food was offered. I would love for these children to become “local
    growers” themselves and help to make a positive contribution to the

    I was hoping that you might be as passionate as we are about providing
    this amazing opportunity for the children of Baldwin County and might
    be interested in becoming a “Farmer Friend” by supporting our
    garden! I am sure you get requests for these things every day, but I
    hope you will consider these special children. Every donation, no
    matter how small, will be greatly appreciated by these kids.

    Extra Garden info: We are located in Georgia. The garden in 1.5-acres
    and will include 20 raised beds and several rows of crops and we
    currently have a large greenhouse on the property as well. We are in
    the process of installing a tall barb wire fence around the entire
    garden with both drive (for our tractor) in and walk in gates. We are
    also putting in a drip irrigation system and running electricity and
    plumbing down to the garden as well for washing stations and lighting.
    We have a vegetable planting chart in place. Some of the crops
    included in this are: asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage,
    cantaloup, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, kale, lettuce,
    onions, peas, peppers, potato, pumpkins, tomato, and watermelon. We
    will have fruit trees and bushed on the outer edges of the garden. We
    will also have flower gardens and a pollination station. We plan on
    setting up cute benches and tables for the children to relax and to
    make things look nice. We already have raised beds, small row gardens,
    greenhouses and/or milk crate gardens at each of the 7 schools in our
    district so we are very excited to make this upgrade.
    If you would like to contribute to the cause, you can donate $100 to
    become a “Farmer Friend” and have your company advertised on our
    website along with other benefits. If this is something you are
    interested in, I will get those forms to you.

    Thank you,
    Emma Henderson
    Baldwin County School Nutrition Office
    100 North ABC Street
    Milledgeville, GA 31061

  11. Jennifer Waite on

    I love tulips. Since your tulips are sold out, what companies would you recommend I use to buy bulk tulips? Thanks.

  12. Hayley Pastori on

    Tulips have always been a favorite but I am especially excited about growing ranunculus this coming season!

  13. Stephanie on

    I’m excited to grow daffodils! It just so happens that my daughter and my husband picked out the same variety on your site: Flower Drift

  14. Saima Habib on

    I love Snake head Fritillary, Muscari, Scented narcissi Acropolis, and scented tulips Verona lemon in color with shots of green. I grew Ranunculus for first time this year after discovering your website and blog. I love growing them in pastels and arranging with the yellow tulips and blue muscari. Thanks for all the inspiration and joy you have brought us.

  15. Sandi Dice on

    I think the anemone blue flowers are beautiful!

  16. andrea stevens on

    Seeing the first of the early tulips, particularly in Mt Vernon every spring, is unbelievably inspiring, and I can’t wait to plant my own first bulbs this fall!

  17. Tania on

    Hi. I just found your Instagram page a few days ago. Thank you for sharing your hard work with the world. Your flowers are now popping up on my feed and I couldn’t be happier. We plant lots of food crops like carrots and peas and seeds and such to feed our family, but I’ve not taken the time/garden space for many flowers. However, this mama is needing to plant some more flowers. Spring bulb blooms are my absolute favorite type of flower. And peonies, I love peonies too. Thank you again!

  18. Kristy Lynn on

    Anemones are my favorite by far, with ranunculus as a close second. I also love all the variety available in tulips and daffodils (which I learned about from following your wok). I am so excited because this is the first time in years that I have a garden that I can plant in! I am so excited to grow some beautiful stuff on my property this year.

  19. lindsey.e.shapiro on

    I love tulips and daffodils… This is my first year planting bulbs and I’m excited to see what beauty emerges this spring!

  20. Melissa on

    I hope it’s not too late to enter, as it’s the morning of the 27th!

    It would be so exciting to win this giveaway, I put an order in for some bulbs, but wasn’t quick enough and missed out on some of the varieties I was most looking forward to, like Vaya Con Dios.

  21. Lisa B Hudson on

    Most inspiring activity I’ve had in a very long time

  22. Brian on

    My wife and I have been adding flowers to our vegetable garden for the last two years and this fall, we’re expanding to include bulbs. We’ve already ordered ranunculus but would love some other varieties to add to the garden in the next few weeks.

  23. Melissa on

    Daffodils are a favorite of mine!

  24. Katie on

    Tulips, all day erry day!!

  25. Reina pollak on

    I Love ranunculus! Can’t wait to grow them!

  26. Sarah on

    I love ranunculus! I’m excited to learn more about flower gardening and start planning and cultivating the landscape at our new home. The front year especially needs help!

  27. Melissa L on

    Anemones are my favorite. Looking forward to your course. Thanks for offering it.

  28. Farrah on

    Love ranunculus! You tulip and narcissus varieties are pretty sweet too.

  29. Baby T. on

    Hard to pick just one favorite bulb because I really love them all, but I have always adored peachy narcissus.

  30. Laura S. on

    Ohhh how I love ranunculus! But they have always intimidated me, so I’m looking forward to your Fall Mini Course! Thank you for providing so much beauty and joy through your flowers!

  31. Rachel Cross on

    Definitely allium & ranunculus for me!!! Ranunculus are breathtakingly gorgeous & super easy to grow! I’m obsessed w/their tissue papered petals & color combinations. On the other hand, alliums look extraterrestrial. I was elated the first time I mastered growing allium (and other bulbs) here in Florida! Alliums sway in the breeze like soft, fluffy balloons of color. Gardening in Florida, it’s challenging to grow tulips, daphs & hyacinth. However, thru trial & error, I’ve conquered the task. Without my fridge & perfect timing for planting out (while it’s consistently cool for another 6-8 weeks) after chilling. I wouldn’t know how heavenly it is to cut these beauties for inside arrangements. I can’t wait for this fall’s planting & seed sowing for next spring’s magic ! :)

  32. Erica Allen on

    Pastel Lemon Ranunuclus has to be my absolute fall favorite bulb of all time. So dreamy!

  33. Melainie on

    Alliums are my favorite :) like a tall beautiful flower forest

  34. Laura on

    I just planted 150 hyacinths! I cant wait to see them in bloom!

  35. Michelle V on

    I have to say that now that I’ve finally moved to a State with more than just Spring/Summer weather all year round, I can finally get to plant some of my favorite flowers. This is the first time for me to plant beautiful blooms for next spring, thus I’m crossing fingers it all works out as pictured in my head. My favorite flowers to plant in this time of the year, would have to be Peonies, Bearded Irises, Crocus, Tulips and Narcissus of course. Although, as I said, it would be my first year planting them, so wish me luck! However, because I just became obsessed with growing flowers, and we have a short summer season, I might even start sooner than the norm (like sometime in January) with crops that are for the summer, but indoors. This upcoming year, it’s going to be all about experimenting and learning how to grow beautiful things, in odd timing (again, due to short summers), but it’s all part of the fun. I do have to say thank you, because between blog posts, and your mini-courses, I’ve found a wealth of knowledge that I’m putting to good use. So I’m very grateful for having you share what you’ve learned in your many years of experimenting and learning yourself. Can’t wait for the upcoming Fall mini-course, because I have a bunch of dahlias to harvest this fall, and it’s my first year doing it. Oh and congrats on another almost ‘sold out’ fall bulb event.

  36. Kim Blackmon on

    I love iris’s. I did not inherit my mom’s green thumb, but through your mini courses and blog I have learned so much! I had my first cut flower garden this spring and summer and they were all from floret seeds and floret dahlia tubers. I can not wait to try your bulbs!

  37. Denise Carr on

    I adore ranunculus, hyacinth & iris. Your blog & Instagram pages are a favorite of mine. Your beautiful images and generous advice & information are wonderful!

  38. Kelsey on

    I absolutely LOVE white and peach daffodils. I tried them for the first time last spring and they were gorgeous!

  39. Katie B. on

    Hyacinths have long been a favorite of mine as I find their scent to be amazing. I completely understand the end-of-season weariness, especially with dahlias, which set Fall bulbs on the back burner. I’m excited to give them a go this Fall! Thanks for sharing your expertise!

  40. Grace M on

    My favorite is definitely ranunculus…….. but your tulip varieties are starting to grow on me

  41. Candace on

    I adore ranunculus and tulips! And your Instagram feed has made my feed a much prettier and inspiring place!

  42. Cortney on

    Loved my tulips this year. Looking forward to trying anemones.

  43. Emily on

    I love narcissus – all varieties! Especially the “bird’s eye” style

  44. Mollie Payne on

    My current favorites are daffodils, due to my new proximity to many hungry deer. I was so excited to order so many beautiful varieties yesterday, and I am anxiously awaiting the color they will bring to my newly acquired, large, somewhat drab landscape. I have been making plans for adding beautiful flowering plants, and have been scouring the pages of the Floret book ever since receiving it a couple weeks ago. I just placed an order for some snapdragons and sweet peas (among others) and can’t wait for those either! I am not a flower farmer (yet!) but my hope is that my .8 acre yard will be filled with blooms in the coming years. Thanks so much for all in inspiration!

  45. Hayley Sawada on

    I love daffodils. I have planted many different types in my garden, but one of my favorites is one who’s bloom is about the size of a quarter. The are all so unique and look like little lion heads!

  46. Amy j on

    I love all the bulbs with white flowers!

  47. Christy Worcester on

    I loved getting on and ordering bulbs yesterday! We have our first house and I can’t wait to add them to the yard! I think you have helped me to love the narcissus! I wouldn’t have said those were a favorite before.

  48. Am pratt on

    The purplish almost back tulips and some fluffy white daffodils. Love me some spring flowers.

  49. Stephanie on

    I love anemones. They look so delicate, but are extremely hardy.

  50. Ashley Koskela on

    After following you and reading your blog, I am SO ready to try daffodils and tulips this fall! Also, I am very excited for you mini-course! Thank you for being so willing to share you knowledge!

  51. Teri Pozniak on

    The layers of petals on ranunculus have my heart! I’m excited to try some new varieties, and will be looking forward to the upcoming mini-course to make sure I’m off to a good start!

  52. Cedar on

    Can’t wait to plant daffodils Outside my fence, the sweetest cheerful faces for welcoming one home!

  53. Rachel C. on

    It’s so hard to choose just one! My absolute favorite fall planted bulb is the Hyacinth; oh those gorgeous saturated colors and heavenly scent is just pure bliss!

  54. Amy on

    I’m new to gardening and been in my home for less than a year so I don’t know if I have a favorite yet but I love those darn ranunculus! May have to try and snag some for my mom as well. :)

  55. Maggie Silva on

    I love butterfly ranunculus! They are just so delicate. Thank so you much for sharing so much knowledge. I’m very excited to try and grow my own this year!

  56. Becky on

    Love thise Narcissus! They always smell so lovely! Ranuculus for their colors.

  57. Maggie McGonigle on

    I love butterfly ranunculus! So delicate! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I’m very excited to try and grow a few of my own this year!

  58. Natalie Fuller on

    Daffodils are my new favorite spring bulb, followed by the classic, vibrant tulip! I’ve been lucky enough to have the space to start a trial patch last year for tulips and am so very excited to add a few varieties of daffodils to it this fall! By far my favorite season of all! HAPPY FALL Y’ALL!

  59. Cameron on

    I’m brand new to flower farming so I don’t have a favorite yet, but I will soon!

  60. Marianne Mallen on

    Love all the narcissus, daffodils, tulips and ranunculus during springtime! They’re like this rainbow of color that pops after the cold and gloomy winter here in Washington.

  61. Shauna Ramos on

    Tulips, Narcissus, and Ranuculus, oh my!! While I love all of these flowers, I have a fondness in my heart for Daffodils. I have the best memories of going to my Grammy’s farm in Michigan and they would be peaking our of the snow. They’re such a happy flower.

  62. Kate on

    Daffodils make me happy, they’re so cheerful! But I’ve always adored snowdrops; there’s something so enchanting about the tiny blooms persisting in the early spring weather. ?❤️ Thanks for all your beautiful photos and great advice! My mom and I love your book!

  63. Adrian Anderson on

    I love all flowers, but I especially love hyacinths in the spring. ? I hope I’m chosen- We’ve just moved to a new home this past year and I’m having to start my flower garden all over again.

  64. Ariel T. on

    I love tulips! Nothing is more exciting after a long winter in Maine than seeing these beauties pop out of the ground. I just purchased the Black Hero tulip and can’t wait to plant!

  65. Joanna on

    Anemones! I bought some from floret last year and they were breathtaking! Hoping to add more to my collection this fall!

  66. Nancy on

    Grape Hyacinths. I love the purple blues and memories they conjure up of digging in the dirt with my mom.

  67. Patti Stefanick on

    I love Tulips! I love that they come in so many colors and they are very refreshing after a long winter.

  68. Rachel on

    Daffodils have been my favorite spring bloom, especially the varieties with several mini blossoms on each stem.

  69. Alea Moore on

    I love so many, but Tulips are my favorite! They remind me of my Oma! ?

  70. Mego on

    Crocus, because someone has to go first!

  71. Kimberly Lowe on

    Daffodils! I’m very happy with the tulips and ranunculus that I ordered today but I can’t wait for the narcissus. Time to start prepping the flower beds.

  72. Diana on

    Hyacinths are my favorite!

  73. Mollie robbins on

    I love Winston Churchill- I cannot wait to add to my collection!

  74. Erica Havrda on

    I love daffodils! I’ve also planted some daylilies and irises (not much luck with the irises yet) Your blooms are amazing, absolutely breathtaking ?

  75. Cheryl on

    Fritillaria! I love the speckled color, and since my maiden name was “Lillie” they are extra special!

  76. Juliet on

    I think my favorite would be ranunculus…but I’m scared of them. So my favorite is tulips because I ain’t scairt….as much. ???? I actually requested purple tulips for my senior prom corsage….which looked awesome with my orange dress!

  77. Amanda on

    Even with their bad rap, daffodils have always been one of my very favorites! They used to grow on the walk back from school when I was a kid. I used to pick them with my brothers to present to our mother, like a little spring treasure! Your varieties of narcissus are the MOST beautiful I have ever seen! ???

  78. Leslie on

    I love daffodils! When we bought our house they were the only flower planted and were such a lovely treat that first spring. Even though our landscape has changed dramatically since that first year we have kept the little patch as a reminder of where we started.

  79. Beth Miller on

    I love daffodils! But looking at your beautiful flowers inspires me to plant more! I’m looking forward to the fall mini course! Thank you for sharing ?

  80. Allie Geiger on

    Pink Charm daffodils! So cheerful and happy.

  81. Lauren on

    We moved into our new home last year, and this past spring and summer was our trial run for our garden. We’re getting a sense of what grows best and where. We’re looking forward to really growing our garden this year, and I will be planting bulbs for the first time! I’m so excited!

  82. Abigail on

    Beautiful!!! I cannot wait to plant these bulbs in my garden this year!!

  83. Diana on

    Ranunculus! Thank you for inspiring us with your gorgeous photos. Heaven! Can’t wait to learn more about planting bulbs with your upcoming mini course.

  84. Kelly on

    Tulips are my favorite fall bulb. But in the spring my heart goes first to the sign of hope in crocuses then to tulips, poppies, lilac and peonies.

  85. Emily Mahon on

    I love daffodils. My mom has some in her front yard. She has probably had them for 10 years at least. Maybe 20. I love hard to kill things!

  86. Jeannie Suhrheinrich on

    I love double tulips! They look like peonies and are such a joy after a long winter.

  87. Andi M. on

    Carolyn: I am the same way when it comes to wildflowers. I have a “favorite” when one blooms, but then it dies back and a new beauty appears!

    My favorite that I have planted before is tulips, but I’m excited to try ranunculus this year!

  88. Jen Hill on

    Anemones are my favorite.

  89. Kristin on

    Peonies!! I grudgingly planted 4 bushes when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant in hopes of growing beautiful flowers for my new baby :). Only leaves this year but hoping for flowers next year…It’s a good story to tell my little munchkin as it almost didn’t happen!!

  90. Carly on

    Tulips! I can’t wait to plant tulips. I love anything bright and colorful

  91. Kristin Regen on

    I just purchased three types of daffodils from your site. So excited!!!

  92. Carolyn on

    I think I have a favorite and then something else blooms and I fall in love all over again.

  93. heather crawford on

    *i just submitted a comment but got an error saying that i needed to prove that i am a human. it seems that my comment won’t get posted as a result, so i am posting this one. i promise i don’t mean to post two comments if my other one somehow posts.*

    i LOVE seeing those first greens unfurling & stretching up through the last (hopefully) melting piles of snow in those early days of spring. crocus are an old faithful in that way, but recently, i have fallen hard for muscari. i love love LOVE those sweet little purple-blue bells! thank you, Erin & team!

  94. Noa on

    Tulips! One autumn, while extremely morning-sick due to pregnancy, I crawled out and planted some tulip bulbs. I then completely forgot about them.
    That spring, with a new baby, I noticed a new weed coming up all over my yard. A few weeks later it became clear that it was some very lovely tulips and then I remembered the gift I had given myself that autumn and was so thankful! I had no time to make my yard pretty that year, but I did have some beautiful tulips. They always remind me of that spring and my sweet baby. (they were “victorias secret” and “charming beauty”and “pink star”)

  95. Claire Clauss on

    Irises! I hope that qualifies as a fall bulb. Crocuses and daffodils are a close second. Their early blooms are a welcome sight here in Virginia when winter doesn’t seem to know when to end ?

  96. abigale on

    Daffodils! So many varieties to choose from and they come back year after year ! Thanks for your amazing list. I just bought mine this morning. Looking forward to spring already ?

  97. Salina on

    Ranunculus! When I was a kid I grew them and every time my grandmother saw them she would say “that’s ranunculus!” She said it like it was the most wonderful thing she’d ever seen! I love the idea of a flower name be something so beautiful to see and say!

  98. Monique on

    The longer I follow your blog and Instagram, the harder it is to have a favorite – so many beautiful choices! Tulips and ranunculus are so wonderful though!

  99. Eileen Ferrari on

    Tulips! Planted a handful of Angelique tulips two years ago, wishing I had planted hundreds!

  100. Jessica Flores on

    I have no idea what my favorite is! Tulips?! I hate how they disappear too soon though.

    I’m seriously just starting out, my grandma has been a gardener all her life, one of the best places to be was in her garden oasis, it stuck with me so much I ended up writing a high school paper on it lol! I know dorkish but I got an A sooo … Her irises have been split and passed throughout the family, traveling from Missouri and Nebraska all the way to Texas and even Kentucky I believe. Right now we’re in a house in Maryland with no flowers what so ever and I need something to spruce things up and just ordered some Sweet Peas and a Ranunculus, probably too ambitious but I can never start small. Here’s hoping the gardening genes have been passed down to me!

  101. Edith on

    I love anemones! I planted them for the first time last fall and had georgeous flowers this spring. Looking forward to doing it all over again!

  102. Sara on

    My birthday is in March and daffodils will always be my favorite spring flower!

  103. Rebecca Kuhnel on

    I love tulips! Thank you for sharing your tulip suggestions with us. I love looking at your photos and blog for inspiration. Team Floret is amazing!

  104. Laura Haury on

    I just placed my first order, I’m so excited! Sweet peas are a happy childhood memory for me and I can’t wait to grow them!

  105. Janelle on

    This past spring I discovered double tulips and I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to have a spring without them being part of it- ever again! I remember as a young girl my parents didn’t really have a bunch of flowers growing. I was at a farmers market with my dad one day and there was just a cardboard box with unknown bulbs that my dad let me buy a handful of. I was lucky enough to get some tulips and daffodils mixed in color, and planted my very own “mini” garden which started my love of flowers at a young age.

  106. Anastasia Mejia on

    I love anemones and ranunculus but have been hesitant to grow them. Today I bought some corms from you and am excited to give them a try!

  107. Krista Schmidt on

    Narcissus, especially the double varieties, hands down! Not only are they beautiful, but they survive in my deer-heavy area. I planted them last fall and was amazed when they bloomed this spring!

  108. Ashton on

    Daffodils! Any kind :D I bought an older home and we had a ton of daffodils pop up this past spring. I can’t wait to add more varieties!

  109. Madison P. on

    Beautiful photos as always! I look forward to planting my spring bulbs every fall. There’s something always therapeutic about putting a bunch of odd, brownish shapes into the ground, and then waiting for them to transform into gorgeous blooms in the spring! My favorites are usually the tiny treasures: squill, dwarf iris, snowdrops, muscari! I’m loving some of the new tulip varieties y’all have this year. I gotta get my hands on some of the ‘Green Star’ beauties!

  110. Anna on

    I love daffodils of all types, especially because they are mostly deer proof! Looking forward to adding a few new varieties today.

  111. Megan Wilson on

    The unique renown tulip is my favorite. So many exquisite colors.

  112. Liv on

    I love Daffodils! They are such a happy spring flower!

  113. Ashton Diehl on

    I love any kind of daffodil! Last fall my husband and I bought a home built in 1932 and in spring we had tons of daffodils pop up that one of the previous owners had planted! It was magical. We had SO many – for about 2 months I had plenty to cut for my home (in every room) and give away to friends. I look forward to planting new varieties this fall!

  114. Rhiannon Diederichs on

    I love planting Allium bulbs for spring flowering. They’re a great source of early nectar for my honeybees when everything else is still growing.

  115. Emily on

    I personally love anemone, but I get excited every spring to see my late grandmother’s daffodils come back up!

  116. Elsie on

    I recently discovered fritillaria, sweet little fairy bells *swoon*!

  117. Holly Hood on

    I fell hard for Anemones that I planted last fall from your garden. Early in spring when the snow still lingers
    on the ground picking a few of their delicate blossoms to bring inside was such a treat.
    Thanks for this opportunity!! Fingers crossed!!

  118. Melissa Boring on

    My favorite spring flowers have always been daffodils. But this year I’m planting several hundred anemone and ranunculus … I have a suspicion that my opinion will change in the spring!

  119. Laura on

    I’m in love with all ranunculus but the pastel mix is dreamy ❤️

  120. Eliza on

    Spring months during my childhood were flecked with colorful tulips from my mother’s garden – these were my first loves. A signifier of new life after the cold winters, their resilience and beauty was, and is, always something to look up to.

  121. Treva on

    Can’t wait to receive my ranunculas! Thank you for all if your hard work and dedication to the small grower.

  122. Laura on

    Ranunculus in all the coral and peachy shades are some of my favs!

  123. Erin Schrumpf on

    Just ordered my bulbs! Can’t wait for spring!

  124. Kelly on

    I love tulips!

  125. Jessica on

    I fell in love with Ranunculus. Ordered my first bulbs and hope to add more in the future.

  126. Caitlin Keturi on

    I bought some La Belle Époque bulbs from you a few years ago…they definitely stand out in my garden among the more generic tulips and daffodils!

  127. Lacey on

    This season I adore Anemone – Pastel Mix!

  128. Eunice on

    I’m eager to try new varieties!

  129. Karen on

    I love double tulips! They are amazing!

  130. joanna on

    Anemones – white nodding heads – they make me smile

  131. Allison on

    I have yet to try planting bulbs but I would love to try the tulip copper you sell—they look beautiful!

  132. Amalia on

    I grew up overseas where we always watched for crocuses and snowdrops to pop up through the end of the winter’s snow. I have fond memories of looking for their first blooms. They were always the first sign of spring! :)

  133. Callie Puckett on

    My parents always had daffodils growing up and I’d love to plant some of my own!

  134. Meredith Williams on

    My favorite fall planted bulb is hyacinth. After our cold, harsh winters, seeing these guys pop up in my front garden is a welcome sight. Their fragrance is truly my favorite part of spring!

  135. Whitney W on

    I live tulips and am excited to try new varieties this year! I also can’t wait to grow ranunculus and anemones for the first time this year, what a treat to look forward to! Thank you Erin and crew!

  136. Taylor Bryant on

    I love planting allium. So excited for the mini-course starting soon!

  137. Erin Zagadailov on

    Just placed my first Floret Flower order! Our bees will LOVE these bulbs next spring!

  138. Ray on

    My favorite fall bulb is one that reminds me of my Grandmother. Their bright colors, layered petals, and burst of energy capture her beauty, grace, and joy. Every year when my Persian Buttercup Ranunculus pop up I feel her living in the field with me.

  139. FM on

    salmon ranunculus- shipping cost 50% of my order total. Too expensive had to cancel my order

  140. sarah goodman on

    I have never planted tulips and would love to try them! I live in Arizona and just tried anemones last year and fell in love with them. Trying ranunculus this year and getting ready to soak them! SO excited…hoping they grow! Thanks so much for giving so much of your time and talents to all of us! :)

  141. Katelyn E on

    Hard to pick a favorite, but I would have to say narcissus. Excited to find new favorites!

  142. Megan Elmer on

    I have always been a huge fan of ranunculus due to their rose-like blooms.

  143. Sarabeth Scott on

    I love narcissus, and the promise of warmer and brighter days. This year I’m adding White Lion, Yellow Cheerfulness and Replete to tuck into the ground for springtime beauty!

  144. Megan Sisco on

    For as long as I can remember, Ranunculus have been my favorite flower. Never did I think I would be growing them! Endless thank yous for the knowledge, seeds, and bulbs that you share.

  145. Jenny on

    I love ranunuculus! We’re only a couple days into fall and I already can’t wait for springtime blooms!

  146. Erin on

    They don’t make stunning arrangements, but I love the early spring bulbs (snowdrops, aconite, squill). They give me so much hope when the rest of the garden is still brown and covered in snow.

  147. Katie Meyet on

    I love daffodils- never grown bulbs before but going to try this fall!

  148. Pamela Wellman on

    I love tulips! Anyone who knows thinks they don’t like tulips has only seen the sad grocery store varieties!

  149. Amy Williams on

    This blog has me itching to plant some bulbs including my favorite, hyacinth! Signing up for the mini course now!

  150. Shannon Goddard on

    I won’t lie- tulips have never been my favorite- that is until I discovered the double varieties. It’s like having super early peonies! I’m hoping to grow my collection but like when you started, it’s not an investment I’ve been able to make yet. Your collection is amazing, thank you for all that share with us!

  151. Lacy McKinney on

    I love tulips but I’m eager to branch out and try new bulbs. I love your book. It has been so helpful!

  152. Erin Kessler on

    I’ve always loved daffodils! They are such happy spring flowers!

  153. Teresa Prewitt on

    I am so excited to get started with bulbs this fall!! Ranuncula Champagne is my favorite!!

  154. Ileen Wally on

    Definitely tulips, Chinatown is my new favorite!!

  155. Sarah Torres on

    I’ve never tried bulbs before, so I don’t have a favorite, but I’m excited to find one this year ? can’t wait to try my hand at a cut flower garden.

  156. Cachae Ward on

    Ranunculus! I’m SUPER excited to grow these for the first time, putting them in the ground early for some zone 9 blooms! This blog article has also definitely sold me on Narcissus, the varieties you shared are stunning!

  157. Lindsay S on

    Totally in love with ruffled tulips, but our family heirloom irises have to take the top spot, for beautiful blooms and the sentimental value!

  158. Jill Ruskamp on

    Narcissus is a favorite of mine, mostly because I haven’t grown anything else! Thank you for the giveaway!

  159. Holly Hintz on

    I’ve haven’t tried bulbs before, but I always think tulips are so beautiful!

  160. Taylor on

    I began my small cut flower garden this year and planted a few tulips and gladiolus. My neighbors (and I!) loved them so much I constantly found myself snipping a few and gifting them for birthdays and anniversaries. Such a wonderful way to connect and share something beautiful!

  161. Julia Keel on

    Narcissus are my favorite fall planted bulbs. It was a happy surprise when we bought our home and the following spring we had clumps of narcissus blooming across the yard!

  162. Beth Tucker on

    Of all the seeds I planted this spring my Floret seeds were far and away the best producers. Can’t wait to plant some of your bulbs!

  163. Kathleen Jones on

    Daffodils are so cheerful- but they’re all my favorite! I can’t wait for bulbs come spring!

  164. Susann Reiher on

    Typically tulips but I had no idea there was such a variety as what is shown above! I need to broaden my horizens :)

  165. Sara on

    Daffodils are by far my favorite and always have been.

  166. Kristi on

    The only thing I have had luck with as far as fall bulbs go, are my Narcissus. I have planted them on the outer edge of our Orchard and after a very long northern Minnesota winter they pop up with their happy faces.

  167. Lizzy on

    I LOVE ranunculas!

  168. Lacey Smith on

    Parrot tulips! They are so vibrantly colored with such beautifully textured petals. But of course I adore all the flowers.

  169. Amanda on

    One year I planted these little bulbs that grew into flowers that look like bells with almost a herringbone pattern. They are a dusty gray purple. I can’t even remember what they’re called. But I love them because they’re completely unique.

  170. Dawn Davis on

    Anxiously awaiting the start of my first Floret garden. Thank you for bringing to our awareness the beauty of flowers.

  171. Jennifer Mather on

    I LOVE tulips and anemones! This year, I am most crushing on the Vaya Con Dios and Copper Image tulips.

  172. Natalie on

    These flowers make me so happy! Hoping to add some Floret beauty to my own home garden.

  173. Heather Wanlass on

    I’ve always loved ranunculus but last year I fell in love with Narcissus. They are such soft, delicate and frilly blooms!

  174. Nikki on

    I am most excited to plant anemone and ranunculus this year. Will be a first for both for me as I’m brand new to flower gardening, but I’ve been completely inspired by your book and blog. Thank you for this opportunity to win and for sharing your gift with the world.

  175. Heather Wanlass on

    I have always loved ranunculus but last year I really fell in love with Narcissus. They are so frilly, soft and delicate blooms!

  176. Kate O on

    It’s so hard to choose – the smell of hyacinth is heavenly after a long winter, and I love the glorious spectrum of tulip colors. But I’ll have to go with ranunculus, because I carried a bouquet full of them down the aisle at my May wedding!

  177. Judy on

    Tulips and Narcissus. Always ready to try something new even though I am new at flower gardening.

  178. Jessica Kill on

    Picking a favorite spring bulb is like trying to choose a favorite photo of my daughter, Lily! Tulips & daffodils have always brought a lot of joy to an often dismal MI winter, but I sure do love anemones muscari…

  179. Ashley on

    Ranunculus and narcissus are my favorite spring bulbs!

  180. Lilybeth Hernandez on

    I just love tulip bulbs, so beautiful throughout their life stages.

  181. Adelaide Every on

    New flower farmer here who loves unique tulip varieties. Last fall (in preparation for my first season), I planned 18 blue wow tulip bulbs I got at a local garden center. This fall, I’m waiting on a shipment of 100 queen of night tulip bulbs!

  182. Sarah on

    Crocus are my favorite fall planted bulb as they are the first flowers up in Spring.

  183. kelsey on

    Lovely! Just so lovely!!

  184. Heather Wanlass on

    I love watching tulips peek up through the cold soil or even snow in the early spring. There are so many varieties with such a wide spectrum of color. It’s almost like a second Christmas anticipating when they’ll open up <3

  185. Jenny Modaffari on

    Tulips! Especially, Mt Tacoma, Menton (super long stems) & Estella Rijnveld:)

  186. Kelsey Franklin on

    I love anemones! Your pastel bunch is gorgeous, all the heart eyes :)

  187. Susie Uitti on

    Your bulbs are beautiful! I love grape hyacinth scattered around my beds and doorsteps.

  188. Deanna on

    I have loved daffodils ever since I was a little girl. My grandmother would take me out into her garden to pick until my little heart’s content.

  189. Sarah Dolan on

    Crocus are my favorite fall planted bulb as they are the first up in Spring.

  190. Natalie Haines on

    I have always been a fan of tulips. As I am in the learning the basics part of my floral education. I have not made the investment of growing bulbs yet. However, I Absolutely love the tulip copper image from your trial!

  191. Andi Liss on

    I’m hoping my comment didn’t disappear when I agreed to the Google terms
    Favorites: Anemone ‘Honorine Joubert’
    Gladiolus murielae

  192. Rachel Macdonald on

    I love tulips! I’m looking forward to expanding to other flowers!

  193. Heather on

    Tulips but your daffodils are winning me over for sure!

  194. Susan Delk on

    So excited for the spring sale. Hoping to get some bulbs. I love what you said about it being almost a gift to your future self for the upcoming spring to plant them and do work now. Also never thought past the yellow bus daffodils and love seeing all the varieties.

  195. Amanda on

    Tulips because they simply take my breath away with their variety of colors and shapes!

  196. Randi Greiner on

    Hands down any variety of tulips! They are so easy to grow and make my heart skip a beat when they bloom in the spring!!

  197. Bess Brownlee on

    Tulips! From beginning all the way to blown-out-curvy-stemmed finish, they are wonders!

  198. Alexandra Barrier on

    I started my cut flower gardens this past spring, and I’m so excited to plant some tulip bulbs! They were my grandmothers favorite, and I’m looking forward to planting them in her honor.

  199. Samantha Ritter on

    I’m so excited to plant fritillaria persica this fall! Also, a type of tulip called exotic emperor.

  200. Kara M. on

    Sir Winston Churchill is my absolute favorite bulb! I adore black and white anemone, as well as pastel ranunculas. Your double tulip choices are breath taking!

    May I ask what you do for bulb rodent munchers during the winter there at floret? We are about to ready our beds (next year will be the first growing season! And I heavily invested in bulbs) and I would like to deter any busters that come looking to pick us off. :)

  201. Samantha Zarb on

    Daffodils! I love the haphazard, cheery way they pop up in random clumps all over gardens in Memphis, where I live. And they can be relied upon to come back year after year! That’s a must in my sink-or-swim garden ;)

  202. Sarah jo on

    I love hyacinth! They’re my favorite bulb against all reason :) my customers aren’t big fans, the heady scent sometimes overwhelms even me but the masses of little florets bunched just make me swoon! I planted some the spring before I became a flower farmer and staring at them in a vase all day pushed me toward the decision to farm. I can totally relate to your living the dream comment while actually feeling cold, wet, and miserable!! Haha. My problem isn’t upfront cost with bulbs, it’s space. With only half an acre, I can’t put more than a couple hundred bulbs in the ground. Also tulips and daffodils often have really short stems in our short and hot winter here in zone 8a texas so trialing them is a must but something i don’t have time and effort for yet. At least you’ve narrowed the field for me!! :p Thank you!!

  203. Sarah Richardson on

    There’s just something magical about tulips.
    They pop up from the cold ground while the earth still slumbers. It truly is breathtaking?

  204. Merrill on

    Tulips! The more elaborate the better. Give me ruffles and jagged edges and layers of petals and varying colors. Love them !

  205. Megan on

    after a long winter in Vermont, these spring beauties bring an incredible amount of joy to my soul and over all well being! When the snow is 3 feet high, winds howling and thermometer barely reaches zero, I am thankful to know that under it all there is hope and beauty around the corner! Thank you!

  206. Hannah on

    Ranunculus! So many beautiful options in this post!!! ?✨

  207. Sonja on

    I love growing gladiolas!! ❤?????

  208. Markli on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! I’ll be planting them for the first time this fall with the help of your online course instructions!

  209. Latricia Mccourtie on

    Tulips & ranunculus!!!! ???? But huge fan of the unique daffodils as well! First fall for me planting spring bulbs. Yeyyyy!

  210. April on

    Tulips will always be my favorite. When they start to pop out of random corners around town I know the dreariness of winter is nearly behind us!

  211. Julie on

    Unusual bulbs are so hard to find. These all look amazing?

  212. Rhonda on

    Daffodils are my favorite ? ?

  213. Morgan Schlich on

    I have always loved tulips – next to peonies, they are my favorite flower. Although, the more I see ranunculus, the more I want to try them!

  214. Megan on

    Tulips. They remind me of growing up on my parent’s farm in Michigan.

  215. Natalie on

    Anemones are my favorite! But I’m hoping some new and interesting narcissus varieties win me over this spring!

  216. Ali on

    Narcissus Replete blew me away this year—my favorite hands down!

  217. Eleanor on

    So excited for all the new seeds!! I LOVE every spring bulb! But ranunculus is becoming a true favorite. Can’t wait to get my hands on those pastel colored ones ??

  218. Katie Goodrow on

    I love how beautiful the ranaculus are for a spring flower but I’ve never been confident enough to grow them. But I am definitely excited about the new narcissus and tulip varieties!

  219. Ariana on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! I’m constantly amazed by how such a tiny bud has so many petals.

  220. Alison on

    The flowers that come from bulbs have such special importance to me. Growing up outside of LA, we didn’t have to worry about spring. There, I loved seeing the deep purple irises come up all over my great aunt’s garden. Now that I live in Boston, I get SO excited for spring! I’m excited when the crocus pop up all over my neighborhood. But I also love ranunculus and anemones. If I had to choose just one bulb, it would be ranunculus. I just can’t get over their colors and layers and layers of petals.

  221. Carina on

    Most definitely tulips!!

  222. Kaitlin on

    I love tulips! The ruffley doubles are just so breathtaking and not the tulips I grew up with. So welcome after a long cold brown winter!

  223. Amanda on

    Daffodils and tulips are so far my favorites. I just have the standards for both and have looked into trying the other varieties. Unfortunately the deer and/or rabbits have sabotaged my tulip growing endeavors thus far, but we have a plan for next year -involving a chicken wire cage to protect the growing tulips.

  224. Angela Martin on

    I didn’t think I was a fan of tulips for the longest time, but learning about all the different varieties has made them a new favorite! Can’t wait to try some for the spring!

  225. Jodi on

    I love tulips!

  226. Vicki Witt on

    I love tulips but am hoping to get some ranunculus bulbs this morning. They are beautiful!

  227. Kira on

    Thank you for the generous giveaway! Daffodils are my favorite, since they’re so undemanding. I’m so glad that you and other flower farmers opened my eyes to how many different varieties exist. I’m enjoying adding new types each year, but so far thalia remains my very favorite.

  228. Nicole Dasnoit on

    I wish I had a better garden. I always forget about planting bulbs in the fall.

  229. Lindsey B on

    I’ve always loved tulips, but I’m excited to try Ranunculus this year!

  230. Sherri on

    I am new to gardening but am so inspired by your story and your farm. Ranunculus’s are definitely my favorite. This will be my first year to grow them. Happy fall!!

  231. Lindsay on

    daffodils, they’re all so happy

  232. Christy Gianettino on

    Narcissus are my favorite spring flowers. These cheery little flowers are just what I need to get through the remaining remnants of a dreary winter.

  233. Mary Claire felts on

    I tried ranunculus last year with no luck, hoping they do better this year!

  234. Sarah N on

    I would have to say tulips are my favorite. So many different kinds, and all so pretty!

  235. Megan Rodriguez on

    These bulns are incredible and unique and your story is inspirational. I’m happy that I found your page on IG.

  236. Meredith Cooper on

    Oh man, I would love to fill my garden with these for spring!

  237. Devon on

    Narcissus are so cheery in late March when everything else is still grey!

  238. Tracie on

    It’s so hard to choose a favorite from them all. I’ll have to say ranunculus, though! Thanks for the giveaway!

  239. Amelia on

    Love love love narcissus Gay Tabor – elegant, long-stemmed, and can stand alone in an arrangement.

  240. Emma on

    Crocuses are my favorite because they’re the first to show up in my yard!

  241. Becca Fox on

    Hyacinth! I will never get over their incredible scent.

  242. Pamela Aguirre on

    Apparently it’s ranunculus! I didn’t realize they were bulbs planted in the fall. Obvious newb here ??‍♀️

  243. Erin on

    Ranunculus are my favorite spring flower. I tried to grow them last year, but only received long, stemy plants with no blooms. I am excited to try again this year.

  244. Andy on

    Narcissus and ranunculus for sure!

  245. Rosalie on

    Trying to win these beauties for my sister in law.

  246. Cheyenne Ahlo-Kumai on

    Tulips will always be my favorite fall planted bulb/flower, but I love seeing all of the different types of flowers and varieties that pop up!

  247. Krissie Smith on

    I will never stop being amazed by Bearded Irises ✨

  248. Erin Ayer on

    I love daffodils ? I am excited to plant beds of bulbs at my new home for next spring!

  249. Mark Ziesel on

    Tulips! Copper Image Tulips are amazing! I’m Dutch. My family is from the Netherlands and my dad was born there. I was fortunate enough to visit Keukenhof with my wife and 11 month old daughter at the time in 2015! What a beautiful place. Will definitely go again.

  250. Kim on

    Crocus are my favorite spring bulb. They are the first sign of the start of the planting season. ? They are just small understated flowers that make me smile after a long wet dark winter. I have so many favorite bulbs that follow them in the Spring. But, they are the first to lift my spirit.

  251. Jen Shears on

    Tulips!! Thanks for the upcoming mini course and the chance at this generous giveaway!

  252. Julie Cirka on

    My grandfather had a green thumb and I would help him with planting his bulbs in the fall. Although he grew many varieties of flowers, my all-time favorite is ranunculus. The lush flowers and myriad of colors bring back memories of Grandpa and his garden.

  253. Jen Shears on

    Tulips are my favorite & looking forward to your class for tips and tricks! Thank you for the chance at your generous giveaway!

  254. Alicia on

    I love tulips and every spring I am mesmerized as I watch their petals unfurl and turn inside out, looking more and more beautiful as the petals turn translucent and crinkley on the edges just before the fall off.

  255. Christina Cover on

    I love all the fall bulbs but if I had to pick a favorite it would be tulips!

  256. Mary Shelton on

    Daffodils are top notch my favorite. Moving from the north to the south and learning about the new zone I live in has been adventurous but I have to say extremely rewarding so far.

  257. Jodi Logue on

    Your ranuculus are glorious! My two favorite bulbs are daffodils and Lilly of the valley. I like to tuck them in random places at the edge of the woods. I always forget where I put them and then get a nice surprise every spring!

  258. Allie Hernandez on

    If I had to pick one, I’d have to say Daffodils. Growing up my mom had daffodils galore growing all along our front fence. They were always such a bright sign of spring. -Though I have to admit after seeing those Cooper Image Tulips … I might have a new favorite that I can grow in my own garden.

  259. Patricia Starkey on

    I am so excited to start this journey with your gorgeous flowers. I have a few flowers planted in my yard right now, most of which came from my next door neighbor who was so eager to get rid of some of her overgrown flowers. I would have to say out of the very small amount I have, I love the lilies. This Spring/Summer I watched them open and close each day and it was just so raw to watch their short lifespan. Thank you for sharing this post and some tips, I look forward to starting the mini Fall course in a couple weeks!

  260. Brandie on

    I’d love to plant crocus this year for the first time, but I’m also a huge fan of daffodils and tulips.

  261. Deborah on

    I love the black and white anemone. Mine were not as large as yours, but still wonderful. I hope to add more bulbs and annuals to my garden each year. Thank you

  262. Teresa on

    I love anemones. They are so cheery and beautiful!

  263. Amanda on

    Tulips are my favorite. They are so bright and cheerful in the early spring!

  264. Marti on

    I remember planting my first spring bulbs in high school and the thrill of seeing those first shoots peeking up through the snow and wet, black earth. They always meant spring was well on its way. My favorite is hyacinth – their heady scent after the dullness of winter thrills my soul!

  265. Josué Diaz on

    I can’t grow Tulips where i live, it’s not cold enough :( I’d love Dahlias in my garden though.

  266. Laura on

    I got bit by the flower bug this year while researching the best florals for my wedding. Of all the blooms I saw, my favorites are definitely ranunculus and dahlias (not a fall bulb, but still my favorite). I’m just planning on getting my toes wet with a couple varieties this year, but I hope to delve deeper into the world of flowers. Thank you for the beauty you and your family bring into the world!

  267. Kristin Ryzebol on

    I can’t seem to get enough of ranunculuses, though some of the narcissuses and tulips you have are giving them a run for their money!

  268. Louise Nadeau on

    Love all spring bulbs! Just when you think you can’t take one more day of PNW gloom, they pop their little green heads up and say “It’s okay…beauty’s on the way!” Narcissus and tulips are my favorites. But also love rannuculus and anemones.?

  269. Katrina on

    Crocus!! They are the first to pop up from underneath the fall and winter debris, hinting that spring is on the way.

  270. Heathyr Nance on

    Love ranunculus!!! Taking your suggestions for tulips…pulling bulbs and all in the spring.

  271. Carrie on

    Of the bulbs you have on offer, I am hard-pressed to select a favorite from the leucojum, ranunculus “Champagne”, and double tulip “Gudoschnik.” It is like having to pick a favorite child. You love them all, but for their own unique qualities. However, in the spirit of choosing only one, I have ruled out the ranunculus. Where I live, in zone 7, our winter temperatures are simply too extreme for fall-planted ranunculus to survive without aggressive protective measures. Here, they are more easily planted in spring. And whilst I love the delicateness and hopefulness of the leucojum (and the similar snowdrop), I have decided on the Gudoschnik double tulip as my favorite. The colors are gorgeous, striking, and varied, and the blossoms are reminiscent of peonies, one of my other favorite flowers. The Gudoschnik ticks an awful lot of boxes, but most of all, it just makes me happy.

  272. Alanah on

    Ranunculus! Looking forward to growing more flowers this year. I’m very excited about your mini course:)

  273. J Lindsay on

    Daffodils. They’re deer proof and there’s nothing like driving around the corner and seeing a bright sunshine golden yard.

  274. Christina Boucher on

    Anemones are my favorite, we got a potted one early this year and my kids loved checking them each day to see what was blooming.

  275. Lindsey on

    Second post because I typed my email in incorrectly! I love the ‘petite four’ narcissus and the champagne ranunculus. I am excited to add ranunculus to my mix of spring flowers!

  276. Janell on

    Peonies are one of my favorites. I love their layers, colors, and smell of ants, reminding me of slow, childhood days spent at Grandma’s house.

  277. Lindsey on

    So many to choose from but I am loving ‘petite four’ and the champagne ranunculus

  278. Meridith M on

    So many to choose from! But, I one of my favorites is hyacinth. It comes in lots of beautiful colors, and it’s scent is hard to beat!

  279. Kristina on

    Ranunculus are the most fun for us!!!

  280. Sarah on

    It’s ranunculus for sure! Those frilly, apricot-colored beauties were my favorite flower in my wedding bouquet and now they’re my favorite bit of color to see popping out of the ground in an otherwise rather dreary February.

  281. Jessica on

    I LOVE bulbs! I totally agree with you when you say planting them is worth the effort because it is such a treat to see those sprouts come up in the springtime. I really love them all, even the grocery store varieties; but your varieties really are heavenly!

  282. Julie on

    I love the cheerful anemones that come up in the spring. I think the flowers are a bit unusual-/that is why I like them.

  283. Shayne G on

    I am so excited for the fall mini class and I am thrilled to add some tulips to the yard this year.

  284. Renee Tanabe on

    Daffodils! They’re bright happy and fool proof!

  285. Colleen G on

    I planted narcissus last year for the first time and they are so sweet. I am planning on trying tulips this year!

  286. Sita Marion on

    After moving into our home three years ago I promised myself that I would plant a few bulbs. Try not to over think it and just get them I to the ground. I tried a bag of Anemones in a beautiful dark purple tone that my Mom gifted to me. I plac d them in my new cutting garden and absolutely loved seeing their little faces this Spring! This fall I have promised myself to plant unique tulips and daffodils. I will be shopping tomorrow!

    I purchased a great mix of your seed packets last summer. I smile every time one of my beautiful white Cosmos bloom! I have so much to learn about gardening but I am finally allowing myself the patience for trial and error. Your book has been a wonderful tool. Thank you for your encouragement! ♥️?

  287. Molly on

    I love daffodils, they make me smile everytime I see them all spring.

  288. Callie on

    I love daffodils!! Both of my grandmothers had them in their gardens. I miss them terribly and daffodils remind me of them and give me inspiration to continue on in my flower garden pursuit.

  289. Erin Kurtz on

    I love hyacinths and tulips. My mom always had the yard full of them growing up!

  290. April on

    Peonies and tulips! This year I’m trying ranunculus (fingers crossed)

    Thank you! Love your site

  291. Lace King on

    I fell is lov neigh anemones last year! It was the first time I had planted them and they were so beautiful and flowered for so many weeks!

  292. Andrea Heffernan on

    Until 4 years ago, I couldn’t really grow bulbs (or at least thought I couldn’t). So far, I’ve planted only tulips and daffodils, and I have been fasscinated by both! I also can’t wait to try my hand at anemones and ranunculus this next season. But the fall-planted flower that has my whole heart right now is the iris. Each bloom, color, and form takes my breath away!

  293. Abby Miller on

    I love the ranunculus but with florets daffodils I’m thinking I want to give those another chance.

  294. Aaron on

    I can’t wait to plant tulips this year!

  295. Riley on

    Oh it’s so hard to choose! I guess I’d say tulips are quite dear to my heart because of two specific memories. We had some in our yard when I was a kid and we had several years of very mild winters and my mom just never got around to digging them up to store someplace cooler. We figured they were goners but then one spring I looked out the window and there were several tulips just beginning to bloom! And then when I spent some time living abroad in Ireland, I arrived just when tulips were beginning to bloom there. It was so comforting to see a reminder of home and my mom in those initial homesick days adjusting to a new country. :)

  296. Andrea on

    I wish I could say my favorite bulb is a ranunculus because they are so beautiful but I have had some hard times growing them in the past…although I’m sure it doesn’t help that I am a super novice gardener. ? so I would have to say my favorite bulbs are daffodils because they are such a quintessential spring time flower.

  297. Sarah Janicek on

    I love grape hyacinths, my grandparents had them planted in their front flower beds and every time I see them I’m reminded of their home.

  298. Crissy Mitchell on

    My favorite has got to be ranunculus! I have tried to grow them a few times but have had no luck.

  299. Kambra on

    I have become OBSESSED with narcissus – specifically those with smaller, white blooms, or larger ones with variations on white & orange coloring. We have lots of bulb-chompin’ squirrels at our place, but they won’t touch narcissus bulbs!

  300. Viktoriya on

    Narcissus & ranunculus! Narcissus always reminds me of childhood, my grandma used to grow them. Cannot wait to add them to spring garden! Ranunculus were one of my wedding flowers. Such a romantic flower that was easily mistaken for a rose. Cannot wait till spring already!

  301. Jennifer Poirier on

    I love your posts and mini courses so much! Thank you so much for the insight and inspiration. Sometimes I pinch myself… Just what I need while I work on turning my acreage outside of Nashville into a wee flower farm. On to my fall fave… I see them mentioned a few times in the comments so far, but I’ve always been so in love with allium… Magical Dr. Seuss flowers. I especially love the white ones, which look cool long after the flowers have withered. <3

  302. Carly on

    Daffodils , I am so excited to try some of the less traditional colors

  303. McKenna Waite on

    Ranunculus ❤️❤️❤️ I can’t wait to learn how to grow them! Looking forward to the fall mini course with my whole heart, I’m learning so much!

  304. Chris on

    Tulips have long been my favorite fall bulb, with their wide array of colors and shapes. I have never grown them commercially, but I’m excited to plant some this fall. I’m also feeling ready to tackle rununculus, and I’m looking forward to the challenge.

  305. Pavlina Ilieva on

    Snowdrops popping from underneath the melting snow is my most vivid memory of spring, brave little flowers!

  306. Carly on

    I am so excited to try some different colors of daffodils this year!

  307. Stacy on

    Daffodils are my favorite. In the pnw after a long, cold, wet and gray winter. The first sight of daffodils signals rebirth and glory. I look forward to trying new varieties.

  308. Jill Biasca on

    Can we really pass over Naked Ladies? They’re beautiful and smell wonderful as well! And let’s not forget how great that common name is. The showy pink flowers are all over the California coast and even though these bulbs are more of a harbinger of summer than spring, I think it still counts!

  309. April on

    Oh, I love the wind-y stems and beautiful blooms of ranunculus, but I’m not sure if they do well in Oklahoma City. I love tulips, too, though, and yours are so pretty!

  310. Christina on

    Ranunculus is one of my favorite flowers, but I haven’t tried growing them yet. I definitely want to try this year!

  311. Suzanne on

    I have a special place in my heart for tulips. I’ll always remember the row of them my grandpa planted and tended to in the back yard. My love of plants and flowers starts with him. ❤️

  312. Jillian Jones on

    My favorite bulb became the tulip when I learned the marbles ones we relish so fair owe their unique appearance to a case of blight. I would kill to see the tulip fields in Holland. Very excited to finally plant my own bulbs this year!

  313. Leah E on

    I love double tulips. The look like a peony and last so long as a cut flower.

  314. Julie Jo Ayer Williams on

    I’d love to answer with something that was either a filler or greenery because year after year I lack in those departments,,, if there’s no wrong answer can I say raspberry canes? I got a big patch I’d like to thin, move from veggie production zone and into flower zone and give that recommendation a try. Otherwise I’d say Tulips, oh but Sweet Williams just popped into mind. Clearly I need some more planning, production is pretty high, efficiency still needs a lot of work ?. Look forward to the upcoming mini series! And as always, thank you team floret for all you continue to do! Inspire, Educate, Spread Smiles… much love n appreciation!!

  315. Kasie on

    I am brand new to trying my hand at growing flowers, but my favorites have been Daffodil and Dahlias for the longest time, so I can’t wait to plant some daffodil bulbs and see if I can get some to bloom come spring!!!

  316. Aimee on

    Love tulips but can’t waot to try rancunculs & anemones

  317. Kasie Norton on

    I am brand new to trying my hand at growing flowers, but my favorites have been Daffodil and Dahlias for the longest time, so I can’t wait to plant some daffodil bulbs and see if I can get some to bloom come spring!!!

  318. Emily on

    I love narcissus! We grow several varieties and they’re my favorite spring bulb to grow/arrange. Replete in particular is a favorite cultivar. They’re a true harbinger of spring and my favorite season….the warm one. Hah!

  319. Kori Smith on

    I’ve never had a favorite fall bulb or flower until I came across Floret Flowers. My mind is made up that your tulips are the most amazing tulips I have ever seen. I never had an interest in planting tulips until I stumbled apon your beautiful and stunning veriaties. Now all I can think of is were to plant tulips in my garden and that I can’t wait to see them bloom.

  320. Meghan Books on

    I’ve never seen prettier daffodils or tulips than the ones sold here! Can’t wait to get my order in and enjoy them in spring. And ranunculus are one of my new favorite flowers! I’m excited to try growing them again.

  321. Rebeccah on

    I love giant purple allium!

  322. Virginia on

    I’m so excited to see what you have in your store tomorrow! I planted Mt. Tacoma tulips last year and they were so beautiful this spring.

  323. Danielle Veenstra on

    Tulips! Though I’ve never grown ones as beautiful as those from Floret so looking forward to tomorrow’s sale??

  324. Gloria Devin on

    I love them all but I think I like the alliums best. I love the height, the drama, the purple hues, the long lasting form in the garden. They bloom after all the spring excitement but before summer blooms really get going. I like that they bridge that gap.

  325. Julia Lampson on

    I am going to try my hand at Ranunculus this year! They’re my favorite:) I’m cautiously optimistic and can’t wait to see how they turn out!

  326. Angela on

    I’ve always planted tulips in the fall, but this year am excited to try something new!!! Really love all the posts you’re putting out and so thankful for the helpful info. Looking forward to the mini course! Thank you!!

  327. Mickie Buckner on

    I haven’t tried ranunculus so I would love to see them grow in my yard. My daughter used them, although artificial it was too hot a month to have kept them alive, in her wedding flowers and they were a perfect size.

  328. Elana on

    We have thousands of daffodils that make riotous appearance on our Woodland hillside as harbingers of spring each year. Even better, the deer leave them be. This year I am eager to plant some of your gorgeous parrot tulips in our (deer fences) garden- they make such stunning arrangements.

  329. Erin on

    I’ve never attempted fall bulbs before but am very excited to try ranunculus this season. We used them a lot in our wedding arrangements and I’ve used them in crowns before. Love your blog and all the inspiration it has provided me this past year which was my first year doing a cut flower garden!

  330. Naomi on

    I love narcissus, especially with multiple colors, and especially the tiny ones.

  331. Lindsay on

    This will be my first time planting fall bulbs to enjoy in the spring. I am so excited that deer are so opposed to narcissus! I can’t wait to try different varieties other than the standard yellow daffodil. The Sir Winston Churchill’s have my eye. I also love allium bulbs. What a fun whimsical addition to a garden. Looking forward to the fall mini course! And to being rewarded come spring with some color from the ground.

  332. Laura on

    I LOVE them all, but ranunculus have to be my fave! And I do love daffodils. Even the yellow-school-bus-colored ones. ?

  333. Ally on

    My favorite are my basic daffodils, which I planted years ago in a fit of fall ambition. They’ve been ignored since then, but they generously reappear each spring. I love watching their progress and value how hearty they are. They can survive through anything late winter/early spring can throw at them!

  334. Michelle on

    There once stood a farmhouse tucked back across the field in the woods behind my childhood home. It quietly had gotten reabsorbed into the landscape until, finally, it was just a stone foundation. So long ago, that no one knew when. Each spring, all the forest floor around it would transform into a purple carpet. Tens of thousands of purple hyacinths in every direction. As a little girl, my mom shared this treasure with me. I never took it for granted, this magic sent to me from , as I imagined it, a lovely young farmer’s wife generations ago. As the world began to green each spring I would visit daily, breathlessly awaiting those little blooms’ return and our official start of spring. When it finally came, I spent as many hours as I could find gathering as much as my little hands could hold to take home as a gift for my mom. And I continued this tradition until I left home after college. All these years later, one whiff of this sweet flower’s aroma takes me right back to that hillside in the purple spring sunshine .

  335. Lindsay on

    This will be my first time planting fall bulbs to enjoy in the spring. I am so excited that deer are so opposed to narcissus! I can’t wait to try different varieties other than the standard yellow daffodil. The Sir Winston Churchill’s have my eye. I also love allium bulbs. What a fun whimsical addition to a garden. Looking forward to the fall mini course!

  336. Miranda on

    Narcissus are my favorite! First sign of spring :)

  337. Catherine on

    I’m crazy about ruffly ranunculus!

  338. Beth on

    I love irises and daffodils. My mom has always had a large variety of irises and when we moved from our farm on a cold day in January one year, we dug them all up. We stored them in my grandma’s root cellar until we found a new garden for them in April. They were already sprouting new signs of life for all of us! She has the most beautiful iris garden again.

  339. Courtney Seamons on

    How does one choose a favorite? Just so hard. I have always loved cheery daffodils…. I think because of the way they dance in the breeze.

  340. Lindsey on

    My favorite fall planted bulbs are either tulips, hyacinths, or ranunculus! They’re all so beautiful!

  341. Elisha Babcock on

    I love ANY spring flower! After winter, anything green and growing is a gift ?

  342. Jamie on

    I love ranuculus and tulips! I’m excited to try my hand at growing them this year!

  343. Carolynn Carter on

    I fell in love with tulips all over again after seeing the fields in Skagit county. I’ve been planting bulbs I’ve purchased from a variety of stores, in hopes to recreate a carpet of them in my flower beds in the spring. I can’t wait to see what Floret has to offer!

  344. Carrie on

    Taping papers together to draw out, expand, and plan next years blooms after my first season! I really love narcissus and even more so because deer do not eat them; it makes my life a little easier. :)

  345. Amber Purles on

    Ranunculus are my favorite flower. I want to try growing them this year!

  346. Karis on

    All tulips are my favorite! I grew up proudly Dutch so we went to many tulip festivals and I watched them peek from my grandparents garden. The ruffled pink varieties really got my heart beating last season!

  347. Dana on

    Emperor tupils! So dramatic and elegant. Except my dog likes to eat them!? I missed them this spring after moving last fall. Not a single bulb on the property and I’m eager to change that!

  348. Courtney Seamons on

    I can’t wait to get my hands on those ranunculas. Just saying the name makes me happy!! Can’t wait to shop tomorrow! It’s like Christmas in September!!?

  349. Rod on

    We’ve moved from USDA growing zone 5 to 9 so look forward to growing ranunculus. Besides the beauty a portion of the harvest will be used for ranunculus yeast water bread

  350. Emilia on

    For a short time I used to work in a greenhouse, which was growing tulips and narcissus in the spring. It was hard (and sweaty) work, but now afterwards the smell of these flowers always make me think of all the fun I had working there

  351. Molly on

    I love daffodils and that they are one of first blooms. Add a child we would take some to school every year for our teachers. I almost have enough for my kis to do the same with their teachers. Maybe next spring. Can’t wait for monday.

  352. Nicola on

    Although I have been gardening since age 16, so, almost 12 years now… I too was like you, in that I either didnt have the money for bulbs, the time, or the determination….but I would love to change that! I would be so ecstatic to win a box of your specialty bulbs. Especially bc as far as my finances are right now, bulbs would sadly be a frivolous spending item for me. I wish so deeply that they were not, for every year I dream of a bulb bed. My favorites that I Have planted in the past are hyacinths, for their lovely fragrance of spring, and the deep dark purple tulips that look almost black ?

  353. Annette on

    I haven’t planted any yet, but I love ranunculus and hope to have success with them in the future. Gotta love all spring flowers, though…they get me excited for good things to come!

  354. Elizabeth on

    I love daffodils the most. Their bright flowers come up after weeks of grey drizzle and remind you to smile, the sun will return soon

  355. Larysa Bernhardt on

    Besides daffodils that I adore I love muscari. Some varieties are fragrant and deer tends to leave them alone, big plus in my area.

  356. Kristen on

    Beautiful flowers! I am hoping to order tulips and daffodils this year.

  357. Sally Fischer on

    I love narcissus because they are hardy and easy to grow but I also love ranunculus especially Marshmallow ? Your photos and educational information inspires me to not only garden more but be more in touch with the earth and seasons.

  358. Sally on

    I love narcissi! Can’t wait to plant some of the gorgeous varieties featured here.

    I also love planting paperwhites for Christmas…for those of us who just can’t wait till spring!

  359. Megan on

    Anemones! Still learning how to grow them well, but they’re one of my favorites so there’s lots of motivation!

  360. Theresa H. on

    All the tulips! Your fall line looks amazing, can’t wait to learn more!

  361. Laurie on

    I love purple parrot tulips! They looks so good with my pale lavender lilacs!

  362. Mary on

    Daffodils of any sort are my favorite! After a long winter, their happy yellow faces are what keeps me going until the weather really warms up.

  363. Courtney Smith on

    Fragrant jonquils are my favorite! They are deer proof, which always wins here on the farm. Daffodils, jonquils, narcissus… I find all of them gorgeous and hope to add new varieties every fall.

  364. Nicole Moore on

    I’ve always loved tulips, but can’t wait to try ranunculus.

  365. Jan Lord on

    My favorite are the humble daffodils. For me they are like sunshine (about 300+ blossoms) bursting from the ground after a long winter. I have a few fancy varieties it love but the “school bus” still makes my heart sing!

  366. Miriam Rudolph on

    Tulips! Though I’ve only ever planted Allium in Fall, Tulips do hold more appeal!

  367. Cindy Edwards on

    I absolutely love Tulips and I’m always so excited when they bloom in Dallas. The first hopeful sign of Spring! That being said, my dream flower is the Ranunculus, and I would love to try growing them. By the way, you aren’t kidding about the poor selection at big box stores. I’ve never mail-ordered bulbs before, but you are inspiring me to try! Love following you guys on IG. ❤️❤️❤️ from Texas

  368. Elisenda Farison on

    Hmm.. Im not sure I have a favorite! Ranunculous cause they were on my wedding bouquet. But also really any tulips because for me they really represent spring time!!

  369. Martha Middleton on

    Not a cut flower, but I love planting snowdrops and crocuses with my daughter, in the Fall. We receive a fair amount of snow in our part of Canada, so these early bloomers are a welcome sight, come Spring. My little one loves running around the yard, finding where we planted all of our Fall treasures!

  370. Meli on

    Can’t wait to see ranunculus in my own spring garden!

  371. Danielle Veenstra on

    Tulips! Looking forward to ordering some from you tomorrow morning ??

  372. Anjana Talapatra on

    Anemones! They look otherworldly. So perfect and beautiful

  373. Alyssa on

    I love big ruffled tulips! Although at this point anything the deer don’t eat is a real win ?

  374. Lindsay brown on

    Thinking back on my wedding day, my favorite decorations were the bundles of anemones and ranunculous. Ever since I’ve dreamed of planting a wedding bouquet garden for my home!

  375. Anna on

    I can’t wait to see the varieties you love!

  376. Jackie Michna on

    My favorite bulbs are daffodils, the trumpted flowers are so unique and they do so well in Texas. But one bulb that I haven’t being able to find in stores here is the grape hyacinth, I would love to have it growing wild in my front yard….

  377. Deb Mersereau on

    My favorite fall planted flower has to be ranunculus…I’m hoping to snag some of your beauties bright and early tomorrow morning!

  378. Amy on

    I just love a vase full of Narcissus on the table in the Spring. After a long Montana winter they are a sign of the beautiful Summer on it way!

  379. Martha Moritz on

    Tulips definitely! But also ranunculus and anemones!

  380. Katie M. on

    The only bulb I’ve ever tried to grow are common daffodils. I’d love to try something new!

  381. Annette on

    I haven’t planted any yet, but I love ranunculus and hope I’ll have success with them in the future. Gotta love all the spring flowers, though…they make me excited for good things to come!

  382. Catherine Weber on

    I love tulips. Always one of the first signs of spring. Looking forward to learning to grow other bulbs and enjoy more months of flowers.

  383. Martha Moritz on

    I think tulips might be my most favorite flower, period (might be because it’s like choosing a favorite child- you can’t)! But I grew Floret ranunculus and anemone for the first time this year and fell in love hard! I couldn’t believe how many blooms for so many weeks I got from my small patch!

  384. Rachel Davidson on

    My favorite fall bulb is one that was my Grabsmothers favorite. Their bright colors, layering petals, and seemingly endless blooms capture her joy, beauty, and grace. She lives with me in the plot of Persian Buttercup Ranuculus each spring.

  385. Colleen Carlson on

    My mama shared her bulbs with me over 35 when we moved into this old house.
    She had a “friendship garden” and shared bulbs and clippings with me and anyone who want some. She learned everything from her father who was an avid gardener (from England) who taught her about “friendship gardens” and sharing.
    A wonderful legacy!

  386. Jennifer Hamilton on

    I’m all about the tulips. A single variety bouquet is a yearly birthday tradition, and this year La Belle Epoque has won my heart!

  387. Erin Lindblad on

    My favorite is tulips! Nothing says spring to me more than a vase full of gorgeous tulips on the kitchen table.

  388. Laurie on

    I love growing the purple, parrot tulips. They looks so beautiful with my pale lavender lilacs!

  389. Grady McCoy on

    I’ve come to really appreciate the early spring beauty of daffodils and narcissus. There are so many beautiful colors and varieties now; they’re not just your grandma’s buttercup-yellow blooms anymore!

  390. Lauren Murray on

    I love the funky + unique tulips and daffodils in the spring! Being in Texas, our winter didn’t last long but neither does our spring! I love how they dance in the wind, reach for the sun and just put a smile on your face!

  391. Nancy Gibson on

    I adore your flowers. The salmon colored ruffled daffodils are my favorites. The ruffled tulips are also at the top of the list. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  392. Ashley on

    Your photos are stunning, especially of those beautiful rununculus… they’re easily my favorite of the bunch! I love the layers of frills. I’m often reminded of petticoats for some silly reason. Happy planting!

  393. Tonya on

    I love tulips! They are so elegantly beautiful each spring! Looking forward to picking a couple fun varieties tomorrow!

  394. Jessica Roseman on

    As a child I loved seeing crocus blooming amidst the snow. Magical.

  395. Ariel on

    Muscari- Little simple bundles of beauty..

  396. Mandy on

    I love Ranuculus, but the Eastern Washington heat is not their friend! I will keep trying and find the perfect spot!

  397. MJ on

    Miniature iris. Their appearance every year is such a joy.

  398. Emily on

    I’m most excited to try ranunculus!

  399. AnnChristine Johnson on

    I have always loved Narcissus and Tulips! I’m excited to try specialty Tulips this year and Anemone!

  400. Jessica on

    I love ranunculus! I love the ruffles and how well they last as a cut flower. Looking forward to growing some this year!

  401. Jessica on

    Tulips have always been my favorite! Seeing them begin to bloom always puts a smile on my face, as it means our cold Minnesota winter is coming to an end. As we just bought a house, I’m excited to plant some tulips this fall to brighten up our front yard in the spring!

  402. Meghan on

    I grew all of the flowers for our wedding this summer. After 100 rows of trial and error and getting lots of looks like “as a bride don’t you have enough to worry about” the flowers were beautiful and I wouldn’t have changed a thing knowing we grew each and every one. I have since found a love I never knew existed- a cut flower garden! I have already dived into bulbs for next year to gain a longer growing season. Ranunculuses and daffodils being two of them. Tahihi has me wishing for spring to I can see it pop up in our garden! Thank you so much for your inspiration and being an amazing person.

  403. Marie on

    I love tulips! But this year I am excited to try growing ranunculus!

  404. Kristi Von on

    I’m always cheered up by the tulips in my garden and around town in the spring! Thank you for all the inspiration and beauty you share!

  405. Robyn on

    Art design daffodils!

  406. Grace on

    Daffodils all the way!! After gray, dreary winter nothing else is like that first glimpse of color!!

  407. Piper on

    I like a good crocus. They peek out of the ground much like a baby bird peeks out of an egg. And I like to plant daffodils behind them, so it looks like the sun is always shining on them.

  408. Hillary Hale on

    I’m a sucker for hyacinth. When I first got married, I decided to make the most of the tiny lot we lived on and still try to grow beautiful things. My blue hyacinth were a treasure!

  409. Corine on

    I love peonies! When I lived in VT, I was pleasantly surprised to find some poking through the ground our first spring. I would cut them by the armful and put them all over the house to welcome the arrival of spring.

  410. Roxanne on

    I bought your book and have read your blog posts and have planned out a cutting garden For my back yard. Now I just need to purchase my first bulbs to plant. I’ve dabbled for 18 years in gardening and I’m ready to go to the next level. I love. Having cut flowers in my home and sharing them with friends, family, and work colleagues.

  411. Madalyn Parsch on

    Grape hyacinth are the first flower I distinctly remember piquing my interest in flowers as a child. They are still my favorite to see pooping up around my house every spring.

  412. Madeline Hile on

    I’ve never tried growing ranunculus but they are a fave of mine so feeling inspired to now!

  413. Betsy on

    I love hyacinth for their scent. They just smell like spring to me!

  414. Michelle Petersen on

    My favorites are daffodils. The varieties and colors available are astounding!

  415. Emily on

    When I was little, my brother and I both had half a bed in the garden. I planted hyacinth one year and was thrilled to see them come up in the spring – and the next spring after that! I’ve had a soft spot for hyacinth ever since, but I think I most look forward to crocus and tulips.

  416. Sarah Fox on

    Daffodils are my favorite fall planted bulbs- they are the first sign of spring after frigid winters- always a wonderful sight!

  417. Owen Hancock on

    My favorite is probably hyacinth – they just smell so good!

  418. Jocelyn Shaw on

    I’m in love with so many! Ranunculus have always been my favorite but after looking at the fall preview how can you choose just one?

  419. Daniel Andrews on

    Tulips are my all-time favorite – they are just so colorful!

  420. Devynne Andrews on

    Crocuses are my favorite! I love to see them as the first sign of spring.

  421. Jocelyn Shaw on

    Ranunculus have always been my favorite but after looking at the fall preview how can you choose just one? I’m in love with so many!

  422. April Abenza on

    Growing up in the valley, tulips will forever be my favorite flower. I can’t wait to plant part of the valley in my garden here in Boston!

  423. Chelsey Hancock on

    I love tulips so much! I love how many varieties and how they can grow in so many situations – I’ll never get tired of them!

  424. Amy on

    I am just entering the world of bulbs. I can’t wait to experiment and try new varieties from you normally see everywhere.

  425. Linda on

    My favorites are zinnias, asters, and dahlias.

  426. Lynn T on

    Dahlias are my newest obsession…hoping to buy some tomorrow on your site. ??

  427. Jocelyn Shaw on

    Ranunculus have always been my absolute favorite, but after looking at the preview how do you choose just one?! The tulip and narcissus selections are amazing!

  428. Lizabeth on

    I love tulips yet so do the deer in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park where I live. Using deer netting has so helped to allow the plants to flower before they’re munched. I hope to try ranunculus for next year’s garden!

  429. Larissa on

    I love anenomes (especially the blue ones) but have yet to grew any. I just moved to a place where I have some space to grew things. I can’t wait till next spring to see my tulips pop up.

  430. Jody P. on

    I love ranunculous! Thank you for doing a giveaway- your farm is beautiful!?

  431. Callie Cain on

    I really love tulips. They are timeless and stunning. <3

  432. Kate on

    Daffodils are my favorite! My family used to visit a farm filled with them, rolling hills dotted with their happy faces was intoxicating. Thanks for highlighting these beauties!

  433. Corrie on

    I love the variety of narcissus and am most looking forward to planting some beautiful yellows this fall!

  434. Kaija on

    Daffodils! They are so cheerful and just scream spring!

  435. Nilu on

    Tulips and Ranunculus. So far, I haven’t had any luck with Ranunculus, but I will persevere. I love spring flowers, especially the first once to bloom are alway a treat and bring a smile to my face!

  436. Melanie Douglas on

    I always thought tulips were my favorite fall bulb, but I have fallen in love with ranunculus!!

  437. Lori on

    White daffodils are once of my favorite!

  438. Meng on

    I love ranunculus and anemone but haven’t found the best way to grow them in upstate NY (zone 5). Maybe one day when I have a hoop house, I’ll try again!

  439. Mollie Yoder on

    Can’t wait to order tomorrow! Looking at several varieties of narcissus and tulips.

  440. Nick on

    I love all of the tulips especially foxy foxtrot and honeymoon! Thanks for all your hard work and wealth of knowledge you share!

  441. Lynn Payne on

    I so love all the unusual varieties of tulips & daffodils- they remind me of planting with my mother who has been gone for many years. My current addiction is ranunculus & peonies. So thankful you’re so generous with giveaways & knowledge!

  442. Arlene Worthington on

    How can I truly choose a favorite fall-planted flower?! Love them all. Let’s see, first I like narcissus (because they come first & the rabbits tend to admire them enough to let them be). :) Ok actually it’s tulips I adore (so many variations and colors). But oh, how can I leave out ranunculus! But for my area, they grow when it begins to feel more like summer. Their paper-looking petals are so delightful. I just cannot decide – they all bring a smile to my heart.

  443. Tammy Makoul on

    Dear Erin and crew,
    All of your hard work pays off and just think of all the beauty you are giving others! Your ability to share the knowledge is simply awesome. Ranaculus bulbs are my favorite and I love the new ones I see coming up for sale. Keep up the amazing beautiful work…..your quality and beauty surpasses all.

  444. LindaQ on

    I was finally able to get some bulbs and can’t wait to see ‘Apricot Whirl’ daffodils blooming in my garden next spring!

  445. Laura on

    So excited for the Mini Course! Definitely need more help with anemones…

    My favorite fall-planted flower is Winter Aconites. It’s such a joy to see the cheerful little flowers peeking up from the snow :)

  446. Cynthia on

    I love all of the double tulips! They remind me of peonies, which are my all time favorite flowers!

  447. Kalen on

    I’m not sure which are my favorite yet! This is my first year with my own garden. I love anything orange/pink, inky purple, white, and limes. I’m so excited to get anything I can get my fingers on this year and enjoy whatever it is.

  448. Nicole Rice on

    After a long cold Wisconsin winter the cheery daffodil is a welcome site. They lift your spirit and remind me that the warm sun is on its back.

  449. Melissa Boroughs on

    I am looking forward to planting this Fall. This wil be my second year to plant. I am new to gardening. I grew up with two grandmothers that loved garden; and I learned a lot from them. I am finally at a point in my life that I can garden for myself. There are so many flowers that I love; but I am looking forward to trying Ranculus, Anemones, and Peonies.

  450. Christine on

    Crocus is my first hint of spring after MO winter months.

  451. Laura on

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the black and white Anemones. They are a simple yet so beautifully stunning flower that contrasts between its white petals and black center. I can’t wait to plant them for this coming spring. But tulips and ranunculus flowers are my close second and third. It’s so hard to choose!

  452. Emma Koehler on

    I absolutely love ranunculus! I can’t describe how they make me feel – all those layers of vibrantly colored petals opening up after the long grey of the northwest winter. They’re absolutely magical!

  453. Jenn MacDuff on

    Narcissus! Thy weren’t ever on my radar until I started following Floret but my goodness, what I’ve been missing! Andthe beautiful tulips that aren’t your box store solid colour varieties…! ?

  454. Erin Calloway on

    The first time I grew ranunculus from Floret was about 2-3 years ago. I wanted to cry every time one opened up. It was like magic happening right before my eyes. Avignon parrot tulips have a similar affect on me. I just can’t believe they are real. Im ready for more wonder next spring!

  455. Kristen on

    Narcissus… beautiful, fragrant, deer and rodent proof. Enough said!

  456. Monica on

    There is something about the hardiness and cheerfulness of daffodils. This past year I was sure the late snow after a warm up had killed them off, but the next day after the snow melted, they perked back up and thrived. They’re the true mark of spring and resilience in my book and therefore one of my favorite fall bulbs.

  457. Rebecca Golden on

    I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but I am so excited to plant tulips in our new home. My husband and I have been saving for years and even moved halfway across the country to be able to own a home of our own. Just this morning, we had our offered accepted on a beautiful little butter yellow home. I think the tulip in your collection I am most looking forward to is the Copper Image (with the Foxy Foxtrot being a close second). I love how the petals look watercolored in the most delicate palette. I have been following your blog, book and Instagram for a while and can not wait to grow your flowers in our own home. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us!

  458. Devon Grosjean on

    My favorite spring flowers are tulips. I’ve only ever grown the standard ones, and I can’t wait to try some of your varieties this year!

  459. Kate on

    I love anemones! They’re so simple and delicate but make such a statement.

  460. Lauren Jones on

    My spring favorite is the tulip because it reminds me of my visit to Amsterdam with my mother a few months before she passed away ❤️?

  461. Nikki on

    Hands down, crocus are my favorite. However, bluebells and pale buttercream daffodils, both run a very close second.

  462. Alex on

    Tulips were the first cut flower I grew. They have a special place in my heart.

  463. Dianne on

    I love ranunculus. Everything about them. I also am a painter and it is my favorite flower to paint. I can’t think of anything better than to be surrounded by them and to paint them in vases, landscapes and bouquets!

  464. Christine Iannone on

    Tulips and Allium for sure. Excited to try ranunculus. Thank you!

  465. Eliza O’Neill on

    Ranunculus are the favourite at the top of my list, looking forward to the mini series and am signed up and ready to go! Hopefully this year they will be better then ever x

  466. Maura on

    I think anemones—with their particulate needs and distinct beauty—are my favorite. They have such a haunting beauty. ?

  467. Jenna thompson on

    I’m really in love with frittilaria, they feel like a fairy tale flower to me.

  468. Laura S on

    So excited for the Mini Course! Definitely need more help with anemones…

    My favorite fall-planted flower is Winter Aconites. It’s such a joy to see the cheerful little flowers peeking up from the snow :)

  469. Sheri on

    Anemones!! Although it’s hard to pick just one..

  470. Colleen Kostovick on

    I love tulips and the bright, vibrant colors they bring to spring. They can make anyone’s heart smile after a long winter!

  471. Bobbi Oatman on

    When I worked as a floral designer, I would dream of growing ranunculous. I have tried so many other things, but I have yet to attempt my favorite, most magical spring flower.

  472. Jennifer on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! Such beautiful colors and they make me so happy!

  473. Rena Goldberg on

    I love tulips! Any color and any style! I love arranging them with my other spring beauties and then rearranging them as they grow longer and taller. Thank you so much for sharing your abundant wealth of knowledge. Every time I add your seeds, bulbs, and tubers, my garden becomes happier.

  474. Laura on

    Hoping to snatch a few bulbs! Alarm is set, so excited!

  475. Jenn MacDuff on

    I absolutely cannot wait to grow my first ranunculus patch! They’re so stunning and now that we’re got some land (na do have my Floret book!) I’m planning, planning, planning!

  476. Shannon Jarvis on

    Narcissus!!! They’re such a happy flower and they last forever. When I was little I thought they were the fairies’ teacups with their little saucers.

  477. Magnolia on

    Tulips are my favorite! They are my boyfriends favorite as well! Especially the fragrant ones! ?

  478. Jo Ann Routh on

    After trying out both the ranunculus and anemones two years ago, they are my absolute favorites in my garden. I am amazed at how easy they are to grow, and how hardy they are even up here in Anchorage, Alaska. In fact, one lone white anemone just bloomed two days ago in my front garden! I am hoping to be able to purchase them tomorrow during your annual bulb sale. Thank you so much for offering these beauties. :)

  479. Kirby on

    Daffodils! We are fortunate to live in my grandma’s house now that she’s gone. Every spring the bright yellow blooms, that she planted, pop up through the green grass and my 4 girls and I trudge up the hill to pick a few and just sit among them. Daffodils are a beautiful legacy at our house!

  480. Lynn L. on

    I love tulips!! They are my favorite and I look forward to them every spring!!?

  481. Amanda on

    I’m excited to try anemones this year!

  482. Andrea on

    I’m excited about ruffly gorgeous parrot tulips this year.

  483. Aubrey on

    I swoon over the ranunculus bu haven’t had much luck with them myself. Honestly, the snow drops the appear suddenly under our big fir tree are my favorites as they are the first true mark of longer days ahead.

  484. Stacey on

    Anemones. Black and white ⚫️⚪️. They are stunning amongst the colors in the garden.?

  485. Brienne on

    Snowdrops are my favorite fall bulbs. They remind me of the time I lived in England and would walk in woods with a carpet of white. It was already a magical time.

  486. Sydney Rue on

    I love when daffodils show up in the spring – they are so cheerful! I am hopping to add ruffled ones to my garden this fall.

  487. Andrea on

    Ranunculus and their marshmallowy soft blooms!

  488. Vanessa on

    My favorite fall bulbs are tulips. I love their shapes and colors.

  489. Lindsey Cummins on

    I don’t think I can pick a favorite, I love them all and plant more and more each fall! I’m really excited to grow muscari ‘pink sunrise’ for the first time this year!

  490. Lindsey Norton on

    Tulips are my favorite because of their simplicity. However, I had no idea the variety that can be grown. I’m blown away and love them. Also, I never liked narcissus until I saw your list. Wow! Their resemblance to more lush spring flowers is amazing, stunning!

  491. Maggie Butler on

    My favorite is definitely ranunculus! Love the colors of the La Belle pastel mix!

  492. Anna Corry on

    My favorite fall flowers include: tulips la Belle Époque, daffodils and bearded irises.

  493. Lili on

    My favorite fall flower are tulips! They are beautiful amd so diverse! I love that I can choose from so many colors and petal types! A bonus being that they are super easy to care for! ❤?

  494. Summer on

    Tulips are my favorite and I’ve only planted them and irises, but I was pleasantly surprised when hyacinths popped up in our side yard this year. I would love to plant some new bulbs this fall!

  495. Kristy on

    Daffodils or ranunculus !

  496. Karianna on

    In the small Alaskan town I live in we are fortunate enough to have a phenomenal flower farmer who, every spring, brightens our businesses, table-tops, and windowsills with her wonderful bouquets of tulip stems. It’s a sight for sore eyes after a long Alaskan winter. The whole town seems to breathe a sigh of relief the moment that they arrive. So those are probably my favorite. They’re a bit of nostalgic rush for me too as I grew up in Washington, and would often visit the tulip fields up the road from you in the springtime with my mother. I sure miss not being able to do that anymore.
    Specifically speaking: The bulbs that led me here, are the Copper Image Tulips you grow. They’re so enchanting – I’m completely obsessed with them! Just discovering the Gudoshnik Double now too through your post, wow. Looking forward to trying my hand at growing both of these and gifting some bulbs to our beloved local flower farm. Who knows maybe they’ll catch on! Cooper Image Tulips every spring? Ahh. . .

  497. Lindsey on

    I love those fringed tulips. The perfect bit of wild ?

  498. Tracy on

    Peonies are my favorite. They’re so beautiful!

  499. Kenzie on

    Ranunculus are my favorite but I have to say, some of the daffodils and tulips above have really caught my eye!

  500. Kylee on

    I love narcissus! Alliums are up there, too.

  501. Amy on

    I love the smell of hyacinth! To me it’s the smell of spring. But then again all spring bulbs make me happy because they mean more flowers are coming!

  502. Kristy on

    It is a tie between daffodils and ranunculus for me!

  503. Samantha Brooks on

    Hyacinth bulbs are some of my favorite! They look so cute poking out of the muddy spring ground, plus they multiply/spread like no other.

  504. Tammy Cho on

    My favorite fall bulbs to grow ate tulips. They look fantastic in the garden and equally lovely in a vase indoors. The fatter, fluffier, ruffled varieties are my favorites. Hope to try my hand at Ranunculus for the first time ever.

  505. Edie G. on

    Tulips and daffodils!

  506. Jennifer on

    Ranunculus have to be my all time favorite flower! I love tulips and plant them every year but ranunculus steal my heart! ❤

  507. Sarah on

    My favorite bulb hands down is Narcissus “Thalia”. It has such a wonderful scent along with multiple flowers per stem, and it’s really nice to just fill a pitcher full and bask in the scent. My mother has it interplanted with blue Muscari, which is a lovely color and texture combination. Runners up would probably be Pushkinia, Scilla siberica and Nectaroscordum siculum, though they are less suited to flower arrangements…better for naturalizing.

  508. Grace c on

    I really enjoy ranunculus, I messed up my crop for 2018. So I am a little anxious thatniw I’ll mess them up this year but am hopeful! Soooo fingers crossed

  509. Heather on

    We planted our first bulbs last fall and my six-year-old daughter and I are hooked. Picking a favorite is impossible. We love them all!!

  510. Karianna on

    In the small Alaskan town I live in we are fortunate enough to have a phenomenal flower farmer who, every spring, brightens our town, table-tops, and windowsills with her wonderful bouquets of tulip stems. It’s a sight for sore eyes after a long Alaskan winter. The whole town seems to breathe a sigh of relief the moment that they arrive. So those are probably my favorite. They’re a bit of nostalgic rush for me too as I grew up in Washington, and would often visit the tulip fields up the road from you in the springtime with my mother. I sure miss not being able to do that anymore.

    The bulbs that led me here, are the Copper Image Tulips you grow. They’re so enchanting – I’m completely obsessed with them! Just discovering the Gudoshnik Double now too through your post, wow. Looking forward to trying my hand at growing both of these and gifting some bulbs to our beloved local flower farm. Who knows maybe they’ll catch on! Cooper Image Tulips every spring? Ahh. . .

  511. Heather Doolittle on

    I love double tulips! I had never seen them before growing them this past spring and I was definitely amazed!

  512. Nicolette on

    The mysterious and eye catching anemone for sure!

  513. Gary on

    I really enjoy colorful fall bulbs! My daughter lives next door and I’d love to share some with her!

  514. Kate on

    I love them all! Grape hyacinth, hyacinth, daffodil, crocus, allium, and tulips now that we have more fenced in area away from deer. Anything for some much needed color after a long, cold Michigan winter!

  515. Lisa Santero on

    The previous owner of my house planted random bulbs all over the yard so it was always like a scavenger hunt finding them every spring. I have been slowly adding because nothing makes me happier in the Spring and the deer don’t eat them!!!!

  516. Rebekah Sampson on

    Oh my goodness I would absolutely LOVE to win a box of your bulbs!!! Tulips are my absolute favorite. My obsession only grew since ordering a few of your varieties last fall. Thank you for all that you do!

  517. Karianna on

    In the small Alaskan town I live in we are fortunate enough to have a phenomenal flower farmer who, every spring, brightens our town, table-tops, and windowsills with her wonderful bouquets of tulip stems. It’s a sight for sore eyes after a long Alaskan winter. The whole town seems to breathe a sigh of relief the moment that they arrive. So those are probably my favorite. They’re a bit of nostalgic rush for me too as I grew up in Washington, and would often visit the tulip fields up the road from you in the springtime with my mother. I sure miss not being able to do that anymore.

    Specifically speaking: The bulbs that led me here, are the Copper Image Tulips you grow. They’re so enchanting – I’m completely obsessed with them! Just discovering the Gudoshnik Double now too through your post, wow. Looking forward to trying my hand at growing both of these and gifting some bulbs to our beloved local flower farm. Who knows maybe they’ll catch on! Cooper Image Tulips every spring? Ahh. . .

  518. Vicki on

    I can’t wait for the Fall Mini Course! I adore the anemones and my daughter are I are going to try to grow them in Eastern PA for her early June ?? Wedding next year! Every spec of help is welcome ?!

  519. Jennifer on

    Ranunculus have always captured my eye. I love the array of colors they come in.

  520. Nicolette on

    The mysterious and eye catching anemone. Being my first growing season I will only plant a few to dip my toe in spring bulbs, but I can’t even wait!

  521. Victoria Yang on

    Ranunculus! Excited to try these again, failed planting then last year but I love these flowers. They’re so delicate looking and pretty.

  522. Jo on

    The tulips do it for me. I have my eyes on the copper image and black hero. The classic tulip in that deep purple and who doesn’t love a tulip that looks like a peony.

  523. Sibrina Russell on

    Ranunculus is my favorite flower, hands down! It simply takes my breath away! I’m looking forward to growing them this year. Such beauty ever day!

  524. Arwen on

    I have to say my favorite bulbs are narcissus. The fragrance is out of this world. As a little girl I asked Santa for a “bouquet of the month” (my parents couldn’t believe their ears ;-) and the first one that came was a pot of paperwhites. I have loved all varieties ever since!

  525. Amanda Eubanks on

    Ranunculus are my favorite, but your daffodils are so striking! I have never grown bulbs before, but I’d like to try this year.

  526. AnnaMarie Bonura on

    Ranaculus are my very favorite flower. All those beautiful layered petals!

  527. Ashley on

    I’ve always loved tulips but I recently discovered ranunculus and I’m in love with them! My husband and I moved to our dream acreage last year and I am so excited to add new flowers to our home!

  528. Jordan Lynch on

    It has to be narcissus for me. They were everywhere growing up so the nostalgia is strong. I grew the pink charm this year and the pop of coral really put it over the top.

  529. Kara Van Horn on

    Typically Tulips are my favorite fall bulb but some of the narcissus varieties are giving them a run for their money! I was already excited for sale tomorrow and the upcoming fall mini course (the spring one was great!) A goodie box would be the icing on the cake. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge!

  530. Maggie on

    Tulips have quickly become my favorite spring flower! I actually used to hate them, the cheap grocery store varieties. But after growing the unique varieties l like parrots and doubles, I’m hooked!

  531. Amanda on

    I love narcissus because they remind me of my grandma.

  532. Nicole on

    I would have to say tulips but your varieties of daffodils are definitely giving tulips a run for their money.

  533. Lily on

    Totally enamored with fritillaria, they’re so unique but really how can you go wrong with any spring bulb?!? Thanks for sharing your wisdom team Floret!

  534. March Picker on

    This is inspirational! I loved growing anemones for the first time this year and will not stop. The vase life of the black and white was astounding. My favorite tulips this year were your Prof. Rontgen. Absolutely stunning. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to find us unusual varieties.

  535. Jacey Bryan on

    It’s so hard for me to pick a favorite, but as of last year my favorites were Sir Winston Churchill Narcissus. They have such a spectacular display per stem and have the best sent of all the daffodils I have grown!

  536. Lauren H on

    Tulips, always tulips. Can’t wait to order tomorrow :)

  537. Becky Knight on

    Narcissus and anemones are my favorite. I love
    Their intricate details and their bright colors. They also remind me of my mother in law as she first introduced me to them.

  538. Emily on

    Hey Erin! I have a soft spot in my heart for daffodils. :) I remember running through, what felt like a field of them at my Dad’s office when I was little.

  539. Amanda Jensen on

    I love ranunculus! I always go for the big box daffodils and tulips but envied those gardens with ranunculus.

  540. Giselle on

    My favorite would have to be Tulips (though it’s hard to choose since I love Hyacinths, Ranunculus, Anemones, and so many more too). And I’m obsessed with your odd special beauties! I’m an NYC gal so I’ve never been able to have my very own garden, but that should change soon, so I mustttt plant plant plant! Thank you for all you do and share with our plant-loving community!

  541. Erin Clark on

    Daffodils! They are so cheerful and make me smile!

  542. Eva on

    Daffodils! I planted hundreds in our wooded front yard and now they’ve naturalized. We have drifts of flowers in spring and it’s amazing.

  543. Flora M on

    My favourite bulbs in the garden this year are my peony tulips. They’re beautiful and so long lasting. I’m excited to add some frittilaria to the spring garden this fall. I love their delicate checkered flowers!

  544. Wendy Thomas on

    Love tulips! Not sure if my first posting went through because I didn’t see it. Fingers crossed this one goes through!

  545. Crystal on

    I love tulips! I’ve never planted ranuculus, but they are beautiful! I I’ve your IG, always such gorgeous content!

  546. Carmie on

    I’m so excited to grow all of the bulbs you mentioned! They are all so beautiful and spring wouldn’t be the same without them. This year, I plan to go big, and squeeze as many as I can into my small plot.

  547. Ashley Glass on

    I have followed your journey for a few years now and have serious flower envy because I can never keep any plants alive! I LOVE the colors of the dahlias that bloomed this year. Sooooo many different varieties and they were all so beautiful!

    We just moved to CA from the east coast and are excited to get our garden started. I guess I need to read your blog and pick up your book!

  548. Reina Pollak on

    I can’t wait to plant ranunculus!! Having my own cut flowers from our garden would be a dream come true!!

  549. Mary Hughes on

    Ranunculus are definitely my favorite! The layers upon layers are so captivating. I’ve never grown them before, and before reading your book I didn’t even know about them. Ever since then I’ve been dreaming and planning out my cut flower garden behind my garage. The bulbs I plant this fall will produce my first ever flowers! I’m so excited to start this adventure!

  550. Stephanie on

    Tulips are my favorite fall planting bulbs. There are just so many colors! Especially loving the Parrot Tulips. Such a fun, feathery look.

  551. Mitchell owen on

    Really wanting to try the copper image tulip!!!!!!!

  552. Gina D'Apolito on

    I love tulips and this year I think I’ve deer proofed my cutting garden so they won’t be the spring appetizer!

  553. Michelle on

    I love every color and variety of tulips!

  554. Carrie on

    Ranunculus is a favorite of mine, i’m so Excited to give it a try next spring. I’m also looking forward to create growing tulips… such a great idea.

  555. Jana Burgoyne on

    Oh how to pick! All of them feel like a miracle after the winters in Maine. I love the frilly tulips. I recently discovered giant allium paired with peonies. Just gorgeous! And so easy!

  556. Jesica U. on

    I haven’t planted many bulbs, but have been drawn to ranunculus this year and am excited to plant some!

  557. Anders on

    Narcissus and ranunculus for sure!

  558. Tenille on

    Favorite fall planted = crocus. It always feels like a miracle when they make their appearance after a long, cold, hard Northern Michigan winter.

  559. Morgan Pritchard on

    I love Ranunculus! They are always so stunning and so unique! I can’t wait to grow them again this year!

  560. Katie on

    Anemones! I can’t wait to plant some of your beautiful varieties this year!

  561. Jennifer on

    Tulips, always, because they are so bright and bold in a landscape that is still only beginning to come to alive after a long dormancy. Especially the fancy feathery varieties! This year I will try to grow some of the huge dahlias; I want those big perfect blossoms!

  562. Gillian on

    First time ordering bulbs from here and super excited!

  563. Sara on

    Although I love all spring flowers and it’s my favorite season, daffodils hold the number one place in my heart. They remind me that sunny, warm days are not far away!

  564. Jessa Nimer on

    Last spring I discovered my new favorite, white daffodils with egg-yolk golden centers. They have an amazing but light fragrance. I don’t have the budget for all my favorite bulbs from your shop, but I can’t wait to get at least one or two new varieties!

  565. Susan McDonough on

    I’ve never planted fall bulbs befor but this year I plan on platnting Ranunculus and Anemones

  566. Lindsay Schroder on

    I am hooked on anemones! I have never been successful with ranuculs and I am hoping with your course 2019 will be the year :)

  567. Claire on

    I can not wait to get some Floret bulbs in the dirt at our new farm! I am a first timer, absolutely blown away by all of the beautiful varieties that you offer! I must say that the narcissus is my favorite, a sure sign that spring is really coming!

  568. Andra on

    I just bought my first house and can not wait to plant my spring garden. Most of the yard is shade thanks to the champion elm tree but I’m hoping to find a patch of sun to bury some parrot tulips. I definitely have tulip fever!

  569. Ashlee on

    I’ve always loved anemones from afar. I’d love to have some of those pretties to plant this fall!

  570. Wendy Thomas on

    I love tulip season! When I was a little girl, I picked 50+ red tulips out of the front yard for my mother. I presented them to her and she didn’t know what to say! I guess I owe her…
    I love all the spring flowers. Particularly the hyacinths due to their smell. I would also like to add ranunculus to my mix.

  571. Kat on

    I love anemones! Especially white! They look like delicate little butterflies floating in rows!

  572. Bree on

    I love giant Allium. Now all my neighbors grow them too!

  573. Amy McCullough on

    I love Ranunculus! I’m excited to try to grow them for the first time this year. Thanks for providing such beautiful flowers!

  574. Liz H on

    It is hard to pick a favorite, but I think I like daffodils the best. I might be biased though, since my grandma likes them, so I of course like them too.

  575. Liisa on

    While it’s difficult to narrow it down to just one ? I do love narcissus for its early spring charm ✨✨✨

  576. Melissa Schmidt on

    I’ve never planted Anemones, ranunculus, or dahlias the year before. My grandmother passed this year and flowers were her favorite. I planted 6 dahlia plants this year and they grew to paper plate sizes! I’m super interested in learning more about fall bulb planting and how to be successful.

  577. Adriana on

    I don’t like playing favorites but if I must, ranunculus it is.

  578. Kasia Meeder on

    I always love daffodils. My nana’s garden was filled with them and I think of her everyone I see them.

  579. Morgan Baltz on

    I’ve always been an admirer of Anemone! This spring I started my first small flower garden and it has quickly become one of my favorite hobbies. This will be my first time planting fall bulbs and I can’t wait to watch them pop up in the spring.

  580. Lisa Donati on

    I am most excited and nervous to grow rannunculus in zone 9! I have been devouring my Floret Cut Flower Garden book and every book in the library to find more growing information, so the new video series comes at the perfect time.

  581. Elizabeth Whorten on

    When I was a little girl, my family moved into a cute little town house with a white picket fence, and I still remember the awe inspired by witnessing my first tulip bloom. It was giant and red, my least favorite tulip now, but at the time, it was absolutely captivating, and discovering it along the fence row was downright magical. I’m still captivated by tulips to this day, by the wide range of colors and styles. They’re absolutely my favorite spring flower!

  582. Lydia R. on

    Red and green striped ruffled tulips and orange cupped yellow daffodils. Really all tulips and daffodils. In a riotous display.

  583. Alina on

    Ranunculus is my favorite fall planted flower. I purchased the LaBelle pastel mix last year and loved it! Can’t wait to try more!

  584. Kimberly on

    The creamy yellow irises that my mom gave me from her garden ❤️ ! So velvety and they smell like honey!

  585. Sophia on

    I get antsy waiting for ranunculus and anemones!!

  586. Amy McCullough on

    I love Ranunculus and I’m excited to try to grow them for the first time this year. Thanks for providing such beautiful flowets!

  587. Holly on

    I am a beginner in the garden goddess club of cut flowers, but am excited to try my hand at growing some ranunclus, which made up most of my amazing wedding bouquet! xoxo

  588. Dana Smith on

    Grape hyacinths- little cuties! And I also love tulipsnin all the colors ☺️

  589. Jontal on

    Oh how to pick a favorite?! I love the daffs that contrast with their outer petals , especially white petals with orange/pink centers. I also love BIG tulips and alliums.

  590. Liz Poole on

    Ranunculus are my favorite but I’ve been told that I can’t plant them here in Portland, Maine so I will just have to be content buying the flowers at Whole Foods. As far as bulbs that I can plant, masses of daffodils.

  591. Mark on

    Anemones and tulips!!

  592. Katie B on

    Tulips have always been a favorite but I’m really eager to try ranunculus. They are just so pretty. This is my first year trying to grow my own bulbs!

  593. Lindsay on

    I just got your book a few weeks ago and until I read it, I never knew that tulips came in such wide varieties beyond the traditional styles. I am so inspired to try my hand at some Charming Beauty and some of the Parrot Tulips. This post especially motivated me to really go for it- I’m already looking forward to spring!

  594. Dana Langley on

    After seeing the beautiful ranunculus blooms in my daughter’s spring wedding bouquet, I have a new favorite! I can’t wait to grow them in my own garden! I’m so excited that you are discussing ranunculus in your fall mini course. Can’t wait!

  595. Lauren Burns on

    My favorite are hyacinths! The smell reminds me of Easter at my grandmas and the rich colors excite me for summer flowers!

  596. Brittany on

    I love parrot tulips. The frilly petals are so fun!

  597. Joseph Hazelwoof on

    Daffodils are my favorite. Lots of shapes, colors and bloomtimes. Deer don’t eat them so I get to enjoy them longer

  598. Molly on

    Double Calgary daffodils! I love a flower with a gorgeous scent<3

  599. Stacy on

    I’m kind of traditional in my love for the daffodils. However, I love ranunculus and anemone but have never planted any personally. Double tulips are gorgeous, too. You are correct when you say big box stores’ offerings are generally kind of boring. My MIL and I have decided to order bulbs this year so I can’t wait for the shop to open tomorrow!

  600. March Picker on

    Love the idea of this giveaway to inspire even more of us! I began growing anemones this year and will never stop. Your black and whites were sublime and their vase life was unrivaled. I also tried a few new unusual varieties of tulips, and Professor Rontgen came out on top. Thank you for all you do to bring us variety and inspiration.

  601. Alex on

    I wonder if you have any tips on fritillaries for production scale? Are they best crated? I know they are very sensitive to being planted right away. My favorite spring flower is muscari. Such a true blue color!

  602. Erin Luna on

    I love tulips, although I didn’t really start to appreciate them until I moved away from the Skagit Valley for college. Every spring I was away, I wished I was at home to see the fields. I’m excited to plant some bulbs this fall and see what happens!

  603. Shannon DeHart on

    I just left Ranunculus flowers. I just built my first greenhouse and I want to fill them with it. ???

  604. Virginia on

    I’m excited to see what you have in your store tomorrow! Last year, I planted Mt Tacoma tulips and they were so beautiful in the spring.

  605. Catherine Paquin on

    I love tulips! The variety of color and blossom is so visually stunning!

  606. Niki on

    I love fall planted bulbs! It’s such a great feeling seeing those first green sprouts in the early spring after a long cold winter! I planted some double tulips last year which are quickly becoming new favorites. I have not had any luck with growing ranunculus yet, but they are definitely a top favorite. I really love hyacinth though, and the smell is one of my top flower fragrances.
    Hope to get some more beautiful floret bulbs this year!

  607. Anna Carroll on

    Favorite Spring bulbs right now… narcissus! Now that I’ve grown some of the beautiful and fragrant varieties, I’m in love!

  608. Rebecca Golden on

    I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but I am so excited to plant your spring collection tulips in our NEW (to us) home. My husband and I have been saving for years and even moved halfway across the country to be able to own a home of our own – and just today we had our offer accepted on a beautiful little butter yellow home. I think the tulip in your collection I am most looking forward to is the Tulip Copper Image (with the Foxy Foxtrot being a close second). I love how the petals look watercolored in the most delicate palette. I have been following your blog, book and Instagram for a while and can not wait to grow your flowers in my own home. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us!

  609. Carissa on

    I was so excited to plant orange imperial fritillaria last fall. I impatiently checked them often as they erupted from the ground. I love the unique shape of the flowers, and since they are too stinky for me to pick, they lasted a long time outside.

  610. Kelli E. on

    I love tulips! My grandparents are dutch, and tulips are a huge part of that heritage. Every spring in Pella, Iowa there’s a festival called Tulip Time, where the entire town celebrates its dutch heritage as well. There are dutch letters, tulips, a parade complete with authentic dutch costumes, and more. It’s such a great way to enjoy and learn. The entire town is bursting with tulips and people.

  611. Brenda on

    I think my favorite would be ranunculus then tulips…love the pink/salmon colored varieties!

  612. Kelly on

    The Tulips you offer are incredible. Wave Green Parrot is blowing my mind. Thank you so much for providing “free” workshops and incredible inspiration for the new flower grower. Enjoyed my first dahlia test garden of six varieties this year and I’m addicted.

  613. christina on

    i’d love to get some tulips in the ground as they remind me of my dad. ❤️ alas i don’t have ground to work with per se, so it’ll be a potted challenge.
    lovely ranuculus are always a fave.

  614. Kim on

    Hands down, ranunculus is where it’s at! Love love love these marshmallows. Looking forward to trying new varieties this spring!

  615. Kimberly on

    The creamy yellow irises that my mom gave me from her garden ❤! They’re so velvety and they smell like honey!

  616. Morgan Hinen on

    I love tulips because of how simple but beautiful they are! I’ve always loved the look of ranunculus, but I haven’t tried growing them yet.

  617. denise andrade-kroon on

    allium globemasters…so so magic and the faeries that live in my garden love them.

  618. Marisa on

    I absolutely love anemone! They always catch my eye whenever I see them.

  619. Samantha on

    I’m excited to grow ranunculus for the first time!!

  620. Kristin O on

    Grape hyacinths have always been a favorite of mine. Planted en masse along a garden bed or tucked into a cut flower arrangement, these little flower have such unique texture and presence!

  621. Barb Weber on

    Every spring my elementary school was surrounded by a bountiful circle of narcissus. I like to think they smiled at us when we departed the school bus. Every spring the bright yellow fragrant flower takes me back to this childhood memory.

  622. Bri Steere on

    I have been really starting to appreciate alliums the past few years. So whimsical with their lovely bright colors and tall stalks. I imagine Dr. Seuss appreciated them, too.

  623. Whitney on

    I want to try my hand at some tulips and daffodils this year- they are my mother’s favorite and a great way to welcome the growing season. However, ranunculus are my favorite as far as beauty!

  624. Annissa on

    Crocus are by far my favorite spring bulb. They are the earliest happy little jewels to arrive at our home every year and the most reliable to appear at the same time every year.

  625. Allison on

    I have always wanted to try growing ranunculus!

  626. Angel on

    I love tulips! I have a new garden bed. I am looking forward to growing flowers for cutting.

  627. Emily Dale on

    I love daffodils! They, along with my irises, are the first flowers to appear in my garden in the spring. The daffodils I inherited in my garden are the bright, cheery yellow variety. As much as I love them, I can’t wait to try some of the different colors and bloom shapes!

  628. Sarah on

    I love tulips! They scream spring and I look forward to seeing their beauty each year!


    I’m SO thankful that you’ve trailed all these daffodils! Now I’ll know what to plant!! Last year I tried adding a few new tulips to the mix and I loved Rocco – late and pretty wild – people loved how different it was. And any peony flowering tulip! It almost makes me sad how little people know of spring bulbs.

  630. Tonda Bailey on

    I love the ranunculus that bloom in the spring.

  631. Kera on

    I love ranunculus! I am in the middle of your book and am planning my first cutting garden on our piece of land! My daughter is excited to learn as well so I am hoping this is something we can share together for years to come!
    I also can’t wait for the video series. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!

  632. Marisa on

    I absolutely love the simplicity of anemone! They always catch my eye whenever I see them.

  633. Marla on

    I planted some double tulips that started out white and ended up pink. They were gorgeous!

  634. Bonnie on

    Fritilaria! Majestic and slightly stinky.

  635. Maddy on

    My favorite bulb is the ranunculus champagne! They are absolutely gorgeous-so full of color. They would be an eye-catching addition to our garden.

  636. Claire on

    Thank you for sharing the luscious photos of all the ruffled edge bulbs! Every year I add one new thing to the garden and ruffle edged bulbs just may be the thing this year!

  637. Stacy on

    Thank you for so much wonderful information! My favorite is probably daffodils but I love tulips too! I would also love to give alliums a try!

  638. Nicole on

    My favorite autumn-planted bulbs are tulips; They grow with memories of my mother teaching me what hard work can produce.

  639. Kristyn on

    I love my variety of Hyacinths planted around our River Birch. Every color has a unique scent and I look forward to them every spring.

  640. Tyra on

    Ranunculas have my heart!! They’re so pretty, they make me happy every time I see them!

  641. Shannon Mueller on

    I am a sucker for grape hyacinths. They are just so dainty and lovely!

  642. Paulina on

    I love them all! I would love to plant the champagne ranunculus this fall. But my absolute favorite is the parrot tulip. I love how unique they are from the other tulips. My husband and son love the puff ball look of the allium. ❤️❤️❤️

  643. Karen D on

    I’ve always loved daffodils and would love to try a nontraditional variety.

  644. JJ on

    I love my “fancy” tulips, but I recently started planting anemones and love them too. My mom always had the most beautiful Narcissus and they have a find place in my heart.

  645. JJ on

    I love my “fancy” tulips, but I recently started planting anemones and love them too. My mom always had the most beautiful Narcissus and they have a find place in my heart.

  646. Maureen on

    Daffodils – a sweet sign of spring!

  647. Ryanna on

    I love parrot tulips! They only get more and more beautiful in arrangements as they open up. We recently moved to southwest Colorado and I’m already planning my cut flower garden for next year.

  648. Katy on

    I absolutely love Ranunculus! I’m also very much looking forward to learning more in the fall mini course.

  649. Cassie on

    Iris’s are my favorite fall bulb and mums are my favorite fall flower! :)

  650. Ashley Hallmark on

    I absolutely adore daffodils…they make me happy and I get nostalgic about them because they used to grow in abundance around old homesteads where I grew up. When my husband and I were dating, he once found a field full of them and cut at least 50 of them as a surprise for me and I hold that memory very dear. But in all honesty, I love all bulb flowers because they were always the first signs of Spring. Filling up vases with hyacinth, daffodils, narcissus, and tulips along with foraged dogwood blooms and placing them around the house is such a simple pleasure.

  651. Heather Cain on

    My favorite bulb I’ve ever planted is narcissus “Manly” – it’s just so beautiful! A close second are the anemones, which I’m growing in bulk for the first time this year. Spring flowers are my absolute favorite!!

  652. Missy on

    I LOVE tulips but the deer and elk always get them before they can bloom. Maybe I’ll tuck some in my fenced veggie garden so I can enjoy a few. Thanks for all the info you share! So much beauty!

  653. Samantha on

    Ranunculus without a doubt!

  654. Kirsten Vidulich on

    Each spring I am delighted by Belle Epoque Tulip,
    Like old silk lingerie out for one more dance, beautiful!!

  655. Ginny Gordon on

    Love your seeds, have grown the most beautiful flowers from them! Want to try your bulbs, especially the ranunculus, have not had the best luck growing them.

  656. Anna on

    I really love all types of daffodils and am looking forward to snagging some new varieties from you tomorrow!

  657. Jo on

    I adore tulips and would love to try your daffodils! Thank you ever so much for sharing such amazingly helpful information!!

  658. Sarah on

    I love anemones! So low maintenance and they do well in containers, which I’m stuck with while I live in an apartment. Planting in the fall to bloom in the spring is so rewarding for me – I almost forget what’s coming and it’s a wonderful surprise when they appear in the springtime :)

  659. Erin on

    After a long and wet PNW winter, I love them all but if I had to pick just one… Ranunculus!! I grew them for the first time last year and was blown away! I can’t wait to plant them again.

  660. Tammy Lacasse on

    I have a special love for narcissus flower drift. They remind me of ducklings.

  661. Steph on

    Love the tiny narcissus in the spring with white petals and tiny orange centers

  662. Sarah Schwartz on

    Tulips!! I planted a few bulbs last fall that yielded multiple striking crimson blooms. I can’t wait to see them again next year.

  663. Kera on

    My faves are either Parrot tulips or Paperwhites. I have planted them in old rusty watering cans that I have found at yard sales, they have brightened late winter/early spring days.

  664. vanessa diaz on

    Favorite Spring flower: Daffodils.
    their presence in the garden illuminates with the word spring. their shape and characteristics is almost like a pink floyd dream or salvador dali painting. and they never fail to be the first spring hellos. I cannot wait to replant my bulbs!

  665. Heather M on

    I love a Winston Churchill narcissus!

  666. Susie kawar on

    Last year I grew anemones for the first time and absolutely fell in love with them. They produce a long time, are very disease resistant, easy to grow and prolific. They add something special to arrangements and florists love them. I can’t think of anything I don’t like about them, except that I wish they could go through the summer! These are my current new spring favorites.

  667. Adam on

    I am so excited for the shop to open up tomorrow morning 2019 will be my first year as a legitimate flower farmer and with florets help this coming spring is gonna be full of color and beauty!!!

  668. Tammy Miller on

    I plant Erlicheer bulbs every year on my birthday in October. I love that there is a little bundle of flowers on each stalk, like a mini-bouquet!

  669. Katie on

    Tulips are my favorite, but really I love any I can get my hands on.

  670. Amy W on

    I love the narcissus that look like peonies- that sounds amazing. It’s hard to imagine loving a spring flower more than a tulip but that might be it. Thanks for all the details and pictures. The varieties are incredible. I love the soft edged tulips. It’s hard to believe you have not always done bulbs.

  671. Samantha on

    Ranunculus without doubt!

  672. Amanda on

    I love hyacinths! The scent is so good!

  673. Peachey on

    Daffodils have my heart. My favorite last year was Replete Pink and I’m looking forward to planting Sunny Girlfriend for the first time this year, as well as TBD varieties I hope to score during the bulb sale tomorrow morning. xo

  674. Amber on

    I’ve always been a sucker for tulips.

  675. Alyssa on

    I will be planting ranunculus alien corms this fall and I’m so excited! But I also loooove anemones.

  676. Rain on

    My favorite will always be tulips , but I am a sucker for pink spring blooms in general!!!!

  677. Amy on

    I adore the Charming Beauty Tulips. Those peeking out against our cute yellow house give me all the Spring feels!

  678. Nancy on

    Thank you for an inspiring, informative website! I just discovered it about a month ago, via Instagram. I have a long wishlist of tulips and narcissus, but what I would really love to grow are the black and white anemones! They are so unique and stunning, but may be a challenge in my zone 5, with only a garage window as a greenhouse. I think it will be worth a try!

  679. Victoria on

    Narcissus is the favorite on our farm in Upstate NY! We were so lucky to have purchased a property that already had single and double Narcissus poeticus, both exceptionally beautiful, as well as loads and loads of Van Sion (which looks shaggy and rustic but smells of cocoa butter!). I look forward to these blooms every April and May.

  680. Brittney S on

    I am really looking forward to the ranunculus! This is my second year doing flower gardening. I have always been a veggie gardener and I’m finally branching out. Can’t wait to see the beautiful bulbs start sprouting and blooming in the spring!

  681. Laura Geason on

    After a summer of looking at your posts, I have decided to turn my veggie garden into a flower patch. I am most excited to grow Ranuculus!

  682. Joanna on

    I love daffodils! I get so excited when they break the surface in the spring!

  683. Candace DelMastro on

    I’ve grown rather fond of the Iris the last few years. Now that I finally have a small space to play with I’m very much looking forward to growing some. And I’ve always had a strong love for dahlias, so they will forever find a home in my garden.

  684. Vanessa Diaz on

    Favorite spring flower: Daffodils
    Their presence is something similar to a Salvador Dali painting or Pink Floyd dream. They are resilient and the first sign of spring. Always a gorgeous hello from the sunniest side of the garden!

  685. Jin on

    It’s hard to pick one because after winter, any new growth is a wonderful sight…but narrowing down, I guess tulips- yes, even the typical ones bought from the hardware store!

  686. Anne Kelly on

    I have an incredibly hard time deciding which flower to love most, I don’t think I can! I do love to see Ranunculas as they are used less in my area, oh they are so sweet!

  687. Amy Peck on

    Having just moved to Oregon from Montana earlier this year, I am excited by alllll the bulbs I can now plant. Everything is favorite at this point!! ?❤?

  688. Cara Morrow on

    Your copper imagine tulips and other like them! So easy to grow, so different from what you can find at a big box store, and so, SO beautiful. ♥️

  689. Claudine on

    I love all the varieties of tulips!

  690. Debra Smith on

    Tulips are my very favorite spring bulb to plant in the fall; winters can be long and gray here in the Midwest (much like Seattle) and seeing tulips pop up from the ground in the spring signals I’ve made it an warm weather is on its way!

  691. Ann Levine on

    Ranunculus! Tho I haven’t had great success growing them myself yet. I’m very excited for your fall bulb planting course. :)

  692. Alison on

    I’m a sucker for interesting tulips, ranunculus and anemones and any variety that looks more like peonies and garden roses! I am a lover of beautiful flowers but I don’t know much about growing them so I’m excited to take your Fall mini course that I’m signed up for!

  693. Natalie on

    I love tulips and I’m heartbroken that they typically don’t grow in my tropical zone. I may stick a few in the fridge and see if I get lucky…otherwise, I predict a trip to Holland in my future!

  694. jennifer on

    The Fall before my first child was due the following April, I planted a row of big, beautiful fringed pink tulips on top of the rock wall outside my dining room window. After my baby girl was born, I adored holding her and gazing out the windows at those gorgeous flowers. Tulips always remind me or my early motherhood and that sweet baby girl. I think I love tulips best, but from the look of your narcissus varieties, I could be easily persuaded to adore them also!

  695. Chrissy on

    I can’t wait to plant a bunch of different daffodils this year in our new garden! Thanks for sharing so much with your readers!

  696. Ginni Baler on

    I love anemones! My sister-in-law carried them in her wedding bouquet and they were so beautiful and unique. I can’t wait to add them to my garden.

  697. Harper on

    I love tulips and am finally going to try to grow some this year!

  698. Katie on

    I LOVE ranunculus! (Future flower growing goals).

  699. Audrey on

    They are all wonderful, but the scent of hyacinths get me every time! But, there are so many stunning tulips, too… please dont make me choose! I love them all ?

  700. Sarah on

    I’m new to planting and growing flowers but currently my favorite is the tulip. It’s so simple and elegant. I’m looking forward to learning more and so appreciate all the wonderful knowledge you share! Thank you!

  701. Sabrina on

    I love tulips! They make me so happy when they pop up after a long Minnesota winter.

  702. Catherine Boynton on

    My grandmother and I used to show daffodils when I was a child at the local daffodil show. Since then, they have always held a special place in my heart. I look forward to them each year.

  703. Megan on

    I like hyacinth and ranunculus. My mom has passed her love of gardening to me.

  704. Holland C on

    Love , love tulips!! My favorite part of Spring!!

  705. Julie on

    I love anemones. They are my favorite flowers! I’m excited to try growing them this year.

  706. Kendra on

    Ranunculus in theory but I have yet to grow them!

  707. Hamilton on

    We are excited to try your unique varieties of daffodils!

  708. Jessie Chatta on

    Tulips are an all time favorite, but alliums are becoming a close second. I just survived my first winter in Buffalo, NY, and the bulbs peeking out of the ground in spring were such a welcome sight!

  709. Val on

    I just found your website. Can’t wait to read and learn more. I love tulips!

  710. Shannon McDonough on

    Have been enjoying the book! Would share this giveaway with friends and family should I win. Looking forward to the mini-course content.

  711. Lindsey Norton on

    My favorite spring bulb is the tulip because of its simplicity. I honestly had no idea of the gorgeous variety that can be grown, far more unique and beautiful. Also, I never looked twice at daffodils. Well after oogling over your varieties I can’t believe they share the same name! Stunners!

  712. Maria on

    Hands down, ranunculus. But I haven’t had any luck growing them so eager to learn more!

  713. Berneice on

    Ranunculus is by far my favorite. I haven’t had much success in growing them. So I’m really looking forward to your fall video series. Spring of 2019 my sister and I are starting a cut flower business so we are looking for all the tips and tricks we can find.

  714. Skip on

    I love tulips the most! Especially red ones!

  715. Emily on

    I have a new home and am excited to plant some bulbs this fall for spring flowers! I’m so glad I found your farm with it’s beautiful varieties.

  716. Paul on

    My wife loves all the flowers! I’m getting on here for her in hopes that I can win her some bulbs! She seems especially excited about the tulips!

  717. Shedell on

    I am a vegetable gardener, I cannot wait to expand into flowers. I have been watching your dimmer series and plan on buying your book.

  718. Amanda H on

    I used to have some gorgeous double (?) daffodils and am kicking myself for not digging up some bulbs to take to my new house! I like all the big, gaudy spring flowers. ;)

  719. Paige Briscoe on

    How could I choose?! I remember tulips and iris in my grandmothers garden being some of the first signs of spring but I’ve grown to absolutely adore ranunculus and anemones.

  720. Samantha Hansen on

    I love, LOVE ranunculus flowers! They are so elegant and lovely! I’ve never planted them in my garden before, but am so excited to have them blooming in my garden come next spring! ?

  721. Liz on

    I’ve always loved tulips. Because it means spring is here

  722. Debbie Bridgeman on

    I am looking forward to ranunculus and anemones next spring, but my first love will always be the daffodil! I look forward to their arrival every year!

  723. Chelsea on

    My husband and I love Darwin Hybrid tulips! They have the hugest, most beautiful blooms and we are planting 200 of them this year (Pink Impression and Ivory Floradale). I am also trying daffodils for the first time (Ice Follies). Already excited for next spring!! Looking forward to your fall mini course!

  724. Holland Callan on

    My first name is Holland, so even as a small child I loved tulips!!

  725. Betsy on

    Can’t wait for spring bulbs!!

  726. Kate Femia on

    I absolutely adore ranunculus! It was the main focal point of the living floral belt I wore on my wedding day, and it will forever have special meaning for me. I am finally able to start my official landscaping at my house, and will be definitely adding some ranunculus beauties to the mix!

  727. Rachel on

    I love ranunculus! My first year growing them I was living in a small house that I rented from a 70 year old friend who also cultivated a deep love of plants and flowers. When I told him my intention to grow ranunculus he said they wouldn’t grow here, he’d never seen it in all his time there, even bet me money off rent if I could pull it off. I was so happy when I got some to come up that first year and could bring him a few much to his amazement!

  728. Katie on

    I’m the most excited about attempting to grow ranunculus this year. Although I’m a little nervous about it, I have to try because they are just so beautiful!

  729. Katie Dennett on

    They’re simple, and not conventionally beautiful, but my favorite bulbs of all are crocus. They’re the first to peek their heads out of the snow or slush here in Portland, like tiny cheerleaders rooting for spring to get here faster, and they make my heart leap with joy that we’re turning the corner to brighter days after the long slog of winter.

  730. Krista Trommer on

    I don’t know that I could choose a favorite, but I planted some parrot tulips last year that were a lovely surprise this year. I’d never planted bulbs before, but they worked out well. So this year I bought more tulips and some daffodils. I think I’m going to plant them closer together this year if it might make the stems grow longer.

  731. Brigette on

    I’m very excited to learn more about full bulbs in the fall mini course! Daffodils and tulips are my favorite bulbs, but I’ve never planted them. I’m hoping this will be the year I actually try!

  732. Marilyn on

    Flower Surprise and Flower Drift

  733. Sheri on

    Traditionally I have thought tulips were the most beautiful but it would not be spring without the beautiful yellows of daffodils and I love your test daffodils, they are spectacular!

  734. Catie on

    My favorite signs of Spring are Poppies. For the first part of spring, they are the only green in my garden (those and some spunky chives that always make me chuckle). It is so encouraging to see the green tufts against the Ohio snow. They are truly unique in contrast to the barrage of commercial tulips. Although, I am falling in love with many of your delicate tulip choices.

    Thanks for the info on bulbs. I am soaking every detail up.

  735. Meredith on

    Tulips are my favorite that I anticipate each year! They are the breath of fresh air after a long winter and a true sign that Spring is here!

  736. Catie on

    Chives are my favorite sign of spring! They are the first to come up after a frigid Ohio winter and their whimsical puffs always make me smile.

    Thank you for sharing all of this bulb info. Very informative and helpful post!

  737. Lisa Beth on

    I LOVE my mini deep violet Iris, if that is what they are called!! I don’t have a lot of flowers yet and so I treasure this opportunity to learn more and invest in varieties like fluffy shaped Narcissis or renuculas or dalias! Very excited.

  738. Joshua on

    Floret! thank you for being a continuous inspiration as my wife and I pursue our dreams of flower farming! Our favorite is marshmallow ranunculus!

  739. Margeaux Spain on

    I absolutely LOVE the marshmallow ranunculus! What beauties. Thank you for continuing to share stories of your flower farm. You have truly inspired my husband and I to take the leap into our dreams of becoming flower farmers!

  740. Erin on

    This will be my first fall planting bulbs, and I LOVE the variety and beauty of narcissus. Alarm is set, and just need to narrow down my favorites! How generous of you to gift a goody box!

  741. Brittany on

    Tulips are certainly my favorite spring flower! I love the overwhelming variety of uncommon shapes, sizes, and colors. I will have to say that I am most partial to the ruffled peony-like ones ;)

  742. Frida Loyola McKeon on

    Ranunculus are my favorite. Their ruffled petals remind me of texquisite couture gowns and their colors remind me of the beautiful silk fabrics . Can’t wait for class to start!!

  743. Heather on

    Daffodils will always be my favorite fall planted bulbs!!! Can’t wait for the sale to open!!

  744. Jennifer on

    I just moved into a new house that desperately needs some beauty outside plus I love to bring the blooms inside. Honestly, how can I pick a favorite — never met a bloom I didn’t like! So, I ordered your book and am excited to learn in the fall course!

  745. Ann Cwik on

    My favorite fall planted bulb that I grew last year was Princess Irene Tulip. Funny story, I waited too long to harvest her and she blew wide open in the field. Rather than try to sell her in that state, i used the bunch to get a beautiful armload shot, and then had people in my town nominate some deserving teachers as it was teacher appreciation week and donated the flowers to those individuals. It turned out be a wonderful little event for the teachers and me.

  746. Libby Mohr on

    The black and white anemones are probably the most stunning but watching tulips come up in my mom’s garden when I was a kid was fun!

  747. Jill on

    You have curated a beautiful line up of fall bulbs, how can you choose a favorite?! I am wrapping up my first summer season of growing cut flowers and am already anxious to get planting for spring! Tulip Foxy Foxtrot is calling my name… :)

  748. Jewel on

    I LOVE the concept of trialing multiple varieties of the same flower. I would literally be like a kid in a candy shop!
    The woman whom we purchased our first home from was an avid gardener whereas I knew hardly anything. Come spring, when the daffodils starting blooming, I was in complete awe and instantly fell in love. She had planted numerous varieties, most of which I never knew existed since I was used to the standard yellow. That unexpected gift of daffodils was what opened my eyes to the stunning world of cut flowers. Because of that spring, daffodils will always be my favorite bulb, but since my discovery of ranunculus, they’re getting a run for their money!

  749. Kate on

    Ohhhhh how to choose between those gorgeous, frilly tulips and ranunculus? Fall planting is a chore, but a hopeful one. So worth it. Thank you for sharing so much of the beauty you create.

  750. Riem on

    Salmon parrot tulip is by far my favorite!

  751. Elizabeth on

    My husband has removed something like 10 tons of concrete from our backyard this year so we could plan and plant a new garden in a previously unusable space, and I’m thrilled to finally have a sunny spot for planting in our very shady yard. Fall-planted bulbs that I can see from the windows are near the top of my planting list.

  752. Kyla on

    Love love love reaping the rewards of bulbs planted months ago ushering in spring.

  753. Kathryn B. on

    I love the white anemones. Can’t wait to learn more about bulbs!

  754. Tracy Lee on

    Of those fall bulbs I have grown before I have enjoyed tulips and irises. Ranunculus intrigues me and I think they would be so beautiful in my yard. The blooms are delicate and sweet. I’m planning to terrace a steep hillside in my front yard and would love to include them so I’m very much looking forward to the mini class online so I can learn all the secrets to making them successful.

  755. Haley on

    My all time favorite is ranunculus. But a close second would be tulips. I love all the different bright colors :)

  756. Haley on

    My all time favorite is ranunculus! But tulips are a close second. I love all the different bright colors :)

  757. Felicia on

    I have never planted fall bulbs but I’m taking the fall course and I’m ready to learn!!!

  758. Susan Michele Green on

    I don’t yet have a favorite. This is my first fall to plant bulbs. I’m a little overwhelmed feeling, but very excited to learn and begin this journey!

  759. Kristen on

    So happy to see you have my favorite daffodil – Katie Heath- in your lineup! I hate planting bulbs but they are incredibly worth it!!

  760. Abbey Thomas on

    I’m most excited to see my new narcissus in the spring! In college, I worked as a hired hand for a few families planting flowers, digging weeds, raking leaves, you name it. One of I my fondest memories was planting Narcissus around the entire perimeter of a farm picket white fence. It was a ton of work but I loved seeing them in bloom. This will be the first time (20 years later) that I get to plant my very own “fence” of Narcissus. 300!

  761. Nichole on

    Tulips are my favorite fall planted bulb. So many varieties, colors and shapes. In fact we have went to the Skaget Valley for the tulip festival❤️

  762. Kelly Thommes on

    The parrot tulip is my favorite fall planted bulb!

  763. Amanda Sanchez on

    Signed up for the mini course! Can’t wait to experiment here in SE Arizona!

  764. Becca on

    Hands down my favorite fall planted bulb is the anemone! I love her delicate petals and softness and the contrasting center- especially the black and white variety!

  765. Melinda on

    My favorite fall-planted bulbs are tulips. I grow anemones, daffodils, and ranunculus as well, but tulips have a special place in my heart! ?

  766. Darlene W. on

    Tulips are my favorite bulbs to plant in the fall. I especially love the double ones that look like roses or peonies. You have some wonderful selections. I love all your flowers.

  767. Mandy Prather on

    I always thought daffodils were a little boring, but after pouring over your site for tips and tricks the last few weeks I’ve fallen in love with narcissus! We live in a small town in Kentucky, and you’re right – finding interesting flowers at our local bricks and mortar stores is hard to do! Question: What is the best way to plant tulips and narcissus together if you have only a small space? I’m planning to use these as an edge (or as clusters) in front of a row of knockout roses, so it’s about 2 feet by 20 feet, or so.

  768. Mandy Prather on

    I’m excited to finally replant some heirloom bulbs at our new house this fall, along with some new tulips and daffodils. I always thought daffodils were a little boring, but after pouring over your site for the last few weeks for tips and tricks, I’ve fallen in love with narcissus!

  769. Sarah Withers on

    So beautiful! I’m torn between pink anemone and champagne ranunculus as my favorite!

  770. Courtney on

    Tulips are my favorite. I love the variety of shapes and colors!


    The early blooming bulbs provide such a lift on those first chilly, grey days. Their lovely faces draw us from our winter cocoons into the ephemeral beauty of Spring!

  772. Shalon on

    I love all spring flowers. They bring excitement knowing that the long winter is almost over. My favorite tulips are salmon parrot and professor rontgen. They are very elegant and last a long time in the vase. Thank you for sharing your results of your trials. You always have the best varieties!

  773. Michaela Upp on

    Ranunculus! They truly are the roses of spring!


  774. Adrienne on

    Tulips are my favorite! They remind me of my grandmothers house in spring time.

  775. Renee Richards on

    Ranunculus have always been one of my faves! Even before I started designing with or growing flowers.?

  776. Yuleidy on

    Thank you for so much beauty. Ranunculus are my favorite.

  777. Allison on

    Daffodils always remind me of my mom and grandmother! It is such a sweet reminder of them each spring.

  778. Mandy on

    Narcissus! Especially the double flower varieties.

  779. Vanessa Lyons on

    Our school lunchroom relies on flowers from the garden for the tables where the students eat breakfast and lunch. We would love to have some spring flowers ?

  780. Sarita on

    The smell of hyacinths. The cheer of daffodils. The beauty of ranunculus. It’s hard for me to name a favorite… I really like them all! :)

  781. Lauren Madonna on

    Tulips are my favorite fall bulb . Thank you so much for sharing all of your information and experience

  782. Meredith on

    Daffodils!! Thank you for educating me on such wonderful unique varieties of an all time favorite. Your work, wisdom and willingness to share us been inspiring. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  783. Connie on

    Double tulips and ranunculus.

  784. Olga on

    Love all blush, neutral shades of ranunculus! I agree with many comments that your flowers are amazing!!

  785. Heidi on

    Ranunculus is a new found favorite of mine and i can not wait to start growing my own!

  786. robbie on

    Ranunculus are my favorite. Love all that you do!

  787. Beth Linville on

    Anytime I’m having a bad day I use your photos to cheer myself up. I am planning to begin my flower farming endeavor by planting fall bulbs this year. I can’t wait to see them popping out of the ground! Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom, knowledge and encouragement with us.

  788. Ellen on

    I love ranunculus ♥️ I am hoping to plant them this year!

  789. Ellen on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! Hoping to grow them this year!

  790. Lauren on

    I would have to say daffodils, I live on a farm where the previous owner grew hundreds of daffodils. This was 30+ years ago! They have come up every year since then and I love watching them slowly spread across they yard. Half the fun is seeing them pop in places you don’t remember them being the previous year. They definitely make early Spring more bearable :)

  791. Lauren on

    Daffodils! I live on a farm where the previous owner propagated daffodils, that was 30+ years ago and these beauties still come back year after year, slowly spreading across my yard! Half the fun is seeing them pop in places you don’t remember them being the previous year!

  792. Amy Van Pelt on

    I love all spring flowering bulbs, especially narcissus/daffodils. No tulips for me – too many deer. This year I want to plant more varieties of daffs and add ranunculus too!

  793. Samantha Miller on

    I am quite new to cut flowers, but am so excited to start planting bulbs this fall. This blog and your book has been such an inspiration to me. I love to look at all your gorgeous pictures and daydream of someday being able to have my own flower farm.

  794. Kristen on

    I love hyacinths. Their smell is heavenly!

  795. Jessica on

    I’m looking forward to growing tulips this upcoming season and can’t wait to hear your growing tips!

  796. Erica on

    Ranunculus and anemones!! So much love!!

  797. Erica on

    I couldn’t pick a favorite if I tried! Floret has opened my eyes to the wonderful variety of daffodils and narcissus, and I have been a particular favorite of ranunculus recently. Y’all make it seem so possible to grow cut flowers. Keep doing what you’re doing because we are out here listening, learning, and loving!

  798. Lori M on

    I planted some Pink Charms last year, and thought a classic shape with a twist of pink, no biggie. But they were gorgeous! I also look forward to seeing and smelling my hyacinths by the mailbox. And every year I kick myself for not putting in a few more. Not this year, in they go! No regrets at the mailbox this year!

  799. Violet Hayes on

    Narcissus has always been my favorite spring bulb.

  800. Lori M on

    I planted some Pink Charms last year, and thought a classic shape with a twist of pink, no biggie. But they were gorgeous! I also look forward to seeing and smelling my hyacinths by the mailbox. And every year I kick myself for not putting in a few more. Not this year, in they go!

  801. Marissa Brower on

    I had no idea so many beautiful varieties of Tulips exhisted. I was never a huge fan but they have quickly become my favorite!

  802. Dawn Welch on

    Tulips, tulips, tulips… but I sure can’t wait to try the Ranunculus in the spring!!

  803. Martha on

    Ranunculus! We used to grow them in PA when I was growing up. I want to start up again now that I’m in MA

  804. Martha on

    I absolutely love ranunculus! (Or would that be ranunculi?) My mom and I used to grow them in our front yard in PA. Now that I’m in MA I want to start growing them myself this fall.

  805. Mariah Lyons on

    I’m so inspired to finally plant some bulbs this fall, I love the ranoculous!

  806. Bonnie on

    I find grape hyacinths to be so charming! I tuck them in everywhere. My children love to make tiny bouquets

  807. Bonnie on

    I find grape hyacinths to be so charming. I tuck them in everywhere!

  808. Aleah Rohlfsen on

    I think I have to say daffodils are my favorite. All of the coral, pink and creamy hued ones ❤️?

  809. Abra on

    Erin, I love reading your posts, they’re always so beautiful and inspiring! I feel encouraged to buckle down and get some fall planting in this year. If I had to pick a favorite fall bulb, I think I’d choose narcissus. They’re so resilient, reliable, and full of spring cheer that they make waiting out our zone 3 winters worth it!

  810. Kat Blyar on

    Anemones have quickly become my favorite spring flower! The Black and White variety made me melt last Spring and it was so exciting to watch them poke up from the ground and develop into such striking beauties. Can’t wait to try some ranunculus this year, too!

  811. Jesi on

    As a designer, dabbling in growing my own flowers, the double tulips are a favorite. They pack such a punch, in an arrangement or in the garden. This is my first year planting bulbs en masse. Wish me luck!

  812. Chaska on

    I love the soft flowers of the ranunculous!

  813. Suzelle Olmos on

    Thank you for sharing all of this! My favorite bulb is tulip! They always remind me of new beginnings,beauty in nature. Xo

  814. Heather Serry on

    I cannot wait for Fall Bulb planting! After planting some annuals this year, I’m really excited to dive into more varieties and types of flowers. I am super excited to plant some of the Vaya Con Dios and Santander Tulips, if I can get some before they are gone! :) The colors and textures are amazing and they would be such a lovely addition to the Spring season.

  815. Lindsay Rojas on

    Oh my, a giveaway and a free mini course! And I just applied for the scholarship too. I think the narcissus is my favorite fall planted bulb, but honestly I wouldn’t say no to any of them! I’m planting narcissus, tulips, and ranunculus this fall, I hope I do it right!

  816. Katie on

    Ranunculs are my favorite! So pretty :)

  817. Katie Kiel on

    Tulips never fail to bring a smile to my face in spring! Ranunculus are quickly becoming a favorite too-I love to watch the prim, tight little buds unfurl into gorgeous, full, brightly-colored flowers!!

  818. Becky Siskowski on

    I love Ranunculus! I remember going to the flower fields in Carlsbad California every April. The acres of brightly colored flowers overlooking the ocean were breathtaking!

  819. Kelly Clark on

    My favorite fall bulbs are tulips with red and white streaks. So striking!

  820. Lauren Jean St Martin on

    How do you pick just one?! I love them all, but the grape hyacinth will always have a special place in my heart. I inherited them from my great grandma and their beautiful blue blooms brighten my years and my heart every year.

  821. Laurie L Perrone on

    I just found your Instagram and blog and I am loving all this amazing-ness! My mother grew bulbs every year when I was young and I have developed a love for them through her, they will always have a place in my garden. These days I find myself quite drawn to unique miniature daffodils and to alliums. But seeing all your amazing narcissus makes me think I will be needing to work on adding these beauties to the garden. ?

  822. Amanda Lopez on

    I am excited to try winter aconite this year. I can’t wait to see their sunny yellow faces peeking up through the snow, during our very long New England winter. I would love to grow ranunculus and am delighted that your fall mini course will teach me how to do so. Yay!

  823. Laura Pickens on

    I love all daffodils and tulips. My favorite? I really like the bouquet tulips!

  824. Kat on

    Frilly parrot tulips and sweet smelling white narcissus flowers.

  825. Priscilla B on

    I have been growing ranunculus here in New England for 4 years and have finally figured out a system to winter them over. No easy task without a green house. Your pastel, picotee and yellow corms turn into the most beautiful spring flowers!

  826. Melissa Everett on

    When we first moved into our house 15 years ago, I planted daffodils. They came up beautifully in the spring. I had no idea how to care for them and ended up cutting the greenery down before it had died down. Well, every year after my poor little daffodils would come up with no flowers. :( Just poor headless little daffodils. I am looking forward to trying them again this year and not cutting their heads off. I would love some of these beautiful varieties!

  827. Ashley Kirnan on

    I’m not sure how I’m going to endure the suspense through this upcoming winter – I splurged on over 1000 bulbs for this fall and I’m beside myself with excitement! You’re right, the hard work in the fall is so beyond worth it. My new favorite is the Pink Star tulip, a double tulip VERY easily mistaken for a peony!! ? I’m so excited for your fall mini course, thank you so much for your endless wisdom and resources!

  828. Marie Schwager on

    Dark blue hyacinths like Marie or blue jacket are my favorite. I also love the look of foxtail Lillies and want to plant some this fall.

  829. Celena on

    I’ve always been nervous to try bulbs, but I ventured out with a few of my grandmother’s favorites – ranunculous, gladiolus, and dahlias – and each year I learn a little bit more and have a bit more success. I’m looking forward to learning more in the mini course and trying my hand at tulips this year!

  830. Chelsa M Hernandez on

    I love hyacinth because their intoxicating scent is amazing in the beginning of the growing season.

  831. Katie Glunk on

    Tulips have always pulled on my heart strings. My grandfather adored them, and I think of him every year as I watch mine bloom. However, I’m really hoping to learn about ranunculus this year. They put off a spectacular show, and I feel mesmerized by all those fluffy layers!

  832. Melinda Deida on

    Thank you for all of this wonderful news and for sharing your knowledge with the world! I am taking on the task of growing bulbs for the first time and am most excited about ranunculuses!

  833. Kelly on

    Pale yellow daffodils remain my favorite fall planted spring flower year after year! The cheery yellow blooms are such a joy after winter. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  834. Casey on

    I’m very new to gardening (first time I’ll be planting bulbs is this fall!), but I’ve always loved tulips. I’ve never seen any like the ones in your photos, and I love how you showcase unique varieties that are far more beautiful than what you can find at your standard grocery store flower stalls. This is what has inspired me to grow my own! I can’t wait to get started.

  835. Mary on

    Your daffodils/narcissus are so beautiful. My obsession for planting this fall has officially begun. Alas, deer eat my tulips.

  836. Cami Smith on

    I’ve always loved tulips. Seeing them pop up around town after a long, cold winter was always my favorite. Thank you for your willingness to share and teach-I’m soaking it all in.

  837. Tracy Bryen on

    I just did my own narcissus trail too. But I only had about 20 varieties and could only afford 1 bulb of each. A pretty display in pots. Thankfully we can dream through your lovely photos and hard work. Cheers

  838. Jessie Ruml on

    Tulips! First sign of spring in our area! Would love to try ranunculus!

  839. Erica on

    I never know which tulips and daffs to buy- the selection is overwhelming. I usually fill up my online shopping carts and then hesitate because I always want more and then end up not buying them. I enjoy your posts because it helps narrow the field. Thank you for so freely sharing your knowledge.

  840. Katie Goodwin on

    I would have to say my favorite fall planted bulb is Ranunculus!

  841. Katie Goodwin on

    I would have to say that Ranunculus is my favorite fall planted bulb!

  842. Katie on

    I am dying to see some parrot tulips this next year!

  843. Amy on

    Ranunculus are my absolute favorites!

  844. Megan Lehman on

    I love anemones! I can’t wait to learn more in the fall mini course!

  845. Megan Lehman on

    I love anemones! I look forward to learning more about them in the fall mini course!

  846. Jackie on

    Daffodils! Nothing eats them…

  847. Jennifer L on

    My favorite was our variety of tulips.

  848. Matt L on

    My favorite was watching our Narcissus Derringer and of course the tulips.

  849. Jamie on

    I love how intricate and romantic ranunculus are, we can’t wait to add them to our farm this year. I’m just as excited to add daffodils now as well, those are amazing!

  850. Danelle on

    Pops of color in spring, first signs of better things to come. Something to look forward to each year. What beauty and variety.

  851. sytom2002 on

    I have spring bulb envy and am primed and ready for the fall sale to begin. Such amazing varieties!

  852. Anna on

    I love tulips, but last spring the wonderfully scented daffodils I planted really won me over!

  853. Hannah on

    I’m in love with snakes head fritillaria and can’t wait to have a place to plant them!

  854. Melina on

    I’m in LOVE with the tulips that you guys feature. They’re so beautiful and whimsical, cant wait to plant them!!

  855. Danelle on

    Seeing pops of color in the landscape after a long bleak winter, gives hope for better things to come. What inspiring beauty. I love them all.

  856. Holly on

    When we were dating, my husband gave me tulips but thought they were roses. When I shared they were tulips, he said the conversation with the cashier made sense. Turns out, roses were 50% off, and when he took his tulips to the register and was charged full price, he said the sign said roses are 50% off. The cashier said they are and repeated the full price due. He was like, but roses are half price, and the cashier, again, said they are – but never said, and you have tulips. He still bought, thinking she was crazy, until I shared that they were tulips (which I love even more than roses, so excellent choice). They have since become my most favorite, because I think of my sweet fella and have a giggle remembering every time I see!

  857. Krystal C on

    I have always loved hyacinth… but daffodils are always a welcome sign of spring after a long winter!

  858. Karli on

    I love seeing tulips bloom in the spring!

  859. Stacie Blay on

    I love Hyacinths because they smell so heavenly!

  860. Sylvie on

    Last year I loved tulips but after seeing your daffodil selection I am excited to try them this year. I also love all the white bulbs, snow drops and hyacinth.

  861. Anna Sharpe on

    Tulips are the staple bulb in our yard. We’ve managed to find different varieties from the box store by shopping the annual bulb sale at the local botanical garden. I’d love to try ranunculus soon!

  862. Kietra Olson on

    Nar issus, definitely! Creamy and dreamy!

  863. Sarah on

    I absolutely love a big ruffled double tulip!

  864. Merilynn Bergstresser on

    I love the colors and smells of hyacinths. I would also love to win a bulb collection! thanks for the opportunity.

  865. Erin on

    La Belle Époque tulip…when the fields and forest fade to brown, this bulb reminds me that peachy pinks will return!

  866. Karen White on

    Crocus and paperwhites have always been favorites!

  867. Kristen on

    I grew ranunculus from bulbs I purchased from you last year and they were amazing. So much beauty in the grey drab of early spring here in pdx.

  868. Jordyn Smith on

    Ranunculus because it was one of my wedding flowers!

  869. Lacey on

    Silver Parrot Tulip! I feel like each one would make Georgia O’Keeffe swoon ;)

  870. Bridie on

    I’ve always loved daffodils, even the school bus yellow ones.


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