Home Blog Cut Flower Garden 1 Year Anniversary Party
March 6th 2018

Cut Flower Garden 1 Year Anniversary Party

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This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest & Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms.

It’s hard to believe that a whole year has already flown by, but at the same time it seems like just yesterday that I was signing the mountain of advanced copies in our garage.Cut Flower Garden bookSo many wonderful things have happened in the last year and the book was a big part of it all. To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the book release, we’re throwing a little party here on the blog. I’m taking a look back at the past year, giving away some Cut Flower Garden goodies and giving thanks to the many people who helped make the book possible.

First, let me share a fun little infographic summarizing some of the incredible statistics related to the book:

I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to see that the book has been translated into German and to learn that a Korean and Russian version are in the works too. And it’s incredible to see the many far-flung places across the globe that this little book has traveled. That’s all thanks to you and this amazing international seasonal flower community!

The book also inspired an entire line of Cut Flower Garden gifts created in partnership with our publisher, Chronicle Books. Known as ancillary products in the publishing world, this beautiful collection of paper goods includes a daily planner, a wall calendar, a 3- pack of notebooks, notecards, an inspiration journal and even a fancy puzzle.

NEW: MARCH 21, 2018 UPDATE! I just learned that the book was awarded an 2018 American Horticultural Society Book Award!  Judged on writing style, authority, accuracy, and physical quality, the honor was bestowed on just three books this year. What an incredible honor to receive this distinguished award!

Longtime blog readers will likely remember that we decided to pursue a somewhat nontraditional route for promoting the book. That was not always the plan though. The Floret Team and I originally had cooked up the crazy idea of loading everyone up in the camper (including Jill and Susan’s toddlers) to do a wild cross-country book tour.

We were going to turn our RV into a bookmobile on wheels. We even got the washi tape out and a plotted our course on a map, and planned to visit a ton of flower friends along the way.

Reality soon set in and we realized that there was no way we could pull that crazy idea off. So we scrapped our original plan and came up with a new plan that some people thought was even crazier: a book promotion tour…but without actually going anywhere. We focused the bulk of our marketing efforts on pre-release promotions.

Then, once the book was released, we launched a “virtual book tour,” and didn’t do a single in-person promotional event. Incredibly, and thankfully, our strategy worked! In fact, it was so successful, that our publisher has used it as case study.

Cut Flower Garden

Looking back, the entire process of creating the book was such a roller coaster of emotions.

There were so many highs. Like, the initial euphoria of inking the book deal with Chronicle Books. The excitement when ordering thousands of bulbs to grow exclusively for the book. The relief when turning in the final manuscript. The joy in holding the book in my hands for the first time. The excitement upon learning that the book had most pre-orders of any book, of any genre in Chronicle’s history. The thrill of seeing the book on the shelf of local bookstores. And the surprise when it was listed as a top seller on Amazon in the garden book category.

But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t quite a few lows too. Like, the dread of spending a beautiful day in front of the computer rather than in the garden. The fatigue and sleep deprivation during big editing deadlines. The frustration when Amazon displayed the book as backordered the day it was released because they didn’t order enough copies. Writing, planning, producing, editing and promoting the book was such a massive and difficult undertaking. But in the end, all of the late nights and 4 a.m. wake up calls were totally and absolutely worth it. No question.

But the most rewarding part of it all is learning that the book has inspired so many people around the world to get their hands in the dirt, plant more flowers and cultivate more beauty in their lives. I love hearing how the book prompted readers to grow cosmos for the first time or to try their hand at arranging summer blooms for party or to bring a little nature indoors to enjoy with friends and family.

Flower Garden

A huge thanks to all of the independent book stores, garden shops and libraries for making this book available to local communities. Thanks especially to all who sent kind words, posted heartfelt reviews, shared personal stories, tagged #floretbook on Instagram and simply sent virtual high fives. Your enthusiastic support truly means the world to me.

Recent Instagram posts tagged with#floretbook, clockwise from top left:  @fig_and_focus, @greenfingers.munich @artichokehouse, @a_simple_plot 

In celebration of the 1 year anniversary we are giving away some Floret goodies including three big goodie boxes filled with Floret magic, including a signed copy of the book, a deluxe assortment of Floret seeds and brand new journal set.

To register to win, simply tell me what your favorite flower is (if you can pick just one) in the comments below.

Floret Team

Thank you for your steadfast support and for joining me in this celebration!


  1. Clarisa Johnston on

    Choosing one flower is hard to do! I’ve always loved the smell and the arching shape of the Freesia flower.
    Does a tree count? It should for this one… the Hong Kong Orchid Tree. If I could make a perfume named after myself it would hold the smell of the flower from this tree.
    And I have to put a plug in for the Ranunculus. I mean those layers!!!
    I just learned about Floret and I’m excited to dig in and learn some more!

  2. Kathleen Fifield on

    Tulips have always been my favorite. My husband knows to always buy me tulips over roses. However, I’m quickly falling in love with dahlias after viewing your site. Congratulations on the book anniversary. I just discovered your website and can’t wait to buy your book!

  3. Sandy Pehler on

    Today I would say peonies with the much anticipated spring coming!

  4. Cassandra Thomas on

    I love zinnas of all kinds, but the zinnas that grow 3 – 4 feet tall against my clubhouse (no boys allowed) make me smile every day they are in bloom!

  5. Jacqueline on

    My current favorite flower is the dahlia! I love it’s brilliance in shape and color!

  6. Hugh Magnus on

    My favourite flowers are Lily ‘Scheherazade’ and Sweet pea ‘Jilly’

  7. Diane Poeppelman on

    Tulips, peonies, lilacs, all spring, summer and fall blooming flowers with their exhilarating scents!

  8. Merrilee Grospe on

    Lavender, cosmos and echinacea are my favorites! I think you might have hooked me into bulbs after your mini series. Thanks so much for all the info you provide!!
    Congratulations on all your success with your book! I am hoping to pick it up soon!!!

  9. Shelby on

    Dahlias! I love them so much, I named my oldest daughter after them. Her younger sister is Iris. ;)

  10. Rachel on

    Congrats on your success! I’ve been following you since just before that one flower truck photo went viral. I absolutely love tulips. You inspired me to grow my first flowers ever. Thank you!

  11. Beatrice Buttus on

    Dear Erin, please allow me 2 flowers. They are not cut flowers, but they are my favourites anyway.
    – chicory, Chicoria intybus, so magical, so transluscent blue!
    – Portulaca grandiflora, so colourfull, so bright!
    They are part of now ( roof garden ) and part of childhood, when I spent summers with grandma’ in Italy.
    With so much respect and admiration!
    Beatrice Buttus / Switzerland / roots in Northitaly

  12. Mindy on

    Peonies for sure

  13. Laurie on

    Lilly of the valley…. their smell and sweet little bells

  14. KarenAnn on

    Sweet peas, with their intoxicating scent!

  15. denise on

    freesias the smell of heaven

  16. Maria Flores on

    Zizzias. My daughter’s favorite and the ones she grows are gorgeous. :)

  17. Angie Leazer on

    Ranunculus, to me they seem so graceful and romantic!

  18. Marissa Brower on

    Right now it’s Amaranth. I can’t get enough of it ?

  19. Heather Simatic on

    I love Dahlias! I love the ones that look like they are a ball of fire because of the intense orange hues that fade from dark to light. Those are my favorite.

  20. Georgina Kocher on

    Too hard to pick just one! First are old roses or English roses, ranunculus, dahlias, peonies, lilacs…I’ll have to stop ?.
    I with my husband and four children have just launched our micro-farm, Thistle & Rose here in Pennsylvania this spring. I saw your book before it was released and we bought a copy and started talking about the idea of flower farming more seriously, now we are growers! Before that, it was just an idea we tossed around with no idea how to implement without learning the hard way- by trial and error, in the school of hard knocks and no clear direction of exactly how or where to start. Your book gave us the confidence and inspiration to put ideas and dreams into action and the hard work of farming cut flowers. Thank you Erin and family for sharing your skills, advice amd inspiration!

    • Team Floret on

      Congratulations on your new farm. The team and I are cheering for you and your family!

  21. Summer Skinner on

    I love zinnias! Their blooms are absolutely beautiful!!!

  22. Kate on

    Freesias, hands down…

  23. Pam DiBasilio on

    I would have to say that my favorite flower for this season is the Zinnia. I’m choosing the zinnia, not because of their looks, but because they saved me through this first season of being a full-fledged cut flower grower. I had not been a big fan of the zinnia but now, can’t live without it. This first year has been challenging planning what to plant and how everything would go together. I had some wins and some losses. I’m happy to say that the zinnias saved me when I had losses in some areas. I now understand why they are referred to as the ‘workhorse’ of flowers. I’m definitely ordering many different colors for next season.

  24. Laura Wagner on

    So hard to pick one but Roses are so beautiful!

  25. Paula on

    Tulips!! They come in a beautiful rainbow of colors and types and the sight of them lets me know that spring is here and winter is gone!

  26. Patricia Pellegrin on

    Ranunculus, but I honestly love all flowers. Thank you for always sharing your knowledge!!

  27. hn on

    Today… Peony?

  28. Alene on

    The classic white Calla lily ❤️

  29. Annie Bartolome on

    It’s hard to pick one as I have several favorites but lavenders will always be close to my heart.

  30. Nina on

    Ranunculus are hands down my favorite flower!
    They are simply amazing.
    Erin, thank you for showing us how to get it done??

  31. Julie on

    Ranunculus always take my breath away.

  32. Christine on

    Hydrangea is stunning! Ty for your inspiring words of knowledge with gardening tips.

  33. Michelle Yee on

    Ranunculas! What a wonderful year you’ve had, spreading the love of flowers to the world! Congrats!

  34. Laura Detwiler on

    My favorites are sweet peas. My dad and I would go out and scratch around and plant Old Spice mix along the garden fence every year and they always remind me of him.

  35. Joy Scafide on

    It really is too hard to pick one but I suppose it would have to be peonies. Or lilacs. Or dahlias. Yeah, it’s just too hard to pick one.

  36. Lucia on

    I purchased this book not long ago and LOVE it!
    Thank you all for the wonderfulness you bring to this world:))

  37. Myra Ripley on

    Always and forever, sweet peas. My grandfather grew exquisite fence-fulls and being surrounded by that scent is the essence of joy. Love how you’re bringing so much beauty into the world.

  38. Susan McKenna on

    Cosmos are one of (my many) favorite flowers. They look so spindly, light an delicate, but they grow and reproduce with abandon in pretty tough environments. And are always bright and cheery.

  39. Erin on

    Peonies! Hands down my favorite. Especially the ones we moved from my grandma’s house.

  40. Nichole Heer on

    Dahlias! I grew up in my Grandpa’s dahlia garden, and learned to love them when they were taller than me. This flower will always have a special place in my heart and always brings such fond memories of my loved ones!

  41. Kathy Rasmussen on

    I love Scabiosa ‘Fama Blue’ and Canterbury Bells in blue and white because they remind me of my grandma, my inspiration for the love of flowers.

  42. Paula Malone on

    Sunflowers bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart every time! It is so hard to pick just one as I see all flowers as God’s most precious gifts.

  43. Teena on

    Sunflowers, I grow them

  44. Stephanie Mills on

    I love old fashioned roses and peonies. They both smell wonderful!

  45. Sherry on

    Sunflowers big and small,,,I love them all. And so do my honey bees.

  46. Lisa Quam on

    My favorite flower is the ones that make me smile and then I smell!!

  47. Laura on

    Love the delicate beauty of Sweetpeas. <3

  48. Neinah Avelin Gabriel on

    So hard to name just one, when there are so very many loves, but My Greatest Love is for the David Austin Rose, “Jude The Obscure,” sent from heaven to pluck my heartstrings.

  49. Heidi Webb on

    My favorite flower is the jonquil because it means spring has begun and all the rest go my favotite flowers are on their way.

  50. Diane on

    My favorite flower is the one my grandbabe brings to me! ?

  51. Jess on

    My favourite would have to be dahlias ? closely followed by old fashioned quartered roses ?

  52. Holly on

    Peonies, yup, peonies!

  53. Alysa on

    Purple globe allium

  54. Jean on

    Lupine s (I want to be like Miss Rumphious)!

  55. jody on

    peonies. your blog post on them made my whole spring. THANK YOU!

  56. Hank Murrow (www.murrow.biz/hank) on

    I planted your sweet peas too deep(1″) this year, and got only three little plants from four packets! I am not discouraged, so you can expect another order next year; as they are our favorite, planted in front of and growing up a screen to scent the porch from which we survey our garden. Guests in past years have proclaimed it a Wonder of Eugene(OR). Our Best to you and yours in WA.

    Cheers! Hank Murrow

  57. cindy on

    peonies, hands down :)

  58. LuAnn Conway on

    I’d have to say that Orchids are my favorite……but there are many close seconds in the running.

  59. Megan on

    I don’t know if I can choose a favorite! I love strongly scented romantic flowers: gardenia, jasmine, old roses.
    Thanks for the giveaway. Fingers crossed!

  60. Rhadonda on

    I think Dahlia today though I swoon over ranniculus and I LOVE your book. Thanks!

  61. Verna Ruiz on

    Oh my goodness pick one! I will say Ranunculus!

  62. Diane Swallen on

    Peony is my favorite! Congratulations on all your hard work and the beauty of this book!

  63. Leah Travers on

    The labyrinth dahlia! I couldn’t stop staring at it! I could not believe how beautiful it was. And that’s my favorite … today.

  64. Ruma Costello on

    I think I’m going to meet my favorite flower in the future! Just read about you in Magnolia Journal and I am now inspired to purchase your book and try my hand at heirloom flowers. Sweet Pea, are you for me?

  65. Lyly H. on

    Dear Erin – this past Friday, I stumbled upon your “Floret’s Favorites: Tulips” blog and was immediately overtaken by the photographs of your ‘Professor Rontgen’ and ‘Apricot Parrot’ tulips and your farm. These are now my new favorites. And after hours of admiring your incredible pictures and reading about your journey building Floret Farm, I paired with my sister and laboriously tilled and planted cutting flower patches in our mom’s back yard on Mother’s Day. Thank you for your inspiration. To what seemed a big feat before, I now believe I too can cultivate my own magnificent flower garden!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!

  66. Stacy Nibbelink on

    Lilac, My Grand Mother’s house always had a vase of Lilac in season, from her many that she planted. The smell brings back the memories!

  67. Phyllis Boyd on

    Lily of the Valley and Violets they say spring to me after a long winter. I love a tiny bouquet.

  68. Ellen Alavi on

    Gardenia is my most favorite flower! It was the one I chose as my wedding flowers. Im married 26 years and the smell still brings me back to that day. Your story is amazing and inspiring!!

  69. Cathy on

    Dahlia, also my grandmother’s favorite. I stayed part of each summer as a child on her small dairy farm. Until now I planted them in pots, I’m going to give it a try your way!

  70. cecilia on

    Ranuculas in all colors are the best!!!! I am an absolutely beginner, didn’t even know what a perennial was til i found your website and I can’t wait to use your book to learn how to grow my own cut garden? I really hope I can manage!

  71. Robin Spencer on

    Sweet peas are my favorite! Every year my grandma would give me a birthday bouquet of these fragrant beauties along with babies breath, both picked from her own flower garden. Sweet memories! (Sadly, I haven’t been able to get them to grow in my garden here in Alaska. This year I’ve got some started inside waiting to go in the ground when the danger of frost is past. With the help of your sweet pea growing tips, hopefully, they will survive the transplant.)

  72. Danielle Grabiel on

    Oh man, I think I’d have to choose dahlias just due to their stunning variety and prolific blooms. My floret seedlings are all popping up under lights in my garage right now!

  73. Melissa Aloi on

    Hi Erin

    Usually my favourite flower is what ever is in season and I can put in a vase. However, I have to admit I too am fond of sweet peas. After getting divorced from my mother, my father lived alone for the rest of his life, in a small backyard in the middle of an isolated country town in Victoria, Australia. Here, he grew sweet peas. This was his favourite flower and by inheritance mine. He had vascular issues as he got older and would hire the neighbours children to help him with his vegetables and sweet peas. The sweet peas became even more important as he got older as they gave him a continuous supply of bouquets to give to the nurses and family to say thank you for their help. He did not have to bend over to pick them either.

    For that reason I poured over the sweet pea release earlier this year. I have never seen such a variety of different colors. Dad would have loved them and your story. I did not order any as I am worried about the Australian customs. I have since read on your website we can order a limited number. Next year I will be ordering them from you. My second and third flowers are Roses and Calla Lilies. Again for sentimental family reasons and they too have stories attached.

    Thanks Erin and all that help you. I love what you are doing and all that I am learning from you.

    Warm regards

  74. Kelly on

    We are on vacation on Orcas Island and came across your book in the local bookstore. I stayed up almost all night reading through it and I am now dreaming about starting my own flower farm back in Colorado. At the moment, my favorite flower is daffodil because they grow so beautifully here and in such variety, and they were just starting to bloom in our garden when we left Colorado.

  75. Kathy on

    Congratulations on your publishing anniversary! You have inspired me this year to dream big and pursue my dream fearlessly. I started your course in January and just closed on enough land to start my own small flower farm. Thank you for the inspiration!
    My favorite flower has to be the Sweet Pea – at least for now…

    • Amy on

      Obsessed with ranunculus.. all those layers .. I am hoping to grow some of my very own for the first time this year

  76. Melody on

    Congratulations on One Year Published!!! I love the book, your blog, your transparency and most especially the amazing photography!! Celebrity chefs often talk about “smell-a-vision.” Ha! I wish it existed! I can only imagine the scents your flowers emit are just as amazing as their beauty! Maybe one day I will make it to Skagit Valley to delight in all the senses. Best wishes to you for many, many years of continued success!
    The peony has been my favorite flower for many years! I love the scent of peonies – it reminds of being a child, skipping in the church yard and my grandmother’s garden in springtime, plus visiting the cemetery on Memorial Day.

  77. Julie on

    Just ONE?! Today I’ll say Bachelor’s Buttons.

  78. Amy on

    My favourite flower is a dahlia !!

  79. Grace on

    I only came across Floret on Pinterest a week ago and haven’t been more relieved. I am 19, living in England down in Somerset and slowly starting my own freelance Florist at home. My goal is to start growing my own flowers and all your wonderful blog posts have taught me so much..that I can’t stop reading! You have inspired and taught me things I didn’t know. I am so glad I found your beautiful website.

  80. Rosalina Garcia on

    Sweet peas. Sunflowers. Holly hocks. These are just a few of my favorites. (Forgot to name these in my first comment)

  81. Rosalina Garcia on

    Flowers. Flowers. They make my heart sing. What a dreary world this would be without flowers.

  82. Leah Travers on

    Labyrinth, labyrinth, labyrinth. All day long.

  83. Leah Travers on

    My heart belongs to the labyrinth dahlia. (And ALL the sweetpeas and zinnias and, and, and…) Choosing ONE is impossible; but, oh, that labyrinth. So complex and beautiful.

  84. Lisa LeBlond on

    My favorite is the peony but recently I have discovered the ranunculus and it has stolen my heart as well.

  85. Farrah on

    Ranunculus, anemones, snaps, & all the others! They are all beautiful & it’s always incredible to grow flowers from seed – never gets old! Congrats on all your success & inspiring the rest of us to keep growing:)

  86. Arden Wood on

    Rose and ranunculus-the lucious ,sensual colors and textures-a deep and abiding addiction that I suspect you understand! I enjoy your newsletter and blog and have read your book cover to cover.

  87. Julie Muniz on

    Rananuculus, English roses, peonies, violas, can’t pick just one. Book is beautiful and incredibly inspiring.

  88. Nanette Pearson on

    Just read my way through for the first time! Should have read it in October- I am already behind! Ranunculus have been my favorite since my daughter carried them in her wedding day. That was the year I gave up my vegetable garden ( too much to do!)…. Now, it’s time to repaint it – with cut flowers! Feeling inspired!

  89. Kelly Heffernan on

    SO hard to pick just one!! Ok, here goes…… Ranunculus. Their bright colors and perfect blooms make me smile!
    I can’t thank you enough for sharing all your information, advise and hard work with all of us. You are amazing!!
    Congrats on all your accomplishments.

  90. Dorcas on

    My newest favorite is rananculus! Just discovered them this spring and just discovered your blog and website! Wow! So much incredible information. I have been a flower lover all my life and you are really pushing me over the edge to grow a few more..well maybe lots more!!;)

  91. Barbara Prendergast on

    Spring, my favorite time of year, when my bulbs start showing themselves, and reminding me how much I love my garden.
    My favorite flowers are peonies, especially the beautiful white, fragrant Duchess de Nemours. I must have bouquets in every room.

  92. Jamie Clayton on

    Lilacs! I love this book so much. It has been so helpful as I begin my own flower garden. I have poured over it for hours!

  93. Jennifer Shuler on

    It’s difficult to choose just one but after this ridiculously long winter I am looking forward to the spring bulbs. I love when the tulips, hyacinth, and daffodils come up every year. My favorites, though, are whatever flowers my son loves to plant and the last two years his favorites have been petunias. I don’t know why but he loves them. He’s 13 and I probably don’t have too many more years left that he will want to plant with me so his favorites are mine.

  94. Abigale Baldwin on

    Peonies, but that may change after this season…I am growing a lot of new cutting varieties, thanks to you!

  95. Theresa Barham on

    Daffodils! Here in the south it just seems like when the daffodils bloom spring has officially arrived!

  96. Catherine Crowder on

    Just one. That is way too hard, but I would have to say zinnias as they come in all colors and sizes. And they bless you with cut and come again. A patch full of zinnias makes anyone smile. And they are always plentiful so I have smiling neighbors who receive little bouquets on their porches.

  97. Brittany Steiger on

    Oh man, so hard to pick one!

    I LOVE peonies…but don’t have any currently!

  98. Lindsey Shapiro on

    Peonies! Thank you for inspiring me and helping me discover the joy of growing flowers. It leaves my heart full!

  99. Charlotte on

    Most Definitely Ranunculus. Love your information!

  100. Anna Tobiasson on

    Givning an answer right now, when winter and snow still holds a grip over our garden, when we are all desperately waiting for longer days, flowers to blossom and birds to sing out loud, my answer must be snowdrops. Snowdrop for me is the Queen of flowers, who conquers the winter and lead the way for spring and all other beautiful flowers that are to come!
    Best regards,
    Anna from Skåne, Sweden

  101. Amber on

    My favorite flower changes with the seasons, but currently smitten with giant Iceland poppies. Love the book! Congrats on reaping the rewards of all your hard work!

  102. Carrie Johnson on

    Passionflower is my favorite . Each breathtaking magical bloom is in itself a tiny , colorful artistic masterpiece to behold! Tiny dots, intricate patterning and color combinations . All inside each somewhat fuzzy Dr. Seuss looking bloom. Look at one with a magnifying glass it’s like a miniature kaleidoscope inside.

  103. LaJuana on

    Dahlias – Flamboyant in form and size and color, they flourish all summer long. Your small farm success and your lovely book are a source of inspiration.

  104. Cindy Smith-Putnam on

    I stumbled my way here while searching for the best fillers and foliage to grow, and now, I am smitten. Congratulations on your book! And now I must have it.

    Favorite flower. Oh, gosh, there are so many, and it’s usually the one that is performing in the moment. It’s hard to beat a peony, but dahlias put up a real fight for the honor. And delphinium hold a heart spot because my Grandma Calamity loved them so, and my Mom never met a lily she didn’t love, and… and… and…

    Luckily, I just enjoy them each in turn here on my tiny little Montana piece of heaven, Flower Farm Weddings & Events.

    Thank you for all you are doing to share your expertise and love of nature and beauty. The world needs more of both, so thanks for being a pollinator and a quenching rain.

  105. Elke White on

    So happy that I found your Book in our local Book / coffee shop in Fort Langley. I am making arrangements from my little garden space for our local stores. You were so much help for me, specially when to pick flowers for best vase time. Love to meet you one day . One favorite Queen Ann Lace

  106. Liz on

    Rose. Your book and website are so inspiring and instructive. Thank you.

  107. Mary Whipple on

    Lisianthus , but all flowers are my favorite.

  108. Denise on

    Congratulations ! On your high achievements and reaching your goals, and then sharing with the world the magic that is our soil, our earth. Inspiration that surely will add hope, smiles and beauty to gardeners around the globe. My favorite flower ? Petunias – the old fashion scented, trailing varieties. Can’t get through Summer without them.

  109. Racheal Duffy on

    Right now I am looking at the simplicity of the black and white anemones for a welcome shot of spring but the flower that has been getting me is really any flower that starts as one color or shape and transforms into another color or shape. It is such a metaphor for people and how they live their lives. That is why I love flowers!!

  110. Kim on

    I love the simplicity of a Black Eyed Susan.

  111. Holly Hanney on

    Daffodils for the much needed cheerfulness they bring early in the year ?

  112. Amanda Carrier on

    Dahlia are my favorite. They are beautiful in everyway. ♡

  113. Jana J. on

    I am from Texas so it is Bluebonnets. But I love tulips just as much!!!!

  114. Nicole on

    Gardenias! They were my grandma’s favorite flowers and it stuck with me.

  115. Paige Doyle on

    Gosh, I’d have to say my favorite so far are Swamp Hibiscus.

  116. Alexis Ruddock on

    I love love anemone flowers. I started reading your amazing beautiful book and it motivated me to start planting and share the magic of growing beautiful flowers from seeds. Thank you for writing the book.

  117. Regina on

    My lovely deer resistant peonies. But honestly it’s so difficult to just choose one.

  118. Lisa Calabro on

    Petunia for me now. How simple. My Dad passed very unexpectedly a few months ago, way too young. When I first started growing he told me to grow petunias because they will “flower all summer.” “They’re the best!” He told me. My father had little growing experience, just a few boxes on his patio for planting. I never grew them. This year I did. Planted them too early, refused to pinch one tray, & my first bloom came a few days ago. Daddy Petunia, how appropriate. A flower can mean so much. He built me a gorgeous raised bed garden last spring & these will spill over the edges everywhere….sigh.

  119. Jacqui on

    Hydrangeas!! Love them so much. ❤️?

  120. Kristi V on

    My most favorite flower would be Gerber daisies.
    Congratulations on your anniversary.

  121. Clare on

    I’m a lily lover, through and through, but the amazing sweet pea flower is tops on my list. Congratulations on your well-deserved AHS award!

  122. Emily Mc. on

    I’m new to the flower journey (done lots and lots of veggies) and picked up your book at the library and have been inspired to grow flowers from seed this spring!! I’ve really only grown tulips, dahlias and lillies (bulbs), which I love, but my favorite potential growing flower are zinnias!:) My 16-year-old daughter is even wanting to start growing with me because of your book from the library, which is something I’ve been trying to share with her for years. I’m super excited about it. :)

  123. Sonya on

    I’ve always said Gerbera Daisies, but after growing Zinnia from your seeds last year, I think those are my new favorite.

  124. Beth Robinson on

    First, here’s to your most stellar year of great accomplishment and dreams coming true! Hard work, perseverance and sheer determination are your trademark. Thank you for your generous heartfelt sharing of your life with all its ups and downs. Your photos alone illustrate your belief the flowers are magical. And they are … the simplest grocery bouquet of mini carnations can make my day. I’ve gotten to appreciate those that last and last with a change of water to help them along. Now as to my favorite flower, I guess I’d still have to say roses but hydrangeas are right there too and I am so drawn to lily of the valley. I have a garden window full of orchids that are currently bursting into bloom and by Easter, the display will be breathtaking. Guess you can say that any flower from a woodland trillium to an elegant hot pink rose finds its way to my heart.

  125. Jacob on

    Gladiolas are the best!

  126. Jacob on

    Gladiolas are by far my favorite!

  127. Karen on

    Cosmos in any shade of pink!

  128. Auburn on

    So excited about all your success. You and the team at Floret are an inspiration! Excited to see what comes next and to grow my own Floret seeds this year. Favorites are dahlias and peonies!

  129. Dwight on

    Hi! You guys are awesome! My favourite flower is the calendula.

  130. Carol on

    My favorite flowers are zinnias and Peruvian lillies.

  131. Katie on

    I love Cosmos mostly because they bloom for so long. Even into the beginning days of winter here in northern idaho. I remember last year how I picked a cosmo on the first snow day of the year. I was grateful to that little flower for hanging with me for so long!

  132. Amy on

    Correa Alba, a native bush to Australia with gorgeous round silver foliage and delicate white flowers dotted along the light brown stems. Beautiful year round, I am forever filling vases with it. Takes my breath away. ♥♥♥

  133. Jackie on

    My favourite flower is actually two.
    I love Sweetpea flowers, so pretty and a gorgeous scent as well.
    And dahlias. My grandmother always had dahlias growing as a border along one side of her veggie garden and dahlias remind me of her.

  134. Joy on

    My favorite flower are roses. Always.

  135. Amy on

    Around my house I love crocuses, the petite heralds of spring; in the wild, Indian Paintbrush.

  136. Janice Jenkins on

    My favorite cut flower is the sweet pea. The charm of them growing upwards trying to reach the sky , creates a lovely scented wall as they scramble up the wire trellis in my garden. When I walked out to the garden early in the morning and breathed in their wonderful sweet scent, “I said this must be how heaven smells. ”

    Janice Jenkins
    Langley,British Columbia

  137. Stacie on

    As difficult as it is when you are in love with flowers of every kind, my love of flowers hails back to my childhood when I would pluck a handful of delicious smelling lilacs to bring home to my mom. They seemed to be growing all over the neighborhood, as I needn’t venture far to sneak a bunch…?

  138. Aislin on

    Scabiosa stellata because it feeds our hives and I love the architectural structure. Gorgeous work, floret!

  139. Anne on

    tulips, peonies, hydrangea, cosmos…all the old fashioned ones!

  140. Holly K on

    Must I pick just one favorite? So many to choose from! Ranunculus

  141. MK Laux on

    Oh my very difficult, one?…..It changes every year but this spring I am excited to try planting Sunflower seeds again – bright, sunny and happy!!!!!

  142. Mary on

    I have flower farmed for all my adult life and owned a flower shop for ten years. I love them all, but I sold delphiniums to my wholesaler, and love them very much. I am at elevation 4000 with alkaline soil, so they love me too. Marie

  143. Louise Ann on

    First, I bumped into the Floret Instagram Account
    I got super excited.
    Then I followed the journey of this book. Knew I was gonna pre-order.
    When that arrived I was beyond myself due to the beauty of the book
    but realised, immediately, that I needed to give it to my mum.
    I got even more excited as I followed the whisperings of the online workshop. Knew I was gonna book a space.
    Due to a divorce a few years earlier (primarily starting over the lack of consideration of my organic composting/gardening of a 1/4 acre family home),
    I had some funds just at the right time. Knew I was gonna invest in ME.
    I was shaking as this package arrived to the UK and the course was so full of even more beauty –
    I went from feeling guilty for spending ANY time on my passion
    to watching the last Q&A Video and buying a domestic size hoop-house (10ft x 20ft) on the same day –
    for the lawn of my rented home’s garden. (my daughter and I are currently constructing it ourselves)
    I would never have had enough inspiration to overcome the years of suppressed wanting if it wasn’t for this beautiful Floret Trail.
    May this be just the beginning…..
    I cannot thank Erin and her team enough for bringing back my FIRE and helping me feel brave enough not to put it out. xx
    P.S. I had to buy myself another copy of this book for myself. I couldn’t not have it to drool over.

  144. Jo-Ann Y. on

    It is always a tie…the dahlias and then peonies. Such majestic beauties in a group or on their own. I love your site…such an inspiration. Jo-Ann from Canada!

  145. Katrina Ferguson on

    So hard to pick just one but I’m going to go with the classic dazzlers, peonies!!

  146. Caroline Reynolds on

    What a wonderful prize! So hard to choose a favourite, there are too many! Maybe the Tea Rose for the romance and the scent! ?❤️

    • Mindi R Sudman on

      Peony’s – so full of life and color but with an air of duty and strength…my grandmother and me sitting by the big bushes laughing and talking, my best memories are embedded in a heavy peony flower.

  147. Helen Land on

    Just starting out here in the UK, this is my first year of growing cut flowers in my garden. I have got 20 dahlia tubers of various types but am most looking forward to ‘cornel bronze’. I hope my two young children don’t pull them all up! I got your book for a Mothers Day gift, and absolutely love it, it is inspirational x

  148. Megan on

    Dahlias although there is no real winner, nature is extraordinary!

  149. Karen on

    Dahlias- a late summer delight!

  150. Greta Lowther on

    Honeywort!…..for some reason, I’m just in love the whole way it looks, seems like such a great calming addition to bouquets. I love the waxy look and nodding flowers….and I’d never seen it before finding it here on Floret. Can’t wait to try it! I’m also super interested in trying sweet peas…..I know more now than the first time I tried them a few years ago, so off to a good start….thanks so much floret!!

  151. Courtney on

    My favorite flower is ranunculus, I haven’t braved growing them yet, but they’re so gorgeous!

  152. Linda Hovgaard on

    Really, really hard to choose – there are so many! Eeny Meeny Miny Mo – I choose Columbines! :)

  153. Anne M. on

    Just stumbled across your instagram/blog today–absolutely drool worthy. There’s no way I could pick just one favorite flower, but right now I’m wishing I had planted some hellebores. I grew up north of Seattle and now live in Utah. It’s hard not being able to grow so many of the plants I grew to love.

  154. Janelle Herr on

    My favorite flower is a simple one, Queen Anne’s lace. It brings up so many memories of being on my grandmas farm growing up. And it can be arranged with anything!

    Your book inspired my husband and I to turn out city yard into a nano cut flower farm, where we sell blooms off our front porch! ☺️ Thank you!

  155. Ana on

    I just bought the book last month, and already planned for next spring’s garden bulbs. Love the book.
    My favorite flower to grow is Sweet Pea.

  156. Britta Eschmann on

    It‘s the dahlias for me. All-time favourite cut flowers! Can‘t wait for them this year…

  157. D’Ann on

    i love sunflowers and zinnias. they both grow well here.

  158. D’Ann F on

    i love zinnias. they grow well for me and they make me happy!

  159. Jen on

    Ranunculus. They just have such a lovely vase life and so many ruffles. Plus, they start popping up around my birthday at the beginning of Spring.
    Dahlia and Lavender tie as my runners-up. But really, there are too many good ones to choose…

  160. YC on

    I am in love with DAHLIAS!!! All your pics cause drooling…

  161. Monica R. on

    Today it’s dahlias. Tomorrow who knows? They are all beautifully photographed in your book!! Best of luck – your blog is amazing.

  162. Jocelynn on

    Being a New England girl at heart, Hydrangeas! But, I really cannot pick just one.

  163. Kathy James on

    I am so obsessed with your blog, your book and love your Flower Farm soo much!!!! I had bought your book and have read and flipped through it so many times the pages are tattered, going to buy a new one. I love flowers so much, seeds, bulbs digging in the dirt and waiting to see what pops up. I would rather be in the garden in the dirt then in the kitchen. Flowers is our main thing to grow. My husband does the tilling and digging. I would love to see your place, in person. I just turned 55 and hope that is not too late to see our dream come true of flower farming. I have your article hanging on my fridge, How we choose your small farm. Thanks for your time. You are such a great inspiration!!!

  164. Amber on

    So many beautiful flowers out there it’s hard to pick just one but dahlias will always hold a special place in my heart since we had them at our wedding.

  165. Diane on

    Hard to pick just one, but I love Lilium.

  166. Gabrielle Mancy on

    Dahlias for sure. I have 94 planted in my house right now, ready to be transplanted on Morhers Day(my tradition).

  167. Sam on

    Lilacs are my favorite, but it’s hard to choose just one flower…maybe what’s in season is my favorite! Congratulations on all of your hard work! I love your book, blog and everything Floret! Thank you!!

  168. Leslie on

    Oh my, it’s so hard to choose, but I’ll have to go with Tulips. My long time favorite after a trip to the Netherlands as a teenager. My host family had fresh tulips in my room every. single. day. For 2 weeks. Waking up to fresh beauty- priceless! Congrats on the anniversary!

  169. C. Moczar on

    I couldn’t ever pick just one – but at this very moment, Penstemons are my favourite.
    P.S Thank you for such a wonderful book!

  170. Jeannine on

    So excited to see there is a blog associated with this beautiful book! Anemones are my current favorite, the ranunculus are close behind.

    We live in the Midwest – I’m hoping to learn more about flower growing here. I know the PNW is much different climate wise. ❤️ Thank you for your beautiful book.

    • Ahmed Dadoo on

      Where can I subscribe to the blog for the book ?

  171. Leilani on

    I’m obsessed with zinnias!

  172. Marla on

    My favorite flowers are big, elegant poppies!

  173. Jen on

    Just one?! Oh dear. That’s extraordinarily difficult—but it is likely the rose. The old varieties, with their sometimes almost inebriatingly heady fragrance, are so gorgeous and delightful, it’s worth (usually) seeing them only once a year!

    Congratulations on all of the success! The book is one I’ve been saving up for. :)

  174. Whitney on

    Congratulations! I love the book. I’ve checked it out from the library so many times, I’ve been told I can only check it out one more time. :) It will be go on my birthday wish list. My favorite flower hands down is traditional yellow daffodils! They make me smile every time I look at them.

  175. Jenna on

    Dahlias! All of them but especially the giant floppy ones. We are attempting to grow them this year in hopes they will be used in our August wedding ☺

  176. Elizabeth on

    This is so amazing! I am embarrassed to say how many times I visited my local Chapters store and pulled your book off the shelf just to sit in a chair and look through it – totally mesmerized. It was the the #1 item on my “List Of Books to Save Up For” and then my partner surprised me with a signed copy for Christmas. I cried when I opened the box and cried harder again when I opened the cover. Now, I’m venturing into the slow flower movement up here in Canada, hoping to start a small scale flower farm next Spring (I’ve purchased the farm name and everything!). The Floret team is so inspiring and I adore everything that you do.

    My favourite flower is the sunflower (though I’ve got a soft spot for Dahlias, too!), I’ve always loved the way that you can find a handful of bees in the center of each one. I can’t wait to try out the Frilly and Panache varieties that I’ve received from Floret. Thank you for being cultivators of such beauty.

    • Marianne Culver on

      Hi Floret team, I love how you put the information out there for all of us that are drawn to gorgeous blooms. Your example of encouraging collaboration with other growers is not the typical business model but it will revive that American grown flowers market. Hands down dahlias are my favorite flowers.

  177. Nancy on

    Impossible to pick just one! But I will say I’ve always been drawn to dahlias.

  178. Bailey on

    Dahlias definetly! So beautiful!

  179. Debbie on

    Congratulations! I find it hard to have just one favorite…crocus, daffodils,tulips, pansies mean we are finally thru with winter. lilacs, peonies summer is just around the corner…summer with all its glory..roses, dahlias, coneflowers, impatiens, snapdragons, geraniums,sunflowers to just name a few.
    Thank you for feeding my flower addiction!

  180. Katherine Polhemus on

    Katherine Polhemus
    Blomster Field Flowers

    I think Roses are the flowers that just stop you dead in your tracks! They are so beautiful and have such amazing and intricate scent especially if they are grown locally! Some have beautiful fruit in the fall and they are such a challenge to grow from disease to Japanese beetles ! We still keep trying because they are what poems and sometimes wars are about!

    P.S. I travel to London a lot and I have to always check out all of the rose gardens!

  181. claire on

    Congratulations. I am still shocked it has been a year since the release. My number 1 flower has to be lisianthus, more so because I don’t seem to be able to grow my own.


    Sweet peas! Then dahlias, as well as the ranucs, the poppies, the queen annes, stocks, marigolds, rambling roses and so many more! Yep I can’t pick just one, impossible not to love them all!

  183. Carmie on

    Congratulations on your one year book anniversary! Your book is literally the catalyst for propelling me into a flower filled life. I am growing my first ever cut flower garden this year and I am so excited about where all it could lead. Thank you for being such an inspiration and for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
    As for my favorite flower…a toss up between ranunculus and dahlias for sure. Growing them both this year and sooo excited!

  184. Katie Hoyt on

    Sunflowers! So happy for your success!

  185. Katie Hoyt on

    Sunflowers and zinnias are two of my favorites! So happy about your success!

  186. Linsey on

    Well done Floret! What an unforgettable journey this has been for you all. I’ve greatly enjoyed following this beautiful venture. The success that you have achieved individually and as a team is astounding. I love seeing the creativity and passion that goes into everything you create and provide. The Floret community has truly inspired me. I’m so glad to see it has inspired others too. As of today, Lavander is my favorite flower. Although, violets and peonies could very well be my favorites tomorrow.

  187. Leah Molter on

    Congrats Floret on such an amazing and well deserved successful 1st year! You all are such an inspiring group and I can’t wait to see what else you can do! My favorite is a tie between ranunculus and poppies!

  188. cmm on

    Crocus. First sign of life in the Spring. Short lived and fragile but spreads throughout a garden for perpetual enjoyment year after year.

  189. Sarah janke on

    Congratulations! This is a hard decision…I am going to go with dahlias?

  190. Allison Tyler on

    Congratulations on this amazing and well-deserved achievement! Just finished starting the seeds I purchased from you, and now looking at them really feels like it’s almost Spring. It is so hard to choose between Dahlias and Ranunculus as my favorites. It’s like picking a favorite child – impossible!

  191. Anastasia on

    Carnations my favorite. My congratulations, Floret farm!

  192. Christy on

    My favorites are daisies!
    Congratulations on the success of your book!

  193. Alice Antcliff on

    Hands down Ranunculus – in all their beautiful colourways. The way they continue to grow once cut, by stretching their little necks in a vase is just magical. Congratulations and big love to you Inspirational Floret! Xx

  194. Sarah Currie on

    My favourite flower is the Sweet Pea since I love its simple beauty, fragrance and the endless variety of colours that I could possibly grow. My passion for trying to grow these flowers bigger and better than the year before is what caused me to stumble across your website about a year ago. Your simple steps and tips was all I needed however your amazing website made me start dreaming and now I am starting my first small flower garden at my parents house in Adelaide, Australia. I am looking forward to expanding once I have established my small garden and one day if I get married I plan to walk down the aisle carrying a huge bunch of my own fresh cut sweet peas. Thankyou for your willingness to share your life with me.

  195. Abby C. on

    Congratulations!! I love Dahlia’s and of course Black Eyed Susan or Sunflowers. ;)

  196. Julianna on

    Dahlias, dahlias, and more dahlias!!!! Congratulations to you! I remember seeing that your book was released a year ago. I was living in a small townhome with no yard and I thought- I really want this book but have no room to grow anything. A year later- I just moved to 20-acres and I’m drooling thinking about the amount of cut flowers I could grow here. It’s a perfect time for some Floret goodies! :)

  197. Kirrilly on

    Dahlias! In their rich diversity and ability to add that stunning element to any space. A simple old fashioned humble yet devastatingly beautiful bloom.
    Your work is inspirational! Thanks :)

  198. Cheryl on

    My favorite is the peony! Congratulations on your anniversary!

    • Elaine E on

      Yes, I can pick one: my favourite flower is the sweet pea. It delights the nose as well as the eye. If I could grow only one plant in my garden, it would be this flower.

    • Alice Antcliff on

      Hands down Ranunculus – in all their beautiful colourways. Watching them continue to grow and stretch their little necks out while in a vase is just SO magical. Big love and congratulations to you Inspirational Florit! Xx

  199. Jill Sibbald on

    The simple yet beautiful daffodil. Growing up in Tacoma and my father being a member of the Daffodillians, one of my fondest memories is the daffodil parade and seeing all of the happy flowers adorning the floats. I love the classic yellow flower the most. Seeing them bloom in the spring not only fills the air with a beautiful scent, but brings back happy childhood memories. Thank you for the opportunity and congratulations on your anniversary !

  200. Crystal Walker on

    I love tulips! I used to be a sunflower lover (still am, for the most part), but tulips mirror my soul. So innocent and precious…and then BAM! They surprise you with beauty and life if you nurture them properly.

  201. Rachel on

    I would have to say dahlias! Love them! So many beautiful varieties and colors.

  202. Amanda on

    One of my favorites is daffodils simply because they signal the spring and therefore the start of the season in my garden.

  203. Cheryl Gottenborg on

    Congratulations on your book success, I LOVE mine! I’m so inspired by you and your beautiful flower-centered life. I’ve loved flowers and flower gardening my whole life. I can’t wait to Start a small flower farm here at my home very soon and I feel confident it will go as I dream it will. If I have to name a favorite flower I will pick zinnias ?

  204. Rhonda Schlabach on

    ?Congratulations! On your successful 1 year anniversary. So happy for you. One of my favorite flowers are lisianthus. And wishing you another wonderful and successful year.

  205. Debbie on

    Congratulations! If I have to pick just one it would be hydrangeas.

  206. Robin Pitts on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! I have always admired them from afar but I didn’t know what they were called until I found your site and your book!!!! I planted some for the first time this year and am holding my breath in hopes they will grow… Thanks for adding beauty to this world and for encouraging even those of us with brown thumbs to dig in the dirt a little!

  207. Lindsey on

    So many to choose from but I would say Zinnia’s because my Mom loves Zinnia’s and she instilled the love of gardening in me, although we garden very differently now!

  208. Julie on

    There is something magical about a beautiful poppy.
    Love your book! Keep up the great work!

  209. Lindsey on

    Yes! I too cannot say enough thanks for this wealth of information. And for all of the beautiful pages. I’m living in the northwest too and absolutely love being able to reference your book over and over for growing cut flowers for my yard. I have dreams of a flower CSA one day, but now I am only growing as much as I can on a city lot to share with friends, bring to parties and most importantly watch my daughters relish in cutting bloom after bloom. Thanks to you I’m experimenting with larkspur for the first time, Earl Grey is it? It was so stunning on your site I just had to order some seeds. Maybe it will be my new favorite. But for now I’m torn between sweet peas and dahlias. Both because they are such prolific bloomers, but I also love sweet peas because no other flower is as tender and sweet! Like a new babe in a bonnet on a summer day.

  210. Berit Lyssand on

    Wow… to choose one. Mmmm. I’d say Daliahs have become my new obsession since I’ve moved to Oregon. That might change when I grow some of your sweet peas this summer. Gah! Congrats to your success and I remember my grandmas garden and her roses that she loved.

  211. Alysan Azman on

    I love coneflowers for their amazing colors! They brighten my garden for a good bit of the summer here in Ohio.

  212. Colleen Leithwood on

    Icelandic poppies! I first heard of your farm when I was at the Saltspring island market and I spotted the most beautiful bouquet I’d ever seen. It was your Sherbet mix of Icelandic poppies and of course I had to get them. They were so popular that the other vendors had nearly cleaned them out and had gorgeous displays at their various tables. I tracked down the name of your farm, waited until they got back in stock and now have them coming into their second season here and have seeds germinating that I carefylly collected!
    Thank you for the garden inspiration!

  213. Lydia on

    My favorite flower has to be the zinnia. It is so easy to grow but looks great with anything. They were the first flower I ever grew nearly 10 years ago and I’ve been growing them ever since. I now have many color variations and use zinnias as the base in my arrangements.
    I love your book! It had truly inspired me to follow my dream of being a flower farmer. If I hadn’t found it at the library I don’t think I would have the confidence I have now to put into motion a full fledged cut flower garden. I am now a happy owner of your book and love to read it whenever I get the chance!

  214. Michele on

    I’m having a sexy courtship with Poppies. Though the otherworldly Passionflower has my heart as well. ?

  215. Jen on

    I had beautiful light pink and white peonies at my old house. I love those but also would love to have sweet peas. So hard to pick one! Your book has been on my list to buy for a year! I think today is the day!

  216. Tracey sinclair on

    My favourite flower is Hesperis which brings wonderful scent to the border in a simple and understated way.

  217. Marina on

    Erin, asking us to pick one is like asking a parent to choose their favorite child!!! If I must…I would to say Peony.
    Thank you for inspiring us to explore our gardens and get our hands dirty. The best therapy one could ask for.

  218. Kerry Hansing on

    My favorite flower is the Dahlia but maybe the sweet pea. Hard to chose. My boss gave all of us your book as a Christmas gift with a package of sweet peas. Mine have just started to peek out of the starter pots I planted. We’ve had a really late frost for my area so it has taken them longer to pop up. they are safely being stored on my protected front porch. Again Congratulations on your success as a author and your cut flower business.

  219. Annie on

    My favorite is lily of the valley. Always has been. When I happened to mention it to my grandmother years ago, she told me that it was also the favorite of her mother–my great-grandmother!

  220. Ann Watson on

    It is so hard to pick, but the one that stands out the most in my mind is Dutchman’s breeches. It’s not the showiest of flowers, but I think it’s the one that sparked my love of flowers and gardening, fostered by my mother. I remember her pointing it out to me under the canopy of her ‘secret garden’ in our backyard when I was a child. Dutchmen’s breeches brought me such delight as a little girl- I loved that the name matched their peculiar petal shape and I could just imagine a bunch of upside-down men hanging in their underwear. They still make me chuckle as an adult. My mom instilled in me a love of nature and appreciation of beautiful things. I am eternally grateful for the early introduction into the magic world of flowers. She passed away a year and a half ago but working in my own garden has been a sweet source of comfort in the midst of grief. I take delight in the first signs of spring as they appear here in North Carolina, just as she always did. I’ll have to plant some Dutchmen’s breeches in my yard this year.

  221. Jennifer Rogers on

    Just one? Impossible! But I do so love my Floret Farms Anemones, black and white.

  222. Deborah Horn on

    Hydrangeas ?
    Oh but what about happy daffodils ….
    and precious, delicate sweet peas …

  223. Whitney Isaacs on

    Sweet peas! My best memories include these sweet flowers that my grandma grew who past in 2016. She is my inspiration for starting a flower garden this year.

  224. Cheryl Branham on

    My favorite flower is Queen Annes Lace. You see it in fields and along the roadside. It reminds me of my childhood when everything seemed so light and uncomplicated.

  225. Sarah on

    Hydrangeas!! They are a beautiful reminder of my Mom! Congratulations on your amazingly beautiful book and all of your hard work!

  226. Peach Bottom Pottery on

    Foxglove and Dahlia’s… so hard to choose just one. Congrats on the success of your book!! Currently watching little foxgloves
    poke their sleepy heads out and excitement builds as the anemones grow taller. Thanks so much Erin and Floret team!!!

  227. Sarah on

    Hydrangeas! They are a beautiful reminder of my Mom! Congratulations on your amazingly beautiful book and all of your hard work!

  228. Susan Hershberger on

    Choosing just one favorite flower feels traitorous to all the others, but—I would have to say the Pansy. It’s been adored through the centuries by so many and it’s hard to beat the varied beauty and texture of those ‘faces’! I have to say, the enthusiasm shown by you and your team has lit a fire in our communities. In promoting appreciation for God’s creation and finding that balance between entrepreneurism and freely sharing your hard-earned knowledge and expertise, you’re bringing us back to our ‘roots’. Isn’t this what we were created for after all, to beautify this earth we’ve been given? Thank you for all you do. Keep doing it as long as you have a passion for it!

  229. Cheri on

    I love fragrant flowers, peonies, lilies of the valley, lilacs. But my favorite is one I struggle to grow…sweet peas. Their delicacy,, their scent and colors are my favorite. When I see your photos of arm loads of peonies, well, I’m just plain envious! From Minnesota…..

  230. Susan Baker on

    Hello Hello!!
    I realize I am a day late here for the contest :( so disappointing…but I really wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how much I love reading your blogs , following floret on Instagram and emails that I receive from Floret flowers it is always always a bright spot in my day! You will enjoy knowing that I work in a Floral dept at a huge family owned chain Supermarket called WEGMANS .. there are 80+ stores located along the East coast with their corporate offices located in Rochester NY .. just putting it out there in case you ever consider selling to them ..we get our flowers from all over the country and here’s a plug we were just awarded for being one of the 100 best Companies to work for .. 21 years on Fortune Magazines List we came in #2 this year!!! Yayy ! Our Floral depts take sooo much pride in offering quality fresh cut flowers, arrangements etc. to our customers… why am I telling you all this? Just because I’m a lover of flowers like you and thought you too could appreciate knowing the place they hold in these communities in this part of the country! I live in Upstate NY and getting back to my response of my favorite flowers.. obviously who can pic just one? … but I have to say Peonies and Hydrangea on the Bush …they are timeless gorgeous … state fair Zinnias to grow from seed as they are so abundant in blooms and forever blooming taking over and filling in my bird garden .. and to admire in a vase; well that would be Ranunculus; they speak romance to me and I love the variety of colors they produce .. there’s a just few of my fav’s . Thank you for the videos and photos you post .. they bring me such joy and I always look forward to all things floret!! I will be purchasing your book for sure as the time got away from me last year with my daughters wedding!! Thank you for all you share with us I’m learning so much from you..

  231. Brenda Jones on

    One of my favorites are Hollyhocks! I love how they tower over everything with their strong stems and beautiful flowers.
    I hate having to wait two years for those initial blooms, but they are certainly worth the wait!

  232. Janice Bienhoff on

    My favorite flower is the Shasta Daisy. My Grandmother had them growering in her yard, in a large patch. I would mow her yard every 2 weeks with her push mower that would take 3 hours, but I didn’t mind because she would sit out on her back porch and watch me the entire time with a smile on her face. Right now though I’m waiting anxiously to see my Ranaculus bloom, they looked so beautiful in your pictures!

  233. April on

    Dahlias in the colors of the sunset.

  234. Carrie Hanneke on

    I love the book! Last year I had my first success with snapdragons. I live in a cold, high altitude zone and growing is fast and furious! I love all the flowers, they’re all so achingly beautiful but poppies always make me gasp. And dahlias. And peonies… and!

  235. Camelia on

    Your book is amazing! It opens a whole new world to me. My all time favorite flower is definitely the sunflower for bringing instantly a smile on faces.

  236. cynthia on

    Lilies and anything that smells :)

  237. cynthia on

    I love lilies but i think all flowers are wonderful and anything that smells has to be my favorites :)

  238. Krystal C. on

    Congrats! I would say lilies – all colors and types!

  239. Jennifer on

    Larkspur! It just blooms for months in my garden and makes wonderful cut flowers. I

  240. Margaret Ruth on

    Congratulations! I’m an April born Louisiana girl. Sweet peas are my number one favorite, with magnolias and gardenias a close second and third! Fifty years ago, my mom planted purple sweet peas next to a tree near my bedroom window. I woke up on my birthday to the first blooms of the spring. This next birthday will be my first without my mom, and I’m still grateful she gave me one of the best gifts ever!

  241. Jenn on

    I absolutely love Delphiniums…every time I see them I’m reminded of many lovely childhood memories in the garden.

  242. Angela Eisaman on

    Bells of Ireland. The color is beautiful and it adds interest to any arrangement!

  243. Joyce Pereira on

    Dahlias have become my favorite, thanks to a friend who shared some tubers with me over 10 years ago. They are a real work-horse and just keep producing flowers until winter presses down. I love being able to cut fresh bouquets and share them with others. Thanks for your inspiration in this book which encouraged me to plant some complimentary flowers too!!!

  244. Anat on

    Tulip – the red, simple version.

  245. Elisabeth Ontario on

    Hello Floret team! Congratulations!!! My favourite flower is usually whatever is blooming….so right now it’s Hellebores! I just purchased from first 2 plants, and can’t wait for the snow to melt here in Ontario Canada so I can get them in the ground. Of course I cut a few blossoms off, and I’m doing a little experiment with different techniques in different vases to see how they hold up- going on 5 days now with no drooping! I can’t believe how many people I tell about these flowers and they don’t know about them, guess they aren’t that popular in my area. Thanks for opening my eyes to them, I owe it to you! Keep bringing the flower love!

  246. Beth on

    Ranunculus and peonies! I haven’t tried growing ranunculus in MN, but my heart is happy when the peonies bloom up here in the north! ?

  247. Julia Nixon on

    I love peonies! I’m trying to find out if i can get them to grow in my hot dry South western area.

  248. Kristin on

    I absolutely love the wild honeysuckle blooms that grow around my house and horse pasture each May. The sight and smell of them make me happy!

  249. Georgia Aderholt on

    I love this book and also gave my sister a copy as a gift. She loved it as well. My favorite flower is the peony. And the daisy, and the daffodil… lol. I love them all.

  250. Paola on

    Its dificult to choose only one flower, all are beautiful ❤️❤️✨ luvily peony

  251. Ellie Schmidt on

    My favorite flower is a rannunculas. I can’t wait for them to pop up!!!

  252. Ann Davis on

    It is so hard to “pick” just one, but I’ll say Ranunuculus. Congratulations on your book’s success!

  253. Becky J on

    I love all of my flowers, but my peonies are my favorite…they are the one perennial I am going to be taking with me when I move in 5 weeks… I have almost 100 boxes packed- would love, love, love to get my hands on a copy of your book! Thank you for spreading beauty everywhere!

  254. Stephanie Scheerhorn on

    How to pick just one favorite…I guess it would be dahlias, They have always had a special place in my heart! You and your book have been so inspiring to me!

  255. Ellen Lyman on

    I’m so sorry that your book is sold out on this last day of your party…I was so looking forward to passing the book forward and enjoying the free seeds. But congrats on such a great week of sales. Continued blessings to you!!!!

  256. Chelsea on

    Dahlias! I don’t have very consistent results with them but man when they work they are So. Freaking. GORGEOUS.

  257. Angela Hawks on

    My favorite flower is the Gerbera Daisy: Bright, colorful and just plain HAPPY!

  258. Heidi on

    Peonies! From delicate, small singles to giant, blowsy double bombs! I love them all! Here in Alaska, they mean summer and the gardening season is in full swing.

  259. Kate on

    I am so grateful for this book. It was a Christmas present from my mum this year and within minutes of me opening it’s beautiful pages I was 100% lost in it and didn’t stop until I had devoured the whole thing. It caused me such delight to see the gorgeous flowers that I’d been in love with for so long and how they were produced in such large numbers but with such care. Their beauty was too much for me to handle without needing to get my hands into some soil myself and so now my Mum and I are a few months into starting our new cut flower farm here in New Zealand. Hopefully next spring will see some of these glorious blooms growing in our farm. Thank you so much Erin for all your hard work, you can’t know how much your time and willingness to share information means. Oh and my favourite flowers are strawflowers and Iceland poppies.

    • Monica on

      My favorite flower is the hibiscus!?

    • Kerry Hansing on

      I’ve almost completed your book. I’ve learned many valuable things from it. Congratulations on such a successful endeavor. Good luck too with your newly expanded property. Looking forward to more seeds available each year.

  260. Leisa Joan on

    My all time favorite flower is the Peony! I received 18 tiny roots from a co-worker who dug them from her 100 year old farmhouse…a year later 11 of them made it throught the winter, and 3 years later BAM! 9 of them flowered- the big blowsy magenta double peonies with the most gorgeous rose-like fragrance.
    My favorites to grow from seed would be zinnias though. so easy, and prolific.
    Love your book- I bought it before we went on vacation last summer, and read it cover to cover.

  261. Fiona on

    Peonies! Besides being out of this world beautiful, they are amazingly cold hardy. And I desperately need that because I live in Vermont.

  262. Meghan Books on

    I don’t think I can pick just one . . . Roses would be tied for the top of the list though! I love the scents, colors, and different shapes between tea roses, garden roses, climbing roses, etc.

  263. Debbie on

    My choice of one was difficult, so stock won! I love the fragrance. I have some planted by my front door so when I walk up the stairs to my apartment that is what I smell. I will be visiting the San Juan Islands soon from So. Cal. I am planning to exit the freeway and drive around hoping to see your flower fields. I will have the book alomg for more reading on my train ride from Oceanside to Seattle. Thank you so much for the inspiration and knowledge.

  264. Lisa Hamrick on

    Tulips – The simpler the better for me, which bucks the trend I suppose. Congrats on all of your success! I’ve been a secret stalker for some time and took the plunge this year and enrolled in your on-line class which has been terrific! Thank you for your consistent and generous sharing of information.

  265. Trish Nagel on

    This is a hard one but I would have to say Lilies – of all types and colors! I love all of the information and beautiful pictures in your book! Congratulations!

  266. Tanya Calderon on

    Ranuculuas, Dahlias, Peonies, Hydrangea, Roses……Oh my! And to pick just one is so tough. I will go with the ROSE as that is part of one of our daughters names. Congratulations on all of your success. You and your beautiful work are so inspiring! Floral love to you and yours!

  267. Diane McElwain on

    I love the pansy because she looks like she is smiling all the time. You make this world so beautiful! Congratulations on your hard work and love of flowers.

  268. Brooke Youngquist on

    Dahlias! I grew them last year for my wedding and I don’t think I will stop growing them any time soon! So much love to you and your beautiful journey! Thank you for all of the inspiration.

  269. Anne on

    Roses! The beautiful fragrance and memories of my grandmother.

  270. Kim Hathaway on

    If I had to pick just one, it would be lily of the valley as Lily of the Valley is one of the names of God. Beautiful flower with a beautiful scent! Congratulations on your hard won success!

  271. Denise Holloway on

    Congratulations for your successful venture! The book is very helpful.

    A favorite flower? That is such a difficult question. :-D If I absolutely have to choose one, it is a close tie between tulips and scented antique roses.

  272. Susan Monahan on

    Lilacs and peonies! I bought your book and registered on your website. Looking forward to the free seed packets you advertised. Thanks!

  273. Kassi Yancey on

    Congratulations on One Year of the book release! It has definitely influenced my life and my flower growing adventure; and I’m reading a borrowed copy! I would love to get my hands on a copy of my own. Or perhaps give the new one to my friend, because my dirty hands have been all over her copy! My favorite flower, right now, is the ranunculus. :)

  274. Heather MacSlarrow on

    It has to be Casablanca or stargazer lilies. The smell, the beauty, the verdant foliage. They make me feel like me!

  275. Sheila N. on

    Dahlias, all the way. Though I curse them in the fall when I have to dig them up…

  276. Marion on

    Parrot tulips to start… Happy Anniversary ??. Thanks for making my heart ?. Team Floret is awesome!

  277. Anna on

    So difficult to choose! I’m always in awe of that first wonderful burst of Peonies in the Springtime, but this year I’m most excited about trying out the Iceland Poppies for the first time!

  278. Anna on

    So difficult! I love peonies, but I think this year I’m most excited to grow the Iceland Poppies!

  279. Jessica Duers on

    Congratulations to you! You are an inspiration to me, and I hope you have many years of success ahead. I enjoy your beautiful website, and find the information so valuable! Keep growing…

  280. Katie on

    Ummmm…so tough…for today, Siberian Iris. Love your book. I keep telling people I’m going to quit my job and become a farmer!

  281. Michelle Busse on

    Congrats on your success! I would have to say tulip or forsythia blossoms as it brings spring colours into my home!

  282. Franny Cartella on

    Dahlias! And I fell in love with yours last year, but too late to order. So I set my calendar for this year, and am SO excited for my upcoming delivery!

  283. Natalie on

    Congratulations on your sucesses! Here’s to many more!! Fave flower? Hydrangeas and snapdragons. And geraniums. Oh! And … I could go on forever.

  284. Susan on

    Dahlias!!!! hands down!!!

  285. Jeanette Wojton on

    Congratulations! Choosing one flower is soooo hard! Zinnias I’d have to say would be a favorite. Thanks for the book. It’s been very helpful.

  286. Amiee Pritcher on

    OMG I can’t decide I love them all! But if I had to choose – dahlias, sweet peas and zinnias. LOL could not pick one.

  287. Jess on

    Ranunculus or fragrant freesia!

  288. Amy on

    I just love how many varieties of cosmos, but love rubenza best ❤️

  289. Machell Thompson on

    It is hard to pick just one, but the bachelor buttons get the gold! Love their vibrant colors and even though they are so little, they add so much!

  290. Dzenana on

    Carnation. Congratulations on your birthday and wish you many more succesful emotional rollecoster in all your adventures.
    Best regards from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  291. Shari on

    Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment! Still working thru the course and using your book as reference and inspiration! Thank you! Favorite flower I would have to say are poppies. Though, like others it really is hard to pick a favorite.

  292. Pamela labbee on

    Erin ,Congratulations for your one year Anniversary!! What a blessing your book has been to my life and now spreading to all my children and nieces as they too are enjoying the rich wealth of wisdom of your pages!!! My favorite flower is a ‘Bearded Iris’ . The fragrance is heavenly !!. Dahlia- ‘Cafe au lait’ is my favorite non-fragrant flower. Thank you for all your hard work ! Happy Planting

  293. Carol Siniard on

    Peonies and Sweet Peas! I love studying your Instagram posts. I find it very relaxing before going to sleep at night. The beauty of the harvest of your hard work is inspiring!

  294. Marcy on

    Congratulations on your book success. Now to pick just one favorite flower, lilies and hydrangeas as my second favorite. Wait no, it has to be lilacs, or cosmos perhaps. That doesn’t mean I don’t love sunflowers they’re right up their near the top, or what about snapdragons? Each color of snaps has a different scent and you really have to have a nice large bundle and stick your nose right down in the middle and breathe deep. Now that’s aroma therapy!

  295. Susan Harper on

    Your book is fueling my flower passion! And especially for my favorites, my first dahlia bed I’m planting this year. Thanks for the inspiration!

  296. Erin Moore on

    I love sunflowers and tulips! Your book has inspired me to apply to rent land to grow cut flowers. I love your instagram and the joy that the colors of your business bring to people and myself.

  297. Beth on

    Twinflower (Linnea borealis). Such a sweet surprise every time I find it in the woods. Not sure that it would ever quite work as a cut flower but I haven’t tried either. Congratulations on such incredible accomplishments and thank you for being such an encouraging force to those of us on the flower growing journey :)

  298. Beth on

    Twinflower (Linnaea borealis) – such a sweet surprise every time I find it in the woods :)

  299. Suzy Haggerty on

    Ranunculas! Always been my favorite, even had them in my own wedding 18 years ago…
    Still so filled with joy from attending your workshop and love seeing your book in every nursery & shop around every corner! You truly inspire Erin!

  300. Toni Murray on

    Rose bushes on old homesteads; blooming in spite of being abandoned!
    Congrats Floret from a proud Floret online course alumna. ?

  301. Kimi Hopkins on

    Celosia crostata, because it’s the flower that started it all(like sweet peas for you).

  302. Beth on

    Sweet peas…also because of my Grammie! :)

  303. Shirley E Wilson on

    just got the book, thumbing through it I can almost smell the flowers !! My favorite flower has always been the daisy and the sweet pea.

  304. Nicole on

    Your book is truly an inspiration!
    Here’s my Floret book story…I just happened to be at my local library the day your book went on the shelf. I wasn’t looking for a gardening book that day, but the flowers on the cover drew me in! Being a flower lover myself, I was naturally curious to see what your book had to offer. Let’s just say after the introduction section I knew I needed my own copy.
    Thank you for inspiring me to start a very small hobby farm of my own. I live in WI, so I still have a little ways to go before I can do any outdoor planting, but I am patiently waiting.

    My favorite flowers are Peonies, Tuplis (because they’re always the first sign of spring) and Garden Roses.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  305. Linda Carolan on

    Dear Erin,
    Your beautiful book helped me get through the coldest part of winter in North Idaho.
    You are youthful and I am old, wishing I could still work hard…
    My favorite flower has to be roses; I have been studying up and ordering the vintage type for some time now. Have you heard of the white rose Sombreuil ?
    Other than roses, the scratchy blue bachelor buttons I picked as a child from my Grammy’s house move me to tears. Your assortment is lovely.-Linda

  306. Cathy McGee on

    Congratulations! It is so hard to pick just one flower, but I do love Alstroemerias.
    I have just recently found your site and find it so refreshing. You have a lovely way of expressing yourself. I am going to dabble a little this year with cut flowers. I really would consider myself a novice. We have just recently bought a 105 acre farm. So we have all the room in the world, but not so much know how. Finding your sight with all that you share, has given me the encouragement to try. I feel as if I have a mentor. As you said, your book is what you would have liked to have found when you first started. Thank you for sharing.

  307. Linda McGinley on

    Parrot tulips. I have a picture of my toddler daughter gazing into the head of an orange parrot tulip. Flowers are magical! Freesias for their fragrance and beautiful colors would be a close second.

  308. Isabel on

    Ooooh! I love this, thank you so much!
    I would say that when it comes down to it—tulips, always tulips. I’ve fallen in love with so many flowers over the years but I always come back to them for their humble, yet striking, beauty.

  309. Kim on

    Lily-of-the-valley and fragrant roses!

  310. Justin Prendergast on

    Tiger Lillies! Me and my partner just got our first parcel of land and will begin farming for the first time this year! Wish us luck :)

    Charleston, SC

  311. Alicia on

    Congratulations on the anniversary! My favorite flowers are tulips!

  312. Barbara on

    Peonies for their excess – roses for romance

  313. MegO on

    Dahlias, Dahlias, Dahlias!!

  314. Candace on

    Parrot tulips and peonies!

  315. Jessie on

    So hard to choose, but I’d have to say Ranunculus!

  316. Leah Morrill on

    Sweet Peas
    Planting them is a family tradition. Every time I plant those round seeds, I feel connected to my Mother, Grandma and Great Grandma.

  317. Marilyn B. Tomlin on

    My favorite ornate flower is the Ranunculus. My favorite simple flower is the Shasta Daisy in traditional white. If I had to choose just one, it would be the daisy.


  318. Sandi McLaren on

    My favourite flower would have to be the simple but oh so underappreciated daisy. It speaks to me of bees buzzing, butterflies flitting by, the lovely backdrop of an azure sky and the warm smell of a perfect summer day. Daisy chains, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me…gathered and placed in an old enamel coffee pot to bring it all into a sun dappled kitchen…

  319. Federica Giacometti on

    I love Fresia cause my mum did. She passed away last year. Anyway I ordered some seeds from Floret for the first time 2 months ago just to create my little garden and collect flowers for her. Thank you for your inspiration.

  320. amanda on

    all the spring flowers…lilacs, blossoming fruit trees, crocuses, wild lilies, daffodils, red buds, oh i can’t wait.

  321. Charlotte Kosa on

    They are my birth flower.
    My birthday is April 4th.
    I will be 69 this year!
    It would be my honor and wish to win this fabulous prize!
    I have been with you since the beginning.
    I wish you many more years of success.
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter…I hope I win!
    God bless! ????????

  322. Kimberly ORosky on

    Congrats!!!!!! My favorites are poppies, foxglove, sunflowers, plumeria and any type of daisies.

  323. Sandy Figel on

    Just about an impossible question! If I could only have one flower I’d choose roses – such versatility, so many colors, often fragrant, different shapes and sizes. I love my Floret Cut Flower Garden book. I refer to it OFTEN. Thanks so much

  324. Marianne on

    My favorite flowers are pretty much those that bloom and release a delicious fragrance. Right now I am loving on my baby scabiosa that I have started from Floret seed. Black knight. Congratulations to your success!

  325. Carol Pavan on

    Lilacs, and now I know how to prep them so they last after cutting! I borrowed your book from my daughter so I could start some of their seeds while they were away. She and her partner are in year two of their Maine flower farm. Your book is their bible. They needed to get a 2nd copy so each of them could have one to carry around the farm.

  326. Ernie on

    Tall Bearded Iris. It’s what started me down the path of flower lover! Saw the IG post to late and the books were all sold out on your site this morning. Which online vendor takes the least percentage from the sales? I’ll pick it up through that one. More in your pocket.

  327. Erica Van Guilder on

    It’s so hard to choose just one ?❤️ If I had too with would be peonies!! Just gorgeous!!!

  328. Lisa warwick on

    I am a new grower of dahlias, roses and peonies, so of course those are always making me stand in awe in the garden, but last year I fell in love with a simple yellow dahlia called mystic spirit, I can’t put my finger on what it is, maybe it’s simple beauty or understated size, it is just so pretty! So as for now that is my favorite!

  329. Silvia on

    Dahlias of course! :-)

  330. Nikki on

    Freesias – they remind me of my nan who gave me my love of gardening for which I’ll be forever thankful.

  331. Sylvie on

    Congratulations on all your hard work and dedication! It is seriously a dream of mine to walk through a flower farm and to just take in all of it’s beauty. My fav has to be the dahlias. So many beautiful patterns, textures and colours! I can’t grow them because the bulbs are poisonous to my four legged pals but I definitely get my share through your beautiful photos on your Instagram.

    Xo, Sylvie

  332. Jackie Fessler on

    Zinnias! They are so, so, so easy to grow and you have dozens of varieties to choose from!!! This will be my first spring using your seeds and I can’t wait to get planting!!

  333. Valerie on

    Ranunculus! So beautiful ❤️

  334. Patrizia on

    This is a very special congratulation because it comes from Italy. I bought your book and I’m waiting to plant yours seeds. In Italy we use to say “in bocca al lupo” to wish good luck. Un abbraccio a tutto il team

  335. Lindsay Eulitt on

    Asked for (and received) your book for Christmas. Loved reading every page. It made me fall in love with both Ranunculus and Dahlias, and inspired me to grow more flowers from seed this year. So I’m trying my hand at Bells of Ireland, Bachelor Buttons, Larkspur, Stock, Calendula (which I ordered from your store!), Ranunculus, Sweet Peas, and Dahlias. Wish me luck!

    As for my favorite…it’s so hard to choose just one. So I wI’ll pick Hydrangeas and Peonies.

  336. Hanako Persson on

    Deep purple lilac is my favorite flower because of the memories it holds of my childhood. I used to pick the unopened buds and “cook” them as a child, much to my mother’s dismay! The deep purple color and the scent signaled a magic time of year for me. In college I would schedule visits home around the bloomtime, and now I pack my car full of branches to bring home.

  337. Ranell on

    Peony… or wait… Dahlia… no wait….. Not sure it’s possible to pick just one. This will be my first year raising cut flowers but I’ve grown flowers on and off for most of my life when I had the space and place to do so (even if it was just containers). I just stumbled across your website about three weeks ago and while the flowers are inspirational enough, I’m so blissfully inspired every time I look at your website and blog. When I start to feel a bit confused, overwhelmed, or frustrated I’ll sit down and read one of your blog posts and I’m right back in there full of anticipation. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gift with the world.

  338. Janet on

    Tulips. Trying to pick just one! :)

  339. Denise on

    Dahlias and lavender! Congrats on your success ?

  340. Heather on

    Your book is such an inspiration! I’ve read it so many times #bestbookever My favorite are Zinnias!

  341. Toni on

    *Rose bushes at old homesteads still blooming inspite being abandoned to the elements.*
    Congrats Floret
    from an alumna of Floret online!

  342. Mary Waller on

    Mary Waller
    The book has been my inspiration! Congratulations Erin! My favorite flowers of many…. daisies and dahlias!

  343. Jessica T. on

    Congrats your well-deserved success!
    I love sweet peas and dahlias.

  344. Dorothea Jähne, L'Arche Netherlands on

    Congratulations on your anniversary from L’Arche Gouda, Netherlands! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story with us :-)
    Together with our coremembers with a learning disability we started a sustainable flowergarden two years ago. We love growing, harvesting and selling our flowers. There is one flower that stands out: Cosmos. Whenever we had little flowers for our bouquets during the first years, Cosmos saved us. Because it blossoms and blossoms and blossoms until late autumn. Meanwhile our selection of flowers has grown a lot, but still Cosmos get’s a big border in our garden, just in case ;-)

  345. hestara on

    my favorite is waltzing mathilda! one look and i am filled with happiness!

  346. Amy on

    Like so many have commented. It’s difficult to pick just one. I love dahlias!

  347. Karlene U on

    I love cosmos because I love a great cut flower. The varieties you grow are beautiful and prodigious.

  348. Holly Craig Silkman on

    Definitely Hellebores! Love your “story,” your inspiring example, and your book!

  349. heather on

    as much as i love so. many. flowers, i always come back to ranunculus :o)

  350. Naomi Lachmanec on

    Sweetpeas! Hard to choose, but you inspired me to grow these for the first time last year and I LOVED them!!

  351. Cassia Ault on

    Congratulations! I started to follow Floret a little over a year ago, my friend actually pre-ordered me the book as a birthday present last year. I started off last year with trying to grow flowers and have learned so much! It takes so much hard work and passion to succeed. Thank you for putting all of your experience and lessons you have learned into something that can help other new flower farmers. I wouldn’t consider myself a farmer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy growing flowers and enjoy their beauty. I absolutely love ranunculus! I feel like they are timeless and beautiful. Congratulations again!

  352. Fabiola on

    Cosmos, their petals are always dancing!

  353. Dorothea Jähne, L'Arche Netherlands on

    Congratulations on your anniversary from L’Arche Gouda, Netherlands! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story with us :-)
    Together with our coremembers with a learning disability we started a sustainable flowergarden two years ago. We love growing, harvesting and selling our flowers. There is one flower that stands out: Cosmos. Whenever we had little flowers in the garden for our bouquets during the first years, Cosmos saved us. Because it blossoms and blossoms and blossoms until late autumn. Meanwhile our selection of cutting flowers has grown a lot, but still Cosmos get’s a big piece of our garden, just in case ;-)

  354. Barbie Whisler on

    So many favorite flowers, but I guess I would have to say DOUBLE HOLLYHOCKS and CLEOME, as they were the first flowers I remember, as a very young child, in my mother’s garden! That garden was the my first insight and inspiration for gardening!!

  355. Wendy C on

    I have always loved your blog, beautiful and comforting and exciting all rolled together. And those flowers….. just magic. I am looking forward to getting your book. I work as a gardener, so you know how difficult it is to have one favourite flower so here goes, poppies of any kind make me weak in the knees; full petaled, fragrant roses in soft colours make me sigh and tall dangling nicotiana, especially the green ones, make me excited! Oh, there are just so many beauties, where to stop. Thanks for sharing your beauty.

  356. Heather Adkins on

    Favorite flower is… oh goodness,… Queen Anne’s Lace! Always reminds me of summer back home in Michigan. The resilience of such an intricately beautiful flower has been inspiring to me since my earliest memories of walking down dirt roads to scavenge for whimsical wildflower bouquets. Dad would always smile and say they were nice. As I interrupted his wrenching, he’d hurry up and grab the nearest vessel and pour some of his ice water in so they wouldn’t wilt. They would be displayed on his toolbox until he came in for dinner, then he’d masterfully “floof” them so they would regain their glory in the kitchen window. I’d watch him handle those delicate flowers, hands permanently stained with grease, and think he was just as proud of them as I was ❤

  357. Emilie Shapero on

    Lisianthus !!

    Sweet delicate stunner!

    Congratulations on the success of your book and farm.

  358. Karen on

    My favorite are peonies but believe it or not they are the only flowers that I don’t cut to bring in the house. I love to see and smell them in the garden. Love your book and right now it’s wonderful to look through the pages while gazing at 15+ inches of snow in NH. Spring is somewhere?

  359. Jessi E Wermager on

    Poppies. Especially great big orange ones because they remind me of my grandmother Rachael and her garden ?❤️?

  360. Janet on

    I love dahlias. All of them.

  361. Peach Bottom Pottery on

    I must choose two… Dahlia’s and Foxglove.
    Excitement builds each day as the Foxglove seedlings grow and the fall
    planted Anemones stretch out.
    Congratulations Erin and Floret team!! You deserve every drop

  362. Alina on

    It’s impossible to choose one, but if I have to, daffodils would be it. Just looking at them fills me with hope and energy after a long grey winter. I’m so happy to have found Floret recently! Very much looking forward to growing your unique calendulas and the Tower Chamois Apricot asters this year.

  363. Peach Bottom Pottery on

    I must choose two…Dahlia’s and Foxglove!! Congrats on the success of your new book!! You and the Floret team deserve every drop. As
    I watch the little Foxglove seedlings poke their heads out and the Anemones stretch out after their winter nap I am filled with joy, excitement
    and confidence in being able to grow cut flowers this year. Thank you Erin for sharing your joy and knowledge with the world.

  364. Brenda T. on

    Castle Drive dahlia or a pink ranunculus!

  365. Brenda on

    Either Castle Drive dahlia or a pink variety of ranunculus!

  366. Tracy Oskolkoff on

    Peonies are one of my most favorite flowers amount the many! I wanted to congratulate you and say all your time invested was worth it! Your instagram is amazing and inspiring and led to so much more! It’s exciting to see your growth process just as your flowers have blossomed so has your business! You should feel so proud the lives you’ve touched. The garden has always been healing for me and I used to share with my dad the true gardener. We’d talk about planting our bulbs and he’d surprise me with several blooms when I’d arrive to his property with my Twin toddlers! He died very young at 58 of pneumonia. I had many relatives on his side die -7 in a year and a half. I let my garden go because I’d race to help care for the next relative or hospital stay. I’d try to get each of my girls in the yard for healing space and remind them of happy thoughts. Well needless to say as my twin’s went off to college one of them enjoyed when we’d plant together and she found your acct not knowing I was in love with your acct. she bought me your book as her surprise gift to me and insisted on seeing my reaction. She said she couldn’t wait for us to sow and plant a new garden together! I’ve always given diff varieties of seeds in their Easter baskets. Therefore, I want to thank you for spreading the love of flowers and gardening and healing because not only did you touch and inspire me you reached my daughters and motivated my girls again to get dirty and think happy thoughts of their young grandfather! Blessings!!!! May you prosper beyond!

  367. Laura Christian on

    I’m obsessed with the Cut Flower book! It’s been my coffee table book for the past year and makes me smile every time I see it. Congratulations on such a huge amount of success!!

    My favorite flowers are Zinnias :)

  368. Katherine Ball on

    Asking to pick a favorite flower is like asking to choose a favorite child…impossible to do…is it the first crocus peeking through the snow after a long winter, or lilacs that remind me of my grandma, or tulips that look like lollipops to the resident deer family, or the lovely scented rose, or the sunflower shining its sunny face my way while feeding bees and birds…my favorite flower is the one that greets me first in the early morning and brings a smile to my face!

  369. Kelly on

    Congratulations on your success of spreading the love of cut flowers! Your work has inspired me in many ways and while my garden is small, it brings an abundance of joy! My favorites are gladiolus and sweat peas!

  370. Carol on

    Dahlias….the Dinnerplate varieties! Love your book too!

  371. Sandra K. Rowland on

    That’s the catch, just one? Queen Anne’s Lace or Zennia’s or Mum’s. This is hard! I remember an article on the Kennedy’s marriage where Jackie asked Jack what his favorite flower was for the groomsmen lapels; and he said the small Blue Cornflower, because it grew along the roadside all across America. And that is what she used! But for some reason a peanut butter jar filled with zennia’s on the kitchen table (usually picked the youngest child in the family), is one of the most beautiful pictures I hold in my memory. Thank you for this chance to win, and best wishers for your new farm. Some dreams do come true!

  372. Liz on

    I am in love with Lily of the Valley!

  373. Sara Tank on

    You are such an inspiration! All I wanted for my birthday in September was your book and when I received it I literally got chocked up from all of the beauty and possibility that was inside! I then received your calendar and day planner for Christmas and I was thrilled again! Living in Wisconsin we have a limited growing season and that gives us a lot of time to plan and dream. It’s so hard to choose but I think most of my gardening dreams are filled with Dahlias. Cheers to you!

  374. Annie on

    Lily-of-the-valley will always fill that spot. The scent, the nostalgia for chasing fairies and gnomes, the tiny perfect bells.

  375. Isabelle on

    I have many favorites but if I have to chose only one it would be Black Eyed Susan. Thank you for all you do!

  376. Erin on

    Ive always loved lilac
    On my grandads farm there were huge bushes and i grew up with handfuls filling every jar I could find. Its the first smell i ever remember mixing with the fresh cut grass.

  377. Carol B on

    Thank you for your inspiration and sharing nature! I adore roses, especially the big, blousy English style.

  378. Jane Nelson on

    Peonies for sure. I bought the book for my mom in Kentucky and she loves it!

  379. Amber on

    Mayflowers (Hepatica). Mom and friends and I would always trek out into the woods around May 1st, where all these pale, perfect little flowers would just be floating above the dead leaf matter- it was almost magical! So exciting! Then we’d pick bunches, make ‘May-baskets’ and deliver them to some of the older neighbors, who remembered that tradition from when they were young. These flowers have a lovely, subtle fragrance. They’re tiny and wild, and always a joy to find. Mayflowers are one of the first signs of spring around here, and they only last a short while. I’ve transplanted some to our new house, and anxiously wait to see if they made it through the winter!

  380. J Allen on

    I love the lime green Zinnia! She’s just soooooo sassy!

  381. tet on

    congratulations on the success of your gorgeous book! it is so hard to pick just one favorite flower. Shooting star (Dodecatheon jeffreyi) sends my heart a flutter when i see a meadow full in Yosemite.

  382. Brooke S on

    Zinnias are one of my favourites!!!

  383. Lana Braun on

    Nigella – all the different varieties! The flowers, the leaves, the pods, oh my!

  384. Elizabeth on

    My favorites have to be the marigolds, the little balls of golden sunshine and also, I love ranunculus! I can’t wait for spring to arrive…it will be a while yet for us here in Michigan

  385. Kezie Stewart on

    They’re so visually stunning, you can admire them in any attitude.

  386. Rachel C. on

    It’s a tie between hyacinths and Jude the Obscure rose.

  387. Julie k Hurd on

    I’ve received your book as a Christmas present and was a wonderful read for a dark gloomy winter , can’t wait til spring !! Sweet peas !!!

  388. Katrina K. on

    Purple coneflowers! Because bees and goldfinches love them too.

    • Sonia Lau on

      I love all sweet peas.

    • Sonia Lau on

      Congratulations! Wish you, your Family and business happyness. I love the homepage and the beautiful Pictures in it. I have many favourite flowers but roses, sweet peas, peonies and delphinium are so lovely. Diffilcut just to choose only one.

    • Christine on

      Dahlias!!! My newfound favorite flower :) can’t wait to order from Floret when they come back in stock!

    • Jim on


    • Angela Harris Cannizzo on

      Sunflowers because they are always giving back without encouragement! I think they should become the #1 eco friendly flower. ???

  389. Sarah Fox on

    Congratulations! I love seeing all of your successes – it is so inspiring! My favorite is the Cafe au Lait Dahlia- which I can’t wait to plant this spring -I have been anxiously waiting to start my Floret seeds but seeing how we just got over a foot of snow in CT yesterday I have to hold off a little longer. I can’t wait for spring and flowers!

    • Jamie on

      So wonderful!
      If I could only choose one (so hard!) I would choose peonies.

  390. Rahel on

    Congratulations! It’s very hard to decide on one favourite flower… I love buttercups, lavender, sunflowers, lupines and many more. Right now the most favourite would be dahlias- I planted my first one a while ago and hope it will thrive.

  391. Nellie F on

    I’m a southerner and I loooove hydrangeas :-). Just stumbled upon your site via Instagram and I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting to start a small flower garden! My husband and I have been experimenting and learning over the last year or so since moving to a new area. I can’t wait to check out your book!

  392. Emilie D on

    Congrats on a year of successes, here’s to many more!

    I love Salvia Nemorosa, totally underrated as a cut flower :)

  393. BobbiLynn Miller on

    How to pick just one favorite….? Flowers make me so happy! And so does receiving an email notification of news from Floret Farm !! I will choose , the Peony , in all it’s pinkness !! Even the plump ,round buds make me happy !!

  394. Bethany Brown on

    Congratulations!!!!!! Thank you for the amazing giveaway! Picking a favorite
    flower is like choosing a favorite book, but I would have to go with Tulip… I think :)

  395. Andrea on

    Hello and congrats on the anniversary. It has been so much fun and very inspiring to watch your journey. Cruel to choose only one flower, so it doesn’t count, ? but I am intoxicated by the humble, Stock.

    (Sorry this may be a duplicate entry as my first post didn’t seem to load)

  396. maja on

    I have your book on my wishlist for some time now, and a 5 packets of seeds as a bonus sounded great but I was too late :D
    My favorite flower can’t be just one but I’m always happy to see purple alliums :)
    Congrats on the anniversary!

  397. Allie Gardiner on

    Hi ? My favorite floret flower is Sweet Pea ‘Promise’ Lathyrus ordoratus. I’ve never grown sweet peas before but I will this year! I love your sweet pea story. Keep being an awesome representative of American gardeners!

  398. Sarah V. on

    ranunculus forever! they’re so delicate and lovely. congratulations on all the accomplishments at this one year mark! So inspiring!

  399. Jan on

    My favorite cut flower is what is in bloom at the time, viburnum, camelia, sweet pea, hydrangea, dahlia, chrysantemum. They all are great!

  400. Liz Huffman on

    happy one year anniversary! One of my favorite flowers is the oriental poppy, I love their tissue paper like petals.

  401. Audrey on

    Hello, my favorite flower is the peony.
    Congratulations on your book, I hope there will be more translation!

  402. Tetyana Razlivkina on

    I recently found your site and have been spending hours reading your blogs. This year, I plan on growing more cut flowers in my garden and your blog has helped me tremendously to plan it out.

    Do I have a favorite flower? No, I LOVE them all, but if I had to pick, I would say that any flowers that look similarly to daisies are my favorites.

  403. Jen on

    My favorite flowers are dahlias!

  404. Andrea on

    Congrats on the anniversary. It’s been so much fun and very inspiring to watch your journey. Cruelty to choose but one flower, so my answer doesn’t count ?, but I am intoxicated by the scent of the humble, Stock.

  405. Robin Kwiatek on

    Wow! This is just so awesome! Such a great community you are bringing together here. Love the book. It is my guide for stepping out into a life I’ve always dreamed of! Starting my own little business in Cape May,NJ this year so this information is really valuable. Oh my gosh, I cant pick a favorite flower,there are to many. I photograph them also and see their different personalities. They sing, and dance,and speak in their own ways. Peonies,lilacs,morning glories, garden roses,sunflowers……and on and on!

  406. Gwendolyn B on

    Your book is just lovely- I love lily of the valley- my mum grew them at home and I used to keep bouquets of them in my room in vases. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.

  407. Lauren on

    Blue star sea holly is my current favorite! They last forever in a bouquet ? Congrats on your first year!

  408. Nic G on

    Black Eyed Susan! Not the fanciest flower, but I’m obsessed! We get a lot of them up here in New York, and I have fond memories of picking them on walks around the woods and countryside with my grandmother and other family members when I was younger. Whenever I pass a patch on a country road I have to stop the car, jump out, and pick a bunch to bring home. I can’t wait to grow them in my garden this year from your seeds :) xo

  409. Anastacia Scott on

    I absolutely love your book! My very favorite flower is the sweet pea. I love the your story about how your love for flowers began with sweet peas in your grandmother’s garden??

  410. Claire Operio on

    Happy 1st year Anniversary! ?? so happy to know and been dying to have a copy of your book and learn from it. I’m a garden and flower enthusiast because of my grandmother and our favorite flower are varieties of Roses. ✨?? Thank you so much. ?✨

  411. Claire Operio on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! ?? so happy to know and been dying to have a copy of your book and learn from it. I’m a garden and flower lover because of my grandmother and our favorite flower are varieties of Roses. ✨??

  412. Autumn dela Houssaye on

    Love your book, site, knowledge and inspiration. Tiny flowers give me great joy, like forget me nots and shooting stars.

  413. Christine K on

    Congratulations! Your book is such an inspiration to me as I begin a new chapter of my life in retirement. I am babying my first assorted flower seedlings along in my craft room and plotting out what I hope will be my best ever crop of sweet peas, my favorite flower. My home garden is small but my enthusiasm is great, thanks to you and Floret.

  414. Andrea on

    I grew a few of your seeds including zinnias and chocolate lace flower which I loved. My hands down favorites are dahlias. Your Favorite Dahlias post has been a really good resource for me and I am excited for your new farm and the future expanded supply of tubers. Thanks!

  415. Nicole Wautlet on

    Congrats on the book! Looks awesome. I will have to check it out as a floral designer myself. You are a true inspiration! It’s hard to pick one fav flower…but today I’m feeling most friendly to the bearded iris ???

  416. Ella Rain on

    Hello and congratulations! I really appreciate all the effort that you and your team put into your offerings. My favorite flower is the dahlia.

  417. Marla J on

    Love Dahlias! Congratulations on the book! I just bought a small greenhouse, excited for planting season.

  418. Chrissy C. on

    I picked up your book by chance in January and haven’t been able to put it down since. Thank you for renewing my passion for gardening which I had lost 2 years ago when my father (and gardening mentor) died unexpectedly. The book is truly inspirational to those of us who have always loved gardening and those who have never had an interest. The photos in the book are exquisite. My favorite flowers are snapdragons because of the variety of colors, and I remember my grandmother always grew them in her garden. Congratulations on the success and anniversary of your book, your new farm, and thank you for the blessings you share through your knowledge and generosity.

  419. Karen c on

    What an achievement- to spread the floral love across the world through your simply strikingly beautiful book. You reap what you sew, keep sewing.

  420. Katja on

    Floret Flower makes me happy! It gives lot of inspiration and flower power in to the middle of Finnish winter. I don’t have the book, but I follow your wonderful pictures and blog!

  421. Anna-Lena on

    Congratulations to all of you! You are such an inspiration to so many around the World! Just a little headsup of the map showing where the book has been sold, Scandinavia is a region in Europe, not a country. It most commonly refers to the countries Denmark, Sweden and Norway, but sometime also includes Finland and Iceland :) I am from Sweden myself. Thank you again for all the inspiration!

  422. Teresa on

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to read your book. I will be preparing for my first cut flower garden soon and will need your help and inspiration. My favorite flower is hydrangea with ranunculus as a close second.

  423. Melanie on

    Happy Anniversary!
    I’m a longtime fan of ranunculus . Their range of colors and wayward stems are so artful!

  424. Ellen Lyman on

    Congrats and continued blessings to you and your team for bringing so much flower joy to the world! What an inspiration you are to me…thank you for your gorgeous book and awesome online course!!! My favorite flower has to be Sweet Peas, grown by my grandmother in Cheyenne, WY. One whiff brings me back to those good old days!

  425. Sarah on

    Thanks for producing such a wonderful book, and spreading so much beauty in the world! My garden has been entirely taken over by flowers…. where am I going to plant my veggies now?!? I went a little off the rails ordering dahlia tubers this year. Can’t get enough! Love giving bouquets to my friends.

  426. Audra on

    I so appreciate you and all the work the Floret team has done over the years, truly inspirational! I love the book and wish you a huge congratulations on its success. My favorite flower is the sweet pea, it reminds me of my mother and simpler times.

  427. Kristen M on

    Congratulations! I grew zinnias and cosmos last year. I loved having cut flowers on my table all summer long. This year I’m adding several more flowers including feverfew, calendula, lupine, yarrow, sunflowers, and others. My favorite flower “right now” is jasmine.

  428. Van on

    Congrats! It’s so crazy, but I just learned about you last month when I came across an article referencing you in an older magazine. I then started following you on Instagram and quickly caught the flower gardening bug. I have always loved flowers but have had to take a hiatus from them the last few years because of my kids. This is the first summer in 3 years in which I am neither pregnant nor have an infant around. I ordered your book last week and received it on Saturday. I have been pouring over it and have started planning my garden. I have dreams of my currently 2.5yo and 16mo old boys growing up and picking flowers from our yard or maybe small farm for a special girl. My favorite flower growing up were old fashioned irises bc of a love affair with Van Gogh. My wedding bouquet was made up solely of Sorbonne lilies. However, you have opened my world up to the beauty of so many species like ranunculus, anemone, dahlias, bells of Ireland, zinnias, sunflowers, and larkspur. These are the flowers I intend to try this year! I’m so excited!!!

  429. Sarah Abare on

    Congratulations you all! I have loved and continue loving following your journey and have learned so much from everything you share. My favorite flower is the dahlia. So many varieties and colors. <3

  430. Jen Smyth on

    I’ve always wanted a cut flower garden. After we bought a home last summer and had some land I could grow things my husband got me your book. It is so beautiful and has instilled the confidence in me to try. Thank you for bringing more beauty into my life. My favorite flowers are peonies. I pray I planted mine correctly.

  431. Julie on

    Congratulations to you and the team, Erin. Thanks you for the party. I’m a dahlia girl first, then peonies.

  432. Jen Smyth on

    I’ve always wanted a cut flower garden. We finally have enough land to have one. My husband found Cut Fliwer Garden for me. It’s instilled the confidence in me to try growing beautiful things. Thank you for the beauty and inspiration you’ve added to my life. I think my current favorite flower are peonies. I pray I planted mine correctly.

  433. Kristie on

    I was never a fan of Zinnias…unril I tried your seeds. Absolutely love them. Congrats on your success.

  434. Becky on

    You inspire me to grow more flowers. Calla lilies are my favorite.

  435. Angie Baer on

    I love the book! When I decided to start growing flowers, I was so overwhelmed with information but your book was the tool I needed. It is so easy to understand and well organized that I took the plunge and was rewarded with beautiful blooms!

  436. Katie on

    I’m beginning experimenting with growing cut flowers this year. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge! Anemones are probably my favorite. Maybe dinnerplate dahlias. Gah, I love them all!

  437. Ash on

    Congrats to Erin and the Floret team on such a wonderful and successful year! I love so many different flowers, but peonies will always be my favourite.

  438. Laura on

    Yay, congratulations!!! I see your book frequently still on display at the library and am so pleased. I requested my library pre-order it and they got several copies across the several branches; now they have 21 copies! Over half are checked out. I got it first from the library and then had to buy my own so I could write in it. :D Columbines are my favorite flowers. The Rocky Mountain columbine in particular <3

  439. Angie Grandgeorge on

    Congratulations team! What a fantastic start to the year. One of my favorite flowers to grow is the Sunflower. I love all the varieties, they are simple and complex all at the same time.

  440. Tracey on

    I saw your book advertised in Better Homes and Gardens last spring and bought a copy in March and made my husband build a bed the way you had laid it out. We bought seeds and the kids helped plant them early inside and in May outside and everything worked out! I had so much fun making small vases for everyone all summer! I have plans for a second bed this summer and more flowers. Looking forward to a beautiful season…..

  441. Jennifer Mitchael on

    I’m starting all my seeds inside next week! Eeeep! So excited!
    I can’t wait to see the chocolate lace flower.

  442. Lora on

    Woohoo! I just got my first order ever from Floret yesterday and am so excited for gardening with my husband and kiddos! Such fun family time! My favorite flowers are dahlias. Love the book, I currently have it checked out from my local library.

  443. Jillian on

    So proud of you and your team!

  444. Katie B. on

    Congratulations! What an accomplishment on top of accomplishing even more in the garden!
    My mom carefully tended rows of peonies at the home that I grew up in. We toted bouquets everywhere we went in May. For the memories that the flower brings me, I would have to say they are my favorite.

  445. Margo Bradley on

    Congratulations Floret Farm ! Thanks to you I’ve fallen in love with dahlias all over again !

  446. Karin Klemencic on

    Your book inspired me to start my own flowers from seed. The photographs in the book are truly amazing and you have a great eye for beauty. The sweet peas I ordered are currently growing well in my greenhouse, the phlox and stalk flowers just sprouted, and the zinnias are looking strong. So excited for my dahlia tubers to arrive!! Thank you so much for writing a great book…. can’t wait for your next book?

  447. Trish Barberry on

    I am truly amazed by all you’ve created! You are such an inspiration to me and I hope to be able to do a fraction of this. I wish you continued success and I look forward to more from floret.

  448. Mitch on

    For some reason I can’t see any of my comments :(

  449. Mitch on

    I just bought this book a couple weeks ago and am loving it! If only I knew then that I would get some goodies with it if I would have just waited. Anyways, your book inspired me to create a mini flower garden in my own backyard. I just started my seeds last week and I’ll be starting off my season with poppies, larkspur, snapdragons, AND sweetpeas! I can’t wait to see their marvelous blooms. I wish yall the best of luck this growing seasons as yall celebrate this major accomplishment of your book. (If you see this comment twice just know that I posted one earlier but it seems to have not posted so that’s why there may be two lol)

  450. Leslie on

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! Thank you for compiling your expertise in flowers. I’m happy to report that my grape hyacinths are coming up and I can’t wait to harvest them. Hopefully the rest of my garden will turn out this summer. Did I miss how to enter to win one of the goodie boxes?! I really want to enter. ☺️

  451. Faith on

    Right now, I would have to say my favorite flower is a Peony. It is the only plant so far that I have successfully grown! I have 1 single peony bush planted at my grandmothers house that was gifted to me when I moved from Texas to Alabama in 2010. That Peony bush has been through 2 Southern ice storms and still continues to produce every year! Your book is an incredible inspiration to me, and I hope to grow my own flower farm someday very soon!!!

  452. Patricia on

    My favourite flower is lilacs. One smell and I’m transported back to my Gramma’s house as a small child.

  453. Kinsey on

    Right now I have a soft spot for cosmos because my husband proposed to me in Japan surrounded by a field of pink cosmos. I love how playful and romantic they are. I also want to thank you for helping calm some major anxiety I had last year when I discovered our gardener mowed down my Floret ranunculus. Your fast reassuring response was incredibly helpful, they survived! Much love and congrats on your book anniversary.

  454. Jennifer Norris on

    I will always get nostalgia when I see you talk about the anniversary of this book because it is my anniversary too. It’s the year I started my foot in the direction of flower farming and you’ll always be a part of me and my flower journey. My favorite flower is a Dahlia (although, I didn’t know it’s name at the time) because it gave me hope as I waited and watched it grow and bloom after a miscarriage. Tears came when it finally did during the month that I would have delivered. Thank you for writing your beautiful book and congrats to you your wonderful team!

  455. tamika on

    I was smitten with the chocolate lace flower last summer, looking forward to crushing on something new this season. Thank you for all you do!

  456. Ilona on

    Having lived years in Japan, I must say cherry blossoms! They make parks and trees look like fairy land.
    If blooming trees don’t count, my second choice would be peonies. And I have a serious crush on dahlias, too!

  457. Gracie on

    Congrats to you…what else does one need except flowers? My favorite is the sweet pea.

  458. Allison on

    Your book is breathtaking! I used to plant mainly vegetables in my tiny garden, but flowers have started to take over. I plant what I love: things I remember from my childhood backyard and things that remind me of people I love. My favorites are lilacs, daffodils, zinnias, and dahlias.

  459. Alex Lang on

    Thank you for endeavoring to share with all the beauticious beauty of flowers. Peonies, beautiful poofy peonies.

  460. Mara Winslow on

    Love giant peach poppies, champagne bubbles, African queen in the garden. Calipso orchid and fawn lily in the woods ✨? thank you for all your beautiful inspiration!

  461. Kristin on

    I was so excited to come across your book and it inspired and helped me in the planning so I can try my hand at a cut flower garden – I am very excited to enjoy sweet peas this year from your seed collection :)

  462. Caroline Rossier on

    Pansies:) They can take some cold weather and still show their pretty faces!

  463. Mitch on

    I just bought this book a couple weeks ago! If only i knew I could of gotten a couple goodies with it if I would have waited a couple weeks. Anyways, your book inspired me to create a mini cut flower garden in my own back yard. Im starting the spring season off with some poppies, larkspur, snapdragon, AND sweetpeas! I started the seeds just last week and the poppies, snaps, and sweetpeas have all emegred. Now to await the arrival of the precious larkspur! Wishing yall a happy growing season this year as yall mark this great accomplishment on your book!

  464. Leslie on

    Congrats! Love your book, love your Sweet Peas!

  465. Prince Snow Farm on

    So inspiring. You have taught me so much, so freely! I am grateful!

  466. Robin Lang on

    Congratulations to you and your family on growing all the successes you have grown! As for a favourite, I have a soft spot for slightly straggley flowers; Chickory, Borage and Lychnis Flos Cuculi always put a smile on my face :)

  467. Sarita on

    Your book is so beautiful to look at and very inspiring, thank you for the hard work you put into it! I believe my favorite flower is a light pink peony. Their fullness, color, and fragrance is amazing!!

  468. Rachael on

    Yay for goodies!! How do you enter to win the goodie box? It sounds magical!

  469. Cindy on

    …love the book AND the calendar. Salvias are my favorite. I’m growing your Blue Monday Sage this year.

  470. Kathleen Roeters on

    Floret Flower has been such an inspiration and I congratulate you on your incredible success. My favorite flower is a dahlia, the ball / honeycomb variety. They blow me away with their intricate and delicate design. <3

  471. Patti on

    I think daffodils, but it really is hard to just pick one.

  472. Hillery Johannes on

    Congratulations Team Floret! What a year! It is very hard to for me to pick a favorite flower right now because I am just starting out and there are many that I have never even seen in person. The Floret Workshop has been outstanding and I am very excited to start growing and not only see but become intimately acquainted with said flowers. So for now I choose the romantic and beautiful Ranuncula.

  473. Sherik on

    Between you and flower vloggers like freshcutky and rain drop farm on YouTube I have learnes so much. I am so glad that I have oppounitoty to learn thank you so much

  474. Krista on

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to read your book! My favorite flower would have to be the tulip–close in looks to a rose, but simpler in my mind. I’ve always loved them since they were the first plants to peek their green leaves through the soil in my family garden.

  475. J. Vander on

    My favorite flower for this season of life is the peony!

  476. Susan on

    Congratulations! It’s so nice to see hard work rewarded. My favorite flower has always been the tulip, not only for it simplicity and color, but also because it was a welcomed sign of spring after a long winter.

  477. Lisa on

    I’ve always loved peonies! Lilacs and poppies also hold a special place in my heart.

  478. Mary H on

    Congratulations Erin and team! Those are some amazing numbers there! My favourite flowers are lilacs. I live in zone 3 and they are the first flower we get that really means that spring has sprung! The smell always reminds me of snipping some from an old abandoned farm on the way home from school with my mum. They line the road and are still the biggest, healthiest lilacs I’ve ever seen though they receive no care.
    * If I’ve accidently entered this three times – it was a mistake!! I don’t think my phone would let me so I’m attempting it one more time on the computer :)

  479. Betty on

    I’ve spent countless hours gazing at your beautiful flowers. I’ve learned many things from the wealth of knowledge that you’ve come by sometimes the hard way. Your willingness to share your expertise is a real gift to us all. Whether we are just gardening for our own pleasure or earning a living, your methods and tips are sometimes a lifesaver. Dahlias have become my favorite flower; but, there are many close seconds.
    Congratulations on your anniversary and much deserved continued success.

  480. Erica Penn on

    What a fantastic way to celebrate. Your book inspired me to start my own small flower farm because you made it seem possible. My favorite all time flower is small, maybe paling in comparison to the diva-ish dahlia or the romantic garden rose. It is the unassuming, reliable herald of spring. I admire its courage in being among the first to bloom and its ability to withstand a late winter storm. For me, it is first bright spot of spring and the first to the garden party. My favorite flower? I love the crocus.

  481. Leslie on

    Congrats to you and your team for all you have accomplished in the past year and years leading up to your book release! My favorite flowers are ranunculus as they remind me of my wedding day bouquet!

  482. Lina F on

    Such a great idea for a book. Have become a lover of dahlias–didn’t know how much I liked them until I started growing them!

    • Thea on

      My favorite is the Peony ? congratulations om the anniversary ???

  483. Annette L. on

    Happy Anniversary!
    My favorite flower is an old dark red peony that grows in my yard. It was a division from my mom’s plant 30 years ago.

  484. Miriam S on

    Thank you so much for your book!!! It has been an inspiration and has given me more knowledge than ever on growing and caring for my garden and flowers! Congratulations for your success and achievements!!!
    I could never choose a favourite flower…I LOVE SOOOO MANY OF THEM!

  485. Jessica Hobson Event Artistry on

    Congratulations Erin and team! Your passion for growing and designing coupled with your desire to educate truly inspire me! I’m a special event florist and small grower and your wisdom has helped me so much over the last few years! Sending all the love and well wishes! Currently I love the delicate whimsy found in Scabiosa.

  486. Karissa Hunter on

    Congrats Erin and everyone at Floret! My favorite flowers are poppies-they remind me of my Grandma. I remember picking the giant flowers for my mom when we went to visit and then squishing the seed pods and watching the tiny seeds explode out.

  487. michelle lambert on

    This is so exciting — both your success around this and the fact that so many people around the world care about flowers!

  488. Martha Reed on

    Congratulations on your book’s success. I was one of the pre-orders and have used it as inspiration for the just-starting-out photographer I have hired to do my social media photos. I love peonies the most!

  489. Deanna Bruton-Johnson on

    Tough decision between hellebore and poppies…to me they both have such delicate details but a definite underlying strength to them. Congratulations! I’m in awe of all you guys do…many thanks for the endless inspiration!

  490. Toni on

    Congrats and thanks – I had this funny little idea in my head about growing some flowers on our 12 acre lifestyle block that we recently purchased here in New Zealand. When I spoke about it I was told that you need glasshouses and loads of chemical sprays to grow flowers to sell and I didn’t want to use chemicals on our land. I had started to doubt the idea but walked into my favourite bookshop in Christchurch a few months ago and your book was displayed on the shelf. I have never purchased something so fast in my life, so thanks for writing it and encouraging us to grow gorgeous flowers. We are heading into autumn right now so preparing some beds ready for bulbs and cannot wait until spring in September. Thanks for your beautiful book!

  491. Hannah Reynolds on

    Congratulations, Floret Team! I remember anxiously awaiting my own pre-ordered copy of the Cut Flower Garden book, and I have certainly put your tips and tricks to good use since then! My favorite flower is snapdragon.


  492. Hannah Reynolds on

    Congratulations, Floret Team! I remember anxiously awaiting my own pre-ordered copy of the Cut Flower Garden book, and I have certainly put your tips and tricks to good use since then! My favorite flower is snapdragon.


  493. Hannah Reynolds on

    Congratulations, Floret team! I remember anxiously awaiting my own copy of the Cut Flower Garden book, and I have certainly put all of your tips and tricks to good use since then! Thanks so much!

  494. Sharon on

    Thanks for your helpful tips and inspiring photos! For a hack gardener like myself, they are encouragement to keep trying to grow beautiful things!!! Especially peonies, my favorite! Congrats on your book birthday!!!

  495. Christine O'Brien @flowersinclay on

    Because of Floret I started growing my own cut flowers. Your book is a treasured resource for me~thank you!
    There’s more than one favorite flower for me, but today I will say it’s all the David Austin roses.

  496. Tammy on

    I would like to be eligible for the goodie box give away; but don’t see any details for signing up.

  497. Julie C. on

    Your book looks so amazing. It’s on my wish list for Mother’s Day. Along with some peonies, my favorite flower. ?

  498. Donna P on

    Congratulations! I absolutely love my copy of Cut Flower Garden; it’s snowing here today and I poured over it again to warm my spirits while I wait for spring. Your generosity in sharing your knowledge is inspiring.

  499. Harriet on

    Happy book anniversary! What a wonderful milestone to celebrate. Thanks so much to you and your whole team for all your hard work and for sharing all your wisdom and your journey with us and for bring so much magic and beauty into this world. It brings so much joy and inspiration to be able to share it with you. With that said, my favourite flower is the sunflower (they make me so happy!).

  500. Amy on

    We have Anemone Black & White coming up in our greenhouse that my daughter planted in the fall – favorite of the moment! It is such a treat to have these early flowers grace our home.

  501. Sandra Willems on

    I Love all Flowers!! But Bright Sunflowers are my favorite.! They are so happy looking an In addition, they feed the birdies!!!!!!

  502. Brenda on

    Snapdragons! Snapdragons! Snapdragons! They are beautiful! They also take me back to my childhood when my grandmother would share how they could ‘talk’ to me by pressing their little mouth together. Of course, I’ve passed the little ‘secret’ about them on to my daughter. They’re gorgeous in a mixed bouquet or in a bouquet all by themselves. Easy to grow. Congrats on your 1st anniversary!

  503. Jessica Aahman on

    Oooh my favourite flowers are icelandic poppies! Thanks for inspiring from the other side of the Atlantic ocean! Hi from Jessica, Sweden

  504. Coco on

    Congratulations on the success of the book! My favorite flowers are irises.

  505. Anne Ferguson on

    I bought the book and the date book,,,and have benefitted already – especially from the bouquet creating lessons,
    Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to determine when the hellebores are ready to pick, Mine have all wilted,, because I can’t tell when they’ve set seed???
    I am so pleased with your success, You’ve taught a lot of people about flowers. I also loved my grandmother and love her old fashioned poppies which I have lost in too many moves. I’m planning to plant some sweet peas in YOUR grandmother’s honor, which would have pleased mine, I still have a poem to remember her by , which I offer in exchange:
    This old world we’re living in
    Is mighty hard to beat,,,
    There comes a thorn with every rose,
    But, ain’t the roses sweet.
    so, I can lose her poppies and appreciate the poem, and YOUR sweet peas. Ever tender, Anne Ferguson

  506. Ashley on

    The pictures from Floret started popping up on Pinterest, I was hooked! I have been waiting anxiously for spring to garden. Your story is very inspiring! I have to say, I love Zinnias in Salmon Rose, they are just beautiful!

  507. Sarah on

    Sincere congrats Erin and team floret! I remember the day I got the book I was in heaven. At the time I was 7 months pregnant and stuck at home for the past 7 months from having such severe “morning sickness.” It gave me something to focus on while sitting on my front porch puking all day. With my book and highlighter in hand, I could sift through the beautiful pages, dreaming of the coming days I would spend with my kiddos in the garden. Hopefully even one day it will be a way I can provide for them! But for now when I have such young ones, we’ll settle for creating memories playing in the dirt and watching a few flowers bloom :)
    My favorite flower is any type of double petal tulip or dahlias (if only I could keep the deer away!).
    Thank you for providing a nice escape from my pregnancy realities back then and dreams for a future with my littles!

  508. Gloria W on

    Sweet Peas and peonies! Happiness!

  509. Michelle Lesher on

    Congratulations! I have not been able
    to get a copy yet but would really like one. How do we enter to win the goodie box? Thanks for all you do to help inform and inspire!

  510. Janette Davis on

    Hello Erin and team Floret, I received your book Cut Flower Garden from my daughter last year, and I must say it has got me so excited about growing cut flowers, I have had a lot of fun with my little patch growing several varieties this Spring/Summer season and learning a lot along the way and I am already planning for next Spring ! Thanks so much for your inspiration, Janette, Wattle Bank, Victoria, Australia, P.S my favorite flowers are Zinnia’s although that is a very hard choice

  511. Nina on

    Congratulations! It really is a beautiful book. I really couldn’t pick a favorite flower, but I have some new favorites thanks to you.

  512. Marissa S on

    Congratulations! You are such an inspiration, I find myself reading and rereading your book, day dreaming about growing beautiful blooms of my own. I can only hope to grow even a tiny portion of what you do. Thank you so much for sharing!

  513. Debbie Rieth on

    Congratulations! I love your book and refer to it often.

  514. Evon B on

    Sunflowers are my favorite, they bring a smile and provide food for the birds. A win/win!

  515. Doug M in NJ on

    Hi Erin and crew! Here’s wishing you continued success! I certainly love dahlias (I bought 10 or so varieties from you last year and ordered two more this year.) Of those varieties, I would say my favorite is Valley Rust Bucket. But if I had to choose my all time favorite flower, it would have to be red Cardinal flowers. If there’s ever a flower that lives up to the hype of being a hummingbird magnet, that’s it!

  516. Julie Thompson-Adolf on

    I just finished writing my first book, and I hear you!! It’s thrilling but exhausting, and I completely understand what you mean about being in front of a computer instead of in the garden. I have to say, though—your book is so inspiring! I told my editor, when he asked if I had thoughts about the look and feel for my book, to look at your book, because it’s dreamy! (The design of mine is quite different, but your book is so beautiful that I wanted the team to shoot high!) ☺️ I have your book on my coffee table for daily inspiration. Congratulations on an amazingly successful book!

  517. Kim on

    Thank you for sharing all you’ve learned with the world. Your humble and generous demeanor keeps the Floret blog at the top of my resources. A good week to finally order the book! My favorite flower is cosmos, for sentimental reasons. But aren’t they all so lovely ?

  518. Cynthia on

    Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on all the joy and happiness you bring to the world!
    (my all time favorite flowers are a tie between peonies and zinnias; both grew in my Grandma’s flower beds!)

  519. Cassandra Kubik on

    I stumbled upon your book, quite by accident in my favorite bookstore. I spent several late nights, scouring every page, after my kids had gone to bed. Erin and Team Floret have opened my eyes to the exciting world of flower farming. I have added flower production this year to our farm. Thank you Floret for your guiding hand, beautiful vision, and artistic creativity. My heart has always belonged to garden roses. After reading your book, I have fallen in love with David Austin roses and plan to add many to our farm. Congratulations on the success of this book, I know it will always be treasured in my home.

  520. Marcy on

    My favorite flowers are sweet peas. I am so excited to finally have a garden of my own and will be growing loads this year! Thanks for sharing all your experience and knowledge. It has been so helpful and inspirational to me.

  521. Simone on

    Oh man, a favourite? Right now I would have to say hellebores.. but I am pretty sure that will change as soon as the earth reveals more beauty after these cold winter days. So happy you found so much joy with your book. I am super happy with it too! Thank you!!!

  522. Missy on

    Has to be the sunflower. There’s a family legend that says when my great great great grandmothers crossed the plains from Missouri to Utah, they planted sunflower seeds along the way so that their loved ones would know where to follow. I love all the old-timey granny flowers like lilacs, peonies, and snowballs, but sunflowers will always have my heart.

  523. Jen on

    Congrats! It’s hard to believe a year has already gone by!

  524. Denise Smith on

    Truly as class act, love the book and you all. Congrat’s! Love lavender.

  525. Josie Martens on

    Your energy and enthusiasm and passion and kindness touch me deeply. Thank you so much for sharing freely with all of us.
    My favourite flower is the gladiola….so common, but so long lasting either on its own or in a mixed bouquet.

  526. Cynthia D on

    Congratulations and thank you for inspiring us! My favorite flowers are sweet peas, daffodils and roses.

  527. Earecka Moody on

    My husband and I just bought our first home, and for the first time in my adult life, I have the chance to grow a garden! It has been incredibly exciting, and the Floret book was my first source of inspiration (other than that little plot of loamy backyard earth :)). He insists on a few cucumbers and tomatoes, but otherwise, it’s all flowers!!
    Thank you for adding beauty to the world, not only in the work from your farm, but in the images and stories that inspire us all.

    Earecka M.

  528. Todd on

    Hard to pick a favorite to grow. In the past my top favorites are growing dahlias, sweet peas, and lilies for cuts but continue to add more variety each year.

  529. Grace Kaiser on

    This book was fantastic, I have shared it with all my friends to get them excited about growing flowers and it’s worked! I now have more people to trade seeds and plants with which is always a win.
    To pick a favorite flower is very difficult because it changes to which plant is blooming at that time, but the one flower that has stopped me dead in my tracks was the medinilla magnifica. After seeing it in a house tour I searched the internet to figure out what it was and get one for myself. It’s so unique and so beautiful I get so excited when it blooms.

  530. Doris on

    My favorite flower is the first one that blooms in spring –usually snowdrops–but looking at them I can see visions of cut flowers to be.

  531. Patsyjean on

    Kudos Floret Team, my favorite flower of all time is the sassy Zinnia

  532. Grace on

    Nothing beats a rose! Congratulations!

  533. Karol Langley on

    Ill have to say peonies and dahlias are my favorites. They’re full of beauty and so lovely a lone in a vase. They need no fillers! Although those ads fun too.

  534. Debra K Rodgers on

    It’s difficult to choose one favorite flower, as evidenced by all the favorites I’ve been trying to crowd into my garden; however, fragrance made the decision for me long ago, during childhood…lilacs.

  535. Riana Moore on

    Choosing a favorite flower is almost impossible, but I would have to say the Sweet Pea is mine. I grow a row every year in memory of my Grandmother, who instilled the love of flowers in my life. She lived in an apartment, but she loved flowers and always managed to grow some Sweet Peas, even if it was just in a pot on her deck. I remember her every time I see those beautiful little flowers.

  536. Tara on

    After losing my home and farm in the California fires last year, (redwood valley) I am looking for a new beginning. I believe this will be my new path. I am a mother of a five year old boy and a wife to a wonderfully supportive husband. I am so grateful to have a book to guide me through this next chapter of my life, and a woman to show me that I am capable of doing whatever I set my heart to. Thank you Floret team, for sharing this with the world. My favorite flowers are lilies and peonies.

  537. Franny Gibson on

    Congrats on the success with your book Erin! You’ve been an inspiration to me for years. My favorite flowers are zinnias. They are bright, colorful, easy to grow and attract all kinds of butterflies and bees!

  538. Erin McAleese on

    I decided at the end of last year’s growing season to turn the majority of my vegetable garden into a flower garden. I loved the veggies but flowers bring me such joy and memories of my mother’s garden. I got your book from the library and found so much inspiration and practical information. I got started in the fall with the lay out and planning and am now anxiously waiting for the snow to melt! Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration. I am so grateful. Ranunculus are my favorite. I tried planting them once, here in MT, with no luck, so hoping I can grow them better this time around. Wish me luck! :)

  539. Cheres on

    Happy 1st year Anniversary Floret!!!????????you guys are so amazingly beautiful!? Thank u for inspiring me to follow my dreams to grow a flower farm! ? To say one flower is my favorite is so wrong……..I love them ALL!? but if I have to……..one of the ones in my top 5 would be Ranunculus. They are so beautiful and smell so good!?

  540. Stephanie on

    Peonies are my all-time favourite, but love-in-a-mist has been a favourite newer discovery in my cut flower garden. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

  541. Anna Sharpe on

    Roses are my all time favorite! I love having cut roses fresh from my garden on the table. Would love to have a copy of your book!

  542. Maria on

    Congrats on one year! My favorite would have to be peonies! Thanks so much!

  543. Shannon on

    My favorite flower is the Dahlia!???

  544. Judy Marti on

    I love so many flowers, but dahlias are my new obsession.

    I love your book for growing tips!!! Congrats on so many firsts over the years!! I have learned so much from your blogs to start my business and am so appreciative!

  545. Lindsey V on

    Foxgloves-for me, they are so inviting. Congratulations on your book success!

  546. Leslie on

    Thank you for all the beauty and inspiration, and most importantly for sharing your story :) My all time favorite flower is the lilac. They feel extra special since they don’t last too long. And the fragrance is pure heaven…. xo

  547. Neely moessner on

    My favorite flower to grow would have to be zinnias or dalias.

  548. Jennifer Shears on

    Beyond exciting to see a local girl have so much global success- truly thrilled for you and your team! It is so hard for me to pick a favorite- tulips top spring, followed by peonies, then english roses, sweet peas and dahlias as the season progresses! I love them all and feel so fortunate to live in the temperate PNW where they all grow!
    Thank you so much for the chance!

  549. Alexa Johnson on

    Your book is inspiring AND practical, full of great content for growers and gardeners. I love learning from it! …All time favorite flower? The Common Lilac, Syringa vulgaris.

  550. Iva on

    Your book started me on a much deeper, purposeful journey of learning and studying gardening generally, flower-growing specifically. You opened doors of “possibility” to me that I never dared dream of. Although I never heard of you until I brought your book home from the library, I now follow your blog on FB and Instagram. My favorite flower is a pink tulip (but Floret Farms showed me how many flowers are stunning when grouped!)

  551. Antoinette on

    Congrats on the success! I have too many favorite flowers to pick just one but I always have a soft spot for tulips and daffodils in the spring!

  552. Diane on

    Congrats! So cool to see all the work pay off and have a beautiful book to show for it!
    My favorite flower is definitely lily of the valley. I love the shape of it, how it’s sweet and clean and fresh and goes with everything. Good memories of seeing and smelling it in many gardens. Of course, sweet peas are also a favorite ;)

  553. Cheres on

    Happy 1st year Anniversary!!! Floret!!!???? you guys are amazingly beautiful!!! ?Thanks for inspiring me to go forward and go after my dreams for growing my flower farm! To say one flower is my favorite is so wrong ? I love them ALL! But if I have to….Ranunculus are in the top 5. They are so beautiful and I love the smell.??

  554. Noe Neumann on

    Orchids. The fact that they bloom so rarely compared to annuals makes each flower even more special.

  555. Markli on

    RANUNCULUS (roses are a close second)!

  556. Karolien Meyvis on

    Happy birthday to your book and good luck for you. I have already the book but my sister whom I starting a little flowerfarm white, not yet. The moment I read your question the corn flower bounced in my head. Lot off gun in the upcomming spring.

  557. Anneliesse Gormley on

    Ahhh favorite flower!! Forgot that ha! Although a grain, i forever have a deep love for amaranth but close behind is straw flower! So beautiful and drying is so fun!

  558. Leena M Klaker on

    Congrats! My favorites are dahlias, or peonies. It’s hard to choose just one!

  559. Anneliesse Gormley on

    I love my book so much! My husband and I just bought our first home and I ordered some seeds after the inspiration of your book to begin my garden here in Asheville, NC ? thank you for spreading so much inspiration and beauty all over! From the advice, photography, easy lay out…. it’s perfect

  560. Kris Koponen on

    I moved to the Skagit valley to old La Conner last year and put in my First Dahlia Garden!! Favorite flowers now are dahlia’s because of all the unique varieties and easy to grow. Maybe I’ll add to my favorites this summer when I try an annuals seed garden.
    I send my thanks to you and your staff for all the inspiration, guidance , love and commitment to flowers and teaching! Hope to pass on some of your insights to my daughter and granddaughter so they can dream of starting a garden too.

  561. Suzanne Bardsley on

    A favorite flower is like a favorite color. I am fickle, favoring the one I am momentarily loving.

  562. Kellie Schmidt on

    I’ve loved your book, your blog and your first online class. I live in Bellingham, so maybe we’ll run into each other one day. Oh, do I have to choose just one flower? I’m tied between sweet peas and lilac. We’re taking the leap between hobby and business this year and you have given us the info we need to get started. I won’t put it all to use this first year so look forward to re-watching the videos and reading the book as we progress as farmer/florists.

  563. Trayce on

    Congratulations to all your success. My daughters gave me your book for Mother’s Day and I love it. So much information and ideas. I started my own gardening and floral design business last year. We decided to buy a small greenhouse and I purchased several of your seeds. I can’t wait to see them bloom. My favorite flower is lilacs. The fragrance is amazing and they remind me of my grandmother.

  564. Sharon on

    Sweet peas—so evocative and nostalgic for me of where I spent my childhood and of the people I loved who planted them. Recently found a photo of me as a 3 year old, holding a bunch and looking down into them. I am convinced that in heaven, sweet peas are blooming everywhere.

  565. Randi Pratini on

    I love to see flowers in my landscape, yet can hardly bear to pick them! Their beauty lends so much to the outside, I am reticent to take it away. Grow more I say, some for both! Zinnias fit the bill for all cases, long lasting, easy to grow and seems like the deer tend to avoid. Peonies too!

  566. Paula Egermeier on

    My post apparently didn’t post. I guess it would have to be COSMOS. They glow when the light hits and I can’t help but stare at their simple beauty.

    Thank you for a fun forum to express our love of flowers. Thank you, too, for a fun chance to embrace more Floret goodies!

  567. Cheryl Brickman - Dragonfly Farm Design on

    I had a Floret Workshop on my bucket list for sometime, but as a professional garden designer and farmer, I struggled to find the right time. The online course and Cut Flower Garden have brought my bucket list to my door (screen). It is a really great story to see the Floret team become such a success. Last fall inspired by some of the Floret posts, I rushed to cut all the remaining herbs and greens and flowers from my cutting garden before the first hard frost. I made some quick mini-bouquets and put them in my egg cooler intending to bring them into the house 1 at a time for my own personal use. I ended up selling out of them in 2 days!!! I am inspired every day by the blogs, the kindness and the willingness to share what you all have learned. Happy Anniversary Team Floret and the Cut Flower Garden.!!!!!

  568. Jane Garabedian on

    Congratulations! Your photos are such a treat on a cold winter’s day. Dreams of color and scents and beautiful fleurs tantalize the approach of spring. My favorite fleur is meconopsis betanicofolia, the blue Himalayan Mountain Poppy. What a stunner of a color, a rare magnificent hue of blue. I also love your heirloom English sweet peas and the black hellebores.To your continued success in all things!

  569. Colette on

    Thank you for inspiring others…including me! Gardening is therapy for me. One day, hopefully soon, I can turn it into a business that can sustain me financially. Until then, I hope to bring smiles to faces with a fist full of blooms?

  570. Paula Egermeier on

    Ooh da lolly! How to choose! I am such a Floret fan. I now possess a library of Floret’s tins and tons of lovely, little seeds. I can’t deny I always take a double take when light shine through COSMOS. The heavenly color and glow of magenta colored Cosmos tethers me to my childhood and connects me to my mom and grandmother, who also loved flowers. I can’t wait to grow Rubenza. I bet it’s gonna glow great!

  571. Valerie Taylor on

    I have always had flowers in my life. The love for flowers has been passed down to me for generations, although none of my family has ever had a flower farm. When I purchase my flowers every year, all of the garden store owners say “she can’t help herself, it is in her genes”! This year I purchased the book, have just finished the online course and am starting my own cut flower garden thanks to Erin and the Floret team! My favorite flowers are hydrangeas! ❤️

  572. Alexis Russell on

    All time favorite flower… Oooo that’s a tough one. I think I may have to go with Poppies. I love the scent and the shape of them, they’re such a good “dance-y” flower in arrangements.

  573. Megan @rootdownflowers on

    Congratulations! And thank you! You’re book is stunning and loaded with so much knowledge. I stumbled upon it on Amazon and now I am living and breathing what it has taught me in my first year as a flower farmer florist. You’re seeds are coming up beautifully. My favorite flower these days is ranunculus, though I haven’t tried my hand at growing them yet. Happy flower growing! ???

  574. Kris Koponen on

    I moved to the Skagit valley to old La Conner last year and put in my First Dahlia Garden!! Because of so many colors and varieties Dahlia’s are my favotite. Maybe I’ll have new favorites this summer when I try an annuals seed garden.
    Can’t wait to share my love of flowers with my granddaughter this summer too!
    Thank you for your inspiration, guidance , love and commitment to flowers and teaching!

  575. Nicole on

    Flower farming is the dream that keeps me going every day. I think I fell in love with flowers as a little girl when we moved into a house that had 3 rose bushes already planted in the backyard. It wasn’t until I stumbled across the Floret blog though, that I realized I could someday be a flower farmer too. Although I don’t have land yet, I continue to dream and save for it. After a grueling day at work, it’s the gorgeous pictures on the blog that refresh my soul. For now I satisfy myself with reading, learning, and planning for my future. Maybe someday I’ll even get to grow my favorite flowers, peonies.

  576. Heidi Nawrocki on

    I love Zinnias! My absolute favorite and there are so many varieties available.

  577. Heather on

    Congratulations! Your journey is inspiring. Thank you!

  578. Diane Hernandez on

    As I am new to gardening, I purchased your book to start my first ever cutting garden here in Northern California. I love DALHIAS, DALHIAS, DALHIAS…unfortunately, the gophers love them even more than me! ?️?️

  579. Michele Deppe on

    I’d never grown anything from seed until I came across Floret and decided to give it a try, and now I’m hooked! Congratulations on the first amazing year of your book’s journey around the world. Because of her intoxicating fragrance, my favorite flower is an English Rose called Gertrude Jekyll, after the esteemed British gardener. (Maybe someone will name a rose after Erin someday? ?)

  580. Jodi F. on

    Congratulations! Its been amazing for you guys, and for us. Thanks so much! All flowers are my favorites when they are in season…sort of like fruit, the best when in season. But if they were all in season at the same time-I’d devour them all! They are all yummy! If I had to pick one, peonies. From childhood I remember their lush blooms, and intoxication aroma. Now as an adult, I still want to devour their beauty-and it takes me back in heart to make me young at heart today!
    You had an bloomingly amazing year last year! This year I’m sure you will do just as well, rather better after the first online workshop…here’s to a boomin’ bloomin’ 2018! Yay!

    PS: sorry if this is a repeat, as my internet connection stinks and is showing nothing went on my first effort.) Thanks for all you each do for us flower loving people, of all ages!

  581. Anne Webster on

    I love your book so much! It has truly inspired and informed my flower gardening. I also love peonies and just can’t get enough of them. Thank you and congratulations!

  582. Karen G on

    I saw this book in the library and remembered the great article in Country Living, so I checked it out. Not to far in but have learned a lot. THANK YOU ?
    I feel like I have my own gardening mentor, Can’t wait for Spring

  583. Amy Bleile on

    I’ve enjoyed your blog so much and I’ve learned more than I bargained for.
    I’ve always thought Daisies were my favorite flower but last year I discovered Ranunculus and I’m hooked! Best of luck in your next year!

  584. Stacie Hardy on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I love my Floret book and am constantly referring to it! Choosing only one favorite is sooo hard, but I’d have to say Ranunculus are definitely at the top of the list.

  585. Lynne Bose on

    Hi, and congratulations on your tremendous success. You really deserve it. And I have learned so much from you.
    I hope I am not posting twice here, but I think my first got lost. Anyways my favourite flowers are peonies. I love their fragrance, lushness and ease of growing. They never fail to delight me.

  586. Lydia jackson on

    Choosing a favorite is epically difficult, there are so many that are amazing for different reasons. I am torn between the lily and the dahlia, i guess I would choose the dahlia, the variety and playfulness of so many different shapes and sizes is amazing and it keeps blooming for months.

  587. Lindsey Cummins on

    Sweet peas forever and always! Happy one year Floret book release! I was sooo excited when I got my preordered book last year!
    Thank you for all you do!!!!

  588. David Holifield on

    I think I would have to say that dahlias are my favorite!! I can’t wait to get and plant my dahlias that I ordered from you all this spring. Your book and your whole farm is such an inspiration to me as a want to be, small local flower grower.

  589. Jodi F. on

    Congratulations! So exciting!
    I think all flowers are beautiful, and like fruit, the favorite is what’s typically in season…if all available at the same time, I’d want to eat them all! Peonies are probably my favorite from childhood I recall the luscious blooms, and the intoxicating aroma; as an adult my heart devours them, and at the same time takes me back to be young at heart.
    To Team Floret….here’s to another Blooming Fab Fun Year!!!! Your already off the a boomin’ bloomin’ year having your first online workshop! Yay!

  590. Marilyn Palmer on

    Congratulations team Floret! I think I bought the first copy sold in Canada and turned many of my gardening friends onto it when they saw my copy. My favourite flower is the sweet pea. The varieties I bought from you are now 10” high seedlings in my greenhouse, waiting for it to warm up here so they can go into the garden. I’m also very fond of delphinia and dahlias and zinnias and tulips and ranunculus and anemones and roses and …. and …. and…..

  591. Brenda H on

    Snapdragons! Snapdragons! Snapdragons! They are beautiful! They also take me back to my childhood when my grandmother would share how they could ‘talk’ to me by pressing their little mouths together. Of course, I’ve passed the little ‘secret’ about them on to my daughter. They’re gorgeous in a mixed bouquet or in a bouquet all by themselves. Easy to grow. Congrats on your anniversary!

  592. Yuleidy Lopez on

    Wow congratulations! I’m so glad you are having such great success and even grateful that you are making us part of your victory. God bless you and your team. My favorite flower is Dahlia which I ordered a bunch from you. Thank you so much.

  593. Lori on

    It would be hard for me, too, to choose a favorite!! I love old fashioned roses, lilies, peonies and irises. I’m just starting to grow more annuals – so your lovely gift box would be a great addition to my gardening adventures!

  594. Emily Chua on

    Congrats Erin and the Floret team for coming so far! Your book and posts have been such an inspiration and enriching for followers like me. My favourite flowers are dahlias, they come in so many different shapes and colours – definitely something for everyone! ♡

    • Jane Hutcheon on

      Proud owner of the book. Recommend it to friends who ask what I am growing, how I am doing it and why! Favourite flower has got to be sweet peas. Range of colours and fragrance can’t be beaten. Seasonality only adds to the joy of them.

  595. Jackie H on

    Ooooh my all time favorite flower is a gardenia. Sadly they don’t grow in Pennsylvania :'(

  596. Rachel on

    Congratulations floret!! And thank you for all of your hard work, inspiration, and generosity. It’s been a joy to watch you grow over the last year!
    I’ve been gardening for 20 years and still have a difficult time declaring my number one all time favorite flower- it changes with the seasons. However, if presssed I suppose I would choose roses, especially David Austins. No, wait…

  597. Robin on

    By far, my favorite flower of all time is the Dahlia. There is something about them that speak to my heart. Last year was my very first experience growing them in my own little cut flower garden. I think I smiled every single day the bloomed from the first bud to the final cut.

  598. Elizabeth Belisle on

    Congratulations on your success! I don’t know if I can pick one flower as my all time favorite, but since I am forced to… It would be the rose: which is also our oldest daughter’s middle name. Thank you for the generous give-a-way!

  599. Kristina on

    Congratulations!!! I have many many favourites, I love hydrangeas for their fullness, I love sweet peas for their fragrance, I love snap dragons for their uniqueness, I love delphiniums for their height, I love marigolds for their bug resistence, I love lilies for their daintiness, I love nasturtiums for their tastiness, I love heliotrope for its scent, I love sunflowers for their brightness, I love………… each flower for its own personalities!

  600. Emily Cole on

    I’ve always loved flowers, but struggled to find resources with practical tips on how to grow them. This book has been such a gift for me, I’ve learned so much & look back on it often! My favorite flowers are peonies.

  601. Lela Sisk on

    You are an inspiration to so many! May you continue to empower others around the world. A favorite – that’s a tough flower most recently I have fallen in love with “love in a mist.” Happy gardening – love from “HOPE”, Maine

  602. Kathy on

    Happy Anniversary Erin! I discovered you and your blog only a year ago and it has given me purpose, knowledge and the confidence to begin my journey as a small market grower, a dream I’ve had for many years. This will be my very first season and although I have so much to learn, I am excited. This morning I woke up and my first plug tray of Floret Sherbert and Champaign Bubble poppies has started to sprout! You cannot imagine my surprise!!! (Those seeds were so small!!) My favorite flower is….all of them, because they each offer something beautiful and unique. You are my inspiration!! Thank you.

  603. Sharon on

    Sweet peas are my favorite flowers. I can’t wait to plant them in the winter so I can enjoy their summer sweetness. Happy Anniversary!

  604. Stefanie on

    If I only could sow one flower, I would choose sunflowers, they are so beautiful! ? Congratulations to your wonderful book, I love it!

  605. Kira North on

    Ahhh such a wild journey you’ve been on! It’s so comforting and inspiring to read and see others expressing and sharing all that goes into their dreams (the good and the not so good). It’s all part of the process, right? I’m in the process of starting my own small flower farm and ironically it’s called “No Favorite Flower Farm” which of course has a story behind it. In part because I’m not sure I can pick just an absolute favorite. Each season brings changes in what’s growing that my pull to each flower also changes. Like most people, I’m an absolute sucker for the beloved dahlia. Peonies have a big piece of my heart, too. Thank you for sharing your story with us all! It’s an absolute gem!

  606. Noemi Ray on

    Congratulations! Your, your company, and your book have breathed a desire to plant, prune, nurture, and grow my very own posies. When I became aware of your book, I immediately ordered it, and had it in my hand within seven days. It has been so informative, and giving me a foundational courage to attempt to grow my own beauties. I am presently growing roses of different varieties in pots. Hoping to have a beautiful array to cuddle, sniff and admire for the summer. Some of my favorites are Tulips – due to their strong stem yet delicate persona, as well as Narcissus. However, my ultimate favorite, though I have not had the opportunity to plant, is the rose of spring – Ranunculus! This winter will be my first planting of these beauties, though if I dare and have the time, I will probably plant them within a month. I want to thank you for sharing your love and passion with so many throughout the world! Your passion and dedication to your craft is evident, and the accolades are well deserved. Well done; and the best is yet to come!

  607. Deirdre Fitzgerald on

    Dahlias and peonies are my favorites, but all flowers are so beautiful and diverse, any flower makes me happy! Thank you for spreading joy and beauty.

  608. Deborah Budge on

    Congratulations Erin, you are such an inspiration to women all over the world. Your unselfish heart, strong work ethic, and kindness show through in all that you do. Bless you.

  609. A.G. Sloan on

    I’ve loved the beauty and practicality of your cut flower garden book. The vase life tricks are my favorite section of each chapter because I’ve learned so many NEW tips! My all-time favorite flower may have to be Snake’s head flower (fritillaria meleagris) simply because they are so unusual + I first discovered them on a memorable trip to Europe with my husband!

  610. Haley on

    The movement in your little book and blog is almost as beautiful (if not more) than the flowers and photographs that decorate it. I love watching the progress in your business and the flower industry.
    Picking a favorite flower is hard… mine are probable dahlias or ranunculus… or peonies.

  611. Linda Halstead on

    Thank you gor this opportunity, congratulations to your team and thank you for all the info provided in your book. I really have a hard time choosing a gavorite I am still learning, but I think Dahlias are beautiful. I was crushed when i missed the opportunity to take your classes. We are trying to revive a 120 acre family farm and I would live for cut flowers to be a big part of that. We have purchased a tow behind rotatiller and a 10x 12 greenhouse, I am so anxious to get started.

  612. Wendy Henrichs on

    Thanks for the giveaways, Floret! I have your book and it is beautiful! My favorite all-time flower is also Dahlias. As my favorite seed flower, Snapdragons! Have a beautiful spring!

  613. Amber on

    Flowers are one of my favorite things. A year ago I came across the beautiful Floret book at the library and I’ve been a fan ever since. I am very much looking forward to my garden this year as I’ve purchased some of my favorite flower seeds from you shop. My favorite of all my favorite flowers would have to be ranunculus.

  614. Amy Kennedy Slesar on

    Hi Erin. You are so generous. I purchased your book directly from you last year and what a treat it was to receive it. I have spent countless hours pouring over not only the written words, but the photos are gorgeous. I have a small 12′ x 12′ plot in an urban community garden, but I have filled it with as many flowers as I can. I have tried my luck at growing seeds indoors and transplanting them because of your advice. I wasn’t successful 100%, spring in Boston is so fickle, but I am back at it this year. Like most flower lovers, it’s hard to pick a favorite, but I will choose one because you asked, I love peonies, I love the fullness, the colors, the smell and how long they last as a cut flower. Thank you, once again for sharing your wisdom, generosity, and postivity with professional gardeners and amateurs(like me). Cheers to another successful growing season. Amy

  615. Tracey Allen on

    What an amazing book which has inspired me in a change of career here in the UK and to fill my garden full of amazing flowers. Huge congratulations! My favourite flower would have to be Cerinthe (Honeywort) – I love to see the buzzing bees drunk for it and those beautiful blue green leaves.

  616. Ainsley on

    Congratulations on the anniversary! It’s incredible how much you’ve grown. My all-time favorite is still the Peony. It is the first welcome to summer for us in Wisconsin and they create such full, big blooms. I also love snapdragons though and thanks to you, was introduced to Chantilly and Madame Butterfly. Love growing these now!

  617. Kat on

    You book is an amazing and inspiring!! My favorite all time flower is the peony!

  618. Linda Halstead on

    All time favorite, thats tough, I love so many. Lets say Dahlias. I was crushed when I missed the deadline for the flower gardeners course. We are reviving a 120 acre family farm and I would love cut flowers to be a big part of that. I have so much ro learn. I cant wait to get started. We bought a rotatiller for behind the tractor and a 10×12 greenhouse. So excited.

  619. Deanna Berg on

    Congratulations on the Anniversary of your wonderful book! I am excited to finally try growing some sweet peas this year. My all time favorite flower is probably the daisy, so simple and cheerful. Close second are peonies. I would say choosing seasonal favorites would be easier and more fair to the flowers though, there are so many wonderful flowers to enjoy and grow. :) Best wishes for your continued success.

  620. Cyndi Urban on

    Congratulations on your well deserved success!! You have inspired me so much this past year. I love your book. My partner and I have started a new career in our late sixties. We are going to be cut flower farmers. He is retiring from law. And moved back to his family’s farm, a few years after his wife passed. I am a personal gardener by trade. We are very excited and using your book as reference has greatly helped us. Thank you so much. My favorite flower is the Sweet Violet. I used to pick them and also Lilies of the valley for my Mom, every Mother’s Day as a child. Their fragrance is amazing. For growing purposes I love Zinnias. The colors are so bold and bright, and the butterflies love them.

  621. Loriluu on

    Love, love, love Floret!! Simply the best when it comes to flowers. Your book is amazing and hopefully you will have another one day. It’s so hard to choose only one favorite flower, but if I must, I choose dahlia. It’s beauty is exquisite. ?

  622. April S on

    Happy anniversary on your book, and thank you for creating such a beautiful resource for beginners like me.

  623. Desereè on

    I can’t tell you how often I refer to my book!! Thank you!!! Favorite flower??? Such a hard answer, but I’ve always loved the simple elegance of tulips!

  624. Jordan on

    Oh, how fun! Happy 1 year anniversary! I recently was able to find your book at our local library. So glad I stumbled upon it! I’ve already ordered some seeds for my first cut flower garden this spring! My all time favorite flowers are ranunculus. I could stare at them all day! Congrats again!

  625. Martha on

    Ooooo I Love peonies and lily of the valley but they are brief , so I have to then claim Dahlias then as my fave ☺️
    You all are doing such very lovely work!
    Congratulations on it all !

  626. April S on

    Happy anniversary on your book! Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful resource for beginners like myself. :)

  627. June D. on

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations on the success of your book – you are an inspiration to so many people. Dahlias – my favorite flower!

  628. margaret haus on

    I couldn’t be more happy to see someone like you have so much success. Meeting you at Jennie’s farm for that first Seasonal Bouquet Workshop was inspirational as was the whole experience. Even though I never became a flower farmer per se, your words of encouragement follow with me into other aspects of my life. Your willingness to share, pay it forward, and give of yourself truly defines your spirit. Moments spent with creative women, all fueling each other are the ones I will never forget. I love that your knowledge is now on a much bigger platform and that you provide the quality products that so many of us are searching for (even if we don’t grow by the acre ;)) I really have a hard time naming a “favorite flower” it’s usually the one in bloom at that time. I can say I am eager to see the “Queen Lime Blush” Zinnia flower this season as well as the Cup and Saucer Vine from the seeds I purchased from you! Much continued happiness!

  629. Denise Wolff on

    Claude Monet said “I must have flowers, always, and always.” I am partial to roses and lilacs because of their wonderful smell. Congratulations on the success of your book. Keep on diggin’

  630. Donna on

    I love your farm! It has always been my dream to have a cut flower farm. I LOVE Peonies–My favorite flower. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us!

  631. Denise Wolff on

    Claude Monet said “I must have flowers, always, and always.” I love most all flowers but am very partial to roses and lilacs.
    Congratulations on the anniversary of your book.

  632. Jane W on

    With the help of your gorgeous book, I am hoping to grow beautiful flowers too! A favorite flower may not be possible to decide, though I cannot resist the spicy sweet fragrance of a carnation.

  633. Ann Albert on

    Thanks for all the beautiful flower picture and flower care tips in the book. I am very inspired for my cutting garden in the Netherlands.

  634. Nathan on

    This site is amazing! So much beautiful photography and wonderful writing!! Can’t wait to see what’s next! My favorite flower would have to be dahlia. There are so many memories of beautiful dahlias in my grandmother’s garden.

  635. Kathleen on

    Oops! Forgot to put my favorite flower! Hard to pick one! Today is ranunculus:)

  636. Brenda Lerie Ulinski on

    I claim Foxgloves as my all time favorite. I grew up in the PNW and roamed the woods and trails regularly as a young girl. I picked Foxgloves and kept them in my room from the earliest time I can recall. They still make my heart soar.

  637. Ashley on

    Floret inspired me to grow our own wedding flowers and your book has been the biggest and best resource throughout the process. I’ve also grown much closer to my future in-laws as they are all experienced gardeners and now we have something to share. Thank you for giving me the confidence to start my garden. My favorite flowers are pink hydrangeas because they are so bold and beautiful.

  638. Kendra on

    So fun! My very favorite flower is probably the peony!

  639. Jen on

    Happy Anniversary!!
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, inspiration and love of flowers with us.
    I am sweet on sweet peas, always have been always will be.

  640. Kimberlee Bowthorpe on

    Hello, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY My mom and I have been following you since the beginning. I got my love of flower gardening from my granny & grandmother and my MOM Emmary. It is hard for me to say what is our favorite flower each season brings a new favorite. Mom’s favorite color is Orange and I bought her orange cosmos last year they grew so tall. I love all shapes and sizes of Dahlia’s in soft pink. We love to look at all your photographs of beautiful fields and what the upcoming flower to be sold. You & your team truly are such an inspiration and encouragement to grow our own beautiful bouquets for our own homes and to share with family, friends and neighbors. My moms Birthday is this Saturday and I am giving her your book and I know she will treasure it for a long time. Thank you so much for sharing your story and such beauty in our world. Momma Ems & Kimmi

  641. Kathleen on

    Thank you for all the information you share to help everyone be a flower farmer!!!

  642. Donna Smith on

    As each flower blooms in my yard, it is my favorite! The list is long but there are a few that bring sustained joy. Sweet peas, end way to early and every time I see them I get all nostalgic. Peonies blow my mind! And snowdrops take my breath away and bring hope for the new growing year. I know you asked for one but…. flowers happen.

  643. Maureen Hoone on

    Thank you for your inspiration, encouragement and for sharing your passion. Seeing your posts and blogs always bring me joy. Congratulations on all your successes!
    Although picking a favorite flower is like choosing a favorite child…I am always smitten with dinner plate dahlias…..wear them on your head as hats or crowns always seems to be a fine idea.

  644. Cristi on

    Happy anniversary, Floret! Thank you for your beautiful website and blog. Such a delight! I will choose dahlias as my favorite for sentimental reasons. I’ve grown the same ones from my mother’s garden for over 40 years and have shared tubers throughout my neighborhood and beyond.

  645. Suzannah on

    You’ve inspired me to plant a flower garden this year! I’m so excited! Of all the flower seeds I bought from you, I’m looking forward to the sweet peas the most! Come, spring, come!

  646. Marina Sowder on

    My all time favorite flower is parrot tulips! :) Tulips are tricky to maintain indoors but they’re still my favorite ! Happy Planting!

  647. Teri Tompkins Read on

    What a treat that you’re giving US something, when you already give us such inspiration and gorgeous flowers! My all-time favorite flower is the sweet pea, both for its delicacy and its fragrance. It is also so utterly SPRING, as I harvest them from the vacant lots during my Portland bike rides in the sunshine. HEAVEN. Thanks for all you do.
    Teri Read

  648. Elle on

    Way to go Floret! Happy for your success. Your calendar hangs in my kitchen providing inspiration and promise of beautiful things on the horizon in my Indiana yard. I use it to plan for the seeds I purchased and the dahlias that I know will soon be gracing my front door. I look forward to trying out some new Floret fun in my garden this year!

  649. Shelley on

    I love your book! I ordered it last year, and this year I ordered seeds and dahlia’s from you and I can’t wait to grow them. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  650. Laura Haire on

    My daughters, granddaughters and I are beginning a serious flower garden this year. We are so excited about it. So sorry that your seeds for a lot of your beautiful flowers are sold out already. I am looking forward to ordering your gorgeous book and learning everything I can to be successful in this new adventure. My all-time favorite flowers are lilacs and peonies. My new favorite is the ranunculus. Can’t wait to try my hand at this beautiful flower. Enjoyed your article about hellebores. I had never heard of them until a friend who was moving offered me all of hers. I had commented on them because they were so pretty and growing in the winter. Such a nice surprise during the cold months. Thank you for the inspiration.

  651. Andrea Matthews on

    What a fun giveaway! My favorite flowers are always dahlias… but sweet peas are a close second :)

  652. Kelly Garcia on

    Floret Flowers as a company and Erin herself have inspired so many flower farmers. I gave this book to my mom last year as a mother’s day gift. It was generously autographed and she is now a partner in crime with me on this journey of flower farming. This year during a hard time, she brought over a couple of pots of Hellebore’s, my favorite flower to cheer me up. Thank you for sharing and inspiring all of us.

  653. Heather on

    Congratulations! As for a favorite flower, that is a tough one. I really don’t think I can choose a favorite because there are so many that I love for various reasons. I am always excited to see tulips this time of year and love the smell of daffodils in the spring!

  654. Kara on

    Congratulations! What a year!!! My favorite flower is the peony.

  655. Melanie Bright on

    The Person that you are and the approach you take in presenting and teaching are perfect for me! I feel inspired and able to charge ahead in flower farming. Your Honesty and Passion are Sunshine and Rain for the Garden of my Heart. I feel the stirring of Life in the Seeds you have sown. Thank you. I will say that Zinnias are my favorite flower. They are beautiful,love the Summer heat and nourish butterflies!

  656. K on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Your growing tips are such a great help for a beginner like me.

    Dahlias are my favorite flower.

  657. Nancy on

    Thanks for rekindling my love of beauty through growing flowers, especially your dahlias, like Fruit Punch!!

  658. Lyn Gilmore on

    Lived in the tropics overseas much of my life so all the weird tropicals hold a dear place in my heart, particularly strelitzia since my mother grew it. Now I’m growing flowers in far northeast Tennessee and will be looking for a new favorite!

  659. Kimberly on

    Woah! Congratulations! Pouring over your book this winter has made spring feel closer! My very favourite flower that I’ve grown are renuculus, hoping to get an even better season of them this year!

  660. Angie Ward on

    As you said, this book changed the way I thought about gardening. I took the Floret Online Workshop and my eyes were opened by the amazing knowledge you shared with us all. I am forever grateful for bumping into your amazing photos online and cannot wait to get into the garden this spring. I have two favorite flowers one nostalgic and one because how could you not!! Pansies and Dahlias. Thank you again!!

  661. Gail Glover on

    Thank you for creating such a beautiful and informative from the ❤ and real experience book.I refer to it almost daily.I’m happy your life and efforts have been successful and rewarding.Hopefully more to come.Gail Glover

  662. Beth Fortin on

    Many congrats on your book adventure! My favorite flower is now the pent, as we have transplanted many of my great,great grandmother’s pennies into the beds of the cut flower farm. You, and Lynn B. are my inspirations. Thank you for sharing your experiences so freely. Your honesty and experience are irreplaceable.

  663. Pam Hegge on

    Such a journey! My favorite flower is peony by far. My grandmother had a large garden of beautiful peonys and I have been in love since I was a child.

  664. Linda Lanting on

    I am planting seeds today and your wonderful book is my guide. My small greenhouse and my garden will soon be bursting with flowers! I grew sweet peas for the first time last year (with your help), and they were amazing! Definitely my new favorite. Thanks for all you do to teach and encourage all of us to grow gorgeous flowers.

  665. Teresa Visconti on

    Thanks for your inspiration and knowledge. I own a flower shop and also grow many of our own seasonal flowers. My favorite is a toss up between zinnias and dahlias. I have purchased many of your dahlia bulbs and several variety of various seeds. I absolutely love your book and have found it so helpful. Wishing you continued success and abundance.

  666. Lindsey on

    I pre-ordered my copy of Cut Flower Garden last year and refer to it often! Congratulations on a great book! It’s hard to pick only One flower, but I do love cosmo’s! Their flowy whimsical nature & how they float around in a bouquet make me smile! ??

  667. Kathy on

    My favorite flower is the cheerful sunflower followed by zinnia but really it’s whichever flower I’m looking at at. ?

  668. everbloomfields on

    Congratulations!!! What a hard-earned and deserved achievement! My favorite flower is the classic garden rose. I wonder how much history it has been witness to :) as all sorts of people both humble and royal have lived their lives in the presence of a rose bush.

  669. Kappi N on

    I love dahlias and am working towards sweet peas this year!!!!! Happy Anniversary…..love your book and your seeds!

  670. Rachel on

    Lilies have always been a favorite of mine…we named our daughter Lily:) Love your book! Has been an inspiration for us with planning our flower garden.

  671. Sarah M on

    I LOVE this book – I pre-ordered my copy on Amazon. It’s a wonderful reference I refer to often and yes, it inspired me to start seeds for the first time and plan my own tiny cut flower garden. This is season two of seed starting for me. Thank you!

  672. Aimee on

    Congratulations! Thanks for all that you share and the inspiration. Hellebores and zinnias are my favs!

  673. Sophie on

    congratulation, i love dahlias….merci pour vos si belles photos, ça me permet de rêver au printemps.

  674. Lindsey on

    I pre-ordered my copy of Cut Flower Garden last year and Love referring to it all the time! Congratulations on a great book! It’s hard to pick only One favorite flower, but I’m going to say cosmo’s. I love their flowy whimsical nature, they kind of just float in a bouquet. ??

  675. Debbie B on

    Congratulations on such an amazing and beautiful accomplishment!!! Purchased your book for myself and my daughter-in-law…best purchase ever!!! I would have to agree…my favorite flower is the Dahlia!!!

  676. Janet K on

    Thank you so much for sharing your passion and knowledge! This book has been so informative and inspiring for me and my garden. My favorite flower of all time are peonies.

  677. Becky Hubble Peterson on

    Many thanks for this opportunity. Sweet Peas are my favorite flower. My Mom used to grow them each year and on Mother’s Day would take them by the bucketful to church and hand bouquets out to each lady. Once I was established in my own home and had my first garden, I too grew them. I lived in Monterey County and they thrived there till early Summer. Now my growing season is shorter. I live in the foothills of the Sierras. Bit of a challenge, but each year I plant in October and they begin to bloom in late Spring. Their fragrance transports me like no other flower.

  678. Leeanne Weldy on

    Your website and beautiful flowers have inspired me to farm flowers! I’m looking for properties to move to and grow flowers on! I love Ranunculus flowers!

  679. Elize on

    Dear Erin, I was totally blown away from the first visit to your blog and the most beautiful array of flowers – I have never seen such blooms in my life! It was a “wow” moment for me. You are also such an inspiration for any person visiting your site, I was so inspired as I am sure so many other readers were. I can imagine it has been a very challenging year, yet, I do believe congratulations are in the order of the day. As for a favourite flower, impossible, I just absolutely love the tiny woodland flowers especially the blue ones then amongst all the other creations I am thinking those pastel shades of double peonies. You have found your passion and have lived it through daily, regardless of all the challenges and I am sure there has been quite a few. Well done, it is such joy for me to also share in people’s achievements – you are a true inspiration amongst so many others. Flowers are such soul comforting gifts from nature, and yes if I may add, look at the Lilies of the field, they neither soil nor spin and it is our Heavenly Father that takes care of them all, and as He so tenderly loves and cares for the lilies of the field how much more important are we to Him, His children. Go well with the blessings of the Lord, all those prize winning blooms bring much joy to so many people.

  680. Brandie Waite on

    This book is like a sacred treasure to me and constantly moves from my nightstand to the dining room table, to the living room, back to the nightstand. Soon it will probably end up in the garden with me! Oh how to pick a favorite flower, but I would have to say Dahlias. There is something magical about them, how they go from looking good after first blooming; to somehow obtaining this wonderful translucent glow later in the season. There’s no explaining it, you have to witness it. Those evenings when they just seem to glow at dusk are absolute favorite moments in the garden.

  681. Lynn on

    Your kind and generous spirit is evident in the way you share your knowledge with others. Along with your talent and hard work, i believe this willingness to share is the reason for your success. Congrats to you and your entire team. If pressed to choose (difficult!), my favorite flower has to be the peony.

  682. Adele Judson on

    Love everything about Floret Flowers and although I only grow cut flowers for the joy they bring me your site is a wonderful place for inspiration and learning. My favorite flower is the peonie, it’s lovely, fragrant, and evokes many pleasant memories.

  683. Jim Lancaster on

    Congratulations! I’ve loved the book and the plants grown from seeds purchased from Floret over the past several years. All the best for the futre.

  684. Angie C on

    I am venturing into my first season of giving flower farming a go. I have to choose ONE favorite flower? Dahlias! So many gorgeous options!

  685. Heather Neville on

    Oh man, so many favorite flowers. Anemones are striking a cord for me these days. The magic purple ones?

  686. Martha Holt on

    Congratulations to you! I find your story so encouraging as I continue to build my nursery and vineyard business (while I also have a full-time teaching job…whew!). I can’t BEGIN to identify ONE favorite flower…love peonies, lilacs, oriental lilies, daffodils, zinnias…perennials of all sorts…and whatever new discovery I stumble upon that I’ve never heard of before.

  687. Betty Grootendorst on

    I enjoy reading your positive, always appreciative, emails and blogs. They give encouragement,
    stay humble, yet prod me to never give up and to try new things. Springtime! I do so love
    a fresh, classic bouquet of tulips!

  688. Amber Pate on

    What a great year it’s been! I love that you have shared so much knowledge. My favorite flower would have to be peonies.

  689. Breanne Frieze on

    Congrats and thank you for your knowledge and generosity. By far my favorite flower is the lilac. It reminds me of my grandmother every time I see and smell it’s fragrance. She always had a full vase of them in her home and her smile just beamed when people commented on them!xo

  690. Kay Bermudez on

    I started planting flowers last summer after moving from an apartment in NJ to a house in CT. The only flower I have planted so far is Zinnia and it filled me with so much joy see it come to life. As a child I always saw my grandmother plant and I felt so amazed how she would make any dying flower live again. This spring I am looking forward to plant more zinnias, start planting dahlias, poppies, cosmos and starting our own vegetable garden.
    Thank you for bringing so much beauty and memories into my life!

  691. Penny Nelson on

    Well, congratulations to you and your team. I love when small entrepreneurs are successful, especially in the flower arena. I heard about you from a flower grower at our little farmer’s market here in Hamilton, Montana. I was so astonished walking up to her display of sweet peas. The most beautiful I have ever seen. I grow sweet peas, my favorite flower, every year. I of course, purchased a couple bouquets and then she told me that she used your seeds. Luckily, I was able to purchase a couple of your seed packets in January and am very excited to plant them. I am so tired of winter. Now having said sweet peas I have an intense love of peonies also. So trouble free and gorgeous.Thank you for asking.

  692. Aimee M. on

    This is all so exciting! Asking a floral designer to choose her favorite flower is a lot like asking a mom to choose her favorite child. :) But if I must choose, the silky, ruffly, gorgeously-scented peony wins. I also love lilacs, sweet peas, and lissi!

  693. Kat Blyar on

    This is a no brainer. ZINNIAS! My all time favorite flower love & I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Growing them last year for the first time really helped build my confidence as a floral enthusiast and grower. Especially the Giant Wine beauties, they perk up my garden and my heart! I can’t wait to see them flourish in the heat this year!

  694. Ellen on

    So many flowers to choose from, although I would have to say peonies are my favourite!

  695. Abigail Belliveau on

    I lovvvvvve all flowers! Sweet peas, garden roses, and lilacs will always appeal to me most.

  696. Lucinda bisney on

    Congrats on your hard earned success and for the added beauty!!! Rounding out our veggie garden with flowers this year..love love love peonies and lilacs!!! And sunflower…..

  697. Rachel Cross on

    I love everything floret! Erin’s online course has inspired me to start my own cut flower farm in Florida. Where the growing is so tough! It’s hard to say which is my fav flower bc there’s just so many of them! My hubby always tells me they’re all my top, top favs. It’s so crazy bc I categorize which are very top favs, then top top favs & so on – lol I love ranunculus & anemones just as much as dahlias, English roses & ammi. I buy a lot from floret but still, have yet to buy Erin’s book – I know, shame on me :( Congrats on your 1st yr anniversary Erin! Can’t wait to see what the next few yrs hold for floret ~ :)

  698. London Brewer on

    Oh why must you make me pick one single flower!1?!?!! :D ok ok…. I adsolutely love anemones! They make my heart flutter ❤️

  699. Paige on

    Your book and instagram are so beautiful and inspiring. It is extra special to me as I live in the PNW too! My favorite flower is either a tulip or foxglove but because of your Instagram I have discovered a love of dahlias!

  700. Jane Christie on

    Sweet peas have been my favorite flower for years and years, ever since my grandmother put a small container of them in the center of my birthday cake when I turned 15. I love to cut them to bring into my home and to share them with friends and neighbors.
    Annual poppies are a close second.

  701. Ellie Rock on

    I love Bells of Ireland, the beautiful green stems that have so far eluded me and my garden. I look forward to trying again this season.

  702. Karen M on

    Thank you for your sharing your inspiring world. I am an avid vegetable gardener but am taking the plunge with a cut flower garden this spring. My favorite flower is ranunculus, but unfortunately we can’t grow them in PA.

  703. Karen M on

    I love the world you have created with your book. Whenever I need to feel joyful, I take out the copy in our library and dream of creating something close. I am an avid vegetable gardener, but your book as inspired me to dedicate a portion of my beds to cut flowers. I am all-in to do so this spring. I can’t wait to get my hands into the soil, but it is snowing! My favorite flower is ranunculus. Unfortunately, we can’t really grow them in PA. I have to survive on the greenhouse pots every Easter.

  704. Katie on

    Well it used to be peonies it since becoming an actual flower farmer it has shifted to dahlias!

  705. Mark on

    Ranunculus! The ones I received from you are out performing the ones I received from a large company by far. Thank you.

  706. Rachel Cross on

    I love everything floret! Erin’s online course has inspired me to start my own cut flower farm in Florida. Where the growing is so tough! It’s hard to say which is my fav flower bc there’s just so many of them! My hubby always tells me they’re all my top, top favs. It’s so crazy bc I categorize which are very top favs, then top top favs & so on – lol I love ranunculus & anemones just as much as dahlias, English roses & ammi. I buy a lot from floret but still, have yet to buy Erin’s book – I know, shame on me :( Comgrats on your 1st yr anniversary Erin! Can’t wait to see what the next few yrs hold for floret ~ :)

  707. Gabi on

    Lilacs, I used to pick them from my mother’s garden and make arrangements to fill my bedroom with their lovely scent.

  708. Brianna Marshall on

    Congratulations on the anniversary! I love your book and sometimes just flip through to look at the beautiful pictures. Flowers remind me of my grandmother and I will always plant a whiskey barrel full of annuals in her memory. My favorite flower is the snapdragon. They always take me back to my childhood and they were the first “successful” flower I planted at our first home 16 years ago.

  709. Tana on

    Erin, you’re so inspiring and make things so easy to understand for the “every day, at home” gardener! Thank you for everything you do! When it comes to flowers, I love some of the first ones to show up- tulips, daffodils, hyacinth- as they mark the beginning of spring for us Northern Michiganders, but I’m looking to try my hand at some of my favorite annuals such as zinnias and snapdragons this year using your tips as a guide.

  710. Carolyn on

    Congratulations on your 1-year book-i-versary! I love your blog and the seeds that you so kindly share with all of us! My favorite flower is such a hard question to answer! For the moment I would have to say the beautiful anemones that are beginning to bloom in the garden!

  711. Kat Blyar on

    This is a no brainer. ZINNIAS have become my one true flower love of all time & I don’t see that changing any time soon. Growing them for the first time last year really helped to build my confidence as a floral enthusiast and grower. Especially those Giant Wine beauties, they perk up my garden and my heart! I can’t wait to see them flourish in the heat this year!

  712. Emilia on

    First of, Congratulation on you success with you book and farm. You are inspiration for many flower growers. My most favorite flower is probably dahlia. They are so beautiful and love all he different shapes, colors and varieties. Can’t wait to get my hands in dirt and start planting:)
    Wish you all the best Erin!

  713. Callan Hinson on

    I’ve loved zinnias for as long as I can remember, but peonies hold a special place in my heart. They were my wedding flowers! :)
    Really, if it blooms, I LOVE IT!

  714. Barbara C on

    Thank you for your beautiful site.
    I love, love ,love flowers,and viewing you site brings me such joy.
    Favorite flower,that is a hard one to answer,Daffodils and tulips being that they are such a joy to see in the Spring.
    Congratulations on your Anniversary .

  715. Kim on

    This is amazing, and although I believe being here in Ontario, I cant really enter, I am just so happy for you to be living this amazing story of yours!! Your encouragement through my first seedling trials of delphinium, have left me with a row of forever fresh cut flowers to enjoy, and for that I am grateful!! They are my favourite in the moment flowers because I know I connected with you to make it happen <3


  716. Dianne Farrell on

    I am so excited for spring to come this year. I loved your book. It was very inspiring and gave me the push I needed to get started and pursue ideas that I have been tossing around in my head for several years. I have so many favorite flowers and it was hard to narrow the margin down as a beginning point. I would have to say that ranuculus is pretty much at the top of my list with scabiosa following very closely. Thank you for sharing your journey and giving us a book to learn from.

  717. Diane on

    It may change because I’m growing a number of flowers for the first time this year, but for now my favorite flower is the hard working zinnia. It seeds easily, pumps out bushels of flowers, and has so many varieties I could spend a lifetime discovering them all.

    Thanks for the question, it has been fun reading all the answers

  718. Lucia on

    Auguri!!! Best wishes from Italy! My all time favourite is Hortensia (Hydrangea). I like creating compositions from dried flowers and the faded colors of my last flowers in late October are just simply wonderful.

  719. Krystal on

    You’re so inspiring! I put your book on my Christmas list last year and it was, by far, my favorite gift! It’s hard to pick just one favorite flower but I would have to say mine are lilacs… I’ve even made moving decisions based on whether lilacs grow in the area :) A close second would be peonies then daffodils.

  720. Jaedra Luke on

    I purchased the book a few months ago and it is lovely! I have a few acres and am plotting out my own small flower farm too, thanks to your advice!

  721. Barbara C on

    I love,love,love, flowers,and your site fills me with joy every time I visit it.
    Congratulations on the beautiful job you have done.
    Favorite flower,that is a hard choice,Daffodils,and Tulips,a most welcome sight in Spring.
    Thank you for the beauty you share with us.

  722. Katharine Berg on

    Choosing a favorite flower feels so painful! Peonies, for my mother and grandmothers and great grandmothers. A personal thank you for how lively my urban garden is getting! Gorgeous colors and full of more pollinators in the city than I could have dreamed.

  723. Betsy Walbridge on

    Thank you for inspiring me to follow my dream and start a cut flower garden! Your ability to share, teach along with your creative ability set you apart from anything I have read in all my years of gardening. I started out my gardening with a home of a 90 year old with perenials I’d never seen before and my pursuit of plants by pouring through catalogs. 32 years later, planning my sons wedding (doing all the flowers) and with a dream of retiring from my desk job and getting back to my original dream of incorporating flowers and creative design into a home business I came upon your book. You provide the knowledge, tools and the incredible variety of plants in gorgeous colors that will allow me to do this. Thank you again. I am so very happy for your success.

  724. April Spengler on

    It is so hard to choose just one favorite flower! If I really had to sit and think about it – or if I were to choose from a selection, Tulips would be my pick! I am so excited to start our flower farm this year. We have always ran a market garden and animals, but this year I am venturing into flowers. Before I found you, cut flowers never crossed my mind.
    So excited – and nervous!

  725. Patrice DeMarco on

    I have received my first order of seeds from Floret farm and cannot wait to get going ! I have been inspired for quite some time now after seeing your beautiful flowers and work online. I have not had much of a green thumb and appreciate all your hints to be successful.
    Congratulations on your “baby” who is now a young child and much thanks for sharing the skills you worked so hard to acquire so that the rest of us can share in the beauty and joy that your flowers bring.

    Many thanks,
    Patrice DeMarco

  726. Stacey Copenhaver on

    Congratulations! If I have to narrow it to one, it would have to be zinnias.

  727. Lindsay on

    So excited to find a copy at my library, which I have been pouring over. I have lots of favorites, but nigella and scabiosas are at the top of my list!

  728. Katie on

    Congratulations! I’m so looking forward to seeing my Floret seeds and dahlias blooming this year–I used your book to pick them out.

  729. Jessica on

    Thank you for all the color you add to the world! My favorite flower is Queen Anne’s lace.

  730. Lynn Martell on

    Congratulations Erin well done! ? I have only been following you for such a short time but your book was requested as my Christmas wish list and my son’s bought me a copy through Amazon. I’m half way done and
    I actually space out my reading to enjoy every moment with a coffee and special time. Great book and I highly recommend. My favorite flower is peonies. I am a small collector with about 20 different varieties.

  731. donna clark on

    I read your book cover to cover. I loved it. You are the Martha Stewart of this time. Thanks for sharing your life style and knowledge. I was a garden designer in Ridgefield, Ct for 30 years and am now retired and living in Greensboro,NC. My favorite flower is the snapdragon and through you have come to know about the Chantilly series. I grew them last year and thrilled my neighbors with bouquets all summer. This year I will grow more cut flowers: Atroplex Green Plume, Celosia Pampas Plume, and Dara Ammi along with the usual zinnias etc.

  732. Karen Brott on

    Absolutely love your book. Not on an inspiring but full of knowledge. My favorite flower is a Parrot Tulip. I’ve got many seed packets to start my own cutting garden this year. Thanks for the inspiration!

  733. Dolly on

    Happy Anniversary! It’s so wonderful to read about all of your successes! Flowers do bring joy in my life! I am so thankful that there are people like you and your team that educate, cultivate and spread the joy of flowers! It’s hard to narrow down to one favorite flower, but if I had to choose just one, I would have to say it is a peony! The peony is the first flower that my sweet husband gave me. They are so lovely! Looking forward to their season again!! Best wishes in the upcoming year!

  734. Penny on

    Sweet Peas……they give me hope and a feeling of beauty & peace.

  735. Phil on

    Its my first year growing from seed, can’t wait to see how they turn out, Dahlias favorite for me.

  736. Jami Feinberg on

    This is so exciting! Your book started my cut flower garden journey and I am so excited for my second summer growing flowers. My current favorites are anemones and ranunuculus. My pastel mix is just starting to bloom and I’m excited every time to see what color they are! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  737. Vicki Jennejohn on

    Dahlias, dahlias, dahlias! My grandmother grew and dug up each fall here in the northeast as do I. I love them all!

  738. Sonya Lynn on

    I love this! Everything you have done for yourself, your family, your team, and all the flower (and future) farmers demonstrates the wisdom and generosity of great entrepreneurs and community leaders. Thank you.
    My personal favorite of all time is monarda followed closely by cone flower. The unique petals and defiant stance – string and bold. And who doesn’t cozy up to the scent of monarda – c’mon!
    Keep your fingers in the dirt – it’s what connects us all.

  739. Sue Tognazzini on

    I cannot think of a better job than the one you have getting to work with all of the beautiful flowers! When I have flowers in my home, it always seems like my soul is happy and at peace. My favorite flower and one that I have difficulty growing is sweet peas. I love their fragrance and just having a bunch in my hand can make me smile – they are so beautiful!

  740. Lorna Burley on

    Good Morning Erin and Floret Family!
    While I watch the fluffy fat snowflakes fall to the ground this morning in Northern New York, it’s Floret Flowers’ website that inspires me and reassures me that spring is around the corner. I’ve been a casual ‘dirt flicker’ for 20+ years and just in the past five or so years, with my kids being older, has it become my passion. I, by great luck, found your website a couple of years ago and instantly fell in love. I pre-ordered two books last year because I couldn’t keep this to myself. Like you Erin, I thrive on sharing valuable information with anyone wanting to learn. Congrats on your One Year Anniversary of your book! I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from you and how much I appreciate all your time you put into teaching gardeners how to grow beautiful flowers. It’s so hard to choose one flower but it would have to be peonies (with tiny Chinese Forget-Me-Not’s floating around their base). I have a reoccurring dream that I’m walking among rows of cream and soft pink peonies. I was lucky this year to order ranunculus bulbs from you before they sold out so they may become my new fave. Thank you and best wishes with your new farm and continued success.

  741. Margaret L on

    The warmth of summer and love of the beauty of flowers is transported into your book and onto your web page. I have gratefully received that stored sunshine in each page of the book. Your generosity in sharing your passion is a gift in itself.
    My favorite flower is Asclepias. Although it does not play a starring role, it complements whatever flower it supports with its beautiful flower cluster and small oblong leaves. It self seeds and is the host plant for the monarch butterfly. As a cut flower it lasts at least a week. Not even Constance Spry could ask for more.

  742. Kasey R on

    I seriously do not have a green thumb but your flowers are so gorgeous that I’m hoping your book will help me. My favorite is the sweet Juliet rose.

  743. Nanny Noyes on

    I loved this book SO much that I signed up and took your amazing class! I did all this while nursing two parents who ultimately passed (and while my husband had a cardiac arrest -pathetic but true!). Flowers are my happy place and you have given me inspiration and calm when I needed it most! Thank you!! ❤️?

  744. Amber on

    Flowers are one of my absolute favorite things. I found out about Floret a year ago when I found your lovely book at the library! Since then I’ve been thrilled to purchase my favorites from your shop and can’t wait to watch them grow this year.
    I’d have to say ranunculus are my favorite out of all my favorites.

  745. Morgan R on

    You’ve been a huge inspiration for me! It’s hard to name a favorite, but I tend to favor wildflowers more. One of my favorite things about traveling is searching for the wildflowers native to that particular area! I love the colors and variety. Thanks for everything you do!!

  746. Linda Baron on

    The beauty and majesty of the tall bearded iris is my favourite flower! Tall, majestic, swaying in the breeze, a perfume palette to die for and dressed in all the colors of the rainbow. Always a special joy to look forward to in spring once winters cold cloak is peeled away…

  747. Andrea on

    Your book and website are so gorgeous, I don’t know how anyone could not want to be a flower farmer!

  748. Patty Donovan on

    My love is for the Daisy. When my husband and I first meet he asked my favorite flower, Daisy I said not sure if it passed through to his ears due to the young love that was budding. Well about three weeks had passed and he arrive to gather me for a date. As we walked to the station wagon he drove I spied the entire car to be filled with the Happiest collection of Daisy’s, you know I had to go to three different florists to fill the car he said. And after 39 years together I still love the Daisy and my husband too!

  749. Nate on

    Have my own book and just bought a copy for my grandmother who is also my neighbor. We’re going big this season with our flower garden. Cheers

  750. Nora Masters on

    I love flowers and this year because of your book, blog, online store and inspiration, I know more what I am doing and for the first time am growing seedlings and in a planned garden. My daughter’s wedding is in July and I will be pleased and it will be so meaningful if I am able to supplement her florals with Floret flowers that I have grown. I love peonies, poppies and roses. So delicate yet not! If I had to choose it would be a peony.

  751. Donna K on

    Love your book, site, and seeds! Your knowledge has been super helpful to me this year. I love peonies, my gorgeous yellow tree peony is my favorite. Followed by poppies of all kinds as my second favorite. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  752. Elisa D. on

    Please add Romania to your list of countries that Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden has made it to! :) I ordered my copy via Amazon.de and had a friend bring it over to northeastern Romania, where I live and garden and farm.

  753. Holly on

    Tulips have been my lifelong favorite, but I’m new to growing flowers and have a feeling I’ll be adding some new favorites to my list this summer! I loved your book. I looked into lots of flower growing books to get me started, but I needed one that was pretty and inspirational!

  754. Georgia Miller on

    I am not only a gardener but a florist by trade. I love to see all the beautiful flowers that you grow. My favorite flower is the dahlia. I wish we could get them to go as nicely in Nebraska as you do. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

  755. Katie Stutler on

    LOVE.THIS.BOOK. Hands down the best how-to book in my flower/garden library. I’ve got a stack of seeds that I am going to try to grow this year in addition to my regulars…my favorite flower: how does one pick? zinnias, peonies, ranunculus. And tulips and plum blossoms and…

  756. Michelle on

    Congratulations on your book success and for doing it your way! My all time favorite flower is sunflower. You have helped dahlia become a close second!

  757. MaryJo Feuerbach on

    Congratulations on your anniversary. Your book inspired me to grow flowers from seed for the first time. I loved seeing the explosion of color in my garden. My favorite flower has always been tulips. They remind me that spring is coming during our long New England winters.

  758. Sofia Delaney on

    I love ALL flowers! Sorry, l don’t have a favourite. I am thinking of buying land and starting a flower farm. I was too scared and apprehensive until l read your book! It makes it easy, fun and with all your wonderful advice, do-able! I cannot thank you enough for planting the seed of hope!

  759. Katie Morgan on

    Congratulations! I’ve loved following your journey.

    It’s so hard to pick a favorite flower! I think I’ll go with peonies!

  760. Hannah on

    I have been following this blog for years because I love flowers and truly find your business inspirational. I’m so excited and proud of all you have accomplished! I found your book for sale in a small boutique on St. Simon’s Island, GA while on vacation last month! I was so excited about your book that I told everyone in the store all about it and what I had been reading on your blog about your business! Praying for many blessings for your business and family! My favorite flower is a ranunculus!

  761. Joy on

    You are so inspiring and generous! You have shared so much with us all, most of all the idea that we can do it, that it’s really possible to grow these gorgeous flowers. My favorite flower is the English rose because of the voluptuous petal count and the scent; oh the scent!

  762. Joyce Winget on

    Sweet Peas are my favorite flower. There is just something about their fragrance. I was so excited planting all my Floret Sweet Peas seeds in my greenhouse yesterday. I always go to the Redmond farmers market to pick out my weekly Sweet Pea bouquet during the summer. The stems were always so long. I always wondered why the sweet peas I grew at home were so stunted looking.( seeds from the local supermarket) Your book has taught me so much. I love how I can always grab your book when I have any questions. I have to mention the Dahlia is my second favorite flower. My Grandpa Gus was a cook on an Alaskan fishing boat based in Ballard. He had the tallest Dahlias in his garden from all the fish he used for fertilizer. I hope my cutting garden looks like his some day. Thank you for writing such a wonderful book!

  763. Emma Martin on

    My favourite flower is the bluebell – it reminds me of my nana who used to call me Bluebell and when I see a carpet of bluebells in the woodlands, I always smile and think of her and the scent as you walk there is so lovely.

  764. Stephie on

    My all time favourite are hydrangeas! They remind me of going to visit my Grandma as she had a huge hydrangea plant by her door.

  765. Kristen on

    My favorite is hydrangea but excited to grow your snapdragons this year!

  766. Lisa/Fresh Eggs Daily on

    Congratulations Erin! You are such an inspiration to me. As a fellow author, I applaud your success, and have learned so much from you and your marketing efforts surrounding your first book. I absolutely love your Instagram feed – it immediately brightens my day. Here in Maine, our growing season is short, so I absolutely live vicariously through your flower photos. I was honored to be a part of the launch of your book, am excited to celebrate it’s anniversary with you,and look forward to what you have in store for this year and coming years! Someone told me recently, “hustle and heart will set you apart”. You have definitely set yourself apart Erin. Kudos to you!
    Fresh Eggs Daily

  767. Michelle M. on

    Thank you for inspiring me while I was doing wedding floral designs! Keep up your work. I would be delighted to win a little prize pack and think it is generous of you to give them away! Happy one-year celebration to you.

    Epigaea repens (trailing arbutus) is my all-time favorite flower, even though it isn’t a flower for cutting. My father would take me on muddy spring walks in the woods to find them, and their scent is still intoxicating to me!

    In addition, I am a budding proofreader and have one other blogger whose posts I proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes. I am currently offering my services as a volunteer gig so that I can build up a portfolio of work. If you would be interested in having me proofread your posts before they are published online, please do let me know!

  768. Cheryl John on

    Your book has inspired me to try new things. One of my all time favorite flowers is Peonys. Brings back memories of childhood.

  769. Brenda M on

    Your book has been such a helpful guide to help me have beautiful flower gardens. You carry such a wonderful variety of seeds and bulbs that add a uniqueness to my gardens. I use your guide quite often to help with questions I may have it has been one of the most helpful books I have purchased. Thank you for the wonderful job you did writing this and thank you for your blog which I learn so much from. Congratulations on your one year mark.

  770. Vanesa Iwaniuk on

    Happy Anniversary! ? It’s a great accomplishment. Can’t wait to read it. Ooo, I don’t like this question because I love flowers! But today I’ll say, peonies. ? Thank you.

  771. Liz Horlings on

    Love your pic above. Surely 3 of the best things to celebrate with…chocolate, flowers and sparkling! Congatulations!!! Peony’s my favourite.

  772. Julie C on

    This will be year one for me! My fave is cosmos! I have devoured your book and now onto The Flower Farmer. I just turned 40 and I’m making it count for me by tapping into my passion…all while holding down my dream corporate job and raising 2 tweens! Love and flowers!!!!

  773. Melissa on

    I’ve always loved growing Dahlias but I an particularly excited to plant the unique ones I ordered from Floret this year!

  774. Karen on

    Dahlias in all their varied shapes, sizes and colors have won the hearts of me and my flower helpers, my sons ages 9 and 13.

  775. Anne Cowart on

    What an exciting journey you’ve been on with your book! Congratulations! I’m so excited for the snow to melt here in Wisconsin and see the tulips poke up out of the ground…they are my favorite, for sure! Meanwhile, I’m planning away—picking and choosing what I’ll grow in my little garden this year. Happy spring!

  776. Becky Culbertson on

    Good morning and congratulations! You have been an inspiration to so many people, and this year, for the very first time I am calling myself a flower farmer/florist, and will be selling my very own flowers! It is so hard to choose a favorite, impossible even… For today, I will say dahlias. Tomorrow? It may be garden roses? The day after that?

  777. Erin on

    Thank you for the amazing book and the inspiration that without a doubt comes along with it! I suffered some terrible personal losses last year and keeping your book close to me at all times truly helped me through. Whenever I needed a distraction I lost myself in your wonderful world of flowers and my plans to create some cutting beds at home. I carried your book with me everywhere I went.
    My all time favourite flower would have to be cosmos, those beautiful pure white and deep deep magenta single petal ones. Their simplicity, purity and abundance along with their whimsical feathery leaves fill my heart with joy every time I grow them.

  778. Holly Walker on

    I only recently found your book, blog and website but it is the highlight in my day as I see all the beautiful flowers but also the work that goes into creating such beauty. I can definitely appreciate all that you do and so happy to hear this has been such a success.

    My favorite flower is actually the Hellebore. I love their understated, and classic beauty. They remind me of old cottage gardens and they usually come out at a time when I so desperately need to look forward to spring. They are little glimmers of hope in the cold before anyone else really starts to show up. <3

  779. Debbie on

    Congratulations!! So happy to be following your success and your beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing all the ups and downs and information about growing cut flowers. My favorite flower is the tulip and I loved how you showed your tulip growing beds.

  780. Kristen on

    Thank you for inspiring my dreams! My newest favorite flowers are ranunculus!

  781. Mariana on

    One year, but so many things done and goals accomplished! I started to buy your seeds last year, and I’ve done it again this winter, and I’m looking forward to see the new beauties growing in our orchard! I also want to thank you for your generosity, I learned a lot thanks to your blog first and then the book after. Since I started to read it my skills about flowers growed ;) so much!
    Ok, about my favourite flower (not easy to pick just one), I have a crush with wild roses, but dahlias are conquering my heart every year!
    Thanks again for all your daily and amazing work!

  782. Ben on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! My favorite flowers are zinnias.

  783. Sarah Voss on

    Congratulation! Can’t beat a beautiful sweet pea! ☺️

  784. Kathryn Shepard on

    Congrats!! The book is absolutely beautiful. I purchased it as a gift for a friend and she loves it. It’s hard for me to chose just one favorite flower but peonies, dahlias and lavender are at the top of my list.

  785. Idalisse Sandoval on

    I think my all time favorite although I had a hard time growing it last year is stock. The sweet fragrance and multiple blooms are amazing!!
    Congratulations on one year!

  786. Alex on

    I have been admiring the pages in this book all winter! And planted a paperwhite garden based on the tutorial. Thank you for sharing so much joy and abundance! My all time favorite flower are cosmos.

  787. Rebecca on

    I recently discovered your book and I’m so happy I have! I’m a farmer at a local CSA and this year we’ve been asked to bring flower bouquets to market. Your book is amazing and has so much information.

    My favorite flower (right now) is the snap dragon! I’m pretty excited to start my seeds for them next week. Thank you!!

  788. Amber on

    Such a beautiful story! My favorite is strawflower at the moment. So unique and long lasting!

  789. Kate C on

    Your book and blog have been a source of inspiration for my flower garden planning this year- I’m even thinking about starting my own seed for the first time. Plus just looking at all your beautiful pictures has helped me pass the bleakness of winter. My favorite flowers are peonies- I always look forward to them and wish their bloom time was longer, but I think the short window of time to enjoy them is what makes them extra special.

  790. Marianne Poteet on

    I live the Floret Farm cut flower book! It was a gift from my husband, although my copy isn’t signed. I find the photography, both in the book and online, to be very inspirational. My all-time favorite flower is the lilac, and dahlias have become an annual passion. I can’t wait for my delivery of Floret dahlia tubers in the spring (my hubby gave me a gift certificate, too). Congrats on your achievement. I’m with you all the way.

  791. Stephanie Frey on

    I just found you recently and have already ordered some of your flower seeds. Included in my order where two varieties of Stock, which happen to be my all time favorite flowers. Looking forward to many years of gardening with your beauties, as I already know that your site will be the first I visit to place my orders!

  792. Ellen on

    My Grandmother always grew dahlias in her garden. Going to give them a try this year!

  793. Ellen on

    My Grandmother always grew dahlias in her garden – going to give them a try this year!

  794. Katie A. on

    Thank you Erin. Tulips are my favorite flower. They bring so much hopefulness after a long grey winter here in Central PA!

  795. Janeen Kelley on

    All time favorite is a tigh one bit is have to say it’s a toss up between sweet peas, hollyhocks and stock. Congratulations on the success of the book!

  796. Lisa Simmons on

    Thank you Erin, your book has given me the confidence to follow my dreams.
    Asking to choose a favourite flower is like asking to choose a favourite child, at the moment I would have to say Roses, I love to bury my nose in their sent heads.

  797. Clare on

    Your book was all wrapped up under my Christmas Tree this year brought for me by my wonderful Mum! Last year was our first year of Cut Flower Growing together, but your book has got me SO excited for the possibilities that lie ahead this year – Thank – you. My Favourite Flower are Sweet Peas – for too many reasons to mention!!

  798. Aiga on

    Your book is amazing! Great job! My favorite flowers since childhood are gladioli.

  799. Katherine on

    Many congratulations on such an amazing year!! I purchased my first home just over a year ago and for the first time in my life found myself with a garden to care for. Never having been all that interested in gardening this was not a task I relished at first. However, in time I have discovered the satisfaction of growing flowers from seed and the anticipation and thrill of that first bloom unfurling! Recently, I was able to harvest a bunch of fragrant sweet pea to display in my entrance hall and they looked so lovely. Sweet pea would have to be my favourite flowers for their filigree-like green foliage and dainty fragrant blooms.

  800. Vera / Growntocook on

    Happy anniversary! Just beginning to sow the seeds I ordered from your shop – the spring is finally starting here in the Netherlands! My favourite flower is the humble but beautifully scented sweet violet- I like to pick a small posy every spring to have on my counter :-)

  801. Andrea on

    Dear Erin,

    Congratulations on your well earned success! Your shared experience through your blog and book are truly inspiring. I noticed that stats on map shows Latin America hasn’t discovered you yet. It might be the case that selling books online or accessing your blog proves to be difficult over there as I am an Argentinean Engineer in Agriculture living in Kent-England and I discovered you quite a while ago, so I’d imagine that many would be inspired with your words too. Hope those barriers one day are gone. Let your garden grow, Andrea
    PS. Favourite flower gardenias

  802. Claire on

    My favourite flowers are cornflowers, sweet and simple. Congratulations on your annversary

  803. Claire on

    Your book has been my constant companion since I was given it as a gift, your love of flowers and your passion for what you do is truly inspirational. Congratulations on your anniversary

  804. Anab on

    oh wow! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY team Floret! My all-time favorite flower would be the colorful Zinnias! but when I think about it, gooosh I have LOTS of favorite flowers! like, almost all of them! :D

  805. Milena on

    Every season of every year I have a new different flower that makes my heart beat faster. The dalias started my interest in the flower world. But this time, my ultimate crush is all about the sweet peas. Happy 1st birthday!

  806. Carlie Cox on

    I’ve been obsessed with Floret for years now. I always buy the calendar and some seeds for my mommy for Christmas. You guys are amazing! My favorite flower is a peony, but unfortunately they don’t grow in Southern California, so it isn’t often I see them. Love all of your posts of the beautiful peonies you grow.

  807. Katrina Roseberry on

    This giveaway sounds so extraordinary! I follow your Instagram and was finally able to get my hands on some seeds in December. It’s so hard to choose just one, especially now that I’ve been employed at a flower shop and have seen so many, but I’d say my all time favorite flower is protea: either pincushion, king, or any other kind! I think protea are such a beautiful, unique, and interesting flower, and it makes me so curious about the biology of different flowers(and plants). My runner ups would be peonies and lisianthus!

  808. Peta Guy on

    Congratulations to you and your team Erin! Amazing skills and hard work, combined with such a generous spirit mean that Floret’s success is well deserved. So much beauty grown and shared round the world… all the more special. Being Australian, my favourite flower is the Gum (Eucalyptus) blossom. Some tiny, some showy, and some that fall the air with the scent of honey.

  809. Asha on

    Thanks so much for the information and inspiration! Sweet Peas are the best…. this year I will plant a rainbow of colours :)

  810. Jenn on

    Impossible to choose a favourite. Each is distinctive.

  811. Silvia on

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations to all Floret team! You are such an inspiration! You can add Romania also on your Cut Flower Garden map. I love the book and I always go back to it when I have a question that needs an answer.
    All flower are so beautiful and I love them all but I would say that this year I really love ICELAND POPPIES.

  812. Katherine Rhodes on

    Congratulations on your success with the book! It’s so hard to choose just one favorite… but for me its the delphinium. I love how hardy, reliable and graceful they are in the garden.

  813. Ivette on

    It all started with a book from Sarah Raven, the cutting garden, I found in the library. I checked on the internet and for a couple of years now, you are such an inspiration for me! I fell in love with your sweat peas and iceland poppies. This year I ordered some of your poppy seeds for the first time and hope to get the same awesome flowers! But my all time favourite flower is a peony. Love the fragrance and stunning flowers in their short flowering period. Thank you for your ongoing inspiration! Congrats with your anniversary and keep on spreading flower love!!

  814. Katherine Rhodes on

    Congratulations! It’s so hard to choose just one favorite…but delphinium would be it for me. I love how hardy yet graceful and reliable they are.

  815. susan hubbard on

    I have followed your journey and admired your positive message for some time I’m in awe that you’ve done all this from a tiny farm in the lovely Skagit Valley.

  816. Chua Hwee Cheng on

    I love your story about the sweet peas! Never grow cut flowers before, but after reading your book, I am giving them a try. Sow some sweet peas in a tray two weeks ago. Nursing them in the house. They have jut sprouted a few days ago, yeah! Love your book. And a big congratulation to your success.

  817. Wendy G on

    Meadow rue in all its varieties has to be my all time favorite. I love the delicacy of the clouds of tiny blossoms.

  818. Tasha on

    Sweet peas! Congratulations on your successful book and amazing farm!

  819. Terri Bowlby-Chiasson on

    Congratulations Erin and family and team! Your Work and enthusiasm provide inspiration for us all! It’s difficult to pinpoint one flower as my favorite, but I will say that I love all varieties of the beloved peony… Possibly because it was flower that my grandmother grew in her flower garden… Thanks! Enjoy your celebrations!

  820. Jodi Kennedy on

    Thanks Erin!! I’ve been a floral designer for 20 years but your book inspired me to grow my own flowers for the first time ever. That was last year and now this year I’ve already got sprouts started in the basement and looking forward to three times as many flowers this coming summer! What a joy ?thanks again!

  821. Michelle on

    Congrats on your 1st year anniversary. Love my copy of your book and refer to it often. Favorite flower – sunflowers!

  822. Lauren H on

    Congratulations to you and your team! My favorite flower is a Peony!

  823. Mona on

    You forgot to mention Denmark, I bought your book locally! :)
    I don’t have one, but many favourite flowers, but if I have to mention a single favourite, it must be Hollyhock.

  824. Liz Wynne on

    You are such an inspiring woman! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge every week. My favourite flower has to be Papaver nudicaule xx

  825. Sabrina on

    I really like your garden journal, it’s really helping me stay on track with planting this year. Im really excited to plant some of your seeds this spring. You have inspired me to plant anemones, Snapdragons, sweet peas, Queen Anne chocolate lace, blacked eyed Susan’s , lots of zinnias and variety of armanth.
    My all time favorite flower is stargazer lilies .
    Congratulations on your book !

  826. Lisa Appel on

    My favorite flowers are delphiniums. My mom just loved them, and she passed that appreciation onto me. Every time I see one, I am reminded of her and it brings me great joy. They are also a challenge to grow (for me!) – faltering in clay but liking moist soils, needing sun but not too much. Particular to well-drained soils. They also seem to favor humidity. I will continue my quest to successfully grow these beauties!

  827. Jaci on

    My favorite flower is the pansy, smiling up at me, but only until the Sweet peas bloom! But then, the Lilac blooms, becoming my favorite, but only until the peonies bloom!
    Congratulations! Best wishes for much continued success!!

  828. Sofia on

    Thanks for such inspiration!! My favourite is pennycress. Thanks for sharing so much from you floret farm.

  829. Sofia on

    Being attracted by someone’s ambitions is the most powerful way to achieve your dreams! Thanks to you, I got mine achieved!

    All my entire life I was in love with flowers, having them around with all their magic it’s a blessing!
    One of my favorite flowers is Lily of the Valley, because my childhood has been connected with this flower and it helps me to keep my memories always fresh, because of its scent!

  830. Stephanie Fitzgerald on

    My all time favorite flower… Such a hard choice!! But I always come back to a love for Ranunculus!

  831. Lisa-Ann on

    I just adore anemones, the first to flower here in my English garden, they help lift my spirit and motivate me on a typically British rainy day.

  832. Fiona on

    Happy Anniversary! I have loved reading your book and use it to refer to as I’m beginning my own journey as a flower grower. My favorite flower changes every season , just now in a very snowy Scotland it’s the snowdrop.

  833. Susan May on

    My all-time favorite? Roses. They will forever remind me of my grandmother and the many summers I spent with her.

  834. Violeta on

    Congratulations! I really love the book. This is a really difficult question, because I love all flowers! But if I had to choose only one, my favourite would be hellebores.

  835. Nancy Sherrer on

    SWEET PEAS!!! Who knew? Not me until I read your book! I have my little babies sprouting now and cannnot wait to plant them! Thank you for inspiring me! Can’t wait for the heady scent of my SWEET PEAS!! Who knew?

  836. Rebekah Critchlow on

    Such a massive achievement and such a beautiful book! Snowdrops are my favourite, reminding me each winter that the flowers will come eventually!

  837. Christine on

    What a cool contest! I received your book as a gift become someone knew my interest in having a garden, my own garden, one day. My favorite flower is definitely ranunculus! Thank you for this amazing contest! xo

  838. Emily MacGregor on

    I’m a fairly new reader and Floret Flower fan, but I just love your story. You inspire me not only to grow beautiful flowers, but to appreciate and nurture the beauty that surrounds me.
    My favorite flowers are and forever will be dahlias.

  839. Julie Wilson on

    I never imagined a flower business could really be possible for me before I found Floret. Your encouraging words and candor got me thinking that I really could pursue such a dream. Thank you so much, Erin! Now to the favorite flower. How can I choose?! If I have to pick just one, I have to say it’s Crichton Honey. It is such a cheery bloom and makes me smile every time I think about them. I can’t wait to see their faces again this year! Intrigue is a close 2nd…but there’s also Sherwood Peach! Ah! So hard to choose. :)

  840. Emily MacGregor on

    I’m a fairly new reader and floret flower fan, but I just love what you do and how you share your story. You inspire me.
    My favorite flowers are the Chinese Forget-Me-Nots. I ordered some in January, started them on my window sill and am planting them this weekend. Wish me luck!

  841. Vivien Boldizsár-Szabó on

    I love all of them. I haven’t got favorite flower, but if I should name one it will be roses. :)

  842. Cecily on

    Thank you for all the information on cutting gardens that you have so kindly given! I am excited to start my own this spring. Flowers are my passion and to pick just one isn’t possible for me. However, I planted a Mock Orange last year and the flowers smell amazing and they are of the purest white. I am loving those at the moment!

  843. Becky Peck on

    This is great, thank you! Team Floret you guys are amazing. How can one possibly narrow it down to a fave flower, I’d have to say sunflowers win the pure joy/heart burst category for me, but oh peonies?! And dahlias?! Impossible to pick!

  844. Terren on

    I am so in love with your book. It has truly inspired me and changed so much for me! My favorite flowers are zinnias, as they were my first cut flower success. Much love!

  845. Jodi on

    All time favorite flower: gerbera daisys

  846. Kelly Delgado on

    Absolutely blessedly beautiful! Can’t wait to start my flower garden this year! I’m a first-time flower gardener in SoCal looking forward to some beautiful blooms. My absolute fave has to be the tuberose. Classic, I know. But heavenly scented and LONG lasting in the vase! Now, if someone could recreate an accurate, long-lasting perfume in tuberose, I would be in Heaven!

  847. Caitie McCallum on

    Ranunculus! I love how papery and delicate the petals are. My husband gave me golden yellow ones when he proposed ☺️

  848. Rachel Fairham on

    Oh and my favourite flower isssss the sweetpea ? forgot to add the most important part to my last message.

  849. Linda Nielsen on

    It is a amazing book, I love it. So much usefull information and it also have a lovely look ?

    Hard to chooce a favorite flower, but I think it must be Dahlia Cafe au Lait

  850. Fanny Denman Järnberg on

    Yay, success! ? Congratulations! My favourite flower is Lady’s Mantle. For the way it brings out everything around it.

  851. Erica Ransom on

    I love all flowers but my favorite today are ranunculus!! I’ve just planted some blooming ranunculus in pots of my porch and enjoy coming home to them every day!

  852. Rachel Fairham on

    Congratulations from Australia! You’re book spoke to me right away from just looking at the cover. I bought it, read it and loved it and it inspired me to leave University and start my own flower farm. I was apart of the Floret Online Workshop and I have to say, you all did a great job. I went through the six weeks with one goal but since then my goal has changed (unfortunately I have to come back down to earth and take things slowly haha) and I have re watched all the videos again with a different head space, and it’s still perfectly suited to what I want to achieve. Thank you for bringing Floret to Aus.
    I wish you all the best this season!

  853. Tacey Perkins on

    My all time favorite flower is the Dahlia! It’s so beautiful!. Thank you for the wonderful book. My 11 year old daughter and I have enjoyed starting a flower business together. This is our first year. And we have been enjoying all the seed starting chats together. Thanks again, it’s a great book.

  854. Heather on

    Thank you for your generosity! I have been eyeing your book, and I think this would be the perfect opportunity. My all time favorite flower is the Sunflower. I have always enjoyed them in all shapes and sizes. When I first got into gardening, sunflowers were basically what I could handle and the love has grown from there. Each year my extended family engages in a “sunflower growing contest.” It’s all in good fun!

  855. Amy on

    Sweet peas have such beautiful colors and fragrance. They brighten every little trellis they cling to and are my all time favorite. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. I refer to your book often.

  856. Nicole Egerer on

    My favorite flower has got to be sweet pea. There are so many beautiful flowers that have sentimental value and are just plain gorgeous but the sweet pea tops my list because it was a flower my grandfather used to grow and the nickname he called my mom growing up. It is just a sweet homage to my family and I love it!

    Congratulations on your beautiful book! Your work is just breathtaking and inspiring!!

  857. Elizabeth Moller on

    My favorite flower is the sweet pea. I also love Bachelor Buttons, especially purple ones.

  858. Jessica Lu on

    Everything you have done is truly inspirational! You have made it possible for everyone to grow and love flowers…but most of all …to love nature. thank you :)

  859. Suzanne on

    Both my mom & maternal grandmother loved flower gardening, and I think that love is in my blood. One of my greatest joys is cutting and arranging flowers from my garden for my home, or to give bouquets to friends. My favorite flower – what a hard question – as it can change with the season. Sweet peas are probably it, because they were my mom’s favorites and so they always remind me of her. But I also can practically swoon over peonies.

  860. Ashley zavala on

    My all time favorite flowers are Peonies and although we have a hard time growing them here in Texas I am determined! After loosing nearly all of my garden to the flooding caused by hurricane Harvey I am starting a flower garden for my yard. I have purchased a few packets of your dahlia flowers and am filled with joy watching them grow a little more each day. You bring so many people joy with your flowers keep being you and doing what you do!

  861. Анастасия on

    Поздравляю с юбилеем, надеюсь скоро прочесть на русском языке. Мой любимый цветочек – наперстянка

  862. Linda Adams on

    I was so thrilled with your book when I first received it. I read through the whole book in two days. It really was like getting the best Christmas present ever. I constantly go back for reference and I like that it is so inspiring. I grow all my own flowers now and I manage it year round. I have tried new things because you featured them in your book. My favorite flower is dahlias and to think I never grew them until I read your blog. Now I have 38 tubers to plant soon. I also love roses and black knight scabiosa. Oh, and I like the Chantilly snaps which I never knew about . I loved the Heather James chyrsanthemums. I can keep going on and on.

  863. Angie Hocking on

    Tie: sweet peas and wood violets. Thank you for sharing your story and the always cheerful photographs of it all!

  864. Jennifer Dent on

    I shared this marvelous book with my flower loving sister for Christmas and hope to take her out to your farm for a future visit. I’m torn between peonies and ranunculus. Both have such lovely rounded blooms just each on their own scale I appreciate. Bouquets of peonies remind me of my wedding. Winding stems of funky orange ranunculus can looks so fine individually or just a few stems in any simple container. It would be a thrill for this spring yearning still cold Pacific Northwest gardener to win this prize. Crossing all my crossables.

  865. Riana Neels on

    I grew cutflowers for the first time last year for my sister’s wedding in October. Your book was a great guide! My favourite flower right now is witch hazel… it is such a welcome sight when it starts blooming in January!

  866. Chloe Ewing on

    I fear I will sound cliche and generic but if it’s *all time* favourite then I HAVE to say peony! I love their fluffy goodness. Scrumptious!

  867. Susan Rode on

    Surely, there is no greater gift than sharing the full experience of pursuing what makes our heart beat that much faster…..all the joys and passions, the heartaches and disappointments…and the amazing resilience to keep on holding to the dream no matter what….It is amazing to hear the journey that you, your family and your team have taken to get to this wonderful day of year celebration..It gives me so much hope for the world that needs all the beauty and healing that it can get…Flower farming is part of that healing..Thank you for being courageous enough to never give up in your flower farming business…and for inspiring so many others .
    Like Erin I have a special place in my heart for sweet peas…and hers are the most beautiful I have ever seen.

  868. Amy on

    Any of your Iceland Poppy varieties are wonderful – congratulations on the one year anniversary of your splendid book!?

  869. bas on

    The Sunflowers are my favourite, they never fail to lift my mood.
    Congratulations on the success of the book, look forward to seeing what I can grow this season.

  870. Heather Liu on

    Ranunculus are my favorite! Can’t get enough of those ruffled beautiful blooms!

  871. Mary on

    Congratulations Erin and team! There are some amazing numbers there! My favourite flowers are lilacs. I live in zone 3 and they are the first flower we get that really means that spring has sprung! The smell always reminds me of snipping some from an old abandoned farm on the way home from school with my mum. They line the road and are still the biggest, most healthy lilacs I’ve ever seen though they receive no care.

  872. Mari Beth on

    Goodness it is hard for me to pick a favorite. I think I will have to go with a yellow water lily surrounded by big fat green leaves, because of memories of fishing with my dad in the early mornings in Minnesota, with visions of misty morning light, water, and the edge of the boat. He’s 90 now, and with me in OR. We have a big garden in our yard, and I hope I am bringing him moments of peace at least a little bit here and now. He is a good dad.

  873. Sannaliina on

    Dahlia’s are my all time favourites. It starts all the way back when I was a little girl and my mom used to grow them. She still does.

  874. Heather on

    Sweet peas hold a special place in my heart. They are the first flowers I grew as a newlywed, trying to make our rental until feel like home. The sweet fragrance brings back lovely memories, one of my favorite being the time a stranger knocked on my door asking to buy some for a friend. Flowers are a love language! We have moved to the midwest and I have not yet had a successful planting of sweet peas, but I keep trying! My daughter and I were excited to find your beautiful book at our local library and were so sad when we had to send it back. We’re back in the hold line!

  875. Danette on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Now that I am flower farming it is so hard to pick a favorite; each season changes my mind. But the simple white daisy is what got me started with flowers, so it has to still be my favorite. They are just so happy!

  876. Mary on

    Congratulations Erin and team! There are some amazing numbers there. My favourite flowers are lilacs. I live in zone 3 and they are the first flower we get that really means that spring has sprung! The smell always reminds me of snipping some from an old abandoned farm on the way home from school with my mum. They line the road and are still the biggest, healthiest lilacs I’ve ever seen though they receive no care.

  877. Hazel on

    Gardenias are one of my favorite flowers. But my yard is full of all kinds of heart flipping flowers, thanks to Floret seeds! I am preparing to put a flower cart on the corner of my property for my neighbors to take from. Thank you for inspiring me! May your business continue to thrive and bring beauty to all!

  878. Kylie on

    I have just discovered your website and blog! I am so inspired! My favorite flower is a zinnia! So beautiful!

  879. Dan Rose on

    Thanks for the invite to the party!

    Our favorite flower around here is amaranth.

  880. Carmen on

    congratulations to you Erin, as well as your family and team! You have inspired me to grow and design flowers for my first full wedding this year and I couldn’t be more excited!!

    Favorite flower?!?!! Impossible…. but I think I would say dahlias if forced to choose ;)

  881. Sigrid on

    Congratulations! Favorite flower right now is Venus’s Navelwort – so dainty.

  882. Kristie May on

    I’ll can’t believe the joy that my Floret seeds I purchased last year brought to my garden…. sweet peas have to be my favorite… or maybe it was the zinnias I didn’t know I loved…. or the cornflowers….oh or the celosia that looks like velvet! Do I REALLY have to have a favorite??? IMPOSDIBLE! Lol

  883. Amanda on

    I LOVE your book! I’ve been a gardener for quite some time, but I can honestly say you have inspired me like no other. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where the author poured so much of their heart and soul into the words and instructions on the pages. Wonderful times 100! I really adore peonies, and big romantic roses like Charles de Mills.

  884. Lorena on

    Wow!! And congrats! My all time favorite flowers are English roses. I grow a handful of them and they bring me so much joy. Thank you for this giveaway and best regards from Spain.

  885. Amanda Noel on

    Congrats!!! I have fallen in love with zinnias this year and am excited to try more varieties, but my favorite is sweet peas. Love it so much it is my daughter’s nickname!

  886. Tina Miller on

    I am so grateful a friend introduced me your amazing site last week. I have loved exploring your site, blog and beautiful photos and can’t wait to grow my own Floret Flowers. The hardest part is deciding where to start. I love them all!!! My all time favorite flower would probably be the iris. It reminds of my grandmothers flower gardens.

  887. Tiffany Boss on

    Tough choice! I love Peonies and alllll the Dahlias! You are an inspiration! ?

  888. Rebekah Kreiger on

    Ranunculus are my favorite flower. I recently purchased your book for a friend but totally looked through the whole thing several times before giving it to her ?. I love your work!

  889. Rebekah Kreiger on

    Ranunculus are my favorite flower. I recently purchased your book for a friend but totally looked thorough the whole thing several times before giving it to her ?. I love your work!

  890. Sara Miranda on

    I used to say that my fav flowers are dahlias, then peonies. Now I just say that all flowers are so unique and beautiful in their own way! I have been following your journey for quite some time now and it’s been amazing going on this ride with you. I am SOOO excited to get my house landscaped and stuffed with flowers! ?

  891. Rochelle Carlson on

    You are so talented in your endeavors, with all these beautiful living things. I can remember years ago, first visiting with my grandparents on both sides; they would tour us around their property and point out favorite plants and blooms, not to mention new projects. On my Moms side they were heavy into daylilies. On my Dads side many flowers, beautiful 25 ft tall southern magnolia trees on either side of their drive, and some produce. And my Mom is a heavy flower gardner. I have a lot of influence backing me up.
    So it would be hard to pick a favorite…..all those scented choices….roses, peonies, carnations, lilacs, lilies…..
    My favorites is the Cosmo….so easy, proliferic, great cut flower, and so many beautiful varieties. Some of the plants I have grown here (sw wa) grew to almost 6 ft ?
    Thank you for all you do!

  892. Amy Lee on

    Congratulations. Think of all the flowers you have helped make manifest.
    Although this seems impossible to chose, I will go with Oriental Lillies . I love how they continue to open and become more grand for days but also how they greet me sight unseen when I come in the house.
    This is my final answer. Warmest regards Amy Lee
    Lush&Local:The Flower Ladies
    Strasburg, Virginia

  893. Lindsey on

    I really like sweet peas- in part because of the sheer variety of them- and how easy it’s been for me to keep them alive :)

  894. LindaQ on

    My favorite flowers have to be dahlias! They have such perfect gorgeous blooms and I love the reactions we get from customers our local farmers’ market. With that said I will have to say that they are not my favorite when it comes to digging them up in the fall, washing and dividing the tubers in the freezing cold, and then worrying about them turning to mush while in storage for the winter!

  895. Gina Lubahn on

    I’ve been waiting, since August, for the perfect time to buy your book. I guess now is the time. :) Congratulations on one year celebrating Cut Flower Garden’s book release. So awesome!! My favorite flower today… are cosmos. I love how their leaves look like feathers. The flowers are so whimsical. Just one or two cosmos placed in a tiny bud vase is so beautiful to me.

  896. Sherri S. on

    So happy for your successes–you are a true inspiration! My all-time fave flower? Peonies! They are gorgeous, blowsy, fragrant, and remind me of my grandma (who called them “pinies.” Thanks for the chance to win!

  897. Tina Miller on

    So excited a friend of mine introduced me to your amazing site. I love your beautiful pictures and can’t wait to grow my very own Floret Flowers. I love so many flowers it’s hard to pick just one. If I had to choose a favorite it would probably be an iris because they remind me of my Grandmothers flower garden.

  898. Laurie on

    Happy, happy anniversary!!!! I remember the day the book was released and the anticipation I felt waiting for mine to arrive. You have inspired me to stop dreaming and start living those dreams. I can’t wait for your online workshop to open up so I can learn even more from you. Thank you for all you have done. My absolute favorite flower is ranunculus.

  899. Lindsay on

    I just ordered and received your book after wanting it all year long! My 3 girls (ages 2-6) and I each picked out which seeds we wanted to order and plant this spring. We’re doing it for my 6 year old’s science for the end of the school year. All 4 of us are so excited to try our hands at growing a cutting garden from seed! I love any and all flowers, but I would have to say that my current favorites are ranunculas.

  900. Andrea Wagner on

    Thanks for all the hard work. My favorite flower is lily of the valley because it reminds me of my mom.

  901. Pam on

    …the snapdragons!

  902. Michelle on

    My kids are finally getting old enough to be a little more independent, and I am looking forward to spending a little more time in the garden. My favorite flowers are peonies. I am anxiously awaiting them to bloom! Congrats on the one year anniversary!

  903. Linda on

    Congrats on your successes! I’ve been so happy for you as I’ve read about your dreams coming true. You and your team are such creative business women! You’ve given me so much inspiration and I am actually very encouraged when you mention your lows. I remind myself of that when I am feeling frustrated and discouraged with trying to expand my own little, tiny business. My favorite flower?! I love them all with their own special personalities, I couldn’t possibly choose just one. But I suppose I have an extra special fondness for Johnny Jump-ups. My mother always planted them on our apartment balcony window boxes and they remind me of her. And their cheerful faces always make me smile!

  904. B. Lowe on

    Your book, blog and social media posts were the inspiration I needed to get back into growing flowers. I had huge bouquets of Zinnias once again last year. A site I have not had in a long while. Love Zinnias!! Thank you for all you do!

  905. Lisa Goldstein on

    I’ve give your book and seed packets to friends, and got our local floral shop to sell it! Your photos in the book are each a work of art. Your print of the truck with the bed full of dahlias hangs above my desk, bringing sunshine to these gray Seattle days. Thanks!

  906. Pam on

    Congratulations on your first anniversary! My favorite flower was also my grandmother’s favorite, the Sweet Pea. The fragrance is incomparable and the array of colors amazing.

  907. Meg Magsig on

    I have always loved gardening and planting flowers each spring. But, I never even knew that flowers in the hues you have found and cultivated existed. Thank you so much for being so willing to share them!! It’s so hard to choose just one, but I think my favorite flower would have to be a dahlia.

  908. Anastasia Shulgan on

    Thank you for the giveaway and your generosity! My favorite flower would probably have to be Lilies and mostly because of the smell. For some people the smell can be overpowering but I love it. My grandparents grew and sold flowers for a living, and I remember when I was small I would sit in front of their rows of Lilies and smell them all day long!

  909. Hannah Tollefsrud on

    White Peonies, make a statement! Happy almost Spring from North Dakota!


  910. Terry Neufeld on

    Erin, you are awesome!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this book! It is definitely my go-to book for flower information. About my favorite flower….. I would have to say zinnias. There are just so many beautiful varieties to choose from! And, where I’m from (Manitoba, Canada), we can pick zinnias from the second week of July right up until frost!

  911. kathy on

    Lovely lady with beautiful flowers.

  912. Pam Adsit on

    I have just found you and all your hard earned work and the lovely floral world you have made. My favorite flower is heirloom poppy that the grandmothers warned, “Not to many, they’ll make you sleepy”!

  913. Kaysie S on

    Thank you for making such a beautiful book! I’ve been digging into farming through social media, blogs and videos. It’s been such a joy to sit back and relax with the peace and quiet and your book and really involve myself with the wealth of knowledge you have presented!

    Lilacs have always had special memories for me growing up so it’s great to see you have you them as well!

  914. Mike on

    Thank you for your insight. My all time favorite flower is the California Poppy.

  915. Jennifer N on

    Congrats Floret. Thank you for your generosity. I know it is a little old fashion, but my all time favorite flower is a zinnia. ?

  916. Danielle Matson on

    My favorite flower would have to be the sunflower. I love the height they get, their color and texture. They always bring a smile to my face.

  917. joan on

    simply can t live without tulips couldnt manage without pansies daffodils simply cant be ignored lilacs are my first floral memory peonies are essential to my well being all roses except a dozen longstems are a necessary accessory oh yes late winter would be unbearable without hellebores and who in there right mind can live without icelandic poppies

  918. Pam Dibasilio on

    Thank you for sharing your flower world with us. I’ve finally found a world that I connect with and have a chance to play my flower world forward with others, spreading flower lore. My favorite flower is the ranunculus, soft, elegant, beauty.

  919. Melissa on

    Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on all of your success! My favorite flower is a sunflower!

  920. Lisa Taylor on

    I love your book….it is beautiful and packed with great info. Congratulations. ..my favorite flower has always been and will be sweet peas!

  921. Andrea on

    My original favorite is the sweet pea. Brings back memories of my grandma‘s garden, my mother‘s garden, and of my own..during my travels through the state of California, Oregon, and Washington state pulling over to pick a few on the side of the road on the way to my next travel nursing assignment. Amazed at something so simply wonderful could grow along a stretch of pavement on its own in the middle of nowhere. Wonderful memories and am so excited to create a bounty of new ones of my own!

  922. Marissa Stockton on

    Dahlias are my favorite!!! I love growing them and having them in vases around my house. These days finding time to garden is a little hard but I have manage to have some Dahlia’s planted. Love.Love.Love. your Dahlia’s and can’t wait for mine to arrive!

  923. Brooke on

    Floret has been no less than a life changing ibspiratiin! Our family started a small flower farm this year using your principals! And my new favorite flower is ranuncus, which we’ll be planting in low tunnels here in ohio❤ thank you!

  924. Amy on

    My boyfriend and I have dabbled in flower growing before-zinnias, dahlias, roses, sweet peas, scabiosa, etc. Last year he started a gob-ton of my absolute favorites, marigolds. Romantic dahlias are a close second, but I absolutely love making a loud, gaudy arrangement of marigolds with globe amaranth or zinnias for my office. They’re like a party in a vase and nearly glow in the dark in the garden! This year I ordered a mish-mash of seeds from you and can’t wait to get planting-and more excitingly-cutting!

  925. Kelly on

    Congratulations to Floret!!!!! You’ve definitely been an inspiration to me in my endeavors as a new Flower Farmer!!! I can’t wait to start. I think I would have to pick the Peony as my favorite flower. (With ranunculus as a close second.) They are just so beautiful with their petals bursting out of the middles!

  926. Jen on

    Happy Anniversary!
    Thanks you so much for sharing your knowledge and being such an inspiration to those of us just starting out.
    I’m sweet on sweet peas, always have been always will be.

  927. Kera Barenaba on

    Love that your celebrating your one year book anniversary! Congrats!! I have love reading, marking, taking notes and practicing all the wonderful techniques and tips that you share.
    I think my two favorite flowers are Cafe au Lait dahlia and Delphiniums! I had both in my wedding bouquet when I got married to my husband 15 years ago this week. They remind me of one of the best days of my life!

  928. Mai on

    Happy anniversary! I’ve recently discovered your blog a few months ago while researching cut flower gardens, and since then has been a fan! Upon discovery, I sent my husband the link to your website, and to my surprise, he tells me he already has your book electronically! I of course, have gone back to the book many times, however, would love a hard copy!
    One of my favorite flower would have to be calla lilies; they remind me of an old soul…of which I feel like.

  929. Shani on

    I absolutely love your book and currently have a few of your seeds growing in my window sill. I could not be more excited about it! My all time favorite flowers are hydrangea but I am also obsessed with poppies, sweet peas, and dahlias!

  930. Heather Shepherd on

    Hard to pick a favorite! Loved the lilacs that grew in the backyard of the home I grew up in.

  931. Karen White on

    Poppy! Although I also love dahlias. Was actually hoping to buy some from you this year, but you were sold out. I’ll try again next spring!

  932. Jacque on

    Hi Erin, Thankyou for the inspiration to do more on my farm in Australia, congratulations on all your success. my favourite at the moment is Cosmos Cupcake Blush,it’s stunning, happy harvesting from OZ,regards Jacque

  933. Joyce Gerhardt on

    Sweet Peas have always been my favorite flower and I especially like Edith Flanagan variety! They remind me of my grandma’s garden. One whiff of her sweet peas and I was in heaven! I plant sweet pea flowers every year and share them with all my friends and neighbors. Congrats on all your flower success!!

  934. Michelle Jones on

    The ranunculus! But I’ve had a new love for tulips this year

  935. Sue N on

    I admire and am inspired by the beauty you create with all your heartfelt hard work! Best wishes for your business in the year to come. I love the humble scabiosa, so that is my favorite of the moment, but my all time favorite flower tends to be the one that is blooming happily in whatever season it is! So hard to choose.

  936. Beth Logan on

    Congrats Erin and team on the one year book anniversary! I was one of those frustrated Amazon customers so I ended up with the Kindle version plus the physical book when it finally arrived-worth the wait-the book is gorgeous! Hard to choose just one favorite flower: roses, peonies, tulips, ranunculus-all beautiful but if pressed I’d go with peonies. They just feel like spring to me.

  937. Megan FitzGerald on

    Your website is amazing! I feel so inspired every time I go through it. I especially love the dahlias!

  938. Betsy Louton on

    Congratulations on your success this last year. I find Floret such an inspiration. Your hard work, commitment to beauty in growing flowers and your gratefulness for all of it is so admirable. My favorite flower is the yellow tree peony, Paeonia lutea var ludlowii, paired with Symernium perfoliatum. I don’t know of a common name for this flower. The two together are exquisite. The former is a bulwark in my garden. The latter has had some good years but last year the rabbits decided it was very special. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I see it again this year.

  939. Heather on

    An all time favorite flower? How do I choose just one? Ok, if I have to, I think I’d have to go with lilacs. I think they were the first flower I ever paid attention to – helping my grandma cut them for Memorial Day arrangements, and playing “florist” with them in my back yard growing up. Thanks for all the floral inspiration!

  940. Molly C on

    Oh man! It is so hard to pick and all time favorite flower. But, as of right now, I think it might be ranunculus. I want to let you all know that your website inspired my new found love of flowers, and because of you, I am starting my own cut flower garden this year. Thank you for your hard work!!!

  941. Samantha tolhurst on

    I have always loved flowers but not until last year decided to do something about it …so I completed a floristry course and bought your book (this coincided with buying a family home) and with your help in the planning stage of starting growing my own flowers to sell . My all time favourite flower is Queen Anne lace -as it reminded me of the hedgerow flowers in the uk where I grew up ( now live in Australia

  942. Lisa Sprouse on

    Absolutely ❤️ love all that you share!! You are truly an inspiration!! My favorite flower is the Zinnia?

  943. Jess W on

    I’ll join the crowd and say that it’s just so hard to choose a favorite. Impossible in fact ;~), but, last year, in preparation for my wedding, I purchased bulbs of two of my favorite flowers from Floret – Ranunculus and Anemones. It was such a treat to see them popping up!

  944. Jacque Welchman on

    Hi Erin, I have a spray rose Farm in Australia, somehow I found your site have been truly inspired to do more varieties. My husband and I work the farm ourselves which can be challenging trying to get more things done. We have just started cutting our snapdragons and sunflowers and gypsophila is ready to be planted out. I have a few other seed varieties to get going,my favourite at the moment is Cosmos Cupcake Blush,I’m excited to start seeding.
    . Can’t wait to get my hands on your book. Regards Jacque

  945. Morgan K. on

    The online Floret course and Facebook learning community has been beyond valuable to me!! Thank you so much for being so generous in sharing your growing techniques. I absolutely adore dahlias and sunflowers!

  946. Shannon Jarvis on

    Congratulations on the anniversary! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your book and just last weekend, starting my first Floret Sweet Peas! The anticipation is killing me! So, thank you, for writing such an inspiring book, for introducing me to Sweet Peas and for sharing your hard earned knowledge.
    My all time favorite flower…hmmm…that’s tough… I love so many.,.it’s like asking which of my children I love most…I guess I would say gardenia because they remind me of being little.

  947. Suzanne Edwards Granstrom on

    Congratulations on your book’s huge success! Not a surprise…..it’s a beautiful book, full of inspiration and information.
    I have recommended it to many gardening friends. (I am anxiously awaiting the first Spring Lilac blooms…..so beautiful and fragrant.
    Quickly followed by the Peonies, my favorites!)
    Thank you for your generosity.

  948. Kathy Stevens on

    I love my copy of the book so much! So many bits of wisdom and the photography is beautiful. If I had to pick a favourite flower it would be sweet peas by a long shot. So many colours and such amazing smells?

  949. Heather on

    Dahlias. Always and always.
    Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary!
    Enjoyed your book and look forward to starting my seeds from you too. I am Hoping to win another book though. Mine has fallen apart. I usually take it on long drives, read it while camping and my 4 kids have “loved”on it too. Haha. Thanks for the endless inspiration!

  950. Mary R on

    Erin your story is very inspiring and that enthusiasm you impart has made me feel excited about been a better
    flower farmer this year. Loved growing zinnia’s last year so many people told me they reminded me of their GrandMa’s
    house growing up,amazing how they trigger memory.

  951. Christyn on

    How does one pick a favourite flower when there are so many to love? As I get older I am drawn to different flowers, but the one I have been drawn to year after year is the Gerbera Daisy.

  952. Josephine Howe on

    I love zinnias. They look so pretty in my vegetable garden while I am picking produce and enjoying the summer warmth. Last year I planted some of your zinnia seed. Congrats on all your success, a product of much much hard work I am sure.

  953. Hope B. on

    Sunflowers-they feed the pollinators and the birds. Just beautiful and useful.

  954. Kimberly Becker on

    My all time favorite flower is hollyhocks. We moved to a new place and I ordered Dalhias for the first time, your book is so beautiful and inspiring I hope to make my yard a future flowerbed with trails going through.

  955. beetnikfarm on

    Happy Anniversary!
    My fave flower for the past 40 years, in and out of vogue, any color is hands down snapdragon. I used to pick them in Oma’s garden as a kid, made them open and close their mouths. They have been and old “comfort” flower ever since. Kinda like an old friend in the garden. Of course today my kids play with them too!!
    Thanks for feeding gardeners passion.

  956. Toni Chandler on

    Snow Drops remind me that spring is right around the corner. The fabulous Fritillaria are a close second as my favorite posies.
    Continued success!

  957. Kelly G on

    I love this book! I was inspired to start gardening more and it got me motivated to explore this field in depth-I actually will be starting an apprenticeship with Commonwealth Urban Farms in OKC tomorrow!! Thanks for the inspiration! (P.S. Can I love all the flowers? Probably stephanotis, roses and hydrangeas are my favorites-timeless!)

  958. Marie Schwager on

    Plain old Shasta daisies – nothing makes me happier!

  959. Kathryn Klotzbach on

    Hard to choose just one, but I’m going with zinnias. Thanks for promoting the cut flower industry! Job well done.

  960. Sheila maher on

    I began with a love of all bulbs especially daffodils when I was in high school. When I got married we purchased our first home with a ton of “sticks” in the front yard. When May arrived I realized they were roses! I was hooked! The best cut flowers!

  961. Lauri Mobley on

    First I want to say thank you! When I’m at work, I have the little postcard that I received with my Floret Flower 2018 Planner, hanging above my computer. I look at it all of the time, it’s such a beautiful relaxing photo of just flowers! Simple beauty. My favorite flowers are Cosmos! I love these flowers for their simplicity, their energy, and their ease of growing! I collect the seeds throughout the summer and save them to plant. But what I really love is after the winter rains (I live in Southern California) all of the surprise Cosmos POP up out of the dirt! Just blooming away with no help at all!

  962. Jess on

    While I always enjoy other flowers and marvel at their unique beauty… dahlias steal the show (and my heart) every year!

  963. Donna on

    Amazing the creations of the Lord! We see a glimpse of Eden. Beauty beyond measure in the gifts of love the Lord has given us. The Lord has gifted us to be co-creators, designing with the enormous selection of florals created by the master designer himself ! Thank you for reaching around the world and sharing your joy! Love to see your beautiful family working side by side, such an inspiration! Wild flowers are my favorite, a spring gathering of lilacs, bleeding hearts, english bluebells, lilly of the valley and ferns. God Bless your Family and Staff !

  964. Katie on

    Congratulations!! You are so inspiring, and I’m so glad I happened upon your Instagram account, which inspired me to order your book. I am so excited to attemp my own small cut flower plot this year. My favorite flower (although it is so hard to choose just one) would be peonies. They remind so much of my childhood home and my grandma.

  965. Jessica on

    I love the way you and your team inspire people around the world to get back to the basics of enjoying the beauty you can create in your own backyard. Although it’s hard to choose just one flower as my favorite I always plant as many zinnias as I can fit. They are a wonderful cheerful flower that produces tons of blooms in every color and size you could ever want.

  966. Jen on

    I have to pick???‍♀️

  967. Bethany on

    Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and experience! My favorites are peonies!! Happy spring!

  968. Lauren on

    Congrats! What a great giveaway, I’m partial to carnations!

  969. Samantha Saxon on

    The inside covers of my copy of your book are filled with notes about succession dates and heights of dahlias— your book has been so fun for me to use as I really go after my very first (big) garden bed of my own.

    All time favorite is dahlias, for sure… ❤️ And my favorite dahlia at the moment is Totally Tangerine but I ordered Waltzin Mathilda from you and I think that might be he new favorite!

  970. Sarah on

    Well, first I was going to say Dahlias because they are just perfect and seem so special. But then I thought maybe Zinnias because they are so hardy and easy and make my vegetable garden a feast of color. But I think I must say my favorite is the Sunflower … just because I have always loved them.

  971. Carrie p on

    What I have only 1 favorite flower choice. There are peonies, ranunculus, tulips, daffodils, lilac, lavender, sweet pea…… and a hundred more. Flowers are a part of my life in so many ways. Love your photos of flowers. So thankful God made flowers.

  972. Erin on

    Congrats on all your success! I love watching you grow. My all-time favorite flower: hands-down, a heady-scented peony.

  973. Amber Villarreal on

    I’m so excited for you and the great success you have taken the time to share with us all. I wouldn’t be following my dream without your inspiration! My absolute all time favorite flower (right now) is Icelandic poppies.

  974. Lindsay on

    I love everything about this!! I accidentally happened upon your blog 2 years ago when looking into flower farming – everything I have done that has made our garden bigger and more productive has been one of your suggenstions – either here or in your book. I can’t hardly pick a favorite flower but I’d say daisies are the friendliest, sunflowers are the happiest, and cosmos are wild and free……… ??? Daisies would probably be the favorite though! (Since I have to pick ☺️) ?

  975. Cathy Evers on

    Flowers make me happy :) Hard to pick a favorite, but I love freesias!

  976. Erica Browne Grivas on

    Your book and blog are so inspiring. So hard to pick one – ONE?? – flower, but I have to go with a sentimental favorite – old garden rose ‘Maiden’s Blush’. For the scent, the color, and the name (in original French): Cuisse de Nymphe Emue. It was one of the first historical heirlooms I grew, and it’s a stunner.

  977. Kelsey on

    It’s so hard to pick an all-time favorite flower. I got married in mid-may, though, so the coral charm peonies in my bridal bouquet probably take the top spot.

  978. Cathy Evers on

    Flowers make me happy!! :) Hard to pick a favorite, but I do love freesias.

  979. Theresa on

    Lilacs scent is so heavenly and reminds me of childhood summers, but I fell in love with Ranunculus when I was introduced to them by my wedding florist :)
    I love everything you post- so beautiful. Looking forward to your book too- my (and my two little girls) love for flowers is ever-growing!!!!

  980. Carrie on

    How exciting! One year already! My favorite flower is ranunculus.

  981. Amy Virus on

    All Time favorite are dinner plate Dahlias! LOVE THEM!

  982. Maria Crispell on

    Planning a cut flower garden for the first time this year! My favorite flowers are the first violets in the spring.

  983. Betsy G on

    I mean, what is more perfect and more summer than a sunflower. I’ll always be in love.

  984. Erin S. on

    Hello. I’m a shy person; but I will do extraordinary things out of love for flowers. My favorite flower is lavender. The foliage smells beautiful year-round; and the flowers are like happy armies of fairies, surveying the landscape. Congratulations on transforming your own love into a profitable, respect-earning endeavor.

  985. Hayeon Erickson on

    Ranunculus. Those petals and colors. Absolutely perfect. They make for great cut flowers. Congratulations! I’m gonna get your Korean edition for my mom when it comes out! Love your work.

  986. Carla Heslop on

    This will be my first year attempting to grow flowers from seeds and I can’t wait to get started!

  987. Jane on

    It is hard to pick a favorite but I guess it would be lisianthus. Thanks for all the helpful info you share.

  988. Cherish on

    Ranunculus are my favorite flowers!

  989. Rebekah Sampson on

    I asked for and received my floret book for my birthday last May and love it so so much! I have turned a third of our yard into a cut flower haven and have slowly increased in varieties. I can’t wait for the summer! My floret tulips and anemones are showing lots of growth and I cannot wait to see those beauties flower. My favorite flower is the David Austin Evelyn rose and tulips of any kind!

  990. Daniel Schavey on

    Loved the book, loved the online course, and look forward to more books. Will continue to loyally follow your future endeavors. My favorite flower was joe pye weed lol. Mainly because it’s such a great filler and I never expected to even like it in the first place. Thank you and your entire team for paving the way for newbies like me. I’m grateful.

  991. Julanne Wright on

    I absolutely love your posts. Your photos make me happy, pure and simple! Favorite flower…ranunculus…

  992. Kelsey on

    Thank you Floret for the continuing inspiration! A bunch of cheerful tulips on my kitchen table after a grey winter is my favourite!

  993. Jordan Self on

    I am so happy for you! My favorite flower is the Ranunculus! Hard choice though as I do have so many flowers I love! I just love flowers!

  994. Hannah Robertson on

    Congratulations on the huge milestone and the wonderful reception your book has received!! Picking a fave flower feels like choosing a favourite child ? for nostalgia and the love of sculptural elegance I am going to choose “Indian Summer” gladioli…. when I was born my mothers room was filled with gladioli due to a local farm being on the way to the hospital… I adore them and the pink/chocolate colour of this particular type blows my mind x

  995. Danielle Connell on

    Love your book. I reference it for my own garden. Love planting dahlias. This year I am branching out to include sweet peas, strawflower, cosmos and columbine. Keep up the great work

  996. Holly on

    So hard to choose a favorite flower! Sunflowers initially inspired my love for gardening. However, I am growing Dahlias for the first time this year and suspect they will soon be my new favorite!
    Wishing you congratulations and continued success :) I love my copy of your book, which I purchased a few months ago as I am hoping to use some of the flowers from my garden in my wedding this summer!

  997. Molly Bell on

    Hmmm… just like my children I can’t pick a favorite flower. I would say that the top of the list is dahlia, lily of the valley and zinnia though. Congratulations on your one year birthday! You are an inspiration to me and I would love to one day have my little farm (Browndog Farms) be as successful and well loved as Floret is!

  998. Sheryl on

    First, Congrats on your success! It is always wonderful when you can take something you love and do it everyday for your job. Your flowers are beautiful and I am patiently waiting for my Narcissus to bloom. I truly do not know if I can narrow down to just one flower. I so enjoy a variety growing beautiful together. I love and want them all! I wish I could walk in a field of flowers and just enjoy all their beauty. I love your pictures!

  999. Leah haugen on

    Happy anniversary! This book has helped me so much with my flowers! My all time favorite flowers are anemones! Beautiful and delicate!

  1000. Jeanette on

    My favourite flower is a dahlia; I discovered them about 8 years ago when I finally had a garden to plant, and I’ve loved them ever since! I discovered Floret through instagram. I’ve followed your tips and techniques and will be planting some Floret seeds this month – so excited!

  1001. Connie H on

    All time favorite flower, the purple bearded Iris. The smell brings back memories of childhood. Congratulations on everything you have accomplished…and super excited to see the new farm grow!

  1002. Zoitsa Stamatis on

    When I started reading the book, I almost cried when you talked about your grandmother and the way she taught you to love flowers. With me was the same thing, but with my grandfather…He loved plants, He had a big garden full of many kinds of them, every single night He watered them ,while listening to music. It was His especial moment of the day, just for him. One hot day he arrived exhausted from work, but nothing stopped him from watering his plants, the hose was really big and heavy, and that night He had a heart attack…So, when I read about your grandmother and her love for Sweet Peas, I bought some seeds of them, I never tried to grow Sweet Peas before…and now, I have some of them in a pot in my dinner table!, (growing by me of course), because, you know what? Planting flowers is the best way to honoring and remembering our beloved grandparents that teach us to love flowers and nature so much!! Thank you for sharing lots of knowledge and love in that awesome book…❤️

  1003. Sara on

    I LOVE following y’all! I also already have the book and told my best friend they’d been replaced by a book. Hahaha! My all time favorite flower is a pink lupine.

  1004. Amy W on

    I’m so excited to read your book! I had it in my shopping cart on Amazon to buy at a later date and accidentally ordered it when I bought some baby clothes. I gave it to my husband and asked him to hide it from me until Mother’s Day. My favorite flower is Iris. I cannot wait to share my love of gardening with my future grandchild.

  1005. Erin on

    So excited to be starting my own cut flower farm this year! Thank you for the inspiration! I love love love your book and have so many seedlings in trays and several bulbs ready to burst open. My heart is so full! Thank you reigniting my passion for flowers and all things gardening!

  1006. Jenne on

    My all time favorite flower is the Lilly of the Valley flower. I love it’s delicate appearance, it’s lovely gentle scent and the way it’s little bell like flowers gently sway in the breeze. I always delight when these flowers appear each spring and experience a wistful sadness when they fade away as summer begins.

  1007. Marla Forsman on

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your wonderful book! You have been such an inspiration to me since I was fortunate enough to find your blog several years ago. It’s very difficult to name a favorite flower, but I guess at the top of my list are heirloom garden roses, such as Sydonie. Other favorites are dahlias, snaps, double columbines and anything in the dianthus family!

  1008. Jeanette Tinworth on

    My favourite flower is a dahlia; I discovered them about 8 years ago when I finally had a garden to plant, and I’ve loved them ever since! I discovered Floret through instagram. I’ve followed your tips and techniques and will be planting some Floret seeds this month – so excited!

  1009. Sara on

    Congratulations on such an exciting anniversary! Yours ranks as the most luscious and inspiring gardening book I’ve ever read – both visually and verbally. My favorite flower is ranunculus – the delicacy, vibrancy, and abundance of petals inspire joy. They also remind me of a tutu… delightful to me as a dancer. Blessings upon you and the farm!

  1010. Melissa C. on

    Such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your talent, passion, and love. Happy Anniversary, with many more to come…

    My favorite flowers are purple tulips. I have no idea why, just because. But with that being said I honestly love all flowers. They bring such a smile to my heart.

    Thank you!

  1011. Melissa Carbajal on

    Such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your talent, passion, and love. Happy Anniversary, with many more to come…

    My favorite flowers are purple tulips. I have no idea why, just because. But with that being said I honestly love all flowers. They bring such a smile to my heart.

    Thank you!

  1012. Carolyn Thompson on

    It’s hard to pin down my favorite flower because as the season changes so does my favorite flower, but if I had to say one it would be a David Austin garden rose. I love the colors, the texture and the beautiful scent. When I was lucky enough to attend the Floret workshop a couple of years ago I was lucky enough to be able to harvest garden roses with Erin. One of life’s highlights.

  1013. Stephanie Heflin on

    Congratulations on all your success! I love you blog, your wonderful book. and especially your Instagram posts. Your blooming flowers are just so gorgeous! They take my breath away. My all time favorite flower is Ranunculus–the colors are so bright and cheerful.

  1014. Maninder Sandhu on

    Late in life l have become a flowers farmer and the bend in learning curve is highly influenced by the Floret Flowers . I continuously look up to you for guidance and inspiration and highly admire the passion with which you work . I love sweet peas . Love everything about them , the green of the leaves,the shapely tendrils ,mayrid hues of the flowers , the heavenly fragrance .

  1015. An O. on

    The flowers from the Scarlet Runner Bean…it’s where my hummingbird love started! I recently discovered your blog and am so eager to explore it! I appreciate the beautiful photography you have connected with your stories. That’s what drew me in. Photography and gardening are my happy place…oh would I love to roam your farm.

  1016. Susan B. on

    Wow. You all just continue to amaze me. My greenhouse is full with starters and the overflow is on the dining room table. You have inspired me to try new things like Love in a Mist, stock, etc. But my heart is in sweet peas with approximately 100 seeds going strong. Thanks for sharing your incredible knowledge. Your customer service folks are tops. And so glad to have you in Skagit Valley.

  1017. Susan H. on

    Wish you were able to do the “cross country” book tour. What a fun idea! Starting to grow flowers this year can’t wait to see all the pretties, but I would say my favorite flower is the peony; gorgeous flower that I plan to add to my garden.

  1018. Daizy Bailes on

    What!?! Wait!! How can it have been a year already?? My, my, how time flies! It WAS last year that I found you while searching for info on my own flower farm. I’m down here in Alabama on The Poor House Ranch with extra soil that needs a purpose. So while doing my research I found you but didn’t have the extra funds to order your book so I put it on my list of up coming purchases…..well, now is the time!!! Congratulations on the success of all your products and on the farm. I will be watching you and learning from you accomplishments. My farm will have many of you same flowers but my favorites are, of course, the daisies and the dahlias and the hydrangeas. Much luck in the future and much love from me. Daizy Bailes, The Poor House Ranch, Talladega, Alabama.

  1019. Julie on

    Congrats on such a wonderful year! So difficult to choose an all time favorite flower, but in honor of my mother, who died three years ago from breast cancer, whose family is from Texas, I’ll choose the Texas bluebonnet. It reminds me of my mom and her love for her family and flowers.

  1020. Jane McGlynn on

    WOW. What a difficult question ! My favourite flower changes with the seasons, it’s almost impossible to pick one. So I am going to be a bit different & say Mock orange for Spring, Café au Lait dahlias for summer, any type of autumn foliage for Autumn ( not a flower but still beautiful right :-) & Hellebores for winter.

  1021. Maninder Sandhu on

    Late in life I have become a flower farmer and I contiously look to the floret blog for guidance and inspiration and admire the passion that goes into the working of the Floret Farm and all it’s related activities . I love sweet peas . Love everything about them , the green of their leaves , shapely tendrils , mayrid hues of the flowers and the heavenly fragrance

  1022. mary perry on

    Nice work Erin! your ideas continue to excite me, you inspire me to keep coming up with ideas of my own. Thank you for all you are your sharing with the world. many smiles and a hug! Mary of Winterberry Farm Belgrade Maine. my favorite flower might have to be Daisies! plane old fashioned field Daisies.

  1023. Laurie R on

    Thank you for your diligence in creating a beautiful resource book for flower lovers. You have inspired me to pursue my dream! Peonies and old fashioned roses have been particular favorites. I’m finding as my experience with new varieties increases, my “favorites” list expands too!

  1024. Andrea on

    Sweet peas are my favorite! They remind me of my grandma’s house growing up.

  1025. Jay on

    It is so hard to narrow down favorite flowers! I would have to say tulips are my current favorite.
    This book really helped me when I decided to rip out most of my husbands beautiful grass in the backyard and plant cut flowers. I had already made the leap to open my our floral design business, now I was going to grow things too! This scary plan of mine was only accomplished with the help of this book. My anxiety level would have been through the roof! Thanks!

  1026. Sani on

    Dahlias and peonies ?

  1027. Karen DelVecchio on

    Your book is a bible of sorts for my husband and I. It has taken our interest and love of flower gardening from the “someday” stage to the “buy every beautiful bulb and seed” on your release days. We’re incredibly excited to see your beautiful blooms fill our yard for years to come. Especially the tulips ?

  1028. Melissa on

    The feeling of accomplishment you and your team must feel? The book is beautiful, your flowers are awe inspiring and your website/instagram is incredibly encouraging and empowering! I find myself thumbing thru your book every time I’m planning out my beds this winter. You have convinced me that I Can grow flowers for market, I Will be successful and I Will Love Every Minute!! Ok. Let’s be honest. Not Every Minute…but Most of them!! I will learn from my mistakes, and hopefully because you are so generous with your knowledge, I may be able to dodge a few. I along with many others owe you a debt of gratitude for spending your time & energy to help others along the path you have chosen. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to thank you in person some day, until then this will have to do. My very first baby blooms poked their heads up out of my very first soil blocks just today. The craziness is about to begin!! I love them all, but my Grandmother had rows of Peonies at her house and My first flower memories are of burying my nose in their wonderful scent.

  1029. Carolyn on

    Everything becomes my favorite as its season comes around and the first new faces of each variety open. But currently I’m pretty preoccupied with hellebores.

  1030. Kate Mungoven on

    Discovering Floret and the whole new brave world of seasonal cut flowers has been a life-changer for me. I’m now looking forward to gradually moving into growing full-time and breeding my own line of dahlias, my favourite flower. Thanks guys, looking forward to seeing your, and my, dreams develop. Xx

  1031. Irma Paetzold on

    I have enjoyed your book so so much. Thank you! My favourite flower is peonies but the choice is a wry tough one to make. Each season offers a favourite! ?

  1032. Janet Herbert on

    Congratulations Team Floret! Erin,the first time I read your story, I knew I’d found a kindred spirit! You put such heart in all you do and we who love flowers want to be a part! Our youngest daughter is launching her cut flower garden and business this spring and we often comment to one another, “What would Erin do?” Thank you for the inspiration. You are much appreciated!

  1033. Stacy on

    It’s so much fun reading everyone’s comments! Thank you for sparking and fanning our love of flowers.
    My favorite flower is the snapdragon. They are so cheerful and come in such a great spectrum of colors!

  1034. Mary R. on

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this nice bundle. I have your book and it is filled with beautiful pictures and helpful information. My favorite flowers are dahlias. My dad grew different varieties and they were all so pretty. Thank you for this opportunity and all your inspiration!

  1035. Melanie Herman on

    I enjoyed your book over and over!!! My favorites are dahlias… so sad when you sell out so fast! :)

  1036. Amanda G. on

    Floret is an inspiration to home gardeners and entrepreneurs alike. Congratulations and thank you for making our world a little more beautiful!

  1037. Robin Huizinga on

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration to other flower growers! I am newbie trying out this new adventure of cut flowers for our roadside market and farmers market… been following your site to learn! The smell of lilly’s of the valley and lilacs as it reminds me of my grandmothers… and sunflowers, dahlias are my summer favorites!

  1038. Joyce D'Agostino on

    When you love flowers, it’s hard to choose just one flower that’s your favorite. But sunflowers always are so cheerful and remind me of our family farm in Kansas! Now that there are more varieties to choose from they’re even more fun to grow and it’s great to see how popular they are in bouquets. Your site is lovely and your flowers are amazing.

  1039. Annette Hellbusch on

    Happy #1 Anniversary on the book, and congrats for buying more flower ground. Growing flowers has always been my dream and with all the knowledge you share my dream has come true. My favorite flower is….lisianthus & dahlia. I love them both equally. The gifts your giving in this giveaway are awesome and I “silently” hope I win as my daughter bought the book with intentions to share but she has latched on to it and we are 1.5 hours apart, so I need my own. We constantly refer back to your website with our questions and I think this year we just might have succeeded in germinating our sweet peas. This is my daughter’s favorite flower so we really needed to accomplish this and not give up. Congrats again and THANK YOU for giving us dreamers our dream.

  1040. Kyra on

    Congratulations! In late winter when it seems like spring will never come, I love looking at all your beautiful photos. My favourite flower is goldenrod!

  1041. ss on

    I don’t have facebook or social media but stumbled upon this site one day, and vicariously live through this family’s dream of having a business like this one that involves hard work, dirt, sweat and tears, and the beauty and aroma of gorgeous flowers and nature around. I love the website and the progression of watching the successes of what diligence and hard work can do. My favorite flower would be Sweet Peas for sure, they cheer my soul, and I try to pick a handful as often as I can to put on my table or beside my bed. Flowers, surround me flowers to brighten my day!

  1042. Kris R. on

    I have read, re-read, and highlighted so much information in your wonderful book. So enjoy it! My favorite flowers are peonies followed closely by those happy little zinnias. Can hardly wait for the Farmer’s Market season.

  1043. Pam Romanello on

    Thank you Erin for all your inspirational , totally honest, and expert advice….I could listen to you all day!!!! My favorite flower, barre none, is the zinnia, They make me smile no matter what, and when you look at them closely , you know there must be a God, and I’m not even a religious person! And the different colors???? They can make a beautiful bouquet without adding 1 other single thing!

  1044. Emerald on

    It is always so refreshing and fragrant to see your story on instagram! My all time favorite flower would be midsize pastel toned peonies-! They were my wedding flowers too.

  1045. Jo on

    Love the book, website, blog, everything Floret! My favorite flower is the Peony. The smell is amazing!! I can’t get enough of them when they are in season.

  1046. Melissa on

    Your book is wonderful and has inspired me and given me the growing confidence I will need to accomplish my growing floral goals and for you and that I am thankful. My current favourite flowers are Pandora Poppies!

  1047. DeeAnn Fuchs on

    I got your book at the library and absolutely love it! I would be thrilled to win one. I’ve been gardening for 30 years but always appreciate new tricks.

  1048. Sue on

    I love love love the beauty and inspiration this book has brought to my life!! Tulips are my favorite. I hope you have more books coming soon. :-)

  1049. Alaire Olivas on

    My all time favorite flower has to be old English roses. After following you on Instagram I must say that Dahlias are a very close second.

  1050. Cheryl Roede on

    Erin’s book was such an inspiration for me as I began flower farming last year for the very first time. The gorgeous photos, the helpful growing hints, the amazing information on so many flower varieties was so helpful. My 5 year old granddaughter Claire is now asking me to help her dad begin a flower garden at their house as well! She can’t get enough of those beautiful dahlia photos in Erin’s book and loves to hear the names of each one. So precious!! I think our favorite dahlia is “Appleblossom”. And with all of the amazing information I gleaned from the online workshop that just concluded, we will be growing many of those and much more again this year!

  1051. Kristen Rockwell on

    I adore your book. It is like the cut flower bible. My absolute favorite kind of flowers are peonies. A vase of fresh cut peonies on my table = perfection!

  1052. Bibiane Sproule on

    Thank you for all the great info you share with the flower world! My favourite flower right now is the peonies. We’ll be planting over 300 this year, can’t wait!!???

  1053. BJ on

    Love, Love the book and all the great info! My favorite flower? Such a hard decision! I think it would be the dahlias. Such variety, such color and so beautiful.

  1054. Melissa B on

    I just came across your blog/website last week and I’m so excited to learn! I’ve wanted a cut garden my whole life. Thanks for making this information available. I love daisies. They are such happy flowers that I can’t help but smile and feel lighter when I see them.

  1055. Katilyn on

    I’m so excited to plant the flower seeds I ordered from your a couple weeks ago! I started some of of the seeds inside and now the hard part of waiting for it to warm up.

  1056. Jeannie Sears on

    I just purchased your Book (at the UW Bookstore in Mill Creek) and also just received my shipment of seeds. I may be in over my head already but, I could not help myself. Lol. I’m really excited to get my garden ready with the help of my kids this year. My All Time favorite flower is The Peonies. Daliah’s are a close second. Thank you for your inspiration and helpful tips. The “how to” emails that come with the seed orders is really a nice touch. Thank you.

  1057. Cecilia Stempel on

    Thank you for all the inspiring words and pictures. They are so uplifting and really keep me going! Have a Happy Anniversary. Favorite flower,
    sooooo hard but loving the ranunculus right now.

  1058. Randi Greiner on

    Congratulations Erin!! You have inspired me since day 1 in my business venture as a farmer florist and it has been incredible to follow along your journey!! I’ve read your material in growing for market back since 2010 and I find myself on your blog every time I am doing research on specific cuts! Thank you for all that you have done for this industry! My all time favorite flower is poppies, they are fascinating and I wish every variety worked as a cut!!

  1059. sarah grigorov on

    This is a kind and generous gift for gardeners who are itching for spring to arrive in their region. It’s so difficult to choose a favorite…..hellebores in early Spring, lupines and columbines, Larkspur and Batchelor buttons, dahlias and sunflowers …..oh,I can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt!!

  1060. AnnaJo on

    What a difficult question! I’ll think I know my favorite flower, but then the season changes. Right now I am so excited about hellebores!

  1061. Penny Friedrichsen on

    Everything that is Floret is pure sunshine especially the dahlias! They are my favorite flower and your seeds grow so well in the PNW.

  1062. Aretha DeSpain on

    Hard call. Sweet Peas are among the finalists, but then Cosmos and Zinnias are good. My solution is to name my hens flower names. All the favorites make their rotation.

  1063. Megan Brakeley on

    Incredible! Have admired your work and loved watching your business grow since the early Growing For Market features. Congrats! Favorite all-time flower… champagne colored lisianthus for looks, or forsythia as the embodiment of the excitement for spring in New England, scabiosa as an architectural feat, ranunculus for its lusciousness, scabiosa stellata because… math. Cheers!

  1064. Angie Huntley on

    Your book has broken me so much inspiration. I’m so excited to receive my shipment of bulbs and get started. I’ve dog eared my book and made notes!!

  1065. Andrea Small on

    I ordered your book soon after it came out. I love it! I also used the 2017 planner to record all my plantings and garden endeavors and will use this year’s as well. I have ordered many seeds (so excited about the sweet peas!) as well as tubers. Loved the ranunculus I grew for the first time last year. Thank you for all the inspiration and encouragement. I grow only for me, but on a big scale (my motto, “only the name is Small.” Hard to pick a favorite flower but if only one, Benary’s Giant zinnias.

  1066. Julie on

    Happy Day!! Thanks for your inspiration and bringing beauty to so many! My favorite flower is the garden rose then ranunculus then double tulips!

  1067. Casey Grysen on

    Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! It has helped me with my cut flower garden tremendously! It’s so generous if you and I can’t thank you enough! My all time favorite flower is ranunculus! so femine and gorgeous

  1068. Jan on

    I love to create flower arrangements. To grow my cut flowers is a plus. Your book is creative and informative. A great learning tool! My favorite flower is the dahlia.

  1069. Morgan Hinen on

    I love what you do and I hope to grow my garden and maybe even own a flower farm of my own someday!? It’s hard to choose just one flower.. But I do love Zinnias and Daliahs!

  1070. Nick on

    Congratulations!! Your book has been a major inspiration to expand our gardens. Zinnias are my favorite!

  1071. Allison on

    My favorite flower has always been and will always (probably!) be the tulip. The simplistic beauty of it and one of the first signs of spring – always fills me with joy! Even as a cut flower, I love how the tulip transitions from tight and regal to soft and flowy in the vase. I loved reading (and re-reading) the Cut Flower Garden book and was inspired this year to pick up a Helebores when I saw it in the store recently! I had never heard of that flower before and never would have even noticed it if I hadn’t read about it in your book. I started my cut flower garden last fall with 140 tulip and ranunculus bulbs and am already drooling over some hardy annuals I want to plant when the ground warms enough. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement in your book!! Congratulations on 1 year!

  1072. Jeff McDonald on

    I love Dahlias because of all the colors, shapes and sizes–they are an endless source of beauty and inspiration in the garden!

  1073. Robin Anish on

    Hi! I adore your flowers and the photos are stunning; however, I have yet to have been able to order anything from Floret. I grow many, many dahlias and when I discovered your website a year ago I couldn’t wait to order but everything was sold out so I made it a point to be ready to order dahlia tubers this year on the first day they went on sale….I had spent hours perusing the dahlias and making my list and revamping my list and on Jan. 2 this year I was ready to go but when I got on the website almost all the dahlias were sold out!!! I’ll try again next year at the stroke of midnight! Congratulations on your success!

  1074. Kathy Woods on

    Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing your passion with the world. I love peonies. They remind me of my grandma. ?

  1075. Ryan Godbout on

    Lily of the Valley – it’s fragrance and it’s sinplicity get me every time!

  1076. Patricia Carlson on

    So proud of you for your hard work that has led to success! I love sweet peas and dahlias, but how do you choose? Last spring I fulfilled a 46-year dream to visit Mt. Vernon for Tulip Fest. As I turned the corner to the first garden and saw the first blooms I could only stand and weep at the overwhelming beauty! My heart was filled and my joy was inexpressible. Flowers are one of the gifts we have in this world to bring beauty and life even in the midst of difficulty. Thank you for bringing beautiful flowers and gardens to this world that so desperately needs them!

  1077. Julia on

    I absolutely LOVED your book (ordered it on pre-order)! So inspirational! Even though I have no land of my own, I started a floral design business just to get my feet wet in the floral industry. My dream is to grow my own flowers on land of my own some day. My favorite flower is the hellebore. They persist in the gloomiest months of the year; they herald the coming of spring; and their nodding heads modestly hide their beautiful, freckled petals.

  1078. McKenzie Owenby on

    I recently discovered Floret! I have been wanting to start a cut flower business for a couple years now, as there appears to be nobody at our local farmers market selling. Your website, resources, and blog have been an inspiration. I hope to test the waters selling my first bouquets this summer. I just started the first seeds of the season last week. My grandmothers adored their flower gardens, and were the start of all my flower interests. My childhood was full of wisteria and peonies. Peonies are probably my favorite. I cannot imagine anybody not enjoying a peony. Thank you for sharing so much with us all. Happy Anniversary!!!

  1079. Kathy Woods on

    Simply beautiful….thank you for sharing your passion with the world. I love peonies. They remind me of my grandma ❤️

  1080. Brenda Chapman on

    Congratulations on a great year. I am a new follower of Floret Flowers and ordered my first seeds this year. I am already looking forward to the harvest. My favorite flowers are zinnias. I have been planting them since I was a child. Thanks.

  1081. Ashley on

    Thank you Erin for being such an inspiration to all of us. I always look forward to seeing what you and your crew have in store for all of us. Looking forward to planting some of your seeds this year, especially the sweetest sweet peas.

  1082. barbara on

    Just received my copy of your book…. love it!!! thank you for including the growing info I was looking for… I have started your seeds of calendula, larkspur and snapdragons…all are up and growing nicely…can’t wait for gardening weather.

  1083. Margaretta on

    Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I have the book and can’t get enough of flipping through the pages : )
    I purchased seeds for the first time this year and am so looking forward to planting them and watching them grow. My favorite flower is Sweat Peas. I had to restrain myself from purchasing all the varieties you offered! Thank you for your blog!

  1084. Jan W on

    I love to create flower arrangements. To grow my own cut flowers is a plus. Thank you for creating your book sharing your wonderful ideas. It is truly a beautiful book to look at but super as a learning tool. Many thanks!

  1085. Grace Anderson on

    Congratulations Team Floret!! My all time favorite flowers are Peonies!

  1086. Paige Broome on

    Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary of your book!! Thank you so much for writing it!! I have a copy from the library that I keep renewing because it is so good! I am hoping to get my own copy soon! I am learning so much from your book and have a list of so many things that I want to try to start growing now because of your book! My favorite kind of flowers are Dahlias, they are just so incredible, but I have a feeling the more I plant that more flowers will be competing for my favorite.

  1087. Julia on

    I absolutely LOVED your book (ordered it on pre-order)! So inspirational! Even though I have no land to grow on, I started a business in floral design just to get my feet wet in the flower industry. My dream is to one day grow all my own flowers on my own land. My all-time favorite flower is the hellebore. They persist during the gloomiest of times in the calendar year; they signal the coming of spring; and their little nodding heads modestly enclose their delightful (often freckled) petals. I find them so inspirational (and so much like myself)!

  1088. Julie on

    Happy 1st Anniversary! You have been an inspiration to so many and are helping spread much beauty around the world! My favorite flower right at the moment is the garden rose but that might change tomorrow!!

  1089. Anne Lajoie on

    Congratulations on your 1 year publishing anniversary!!! I don’t think that I can pick just one favorite flower! My favorite varies with the season. :)

  1090. Juliet Taylor on

    Congratulations! I love Daffodils, Daisys, and Delphiniums!

  1091. Margaretta on

    Congrats on the 1 year anniversary of the the book….which I love and just can’t stop flipping though the pages, over and over again : )
    I purchased some seeds for the 1st time and am so looking forward to planting & watching them grow. My all time favorite flowers are Sweat Peas. I had to refrain from buying all the varieties you offer. Thanks for Floret!

  1092. Diana M on

    I just love Peonies with dahlias as a close second. Or what ever is blooming now! I love your book and use it often as I am now growing many kinds of cut flowers. Your book is like a bible for the cut flower garden. I was visiting a garden in Stockholm Sweden and the head gardener recommended your book. So you do get around!

  1093. Sarah K on

    I always loved the children’s book, Miss Rumphius and the going-ons of Floret remind me of the main character’s quest to make the world more beautiful. Flowers any day of the week always remind me to delight in the those magical small moments of beauty when you least expect them, while they last. Thanks for the digital beauty of your flowers! They go a long way to offset all the crazy online! Add: Favorite flowers are dahlias (if you absolutely forced me to choose)

  1094. Melissa Strickland on

    Your flowers are gorgeous! Your business beginnings and development are aspiring! Congratulations! One of my all time favorite flowers is tulips!

  1095. Sarah K on

    I always loved the children’s book, Miss Rumphius and the going-ons of Floret remind me of the main character’s quest to make the world more beautiful. Flowers any day of the week always remind me to delight in the those magical small moments of beauty when you least expect them, while they last. Thanks for the digital beauty of your flowers! They go a long way to offset all the crazy online!

  1096. Isabella on

    Happy anniversary! Sweet peas are my favourite flowers.

  1097. Judy Stamm on

    Like most of us who love flowers, it’s hard to pick a favorite! Without overthinking it, Peonies are first to pop into my mind. They remind me of my mother and grandmothers and my daughters. It is always a joy to read your blog and book. Thank you!

  1098. Maureen Kelly on

    Pick just one favorite flower? Impossible! But Delphiniums, Sweet Peas and Peonies make the list. Happy Anniversary!

  1099. Isabella on

    Happy anniversary! Sweet peas are my favourite.

  1100. Marian Wiltshire on

    Goodness that year has gone quickly. Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge and wisdom. My favourite flower (at the moment) is a dahlia called Christie Leader. Beautiful big apricot blooms.

  1101. Karen B on

    I just starting gardening and your book has truly been an inspiration! Right now, the hydrangea is my favorite flower but my favorite is constantly changing!

  1102. Leticia on

    Congratulations on your first book anniversary!! So hard to choose a favourite flower! But I’d say cosmos! There’s something about it that always makes me happy when I see a patch of cosmos growing wild on my city’s sidewalks :)

  1103. Amy on

    I love me some peonies! Gotta say though, sunflower has been with me for life, so that’s probably my favorite.

  1104. Peggy S. Vincent on

    I am delighted to have found you! From day 1, I allowed myself to plan (not just dream) about having a real cut flower garden. Not as a business, but for my home and to share with friends. That little raised bed was simply NOT big enough, my 4×6 plot of zinnias NOT big enough! I was thrilled when you launched your book, wished the on line launch would have gone on without the glitches, but you guys handled it beautifully! I bought 2 copies of the book…one for my self and one for my older 5 sisters to share! My oldest sent me an email the other day saying she had spent an entire afternoon with the book planning her new gardens:) The other 4 just have to wait it line for it! Our mom taught us the joy of gardening – ok, pulling weeds when we said we were bored, but it led to a lifetime of knowing the joy of spending hours digging in the dirt. As we await yet another Nor Easter tonight, I wished my tulips, poppies, hellebores and daffodils good luck and that I’d see them on the other side of the storm! Don’t tell the others, but Poppies are my favorites! I simply can’t wait to get my Dahlias from you, it’s been years since I had the joy of them in my garden! Happy Anniversary and happy planting!!

  1105. Karen Brown on

    I just started gardening and your book is truly an inspiration! Right now, the hydrangea is my favorite flower. My favorites are constantly changing!

  1106. Catherine on

    Erin, I have folllowed you from the beginning! Your rise to flower super power has been a delight to watch. I am always inspired by you to go dig in the garden. I can’t wait to plant some of the seeds I’ve ordered. I’d have to say that sweet peas are my favorite and truly a labor of love. I have read your advice on sweet peas many times.
    Thanks for spreading so much flower joy!

  1107. Natasha S. on

    I love white Peony’s. Our 107 year old folk victorian has a couple of OLD Peony plants that make heavenly scented bouquets. Can hardly wait until early spring for them to bloom.

  1108. Nancy Nelson on

    Your book inspired me to start my own cut flower garden last summer, and now I’m the flower lady at my office. Beautiful bouquets brightened our offices and meeting table. So much fun! Thank you! My favorite flower is the Zinnia. They are all so different but all so beautiful, and endless blooms.

  1109. Jessica Gillard on

    Your blogs, book, and seeds have given me the information and courage I needed to start our own micro flower farm. With the first seedlings already starting to emerge under the lights, I think snapdragons and stock might be my new favorites!

  1110. Annie on

    So hard to choose…I’ll say lilacs. I love them for their lovely scent and nostalgia- It takes me back to when I was a child and my mother would fill the house with clippings when they were in bloom. :)

  1111. Janet on

    It’s so wonderful to hear all the good news that happens to Floret, your family, and your work family. No doubt all a result of your hard work and dedication! The flowers you tend to, in so many ways, tend to you. Just as a gardener lovingly broadcast seed in hopes of a bountiful harvest, you have lovingly and painstakingly broadcast the seeds of “how to” for us. I truly believe you will reap a bountiful harvest far exceeding your expectations. One that will last for a life time. Many thanks to you. P.S. To me there is nothing as lovely as the flower of Wisteria. Intoxicating fragrance, beautiful color, graceful in form!

  1112. Jo on

    Thanks so much for the inspiration and all the advice and information you provide! I started my first cut flower garden last year after reading your book. My fav from the garden was Zinnia Queen Red Lime.

  1113. Dixie on

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway.
    Oh my. I like so many flowers.
    I would have to say that I like Old World Roses the best. But also
    peonies, cosmos, amaryllis, and sweet peas should be mentioned. too. :)

  1114. Tammy J Force on

    Congratulations on an amazing year! You’re something to be very proud of in the Valley. the sweet peas were always my grandmother’s and mother’s favorite flower. My mother’s birthday was on February 22nd and that’s the day she and I would always plant the seeds. I miss her dearly but you’ve put a bright spot in it for me. Your books are wonderful! Here’s to an amazing 2nd year!

  1115. Theresa on

    So hard to pick a favorite… the hibiscus and plumeria, though, remind me of my childhood! Thank you, Erin, for all that you do. Truly inspirational. You’re living my dream!

  1116. Erin McCracken on

    I’m so glad I found your website, and the beautiful flowers that come with it! I adore dahlias, and I’m so excited to receive my tubers in the mail. Thank you for everything you do!

    PS: Sending love from one Erin to another. :)

  1117. Faye on

    I agree that this is a hard question! Daisies are a happy flower and bring back so many wonderful memories from childhood of pulling the petals off one at a time and now watching my children and my grandchildren pick the flowers and do the same thing. Daisies make me smile.

  1118. Erica Schomaker on

    You have been such an inspiration for my husband and I. We ventured into flower farming this year and your book is what sparked our interest. I hope we succeed. I fell in love with the celosia super crest mix last year. They are so bright, textured, unique and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing all of your wisdom. There is no way we would be able to even attempt this without the wealth of knowledge you have shared.

  1119. Heather Smith on

    I just received my book yesterday! I love it so much. My favorite all time favorite flower is the orange poppy because it always reminds me of my grandmother whose live for flowers captivated me.

  1120. Annie Gilmour on

    So hard to choose… I’ll say lilac. Definitely makes my top 5! I love it for its beauty, but also nostalgia- it takes me back to my childhood and I can remember my mother filling the house with clippings when they were in bloom :)

  1121. DeAnne Benedict on

    How wonderful to read your story and how you are continuing to thrive and flourish as you spread the joy of flower growing with other flower farming enthusiasts! My favorite flower of all time is the rose! I am learning to branch out and explore other flowers as I read your blog and perhaps, as a result,my favorite flower will change! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  1122. Susan G. on

    Congratulations! It’s nice to see hard work bring success. I’ve been a fan ever since I saw Erin in Country Living magazine with all those beautiful flowers in the back of her truck.
    I personally love tulips for their simplicity and how they escort us into spring after a long winter. Oh, but those peonies in June are a close second followed by the sweet peas of summer. (How can you chose just one flower?) Best of luck in all your future endeavors. ?

  1123. Maxwell Lewis on

    My wife and I are starting a cut flower farm in Wildwood, GA. You and your blog have been a great resource. Thank you for the seeds. They’re starting out great!

  1124. Rhonda Watson on

    Love your site and your blog. Your flower arrangements are always stunning. It’s hard to narrow down a favorite flower to just one, but I would say my favorite is zinnias. They are so colorful and grow well here in Arkansas in our hot summers. Keep up the good work! You and your team are such an inspiration.

  1125. Heather on

    Congratulations on your milestone! My favorite flower is the oriental lily, some of which I’ve cultivated for nearly forty years in my garden.

  1126. Terri May on

    Cafe au lait dahlia (thanks to you)

  1127. Rene on

    Daffodils, the symbol of hope.

  1128. Catherine Daem on

    I love everything you do, especially the beauty that you have brought to my garden! I would have to say my favorite flower is the Breadseed Poppy. I recently purchased some from you and I am patiently waiting for their blooms. Thank you!!

  1129. Stacie K on

    Your success, generosity, and the beauty you bring to the world are all inspiring. Picking a favorite flower would be like choosing a favorite child. I love them all. Sunflowers always make me smile.

  1130. ellis on

    Dahlias are my all time favorite and your selection is just exquisite. I love them so much I even named my daughter Dahlia! Gave me a really good excuse to cram more into my garden :)

  1131. Sumeuy Lam on

    Your book has inspired me to turn my own little veggie patch to a cut flower garden! My all time favorite flower is the peony but I’ve found a new love for ranunculus and anemones (which are currently growing in my tiny greenhouse right now).

  1132. Pooh stevenson on

    I am one of your fans that grow many more cosmos since reading your book and blog. Thank you for all your inspiration! Love you and Chris’s photography.

  1133. Janet on

    It’s so wonderful to hear all the good news that happens to Floret, your family, and your work family. No doubt all a result of your hard work and dedication! The flowers you tend to, in so many ways, tend to you. Just as a gardener lovingly broadcast seed in hopes of a bountiful harvest, you have lovingly and painstakingly broadcast the seeds of “how to” for us. I truly believe you will reap a bountiful harvest far exceeding your expectations. One that will last for a life time. Many thanks to you.

  1134. Ann Marie Wainscott on

    I randomly found your book (and eventually, your blog) by searching for books about flower gardening on Amazon. I was astonished when the book arrived and it was pretty enough to be a coffee table book!

    My favorite flower is probably a cheerful red gerber daisy.

  1135. Chris on

    Erin, you are such an inspiration to me! My all-time favorite flowers are peonies. Whenever I see peonies, I can’t resist their beauty and love to inhale their intoxicating fragrance. They transport me instantly to my Gram’s garden. I spent many happy hours as a child in the garden with my Gram and became the gardener I am today because of her. Thank you for offering this generous goodie box give away! Fingers crossed :)

  1136. Polly Smith on

    I love sweet peas. I am a watercolor painter as well as a flower & vegetable gardener. For me, flowers are a ready gift for friends as well as a source of painting inspiration. I love following your Instagram which I have shared with other gardening friends for inspiration. I also found your book in our local library in Maine and read it cover to cover! Thank you for sharing the spirit of Floret Farm to so many people.

  1137. Becky Pope on

    I’ve been pining over this book since I first came across it! My favorite flower is lilacs. They always take me back to my childhood picking lilacs from my grandmas bushes. She inspired my decision to earn my degree in floral design and my love of gardening.

  1138. Sarah on

    Congratulations on all of your success! Your book and flower farm are an inspiration to many, in many ways. Your dedication, and willingness to share your expertise is genuinely praise-worthy. Your book is a valuable addition to my library, and it’s not often on the shelf as I am constantly utilizing it’s fruitful wisdom. Ever since I was a little girl my favourite flowers have been daisies. I reminisce of my favourite roadside flowers by growing fever few, calendula, craspedia and more, and more varieties every year.

  1139. Mattie on

    I love all flowers, but there is a special place in my heart for English roses…The perfume of those big pillowy rosettes transports me to a far-away manicured English garden in one of my Victorian novels!

  1140. Ruthi on

    English Rose Lady Emma Hamilton is my very favorite.

  1141. Julie L on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary!!! My all time favorite flower is the Crambe Cordifolia. With its delicate white airy flowers on robust green steams it creates a beautiful background for any flower garden. When the flowers have faded the giant leaves continue to provide beautiful mounds of lush green. It makes me smile!!! Thank you.

  1142. Celeste on

    Thank you for all the heart, soul and hard work you put into sharing this information with all of us who need it. Cut Flower Garden gave me the confidence I needed to really dig in and sink a real investment into learning about my gardening this year. I still have a long way, so please don’t stop sharing! My favorite flower is the Zinnia– it has such a humble, simple beauty, cut and come again work ethic, and a nostalgic elegance about it that makes me appreciate this flower more and more each year.

  1143. Terie on

    Congrats on Everything! ??? love your book and your blog ! So very happy for all your success and am thrilled to see your very hard work paying off for you and your family!

  1144. Emily on

    One of my favorites is the petunia, I love that they are so easy to grow! I have enjoyed following your journey!

  1145. Ruthi Kappes on

    So glad to see others enjoying your book as much as I!

    English Rose Lady Emma Hamilton is my very favorite.

  1146. Linda on

    I’m a rose girl all the way but I’m very excited about the sweet peas I’ve bought from you!

  1147. Raylene on

    Thank you for being such an inspiration in growing flowers! I am very interested in turning my yard into a giant flower bed to have my own cutting garden. I have soooo many flower favourites its hard to pick…peonies…lilacs…hydrangeas…lily of the valley…sweet peas! Congratulations on your 1st year Anniversary!! I’m excited to follow your journey. God Bless.

  1148. Sue on

    Congratulations! Your wonderful book has inspired me to plant a cutting garden. It’s hard to pick my favorite flower it’s a tie between dahlias and zinnias, but right now I’m longing for my daffodils to start blooming.

  1149. Paula Elliott on

    I love receiving your emails and photos – and all the free advice you offer to us, your fellow gardeners. My favorite flower would have to be lilacs – when I was young I grew up on Lilac Lane in Wisconsin. The beautiful color and fragrance would just fill the neighborhood – and when we moved, the bushes outside our house were almost as tall and wide as our garage! I live in California now and I pine for them, as they are very rare here – but maybe that’s why they rank so highly on my list! Thanks again for all your care and congratulations on your success!

  1150. Magnolia on

    Congrats on all your accomplishments and your future endeavors. I have to say my favorite floret flower would have to be the Enchante sweet peas! I love everything you’ve done and wish you the best Erin!

  1151. Mindy Keisler on

    To name my favorite flower would be like trying to name my favorite child! But it I was FORCED to choose I would have to say hydrangea with roses coming a close second!!

  1152. Jan D. on

    I am enjoying the book and look forward to planting seeds soon

  1153. Chici on

    I have redesigned my whole vege garden to create my new flower plots. Seeds are in the ground. Your book is so inspiring! I’m loving it.
    It’s difficult to choose a favourite flower but I would have to say that mine at the moment is the dahlia.
    And…. I can’t wait for my foxgloves, zinnias, cosmos, larkspur and sunflowers to bloom!

  1154. Alyssa McPhee on

    Hi my name is Alyssa McPhee! I am a 19 year old college student in the pursuit of starting my own fresh cut flower farm with my mom in my hometown. The passion behind starting my own flower farm was solely because flowers bring happiness to others in my community. My favorite flower is the classic sunflower, because it is bright, vibrant, and happy, but also because it’s my dads favorite. My dad inspires me daily to work hard and pursue live with passion and vigor. Being a small business owner himself gives me the drive to work hard as he does to and I will use the values he has instilled in me within my own small business. Your book is the first book I purchased when wanting to start a flower farm, and it urged me to take the first steps in starting my business. Thank you!

  1155. Stephanie Marsh on

    I have enjoyed your website, your blog, your seeds, your tubers and your book. I happened upon your store in a search for, of all things, Rudbeckia seeds. Since that discovery last March, you have become my first source for blooms, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement. Thank you for being able to put into usable words what so many of us are looking for. If I had to choose a favorite flower, I would have to name a flower duo. My grandmother lived in a semi-assisted living townhome. She petitioned the administrators to be allowed to use her $5 yard maintenance fee per month to remove her lawn and plant gardens in that tiny plot. She planted tulips and sweet peas for spring blooms and I remember her saying each year that these blooms signaled that we had survived the winter. As a pre-schooler, I drew pictures of tulips and gave to everyone as gifts. To this day, those blooms stir the greatest feelings of freedom and hope within me.

  1156. Lynn M Kelting-Gibson on

    I love dahlias. Even though I live in Montana, and have to dig up my dahlias each year, I still take the time to plant a few each spring. My favorite are yellow dinner plate dahlias.

  1157. Beth on

    I am going with snap dragon as my favorite. Bright color, long lasting and interesting texture!

  1158. Danielle Erway on

    How exciting! Thanks for the opportunity! My favorite flower constantly changes- there are so many to choose from! I’ll say that for now, I love begonias the most.

  1159. Julie L on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary!!! My all time favorite flower is the Crambe Cordifolia! With its beautiful profusion of white delicate airy flowers on tall robust stems, it makes a beautiful grand statement in any flower garden. Even after the flowers have faded, the giant leaves continue to provide visual interest to the surrounding plants. It always makes me smile. With every move I have planted this flower in my garden and feel I have left a wonderful plant to be loved by its new owner. Thank you!!!!

  1160. Lori Merrill on

    Hello! Love your blog! I have so many favorite flowers but my very favorite flower is the lilac! I remember my mom would pick bouquets of the deep purple lilacs so many years ago and the smell of them takes me back? Lori

  1161. Kathleen on

    Congratulations guys – you are such an inspiration and please keep up the good work. We’re on the verge of Autumn here in Australia and I have to say I am really looking forward to the return of my favourite ranunculus in a few months :)

  1162. Deanna Killeen on

    Deanna K March 6 th 2018

    My favorite flower is the Peony. It brings back happy times of being in the garden with my mother, an avid gardener . That’s been in my memory for at least 65 years. Every Spring as I bring bunches into my home, I feel she is watching with a smile on her face.

  1163. Mandy on

    Love your book!!! It’s made a great gift too! I am in south Louisiana and right now the azaleas are in full bloom. I feel like I forget about them all year then when they bloom I fall in love all over again! Thanks again for your book and blog , flowers are such a refreshing thing to think about:)

  1164. Linda Jo Basden on

    I have only recently learned about Floret and am super charged about growing flowers. Until now, I have only grown vegetables. But Erin has inspired me to try my hand at flowers for sheer fun and enjoyment. I love love love sunflowers and plan to plant 3-4 varieties this year. Soon I will scale down to part time in my job and in 3 short years plan to retire. Who knows, by that time I may begin my own small cut flower business in this little foothills community in North Carolina. Thank you for your inspiration!!

  1165. Karis on

    This book has been an amazing gateway into the flower world! I fell in love with rununculus because of this book, thank you so much for sharing the beauty.

  1166. Stacie Powell on

    My all time favorite flowers are anemones. I hope I can get my hands on some this year! Thanks for all you do, and congrats!!

  1167. Juan Jorge on

    My new all-time fave flower is Phlox Paniculata “Progress” with its solidly violet eye, surrounded by a “blue-lavender base color with ‘watercolor wash’ of paler and darker highlights.” Well, it was all the rage in my flower arrangements last year at farmers market! If I could upload a photo of it (which I have) I would! Thanks so much for all your beautiful, flower power inspiration!

  1168. Linda Grushkin on

    I have loved flowers all my life and it’s hard to pick just one, but I really love roses, especially Austin English roses, currently Lady of Shalott, so romantic. But I will plant up some dahlias this spring and am looking forward to them. Thank you for your thoughtful advice and encouragement in cut flower gardening. It is wonderful that you took your love of sweet peas and turned it into a world wide business, which is a delight to view through your lovely photographs. Congratulations well earned!

  1169. Katherine on

    Thanks for all you do to make the world more beautiful. Peonies win for favorite flower.

  1170. Diane Gamble on

    Thank you for this wonderful book and your wonderful website. It’s an inspiration to see the beauty you have created and shared with the world.

    My favourite flowers are roses and peonies. Congrats on your one year anniversary!

  1171. Andreea on

    Love your story and am overly excited to say we are in the process of selling everything we own (Vancouver,BC) and we are going to buy land and start a flower farm in Europe with our 5yrs old daughter and 2 cats, keep your fingers crossed and if you have any tips or advice, please do share. Congratulations on all the hard work! I’d say my favorite flower is the tulip.

  1172. Ashley Patterson on

    Congratulations! Your book inspired me like so many others to turn my small space into something beautiful. Morning Glory, not a cut flower but looking out into the quiet morning with coffee and seeing a fence covered in Morning Glories makes each day better.

  1173. Tamara Millage on

    Since receiving my copy a year ago, this book has become a fixture on my nightstand and when it’s not there, I’m hailing it somewhere to study, dream, plan and study some more. Technically, my favorite flower is lavender, but since that is also an herb, I’m going to call dahlias my favorite with peonies being a close second. So, I’m off to plant my sweet peas, burn some holes in my landscape fabric, prep my garden beds and get some dirt under my fingernails! I thank your for your inspiration and guidance and instruction through this labor of love called “Cut Flower Garden”. Thank you for the adventure!

  1174. Christine on

    I am a florist and aspiring flower farmer in BC, and my all-time favourite flower is white stock. I swear I’m not usually a colour snob. I appreciate the other colours that stock comes in because that makes stock something I can design with day to day, but white stock is just… on a totally different plane. When I take flowers home, it’s 10 stems of white stock in a cup. No greens, no filler. When you (whomever takes the time to read this) see some in a florist’s cooler or at a farmer’s market, take it home and you’ll be hooked too. I can’t grow it to save my life, though… c’est la vie.

  1175. Emily Ruzzamenti on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary of a Cut Flower Garden! This book has brought inspiration, beauty and knowledge into my home and garden, thank you! My favorite flower is the peonie because it blooms during my birthday which is such a treat!

  1176. Janet on

    Daisys; sunflowers; roses

  1177. Jonai Cooks on

    My favorite flowers are Roses. I love them so much I named my daughter Rose. I’m starting my own front yard flower farm this year. Thanks for all of your help. :)

  1178. Madeline Davenport on

    The Floret book was given to me by my farming mentor shortly after I began my first farming apprenticeship. I read the book cover to cover when it was too dark to admire the beauty of the flower beds outside, and I very quickly fell in love with flower farming. My favorite flowers are cosmos and agrostemma, so far! I can’t wait to discover more favorites in the seasons to come.

  1179. Kari on

    So sweet ? I love your book, and look at it a lot, for the great tips and reminders… and the gorgeous pics of course!
    Flower favorites change every season, but I’d love to always have some papery poppies in a vase if I could ☺️

  1180. Anna Lucia Boudreaux on

    Peonies are my all time favorite flower because of their fragrance, long life and wide range of beauty. For easy to grow great flowers; I love dahlias….for oh, dang! I just love flowers!!!

  1181. Becky on

    What a lovely gift! Sweet peas are my favorite!

  1182. kimmie storm on

    Everything and everyone FLORET brings me joy. My passion for flowers goes back 63 (or so) years when as a young child I adored picking flowers in mother’s garden.

    ~~Magical, all the wonderment, back so young. I carried that through my husbands and my first house (circa 1907) in San Leandro California, with three shades of wisteria covering the sides of our “cottage”, 37 roses bushes, daffodils, tulips, and lilacs , all among the bird avery, fish pond, and abundant fruit trees , in our back yard. Add to that varied camellias lining two sides of our property and fragrant, freesias adorning both sides of the long driveway — all so beautiful. So its hard to pick a favorite, but it might just be all varieties lilac!

    ~~Floret and all its beauty brings me back to those memories . Soon to celebrate #68 in April, I continue to love the gardens of our home in Rocklin, California. Natural space, with its own special beauty and surprises, surrounds our smaller size yards that contains so many of the same special plants we loved years ago.

    Thank you FLORET for renewing my spirit! What your have done and are doing is AMAZING!

  1183. Jill on

    I ordered your book when it was first released, and I ordered my first batch of seeds from you a few months ago. I am in love! I am just getting some babies starting to pop up. My favorites are the Iceland poppies, and I can’t wait to see them behind our 138 year old farm house. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration.

  1184. Tenille Rauls on

    Just ordered another copy of the book to get my goodies! ? Fave flower….ummm SO hard! Peonies?

  1185. Tori Grace on

    Love this!!! Congratulations to you & all your hard work!! ? My all time favorite flower is the tulip! I just love all of the colors, and different shapes, I am obsessed ?

  1186. Ansley Roberts on

    I am fairly new to cut flower growing, but dahlias have stolen my heart. We received a huge variety from our local Dahlia Society, so I have no idea what the name of the varieties we have are, but our patch is a beautiful array of rainbow dahlias in all shapes and sizes.

  1187. Kathy on

    Many, many congratulations! Floret has been an inspiration to me for many years and I’m so glad that your generous efforts to spread flower love have also resulted in success on so many levels. My all time favorite flowers are sweet peas, particularly Mollie Rilstone.

  1188. Janet on

    I love cut flowers. Daisys, sunflowers, roses

  1189. Sarah on

    My favorite flower keeps changing. One of them is the black and white anemone. But I’m really excited about growing dahlias this year!

  1190. Elfi Rose on

    I love all flowers… and at this point during the end of a long winter with more than two feet of snow outside, I’m going to rejoice at the first dandelion! Chances are it’ll be our first wild flower. My favourite are wild roses though, my namesake. They are beautiful, waft their romantic scent into the air, endearing, edible, medicinal, make wonderful windbreaks, return every year, their prickles make them strong… what’s not to love? And then humankind made spray roses and garden roses! Erin, I just want those rose rows you have at the back of your garden to stroll through… so gorgeous!

  1191. bookboxer on

    Oh, violets have always been my favorite flower – tiny, seemingly insignificant, but beautiful, fragrant, and jolly when brought close!

  1192. Teri on

    I have a poor track record in the garden, but getting braver as I follow your posts. My sentimental flower favorite is the pansy – the velvety textures & rich colors caught my eye as as girl. My grown up tastes lean toward peonies and roses.

  1193. bookboxer on

    Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to flowers and to this world in which we live. Your book is such an inspiration, and I look forward to growing my own tiny Floret space with the seeds I recently ordered. Congratulations on all your successes; I wish you many, many days of doing the things you love and doing them so well.

  1194. Ann on

    Congrats on your success! I’d love to win a signed copy of the book and some seeds to start this spring! It’s so hard to choose a favorite flower. There are so many delightful ones. I’ll just go with what’s on my wishlist at the moment and that’s hellebore!

  1195. Anne Veilleux on

    From Québec city. I like all your communication and thanks for all the nice pictures you share. My favorites flowers are white daisies. Congratulations

  1196. Vanessa on

    Hellebore…. the shining light through the late winter blooms, and early summer magic. The few in my backyard are my own personal stash of gold. I’ve just recently started my own floral work & designing business, and floret flower has inspired me to set aside any limitations, and simply grow my own ethereal flowers. So thank you, floret flower.

  1197. Tarrah Miller on

    Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful flower legacy you have brought to so many!

  1198. Susan Hansen on

    Life changing! For you and for all of us. Thank you

  1199. Gena Crow on

    My daughter and I are planning our flower farm using your model, so thank you for being so generous with your information! Congratulations on your book—it’s beautiful and we both have a copy. My all time favorite flower is the daisy. It’s such a happy flower!

  1200. Amy on

    Congrats! Tulips are my favorite!

  1201. Sandra on

    I love your book so very much! It helps me immediately go to my happy place! So beautiful in every way.
    My favorite flowers are Tulips ?
    Thank you for all you do.

  1202. Eliza on

    Yay! Congratulations on 1 year! This is one of my favorite books both for the beauty and information – simply stunning. Myself, I’m a sucker for Sweet Peas. They have the most beautiful fragrance and colors. Thanks for sharing your world, it’s truly magical.

  1203. M Chip on

    Delphinium are by far my favorite flower. Planted in my first successful garden their tall beautiful blooms made a lasting impression. This garden started me on a path that I never would have travelled, but when I got a taste of the beauty and joy that flowers can bring there was no going back.

  1204. Marisa Oliver on

    So proud of all of your success! I’ve followed you for years and you’re the reason I got into growing flowers in abundance. It’s hard to pick just one flower, but one of my favorites are dahlias, because of how many beautiful varieties there are!

  1205. Kelli Sheehan-Benedict on

    I have been inspired by Erin since first reading about her in Sunset magazine 10+ years ago. Four years ago I planted more and more flowers…..
    Pre-ordered her book, just finished the 1st online workshop and today just finished sowing requested flowers for an upcoming wedding! I will spend this year experimenting to find my niche.
    Sweet Peas are my favorite flower!
    Loomis, CA

  1206. Tanya Burdick on

    Wow what a fun giveaway! I would say my favorite flower is gardenia because my Grandfather loved them. The smell reminded him of Hawaii where he grew up. He had a bush by the backdoor so you could smell them coming in and out. My second would be Lilacs because my Grandmother, again, loved the smell. She grew up in the East where they were plentiful. Congratulations on your book it is beautiful!

  1207. Karen zischke on

    Floret is very inspiring! We have a kindergarten on our property and flowers and young children are perfect together. Sunflower is my favorite flower!

  1208. Lindsey Esker on

    I love your book, blog and Instagram posts! Picking a favorite flower is so hard…so I’ll go with my 3 year old’s pick, zinnia. So many blooms which such ease, and the first cut flower we tried a few years ago. Now cut flowers have taken over our entire garden (sorry veggies) and we are trying seeds indoors for the first time. Thanks for all you share to help make our world more beautiful!

  1209. Shannon Adamson on

    Your beautiful flowers brighten my Instagram feed and my day! They constantly fuel my gardening inspirations, and remind me that spring is truly coming. My favorite all time flower is the ranunculus, which I have grown in my own garden this past year, thanks to your detailed and easy to follow instructions. Much love from a fellow Washingtonian.

  1210. Sarah Gemmill on

    Has it really been a year??? Your book has been my primary resource for planning the flowers for my sister’s wedding this summer. Thank you so much for all the work you put into making the book! And if I had to pick just one flower… Peonies. ?

  1211. Dania on

    Congratulations! By the way, on the map you can add Ireland, where I live. :) I have ordered your book last week and cannot wait to receive it. I am really excited to read it. For the last year or so my favourite flowers are dahlias, they were also part of my wedding bouquet last July. I hope you will achieve all your dreams for this year! Have a lovely Spring.

  1212. Shelley K on

    Congrats on the book. My favorite flower is lilacs. They remind me of my Grandma ?

  1213. Becky Scheller on

    You have inspired me to start my own cutting garden ! Your pictures are beautiful and helps with getting through the cold winter days!

  1214. Angie W on

    My favorite flower is dahlias! I love all of the shapes and colors that they come in!

  1215. Julie H on

    O, which to choose! Right now I’m enjoying my first tulips of the season, marking the end (I hope!) of a long winter and the welcoming of warmer weather :)

  1216. Cindy on

    Happy Anniversary. So many flowers to choose from, but my favorites are sweet peas.

  1217. Megan on

    A huge congrats and I can’t believe it’s only been a year! Your book was the inspiration and launch point for my interest in flowers which ultimately has turned into a new little business. It’s hard to narrow down to one favourite flower… but at the moment it is Icelandic Poppies. How their delicate petals unfurl is incredible! Congrats again. Soooo sooo looking forward to seeing your new farm in bloom soon!

  1218. Susan Griffin on

    I currently run a small garden design and maintenance business, but when my kids were very young (25 years ago) i grew and sold field grown cut flowers. This was before the current local flower revolution, and i really had to educate my florists about how different my flowers were from what they were ordering in from south america. once they saw the product, however, the flowers spoke for themselves. I can recall one instance where the owner pulled me aside from rinsing out the delivery buckets to show me my pink phlox next to the ones from the wholesaler. my organic blooms were huge, bright, fragrant and uncrushed; while the wholesaler’s were just ok. my heart swelled, and i knew that i was doing something worthwhile for the planet, as well as for me, and my children. (my youngest now has her own wedding flower business!!) this is important stuff that we all do; whether professionally or as a hobby…spreading joy is no small feat. My two favorite flowers are both showy and good for cutting: i adore the fragrant and ephemeral peonies, and grow too many to bring into my house, but there is nothing like giving a huge bouquet to just about everyone i know. and the dahlias…in the northeast, they are late to begin blooming, but once they do…stand back! so many blooms, so many colors, and shapes. so much fun to make giveaway bouquets for friends, family, and clients. this flower thing…it’s an obsession, an addiction, a true love: grow flowers, spread joy.

  1219. Holly on

    My gardening started with a small over grown area next to an apartment I used to rent. Evidently the area was once the manure pile for the farm that had been bought and turned into a development….oh how I thought I had the greenest of thumbs. 15 years later i have a dozen raised beds that have transitioned from vegetable gardening, to companion gardening, and now to companion gardening with cut flowers. Each year, a new plan, with great successes and fantastic failures to take with me into the next year. This year floret dahlias will take center stage and I can’t wait to see what I learn!

  1220. Shelley Kuhlmann on

    My favorite flower is a Dahlia. Such a beautiful flower. Congrats on all your success. Your book is gorgeous.

  1221. Tina Paul on

    What a wonderful giveaway! I have fallen in love with this book and everything it has to offer. It has inspired me to follow a dream I had been putting off, so I thank you for creating such a treasure. Happy Anniversary! My all time favorite flower is the peony.

  1222. Emily S on

    Congratulations! I don’t have the book yet, but it looks beautiful! My favorite flower is ranunculus, and I’m hoping to get some in the ground this year.

  1223. Diane Johnson on

    Happy Anniversary!!! I love all flowers and I adore the glorious flowers that a new season brings. So exciting when they first arrive. I will go with Magnolias for their simple, elegant beauty.

  1224. Charlene on

    I became enchanted with sweet peas after reading your story about growing them. Thank you for sharing your flower growing journey and for giving me the confidence to begin mine.

  1225. K Moore on

    Woohoo! Happy Birthday, book! I think my favourite is a red poppy – every variety, as long as it’s red.

  1226. Greta on

    So exciting! Congratulations on this huge success! So hard for me to pick a favorite flower but my gut says tulips which I absolutely adore partly because there are so many varieties and partly because they shout “spring” in such a big way.

  1227. Padmini Rao on

    Breaks my heart to pick just one, but would put poppies at the top of my list, especially Iceland poppies of the Sherbet Mix type. And what a gorgeous book Cut Flower Garden is, I pre-ordered two, with one being for a dear friend and fellow green-thumb. We have both enjoyed our books cover-to-cover and marveled at the stunning photography and sheer beauty of the blooms that you nurture on your farm! Thank you for continuing to inspire and encourage the dreamer in me, for one of these days, I would love to grow flowers full-time too!!

  1228. Jen Cowardin on

    As a newbie-gardener, I LOVE the inspiration you have provided me in the form of your book, calendar and blog. I am now going to introduce your inspiration to my daughter for her birthday — your wonderful book!

    My favorite flower — zinnia!!!

  1229. Kimba on

    Beautiful! Congratulations!!!! What an inspiration! My absolute favorite flower has to be Nigella. The variation with deep burgundy pods I can stare at forever.

  1230. Emily on

    I absolutely adore peonies! I never knew how much happiness a fragrant flower could bring until I smelled a peony!

  1231. Tiffany Heater on

    I can’t believe it’s only been a year! When I heard about this book I thought it had been around for ages!! You have created an amazing resource for the new and experienced! I know so many people that would love this book!

  1232. Carolyn Lawson on

    Absolutely love the environment that flowers produce. Peonies are probably my very favorite, but really like zinnas, snow on the mountain, marigolds, black eyed Susan’s and the list goes on. I will be ordering your book. Thanks

  1233. Dani on

    I have my first order of Floret seeds under grow lights and I am so excited for this growing season. Thanks so much for making the world a more beautiful place!

  1234. Iana CraneWing on

    Thank you for all the inspiration! I appreciate your energy, creativity and drive. I love Dahlia Fuschiana the best for its colors and generous flower production.

  1235. Mary Beth W on

    Zinnias, hands down!
    Happy anniversary on the book–I love it. Using it to map out three raised beds this year, with the flowers going to nursing home residents. Can’t wait to implement this flower fun!

  1236. Melissa Yncera on

    I am so happy you exist! You have inspired me to have my own cut flower garden and I dream of one day doing it on a larger scale. Thank you for all the wonderful information you have shared!! My favorite flower is Zinnia, I love them all!

  1237. Jennifer Hobbs on

    Congratulations Erin on the one year anniversary of your book release. The statistics you shared are quite impressive! You are truly an inspiration to so many people including me! Thank you for sharing your knowledge – I wish you continued success. As a flower farmer, it’s impossible for me to choose just one favorite flower, but I am partial to the milkweed flower because of it’s amazingly complicated and beautiful structure.

  1238. Laura on

    I love your book and and so inspired to start my own cut flower garden this year as a first time homeowner! It is so hard to pick a favorite flower because different flowers meet different moods. Currently I’m dreaming of dahlias since I discovered you sell one that shares the name of my daughter, but I have alway greeted the discovery of a poppy growing with delight!

  1239. Sally Whittle on

    Well done on your first year! My favourite flower is one I strongly remember from my parents’ garden when I was growing up. It possibly isn’t the most beautiful, or the showiest, but it gives me little sparkles of happiness when I think of it. It is also the flower I have sown in the garden of every military house I’ve lived in through my marriage! It is called Candytuft, and Fairy Mix is my favourite because of all the different shades xx

  1240. Erica Pedroza on

    Congrats on your one year anniversary! Your shop has been a beautiful inspiration for me. Although it’s hard to narrow down to one favorite I must say the Dahlia Cornel Bronze always catches my eye. It’s just gorgeous. Thank you for your helpful tips I’m looking forward to this seasons blossoms.

  1241. Grace on

    Well done team floret on the anniversary of your book. It seems like only yesterday it arrived in the mail! I’ve flipped through it countless times to pick the current season’s flowers to grow and, of course, drool over flowers I’ll never be able to because of the weather zone here. My current favourite flower is the dahlia – so many petal types, colours and sizes to make the perfect arrangement.

  1242. Dara on

    Our favorite flower in our garden/farm is the Zinnia! As many different colors and varieties as we can squeeze!

  1243. Kristie Hill on

    Congrats on the one year. I love my Floret book. Dahlias. I think Dahlias are my all time favorite. Followed closely by tulips and echinacea.

  1244. Sarah westwood on

    I preordered your book and have been in love with it ever since. I even had some of your seeds sent to me in the UK. My favourite flowers are peonies. I’m busy planning my garden for the coming season. Just hoping the neighbours chickens keep away :)

  1245. Hannah King on

    Thank you so much for your continual hard beautiful work to bring us inspiration and the ability to take part of the bigger picture. It’s a masterpiece, this life of flowers. My all time favorite are dahlias. Which variety? That’s why I love them, I wouldn’t ever choose just one!

  1246. Rebekah McBride on

    I haven’t gotten to read it yet, but your beautiful book is at the top of my wish list! Congratulations on such a wonderful experience and full year! I truly can’t pick a favorite flower, but wisteria, peonies, ranunculus, poppies, orchids, and dahlias are top contenders. :)

  1247. Tammy Anastasi on

    Congratulations Erin, your beautiful family and your entire team. Because as you preach it really does take a team. I can’t thank you enough for all that you do and all that you teach. The recent floret workshop has been a massive game changer for me!!!! Your are an inspiration and so relatable even after all of your successes. You really do reap what you sow and you deserve all that comes your way!!!

  1248. Sally Whittle on

    I think my favourite flower is one I remember strongly from my parents’ garden when I was growing up. It’s possibly not the most beautiful, or the showiest, but it gives me little sparkles of happy memories when I think of it. It’s also the flower that I have sown in the garden of every military house I’ve lived in through my marriage! It’s called Candytuft and the Fairy Mix is my favourite because of all the different shades xx

  1249. Ali on

    It’s been so great having your book to begin my flower farming journey Erin, thank you for generously sharing your knowledge of what has and hasn’t worked for you. My all time favourite flower has to be the humble sweet pea – short in stem, vase life and season, but get’s everyone (both male and female) all aquiver and usually reminiscing about someone special in their life.

  1250. Julia Hoitt on

    I’d have to say my favorite flower is the Sweet Pea. I have tried for years to get a healthy batch of sweet peas to no avail. By chance I came across an article in a magazine and immediately tore out the article….my bad. BUT, I just received my first batch of seeds and I am so happy. We are going through a cold spell right now here in San Ramon, Ca so want to wait until the ground stops freezing. I would love to receive that goodie box. My one joy in my self-employed world is taking time out for my flowers.

  1251. Susan on

    I currently don’t own your book. But, hopefully some day I will. I’ve followed you and admired your work ever since I saw you in Country Living magazine. Congratulations, your hard work has paid off.
    I personally love tulips (followed closely by peonies and sweet peas.) ?

  1252. Kara on

    I love dahlias! Congratulations on your book anniversary–it’s wonderful.

  1253. Niccola Atkinson on

    Happy Anniversary team Floret!! I ordered your book late last year and I love it. It is so easy to follow and the tips have really helped me understand how to grow my plants better. Im I bit of a dreamer who has just bought a block of land with hopes to start my own cut flower garden, its good to know I’m not going into it completely blind : ) Its hard to pick a favourite flower, but I’d have to say Tulips would be my number one I love the structure of the flowers, the colours and the different varieties. Followed closely behind with dahlias especially the pompom kind and Anemones. Good luck for the year ahead, I can’t wait to continue following your journey.

  1254. Stacie on

    Drea Floret – what how has it been a year already! I love the book & have reference it many time, not to mention the joy I get from flicking thru the beautiful pages & dreaming of my own flower garden. My all time favourite flowers are definitely roses, but my obsession with dahlias is hot on the heels of the roses these days ?

  1255. Kara on

    I love dahlias! They were the first cut flower I tried to grow and they performed beautifully!

  1256. Kristi on

    Happy spring team Floret! I am a sucker for any sort of sunset colors in my flower beds. So excited to plant my ‘Oklahoma Salmon’ Zinnia seeds :)

  1257. Katherine on

    I purchased my first home just over a year ago and for the first time in my life I found myself with a garden to care for. I have discovered the satisfaction of growing flowers from seed and the anticipation and thrill of watching the first blooms open. Floret’s cut flower garden inspired me to grow my own cut flower garden and I have recently enjoyed lovely fragrant bouquets of sweet pea in my home that I am proud to say I grew myself. Sweet pea would have to be my favourite bloom!

  1258. Martha Perty on

    Hi there and happy one year of an amazing book. This greeting is sent from the sunny south coast of NSW Australia.
    I just received your book in the mail yesterday and have already read a lot of it whilst breastfeeding and looking after four rather small children!!! During the week I received my first order of Florey seeds … xxxxx
    I can’t not thank you and your amazing team for such inspiration, honesty, beauty and awakening a dream in me that I had long forgotten. I’ve been spending my baby’s sleep time driving around my home town of Milton looking for land to start growing my flowers. I look forward to hopefully joining your online study program in 2018 … and starting my very own journey of growing flowers, getting my hands back in the earth and spreading some flower love. My Granny and my kids Grammy would be very proud… both amazing gardeners.
    My favourite flower would have to be the sweet pea. The devine fragrance of them reminds me of my preschool days and the wall of sweet peas they had growing at the enterance.
    Thanks again for all of your amazing energy and generosity and to your amazing team and family.
    Much love Martha xxx

  1259. Kate Johnston on

    I love cosmos. They are so beautiful and fairy like and look so pretty in a posey with other blooms and beautiful just on their own. They have also been blooming in my garden when I have brought home 4 of my spring babes.

  1260. Carin on

    THankyou so much for sharing your inspirational work! It’s hard to choose a favorite but I love daffodils! It’s a joy to see them decorate the garden so early in the season and a contrast to the muted colours of winter.

  1261. Jane on

    Love your fantastic website, positive energy and beautiful flower photography. My favorite flowers are peonies.

  1262. Felicia Black on

    My favorite flowers are zinnias. I have grown them for the past few years and absolutely love them! I like how colorful they are and how easy they are to grow. I love seeing all of the bees, butterflies and birds around them as well!

  1263. Candace S on

    All time favorite? I’d have to say lilacs!

  1264. Bianca on

    Thanks for inspiring me to dream about and grow flowers for cutting. I’ve wanted to do this in the past but have been intimidated by developing a market for cut flowers. But I’ve learned that if an idea or desire keeps coming back it’s gotta be worth a try. So here’s to getting started!

    How could I possibly choose an all time favorite?? Anything old fashioned… hollyhocks and foxgloves have always been at the top of the list.

  1265. Colleen K on

    I received your book and two bouquet flower seed combos as a Christmas present from my husband [who saw me on your Floret website and surprised me with this lovely gift]. I read the book and am so eager to start my seeds and grow!!! One of my favorite flowers is the cottage flower Verbena Bonariensis…I love it’s leggy, see through height with purple clusters of flowers that bees and butterflies just can’t get enough of. Thank you team Floret for your inspiration.

  1266. Lily Siegel-Gardner on

    Congrats! Love the new notebook 3 pack. My all time favorite flower variety are peonies.

  1267. Nancy on

    Your book, blog and seeds are incredible. Thank you for sharing so much. My favorite flower is the coral passionflower, blooming en masse. I bought a little vine of it years ago when my husband and I bought our first house, and I planted it along the driveway. It thrived in the California sun, first covering a hedge and then it climbed and wound its way up a redwood tree, and kept growing and stretching and draping, and eventually burst into hundreds of vibrantly colored coral blooms . . . it was magnificent. Having just one flower in a bouquet adds so much loveliness since each passionflower bloom has such intricate details and is a beautiful masterpiece of botanical architecture on its own, but it was breathtaking to see a giant canopy of these gorgeous blooms each morning.

  1268. Danelle on

    Made the decision to farm flowers, started my research and came across your book.
    I love the artistry of its entirety, beginning with the cover and title technique. Brilliant!
    My new textbook. Thank you so much for teaching, sharing and mentoring us all.

  1269. Sally Nouri on

    Thank you for all the advice and encouragement! I love ageratum!

  1270. Joanne Fetting on

    I liks my flowers fairly simple. I stay away with flowers that have a lot of frills or ruffles. I really love the humble daisy.

  1271. Lara Johnson on

    Just bought some of your seeds! Can’t wait to start my garden! Peonies are my fave right now!

  1272. Jackie W. on

    I love reading your blog and seeing all the beautiful photos of your flowers. I’m looking forward to see the blooms I will get when my favorite sweet pea flowers bloom. This is the first time I am growing sweet peas and I was able to purchase some from Floret before they sold out. I have followed a lot of your advice and can’t wait to smell these beauties. I really appreciate the fact that you share both your successes and failures and that you help us learn from your experiences. I grew up with a mom as a gardener, but she never planted sweet peas either…so I can’t wait to see the flower show in my garden.

  1273. Kelly G on

    Favorite flower changes all the time! Tulips this time of year.

  1274. Jackie McMahan on

    Near impossible to pick a favorite flower!! I do love the peony though…

  1275. Bree on

    Congratulations! So excited for you guys! My local library in Seattle has a copy of your book and I was thrilled to get a closer look! The pictures are Fabulous!
    That said, my fav flower is the peony! Not a prolific flower producer but I just love them!

  1276. Bonnie King on

    This book has inspired me to finally start working towards my goal of a fully self-sufficient local flower business. I’m not there yet – but the things I have learnt from floret are making it happen!
    I have a few favourites, but thanks to the beauty of floret seeds my new favourite bloom would have to be the humble zinnia. Those peachy – salmon pinks make for such beauty in a summer garden! Thank you :)

  1277. Ashley Kirnan on

    I cannot pick! It’s like picking a favorite child!

  1278. Sheena O’Byrne on

    It’s impossible to pick a favourite of all time but alstroemeria are in the top three! Or maybe an Iris…I love an iris…or a flare of lace cap hydrangea…or a simple Lilly of the valley….
    Congratulations on a wonderful business in flower casting (like spells(-:)

  1279. Joanne Fetting on

    I like simplicity and garden flowers that aren’t overly frilly or fluffy. My favorite flower is the humble daisy.

  1280. Theresa Quintana on

    Thank you for this chance to win and your constant inspiration! My favorite flowers are tulips!

  1281. Sarah Hammond on

    Happy anniversary and congratulations!
    We have really enjoyed your book with its fabulous photographs and inspirational advice
    My favourite flowers just have to be our fabulous Sarah Bernhardt Peonies with their flamboyant fragrant blooms ….
    Just wish summer was with us now

  1282. Kate on

    Everything you grow is beautiful! My favorite perennial is lavender but my favorite flowers are dianthus. Congratulations!

  1283. Katy Clark on

    Love my copy that I preordered last year and poured over on all those snowy ‘spring’ days we had!
    My all time favourite flower is so hard to choose but I’d have to say tulips, they bring hope to my soul that spring is here! A close second is zinnias, casue if planted in this Saskatchewan soil once we’re frost free then they bloom the week of my birthday!

  1284. Colleen Kostovick on

    I’ve loved seeing all the hard work you all put into Floret. It is so inspiring!! Its so hard to pick a favorite, but I’d say my all time favorite flower would have to be peonies.

  1285. Sarah on

    So hard to pick one favorite but today looking out to my yard, I’d say it’s the stachyurus that I planted a few years ago.

  1286. Shannon on

    Thank you for this amazing book and all of the beautiful pictures and helpful resources. Love what you are doing! If I had to choose a favorite, it might be some of the heirloom zinnias I’ve been seeing. Thank you again!

  1287. Kara on

    My favorites are dahlias! They were the first flower I grew last summer in my cut flower garden, and they performed wonderfully!

  1288. Stephanie on

    Congrats! I purchased some seeds from you this year and I cannot wait to see them bloom! My favorite flower is the sunflower!

  1289. Shelby Jonse on

    Congratulations! You’ve certainly inspired me to get my hands dirty! I can’t really choose a favorite flower it’s too difficult. I’d say maybe Tulips at the moment because I’m checking the progress of my bulbs everyday ;)

  1290. Rachel on

    Picking a favorite is tough, but for me I guess it’s snapdragons. I use them in so many bouquets. The book is beautiful. Congratulations on all the milestones!\

  1291. Heidi on

    The color palette is superb. Looking for more information on other uses.. edible, dyeing. Thank you for the inspiration

  1292. Joy on

    Your book is truly a work of art! My favorite flower is anything with a lovely scent. My son and gardening partner, who is six, and I both have such a connetion to scents, and say that our next garden design will only be with plants and flowers that have a wonderful scent!

  1293. Jennifer Slothower on

    I love the moonstone asters! Flowing Floret has inspired me to begin my flower gardening process. Thank you!

  1294. Sarah Hammond on

    Happy Anniversary!
    I have really enjoyed your book with its fabulous photographs and inspirational advise
    My favourite flowers have to be our Sarah Bernhardt Peonies just so fleetingly beautiful and decadent

  1295. Peggy Hatcher on

    Congratulations! I love looking at your photos and reading your stories. Now to the hard task, to choose my all time favorite flower. Today, I will say the hyacinth bean. I love how it grows, how it looks, and how it smells. It is dependable!! Ah, roses and peonies and zinnias were also in the running. And who could deny sunflowers and daffodils and sweet peas? Daisies, nasturtiums, oh my. So close, so close!

  1296. Julia on

    Congrats! Choosing one favourite flower is so tough! They’re all so much fun to grow, pick, arrange, dry… sigh. I didn’t have much of a flower garden this year (though I work on a veg farm), but I did grow a trellis of sweet peas because I love having some by my bed every day. Everything about them is so pleasant and relaxing so it’s nice to fall asleep and wake up to the scent. Thanks for all the info you’ve shared over the years and congrats on all of your success.

  1297. kynion.kara on

    My all time favorites are dahlias! They were actually the first flower I tried when I decided to start growing my own cut flowers last year, and they performed wonderfully!

  1298. Charleen Griffin on

    Happy Anniversary to Erin and the Floret team, your book is my bible. I am trying to get my cut-flower business up an running so I relate to the late nights and early starts, but your book inspires me and keeps me focused, so thank you for creating it for us ?
    Spring is my favourite season, so its no surprise that spring flowers are a personal favourite, all daffodil varieties, cheerfulness is my new favourite addition, thanks to your book ?

  1299. Patty on

    What a wonderful give away. I find that there are so many beautiful flowers that I could not just choose one for a favorite. I want to grow, grow, grow! Thanks for all the information and beauty you share.

  1300. Vale Cervarich on

    All time favorite flower? That’s impossible- but in the interest of simplicity, I will say, the peony. Congratulations Erin and Team!

  1301. Andrea Baird on

    Erin, Thanks to your inspiration I kicked off my own cut flower business last summer. The people at market were in love with my flowers ( which I found on your web site) I honestly do not have a favorite flower. I love them all!

  1302. Noemi R on

    You my friend have breathed the love of planting, pruning, growing into my spirit. When I first became aware of your book, I immediately had a copy of it in my hand/home within a week. I love it! Such a wealth of info; and more importantly to see someone’s passion provide enrichment in their purpose as well as provision is awesome to see. I am currently growing roses in pots. We shall see how well they do. I also love Tulips due to their strong stem, yet delicate presence; and Narcissus are not to far behind. But my all time favorite, though I have not tried my hand in planting/growing, is the rose of spring – Ranunculus! My plan is to plant and grow these beauties in big, beautiful pots this winter, and see what blooms sprout the following year. If I can/dare, I may very well plant some within the next month, as I live in Florida, in a small batch and see what results I gain. Thank you so much for sharing your passion with the world. It is evident you have a love deposited into you by your grandmother, and you have chosen to share with others throughout the world. Well done and the best is yet to come!

  1303. Julie Jenkins on

    Lavender is my favorite, and thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and experience. I received your book for Christmas!

  1304. Rebekah Stetson on

    My job as a floral designer has always been my way of being able to create with such beauty. Picking one flower would be like picking your favorite child! I love them all! Roses, lilacs, and dahlias at the top of the list. But I never have been good at growing myself, with lack of time to devote, and bad soil, I just never tried. But your blog is what gave me the push to try. Thank you for the inspiration, and congratulations for the community of flower lovers you have created.

  1305. Erin on

    Congratulations, Erin! I’m so happy and excited for you! Your book and garden planner are beloved additions to my collection and I’ve already been using the garden planner this season as a gardening journal to keep track of when I sow seeds and transplant things and feed the plant babies and such. =)

    It’s so hard to choose a favorite, but I’m loving sweet peas at the moment. Heirloom roses have a special place in my heart, too, as do bulb fleurs – my mom and grandmother’s favorites. <3

    May you have another blessed and successful year!

    Much love,

  1306. Elizabeth Incitti on

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful world with us. My favorite flower is Sweet Pea!

  1307. Heather on

    Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. It is truly impossible to thank you enough for opening up and sharing. I am constantly rereading your book and getting lost in my happy place! As for picking my favourite flower, similar to what you wrote in the book it’s like trying to pick a favourite child. Having said that I am going to have to go with Honeywort. I have just started growing it last year and I love it. It’s unusual and unique and I can sit for hours watching the bees wiggle their little bums desperately trying to get into the flowers. Coming in a very close second is sweets peas. They are my mom’s favourite and I have always grown them in my garden for her, alas not always well thanks to a cheeky chipmunk! The smell reminds me of her and this year, she is in for a surprise because of the different kinds I ordered from your shop. Again thank you for letting me go to my Happy Place!

  1308. Linda on

    Because of Floret I grew my own snapdragons!

  1309. Corrie W on

    Happy Anniversary! My copy of Cut Flower Garden is already showing lots of loving wear as I look to it all the time. Just read the tip about snipping back sweet peas as they are getting started – just in time as my first year of starting seedlings indoors is coming to life! How do I pick a favorite flower? Though I am pretty fond of tulips and daffodils just now as my garden is overflowing with them, cosmos – all shapes and sizes are pretty great too!

  1310. Anne on

    Sweet Peas!! I just finished digging two long trenches, each one foot deep, in anticipation of adding a compost treat for my sweet peas… I have had more fun and angst than I could have ever imagined starting them indoors from seed in early February and dreaming of what I hope to be a glorious crop of my favorite flower! Thank you for all your wonderful insight delivered in such a welcoming way.

  1311. Andrea Baird on

    Erin, Thank you for pioneering the cut flower business. Last summer I kicked off my own farm in Idaho and grew mostly flowers from your web site. The people at the farmers market were amazed at what I had. In just getting my feet wet, but hope to move a little bit further this year. I will feel sad if I have to name my favorite flower to win. In all honesty I could never choose. I love them all. I love putting the colors together. It has been one of the most scary satisfying adventures to start my little business- Painted Bloom Flower Farm?

  1312. Heather Huttner on

    Your success has been amazing to watch! Not sure if you remember but you did my wedding flowers over at Tazer Valley Farms back in 2011. My favorite flowers for sure are Sunflowers and Sweet Peas! Congrats!

  1313. Laurel on

    My all-time favorite flowers are dahlias. We had them in our wedding and I planted my first dahlias last year in our new house. I’m looking forward to my first Floret dahlias this year!

  1314. Cynthia campos on

    I love all flowers i think god gave us the most wonderful thing that nature has to offer. Flowers that can lighten up anybody with their bright or dark colors and not to say the wonderful smells.

  1315. Julie Jenkins on

    I love lavender the most, but zinnias are a close second. They’re so easy to grow and make great cut flowers. Thank you for sharing everything about your farm. I’ve been growing flowers for 30+ years and now want to sell them too! Keep up the good work :)

  1316. Rose Woods on

    Your beautiful book, incredible spirit, wonderful advise, and so much more, has helped me navigate a painful time as my mum diminishes. I am so grateful. My favorite flower is the peony.

  1317. Ashley on

    I have your book and just love it!! As well as I have the privilege to be taking the online course, it is so well done, and am just loving every minute of it!
    Hard to pick just one flower, but I would have to say Peonies… oh, hard choice, so many favourites, but yes Peonies :)

  1318. Lindsay H on

    I absolutely love your book and would love to get one for my Mom too!!! Floret Flowers has been such an inspiration for me starting my own garden. My favorite flower is ranunculus, and my first ranunculus blossom of the year just opened up two days ago – so beautiful!!!
    Thank you!

  1319. Natalie Lozano on

    The brain muscle required to pick a favorite flower is worth this fabulous prize! As I look back on my life, I can easily say my response has changed over the years. Lilies of the valley mark my early years, a lovely nodding beauty that we grew in a shady spot on the northside of my childhood house. What a fragrance, and the perfect size bouquet for small hands. Gladolius caught my fancy in college. A local shop sold a variety of cut flowers, and I saved my money to buy single stems, all I could afford! I loved the name. In New York City as an adult, it was the flowering trees in Central Park, petals falling over our heads, a scene out of a movie. Shared joy. And now in Portland, Oregon, owning my own home, I’m captivated by our native “Farewell to Spring,” Clarkia Amoena. That light pink blush with hot pink spots! A bumblebee’s joy. And an annual, fleeting so you hope they come back. They do indeed mark the beginning of summer.

  1320. Nancy Weber on

    I wanted this book when I heard you were writing it! Congratulations on your success with it, and all you do to promote the love of flowers! Your flowers are beautiful, and the photography is amazing!
    Sweet Peas are my all time favorite!

  1321. John on

    Congratulations to you and your staff! So hard to pick a favorite flower but I do love Dahlias and Peonies (which I can’t grow in my zone 9 area) and I love any flowers in peachy sunset colors.

  1322. Jill Woods on

    I tell everyone that your book is my flower Bible! It has so much detail and information and has inspired me to start my first flower garden this year. One my my favorite flower is the Dahlia and I hope to grow some for the first time. If I get one bloom from my Dahlia tuber I’ll be a happy camper! Haha! Thank you so much for creating this book all the helpful tips you share with us! Best wishes to you and your team!

  1323. Jan L on

    Your book has been so inspiring — I now have a laundry room full of seedlings and garden beds prepared and waiting! My favorite flower is peony — probably because my mother had beautiful bushes in her tiny garden.

  1324. Erin Crowden on

    Congratulations! It really doesn’t feel like a year ago that I got so excited about the release of your book… Thank you for the continued inspiration and happiness Floret delivers :)
    Oh and peonies will always be my favourite flower, but sweet peas hold a special place in my heart too… xo

  1325. Jennifer L Dougherty on

    What a great giveaway, I can’t wait to plant the Sweet Pea seeds from you.
    Sweet peas are one of my favorites.

  1326. Asha K on

    I just love Peonies?!!

  1327. Louise on

    I couldn’t decide on a favorite flower so I thought I’d read the comments. As I read them, I kept saying, “ooh, good choice! I love those!” and then “ooh, I hadn’t thought about those! I love those, too!” The comments were no help at all! lol
    My first thought was a cheesy Mom answer so I’m going with it: my favorite flower is any flower that my kids pick for me. When they were younger, I’d get dandelions and clover with 1/2″ stems (you just float them in a bowl). When they got older, a couple of times I got peonies, as in ALL of the peonies that were in flower or bud on the bush (I probably shouldn’t have gushed at the beautiful bouquet the first time). My kids are teenagers now and they rarely pick flowers for me but I did pick flowers for my son to give to his date for prom last spring. I guess it goes full circle. Oh crap, wait, do you think that means the kids will pick flowers for my funeral? I don’t know if I like this full circle thing so much anymore… :{

  1328. Dixie on

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely giveaway.
    Oh my, for every season, I can think of flowers that I love. But to narrow it down I’d have to say
    Old World Roses. But I also love peonies, cosmos, and sweet peas, amaryllis and so many more. :)
    Happy Anniversary!

  1329. Cheryl on

    Zinnias are my favorite!

  1330. Harriet Smithson on

    Congratulations Team Floret! Happy Birthday Cut Garden Book! A great giveaway, thank you, although your question is a bit like being asked to choose your favourite child… but today my favourite flower is Hyacinth, the scent in my kitchen is divine. Anything that has that sort of transformatational impact – how can you be glum with that perfume in the air?! – has got to be up there in or very near to the top spot. Roses are probably my ultimate favourite, Louise Odier I think…But today, hyacinth!

  1331. Sally Merrick on

    How can I pick just one favourite flower,it’s like choosing your favourite child. Impossible but for tonight because my mum is on the other side of the world and she first gave me a love of flowers and gardening I’ll pick one that reminds me of her. The ‘double delight garden rose’ she always had vases full of this fragrant beauty all summer long. One whiff and I’m right back to her.

  1332. Janet Dillard on

    Thanks to you, flowers have taken over our vegetable garden. (However, now vendors at our local farmers market will grow our veggies). This season we anticipate a harvest of color and scented bouquets. Your blog, emails and book have expanded my flower selection from my favorite sweet peas and daffodils to a whole new insight on what to grow. We look forward to rows of color and months of bouquets to share and enjoy. I think my neighbors will like this more than endless beans and zucchini.

  1333. Carly Stewart on

    I found you right before your book released last year. I was sick in bed with a pregnancy I had just found out would be ending soon. I distracted myself reading about your adventures in cut flower gardening and all the beautiful pictures. I purchased black and white anemones to plant in memory of my little angel and your book and more seeds shortly after. Thank you for sharing your journey and talents with us and congratulations for all your life’s successes.

  1334. Sally on

    How can I pick just one favourite flower,it’s like choosing your favourite child. Impossible but for tonight because my mum is on the other side of the world and she first gave me a love of flowers and gardening I’ll pick one that reminds me of her. The ‘double delight garden rose’ she always had vases full of this fragrant beauty all summer long. One whiff and I’m right back to het.

  1335. Kara on

    Peonies are my fave!

    Congratulations on all of your success!! It is inspiring to say the least. Love your work. :)

  1336. Kimmie Storm on

    Hello Floret!!! EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE about you brings me IMMENSE JOY!
    I live in Rocklin California, and have been a flower girl since I first remember cutting flowers in mother’s garden in San Leandro , California as a young girl _ maybe at age 5 years.
    I am still a young woman, now soon to be 68 years in April!!!
    I love all flowers but wisteria , roses, tulips, daffodils and freesia are my favorites ! … .Three shades of wisteria grew on the sides of my husband and my first house (circa 1906) 45 years ago (also in San Leandro) 37 rose bushes, along with many varieties of tulips and daffodils adorned the back yard! Our long driveway was lined with fabulous fragrant freesias!!!! All inspired my love of gardening so long ago and over all these years and YOU FLORET INSPIRE ME TODAY!
    Thank you

  1337. Sarah Tubbs on

    Your book is now what I call the flower bible! I am always flipping through the pages for inspiration. My favorite flowers are sweet peas and zinnias!

  1338. Cheryl on

    My favorite flower would have to be zinnia! So many styles, colors and sizes.

  1339. Natasha Stone on

    I love a sunflower. I am so excited and really look forward to getting your book and start my own flower journey x

  1340. Ashlea on

    My birthday is March 19th! I have asked my husband for your book, so I’ll be forwarding him here to sweeten the deal with seeds! Thank you!!
    My favorite flower is Lily of the Valley. It is my grandmother’s favorite too and it grew wild on her farm where she grew up–Pleasant Garden, NC of all places!
    As sweet as that flower is to me, I’m really excited to grow some of the varieties that you sell that don’t just grow wild around North Carolina tobacco fields!
    Congrats on the anniversary!

  1341. Rachel Coffin on

    I’m so glad I found your book last summer at a local book store, and even more thrilled to soon be receiving some of your dahlia tubers! The Cafe A’Lait dahlia is one of my all time favorites ?

  1342. Beverley on

    Hydrangeas!! Big and beautiful :)

  1343. BobbiLynn on

    Thank you for sharing your passion for flowers with us ! I’m so excited to see your upcoming surprises !! My favorite flower is a Peony. Although I love roses,and zinnias,and dahlias ,and and and ……..!!!!

  1344. Kristen Thomas on

    My all time favorite flower is the carnation. Even though they aren’t as sought after for florists, and they aren’t considered the nicest in bouquets, the fillers. My whole wedding bouquet was pink and orange carnations with freedom roses and greenery and I couldn’t have been happier. Thanks for entering me!

  1345. Kristin on

    Congrats on the anniversary!!! I love tulips and can’t wait for Spring to get here so I can see all the new tulips I spent hours planting this past fall. I also just bought a bunch of your seeds and am enjoying plotting out where I will plant them come May!

  1346. Laken on

    Congratulations on one year! I was spoiled growing in the country with nearly unlimited growing space for flowers and vegetables. Now that I live in a city with a single raised bed I’m incredibly excited to try some of your high yield growing techniques this summer! Thank you for your generosity in sharing your experience and wisdom. My favorite flowers used to be peonies, but I was given some beautiful yellow ranunculus recently and might be hooked.

  1347. Lynda Dorrington on

    Daphne – is there a more beautiful fragrance in the world. It lingers, in its discrete fashion. Of course pinning down one flower is associated with memories and for me daphne is wrapped up in my childhood and the awe bestowed on this particular plant by my father. Erin you and that amazing team have created something far greater than a business. You have ignited a network that gives joy and happiness to those that come into contact with all things Floret and that generosity finds its way back to you via the business which is such an interesting and compelling case study for doing what you love.
    Congratulations on achieving your dreams.

  1348. Lauren Butler on

    The wonderful floret team have inspired me so much, since discovering your instagram page a little over a year ago I decided to finally try to build the garden I’ve always dreamed off. On my small 800square meter back yard block I’ve build 8 garden beds and lots of planter box’s, have to leave some room for the kids too play.. I grow some veg and some flowers, though this year I plan to only grow flowers. So last year inspired by your beautiful pictures I decided to grow Ranunculi, they seemed easy to grow and I just thought the flowers you grew were spectacular. I was a little disappointed by the varieties I could get in Australia conspired to what you grew but ordered the prettiest ones I could find..these sad little spiky corns arrived but I excitedly planted them following your awesome websites instructions.. and they grew then flowered and flowered and flowered some more, I couldn’t believe how many flowers I got. I had them everywhere in the house and was giving them away to family for months. My two daughters aged 2 and 3 were so excited to help me pick them and watch them grow… So I left the plants in the ground to put all there energy into the bulbs and was amazed how many extra corns i got and how much bigger they were. So I’m eagerly awaiting planting them this year and seeing how many more flowers I get and how big they’ll be. It’s been so much fun for me and my girls. I bought flower seeds from you this year and plan to fill the garden with cut flowers. I would never have been able to have the confidence to do all this without your generous help and support though your ever ow so helpful website, blog and instagram, I’ll continue to read and learn and watch and if I ever get over to America for a holiday a visit to your farm will be a must, but right now I’m happy to feel like I’m there via instagram.. Thanks so so so very much for inspiring me, lots of love and respect, Lauren NSW Australia xox

  1349. BobbiLynn Miller on

    You are such an inspiration ! Thank you for your willingness to share your secrets on growing beautiful flowers! My favorite flower is a Peony. The light pink ones .

  1350. Bryonna on

    Congratulations on a great book and a great year! I loved your sweet peas (white) I bought last year as seed

  1351. Mackenzie on

    I’ve read through this book countless times this year, and just adore it. It’s informative, but also just beautiful and interesting. Right now I would say my favorite flower is larkspur, but who knows! It changes every season when I fall in love with something new.

  1352. Samantha on

    Happy 1st Anniversary!!! There are so many beauties out there but tulips hold a special place in my heart. Excited to follow along for another season and maybe try my hand at some new techniques.

  1353. Patti Wade on

    Absolutely my favorite is any variety of sweet peas! mmmmmmm. I love filling the house with little vases and jars of them so whatever room I go to is filled with their delicate beauty and scent. Sure, dahlias are nice, but earwigs like them, too! Plus, I have nowhere to put dahlias when they are to be dug up here in my PNW Everett garden, but sweet peas seeds are small and easily stored. Yes, indeed. SWEET PEAS! Thank you so much becoming my favorite place to purchase my favorite flower’s seeds!

  1354. Maria Panter on

    I asked my husband to buy me your book for Valentines Day this year instead of a bouquet. I finished it in just two days and started ordering seeds for a 1000 soft cut flower garden within the week! ? This will be my first year gardening period. Thanks for the inspiration! I refer to your book constantly as I plot my space, prep my soil and starting my seedlings. My favorite flower is a ranunculus (which look a little tricky to grow in my zone 7 climate). You are awesome! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! ?

  1355. Samantha on

    Happy 1st Anniversary!!! There are so many beauties out there but tulips are my favorite as they hold a special place in my heart. Excited to follow along for another season and maybe try my hand at some new techniques!

  1356. Esta Modian on

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your lovely and informative book. It has inspired me to reorganize my beds and plant more flowers for cutting – I’m very excited to start my Floret sweet pea seeds! It’s so hard to pick just one all time favorite flower, I do love delphinium.

  1357. Jessica on

    It’s strange, but one of my favorite flowers are Paperwhite Narcissus. In the dead of winter, their elegant, easy and unassuming blooms lift my winter weary mood.

  1358. ayla console on

    Thanks for sharing your flower magic!
    Lavender is my all time favorite flower, scent, color, and flavor :)

  1359. Stacy on

    That’s a tough one, so many gorgeous seasons offering beauty on my flower farm. Right now I would have to say peony, it’s such classic beauty, although ranunculus runs a close second.

  1360. Bryonna on

    Congratulations on a wonderful book and thriving business! Love your sweet peas I bought last year as seed.

  1361. Samantha on

    Happy 1st Anniversary!!! There are so many beauties out there but tulips are my favorite as they hold such a special place in my heart. Excited to follow along for another season and maybe try my hand at some new techniques.

  1362. Ella Bradshaw on

    Hi Floret,
    I absolutely love you book and the online Floret Workshop has been an absolute life changer! I can’t wait to start turning over the soil on my soon to be flower farm in central Victoria, Australia!! My ultimate favourite flower in the Black Pearl Lily as they are unassumingly beautiful and so long lasting!

  1363. Tara on

    You are an inspiration! Thank you so much for all the knowledge you share with us. I start my first flower garden from seed this year with primarily floret seeds! My all time favorite flower is delphinium. I love the darker blue shades but truly treasure them all. They were part of my wedding bouquet.

  1364. Natalia Li on

    I love the iceland poppy, in peach, pink, reds & whites. my other favorites include cafe au lait dinner plate dahlias, pink peonies, and ranunculus :)

    i love your blog and i’m inspired by your passion to follow your dreams!

    keep on!

  1365. Lisa Mundy on

    Congratulations on the great success of your wonderful book! My favorite flower is the sumptuous bloom of the Snowflake Oakleaf Hydrangea. This carefree shrub is a true four-season ornamental, producing its gorgeous panicled flowers abundantly in both full sun and full shade. It has absolutely no disease or pest issues and it blooms its heart out for a full four months, then holds on to the spent blooms for your continued enjoyment throughout the cold, winter months. The huge flowers start off white, then gradually age to a fabulous burgundy and cream. Be sure to ask for “Snowflake”! You will love it!

  1366. Jennifer Thompson on

    I read your book from the library but would love my own copy! I ordered some sweet peas from you this year and I’m thinking of putting a little self serve stand at the end of my driveway here in Wisconsin. My favorite flowers are my old farmstead peonies.

  1367. June D on

    Congratulations on the success of your book – you are an inspiration to so many. My favorite flower – Dahlias!

  1368. lauren murray on

    Living in Kangaroo Valley in Australia I have grown our own food for a few years. Now I am growing flowers from seed and mixing them up. Picking flowers from my own garden is such a joy. You have also helped me see how the shrubs, trees and vines I already have can contribute to beautiful cut flower arrangements. I have to rethink a little being in a drier warmer climate but it has been so worth it. I addition is has been hard to source the subtler colours of cut flower seed so I was overjoyed when my Floret seeds arrived. As well as your inspiration photos. Thank you.

  1369. Kate on

    Let’s see… there are dahlias and sweet peas of course. Let’s not forget peonies. Calla lilies & roses deserve mention. Cobaea scandens are enchanting. And what about the elegant simplicity of hellebores and anemones? The list could go on and on. It’s just too darn hard to pick a favorite flower! Each variety that you grow deserves merit in its own way. So thank-you for the magic, vision and creativity that you and your team bring to the world. We need more folks like you.

  1370. Marta on

    Hello and Congratulations !
    Thank you for all the inspiration. My favorite flower changes with each day so today in the still quite cold, northeast spring
    I choose the amazing Amaryllis. What a delight after so many grey days to see its huge, majestic bloom .

  1371. Carly Sadri on

    This is amazing! I’m so inspired to watch your story unfold on this blog! My all-time fave flower is freesia !!

  1372. Maria Breneman on

    Poppies! I love every single one in the whole wide world.

  1373. Kirsten Young on

    All time favourite flower! That’s nearly impossible! I’m going to have to say…lavender because it reminds me of my Gran and the song ‘lavender blue dilly dilly’ that she would sing to me, the lavender oil she kept in a wee little cobalt blue striped bottle that belonged to her Grandmother, and all the lavender that her mother grew on what is now my Uncle’s farm. But, really, how does one pick one? Love your book, love your blog, love this movement.

  1374. Katie Natelborg on

    Happy 1 year! ?
    My favorite flower is a hydrangea. They are a wonderful reminder of my grandma and the love we shared of them and of each other. Every time I see a hydrangea I immediately think of her. In the midst of sadness they bring me joy.

  1375. Anita Blackman on

    You are an inspiration! Your creativity; devotion to teaching us how to better appreciate the beauty of your amazing bounty; and beautiful spirit are so appreciated. Congratulations on this milestone! In response to your question–can’t pinpoint one, but rather offer lilacs, peonies, tuberoses, dahlias, and morning glories. Cheers!

  1376. Heather Volpei on

    What a beautiful soul you are. My name is Heather, so I should choose that flower, but sweet peas are my favorite.

  1377. Tiffany on

    Congratulations Floret!! You have created something so special – it is a delight to follow along and share in your successes.
    It is terribly hard to narrow down a favourite flower, but if I had to choose, it would be peonies. The romance, the nostalgia, the scent….

  1378. Abbie Hamblin on

    Peonies are bar far my favorite flower. There is hardly a variety that I don’t love. I wish I had an amazing story to tell about how they bring back memories of my grandmother’s garden or the bouquet on my mother’s side table. I don’t. But I look forward to the hope that my daughters will be able to tell the story of mom’s peonies.

  1379. Megan on

    I am starting a flower farm this year with you as my inspiration and your book as a reference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  1380. Candice C on

    Congratulations on your bookiversary! It’s a wonderful book. My favorite flowers are David Austen roses, especially the variety Wollerton Old Hall for the scent!

  1381. Paul on

    Wow. Amazing. Gosh I really love your work. Thank you!

  1382. Cheri on

    What I like most about you, Erin and all of Team Floret, is that you seem so down to earth. You’re not jaded by your success; you respect all that it has taken for you to get where you are. You are grateful and humble, and your generous spirit is inspirational. I think of you and your business as my role model for what I hope to do someday. ~My favorite flower is the ranunculus!~

  1383. Christi Owen on

    Congratulations! My favorite flowers are sweet peas.

  1384. Christi Owen on

    I love this blog! I have been so inspired to grow a flower garden in my new yard. My favorite flower was a peony, but after following you I was inspired to incorporate sweet peas into my wedding arrangement instead. They are now my favorite. Cheers!

  1385. Gaill Wynne on

    For me picking a favorite flower would be like picking a favorite grandchild – IMPOSSIBLE.
    Here’s a list of some of the things I love that bloom in my garden. Hellebore, Tulip, Roses, Hydrangea
    and, of course, Dahlia. Isn’t nature wonderful!

  1386. Linda SWG on

    My all time favorite flowers are sweet peas of any color or any style! They all make me smile and the scent brightens my day!
    Last year, I decided to plant them in front of my living room windows which slide open! So, yes! My living room was naturally scented …daily with the sun and the scent of these special flowers! So, I will grow them again on an arbor just feet from my living room ! Thank you so much for continuing to share your enthusiasm and gardening knowledge!

  1387. Angela on

    Aquilegia/ columbines
    Love them !
    Had lots in my garden when I used to live in the Cotswolds, UK
    happy days – out early in the morning till as long as there was light
    Congratulations to you and all the team it’s been an inspiration watching along the way
    I dream of owning a garden again and having a cutting patch.

  1388. June D on

    You and your team are an inspiration to so many people – thank you for all that you do. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your book also. My favorite flower is the Dahlia – they are just so beautiful.

  1389. Lucille on

    Thanks for all your work in flower farming and your willingness to share your work with the world! The Zinnia is my favorite. So many varieties, so much to gift!

  1390. Ashley S on

    Congratulations on the book’s success. It is such a beautiful and informational book. It is a stunner! Zinnias are my favorite flower, my mother always had them growing. They provide a rainbow of happy faces and they flourish in our long TX summers, making them the perfect flower!

  1391. Karlin Danahy on

    Since I was 3 and picked ALL of the neighbors tulips to give to my Mom, I’ve dreamed of creating beautiful bouquets. I first saw Floret on Pinterest and realized I could actually grow flowers commercially! Thank you for being such a source of inspiration.

  1392. Dar on

    Peonies are my all time favorite flower. Lisianthus comes in at a close second, but I’ve never grown them. I recently purchased your book, and I love it! Thanks so much.

  1393. Sophie Mustapha on

    Congratulations dear Erin. You’ve worked so hard and have shared so much knowledge and inspired me and so many others to get into flower growing. I have so many favourites it’s hard to whittle it down to just one… but for sheer exuberance and for being so prolific it has to be the dahlia.

  1394. Shauna Williams on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary of your beautiful book. I have had your book on my wishlist from the day it was released. Your words, photographs, garden, and lovely spirit are all so inspiring. Thank you for spreading so much happiness into the world. Flowers are one of the things that have always brought joy into my life, so it is difficult to narrow it down to one favorite. Although a hard choice, I am going to have to pick roses, specifically Double Delight Roses. My great grandmother, grandmother, and mother, have all had a deep love of roses and gardening. Their love and knowledge of roses has been shared and passed down through the generations. I am now teaching my own daughters how to appreciate the joy that comes from planting and nurturing flowers. Thank you for your generous giveaway!

  1395. Marijke Jaspers on

    I absolutely fell in love with these beautiful Icelandic poppies. I only knew the red species growing in the wild. Knowing that it was pointless to pick them because they would immediately drop their petals. In a way, it made me appreciate their looks even more…

    Last year I stumbled upon the floret flowers page, showing massive, jaw dropping poppies with a good vase life!

    This year I’m sowing my own bundles of joy, to enjoy these paper-like beauties from up close.

  1396. Emily on

    Congratulations to you and your team (and family!) on such a major accomplishment! Or rather, series of accomplishments! I loved reading your book – the pictures, stories and the tangible love you have for what you do and have built. I love so many flowers, but I had my heart stolen years ago by roses – specifically David Austin’s Crown Princess Margareta.

  1397. Liz on

    Team Floret you are amazing!! You can relish in your accomplishments and all your hard work but also look forward to new journeys this year:) Thanks for your inspiration, most excellent online workshop and your generosity! My favorite flower currently is the Forget-Me-Not and I am always lucky to see it pop up in my home garden this time of year. I love it bunched or as an accent in a larger bouquet!

  1398. Lara on

    Wow ! This is an American success story .I love it ! I would also love the chance of winning any of these gorgeous flowery treats ! Thanks for the chance :)

  1399. Gaill Wynne on

    For me picking a favorite flower would be like picking a favorite grandchild – IMPOSSIBLE!
    So here’s a list of things I love when they bloom in my garden. Hellebore, Tulips, Roses, Hydrangea
    and, of course, Dahlia. Isn’t nature wonderful.

  1400. Megan Lane on

    Indian paintbrush is my all time favorite! Not a garden flower however, that favorite goes to poppies!

  1401. Jeanne Jones on

    I lover my peony bush with the dozens of big pink blooms it produces every spring. I also love dahlias. There used to be a small dahlia farm in my neigborhood. The owner would cut blooms every day and put them in a rack of vases for purchase every day. She charged 25 cents a blossom on the honor system. Your book and blog are inspiring. Thank you so much.

  1402. Marla C. on

    Happy 1 year Anniversary! Your book has been my ” go to” this past year as a quick reference. Whenever I have had a question on a flower, this is one of the first books I check. I think my favorite flower might be the stately Snapdragon! Not a seasonal bouquet leaves the farm without at least one of those in it. It also is my nightmare in germinating this season, that is until I tried the Madame Buttefly variety. Finally got a 90% germination! Thanks in part to following your instructions. Hooray!

  1403. Angela on

    Aquilegia/ columbines

    Had a garden full of them back when I lived in the Cotswolds and couldn’t wait to get into the garden early enough for the months they were in flower !!
    Mmmmm happy days

  1404. Kate on

    My favourite all time flower is the Cosmo! Such an inspiration here, thanks for everything you do!

  1405. Rosemary on

    Tulips are my favorite – bursting with color and cheer.

  1406. Megan Workman on

    I absolutely love your book and joural, I refer to both often and am excited to review my journal notes next year. I would love to share your goodness with others! My all time favorite flower is undecided, it constantly changes. I love spring, ranunculus, dahlias, lilies and daisies!

  1407. Tamie Glubrecht on

    I ordered your book when it first came out, then received it as a Christmas gift from my out of town child. What a treat to be known for my love of flowers. My all time favorite flower is lavender for its healing scent, with daffodils and lilacs are right there at the top of the list but now Zinnias! So happy!

  1408. Lori on

    Congrats! What a year it has been. Ranuculus for the win, barely edging out lilac and peonies. I’ve finally found a good spot for peonies but have yet to get lilac blooms on my lilac bush and had an epic fail with ranuculus last year. Guess that’s what keeps me coming back. I ordered the notebooks for a gift. They were beautiful and hard to give away. I’ll have to order another set for myself. The cover material is fabulous, I can tell it is going to really stand up to wear and tear and probably a little water without ripping.

  1409. Betsy on

    I LOVE my copy of Cut Flower Garden! It has been such a help and inspiration to me as I continue to beautify my little plot of earth. My all time favorite flower is clematis, partly for it’s wild beauty and partly because of sentimental ties to my grandmother’s garden.

  1410. Heide Dolan on

    Congratulations on your success! It’s been so fun to watch. My favorite flower is lily of the valley. The scent reminds me of my childhood.

  1411. Detra on

    Thank you so much Floret for creating a wonderful resource for new growers, (like myself), seasoned flower farmers, and everyone in between. Your book is a cherished guide which will be used endlessly as I pursue my dreams of growing a sustainable flower business. This year will be my very first to offer stems and bouquet shares to our local community… wish me success =). Of those stems offered, I am planning to have a bountiful supply of snapdragons available, which of course is my all time favorite! Thanks again; you are a true inspiration!!

  1412. Michelle DuPuis on

    Tulips are my favorite, but of the flowers I’ve grown from seed, poppies are the most fun!

  1413. Flora on

    Happy bookiversary! I love my copy and go to it often for reference and inspiration. My favourite flower has to be the peony. Especially the soft pink varieties like Sarah Barnhart and Fairy’s Petticoat. They just seem so luxurious and indulgent. Looking forward to spring blooms!

  1414. Syd on

    Floret, especially Erin, every flower, every post, and every piece of good you send out into the world is appreciated. This year holds tons of flowers in sight for me, especially tons of sunflowers. Every sunflower variety is eye-opening to me, especially the autum colors ( orange, red, deep purple. )

  1415. Claire Reynolds on

    Congratulations on the 1st anniversary of your book. A passion for flowers is a wonderful thing! My all time favourite has to be the Gerbera daisy.

  1416. Lindsey Garrow on

    Ranunculus are my absolute favorite flower though I cannot grow them to save my life:) Just moved to a house on 3 acres and am starting my dream garden this spring! Love the blog and all of the beautiful work you do!

  1417. Jan Olson on

    Happy Anniversary!!! What a wonderful celebration! Thank you so much for the book! It inspired and guided me through growing my first cutting garden. I was very happy with the results and filled my house, my friends’ houses, my office, with flowers all season! It’s almost impossible to choose my favourite flower, but I do love Oriental Lillies! The fragrance is to die for!

  1418. Lyndy Reynolds on

    The one that makes my heart squeeze just a bit more that all the others is ZINNIA QUEEN RED LIME.
    And they grow so well here in Australia.
    So happy you shared your flower loving life.
    It burst into so many tiny pieces and landed all over this planet!
    Best thing is – now there are more flowers xxx Lyndy

  1419. Laura on

    Yay, congratulations!!! I love a good garden rose, especially those koko locos!

  1420. Jenny on

    Thanks so much for all you share, your generosity and inspiration. Congratulations on another outstanding year! One of my favorite flowers is Bells of Ireland. Such a distinctive smell and form. Wish I had better luck growing them!

  1421. Nataša D on

    Erin and Team Floret, your dedication to share the beauty of flowers has inspired me to plant my first dahlias last year. And I can’t wait to plant ranunculus which are my favorite flowers.


  1422. Niesa Putigna on

    As my small farm land is being flattened and leveled down to start a flower farm here in sunny Florida; you and your book were and are my inspiration. Thank you for the confidence and the wisdom. My favorite flower is a rose connected to a memory of being small. My Dad asked all my family members to pick a rose color and kind and he would grow that rose for each of us. Every year we saw those roses bloom just for us.

  1423. Tara Jernejcic on

    The magic grown of your soil has transformed our visions of cut flower gardens and bouquets! Furthermore, reading the Floret blog is a fantastic way to wind down the day and falling to sleep on a positive note. Thank you for the endless inspiration and creative motivation borne of seeds and dirt.

  1424. Mendi on

    Thank You so much for your inspiring hard work! Your book has helped me already! Too many favorite flowers… I’m excited to grow ranunculus and anemones and sweet peas for the 1st time!!!! It’s always been a dream of mine…

  1425. Wendi Moore on

    Thank you for inspiring us with you your book! Congratulations on its success and happy anniversary! Poppies

  1426. Marie Hayhurst on

    Congratulations team Floret and thank you for inspiring so many around the globe! My favorite flowers are the sunflowers. Red/orange colors being at the top of my list. I love observing them with a blue sky in the background. And when there is a bee one them, this is like a cherry on the cake!

  1427. Mary on

    Your flowers are exquisite. One of my favorite flowers is the iris.

  1428. Cynthia NL on

    What a great way to celebrate! My favorite cut flower is sunflower but my favorite flower is ‘Ohia lehua a native Hawaiian flowering tree that has lovely blossoms in various shades of red, orange, and yellow.

  1429. Alexandra Engs on

    Lily of the Valley is my favorite flower. It was my Grandmother’s favorite and so it reminds me of her. And the fragrance is out of this world. I love your photography, your presentation and everything you guys put out! Congratulations on an amazing year.

  1430. Hannah on

    All time favorite flower are Zinnias. Thanks to floret flower, I’m slowly expanding the varieties and colors in our garden.

  1431. Katy Heider on

    Dahlias are my absolute all time favorite flower. I have been known to dig new garden beds for veggies or perennials only to fill them with dahlias instead. I planted 80 at my house last summer and am on track for more this year since I can’t stop buying tubers. Of course, your book gives me inspiration to plant other beauties, but I’ll still always come back to dahlias.

  1432. Meg on

    Oh, I forgot to add- It would have to be dahlias!

  1433. Kristin on

    YES. IT was around a year ago that i became obsessed. My book pages have already started to unbind. Cosmos always make me smile. Thank you for the inspiration.

  1434. Megan Kennedy on

    So happy for your success! I’ve been nestling Floret seeds into soil these last few weeks and day dreaming of all the blooms to come. They’ll come, right? ? Here’s to their coming success, and yours!

  1435. Amy M on

    I am so inspired by the beauty of your work. My favorite flower is the tulip – for its simple form and announcement of spring. Thanks!

  1436. Tina S on

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion. Your love of flowers, farming and their artistic connection is inspiring. Since I found your site and read your book, I’ve been inspired to expand my garden, grow plants from seed and see what the promise of tomorrow will bring. Hopefully many blooms! It’s hard to select a favorite flower, so many are so very special. Sweet Peas are a favorite of mine. So sweet and beautiful, colorful and classically charming!

  1437. Jana Bearden on

    Happy 1st Anniversary! You have inspired me to learn more about growing my own flowers and making my own arrangements. For that I thank you.

  1438. Kelsey on

    Thank you Floret for the continuing inspiration! A bunch of cheerful tulips on my kitchen table after a grey winter are my absolute favourite!

  1439. Kara on

    Your book is awesome! Thank you! Lilacs are my fave?

  1440. Kathryn on

    My favorite flowers are sweet peas, poppys, and nasturtiums :) I just bought A BUNCH of seeds from your site in an attempt to plant a lot of my own wedding flowers this summer, wish me luck!

  1441. Amanda B. on

    My all time favorite flower is the zinnia!

  1442. Kelley on

    It has been a joy to get to know you through your book and blog posts. I have grown dahlias for over 25 years and will have a few Floret tubers in my garden for the first time this year. Thank you for the inspiring beauty you create. Time to go start my Floret seeds!

  1443. Patricia on

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the beauty and your knowledge. My favorite flower is lily.

  1444. Kelsey on

    Thank you Floret for the continuing inspiration! A bunch of cheerful tulips on my kitchen table after a grey winter are my absolute favourite!

  1445. Brittany on

    My favorite flower seems to change with the season, but my sentimental favorite is marigolds–they were my favorite when I was a kid, and the first flower I successfully grew once I had my own garden and started to mix in flowers with the veggies. Now the flowers are taking over the space for vegetables!

  1446. Sue Drew on

    Thank you Erin for your book that has brought me so much joy and inspiration to get out in the world and share the love of flowers.

  1447. Kara on

    Your book is awesome! Thank you! Lilacs are my fave ?

  1448. Annie on

    Congratulations on your anniversary!! I loved your book so much I bought my mother a copy for mother’s Day last year!! We both love working in our gardens and I cannot wait for things to start blooming! Purple roses are my favorite, but I love them all!

  1449. April Knudsen on

    I’ve already got a few packets of sweet peas, and can’t wait to start my own tiny floral experiment this spring!

  1450. alice rojas on

    My favorite flower is Ranunculus. It is simply beautiful. My only wish is that it would last longer.

  1451. Barbara Lien on

    Your book helped me survive a hard Montana winter, and I can hardly wait to apply some of the new knowledge and inspiration gleaned there! Thank you.

  1452. Roger Heins on

    I remember you when……. I lived in Anacortes and worked for a perennial grower in Mt. Vernon. We always hoped you would find success from all your hard work. You’ve certainly been of great value to so many want-a-be cut flower gardeners. I know because I teach many gardening classes as a Master Gardener here in Colorado and home gardeners are always asking for advice and help with cut flowers. I now highly recommend and refer to your great book with confidence. It is truly one of if not the best references I’ve ever read. The Rose continues to be my all time favorite after decades of growing and loving every flower I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t live without Veteran’s Honor and Rainbow Sorbet! Congratulations on your very successful past year and all the best for many more! Cheers

  1453. Kathryn on

    Ranunculuses are my all time favorite flower!!!!!!

  1454. Deeana H on

    Thank you for this opportunity and for sharing your knowledge with all of us. My favorite flower is the peony. I am anxiously awaiting your beautiful book to begin planning a cutting garden in memory of my nephew Ty who we lost in an car accident last Labor Day. I am looking forward to eventually harvesting flowers for his memorial.

  1455. Amber Willis on

    I have loved The Cut Flower Garden by Floret! It’s my all time favorite flower book! I have opened it through the last year and keep gaining more information every time! It has been so helpful for me in my home flower garden and even my children love to look through it’s beautidul pages for inspiration and to day dream of flowers! My favorite flower has to be dahlias! When Summer time comes and I see those beauties bloom there is just nothing like them!

  1456. Jan on

    So hard to choose just one! Dahlias for the win!

  1457. Joan C. on

    Congratulations and continued success . Thank you for sharing your vision in print as it is truly an inspiration and goals. I enjoy all flowers but have always loved pansies and violets.

  1458. alice rojas on

    My favorite flower is Ranunculus. It is simply just beautiful. I only wish it lasted all summer.

  1459. Lyn Godsey on

    I thoroughly enjoyed your book and the fabulous workshop. I will be referring to the book and videos for years to come. I especially loved learning about how to propogate my favorite flower, the Dahlia.

  1460. Lana on

    My favorite flower is the rose. After my mom died a few years ago, a rosebush was the first flowering plant I bought when attempting to grow my own garden in my new life. She loved gardening, and I never gave it a chance while she was alive, but after she died, I connected to growing in a way I wish I had while she were here. She would’ve been proud of my roses.

  1461. Sarah on

    So happy to see all your success! Your book and story have been an inspiration to everyone I’ve introduced to floret. Like you I also adore sweet peas, they will always have a place in my garden–even with the limited patio containers I have!

  1462. Kristine on

    Your photos are inspirational. We are adding more flowers to our farm this year. We can’t wait to see how they add to our garden dinners!

  1463. darci on

    What a generous give away! I have read through your beautiful book, front to back, twice! I absolutely love it and can’t wait for summer!!! So hard to choose but I would say my favorite flower is the peony! My Grandma gave me a clump of peonies 14 years ago when we bought our first home and every year I divide and plant from that original peony! It’s survived 4 houses/moves, deer, little kid’s feet and more! Happy Anniversary on the book, it’s one of my favorites!

  1464. Kayla on

    My family and I are embarking on a new farm journey. We purchased property in Oregon and are in the middle of building. During construction, we are in the planning and dreaming phase of how the farm will function. In my research, I ran across your blog – love it! I’m looking forward to reading your book before starting our own flower garden. My favorite flowers are peonies, but dahlias are a close second.

  1465. Lindsey F on

    You have been such an inspiration to me! This is my first year growing flowers in my small space and your book and blog have led me every step of the way. Thank you so much! So far, my all time favorite flower is the anemone. Hands down :) Thank you for having this giveaway and I’ll keep my fingers crossed to win :) xoxo

  1466. Hannah Tollefsrud on

    I love a big white peony! They make a statement! I planted your seeds under my grow light last night. Hoping for a deluxe mix of more seeds to feed my obsession! Happy almost spring from North Dakota!


  1467. Christy on

    It’s so wonderful to see all your hard work paying off, thank you so much for sharing with us all! I’ve been so glad to find you and get excited to see the seeds I order from you every year grow in my garden after dreaming about them all winter. Hard to pick a favourite flower, since I love so many, but you won my heart with sweet peas (I was sorry to see Blue Shift and Blue Vein and Maloy not available this year-my favs, but I have some seeds I saved from last year’s flowers for Blue Shift and I ordered some new friends). You have also made me love zinnias (and I never thought I would).

  1468. Hannah Raphael-Chastain on

    How could I possibly chose a favorite flower?! Dahlias, lilac, zinnia, peony, gladiolus… they’re all equally fantastic. Perhaps, then, my favorite should be the snowdrop. The very first flower to signal that winter has broken and the other flowers are not far behind.

  1469. Kate Werry on

    Erin and Team Floret – you are inspirational! Thank you for sharing your journey and blessing the world with a renewed love for cut flowers!
    To pick one flower is so hard – garden roses are probably the closest.
    Your work had reframed how I feel about many flower varieties (in a good way!) like Dahlias and Zinnias. I’m looking forward establishing my first cut flower garden and growing some of your zinnias in the coming year. Thank you again!

  1470. Sarah Lin on

    Thank you for writing such an informative, useful and visually stunning book. I brought it to my son’s basketball game last weekend and everyone who saw it said “ooooh!!!!! I want that book! Can I take a look?” I am starting my seeds this week and following your book like the bible. My favorite flower has been the peony for years. Recently, I am more drawn to the garden rose, amaranth and the thistle. I have a hard time with favorites!

  1471. Raye Cage on

    Congratulations to you Floret Flowers! My all time favorite flowers are lilacs – they are so beautiful, especially the purple ones.

  1472. Sakurah on

    I love Zinnias! They are sooo easy to grow, come in so many great colours and are just a super happy addition to farmers market bouquets! : )

  1473. Heath Breneman on

    Daffodils my toddlers used to pronounce “dapper-dills” – I never see one without thinking of my kids when they were tiny, and unabashedly delighted with the wonder of everything.

  1474. Birch on

    Thank you for inspiring so many people with your blogs, book, classes, videos and most of all beautiful pictures.
    Your book is one that I have told all of my friends who even have the slightest interest in flower arranging that they must own.
    What you all do is truly and art form.
    I’ve enjoyed many of your flowers but I think last year my most favorite was the subtle but extremely beautiful Chocolate Lace Flower.
    My chickens had gotten in and scratched up the area I had spread these seeds. I didn’t have much hope. But to my pleasant surprise they came back and gave the bees and myself something to enjoy.

  1475. Lisa on

    Happy Anniversary!! My favorite is the sweet pea.

  1476. Patty on

    I am so grateful I found Floret. Your book is on my coffee table to inspire me as I plan my garden – love that spring is already showing it’s magic in the PNW! My latest favorite flower is the Dahlia. It’s really hard to pick a favorite flower-sort of like asking to pick your favorite child!

    Thank you for so generously sharing your passion and wisdom and this great gift for a couple of lucky winners.

  1477. Tanja Tulak on

    Hello, Your book lives beside my bed and I drool over it regularily .My favorite flowers are dahlias, and I started a fresh cut flower stand last summer and enjoyed doing it with my 6 girls.I have big dreams and goals with your knowledge at hand that I have learned from you. Blessings to you in your love of flowers and sharing with us:)

  1478. Annette Kemmis on

    I Love your book! Purchased it about 3 months ago, what an inspiration for me!
    I have a greenhouse, recently quit my job, and a cut flower garden is getting started this season.
    My favorite flower is peonie, so beautiful in a vase! Happy anniversary!

  1479. Meg on

    I bought your book twenty minutes after getting it from the library, I’m so thankful you have shared your knowledge and all this beauty with us! I’m inspired for years to come and I’ll be making sure I don’t miss those dahlia bulb sales next year!

  1480. Stephanie on

    I can’t believe it’s been a year! Congratulations Team Floret! To pick one flower is so hard. Every time I think this is the one, I change my mind. I’m going to go with Johnny Jump Ups and stick with that!

  1481. Morgan on

    Love flowers and how cute your business is! My favorite flowers are ranunculus and peonies! ❤️

  1482. Linda on

    So many favorite flowers, but I’d have to say Sunflower for its sun drenched beauty – celebrating the joy of summer. But very close seconds are peonies and roses and lilacs. Now there’s the lovely and heavenly fragrant sweet peas, which I planted for the first time last year. Can’t wait to see the sweet pea flowers blooming from the seeds I bought from you this year! ?

  1483. Jennifer Smith on

    I started growing floret seeds in my first ever flower garden last year. I had so many favorites but honeywort became my absolute favorite and I know it serves as more of a filler but it’s strength and beauty along with its very distinct smell just won me over. I have learned so much from your book. If I win I am keeping the goodies but donating your book to our local women’s garden club! Thanks for opening my eyes to so much beauty!

  1484. Kelly Thommes on

    I found out about your book a year ago in Better Homes and Garden. Your book and subsequently your Online Workshop has changed my life and career path! Thank you for your inspiration and never-give-up attitude. I’ve even purchased additional books for friends/colleagues! Dahlias hold a special place in my heart, and I can’t wait for my Floret dahlia order!

  1485. Tiffany Kopper on

    My ALL-TIME favorite flower is the dinnerplate dahlia (in any color)! I just love how those blooms are so striking! Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I’ve read the book cover to cover once through already, and I know I will continue reading it time and time again! Happy growing!

  1486. Samantha Hansen on

    Zinnias are by far my favorite flower! They are so beautiful and cheerful! Loved your book; it was an amazing read and resource!!

  1487. Adrienne H on

    My favorite flower is the daffodil! I’ve been truly inspired by your book and so glad for all that you put into it!

  1488. Laura Krugh on

    Tulips have been my favorite since age 8! After checking your book out from the library last summer, I decided to go ahead and buy myself a copy for this coming growing season. I’m new to flower-gardening and find your book equal parts information, inspiration, and pure eye-candy. :-) Thanks for working so hard to produce such a beautiful resource.

  1489. Meg Foley on

    Congratulations! I love the book and you served as inspiration for me to brow flowers for a friend’s wedding last summer. The first “event” from my long-time amateur cutting garden. My favorite flower? For early summer=peony
    For late summer=Benary’s Giant Zinnia

  1490. Millicent on

    Just discovered this blog as I plan my first flower garden and I love it! Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished! Peonies are my favorite flower. So pretty and they smell great too!

  1491. Hannah-Victoria Taylor on

    This book has truely become my Bible! Alongside your online workshop … I have counted on both to help me through a life changing career change. Simply, I can’t thank Floret and it’s members enough for providing inspiration and knowledge to flower lovers worldwide like me.
    My favourite flower would most likely be a foxglove – so ethereal and other worldly. But, my answer could change rather frequently as I am fickle with flowers!
    All the best with future success, and fingers crossed for the prize draw ?

  1492. Maureen on

    Thank you for sharing your gift of beauty. Sweet peas are my favorite.

  1493. Charissa Steyn on

    Oh I would love to win! My favorite flowers are dahlias and zinnias!!

  1494. Lyn on

    The ongoing story of your business and it’s phenomenal success is inspirational! There are so many gorgeous flowers that it’s tough to pick just one all-time favorite. Right now, alstroemeria are my favorite because they are so versatile and last so long in a cut arrangement.

  1495. Hannah Tollefsrud on

    I love a big white peony! They make a statement!

    Love your book and just planted your seeds under my growlight last night:) Hoping for a deluxe mix of more seeds to feed my obsession! Happy almost Spring from North Dakota!


  1496. Debra K Rodgers on

    It’s difficult for me to choose a favorite flower, or to limit the varieties and colors for my English rose and hydrangea garden. But the flower I’ve loved most since childhood is the lilac, which I don’t have room for. Now, its fragrance will surprise me on moonlit walks, but years ago, when I had a
    backyard bush, I read with a bouquet next to my bed. Heaven!

  1497. Marion Bundens on

    I have a copy of your book and enjoy going back through it, especially in these winter months! It’s hard to pick a favorite flower since every time I turn a page I think, “No, THIS is my favorite flower!” – but the beautiful sweet peas have stolen my heart and I look forward to growing them. Thanks for sharing your love and enthusiasm for growing flowers!

  1498. Ana Margarida Ribeiro on

    Congratulations!! This is well deserved, your work is beautiful and inspirational. Every since I’ve started follow you my favorite flowers started to be dahlias, but I have a crush on hellebores, they are so pretty and delicate!

  1499. Anne B on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Being half Dutch, I am almost obligated to love tulips, but I have to confess to a fondness for poppies of all types!

  1500. Trixie on

    My favourite flower is the zinnia, and the Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose is one of my favourite colours/cultivars.

  1501. Renata on

    Congrats Floret team! What a lovely gift!!
    My favorite flowers are hydrangeas and Lavander. Thanks!!!

  1502. Rose G. on

    Oh, and with a name like Rose, I really really like…Dahlias.

  1503. Tonia Peckover on

    Happy Anniversary! I just gave away my newly purchased copy as a gift because my friend was in love with it! My favorites are peonies, but there really isn’t a flower I don’t love. ? Thank you for making the world more beautiful!

  1504. Erin on

    In order to admit one favorite flower, certain attributes mightt begin the process of elimination!
    I love big blousey flower heads like peony and dahlia.
    I love the delicacy of Oriental poppies and the sweet, little nod of a Lilly of the valley.
    Big blue mop head hydrangeas will always make me covetous.
    And then there is the overwhelming intoxicating gardenia which thrills me !

    A favorite flower has to be one I can grow!
    I didn’t know much about flowers when I married 35 years ago. But if I were to consider a flower I would use in my wedding bouquet now, that might be the measure by which I choose a favorite .
    The winner is peony ? but wait, you know what, I didn’t use a bouquet then and probably wouldn’t now. I would use flowers in my hair… I guess my favorite flower becomes the luscious gardenia!
    Thank you for creating so much inspiration!

  1505. Frances Kremer on

    Thank you for your inspiration and wonderful ideas. I am so in love with dahlias and zinnias. Zinnias got me started in flower farming. I’m looking forward to growing some of yours. Your book and supplements helped me see past a few difficulties I was having with certain plants and cutting techniques.

  1506. Eliza B on

    You all are brilliant marketers. I am in awe of your creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. What a model for communicating to those of us who love gardening, cut flowers and, simply, beauty.

  1507. Sarah on

    My all-time favorite flower is the hellebore, but the giant zinnia is a very close second!!!

  1508. Rose G. on

    My mother always grew cut flowers, but I didn’t realize it was an art until she had passed away. Visiting with you and your site brings me closer to her again and our time around flowers. Thank you. Give away or not, I admire all that you are doing for the flower industry and how much better this world is because of flowers.

  1509. Danielle Campbell on

    In the wild it’s the lady slipper orchid. In my garden it’s snapdragons!

  1510. Kay Clark on

    I have been so inspired. I love peonies

  1511. Jenni on

    Happy Anniversary!! I ordered your book for my dear friend and she signed up for your online class this year. I’m hoping she’ll share her knowledge with me! My favorite flower is Zinnia. Close second are Orchids, but they aren’t as exciting as Zinnias.

  1512. Linsey on

    I could never choose just one flower favorite- I love them all! I am especially loving snowdrops this week, though, – a sure sign that spring is definitely coming. Thank you, Erin, for sharing not only your talent and wealth of knowledge, but also your enthusiasm- it is inspiring!

  1513. Krysia on

    What joy and enduring harmony you bring into the world. Your willingness to share and support are a breath of fresh air in today’s environment.
    Congratulations! Beautiful flowers from a beautiful group of people, enchanting us all. My favorite flower is the elegant Peony.
    I pre-ordered your book long before it came out and the anticipation was worth it! Here’s to selling many more books and spreading flower heaven.
    All the best! Krysia

  1514. Marisa vv on

    Congrats! You deserve all the good things coming your way! I love them ranunculus!

  1515. Russell Pearce on

    Such an inspiration lady, and book. Can’t put it down! The joy that you have shared is immeasurable and such a positive can do attitude! Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful coming year, on your new farm!

  1516. Karen Schulman on

    I absolutely love Cut Flower Garden! It is so well-written and has incredible, really useful information that is easy to understand. I review it all the time. I also appreciate the beautiful cover and photography. I just took the online workshop and the book was a great additional resource for information. Martha Stewart said today that her favorite flower is the one currently in bloom and I have to agree with her! But, if I had to pick one favorite flower it would be the dahlia! I’m really looking forward to the next book!

  1517. Jill Bankes on

    I love zinnias! So many colors, so easy to grow and are forgiving. Can’t wait to start planting my seeds soon(that, incidentally, came from Floret).

  1518. Amy Bennett on

    Congratulations!!! My all time favorite flowers are peonies, Ranunculus and garden roses!

  1519. Elizabeth Perkins on

    How has it been a year already? I love my book, it’s my go to resource guide! My absolute favorite flower has to be the Dahlia. Makes me happy just thinking of them and waiting for the blooms. A close second would have to be Peonies ;)

  1520. Sinead on

    My favorite flower is an anenome. They look amazing! When I get a garden, it will be filled with anenomes!

  1521. Stacy Entel on

    Thank you for all the wonderful and helpful information you share here on the blog. It’s been so helpful checking in here during my first year of growing flowers commercially! My favorite flowers are bachelor’s buttons. Cheers! Stacy

  1522. Susan Lyle on

    I want to be you! My retirement goal is to grow so many flowers there’ll be no grass to cut. Daisies are my favorite flower since childhood. They make me happy.

  1523. Cassandra Kubik on

    Browsing at a local book store, I came across your book. It seemed to call to me in a way, so I quickly picked it up and it made its way to my home. I spent several late nights reading, and scouring every page after my kids had gone to bed. This will be the first year of flower farming on our farm. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and creativity. Floret Farm came into my life and opened me up to a world I didn’t know existed. If I had to pick a favorite, roses have always had a special place in my heart. I LOVE David Austin roses!

  1524. Ellen Smith on

    I can’t believe its been a year already–and I hadn’t ordered your book yet–till now! Will do this afternoon.

  1525. Maureen on

    And of course, sweat peas. Lovely to look at, divine to smell.

  1526. Danielle Campbell on

    In the wild it’s the lady slipper orchid. In my garden it’s the snapdragons!

  1527. Sarah Skeem on

    I can’t choose just one, but parrot tulips and ranunculas are some of my favorites! Loved the book! It was worth the late hours, because you products something beautiful and helpful. Thank you and good luck with all your future ventures.

  1528. Stacy Swesey on

    I loved marigolds as a child. Once I got married, I was introduced by my mother-in-law to sweet peas, which is how I found your blog! Happy anniversary!

  1529. Corinne Baker-DeMonstoy on

    Congrats on the anniversary of the book. I just love coneflowers. They attract butterflies and bees in summer and wintertime birds

  1530. oona cava on

    Happy Bookiversary!

    My favorite flower is the peony. They make me swoon!

  1531. Amanda Alexander on

    Lily of the Valley is my favorite and lilac is a very close second. But honestly pretty much any flower is fabulous :)

  1532. Tarah McPherson on

    Congratulations! I ordered my book last month and I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. Peonies would have to be my favorite. Happy planting to you!

  1533. Anna D on

    Congratulations! Having just moved to a small farm from a tiny city lot I can’t tell you how inspiring your beautiful book and blog have been and how excited I am to finally have the space to start a little flower garden of my own this spring! Choosing just one favorite flower is impossible but I’d have to say that Peonies are up at the top of my list.

  1534. Margaret on

    So happy about your success!! I know it came with years of hard work, passion and perseverance as everything worthwhile does! My favorite is the Sweet Pea, and now I have your workshop training and knowledge to feel the confidence that I can grow them from your seeds this year:) I am very grateful for your expertise and inspiration, Erin and staff.

  1535. Malinda Austin on

    My favorite flower is the peony. I also have a fetish for dahlias as I have a yard filled with raised beds to provide alter flowers
    throughout summer and fall.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful shop, pictures and blogs. I love drooling over all of the pictures and hope some day I
    will be able to produce the large bouquets I see on your website.

  1536. JULIE EIDEN on

    My favorite flower is the lowly zinnia. Love your pictures, blog and book.
    Julie E.

  1537. Nicole Walker on

    Thank you for all of your generous guidance and knowledge with flower farming. We are entering year two with our flower farm!! Sweet peas all the way.

  1538. Naomi B. on

    Congratulations, Floret!! I love the statistics you include – the map of where the books shipped to, reprints (!), and what languages it’s been translated/translating into. So exciting!
    You really inspire me in my own flower growing and also in my writing. ;) My favorite flowers in spring are Lilacs, in summer Love-in-the-Mist, and in autumn Dahlias.

  1539. Eden T on

    So exciting! Hard to choose but I think my favorites are marigolds and sweet peas.

  1540. Renata on

    Congrats Floret team!! What a beautiful idea! Absolutely loved it! Thanks!!!

  1541. Jennifer on

    It’s hard to pick a favorite but what could make you happier than a sunflower smiling back at you! Have enjoyed your book so much. What an inspiration! Also, your Instagram is so beautiful!

  1542. Triple M on

    Congratulations – you and your team are an inspiration! Today my favorite flower is the lilac. I am co-creating my first cutting garden and just learned that the flower essence of lilac, the selected focal flower at the center of my perennial garden, is for successful co-creation and constructive partnership between people and the intelligence in nature (the very thing I am trying to do, GAH – so cool!).

  1543. Maureen on

    Congratulations on all your success, it’s a rare few people who get to spend their lives doing what they love.

  1544. Erin on

    I fell in love with Floret immediately and finally snagged some Dahlias this year. Not only did I order tubers, but I was lucky enough to get seeds for myself & to gift! My favorite flower has to be a Dahlia. The variety of Dahlias you offer are just wonderful. Lucky for me I was able to purchase some with my mothers, MIL & even my grandmothers names to gift for Mothers Day this year. I am so excited I look forward to purchasing more for my garden next restock! Congratulations are the huge success, it’s well deserved!

  1545. Erin Bremer on

    What a wonderful giveaway! I thought no my all time favorite is sunflowers but your book has made me fall in love with so many more!

  1546. Jeremiah Williamson on

    Sweet peas! We are naming our first born who is due in less than two weeks Spencer!

  1547. Nel Slingerland on

    Happy First book year !
    Thanks for all The info you share , it is soo helpfull
    Can’t choise a most lovery flower, love them all
    Love Nel

  1548. Carol weishaupt on

    You are glowing next to all those copies! Fav flower? Dahlias. The bigger the better!

  1549. Ranya Barrett on

    Congratulations on all of team Floret’s well-deserved success! Although hard to choose, peonies are my favorite flower. They are elegant, magnificent, romantic, and timeless. Always a showstopper.

  1550. Carrie on

    I love the book! I don’t have my own copy yet but our library has it and I’ve checked it out numerous times. I’m a bit old-fashioned and my all time favorite flower is the petunia. It obviously doesn’t do much as a cut flower but I love seeing them waving in my garden.

  1551. Staci on

    You have truly inspired me, thank you. My favorite flower…. that is a very hard question because I love them all.

  1552. Lisa Donati on

    Congratulations on a spectacular year for Floret! Your book is a wonderful reference for this home gardener. Dahlias are my favorite, and I will be growing close to 30 varieties this year. I hope to continue having one of my dahlias as best of show at the County Fair for the third year in a row!

  1553. Maegen Derbidge on

    Contgratulations on your success! 2018 is my first production year on my own flower farm and your book sits on my night stand and I read from it nightly! My all time favorite flower is the Bowl of Cream Peony. Such a classic!

  1554. Jana Woodson on

    My all time favorite flower is the Daphne. It’s scent just transports me somewhere heavenly. This is my first year buying Floret seeds and I am so excited to see them transform my home. Thank you for all your hard work!!! ?

  1555. Rachel on

    It’s been exciting watching Floret grow!

  1556. Malinda Austin on

    My favorite flower is the peony which I have in my garden. But most of the yard is filled with raised beds with dahlias that provide alter flowers all summer and fall.
    Thank you for your posts, love drooling over your large area to play in the dirt.

  1557. Jason Aucoin on

    I have been inspired by your blog and success within the slow flower movement. So much so, that I am thinking about utilizing some unused ground in my backyard to grow summer flowers to sell (ok, maybe give away) in my community! Your blog posts and how-to guides are super informative and fun to read. I really look forward to each new addition. I have so many favorite flowers, but I think stock is my favorite as it looks great and smells good too. An added bonus is that it does well in my cool Maine climate.

  1558. Angie on

    Your company is a true inspiration. It is so wonderful to hear success stories, these days especially. I truly love to see your emails come in, they are so beautifully put together that I have to read everything on it. I hope that you continue your success for a very long time. Sunflowers are such a happy flower, like little balls of sun.

  1559. Shammari Hook on

    My favorite flowers are tuberoses, with their hypnotic and mesmerizing perfume. I am also driven wild by the fragrance of jasmine and orange blossoms. Thank you for your deeply beautiful and poetic work with flowers.

  1560. Tanja on

    Zinnias remain my all time favourite flower… great for the pollinators and beneficial insects, a fantastic companion plant in the garden, drought tolerant, and so beautiful for bouquets and tussy mussies. Thank you for the opportunity and congratulations to you and your team.

  1561. oona cava on

    Congrats on your anniversary! My all-time favorite flower is the peony. They make me swoon.

  1562. Jessi F on

    Last year was my first time planting seeds/tubers, rather than just buying pre-grown flowers at the store! I bought several from Floret, and my favorite is Dahlia Black Narcissus! I love the rich color that they boast! I will be incorporating dahlias into my wedding flowers next February because of it! Happy anniversary!

  1563. Kristen on

    Congratulations on all of your success! Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with novices like me. I’ve learned so much, and I always look forward to your posts! If I had to pick just one, my favorite flower would be lilacs. I grew up on a tree farm, and every time my dad would go out to check on the fields, he would bring my mom and me back our own giant bouquet of lilacs. The smell will always remind me of him. :)

  1564. Fleur on

    sweet peas all day every day!

  1565. Rebecca Harrison on

    Dang..I was so excited to tell you how much your book (and you) have changed my life that I forgot to tell you my favorite flower…ZINNIAS. They remind me of my grandmother and she would be so proud of me growing them…and trying to make money. She was a child of the depression and always selling pecans, etc to make a little extra money. She grew zinnias every year and I think of her laugh, love and happiness every time I see them!

  1566. Chantelle on

    Congratulations, I love your book! It has been so helpful in starting my own cut flower garden. As a florist it is hard for me to pick just one flower. I feel like every season brings a flower I love. Helleborus, Tulips and Dahlias are my top favorites. Thank you for your generosity!

  1567. Marya on

    I’m not sure I can pick a favorite flower…..but i just received a package with a few different varieties of cosmos from you and I’m so very excited to grow them. I tried your double click mix last year snd they were to die for!

  1568. Marcy Ashley-Selleck on

    Erin, your book has given me the confidence to try my hand at some of your flowers! I recently ordered Larkspur, Love-in-a-Mist, and Celosia and cannot wait to sow them! And then wait for the magic!

  1569. Stacey on

    Got this book after moving to the Skagit Valley area and have really enjoyed all it has to offer! My current favorite flowers in the garden are my bright pink peonies that have just started to show new growth.

  1570. Deborah McLarnon-Riches on

    Happy Anniversary! I’m afraid I have two favourite flowers Peony ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ and all fragrant varieties of sweet peas. These are very closely followed by the classic English rose. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful book to follow and such an inspiring IG feed.

  1571. Wilma Knight on

    You and your family and flower farm team are an inspiration to many gardeners of various garden sizes! Myself, I have a large lot with many gardens, some of which I am downsizing for easier upkeep; deciding on the ‘keepers’ is hard as I love all flowers. My favourites in a cut flower would be zinnias and dahlias. Peonies are my preferred; so much so that I designed mainly with them for her wedding. Happy Anniversary and wishing you all the Best for 2018!

  1572. Jana Lee Miller on

    I picked your “Cut Flower Garden” up at my local library in Warrenton, NC. I started growing flowers about five years in a small patch in our back yard where we took down a large dead tree. Each year I’ve added different flowers and bulbs. Stargazer lilies are my favorite cut flower, and last year started selling bouquets at our small farmer’s market. I’ve added cosmos, Shasta daisies, black eyed Susan’s, corn flowers, lots of zinnias, and dahkias. I’ve started seeds this year indoors and are trying new varieties. I’ve purchased stakes and the netting to keep my flowers standing tall. Just love your book and wish I had my own copy…Keep teaching us more! Jana Miller

  1573. Zoe van Baaren on

    Congratulations on all your successes Erin! You are a true inspiration to us all!
    My new favorite flower is the dancing, Irish Poet Tassel flower.
    It’s like a dash of twinkle toes in an arrangement!

  1574. April on

    Love Floret! Can’t wait to get my copy of Cut Flower Garden!!

  1575. Michelle Koch on

    Lilacs but the list is long – ranunculus, lilies of the valley & sweet peas runner’s up.

    Thank you for sharing your love of all things flowers.

  1576. Jill on

    Iris. I’m obsessed with all flowers but the Iris is my favorite because it reminds me of my Grandmother. She would have been 105 years old today!

  1577. Rashelle C on

    What a lovely give away!!! I’ve been following you for a while and am putting in my own flower garden this year! Oh boy, if I had to pick 1 flower, I’d say peonies . Happy Anniversary on your book!!!!

  1578. Julie on

    Sunflowers have always been my favorite! Your book and blog inspired me to grow a small plot of cut flowers this past summer, including some fluffy and amazing Greenburst Sunflowers. After the blooms faded and the stalks were cut down, I got one tattooed on my back to remind me to stay sunny and keep growing :) Congrats on your anniversary!

  1579. Jana C on

    My all time favorite flower is the ranunculus. Maybe one day I will finally get my hands on the floret ranunculus bulbs before they sell out! Congrats on your year anniversary!!

  1580. Julie L. on

    Congrats and happy anniversary on your book! My all time fav flower is the peony.

  1581. Allyson Boop on

    I was so excited when I saw this book come out last year because my mom has a dream of a flower farm, so I got it for her birthday! Congrats on one year… love all your beautiful flower posts. My favorite flower is ranunculus!!

  1582. Celeste on

    Thank you so much for the heart and soul and work you out into sharing this wonderful information. Your book gave me the confidence I needed to really give gardening a legitimate try (aka— sink some real dollars and time into it.) My favorite flower— so difficult to choose— but I think Zinnias; their humble natural beauty, cut and come again work ethic and nostalgic elegance win me over more and more.

  1583. Cathy Hart on

    I truly appreciate all of your emails that provide endless ideas and words of wisdom! You have changed the way I grow flowers and create bouquets. Needless to say, your methods have saved me time and money. Forever grateful! My favorite flowers are dahlias. I received 18 tubers five years ago when I retired from teaching and have been growing them ever since. Sincerely

  1584. Joan on

    I enjoyed reading your book, it’s awesome. My favorite flowers are peonies. I just love the colors and the sweet smells.

  1585. Nooreen on

    Thank you for such a lovely giveaway offer!
    I love peonies! They’re such a lush bounty flower <3

  1586. Vanessa on

    Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge. You have been my go to grower and inspirstion. As you celebrate your first anniversary, I celebrate my first anniversary as well. This spring marks 1 year ago my hard work paid off and I was finally able to purchase my first commercial greenhouse. I am just a small country girl on 2.5 acres starting piece by piece like yourself. I continue to follow your pages and always learn something new about the flowers, design, production, and myself. Favorite flower? So many….stock for cut arrangements. Liatris in the garden for its tall confident existence.

  1587. Sara Jane on

    So many and ever-changing! Lately, I’ve been especially drawn to Globe Amaranth and Bougainvillea (because it reminds me of growing up in Singapore).

    I live in NYC and will be moving to the country this summer. I can’t want to plant a garden for the first time! Thank you. You’ve been an inspiration.

  1588. Aimee on

    Asking a floral designer to choose her favorite flower is like asking a mother to choose her favorite child. ? I love so many varieties for so many different reasons. But if I must choose, the silky, ruffly, gorgeously-scented peony wins. Even the ones with ants! ? Love lilacs and sweet peas and lissi too!

  1589. Laura Gaffke on

    Happy Anniversary! It was so fun hearing about your journey and I really appreciate this opportunity to be a part of your giveaway! My heart is filled with excitement. I don’t think I could pick just ONE flower but today I will say peonies! Sending you the most magical day filled with sunshine & love :)

  1590. Jenny on

    Happy One Year! Grateful owner of such an amazing book and cannot believe it has been a year also! Cosmos are my all time favorite:)

  1591. Kristina O. on

    Congratulations on your much earned success! I love all your products, some of which I have ordered, in fact, my pincushion and stock seeds have just started to sprout – can’t wait to see them bloom.

  1592. flora on

    Call me simple, but I love snapdragons oh so much!

  1593. Kristin on

    Your book has been so helpful! I’ve always been hesitant to start flowers from seed, but so far the sweet peas I ordered are looking great! However, the cafe au lait dahlia’s I grew last summer from Floret tubers are maybe my favorite flower ever :)

  1594. Diane on

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your love of flowers! My favorite flower would be Nicotiana – wonderful fragance and so many varieties. Love the greens!

  1595. Nichole Ticich on

    Congrats on a year! Growing my little seedlings have brought my father and I so much joy as does your Instagram and blog! We are counting down the days to move them to our garden and for a little old man with dementia, it’s the small things that matter every day. Thank you for bringing some beauty to my everyday! My favorite flower is hard to choose but anemones and tulips get me every time. Peonies are right there too! Too many flowers to choose from!

  1596. Ashlee on

    Lilies. I loved that when we moved in there were a ton of different colors planted on the side of the house. Though I’m excited to grow dahlias this year!!

  1597. TJ on

    Your flowers are so gorgeous!!! I lust after them every time you update Instagram. I can never resist a beautiful peony and all their glorious petals.

  1598. Kristina on

    Lilac forever! Nothing transports me like the scent of fresh cut lilac…

  1599. Neil H on

    For me it has to be tulips, especially the more unusual ones.

  1600. Paige on

    I just can’t get over the magic of peonies! … but this question would be easier if you let us choose one in every season.

  1601. Tammy T on

    If you would have asked for my favorite flower last year it would have been Delphiniums hands down. But this year I fell in love with Dahlias… big time!

  1602. Stacey Braddon on

    I love to spend my summer growing beautiful flowers and working in my gardens. I love the bouquets I can make and put throughout my house. It’s the happiest time of the year! I just love all the varieties you display and offer. I just purchased your book and can’t wait til it comes!! Thank you for all you do and offer to all of us!!

  1603. Rebecca Harrison on

    I purchased your book in January and read it cover to cover while home nursing my kids with the flu. By the end of the week I had already drawn out my garden plan and had my plan for seed ordering. My seeds have been ordered, seeds started, garden prepped, etc. I am getting excited about my new mini “flower farm” and can’t wait for everything to get into the ground! I keep your book with me constantly and look forward to beautiful flowers for years to come! Thank you for giving me the gift of confidence to do this. That is what I needed!

  1604. Kathryn Casey on

    Spring flowers have my heart. I don’t think anything gives me the same burst of joy as daffodils. Your book got me digging in the dirt for the first time!

  1605. M. M. Maher on

    Congratulations!!! I am a huge admirer of all you’ve done. (And I think we’re fellow B Schoolers, maybe?) In any case, if I had to choose a favorite (cut) flower, it would have to be ranunculus. They are mesmerizing to me. (But I’m not picky – any flower is a beauty to me. I love a simple sweet pea or bouquet of stock just as much!

  1606. Jen Gruninger on

    Happy Anniversary! Your book was an invaluable resource my first season farming. The timing couldn’t have been better! Can’t pick one…so narrow down to three. Iris’, Peonies and Tulips!

  1607. Joyce Fowler on

    My favorite flower is zinnia. There are so many different ones and they are easy for me to grow.

  1608. Jesse Oman on

    Yay how exciting to be such a big part of so many people’s success in growing beautiful flowers! We appreciate all of your hard work. I never thought I could grow so many flowers but this year I am doing it for the first time. I can’t wait to see my anemones come up.

  1609. Erin K. on

    I have loved spending the winter months going through your book for a second time and just soaking in all of the inspiration and floral loveliness! And my favorite flowers, mostly because they remind me of home, are lilacs in all colors.

  1610. Bekky on

    You are an inspiration! My favorite flower would be the peony.

  1611. Christi on

    Thanks for the inspiration! Dahlias are a favorite flower. But there are also favs of daffodils and nestauriums.

  1612. Monika on


    I love peonies, though garden roses are right up there, too.

  1613. Deborah on

    Congratulations, Erin and team! I’ve practically worn out my copy. Favorite flower: I’m going to have to go with dahlia…

  1614. Stephanie Galarza on

    Dahlias are my favorite flower and what inspired me to start my own cut flower garden!

  1615. Elizabeth on

    So proud of you for answering your calling. There are no coincidences in life.

  1616. Melinda on

    I recently found out about you site and am impressed with your skill and talent. They say follow your passion, and yours is beautiful!

  1617. Lorelie on

    Congrats on the anniversary of your book. I love it’s beautiful images and practical advice. This is my first year selling flowers (in Australia) so I’m grateful for your advice ?
    My all time favourite flowers are peonies, however this year I have 300 dahlias flowering and I am LOVING them so definitely a close second.

  1618. Valerie on

    Congrats! I have the book and love it! So impossible to pick a favorite but I’ll go with lilac – a flower I have loved since childhood.

  1619. Mechel Wall on

    It’s simple but my all time favorite flower is the orange blossom. The scent is heavenly and it brings me my favorite fruit. The book started me on my flower farming journey and meeting you at my first ASCFG conference was a fun perk. Thanks for answering every question I didn’t know I had in the Floret workshop series – holy cow that was amazing!

  1620. Kate Fraser-Hominick on

    I own a signed copy of that beautiful book but I’d love to pay it forward if I’m the lucky random draw. Fave flower, hmm, so so many but always comes down to peony, peony, peony! Happy Bookiversary, so great. Cheers!

  1621. Erin Honken on

    Hello – dreaming of Springtime here in Southern Minnesota! Another 8″ of snow fell on us last night! Ugh!
    Favorite Flower – probably the first one that sparked my interest in growing cut flowers – the Cut & Come Again Zinnia. I had just moved to the country and realized I could spend thousands on annuals at the garden stores. I found that for less than $5 I could fill a huge area with zinnias. :)
    -erin #flowerfarmerwannabe

  1622. Alicia Castro on

    My family’s favorites are dahlias, each member has their own and our wishlist was a mile long this year. You have inspired me to try new things in the garden. Your spirit and your flowers are captivating. Thank you for sharing your incredible gift with all of us.

  1623. Melissa on

    amazing! such a beautiful book. my favourite flowers are gerbera daisies, i love the huge range of colours they come in, their sturdiness and how long they last! :)

  1624. Gretchen McBroom on

    Love your beautiful book with all your useful advice! We have 24 acres that we want to farm! We would love to cover our land with plots of zinnias, Texas wildflowers,lavender, etc. I want my back fence covered in sweet peas! Thank you all you do to make our country more beautiful!

  1625. Rachel Weddle on

    I have been inspired by your blog to get the field cleared to start our flower garden!

  1626. Tara on

    Thanks to farms like yours producing so many wonderful unique blooms I can happily skip from one flower obsession to the next all season long! Honorable mentions definitely being ranunculus, tuberose, garden roses, peonies, double tulips, zinnias, dahlias, amaranthus. Honestly I could go on and on. Although for my flower arrangements I will almost always put in Stock if it’s available. I definitely prefer local or at least California grown. So underrated. Makes a great line or filler flower and the scent is fabulous.

  1627. Lynn mcclure on

    The reason I starting adding flowers to my vegetable garden was really because of you. I adore flowers and homegrown vegs, so why not do both in the same plot and give those vegs some companions. My favorite flowers are what many of my friends affectionately call weeds, particularly Queen Ann’s Lace…

  1628. Katie on

    Happy Anniversary!! My fav flower is a dahlia…any kind, any color, anywhere.

  1629. Courtney Smith on

    So happy for you guys! I found out about floret through Instagram and have always been so inspired by your work. I think zinnias are my favorite – my mom grew zinnias in her garden so much while I was growing up and they always remind me of her and of home. ❤

  1630. Stephanie on

    My husband and I just bought our first house, and I’m so excited to actually have a yard and start my very first garden. I just finished your book, and it has really inspired me! I just ordered a bunch of seeds from your online shop, and I may be getting in way over my head! I think I would have to choose lilacs as my favorite. The smell takes me back to my childhood, and I always feel like I’m “home” when I smell them.

  1631. Nancy smith on

    Congrats! Your book inspired me this rainy winter. With a new 8’deer fence completed surrounding my old fashion perennial garden, seeds sprouting and Ranuculus emerging I am eager for the long days of spring and summer!
    One of my favorite flowers is an old moss rose that my elderly neighbor gave me years ago. Her mother had brought it from the east coast in 1925 to place in her garden on the west coast! Happy digging!

  1632. Lori T on

    What an inspiring day to celebrate! Thanks to your book and my climate, it’s Duchess de Nemours peony :D

  1633. Kendall Hillhouse on

    I just finished reading your book last night. Today, I have notebooks, pencils, and magazines scattered around planning for what I can do this year and next. My favorite flower at this time is the peony.

  1634. Jen on

    I’ve been inspired by you to test my green thumb and grow my own cut flower garden in my new home this year. I’m beyond excited to start my flower filled journey! My favorite flowers are tulips and peonies. Your love for what you do is infectious (in a good way)! Thank you for sharing your expertise and passion.

  1635. Megan G on

    I love this book so much! It inspired my sister and I to take over our parents vegetable garden last summer and plant cut flowers! I’ve been introduced to so many new flowers that it’s hard to choose an all time favorite but I would probably have to say peonies.

  1636. Lois Toogood (FrontYardFarmer) on

    Happy Anniversary Erin from Canada! I can’t thank you enough for your book! I am SO inspired by it and you, every day. I now own a tool belt, a thorn stripper, and more of your seeds than I know what to do with. My favourite flower is my very special David Austin Rose, “Evelyn”… in memory of my Mom … as sweet and beautiful as she was.

    All the best, always!

  1637. Alicia on

    Congratulations!! Poppies are my favorite flowers but we don’t see many in TN anymore & I’m so excited to grow my own thanks to your farm! I also love peonies, which were in my wedding bouquet and will always be special.

  1638. Anita Roberson on

    I find the bright pink flowers of the Cosmos ‘Daydream’ simply irresistible! They are prolific and just adorable!

  1639. Brianna on

    Can’t wait to surprise my dear friend with your book for her birthday. Dahlias are my new favorite – this is my second year experimenting with them in my garden. Happy anniversary!

  1640. Stefanie Fleming on

    I LOVE Floret!!!! I just got done with your workshop and was richly blessed!!!! Love you guys so much!!!! My favorite flower… hmmmm I love so many! I guess my favorite is Ranunculus.

  1641. Natalie on

    Congrats! I can never pick a favorite flower. A friend made t-shirts for my 30th birthday with my favorites on it…when he asked me my favorite flower, I said, “all of them.” But, for this moment as I type, my favorite flower is…gee, I can’t decide, um…ok!, it’s iceland poppies. :)

  1642. Annie on

    Congratulations on all of the success! It’s so inspiring and motivating to see your success and to be able to follow in your path.

    My favorite is the Sweat Pea!

  1643. Barbara Clark on

    I live in Skagit County and was excited to have a woman farmer who then went on to work her buns off and create a two acre paradise. How exciting that you bought the neighboring farm. And now we have a famous person, and while I am not a stalker, we did drive by the farm

  1644. Stevie on

    Congrats team Floret! Has it really been a year!? Wow!
    My all time favourite flower has to be Dahlias and it was because of that flower love I found Floret.
    Cheers ?

  1645. Lesley D Swenneker on

    Congratulations on such a well deserved success. Your story is wonderfully encouraging and must have inspired many people to take up growing flowers.
    My favourite flower? I think Hydrangeas mainly for the subtle variations of colour all in one flowet head but also how so many tiny dainty flowers make up one large bloom. But then again I have always love pansies, and old fashioned and David Austin roses, sweetpeas too for their delicious scent and colours… so hard to choose especially when looking at your glorious photos. I wish you continued success in your wonderful business.

  1646. Mary Jo on

    Congrats on the anniversary and success of your book!
    It’s really hard to pick a favorite as there are so many beautiful flowers! But I guess it’s lilacs followed very closely by zinnia’s and peonies.

  1647. Emily on

    What a tough question! I feel like my favorite flower changes with the seasons the way my favorite fruit changes. It’s probably a toss up between peonies & hydrangeas for my all time favorite. But I LOVE the smell of hyacinth & lilac. And I love the cheerfulness of daisies & tulips. I love the sentimental memories Sweet Williams & roses bring in regards to my grandmother. I have never had much of a green thumb but I would LOVE to one day have a flower garden worth being proud.

  1648. Megan Wells on

    Excited to start the growing season. I checked out the book from the library and was amazed at all the useful information and beautiful pictures. My all time favorite flower to grow from seed is zinnias because this was the first flower i ever grew with my grandmother in her garden as a small girl.

  1649. Ruth Fleuren on

    Flowers bring magic. They smell like spring, new live. They bring laughter. They let us remember the good life.
    My favourits are iceland poppies

  1650. Angela kezar on

    Wow, how exciting that your book has been out for a year! I found your book and therefore you on my local library shelf and it has inspired a year of learning all about flowers!! My favorite has always been dahlias (I am SO excited for mine to arrive in April) but right now I’m obsessed with my little sweet peas that have been growing their first little leaves this week! Can’t wait to see your continued success and to grow my own little “floret” patch year after year!

    Xo Angela

  1651. Wendy S on

    Thank you for all of your inspiration Erin…who knew there was a colour called Earl Grey until they found you!
    My favourite is still sweet peas…I can imagine growing these when I’m 88!

  1652. Elisa Arnaud on

    I just LOVE your book! It’s easy to read, full of beautiful photos and deeply inspiring. It’s hard to choose only one kind of flower that I love most… but dhalias are really special to me:))) My family has a small piece of land near the beach in north Portugal and my grandparents always plant dhalias there. For me dhalias means happy and colorful summers, always near the beach, with foot on sand and salty wind in my face! This year I’m going to plant again dhalias and other beautiful flowers in our family land… Thanks for all the beauty and inspiration:)))

  1653. Julia on

    Congrats!! Favorite flower by far is a peony love them.

  1654. Annie d on

    Sweet Peas are my all time favorite but I must say the Sunflower Pro Cut Red I ordered from Floret earlier this year may steal the Sweet Peas #1 spot this year!

  1655. Cameron on

    Congratulations! Thank you for your tips and inspiration. One of my favorite flowers are Zinnias. So many colors and shapes! Cheers to your future endeavours!

  1656. Danielle Miller on

    Dahlias dahlias dahlias! :) Cannot wait for spring and summer blooms

  1657. Ruth Fleuren on

    It’s like magic. That’s what flowers bring. They smell like spring, new live, they bring joy and laughter. They remember us the good life.
    My favourits are Iceland poppies!

  1658. Lyndsey B. on

    Hard to believe it’s been a year! This beautiful book inspired me to grow cut flowers for the first time last summer – specifically, bright pink zinnias and smokey purple larkspur. The zinnias in particular turned my backyard into a monarch butterfly sanctuary. It was quite a sight to behold. Thank you. My favorite flower of all time is Lilac.

  1659. Alicia Castro on

    My family favorites are dahlias. Each member has their own. You’ve inspired me to try new things in the garden. You’re spirit and your flowers are absolutely captivating. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.

  1660. Kate Lindhorst on

    Doesn’t everyone love Peonies? ? They’re my favorite and thanks to your seeds and your book I’ll be trying my hand at them this year!

  1661. Lacie on

    My all-time favorite flowers are snapdragons! Here’s to many more years of continued success and good fortune for you all at Floret. Cheers!

  1662. Nikala on

    I love your grace and honesty you show the world while doing what you love and are meant to do! My all time favourite (for today at least!) would be the simple cheery sunflower!

  1663. Melodie Kirk on

    My favorite flower is sunflowers. They are so cherry!

  1664. Kathy D on

    We recently discovered your site and purchased several packages of sweet pea seeds which are now happily growing under a grow light in my dining room. Without a doubt, sweet peas have been my favorite flower since my mom taught me to grow them as a child. Your seed selection is the BEST! Best wishes for much continued success in following your passion.

  1665. Heather Jean on

    Hi from north Florida! I’ve always been absolutely in love with hydrangeas, but never had much luck growing them. You inspire me to keep trying!

  1666. Barbara Dellinger on

    Lilacs are my favorite. When I was a young girl in Ohio we had two huge lilac bushes in the backyard. One purple, one white. The scent of my lilacs take me back to that time as a child.

  1667. Abigail Kilrain on

    Although it is hard to decide my favorite flower, I have a fondness for the daffodil with it’s early bloom time when the earth is starting to come alive after the long hibernation of winter.

  1668. Nancy smith on

    Your book inspired me inspired me here in Olympia. With a new 8 foot deer fence completed with beautiful gates lovelingly made by my husband, seeds sprouting, and Ranuculus emerging, I eagerly await the long days of late spring and summer…. One of my favorite flowers is an old moss rose, that my elderly neighbor gave me years ago. Her mother had traveled in 1925 to the west coast with it to plant in her new garden.
    Thank you, Nancy

  1669. Lizzie G. on

    Congratulations to all of the hard working Floret team!! We celebrate your success and are thrilled and thankful to have felt a part of your journey! Erin, your wonderful flower adventure is such a inspiration to so many and, although I don’t think I’ll ever live that dream, it is a real pleasure to follow yours. Your beautiful book is my “go to” for all my flower questions and my first source when I start a new flower project. It sits right on my coffee table to be picked up and enjoyed by all! Almost impossible to pick a favorite flower …. sweet peas…zinnias…peonies….hydrangea…dahlias… love them all can’t choose just one! Wishing you another wonderful year ahead!

  1670. Lenore Messick on

    Zinnias are my favorites. one of my earliest memories-and only, of her-is of picking a big red one in my great-grandmother’s garden.

  1671. Eowyn on

    Congratulations Erin, Chris and Team!! ? Such a pleasure to see all your hard work and dedication pay off in such inspiring and beautiful ways. Favorite flower…??? I’ll choose lilacs today (closely followed by ranunculus) ?

  1672. Brigid Riley on

    Massive congratulations Erin, you are an inspiration to all flower farmers, all your success is well deserved. My favorite flowers tend to change with the season but at this time of year it’s gotta be hellebores! Wishing you continued success from a small flower farm in Ireland!

  1673. Grace Underwood on

    So happy for you all that your journey has been successful and fulfilling! I love your blog.

    My favorite flower is probably the rose, especially older varieties. I love the lore and history behind them!!

  1674. Audrey Coley on

    My all time favorite flowers are roses! My daughter’s middle name too. Congrats!

  1675. Marsha Mackie on

    I believe I would have to choose lilacs as my favorite. They have a special place in my 38-year-old cutting gardens because they were already here when I started the gardens. I also love the fact that they are almost NEVER seen out-of-season. We have only their short spring season to enjoy their fragrance. I do, however, think you should give extra credit points to the person who chose nicotiana as their favorite. It’s little-known and underappreciated!

  1676. Erin Williams on

    The book was the best Christmas present I received this year! And while not a cut flower, nothing beats the pasture full of Virginia Blue Bells in early spring!

  1677. Jennifer Way on

    My favorite flower is the zinnia – there are so many varieties!

  1678. Wendy on

    I have enjoyed your book so much. I actually left my book behind during a vacation in New Hampshire. Feeling lost without that book, i made it my priority to order a new copy! My favorite flowers are dahlias and peonies – But i am looking forward to seeing my sweet peas blossom! I love making my own bouquets of mixed flowers as there is nothing like having freshly cut flowers to brighten up our space!

  1679. Amanda on

    Congrats on all of your success!! I have the book, attended your the online flower workshop, and have bought a number of seeds (but I can never have too many! Ha!). I hope to start a flower farm of my own someday :) Favorite flower, hmm, very tough to choose!! I’d have to say snap dragons- they come in so many beautiful colors and their petals are so soft and velvety, and I love watching fuzzy bumble bees wiggle in and out of them too! Thanks so much for sharing all of your wisdom and knowledge with us, y’all are the best!

  1680. Candice on

    That’s almost impossible to choose, but I’ll say peonies are my all time favorite!

  1681. Angela Thomas on

    You are an inspiration, and it never ceases to amaze me your energy and enthusiasm, and your generosity in sharing your tips and tricks and your highs and lows on your blog. My favourite flower is the freesia. I got married in March 36 years ago and this was one of the types of flowers in my wedding bouquet; the scent is absolutely delicious. I have had a go at growing them in the greenhouse but not very successfully. Congratulations on the amazing achievements with your book; the statistics are quite staggering, so very well done to you. I live in the UK, so hope I may have a chance of winning. My daughter is getting married next year and I have told her that I will grow her wedding flowers for her. I just hope for good weather as it can get very wet in North Devon.

  1682. Heather on

    My all time favorite flower is Rannunculus and I had no idea that I could grow it myself until I discovered the instructions on your blog a few years ago. I now have these gorgeous flowers in my life as often as I want during the season and that makes my heart sing! Happy Spring!

  1683. Tilla Winston on

    Floret has shared so much beauty and knowledge with the world in the past year with the book and online course. You are to be commended for sharing so much and allowing others to be inspired to grow flowers. My favourite flower has to be a blue hydrangea.

  1684. Mckenzie Giurintano on

    Your book turned my life in a completely new direction! I cried through a business meeting after reading the beginning of the book where you spoke about how your love of flowers developed and your farm began. I had dreamt, for years, of flower farming. But always thought it was out of my reach. Thanks to your book, I felt empowered to give it a go. This is the beginning of my first season…the seeds are on their heat mat…the light awaits their transition and the beds are primed for their arrival! Wish us all well..lol! Thank you so much for taking the time and energy and for making the sacrifices you must have had to make to supply the rest of us with such a beautiful and inspirational guide to follow. My all-time favorite flower is the hyacinth… nothing smells as sweet…I keep one blooming everywhere I am during their blooming time, on my desk, by my bed… wherever I am!

  1685. Dawn Peacock on

    Thank you for your enthusiasm and knowledge; for giving me the inspiration to grow more flowers and to sell them this year. My favourite flower is the dahlia, there are so many more colours to choose now. Sincere best wishes for the future of Floret, I look forward to reading all about it!

  1686. Bloomin'Chick Jo on

    My all time favorite flower… So difficult to narrow down when so many give me joy… Zinnias are an all time favorite! Thank you for the chance to win and here’s to many more creative years & community, in the garden and out!

  1687. Cory on

    Thanks for all the great info you’ve shared with the community over the last year. It has inspired us to make room in the veggie garden this year for 40 dahlias and lots of seed grown flowers. If I had to pick a favorite though it would definitely be fruit tree flowers – apples, peaches, plums, cherries, hawthorn, serviceberry, etc! So often overlooked but they truly are beautiful flowers.

  1688. Britney on

    My husband bought me this book last year after checking it out from the library (and paying all the fines from keeping it WAY too long!) and it is my FAVORITE book to look through with my kids! My favorite flower in the whole world are peonies and this book helped me feel confident enough to grow them! This is my first year growing peonies (and a few other varieties!) and I can’t wait to fill my friends’ tables with surprise bouquets! Thank you for all the hard work you put into making this beautiful book and for the honesty behind your words and flowers. ❤️

  1689. Leslie on

    Hellebores. Definitely Hellebores, with their thick, glossy leaves of deepest green to silvery pewter; and blooms from deepest black-plum to soft lime-green to yellowy-cream. I love the speckle patterns and colors both to the center and edge of the flower. Even the shapes vary, from smaller, cupped blooms to large, flat open flowers. Some are up-facing, while others bow to their bell-like form where the colors are only seen on the back of the flower. There are even double flowered and anemone-flowered forms, where a second row of petals makes a lovely collar. They seem ancient and mysterious and a welcome sign in late winter and early spring when I long to see signs of life after a long winter.

  1690. Lauren on

    Congrats on the well-deserved success! I love all of the seeds I purchased from you last year, but Larkspur was my favorite.

  1691. Heather Messner on

    So very excited for you! Has it already been one year? Wowza! It’s been a joy to read your book and to begin dreaming of my future flower farm. Flowers are balm for the soul…and if I had to pick just one, I’d probably choose the Monsieur Jules Elie Peony. It is absolutely gorgeous!

  1692. Blake Marlar on

    So much knowledge represented beautifully. This book inspired me to start a garden of my own! I currently have a slew of baby zinnias growing, so fingers crossed they turn out as cheery as the ones I read about in your book.

    A favorite flower is hard to choose, but you can never go wrong with a dahlia of any shape or size!

  1693. Susan on

    I love your book and your blog!
    My all time favorite flower is the purity white cosmo!

  1694. Barbara on

    Thank you, Erin, for such a beautiful and inspiring book. Just looking through your book makes me smile. A favorite flower, I have a long list, but, there’s something about a Lisianthus that keeps it a staple in my garden.

  1695. Stacey on

    Always inspired by the simple beauty Floret showcases! My favorite flower is the rose – it is my middle name.

  1696. Brittany Zickus on

    I’m a newlywed waiting for our dream home and currently living with the in-laws. I came across your Instagram after I had started my own, The Little White Coop. My heart instantly fluttered when I came across your page. Winter is a tough time, depression sets in and our luck on the home search is running thin. I scrolled through your page and instant happiness set in. It gave me so many ideas and thoughts of what I want to bring into our new home, once we found it. Can I not have a favorite flower? Because I truly love them all. Each one so different in the best way. I saw that your restock was launching in about a month from when I originally stumbled across your Instagram so I instantly set my alarm as a reminder and wrote a list of the ones I wanted most, although that alone was hard to decide, but my budget made me choose. I can’t wait to plant my seeds I purchased from you along with the few tubers I snagged. Thank you for bringing me excitement back when I was beginning to lose it.

  1697. Jeanne McCabe on

    I just love your book and the information has given me the confidence to enlarge my flower garden & grow new things, thanks! I just love dahlias

  1698. Jen on

    Love your book! It makes me so happy watching nature grow and bloom. My favorite flowers are poppies. I can’t get enough of them.

  1699. Dana on

    Thank you for your informative book and all the information you so willingly share on your website. You really are an inspiration, especially to realize it doesn’t take a lot of space, just go out and get started! My mom’s side of the family have always grown flowers and I have for many years. I just wasn’t convinced to raise them for money until lately. My favorite flower is the tall delphinium varieties, such as the New Zealand types. This is also my mom’s fave and that is who I’m hoping to win this package for. Thanks Erin!

  1700. Erin on

    My favorite flower is a daffodil. Even before I became a Floret follower and flower farmer, daffodils always signaled the start of spring, and the yellow makes me so happy!

  1701. Dana Cavener on

    Oops – hit send too soon. Love those lilacs!

  1702. Heidi Lopez on

    We love your sweet peas. My garden will always have a place for them.

  1703. Anu K on

    I never win giveaways but, had to give this one a shot! I have your book and eagerly waiting for your Art Design Narcissus bulbs to flower. My favorite flowers are Frangipani.

  1704. Nancy G on

    I retired last year, just in time to begin learning about flower gardening with your wonderful book as my road map! I love easy to grow flowers, in a variety of colors and size that bloom all summer and into the fall. So, my favorite flower is zinnias.

  1705. Shelley on

    Happy Book Anniversary! I am still going through the modules for the online course. It is amazing! I’m looking to start small this year and your course has given me the courage! My favorite flower is probably the dahlia…though it is SO hard to choose!

  1706. Lara Austin Shoop on

    Thank you Erin (and family) for your tireless hard wirk and inspiration! It’s hard to choose one flower as my favorite but if i have to “coral charm” peony from start to finish it is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  1707. Peggy Doulos on

    Your book is a feast for the eyes. My favorite cultivated flowers are peonies. My favorite wildflowers are lady slippers.

  1708. Cathy Cooper on

    Congratulations on your Anniversary!! When I ordered your book last year I was blown away by all the beauty and information , I actually planted my first full garden , I learned a few lessons, especially on grubs, but when fall came I was very happy with my results. My all time favorite flower is Peonies, my Grandmother had them growing all around her white picket fence in the front yard , so they still bring on wonderful memories.

  1709. Kayoko on

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your great success! My favorite flowers are Dahlias, Sweetpeas, and Japanese Anemones. We are excited to make our garden this year with your seeds!

  1710. Pam Young on

    Your book has been a great reference and inspiration! My favorite flower (when I have to pick just one!) is rudbeckia – that’s as narrow as I can make it – this year I have 9 different varieties started with colour range from irish eyes to marmalade to sahara to cherokee darks. They are just sprouting now but have so much promise.

  1711. Donna Martinez-Fleig on

    I just bought this book but from Amazon, sorry. I love growing flowers and herbs for cooking as well as arrangements. I like the way their scents travel throughout the house. It brings a sense of peace and joy with fragrance and color. I would live in a greenhouse year round if it were possible. Thank you for such a delightful book and very informative website.

  1712. Laura Murphy-Wilkens on

    I learned about your book from a Sebastopol flower farmer giving a talk at the SF garden show last year. The book is a work of art and inspiration. I finally planted a cutting garden and although many plants did not bloom, I had a beautiful supply of Dahlias and a few magnificent sunflowers. My favorite flower is freesia, but I have only a few blooming in a container. I really should plant more

  1713. Colleen on

    I just bought this gorgeous book a few weeks ago and read it all in one sitting! I’ve gone back over twice and made detailed notes like I’m back in graduate school. Your generosity of information and enthusiasm are inspiring, Erin, and I am starting my own tiny little test cut flower garden as a result. While I miss the temperate growing conditions in the PNW (Maine’s winter freeze is a mess), I feel encouraged by everything you’ve shared. Thank you for that and congratulations on your book anniversary! Oh! My favorite flower (and the only one I can’t get to grow successfully yet!!) is ranunculus and you always grow the *most* beautiful ones I’ve seen. Wish me luck!

  1714. Brittany Fonfara on

    Absolutely loved the book! My favorite flowers changes depending on the season, but would have to say dahlias and phlox :)

  1715. Cecilia on

    I just ordered the book here in Sweden and looking forward to start growing more cutflowers. My favorite flower is probably the rose, but dahlias are a close second.

  1716. Amanda Salazar on

    ahhhh this is so exciting! I got a seed collection over Christmas and now I am obsessed…! Cannot wait to share pics of my beautiful garden. Happy Anniversary and Thank you so much for all you do <3

  1717. Aimee Enriquez on

    I am so glad I found you a few years back. I’m so glad my mom and I purchased the book. You bring joy and color to this flower farmer wannabe’s heart. Too many favorites, but peonies are close to the top.

  1718. Jenny Ellis on

    I love your book! And my favorite flower is daffodils! I’m hoping to plant a ton of daffodil bulbs this year.

  1719. Laura on

    It’s hard to name a favorite, but Dahlias are definitely one of them.

  1720. Dana Cavener on

    As the owner of an independent bookstore, I saw this book in an advance magazine in December and pre-ordered it, not knowing the change it would make in my life. A year plus later, I have my first hoop house full of wonderful growing things, my first crop is pre-sold to a #Local florist, I have booked my first wedding and I can’t wait for Farmer’s Market to open. Good Roots Flower Farm thanks you very much!

  1721. jeanette sclar on

    What an amazing tale! And your prices are so very generous!

  1722. Elisabeth Pennell on

    Sweet peas! Growing up my parents would border our entire backyard with these fragrant lovelies. My Floret sweet pea seeds are softening in their water bath and I am looking forward to sharing the simple joy and beauty of them with my toddler daughter this spring.

  1723. Erin Heilman on

    Hello! I’m a stay at home mom with two little boys. I borrowed your book from the library and it has inspired me to turn my passion into a career.
    Iceland poppies are what I am most excited about starting this year! But next year I’ll be sure to get my order in early for your Dahlias!
    Thank you so much for all you do!

  1724. Grace on

    Congratulations! I love the book! I hope book 2 makes an appearance sometime soon! I’d have to say delphiniums are my favorite. Nothing else makes me quite as happy. The close second is nicotiana, that wonderful fragrance!!

  1725. Liz H on

    Since spring is almost here, I’m going to say my favorite flowers are lilacs. The colors, the smell, the nostalgia of picking them from the empty lot during my childhood. I don’t think I have an “all-time favorite” though. Each season brings its own wonders, and it seems unfair to the other flowers to choose only one. I mean, tulips are alsoa spring flower, and every time they pop up in spring, I can’t stand it, they’re so incredible to me. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  1726. Sarah on

    I love gardening! My favorite flowers are peonies!

  1727. Annette on

    Congratulations!!! How do you choose just one flower? I think it might be Roses, or should it be Peonies or Sweet Peas? The more I think the harder it is to choose just one.

  1728. Stephanie Huber on

    I have loved having the Cut Flower Garden to read through this past year, exciting me for this coming spring!! My favorite flower is the zinnia. Easy to grow, tons of varieties and colors. Also can’t forget calendula! Beautiful with a great herbal and medicinal use. Thank you for this chance to win!

  1729. Betsy Rebert on

    This is such a hard question to answer! I would have to say its a tie. Roses and Dahlias are my absolute favorites. Thank you so much for producing this book.

  1730. Shannon McNally on

    Your book has been my flower bible while I plan out my first growing season. My all time favourite flower is a sunflower because I don’t think I could ever go a year without growing them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping create such a wonderful community. I hope to do your online workshop next year! Lots of love from Ontario, Canada.

  1731. Kayoko on

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your great success! My favorite flowers are Dahlias, Sweetpeas, and Japanese Anemones:) We are excited to make our garden this year with your seeds!

  1732. Lora on

    I just got my first purchase from Floret in my mail box today! I just started gardening for the first time last year and am excited for this year! Love your website and your book which I currently have checked out of the library. Your book is full of beautiful inspiration and wonderful tips. My favorite flowers are dahlias. Next year I am hoping to order some from Floret before they are gone! ?

  1733. Antonia Aitken on

    …as has been already said, your generosity with your hard earned wisdom is an inspiration in both the garden and the world! I want to send a big cyber hug and thankyou xxx my favourite flower is of course …the sweetpea! (Nimbus? No jilly! No Beaujolais ?)

  1734. Ann murray on

    I love your book and pick it up so often!
    All time favorite flower is zinnias !

  1735. Kari on

    Congrats on everything! My all time favorite flower will always be the Calla Lily. Although they aren’t the most stylish right now, they will always remind me of my mother and I continue to grow them every year.

  1736. Jodi Harkema on

    I love my Cut Flower Garden book! Thanks so much for making all your knowledge and experience available to us. It’s so hard to choose a favorite flower, but I have to go with lilacs. Many childhood memories picking from our bush and having them in our home every spring and now doing the same in my home!

  1737. Jamie Kusumoto on

    Happy Anniversary! I absolutely adore your book! I currently live in a big city with little planting space, but I still find a way to plant a trough and trellis of my favorite flower, the sweet pea! I dream of having a growing space of my own one day! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story!

  1738. Angie D on

    I have read your book cover to cover and loved every bit of it. My favorite flowers are zinnias because of their cheerfulness, and I’m anxious to try some of your favorites in my garden this spring – I ordered some sweet pea seeds and dailies from you and am so excited to get started!

  1739. Lisa McPhee on

    I love dahlias and lisianthus! I also love your book!

  1740. Tiernae Salley on

    My absolute favorite flower is a ranunculus. I think it is because the variety of color and uniqueness of their shape. I did not know about them until a few years ago, now I dream of a yard full of a rainbow of ranunculus.

  1741. Jennifer Barnes on

    Loved the book so much it insired me to take your online course, which is also amazing!!!!

    Favorite flowers are Dahlias!!!!

  1742. Kelsey Morse on

    Floret was the inspiration my Fiance (now husband) and I needed to make the decision to grow our own wedding flowers, the ever so lovely Dahlia. While this was a big undertaking for a small plot of land, it was such a wonderful thing to focus on while other parts of planning weren’t as beautiful. As our wedding plans came together, the dahlias grew a bit taller week by week, their progress mirrored ours and before we knew it October had arrived, plans were buttoned up and we had hundreds of beautiful Dahlias to use on our wedding day. While we were cutting the final batch, many of our neighbors (who were strangers before we planted), walked by and told us they can’t wait to see what we do next year. To know the garden not only brought us joy but allowed our neighbors to see a bit into our lives was such a treat. As Spring approaches, we are now planning what to plant next as we have a lot to live up to this year. Thank you for the beautiful stories, pictures and inspiration you provide year round, it’s become more a part of our lives than we could have imagined.

  1743. Danielle M on

    This is such a nice giveaway! My best friend late last summer started talking about having a cut flower garden, and right away I looked up books to help her with her. I found yours and bought one for her and then me, too! I’d have to say at least half of the pages in my book are highlighted haha. When I was younger, my mother’s garden literally took my breath away. It looked like it flowed effortlessly and that things just grew there. I know the hard work that she put in to the garden, mainly because I was her wing woman that helped her for many years. Her dedication to flowers and tending to her garden inspired me at that young age to want my own, and FINALLY this is the year that I’m starting my own garden! I think I’m in over my head, but I’m already a month in growing all my seeds so far so I can’t stop now! It’s so hard for me to choose a “favorite” anything, including a flower, but I’d have to say that the one that instantly stops me in my tracks is peonies. They are so fragrant and I love how dreamy their messy, wild look is. I wish they bloomed more than they do, but I still find so much joy in them! Again, thank you for your giveaway, and all your incredibly informative posts. I’ve obsessed over researching to prepare for my garden, and you have definitely helped!

  1744. Ashley Turner on

    Beautiful inspiration all around! Happy Anniversary!

  1745. Marcella Manuel on

    Congratulations on your books success! How can anyone choose only one favorite flower??? Helleborus, tulips, lilacs, Lupine, Peonies, clematis, dahlia, sunflower, bearded iris, delphinium, hydrangea, cosmos, zinnia, clarkia… the list goes on and on! Happy growing!

  1746. Nancy on

    Congrats on all your success! We love all our seeds from floret and my all time favorite flower is statice. It’s what got me into flowers and I am so excited to plant your sunset variety this coming season!

  1747. Louise on

    I love Irises! and Peonies and Sweet Peas and, and ……..?

  1748. Jo Birns on

    Congratulations on all the massive successes. You al have a lot to be proud of. My favorite flower is the lilac

  1749. Jessica Tilley on

    All time favourite flower- it’s like choosing a favourite of my children!! But if I had to, it’s got to be Peonies.
    Thanks for inspiring me to change my life’s direction.

  1750. Alyssa on

    Thanks for sharing all of your flower tips, experiences and photos. You’ve been a big inspiration! My favorite flowers are ranunculus!

  1751. Julie on

    Happy anniversary to your book! I’m very excited to get tips on flower gardening and to read your book. My favorite flower would be lilies, there’s so many variations!

  1752. Shannon D on

    You are BY FAR my greatest inspiration. I grew up with a large obsession with flowers, and would cut any weeds I could find in the neighborhood to take home and arrange for my mom (she doesn’t have much of a green thumb). It wasn’t until I read your book that the idea of becoming a flower farmer became a possible reality. Its hard to choose just one favorite flower, but I absolutely love rananculuses! They are so delicate and beautiful. Thank you for all of the hard work you put in to develop this great book! You are spreading the flower love every day :)

  1753. Karen on

    This is such a wonderful anniversary celebration idea! Thank you for this generous opportunity that you’re providing your readers.

    My favorite flowers are always associated with my loved ones. My paternal Grandmother loved roses. My paternal Grandfather loved Lily of the Valley. My maternal Grandmother loved Sweet Peas and Pansies while my Grandfather loved Iris. My Father loved gladiolus and my Mother’s favorite (as well as my favorite): Peonies.
    Needless to say we always had a lovely cutting garden.

    Thank you for giving us beauty with EVERY post. And thank you again for this wonderful celebratory chance.

    All the best,

  1754. Olivia Berner on

    I always said and thought that my favorite flower was a sunflower! For my wedding my dad grew me a field of sunflowers on the farm and I used as many as I could and then we took pictures by the field. Since that day I have done a lot more growing and arranging flowers and now I don’t know if I could even pick a favorite, there are so many beautiful flowers out there. But sunflowers hold a special place with me being part of my wedding that if I had to choose a favorite I would have to say sunflowers!

  1755. Heather on

    Happy anniversary! I’m not sure I could choose one all-time favorite flower, but right now it is all about the anemone.

  1756. Alicia on

    It’s been SO inspiring to see what your hard work has brought about for you and team Floret! I’m absolutely looking forward to what the future holds because I know this is just the beginning. My favorite flower since childhood is the Calla Lily. But I’m also obsessed with Dahlias, ruffly snapdragons and heirloom mums…lol!

  1757. Gaylene Pheysey on

    I always wanted a little cut flower garden but didn’t even know such a thing was a thing. Through your love of flowers and care I’ve learned how it is possible to have such. Thank you! Hard to pick a favorite..ranunculus, pink peonies. Although lately I’ve been drawn to poppies of all colors.

  1758. Jenna's garden on


    Your generosity is astounding! Thank you for sharing all your lessons and tips along the way.
    I look forward to all your beautiful posts and abundance of knowledge you share.
    My favorite flower hast be the Gardenia!
    I love the layered petals and the intoxicating scent.
    Congrats on the new farm!

  1759. Eileen Zidi on

    Oh my goodness! Way too hard to pic a favorite. I start by saying Dahlia’s, then I say no wait! It’s sweet peas, no wait it’s anemones! No wait, it’s peonies! I could go on and on! Bonne Anniversaire!

  1760. Emily on

    I absolutely adore peonies! I never knew how much a fragrant flower could affect happiness until I smelled a peony!

  1761. Margaret W. on

    Thank you for a lovely give away! My favorite flower is the sunflower. It always makes me smile with its bright sunny face. Happy spring to everyone at Floret, and Happy Anniversary as well. Love your book and love learning from it.

  1762. Joanna Bernardini on

    This book has been HUGE for me. I received it as a graduation gift and it has been so helpful for my ever evolving career! My favorite flower, there are so many, but it will always be tulips because they continue to grow. Of course I love snapdragons and anemones and hellebores

  1763. Katrina on

    One year already?! That’s fabulous! Congratulations!
    Thanks for sharing some of the highs and lows of your journey to getting the book to print – well worth it, but I know so much time and heart went into it!

    So why, when asked to pick just one favorite flower, do I feel bad for all the other ones I love but that aren’t in the top spot?! Almost like I’ve hurt their feelings, haha!
    I have to go with the sunflower. There are so many gorgeous varieties – all sizes and shades from bright yellow to burnt umber to deep brown to cream. Just seeing them makes me smile. A bonus is they are not fussy, plus they attract so many bees and birds and other welcome things to our yard space.

  1764. Katie Cook on

    I love stock and am growing it from seed for the first time this year with seeds I bought from you!

  1765. Michelle on

    Hello! My favorite flower of all time is the peony. I love all pinks and the fern leaf is so beautiful and unique. Love the book!!

  1766. Abigail Nicole on

    A precious idea, ladies! I’m honored to take part in this giveaway!
    In honor of new growth and spring quickly approaching, my all time favorite flower has been and I am afraid always will be the poppy! It is quite a daredevil little flower but still manages to stay elegant amidst being wildly adventurous. I remember seeing one lonesome poppy on a nature walk in Switzerland and thinking how something so radiant could be isolated among the greenery? Since that day, it has been my favorite! Thanks again, for all you do to further the love of blooms and life in general! Happy Anniversary Floret Flowers!!

  1767. Veronica Sawicki on

    It’s hard to pick one flower to be my favorite, but I would still have to say peonies. Thanks to you, dahlias have come to be a super close second. I never realized how many varieties there are! I am super excited to get the tuber I ordered from you! I just got some of the seeds I ordered started, now I am anxiously waiting for them to start popping up! I can’t wait for spring!

  1768. Deborah Herzberg on

    My favorite flower has changed each year! Last year it was gomphrena. Those tiny balls of intense color are so fabulous both in the garden and in a boquet. I am so glad I found your site. So many beautiful flowers in so many beautiful colorways. Thank you!

  1769. janine wall on

    Big congratulations to team Floret, you share your knowledge generously and passionately and I always feel inspired by your posts.
    My favourite flower is the dahlia, so many stunning colours, they always evoke a huge emotional response which is one of the reasons I became a florist.

  1770. Megan W on

    All time favorite flower is so hard! Whatever is in season – is that a real answer? Crab Apple is hand’s down my favorite smelling flower.

  1771. Marissa F on

    The moment I saw your book I was inspired. I was feeling lost and didn’t know which way to go, but I picked up your book and fell in love. I have now begun to go back to school and hope to have my own beautiful garden of flowers, especially Peonies, they are my favorite:) Thank you so much for all the inspirational, I hope to visit your flower farm someday, I’m sure all the pictures don’t do it justice.

  1772. Angela Spence on

    Hi I moved House in October and had to leave behind my garden of 18 years leaving lots of plants behind ,and so many memories. I received your beautiful book which has given me so much help and great ideas . I now have started a new chapter by making a cut flower garden which is given me so much pleasure many thanks for writing your book ? my favourite flower is the sweetpea which always reminds me of my childhood .

  1773. rana h. on

    So much, well deserved success. And those impressive stats!! Congratulations on all of it. And my all time favorite flower: the sweet pea.

  1774. mb meadows on

    WOW! such excitement!! I, too, must express my gratitude for you – learning about your farm, your process, and from your “down-to-earth” attitude – they were all an inspiration for me to venture into this fabulous cut flower farming world. Picking just one flower as a favorite though, well, it’s impossible – kind of like asking which of my children I prefer. (Truth be told, there ARE days when one is preferred over another, but that’s a different story……) Spring brings daffodils, jasmine, snapdragons, peony and mock orange blooms, summer brings hydrangeas, daisies, sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos and dahlias – and if I’m lucky the summer blooms last until the first frost. I’ve even tried a few things I never considered – lilies, poppies and freesia! Your encouragement and educational blogs have been so very helpful – THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS on spreading the flower love!

  1775. Lindsey on

    I’ve been a florist for about 14 year and this is the first year I will be trying to plant my own small garden with my Floret seeds! I LOVE cosmos and poppies. Their super delicate ruffly petals just gets me super excited every time! Thank you for sharing your wealth of gardening knowledge with the world :)

  1776. Emily Coldwell on

    I appreciate the wealth of information Floret pours into the flower farming community. They are so gracious in sharing their tried-and-true methods with the masses. I began growing dahlias about 10 years ago, and they’ll always be my favorite! There’s something really special about burying an ugly, potato-like tuber and watching it grow into something so beautiful (and diverse in color and form!!) in a few short months! Makes me believe there’s hope for us all!

  1777. Rhiannon on

    My absolute all-time favorite flower is zinnias. Not only are they a “cut and come again” flower, their multitude of colors and varieties keeps a person interested in growing more!

  1778. Laura on

    Congratulations on all of this!!! It is so exciting to see you all doing so well. BEST part of my Instagram feed, too! My favourite flowers to grow are probably Dahlias. I love the long blooming season, gorgeous variety, and ease of planting/maintenance!

  1779. Iraide Garai on

    This year will be my first time sowing seeds, and your book has been my inspiration.Thank you and congratulations for such an amazing book! Poppies are my favourite flowers.

  1780. Kristin on

    Your book is a delight for all flower lovers! I have enjoyed reading it and using it to plan the next beautiful garden in my yard. Would love to pay it forward to the next generation of flower lovers in my family – you are truly inspirational – from the beautiful photos of your farm and flowers to your words and generous spirit! Oh … how can you pick a favorite flower???? But if I had to … I would say the bearded iris. They remind me of my mother who planted the love of gardening and flowers in me. Thank you!

  1781. Erica Bush on

    Congratulations again… what an accomplishment! I cannot express my gratitude enough for this resource.This book has informed and inspired me the last 6 months more than you know. My all time favorite flower, even though I cannot grow it myself is the Himalayan blue poppy. They are stunning, especially with a few rain drops on them.

  1782. Betty on

    I’ve spent countless hours admiring your flowers and scouring your site to learn about all your techniques. Your willingness to share your great wealth of knowledge is a real gift to everyone. I hope to be able to apply some of your methods in my own home garden. You have made dahlias my absolute favorite flower although there are a lot of close seconds. Thank you so much for your all your effort.

  1783. allyse araujo on

    I am so in love with the Cut Flower Garden book. In fact, I bought this book not knowing anything about Floret. Once I started reading each and every page, I was obsessed and it led me to taking the online class this year as well. I am so thankful for this book and for all the knowledge it has given me in starting my very small flower garden, which has been a dream for a long time. Thank you to Erin and the rest of the Floret Team! I am so thankful for all that you have done for my little garden and my happy heart. Can’t wait to see the winners of the giveaway!

  1784. Allison Pekel on

    Have loved following you and your journey with this book! I was so excited when I got my copy, and used it to help both start my very first seed,s as well as help me keep my first set of Delilahs alive and blooming. My current favorite flowers are Ranunuclus, but I’m also a huge fan of chocolate lace, sunflowers & strawflowers. Happy anniversary on the book, and thank you!

  1785. Genevieve Ellerbee on

    I’m still very new to gardening, so I have been relying on a beautiful and relatively bombproof flower – zinnias! Last year I planted some and was so delighted with the results that this year I went looking for more unique and beautiful ones and have some Floret Farms seed packets waiting. I’m hopeful this year is more spectacular than the last.

  1786. Kathleen on

    Lovely way to celebrate your one year anniversary, congratulations! Everyday, every post and photograph at Floret is a celebration in beauty. Thank you. One of the first gifts my grandmother gave me was a little book on the meaning of flowers. An all time favorite is hard to choose I love flowers so much. Sweetpeas, the flower of my birthday, a sweet memory of my grandmother’s country garden in the NW woods – sweetpeas climbing up the hogwire fencing all around the garden, and the wonderful fragrance!

  1787. Rose M. on

    This is so wonderful of you! I am smitten with irises, particularly the blue ones. They bring about a sense of nostalgia, reminding me of my grandmother’s old garden. I used to spend the spring holiday running through it catching frogs and the occasional chick who had fallen out of its nest. Your work has not only inspired me to start my own flower farm, but given me the knowledge to enable it to flourish.

  1788. Amy on

    I was so happy I’d pre-ordered in enough time to get my copy with the first printing! My favorite flower may just be the tulip; it’s so beautiful backlit by the sun.

  1789. Kelly White on

    Thank you for everything you do, Erin and Floret! My favorite is a Queen Lime Blush Zinnia. Something so vintage about the way they look! Love!

  1790. Stefania Guarda on

    Your business and your book have inspired me to try my hand at flowers. Never have grown them before, only vegetables. I can’t wait to escape the stresses of my life and get lost in all of this. Have already started some of your seeds indoors! I love peonies, but am incredibly excited to grow some of the poppies I ordered.

  1791. Cathi on

    My favorite flower is whatever is in bloom! Given that it is early March in my Z5 garden I am anxiously awaiting snowdrops, hellebores and witch hazel blooms.

  1792. Melinda on

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!

    Peonies and Hydrangeas are my favorite – I can’t decided between the two.

  1793. Jennifer Miller on

    Congratulations Erin and thank you for your generosity! I’ve received many great tips from your blog, especially your celosia trial and list of favorite dahlias. I have many favorite flowers, though I’m especially fond of the genus Bracteantha and flowers in the Plant Select® program, especially Sesli gummiferum, moon carrot.

  1794. Sue on

    My husband and I are building a house on some land that we bought and then plan to start a small flower farm of my own. I have always loved flowers! I have so much to learn and am grateful for all that you share. Peonies are my favorite.

  1795. Nicole Memmler on

    I bought your book and seeds for my birthday in January. I love every detail. My favorite flowers are daffodils, because I have so many childhood memories that include them. Like how my sisters and I walked all over town picking them, then selling bunches to our neighbors for 25 cents.

  1796. Katie B. on

    I am in love with the warm peachy glow from the Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose Zinnia. Is there anything better? Thanks for introducing me to my favorite flower friend.

  1797. Molly Howe on

    Congratulations on one year! I have recently discovered you and I love what you do! Thank you for sharing your love of flowers and providing an education along the way! I have already learned so much from you.
    I have a hard time choosing just one favorite flower there are so many out there that make me happy. Having to choose just one flower would be the sunflower. Sunflowers are always so bright and cheery and never fail to put a smile on my face and in my heart.

  1798. Anna on

    Massive congratulations to you and all the team! I just discovered your book about a month ago and have been raving about it to friends and family since. It is stunningly beautiful, and I greatly appreciate your honesty about all areas of running such a business, including the non-glamorous ones.

    My all-time favorite flower is peony – in the house I grew up, there was a row of peony bushes along the yard and I remember laying on the ground and looking up into the leaves and flowers.

  1799. Clint on

    Apparently, men don’t belong here. In spite of that, your book was great. And, it did something no other book had done for me… it made me start thinking about growing annual flowers. I’ve planted lots of perennials, and I grow annual vegetables, but I had always resisted growing annual flowers. Now I’m planning to grow ranunculus (which will need to be lifted in my climate) and dahlia. Thanks for the push.

    My favorite flowers are whatever my wife enjoys. I grow them for her so that she always has some to look at in the yard, and so that I always have cut flowers in the house.

  1800. Sheree Lillie on

    A huge congratulations on the success of your first book, Erin! I adored making yourgirgeous calendar my signature gift for Christmas—they were loved by all! I cannot wait to order a couple of books with your sweet gift with purchase. Just in time for Easter.

    My favorite flower (so tough to choose just one) is Anemone.

    Thanks, again, for your inspiration,
    Sheree Lillie

  1801. Heather Cain on

    As ever, your generous spirit is refreshing and inspiring! Heading into my first official growing season I have your blog and book to thank for so much! My all time favorite flower is the peony. Just can’t get enough of all her puffy fluffy petals!

  1802. Tina on

    Congratulations on your continued success! My favorite flower is the dahlia because there are SO many shapes, sizes and colors. They make my heart sing.

  1803. Louie Carter on

    I love your book and have referred to it sooo many times. I’m starting my own farm this year and the excitement and anxiety can be overwhelming at times. Thanks for helping keep me sane! My favorite flower is the gardenia that grew in my Grandmother’s garden. No other has ever smelled as sweet!

  1804. Amelia on

    Hooray! I’m always adding scabiosa to my arrangements – they are favorite! The different varieties are fun, and I love the texture they have.

  1805. Britt on

    Congratulations! My mother and great-grandmother were professional florists, and while I chose a different career, I love my cutting garden and appreciate the resources and community that Floret has created for us flower folk!
    My favorite has always been bachelor buttons (that classic cornflower blue, swoon!), but over the last few years I’m also developing a surprising love for marigolds.

  1806. Jen on

    I love ranunculus. Such luxury gaze at a hand held bouquet featuring those!

  1807. Sophia on

    My all time favorite flower is the dahlia! Also love leis made with lavender orchid – so beautiful!

  1808. Robyn Legun on

    I’m so happy to be a Floret Class of 2018 graduate! Even happier to report 99% germination for my first try with your lovely sweet peas! My favorite flower is the snapdragon.

  1809. riki on

    I love zinnias because my mom always grew them.

  1810. Kristen on

    Congrats!!! I would love to grow flowers like yours one day :) My favorites are the dahlias…I could stare at them all day!

  1811. Jordan on

    My all time favorite flower is a Peony. They have the most amazingly smell and are simply gorgeous!!

  1812. Shannon on

    I absolutely love your book!! My favorite flowers are the yellow daffodils I planted with my mom in my back yard. I love how they increase every year! I am also looking forward to seeing the silk poppies I planted from your seed selection! Keep up the great work!!

  1813. Teresa Genoway on

    Wow! Naming my favorite flower is so hard! I love peonies, but can’t grow them where I live?. I love the arrival of sweet peas and their magical fragrance in early spring. I love scabiosa and their infinite detail as well as Shasta daisies, foxgloves and Canterbury bells! Definitely too many wonders to pick just one! Thank you for sharing your seeds with me. They are bursting through even as we speak in a sunny spot on my dining room table. I also love your book and seed starting primer and I can’t wait to see the fruit of our shared labor! Thank you for making the world more beautiful!

  1814. Donna on

    Congrats! You are such an inspiration.
    My favorite flower of all time is nearly impossible to pick…
    but I will have to say the humble Daisy because that’s the one whose name I gave to my daughter.

  1815. Anna on

    I love sweat peas and have started my floretfarm seeds today. I can’t wait for them to bloom and share their beauty with my friends and family. You have inspired me to start a cut flower garden. My husband is building me 2 additional larges raised beds as we already have 4 veggies boxes in place. Urban farming at its best here in little Rhode Island. Thank you for your inspiration and all that you do!

  1816. Christy on

    Congratulations on the wonderful success of your book! My favorite flowers (and my birth month flowers) have always been sweet peas. My nickname as a child was “sweet pea.” And my wedding bouquet was a simple cluster of white sweet peas.

  1817. Sandra Willems on

    I LOVE all Flowers!!!! Sunflowers are my most favorite! Not only are they beautiful, they are a fantastic food source for the birdies!

  1818. Ruth Meredith on

    Erin, your book is amazing! I keep going back over and over again to read all the information. Thank you so much for sharing! My all time favorite flower(a very hard decision)? would be the peonie. I have some of my mom’s original plants that are over 50 years old. Good luck with your future adventures !!

  1819. Amanda on

    Congratulations on your book’s anniversary! I finally have a big yard and can’t wait to garden this spring! Your instagram is always full of inspiration and I love to see what you’re up to :) My favorite flower would be a dark pink Peony.

  1820. Michelle on

    Your floral skills are exceeded only by your generosity! What an incredible anniversary gift, I’ve got my dirt-stained fingers crossed!

  1821. Shannon Doll on

    I am so inspired by you!! Last year was the first time I ever grew dahlias and am completely obsessed with them, especially the Break Out Dahlia. All of my friends and family were so impressed by the size and beauty of the blooms. I also love the black and white anemones, so delicate and pretty. We have a 7 acre farm and this year I plan on growing lots more in the hopes of creating a market for them. Thanks for the inspiration and wonderful tips!

  1822. April Lelkes on

    Apricot Stock is my all time favorite flower…secretly…they’re all my favorite for a different reason. Each flower makes you feel something different.

  1823. Liz Hertz on

    I love my copy of the book ! Picking an all time favorite flower is practically painful! But I can list a few- peonies take me back to my childhood; bloodroot because it comes so early in the spring, is so delicate, and the flower is so quickly gone- it is a reminder to be present and appreciate what you have; cosmos, there are so many lovely varieties now, it is so carefree, self sows easily, and looks like dancing butterflies! There are of course, more favorites but I’ll stop here. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success.

  1824. Elise Corley on

    The older I get, and the more I garden, the harder it gets to pick a favorite! Dahlias were my first love, but two surprises Floret has turned me on to are Honeywort (what a cool plant!) and zinnias (I was a huge snob about them until I learned all they could look like).

  1825. Pat Reynolds on

    Your success is so well deserved for you, your family, and your team. You all have worked so hard to get to this point. My favorite flower oddly enough is Tulsi/Holy Basil. The smell of this plant foliage in any arrangement is wonderful.

  1826. Katherine G on

    I’ve been a fan from the time you sold flowers via Full Circle and I talked with you on the phone about what you were doing. It’s pretty impressive how far you’ve come since then. Probably my all-time favorite flowers are tulips. Happy Anniversary!

  1827. Rebecca Miller on

    I just love dahlias!! They have been my staple for the past six seasons. I was able to score some of yours during your sale over the winter and I literally also thrilled!!! They will add some cheer to our garden in Newport, Rhode Island! Xoxo

  1828. Kristen on

    Congrats!!! I dream of having flowers like yours one day :) My favorite are the dahlias…I think I could stare at them forever!

  1829. Kathy on

    I just received my cosmos seeds in the mail yesterday, so I am going with those! Of course, I do love lilacs…….. Thank you for your generous offer! Last years seeds turned into the most gorgeous flowers!

  1830. Courtney Alexander on

    My favorite flower seems to change with the seasons, but-thanks to this book-I started chocolate lace flower from seed and it has quickly become my favorite.

  1831. Chris Nordick on

    How can I narrow the myriad of beautiful flowers to one favorite? Oh my! I don’t think it’s possible. But sweet peas in early spring, Alaska daisies and Indian summer echinacea mid summer, Verbena bonariensis and eucalyptus for fillers always, and ranunculus, lisianthis and snapdragons whenever I can enjoy them. Yes! Too many to choose from. :-) If the world only had one flower for me? – well, it would probably be a daisy. They make me smile.

  1832. Kerry Messer on

    I’m starting my first ever cut flower garden this spring with your book as my guide. My floret seeds and your recommended tools all arrived this week. I’m SO EXCITED to get planting! Congratulations on inspiring an army of first-time flower gardeners to get our hands dirty growing beautiful buds!

  1833. Shelby M. on

    Thank you for all your hard work in sharing the wonderful world of flowers with us. Thanks to you and your book I had a wonderful crop of sweet peas to share with my family and friends. My favorite flower by far has to be the chocolate lace flower. So much variation of color.

  1834. Kara on

    Happy Anniversary! Your book is a huge inspiration to my husband and I! :) My all-time favorite flower has to be peonies.

  1835. Debbie C. on

    Congrats on the success of your beautiful book! One flower I’ll always love is the allium!

  1836. Norma Aguilar on

    Thank you for this lovely giveaway. Sweet Peas were my moms favorite and they’re mine too.

  1837. Kathi on

    What a wonderful gift to celebrate your 1 year anniversary❤ My favorite flower is the Peony but Tulips are a close second. Peonies are just so beautiful! I planted some last year and hoping to see flowers this year?

  1838. Kelsey on

    I’m most looking forward to the zinnias this year. 6 different varieties!

  1839. Clint on

    The book is well made and the photography is excellent. And it did something for me that hadn’t happened before… I decided that growing some annuals wouldn’t be a bad thing. I’ve always worked hard to put in perennials and nurture them. Now I’m trying dahlias.

    Tulips and Narcissus are my favorites.

  1840. Lisa Easterling on

    What a wonderful inspiration you are to so many! Your seeds have already brought me so much joy! Your website, so much inspiration! The rose will always be my favorite flower but the mighty dahlia is a close second.

  1841. Judyann Morgan on

    Favorite flower???? As in a single flower????? No room to add an ‘s’ at the end of ‘flower’???? I can’t do it. I have two: pansies and sweet peas. My grandmother LOVED pansies. I remember her getting down on her knees in her garden to introduce me to the pansy faces by name. She named the faces – Emily, Suzanne, Sally, Barbara, and even a few men were included during the introductions. My grandfather, who I named ‘Dandy’ – a combo of his first name Dan and last name Dondero, was the deep purple face with little white centers. I was paid 1 cent per seed pod to help her deadhead the pansies. I now grow pansies in all of my gardens, remembering my Grandmother Dondero. I have two baby grandchildren and I will begin introducing them to our pansy family this summer. I grow sweet peas for myself. I love their iridescent colors, fabulous scents and joyous addition to any room in our home. Your book has provided me with additional knowledge that gets me into the dirt with joy and your blog on starting seeds using heating mats, lights and tapping down the starter dirt will increase my success. Thank you for all the joy and wonder you give me generously. I plan to pass this down. Judyann

  1842. Jess Truelyt on

    Congratulations!! Watching your journey been an inspiration both for your grit and growth, and also for the delightful photos of your work. Favorite flower is a tough one… scabiosa, poppy, hellebore, love in the mist… but at the end of the day I think it has to be the ranunculus. They make me want to eat them in their plush pillowy state! Best wishes for the expanded garden and blessings for all the beauty you put into the world!

  1843. Ruth Mereditj on

    Erin, your book is amazing! I keep going back over and over again to read all the information. Thank you so much for sharing! My all time favorite flower(a very hard decision)? would be the peonie. I have some of my mom’s original plants that are over 50 years old. Good luck with your future adventures !!

  1844. John Villani on

    I’m so enchanted with watching your beautiful journey unfold and so grateful that I now get to personally take part in growing beautiful seeds straight from your farm! If I hd to choose my favorite flower it would probably be Hellebore– over the past few seasons, these harbingers of spring have enchanted me more and more with their delicate beauty and understated chartreuse, wine, and speckled white tones.

  1845. Sara Allen on

    Love your book. My all time fave flowers are zinnias, any large variety. I tried sweet peas and snap dragons based on your book.

  1846. Kate on

    My favorite flower is constantly changing – but as of late it is the florist’s mum. Thanks to Floret and Love ‘n Fresh Flowers for introducing us to so many beautiful varieties and helpful tips on ways to grow them. :)

  1847. Sarah Shaffer on

    Congratulations! Your book has given me so much inspiration for my cut garden this year. I can’t wait to get planting! My favorite flower is the hydrangea!

  1848. Julie Johnson on

    Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary! Your lovely photos inspired me to try Dahlias for the first time! I would say lilacs are my favorite flower because as a child they were easy to pick and share with my mom! They smell amazing!

  1849. Le Anne Anderson on

    Congratulations Floret Team!!! It is awesome to watch you grow and flourish. My favorites are peonies …no …. lilacs…. no…dahlias no… sweet peas….I love them all.

  1850. Katie W on

    I just ordered my first Dahlia tubers from you this year! They have always been my favorite and I can’t wait to give it a try! Thank you for sharing your expertise with us and giving us so much inspiration!!!

  1851. Margaret on

    I have loved following your journey – what a neat find through an instagram post I just happened to see one day. My favorite flowers are zinnias!

  1852. Teresa on

    Floret is truly an inspiration! You are my go-to for cut flower advice, and I so appreciate your willingness to share. My favourite flower changes from time to time…at the moment the sweet pea is it. The beauty, fragrance, ability to produce, early growing season – ca winning combination. And the sweet pea, it turns out, was the beginning of Floret :)

  1853. Noa on

    I own your book and love it! I have a flower garden and love dahlias especially but also heirloom roses (and whatever happens to be in season is also my favorite!)

  1854. Kristen Lindstedt on

    This is so fun! Your book is beautiful, it’s no surprise it has done so well! My favorite flower is the hydrangea (especially white!) – I’ve loved them since I was little! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your heart, and your love for beautiful things! Spring is coming!

  1855. jessica duus on

    Congrats on the anniversary and success! My favorite flowers are Lilacs…can’t get over their sweet smell!

  1856. Becky on

    I’ve been using my copy of the book a lot this Spring as I’m getting seeds started! Thank you. Oh, and my all time favorite flower? Dahlias for sure :)

  1857. Tressa Kosowicz on

    The Peony is my all time favorite. Sweet Peas and Delphiniums tie for second.

  1858. Katie Howell on

    Discovering your website and learning about your story and your farm brings me so much excitement for this spring, summer and fall. I am going to try to grow flowers on my half acre to share with my family and friends. I want to spread the love around with hopefully pretty boutiques from my own garden. Thank you for your generous sharing of information and tips on how to grow cut flowers. I’m so excited to get started. I live just south of you in Washington. Wish I could visit your farm but I understand its not open to the public. Congrats on 1 year!

  1859. Lorrie Bredal on

    I love your book and I’m going to get a copy for my sister in law who keeps borrowing mine! My favorite flowers are roses especially English roses!

  1860. Katelyn Bierl on

    My family just bought a house late last summer so I have loved using your blog and Instagram as my inspiration for my first upcoming year of gardening! Thank you for encouraging us all to make this world a little more beautiful :) I live in a little Dutch town in Iowa so I have to say, my current favorite is the tulip. They are everywhere here! They even let us dig up the bulbs to take home for free at the end of each blooming season, so I cannot wait for late May!

  1861. Ariel on

    Lupine’s have definitely been an all time favorite since I was a kid!! They spread beauty everywhere for everyone!! Thanks for being such a positive female leader in the world of flowers.

  1862. Brett W. Cook on

    It is a cold gray day in Boston, and the photographs in this email keep my dreams of Spring alive! So thrilled for your success, and for teaching so many of us about how to bring our muse, flowers, into our gardens, homes and imagination. So hard to choose, but I think ranunculas are my favorite. I still love you, poppies, lilacs, zinnias, delphiniums, sweet peas, tuberoses, pansies, Lily of the Valley and oh so many more. In fact, I can’t think of a bloom that does not delight, for color, scent, or just sheer beauty. Flowers keep hope alive!

  1863. Kaylan Reynolds on

    It’s wonderful how open you are to sharing the secrets to your success with the world! Thank you for everything you do and for putting in those sleepless nights to share your love of flowers with the world! My all time fave is fritillaria!

  1864. Mary Beth Hunt on

    I have success growing zinnuas….but Sunflowers are my favorite!

  1865. Jane on

    Your journey and unrelenting spirit is an inspiration to sooooo many! Your generosity in sharing trade tips and the lovely giveaways is also inspiring. I am so very thankful you grew those sweet peas! Wile I do love them, my favorite flower is Peony – any shape, form variety- they are lucious, simply lucious. Many thanks and here’s to another year of blessings for you, your family, team and all the members, admirers and supporters of the Floret tribe.

  1866. Cassie on

    Congratulations Team Floret! Carnations are my all time favorite!! I love them so much I incorporated them into one of my tattoos. :) I love how lovely they smell and how long they last in a vase as a cut flower.
    Thank you!

    P.S. Sorry if this got posted twice, I tried on my phone first and it didn’t seem to work.

  1867. Sally Christiansen on

    Congratulations! Love your book and my favorite flower is a Zinnia because they come in so many beautiful colors and grow well in Nebraska heat.

  1868. Kathryn Trainor on

    I bought your book for my mom after her stroke. The beautiful pictures were wonderful for her remembering and recalling names of flowers. When I was growing up my father always grew many many flowers and my mother always served on the flower committee at church.
    They are both my inspiration for starting a flower farm (http://littlefallsfarmtn.com/) and now your book has been a tremendous resource for me! Thank you and Happy Anniversary! Heirloom Roses are my favorite flowers with their lovely beauty, aroma, and history.

  1869. Autumn Neal on

    You are so inspiring! Your work ethic and tenacity are infectious! Dahlias are my apsolute favorite I love the depth of color and their beautiful shapes!!!

  1870. Deb S. on

    Love Ranunculus and Peony! Love them all really. I ordered my first dahlias from Floret this past winter and so excited to see the results. I absolutely love the joy you bring to Instagram with your beautiful photos of your beautiful flowers.

  1871. Jillian A on

    Tulips are my favorite. My family’s heritage is dutch and I remember reading books with my grandma as a child about them. Even now when we bought our house we were joyfully surprised to find tulips popping up our first spring. Love what you do Floret!

  1872. Korina Heistand on

    Congrats on the one year anniversary of your “Cut Flower Garden” book! I have been in love with this book since it was introduced to me in the fall. My all time favorite flower is the Dahlia! I have grown them for a few years now and I fall more in love with them every summer. At this point in our Pennsylvania I am longing for spring and the chance to get out in the garden. I am starting flowers from seed this spring for the first time and have used your book extensively in the process as an invaluable resource. Thank you for the opportunity to win this give away and for sharing your wealth of knowledge to those of us who are just starting out as flower growers.

  1873. Vernichel on

    Flowers are my jam! Love what you have accomplished and all that you are still doing with your special talent and passion. My favorite flowers are daisies — they’re such a friendly flower! Happy spring to you and your team!

  1874. Tammy Makoul on

    Your book has truly inspired me and my heart! last year I laid out a bed just for flowers, this year another one and of course one always for veggies! I purchased your b&w anemone bulbs and also the pastel mix ranaculus and I am SOOOOOOOO excited to see how that works out in my backyard garden! I can’t wait. Thanks for your inspiration and beauty….whether I win or lose, I’m always a winner with all the education and tips you give to help us grow beauty! ❤️?

  1875. Michelle on

    Thank you for the giveaway! I follow you on Instagram and everything you post on there is so inspiring: the fields of flowers, the beautiful photography and all of the hard work that you have put into it! My favorite flower is the rose, but the coneflower (echinacea) is a close second.

  1876. Candice on

    I just purchased your book at my local bookstore!! I love it and can’t wait to start planting! My all time favorite flower is the peony and I look forward to June every year because I know I’ll have a beauty bloom to admire for a week or two ? xoxo

  1877. Jenn Harris on

    Columbines are my all time favorite and the only flower I’ve ever saved seeds from.

  1878. Katelyn Bierl on

    Our family just bought a house late last summer, so I have loved reading your blog and using your Instagram as inspiration for my first year of gardening! Thank you for encouraging us all to make the world a little more beautiful :)

  1879. Laura V on

    Let me start by congratulating #TeamFloret, on this wonderful celebration. Erin, I hope that this is only the first of many lovely books to come. I can speak for myself, as an aspiring flower farmer, your book has been an inspiration and a wonderful tool to learn this colorful venue. Flowers are all so wonderful, and it is really hard to pinpoint just one as a favorite. I believe that every flower that connects us to someone we love is special, and thus my favorite. But if I had to choose only one, I would say tuberose, because it was my grandfather’s favorite flower and the scent and shape reminds me of him. In my awareness as an individual, he was the first important person in my life to pass. I was about four years old when he died, but I still keep the memories of our times together very present. Knowing that tuberose flowers were his favorite, inspired me to plan a heritage project to honor all of our ancestors, in which we intend to plant all the flowers which were favorite to our grandparents, and everyone in our family. So we can keep the spirit of those who have passed, and those who are still here can enjoy their favorite flowers all in one place. Plus, that way I get to bring some of their favorite flowers to celebrate their birthdays, and death anniversaries too. I’m sure they would love that. I think this creates a wonderful ambient to learn more about our family for generations to come, and will also create a great place at our home to honor them with a colorful feast during the Day of the Dead. Because the reality is that as long as we keep their memories alive in one way or another, they will always be with us to send us their blessings. Thank you for the opportunity to win, and may your book continue to be a success all around the globe. Congratulations again!

  1880. Phyllis Singler on

    I I am so happy to have found your site. I ordered my sweet pea seeds and THANK YOU SO MUCH. I’m 76 and they are my favorite flowers from my childhood❤️

  1881. Alayna W on

    Aw so fun!! Congrats Erin & the Floret team! Your book and online course have helped me so much in my flower growing journey!! My all time favorite flower would have to be White O’hara Garden roses! They have that gorgeous peachy pink center and smell absolutely amazing!

  1882. Marie Hale on

    I have been growing sweet peas for more years than I can remember. I am excited to see how your varieties compare to my tried and trues. Also, Queen Red Zinnia and her sports are divine. I love the somber, medieval colors.
    Congratulations on your success.

  1883. Tina Conner on

    Happy Anniversary and Thank you for sharing your celebration. I am so happy to have “discovered” Floret and feel a special connection, since I garden in Puyallup. My favorite annual (don’t get me started on shrub, vine, tuber, etc.) is Sweet Pea. I’ve just started my first Floret batch and can’t wait for the weather to warm and get them in the ground.

  1884. Ariel on

    Lupine’s have definitely been an all time favorite since I was a kid!! Thanks for being such a positive female leader in the world of flowers.

  1885. Julie Gordon on

    Congratulations! And many, many thanks for bringing more beauty into the world. My all time favorite is the peony, but sweet peas are #2. Thank you for the giveaway, what a lovely gesture.

  1886. Jocelyn Lindsay on

    Your blog, your story, and your generosity have been a tremendous inspiration to me. I had to move four years ago and left my garden of 15 years. It was sad and exhilarating at the same time. Now, I have a blank canvass garden and I am filling it with beauty. We’ve finally dealt with the deer (fence), soil erosion (wall), and yuck soil (lots of compost). This year I’ll be able to get out and start seriously realizing my flower dreams. And OH how I’m realizing them! Every year I have a different favorite flower. This year, I think it’s peonies. Or daylilies. Or maybe iris. Or sweet pears. Or. Or. Or. Hellebores! Right now, it’s hellebores because their happy faces are coming up during the grey gloom. Happy anniversary and all the very best!

  1887. Donna on

    My favorite flowers are dahlias. Can never have enough!

  1888. Dawn Peacock on

    Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm as well as your knowledge; for inspiring me to grow more and have the courage to sell flowers last year. Dahlias have become my favourite flower, the range of colours has really grown as has my love for them. Sincere good wishes for the future of Floret. I look forward to reading all about it!

  1889. Kay on

    Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm, and for your book giving me the confidence to give my cut flower garden a proper go! I dreamt of growing my own flowers for my wedding and after a bit of experimentation last year, this is my practice year, and next years the real thing. I’ve developed a thing for Anemones and after seeing some black and whites in the flesh for the first time recently, I think they are my new fav… :)

  1890. Nancy Fuller on

    Hi Erin…

    I’m a new Floret fan and really happy to have found you. I’ve been a lifelong gardener – hooked at the tender age of six when I planted those radish seeds that Dad shared with me. No turning back!! It seems I’ve always had my hands in the dirt. Most recently… I have fallen in love with sweet peas – thus the internet search that lead me to Floret. I’ve planted so many flowers and vines… but sweet peas continue to intrigue. Yes… sweet peas are my favorite flower… ? I love their charming, cottage garden look and simple elegance. Thank you for offering so many to choose from.

  1891. Stefanie on

    Love your book and how you share all love! My favorite flower is sunflower ?

  1892. Shannon Doll on

    I am so inspired by you! Last year was the first year I grew dahlias and I am completely in love with them, especially the Dahlia Break Out. All of my friends and family were so impressed by the size and beauty of the blooms. I also love the black and white anemones. We have a 7 acre farmette and I am planning on growing tons more this year. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration!!

  1893. Anne Johnson on

    My all time favorite flower is the columbine. I’m always awestruck when I come across one while hiking or see a cluster of them growing in a garden.

  1894. Lorna on

    My favorite flower is the iris, but you have so many pretty ones, I’m tempted to change my mind.

  1895. Nellie Bewley on

    I just discovered you and your farm and your gorgeous, informative book. I’m starting seedlings and will be planting soon! I think I most live ranunculus.

  1896. April Holder on

    I received your book for Christmas and have read it through twice already. I was also able to take your online course and with your expertise feel like I’m ready to begin my own flower farming adventure! My eyes have been opened to flowers I never knew existed and my favorite would have to be ranunculus. Happy Anniversary to you and the whole Floret team!

  1897. Christine Dougal on

    I can’t beginnto tell you the inspiration your story and beautiful flowers have given me! I wish you nothing but loads of sunshine, perfextngrowing weather and much happy success !!

  1898. Aubrey on

    I checked out your book so many times from the library that I finally bought it for myself. I’m falling in love with new flowers every year but dahlias will forever have my heart

  1899. Sue R. on

    I love your story–and your success–and your generosity is sharing your knowledge. Favorite flower–hard to choose but I’ll say lilacs!

  1900. Heather Dekker Corry on

    Congratulations to your blooming success!! We recently purchased our first home with a yard and excited to get our hands dirty! Your flowers are so beautiful and imagery in the book are so inspiring. One of my favorites is the Stock Apricot.

  1901. Cassie on

    Congratulations Erin & the Floret Family!

    Carnations are my all time favorite flower!!! So much so that I have a tattoo of them. :)
    I love how lovely they smell and how long they last in a vase as a cut flower. I am still figuring out how to properly grow them but I will get there one day. I could never give up trying on my favorite flower.

    Thank you!

  1902. Kathleen Matson on

    Favorite flower? Peony of course. I live for beauty.
    Thank you Floret.

  1903. Tina Wilson on

    Peonies are my favorite flower although it’s really hard to choose a fave!! Most likely my favorites are whatever is in season but Peonies get me every time. Ranunculus are my favorite annual.
    Happy Anniversary to you! It’s wonderful to know your successful floral business isn’t far from home. I lived in Skagit County for several years and my husband grew up there. We now live and garden in Arlington and my in-laws live in LaConner. Our hearts are at home and also beautiful Skagit County!!

  1904. Reid on

    Dahlias, for sure :) Thank you for everything you do Erin! Just love your book!

  1905. Jori on

    Fever few is my favorite! Such a bright and happy little flower!

  1906. Andrea on

    Congratulations on your accomplishments! You’ve been rewarded for your determination and hard work. Thanks for being such an inspiration to many!
    Hydrangeas have stolen my heart the last couple years, but just like children, I can’t choose favorites. Peonies and dahlias remain close to my heart, too ;-)

  1907. Colby K Yeager on

    Happy Anniversary! My favorite flower is ranuculous! I love those delicate, papery petals. We recently moved and I had to leave my 200 bulbs in the ground. It was so sad!

  1908. Mary Jo Clark on

    Love Floret Flowers and would love to win a goody basket! Thanks, Mary Jo Clark

  1909. Suzette Huntress on

    I stumbled onto this site and created a beautiful monster. Plan made, seeds bought, ground tilled, and we are ready to grow! Thank you for sharing your pearls of wisdom.

  1910. Julia on

    I have been completely inspired by the book! It has been my go to for everything I plant! I can’t wait for the second book. My favorite flower I grew last summer was amaranth due to its dramatic beauty and longevity in a vase! I had never heard of it until reading about it in your book! Thank you for the constant inspiration!

  1911. S Northrup on

    Thank you so much for this opportunity! I have been eyeing the gorgeous photos of your flower varieties and making plans for my garden. My favorite flowers are Poppies; they’re only around for such a short time each season, but I love the large, papery blooms and the neat seed pods.

  1912. Eliza Cross on

    Whenever I visit your beautiful blog or read your amazing book, it’s like a mini vacation for my soul. Congratulations on all of your success, whIch you deserve so much. My all-time favorite flower is the peony! Thanks for making the world a more beautiful place.

  1913. Jessica Brasfield on

    Congratulations on one year! I love your products! My favorite flowers are the snapdaragons in any color! Here’s to many more years!

  1914. Rebeccah Clark on

    I recently discovered this blog and am so inspired by your abundant cultivation of beauty! My favorite flowers are peonies and I can’t wait for my newly planted bushes to take off.

  1915. Judy on

    Your love for flowers is very evident and infectious. My all time favorite is the Love in the Mist, Nigella, as I have used it on wedding cakes fresh and various ways with the dried seed pod. I think secondly I would choose an odiferous flower such as Daphne odoro which is coming into bloom presently.
    Thank you for sharing.

  1916. Susannah on

    Ranunculus are my favorite flower!

    Congratulations on the success of the book. That’s fantastic!

  1917. Emily T on

    I love growing the SWEET PEA and looking at your sweet pea photos!

  1918. Nora on

    It would have to be the humble honeysuckle, lonicera japonica I think, that perfumed so many of my nights growing up in Virginia.

  1919. Amy Joliet on

    All time favorite – peonies – current garden favorites: Dahlias. Love your book!

  1920. Deborah Tober on

    Happy anniversary to you and your whole team! What an amazing accomplishment! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for making flower growing so much more accessible. My favorite flower of all time is yarrow (I just love the intricate, fern-like leaves), but you make sweet peas sound so appealing that I’ll be giving those a try this season. I can’t wait!

  1921. Michelle on

    Thank you for the giveaway! I follow you on Instagram and all of your posts are so inspiring, with the fields of flowers, beautiful photography and all of the hard work you have put in. My absolute favorite flower is the rose, but coneflowers are a close second!

  1922. Marie Hale on

    I have been growing sweet peas for many years. I am excited to see how your varieties compare to my tried and trues. Also, the Queen Lime Zinnia and her spinoffs are divine! I love the Medieval color scheme.
    Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations on your success.

  1923. Melissa on

    Congratulations! I was so excited to find your book in a tiny independent bookstore on a roadtrip last summer. I had been hoping to treat myself when it came out! It’s always sitting in view in my living room. I loved taking part in the Floret flower farm course this winter, and can hardly wait for the many feet of snow to melt from my yard to get planting! There are so many gorgeous flowers… Isn’t choosing a favourite like choosing a favourite child? I stop and feel joy every time I smell a lilac bush in bloom. Lilacs make me think of my green-thumb, flower loving mom. She says she knew exactly when her mom died many thousands of miles away in Russia, because she could smell lilacs at that exact moment in the air. It seems I am part of a lilac-loving lineage.

  1924. Michelle McEvoy on

    Congratulations Erin on your anniversary! You are a powerhouse and inspiration ~ zinnias make my heart sing.

  1925. Mary Muscarella on

    My all time favorite flowers are peonies! Though orchids and dahlias seem to be right up there as well. Congratulations on all your hard work & successes along the way, looking forward to all that you continue to pursue!

  1926. Kari Schriever on

    All time favorite has to be the Zinnia. Colorful, happy, reliable, and super easy to grow!

  1927. Megan Mones on

    Sweet peas are my favorite flower with David Austin roses coming in a close second. Both cannot be beat for scent and usefulness in floral arrangements. Unfortunately, they are both equally hard to find at the wholeseller, which is why I grow so many of my own!

  1928. Sarah on

    Your book has inspired me to move forward in my first year of growing after becoming a stay at home mom. Thank you for giving me the courage and tools to find my path again. My favorite flower…I think I’d have to say peonies. Despite the ants, in my mind they remind me of my great grandmother, whose maiden name was Rose, and my grandfather, known fondly as Poppy. So somehow, when I look at peonies, they seem like a combination of those two flowers and I can’t help but smile at the thought. Congratulations and thank you again!

  1929. Jennifer Nicolo on

    Congrats on the anniversary and book success! My current favorite is Pom Pom dahlias, this year the burlesque ones!

  1930. Aly Hoskins on

    Congratulations! You inspired me and thousands of others to start there own flower garden. You showed us the beauty in nature, and it’s amazing. I’m a full time college student, I work part time, and I still come home to tend to my little seedlings being planted inside in a green houses. I don’t think I could pick one particular flower, but some of my all time favorites are:
    Sweet peas
    Thank you again for inspiring me to start a garden, it brought my father and I closer since we go outside In the spring- fall to go pick the flowers, and tend to the garden.

  1931. Krista on

    I got my copy of Cut Flower Garden for my birthday in October and still can’t put it down! So excited to get started on my first flower garden this spring. My all time favorite flower is peonies. Love those ruffly petals! Congratulations!

  1932. Jo Ann Routh on

    Hello from Alaska! My favorite flowers are sunflowers. I planted the ‘Panache’ variety last year, and every single one of the seeds germinated! As I was waiting for the seed heads to dry out at the end of the season, I woke up one morning to find that our local moose decided to have them as a snack. I was so sad that there weren’t any seeds for the next season, but I guess they went to a good cause. Thank goodness you have them available again for this new growing season. Here’s to Spring and a whole new season of lovely flowers!

  1933. Sara Pellman on

    Poppies are my all time favorite flower. Any variety!

  1934. Eva Kinnear on

    Congratulations! So thankful for all you do! My favorite are peonies-with rose and Queen Anne’s lace close seconds!

  1935. Anne Johnson on

    I absolutely love reading “Cut Flower Garden”- I have checked it out from my local library 5 times! It has inspired me to grow flowers to sell at our small town farmers market this summer. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of flowers!

  1936. Mandie on

    I have followed your wonderful journey for a long time.

    It has been inspirational in my life. Seeing the beauty you have created in this world has inspired me to create beauty in my corner wherever I go.

    I have lived in one house which I transformed into a gardeners dream.

    After having to move out of that house I now live in an apartment. Transforming the small balcony space into a small garden is an ongoing source of joy.

    I know wherever I live and love – I will always garden.

    There is such joy that comes from the creation and nuturing of life.

    Thank you for being part of the spark on my journey.

    I have created @gratitudegardening on Instagram to share my joys.

    My favourite picture from your farm remains the one of the farm truck packed with gorgeous dahlias.

    They are my favourite flower. Although their season is short, their bloom contains all the majesty of several lifetimes.

    Keep up the wonderful work.

    With gratitude,
    A fellow gardener

  1937. Krista Jeanne on

    I love your book and I’ve had good luck with your seeds. I’m looking forward to seeing what your ranunculus bulbs and dailies do this year. :)

    As for favorite flower, I’m not sure I could pick just one. I love pansies (the giant multicolored Victorian ones, especially) and snapdragon. They’re both so happy and colorful.

  1938. Amanda on

    I’ve been a long time follower and it’s so funny because my boss just opened up a package today and one of the books in it was Cut Flower Garden!

    My all time favorite flower has to be a protea. I’ve gone through peony phases, dahlias, and ranunculus. But I always come back to the protea. There’s a uniqueness about it that I love so much.

    Cheers to 1 year!

  1939. Bradley Thomas Youngstrom on

    Congratulations, you all at Florent are true inspiration…… I can not wait to start growing flowers this year. Thank you for your beautiful and informative book. My favorite flower…….. there are so many, but I would say tulips, all colors and varieties.

  1940. Kaleigh krantz on

    Congrats! I love your book and am so excited for this year. My favorite flowers are Zinnias, maybe it’s because they’re so easy to grow and keep my garden colorful all summer. I can’t wait to put into practice all I’ve learned from your book and expand my knowledge and love for other more difficult to grow varieties ☺️

  1941. Caitlin Shaw on

    My favourite flower is Sunflower! As a kid I would always marvel in awe at the sheer size of these beauties. When they would drop down, I would pretend I was having a shower underneath the flower.

  1942. Lindsay Rojas on

    Someone asked me what my favorite flower was, and they probably regretted it, lol! It really depends on the season and where I am! In Costa Rica I think my favourite are Bougainvilleas, but my all-time favorite flower would have to be a fragrant climber, like Jasmine. I can’t resist the romance of scented flowers climbing and hanging over the architecture…

    Erin, you truly are inspiring! I’m sure that one day I’ll be in a position to be able to take your online course. Until then, I’ll just buy all of your books!

  1943. Cory on

    This year i plan to set up my own little cutting patch for me and the local community. Thankfully i came across your book and you made me believe that it was possable. The information and support that you share not only through your book but your website is fabulous i love it! Congratulations on your anniversary and I love Hellebores because they look happy no matter what the weather.

  1944. Jan Mathews on

    Congratulations on your lst Anniversary! So happy I found Floret! Excited to report my first experience is going amazingly well. I planted sweet pea seeds for the first time and they are doing well, about 3 inches high in spite of freezing temps and torrential rain.
    My favorite flower, so hard to choose, peony, bearded iris, cabbage roses, tulips, daffodils…so many!

    Wishing you continued success and happiness!

    Jan Mathews

  1945. Maureen Van Ness on

    Cosmos, absolutely tops! I help at a xeriscape demonstration garden here in Colorado and the cosmos are our showiest annual every year. A glamorous, no holds barred flower to complement the rest of our perennials. They return each year, as enthusiastic as the year before. Love them! Love your book, inspiring to learn and try more. Thank you all!

  1946. Edith on

    Congratulations on all your success! I am crazy in love with growing flowers and love your book. My all time favorite flower is the dahlia. I can’t wait to get the ones I ordered from you!

  1947. Sara Minor on

    Peonies have always been my favorite, but you introduced me to the Bells of Ireland last year when I recieved a seed packet with my preorder of the book. They are such an interesting flower and are now battling for the top spot! So, thanks!

  1948. holly on

    So happy about all of your success, and appreciate you sharing the highs and the lows. We can learn so much from each other, and you set a lovely example. Favorite flower — freesia for the aroma……… poppy for the visual!

  1949. Holly Stephey on

    Thank you for creating such a beautiful book filled with so much magic .. I create and love to have beauty surrounding me at all times in my Garden ..
    We had the horrific fires here in Sonoma last October that took so much beauty away but I am replacing and replanting as much as the soil will take . The fires destroyed so much here and I have been planning a new Sunflower field as well as new peonies as those would be along with Snapdragons flowers I love to grow along with so many others .. I often say “Each flower is a soul opening out to nature.” – Gerald De Nerval “Thank you” for such inspiration!

  1950. Lisa on

    I throughly have enjoyed watching your deserving farm grow.

    I literally can find something to love about every flower I know. But I think the flower I hold dearest are the childhood offspring Siberian Iris from my great grandmothers upstate NY farm.

    Congratulations and happiest of birthday’s Floret!

  1951. lee stanford on

    Just received shipping notification for my seed order (my first from Floret)!!! Favorite flower? Well, until my mind changes with the Floret seeds, I’ll say my grandmas peonies.

  1952. Marion Moore Ellenburg on

    How can I pick just one favorite?! How about top three. Queen Anne’s Lace, Poppies, Straw flower. Thank you so much for providing so much inspiration, and for offering such an amazing variety of seeds and bulbs!

  1953. Anna on

    Congrats on your anniversary and all the success you’ve had! My favorite flower is a hellebore with ranunculus and peonies not far behind.

  1954. Brooke on

    Thank you for this book. I loved it!

  1955. Karen on

    Any flower that smells good! Peonies are a favorite and are a long lasting cut flower bringing their scent indoors!

  1956. Katie on

    Oh Erin and team . . . congratulations on setting a new precedent for how books and ideas in general are marketed and promoted. And most of all, great work inspiring and sharing so much beauty and knowledge with all of us . . . we cannot thank you adequately for the seeds of dreams that your images, work and persona has cultivated in so many of our hearts. As for a favorite flower: I cannot imagine a world without the ruffly perfection of a giant peony that has been thriving in the ground for close to 100 years, or the scent of those first lilac panicles announcing spring, or the happy, bright rudbeckia unfurling their sunny faces, petal by petal. Or the ruffled depths of a garden rose, whose utter perfection brings a tear with each glance. The dahlias, with their perfectly lobed flower heads in the most amazing hues imaginable. Complex ranunculus, simple anemones, tulips, daffodils, zinnias, cosmos . . . I love every one for the intricate, different beauty they each bring to our world.

  1957. Amber on

    I preordered your lovely book on Amazon last year. At the time my family lived in NC. We now live in WA, about an hour from Mount Vernon. I was so excited when I realized how close we were to the farm! I hope to pay a visit soon (maybe during the Tulip Festival)! My favorite flower is ranunculus. Congrats, Floret!

  1958. Kate on

    Love the book and can’t wait for my seeds to start sprouting and for my beautiful flowers! Being from California, my favorite flower is the poppy!

  1959. Jojo Haro on

    I might be a little cliche but my favorite flower by far is the dinner plate dahlia. I just love how big and full the flower are!!

  1960. Michaela Kehrer on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Here is to many more! If I had to choose only one it would be any type of peony. They were one of my grandmother’s favorites and I think of her every time I see one. Many thanks to you and your staff for sharing and inspiring so many of us who love flowers.

  1961. Barbara on

    I love peonies! We just moved to Georgia and brought some from our home in Maryland and they are sporting shoots already!

  1962. Karen Usher on

    Give thanks to the bringers of color into this world ~ Can wait to see the Zinnias you grow this year, by far my favorite flower these days.

  1963. Lindsey on

    Congratulations Erin and Team Floret!
    Favorite flower(s): poppies (and snapdragons and hellebores… !) It’s so difficult when all flowers are so lovely! xo

  1964. Kathleen Matson on

    Whirlwind activity for me & Floret. From Instagram to the web to the workshop. All because of beauty. I love that. Thank you. I live for beauty.

  1965. Julie Mann on

    I have tremendously enjoyed following you and reading your book! My favorite flower is the hydrangea!

  1966. Anita Harkness on

    Oh picking one favorite it hard! I think I’d pick Delphinum or maybe zinnias . Really I think all!

  1967. Uli on

    Dear floretflower-team, congratulations on your anniversary!
    Since I saw the picture of your van filled with dahlias, I could’t stop following you and your beautiful pictures.
    My favorite flowers are actually the ranunculus and poppy’s but I am no longer sure about that when I see the larkspur, blue phlox or just any kind of sweet pea :D
    Thanks you Erin for all the instructions for bulb planting and how to improve the vase life of some flowers!
    Greetings and all the best wishes from northern Germany :)

  1968. Heidi on

    It is hard to pick just one flower. I do love peonies!! I planted so many new tubers last fall and can’t wait for them to grow.

  1969. Abigail on

    Papavar rhoeas in the standard bright red!

  1970. Anna on

    Your work is so inspiring! I’m always excited to hear about what you are doing next. My favorite flowers are peonies.

  1971. Riki L on

    I love your site. My coworker introduced me to your seeds this year and I already placed two large orders. I live in an apartment with a balcony but no yard – and here I am, obsessively purchasing seeds! I hope to move somewhere I can plant the sweet peas and other flowers. I personally love so many flowers because my mom was a master gardener and my childhood memories involve so many pretty ones, but I think snapdragons may be my favorite because I always thought they were little dragons, especially the red ones.

  1972. Heather M on

    Congratulations on your wonderful book! I love it! I think Zinnias are my favorite because of how easy they are to grow and how long they look nice as cut flowers.

  1973. Laurie on

    So many good ones! But I think poppies are my favorite!

  1974. Mary Marshall on

    Your book and course has inspired me to spread the love and beauty of the flowers by planting one seed at a time-sharing their beauty locally and through my followers around the world on Instagram. If we all spread this beauty one flower at a time the world will be more beautiful and hopefully a more peaceful place

  1975. Christy on

    It’s not traditional, but my all time favorite flower is the jack-in-the-pulpit. Can those be worked into flower arrangements, I wonder?

  1976. Kelsey on

    Congratulations! There are so many wonderful flowers out there but the dahlias are the ones that I never seem to be able to stop buying! So many amazingly beautiful kinds!

  1977. Katriel Cloward on

    Happy Anniversary! You have been an amazing resource. Thank you for teaching me so much!

    I love fluffy flowers with LOTS of petals: ranunculus, peonies, and double tulips

  1978. Samantha Sousa on

    My wedding bouquet was dahlias, and I fell in love.. when I came across your book I had to have it, considering I have a passion/hobby for growing my plants here in NJ. Well this year I ordered plenty of tubers, and I can’t wait! Thanks for inspiring me:)

  1979. Lorraine Wright on

    I have your seeds waiting for planting time. I’m soooo excited! Can’t wait!

  1980. Adriane on

    Happy anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been a year and I still don’t own this book! Your flowers and all of the images of them are gorgeous!!

  1981. Malvo on

    Congratulations and thanks for all the inspiration you provide! My favorite flower is dahlia.

  1982. Lorraine Wright on

    I have your seeds waiting for planting time. I’m soooo excited!

  1983. Linda F Bradley on

    Dear team Floret,
    Congratulations on your one year anniversary! So happy to have this book – I refer to it over and over again. Hopefully you will be sharing more in another book down the road.
    My favorite flower? Hmmm.. it does change with the seasons, but now I have to say tulips are the one! So much variety and such a welcome sight after winter’s break.

  1984. Jen Ulrich on

    Happy Anniversary! You are such a beacon out there in the flower world, showing us that if you’re creative and passionate you don’t have to follow a traditional path.
    Thank you and good luck!

  1985. Barbara Cramer on

    Congratulations on the one year anniversary of my very favorite book!!! Thanks so much for generously sharing all of your knowledge, wisdom and even failures with all of us who dream of flower gardens like yours. My all time favorite flower has to be a peony…..the reason being that it was the flower I remember most in my Grandmother’s garden. I cherish the single white peony that belonged to her!! Flowers = love!!!

  1986. Rhonda Howell on

    It really is a joy to watch someone work hard and be blessed with success. It doesn’t always happen that way. Your photos and “yard advice” are soothing to haggard souls under stress and duress. You sell the hope of a new season. Even those of us who will never be your largest customers can dream and enjoy the gardens of many as we comment and share. I guess its the millennial version of talking over a picket fence. Its sad to choose one but Dinnerplate Dahlias win the day as they will forever in my heart be like a hug from Hattie Emiline and Lulu.

  1987. Charlotte Weimann on

    Congratulations! Because you wrote such a wonderful book, which I’ve already read several times, I’ll forgive you that Denmark isn’t on the list (yes, I did notice Scandinavia on the list);0) I don’t have a favourite flower – it depends on the season. But I couldn’t do without tulips, sweet peas, roses, dahlias and… the list goes on and on…. Thanks again for an amazing book – and an amazing workshop! All the best (from Denmark;0)), Charlotte

  1988. Kim on

    Congratulations Team Floret!
    Sweet peas, dahlias and springbulbs are my favourites. If I would have to choose one it would be tulips, especially tulips that are almost done flowering, that wild en ragged stage.
    Thanx for sharing your knowledge, it has been such a great help!

  1989. Jill on

    I think about flowers the way I think about quilting: My favorite kind of quilt if someone *else* is sewing it is appliqué. If I have to do the work, it’s a log cabin. So, if someone else is growing them, I adore hellebores. If I have to grow them (apparently hellebores don’t want to live with me), I love ranunculuses (who seem to love me back).

    Your marketing, by the way, worked in reverse for me. I found the book first! Then from the book I met your blog, and website, and ultimately took the online course this year!

  1990. Kim Tennican on

    I’ve been inspired to try planting a bunch of seeds this year, especially lots of poppies. Sweet peas have always been a favorite of mine for their heavenly scent and early blooms.

  1991. Sandy on

    My favorite flower? That’s like asking a Mom to pick her favorite child! I like the surprise a Johnny-Jump Up offers ‘ cause they show up in the strangest places and they have a sweet face!

  1992. Alyson on

    The book, blog, Instagram are all so inspiring! After buying and devouring your book last spring, I rethought my veggie garden and made room for zinnias, cosmos, poppies, forget-me-not, and sweet peas. While there is still about 5 feet of snow covering the ground, I’ve been dreaming of what I’ll plant this year alongside the rows of peas and carrots. Keep chasing down your dreams!
    Favorite flower: peony.

  1993. Robin on

    Hello from Tennessee! I am getting my feet wet in the flower business this year – my first time growing masses of flowers! I’ve spent the past few months reading, learning, and planning, with your book as one of my favorite guides.
    My all time favorite flower is the hydrangea. I’ve loved them since I was a little girl admiring my Great Grandmother’s MASSIVE hydrangea bush behind her hand-built, white farmhouse. Those beautiful balls of blooms take me back to her memory every time. :) There are not enough hydrangeas in the world to fill my love for them. <3

  1994. Anna on

    Yay! I have your book and took your workshop. Loved both! My favorite flower is always changing as I grow new things, but for right now, I’ll say cosmos. Thank you for all you do!

  1995. Joanie on

    So happy for spring, and your success! I adore the sweet pea and all of her tendrils.

  1996. Deborah Weber on

    Congratulations, and thanks for bringing us along on your flower-strewn journey! I’m hard pressed to choose a favorite flower as I love them all so, but if you insist I’ll go with the always lush, frilly abundance of peonies.

  1997. Brittany on

    English roses are my favorite! My husband and I just planted our first batch a few days ago :D I cannot WAIT to see the first new growth and baby buds! 8 varieties to start with… 85 more to go? Bucket list material! :D

  1998. Elissa c. on

    Congrats!! My fave are pale pink peony!

  1999. Lauren Kelly on

    This is incredible! Thank you! The sweet pea will always be my favorite..for sentimental reasons <3

  2000. Maureen G. on

    Gotta be fat, fluffy, fabulous hydrangeas. Or peonies. Or baptista. Or daisies. Or roses. Really????!!! Just one?

  2001. Kaitlin on

    Your book has been such an inspiration to me! I am starting to grow my own (very small) cut flower garden in my backyard this year! Thank you for sharing your flower wisdom!! My favorite flower would have to be plumeria which is pretty much impossible to grow in Colorado. So for Colorado favorites, I love tulips or hollyhocks!! Congrats on your 1 year celebration!

  2002. Cadie on

    Oh, I would have to say that the peony pretty much steals my heart with rununculus being a very close second. Congratulations on the amazing amount of success you’ve experienced! You’ve definitely been an inspiration to me personally!

  2003. Jessica on

    My Grandma always grew goregous flowers, when she passed I planted a memorial and in honor flower garden with all varieties. I planted red roses in memory of Grandma Harms, yellow daffodils in memory of grandma Renzelman (she sold them for cancer patients), dinner plate dahlias for my grandpa, daisies in honor of my mom (her favorite), a Liliac bush becuase every country girl should have one, poppies for my free spirited daughter, tulips because my son used to bring me handfuls of them as a child. Your shared knowledge has helped my garden grow into not only a place for bees and beauty but a place I smile every time I look out over it. It’s like a picture with no words just beautiful memories return of loved ones smiling through flowers. I’m excited to try your sweet peas this year in memory of a friend. My favorite flower is one in bloom. Congrats to you and may there always be a well-worn path to your garden.

  2004. Andrea D. on

    Congrats Erin and Team!! You guys are an inspiration♥️Favorite flower: still the English roses, with Carding Mill as my absolute fav.

  2005. Tanya on

    Anemone, simply stunning.

  2006. Amber Litzinger on

    Your generous spirit is beautiful just like the flowers you grow. Excited to sell flowers at our Farmer’s Market for the first time this year. Dahlia’s are my all time favorite flower and it was the flower I used for my daughter’s adoption party.

    • Aaron Josi on

      My favorite flower as of late is the Indian paintbrush as my father always called it on our mountain hikes.

    • CNW on

      Thanks for your beautiful work in the book and on the earth – I am eager to learn more about hellebores as I live in the south and I think they
      ‘do well’ here…again, thanks for all your work…

    • Aimee on

      Dahlias are so special! Was going to be my youngest child’s name but he’s a boy so….. ?

    • Peggy on

      Love ranunculus and Garden roses!! Oh and Hellebores ?

    • Adele Presonka on

      Well we just received 20 cm of snow yesterday; but it is March
      in central Canada so not a surprise. We need the moisture as it’s been a pretty dry winter.
      So looking forward to planting our fabulous seeds we bought from you!
      Congratulations and happy gardening,,
      Adele Presonka
      Winnipeg, Manitoba

    • Sue B on

      My seeds arrived and I was out this spring like day in Ohio buying seeding supplies you recommended. I have planted flowers from seeds the last few years but want to use your tips for success this year! I am ready to plant and ready for spring, but tonight we are getting snow again! You have made such wise and creative choices in your business. I love your book, and I am so proud of all Floret has accomplished and in such a relatively short time! You have brought much happiness to many flower lovers around the world! Wow!

    • Bonnie Buckingham on

      Peonies because their tiny bud opens to a grand bow.

    • Kathryn Cronin on

      Dear Erin

      Your amazing book has been my year round inspiration for my cutting garden that is slowly growing out of spring from a particularly cold British winter. I was born on Easter Monday so it’s no surprise that my favourite blooms are springtime narsissi and tulips but I must mention lily of the valley- my grandfather had a whole trough of it in his tiny garden and I adored it – still do – must mention I’m still regretting not taking up that course of yours ☺️

    • Gretchen on


  2007. Mallory on

    I love flowers and I am very intetested in planting my own flower garden. My favorite flowers are dahlias! The different colors and varieties are so beautiful!

  2008. Jess B on

    What a lovely give away. Thank you for your generosity!! This is honestly one of my favorite questions because I feel like ones flower choices say a lot about them. That being said my all time favorite hands down is the Lilac in all shades but especially deep purple. They just give me so much joy!!!! I always dust as many as I can reach and jam our house and any vase I can get my hands on full of them. A close second is peonies. Thank you for sharing such a wealth of knowledge with the rest of us. It’s truly inspiring to read ypur posts!! Happy spring to you and your team & happy Anniversary on the book! It’s truly magical.

    • Leesa Stork on

      Happy Anniversary Floret Family,
      So happy for your whole crew. I want to thank all of you for helping me begin my own Flower Farming story. I had actually never grown a dahlia before attending, your workshop and now it had become my favorite. Can’t wait see what else your crew accomplished. Leesa Stork “Leesa’s Garden”

    • Lynda Hinds on

      Farm Floret,
      Your photos are dreamy… I think we must all feel as if we are in a painting ( like a Monet) when we look at all your flower shots! Wow!
      If I have to choose( oh this is so hard) I’d say sweet peas like the ones you can grow.. seemingly huge and reaching for the heavens and the colors of sherbets!
      Cheers ,
      Lynda in Maine

  2009. Joanie on

    So happy for Spring, and your success! I love the lovely sweet pea!

  2010. Chelsee on

    How wonderful it is to see a small business grow into somthing big and inspiring. Flowers are bringers of beauty, smiles, and a full heart. Congratulations! It’s hard to pick a favorite but I’m always in the mood for ranunculus!!

  2011. Sheila Moreland on

    Happy Anniversary!!! What a dream come true for you. When I look on your site my heart and soul are filled with joy. I love beautiful flowers, to say what my favorite is,is very hard. I will go with Hydrangeas.

  2012. Joanna on

    Daffodils are my number 1 all time favorite flower. Bright and cheery and the first sign of spring when all is colorless and grey. Makes me so happy to see them every year!

  2013. Priscilla on

    Congratulations!! Tazi is my favorite flower.

  2014. Jessi Graven on

    Congrats on such great success with your book! It is well deserved indeed. My all time favorite flower is a calla lily. Simple, yet sophisticated. :)

  2015. Jean Difilippo on

    Dahlias are my all time favorite flowers. I can’t wait for my order to get here!

  2016. Kate on

    Poppies, tulips, and ranunculus are my favorites, but I’m very excited about my sweet pea seeds that I just received in the mail yesterday!

  2017. Nicole Millef on

    My favorite are peonies but also love daffodils and zinnias! Thanks for sharing your journey!

  2018. Marilyn on

    Would have to be peonies. Congratulations on your success with the book.

  2019. Isabel Cruz on

    Congrats on your one year! I look forward to seeing where this road takes you.

    My favorite flower is the anemone, specifically the French anemone.

  2020. Beth Rabideau on

    Happy One Year! I bought the online version first and then asked for the hard cover for my birthday a few months later. I find your enthusiasm and knowledge refreshing. Zinnias are my all time favorite, Cut and Come Agains…perfect size and as the name claims they continue all season long. You also do not have to worry about anyone being allergic to the smell.

  2021. Nakita on

    Congratulations on your books 1 year anniversary! My favorite flower would be any David Austin Rose!

  2022. Sandra on

    Congrats!!!! Your book has changed my life in the garden. I loved reading through each page gaining more knowledge by the petal full. :)
    My garden is the place I feel creative, resourceful and peaceful. I’ve been planting this past week and can’t wait to see my happy garden bloom again.
    Thanks so much.
    My favorite flower is the hydrangea

  2023. Kymberly on

    Congratulations! This book has inspired me to start a cutting garden this year. I have been having so much fun. Peonies are my all time favorite, but I’m trying so many new ones this year that who knows how I’ll answer that question in the future. Ranunculus and anenomies in the ground, sweet pea seeds went in this morning. So much fun!

  2024. Amelia honey on

    Lily of The Valley and claytonia (not quite a flower) are always two of my favourites, in bitter New England they are signs that the frost is over and the growing season has begun. Lily of the valleys fragrance would douse the forest around my cabin in its rich scent while claytonia puckers up from the soil like the sweet lips of spring kissing the returning warm air and sunlight

  2025. Heather Kocevar on

    Love that your doing this! What a wonderful way to celebrate. Congrats to you and the team! I love following your adventures. My all time favorite flower would have to be blooming jasmine. The smell is intoxicating!

  2026. Sheena Davison on

    Oh my gosh! Congratulations! You have helped me develop this unbelievable love for flowers that I never dreamed I would have – thank you! My favorite flowers are ranunculus… I am anxiously awaiting for mine to bloom!

  2027. Bailey on

    Congrats, Team Floret! You reap what you sow! Dahlias are my favorite, with peonies a close second.

  2028. Diane Norris on

    My favorite flower (currently) is the Persian buttercup/ranunculus. Your book has inspired me to grow my first cut flower garden and participate in the first online workshop from which I am still swooning!

  2029. Cheryl Miller on

    Congratulations! I love everything in your shop and my favorite is the peony!

  2030. Judy Grubbs on

    Thanks for your beautiful inspiration. My favorite flower is a tulip. Hard to choose though.

  2031. Teresa AlRasheed on

    Congratulations, Thank You for sharing the beauty and your knowledge.

  2032. Katriel Cloward on

    Happy Anniversary! Your website is amazing! I have learned so much from you!

    I love fluffy flowers with LOTS of petals: ranunculus, peonies, and double tulips!

  2033. Devon Verstraete on

    Love love love daffodils ☺️
    Just ordered your book! Excited to start my little garden!

  2034. Pam on


  2035. Genevieve on

    The colors, translucence and fragrance of Sweet Peas put them right at the tip top of my list!

  2036. Arden on

    Congrats! All time fave, so so hard to choose, but I do love the exotic nature of a blue anemone. Stunner!

  2037. Aliana Slot on

    It’s hard to pick but definetly an anemone. It’s delicate and elegant, yet holds its own. Simply beautiful!

    Thanks Floret for sharing your love of farming and flowers!

  2038. Sue Huggett on

    Many congratulations on your first anniversary. I’ve loved your videos – so inspiring.
    The flower I wouldn’t be without is the Tobacco Flower (Nicotiana). They are so long flowering, make an unusual cut flower and the scent of an evening is intoxicating. In addition, insects love them. What more could you ask for?

  2039. Trish Meek on

    My dad loved dahlias and passed that love onto me… his system for splitting, storing and planting was quite the production. To this day I smile every time I see a dahlia because they remind me of him.

  2040. Carol on

    Floret has been an incredible inspiration, not only for encouraging a fledgling gardener but also for introducing me to the beauty of so many flowers I thought I didn’t like. My all-time favorite is still the poppy (all colors and varieties), but my new favorite is cosmos, particularly Snow Puff! Thanks so much for such a beautiful blog, website, and business.

  2041. Christie Stewart on

    Thank you so much for your amazing website and blog! I ordered my first pack of seeds from Floret recently and I’m itching to get started. I am transforming my yard in unusual ways this season and trying to make use of every inch possible. I am 42 and aspiring to make some career and life changes that involve flower cultivation. This has been my life dream and I’m excited to finally be putting a foot forward towards something I love so much!
    For sentimental reasons, my favorite flower is the Lady Slipper “Cypripedium reginae”. I have many fond memories of my grandmother and I mushroom hunting on Mt. Hood. We would pick wild Lady Slippers on our adventures. I have never tried growing them… maybe they should go on my wish list :)

  2042. Sue Zirk on

    To pick a favorite would be hard – but maybe the Peony, or no the Tulip, but a Daisy is awfully nice too. But then most any of them would be a great choice!!! God is a great Creator!

  2043. Stephanie on

    I don’t really have a favorite, but I’m really enjoying ranunculus flowers lately. I can’t wait to get into my yard and start putting my flower plans into action. Thanks for putting together such a fantastic resource!

  2044. Jennie on

    Congrats on your anniversary! Its really hard to pick one favorite flower, but if I have to narrow it down I’d have to pick zinnias. They are just so cheery and easy to grow!

  2045. Jackie Sharkey on

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I LOVE the book! It has taught me so so much, and I refer back to it often. My favorite flowers are any kind of tulip.

  2046. Amber on

    Congrats on all your success this past year! I was able to order some seeds and dahlias this year from you and cannot wait to plant them all! This will be my first year growing dinner plate dahlias and a few of the seed varieties so I look forward to a garden bursting with color!

    All time favorite flower for me is oriental lilies. I love the way they smell, the color, that they bloom in summer. I can never get enough of them!

  2047. Jill Gustavis on

    I’d say it’s a mixed draw, I love carnations for their smell, dahlias for their open softness and color variations, and roses because they’re so darn elegant and mysterious.

  2048. Ryanna Orona on


    My favorite flower is foxglove and my Dalmatian Peach seeds are just beginning to sprout, so ready for spring!

  2049. Lisa on

    Tulips!! Everything about them is graceful and gorgeous! Thank You for all you do, and Congratulations!!!

  2050. Ellen on

    Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary! I love your book by the way ?. I live in the northeast so it’ll be a while before I can plant in the ground but we’re starting our seeds in our greenhouse this month. So looking forward to beautiful warm weather!! My favorite flower is the dahlia.

  2051. Rebecca Ditmore on

    Congratulations on your hard earned and well deserved success. How rewarding it must feel and how far behind you all the deadlines must now feel. Your work is inspring to so many, but particularly to me, a novice gardener, new to the Pacific Northwest. Thanks for your encouragement and enthusiasm as I make this transition to gardener in my 7th decade! PS—The sweet peas (my life long favorite) I received from you are just starting to come along. I hope mine do a tenth as well as yours. And in a real vote of confidence, I ordered packages sent to friends of mine who have true green thumbs. I can’t wait to see all of them! Continued success to you and your company!

  2052. Meredith on

    The Cut Flower Garden book is one of my favorites. I always have it open to learn from and gain inspiration in growing my own personal garden. Since receiving it, I have gone a bit crazy starting and planting seeds and re-planning our whole garden. It is so exciting to watch the seeds I’ve sown grow.

    Picking just one flower seems impossible as I love the bright playful poppy and the sweet innocent ranunculus, but above all I think I have to go with the understated secretive moody and seductive hellebore. xx

  2053. Sara on

    Congratulations!! I love your book so much and refer back to it often. My favorite flower is a sunflower.

  2054. Lisa on

    Congratulations! I’ve been prepping the raised beds for my first-ever cutting garden and am SO EXCITED for spring. My favorite flowers are peonies.

  2055. Ingrid Perry on

    Greetings from Maine! I bought your book a year ago, and the 2018 Daily Planner. You and your flowers are an inspiration! I have grown flowers forever and your flowers are extraordinary! Oh, dear, my favorite flower? I might have to say carnation, because they are long lasting in the vase and have a lovely fragrance. Thank you for sharing your gift of growing!

  2056. Cailin on

    Hi Team Floret!
    I appreciate all that you do! This year my new favorite flower is the Poppy. I have numerous varieties growing in the garden.

  2057. Brooke on

    All time favorite: Poppies.

    Also, thank you so much for being such an incredible resource in my budding floral journey! I’ve had dreams of starting my own floral business for too many years but I had been too afraid to start, or know where to start. You’re blog and resources have helped change my mindset. I’m now so excited for this long waited journey!

  2058. Sumner on

    Congratulations on such a successful year! Dahlias are my all time favorite. :)

  2059. Georgia Lewis on

    Hi Erin, Trying to choose a favorite flower is tough!! I LOVE almost anything you post and have to stop myself from buying all…. lol. I’m so excited to plant a flower garden this year, it will be my first “all flower” garden bed. Normally, I throw them in planters with other things. I’ve just fallin’ in love with you and your blog…. as you can tell, I purchased many seeds this year :) I have already purchased your book but would LOVE to give it as a gift to my sister-in-law, I’ve been telling her all about you. Her birthday is March 26th :) :) wink.

  2060. Terry on

    You have so inspired a revolution of flower growers, myself included. Though, without much of a yard (I live in a Town home currently). I can still learn and dream and plan alongside planting a few things each year. My favorite? Ditto to the ‘favorite for each season’, Hellebores, tulip, cosmos, jasmine, ms. Dahlia!, and Zinnia’s!, but The Rose has been my love since I was a young girl. I just bought a couple to squeeze into my tiny yard to complement the perrenials. Thank you Erin and your vision of the world painted in flowers!

  2061. Lana on

    Hi Erin, I love what you do! Thanks for sharing your wisdom so small organic flower farm workers like myself can do what they love and be good at it too. It’s hard to pick my favorite flower because I love so many but I especially love statice because of the clusters of small blooms. There’s something to be said for simple beauty!

  2062. Martha Moritz on

    SO hard to choose!! But I think tulips have to be the top of my list.

  2063. glr on

    Peonies are my favorite but after flipping through your pages that choice is wavering!!

  2064. Kristi on

    Congratulations on 1 year! I love sunflowers ? I’m excited to plant the seeds I have from you this spring!

  2065. Lisa on

    Tulips!!! Everything about them is graceful and gorgeous… I love the leaves and stems too. Thank you for all you do and Congratulations!!!

  2066. Patricia on

    Congratulations for such an amazing job! I feel so happy for you :)
    My favorite flowers are dahlias. I have liked them since I was a little girl. My mother used to grow them in her garden, they bring me lots of fond memories.

  2067. Earlene Beckes on

    Love what you’re doing! It’s really hard to choose a flower when I love all of them. Zinnias and roses remind me up my mother (a Califonian who used to do everything she could to get a rhododendron to grow in the Sacramento Valley). I love double tulips as they remind me of my all time favorite: The Peony. Keep up the good work making the world beautiful.

  2068. Heather k on

    Congratulations Erin and floret! You have been such an inspiration to all of us who are just starting out…thank you. My favorite flower is any of the Celosias.

  2069. Brooke Baker on

    Congratulations on your anniversary, I loved your book and continue to refer to it with each new variety I plant. I am starting year 2 of my flower business, which was inspired by your gorgeous photos & helpful blog posts. My favorite flower is a tie between Nigella & Cosmos.

  2070. Laurenske on

    As a real Dutch girl, my favorite flower is a tulip. Ever since I was a little girl I had a fascination for this flower since they come in some many different colors and sizes…you even have a double peony look-a-like tulip. It is funny that this flower is not only my favorite but also my mom’s and her farther’s (my grandfather). So can it be genetic? ;-) One last detail is that when I was 18, I worked as a camp counselor in the USA and we had to pick camp names, guess what mine was…..yes Tulip! :-) Happy anniversary Team Floret! Looking forward to a new year with lots of flowers! Love from Holland

  2071. Jennifer on

    Really! Do I have to choose an all time favorite flower? How about top three favorites? Peonies, roses, and dahlias. Lots and lots of fragrant petals.
    I have great admiration for you and your team. You are a role model for anyone wishing to grow flowers, and not just commercially. Reading your book is a pleasure and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  2072. Tina on

    Congratulations! My all-time favorite flowers are dahlias! I love that they just keep giving and giving each year :)

  2073. Erin on

    My all time favorite flower continues to evolve. I love the fantastic beauty of the hellebore, I love sweetness of the geum, I love the bounty of the zinnia.

  2074. cat on

    Happy anniversary and congratulations on a successful year with the book. My all-time favorite flowers were tulips, but because of Floret dahlias actually started creeping up the ranks. Now I can’t decide between the two, but those are my tops.

  2075. Melanie on

    Congratulations! Always so inspiring, gardening can bring so much healing and joy to everyone. The wild rose would have to be an eternal favourite, so fragrant, so beautiful and hardy. Their scent can calm the most harried mind and bring so much joy. Thanks and continue to enjoy the journey. xo Mel

  2076. denise on

    My all time favorite flower is……. Grecian Foxglove, I just am constantly enamored by it’s funny little face that opens….

  2077. Treva Elwood on

    I’m so in love with all of this floral positivity. Thank you for being ambitious and tenacious. My favorite flower of all time might actually be sweet peas! That fragrance and cold resilience inspire perseverance and elegance.

  2078. Chet on

    Congratulations! Loved the book and the super helpful info it provided as we tried out dahlias for the first time this past summer :) My all time favorite flower is the magnolia, not only because of how amazing it smells, but also because it brings all the bees to the yard.

  2079. Bekah on

    Congratulations!! Cannot wait to apply what I’ve learned in your book to my cut flower garden this summer! LOVE your work…so excited for your continued success!

    Favorite flower: Ranunculus! xo

  2080. Julie on

    Congratulations! I’m in awe of your willingness to share with everyone! I love your blog and have your lovely tulips planted in my newest garden, i can’t wait to see them. My favorite flower would probably be hydrangeas and Tulips! Keep up the awesome work!

  2081. Tawnya Nelson on

    I don’t know if I could pick ONE flower that is my absolute favorite! But if I had to, I would say peonies. I just love the fragrant and delicate blooms. I wanted them in our wedding flowers, but peonies for an end of summer wedding were far out of our budget.

    Congrats on your anniversary. The book is my go-to for flower related questions and inspiration!

  2082. Pam on

    So happy to see all your efforts achieved!! #FlowersGalore

  2083. Kara on

    Love seeing your work. Such an inspiration.

  2084. Jess on

    We all need more reasons to celebrate life, love, and farming, and I love reading of yours! Warm congratulations to you and your team.
    Favorite flower? Not even a cut: the humble violet. My father owned a landscaping company growing up; he would mow our lawn last, and I would run to the shade of the large trees when I saw his truck pulling in the driveway, gathering violets as quickly as my little hands could before he mowed them. I cried nearly each time because I couldn’t save them all. <3

  2085. Lia Comerford on

    Congratulations on the one-year anniversary! My favorite flow (right now) is the tulip – the family that owned our house before is planted many different varieties, and it’s been so fun (and surprisingly difficult) trying to identify them all. Plus, they’re such a beautiful harbinger of spring!

  2086. Emily on

    It’s hard to pick a favorite, however bleeding hearts give me all the feels because they remind me of gardening with my nana.

  2087. Marcia Weatherell on

    Congratulations and cheers to you and your team on this first anniversary. Our narcissis are pushing their shoots through our mountain soil promising a spectacular appearance very soon.
    Martcia Weatherell


  2088. LeeAnn Huber on

    Congratulations! A great reward to all your hard work. My favorite flower would have to be the dependable Zinnia. A flower a anyone can grow and it provides a summertime worth of beauty.

  2089. Kathryn on

    I’m so happy for you and love the book so very much!! My favorite flower is the dahlia, so many beautiful varieties!!

  2090. Heather k on

    Congratulations Erin and floret! What an inspiration you have been to so many of us starting out…thank you! I would have I say my favorite flower would be Celosias!

  2091. Shannon on

    Trying to pick a favorite flower is almost like asking to pick your favorite child — each has their own special qualities, ways in which you’ve nurtured them and reasons they make you smile! However, since we’re being pressed, I think my favorite flower has to be the Gladiola. There’s something so magnificent to me in it’s stature and it’s many blooms that come in so many brilliant colors.

  2092. Jackie Hunter on

    Many congratulations! I bought your book and waited very impatiently for it to be delivered to me in New Zealand and was lost in it for days while I read and reread it. I have since gone back to it at least once a week.
    At the moment my favourite flower would be anemones. That will probably change next week …!

    • Karla on

      I can’t tell you how much fun, love, excitement and joy your book has brought into my life this past year! It is wonderful to have such a beautiful, well thought out book to refer to, which I do often. Choosing a favorite flower is pretty impossible, but I am always especially drawn to flowers with lots and lots of petals (ranunculus, dahlias, peonies, etc.). Thank you a million times for your book, pictures, words and all you do to bring beauty into the world and help us do the same!

  2093. Mary Combs on

    Congrats on your one year anniversary! My daughters got me your book for my birthday and I absolutely love it. They knew I would because I had already checked it out from the library and reluctantly returned it when my time was up! I have certain flowers that I love as the seasons progress. But I have to say that my dahlias are my absolute favorite. I bought a tuber for 50 cents from a farmer who was selling flower flats. From that one purchase 35 years ago, I now have a dahlia field where I plant my 200+ every year. And, yes, we dig them up and store them yearly because of our cold Michigan winters!! Keep blogging, I love getting all of the new ideas. Mary

  2094. Tracy on

    Happy Anniversary!!! Too many to mention but have to choose one, got to be dahlias, wonderful flowers.

  2095. Amelia Troyer on

    Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! My all time favorite flower is the Dahlia. Saying that, I’m intrigued at trying to grow Sweet Peas and Icelandic Poppies from looking at your beautiful site all the time.

  2096. Carol on

    I was motivated by your book and Instagram pictures to try the dahlia tubers and loved them but my favorite flower is the zinnia….they just make me smile!

  2097. Marcia Chmyz on

    Congratulations to you and your entire team on the anniversary. What a year you’ve had! I hope you have some inkling of how much joy you have brought others through your hard work and generous spirit. I look forward to whatever comes next!

    My favorite flower is definitely an old fashioned sweet pea with its incredible scent. Nothing else comes close.

  2098. Amy on

    Congratulations, I’m so happy to see your hard work pay off! You’ve inspired me to get back to my dream from almost FIFTEEN years ago, running my own flower business.

    My favorite flower is the Spirit of Freedom David Austin rose. A petal count to die for!

  2099. Stephanie Jacobs on

    Congratulations Erin! Your work is inspiring, keep it up. My favorite flower is zinnias because they remind me of a bright summer day that seems to last forever in the PNW.

  2100. Maré LeMay on

    My very favorite flower is Lisianthus (Eustoma) and followed by Sweet Peas. You are most definitely an inspiration to all of us. I purchased your book shortly after the release and have it with me no matter where I go. You gave me the confidence to start my own business, Mindful Gardens and had a successful first year.

  2101. Mary P. on

    Congratulations – what an exciting milestone!! I’ve followed along for a while and have dreamed of the bulbs and seeds I’d purchase. Now that we own our first home, I’m eager to do some garden planning and follow through!

    My favorite flower is (and has almost always been) the tulip. I love how straightly they stand and the vibrancy they bring to springtime!

  2102. Rosalind on

    Congratulations! My favourite flower would have to be Love-in-a-mist! Wonderful name, pretty flowers and fantastic seed pods.

  2103. Alissa Underwood on

    Happy happy anniversay! I have hard time picking a favorite flower! I do really love zinnias though with dahilas as a close second!

  2104. amy grealish on

    A few of my favorite flowers for different reasons…also depends on the day and what I need to see and feel from a flower.
    I love roses and lilacs for the scent, sunflowers because they are the happiest flower to look at, hydrangeas because of their beauty in the garden and then how they continue to bring joy as they are dried, and peonies for the amazing shapes and colors.

  2105. Shari D. on

    They’re all my favorite. My first favorite, though, was the old fashioned sweet pea.

  2106. Allyson on

    I love peonies – one of my favorite smells!

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I treasure my copy of the book!

  2107. Kate Nelson on

    I love your book! I think my favorite flower is a plumeria, does that count even though its on a tree? :)

  2108. Elizabeth Rishel on

    Can’t believe it has already been a year! Zinnias are certainly becoming my favorite!

  2109. Erin Lys Jensen on

    I have been reading your book all Spring as I plan my garden. It’s so helpful and pretty to boot! I’m loving echinaceas recently but my favorite flowers are bound to be whatever’s blooming in the next few months.

  2110. Julie on

    Congratulations on this wonderful milestone, i’m currently awaiting my favorite Tulips, from your garden to mine, to come up in my newest garden!! I have to say i have no favorite flowers because they are all my favorites. i am going to try to grow Ranunclus (also from you) this spring. I feel so fortunate to have found your blog and have followed along with all of your cut flower classes. You and your family are amazing and very inspirational. I have found new energy to renew my gardens! thank you!!

  2111. Rachel Thelen on

    My all time favorite flower are peonies! I also really enjoy dahlias, zinnias and hydrangeas. I love your book so much! So many helpful tips and inspiration!

  2112. Megan on

    Happy Anniversary! My all-time favorite flower is baby’s breath…simple, delicate and can be used in so many beautiful ways.

  2113. Catherine Saunders on

    Congratulations on your book-iversary, and thank you for standing so steadfastly beside all of us as we begin to bring beauty from the soil. Of all the flowers in the garden I’m most enchanted by big, blowsy, fragrant full-petalled roses, especially the golden yellows and burnished bronzes.

  2114. Ashley Sorrondeguy on

    Congrats on your anniversary! What a special time for you. My all time favorite flower is the ranunculus I had a hard time choosing between that or the dahlia. I love the layers and layers of petals it reminds me of puff pastries ?

  2115. Hannah Smothers on

    I live in Ireland and saw your book in my favorite book shop the other day! I received the book as a gift for Christmas so was really happy to see it on the shelf here! My favorite flowers are sunflowers.

  2116. Anne Kurek on

    What a beautiful looking book! My favorite flower I’ve been told is actually a weed, it’s a daisy. I even had them in my wedding bouquet! Also in my headpiece! Good Luck to all that enter.

  2117. Cristi on

    Congratulations to the Floret Team! Like Suess, you all create a wonderful world of flowers and of growing beautiful things that we all want to be a part of and create our own small little portion of that world in our own spaces! It seems to me that all flowers have their own beauty, grace and personality. My favorite is probably peonies. They connect me to my grandmother and mother while being wonderful big, luscious, colorful, graceful, bold, unapologetic and a little wild and messy! Thank you for bringing us all Floret!

  2118. Ramona on

    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

    Sweetpea and Ranunculus are tied for second place. Both of which I have purchased from Floret. Thank you for the knowledge and seeds!

  2119. Jayde Meng on

    Congratulations, Erin!! I’m so happy for your success- you’re truly an inspiration to everyone. You were the one who motivated me to start growing my own cut flowers! My favorite flower is a dahlia- especially the ones that are purple at the tips but yellow on the inside. I also love sweat peas- they’re so pretty and flowy.

  2120. Kari P on

    Congrats on your year anniversary! What an inspiration your book has been to so many, including myself! Peonies are my all-time favourite, though I have a growing soft spot for Icelandic poppies.

  2121. Jane on

    My most favorite flowers are sweet peas, for their wonderful scent and delicate beauty (and all of the amazing colors!). Love them!!!
    Thank you and team Floret for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm of flowers with the world!

  2122. J on

    Flowers are so incredible-awe and wonder! So many textures and fragrances-shapes and hidden mystery! I’m constantly amazed as I notice the dazzling array of local gardens beauty! Ranunculus is so gorgeous! Full of grace and beauty!

  2123. Natasha Wilson on

    Congratulations! I dream of visiting your farm in the future; in the meantime, you’ve inspired me to begin growing flowers of my own this season, including dahlias, my personal favorite!! Thank you!

  2124. Autumn on

    I have loved following your Instagram. It’s a daily joy to see the blooms and your beautifully crafted seed packets. You have inspired my growth in growing cut flowers and hope to grow even more this year. My all time favorite is the lily but zinnias are my favorite to grow.

  2125. Earlene Beckes on

    Love what you are doing! Love all flowers, hard to choose a favorite. Zinnas and roses bring back special memories of my mother (a Californian who did everyghing she could to raise rhododendrons in the Sacramsnto Valley)! I love double Tulips as they remind me of my all time favorite: The Peony! Keep up the great work making the world beautiful.

  2126. Mary on

    What a milestone – congratulations! I’ve followed along for a while and have dreamed of the bulbs and seeds I’d purchase. Now that we own our first home, I’m looking forward to planning some garden spaces!

    My favorite flower has always been tulips. I love how straightly they stand and the vibrancy they bring to springtime!

  2127. Georgia A Monroe on

    The rose will always be my favorite followed very closely by daffodils, sunflowers, dahlias, delphiniums, and columbines!

  2128. Beth on

    Hi Erin,
    I received a copy of your book for Christmas, and I probably had it read in about three days. It gave a lot of much needed information on what I needed to know before the growing season, and little tips and things that I will remember to do in the middle of the year when I don’t have as much time to read. Thank you for sharing all of this hard won information with the rest of us! My favorite flower is ranunculus, but I can’t really pick because I always end up saying something like “And this is another one of my favorites because…”
    Anyways, I really appreciate your book, and congratulations!
    Thanks again,
    Beth Brill

  2129. Madalyn Parsch on

    Congratulations! So blessed to be a part of the online workshop this year :) Thank you for sharing all the knowledge you have gained through the years and for being such a positive inspiration! I quit my job in January to pursue flower farming after years of doubting myself and if it could even work, it’s already working better than I ever dreamed <3

  2130. Sammy Burke on

    Lilies are my all time favourite flower, and after spending all winter looking outside at the cold, grey sky- reading Cut Flower Garden and drinking tea, and dreaming, my lilies have just started to appear from thawing earth…

  2131. Carol Whitman on

    My favorite flowers are lilacs. They lined the drive at the house where I grew up. Short blooming season, but so worth it.

    Congratulations on your anniversary. The entryway at my house has been turned into a seed starting area. I’ve got two tents covering ranunculus and anemone (and the anemone are blooming!) I’ve taken over the side yard and put down landscape cloth. I’m going to squeeze in plants all over the garden. This was all inspired by your book. Need some ideas for shade lovers too. So far have got columbine and Japanese anemone in that category.

  2132. Rebecca Peterson on

    I just started some seed from you today. I’m so excited to see what spring will bring. My birthday is on the 18th, last year I dropped a few hints that this would be a great present. Maybe this year I will just have to buy it as a present to myself. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for brightening my world.

  2133. Elsa Walker on

    Congratulations! What an exciting endeavor. My favorite flower right now is a white anemone… or white Icelandic poppy. It’s hard to choose just one.

  2134. Rebekah on

    Cut Flower Garden was one of my favorite purchases this year- it helped me get through a gloomy winter while dreaming of my upcoming garden this year! Dahlias have always been my favorite flower and I love adding new varieties to my garden each year.

  2135. Janell Hale on

    Hard to pick one flower but I do love snapdragons.

  2136. Katie Jones on

    I absolutely love anemones! Peonies and poppies also have my heart. I could really just list hundreds of flowers….I cannot wait for all my bulbs to come up in the spring and to get started with my new floret seeds!

  2137. Jayde Meng on

    Congratulations, Erin!! I’m so happy for your success- you’re truly an inspiration to everyone. You were the one who motivated me to start growing my own cut flowers! My favorite flower is a dahlia- especially the ones that are purple at the tips but yellow on the inside.

  2138. Brandie on

    Sunflower, from this native Kansan! Congratulations on you hard-earned success!!!

  2139. Cindy Nelsen on

    My new favorite is Love In a Mist and it’s all due to you! I ordered dahlia tubers last year and there were some seed packets included as treats. One of those packets was Love In a Mist seeds and they were the most fabulous flowers ever — so unique! Even the seed pods that develop are gorgeous. Thank you.

  2140. Mollie Yoder on

    I first heard about your book at my wedding consultation with a local florist in Colorado (Veldkamp’s). I’m excited to start my Iceland Poppies this week and can’t wait to get my copy of Cut Flower Garden! My all time favorite flower is a simple daisy, although I love a wide variety of flowers and have many close second favorites.

  2141. Rachel Ronnan on

    My ultimate favorite flower in my cutting garden is Zinnias. Desert sunset mix slays every year. Minimum effort, maximum beauty! Looking after two little ones leaves little time for gardening but I can always count on Zinnias to fill my house in the summer time.

  2142. Elyce Peterson Cripps on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Gosh, I have so many favorites. A few of mine are poppies, dahlias (my father loved them) and daylilies!! Who am I kidding, I love all plants. Wishing you continued success and happiness!!

  2143. Beth on

    The peony! They smell heavenly, are drop-dead gorgeous and their growing season is so short that I have to force myself to slow down and appreciate every moment they bloom.

  2144. Heather Batey on

    Congratulations on your successes and the anniversary! I love all kinds of flowers, so it’s very hard to choose a favorite. Probably lovely old fashion peonies for their heavenly scent, with our perennial southern favorite, hydrangeas, coming in a close second. I am a huge fan of anything scented, including stargazer lilies, but with two curious cats at home that like to explore and often munch on my cut flower arrangements, I’ve had to give up on being able to bring those inside.

  2145. Allie on

    Thank you, Erin and Floret Farm! You are all so inspiring. Finding and following you has been a bright spot in the past year.

    My very favorite flowers are peonies.

    Sending congratulations from Vermont.

  2146. Sarah on

    My all time favorite flower has to be the Sweet Pea, nothing makes me as happy!

  2147. Nakita Hemingway on

    Congratulations on your book’s anniversary! My all-time favorite flower is Calla Lily! P.S. This was the first book I bought (as a beginning flower farmer) and I refer to it daily.

  2148. Joy Nudd on

    Congratulations to one of the most kind and beautiful teams out there. Without going into detail, you and your team’s gesture is one I’ll remember forever. My favorite flower is ranunculus but since getting your book last year and starting my first cutting garden this year, it might change to dahlias. Or cosmos. Or zinnias. Or poppies. I will be getting another copy of your book to give to my daughters for when they are older since they are helping me with the garden. I’m so happy for all the wonderful things happening for you! And thankful for you all for sharing your flower world to us. Much love!

  2149. Katie on

    Such a wonderful book! So happy for you all! I’m now a inspired flower farmer. And my all time favorite is actually Queen Anne’s lace. We have a field of it growing wild and it’s just so beautiful. And your varieties are even better!

  2150. Jayde on

    Congratulations, Erin!! I’m so happy for your success- you’re truly an inspiration to everyone. You were the one who motivated me to start growing my own cut flowers! My favorite flower is a dahlia- especially the ones that are purple at the tips but yellow on the inside.

  2151. Brianna on

    My copy has survived it’s first season but not without some dirt, water damage, chicken poop and slug guts-time for a new copy! Favorite flower use to be peonies but now the hard working dahlia has taken the leader spot. Please keep inspiring us.

  2152. Georgia A Monroe on

    So wonderful! Happy anniversary! The rose is my all time favorite but I sure do have a close top 10 that includes dalhias, sunflowers, hellobores, and daffodils!

  2153. Rebecca Thorpe on

    What an accomplishment. I first saw you at the American Made Martha Stewart retreat and was captivated then. Now I am just blown away by what you have done in such a short time.
    Congratulations and keep growing (in all aspects)! I love flowers so much that to pick one is too heartbreaking to do. However, I would have to go with ranunculus because they look like a ballerina’s tutu.

  2154. Kathleen Garza on

    My all time favorite would be Dahlias!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary , Looking forward to many more years of celebrating and thank you for making such a wonderful, knowledgeable and visually beautiful book!

  2155. LYNN Q on

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Your book has a permanent place on my coffee table. I just love it! My favorite flowers are roses but I also love dahlias. I can’t wait to receive yours this year. :)

  2156. Courtney on

    My favorite would be the dahlia, because it is the first “special” flower I attempted to grow (with success) after buying your book last year. It is now my “reach for the stars” dream to have my own flower farm, so thank you for awakening my green thumb!

  2157. Sam Wallace on

    As a small floral grower I love all the information ( success & fail) you post on your many outlets! I would love to win your book and Free Seeds!!! Congrats on your one year success of your book and I look forward to another great harvest of knowledge and beautiful florals posted by you! Thank you for the opportunity and bountiful harvests ahead.

  2158. Dessica L Albertson on

    I love Dahlias, all of them, all colors and all shapes and sizes. Congratulations on your anniversary!!

  2159. Maré LeMay on

    Thank you so much for all the information that you provide. I purchased your book soon after it was released and it goes everywhere with me. I have read it over and over.
    You gave me the confidence to start my own business (Mindful Gardens) and I had a successful first year also.

  2160. Jeannine on

    Many Congratulations on the anniversary of your book and on all of the amazing achievements you, your family and staff have made. What an wonderful success story. It’s been lovely to be able to follow along on your journey.

    My favorite flower, oh my, that’s a tough one! If forced to choose one, I would have to say the lilac! I adore scattering bouquets of them all over the house. Big showy ones down to a single stem in the smallest bottle, next to my bed. The scent transports me to my childhood home every spring! Best of all, though, it was your blog post https://www.floretflowers.com/2014/05/stolen-lilacs-always-smell-best/ that lead me to your wonderful world! All the best!

  2161. Hannah on

    My all time favorite is peonies! Love your work!

  2162. Amanda on

    My all time favorite flower is the new to me Love in a Mist. I recently purchased these seeds from your shop and I’m anxiously awaiting the first bunch to out in my home! I can’t believe I never knew about thwsw before!

  2163. Alexa on

    Oh! That is just such a hard decision, but I delight in thinking about what flower I love the most. I think peonies… soft petals and heavenly smell. mmmmmm….. spring it almost here!

  2164. Valerie Smith on

    I love your book. My husband bought me a copy, which I’ve loaned to my mom & I might not get it back! ;) I also just received my first ever Floret Seeds order. Can’t wait to grow some beautiful Peach Zinderalla Zinnias. I’m a sweet pea girl at heart though. They’ll always be my favorites.

  2165. Julie on

    Oh heck yes!! I just got my Cut Flower book a few weeks ago. Love!!!!

    You mean I have to pick just ONE???? Sigh. Well sweet peas. Or peonies.


  2166. Alexis Sheffield on

    Woo hoo!!!!!! Congratulations and hoping to see a feature in the next book on my all time favorites…gladiolus!

  2167. Helen Sebelius on

    LISIANTHUS. It seems that the harder a flower is to start the more I like them. Funny thing that is, but oh so true.
    Your generosity and wealth of knowledge are fabulous, and thank you for the work you do!

  2168. Molly Grace on

    Ooo, I just love following along with you all. So inspiring! I hope to have my cut flower garden some day soon full of my absolute favorite, Ranunculus.

    XO :)

  2169. Priya on

    I LOVE scabiosa in bloom and in pod form. I especially love everything that looks like it would fit in a Dr. Suess book :)

  2170. Kelly Holt on

    I love poppies! This is the first spring in my new house so I’m excited to have my first cut flower garden full of poppies and zinnias from Floret! I can’t wait to see them blooming!! Thank you for such amazing seed varieties!

  2171. Laura Knott on

    I love the simplicity of Black Eyed Susans! Congrats! Much deserved!

  2172. Adrienne on

    Tulips are my absolute favorite! I went to college in the Pacific Northwest and loved seeing them scattered in yards and sidewalks. One of my favorite memories was going to the Wooden Shoe farm in Oregon and just being surrounded by thousands of tulips! Someday I’ll fly to the Netherlands and frolic in the tulip fields, but for now, I’ll just day dream and appreciate your beautiful flower posts on Instagram.

  2173. Kate on

    Congratulations! My all-time favorite flowers are ranunculas.

  2174. Molly on

    My favorites (if I have to chose) would be foxgloves and peonies. Congratulations on the success of the book!

  2175. Heather Deterding on

    I just started some Floret lace flower seeds in my indoor trays this afternoon!! I can’t wait for them to bloom. My favorite flower are lilacs. I have a bush that was part of my grandmother’s garden and I think of her every April when they bloom.

  2176. Ellie McAllister on

    I absolutely ADORE this book! It’s my coffee table book in the hopes that guests will ask about it.
    I just can’t seem to get enough magnolias in my life these days! Where I grew up in Houston, the spring blooms would be the size of your face, and the smell is what I imagine heaven must smell like!

  2177. Hannah Watson on

    Your book became the inspiration I needed to start a new career. For that I’ll be forever grateful.
    I can’t wait to see what’s next for Floret!

  2178. Chelsea on

    My favorites are beautiful tulips and daffodils to welcome Spring!

  2179. Tammy Carnahan on

    Congratulations!! I know you have worked so hard and it’s paid off. Thanks to YOU – your willingness to share your tips and encouragement I am hoping to launch – Blessings in Bloom this Spring/Summer; It’s hard to pick a favorite flower, as you say, but I love Stock – the many colors and fragrance!

  2180. Susan on

    First, thank you for all the joy, hope, and inspiration you have brought into my life via Floret. You have given me the confidence to dream my own floral dreams. My favorite flower is ranunculus. I am dazzled by her charms! (May all the goodness you put into the world come back to you in spades!)

  2181. Kerri on

    Big congratulations Team Floret and Happy Anniversary! I’ve learned so much about growing and harvesting flowers through your book and can’t wait to put it into action as we bought our first home this past summer!

    All-time favorite flower: tulip! The bulbs I planted late fall are starting to peak through and it makes me giddy every time I see them!

  2182. Georgina on

    My favourite flower is the apple blossom dahlia :)

  2183. Emily on

    All time favorite- carnations- the kind that smell like cloves

  2184. Annie on

    Congrats! I love zinnias- they are so bright and cheerful.

  2185. nectarisle on

    Hooray!! Bringing more beauty into this world?! What a wonderful reason to celebrate! My favorite flower is the glorious Tulip… expressive bendy stems that continue to grow once cut, incredible petals opening a little more each day, inspiration for painters over the centuries… give me tulips (the bigger and more parrot-y the better.)

  2186. Jeanene Light on

    Congratulations! It’s almost flower season again, and this year, you won’t have to stay inside and work on the book. Love the book, btw!


  2187. Lisa on

    Your book has so inspired me and I can’t wait to start my seedlings in door in the next few weeks. My favorite flower is the Dahlia! I love using them in bouquets with my herbs and giving to friends. It’s one of my favorite things to give!

  2188. Liz Walker on

    Cut Flower Garden turned me into a hobby flower gardener! I am still learning how to grow beautiful flowers for my home and for my friends, and am making (and learning from) many mistakes along the way. But Erin’s beautiful book keeps inspiring me, while providing specific steps on how to grow blooms. Thank you!!

  2189. Anna Duffy on

    I have recently purchased a few orders of seed from Floret Farm and I am looking forward to growing them in my garden! It is so hard to choose just one favorite flower, but I think Lilacs are definitely up there in the favorite category for me – I love the scent and how it reminds me of my childhood!

  2190. Brittany Layman on

    Good Afternoon! As I wait for a dusting of snow (I am in Maine so a dusting is >12 inches) I will share my all time favorite flower is the peony. Yes, it is always gorgeous right before a heavy rain and yes, it smell delicious when you bury your face in the pedals…but it is my favorite flower because it reminds me of my beloved mother in-law who passed away 13 years ago. Every time my daughters brush against the flowers and petals shower down, I think of her as they are the plants from her homestead. My girls never met their grandmother but they have grown up with her plants and love her dearly.

  2191. Linda Osman on

    Choosing my favorite flower is almost like choosing which of my children I love the most… an impossible task! However, if I had to choose (a flower, not a child) I would say Lilly of the Valley. As for the children… well, I once heard that a good mother makes each child feel as if they were her favorite. Not winning “Mother of the Year” any time soon- but I am trying my best. Congrats on all of your success.

  2192. Aleah Larson on

    My all time favorite flower? Anything from Floret farms! :)

    In all seriousness I think poppy’s are my favorite..so beautiful and whimsical!

  2193. Marie on

    So tough to choose just one! I’m really loving peonies right now and I finally have a yard where I can try to grow my own. So exciting!

  2194. Kate Sullivan on

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your book! I have turned to time & time again as I now plant a cutting garden in the backyard of my newly purchased house. My favorite flower is the rose (I have ordered dozens of bare roots for my new garden!)… followed by ranunculus (those paper-thin petals!) … and snapdragons… I can’t seem to stop ordering seeds from Floret!

  2195. Ariana on

    I love this book so much. My all time favorite flowers are Icelandic Poppies!

  2196. Tiffany on

    My all time favorite flower is honeysuckle! Not sure if that really counts, but I used to love eating the nectar as a kid off the wild honeysuckle bushes that grew on a hillside near my home. I love the book, it has complemented my desire to fill my life with beauty this year and beyond!

  2197. Megan Mailhot on

    Absolutely LOVE scabiosa! Such beautiful colors and quirky, wiry stems. I’ve really enjoyed the book, thanks so much, Erin and Team.

  2198. Sarah O on

    Your flowers are gorgeous!! I love zinnias & tulips! Can’t wait to plant mine :)

  2199. Doreen on

    I love the first blossoms of Spring, but if I had to pick just one flower, I’d choose Hollyhocks!

  2200. Cambry Slight on

    I love this so much! I am so happy for your successes and learning and growth and your willingness to share it with the world. My favorite flower is a sunflower!

  2201. Emily on

    Your love of flowers is contagious. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. To date, my favorite flower is Linda’s Baby Dahlia.

  2202. Courtney on

    I think my favorite has to be the dahlia, just because it is the first “special” flower I attempted to grow (with success) after buying your book last year. It is now my “reach for the stars” dream to have my own flower farm!

  2203. Stephanie Lindemann on

    Thank you for making the effort to write Cut Flower Garden. It is a wonderful resource and I am very picky about my books. Peonies are a luxury in my book. I especially love fragrant varieties.

  2204. Adrienne on

    My all time favorite flowers are tulips! I went to school in the pacific northwest and I loved seeing them in yards/in random sidewalks and at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. One of these days I’ll fly out to the Netherlands and be surrounded by them. For now I’ll just day dream and appreciate your beautiful flower posts on instagram!

  2205. Charity on

    Tough call, but just a simple Shasta Daisy is my favorite, or whatever daisies grow along the roads in the summer. My great grandma used to have a garden of just daisies, and seeing them remind me of her even though she is now gone. ♥️

  2206. Kimberly on

    Your book and your story are so inspiring! They have truly brought joy into my life and reminded me of something I once loved to do, but had put aside because life got in the way. Thank you for reminding me of how much fun it can be to watch something grow from just a tiny seed. Dahlia’s are my favorite flower and I can not wait to receive my tubers from you soon!

  2207. Lisa on

    I love flowers that have a high petal count – dahlia, ranunculus, zinnia.

  2208. Marie on

    Congratulations! I am a newbie at growing flowers, and Floret has been my inspiration. I cannot explain the joy that growing these beautiful flowers has brought me. My all time favorites are Tulips :) Thanks for all you do!

  2209. Anna Varga on

    Thank you so much for sharing what you do with the world! Your flowers are magic.

    It’s hard to pick a favorite flower but dahlias were my wedding flower!

    Congrats on all your successes!

  2210. Michelle on

    Congratulations! I can’t believe it was a year ago already- I remember waiting anxiously for UPS man to arrive. I have 2 favorites that I love equally. Daffodil for my daughter born in March, and dahlia for my son born in August. Every year when they start peeking our of the ground i remember how excited I was waiting for them to come – just like waiting for the flowers to bloom and then reflecting on each year as they grow.

  2211. Maren on

    Congrats! My favorite flower would be any type of poppy.

  2212. Nicole Welander on

    Thank you so much for all the help you have given us beginning gardeners! Through your blog and how to grow sections it has been super beneficial and has helped me with successful flower gardens the last couple of years! I would have to say my current favorite flower is a dahlia. Even though I lost a whole bunch of tubers through storage this year in the Pacific Northwest climate, I was able to purchase a bunch from you before they sold out! Looking forward to a beautiful garden this summer!

  2213. Emma on

    Zinnias are my all time favorite flower. They just make me smile!

  2214. Amy Greer Cruce on

    We have old native azaleas growing along the creek at my parent’s farm…most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, every spring!!!!

  2215. Sarah Dolan on

    Hands down, my all time favorite flower would be the dahlia………just don’t ask me to narrow down the variety!

  2216. Blair on

    I just wanted to say how happy I am for you and how much I adore Floret! Thank you for making the world a more beautiful place!

  2217. CJ on

    Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! I’m going to say my favorite flower is sweet pea, only because I ordered your seed packets for the first time and am SO excited to see how I do and hope they look as beautiful as in your book. Second fav would be dahlias!

  2218. Charlotte Pemberton on

    Congratulations! I love the book and refer to it all the time. It also inspired me to take your workshop and my field is now tilled, the grow room set up with seedlings emerging and the tunnel house is on its way…roll on spring! I haven’t been this excited (and a wee bit scared) in years!
    My favorite flower…well that would be anything with a wonderful scent – mostly sweet peas and freesia a close second.

  2219. Roberta on

    Congratulations, Floret Farm, on your one-year anniversary! My favorite flower is the dahlia. I am so excited to plant my first dahlia tubers from YOU this season!

  2220. Jean Clark on

    My favorite flower would be the Zinnia. An old fashioned flower still relevant in today’s gardens and designs through the many shapes, forms and colors that are now available.

  2221. Laina Zimmerman on

    Your book has been such an inspiration for me! Garden roses are some of my favorite!

  2222. Lyn on

    You inspire me! Asking me to pick a favorite is like picking a favorite child. Peonies are my favorite cut flower, but lavender holds a special place in my heart.

  2223. Annmarie on

    Congratulations- and thank you for spreading so much beauty in the world! My all-time favorite flower is sunflower…but my full list of favorites is really too long to put here!

  2224. Lisa devol on

    It’s so very hard to choose just one favorite flower! I think if I had to narrow t down it one it would be ranunculus. They’re absolutely beautiful.

  2225. Chelsea on

    Hands down zinnias. I’ve grown them since childhood! They are little workhorses, tough, always cheerful, come in a million colors now. I did my whole wedding in zinnias last year!

  2226. Barrett on

    Congrats on your anniversary!!! My favorite would have to be sunflowers!

  2227. Summer Fritz on

    Congrats!! I love the book and constantly use it as a resource. Peonies will always have my heart.

  2228. Susan Kelly on

    Happy Anniversary Erin and Team! My favorite flower is Tuberose and I just saw a new pink variety yesterday <3

  2229. Kelly G on

    Happy Anniversary! Tulips are my favorite, at least today it is!

  2230. Ada on

    Lilacs :) Lupines are a close second!

  2231. Erin on

    Yay flowers!!! My favorite flower changes all the time, but right now I am excited about lemonade cosmos!!

  2232. Christy on

    CONGRATULATIONS! You journey is one that resonates and inspires so many. May your week be filled with nothing but joy.

    Ps. My favorite flower is the little muscari.

  2233. Tracy Park on

    Congrats Erin, so proud of you and all you do for us! keep doing you!! my fav flower is a lady slipper orchid. Just love that thing sooo much.
    Best, Tracy/ Park Place Design

  2234. Tonia Hoffman on

    Love, love, love Floret! So inspired by your work! Just ordered my seeds for the upcoming season-can’t wait to receive them! My all time favorite would have to be any type of Peony-there’s not much lovlier!

    • Jeannine on

      Congratulations Erin on reaping all the joy and beauty you sow! This will be my fourth year working at a wonderful garden center/nursery here in Maine. Among many other things, I take care of the perennials, which brings me so much pleasure. Two years ago the owner began incorporating a cut flowers as part of the business, and took my suggestion of setting it up like a CSA. She has your beautiful book, which has been inspirational . We plan to expand our offerings this year and the season is about to begin ( after the next N’oreaster!) and I look forward to being surrounded every day with the amazing colors and scents and butterflies that the season brings..
      So difficult to choose a favorite, but peonies come out on top, with dahlias and lilacs not far behind. I have to give a shout-out to the scabiosas, which literally bloom from May through October if kept cut!
      Thank you for the beauty you add to this world, and for your generous spirit.

  2235. Bailey Lindgren on

    You reap what you sow, Team Floret! Dahlias are at the top of my list, with peonies a close second!

  2236. Page C on

    Difficult to pick one favorite but the southerner in me never gets tired of sweet, delicate, gardenias!

  2237. Shayla Ambrose on

    Picking a favourite flower is tough but I really do love Ranunculus. They are stunning!

  2238. Hannah Watson on

    Your book became the inspiration for my new career. For that I am forever grateful. Keep up the good work!

  2239. Jennifer Haupt on

    First of all, the book is amazing. I love it and gave it to my gardening family members for Christmas. I love Dahlias – as the rest of the garden starts to wind down here in the New England these keep going and going. Can’t wait for my tubers to come this year.

  2240. Katie on

    Colorado mix yarrow!

  2241. DeeAnne Howe on

    I love old David Austin roses and your amazing sweetpeas!

  2242. April on

    Happy bookiversary and thank you for your generosity with sharing so much good knowledge, encouragement and inspiration. ♡ My favorite is a tie between cosmos and lilacs – so much nostalgia with both.

  2243. Nicole Schmidt on

    My favorite flower is the beautiful Peony :) Your book has been such an inspiration and great help to start growing cut flowers. I share the flowers with my neighbors to brighten everyone’s day! I love your book!

  2244. Terry on

    thanks for all you’ve done for the local flower movement. I enjoy the blog and the inspiration! My favorite flower is a toss up between peonies as they are the first to bloom on my farm and zinnias with their colors that last into early fall. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary.

  2245. Stacey Tannheimer on

    I love your book and am excited for some of your recommendations to bloom soon! My favorites are peonies!

  2246. Amanda Novak on

    My favorite flower of all time are Ranunculus – any color but especially the pale pink with the green center. Congrats!!!!

  2247. Natalie on

    Congrats on the one year anniversary! I remember coming across some photos of the farm on Pinterest before the book was even on pre-order and falling in love with the story. As soon as a heard a book was coming out, I preordered a copy for myself and my mom. This summer we are planting a mother-daughter garden thanks to your book and many seeds from the shop. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Floret!

  2248. Leah on

    Sweet peas now and forever! Thank you and warmest congratulations x

  2249. April on

    Congratulations on one year! This is such an exciting giveaway, I would love to win! My favorite all-time flower, honestly, is the lovely old-fashioned hollyhock.

  2250. Don Morris on

    Congratulations! I’m using your book as a guide as I plan to grow some of the flowers needed for my daughter’s wedding this September.
    Dahlias are my favorite right now.

  2251. April on

    Happy bookiversary and thank you for your generosity with sharing so much good knowledge, encouragement and inspiration. ♡

  2252. Tia Stockton on

    All time fav has to be a perfect double lisianthus!

  2253. Jennifer on

    Happy Anniversary! Such a wonderful book! My favorite all-time flower was a climbing rose at my Grandma’s house called Seven Sisters.

  2254. Natasha on

    Congratulations Erin! Thank you for the endless inspiration! My favourite flowers are sweet peas.

  2255. Kerry Langel on

    Your book inspired me to take my love of flowers and turn it into a flourishing garden – LOVE your passion and I’m thrilled that you are local!
    My favorite flower is between the Camellia and Sweet Peas.

  2256. Susan Lewis on

    Congratulations, Team Floret!
    You are inspiring!
    My favourite flower is the peony.

  2257. Natasha on

    Congratulations Erin! Thank you so much for the endless inspiration! My favourite flowers are sweet peas ?

  2258. Maya Kosok on

    Ranunculus has been a solid favorite for a couple years now!

  2259. Francesca D'A. on

    Congrats Erin, you absolutely deserve all the success the book is getting! I just finished reading it yesterday and loved it. If I really have to pick one, my favourite flower would be camellias!

  2260. Maribeth on

    As each flower appears for the season, that flower is my favorite! If I have to pick a favorite flower, it has to be any kind of poppy. I love them for their long bloom time and they are so forgiving.

    Congratulations on the anniversary. Your book has kept me going through the long winter with its wonderful pictures and information.

    • Isabel Cruz on

      Congrats!!! What a year you have had! My favorite flower is the anemone, specifically the French Anemone.

  2261. Lynn on

    Wow, you’re SO generous Erin!! My all time favorite flower is the rose – so addictive, with dahlias a close second?

  2262. Beth on

    Congratulations on your year anniversary! I am so blessed by your dedication and sacrifice to give the gift of your knowledge and experience. Your detailed instructions have given me the confidence to start my firat crop this year. I bought your e-book and have already recommended it to others interested in growing cut flowers.
    My favorite flower is a rose. (I feel quite boring saying that out loud, but I love them)

    • Beverly on

      I love poppies. I work as an floral assistant at a grocery store and we get a couple of outside plants and the first time I saw a poppy I fell in love. Then I discovered you had poppies and waited a whole year to get my hands on your seeds. Literally as soon as the seeds because available this year I bought them and I already have sprouts!! Thanks!!

    • Carole Veilleux on

      Bravissima !already one year of flower power that has been international!!! way to go !!!Miracles of life spreading around the globe, so much greatness ! I already have the book but looking to “pass on “the passion of flowers to one of my kinders so they may see the same light of love seeds to share!My favorite flower is PEONIES although any bouquet inspired by so much passion is really my thing because differences, textures, colors make quite a nice bunch and remembers me it’s a bit like us all getting together in this world !Much gratitude to your generosity and your heart beating story !

  2263. PlantLady on

    Heartfelt congratulations!
    No possible way I could choose “one” favorite flower – I love them all!
    Just starting to live my dream, selling flowers (and fancy vegetables). Spent 6 years caring for my bipolar MIL with Alzheimers and my 90+ yr. old grandfather in our home. What an adventure – we call it our 6 yr. Twilight Zone episode (hehe). Rarely could even get outside for 10 minutes at a time, as MIL was helpless and freaked out when I tried to take her outdoors. So after they both passed, I hit the ground with 6 years of pent-up gardening energy. Started selling extra veggies at market occasionally, then moved to a bigger/nicer market, sold every weekend and took some bouquets to dress up my table. People kept buying them…and in the beginning I was sort of upset, because my table looked so boring without them. So each week I would bring a few more and hide some in my car to replace those sold. Next thing I knew bouquets were my second best “crop”, after my super-fancy organic salad mixes! And that was with just what I had growing around the yard and interesting stuff I found back in our forest! Last year I finally realized it WASN’T too good to be true and not just a fluke and started putting in more flowers purposefully for bouquets (rather than just to feed my flower obsession). Wow, life is good!
    I need to thank you for gifting us with SO MUCH valuable information on growing flowers for profit – was truly invaluable to me on this journey to become a “real” flower farmer!

  2264. Rozalyn on

    Thank you for your book! It has inspired me to take the plunge and grow flowers for my florist friend on my “micro” scale – though some days it feels like a much larger scale… Your book and the resources you provide have helped me to do this. My neighborhood also thanks you! The derelict hill now has a purpose! I moved to Southern California from the Pacific Northwest and I desperately miss my red peony, but poppies are currently getting me through it!

  2265. Lori Bochner on

    My favorite flowers: snapdragons and dahlias. Crazy but I also LOVE zinnias even though they are itchy to harvest. Congrats on all the success with the book!

  2266. Julie on

    I love this book and I’m so glad you wrote it! It has ignited a real passion for cut flower gardening and locally grown flowers for me, and I know I’m not alone. :) My favorite flowers are peonies but I’m so excited to grow some sweet peas this year.

  2267. Ali on

    It’s cruel to make us choose just one! Right now I’m most excited about dahlias… all two dozen varieties heading my way this spring.

  2268. Andrea on

    Yes, Congrats Team Floret!

  2269. Cali Walters on

    Lilacs will forever have first place in my heart but man there are a lot of spring beauties close behind them in the line up! So hard to narrow down

  2270. Melinda Steffens on

    Oh gosh! Lilies for sure! But don’t ask me to narrow it down from there; easter, tiger, Asiatic, trumpets….I love them all!

  2271. Kelsey on

    That is such a hard question! I would have to say dahlias, but I really love peonies too.

  2272. Katharins on

    As cheesy as it sounds its the peonie! Can’t get over the smell! So heavenly!


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