Home Blog Curiosity and Creativity: A Feature in Magnolia Journal
May 14th 2018

Curiosity and Creativity: A Feature in Magnolia Journal

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I have been a huge fan of  Magnolia Journal since the inaugural issue. Like every project Chip and Joanna Gaines touches, the magazine is beautifully designed and every detail is thoughtfully and creatively executed. It is, hands down, the best magazine being produced today. Even though I have a subscription, I inevitably buy an extra copy at the supermarket just so I can rip out pages and tack them to my vision board.

I treasure those quiet moments when I am able to curl up on the couch after a long day and read the magazine cover to cover. Flipping through the pages always leaves me inspired and hopeful for our new farmhouse and barn. While “Big Brown,” the late-70’s era split level house that serves as our office and shipping hub, looks and feels very 80’s and the barn is a bit rough around the edges, I have a vision of what it could be someday. And many of those visions have been inspired by Magnolia.

Floret founder Erin Benzakein featured in Magnolia Journal Magazine

Woven throughout the new summer issue are stories about living a life of curiosity and reflect what Joanna Gaines describes as a “deep desire to know.” One of the articles features Floret! The story outlines how my own curiosity has fueled Floret’s work to help other flower lovers “grow gardens, market businesses and tell their own stories.” It is such an honor to have our little flower farm featured among its pages.

After doing numerous interviews over the years, my conversation with Magnolia Journal writer Sarah Wolf was one of the best interview experiences I’ve ever had. Sarah asked thoughtful, original and meaningful questions. I appreciated the fact that they weren’t questions I typically get from most journalists. From the first contact with the magazine, to the final fact checking of the story, the Magnolia team was phenomenal. It definitely made me appreciate and love the magazine that much more.

Erin Benzakein of floret with handful of sweet peas

If you’ve discovered Floret via Magnolia Journal: welcome! I’m so delighted you are here. Be sure to read Our Story, check out the Resources we’ve created to help you grow an abundant cut flower garden and be sure to sign up for our newsletter.

I’ll periodically send you some of my tried-and-true tips for growing great cut flowers, plus you’ll be the first to find out about our upcoming free mini courses and newest products in the Floret Shop. A few times a year we offer limited quantities of specialty items such as tulip bulbs and dahlia tubers. These treasures always sell out fast, so you’ll want to be on the mailing list to learn when we offer them. 

Thanks for joining me on this flower-filled journey! Check out other major media about local flowers including a prime time ABC news feature, plus articles in Romantic Homes, and Elle Decor.  The press is picking up on something I have known for a very long time – that local flowers have an interesting and beautiful story. And the heart of the story is the hardworking flower farmers and seasonally-based floral designers who are cultivating beauty all over the world. What a joy it is to watch the love for local flowers continue to spread far and wide.


  1. Judy Righetti (Schorscher) on

    Bonjour Magda, je suis en Bretagne, on peut echanger si tu veux ! Je cultive des fleurs depuis 5 ans et commence à produire mes propres tubercules de dahlias (à une toute petite échelle pour le moment). Le blog d’Erin m’a beaucoup inspiré!
    Pour mes semences et bulbes j’ai essayé de nombreux distributeurs différents en France, aux Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et même aux USA. Ma page facebook est : “Les fleurs de Keraret”. N’hésite pas à me contacter: [email protected]. J’aimerai bien constituer un réseau local d’autres producteurs ou personnes intéressées par la culture des fleurs. A bientôt j’espère, Judith

    In Summary: Hi Magda, I’ve been growing flowers for 5 years in Brittany, France. I’d love to exchange with you.

  2. Carmen y on

    Beautiful I hope one day I can have a mini farm for adults with special needs . You are very inspirational.

    My best love.
    Carmen Moreno

  3. Christi from Charm & Grace Cottage on

    Well, I popped in here via a link from Twitter and am so glad to have found you. Your blog and website are gorgeous. I just hate that I am all the way across the country from you, as I would love to be able to see all that beauty in person. Congratulations on your magazine feature. I am not a Magnolia subscriber, although I do know about and appreciate Chip and Joanna Gaines for the beauty they bring into the lives of so many. I am a fan of anyone anywhere spreading beauty, charm, and grace.

  4. Magda on

    Bonjour à toute l’équipe.
    Je viens de découvrir votre travail et je suis vite devenue fan. J’habite en Belgique et je ne peux me faire livrer vos produits apparemment. Je recherche des tulipes rares et des pois de senteur anciens dont j’ai pu voir de magnifiques dans votre ferme. Mais également des cosmos dont les couleurs et les formes me font rêver.
    Auriez vous trouvé , lors de vos recherches, des contacts intéressants en Europe afin de pouvoir commander des bulbes et graines en toute confiance ?
    D’avance je vous en remercie.
    J’aimerais me lancer dans une nouvelle page de ma vie, grâce à vous Erin !!!
    Amicalement Magda

  5. Susan Baker on

    I too was introduced to Floret thru Magnolia Journal and soon becoming a follower on Instagram… lovve the beautiful daily posts/videos of your flower farm, sunsets and occasionally there’s a kitty.. three of my favorite things! I rec’d Your new book for Morhers Day and I am Learning and
    L O V V V I N G it.. so beautifully done ! Bravo!! And thank you for making my world a better and more beautiful place??????????

    • Team Floret on

      Hello and welcome Susan!

  6. Kate on

    Yes! I am one of those who has discovered you through magnolia jornal! First joanna was such and inspiration to me an now I have been introduced to you! Upon reading the article, I looked you up and was immediately inspired. I just got your book a few days ago in the mail and my brain has been like a madhouse the last while with all the ideas and inspiration flying around in there! I’ve been planning and planting and I’m so excited for my flower garden!

    • Team Floret on

      Welcome, Kate! We’re so delighted you’re here

  7. Kiran on

    That’s damn good.. Your book is really good, so much inspiration, ideas I have got through it.. I am going to plan about planting now.

  8. Marie on

    Mad about your work..”Bonjour”..I am a French Fan..bravo for your awesome job

  9. Marie Bourget on

    I am a French Fan..”Bravo”..Really love your work..

  10. Amy Wenderoth on

    So happy to see you in the Magnolia Journal as it too is a favorite of mine and I savor each issue.
    I would say that you and that wonderful Gaines family are cut from the same fabric – both lovely! I enjoy going back to your book even if it’s just to see the beautiful pictures again and again. And your blog is joyful as well so thank you!

  11. Amy Wenderoth on

    SO happy for you because I would say that you and that wonderful Gaines family are made from the same lovely fabric! I too want to tell you how much I love your beautiful book and your blog-it always makes me happy to stop and see all your floral beauty! And I agree that the Magnolia Journal is something to savor with each issue.

  12. Andrea Davis on

    How wonderful! You deserve it. Those of us that have been around for years are not surprised! Way to go!

  13. Karyn on

    I was SO excited when I saw your article. My husband and I recently bought and renovated a 1923 home with acreage and you and Joanna have had a huge impact on our design plans so it was so neat seeing you both in one magazine. I graduated from Skagit Valley College so it’s especially neat to see someone local in the Magnolia Journal.

    P.S. I think it’s so great that you wear Xtratufs! We now live in a small fishing town on the coast and it’s our daily footwear down here and it’s so cool seeing the photos in your book!

  14. Marm on

    What a treat to see the article about you in the Magnolia Journal! It made me go through your marvelous book again. Both the Magnolia Journal and your book are inspiring. I’m planting some of your seeds this week.

  15. Kelsey on

    I am a huge fan of the Magnolia Journal too. When I got my latest copy and noticed that Floret was featured in it, I got so excited! My two favorite things, Magnolia and Floret, together, was definitely the highlight of my day.

  16. Jodi on

    This is supper exciting! I have appreciated your other featured articles, but the fact its in the Magnolia, that’s a yummy treat! I will have to chase it down for sure devouring each picture and paragraph as a tasty morsel. thanks so much for caring about flowers and people enough to share your passion and insights to making the world a more beautiful place. Gods abundant blessings to you!

  17. Eliza Cross on

    Erin, I loved the Magnolia article with its emphasis on curiosity and discovery. Your quote inspired me: “Following my curiosity opened up all these doors to a whole different life path.” The charming detail I found especially touching was how early on you visited your library and checked out every book, article and paper you could find on old-fashioned flowers — hitting your library’s 100-book limit. Wishing you continued success, and fun along the way.

    Eliza @ Happy Simple Living

  18. Lisa Steele on

    What a wonderful collaboration! Both you and the Gaines are so inspiring and are bringing so much grace and beauty to this country. I very much appreciate all that you both do. I know that the “pretty” is just the tip of the iceberg there is a lot of hard labor behind the scenes. Congrats on your success Erin!

    Fresh Eggs Daily


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