Home Blog Crabapple inspiration shoot
May 3rd 2013

Crabapple inspiration shoot

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Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane
There are little windows in time, fleeting flashes, that if not fully embraced are lost for another season.

The garden has helped me learn the art of seizing these brief moments of magic like no other teacher. Lily of the valley comes and goes before you’ve had a chance to really soak in its heavenly scent, sweet peas are here for a mere 6 weeks and lilacs, ten days if you’re lucky! Flowering crabapples are even more fleeting.

A few years back I planted a row of the French variety named ‘Everest’ along the driveway. It not only puts on the most sensational show in April but is also loaded down year after year with glowing cherry sized fruit through Christmas. The best part of all? It’s completely disease free. If you need a great landscape tree, this beauty is for you!

In honor of this once yearly floral explosion, my dear friend Georgianna Lane zipped up from the city and photographed all of the beauty for you to enjoy!

The roses were sourced from my favorite grower in Oregon, PeterKort . The rest is all from my garden. How wonderful it is to finally be able to walk out my backdoor and have such bounty to work with!

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

Flowers by Floret Flower Farm, photograph by Georgianna Lane

p.s. If you need a little more beauty in your day, head on over to The Seasonal Bouquet Project and see our newest entries!


  1. Ayantu Bird on

    I love this tree and am trying to find a source to purchase from and cant! Do you have any recommendations?

  2. Krista on

    Such lovely photos!! I’d love note cards or calendars with such photos. You’re so talented.

  3. crazyfloristmanoj on

    Once again another master piece collection from You. Looks so beautiful . Thanks for The Seasonal Bouquet Project link.

  4. Lisa on

    Stunning, stunned!! What a wonderful window into your world of creative insight. So very pleased you share your world.

  5. Anna on

    This is just too beautiful. I am not the girliest of girls, but these flowers and pictures of yours just touch my heart. It looks like something straight out of a fairytale!

  6. Christa on

    So true! Those flowers are so beautiful and so delicate. Beautiful pictures and arrangements. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos. Christa

  7. Julie on

    Wow! Wow! and Wow! Gorgeous! Dont you just love old chairs and tables! They have such charm and they show off the flowers so beautifully!! Congrats girl you have outdone yourself!! Love from Julie in Australia

  8. Alice on

    I’d like to book two seats at this ethereal table please!

  9. Tara McHugh on

    I can’t believe you even have time to whip up a photo shoot! So glad you did, it’s stunning!!!

  10. A Garden of Threads on

    Stunning!!! Love it love it. The arrangements are perfect. You are so talented.

  11. FJ Rouse on

    So fresh and sweet! My day just became brighter! Thanks for a jolt of flower power!

  12. flowers by busy B on

    oh wow! this is truly stunning — the flowers and the photography. my heart literally skipped a beat when i saw this. thanks for sharing the variety too. i’ll have to plant some myself.

  13. Rose on

    Absolutely stunning! :)

  14. erin on

    holy cowparsley! your trees and floral arrangements are just beautiful and georgianna captured them like no one else can! you two make the perfect pairing!

  15. Georgianna on

    Thank you so much for sharing, E, both my photos and your beautiful trees and flowers and joyful company. It was a magical, memorable and very special day! xo

  16. Yvonne on

    Oh my Lord these images are taking my breath away!!! Every time I think I have seen the most beautiful image from Floret you give us another one. Thank you soooo much.xx

  17. Baremtnfarm on

    Wow, absolutely beautiful. Tony says send us some cuttings when the trees go dormant. We are sold on the beauty!!!!

  18. Christin on

    Out of control beautiful. Wow. Magic indeed. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Kathleen Barber on

    That photo shoot is the prettiest I have ever seen. Thank you for the inspiration.

  20. Shelley on

    Crab apple grows wild here in Mass and yesterday I was plotting possible pruning forays as I passed the beautiful blossoms on my way back from a delivery in Wellesley. Of course, I won’t have time to get back that way, but there’s a wild one growing in the yard of the an empty house across the street. They are my favorite flowering tree and yes, they are fleeting. Thank you for this post and these lovely photos.

  21. Belinda on

    Apple blossom is one of my most favourite blooms. These might be my top Floret pictures yet which is saying something! Just breath taking, thank you for creating! X

  22. Miss Pickering on

    The prettiest thing I have seen on the internets for a very long time.

    Even better than all the baby ducks.


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