Home Blog Bring On The Beauty!!
April 5th 2011

Bring On The Beauty!!

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 I love when a new crop begins to bloom in the garden, especially in the spring when our offerings are more limited. The Ranunculus have just started and it was all I could to not to jump up and down squealing as I harvested the first buckets this weekend.

Last year our variety mix was pretty but I chose some colors that were just too bright and strong for the time of year. This season, I think I got the mix just right!

Lots of coral, pastels, picotees and the warm soft tones I adore.


Ranunculus as definitely one of my favorite crops that we grow and I’m so, so happy to have the pleasure of harvesting and sharing them for the next few months!


Someday I am going to do a post of farmer fashion! It seems the busier we get, the more comical our outfits become. Chris has been sporting this dingy, rather hideous apron all week.


Paired with long johns, work boots and cut off cargo shorts it’s hard to not giggle as I sort through photos. I find myself opting for ones that keep him out of focus just to hide the hilarious ensemble.


Too bad because he’s so darn cute ;)



  1. webb on

    Gorgeous flowers! i've ordered some (Jane made me do it!) and hope to have a few in a couple of months – but it will be nothing like that!

  2. Jen of Country Weekend on

    I love ranunculus and saying it and trying to spell it is fun too. Thank you for the flowers–I can never get enough.

  3. Emerson Merrick on

    Do you have any idea how happy your blog makes me? DO YOU????


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