Home Blog Bedtime
November 5th 2010


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After months of waist high vegetation, I can finally see dirt!

Mowing down the perennials.

Folding 80 ft. long pieces of landscape fabric can be tricky in a breeze without help!

In addition to planting a staggering number of bulbs we have also been scrambling to get the garden put to bed before winter. Nature gifted us the most glorious stretch of weather and we used these dry, warm days to our full advantage.
The first thing we had to do was pull out all of the drip irrigation,t-posts, netting and landscaped fabric. This is possibly the most hated job on the farm! I stomp and scowl through the entire process!
After bundling, labeling and boxing all of our supplies we finally bring in the tractor. Ahhh the tractor, how I love it so! Within hours the whole mess has been mowed, tilled and readied for cover crop planting.
It feels so good to finally put the garden to sleep! Going over lawnmower safety one more time.
Hunting for toads, mice and voles before the tractor comes through.

The first of 4 pick-up loads of supplies to be stored for winter.

Pulling dried sweet pea vines off of their netting.

Jasper driving tractor.

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