Home Blog Beauty From The Garden
April 20th 2011

Beauty From The Garden

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Walking through the garden its hard to believe that every ingredient in this bouquet (minus the snowball) was gathered from the property.

To me everything still looks so tiny and asleep.  But with a little digging I found loads of wonderful ingredients to pair with the flowers from our greenhouse.

Snippets of Akebia and Honeysuckle vines, handfuls of glacus Thalictrum foliage, an armload of bush Honeysuckle and fragrant pink Viburnum buds….. pure bliss.









  1. Anne Paterson's Flower on

    Must tell you how happy I have been to find you!! I absolutely adore your blog, your lifestyle and your heart…so refreshing!! And I love the stunning flowers you create with the labour of love from your hands…my stores tag is "Creating Beauty…with our hands and our hearts", you are truly apart of the family!! I would love to come visit you farm sometime…I am green with envy at all the beautiful flowers at your finger tips! Spectacular! Do you sell any of your flowers and vines to the other side of the boarder, at the BC auction. I am in Calgary, AB and would love to be buying from you…send me an email if this is at all a possiblity.

    And Happy Easter!

    Elli Wedel Jespersen, Anne Paterson's Flowers

  2. Floret Flowers on

    Belinda~ Oh, I believe others are starting to catch on but yes it's been a slow rumble for sure. How could you ever go back to leather fern, crappy mums and imported stiff roses. There truly is no comparison. We just have to stay with it and spread the word. I often feel like the pied piper :)
    My motto, "build it and they will come"

  3. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    This bunch of garden gorgeousness just sums up all I am trying to achieve really, I just believe that garden material has a texture and naturalness that sets it apart, I can't help but see it makes for a completely different feel. Hard to put into words, but using those different types of plants, not sold by regular florists, just changes the whole vibe? Am I nuts or do others get it?x

  4. Gill on

    How beautiful. These are my sort of arrangements.

  5. webb on

    Boy, do I need a greenhouse! Won't have anything like that until at least June (and then it won't be as lovely – sigh.) Love your photos.


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