Home Blog b-day goodness
February 12th 2013

b-day goodness

Written by

Floret Flower Farm Aprons

Today is my birthday. I’m turning thirty three. It’s a funny number since physically I feel like twenty three and internally, more like late forties. I adore getting older because each year I find that I’m getting closer to myself, closer to my truth, to my power, to my light. Less of my energy is spent hiding and more of it glowing. Less of my time is spent in fear and more of it leaning into courage and going towards my dreams. The scales are tipping and I finally feel like I’m leaving the cocoon!

In honor of birth and stepping forward into the future, I thought I’d share some of the things that are making my heart sing right now.

  • First off, I’m starting a newsletter!!!
    If you’d like to be on the mailing list, there’s a little sign up box just to the right here on the blog.
  • Secondly, a really sweet interview was featured on Flowerona today. So exciting!
  • Thanks to the lovely Georgianna Lane, there is now a press page on the website! Woohoo! If you want to read the article I wrote for Somerset Life last month, then pop on over here for a peek. Floret-Press
  • Jennie Love from Love n’ Fresh Flowers in Philly flew out last month for a visit. We spent four days huddled in my dining room around the space heater brainstorming, plotting and hatching big flower plans for the future. The first of which is a new joint flower blog called The Seasonal Bouquet Project: two designers, two farms, two coasts + one double dog dare. Our first post will go live on March 5th but if you’d like to hear more about the idea, us or to get the address pre-saved into your reading list, then you can head over there for the scoop!
  • This beautiful photo tour of an Australian rose farm, B & B Flowers, left me holding my breath and totally freaking out with joy. Harvesting armload after armload of fresh roses is the stuff of flower farming dreams!?! A Blooming Lovely
  • I’m a self help, personal growth junkie. I love inspiration and wisdom and am always on the hunt for new sources of insight. Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions is hands down, the best book I’ve ever read on the topic!!! Part sermon, part therapy, and part totally ass kicking… this book will blow you out of the water and into passion driven action towards the life and business of your dreams. I can’t say enough awesome stuff about this book! It changed me in the core.
  • Erin Wallace of Bluebird Baby has been a beacon of light during these dark days of winter. Her soulful writing, big dream chasing, generous sharing and all around beautiful life have left me refilled. I took her photography e-course Eye’s Open this summer and it was amazing!!
  • Lastly, I just ordered a TON of new dahlia varieties from a fabulous grower in Monterey Bay CA, Elkhorn Gardens. Colleen the owner was kind enough to share her time and recommendations with me which amounted to quite a massive order ; ) Goodbye groceries, hello dahlias! This one is particularly exciting!!!


  1. Discount Wedding Flowers on

    The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more contents…Great job, keep it up..

  2. Tammy on

    Oh wow, have just stumbled onto your site. Thank you, it is beautiful and inspiring, and thank you for sharing the incredible link to those amazing roses in Australia! Can’t wait to see your newsletter. :-)

  3. Gretel Adams on

    Happy belated birthday wishes! Hope it was everything you ever wanted it to be. Excited about this upcoming season and the collaboration between you and Jennie. You guys are both such awesome ladies, I can’t wait! Thanks for all you do!

  4. kate on

    YES YES YES! it just gets better right?! Happy birthday Erin.
    my eyes practically popped out of my head when I visited the elkhorn website. OMG!!!! that’s just insanity.

  5. Megan on

    Thanks for recommending the Fire Starter Sessions! This book is truly re-framing my vision for the farm and my life!

  6. Megan on

    Hope you enjoyed your birthday! Thanks for recommending the Fire Starter Sessions! This book is truly re-framing my vision for the farm and my life!

  7. Lauren on

    Happy birthday! What an inspirational post. I know that I will come back to it and read it again sometime. It really made my heart happy, and remember to take stock of what is making me joyful right now.

    All the best to you in your 33rd year

  8. Christin on

    Happy Birthday! Admiring your personal growth and success (and flowers!!) from Texas. I have heard a bit of buzz about Danielle LaPorte’s book, will definitely check it out after hearing your recommendation. Best wishes for the year ahead!

  9. Cheryl on

    I’m new to your blog, but I find it serendipitous that I arrived on your birthday post. Happy Birthday. I made my way here via your lovely article in Somerset Life. I turned 45 in January, and I know just what you mean about “getting closer to myself, closer to my truth.” Feeling right in your own skin is a good feeling indeed.

    I look forward to your collaborative blog. My friend Jessica and I have been collaborating on one since August. It’s called Call and Response, and it’s been a great vehicle for growth as an artist. I’d love for you to visit, and you can do so here:

    Your penchant for self-help/personal growth interests me, and I have a couple of book recommendations. You may have read the first, Linchpin: Are You Indispensible by Seth Godin and (perhaps surprisingly) Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes, a book about more than drawing.

    I look forward to more visits, especially as the growing season kicks into high gear. Your husband’s photos are beautiful, and it sounds like we’ll be seeing more of yours.

  10. kelly on

    Happy Birthday, Erin! I love Danielle LaPorte. She has me believing that I can do anything…which I can. :)

  11. Angela Gallardo on

    Happy Birthday to you, Erin! Mine was last week, the big 3-0. I love your reflections on aging, I have needed some of that myself recently as I leave the 20’s. I like the idea of the scales tipping, more time being spent reaching for your dreams. You’re an inspiration & I always appreciate your posts!
    P.S. LOVE Danielle LaPorte!

  12. martinandthemagpie on

    happy birthday Erin..we wait with baited breath to see your new adventures..x…

  13. Laura on

    Happy Birthday! and all the good things for you and for what you love and do! I just descovered you and your work and what i’d like to say is that you ‘flourished’ my day! all the best!

  14. Christa on

    Happy Birthday, Erin. You are amazingly talented. I love your website and your blog. Actually, you inspired me to keep a blog myself. I have just subscribed to your newsletter. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you for sharing your talent and your beautiful flowers. Christa

  15. Pamela 'Beehind Thyme' on

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY… from an ole, Kentucky gal!

    I have to admit… I COMPLETELY adore ALL that you do & the talent you bestow upon the world, NOT to mention the BEAUTY!

    I JUST happened upon your blog a few days ago… & have been engulfed ever since!

    MUCH Blessings…

  16. Terri on

    Happy Birthday! and Congratulations! on so many wonderful projects!

  17. Tanis Clifton on

    Happy Birthday to you Ms. Erin!!!! Here’s a pinch for many more to come!

  18. Anouk Dupraz on

    Happy birthday! Hope you will find the home of your dreams, and all the best for the Seasonal Bouquet project !

  19. Kelly (Botanique) on

    Happy Birthday Erin! I think this is going to be an amazing year for you. Many blessings!


  20. wren on

    Happiest Birthday! I love them too! Hope your day is filled with exquisite joy!

  21. Roxy Pruitt on

    Happy Birthday! Always enjoy your pictures and thoughts, thank you for that!

  22. Laetitia de chez Florésie on

    Happy B’Day Erin! And good news for the newsletter and the new blog… looking forward to reading it regularly! :)

  23. Abby Gaddis on

    Happy Birthday Erin! I have 3 almost 4 years on you! I so agree about getting older-Love the aprons-

  24. CamI Mavar-Anacortes on

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN! So very excited for you and your new ventures! Can’t wait! You see such a bundle of great energy… so inspiring!!

  25. Kait on

    It sounds like 33 will be the best year yet, How exciting! Happy Birthday to you!

  26. Janet W on

    Happiest Birthday to you! Even though you are finding your truth, truth is, we are the lucky ones because we get to follow along on your wonderful ride of life. I started my journey much later then you and I’ve always pictured myself as the turtle but you are very inspiring. Who knows with all these good vibes I might chuck the shell and just go for it.

  27. Cynthia on

    Happy 3rd anniversary of your 30th birthday Erin :~}
    Really stoked about yours and Jennie’s collaboration. It will be all the things you two dream it will be.


    Ps. I ordered from Elkhorn for the first time last fall too.. Can’t wait for all my babies to arrive this spring.

  28. Melissa on

    Happy Birthday! Absolutely can’t wait for the Seasonal Bouquet project to start!

  29. Shelley on

    Happy Birthday dear Erin and thanks for all the presents you just gave to us!
    Who gave you all those pretty aprons?

  30. Lynne on

    Happy Birthday Erin…I hope it’s a wonderful day and coming year. :)

  31. Leah on

    Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day!

  32. Sarah-jane down the lane on

    Oh! Happy Birthday to you….I know just what you mean about getting older and more content…happy in your own skin, life is good!

    Sarah -x-


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