Home Blog #AYearInFlowers Week 40
October 6th 2019

#AYearInFlowers Week 40

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I spent most of the weekend harvesting, arranging and photographing as many dahlias as I possibly could for our next book. We’re expecting a hard frost this week so I’m trying my best to soak it all in before the flowers are gone. My friend Nina joined me today and it was such a nice change of pace to just be creative, play with flowers and catch up. She just moved back from Vermont after nine years of being away.

A Year in Flowers

This week’s bouquet includes: crabapples, rosehips, maple foliage and Dahlia ‘Bedhead’, ‘Sierra Glow’, ‘Hy Patti’, ‘Rose Toscano’ and ‘Irish Glow’.

The goal of the #AYearInFlowers project is to highlight and celebrate what’s blooming in gardens across the globe each week. Here on the farm, the temperatures are quickly cooling, but the dahlia field is still in full bloom. I’m soaking in all the beauty as long as possible.

How to participate in #AYearInFlowers

1) Capture. 

Take a photo of flowers that currently are in season in your area, whether it is a fistful of flowers from your backyard or a bouquet from your local farmers market.

2) Post. 

On Instagram, upload your photo and tag it with #AYearInFlowers 

On Facebook, upload your photo as a comment under my weekly post.

3) Share. 

In your photo caption, please share what flowers are featured (if you know them) along with your location. Bonus points for listing your USDA hardiness zone and week number (i.e. #week40flowers) 

Here are a few submissions from this week:

Blooming in Tusket, Nova Scotia:

Blooming in Granville County, North Carolina:

Blooming in Murphys, California:

Blooming in Denmark:

A note about week numbers: week numbers are commonly used in the floriculture industry and are standardized across the years. This is the 40th week of the year.

By using the #week40flowers hashtag on Instagram, you can sort photos by what’s in bloom this week all around the world. In addition, week numbers allow you to compare what’s blooming in your own garden from year to year.

Next week, I’ll be posting my week 41 flowers to social media and also here on the blog along with a selection of other participants’ photos. If you’re participating on Instagram, please add the #week41flowers and #AYearInFlowers hashtags to your caption. Be sure to also include your zone and where you’re located in the caption.

Thanks for playing along!

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