It’s been a crazy couple of weeks around here. So many good things squeezed into each day but I’m finding it pretty hard to stay grounded and clearly focused. Some mornings I just pace around the fields and through the greenhouses, trying to collect myself but instead see another five hundred things that need to be done and start to panic.
Spring, it’s always an emotional roller coaster for me.
But this year, more than ever, we have an amazing team surrounding our little family and flower operation. I’m still adjusting to having such great support since my shtick has always been “I’m going it alone”. When the to-do list spills onto pages two and three, I still think I’m the one who has to tackle every little thing.
But now there is a team of caring and highly capable folks, catching the important things before they fall through the cracks. The kids, self care, plus all of the business details that need attention.
We’ve never had it so good.
But it’s tricky to break old patterns. I still find myself winding up into an anxiety ridden panic, forgetting that there are a dozen hands surrounding me, ready to help. Over the years I’ve trained myself so rigidly to not ask for help, to not be a burden and get it all done “no matter what”.
While Chris and the kids have settled into this new support system, I’m still thrashing around. Trying to learn how to let go and be supported. Last spring it took four months for me to let our office manager take the reigns. Four months! Once I finally let her step in and work her magic, my life was transformed in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
So, here’s to finally letting go and trusting. Trusting others, trusting universal timing, trusting that I’m right where I need to be and most of all, trusting myself.
If you’re battling a similar story, I highly recommend this book. The concept is radically transforming my life, in the best possible way!
Lauren on
Best of luck with your new phase, and YES, Strengthfinder 2.0 is AMAZING!!! I also highly recommend: Transitions by William Bridges…another life changer.