It’s that magical time again, when the Peonies, Garden Roses and Sweet Peas collide for a brief but spectacular show.
I do believe it is my favorite time of all in the garden. So many textures, scents, colors, ingredients…unlimited choices.
By the weekend the heirloom Roses will join in the fun and I will be whirling in every direction trying to capture all of the beauty and get it into the hands of hungry designers and brides. Oh what a wonderful problem to have!
This bridal bouquet includes: Peony ‘Festiva Maxima’, Rosa moyesii ‘Geranium’ and ‘Constance Spry’, Hesperis, Astrantia, Mint, Filipendula,Sweet Peas,Lamb’s Ear,Valerian, Physocarpus ‘Diablo’ foliage and Sanguisorba ‘Pink Elephant’.
All ingredients from our garden :)
Belinda @ Wild Acre on
Such inspiration, and brilliant to give the variety names- thanks for the beauty and education! X