Home Blog Jump start spring by starting these flower seeds now
February 26th 2016

Jump start spring by starting these flower seeds now

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The February “Blog Blizzard. continues!”  Even though it is has been a mild winter here in the valley, I know many other parts of the country have had plenty of snow this month.  So in solidarity with fellow flower lovers snowed in, we’ve “faux snowed” ourselves inside too in order to flood the blog with ton of  tips and information to help you have a great growing season.   This weekend our core team is gathering in person for a major brainstorming session, where we will be dreaming and scheming plans for the future of our little flower company.  Expect more fun ideas and resources in the future.  Stay tuned!

Yesterday on the blog, I shared an overview of seed starting resources we’ve developed, plus a few DO’s and DON’Ts of seed starting which highlighted a few lessons I’ve learned over the years.  Today I thought I’d share a few recommended varieties you can start indoors early so you can get a jump start on your growing season.

Floret_Seed Starting 101-9
Among the many other benefits of transplanting plants that you started from seed indoors (versus direct seeding in your garden or field) is that it enables you to transplant strong, healthy plants exactly where you want them.  Plus, established plants generally experience less pressure from weeds and pests.

If you have access to a greenhouse or an indoor space where you can rig-up some simple grow lights, there are a number of flowers that you can start indoors.  For many varieties, you won’t want to start seeds until 6-8 weeks prior to your frost-free date. (If you are not sure of your area’s frost-free dates, you can enter your zip on Dave’s Garden site which will provide you with an estimate).

There are a number of flowers, however, that you can start indoors even earlier than that, which is great for gardeners itching to get their hands back in the dirt this time of year.  Most of the flowers I’m listing below are cold hardy varieties, which means young plants will usually tolerate a light frost and they can be transplanted as soon as the ground can be worked (yes, even before your last frost).

Whether you are ready to start seeding today, or simply looking for inspiration to round out your seed order, be sure to add a few of these favorites into your fields and cutting gardens.  After the dark, gray days of winter, your harvest of pretty flowers you started from seed will be that much sweeter!

Floret_Iceland Poppies_Sherbet Mix-1Iceland Poppies: The brilliant silk-like petals and citrusy scent of these beauties are intoxicating and they add a romantic element to any bouquet.  There are lots of poppies to choose from, but some of my favorites include Temptress mix, the San Remo mix, Champagne Bubbles and our NEW Sherbet mix.

Floret_Bells Of Ireland-2Bells of Ireland:  Each and every Bells of Ireland plant churns out masses of beautiful, fragrant stems that make bouquets look lush and vibrant.  To grow, we pre-chill the seed in the freezer or put freshly sowed trays outside for a few weeks before returning them to the heat.  I know some growers that have great success starting their Bells of Ireland by first placing their seeds on moistened paper towel in a ziplock bag and then they stick the seeds in the refrigerator for a few weeks before sowing them in trays.  Whichever method you choose, germination can sometimes be slow and erratic, so be patient.

Floret_Snapdragon_Sherbet Chantilly Mix-4Snapdragons:  Every year we grow thousands of snapdragons and sell every useable stem in the patch! Chantilly snapdragons and Madame Butterfly mix are some of my latest obsessions. This gorgeous group of ruffled butterfly-type blooms is one of our most requested and best loved crops of the summer! Our buyers actually jump up and down clapping when the first bunches are delivered.

I have grown all of the available colors and our best sellers are pink (it’s actually coral), light pink, bronze and light salmon which are the basis for our Chantilly custom blend.  Snapdragon seeds are pretty easy to germinate and grow, but be forewarned:  the seeds are teeny tiny and can make you feel like you are going crosseyed.  Sowing them takes a steady hand and a bit of patience, but it is totally worth it when you see the pretty blooms later in the season. Be sure to barely cover them and them bottom water until they are big enough to withstand an overhead drink.

Floret_How To Grow Sweet Peas-3Sweet Peas: These sweet little blooms hold a huge space in my heart and an even bigger space in our hoophouse and the field.   A few of my favorites are ‘Nimbus,’ ‘Mollie Rilstone’ and ‘Erewhon.’   I recently posted a Sweet Pea Roundup post with tons of information on how to grow sweet peas, so be sure to read those posts to get the full scoop!

Floret_Foxgloves_Camelot Cream-2Digitalis/Foxglove: In our shop you’ll find my two favorite’s Camelot Cream and Dalmation Peach which are both first year flowering varieties, which and unlike the biennial types, will bloom without any cold so can be grown as an annual. Like snapdragons, foxglove seeds are tiny and can be easily washed away by blasts of water (see yesterday’s post for more about that) so be sure to plant in pre-moistened seed starting or potting mix or bottom water to protect this precious seed.

Floret_Dusty Miller_New Look-3Dusty Miller: One of the most productive and unique foliage plants around, this special Dusty Miller features tall, thick stems with large, smooth-edged silver leaves. Seed is sometimes slow to start; bottom watering is recommended until plants emerge. Seedlings do not look silver when very young but color up as they mature.

Floret_Forget Me Nots_Blue Showers-3Cynoglossum/Chinese forget-me-nots are a unique crop worth considering both because of their delicate flowers and the fact that they can be successfully grown as annuals. Be sure to get new seed every year since freshness is vital to good germination with this crop. Also, sow twice as many as you’ll need because germination can be quite irregular.  Read my past Flower Focus post on this great flower.

harvestinglarkspurLarkspur: One of the easiest early varieties to start from seed. I particularly love ‘Earl Gray’ and our new Summer Skies Mix, a custom blend I created.  I generally direct seed it into the field in the fall and then follow with two rounds of plugs, one in late winter and then one in early spring.

Dianthus: This workhorse of the garden is such an import crop for us that while it isn’t a personal favorite (too bright!) I still plant and pick row after row all season long.  The Dianthus ‘Amazon’ and the ‘Sweet’ series are both consistent performers with great stem length and nice sized blooms. Unlike biennial Dianthus, neither require cold temps to set flowers so they can be grown as annuals.

Stock: One stem in a bouquet provides a delicious spicy scent that will stop hurried customers dead in their tracks.  Some of my favorite cultivars are those in the Miracle group, the Katz series and the Quartet blend.

harvestingbachelorbuttonsBachelor Buttons:  I have a love hate relationship with these guys. I love their pretty wildflower blooms in early summer bouquets but I confess that I really hate picking them.  I love them.  I hate them.  Then I love them again because they bloom when the field is still bare. The deep blue is always our biggest seller.

Floret_Cerinthe_Pride Of Gibraltar-6Cerinthe: Also known as Honeywort, cerinthe is another one of my favorite early season fillers. It is easy to grow and each plant produces a decent number of stems. I love the way the stems arch and nod;  just a few stems of cerinthe can add a lot of volume and dimension to a bouquet.

To celebrate  “seed starting season” and to continue the momentum of the  #GrowFloret campaign, I’m giving away three more Floret goody bags.   There are a couple ways to enter:

1) Share a photo of your seed packets, seed starts or baby plants on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, tagging it with #GrowFloret  or #FloretSeeds 

Haven’t purchased any of our seeds? Not a problem!

2) Leave a comment here on the blog. In your comment, just let us know what seeds you’re excited to sow. 

 #GrowFloret winners will be announced –and some of their photos featured here on the blog– next Monday.  NOTE: This giveaway is open to residents of the United States and Canada.  

*One final little note– if you found this post or other information in our special February “Blog Blizzard” interesting or inspiring, I hope you’ll take a few seconds to vote for us.  Floret is one of 10 finalists for Better Homes and Gardens’ Blogger Awards.   From now through March 7,  anyone can vote for their favorite blogs in each of four different categories.

The contest allows you to vote once per day.  I’d be honored to have your vote!



  1. Karen Womack on

    I’m patiently awaiting my order for Dahlia Petite Florets and Celosia Vintage Rose. In the mean time, I started my seeds today for brassicas, head lettuce and braising mix. Felt so good to get my hands in the seedling mix again.

  2. Marilyn Miller on

    Would you provide specific information about starting larkspur? I have tried numerous times to start these beauties without much success. Thank you in advance.

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Sure! They prefer cooler soil temps around 55 degrees and require darkness to germinate so cover them with soil or stick them in a dark spot until seedlings emerge, then place them under lights. I hope this helps!

  3. Karen Malone on

    Alway a wealth of information. Thanks for sharing

  4. Jean Jennings on

    I have some seeds in the fridge now. Every time I read something from you, I learn. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Marie on

    I can’t wait to try a few new varieties of California poppies from Floret this year.

  6. Rohini on

    I did buy seeds from you! And so so excited to grow them. I am very curious of the honeywort (a good filler is always important) but my big love are zinnias.

  7. Jean M Adams on

    There are so many seeds that I am excited about. I am trying pansies and Iceland poppies from seed. What fun! The best way to make it through all of this.

  8. Meghan on

    Looking forward to trying honeywort, larkspur, nigella, and zinnias this year! So happy to have found your blog and wonderful photos!

  9. Stella on

    I am so exicted for cosmo and Bachelor button seeds ! this will be my first year trying a cut garden and you blog has been so helpful
    thank you thank you thank you !!!

  10. Jacqueline Surber on

    Can I just direct seed snapdragons in ground along with my larkspur and poppies? I don’t want to try to find a spot for them after everything else is popping up. Will the seed germinate and come up with the larkspur?

  11. Kristin on

    How far before the frost date do you think these could be started in a greenhouse?

  12. Julia Cameron on

    Lovely tips and ideas! Definitely found some lovely varieties of flower to plant in my garden. I’ve made seed starters for my veggies till now, but this year I’m trying this with the flowers too. Thank you for the lovely information you’ve shared. Happy gardening!

  13. Sherry McCune on

    My daughter is getting married the end of July and her colors are coral and navy. I have purchased your Oklahoma Salmon Zinnias, Basil Aramato and was very excited to find and purchase your Coral Fountain Amaranth, just regret that I didn’t find your web-site sooner, missed out on some amazing dahlia’s…will definitely order some of those next year as I love cut flowers. Living in Alabama, we have a long and hot growing season, does the basil need a bit of shade? Would you recommend direct sowing for amaranth and basil? I have always direct sown zinnia’s. What would be your suggested sowing time for the amaranth for late July blooms?
    Can’t wait to get in the garden! And love your blog!

  14. Jill Nicolai on

    Wonderful tips as usual! So for tiny seeds like snapdragons, do you try to sow only one seed at a time, or do you just thin them out when they sprout? I’m excited about growing poppies and chocolate lace flowers. I’ve never seen the chocolate colored ones. I’m also looking forward to dahlias.

  15. Whitney on

    Thank you for the February Blog Blitz! It has been so helpful. It was nice seeing dusty miller on your list here. I would love to know what other foliages that you grow and use in your arrangements.

  16. Chantal on

    I’ve been busy sowing seeds in the sunshine here in Cornwall England. I’m excited to be sowing Cleome, Eryngium, Orlaya and Sweetpeas .Bliss !

  17. Rebekah on

    I’m excited to be starting sweet peas today! & I started some carnations & some delphinium. Next season when I know a bit more about what I’m doing I’ll try your seeds! I wish I had known about them before I bought this year or I’d have been trying for a goodybag :) I love your blog though! Extremely helpful in my first season deciding that I want to try farming. You really make it seem doable and I hope one day I can do it too :) thanks for all your knowledge!

  18. jillian on

    Black Swan breadseed poppies went into my New England garden this week. I rent, but I’ve managed to make my landlord believe in the power of flowers, and this poppy is sure to be stunning! Thank you.

  19. Rachael on

    I’m planning on putting in Bells of Ireland, Aster, Ornamental Kale, Stock, Sunflowers, Echinops, Gomphrena, Zinnia, Eucalyptus, Ornamental Basil, Dill Bouquet, Rosemary and Sage. Soooo looking forward to growing season!

  20. Lisa on

    Thank you for sharing! Your seed packets are so lovely – good job! One suggestion – perhaps make the font on them a little bigger? Even with my glasses on, it’s hard to read – and I don’t want to miss any part of your excellent information.

  21. Sarah Alley on

    I am curious as to how long you pre-chill Bells of Ireland seed in the freezer? As always thank you for the wealth of helpful information!

  22. Sarah on

    It sounds like there are a handful of things you direct seed in the fall for spring crops. Are there crops you are direct seeding in spring/summer? Are there crops that you don’t start as seedlings, that get directed seeded instead on your farm?

    Thanks for the blizzardy blog! The amount of (helpful) posts you were able to produce was impressive.

  23. Stefanie H. on

    I’m excited to plant Icelandic Pippies for the first time!!!

  24. Laura Kitz on

    I’ve already started some of the seeds you mentioned above, but I am SO excited to start more poppies, as well as zinnias and cosmos a bit later in the spring. The Chinese Forget-Me-Nots look so interesting too – I have added them to my “must grow in the future” list!

  25. Alicia Steeves on

    Excited for starting phlox, trying out scabiosa zinnias and purple ammi. Also looking forward to getting my hands on those gorgeous scabiosa fanta morgana from your webshop!

  26. Ginny on

    I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of my floret seeds! I’m planting several varieties of poppies, larkspur, Ireland bells, and the sweetest double columbines I found here in Georgia. I can’t wait to use the fruits of my labor for my brides!

  27. rgardocki37 on

    I just started my Sherbet Poppies yesterday! I had the hardest time because the seeds are so teeny tiny. I might have added too many seeds in cup, eeekk! Did I ruin them? I might try again. Any tips?

  28. Amelia on

    Thank you for all of the work you have invested into this series! I’ve loved the information and seeing all of the amazing photos you have. :)
    So excited to be trying some more edible flowers this year (borage, calendula, sunflower, cornflowers) – can’t wait to see them thriving!

  29. Melisssa C on

    Just bought a bunch of seed from your shop! Will post a photo on IG when they arrive. Can’t wait! I’m excited to grow new colors of zinnias and try my hand at sweet peas. Thanks so much for all the great info! I read your blog regularly and will vote :)

  30. Rene on

    Thank you for all your great tips. I just found your blog through the BHG voting site. I live in the mid-Atlantic region and always struggle with sweet peas and vow not to plant them again. But after reading your tips I’m going to give them another try. They’re hard to resist.

  31. Kerry F on

    I love poppies and would love to try the sherbet Iceland poppies. They are stunning!! I can’t wait for spring. Thank you for this wonderful blog. Just thinking about flowers and new varieties to try makes my day.

  32. Newton Rolle on

    I like your post. Flowers are symbolic of beauty, love and tranquillity. They form the soul of a garden and convey the message of nature to man. Flowers and objects of aesthetic, ornamental, social, religious and cultural value.

  33. Julianne Hinson on

    A field of poppies I admired each year was recently removed for highway expansion, so I’m excited to grow some of my own! Thanks for the recommendations. ?

    Voted for #teamfloret! Best of luck.

  34. Sara on

    I’m excited to try different ways of terminating Bells of Ireland! I also really love poppies and snapdragons. Great advice, thank you!

  35. Barbara D on

    Can’t wait to try the sweet peas I ordered from floret. And the cosmos and the zinnias. Wish I had more space!

  36. Ali on

    I need those sherbet iceland poppies. look amazeballs

  37. Emily on

    I’m excited to be growing celosia. I purchased the seeds from Floret and they are looking great in the greenhouse so far! Thanks!

  38. Farrah on

    Excited to try some of your sweet peas – nimbus and mollie rilstone especially! Always beautiful flowers to look at here!

  39. Anna on

    My son and I are plating sweet pea seeds today, and waiting for our first Floret seed order! Purple and pink are his favorite colors, so we ordered Larkspur and the bright Amaranth.

  40. Amber on

    I’m outside in Tsawwassen BC – direct sowing a free hardy varieties! I’d love to try Floret’s foxglove and nasturtium seeds!

    Glad this is a leap year for the extra day of Floret’s blog blizzard!!

  41. Jane on

    Thank you for such great information! I live at 8000′ so I won’t start seeds until late March, or early April! I love the photos you post!
    I’m wanting to try Dusty Miller, Bells Of Ireland, and Foxglove, this year. All new for me. I appreciate the FYF hints on the foxglove, as it won’t overwinter here.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love the blog blizzard!!!!

  42. Ti on

    I used Instagram, (learned about it here from your Instagram followers post, and thought I would give it a try!) for the first time to share my Floret beginnings. I hope that I have you tagged correctly! it took a bit to figure out how to ‘tag!’ I am so excited about all the flowers, but mainly, the sweet peas!!! I have never seen the annuals growing anywhere, in real life, and am thrilled to have them everywhere at my place! I am going to try some in my hoop house and definitely outdoors! Thanks for all the info shared! and I hopeful it will be a huge success.

  43. Beth on

    Thank you for sharing all of this great information. I have zinnias started in trays for this spring.

  44. Heather on

    My sweet peas were a disaster last year, the summer was so uncharacteristically hot! I had such high hopes because I actually ordered Spencer Sweet Pea seeds from England hoping to produce something special. So this year I bought my seeds from Floret! I’m following your directions exactly. One or two of them are peaking out of their pots today. Thank you so much for the advice. Wish me luck!

    • Floret on

      Good luck!

  45. Tamara on

    Your blog posts are so informative and inspiring to read! I am a rather new cut garden grower, and I am excited about planting heirloom carnations this year!

    • Floret on

      Keep us posted on your progress!

  46. Linda Q on

    I almost forgot- I am excited to try love in a puff this year. I plan to grow them along with sweet peas!

  47. Anna on

    Can’t wait to sow some new snapdragons that I’ll be trying out for the first time this year!

  48. Flourish Ever After on

    I am most excited to sow Polka Dot Princess Foxglove, Princess Victoria Louise Oriental Poppy, and a Heirloom Pastel Sweet Pea Mix. Also very excited to be growing Coral Charm peonies!

  49. Cristy on

    Just found your blog and I love it! So excited to read some of your other blog posts!
    Getting ready to start snap dragons and sweet peas. My kids love helping and enjoy picking them later in the year as well. Hoping to choose one of your recommendations as well and broaden my horizons a bit.
    Thank you so much for all the information!

  50. Lacey Jay on

    Hello and thanks for such valuable information.

    As a budding flower farmer starting seeds at home, I do not have lights, and notice you mention them a lot, most thj gs I read do.. But just wanted to know that not all is a loss i I’m just using heat mat in a unny window??

    Thanks so much.

  51. Shyla on

    I’m excited to sow oriental poppies! I gave it a try direct seeding it one year with no success an hope this will be more effective! Thanks again for all the useful information!

  52. Jody on

    I just planted my honeywort and a few trays of snaps and sweet peas. So excited for spring to arrive here!

  53. Lindsay on

    Those cerinthe are beautiful, I might have to sow those as well as the poppies.

  54. Kristy on

    I think I am most excited to grow the Floret Love in a puff this year, and try the Larkspur (earl gray). Thank you again for all your inspiration and insight.

  55. Stephanie on

    Another great post! I’m planning a small sunflower garden for this year. I could go crazy with sweet peas, snap dragons, larkspur, and Chinese forget me not but I know I need to take it one step at a time. Thanks for sharing Erin!

  56. Haley on

    To be honest I’m excited to grow just about everything! We are moving to Florida so I can probably grow all these outside, like right now. But I REALLY want to add some flowers to our vegetable garden- but… I’m not allowed to grow anything poisonous, because I have younger siblings. But I’ll figure it out?

  57. Amanda on

    Just sowed my snapdragons and pincushions (fata morgana). So excited!

  58. Katie L on

    I am really excited to start all of my seeds. New to us this year are the iceland poppies and cerinthe so I am really looking forward to those. I’m also always excited to start our Sweet Peas. Our bulbs are already coming up here so I feel an early spring coming on. I wish we could be starting our seeds right now, but we are away for a week visiting our grandma for her 94th birthday and don’t want to overburden our friend who is going to stop in to water the houseplants. Family always comes first.. but when we get back, oh boy it is on!

  59. Ed on

    Thanks to your inspiration I am excited to grow new to me flowers, Cerinthe and Iceland Poppies! I’m also eagerly waiting to try Sweet Peas again following your excellent instructions.

  60. Jillian M on

    LOTS of poppies, my absolute favorite! (temptress & champagne bubbles!)…….. I really need to try the Chinese forget-me-nots, what an amazing delicate blue! I also love your first year blooming Foxglove…. to die for! Otherwise we already have amazing germination on our snaps, statice, ammi, & dusty. In the fall we direct sowed our bachelor buttons, belles, nigella, ect……So excited for spring & armloads of flowers again!!!

  61. Mary Anne Smith on

    Sweet Peas, my love, but our Spring here in zone 7 Md is very brief, from frost to 80* can be a few weeks. Too hot too soon for these beauties. In Southern California my mother and I effortlessly spread the seeds along the fences and had a zillion blossoms, plenty for my May head garlands as a young girl. I get a few every year from 100+ seeds. This year started them in December and have healthy plants in my hoop house. Fingers crossed. Any advice? Love your site.

  62. Jamie on

    I am super excited to grow some of your beautiful floret seeds. I will be starting the greenhouse seeding next week and I am particularly drawn to the earl grey larkspur I bought from you! I also have a June wedding that wants seed packets for favors. I suggested yours of course! :)

  63. Carrie on

    I can’t wait to sow my first cutting garden! I love these suggestions and plan to put in a zillion sweet peas, and a snapdragons, and poppies! Vive la romance!

  64. Zandy on

    Greetings! Your blog is very inspirational. I purchased over 28 varieties of Sweet Pea seeds listed on your blog from Enchanted Sweet Peas and Owl Acres. They have soaked are ready to plant. I have packed the soil into the “root trainers” firmly. The instructions call for 2 in deep. The root trainers are 5 in deep. Do you plant the seeds 2 inches deep in root trainers? I also have Cow pots and they are shorter and I only planted the sweet peas 1 ” deep.
    Once my soil is ready,{zone5} supports are erected I can put these guys in the ground.Thank you for the deep sea of information and the lovely pictures and honesty of your efforts. It makes me think “I can do this too!”

  65. Zandy on

    Greetings! Your blog is very inspirational. I purchased over 28 varieties of Sweet Pea seeds listed on your blog from Enchanted Sweet Peas and Owl Acres. They have soaked are ready to plant. I have packed the soil into the “root trainers” firmly. The instructions call for 2 in deep. The root trainers are 5 in deep. Do you plant the seeds 2 inches deep in root trainers? I also have Cow pots and they are shorter and I only planted the sweet peas 1 ” deep.
    Once my soil is ready,{zone5} supports are erected I can put these guys in the ground.Thank you for the deep sea of information and the lovely pictures and honesty of your efforts. It makes me think “I can so this too!”

  66. Kristen L on

    I’m excited to sow my Floret Icelandic Poppies, and my Floret Sweet Peas are just starting to pop up! I’ve set up a ‘germination station’ in my basement window. It’s going to be a beautiful spring!

  67. Marguerite on

    The tail end of winter is tough up here in Minnesota – I’m excited to get started planting anything at all! But I always look forward to my zinnias. And I would really look forward to a good bag from Floret! I love your blog – it is very inspiring.

  68. Dawn Lensing on

    My daughter and I started many different seeds last weekend! They are in my laundry room and include: ranunculus, shasta daisy, and many many vegetables and herbs. I ordered some of your seeds and postcards. Hope to win one of your goody bags!

  69. Trish Parrell on

    Yay!! I’m dying to start some seeds, but here in Wisconsin, our last frost date is May 13, so I’ve been practically sitting on my hands :) Now I’m going to go start some of my lovely Floret poppies, snapdragons, belles of Ireland and of course sweet peas!! Woo Hoo!!

  70. Brittany G. on


    I’m excited to grow some snapdragons and celosia from seedlings! Just waiting for one more week and a free afternoon :)

  71. Jen on

    Would love to wins goodie bag. The sweet peas I bought from you are starting to come up…so exciting

  72. C. Badger on

    I am glad you are continuing the February blog blizzard!!! ( I don’t want Feb. to end, lol! ) I have learned so much this past month on your blog & it has given me inspiration and confidence to get started growing these beauties. Nimbus sweet pea is the one I can’t wait to see bloom!!!

  73. Rikki on

    While I am so excited to get my veggie gardens going, flowers to brighten up our urban space is always the highlight of growing season. From the daffodils and tulips and cherry blossoms telling us time is near, I hope to incorporate new flowers for our PNW climate, while teaching my children and sharing my love of growing things.

  74. Cate on

    I’m in the Northeast & trying my hand at winter sowing this year after reading about it on:

    So far I have 10 mini greenhouses (gallon milk jugs) potted up with sweet pea, calendula, nasturtium, moon flower, cosmos, lavender & herbs.

    I’m most excited for sweet peas! I’ve never had luck growing them before because I think I start them too late, so trying an earlier start this year.

  75. Carole Mapes on

    Hi! I’m managing the cut flowers on our two acre market farm. I’ve been following along with your “blog blizzard” during my breaks at Johnny’s Selected Seeds call center here in central Maine.

    I sat down after reading your post Making Market Bouquets and made my seeding schedule. When I looked at this coming week I was down for starting some stock, snaps, larkspur and poppies. I’m so excited to harvest armloads of gorgeous blossoms this spring.

  76. Nicole on

    This is the first year that I’m adding flowers to my vegetable garden, so I’m excited for every single seed I’ve purchased. However, I’m probably most excited for stock and sweet pea because of their enchanting scents.

  77. Bibi Sproule on

    Great planning! We have a large amount we are seeding for cut flowers as well, some of our new varieties include the celosia which we love, bupleurum is one of our favourites and we’re trying the Chinese forget me nots! Thank you for all the tips, we’re enjoying them! In your brainstorming for ideas for this year could you maybe add a section that you share a few favourite cut flower bouquet recipes (some maybe that you do up for the food stores). We’re still learning a lot and like new ideas! (:

  78. Megan on

    Where do you start when you are excited for everything? I got a late start with a couple of Cerinthe plants last year, but loved what I managed to get, even in the rocky clay soil I had to stick the poor things in. This year I’m giving them a different home, and maybe even some coveted space in a raised bed. So much to learn!

  79. Brother Placidus Lee OSB on


    You’ve commented on your love/hate relationship with Bachelor’s Buttons many times. I’ve thought about growing them so I am curious: what is it about picking them that makes you hate doing it?

  80. drea on

    How in the world do I pick my favorite, most exciting seed at this time? We are planting over 3,000 seeds a week, in around 30 different kinds!! And I love ALL of them! We pour over those little emerging seeds like they are new babies at this time of year! By May it will be old hat again, and just another planting, but now they are SPECIAL! :) I love to see those tiny seeds laying on the soil blocks, and sending out hairy white little roots down into their new homes! I’m really excited about my Stock, since this is the first year trying to grow it, and it happened to by the first seeds to emerge! Extra special..
    I am over joyed to hear the blog blizzard will continue!! I can’t wait to hear the new plans you and your team cook up! :)

  81. Emilia on

    This year I will be growing some Snapdragons from seeds, which I haven’t done before and really looking into expanding my flower garden with other new varieties and taking care better for what I have now.

  82. Linda Q on

    I grew cerinthe and bells of Ireland last year and loved the way they looked it bouquets so I plan to do succession plantings of both of these this year. I am trying the Chinese forget me nots this year and am anxious to see how they turn out! Blue flowers make all of the other colors look so much better. My advice from one newbie to another: take notes with everything you do with each type of flower you try so you can look back next year to figure out what you did wrong (or right!) and correct any errors. Thanks Floret for all of your pre-season pep talks!

  83. Kathy on

    I’m starting Icelandic poppies, some frilly French poppies, and sweet peas. Can’t wait to see them come up. The cerinthe and bells of Ireland are so interesting… might have to give those a try as well. Thanks for another wonderful post.

  84. Kathy on

    I’m looking forward to trying Chinese forget-me-nots and Cerinthe. I tried Cerinthe last year and was not happy with it, but I know I need to give it another chance! Thank you for another super helpful post.
    Voting for Floret…done!

  85. Elysa Casey on

    This is my first year growing flowers and I just bought Forget-Me-Nots, Dahlias, Larkspur, and Dusty Miller Floret Seeds! I’m so excited to work with flowers I’ve only ever seen pictures of and especially to grow them myself!


    Coming from a background of floral designer I am most excited about growing Cerinthe and Chinese Forget Me Nots. These two items are not something I have ever seen offered in the shop I use to work and I look forward to sharing (selling) it to them to design with!

  87. Anna on

    Awesome! Thanks for the tips. I’d love to get a goody bag- I’ve already planted the sweet peas and Icelandic poppies I bought from you all. A few of the sweet pea seedlings have poked their heads up! I’m so excited! If I can take a photo later I will.

  88. Katie on

    I love the deep blue larkspur, the sherbet iceland poppies and snapdragons, and the sunflower panache! All such radically different textures and colors. In the past, I’ve only maintained a small veggie patch and some sunflowers, never really venturing outside of the heat loving gigantic sunflowers. Living in the north georgia mountains with thick red clay and hot summers, as opposed to the cool and wet of the northwest, I’m curious to see what modifications I might need to make with these other flowers.

  89. Kasse duffy on

    As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us newbies. I’m excited to grow hogwort. Buying it and others today. Kind regards.


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